Title of Invention


Abstract An electrolysis cell for an electrochemical process comprising an anodic compartment containing an anode and a cathodic compartment containing a cathode separated by an ion-exchange membrane, at least one of the two compartments containing an assembly consisting of a current distributor connected to the wall of the relative compartment by means of supports, a gas diffusion electrode in contact with the surface of the current distributor, means for feeding said gas-diffusion electrode with gas located in the lower part of the cell, means for discharging the exhausted gas from the gas-diffusion electrode located in the upper part of the cell, and a planar porous element made of a plastic material selected from the group of high density polyethylene and fluorinated plastics inserted between said membrane and said gas-diffusion electrode and fed with at least one liquid reactant percolating in its interior.
Several industrial processes are carried out in electrochemical cells, such as
chlor-alkali electrolysis for the production of gaseous chlorine and caustic soda or
potash, water electrolysis primarily for the production of hydrogen, electrolysis of
salts to obtain the corresponding acids and bases, e.g. caustic soda and sulphuric
acid from sodium sulphate, deposition of metals, among which copper and zinc
are the principal. The physiological problem of all these processes is the electric
energy consumption which usually constitutes a substantial part of the total
production cost. As the electric energy is characterised in all the geographic areas
by a cost with a constant increasing tendency, the importance of reducing its
consumption in the above indicated electrochemical processes is apparent.
The consumption of energy in an electrochemical process depends primarily from
the cell voltage: it is therefore immediately evident the reason of the efforts
directed to the improvement of cell design, with the use of more catalytic
electrodes and with the decrease of the ohmic drops within the cell structure and
in the electrolytes, for instance by decreasing the interelectrodic gap.
In the case of the conventional chlor-alkali process, a solution of sodium chloride,
or less frequently potassium chloride, is supplied to a cell containing an anode,
whereon gaseous chlorine evolves, while at the cathode, hydrogen is evolved with
simultaneous formation of sodium hydroxide (potassium hydroxide in case
potassium chloride is fed). In the most advanced type of cell, the caustic soda
which is present near the cathode is kept separated from the sodium chloride
solution which is fed to the anodic zone by means of a cationic membrane
consisting in a perfluorinated polymer containing negatively charged groups, for
instance sulphonic and/or carboxylic groups. Such membranes are
commercialised by various companies, among whom DuPont/USA, Asahi Glass
and Asahi Chemical/Japan. The design of this kind of cell has been studied in

depth and it can be affirmed that the technology is nowadays in an optimal state
as regards the energy consumption. An example of such kind of design is given in
the international patent application WO 98/55670. An analysis of the production
cost of chlorine and caustic soda obtained with this advanced cell types indicates
however that the impact of the energetic consumption is still relevant. This
consideration has generated a series of proposals of further improvement, whose
common element is the use of a gas electrode, specifically a cathode fed with
oxygen (as such or as enriched air, or simply air deprived of its carbon dioxide
content) as a replacement of the hydrogen evolving cathode employed in the
previously discussed technology.
A chlor-alkali electrolysis cell comprising a cathode supplied with oxygen-
containing gas presents an electric energy consumption which is physiologically
much lower than that typical of the conventional technology. The reason for this
matter of fact is first of all of thermodynamic nature since the two cells, the
conventional one and the one comprising the oxygen cathode, are characterised
by different overall reactions:

In the practice it is observed that the voltage of a conventional membrane cell
supplied with a current density of 4 kA/m2 is about 3 Volts, while that of a cell
equipped with membrane and oxygen cathode, working at the same operative
conditions, is about 2-2.2 Volts. As it can be seen, an electric energy saving
around 30% is achieved (the missed production of hydrogen, which is normally
exploited as a fuel, is of a secondary importance). At present, there isn't however
any industrial application of electrolysis cells incorporating oxygen cathodes. The
reason for this situation lies in the structure of the oxygen cathode and in the
requirements imposed to the operative conditions to ensure a good overall

efficiency. The oxygen cathode, in brief, is made of a porous support, preferably
conductive, whereon a microporous layer formed by an assembly of
electrocatalytic particles mechanically stabilised by means of a binder resistant to
the operative conditions is applied. The layer may comprise a further film also
comprising preferably conductive but non electrocatalytic particles, and a binder.
The porous support may consist in a mesh, a variously perforated sheet, a
carbon/graphite cloth, carbon/graphite paper or sintered materials. An electrode of
such type, with the relevant fabrication procedure, is disclosed in US Patent
When an electrode as the above mentioned one is employed as oxygen-fed
cathode in the chlor-alkali electrolysis, in a parallel position to the cationic
membrane, in direct contact or with a moderate gap, indicatively 2-3 mm, the
caustic soda produced by the reaction of oxygen on the electrocatalytic particles
must be somehow discharged to avoid progressively filling the microporosity of the
layer. In fact, should this filling take place, the oxygen could not diffuse anymore
through the pores to reach the catalytic particles which act as the reaction sites.
The discharge of the caustic soda formed on the cathode electrocatalytic particles
may occur essentially in two ways, either towards the membrane, in case the
cathode is positioned in parallel to and with a certain gap from the membrane, or
towards the oxygen backspace, from the side opposite to the one facing the
membrane, in case the cathode is in contact with the membrane itself.
In the former case, a film of liquid is formed, 2-3 mm thick as said, which is
normally maintained in circulation upwardly (the cells have vertically disposed
electrodes) for extracting the caustic soda produced by the cells, for withdrawing
the heat naturally produced by the reaction, and finally for controlling the caustic
soda concentration within pre-determined limits, allowing to extend the lifetime of
the ion-exchange membrane. This situation establishes a pressure gradient
between caustic soda and oxygen at the two sides of the cathode that, as a matter
of fact, functions as separating wall. Such gradient can be positive (pressure of
the caustic soda higher than the one of oxygen) and it this case it increases from

