Title of Invention


Abstract A system and method to create, update and maintain foolproof, multilevel authenticated, audio visual and textual authentic track records of individuals, updated at various points of authorized origin to support in making instant decisions for instant hiring of human resources that meets distributed hiring requirements of the users, irrespective of the location the candidate or the recruiter is based at. A performance records include, every event with regard to the candidate which is recorded as and when required, by the authorized reporting relationships and linked to the audio visual and textual Performance Records for access by the decision makers. The system in itself supports the updation of such textual, audio visual events pertaining to the candidate and creates a foolproof, authentic track record.
Full Text The following specification particularly describes the nature of this Invention and the manner In which It Is performed.
TITLE: Device and method for Instant hiring of human resources. HR ATM-AnyTlme Manpower.
This Invention relates to a device and method for Instant hiring of human resources.
HR ATM - Any Him Manpower device for Instant hiring of human resources, that meets distributed hiring requirements of the users, irrespective of the location the candidate or the recruiter Is based at
This device provides Instant, Anytime, Anywhere, Any Job seeker - access to open Job positions or a recruiter access to potential manpower.The device is designed to provide instant hiring facility supporting activities like, recruiters publishing the manpower needs, candidates Identifying open positions, submission of resumes, short listings, tests, Interviews, creating audio-visual Performance Records, education verifications, employment verifications, performance verifications, reference checks, compensation management, work flow, Instant work flow approvals, online presentations, document sharing and exchange, release of offers, acceptance of offers and candidate printing the offer, and access to the offered employees portal, all happening In one sitting irrespective of the location or country the candidate or recruiter Is based at.
The key to completion of the whole recruitment process In one sitting Is the facility provided by the device to create audiovisual records called Performance Records and the Instant verifications of education, employment, performance, and references using Performance Records.
One of the driving force of this device Is to provide equal employment opportunity and access for those In rural areas.
In order for the HR ATM to be Implemented, there Is a need for the Any Time Manpower Network (ATM Network) to be deployed across corporates, institutes, net cafes, consultants offices and other recruitment service providers. Does our country have a network of such devices? NO! This being proof that the device Is novel and unique.
Kindly read on to know more about the novelty, uniqueness and usefulness of HR ATM that will redefine recruitment and provide solutions to issues faced in the current scenario.
Any person who Is aware of the recruitment process will agree with the fact that the process of recruitment Includes education, employment, performance and reference verifications without which the process is incomplete.
The applicant Is not aware of devices for Instant hiring for a distributed talent pool environment with Instant education, career, performance and reference history verification
Following are the known devices used In the current scenario mostly for audio-visual communication.
1 .Video conferencing and edusat networks: Few corporates have been using video conferencing and edusat network to interview candidates. Here, the candidate Is asked to come to one corporate location and Is Interviewed by the recruiter who Is In another location. Video conferencing machine is only a tool for audio-visual communication and does not have the features for instant hiring as specified for HR ATM.
2. Recruitment Mosk where a candidate can go to take a test, and the test score Is saved In a database along with scanned copies of documents pertaining to the candidate.These scores are later accessed by various recruiters who shortlist based on scores and then these candidates are called for Intervlew.This does not come In the purview of Instant hiring.

