Title of Invention


Abstract In the present invention the major technical problem of positive grip facility during punching/boring at selective locations has been solved through the selectively lockable multi-tool punching block (SLMP) of the present invention, which is capable of functioning to provide multi-point hole making operation at selective locations to generate desired hole patterns in single or multiple operation. The SLMP of the present invention consists of two blocks which together in combination accommodate a plurality of punching tools and a plurality of locking pins having flattened locking ends. These locking pins lock/unlock the selected punch tools directly, thus removing the possibility of slippage and providing effective positive gripping.
Full Text The present invention relates to a selectively lockable multi-tool punching block (SLMP). The present invention particularly relates to a selectively lockable multi-tool punching block (SLMP), a subsystem which forms part of a total machine such as a punching machine.
The main usage of the SLMP, a subsystem, which forms part of a total machine such as a punching machine, is in providing the capability of enabling multi-point hole making at selective locations to generate desired hole patterns in a single machining operation or depending on the complexity of the hole location pattern, in successive multi-operations. The SLMP subsystem facilitates punching of multi-holes at desired locations on a job according to requirement.
The same SLMP subsystem can also be used to form part of a total machine such as a boring machine, drilling machine for the positioning of multiple jig tools or multiple drills at desired locations on a job, in single setting or in complex cases repeated settings.
Public domain search reveals the hitherto known prior art as follows: In U.S. patent no. 5342284, Electromechanical coupling, there is described and claimed a punching block as depicted in figure 1 of the drawings accompanying this specification. Figure 1 shows the multiple punching tool [1] and the position/locking/unlocking functional component, the electromagnet [2]. This said electromagnet [2] produces rotation to find a slot to lock the stem of the punch and then to make the punching effective with a downward movement of [3]. According to the requirement other punch stems may remain floating, i.e., not taking part in the punching operation. In this mechanism locking and unlocking of the punches depends

on the magnetic force created. The drawback being that it is not a positive way of gripping/arresting the punch tools and there are chances of slippage due to insufficient magnetic force. The main problem faced here being the absence of positive grip facility.
In another U.S. patent no. 4596359, Device for punching hole in cards, as has been depicted in figure 2 of the drawings accompanying this specification, the activation is by an electromagnet [4], that pulls the ball [5] when magnetized and there is a gap generated between ball and punch stem [6]. At this state of gap, when there is a downward motion of the entire unit, the punch tool actually floats/slides, not doing the punching. That means, when the gap is not there, the punch will work positively to make a hole in the down ward motion of the entire unit. In this mechanism also, because the lucking and unlocking of each punch depends on magnetization, the technical problem remains the same as in the previous referred U.S. patent, as there is no positive way of arresting/de-arresting of each punch in a failsafe manner.
From the hitherto known prior art, it is clear that there is a definite need to provide a subsystem such as a selectively lockable multi-tool punching block (SLMP) which will be used to form part of a total machine such as a punching machine, boring machine, drilling machine for the positioning of multiple jig tools or multiple drills at desired locations on a job. The main objective of the present invention is to provide a selectively lockable multi-tool punching block which obviates the drawbacks of the hitherto known prior art, as given above.
Another objective of the present invention to provide a selectively lockable multi-tool punching block having multi-tools such as punching tools, boring tools, slotting tools, drilling tools and provided with facility where each tool

can be arrested or released, selectively and mechanically with positive grip/effectiveness to generate desired punch hole patterns on a job. Still another objective of the present invention is to provide a selectively lockable multi-tool punching block capable of creating the desired pattern of holes either in a single punch operation or depending on the complexity of the punch locations, in successive punching operations. In the present invention the major technical problem of positive grip facility during punching/boring at selective locations has been solved through the selectively lockable multi-tool punching block (SLMP) of the present invention, which is capable of functioning to provide multi-point hole making operation at selective locations to generate desired hole patterns in single or multiple operation. The SLMP of the present invention consists of two blocks which together in combination accommodate a plurality of punching-tools and a plurality of locking pins having flattened locking ends. These locking pins lock/unlock the selected punch tools directly, thus removing the possibility of slippage and providing effective positive gripping.
In the drawings accompanying this specification, the selectively lockable multi-tool punching block (SLMP) of the present invention has been depicted in figures 3,4 and 5,
In figure 3 is shown the schematic drawing of a complete machine in which the SLMP, of the present invention, which is a subsystem is incorporated. The SLMP subsystem depicted as a member of a complete machine in figure 3, has been represented in a firm line, where as the main machine is in dotted line.
In figure 4 is represented a front sectional view showing the basic
configuration of the SLMP of the present invention having a single punch
Figure 5 represents a top sectional view showing the SLMP of the present
invention having multiple punching tools. In this figure the basic
configuration as shown in figure 4 has been made plural.
In figures 4 and 5 of the drawings the various parts shown are:
7. Double acting actuator (with non rotating shaft)
8. Floating joint
9. Locking pin

10. Punching block in two pieces
11. Enlarged section of locking pin
12. Punch
13. Hole
14. Compression Spring
15. Punching face
16. Job.
The present invention as shown in figures 4 and 5 of the drawings, provides a selectively lockable multi tool punching block(SLMP) which consists of a punching block [10] in two pieces that accommodates a punch [12] in a cylindrical vertical hole with a compression spring [14] around it. The punch [12] has a punching face [15]. The locking pin [9] is a cylindrical rod having its end portion [11] flat that faces the top of the punch [12]. The locking pin [9] is accommodated in the punching block [10] in a cylindrical horizontal hole. One end of the locking pin [9] reaches the top of the punch [12] and the other end is coupled with a floating joint [8]. The floating joint [8], in
turn, is connected with a double acting actuator [7] such as pneumatic or
hydraulic or electrical having non-rotating shaft.
Accordingly the present invention provides a selectively lockable multi tool
punching block (SLMP), which comprises a punching block [10] having one
or more cylindrical vertical hole(s)[13] and corresponding cylindrical
horizontal hole(s), each of the said vertical hole(s)[13] being provided with a
compression spring [14] loaded punch [12] having a punching face [15] at
the bottom end, each of the said corresponding cylindrical horizontal hole(s)
being provided with a cylindrical locking pin [9] having a flat faced end
portion [11] facing the non-punching top end of each of the said punch(s)
[12], the otlher end of each of the said cylindrical locking pin(s) [9] being
coupled through a known floating joint [8] to a known double acting
actuator [7].
In an embodiment of the present invention, the punching block [10] is in two
In another embodiment of the present invention, the double acting
actuator[7] is such as pneumatic, hydraulic, electrical having non-rotating
In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the number of locking
pins, the number of punches, the number of floating joints and the number of
actuators are equal, which in combination with the two piece punching block
constitute the selectively lockable multi tool punching block (SLMP).
In still another embodiment of the present invention, the double acting
actuator is capable of being coupled to known systems enabling automation
of production of punched jobs/cards.
In the selectively lockable multi tool punching block (SLMP) of the present invention a punching block in two pieces [10] having a plurality of punches [12] is pressed as a whole on a job [16] to make holes on the job [16] with the help of the punching faces [15]. To make the positive effectiveness of punching a hole, a locking pin [9] having an end with enlarged section [11] is used, separately for each of the punches, to lock the punch prior to the punching operation. The movement of the locking pin [9] is controlled by a double acting actuator with a non rotating shaft [7] via a floating joint [8]. On the other hand, when the punches [12] are unlocked by the respective locking pins [9], the punches are allowed to move along the holes [13] against the spring [14]. As a result there will not be holes on the job by the corresponding unlocked punches [12]. The compression spring [14] helps the unlocked punches [12] to bring back its normal position after the punching operation.
The following examples are given by way of illustration of the present invention and should not be construed to limit the scope of the present invention.
Example 1
Twenty four (24) holes were to be punched in a toughened paper board having 1.25 mm thickness. A SLMP having 8 punches in a single block was mounted on an Universal Testing Machine. In this case, all punches were locked by the corresponding locking pins prior to the punching operation. The SLMP was having 8 punches in a single block. Hence, 24 holes were punched in three successive operations. In the present case, the card/flat job was toughened paper board having 1.25 mm thickness, pitch between holes,
6.8 mm, the punch material was EN 24 Steel, diameter of the punch was 5 mm, force required was 240 Kgf per 8 holes, to operate all 8 punches in a single operation. Figure 6(a) of the drawings accompanying this specification shows a depiction of the card having all holes punched.
Example 2
Fourteen (14) holes in 3 different columns were to be punched in toughened paper board having 1.25 mm thickness. A SLMP having 8 punches in a single block was mounted on an Universal Testing Machine. In this case, the punches, corresponding to the holes not to be punched, were unlocked by the corresponding locking pins during punching operation. Because the SLMP was having 8 punches in a single block, the 14 holes in 3 different columns, were punched in three successive operations, locking/unlocking the required punches. In the said case, the card/flat job was toughened paper board having 1.25 mm thickness, pitch between holes, 6.8 mm, the punch material was EN 24 Steel, diameter of the punch was 5 mm, force required was 180 Kgf per 6 holes, 90 Kgf per 3 holes and 150 Kgf per 5 holes. Figure 6(b) of the drawings accompanying this specification shows the card having selective holes punched for a typical design pattern.
The novelty of the present invention resides in the novel punching block (SLMP) having multi-tool (punching tools) facility where each punch tool can be arrested or released, selectively and mechanically with positive grip to generate desired punched-hole patterns, either in a single punch operation or depending on the complexity of the punch location, in successive punch operations. The arresting process of the punch-tools in this SLMP is positive
in the sense that, there is no chance of slippage of the punch tools, thus avoiding errors in production process. The locking pin that locks the punch is a single piece and actually blocks the movement of the punch, mechanically and directly.
The inventive step lies in providing the novel combination of punching block, plurality of punching tools, mechanically controllable locking and unlocking arrangement. The block accommodates plurality of punching tools positioned in a desired fashion and those punching tools are mechanically controllable for locking and unlocking, selectively, with the help of multiple fluid/electrical actuators enabling the device to operate in automation, if required.
The main advantages of the present invention are:
1. This machine block (SLMP) is capable of manufacturing multiple punch-
holes of any formation on a card/job.
2. The SLMP is capable of operating under automation with a very good
speed of production of punched cards.
3. The arresting process of the punch-tools in this SLMP is positive in the
sense that, there is no chance of slippage of the punch tools, thus
avoiding errors in production process.
4. Selective locking and unlocking of any punching tool in the block
(SLMP) is possible and this gives flexibility of automation through
appropriate programming.
5. The basic configuration of this machine block (SLMP) can be utilized for
designing mechanically, for strength, rigidity and maintainability, for
different blank-materials to be worked on, selecting correct type of
punching tools.

We claim:
1. A selectively lockable multi tool punching block (SLMP), which
comprises a punching block [10] having one or more cylindrical vertical
hole(s) [13] and corresponding cylindrical horizontal hole(s), each of the
said vertical hole(s)[13] being provided with a compression spring [14]
loaded punch [12] having a punching face [15] at the bottom end, each of the
said corresponding cylindrical horizontal hole(s) being provided with a
cylindrical locking pin [9] having a flat faced end portion [11] facing the
non-punching top end of each of the said punch(s) [12], the other end of
each of the said cylindrical locking pin(s) [9] being coupled through a
known floating joint [8] to a known double acting actuator[7].
2. A selectively lockable multi tool punching block as claimed in claim 1,
wherein the punching block [10] is in two pieces.
3. A selectively lockable multi tool punching block as claimed in claim 1-2,
wherein the double acting actuator [7] is such as pneumatic, hydraulic,
electrical having non-rotating shaft.
4. A selectively lockable multi tool punching block as claimed in claim 1-3,
wherein the number of locking pins, the number of punches, the number of
floating joints and the number of actuators are equal, which in combination
with the two piece punching block constitute the selectively lockable multi
tool punching block (SLMP).
5. A selectively lockable multi tool punching block as claimed in claim 1-4,
wherein the double acting actuator is capable of being coupled to known
systems enabling automation of production of punched jobs/cards.
6. A selectively lockable multi tool punching block, substantially as herein
described with reference to the examples and figures 3,4,5 and 6 of the
drawings accompanying this specification.






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Patent Number 226571
Indian Patent Application Number 1172/DEL/2002
PG Journal Number 01/2009
Publication Date 02-Jan-2009
Grant Date 19-Dec-2008
Date of Filing 20-Nov-2002
Applicant Address RAFI MARG, NEW DELHI-110 001, INDIA.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B26D 5/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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