top to bottom under the effect of the hydraulic head. Conversely, the gradient can
be negative (pressure of oxygen higher than that of caustic soda) and in this case
it decreases from top to bottom, again under the effect of the caustic soda
hydraulic head. With the presently available materials and with the known
fabrication procedures it is possible to obtain cathodes capable of withstanding
pressure differences not greater than about 30 cm (expressed as water column). It
follows that for an optimal functioning of the oxygen cathodes, the cells destined
to house the same cannot have a height exceeding 30 cm. With greater heights,
complete flooding of the cathode occurs with total filling of the porosity by the
caustic soda in case of positive differentials, and a heavy loss of oxygen into the
caustic soda in case of a negative differential. This fact is seriously negative in the
case of electrolysis plants of a certain size, as the total number of cells, each of
small dimensions, should be very high with heavy additional costs for the auxiliary
equipment (electric connections, ducts, pumps). It must be taken into account that
the conventional type industrial cells, that is cells equipped with hydrogen evolving
cathodes, have heights usually comprised in the range of 1-1.5 metres. To
overcome the above described inconvenience, it has been proposed to utilise a
structure whose cathode is spaced apart from the membrane of about 2-3 mm, the
global height is again 1-1.5 metres but the cell is subdivided in a number of sub-
units, each having a height of about 30 cm. This design entails a remarkable
complexity for the connection ducts among the various sub-units, and ultimately
an operating complexity and a cost which are not compatible with the industrial
applications. A further structure is the one disclosed in US Patent 5,693,202. The
design provides that the cell maintain a unitary structure and be equipped with
oxygen cathodes partitioned in strips. The oxygen pressure supplied to each strip
is automatically regulated taking advantage of the caustic soda hydraulic head
through a bubbling system. This kind of cell overcomes the complexity of the
above sub-unit partition design, even though it appears intrinsically complicated as
concerns the need of ensuring the hydraulic and pneumatic sealing of each strip.
Moreover it imposes particular procedures for the shut-downs and start-ups to
avoid the loss of pressure compensation in these transitory phases due to lack of
oxygen feed. An alternative solution is illustrated in Patent Application EP

0150018 A1, which is however directed to describe a cell, possibly having an
interposed diaphragm or ion-exchange membrane between anodes and cathodes,
and with a falling film of liquid wetting the electrodes, whereon gas evolving
reactions take place. Thus Patent Application EP 0150018 A1 is not really
directed to solve the previously indicated problems, but rather those associated
with the release of the produced gas bubbles from the reaction liquid in which they
are formed, as in fact it is clearly stated in the initial part of the text. The difficulties
associated with the release of the gas bubbles from liquids give rise essentially
represented by the anodic and cathodic pressure variations, vibrations, harmful for
the ion-exchange membranes, partial blocking of the electrodes under the action
of the adhering bubbles and finally increased ohmic drop, as the electrolyte
electric conductivity is evidently decreased by the presence of gas. It is therefore
clear that, for Patent Application EP 0150018 A1, the fact that the electrodes are
completely covered by a film of liquid, even of variable thickness, is not a problem
of primary relevance as the process under consideration is the formation of gas
bubbles and the release thereof from the liquid phase and not the diffusion of the
gas and its consumption upon the electrode surface (a typical problem, as
previously seen, of oxygen-fed cathodes). A further proposal is disclosed in Patent
Applications EP 1033419 A1 and WO 01/57290 wherein a cell suitable for
membrane chlor-alkali electrolysis equipped with an oxygen cathode at fixed gap
from the membrane is described. The caustic soda is fed in the upper part of the
cell and flows downwards in the gap delimited by membrane and cathode. The
caustic soda flow-rate is in this case very high and in order to limit the same to a
level of practical interest a porous layer is introduced between membrane and
cathode. The oxygen is also fed with some excess in the upper part of the cell and
is discharged from the lower part together with the caustic soda. This device
allows to dynamically cancel the caustic soda hydraulic head, so that the
pressure differential between caustic soda and oxygen can be maintained at very
low and constant levels, achieving ideal operating conditions for the oxygen
cathode. According to EP 1033419 A1 the porous layer is characterised by
hydrophilicity: in practice, plastic materials are therefore excluded, particularly as
regards the perfluorinated plastic materials which on one hand are very well

resistant in the reaction environment made aggressive by the presence of
peroxide traces, but on the other hand are highly hydrophobic. Therefore, only the
metals or oxides thereof, typically hydrophilic, can be employed to produce the
porous layers of the invention. Nevertheless such materials, in contact™ with
concentrated hot caustic soda, are characterised by a certain release of metal
ions which are in time absorbed by the ion-exchange membranes with consequent
lessening of performances, in particular in terms of cell voltage and faradaic
efficiency. The sole metal truly immune from these inconveniences is silver, whose
surface results protected in the operating conditions by an impervious and very
scarcely soluble oxide: it is clear however that the extensive use of silver in the
construction of electrolysis cells entails costs which are hardly sustainable from
industrial applications.
In the latter case, that of operation with the oxygen cathode in direct contact with
the membrane, disclosed for instance in US Patent 6,117,286, the only possibility
for caustic soda discharge is toward the gap occupied by the oxygen, on the side
of the cathode opposed to the one facing the membrane. In this case a series of
problems arises, as listed below:
The caustic soda that is forced to flow across the cathode tends to fill the
porosity, hampering the oxygen diffusion. To avoid this inconvenience it has
been proposed to subdivide the cathodes into strips and to interpose between
membrane and cathode strips a porous element, also hydrophilic as in the above
cited Patent Application EP 1033419 A1, along which part of the formed caustic
soda can be released.
The caustic soda released on the oxygen side has a distinctive tendency to
wet the cathode back-wall forming a continuous film again hampering the
oxygen diffusion. To prevent this harmful effect, it is necessary that the cathode
back-wall be strongly hydrophobic, which can diminish the surface electric
conductivity with consequent complications for the electric contact needed to
supply the electric current.
The concentration of the product caustic soda is necessarily that generated by

the reaction and no control under pre-determined limits is possible, as it happens
instead in the former case of oxygen cathode wherein a forced circulation exists.
The product caustic soda concentration value is around 37-45% depending on
the amount of water transported across the membrane, an amount depending on
the type of membrane and on the operative conditions of current density,
temperature and concentration of alkali chloride solution.
The ion-exchange membranes available on the market are irreversibly
deteriorated when they come in contact even for relatively short times with caustic
soda of concentration higher than 35%. It has therefore been suggested to
operate the cell with oxygen cathode in direct contact with the membrane with
diluted solutions of alkali chloride, as it is known that the amount of transported
water increases as the alkali chloride concentration decreases. Nevertheless the
flexibility of operation allowed by this factor is limited, as too low concentrations of
alkali chloride worsen the membrane efficiency, increase the rate of oxygen in the
chlorine and can lessen the operating life of the anodes. For this reason it has
been proposed, as an additional measure, to saturate the oxygen with water
vapour at temperatures close to the operating temperature of the cell; the water
vapour diffusion across the pores of the cathode permits further lowering the
caustic soda concentration towards the values acceptable for the membrane. This
action, however, is only partially effective since part of the water vapour is
absorbed by the caustic soda released from the back surface of the cathode.
The object of the present invention is to provide a structure of electrolysis cell
equipped with gas diffusion electrode free of the drawbacks of the existing
technology. In consideration of the industrial relevance of the chlor-alkali
electrolysis, reference will be made herebelow to a cell suited for this use, making
clear that the invention may be advantageously applied to other electrochemical
processes, such as the electrolysis of alkali sulphates (feeding the anodic
compartment with a sulphate containing solution . and the relative gas diffusion
anode with hydrogen), the production of hydrogen peroxide (feeding the cathodic
compartment with an alkaline solution, and the relative gas diffusion cathode with

oxygen), the production of electric energy with alkaline fuel cells (feeding the
alkaline electrolyte in the two compartments, both provided with gas diffusion
electrodes, supplied with hydrogen and oxygen).
The cell structure of the invention comprises an oxygen cathode pressed against
the ion-exchange membrane, a porous planar element interposed between the
cathode and the membrane and crossed by a downward flow of caustic soda as
known in the art, with the characterising difference that the constitutive material of
the porous planar element is selected from the group of the hydrocarbon plastic
materials such as polyethylene, in particular high density polyethylene, and
preferably from the group of perfluorinated plastic materials (such as ethylene -
chlorotrifluoroethylene ECTFE, polytetrafluoroethylene PTFE, tetrafluoroethylene -
hexafluoropropylene FEP, perfluoroalcoxy polymers PFA), having high
mechanical resistance also at high temperature and substantial chemical inertia
towards hot concentrated caustic soda also in the presence of peroxide traces
and thus not capable of producing harmful contamination of the membranes. All of
these materials are highly hydrophobic and thus their use is in strong contrast to
what proposed by the prior art technique, according to which hydrophilicity is an
essential feature.
According to a preferred embodiment, a further characteristic of the present
invention is given by the oxygen-containing gas feed in the lower part of the cell:
in this way, the ascending gas flow effectively displaces the hydrogen formed in
small amounts as a side product of the oxygen consuming reaction, avoiding
dangerous build ups in stagnant zones. Hydrogen appears when the electrolysis
cell is operated at high current density, as more as longer is the cathode operating
life as a consequence of the natural and inevitable decay in the catalyst activity.
The way of obtaining such results of great industrial relevance will be made clear
in the following detailed description of the invention making reference to the
attached figures.

Figure 1 is a side view of the cell of the invention.
Figure 2 is a front view of the cell of the invention according to a preferred
Figure 3 is a front view of the cell of the invention according to another preferred
It is known to the experts in the art that the industrial electrolysers and the fuel
cells are preferably made of a multiplicity of elementary cells in hydraulic and
electrical connection, pressed one against the other to form a modular
arrangement; such electrical connection may be of monopolar or bipolar type. Also
the cell of the invention is therefore suitable to constitute one of the repeating
element of a modular electrolyser or fuel cell. Making reference to figure 1, the cell
of the invention 1 is formed by two shells, anodic 2 and cathodic 7, which in the
case of a chlor-alkali electrolyser are preferably constructed with titanium and
nickel, respectively. The two shells are mutually fastened with tie-rods or jacks not
represented in the figure, or with any other system of the prior art, and enclose the
cationic membrane 16 which acts as the separator of the two compartments,
anodic and cathodic.
The cationic membrane employed in the chlor-alkali, and specifically sodium
chlorine electrolysis, consists in a perfluorinated polymer on whose backbone
sulphonic groups (side facing the anode 3) and carboxylic groups (side facing the
cathode 10) are inserted. Membranes of this kind, characterised by low internal
ohmic resistance and capable of operating at high current densities, typically 3-5
kA/m2, are provided by the companies DuPont / USA, Asahi Glass and Asahi
Chemical / Japan respectively under the trade names Nation®, Flemion* and
Aciplex®. The peripheral sealing, necessary to avoid chlorine, oxygen, sodium
chloride solution and caustic soda to be released to the external environment, is
ensured by the perimetral gaskets 8. The anodic shell 2 contains the anode 3,
consisting in a titanium sheet with openings, e.g. expanded or perforated sheet,
provided with an electrocatalytic layer for the evolution of chlorine from chloride,
based on platinum group metals or mixed oxides thereof and containing also

oxides of valve metals, in particular titanium. The anode 3 is secured to the shell 2
by means of supports 4 that also allow to transmit the electric current from the wall
of the shell itself to the anode. The cathodic current distributor 11, consisting in a
metallic foil with openings, e.g. a metallic mesh, an expanded or perforated sheet,
preferably made of silver or as an alternative of nickel, stainless steels or nickel
alloys, silver coated for an optimal electric contact, is secured to the cathodic shell
7 through the supports 12, that allow an easy current transmission between the
shell itself and the surface of the distributor. The current distributor preferably
consists in a first conductive foil, of higher thickness, provided with openings, to
which a second thin conductive foil with openings of smaller dimensions is
overlaid, wherein said second foil is in contact with the oxygen diffusion cathode.
Between the distributor 11 and the membrane 16, the oxygen-fed cathode 10 and
the hydrophobic planar element 9 of the invention are inserted, respectively on the
current distributor side and on the membrane side. The oxygen cathode consists
in a porous conductive support whereto electrocatalytic particles stabilised by a
suitable binder are applied as known in the art. The catalysts of the
electrocatalytic particles are the platinum group metals, and principally platinum,
their oxides, sulphides and more generally their chalcogenides, pyrochlores
(particularly ruthenium pyrochlores), silver and gold. An interesting analysis of the
scientific knowledge on this topic is reported in the book Electrochemical
Hydrogen Technologies, edited by H. Wendt, Elsevier, 1990, Cap. 3
"Electrocatalysis of the Cathodic Oxygen Reduction", K. Wiesener, D. Ohms.
These catalysts can be used as bulk powders, optionally in admixture, to which
graphite powders are optionally added with the double purpose of increasing the
transversal electric conductivity within the layer and decreasing the amount of
employed catalyst, so that an optimal compromise is achieved between
performances and cost. This latter objective can be also accomplished by
resorting to catalysts supported on a conductive material free of catalytic activity,
e.g. carbons optionally graphitised in part, like those commercialised by Cabot
Corp. under the trademark Vulcan XC-72 or Shawinigan Acetylene Black
(hereafter SAB) well known to the specialists of the field.

Cathodes suited to function with oxygen and incorporating the above indicated
materials are disclosed, with the relevant fabrication methods, in the patent
literature, e.g. in US Patents 4,614,575, and 5,584,976.
A correct choice of the kind of hydrophobic planar element (void volume
percentage, average pore diameter size, thickness) and of the caustic soda flow-
rate permits to achieve the following results known in the art, namely: equalisation
of the pressure of the caustic soda flowing downwardly inside the planar element
by gravity force, with substantial reduction of the positive or negative pressure
differential existing between caustic soda and oxygen (that makes the oxygen
cathode structure scarcely critical), and control of the concentration of caustic
soda in contact with the membrane within the optimal range 30-35% that allows
better performances and longer membrane lifetime, thanks to the heat withdrawal
capability of the caustic soda flow.
The shape of the planar element can be much varied. As a non limiting example,
foams, preferably with open cells, mattresses consisting in entangled coils of wire,
planar meshes formed by layers of crossed and overlaid wires, planar meshes of
woven wires, meshes of wires profiled so as to create surfaces with protruding
regions and recessed regions can be mentioned. The planar element can be
made of just one of these components or also of an assembly of overlapped
The compression necessary to guarantee an intimate contact between
membrane-planar element-oxygen cathode-current distributor can be
mechanically ensured if the supports 12 of the current distributor are provided with
elasticity and undergo a deflection when the shells 2,7 with the various constitutive
elements are tightened. Alternatively the necessary elasticity may be achieved
also when the supports 12 are rigid, if a component provided with elasticity, such
as a conductive mattress made of coils or undulated layers, is added to the planar
element-oxygen diffusion cathode-current distributor assembly. The necessary
compression can be finally obtained maintaining the pressure inside the anodic

shell 2 higher than that inside the cathodic shell 7. This higher pressure pushes
the membrane against the hydrophobic planar element-oxygen cathode-current
distributor assembly, whose supports 12 are in this case rigid, determining an
effective contact across the whole extension of the various interfaces. During
operation, the positive and negative poles of the current generator are connected
respectively to the anodic shell 2 and to the cathodic shell 7, the fresh sodium
chloride solution is fed to the nozzle 5, the depleted sodium chloride solution and
the product chlorine are extracted from the nozzle 6, the fresh caustic soda
solution is injected through the distributor 13, e.g. a perforated tube, and crosses
longitudinally the planar element 9 downwards, and the obtained caustic soda
solution, consisting in a mixture formed by the injected caustic soda and the
caustic soda produced at the cathode 10, under the effect of the oxygen reaction,
is discharged from the nozzle 15.
The invention provides, as a first innovative feature, that the porous planar
element inserted between membrane and oxygen cathode be made of highly inert
plastic materials, preferably of the perfluorinated type and thus distinguished by
high hydrophobicity, and in a preferred embodiment, as a second innovative
feature, that the oxygen (or oxygen-containing gas) flow upwardly, as it is fed with
a 10-20% excess with respect to the amount required by the total current supplied
to the cathode, to the lower nozzle 17 (or to the same nozzle 15 used for
discharging the product caustic soda if suitably dimensioned) while the excess is
discharged from the upper nozzle 14.
The materials taken into consideration in the prior art for the production of the
planar elements are of the hydrophilic type: this feature was probably introduced
since the wettability by the caustic soda is deemed necessary to prevent oxygen
bubbles generated by leakage through the cathode porosity from adhering in a
permanent way to the inner surface of the planar element. It is apparent that in
this circumstance the electric current flow, hindered by the gaseous phase, would
concentrate in the liquid-occupied areas with consequent increase in the cell
voltage. Hydrophilicity limits the choice of materials which may be utilised for the

construction of the planar element essentially to metals and metal oxides, since
the plastic materials are, in general, typically hydrophobic. For instance, assuming
a surface tension of 80 dyne/cm for the caustic soda solution, the detected contact
angle is respectively 130° for PTFE, 120° for paraffin and 105° for polyethylene. It
is known conversely that the hydrophilic materials are characterised by contact
angles lower than 90°: the metallic surfaces are considered, in general, completely
wettable and in fact they present contact angles with caustic soda close to 0°. If
from a theoretical standpoint the complete wettability effectively provides a good
warrant of having a planar element completely occupied by the liquid, it is also
true that the metals or metal oxides to which assignment must be made in order to
achieve such wettability, are generally not stable enough in the presence of hot
caustic soda containing peroxide traces. By insufficient stability here it is not
meant that the planar element is structurally destroyed in relatively short operating
times, but rather that a release of metal ions sufficient, albeit slow, to contaminate
the membrane polymer with consequent decay of performances in unacceptable
times from a practical standpoint, would take place. The only metal that seems to
be free of this effect is silver whose protective oxide, sufficiently impervious and
insoluble, lowers the release of metal ions to values not capable of damaging the
membranes. It is apparent however that the construction of the planar element
with silver entails production costs unsustainable for a wide industrial production.
Also the use of other metals, such as stainless steel or nickel, coated with a silver
layer, does not represent a solution: in fact, since the planar element is in direct
contact with the membrane, the ion release must be maintained at extremely low
levels which may be guaranteed only by layers of high thickness obtainable with
expensive procedures. The criticality of the planar element is in fact clearly
superior to that of the current distributors (11 in fig. 1) which, being substantially
spaced from the membrane surface, may be made of a metal coated with a thin
and rather cheap silver layer: the inevitable porosity of the layer allows a certain
release of ions from the base metal, which is anyway tolerable considering the
position of the current distributor with respect to the membrane. As a conclusion,
the prior art teaching, with its recommendation of utilising hydrophilic materials for
the production of planar elements, makes particularly surprising the present

invention according to which much satisfying results are obtained employing
plastic materials for the planar element, and particularly perfluorinated plastic
materials characterised as seen above by high contact angles and thus highly
hydrophobic. These plastic materials can be used as such or also as a non porous
coating, for instance 0.2-0.3 mm thick, applied to metallic planar elements
produced with carbon steel, stainless steel, nickel alloys. With the hydrophobicity
characterising the above indicated materials the oxygen bubble trapping within the
planar element structure should be physiologic, and the voltages of the cells
equipped with the planar elements of the invention should thereby result clearly
higher than those typical of equivalent cells realised according to the disclosure of
EP 1033419 A1, that is with planar elements with hydrophilic characteristics.
Without wishing to limit the present invention in any way, it is possible that the
expected negative effect due to the entrapped bubbles does not arise as a
consequence of the presence of the cathode in a position immediately adjacent to
the planar element: the cathode is in fact an electrode designed to absorb oxygen
and, thanks to this function, is capable of consuming the oxygen bubbles possibly
present in the planar element, if not completely, certainly in a substantial fashion.
Therefore, if this theoretical hypothesis corresponds in effect to the reality, it can
be understood how the oxygen cathode-hydrophobic planar element combination
according to the invention may be employed with results at least as satisfying as
those obtainable with the oxygen cathode-hydrophilic planar element coupling
disclosed in the prior art. This conclusion is adequately supported by the
experimentation described in Example 1, wherein it is also demonstrated that the
operating stability of the cells realised in accordance with the invention is
exceptionally high. This result of great industrial relevance most likely derives from
the chemical inertia of the perfluorinated materials employed as a preferred
solution for the fabrication of the planar element. The chemical inertia prevents the
release of substances capable of polluting the membranes also after prolonged
operating times. The experimentation described in the same Example 1 also
demonstrates that cells constructed, according to the prior art teachings, with
hydrophilic planar elements made of metals, are affected by a slow increase in
time of the cell voltages, a problem which is not solved upon applying a silver

layer, even of consistent thickness, to the base metal: only when the planar
element is made of pure silver the stability of the cell voltage results comparable
to the one of the cells of the present invention. As a further advantage,
perfluorinated plastics are distinguished by good mechanical characteristics also
in the temperature range 80-90°C typical, as known, of the chlor-alkali electrolysis.
Consequently the planar element keeps its shape unaltered, and in particular as
concerns both the void to occupied volume ratio and the porosity, without being
squeezed by the elastic supports or the pressure differential employed to keep in
intimate contact the membrane-planar element-oxygen cathode-current distributor
assembly as previously illustrated.
The invention provides, in a particularly preferred embodiment, that the oxygen (or
oxygen-containing gas) be fed in the lower part of the cell crossing the gap
located in the rear part of the oxygen cathode upwardly. This type of flow assumes
a fundamental importance for the safety of operation of the cell. To understand
this point, which is of fundamental importance for whatever industrial application, it
is convenient to remind that the chlor-alkali electrolysis is characterised by two
distinct cell voltage values depending whether the operation is in the conventional
way with the hydrogen evolving cathode, or with the oxygen cathode: in the former
case the cell voltage is comprised between about 2.5 Volts (low current densities)
and typically 3-3.3 Volts (current density around 3-5 kA/m2), while in the latter
case the cell voltage ranges between about 1.6 and 2.2 - 2.6 Volts, with a
substantial saving in the consumed energy as initially discussed. The functioning
at 2.2-2.6 Volts occurs when the cell is operated at the highest current densities
(as required in the industrial applications to minimise the capital investment) and
in particular after a certain number of hours in operation when the activity of the
catalyst incorporated in the oxygen cathode has undergone an inevitable,
physiological decay. As indicated a little above, cell voltage values equal to or
higher than 2.5 Volts permit also hydrogen evolution, particularly in the areas
wherein, for constructive (e.g. reduced porosity) or operation related reasons (e.g.
complete localised flooding) oxygen diffusion is hampered. In these situations,
therefore, hydrogen evolution and oxygen consumption occur simultaneously and

hydrogen is inevitably mixed with the oxygen that flows along the rear part of the
cathode with formation of potentially explosive mixtures. To prevent these
hazards, the hydrogen percentage in oxygen must be monitored by using suitable
sensors placed on the discharge of exhausted oxygen (or oxygen-containing gas).
As it has been found in the experimentation at the basis of the present invention
(see Example 2), with the oxygen fed in the upper part of the cell this kind of
measurement is totally unreliable since the hydrogen contents measured by the
sensors are strongly variable in time, unrelated to the effective production of
hydrogen which is a function of the operating conditions, particularly cell voltage
and current density. This unreliability is not an intrinsic feature of sensors but is
rather inherent to the mechanisms of hydrogen build up in the gap reserved to the
flow of oxygen, which has a vertical development of 1-1.5 m. In fact, when oxygen
is supplied in the upper part of the cells, a process of hydrogen layering takes
place due to the lower density of this gas with respect to that of oxygen:
simplifying, it can be said that a countercurrent flow is established between the
oxygen moving downwards from the top to the bottom of the cell and the hydrogen
which has a natural tendendy to ascend to the top. This situation leads easily,
particularly in the areas of low circulation, to the formation of pockets rich in
hydrogen, and therefore dangerous, which render the operation completely
unreliable. The periodic release of these pockets produces the oscillations of
hydrogen percentage in the discharged oxygen as measured by the sensors.
Conversely, if hydrogen is supplied to the lower part of the cell, his upward flow
results concurrent with the direction of hydrogen diffusion, which is naturally
ascending as said above. As a matter of fact, an oxygen-driven drag is induced on
the hydrogen, which is very effective in preventing the formation of pockets with
high hydrogen content. This working hypothesis is in fact confirmed by the data
provided by the sensors, whose oscillations result extremely limited (see Example
2). It is evident, as a conclusion, that the oxygen feed in the lower part of a cell
equipped with a depolarised cathode substantially increases the operation
reliability and it's not a mere variation of the prior art technique, which invariably
proposes feeding from the top. The efficiency of feeding form the bottom can be

further increased by adopting inlet distributors and outlet manifolds for the oxygen,
e.g. consisting in a perforated tube of the same length of the cell and placed in the
lower and upper part thereof. This type of design is shown in fig. 2 wherein a front
view of the cell of fig.1 is sketched. The outlet 14 of the oxygen (supplied in
excess in the lower part of the cell) is connected to the internal manifold 18, and
the inlet of the same 17 to the distributor 19, both consisting in perforated tubes, in
which the holes are preferably localised along the lower generatrix to allow an
easy discharge of possible condensed phases. A further improvement of the
second feature of the invention consists in the introduction of suitable baffles
directed to impart a zigzag motion with high linear velocity to the oxygen flow,
favouring the homogeneous mixing with hydrogen. This device is shown in fig. 3
wherein the baffles, shaped as horizontal strips, are identified with 20. The
direction of the gas flow is indicated by the arrows. The strips 20 are provided with
some holes, not shown in the figure, to facilitate the discharge of condenses
separated on the surfaces thereof. The overall section of the holes is at least one
order of magnitude inferior to the flow section 21 existing between the terminal
part of each strip and the periphery of the cell.
Finally, in the oxygen flow section, and preferably in sections 22 of the
embodiment of fig. 3, porous masses 23 can be advantageously inserted,
consisting in highly porous material, characterised by low resistance to the gas
flow and provided on its surface with a catalyst film capable of promoting the
hydrogen-oxygen recombination, such as for example a modest amount of
platinum group metal, like platinum itself and palladium. With this last embodiment
not only the object of a high gas mixing is achieved, but also the percentage of
free hydrogen is concurrently reduced. It is thus possible to operate the cells
equipped with oxygen cathode in full safety conditions also when the quantities of
generated hydrogen are relevant and capable of forming unstable mixtures even
in case of optimal mixing obtained according to the provisions of the present
The present invention has been described referring to the chlor-alkali electrolysis

with oxygen cathode, as this is the application of greater industrial relevance. As
initially said, the present invention results useful also for other processes, such as
for instance the electrolysis of alkaline sulphates, in which a hydrogen consuming
anode is used instead of the conventional oxygen evolving anode, as disclosed in
US 4,561,945. In this case the planar element with all the previously seen
characteristics is interposed between membrane and hydrogen consuming anode
and is crossed by a percolating solution of sulphuric acid optionally containing an
alkaline sulphate. Moreover, hydrogen is supplied to the lower part of the cell to
prevent the local enrichment in oxygen, an anode by-product in the stagnating
zones, in a totally similar fashion as discussed for the chlor-alkali electrolysis.
A further application may be that of the alkaline fuel cells.
The data of this Example have been obtained in the laboratory making use of
some cells constructed according to the sketch of fig. 1. In particular, each cell
had a height of 100 cm and width of 10 cm, with the two shells, anodic 2 and
cathodic 7 respectively made of titanium and nickel. Furthermore the anode 3,
sustained on rigid supports 4, consisted of a 1 mm thick titanium flattened
expanded mesh with rhomboidal openings (diagonals = 4 mm x 8 mm) provided
with an electrocatalytic film for chlorine evolution comprising titanium, iridium and
ruthenium oxides. The current distributor 11 was made of two portions, both
comprising a 1 mm thick nickel expanded mesh with rhomboidal openings
(diagonals = 4 mm x 8 mm), secured on flexible supports 12, welded to a second
0.5 mm thick expanded nickel mesh with small rhomboidal openings (diagonals =
2x4 mm), galvanically coated with 10 micrometres of silver to guarantee a
suitable multiplicity of contact points with low electric resistance with the oxygen
cathode. The oxygen cathode comprised an 80 mesh silver wire net (0.2 mm
diameter) with a layer of catalyst particles suitable for oxygen reduction applied on
a face thereof (20% silver on Vulcan XC-72 carbon, for a total 20 grams/m2 of
silver) mixed with tetrafluoroethylene particles 1:1 by weight, and a second layer
of SAB carbon particles mixed with tetrafluoroethylene particles 1:1 by weight on

the other face thereof, all sintered at 330°C with a final thickness of 0.5 mm.
The planar elements were made of meshes formed by 1 mm diameter wire,
overlapped and welded to form rhomboidal openings (diagonals = 5 x 10 mm)
characterized by continuous channels on both faces, having a total thickness of
about 2 mm, respectively produced with polytetrafluoroethylene, high density
polyethylene and polypropylene, according to the invention, and as a comparison
with nickel coated with 10 microns of silver and pure silver according to the prior
When the two shells, anodic 2 and cathodic 7, were tightened with suitable tie-
rods, the cathodic current distributor 11 exerted a pressure of about 300
grams/cm2 on the anode-membrane (Nation N2010WX type)- planar element-
oxygen cathode assembly, pushed by the flexible supports 12.
The anodic compartment of the cell was flown by an about 20% sodium chloride
solution, while a solution of 32% caustic soda percolated along the planar element
with a time constant flow-rate of about 25 litres/hour. Finally, the cell was supplied
with pure oxygen in the upper part with a 10% excess with respect to the
requirement of the reaction. The residual oxygen was discharged from the lower
part of the cell through an appropriate nozzle (17 in fig. 1). At a temperature of
85°C and with the current regulated at 400 Amps (4000 A/m2) the cell voltage
detected after a two day settling period resulted to be 2.30 Volts, practically
independent from the planar element type. However, after 42 days of operation,
while the voltage of the cells equipped with the planar element made of
polytetrafluoroethylene, high density polyethylene, polypropylene and pure silver
resulted unvaried, that of the cell comprising the silver coated nickel net showed
an increasing tendency of the order of 30-40 millivolts per day. At 2.5 Volts, the
operation was discontinued and the cell was inspected finding that the membrane
presented a brown colouring. A subsequent analysis showed that the membrane
contained a substantial amount of nickel. After about 50 days of operation, a rapid
increase was detected in the voltage of the cells containing the polypropylene

planar elements, accompanied by a sharp reduction of the percolating caustic
soda flow-rate. During the inspection carried out after shut-down and opening of
the cells, a sensible squeezing of the planar element was detected, attributable to
the extensive cracking of the polypropylene planar element, probably caused by
the attack of peroxide traces on the tertiary carbon atoms of the polymer chain.
The deterioration produced a substantial reduction of the available section for the
percolation of the caustic soda.
An inspection conducted at the seventy-second day of operation on the cell
equipped with the high density polyethylene planar element has shown a partial
squeezing with still no effect on the flow-rate of the percolating caustic soda.
The operation of the cells equipped with planar elements of
polytetrafluoroethylene and silver went on until reaching 224 days with an overall
voltage increase of 20-30 millivolt and without appreciable variations in the flow-
rate of caustic soda percolation. At a visual inspection, the various parts did not
shown anything abnormal. The membrane, of colourless appearance, resulted to
contain, at a subsequent analysis, small quantities of calcium and magnesium
proceeding from the sodium chloride solution and only negligible traces of nickel.
The tests of the present Example were carried out using the cell of the Example 1
equipped with the planar element made of polytetrafluoroethylene according to the
present invention, with the sole exception of the content of silver used as the
electrocatalyst, which was limited to 10 grams/m2. The purpose was reproducing,
since the beginning of the operation, the conditions of scarce activity arising in
time as a consequence of the unavoidable catalyst poisoning due to impurities
contained in the circulating caustic soda and/or catalyst alterations caused by
shut-downs and subsequent start-ups (dissolving/re-depositing phenomena that
change the catalyst particle size).

Operating in the conditions indicated in Example 1 and particularly with current
densities of 4000 Amps /m2 a stable voltage of 2.6 Volts was detected. In this
situation, an analysis of hydrogen contained in the discharged oxygen in the two
cases of oxygen fed from the lower section of the cell, according to the present
invention, and from the upper section, as described in the prior art, was carried
In the former case a volume concentration of 470 parts per million (ppm),
reasonably stable in time (maximum fluctuations of about 50 ppm) was detected,
while in the latter case rather modest concentrations, e.g. of the order of about 50
ppm, alternated with peaks of 4000-5000 ppm. Such a behaviour can be likely
explained assuming that hydrogen is produced mainly in areas of limited
extension characterised by a difficult oxygen diffusion, and that the descending
flow of oxygen opposes to the natural tendency of hydrogen to diffuse towards the
upper part of the cell. This situation may lead to the formation of hydrogen rich
pockets, potentially very hazardous for the safety of operation. The possibility of a
local hydrogen enrichment is certainly removed operating in accordance with the
present invention with an ascending flow of oxygen, substantially concurrent with
the natural direction of the hydrogen diffusion.

1. An electrolysis cell for an electrochemical process comprising an anodic
compartment containing an anode and a cathodic compartment
containing a cathode separated by an ion-exchange membrane, at
least one of the two compartments containing an assembly consisting
of a current distributor connected to the wall of the relative
compartment by means of supports, a gas diffusion electrode in
contact with the surface of the current distributor, means for feeding
said gas-diffusion electrode with gas located in the lower part of the
cell, means for discharging the exhausted gas from the gas-diffusion
electrode located in the upper part of the cell, and a planar porous
element made of a plastic material selected from the group of high
density polyethylene and fluorinated plastics inserted between said
membrane and said gas-diffusion electrode and fed with at least one
liquid reactant percolating in its interior.
2. The cell as claimed in claim 1 wherein said plastic material has
hydrophobic behaviour towards said percolating reactant, with mutual
contact angle not lower than 90°.
3. The cell as claimed in claim 2 wherein said fluorinated plastics are

4. The cell as claimed in previous claims wherein said plastic material is a
coating applied to a metallic material.
5. The cell as claimed in previous claims wherein the porous planar
element comprises at least one component selected from the group of
foams, planar meshes consisting in crossing and overlapping of wires,
planar meshes of interwoven wires, meshes with controlled profile,
mattresses of wire coils, expanded meshes, sintered layers.
6. The cell as claimed in the previous claims wherein the current
distributor consists in a first conductive foil provided with openings
overlaid to a second conductive foil provided with openings of smaller
dimensions than those of said first foil, and that said second foil is in
contact with said gas diffusion electrode.
7. The cell as claimed in claim 6 wherein said first conductive foil is rigid.
8. The cell as claimed in claim 6 wherein said first foil and second foil are
selected from the group of the expanded meshes, meshes of wires,
perforated sheets.
9. The cell as claimed in the previous claims wherein the current
distributed supports are elastic and said current distributor exerts a
compression of the gas diffusion electrode and of the porous planar
element against the ion-exchange membrane.

10. The cell as claimed in the previous claims wherein the current
distributor is divided in at least two parts.
11. The cell as claimed in claim 9 wherein said elastic supports comprise a
conductive mattress made of coils or undulated sheets.
12. The cell as claimed in the previous claims wherein only one of the two
anodic and cathodic compartments comprises the assembly made of
current distributor, gas diffusion electrode and porous planar element,
that the current distributor supports are rigid, that the internal
pressure of said compartment comprising the assembly made of
current distributor, gas diffusion electrode and porous planar element
is lower than the pressure of the other compartment and that the
membrane compresses said assembly.
13. The cell as claimed in the previous claims wherein the gas of the gas
diffusion electrode is fed to the lower part and that the exhausted gas
is discharged from the upper part of said cell.
14. The cell as claimed in claim 13 wherein said gas fed to the lower part
is forced to a zigzag motion by baffles.
15. The cell as claimed in claim 14 wherein catalytic porous masses are
inserted in the flow section of said gas.

16. The electrolyser consisting in a modular arrangement of elementary
cells, wherein at least one of the cells is a cell of the previous claims.
17. The electrolyser as claimed in claim 16 wherein the elementary cells
are in monopolar electric connection.
18. The electrolyser as claimed in claim 16 wherein the elementary cells
are in bipolar electric connection.
19. An electrochemical process comprising the electrolysis of alkaline
halides in a cell as claimed in claims 1 to 15.
20. The process as claimed in claim 19 wherein the cathodic compartment
comprises an oxygen-fed gas diffusion cathode and a porous planar
element fed with an alkaline hydroxide solution percolating in its
21. The process as claimed in claim 20 wherein said oxygen is fed at the
bottom and discharged from the top.
22. An electrochemical process comprising the production of hydrogen
peroxide in a cell as claimed in claims 1 to 15.
23. The process as claimed in claim 22 wherein the cathodic compartment
of said cell comprises an oxygen-fed gas diffusion cathode and a
porous planar element fed with an alkaline hydroxide solution
percolating in its interior.

24. The process as claimed in claim 23 wherein said oxygen is fed at the
bottom and discharged from the top.
25. An electrochemical process comprising the electrolysis of alkaline
sulphates in a cell as claimed in claims 1 to 15.
26. The process as claimed in claim 25 wherein the anodic compartment
comprises a hydrogen-fed gas diffusion anode and a porous planar
element fed with a sulphuric acid solution percolating in its interior,
said solution optionally comprising an alkali sulphate.
27. The electrochemical process comprising the generation of electric
current in an electrochemical cell as claimed in claims 1 to 15.
28. The process as claimed in claim 27 wherein said cell is an alkaline fuel
cell, and that both compartments, anodic and cathodic, contain the
assembly made of a current distributor, a gas diffusion electrode and a
porous planar element.
29. An electrochemical cell comprising the distinctive features of the
description and the figures.

An electrolysis cell for an electrochemical process comprising an anodic
compartment containing an anode and a cathodic compartment containing a
cathode separated by an ion-exchange membrane, at least one of the two
compartments containing an assembly consisting of a current distributor
connected to the wall of the relative compartment by means of supports, a gas
diffusion electrode in contact with the surface of the current distributor, means
for feeding said gas-diffusion electrode with gas located in the lower part of the
cell, means for discharging the exhausted gas from the gas-diffusion electrode
located in the upper part of the cell, and a planar porous element made of a
plastic material selected from the group of high density polyethylene and
fluorinated plastics inserted between said membrane and said gas-diffusion
electrode and fed with at least one liquid reactant percolating in its interior.


612-KOLNP-2004-FORM 27.pdf





612-kolnp-2004-granted-description (complete).pdf


612-kolnp-2004-granted-examination report.pdf

612-kolnp-2004-granted-form 1.pdf

612-kolnp-2004-granted-form 18.pdf

612-kolnp-2004-granted-form 2.pdf

612-kolnp-2004-granted-form 26.pdf

612-kolnp-2004-granted-form 3.pdf

612-kolnp-2004-granted-form 5.pdf

612-kolnp-2004-granted-reply to examination report.pdf


612-kolnp-2004-granted-translated copy of priority document.pdf

Patent Number 227641
Indian Patent Application Number 612/KOLNP/2004
PG Journal Number 03/2009
Publication Date 16-Jan-2009
Grant Date 14-Jan-2009
Date of Filing 12-May-2004
Applicant Address VIA BISTOLFI, 35, I 20134 MILAN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C25B 11/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2002/12661
PCT International Filing date 2002-11-12
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 MI2001A 002379 2001-11-12 Italy