3.TWo computers that has web camera: This Is similar to video conferencing since web camera Is only a audio-visual communication tool.The two computers serve as mode for display and means for using the web camera for web based audio-visual exchange and does not have the features for Instant hiring as specified for HR ATM like, Performance Records for Instant employment verification, and muiti location interview panels based decision-making.
4. Recruitment software: Most recruitment software provide features like resource planning, Identifying and publishing of manpower requirement, posting of resume, candidate search, short listing, scheduling of interviews and test, updating evaluation sheets,compensation fixation,creating offer letters,and dispatch of offer.This is a muiti stage process spanning over many days or weeks especially since reference and employment verification taking time.
As mentioned earlier the whole process of recruitment Is incomplete until and unless a device provides Instant verification also. None of the above mentioned provide instant verification feature. The inventor has not known of any existing instant hiring machine.
The HR ATM Is developed using many Inter-dependent components which work together In an Interdependent manner to meet distributed hiring requirements of the users. Since the HR ATM network is deployed on the wide area network using the Internet usage of computers as one of the components, becomes a necessity.
HR ATM Is a device and method for instant hiring of human resources that meets distributed hiring requirements of the users, irrespective of the location the candidate or the recruiter is based at, comprising of such multiple devices that are networked on the wide area network with each device working according to a pre-defined sequential recruitment process and using audio-visual records called Performance Records, provided to the recruiter for Instant decision-making. Each device In turn constituted of multiple Inter-dependent components to help complete the recruitment process In one sitting.
The device Is developed using inter-dependent components which work together In an Interdependent manner to meet distributed hiring requirements of the users. For example, the monitor is required to view information, the front end software program and database are used to receive Input and store data, the central processing unit Is needed to analyze the Inputs provided by the front end software program, the workflow automation component is required to sent and receive approvals and information, custom designed audio-visual component Is used to support audio-visual exchange and the audio-visual records are required for instant verifications^ document exchange tool to exchange documents and information between the users, the compensation management computer program helps decide the compensation, the printer helps In printing the offer letter and all working together in an inter-dependent manner to form the complete device.
This device 1$ futuristic In nature since It utilizes audio-visual Performance Records, Performance Records of each candidate Is built by recording of every important events in audio-visual format For example, a school leaving certificate, a college degree, a reward certificate, a relieving order, employment certificate etc There will be a unique id on the hard copy, the audio-visual Performance Records and an entry In the database as updated by the person who releases the documents pertaining to the candidate. With this unique feature the recruiter can see the event and also verify the hardcopy and compare with the data updated in the database.This provides a three way verification support and becomes highly fool proof.
Currently all events of candidates are In the form of hard copies.This will be replaced by Performance Records In the future. A combination of audio-visual, hard copies and database verification, which cannot be forged will be implemented in organizations that choose to implement HR ATM .The device is designed to record the Performance Records of candidates. At the same time, the device provides the critical feature of instant verifications so as to complete the recruitment process.
The current recruitment process involves, identifying the right talent pool, Informing the talent pool about the open positions, sourcing of resumes, short listing, call letter, testing, interview, approvals, document exchange, verifications, compensation fixation, and offer release. Completion of all these steps currently takes time. Recruiters also face many problems in the current sceneario.

HR ATM (Human Resources Any Time Manpower) Is being specifically designed and developed to address the issues Identified in the current recruitment process such as:
1. UNEQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: Hiring of The principal object of this Invention h a device for
employees are currently revolving around downtown instant hiring that will increase rural employment, since
corporate locations and there are no devices to foster the candidates can identify opportunities and get the
equal opportunity offer letter from their location.
2. HISTORY OF CANDIDATES EVENTS ONLY IN WRITING Another object of this invention is that the device also
AND NOT FOOL PROOF. Currently, there are no devices supports creation of Performance Records. This means
to address this problem. that every event, whether education, career, performance
or reference related, can be recorded using this device as audio-visual records called Performance Records, which can be reviewed at any point in time. This being a technology driven solution to address the problem
3. FORGING OF RESUMES and the amount spent by Another object of this invention is the audio-visual
companies to do employment verification being very Performance Records that enables instant verifications
high. Currently, employment verification is manual and using a three way verification method. Example -
not foolproof. Currently, there are no devices to address educational verifications, employment verifications etc.
this problem. This being a technology driven solution to address the
problem. Here, the user can see and hear the history as issued by the authorized person.
4. HIGH DEMAND BUT LOW SUPPLY OF HUMAN A further object of this invention is identifying talent,
RESOURCES:The problem we face is not non-avallabillty irrespective of location, since a larger talent pool can be
of resources but lack of a right technology and device tapped without the location constraints.
to identify and augment a larger talent pool.
5. CURRENTLY, HIRING TAKES TIME thus failing to support A further object of this Invention Is to reduce the
the recruiters'requirement to meet customer needs on recruitment cycle time. ATM provides the facility for
time. Current source of manpower is through, instant hiring thereby reducing the recruitment cycle
advertisement, walk in, consultants, job portals. Hiring time.This being a technology driven solution to address
through these means takes time. the problem
6. PEFORMERS DONT HAVE A VISIBLE IDENTITY for their A further object of this invention is audio-visual
hard work. Performance and commendations are Performance Records. HR ATM provides audio-visual
forgotten over time. Currently, there are no devices to Performance Records verifiable online to ensure
address this problem acknowledgement of performers through out their
7. HIGH RECRUITMENT COSTS. Currently candidates need HR ATM has the Triple A advantage Le. Anytime,
to travel to attend interviews, recruiters needs to travel Anywhere, Any job seeker or recruiter can access this
to addend interviews, verifications take time and device to full fill their hiring needs.This means saving on
money,and productivity is affected.Currently, there are time for travel and hi9her productivity. This being a
no devices to address this problem. technology driven solution to address the problem
8. MULTI LOCATION DECISION MAKING TAKES TIME. HR ATM is available on the network wherein a panel from
Especially In this global corporate environment, there is one location can conduct the first round of interview and
a need for faster and efficient multi location decision immediately the next round of interview can be initiated
making. Currently, there are no manpower hiring with a Panel in another location and the HR Team takes
devices to address this problem. °™ *>release the offer'Thls is ali the more re«uired ln a
global corporate environment.

HR ATM Is a device for Instant hiring of human resources that meets distributed hiring requirements of the user Irrespective of the location the candidate or the recruiter Is based atomprising of such multiple devices that are networked on the wide area network with each device working according to a pre-defined sequential recruitment process and using audio-visual records called Performance Records, provided to the recruiter for Instant decision-making. Each device In turn constituted of multiple Inter-dependent components to help complete the recruitment process In one sitting.
The device Is developed using inter-dependent components which work together In an Interdependent manner to meet distributed hiring requirements of the users. For example, the monitor is required to view information, the front end software program and database are used to receive Input and store data, the central processing unit Is needed to analyze the inputs provided by the front end software program, the document exchange tool to exchange documents and information, the workflow automation component Is required to sent and receive approvals and Information,custom designed audio-visual component Is used to support audio-visual exchange and the audio-visual records are required for Instant verifications as specified In claim 5,the compensation management computer program helps decide the compensation, the printer helps In printing the offer letter and all working together In an Inter-dependent manner to form the complete device. Inter-dependent components are explained according to the sequence as under-
? The display components called monitor Is used to view information and data by the user
? The front end computer program is specifically designed to view output, collect input and for the user to act.
? The central processing unit analyzes the Input and short list.
? The central processing unit on analyzing the Information, if short listed, provides instruction to the front end program
to Initiate the test.
? The front-end program hands over the data for analysis to the central processing unit to decide on test result If
candidate clears the test, then the custom designed audio-visual component takes over to enable audio-visual
interview with recording, white boarding, document exchange, and online presentations.
? On successful! completion of Interview, the audio-visual records, which forms a key component provides all Inputs
required for verification.
? On successful completion of verification, the custom designed compensation management computer program takes
over and assists in deciding the salary for the candidate.
? On deciding the salary, the workflow engine sends the Information for recruitment approval.
? On receiving the approval, the front-end program generates an offer letter, which is issued online to the candidate.
? The front-end program displays the offer to the candidate. On viewing the offer, the candidate can accept the offer
? On accepting the offer, the front-end program instructs the printer to provide a hard copy of the offer.
? On printing the offer,the front-end program generates and Issues the user name and password for the offered
employee portal to the candidate
? The database stores the data at every step, on the Instruction of the front-end program.
Details of Invention
As mentioned earlier, a network of HR ATM Machines supports the distributed hiring process The HR ATM Machine supports audio-visual exchange, which means that the interviewers and the candidate can see each other irrespective of the locatlon.This network Is Installed for - Corporates, Institutes, Consultants, Job portals. Net cafes and other service providers to support the process implementation, which forms the primary backbone that helps to complete the whole recruitment process In one sitting, I.e., listing of opportunities, to submission of profile, short listing, to testing, verifications, document exchange, compensation management, release of offer, acceptance of offer, to printing of offer by the candidate and also providing access to that corporates offered employee portal, all happening in one sitting, In a distributed recruitment environment.

Method of performing
The device Is developed to follow a pre defined sequential recruitment process comprises of the following steps
? Candidate submits the short profile, if the candidate initiates the process. Recruiter submits the job specification,
where the recruiter initiates the process.
? In both the above situation, the device completes the auto short listing of organizations, In case the candidate Initiates
the process, or auto shortlists candidates if the recruiter initiates the process.The candidate can choose the organization
of his or her preference. On the other hand, if the recruiter submits the requirement, instant short-listing of online
candidates Is done or alerts sent to candidates to mobile devices prompting the candidate to login to HR ATM
? The test if applicable will start if short-listed.
? The audio-visual interview with recording, white boarding, document exchange, and online presentations can be
initiated if test is cleared.
? Online verifications are done using the audio-visual Performance Records, if the candidate clears the interview.
? Compensation is fixed using the compensation management facility
? Approvals are taken using workflow automation if all the previous steps are completed successfully.
? The offer Is released online and can be viewed by the candidate if all the previous steps are completed successfully.
? The candidate can accept the offer online on viewing the offer.
? The candidate can take the offer letter printout from the location using the device after accepting the offer.
? The offered candidate Is given user name and password to access the offered candidates portal for further interaction
between the candidate and the organization.
Audio-visual Performance Records Is one of the key features used by this device, wherein every previous step from rewards to relieving order to Performance Records, to interviews, to references are in the form of audio-visual format that Is verifiable online
With HR ATM, the Interviewer can see and hear the person who has given the relieving orders, references or performance commendations. Since verifications are online, the offer can be issued.The candidate can see the offer, accept and print the offer letter. Note that this device supports Instant hiring right from submission of resume to offer release Irrespective of the location of the candidate or recruiters.
The recruitment process Is not complete until the history of the candidate is verified.This could be education history, career history, performance history, awards history or reference history.
This device Is futuristic In nature since It utilizes audio-visual Performance Records. Performance Records of each candidate Is built by recording of every important events in audio-visual format There will be a unique id on the hard copy and the audiovisual Performance Records and an entry In the database as updated by the person who releases the documents pertaining to the candidate. With this unique feature the recruiter can see the event and also verify the hardcopy and compare with the data updated In the database.This provides a three-way verification support and becomes highly fool proof.
The device Is designed to record the Performance Records of candidates. At the same time, the device provides the critical feature of instant verifications so as to complete the recruitment process.

To record an event, the authorized person can use the HR ATM to enter critical Information and then record the event In an audiovisual format. Once this is done, a print out of the document can be taken from the HR ATM. One copy will be given to the candidate. For example, If an employee Is relieved from service of one organization, the HR manager who Issues the relieving order can enter key information like, date of joining, joining designation, last working day, designation on leaving etc and then record the audiovisual performance records. Once the data Is verified, the HR manager who will Issue the hard copy of the letter can take printouts. An unique id will be maintained in the database, performance records and hardcopy. When this candidate provides this hardcopy to another decision maker like a recruiter on a later date, the recruiter can use the HR ATM to enter the unique id provided on the hardcopy of the document and see the audiovisual performance records and even verify the critical data In the database.Thus the HR ATM's performance record provides three-way verification and also helps provide solutions to problems as identified in the current scenario like:
1. Forging of resumes and employment history Is a major problem today. With HR ATM'S key feature called performance
records, the authorized person can administer a three-way verification.
2. Verification takes time since It may have to be done with Institutes, all pervious corporate etc. HR ATM provides instant
verification through replay able performance records.
3. High cost of employment verification. HR ATM cost very less to maintain, saves on travel, travel time and Improves
4. Muiti location verifications becomes difficult. Example a candidate who has worked In two or more countries. HR ATM
can record performance records and keep track of every key events irrespective of the location. So the end user can
see it in one go.
5. Performance of candidates Is forgotten over time. With HR ATM, every commendation, award or recognition can be
recorded to make sure that performers have a lasting Identity.
6. Verification of track record before interview is not possible today. With HR ATM, using the unique id, the recruiter or
decision maker can view the authentic track record.
Consider the following example
Company name : ABC Company
Company location in country: Country 1
Company location : Location A
Position for recruitment : Position X Number of requirements : 10
Action taken by the HR department
ABC company release's an advertisement in the paper in Location A towards recruiting for position 1.
The recruiter receives resumes from location A candidates.
Problems faced In this current scenario
? Only location A talent pool Is aware of these open positions, there by creating un equal Job opportunity for those In
other locations.
? The candidates In locations far from the corporate does not have a tool to Identify opportunity.
? If there are candidates to suit this position in country 2, then, they don't get the opportunity.

? The short listed candidates cannot be Interviewed Immediately because the candidates needs to come to the
corporate to take up the process
? The time taken to complete the whole process Is too high due to multiple steps being conducted over various days
especially when the decision makers are multi location in nature.
? Few of the resumes seems to be forged but the recruiter does not have a way to verify Immediately
? The time taken to complete the process is high since activities like verification take time.
? The time taken to close all 10 positions Is high due to limited talent pool from which the sourcing Is done.
? All documents give by candidates are in black and white and some turns out to be forged
? There Is no Identify for performers.This means that the performance of the past are without evidence and hence less
mileage for performers.
? There are travel involves either by candidates or recruiters which takes time and money thereby increasing cost of time
and productivity.
HR ATM Is a device and method for Instant hiring of human resources that meets distributed hiring requirements of the users, irrespective of the location the candidate or the recruiter is based at, comprising of such multiple devices that are networked on the wide area network with each device working according to a pre-defined sequential recruitment process and using audio-visual records called Performance Records, provided to the recruiter for instant decision-making. Each device in turn constituted of multiple Inter-dependent components to help complete the recruitment process in one sitting.
This device provides solutions to problems that ©(1st In the current scenario
1. Only location A talent pool is aware of these open When a candidate in any location uses this device by entering
positions, there by creating unequal job opportunity his or her short profile, the device lists all organizations
for those In the looking for such job specifications. The candidate can go
through the list of organizations and also get to know more of those organizations by going through the company profile and decide to proceed with the interview by clicking the organization that he or she prefers and complete the process and get the offer on the spot In one sitting. Thus the device provides a technology driven solution to provide equal opportunity for the whole talent pool.
2. The candidates in locations far from the corporate When a candidate in any location uses this device by entering
does not have a tool to identify opportunity. his or her short profile, the device lists the all organizations
looking for such job specifications. So, even if the corporate advertisement does not reach the location, the candidate can use the device to identify opportunities and to complete the process.
3. If there are candidates to suit this position In country The device can be installed in any country and added to the
2, then, they don't get the opportunity. HR ATM network and hence even the talent pool of other
countries can be tapped using this device.

4. The short listed candidates cannot be interviewed The recruiter can trigger an alert to the short listed
immediately because the candidates needs to come candidate to login to the nearest HR ATM In case the
to the corporate to take up the process. recruiter initiates the process by submitting the job
specification. The HR ATM is a mobile device and can be installed in any location like a net cafe, or residence. The candidate need not go a long distance to the corporate to complete the process. Instead, he or she can access the nearest available HR ATM.
5- The time taken to complete the whole process Is too The device, as detailed earlier, follows a pre defined process
high due to multiple steps being conducted over and is designed to complete the process from listing
various days especially when the decision makers opportunity to offer and access to offered employee portal
are multi location in nature. in one sitting thereby considerably reducing the recruitment
cycle time.
6- Few of the resumes seems to be forged but the Another object of this invention is the audio-visual
recruiter does not have a way to verify Immediately Performance Records that enables instant verifications like
commendations, relieving orders, educational verifications, employment verifications. This being a technology driven solution to address the problem. Here, the user can see and hear the history as issued by the authorized person. With Performance Records of the candidates are non editable and stored in a common database with audio-visual support to make sure that every event is recorded and verifiable at any time.
7. The time taken to complete the process is high since The device is made of inter dependent components which
activities like verification take time collectively provide the capability of on the spot hiring in a
distributed environment.
& The time taken to dose all 10 positions Is high due With HR ATM, a larger talent pool is given opportunity since
to limited talent pool from which the sourcing is the candidates from far locations can also be potential
done. employees.
9- All documents give by candidates are in black and HR ATM uses a three-way verification process which cannot
white and some turns out to be forged be forged.
10. There is no identity for performers.This means that The device is also designed to record the Performance
the performance of the past are without evidence Records of candidates. This means that, every important
and hence less mileage for performers. performance events can be recorded as Performance
Records. This provides lasting identity and acknowledgement for performers,
71- There are travel involving either the candidate or The device is mobile and hence can be installed in net cafes,
recruiter which takes time and money thereby corporate, and even provided to candidates at their
increasing cost of time and productivity. residence. This means that the user need not travel to the
corporate location to complete the whole process.

SCOPE: This device is invented to provide instant hiring solution. In other words, even when the candidate and recruiters are in different locations, this device can be used to complete the whole recruitment process.
This does not mean that the device cannot be used when the candidate and recruiters are in one location. In this situation, the device can be used for Performance Records verification, recording or testing.
The scope of this invention starts with providing facility for corporate to do resource planning followed by analyzing of manpower requirement, publishing of manpower requirement, followed by the candidate using the device for -Identification of open positions, submission of resumes, short listings, tests, interviews, reference checks, education verifications, employment verifications, performance verifications, compensation management, work flow, instant work flow approvals, online presentations, document sharing and exchange, release of offers, acceptance of offers and candidate printing the offer, and access to the offered employees portal, all happening in one sitting irrespective of the location or country the candidate or recruiter is based at
Usefulness and Usage of HR ATM comprises of the situations as listed below:
An invention must possess utility for the grant of patent. The HRATM has the following usefulness
? From unequal opportunity to equal opportunity for all job aspirants is a key usefulness. In a countries where most
corporates are in downtown locations, the opportunity Is not equal for those who are In rural locations and those
passing ut of rural colleges. HR ATM provides equal opportunity irrespective of location to any job aspirant to any open
positions in corporates across any locations In the country or anywhere else.
? Submit your Resume: Immediately get tested on the key skills - Print your offer.
? Audio-visual Performance Records that recruiters can see the key achievements in both education, career or other
? Playback Performance authentication: A person with 15 years experience who has achieved an Important feat in the
3rd year can still replay the recognition that is linked to his or her performance record.
? Playback built in Employment verification, especially in a world of forged resumes and high amount of money spent on
employment verification, here is a solution with replay feature for employment verification, linked to the process.This
means that the recruiter can see all the HR managers who have given relieving orders in the previous organization
including the educational Institutes and corporate.
? Faster recruitment: No time lag i.e. Submission of resume to test to interview and offer in one sitting.
? Recruitment panel can be In multiple locations.The candidate can be interviewed by both panels.This helps immediate
decision making.
? The Triple A Advantage: Anytime, Anywhere, Any job seeker - Does not matter which part of the world the candidate or
the interviewer Is in.
? Unique identity for Performers: Rewards and recognitions that were given many years back may get forgotten if not
recording id Performance Records.
? Cost Saving: Since the recruiter need to travel and can save time and productivity.
? Performance Records: Providing visibility for performers. Lasting Identity for performers and authentic track record to
prove a clean track record using audio-visual Performance Records.This also includes a unique id. Using the unique id,
the recruiters can verify and play Performance Records and track record online.

? Mobile ATM: Now the recruiter or the job seeker can avail the mobile ATM.This means that an institute in a remote
location can provide exposure to their students or a recruiter can avail an ATM to Interview a candidate.
? Audio-visual interview can be recorded for future review or to help candidates improve their skills.
? Candidate or candidates in one location can complete the recruitment process with the recruiters in another location.
Example: A candidate In location A being recruited by one ore more recruitment panel In another location B
? Candidate or candidates in one location can complete the recruitment process with more than one panel located in
more than one location. Example: A candidate in location A being recruited by two or more panels of Interviewers, i.e.
one panel In location B and the second panel in location C (There could be any number of panels)
? Recruiters or decision makers can review the Performance Records of candidates using the device.
? The candidates can record and upload their Performance Records using the device.This could include, education
events, career events, rewards and recognition, commendations, disciplinary action, references, relieving orders, and
other performance related records in the form to audio-visual Performance Records.
? A candidate can complete the recruitment process with more than one organization in multiple locations.
? The device is mobile and hence can be installed anywhere, based on need. For example, senior candidates can take up
the interview from his or her residence.
? The network of devices can be deployed across corporates, Institutes, net cafes, consultants offices, and other
recruitment service providers.
? If the recruiter submits the job specification of an open position, the device can short list registered candidates and list
them.The recruiter can view these candidates profile and proceed with interview process immediately, in case the
candidates are online. In case the short listed candidates are not online, an alert can be sent to the candidates
prompting them to logon to the nearest HR ATM.
? Recruiter can interview candidates who are located in multiple locations
? Interviews can be recorded, if required. Decision makers can review interviews at any time, if a candidate is rejected once
and appears again after a period of time, then the current panel can review the old interview. Candidates can use these
to review their performance and to improve their skills.
? Commitments made on joining can be recorded using the device and stored based on action date and this can be
reviewed by the administrators for prompt action at the right time.
? The job seeker can use the device for identifying employment opportunity.
? The recruiter can user the device to identify potential employees or to shortlist candidates
? The pre defined sequential recruitment process being defined by the user based on the policy pertaining to the users
organization.This means that the steps as listed in the pre defined sequential recruitment process can be redefined to
suit that users organization policy.
? The device also works as an instant verification machine with the three way fool proof verification process. These
verifications comprises of performance, education, career, professional achievements or reference verifications.
? The device also works as an audio visual performance-recording device with three way security feature.These recording
comprises of events like performance, education, career, professional achievements or reference verifications related events

? The three way security feature makes sure that each event recorded using the device goes through a three way security
process i.e one for the audiovisual performance record, one for the database, and one for the hard copy.There will be a
unique performance verification id on the hard copy, audio-visual Performance Records and an entry in the database as
updated by the person who releases the documents pertaining to the candidate. With this unique feature the recruiter
can see the event and also verify the hardcopy and compare with the data updated in the database.This provides a
three-way verification support and becomes highly fool proof.
? The device provides the SAVE and RESUME option. If situation demands, the user can save the pre defined sequential
process to the stage it has been completed.The pre defined sequential process can be resumed from the stage the last
save was effected so as to complete the whole process.
? The device provides the option of recording responses of candidates for a predefined set of questions.This means that
response to certain questions can be pre recorded and added to the performance records. For example, questions like,
what would you like to be in the next 5 years? Or what do you think are your strengths and weaknesses? These are
common questions that can be part of the performance records.These questions can be in audiovisual or textual
format, which are recorded and saved.
? White the recruiter is not available for interview, the candidate can still respond to the pre recorded questions.These
questions can be in audiovisual or textual format.The response of the candidate Is recorded and made available for
review by the recruiter.
? Performance profile provides date based chronological history of every key events right from education, career,
performance, references, and other achievements in audiovisual performance records format with three way verification
feature to maintain a fool proof authentic track record. Performance profile constitutes of textual content, audiovisual
records and key information stored in the database the candidate can print a performance profile which is a
combination of textual performance records and links to audiovisual performance records.The three way security
feature makes sure t hat each event recorded using the device goes through a three way security process i.e one for the
audiovisual performance record, one for the database, and one for the hard copy,There will be a unique performance
verification Id on the hard copy, audio-visual Performance Records and an entry in the database as updated by the
person who releases the documents pertaining to the candidate. With this unique feature the recruiter can see the
event and also verify the hardcopy and compare with the data updated in the database.This provides a three-way
verification support and becomes highly fool proof- Performance profile being the HR ATMs solution for the current
resumes which can be forged.
? Performance records are recorded as and when the event happens. For example, a rank holder can record the
achievement. For those events, which have already been completed, the authorized person can use the recording
option to update the event. In this case, the event date will be a past date, but the date of updating or recording will be
the current date. For examples candidate who was a rank holder goes back to the institute and requests the head of
the school or the authorized person to update the record with regard to achieving the rank.The authorized person can
record this after verification of actual records. Date of achievement can be updated as per actual achievement datethe
date of updating or recording will be the current date.
? The device and method provides the employer the option to set the frequency of a candidate attending an interview if
the previous interview resulted in the candidate being rejected. For example, if a rejected candidate can attend the next
interview only after a gap of six months, then, when the candidate selects the organization for attending interview, the
system validates the last rejected date and decides whether to allow to proceed or to indicate a date on which the
candidate can attend interview with the organization in the future. In this case the mail id and performance records
unique id will be referred to validate and hence the process becomes highly fool proof. For example, even if the
candidate changes his mail id the performance records id cannot be changed. Moreover, the previous occurrences of
interviews can also be recorded so that the decision maker can review the previous interview if required.

? Employability especially for those educated In rural locations is low.The reason being, these candidates don't get the
type of exposure to improve their soft skills.This device can also be used to conduct mock sessions to help candidates
exposure.This could be mock interviews, and other training sessions by professionals who are in downtown locations.
? In certain cases, the recruiter may like to keep a candidate on hold which means that the decision to give an offer or
not is on hold for a temporary period.. In case the decision-making is on hold, then the candidate can come back and
use the device to see the decision. In this case, the candidate needs to click on the interview status link and the list of
organizations with which the candidate has attended interview will be listed. Once the candidate clicks on the link, the
status will be displayed. If selected, the candidate can print the offer.
? The device keeps track of the number of offers a candidate has already received.This Is stored in the database under
offer countThe recruiter can shortlist candidates if they are not currently offered by any other company.This gives
opportunity for candidates who are not yet offered by any other company thereby providing more employment portunity,
? Performance records comprises of, among other information's, candidate information like income certificates, marks
secured for various education levels, tests and community information.This information provides an option to shortlist
candidates especially for community development. For example, those candidates who have scored above 90 percent
with annual income lesser than a particular amount who belong to a community that needs development support.
? The device provides the remote testing wherein the candidate and recruiter can be in two different
locations.The test administrator or the recruiter can see the candidate taking the test.The white boarding
facility provides option to share objective and descriptive type answers immediately so as to enable
the recruiter to verify the correctness of answers immediately and shortlist. Since the recruiter can see the candidate, the candidate cannot manipulate or take outside support to take the test at the same time the recruiter can shortlist candidates without asking them to travel to corporate or other locations for test thereby providing equal opportunity for candidates in remote locations.
HR ATM is designed for instant hiring of human resources and hence under the ambit of business management and more specifically human resource management. One may call it recruitment, staff augmentation, hiring or procurement of human resources. Audio-visual Performance Records being an integral part of this device also comes under the ambit of human resources management.
Novelty from the candidate's point of view: Any Time Manpower device either manned or unmanned, that can be installed In any location or country which can be used by any candidate to identify opportunity and to print his or her offer after successfully completing the recruitment process Is novel.This means that a candidate can walk in to use an HR ATM and walk out with his offer letter.
Novelty from the recruiter's point of view: The HR ATM is designed to complete the whole recruitment process In one sitting. The recruitment process is not complete until education, career, performance and reference verifications are done.
This device is futuristic in nature since it utilizes audio-visual Performance Records, Performance Records of each candidate is built by recording of every important events in audto-visual format. For example, a school leaving certificate, a college degree, a reward certificate, a relieving order,employment certificate etc.There will be a unique Id on the hard copy and the audio-visual Performance Records and an entry in the database as updated by the person who releases the documents pertaining to the candidate.With this unique three-way verification feature the recruiter can see the event and also verify the hardcopy and compare with the data updated in the database.This three-way verification support is highly fool proof.

(Non-obviousness): A patent application involves an inventive step if the proposed invention is not obvious to a person skilled in the art i.e., skilled In the subject matter of the patent application.
In the current scenario, can a candidate in some part of the world, who does not know about open positions In various organizations to suit that candidates profile, be able to be short listed using a device that can take that candidate through the complete process of hiring from listing of opportunities, to submission of profile, short listing,to testing, verifications, document exchange, compensation management, release of offer, acceptance of offer, to printing of offer by the candidate and also providing access to that corporates offered employee portal, all happening in one sitting while the recruiter is in another part of the world?
In the current scenario, NO! 1$ the obvious answer, because:
The problems that organizations face today:
1. Resumes that are forged.
2. No mechanism of Performance authentication history supported by the resume.
3. No mechanism of proving authentic track record support by the resume.
4. Resources near to the corporate locations get opportunity first whereby creating unequal opportunity for candidates
in other distant locations especially rural locations where we need provide more job opportunities.
5. Demand to Supply imbalance due to fewer resources only have access to open positions.
6. More time taken to meet manpower resource required.
7. No visible identity for performers like rank holders.
The prior art cannot point towards the invention, implying that the practitioner of the subject matter could not have thought about the invention prior to filing of the patent application in which case there would have been already solutions existing for the above mentioned problems In the current recruitment scenario.
This proves that there is an inventive step between the proposed patent and the prior art at this point of time; hence a new invention has taken place.


0816-che-2006 abstract-granded.pdf

0816-che-2006 claims-granded.pdf

0816-che-2006 description (complete)-granded.pdf

816-che-2006- claims.pdf

816-che-2006- correspondence- po.pdf

816-che-2006- correspondence-others.pdf

816-che-2006- form 1.pdf


816-che-2006-description- provisional.pdf



816-che-2006-form 13.pdf

816-che-2006-form 9.pdf

Patent Number 227078
Indian Patent Application Number 816/CHE/2006
PG Journal Number 07/2009
Publication Date 13-Feb-2009
Grant Date 01-Jan-2009
Date of Filing 09-May-2006
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G06F17/60
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA