Abstract | A continuous type multi-purpose tea shoot sorter, said sorter machine characterised by a wedge type conveyor belt assembly (1) for uniform collection of green tea shoots/biomass the said conveyor (1) being connected to sieving trays having one and more meshes of variable sizes (2) and (3); the sais trays (2,3) being connected to a wedge type conveyor belt (4) for discharging smaller grade materials to requisite place; the said conveyor belt (4) being connected to a wedge type conveyor belt (5) for discharging intermediate grade materials to requisite place; a prime mover with pulley cam assembly (6) mounted on a platform (7) being connected to the said conveyors (1,4,5) to transmit power to the unit; an anti-vibration cushion rubber pad with bracket assembly (8) to support the said sieving tray at the free end sorting machine; collection trays (9) and (10) being provided below the said sieving tray ; a wedge type conveyor belt (11) at the end of collection tray (10) for discharging unsieved graded materials at requisite place; a conveyor belt mounting assembly (12) for supporting the conveyor belts; a bracket assembly (13), a blind mesh (14) to separate graded materials, mounted on an inclined platform with mild steel flat support (15) at the head end; a charging hopper (16) with wedge type conveyor belt assembly (17) being provided before the said conveyor belt assembly (1); said hopper having a metering device (18) and a slit opening (19) for feeding tea shoots/biomass. |
Full Text | A CONTINUOUS TYPE MULTIPURPOSE TEA SHOOT SORTER TECHNICAL FIELD The present invention relates to a continuous type multipurpose tea shoot sorter, for sorting leaves, stems, roots, flowers, fruits and nuts of aromatic, medicinal plants and tea plants. BACKGROUND ART Many agricultural produces like seeds, potatoes, onions and grains which are elliptical or oval shape are separated and graded with sorting machine which uses the property of the above material to roll on inclined surfaces. With uneven and flat surfaced produces like flowers, leaves, small branches of herbs, flat and thin roots, by virtue of their resistance to rolling tend to hug to inclined surfaces. Hence, it is difficult to sort out into uniform grades. This results in the final product either of mixed quality or of an average quality. Tea shoots are one such products that grow uneven due to the stochastic nature of rain fall, dynamic nature of weather conditions, dissimilar land productivity, organic matter content, shade management practices and crop varieties. The variation in tea leaf fineness will create lot of difficulties in almost every step of tea manufacture viz. improper withers, modification in maceration procedures to hide exposed fibre, withering and fermentation, uneven drying, affecting final characteristics of made tea. Moreover, extra efforts are needed for sorting and grading of made tea. To overcome these difficulties, a lot of energy and manpower is utilised resulting in the escalation of cost of production. In order to minimise cost of plucking, a high plucking task is assigned to the pluckers and mechanised tea leaf plucking method is also adopted for meeting domestic as well as export requirements, which reduces the quantity and quality of plucked tea leaves. The cup quality will decline due to decrease in plucking standards. The plucking of 3-4 leaves and a bud plucked for fulfilling the high plucking tasks will increase the overall biomass i.e. leaves, stems, crude fibres and chlorophyll by 107, 116, 400 and 132 % respectively. This increased bio- mass will reduce the per cent of quality of buds, caffeine, soluble solids, polyphenol and total amino acids by 430, 150, 190, 200 and 133% respectively in comparison to two leaves and a bud. The consumer may not get the value for his money. Presently, tea industry is facing a lot of difficulties to bring about increments in tea production, in terms of quality and quantity for facilitating export. Many times the export consignments are rejected due to failing to meet the stringent international standards. Sorting of tealeaf is a tiresome, labour consuming and uneconomical operation that puts undue pressure on already troubled tea industry. Conventionally, the separation of any material may be done on the principles of sieving and density methods. In winnowing process, a mixture of chaff and grain falls in front of winnowing machine, which creates a stream of forced air and the chaffs and grains get separated on the basis of density. Development of threshing machine, where winnower and sieving drum were mounted on a threshing machine, where seeds are allowed to fall under gravity from the sieving drum and chaffs were blown out by the winnowing fan. (Roy, S. E. 1960. Development of harvesting and threshing equipment for India. The Agricultural Engineer, 5:47-59;) A cam type winnowing system with air blower combination and two-conveyor assembly with blower were evaluated for removing debris of Maine wild blueberries. (Donahue, D.W.; Bushway, A.A.; Moore, K.E., LaGasse, B.J. 1999. Evaluation of current winnowing system for Maine wild blueberries. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 15:5423-427; 10.ref.) The major drawbacks of these machines are that these are designed to separate different materials of different densities but it cannot separate materials of the same density having variable sizes. These materials have a low rolling friction, but it may not overcome the bridging problem which is obvious in the case of bio-masses (green, rolled and dried leaves) or like tea shoots, rose buds and flowers or like. DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION The main object of the present invention is to provide a continuous type multipurpose plant parts sorting machine that can successfully sort, cut and coarsely pluck tea shoots from fine green tea shoots economically. Another object of the present invention is to provide a continuous type multi purpose plant parts sorting machine for withered and rolled tealeaves. Still another object of the present invention is to provide a continuous type multi purpose plant parts sorting machine whose repair and maintenance are comparatively easier. Further another object of the present invention is to provide a continuous multipurpose plant parts sorting machine for sorting out the leaves of medicinal and aromatic plants. Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a continuous type multi purpose plant parts sorting machine for sorting stem pieces of medicinal and aromatic plants. Still another object of the present invention is to provide a continuous type multi purpose plant parts sorting machine for sorting flowers of different shapes and sizes. Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a continuous type multi purpose plant parts sorting machine for sorting roots of different plants having variable shapes and sizes. Further yet another object of the present invention is to provide a continuous type multi purpose plant parts sorting machine for sorting fruits of variable shapes and sizes. Still another object of the present invention is to provide a continuous type multi purpose plant parts sorting machine which has a capacity to cater to the small, marginal and large processing units for separating out good quality raw materials for manufacturing different products. SUMMARY OF THE PRESENT INVENTION The present invention relates to a continuous type multipurpose tea shoot sorter, capable of sorting leaves, stem, roots, flowers, fruits and nuts of aromatic and medicinal plant varieties. DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE PRESENT INVENTION Accordingly, the present invention provides a continuous type multi-purpose medicinal and tea shoot sorter machine, said sorter machine comprising: - a wedge type conveyor belt assembly (1) for uniform collection of green tea shoots/biomass to sieving trays with one and more meshes of variable sizes (2) and (3); - a wedge type conveyor belt (4) for discharging smaller grade materials to requisite place; - a wedge type conveyor belt(5) for discharging intermediate grade materials to requisite place; - a prime mover with pulley cam assembly (6) mounted on a platform (7) to transmit power to the unit; - an anti-vibration cushion rubber pad with bracket assembly (8) to support the sieving tray at the free end sorting machine; - collection trays (9) and (10); - a wedge type conveyor belt (11) for discharging unsieved graded materials at requisite place; - a conveyor belt mounting assembly (12) for supporting the conveyor belts; - a bracket assembly (13); - a blind mesh (14) to separate graded materials, mounted on an inclined platform with mild steel flat support (15) at the head end; - a charging hopper (16) with wedge type conveyor belt assembly (17); and - said hopper having a metering device (18) and a slit opening (19) for feeding tea shoots/biomass. An embodiment of the present invention, wherein the metering device is fitted with a regulation device to control the feeding quantity to prevent under feeding and over feeding tea shoots/biomass to the sorting machine. Another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the prime mover with pulley is used to transfer power from motor to the main shaft and to the hopper for causing the movement of hopper. Yet another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the prime mover with pulley is used to transfer power in downward direction for conveyance of wedge type conveyor belt. Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the collection tray (9) is used for smaller graded green tea shoots/biomass material. Yet another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the collection tray (10) is used for intermediate graded green tea shoots/biomass material. Still another embodiment of the present invention, wherein the bracket assembly is used to transfer movement from the head end of collection tray (9) to head end of collection tray (10) resulting in movement of whole of the sorting machine. Further embodiment of the present invention, wherein the blind mesh is a thin MS sheet provided on the sieving tray for separating plant parts of different shapes and sizes. In another embodiment of the present invention, said machine consists of meshes of different sizes ranging from 5-100 mm. In yet another embodiment of the present invention, said meshes are in square, rectangular and diamond shapes with different combinations. In still another embodiment of the present invention, said meshes having height adjustment system ranging from 0-60° angle. In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the least count of the height adjustment system is 1°' In still another embodiment of the present invention, the said machine consisting of a single motor that provides power to collection trays in addition to all the units of sorting operations. In yet another embodiment of the present invention, said machine consisting of a conveyor belt that can be modified to charge the sorting unit by pneumatic process. In yet another embodiment of the present invention, an anti-vibration rubber pad cushion is provided under the separating tray for avoiding hanging of the unit and to reduce the noise when the machine is in operation. In still another embodiment of the present invention, the elliptical motion of the sieving tray with mesh avoids the bridging problem in the sorting system. In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the plant materials are fed to the charging hopper comprising conveyor belt assembly charged to the separating trays passing over sieve and mesh where the bio-mass fall is uniformly regulated and passed over the meshes to sort out different plant parts. In still another embodiment of the present invention, the charging lever monitors the rate of charging. In further another embodiment of the present invention, the sorted materials are collected in the collection trays and transported to the processing sites by the low height wedge type conveyor belt assembly. In still another embodiment of the present invention, the said machine consisting of a low height wedge type conveyor belt that provides about 99 % conveying efficiency over a simple belt. In further another embodiment of the present invention, wherein said sorter can sort materials of the same density with variable sizes. hi yet another embodiment of the present invention, the said machine having a leaf gradation capacity of 70 -80 %. In yet another embodiment of the present invention, said machine is used to sort green, withered and. rolled tea leaves of plants selected from the group consisting of Chinary, Assamica and Combod. In still another embodiment of the present invention, the said machine is used to sort leaves of medicinal and aromatic plants selected from the group consisting of Tagetus minuta, Eucalyptus, Citronella, Mentha, and Lavender. In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the said machine is used to sort roots of medicinal and aromatic plants selected from the group consisting of Tagetus minuta, Valeriana and Viola. In still another embodiment of the present invention, the said machine is used to sort flowers of other medicinal and aromatic plants selected from the group consisting of Damask rose, Tagetus minuta and Jasmine. In yet another embodiment of the present invention, the said machine is used to sort fruits selected from the group consisting of Beetlenut, Cashew nut, Walnut, Almond and Pecan nut. The constructional features of said machine are provided below in the form of preferred embodiments. A hopper (16) with 350-4100mm width X 350-4100mm length, a low height wedge type conveyor belt assembly (1) with 300-4,000mm, width and 5-75mm wedge height, or pneumatic type charging device capacity 0.3-20 kg/s, tray assemblies mild steel (MS) 350- 4,500mm width X 500-10,000mm length each (2) and (3), blind sheet (14) 20-150mm for gradation of plant materials, motor 0.50-7.5 HP with cam assembly (6), collection tray 325- 4,500mm width X 550- 10,500mm length for each sieving mesh (9) and (10), different shapes and size meshes from 5-100mm square, rectangular and diamond shape, height adjustment system from 0- 60° angle with least count of 1°, brackets assembly device 25- 150mm square, rectangular or polygonal shape for synchronisation of the movement, rubber pad cushion (8) 20- 100mm thick under the tray to absorb the vibrating and hanging effect of sieving trays, conveyor belt mounting assemblies (12) 300-1,000 mm height, conveyor belt assemblies with low height wedge type (4), (5) and (11) 300-3000mm width and 5-75mm wedge height for transportation of plant bio-mass to the processing sites. The inventive constructional features of the present sorter machine are further explained in the form of following preferred embodiments: the meshes provided in the machine are adaptable to height adjustments and can be replaced easily; (a) the speed of the machine can be varied; (b) The meshes have both horizontal and vertical motion; (c) The provision of blind mesh overcomes the problem of bridging; (d) A simple motor responsible for the movement of sorting system; (e) Incorporating dependent and independent systems in synchronising a single unit, and (f) Incorporating a winnowing system for effective separation of materials with varying densities. The flow mechanism of the sorter machine is further explained in the form of following embodiments. A flywheel, is attached with a cam assembly from the main shaft to the sieving tray at free end gives an elliptical motion. The major axis will be the diameter of the flywheel and minor axis will be the difference of the eccentric attachment of the flywheel. A flywheel is attached at stand (7) vertically up at the tail end of sieving tray, which is free, gives upside and down side movement of sieving tray at tail end. This movement is transferred in terms of agitation to the sorting machine. As the prime mover is under motion, it gives motion to the main shaft from which a fly wheel is attached with a cam assembly and the tail end of sorting machine to give movement in the whole body of the sieving tray, which is attached by a thin MS flat (15). It passes the movement in collecting tray (9) from where it passes to collecting tray (10) by the bracket assembly (13). This motion is sufficient to slide the feed material to the conveyor belt. The sieving tray is not sitting on a fixed platform. The Sieving tray is hinged by two MS flat pieces (15), which are flexible in nature at head end and free at tail end. So the total movement by prime mover in tail is transferred to lower portion of the body of the sorting machine. The collecting tray (9) is attached to the same MS flat (15) transfer motion at head end of collecting tray. The head end of collecting tray is attached to a bracket assembly to the head end of the collecting tray (10). So the total agitating motion is synchronized and the free fall feed material started sliding towards gravity to the conveyor belts (4,5 and 11). The blind mesh is a thin piece of MS sheet is provided to clearly separate two different quality materials. This blind mesh also regulates to fall free falling material at the collecting tray. A line diagram of the conveyor belt assembly (12) is as below: pulley / Multi wheel shaft fly Conveyor belt For feeding (motion in same direction) Eccentric loaded sieving tray motion in same Differential assembly for change of direction of motion in downward direction Multi pulley shaft for the conveyor belts Wedge type conveyor Belt (11) Wedge type conveyor Wedge type conveyor Belt (4) Belt (5) The prime mover is giving motion to a multi pulley shaft from where a pulley is attached to the continuous type-feeding hopper, which is moving in the same direction. The other one is attached to the free end of the sieving tray through a cam assembly to give an eccentric movement to the sieving tray. The third pulley is attached to a differential assembly to change the direction of motion. The out put motion of differential assembly is attached to the conveyor belt, which is used for collection of sorted materials. Height adjustments: Height adjustments are made to the green tea shoot sorter for the fast movement of the feed material Mesh size: Mesh size is chosen on the basis of desired fine material need in the different lots. Speed variation: Different speeds are chosen to avoid bridging on the fed material. Speed variation: Different speeds are chosen to avoid bridging on the fed material. Horizontal and vertical movement: This movement is given to the sieving tray is to avoid bridging. A pulley is mounted the prime mover (motor), which transfer power to the main shaft, which has a multiple pulley. Power from the shaft is directly taken to the conveyor belt for self-feeding device as the motion is in same direction. In second pulley the power is brought to down ward and attached to a differential unit. This differential unit will change the direction of motion and is attached to second main shaft, which has also got multiple pulleys. These pulleys are attached with the wedge type conveyor belt assembly. The third flywheel with cam assembly is attached at the tail end of sieving mesh to give horizontal and vertical motion to the sieving tray. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE ACCOMPANIED DIAGRAMS In Fig 1 of the drawing accompanying this specification, a schematic diagram of embodiment of the machine of the present invention is shown. Description of parts of a continuous type multi purpose tea shoot sorter machine Part Nos. Description 1. Wedge type conveyor belt for uniform collection of green tea shoots/ biomass to the sieving tray. 2. Sieving tray (smaller size) for sorting smaller grade green tea shoots/ biomass. 3. Sieving tray (bigger size) for sorting intermediate grade green tea shoots/ biomass 4. Wedge type conveyor belt lor discharging smaller grade materials grade green tea shoots/ biomass to requisite place. 5. Wedge type conveyor belt for discharging intermediate grade green tea shoots/ biomass materials to requisite place. Prime mover with pulley to transfer power from motor to the main shaft from where it transfer to main shaft and to Continuous type hopper (as the movement is in same direction), cam type moving by devise (as the movement is in same direction) and to differential assembly (as the movement is in opposite) direction in downward direction for conveyance of wedge type conveyor belt. 7. Platform for installation of motor and to support the sieving tray at tail end. 8. Cushion pad with bracket assembly to support the sieving tray at free end of leaf sorting machine. 9. Collection tray for graded material (Smaller graded green tea shoots/ biomass material) 10. Collection tray for graded material (intermediate graded green tea shoots/ biomass material) 11. Wedge type conveyor belt for discharging unseived graded materials at requisite place. 12. Conveyor belt mounting assembly (Prime mover- Main shaft Fig 2 depicts continuous type hopper and charging lever The following examples are given by way of illustration of said machine and should not be considered as limiting factor. Example 1 To see the constituent of sorted material of tea, 30 kg of fresh green tea leaf plucked by the machine was charged in to the hopper and conveyor assembly and allowed to pass over the Leaf sorting system. The results are tabulated in the Table 1. Table I clearly shows that the major lot has almost same character Mesh -1 - 65 per cent cut leaves and bud Mesh -2 - 70 per cent two leaves and a bud and banjhi Mesh -3 - 75 percent three or more leaves and a bud and above. Control (unsorted) - 58 per cent three or more leaves and a bud and above. The fine leaf character in unsorted leaves has got a mixed character a fine percentage of 48-52 per cent of two leaves and a bud. A uniform treatment makes the 30 per cent green tea leaf over wither and deteriorate the quality. The uniform character of sorted leaves has a privilege to put under uniform treatment to get'a uniform and better quality. Generally, a machine plucked green tea leaves contains 48-52 per cent of fine (two leaves and a bud) materials whereas it is evident from the invention that (data as tabulated above) the machine plucked leaves when separated by the sorting unit contains 70-80 per cent fine and uniformly graded materials. This uniformity depends on the standardisation of mesh sizes. This uniformity in sorted materials will facilitate a product diversification viz. instant tea, dip tea or like product can easily be achieved through low graded green tea shoots and high graded shoots can be processed for conventional tea to meet international standard and domestic requirement. The present invention was effectively employed for improving'the quality of raw material of Damask rose for essential oil extraction. The cup shaped Damask rose flowers contain maximum oil. The loose petals, calyx, and mature rose flowers can be used for product diversification i.e. rose water, gulkand, dry rose petals like products. It is emphasized that the mechanisation in essential oil industry shall go a long way in sorting out the labour problem and bringing down the cost of production. The results are tabulated in Table 2. From the table 2 also a uniform treatment is given to extract maximum oil from the Damask rose flowers. The loose petals, calyx and mature flowers can be better used under product diversification. ADVANTAGES OF THE PRESENT INVENTION 1. The unit is useful for sorting leaves, stems, flowers and roots of different aromatic and medicinal plants. 2. This machine has been designed to meet the needs of small, marginal and large processing units. 3. The unit is useful for sorting fruits of variable shapes and sizes. 4. It brings about qualitative and quantitative changes in sorting of raw materials over manual methods. 5. The unit is being cost effective and sturdy even a small processing unit can install their individual unit. 6. The unit is simple in design and all the fabrication materials are locally available. 7. The repair and maintenance can be done locally. We claim: 1. A continuous type multi-purpose tea shoot sorter, said sorter machine characterised by a wedge type conveyor belt assembly (1) for uniform collection of green tea shoots/biomass the said conveyor (1) being connected to sieving trays having one and more meshes of variable sizes (2) and (3); the sais trays (2,3) being connected to a wedge type conveyor belt (4) for discharging smaller grade materials to requisite place; the said conveyor belt (4) being connected to a wedge type conveyor belt (5) for discharging intermediate grade materials to requisite place; a prime mover with pulley cam assembly (6) mounted on a platform (7) being connected to the said conveyors (1,4,5) to transmit power to the unit; an anti-vibration cushion rubber pad with bracket assembly (8) to support the said sieving tray at the free end sorting machine; collection trays (9) and (10) being provided below the said sieving tray ; a wedge type conveyor belt (11) at the end of collection tray (10) for discharging unsieved graded materials at requisite place; a conveyor belt mounting assembly (12) for supporting the conveyor belts; a bracket assembly (13), a blind mesh (14) to separate graded materials, mounted on an inclined platform with mild steel flat support (15) at the head end; a charging hopper (16) with wedge type conveyor belt assembly (17) Being provided before the said conveyor belt assembly (1); said hopper having a metering device (18) and a slit opening (19) for feeding tea shoots/biomass. 2. A continuous type multi-purpose tea shoot sorter as claimed in claim 1, wherein the metering device(18) is fitted with a regulation device to control the feeding quantity to prevent under feeding and over feeding tea shoots biomass to the sorting machine. 3. A continuous type multi-purpose tea shoot sorter as claimed in claim 1, wherein said machine consists of meshes of different sizes ranging from 5-100 mm. 4. A continuous type multi-purpose tea shoot sorter as claimed in claim 1, wherein said meshes are in square, rectangular and diamond shapes with different combinations. 5. A continuous type multi-purpose tea shoot sorter as claimed in claim 1, wherein said meshes having height adjustment system ranging from 0-60° angle. 6. A continuous type multi-purpose tea shoot sorter as claimed in claim 1, wherein the least count of the height adjustment system is 1°. 7. A continuous type multi-purpose tea shoot sorter as claimed in claim 1, wherein the said machine consisting of a single motor that provides power to collection trays in addition to all the units of sorting operations. 8. A continuous type multi-purpose tea shoot sorter as claimed in claim 1, wherein said machine consisting of a conveyor belt that can be modified to charge the sorting unit by pneumatic process. 9. A continuous type multi-purpose tea shoot sorter as claimed in claim 1, wherein an anti- vibration rubber pad cushion is provided under the separating tray for avoiding hanging of the unit and to reduce the noise when the machine is in operation. 10. A continuous type multi-purpose tea shoot sorter as claimed in claim 1, wherein the elliptical motion of the sieving tray with mesh avoids the bridging problem in the sorting system. 11. A continuous type multi-purpose tea shoot sorter as claimed in claim 1, wherein the said machine having a leaf gradation capacity of 70-80 %. 12. A continuous type multi-purpose tea shoot sorter substantially as herein described with reference to the example and drawings accompanying to this specification. |
2839-delnp-2004-complete specification (granted).pdf
2839-DELNP-2004-Description (Complete)-(19-08-2008).pdf
2839-delnp-2004-description (complete).pdf
Patent Number | 227887 | |||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 2839/DELNP/2004 | |||||||||
PG Journal Number | 07/2009 | |||||||||
Publication Date | 13-Feb-2009 | |||||||||
Grant Date | 23-Jan-2009 | |||||||||
Date of Filing | 22-Sep-2004 | |||||||||
Applicant Address | RAFI MARG, NEW DELHI-110 001, INDIA. | |||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | B07B 1/46 | |||||||||
PCT International Application Number | PCT/IB02/01160 | |||||||||
PCT International Filing date | 2002-03-26 | |||||||||
PCT Conventions: