Title of Invention


Abstract The invention provides a method useful for determining the sequence of large numbers of loci of interest on a single or multiple chromosomes. The method utilizes an oligonucleotide primer that contains a recognition site for a restriction enzyme such that digestion with the restriction enzyme generates a 5' overhang containing the locus of interest. The 5' overhang is used as a template to incorporate nucleotides, which can be detected. The method is especially amenable to the analysis of large numbers of sequences, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms, from one sample of nucleic acid.
[0001] This application claims priority to U.S. Patent Application No.
10/093,618, filed March 11,2002, and provisional U.S. Patent Application Nos.
60/360,232 and 60/378,354, filed March 1,2002, and May 8,2002, respectively.
The contents of these applications are hereby incorporated by reference in their
entirety herein.
[0002] The present invention is directed to a rapid method for determining the
sequence of nucleic acid. The method is especially useful for genotyping. and for
the detection of one to tens to hundreds to thousands of single nucleotide
polymorphisms (SNPs) or mutations on single or on multiple chromosomes, and
for the detection of chromosomal abnormalities, such as truncations,
transversions, trisomies, and monosomies.
[0003] Sequence variation among individuals comprises a continuum from
deleterious disease mutations to neutral polymorphisms. There are more than
three thousand genetic diseases currently known including Duchenne Muscular
Dystrophy, Alzheimer's Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, and Huntington's Disease (D.N.
Cooper and M. Krawczak, "Human Genome Mutations," BIOS Scientific
Publishers, Oxford (1993)). Also, particular DNA sequences may predispose
individuals to a variety of diseases such as obesity, arteriosclerosis, and various
types of cancer, including breast, prostate, and colon. In addition, chromosomal
abnormalities, such as trisomy 21, which results in Down's Syndrome, trisomy 18,
which results in Edward's Syndrome, trisomy 13, which results in Patau
Syndrome, monosomy X, which results in Turner's Syndrome, and other sex
aneuploidies, account for a significant portion of the genetic defects in liveborn

human beings. Knowledge of gene mutations, chromosomal abnormalities, and
variations in gene sequences, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs),
will help to understand, diagnose, prevent, and treat diseases.
[0004] Most frequently, sequence variation is seen in differences in the
lengths of repeated sequence elements, such as minisatellites and microsatellites,
as small insertions or deletions, and as substitutions of the individual bases.
Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) represent the most common form of
sequence variation; three million common SNPs with a population frequency of
over 5% have been estimated to be present in the human genome. Small deletions
or insertions, which usually cause frameshift mutations, occur on average, once in
every 12 kilobases of genomic DNA (Wang, D.G. et al, Science 280:1077-1082
(1998)). A genetic map using these polymorphisms as a guide is being developed
(http://research.marshfieldclinic.org/genetics/; internet address as of January 10,
[0005] The nucleic acid sequence of the human genome was published in
February, 2001, and provides a genetic map of unprecedented resolution,
containing several hundred thousand SNP markers, and a potential wealth of
information on human diseases (Venter et al., Science 291:1304-1351 (2001);
International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium, Nature 409:860-921
(2001)). However, the length of DNA contained within the human chromosomes
totals over 3 billion base pairs so sequencing the genome of every individual is
impractical. Thus, it is imperative to develop high throughput methods for rapidly
determining the presence of allelic variants of SNPs and point mutations, which
predispose to or cause disease phenotypes. Efficient methods to characterize
functional polymorphisms that affect an individual's physiology, psychology,
audiology, opthamology, neurology, response to drugs, drug metabolism, and
drug interactions also are needed.
[0006] . Several techniques are widely used for analyzing and detecting genetic
variations, such as DNA sequencing, restriction fragment length polymorphisms
(RFLP), DNA hybridization assays, including DNA microarrays and peptide

nucleic acid analysis, and the Protein Truncation Test (PTT), all of which have
limitations. Although DNA sequencing is the most definitive method, it is also
the most time consuming and expensive. Often, the entire coding sequence of a
gene is analyzed even though only a small fraction of the coding sequence is of
interest. In most instances, a limited number of mutations in any particular gene
account for the majority of the disease phenotypes.
[0007] For example, the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator
(CFTR) gene is composed of 24 exons spanning over 250,000 base pairs
(Rommens et al., Science 245:1059-1065 (1989); Riordan et al., Science
245:1066-73 (1989)). Currently, there are approximately 200 mutations in the
CFTR gene that are associated with a disease state of Cystic Fibrosis. Therefore,
only a very small percentage of the reading frame for the CFTR gene needs to be
analyzed. Furthermore, a total of 10 mutations make up 75.1% of all known
disease cases. The deletion of a single phenylalanine residue, F508, accounts for
66% of all Cystic Fibrosis cases in Caucasians.
[0008] Hybridization techniques, including Southern Blots, Slot Blots, Dot
Blots, and DNA microarrays, are commonly used to detect genetic variations
(Molecular Cloning, A Laboratory Manual, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,
Third Edition (2001). In a typical hybridization assay, an unknown nucleotide
sequence ("the target") is analyzed based on its affinity for another fragment with
a known nucleotide sequence ("the probe"). If the two fragments hybridize under
"stringent conditions," the sequences are thought to be complementary, and the
sequence of the target fragment may be inferred from "the probe" sequence.
[0009] However, the results from a typical hybridization assay often are
difficult to interpret. The absence or presence of a hybridization signal is
dependent upon the definition of "stringent conditions." Any number of variables
may be used to raise or lower stringency conditions such as salt concentration, the
presence or absence of competitor nucleotide fragments, the number of washes
performed to remove non-specific binding and the time and temperature at which
the hybridizations are performed. Commonly, hybridization conditions must be

optimized for each "target" nucleotide fragment, which is time-consuming, and
inconsistent with a high throughput method. A high degree of variability is often
seen in hybridization assays, as well as a high proportion of false positives.
Typically, hybridization assays function as a screen for likely candidates but a
positive corifirmation requires DNA sequencing analysis.
[0010] Several techniques for the detection of mutations have evolved based
on the principal of hybridization analysis. For example, in the primer extension
assay, the DNA region spanning the nucleotide of interest is amplified by PCR, or
any other suitable amplification technique. After amplification, a primer is
hybridized to a target nucleic acid sequence, wherein the last nucleotide of the 3'
end of the primer anneals immediately 5' to the nucleotide position on the target
sequence that is to be analyzed. The annealed primer is extended by a single,
labeled nucleotide triphosphate. The incorporated nucleotide is then detected.
[0011] There are several limitations to the primer extension assay. First, the
region of interest must be amplified prior to primer extension, which increases the
time and expense of the assay. Second, PCR primers and dNTPs must be
completely removed before primer extension, and residual contaminants can
interfere with the proper analysis of the results. Third, and the most restrictive
aspect of the assay, is that the primer is hybridized to the DNA template, which
requires optimization of conditions for each primer, and for each sequence that is
analyzed. Hybridization assays have a low degree of reproducibility, and a high
degree of non-specificity.
[0012] The Peptide Nucleic Acid (PNA) affinity assay is a derivative of
traditional hybridization assays (Nielsen et al., Science 254:1497-1500 (1991);
Egholm et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114:1895-1897 (1992); James et al., Protein
Science 3:1347-1350 (1994)). PNAs are structural DNA mimics that follow
Watson-Crick base pairing rules, and are used in standard DNA hybridization
assays. PNAs display greater specificity in hybridization assays because a
PNA/DNA mismatch is more destabilizing than a DNA/DNA mismatch and
complementary PNA/DNA strands form stronger bonds than complementary

DNA/DNA strands. However, genetic analysis using PNAs still requires a
laborious hybridization step, and as such, is subject to a high degree of non-
specificity and difficulty with reproducibility.
[0013] Recently, DNA microarrays have been developed to detect genetic
variations and polymorphisms (Taton et al., Science 289:1757-60,2000; Lockhart
et al., Nature 405:827-836 (2000); Gerhold et al., Trends in Biochemical Sciences
24:168-73 (1999); Wallace, R.W., Molecular Medicine Today 3:384-89 (1997);
Blanchard and Hood, Nature Biotechnology 149:1649 (1996)). DNA microarrays
are fabricated by high-speed robotics, on glass or nylon substrates, and contain
DNA fragments with known identities ("the probe"). The microarrays are used
for matching known and unknown DNA fragments ("the target") based on
traditional base-pairing rules. The advantage of DNA microarrays is that one
DNA chip may provide information on thousands of genes simultaneously.
However, DNA microarrays are still based on the principle of hybridization, and
as such, are subject to the disadvantages discussed above.
[0014] The Protein Truncation Test (PTT) is also commonly used to detect
genetic polymorphisms (Roest et al., Human Molecular Genetics 2:1719-1721,
(1993); Van Der Luit et al., Genomics 20:1-4 (1994); Hogervorst et al., Nature
Genetics 10:208-212 (1995)). Typically, in the PTT, the gene of interest is PCR
amplified, subjected to in vitro transcription/translation, purified, and analyzed by
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The PTT is useful for screening large
portions of coding sequence and detecting mutations that produce stop codons,
which significantly diminish the size of the expected protein. However, the PTT
is not designed to detect mutations that do not significantly alter the size of the
[0015] Thus, a need still exists for a rapid method of analyzing DNA,
especially genomic DNA suspected of having one or more single nucleotide
polymorphisms or mutations.

[0016] The invention is directed to a method for determining a sequence of a
locus of interest, the method comprising: (a) amplifying a locus of interest on a
template DNA using a first and second primers, wherein the second primer
contains a recognition site for a restriction enzyme such that digestion with the
restriction enzyme generates a 5' overhang containing the locus of interest; (b)
digesting the amplified DNA with the restriction enzyme that recognizes the
recognition site on the second primer; (c) incorporating a nucleotide into the
digested DNA of (b) by using the 5' overhang containing the locus of interest as a
template; and (d) deterrnining the sequence of the locus of interest by determining
the sequence of the DNA of (c).
[0017] The invention is also directed to a method for determining a sequence
of a locus of interest, said method comprising: (a) amplifying a locus of interest
on a template DNA using a first and second primers, wherein the second primer
contains a portion of a recognition site for a restriction enzyme, wherein a full
recognition site for the restriction enzyme is generated upon amplification of the
template DNA such that digestion with the restriction enzyme generates a 5'
overhang containing the locus of interest; (b) digesting the amplified DNA with
the restriction enzyme that recognizes the full recognition site generated by the
second primer and the template DNA; (c) incorporating a nucleotide into the
digested DNA of (b) by using the 5' overhang containing the locus of interest as a
template; and determining the sequence of the locus of interest by determining the
sequence of the DNA of (c).
[0018] The invention also is directed to a method for determining a sequence
of a locus of interest, said method comprising (a) replicating a region of DNA
comprising a locus of interest from a template polynucleotide by using a first and
a second primer, wherein the second primer contains a sequence that generates a
recognition site for a restriction enzyme such that digestion with the restriction
enzyme generates a 5' overhang containing the locus of interest; (b) digesting the
DNA with the restriction enzyme that recognizes the recognition site generated by
the second primer to create a DNA fragment; (c) incorporating a nucleotide into

the digested DNA of (b) by using the 5' overhang containing the locus of interest
as a template; and (d) determining the sequence of the locus of interest by
determining the sequence of the DNA of (c).
[0019] The invention also is directed to a DNA fragment containing a locus of
interest to be sequenced and a recognition site for a restriction enzyme, wherein
digestion with the restriction enzyme creates a 5' overhang on the DNA fragment,
and wherein the locus of interest and the restriction enzyme recognition site are in
relationship to each other such that digestion with the restriction enzyme
generates a 5' overhang containing the locus of interest.
[0020] The template DNA can be obtained from any source including
synthetic nucleic acid, preferably from a bacterium, fungus, virus, plant,
protozoan, animal or human source. In one embodiment, the template DNA is
obtained from a human source. In another embodiment, the template DNA is
obtained from a cell, tissue, blood sample, serum sample, plasma sample, urine
sample, spinal fluid, lymphatic fluid, semen, vaginal secretion, ascitic fluid,
saliva, mucosa secretion, peritoneal fluid, fecal sample, or body exudates.
[0021] The 3' region of the first and/or second primer can contain a mismatch
with the template DNA. The mismatch can occur at but is not limited to the last
1,2, or 3 bases at the 3' end.
[0022] The restriction enzyme used in the invention can cut DNA at the
recognition site. The restriction enzyme can be but is not limited to PfiF I, Sau96
I, ScrF I, BsaJ I, Bssk I, Dde I, EcoN I, Fnu4H I, Hinf I, or Tthl 111.
Alternatively, the restriction enzyme used in the invention can cut DNA at a
distance from its recognition site.
[0023] In another embodiment, the first primer contains a recognition site for
a restriction enzyme. In a preferred embodiment, the restriction enzyme
recognition site is different from the restriction enzyme recognition site on the
second primer. The invention includes digesting the amplified DNA with a
restriction enzyme that recognizes the recognition site on the first primer.

[0024] Preferably, the recognition site on the second primer is for a restriction
enzyme that cuts DNA at a distance from its recognition site and generates a 5'
overhang, containing the locus of interest. In a preferred embodiment, the
recognition site on the second primer is for a Type IIS restriction enzyme. The
Type IIS restriction enzyme, e.g., is selected from the group consisting of: Alw I,
Alw261, Bbs I, Bbv I, BceA I, Bmr I, Bsa I, Bst711, BsmA I, BsmB I, BsmF I,
BspM I, Ear I, Fau I, Fok I, Hga I, Pie I, Sap I, SSfaN I, and Sthi321, and more
preferably BceA I and BsmF I.
[0025] In one embodiment, the 5' region of the second primer does not anneal
to the template DNA and/or the 5' region of the first primer does not anneal to the
template DNA. The annealing length of the 3' region of the first or second primer
can be 25-20,20-15,15,14,13,12,11,10,9, 8,7,6,5,4, or less than 4 bases.
[0026] In one embodiment, the amplification can comprise polymerase chain
reaction (PCR). In a further embodiment, the annealing temperature for cycle 1 of
PCR can be at about the melting temperature of the 3' region of the second primer
that anneals to the template DNA. In another embodiment, the annealing
temperature for cycle 2 of PCR can be about the melting temperature of the 3'
region of the first primer that anneals to tile template DNA. In another
embodiment, the annealing temperature for the remaining cycles can be about the
melting temperature of the entire sequence of the second primer.
[0027] In one embodiment, the 3' end of the second primer is adjacent to the
locus of interest.
[0028] The first and/or second primer can contain a tag at the 5' terminus.
Preferably, the first primer contains a tag at the 5' terminus. The tag can be used
to separate the amplified DNA from the template DNA. The tag can be used to
separate the amplified DNA containing the labeled nucleotide from the amplified
DNA that does not contain the labeled nucleotide. The tag can be but is not
limited to a radioisotope, fluorescent reporter molecule, chemiluminescent
reporter molecule, antibody, antibody fragment, hapten, biotin, derivative of
biotin, photobiotin, iminobiotin, digoxigenin, avidin, enzyme, acridinium, sugar,

enzyme, apoenzyme, homopolymeric oligonucleotide, hormone, ferromagnetic
moiety, paramagnetic moiety, diamagnetic moiety, phosphorescent moiety,
luminescent moiety, electrochemiluminescent moiety, chromatic moiety, moiety
having a detectable electron spin resonance, electrical capacitance, dielectric
constant or electrical conductivity, or combinations thereof. Preferably, the tag is
biotin. The biotin tag is used to separate amplified DNA from the template DNA
using a streptavidin matrix. The streptavidin matrix is coated on wells of a
microtiter plate.
[0029] The incorporation of a nucleotide in the method of the invention is by
a DNA polymerase including but not limited to E. coli DNA polymerase, Klenow
fragment of E. coli DNA polymerase I, T5 DNA polymerase, T7 DNA
polymerase, T4 DNA polymerase, Taq polymerase, Pfu DNA polymerase, Vent
DNA polymerase, bacteriophage 29, REDTaq™ Genomic DNA polymerase, and
[0030] The incorporation of a nucleotide can further comprise using a mixture
of labeled and unlabeled nucleotides. One nucleotide, two nucleotides, three
nucleotides, four nucleotides, five nucleotides, or more than five nucleotides may
be incorporated. A combination of labeled and unlabeled nucleotides can be
incorporated. The labeled nucleotide can be but is not limited to a
dideoxynucleotide triphosphate and deoxynucleotide triphosphate. The unlabeled
nucleotide can be but is not limited to a dideoxynucleotide triphosphate and
deoxynucleotide triphosphate. The labeled nucleotide is labeled with a molecule
such as but not limited to a radioactive molecule, fluorescent molecule, antibody,
antibody fragment, hapten, carbohydrate, biotin, and derivative of biotin,
phosphorescent moiety, luminescent moiety, electrochemiluminescent moiety,
chromatic moiety, or moiety having a detectable electron spin resonance,
electrical capacitance, dielectric constant or electrical conductivity. Preferably,
the labeled nucleotide is labeled with a fluorescent molecule. The incorporation
of a fluorescent labeled nucleotide further includes using a mixture of fluorescent
and unlabeled nucleotides.

[0031] In one embodiment, the determination of the sequence of the locus of
interest comprises detecting the incorporated nucleotide. In one embodiment, the
detection is by a method such as but not limited to gel electrophoresis, capillary
electrophoresis, microchannel electrophoresis, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis,
fluorescence detection, sequencing, ELISA, mass spectrometry, time of flight
mass spectrometry, quadrupole mass spectrometry, magnetic sector mass
spectrometry, electric sector mass spectrometry, fluorometry, infrared
spectrometry, ultraviolet spectrometry, palentiostatic amperometry, hybridization,
such as Southern Blot, or microarray. In a preferred embodiment, the detection is
by fluorescence detection.
[0032] In a preferred embodiment, the locus of interest is suspected of
containing a single nucleotide polymorphism or mutation. The method can be
used for determining sequences of multiple loci of interest concurrently. The
template DNA can comprise multiple loci from a single chromosome. The
template DNA can comprise multiple loci from different chromosomes. The loci
of interest on template DNA can be amplified in one reaction. Alternatively, each
of the loci of interest on template DNA can be amplified in a separate reaction.
The amplified DNA can be pooled together prior to digestion of the amplified
DNA. Each of the labeled DNA containing a locus of interest can be separated
prior to determining the sequence of the locus of interest. In one embodiment, at
least one of the loci of interest is suspected of containing a single nucleotide
polymorphism or a mutation.
[0033] In another embodiment, the method of the invention can be used for
deterrruning the sequences of multiple loci of interest from a single individual or
from multiple individuals. Also, the method of the invention can be used to
determine the sequence of a single locus of interest from multiple individuals.
[0034] FIG. 1 A. A Schematic diagram depicting a double stranded DNA
molecule. A pair of primers, depicted as bent arrows, flank the locus of interest,
depicted as a triangle symbol at base N14. The locus of interest can be a single

nucleotide polymorphism, point mutation, insertion, deletion, translocation, etc.
Each primer contains a restriction enzyme recognition site about 10 bp from the 5'
terminus depicted as region "a" in the first primer and as region "d" in the second
primer. Restriction recognition site "a" can be for any type of restriction enzyme
but recognition site "d" is for a restriction enzyme, which cuts "n" nucleotides
away from its recognition site and leaves a 5' overhang and a recessed 3' end.
Examples of such enzymes include but are not limited to BceA I and BsmF I. The
5' overhang serves as a template for incorporation of a nucleotide into the 3'
recessed end.
[0035] The first primer is shown modified with biotin at the 5' end to aid in
purification. The sequence of the 3' end of the primers is such that the primers
anneal at a desired distance upstream and downstream of the locus of interest.
The second primer anneals close to the locus of interest; the annealing site, which
is depicted as region "c," is designed such that the 3' end of the second primer
anneals one base away from the locus of interest. The second primer can anneal
any distance from the locus of interest provided that digestion with the restriction
enzyme, which recognizes the region "d" on this primer, generates a 5' overhang
that contains the locus of interest.
[0036] The first primer annealing site, which is depicted as region "b" is
about 20 bases.
[0037] FIG. 1B. A schematic diagram depicting the annealing and extension
steps of the first cycle of amplification by PCR. The first cycle of amplification is
performed at about the melting temperature of the 3' region, which anneals to the
template DNA, of the second primer, depicted as region "c," and is 13 base pairs
in this example. At this temperature, both the first and second primers anneal to
their respective complementary strands and begin extension, depicted by dotted
lines. In this first cycle, the second primer extends and copies the region b where
the first primer can anneal in the next cycle.
[0038] FIG. 1C. A schematic diagram depicting the annealing and extension
steps following denaturation in the second cycle of amplification of PCR. The

second cycle of amplification is performed at a higher annealing temperature
(TM2), which is about the melting temperature of the 20 bp of the 3' region of the
first primer that anneals to the template DNA, depicted as region "b." Therefore
at TM2, the first primer, which is complementary to region b, can bind to the
DNA that was copied in the first cycle of the reaction. However, at TM2 the
second primer cannot anneal to the original template DNA or to DNA that was
copied in the first cycle of the reaction because the annealing temperature is too
high. The second primer can anneal to 13 bases in the original template DNA but
TM2 is calculated at about the melting temperature of 20 bases.
[0039] FIG. ID. A schematic diagram depicting the annealing and extension
reactions after denaturation during the third cycle of amplification. In this cycle,
the annealing temperature, TM3, is about the melting temperature of the entire
second primer, including regions "c" and "d." The length of regions "c" + "d" is
about 27-33 bp long, and thus TM3 is significantly higher than TM1 and TM2.
At this higher TM the second primer, which contain region c and d, anneals to the
copied DNA generated in cycle 2.
[0040] FIG. IE. A schematic diagram depicting the annealing and extension
reactions for the remaining cycles of amplification. The annealing temperature
for the remaining cycles is TM3, which is about the melting temperature of the
entire second primer. At TM3, the second primer binds to templates that contain
regions c* and d' and the first primer binds to templates that contain regions a' and
b. By raising the annealing temperature successively in each cycle for the first
three cycles, from TM1 to TM2 to TM3, nonspecific amplification is significantly
[0041] FIG. IF. A schematic diagram depicting the amplified locus of
interest 'bound to a solid matrix.
[0042] FIG. 1G. A schematic diagram depicting the bound, amplified DNA
after digestion with a restriction enzyme that recognizes "d." The "downstream"
end is released into the supernatant, and can be removed by washing with any

suitable buffer. The upstream end containing the locus of interest remains bound
to the solid matrix.
[0043] FIG. 1H. A schematic diagram depicting the bound amplified DNA,
after "filling in" with a labeled ddNTP. A DNA polymerase is used to "fill in" the
base (N'14) that is complementary to the locus of interest (N14). In this example,
only ddNTPs are present in this reaction, such that only the locus of interest or
SNP of interest is filled in.
[0044] FIG. 1I. A schematic diagram depicting the labeled, bound DNA after
digestion with restriction enzyme "a." The labeled DNA is released into the
supernatant, which can be collected to identify the base that was incorporated.
[0045] FIG. 2. A schematic diagram depicting double stranded DNA
templates with "N" number of loci of interest and "n" number of primer pairs, x1,
y1 to xn, yn, specifically annealed such that a primer flanks each locus of interest.
The first primers are biotinylated at the 5' end, depicted by *, and contain a
restriction enzyme recognition site, "a", which is recognized by any type of
restriction enzyme. The second primers contain a restriction enzyme recognition
site, "d," where "d" is a recognition site for a restriction enzyme that cuts DNA at
a distance from its recognition site, and generates a 5' overhang containing the
locus of interest and a recessed 3' end. The second primers anneal adjacent to the
respective loci of interest. The exact position of the restriction enzyme site "d" in
the second primers is designed such that digesting the PCR product of each locus
of interest with restriction enzyme "d" generates a 5' overhang containing the
locus of interest and a 3' recessed end. The annealing sites of the first primers are
about 20 bases long and are selected such that each successive first primer is
further away from its respective second primer. For example, if at locus 1 the 3'
ends of the first and second primers are Z base pairs apart, then at locus 2, the 3'
ends of the first and second primers are Z + K base pairs apart, where K = 1,2,3
or more than three bases. Primers for locus N are ZN-1 + K base pairs apart. The
purpose of making each successive first primer further apart from their respective
second primers is such that the "filled in" restriction fragments (generated after

amplification, purification, digestion and labeling as described in FIGS. 1B-1I)
differ in size and can be resolved, for example by electrophoresis, to allow
detection of each individual locus of interest.
[0046] FIG. 3. PCR amplification of DNA fragments containing SNPs using
multiple annealing temperatures. A sample containing genomic DNA templates
from thirty-six human volunteers was analyzed for the following four SNPs: SNP
HC21S00340 (lane 1), identification number as assigned in the Human
Chromosome 21 cSNP Database, located on chromosome 21; SNP TSC 0095512
(lane 2), located on chromosome 1; SNP TSC 0214366 (lane 3), located on
chromosome 1; and SNP TSC 0087315 (lane 4), located on chromosome 1. Each
DNA fragment containing a SNP was amplified by PCR using three different
annealing temperature protocols, herein referred to as the low stringency
annealing temperature; medium stringency annealing temperature; and high
stringency annealing temperature. Regardless of the annealing temperature
protocol, each DNA fragment containing a SNP was amplified for 40 cycles of
PCR. The denaturation step for each PCR reaction was performed for 30 seconds
at 95°C.
[0047] FIG. 3A. Photograph of a gel demonstrating PCR amplification of the
4 DNA fragments containing different SNPs using the low stringency annealing
temperature protocol.
[0048] FIG. 3B. Photograph of a gel demonstrating PCR amplification of the
4 DNA fragments containing different SNPs using the medium stringency
annealing temperature protocol.
[0049] FIG. 3C. Photograph of a gel demonstrating PCR amplification of the
4 DNA fragments containing different SNPs using the high stringency annealing
temperature protocol.
[0050] FIG. 4A. A depiction of the DNA sequence of SNP HC21S00027
(SEQ ID NOS:27 & 28), assigned by the Human Chromosome 21 cSNP
database, located on chromosome 21. A first primer (SEQ ID NO:17) and a
second primer (SEQ ID NO: 18) are indicated above and below, respectively, the

sequence of HC21S00027. The first primer is biotinylated and contains the
restriction enzyme recognition site for EcoRI. The second primer contains the
restriction enzyme recognition site for BsmF I and contains 13 bases that anneal
to the DNA sequence. The SNP is indicated by R (A/G) and r (T/C;
complementary to R).
[0051] FIG. 4B. A depiction of the DNA sequence of SNP HC21S00027
(SEQ ID NOS:27 & 28), as assigned by the Human Chromosome 21 cSNP
database, located on chromosome 21. A first primer (SEQ ID NO: 17) and a
second primer (SEQ ID NO: 19) are indicated above and below, respectively, the
sequence of HC21S00027. The first primer is biotinylated and contains the
restriction enzyme recognition site for EcoRI. The second primer contains the
restriction enzyme recognition site for BceA I and has 13 bases that anneal to the
DNA sequence. The SNP is indicated by R (A/G) and r (T/C; complementary to
[0052] FIG. 4C. A depiction of the DNA sequence of SNP TSC0095512
(SEQ ID NOS:29 & 30) from chromosome 1. The first primer (SEQ ID NO. 11)
and the second primer (SEQ ID NO:20) are indicated above and below,
respectively, the sequence of TSC0095512. The first primer is biotinylated and
contains the restriction enzyme recognition site for EcoRI. The second primer
contains the restriction enzyme recognition site for BsmF I and has 13 bases that
anneal to the DNA sequence. The SNP is indicated by S (G/C) and s (C/G;
complementary to S).
[0053] FIG. 4D. A depiction of the DNA sequence of SNP TSC0095512
(SEQ ID NOS:29 & 30) from chromosome 1. The first primer (SEQ ID NO: 11)
and the second primer (SEQ ID NO: 12) are indicated above and below,
respectively, the sequence of TSC0095512. The first primer is biotinylated and
contains the restriction enzyme recognition site for EcoRI. The second primer
contains the restriction enzyme recognition site for BceA I and has 13 bases that
anneal to the DNA sequence. The SNP is indicated by S (G/C) and s (C/G;
complementary to S).

ID NOS:31,37 & 41); two nucleotides (a dNTP is incorporated followed by a
ddNTP) (SEQ ID NOS:31,39 & 41); three nucleotides (two dNTPs are
incorporated, followed by a ddNTP) (SEQ ID NOS:31,40 & 41); or four
nucleotides (three dNTPs are incorporated, followed by a ddNTP) (SEQ ID
NOS:31 & 41). All four products can be separated by size, and the incorporated
nucleotide detected (*R-dd = fluorescent dideoxy nucleotide). Detection of the
first nucleotide, which corresponds to the SNP or locus site, and the next three
nucleotides provides an additional level of quality assurance. The SNP is
indicated by R (A/G) and r (T/C) (complementary to R).
[0058] FIGS. 8A-8D. Release of the "filled in" SNP from the solid support
matrix, i.e. streptavidin coated well. SNP HC21S00027 is shown in FIG. 8A
(SEQ ID NOS:31,37 & 41) and FIG. 8B (SEQ ID NOS:31,37 & 39), while SNP
TSC0095512 is shown in FIG. 8C (SEQ ID NOS:34 & 38)and FIG. 8D (SEQ ID
NO:34). The "filled in" SNP is free in solution, and can be detected.
[0059] FIG. 9A. Sequence analysis of a DNA fragment containing SNP
HC21S00027 digested with BceAI. Four "fill in" reactions are shown; each
reaction contained one fluorescently labeled nucleotide, ddGTP, ddATP, ddTTP,
or ddCTP, and unlabeled ddNTPs. The 5' overhang generated by digestion with
BceA I and the expected nucleotides at this SNP site are indicated.
[0060] FIG 9B. Sequence analysis of SNP TSC0095512. SNP TSC0095512
was amplified with a second primer that contained the recognition site for BceA I,
and in a separate reaction, with a second primer that contained the recognition site
for BsmF I. Four fill in reactions are shown for each PCR product; each reaction
contained one fluorescently labeled nucleotide, ddGTP, ddATP, ddTTP, or
ddCTP, and unlabeled ddNTPs. The 5' overhang generated by digestion with
BceA I and with BsmF I and the expected nucleotides are indicated.
[0061] FIG 9C. Sequence analysis of SNP TSC0264580 after amplification
with a second primer that contained the recognition site for BsmF I. Four "fill in"
reactions are shown; each reaction contained one fluorescently labeled nucleotide,
which was ddGTP, ddATP, ddTTP, or ddCTP and unlabeled ddNTPs. Two

[0054] FIGS. 5A-5D. A schematic diagram depicting the nucleotide
sequences of SNP HC21S00027 (FIG. 5A (SEQ ID NOS:31 & 32) and FIG. 5B
(SEQ ID NOS:31 & 33)), and SNP TSC0095512 (FIG. 5C (SEQ ID NOS:34 &
35) and FIG. 5D (SEQ ID NOS:34 & 36)) after amplification with the primers
described, in FIGS. 4A-4D. Restriction sites in the primer sequence are indicated
in bold.
[0055] FIGS. 6A-6D. A schematic diagram depicting the nucleotide
sequences of each amplified DNA fragment containing a SNP after digestion with
the appropriate Type IIS restriction enzyme. FIG. 6A (SEQ ID NOS:31 & 32)
and FIG. 6B (SEQ ID NOS:31 & 33) depict fragments of a DNA sequence
containing SNP HC21S00027 digested with the Type IIS restriction enzymes
BsmF I and BceA I, respectively. FIG. 6C (SEQ ID NOS:34 & 35) and FIG. 6D
(SEQ ID NOS:34 & 36) depict fragments of a DNA sequence containing SNP
TSC0095512 digested with the Type IIS restriction enzymes BsmF I and BceA I,
[0056] FIGS. 7A-7D. A schematic diagram depicting the incorporation of a
fluorescently labeled nucleotide using the 5' overhang of the digested SNP site as
a template to "fill in" the 3' recessed end. FIG. 7A (SEQ ID NOS:31,37 & 41)
and FIG. 7B (SEQ ID NOS:31,37 & 39) depict the digested SNP HC21S00027
locus with an incorporated labeled ddNTP (*R"dd = fluorescent dideoxy
nucleotide). FIG. 7C (SEQ ID NOS:34 & 38) and FIG. 7D (SEQ ID NO:34)
depict the digested SNP TSC0095512 locus with an incorporated labeled ddNTP
(* S-dd = fluorescent dideoxy nucleotide). The use of ddNTPs ensures that the 3'
recessed end is extended by one nucleotide, which is complementary to the
nucleotide of interest or SNP site present in the 5' overhang.
[0057] FIG. 7E. A schematic diagram depicting the incorporation of dNTPs
and a ddNTP into the 5' overhang containing the SNP site. The DNA fragment
containing SNP HC21S00007 was digested with BsmF I, which generates a four
base 5' overhang. The use of a mixture of dNTPs and ddNTPs allows the 3'
recessed end to be extended one nucleotide (a ddNTP is incorporated first) (SEQ

different 5' overhangs are depicted: one represents the DNA molecules that were
cut 11 nucleotides away on the sense strand and 15 nucleotides away on the
antisense strand and the other represents the DNA molecules that were cut 10
nucleotides away on the sense strand and 14 nucleotides away on the antisense
strand. The expected nucleotides also are indicated.
[0062] FIG 9D. Sequence analysis of SNP HC21S00027 amplified with a
second primer that contained the recognition site for BsmF I. A mixture of
labeled ddNTPs and unlabeled dNTPs was used to fill in the 5' overhang
generated by digestion with BsmF I. Two different 5' overhangs are depicted: one
represents the DNA molecules that were cut 11 nucleotides away on the sense
strand and 15 nucleotides away on the antisense strand and the other represents
the DNA molecules that were cut 10 nucleotides away on the sense strand and 14
nucleotides away on the antisense strand. The nucleotide upstream of the SNP,
the nucleotide at the SNP site (the sample contained DNA templates from 36
individuals; both nucleotides would be expected to be represented in the sample),
and the three nucleotides downstream of the SNP are indicated.
[0063] FIG. 10. Sequence analysis of multiple SNPs. SNPsHC21S00131,
and HC21S00027, which are located on chromosome 21, and SNPs TSC0087315,
SNP TSC0214366, SNP TSC0413944, and SNP TSC0095512, which are on
chromosome 1, were amplified in separate PCR reactions with second primers
that contained a recognition site for BsmF I. The primers were designed so that
each amplified locus of interest was of a different size. After amplification, the
reactions were pooled into a single sample, and all subsequent steps of the method
performed (as described for FIGS. 1F-1I) on that sample. Each SNP and the
nucleotide found at each SNP are indicated.
[0064] FIG. 11. Sequence determination of both alleles of SNPs
TSC0837969, TSC0034767, TSC1130902, TSC0597888, TSC0195492,
TSC0607185 using one fiuorescently labeled nucleotide. Labeled ddGTP was
used in the presence of unlabeled dATP, dCTP, dTTP to fill-in the overhang
generated by digestion with BsmF I. The nucleotide preceding the variable site on

the strand that was filled-in was not guanine, and the nucleotide after the variable
site on the strand that was filled in was not guanine. The nucleotide two bases
after the variable site on the strand that was filled-in was guanine. Alleles that
contain guanine at variable site are filled in with labeled ddGTP. Alleles that do
not contain guanine are filled in with unlabeled dATP, dCTP, or dTTP, and the
polymerase continues to incorporate nucleotides until labeled ddGTP is filled in at
position 3 complementary to the overhang.
[0065] The present invention provides a novel method for rapidly determining
the sequence of DNA, especially at a locus of interest or multiple loci of interest.
The sequences of any number of DNA targets, from one to hundreds or thousands
or more; of loci of interest in any template DNA or sample of nucleic acid can be
determined efficiently, accurately, and economically. The method is especially
useful for the rapid sequencing of one to tens of thousands or more of genes,
regions of genes, fragments of genes, single nucleotide polymorphisms, and
mutations on a single chromosome or on multiple chromosomes.
[0066] The invention is directed to a method for determining a sequence of a
locus of interest, the method comprising: (a) amplifying a locus of interest on a
template DNA using a first and second primers, wherein the second primer
contains a recognition site for a restriction enzyme such that digestion with the
restriction enzyme generates a 5' overhang containing the locus of interest; (b)
digesting the amplified DNA with the restriction enzyme that recognizes the
recognition site on the second primer; (c) incorporating a nucleotide into the
digested DNA of (b) by using the 5' overhang containing the locus of interest as a
template; and (d) determining the sequence of the locus of interest by determining
the sequence of the DNA of (c).
[0067] The invention is also directed to a method for determining a sequence
of a locus of interest, said method comprising: (a) amplifying a locus of interest
on a template DNA using a first and second primers, wherein the first and/or
second primer contains a portion of a recognition site for a restriction enzyme,

wherein a full recognition site for the restriction enzyme is generated upon
amplification of the template DNA such that digestion with the restriction enzyme
generates a 5' overhang containing the locus of interest; (b) digesting the
amplified DNA with the restriction enzyme that recognizes the full recognition
site generated by the second primer and the template DNA; (c) incorporating a
nucleotide into the digested DNA of (b) by using the 5' overhang containing the
locus of interest as a template; and determining the sequence of the locus of
interest by determining the sequence of the DNA of (c).
DNA Template
[0068] By a "locus of interest" is intended a selected region of nucleic acid
that is within a larger region of nucleic acid. A locus of interest can include but is
not limited to 1-100,1-50,1-20, or 1-10 nucleotides, preferably 1-6,1-5,1-4,1-3,
1-2, or 1 nucleotide(s).
[006'9] As used herein, an "allele" is one of several alternate forms of a gene
or non-coding regions of DNA that occupy the same position on a chromosome.
The term allele can be used to describe DNA from any organism including but not
limited to bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, molds, yeasts, plants, humans, non-
humans, animals, and archaebacteria.
[0070] As used herein with respect to individuals, "mutant alleges" refers to
variant alleles that are associated with a disease state.
For example, bacteria typically have one large strand of DNA. The term allele
with respect to bacterial DNA refers to the form of a gene found in one cell as
compared to the form of the same gene in a different bacterial cell of the same
[0071] Alleles can have the identical sequence or can vary by a single
nucleotide or more than one nucleotide. With regard to organisms that have two
copies of each chromosome, if both chromosomes have the same allele, the
condition is referred to as homozygous. If the alleles at the two chromosomes are
different, the condition is referred to as heterozygous. For example, if the locus of
interest is SNP X on chromosome 1, and the maternal chromosome contains an

adenine at SNP X (A allele) and the paternal chromosome contains a guanine at
SNP X (G allele), the individual is heterozygous at SNP X.
[0072] As used herein, "sequence" means the identity of, or to deterrnine the
identity of (depending on whether used as a noun or a verb, respectively), one
nucleotide or more than one contiguous nucleotides in a polynucleotide. In the
case of a single nucleotide, e.g., a SNP, "sequence" is used as a noun
interchangeably with "identity" herein, and "sequence" is used interchangeably as
a verb with "identify" herein.
[0073] The term "template" refers to any nucleic acid molecule that can be
used for amplification in the invention. RNA or DNA that is not naturally double
stranded can be made into double stranded DNA so as to be used as template
DNA. Any double stranded DNA or preparation containing multiple, different
double stranded DNA molecules can be used as template DNA to amplify a locus
or loci of interest contained in the template DNA.
[0074] The source of the nucleic acid for obtaining the template DNA can be
from any appropriate source including but not limited to nucleic acid from any
organism, e.g., human or nonhuman, e.g., bacterium, virus, yeast, fungus, plant,
protozoan, animal, nucleic acid-containing samples of tissues, bodily fluids (for
example, blood, serum, plasma, saliva, urine, tears, semen, vaginal secretions,
lymph fluid, cerebrospinal fluid or mucosa secretions), fecal matter, individual
cells or extracts of the such sources that contain the nucleic acid of the same, and
subcellular structures such as mitochondria or chloroplasts, using protocols well
established within the art. Nucleic acid can
[same paragraph] also be obtained from forensic, food, archeological, or
inorganic samples onto which nucleic acid has been deposited or extracted. In a
preferred embodiment, the nucleic acid has been obtained from a human or animal
to be screened for the presence of one or more genetic sequences that can be
diagnostic for, or predispose the subject to, a medical condition or disease.
[0075] The nucleic acid that is to be analyzed can be any nucleic acid, e.g.,
genomic, plasmid, cosmid, yeast artificial chromosomes, artificial or man-made

DNA, including unique DNA sequences, and also DNA that has been reverse
transcribed from an RNA sample, such as cDNA. The sequence of RNA can be
determined according to the invention if it is capable of being made into a double
stranded DNA form to be used as template DNA.
[0076] The terms "primer" and "oligonucleotide primer" are interchangeable
when used to discuss an oligonucleotide that anneals to a template and can be
used to prime the synthesis of a copy of that template.
[0077] "Amplified" DNA is DNA that has been "copied" once or multiple
times, e.g. by polymerase chain reaction. When a large amount of DNA is
available to assay, such that a sufficient number of copies of the locus of interest
are already present in the sample to be assayed, it may not be necessary to
"amplify" the DNA of the locus of interest into an even larger number of replicate
copies. Rather, simply "copying" the template DNA once using a set of
appropriate primers, such as those containing hairpin structures that allow the
restriction enzyme recognition sites to be double stranded, can suffice.
[0078] "Copy" as in "copied DNA" refers to DNA that has been copied once,
or DNA that has been amplified into more than one copy.
[0079] In one embodiment, the nucleic acid is amplified directly in the
original sample containing the source of nucleic acid. It is not essential that the
nucleic acid be extracted, purified or isolated; it only needs to be provided in a
form that is capable of being amplified. A hybridization step of the nucleic acid
with the primers, prior to amplification, is not required. For example,
amplification can be performed in a cell or sample lysate using standard protocols
well known in the art. DNA that is on a solid support, in a fixed biological
preparation, or otherwise in a composition that contains non-DNA substances and
that can be amplified without first being extracted from the solid support or fixed
preparation or non-DNA substances in the composition can be used directly,
without further purification, as long as the DNA can anneal with appropriate
primers, and be copied, especially amplified, and the copied or amplified products
can be recovered and utilized as described herein.

[0080] In a preferred embodiment, the nucleic acid is extracted, purified or
isolated from non-nucleic acid materials that are in the original sample using
methods known in the art prior to amplification.
[0081] In another embodiment, the nucleic acid is extracted, purified or
isolated from the original sample containing the source of nucleic acid and prior
to amplification, the nucleic acid is fragmented using any number of methods well
known in the art including but not limited to enzymatic digestion, manual
shearing, and sonication. For example, the DNA can be digested with one or
more restriction enzymes that have a recognition site, and especially an eight base
or six base pair recognition site, which is not present in the loci of interest.
Typically, DNA can be fragmented to any desired length, including 50,100,250,
500,1,000, 5,000,10,000, 50,000 and 100,000 base pairs long. In another
embodiment, the DNA is fragmented to an average length of about 1000 to 2000
base pairs. However, it is not necessary that the DNA be fragmented.
[0082] Fragments of DNA that contain the loci of interest can be purified
from the; fragments of DNA that do not contain the loci of interest before
amplification. The purification can be done by using primers that will be used in
the amplification (see "Primer Design" section below) as hooks to retrieve the
fragments containing the loci of interest, based on the ability of such primers to
anneal to the loci of interest. In a preferred embodiment, tag-modified primers are
used, such as e.g. biotinylated primers. See also the "Purification of Amplified
DNA" section for additional tags.
[0083] By purifying the DNA fragments containing the loci of interest, the
specificity of the amplification reaction can be improved. This will minimize
amplification of nonspecific regions of the template DNA. Purification of the
DNA fragments can also allow multiplex PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) or
amplification of multiple loci of interest with improved specificity.
[0084] In one embodiment, the nucleic acid sample is obtained with a desired
purpose in mind such as to determine the sequence at a predetermined locus or
loci of interest using the method of the invention. For example, the nucleic acid is

obtained for the purpose of identifying one or more conditions or diseases to
which the subject can be predisposed or is in need of treatment for, or the
presence of certain single nucleotide polymorphisms. Li an alternative
embodiment, the sample is obtained to screen for the presence or absence of one
or more DNA sequence markers, the presence of which would identify that DNA
as being from a specific bacterial or fungal microorganism, or individual.
[0085] The loci of interest that are to be sequenced can be selected based upon
sequence alone. In humans, over 1.42 million single nucleotide polymorphisms
(SNPs) have been described (Nature 409:928-933 (2001); The SNP Consortium
LTD). On the average, there is one SNP every 1.9 kb of human genome.
However, the distance between loci of interest need not be considered when
selecting the loci of interest to be sequenced according to the invention. If more
than one locus of interest on genomic DNA is being analyzed, the selected loci of
interest can be on the same chromosome or on different chromosomes.
[0086] In a preferred embodiment, the length of sequence that is amplified is
preferably different for each locus of interest so that the loci of interest can be
separated by size.
[0087] In fact, it is an advantage of the invention that primers that copy an
entire gene sequence need not be utilized. Rather, the copied locus of interest is
preferably only a small part of the total gene. There is no advantage to
sequencing the entire gene as this can increase cost and delay results. Sequencing
only the desired bases or loci of interest within the gene maximizes the overall
efficiency of the method because it allows for the maximum number of loci of
interest to be determined in the fastest amount of time and with minimal cost.
[0088] Because a large number of sequences can be analyzed together, the
method of the invention is especially amenable to the large-scale screening of a
number of individual samples.
[0089] Any number of loci of interest can be analyzed and processed,
especially concurrently, using the method of the invention. The sample(s) can be
analyzed to determine the sequence at one locus of interest or at multiple loci of

interest concurrently. For example, the 10 or 20 most frequently occurring
mutation sites in a disease associated gene can be sequenced to detect the majority
of the disease carriers.
[0090] Alternatively, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9,10-20,20-25,25-30, 30-35, 35-40,
40-45,45-50, 50-100,100-250,250-500, 500-1,000,1,000-2,000,2,000-3, 000,
3,000-5,000,5,000-10,000, 10,000-50,000 or more than 50,000 loci of interest can
be analyzed at the same time when a global genetic screening is desired. Such a
global genetic screening might be desired when using the method of the invention
to provide a genetic fingerprint to identify a certain microorganism or individual
or for SNP genotyping.
[0091] The multiple loci of interest can be targets from different organisms.
For example, a plant, animal or human subject in need of treatment can have
symptoms of infection by one or more pathogens. A nucleic acid sample taken
from such a plant, animal or human subject can be analyzed for the presence of
multiple suspected or possible pathogens at the same time by determining the
sequence: of loci of interest which, if present, would be diagnostic for that
pathogen. Not only would the finding of such a diagnostic sequence in the subject
rapidly pinpoint the cause of the condition, but also it would rule out other
pathogens that were not detected. Such screening can be used to assess the degree
to which a pathogen has spread throughout an organism or environment. In a
similar manner, nucleic acid from an individual suspected of having a disease that
is the result of a genetic abnormality can be analyzed for some or all of the known
mutations that result in the disease, or one or more of the more common
[0092] The method of the invention can be used to monitor the integrity of the
genetic nature of an organism. For example, samples of yeast can be taken at
various times and from various batches in the brewing process, and their presence
or identity compared to that of a desired strain by the rapid analysis of their
genomic sequences as provided herein.

[0093] The locus of interest that is to be copied can be within a coding
sequence or outside of a coding sequence. Preferably, one or more loci of interest
that are to be copied are within a gene. In a preferred embodiment, the template
DNA that is copied is a locus or loci of interest that is within a genomic coding
sequence, either intron or exon. In a highly preferred embodiment, exon DNA
sequences are copied. The loci of interest can be sites where mutations are known
to cause disease or predispose to a disease state. The loci of interest can be sites
of single nucleotide polymorphisms. Alternatively, the loci of interest that are to
be copied can be outside of the coding sequence, for example, in a transcriptional
regulatory region, and especially a promoter, enhancer, or repressor sequence.
Primer Design
[0094] Published sequences, including consensus sequences, can be used to
design or select primers for use in amplification of template DNA. The selection
of sequences to be used for the construction of primers that flank a locus of
interest can be made by examination of the sequence of the loci of interest, or
immediately thereto. The recently published sequence of the human genome
provides a source of useful consensus sequence information from which to design
primers to flank a desired human gene locus of interest.
[0095] By "flanking" a locus of interest is meant that the sequences of the
primers are such that at least a portion of the 3' region of one primer is
complementary to the antisense strand of the template DNA and upstream of the
locus of interest (forward primer), and at least a portion of the 3' region of the
other primer is complementary to the sense strand of the template DNA and
downstream of the locus of interest (reverse primer). A "primer pair" is intended
to specify a pair of forward and reverse primers. Both primers of a primer pair
anneal in a manner that allows extension of the primers, such that the extension
results in amplifying the template DNA in the region of the locus of interest.
[0096] Primers can be prepared by a variety of methods including but not
limited to cloning of appropriate sequences and direct chemical synthesis using
methods well known in the art (Narang et al., Methods Enzymol. 68:90 (1979);

Brown et al., Methods Enzymol. 68:109 (1979)). Primers can also be obtained
from commercial sources such as Operon Technologies, Amersham Pharmacia
Biotech, Sigma, and Life Technologies. The primers of a primer pair can have the
same length. Alternatively, one of the primers of the primer pair can be longer
than the other primer of the primer pair. The primers can have an identical
melting temperature. The lengths of the primers can be extended or shortened at
the 5' end or the 3' end to produce primers with desired melting temperatures. In a
preferred embodiment, the 3' annealing lengths of the primers, within a primer
pair, differ. Also, the annealing position of each primer pair can be designed such
that the sequence and length of the primer pairs yield the desired melting
temperature. The simplest equation for detennining the melting temperature of
primers smaller than 25 base pairs is the Wallace Rule (Td = 2(A+T) + 4(G+C)).
Computer programs can also be used to design primers, including but not limited
to Array Designer Software (Arrayit Inc.), Oligonucleotide Probe Sequence
Design Software for Genetic Analysis (Olympus Optical Co.), NetPrimer, and
DNAsis from Hitachi Software Engineering. The TM (melting or annealing
temperature) of each primer is calculated using software programs such as Net
Primer (free web based program at
(internet address as of February 13,2002).
[0097] In another embodiment, the annealing temperature of the primers can
be recalculated and increased after any cycle of amplification, including but not
limited to cycle 1,2,3,4,5, cycles 6-10, cycles 10-15, cycles 15-20, cycles 20-25,
cycles 25-30, cycles 30-35, or cycles 35-40. After the initial cycles of
amplification, the 5' half of the primers is incorporated into the products from
each loci of interest, thus the TM can be recalculated based on both the sequences
of the 5' half and the 3' half of each primer.
[0098] For example, in FIG. 1B, the first cycle of amplification is performed
at about the melting temperature of the 3' region of the second primer (region "c")
that anneals to the template DNA, which is 13 bases. After the first cycle, the

annealing temperature can be raised to TM2, which is about the melting
temperature of the 3' region of the first primer (region "b"') that anneals to the
template DNA. The second primer cannot bind to the original template DNA
because it only anneals to 13 bases in the original DNA template, and TM2 is
about the melting temperature of approximately 20 bases, which is the 3'
annealing region of the first primer (FIG. 1C). However, the first primer can bind
to the DNA that was copied in the first cycle of the reaction. In the third cycle,
the annealing temperature is raised to TM3, which is about the melting
temperature of the entire sequence of the second primer ("c" and "d"). The
template! DNA produced from the second cycle of PCR contains both regions c'
and d', and therefore, the second primer can anneal and extend at TM3 (FIG. 1D).
The remaining cycles are performed at TM3. The entire sequence of the first
primer (a + b1) can anneal to the template from the third cycle of PCR, and extend
(FIG. 1E). Increasing the annealing temperature will decrease non-specific
binding and increase the specificity of the reaction, which is especially useful if
amplifying a locus of interest from human genomic DNA, which contains 3xl09
base pairs.
[0099] As used herein, the term "about" with regard to annealing temperatures
is used to encompass temperatures within 10 degrees Celsius of the stated
[0100] In one embodiment, one primer pair is used for each locus of interest.
However, multiple primer pairs can be used for each locus of interest.
[0101] In one embodiment, primers are designed such that one or both primers
of the primer pair contain sequence in the 5' region for one or more restriction
endonucleases (restriction enzyme).
[0102] As used herein, with regard to the position at which restriction
enzymes digest DNA, the "sense" strand is the strand reading 5' to 3' in the
direction in which the restriction enzyme cuts. For example, BsmF I recognizes
the following sequence:
5' GGGAC(N)10↓ 3' (SEQ ID NO.1) or

3* CCCTG(N)i4T 5'
5' '(N^GTCCC 3' (SEQ ID N0:2)
[0103] Thus, the sense strand is the strand containing the "GGGAC" sequence
as it reads 5' to 3' in the direction that the restriction enzyme cuts.
[0104] As used herein, with regard to the position at which restriction
enzymes digest DNA, the "antisense" strand is the strand reading 3' to 5' in the
direction in which the restriction enzyme cuts. Thus, the antisense strand is the
strand that contains the "ccctg" sequence as it reads 3' to 5'.
[0105] In the invention, one of the primers in a primer pair can be designed
such that it contains a restriction enzyme recognition site for a restriction enzyme
such mat digestion with the restriction enzyme produces a recessed 3' end and a 5'
overhang that contains the locus of interest (herein referred to as a "second
primer"). For example, the second primer of a primer pair can contain a
recognition site for a restriction enzyme that does not cut DNA at the recognition
site but cuts "n" nucleotides away from the recognition site. "N" is a distance from
the recognition site to the site of the cut by the restriction enzyme. If the
recognition sequence is for the restriction enzyme BceA I, the enzyme will cut ten
(10) nucleotides from the recognition site on the sense strand, and twelve (12)
nucleotides away from the recognition site on the antisense strand.
[0106] The 3' region and preferably the 3' half of the primers is designed to
anneal to a sequence that flanks the loci of interest (FIG. 1 A). The second primer
may anneal any distance from the locus of interest provided that digestion with
the restriction enzyme that recognizes the restriction enzyme recognition site on
this primer generates a 5' overhang that contains the locus of interest. The 5'
overhang can be of any size, including but not limited to 1,2,3,4, 5,6, 7, 8, and
more than 8 bases.
[0107] In a preferred embodiment, the 31 end of the second primer can anneal
1,2,3,4, 5,6, 7, 8,9,10,11,12,13,14, or more than 14 bases from the locus of
interest or at the locus of interest.

[0108] In a preferred embodiment, the second primer is designed to anneal
closer to the locus of interest than the other primer of a primer pair (the other
primer is herein referred to as a "first primer"). The second primer can be a
forward or reverse primer and the first primer can be a reverse or forward primer,
respectively. Whether the first or second primer should be the forward or reverse
primer can be determined by which design will provide better sequencing results.
[0109] For example, the primer that anneals closer to the locus of interest can
contain a recognition site for the restriction enzyme BsmF I, which cuts ten (10)
nucleotides from the recognition site on the sense strand, and fourteen (14)
nucleotides from the recognition site on the antisense strand. In this case, the
primer can be designed so that the restriction enzyme recognition site is 13 bases,
12 bases, 10 bases or 11 bases from the locus of interest. If the recognition site is
13 bases from the locus of interest, digestion with BsmF I will generate a 5'
overhang (RXXX), wherein the locus of interest (R) is the first nucleotide in the
overhang (reading 3' to 5'), and X is any nucleotide. If the recognition site is 12
bases from the locus of interest, digestion with BsmF I will generate a 5' overhang
(XRXX), wherein the locus of interest (R) is the second nucleotide in the
overhang (reading 3' to 5'). If the recognition site is 11 bases from the locus of
interest, digestion with BsmF I will generate a 5' overhang (XXRX), wherein the
locus of interest (R) is the third nucleotide in the overhang (reading 3' to 5'). The
distance between the restriction enzyme recognition site and the locus of interest
should be designed so that digestion with the restriction enzyme generates a 5'
overhang;, which contains the locus of interest. The effective distance between the
recognition site and the locus of interest will vary depending on the choice of
restriction enzyme.
[0110] In another embodiment, the second primer, which can anneal closer to
the locus of interest relative to the first primer, can be designed so that the
restriction enzyme that generates the 5' overhang, which contains the locus of
interest, will see the same sequence at the cut site, independent of the nucleotide
at the locus of interest. For example, if the primer that anneals closer to the locus

of interest is designed so that the recognition site for the restriction enzyme BsmF
I (5' GCrGAC 3') is thirteen bases from the locus of interest, the restriction enzyme
will cut the antisense strand one base upstream of the locus of interest. The
nucleotide at the locus of interest is adjacent to the cut site, and may vary from
DNA molecule to DNA molecule. If it is desired that the nucleotides adjacent to
the cut site be identical, the primer can be designed so that the restriction enzyme
recognition site for BsmF I is twelve bases away from the locus of interest.
Digestion with BsmF I will generate a 5' overhang, wherein the locus of interest is
in the second position of the overhang (reading 3' to 5') and is no longer adjacent
to the cut site. Designing the primer so that the restriction enzyme recognition
site is twelve (12) bases from the locus of interest allows the nucleotides adjacent
to the cut site to be the same, independent of the nucleotide at the locus of interest.
Also, primers that have been designed so that the restriction enzyme recognition
site is eleven (11) or ten (10) bases from the locus of interest will allow the
nucleotides adjacent to the cut site to be the same, independent of the nucleotide
at the locus of interest.
[0111] The 3' end of the first primer (either the forward or the reverse) can be
designed to anneal at a chosen distance from the locus of interest. Preferably, for
example, this distance is between 10-25,25-50,50-75,75-100,100-150,150-200,
200-250, 250-300,300-350, 350-400,400-450,450-500,500-550, 550-600,600-
650,650-700,700-750,750-800, 800-850, 850-900,900-950,950-1000 and
greater than 1000 bases away from the locus of interest. The annealing sites of
the first primers are chosen such that each successive upstream primer is further
and further away from its respective downstream primer.
[0112] For example, if at locus of interest 1 the 3' ends of the first and second
primers are Z bases apart, then at locus of interest 2, the 3' ends of the upstream
and downstream primers are Z + K bases apart, where K = 1,2, 3,4,5-10,10-20,
20-30,30-40,40-50,50-60,60-70, 70-80, 80-90,90-100,100-200,200-300, 300-
400,400--500, 500-600,600-700,700-800, 800-900,900-1000, or greater than
1000 bases (FIG 2). The purpose of making the upstream primers further and

further apart from their respective downstream primers is so that the PCR
products of all the loci of interest differ in size and can be separated, e.g., on a
sequencing gel. This allows for multiplexing by pooling the PCR products in later
[0113] In one embodiment, the 5' region of the first primer can have a
recognition site for any type of restriction enzyme. In a preferred embodiment,
the first primer has at least one restriction enzyme recognition site that is different
from the restriction enzyme recognition site in the second primer. In another
preferred embodiment, the first primer anneals further away from the locus of
interest than the second primer.
[0114] In a preferred embodiment, the second primer contains a restriction
enzyme recognition sequence for a Type IIS restriction enzyme including but not
limited to BceA I and BsmF I, which produce a two base 5' overhang and a four
base 5' overhang, respectively. Restriction enzymes that are Type IIS are
preferred because they recognize asymmetric base sequences (not palindromic
like the orthodox Type II enzymes). Type IIS restriction enzymes cleave DNA at
a specified position that is outside of the recognition site, typically up to 20 base
pairs outside of the recognition site. These properties make Type IIS restriction
enzymes, and the recognition sites thereof, especially useful in the method of the
invention. Preferably, the Type IIS restriction enzymes used in this method leave
a 5' overhang and a recessed 3' end.
[0115] A wide variety of Type US restriction enzymes are known and such
enzymes have been isolated from bacteria, phage, archaebacteria and viruses of
eukaryotic algae and are commercially available (Promega, Madison WI; New
England Biolabs, Beverly, MA; Szybalski W. etal, Gene 100:13-16, (1991)).
Examples of Type IIS restriction enzymes that would be useful in the method of
the invention include, but are not limited to enzymes such as those listed in Table

[0116] In one embodiment, a primer pair has sequence at the 5' region of each
of the primers that provides a restriction enzyme recognition site that is unique for
one restriction enzyme.

[0117] In another embodiment, a primer pair has sequence at the 5' region of
each of the primers that provide a restriction site that is recognized by more than
one restriction enzyme, and especially for more than one Type IIS restriction
enzyme. For example, certain consensus sequences can be recognized by more
than one enzyme. For example, Bsgl, Eco57I and Bpml all recognize the
consensus 5' (G/C)TgnAG 3' and cleave 16 bp away on the antisense strand and
14 bp away on the sense strand. A primer mat provides such a consensus
sequence would result in a product that has a site that can be recognized by any of
the restriction enzymes Bsgl, Eco57I and Bpml.
[0118] Other restriction enzymes that cut DNA at a distance from the
recognition site, and produce a recessed 3' end and a 5' overhang include Type III
restriction enzymes. For example, the restriction enzyme EcoP15I recognizes the
sequence 5' CAGCAG 3' and cleaves 25 bases downstream on the sense strand
and 27 bases on the antisense strand. It will be further appreciated by a person of
ordinary skill in the art that new restriction enzymes are continually being
discovered and may readily be adopted for use in the subject invention.
[0119] In another embodiment, the second primer can contain a portion of the
recognition sequence for a restriction enzyme, wherein the full recognition site for
the restriction enzyme is generated upon amplification of the template DNA such
that digestion with the restriction enzyme generates a 5' overhang containing the
locus of interest. For example, the recognition site for BsmF I is 5' GGGACN10↓
3'. The 3' region, which anneals to the template DNA, of the second primer can
end with the nucleotides "GGG," which do not have to be complementary with the
template DNA. If the 3' annealing region is about 10-20 bases, even if the last
three bases do not anneal, the primer will extend and, generate a BsmF I site.
[0120] The second primer can be designed to anneal to the template DNA,
wherein the next two bases of the template DNA are thymidine and guanine, such

that an adenosine and cytosine are incorporated into the primer forming a
recognition site for BsmF I, 5' GGGACN10↓3'. The second primer can be
designed to anneal in such a manner that digestion with BsmF I generates a 5'
overhang containing the locus of interest.
[0121] In another embodiment, the second primer can contain an entire or full
recognition site for a restriction enzyme or a portion of a recognition site, which
generates a full recognition site upon amplification of the template DNA such that
digestion with a restriction enzyme that cuts at the recognition site generates a 5'
overhang that contains the locus of interest. For example, the restriction enzyme
BsaJ I binds the following recognition site: 5' C↓CN1N2GG 3'. The second primer
can be designed such that the 3' region of the primer ends with "CC." The SNP of
interest is represented by "Nr", and the template sequence downstream of the
SNP is "N2'CC."
[0122] After digestion with BsaJ I, a 5' overhang of the following sequence
would be generated:
5' C 3'
3' GGN1-N2'C 5'
[0123] If the nucleotide guanine is not reported at the locus of interest, the 3'
recessed end can be filled in with unlabeled cytosine, which is complementary to
the first nucleotide in the overhang. After removing the excess cytosine, labeled
ddNTPs can be used to fill in the next nucleotide, Nr, which represents the locus
of interest. Alternatively if guanine is reported to be a potential nucleotide at the
locus of interest, labeled nucleotides can be used to detect a nucleotide 3' of the
locus of interest. Unlabeled dCTP can be used to "fill in" followed by a fill in
with a labeled nucleotide other that cytosine. Cytosine will be incorporated until
it reaches a base that is not complementary. If the locus of interest contained a
guanine, it would be filled in with the dCTP, which would allow incorporation of

the labeled nucleotide. However, if the locus of interest did not contain a guanine,
the labeled nucleotide would not be incorporated. Other restriction enzymes can
be used including but not limited to BssK I (5' ↓CNGG 3'), Dde I (5' C↓TNAG
3'), EcoN I (5' CCTNN↓NNNAGG 3') (SEQ ID NO:7), Fnu4H I (5' GC↓NGC 3'),
Hinf I (5' G↓ANTC 3'), PflF I (5' GACN↓NNGTC 3'), Sau96I (5' G↓NCC 3'),
ScrF I (5' CC↓NGG 3'), and Tthl 111 (5' GACN↓NNGTC 3')-
[0124] It is not necessary that the 3' region, which anneals to the template
DNA, of the second primer be 100% complementary to the template DNA. For
example, the last 1,2, or 3 nucleotides of the 3' end of the second primer can be
mismatches with the template DNA. The region of the primer that anneals to the
template DNA will target the primer, and allow the primer to extend. Even if, for
example, the last two nucleotides are not complementary to the template DNA,
the primer will extend and generate a restriction enzyme recognition site.
[0125] After digestion with BsaJ I, a 5' overhang of the following sequence
would be generated:
5'C 3'
3' GGN1'N2-C 5'
[0126] If the nucleotide cytosine is not reported at the locus of interest, the 5'
overhang can be filled in with unlabeled cytosine. The excess cytosine can be
rinsed away, and filled in with labeled ddNTPs. The first nucleotide incorporated
(N1) corresponds to the locus of interest.
[0127] Alternatively, it is possible to create the full restriction enzyme
recognition sequence using the first and second primers. The recognition site for
any resitriction enzyme can be generated, as long as the recognition site contains at
least one variable nucleotide. Restriction enzymes that recognize sites that

contain at least one variable nucleotide include but are not limited to BssK I
(5'↓CCNGG 3'), Dde I (5'C'TNAG 3% Econ I (5,CCTNN↓NNNAGG3') (SEQ ID
NO:7), Fnu4H I (5'GC↓NGC 3'), Hinf I (5'G'ANTC 3') PflF I (5' GACN↓NNGTC
3'), Sau961 (5' G'GNCC 3'), ScrF I (5' CC↓NGG 3'), and Tthl 111 (5'
GACN↓NNGTC 3'). In this embodiment, the first or second primer may anneal
closer to the locus of interest or the first or second primer may anneal at an equal
distance from the locus of interest. The first and second primers can be designed
to contain mismatches to the template DNA at the 3' region; these mismatches
create the restriction enzyme recognition site. The number of mismatches that can
be tolerated at the 3' end depends on the length of the primer, and includes but is
not limited to 1,2, or more than 2 mismatches. For example, if the locus of
interest is represented by Nr, a first primer can be designed to be complementary
to the template DNA, depicted below as region "a." The 3' region of the first
primer ends with "CC," which is not complementary to the template DNA. The
second primer is designed to be complementary to the template DNA, which is
depicted below as region "b"'. The 3' region of the second primer ends with "CC,"
which is not complementary to the template DNA.

[0128] After one round of amplification the following products would be

[0129] In cycle two, the primers can anneal to the templates that were
generated from the first cycle of PCR:

[0130] After cycle two of PCR, the following products would be generated:

[0131] The restriction enzyme recognition site for BsaJ I is generated, and
after digestion with BsaJ I, a 5' overhang containing the locus of interest is
generated. The locus of interest can be detected as described in detail below.
Alternatively, the 3' region of the first and second primers can contain 1,2,3, or
more than 3 mismatches followed by a nucleotide that is complementary to the
template DNA. For example, the first and second primers can be used to create a
recognition site for the restriction enzyme EcoN I, which binds the following
DNA sequence: 5' CCTNN↓NNNAGG 3'. The last nucleotides of each primer
would be "CCTN1 or CCTN1N2." The nucleotides "CCT" may or may not be
complementary to the template DNA; however, N1 and N2 are nucleotides
complementary to the template DNA. This allows the primers to anneal to the
template DNA after the potential mismatches, which are used to create the
restriction enzyme recognition site.
[0132] In another embodiment, a primer pair has sequence at the 5' region of
each of the primers that provides two or more restriction sites that are recognized
by two or more restriction enzymes.
[0133] In a most preferred embodiment, a primer pair has different restriction
enzyme recognition sites at the 5' regions, especially 5' ends, such that a different
restriction enzyme is required to cleave away any undesired sequences. For
example, the first primer for locus of interest "A" can contain sequence
recognized by a restriction enzyme, "X," which can be any type of restriction
enzyme, and the second primer for locus of interest "A," which anneals closer to
the locus of interest, can contain sequence for a restriction enzyme, "Y," which is

a Type IIS restriction enzyme that cuts "n" nucleotides away and leaves a 5'
overhang and a recessed 3' end. The 5' overhang contains the locus of interest.
After binding the amplified DNA to streptavidin coated wells, one can digest with
enzyme "Y," rinse, then fill in with labeled nucleotides and rinse, and then digest
with restriction enzyme "X," which will release the DNA fragment containing the
locus of interest from the solid matrix. The locus of interest can be analyzed by
detecting the labeled nucleotide that was "filled in" at the locus of interest, e.g.
SNP site.
[0134] In another embodiment, the second primers for the different loci of
interest that are being amplified according to the invention contain recognition
sequence in the 5' regions for the same restriction enzyme and likewise all the first
primers also contain the same restriction enzyme recognition site, which is a
different enzyme from the enzyme that recognizes the second primers. The
primer (either the forward or reverse primer) that anneals closer to the locus of
interest contains a recognition site for, e.g., a Type IIs restriction enzyme.
[0135] In another embodiment, the second primers for the multiple loci of
interest that are being amplified according to the invention contain restriction
enzyme recognition sequences in the 5' regions for different restriction enzymes.
[0136] In another embodiment, the first primers for the multiple loci of
interest that are being amplified according to the invention contain restriction
enzyme recognition sequences in the 5' regions for different restriction enzymes.
[0137] Multiple restriction enzyme sequences provide an opportunity to
influence the order in which pooled loci of interest are released from the solid
support. For example, if 50 loci of interest are amplified, the first primers can
have a tag at the extreme 5' end to aid in purification and a restriction enzyme
recognition site, and the second primers can contain a recognition site for a type
IIS restriction enzyme. For example, several of the first primers can have a
restriction enzyme recognition site for EcoR I, other first primers can have a
recognition site for Pst I, and still other first primers can have a recognition site
for BamH I. After amplification, the loci of interest can be bound to a solid

support with the aid of the tag on the first primers. By performing the restriction
digests one restriction enzyme at a time, one can serially release the amplified loci
of interest. If the first digest is performed with EcoRI, the loci of interest
amplified with the first primers containing the recognition site for EcoR I will be
released, and collected while the other loci of interest remain bound to the solid
support. The amplified loci of interest can be selectively released from the solid
support by digesting with one restriction enzyme at a time. The use of different
restriction enzyme recognition sites in the first primers allows a larger number of
loci of interest to be amplified in a single reaction tube.
[0138] In a preferred embodiment, any region 5' of the restriction enzyme
digestion site of each primer can be modified with a functional group that
provides for fragment manipulation, processing, identification, and/or
purification. Examples of such functional groups, or tags, include but are not
limited to biotin, derivatives of biotin, carbohydrates, haptens, dyes, radioactive
molecules, antibodies, and fragments of antibodies, peptides, and immunogenic
[0139] In another embodiment, the template DNA can be replicated once,
without being amplified beyond a single round of replication. This is useful when
there is a large amount of the DNA available for analysis such that a large number
of copies of the loci of interest are already present in the sample, and further
copies are not needed. In this embodiment, the primers are preferably designed to
contain a "hairpin" structure in the 5' region, such that the sequence doubles back
and anneals to a sequence internal to itself in a complementary manner. When the
template DNA is replicated only once, the DNA sequence comprising the
recognition site would be single-stranded if not for the "hairpin" structure.
However, in the presence of the hairpin structure, that region is effectively double
stranded, thus providing a double stranded substrate for activity by restriction
[0140] To the extent that the reaction conditions are compatible, all the primer
pairs to analyze a locus or loci of interest of DNA can be mixed together for use

in the method of the invention. In a preferred embodiment, all primer pairs are
mixed with the template DNA in a single reaction vessel. Such a reaction vessel
can be, for example, a reaction tube, or a well of a microtiter plate.
[01411 Alternatively, to avoid competition for nucleotides and to minimize
primer dimers and difficulties with annealing temperatures for primers, each locus
of interest or small groups of loci of interest can be amplified in separate reaction
tubes or wells, and the products later pooled if desired. For example, the separate
reactions can be pooled into a single reaction vessel before digestion with the
restriction enzyme that generates a 5' overhang, which contains the locus of
interest or SNP site, and a 3' recessed end. Preferably, the primers of each primer
pair are provided in equimolar amounts. Also, especially preferably, each of the
different primer pairs is provided in equimolar amounts relative to the other pairs
that are being used.
[0142] In another embodiment, combinations of primer pairs that allow
efficient amplification of their respective loci of interest can be used (see e.g. FIG.
2). Such combinations can be determined prior to use in the method of the
invention. Multi-well plates and PCR machines can be used to select primer pairs
that work efficiently with one another. For example, gradient PCR machines,
such as the Eppendorf Mastercycler® gradient PCR machine, can be used to
select the optimal annealing temperature for each primer pair. Primer pairs that
have similar properties can be used together in a single reaction tube.
[0143] In another embodiment, a multi-sample container including but not
limited to a 96-well or more plate can be used to amplify a single locus of interest
with the same primer pairs from multiple template DNA samples with optimal
PCR conditions for that locus of interest. Alternatively, a separate multi-sample
container can be used for amplification of each locus of interest and the products
for each template DNA sample later pooled. For example, gene A from 96
different DNA samples can be amplified in microtiter plate 1, gene B from 96
different DNA samples can be amplified in microtiter plate 2, etc., and then the
amplification products can be pooled.

[0144] The result of amplifying multiple loci of interest is a preparation that
contains representative PCR products having the sequence of each locus of
interest. For example, if DNA from only one individual is used as the template
DNA and if hundreds of disease-related loci of interest were amplified from the
template DNA, the amplified DNA would be a mixture of small, PCR products
from each of the loci of interest. Such a preparation could be further analyzed at
that time to determine the sequence at each locus of interest or at only some of
loci of interest. Additionally, the preparation could be stored in a manner that
preserves the DNA and can be analyzed at a later time. Information contained in
the amplified DNA can be revealed by any suitable method including but not
limited to fluorescence detection, sequencing, gel electrophoresis, and mass
spectrometry (see "Detection of Incorporated Nucleotide" section below).
Amplification of Loci of Interest
[0145] The template DNA can be amplified using any suitable method known
in the art including but not limited to PCR (polymerase chain reaction), 3SR (self-
sustained sequence reaction), LCR (ligase chain reaction), RACE-PCR (rapid
amplification of cDNA ends), PLCR (a combination of polymerase chain reaction
and ligase chain reaction), Q-beta phage amplification (Shah et al., J. Medical
Micro. 33:1435-41 (1995)), SDA (strand displacement amplification), SOE-PCR
(splice overlap extension PCR), and the like. These methods can be used to
design variations of the releasable primer mediated cyclic amplification reaction
explicitly described in this application. In the most preferred embodiment, the
template DNA is amplified using PCR (PCR: A Practical Approach, M. J.
McPherson, et al., IRL Press (1991); PCR Protocols: A Guide to Methods and
Applications, Innis, et al., Academic Press (1990); and PCR Technology:
Principals and Applications of DNA Amplification, H. A. Erlich, Stockton Press
(1989)). PCR is also described in numerous U.S. patents, including U.S. Pat. Nos.
4,683,195; 4,683,202; 4,800,159; 4,965,188; 4,889,818; 5,075,216; 5,079,352;
5,104,792,5,023,171; 5,091,310; and 5,066,584.

[0146] The components of a typical PCR reaction include but are not limited
to a template DNA, primers, a reaction buffer (dependent on choice of
polymerase), dNTPs (dATP, dTTP, dGTP, and dCTP) and a DNA polymerase.
Suitable PCR primers can be designed and prepared as discussed above (see
"Primer Design" section above). Briefly, the reaction is heated to 95°C for 2 min.
to separate the strands of the template DNA, the reaction is cooled to an
appropriate temperature (determined by calculating the annealing temperature of
designed primers) to allow primers to anneal to the template DNA, and heated to
72°C for two minutes to allow extension.
[0147] In a preferred embodiment, the annealing temperature is increased in
each of the first three cycles of amplification to reduce non-specific amplification.
See also Example 1, below. The TM1 of the first cycle of PCR is about the
melting temperature of the 3' region of the second primer that anneals to the
template DNA. The annealing temperature can be raised in cycles 2-10,
preferably in cycle 2, to TM2, which is about the melting temperature of the 3'
region, which anneals to the template DNA, of the first primer. If the annealing
temperature is raised in cycle 2, the annealing temperature remains about the same
until the next increase in annealing temperature. Finally, in any cycle subsequent
to the cycle in which the annealing temperature was increased to TM2, preferably
cycle 3, the annealing temperature is raised to TM3, which is about the melting
temperature of the entire second primer. After the third cycle, the annealing
temperature for the remaining cycles may be at about TM3 or may be further
increased. In this example, the annealing temperature is increased in cycles 2 and
3. However, the annealing temperature can be increased from a low annealing
temperature in cycle 1 to a high annealing temperature in cycle 2 without any
further increases in temperature or the annealing temperature can progressively
change from a low annealing temperature to a high annealing temperature in any
number of incremental steps. For example, the annealing temperature can be
changed in cycles 2,3,4,5,6, etc.

[0148] After annealing, the temperature in each cycle is increased to an
"extension" temperature to allow the primers to "extend" and then following
extension the temperature in each cycle is increased to the denaturization
temperature. For PCR products less than 500 base pairs in size, one can eliminate
the extension step in each cycle and just have denaturization and annealing steps.
A typical PCR reaction consists of 25-45 cycles of denaturation, annealing and
extension as described above. However, as previously noted, even only one cycle
of amplification (one copy) can be sufficient for practicing the invention.
[0149] Any DNA polymerase that catalyzes primer extension can be used
including but not limited to E. coli DNA polymerase, Klenow fragment of E. coli
DNA polymerase I, T7 DNA polymerase, T4 DNA polymerase, Taq polymerase,
Pfu DNA polymerase, Vent DNA polymerase, bacteriophage 29, and REDTaq™
Genomic DNA polymerase, or sequenase. Preferably, a thermostable DNA
polymerase is used. A "hot start" PCR can also be performed wherein the reaction
is heated to 95°C for two minutes prior to addition of the polymerase or the
polymerase can be kept inactive until the first heating step in cycle 1. "Hot start"
PCR can be used to minimize nonspecific amplification. Any number of PCR
cycles can be used to amplify the DNA, including but not limited to 2,5,10,15,
20,25,30,35,40, or 45 cycles. In a most preferred embodiment, the number of
PCR cycles performed is such that equimolar amounts of each loci of interest are
Purification of Amplified DNA
[0150] Purification of the amplified DNA is not necessary for practicing the
invention. However, in one embodiment, if purification is preferred, the 5' end of
the primer (first or second primer) can be modified with a tag that facilitates
purification of the PCR products. In a preferred embodiment, the first primer is
modified with a tag that facilitates purification of the PCR products. The
modification is preferably the same for all primers, although different
modifications can be used if it is desired to separate the PCR products into
different groups.

[0151] The tag can be a radioisotope, fluorescent reporter molecule,
chemiluminescent reporter molecule, antibody, antibody fragment, hapten, biotin,
derivative of biotin, photobiotin, iminobiotin, digoxigenin, avidin, enzyme,
acridinium, sugar, enzyme, apoenzyme, homopolymeric oligonucleotide,
hormone, ferromagnetic moiety, paramagnetic moiety, diamagnetic moiety,
phosphorescent moiety, luminescent moiety, electrochemiluminescent moiety,
chromatic moiety, moiety having a detectable electron spin resonance, electrical
capacitance, dielectric constant or electrical conductivity, or combinations thereof.
[0152] In a preferred embodiment, the 5' ends of the primers can be
biotinylated (Kandpal et al., Nucleic Acids Res. 18:1789-1795 (1990); Kaneoka et
al., Biotechniques 10:30-34 (1991); Green et al, Nucleic Acids Res. 18:6163-
6164 (1990)). The biotin provides an affinity tag that can be used to purify the
copied DNA from the genomic DNA or any other DNA molecules that are not of
interest. Biotinylated molecules can be purified using a streptavidin coated matrix
as shown in FIG. 1F, including but not limited to Streptawell, transparent, High-
Bind plates from Roche Molecular Biochemicals (catalog number 1 645 692, as
listed in Roche Molecular Biochemicals, 2001 Biochemicals Catalog).
[0153] The PCR product of each locus of interest is placed into separate wells
of a Streptavidin coated plate. Alternatively, the PCR products of the loci of
interest can be pooled and placed into a streptavidin coated matrix, including but
not limited to the Streptawell, transparent, High-Bind plates from Roche
Molecular Biochemicals (catalog number 1 645 692, as listed in Roche Molecular
Biochemicals, 2001 Biochemicals Catalog).
[0154] The amplified DNA can also be separated from the template DNA
using non-affinity methods known in the art, for example, by polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis using standard protocols.
Digestion of Amplified DNA
[0155] The amplified DNA can be digested with a restriction enzyme that
recognizes a sequence that had been provided on the first or second primer using
standard protocols known within the art (FIGS. 6A-6D). The enzyme used

depends on the restriction recognition site generated with the first or second
primer. See "Primer Design" section, above, for details on restriction recognition
sites generated on primers.
[0156] Type IIS restriction enzymes are extremely useful in that they cut
approximately 10-20 base pairs outside of the recognition site. Preferably, the
Type IIS restriction enzymes used are those that generate a 5' overhang and a
recessed 3' end, including but not limited to BceA I and BsmF I (see e.g. Table I).
In a most preferred embodiment, the second primer (either forward or reverse),
which anneals close to the locus of interest, contains a restriction enzyme
recognition sequence for BsmF I or BceA I. The Type IIS restriction enzyme
BsmF I recognizes the nucleic acid sequence GGGAC, and cuts 14 nucleotides
from the recognition site on the antisense strand and 10 nucleotides from the
recognition site on the sense strand. Digestion with BsmF I generates a 5'
overhang of four (4) bases.
[0157] For example, if the second primer is designed so that after
amplification the restriction enzyme recognition site is 13 bases from the locus of
interest, then after digestion, the locus of interest is the first base in the 5'
overhang (reading 3' to 5'), and the recessed 3' end is one base upstream of the
locus of interest. The 3' recessed end can be filled in with a nucleotide that is
complementary to the locus of interest. One base of the overhang can be filled in
using dideoxynucleotides. However, 1,2,3, or all 4 bases of the overhang can be
filled in using deoxynucleotides or a mixture of dideoxynucleotides and
[0158] The restriction enzyme BsmF I cuts DNA ten (10) nucleotides from
the recognition site on the sense strand and fourteen (14) nucleotides from the
recognition site on the antisense strand. However, in a sequence dependent
manner, the restriction enzyme BsmF I also cuts eleven (11) nucleotides from the
recognition site on the sense strand and fifteen (15) nucleotides from the
recognition site on the antisense strand. Thus, two populations of DNA molecules
exist after digestion: DNA molecules cut at 10/14 and DNA molecules cut at

11/15. If the recognition site for BsmF I is 13 bases from the locus of interest in
the amplified product, then DNA molecules cut at the 11/15 position will generate
a 5' overhang that contains the locus of interest in the second position of the
overhang (reading 3' to 5'). The 3' recessed end of the DNA molecules can be
filled in with labeled nucleotides. For example, if labeled dideoxynucleotides are
used, the 3' recessed end of the molecules cut at 11/15 would be filled in with one
base, which corresponds to the base upstream of the locus of interest, and the 3'
recessed end of molecules cut at 10/14 would be filled in with one base, which
corresponds to the locus of interest. The DNA molecules that have been cut at the
10/14 position and the DNA molecules that have been cut at the 11/15 position
can be: separated by size, and the incorporated nucleotides detected. This allows
detection of both the nucleotide before the locus of interest, detection of the locus
of interest, and potentially the three bases pairs after the locus of interest.
[0159| Alternatively, if the base upstream of the locus of interest and the locus
of interest are different nucleotides, then the 3' recessed end of the molecules cut
at 11/15 can be filled in with deoxynucleotide that is complementary to the
upstream base. The remaining deoxynucleotide is washed away, and the locus of
interest site can be filled in with either labeled deoxynucleotides, unlabeled
deoxynucleotides, labeled dideoxynucleotides, or unlabeled dideoxynucleotides.
After the fill in reaction, the nucleotide can be detected by any suitable method.
Thus, after the first fill in reaction with dNTP, the 3' recessed end of the
molecules cut at 10/14 and 11/15 is upstream of the locus of interest. The 3'
recessed end can now be filled in one base, which corresponds to the locus of
interest, two bases, three bases or four bases.
[0160] Alternatively, if the base upstream of the locus of interest and the base
downstream of the locus of interest are reported to be the same, the 3' recessed
end of the molecules cut at 11/15 can be "filled in" with unlabeled
deoxynucleotide, followed by a "fill in" with labeled dideoxynucleotide. For
example, if the nucleotide upstream of the locus of interest is a cytosine, and a
cytosine is a potential nucleotide at the locus of interest, and an adenosine is the

first nucleotide 3' of the locus of interest, a "fill in" reaction can be performed
with unlabeled deoxyguanine triphosphate (dGTP), followed by a fill in with
labeled dideoxythymidine triphosphate. If the locus of interest contains a
cytosine, the ddTTP will be incorporated and detected. However, if the locus of
interest does not contain a cytosine, the dGTP will not be incorporated, which
prevents incorporation of the ddTTP.
[0161] The restriction enzyme BceA I recognizes the nucleic acid sequence
ACGGC and cuts 12 (twelve) nucleotides from the recognition site on the sense
strand and 14 (fourteen) nucleotides from the recognition site on the antisense
strand. If the distance from the recognition site for BceA I on the second primer
is designed to be thirteen (13) bases from the locus of interest (see FIGS. 4A-4D),
digestion with BceA I will generate a 5' overhang of two bases, which contains
the locus of interest, and a recessed 3' end that is upstream of the locus of interest.
The locus of interest is the first nucleotide in the 5' overhang (reading 3' to 5').
[0162] Alternative cutting is also seen with the restriction enzyme BceA I,
although at a much lower frequency than is seen with BsmF I. The restriction
enzyme BceA I can cut thirteen (13) nucleotides from the recognition site on the
sense strand and fifteen (15) nucleotides from the recognition site on the antisense
strand. Thus, two populations of DNA molecules exist: DNA molecules cut at
12/14 and DNA molecules cut at 13/15. If the restriction enzyme recognition site
is 13 bases from the locus of interest in the amplified product, DNA molecules cut
at the 13/15 position yield a 5' overhang, which contains the locus of interest in
the second position of the overhang (reading 3' to 5'). Labeled dideoxynucleotides
can be used to fill in the 3' recessed end of the DNA molecules. The DNA
molecules cut at 13/15 will have the base upstream of the locus of interest filled
in, and the DNA molecules cut at 12/14 will have the locus of interest site filled
in. The DNA molecules cut at 13/15 and those cut at 12/14 can be separated by
size, and the incorporated nucleotide detected. Thus, the alternative cutting can
be used to obtain additional sequence information.

[0163] Alternatively, if the two bases in the 5' overhang are different, the 3'
recessed end of the DNA molecules, which were cut at 13/15, can be filled in with
the deoxynucleotide complementary to the first base in the overhang, and excess
deoxynucleotide washed away. After filling in, the 3' recessed end of the DNA
molecules that were cut at 12/14 and the DNA molecules that were cut at 13/15
are upstream of the locus of interest. The 3' recessed ends can be filled with either
labeled dideoxynucleotides, unlabeled dideoxynucleotides, labeled
deoxynucleotides, or unlabeled deoxynucleotides.
[0164] If the primers provide different restriction sites for certain of the loci of
interest that were copied, all the necessary restriction enzymes can be added
together to digest the copied DNA simultaneously. Alternatively, the different
restriction digests can be made in sequence, for example, using one restriction
enzyme at a time, so that only the product that is specific for that restriction
enzyme is digested.
Incorporation of Labeled Nucleotides
[0165] Digestion with the restriction enzyme that recognizes the sequence on
the second primer generates a recessed 3' end and a 5' overhang, which contains
the locus of interest (FIG. 1G). The recessed 3' end can be filled in using the 5'
overhang as a template in the presence of unlabeled or labeled nucleotides or a
combination of both unlabeled and labeled nucleotides. The nucleotides can be
labeled with any type of chemical group or moiety that allows for detection
including but not limited to radioactive molecules, fluorescent molecules,
antibodies, antibody fragments, haptens, carbohydrates, biotin, derivatives of
biotin, phosphorescent moieties, luminescent moieties, electrochemiluminescent
moieties, chromatic moieties, and moieties having a detectable electron spin
resonance, electrical capacitance, dielectric constant or electrical conductivity.
The nucleotides can be labeled with one or more than one type of chemical group
or moiety. Each nucleotide can be labeled with the same chemical group or
moiety. Alternatively, each different nucleotide can be labeled with a different
chemical group or moiety. The labeled nucleotides can be dNTPs, ddNTPs, or a

mixture of both dNTPs and ddNTPs. The unlabeled nucleotides can be dNTPs,
ddNTPs or a mixture of both dNTPs and ddNTPs.
[0166] Any combination of nucleotides can be used to incorporate nucleotides
including but not limited to unlabeled deoxynucleotides, labeled
deoxynucleotides, unlabeled dideoxynucleotides, labeled dideoxynucleotides, a
mixture of labeled and unlabeled deoxynucleotides, a mixture of labeled and
unlabeled dideoxynucleotides, a mixture of labeled deoxynucleotides and labeled
dideoxynucleotides, a mixture of labeled deoxynucleotides and unlabeled
dideoxynucleotides, a mixture of unlabeled deoxynucleotides and unlabeled
dideoxynucleotides, a mixture of unlabeled deoxynucleotides and labeled
dideoxynucleotides, dideoxynucleotide analogues, deoxynucleotide analogues, a
mixture of dideoxynucleotide analogues and deoxynucleotide analogues,
phosphorylated nucleoside analogues, 2-deoxynucleoside—5' triphosphates and
modified 2'-deoxynucleoside triphosphates.
[0167] For example, as shown in FIG. 1H, in the presence of a polymerase,
the 3' recessed end can be filled in with fluorescent ddNTP using the 5' overhang
as a template. The incorporated ddNTP can be detected using any suitable
method including but not limited to fluorescence detection.
[0168] All four nucleotides can be labeled with different fluorescent groups,
which will allow one reaction to be performed in the presence of all four labeled
nucleotides. Alternatively, five separate "fill in" reactions can be performed for
each locus of interest; each of the four reactions will contain a different labeled
nucleotide (e.g. ddATP*, ddTTP*, ddUTP*, ddGTP*, or ddCTP*, where *
indicates a labeled nucleotide). Each nucleotide can be labeled with different
chemical groups or the same chemical groups. The labeled nucleotides can be
dideoxynucleotides or deoxynucleotides.
[0169] In another embodiment, nucleotides can be labeled with fluorescent
dyes including but not limited to fluorescein, pyrene, 7-methoxycoumarin,
Cascade Blue.TM., Alexa Flur 350, Alexa Flur 430, Alexa Flur 488, Alexa Flur
532, Alexa Flur 546, Alexa Flur 568, Alexa Flur 594, Alexa Flur 633, Alexa Flur

647, Alexa Flur 660, Alexa Flur 680, AMCA-X, dialkylaminocoumarin, Pacific
Blue, Marina Blue, BODIPY 493/503, BODIPY Fl-X, DTAF, Oregon Green 500,
Dansyl-X, 6-FAM, Oregon Green 488, Oregon Green 514, Rhodamine Green-X,
Rhodol Green, Calcein, Eosin, ethidium bromide, NBD, TET, 2', 4', 5', 7
tetrabromosulfonefluorescien, BODIPY-R6G, BODIPY-F1BR2, BODIPY
530/550, HEX, BODIPY 558/568, BODIPY-TMR-X., PyMPO, BODIPY
564/570, TAMRA, BODIPY 576/589, Cy3, Rhodamine Red-x, BODIPY
581/591, carboxyXrhodamine, Texas Red-X, BODIPY-TR-X., Cy5,
SpectrumAqua, SpectrumGreen #1, SpectrumGreen #2, SpectrumOrange,
SpectrumRed, or naphthofluorescein.
[0170] In another embodiment, the "fill in" reaction can be performed with
fluorescently labeled dNTPs, wherein the nucleotides are labeled with different
fluorescent groups. The incorporated nucleotides can be detected by any suitable
method including but not limited to Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer
[0171] In another embodiment, a mixture of both labeled ddNTPs and
unlabeled dNTPs can be used for filling in the recessed 3' end of the DNA
sequence containing the SNP or locus of interest. Preferably, the 5' overhang
consists of more than one base, including but not limited to 2,3,4,5,6 or more
than 6 bases. For example, if the 5' overhang consists of the sequence "XGAA,"
wherein X is the locus of interest, e.g. SNP, then filling in with a mixture of
labeled ddNTPs and unlabeled dNTPs will produce several different DNA
fragments. If a labeled ddNTP is incorporated at position "X," the reaction will
terminate and a single labeled base will be incorporated. If however, an unlabeled
dNTP is incorporated, the polymerase continues to incorporate other bases until a
labeled ddNTP is incorporated. If the first two nucleotides incorporated are
dNTPs, and the third is a ddNTP, the 3' recessed end will be extended by three
bases. This DNA fragment can be separated from the other DNA fragments that
were extended by 1,2, or 4 bases by size. A mixture of labeled ddNTPs and
unlabeled dNTPs will allow all bases of the overhang to be filled in, and provides

additional sequence information about the locus of interest, e.g. SNP (see FIGS.
7E and 9D).
[0172] After incorporation of the labeled nucleotide, the amplified DNA can
be digested with a restriction enzyme that recognizes the sequence provided by
the first primer. For example, in FIG II, the amplified DNA is digested with a
restriction enzyme that binds to region "a," which releases the DNA fragment
containing the incorporated nucleotide from the streptavidin matrix.
[0173] Alternatively, one primer of each primer pair for each locus of interest
can be attached to a solid support matrix including but not limited to a well of a
microtiter plate. For example, streptavidin-coated microtiter plates can be used
for the amplification reaction with a primer pair, wherein one primer is
biotinylated. First, biotinylated primers are bound to the streptavidin-coated
microtiter plates. Then, the plates are used as the reaction vessel for PCR
amplification of the loci of interest. After the amplification reaction is complete,
the excess primers, salts, and template DNA can be removed by washing. The
amplified DNA remains attached to the microtiter plate. The amplified DNA can
be digested with a restriction enzyme that recognizes a sequence on the second
primer and generates a 5' overhang, which contains the locus of interest. The
digested fragments can be removed by washing. After digestion, the SNP site or
locus of interest is exposed in the 5' overhang. The recessed 3' end is filled in
with a labeled nucleotide, including but not limited to, fluorescent ddNTP in the
presence of a polymerase. The labeled DNA can be released into the supernatant
in the microtiter plate by digesting with a restriction enzyme that recognizes a
sequence in the 5' region of the first primer.
Analysis of the locus of interest
[0174] The labeled loci of interest can be analyzed by a variety of methods
including but not limited to fluorescence detection, DNA sequencing gel, capillary
electrophoresis on an automated DNA sequencing machine, microchannel
electrophoresis, and other methods of sequencing, mass spectrometry, time of
flight mass spectrometry, quadrupole mass spectrometry, magnetic sector mass

spectrometry, electric sector mass spectrometry infrared spectrometry, ultraviolet
spectrometry, palentiostatic amperometry or by DNA hybridization techniques
including Southern Blots, Slot Blots, Dot Blots, and DNA microarrays, wherein
DNA fragments would be useful as both "probes" and "targets," ELISA,
fluorimetry, and Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET).
[0175] The loci of interest can be analyzed using gel electrophoresis followed
by fluorescence detection of the incorporated nucleotide. Another method to
analyze or read the loci of interest is to use a fluorescent plate reader or
fluorirneter directly on the 96-well streptavidin coated plates. The plate can be
placed onto a fluorescent plate reader or scanner such as the Pharmacia 9200
Typhoon to read each locus of interest.
[0176] Alternatively, the PCR products of the loci of interest can be pooled
and after "filling in," (FIG. 10) the products can be separated by size, using any
method appropriate for the same, and then analyzed using a variety of techniques
including but not limited to fluorescence detection, DNA sequencing gel, capillary
electrophoresis on an automated DNA sequencing machine, microchannel
electrophoresis, other methods of sequencing, DNA hybridization techniques
including Southern Blots, Slot Blots, Dot Blots, and DNA microarrays, mass
spectrometry, time of flight mass spectrometry, quadrupole mass spectrometry,
magnetic sector mass spectrometry, electric sector mass spectrometry infrared
spectrometry, ultraviolet spectrometry, palentiostatic amperometry. For example,
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis can be used to separate DNA by size and the
gel can be scanned to determine the color of fluorescence in each band (using e.g.
ABI377 DNA sequencing machine or a Pharmacia Typhoon 9200).
[0177] In another embodiment, one nucleotide can be used to determine the
sequence of multiple alleles of a gene. A nucleotide that terminates the elongation
reaction can be used to determine the sequence of multiple alleles of a gene. At
one allele, the terminating nucleotide is complementary to the locus of interest in
the 5' overhang of said allele. The nucleotide is incorporated and terminates the
reaction. At a different allele, the terminating nucleotide is not complementary to

the locus of interest, which allows a non-terminating nucleotide to be incorporated
at the locus of interest of the different allele. However, the terminating nucleotide
is complementary to a nucleotide downstream from the locus of interest in the 5'
overhang of said different allele. The sequence of the alleles can be determined
by analyzing the patterns of incorporation of the terminating nucleotide. The
terminating nucleotide can be labeled or unlabeled.
[0178] In a another embodiment, the terminating nucleotide is a nucleotide
that terminates or hinders the elongation reaction including but not limited to a
dideoxynucleotide, a dideoxynucleotide derivative, a dideoxynucleotide analog, a
dideoxynucleotide homolog, a dideoxynucleotide with a sulfur chemical group, a
deoxynucleotide, a deoxynucleotide derivative, a deoxynucleotide homolog, a
deoxynucleotide analog, and a deoxynucleotide with a sulfur chemical group,
arabinoside triphosphate, an arabinoside triphosphate analog, a arabinoside
triphosphate homolog, or an arabinoside derivative.
[0179] In another embodiment, a terminating nucleotide labeled wuh one
signal generating moiety tag, including but not limited to a fluorescent dye, can be
used to determine the sequence of the alleles of a locus of interest. The use of a
single nucleotide labeled with one signal generating moiety tag eliminates any
difficulties that can arise when using different fluorescent moieties. In addition,
using one nucleotide labeled with one signal generating moiety tag to determine
the sequence of alleles of a locus of interest reduces the number of reactions, and
eliminates pipetting errors.
[0180] For example, if the second primer contains the restriction enzyme
recognition site for BsmFI, digestion will generate a 5' overhang of 4 bases. The
second primer can be designed such that the locus of interest is located in the first
position of the overhang. A representative overhang is depicted below, where R
represents the locus of interest:
Overhang position 12 3 4

[0181] One nucleotide with one signal generating moiety tag can be used to
determine whether the variable site is homozygous or heterozygous. For example,
if the variable site is adenine (A) or guanine (G), then either adenine or guanine
can be used to determine the sequence of the alleles of the locus of interest,
provided that there is an adenine or guanine in the overhang at position 2,3, or 4.
[0182] For example, if the nucleotide in position 2 of the overhang is
thymidine, which is complementary to adenine, then labeled ddATP, unlabeled
dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP can be used to determine the sequence of the alleles of
the locus of interest. The ddATP can be labeled with any signal generating
moiety including but not limited to a fluorescent dye. If the template DNA is
homozygous for adenine, then labeled ddATP* will be incorporated at position 1
complementary to the overhang at the alleles, and no nucleotide incorporation will
be seen at position 2,3 or 4 complementary to the overhang.

[0183] One signal will be seen corresponding to incorporation of labeled
ddATP at position 1 complementary to the overhang, which indicates that the
individual is homozygous for adenine at this position. This method of labeling
eliminates any difficulties that may arise from using different dyes that have
different quantum coefficients.
Homozygous guanine:
[0184] If the template DNA is homozygous for guanine, then no ddATP will
be incorporated at position 1 complementary to the overhang, but ddATP will be
incorporated at the first available position, which in this case is position 2

complementary to the overhang. For example, if the second position in the
overhang corresponds to a thymidine, then:

[0185] One signal will be seen corresponding to incorporation of ddATP at
position 2 complementary to the overhang, which indicates that the individual is
homozygous for guanine. The molecules that are filled in at position 2
complementary to the overhang will have a different molecular weight than the
molecules filled in at position 1 complementary to the overhang.
[0186] Heterozygous condition:

[0187] Two signals will be seen; the first signal corresponds to the ddATP
filled in at position one complementary to the overhang and the second signal
corresponds to the ddATP filled in at position 2 complementary to the overhang.
The two signals can be separated based on molecular weight; allele 1 and allele 2
will be separated by a single base pair, which allows easy detection and
quantitation of the signals. Molecules filled in at position one can be

distinguished from molecules filled in at position two using any method that
discriminates based on molecular weight including but not limited to gel
electrophoresis, capillary gel electrophoresis, DNA sequencing, and mass
spectrometry. It is not necessary that the nucleotide be labeled with a chemical
moiety; the DNA molecules corresponding to the different alleles can be
separated based on molecular weight.
[0188] If position 2 of the overhang is not complementary to adenine, it is
possible that positions 3 or 4 may be complementary to adenine. For example,
position 3 of the overhang may be complementary to the nucleotide adenine, in
which case labeled ddATP may be used to determine the sequence of both alleles.
[0189] Homozygous for adenine:
Allele 1 5' CCC A*
Overhang position 12 3 4
Allele 2 5'CCC A*
3'GGG T . G T G
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0190] Homozygous for guanine:
Allele 1 5'CCC G C A*
Overhang position 12 3 4
Allele 2 5'CCC G C A*
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0191] Heterozygous:
Allele 1 5' CCC A*
Overhang position 12 3 4

Allele 2 5'CCC G C A*
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0192] Two signals will be seen; the first signal corresponds to the ddATP
filled in at position 1 complementary to the overhang and the second signal
corresponds to the ddATP filled in at position 3 complementary to the overhang.
The two signals can be separated based on molecular weight; allele 1 and allele 2
will be separated by two bases, which can be detected using any method that
discriminates based on molecular weight.
[0193] Alternatively, if positions 2 and 3 are not complementary to adenine
{i.e. positions 2 and 3 of the overhang correspond to guanine, cytosine, or
adenine) but position 4 is complementary to adenine, labeled ddATP can be used
to determine the sequence of both alleles.
[0194] Homozygous for adenine:
Allele 1 5' CCC A*
Overhang position 12 3 4
Allele 2 5' CCC A*
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0195] One signal will be seen that corresponds to the molecular weight of
molecules filled in with ddATP at position one complementary to the overhang,
which indicates that the individual is homozygous for adenine at the variable site.
[0196] Homozygous for guanine:
Allele 1 5'CCC G C C A*
Overhang position 12 3 4
Allele 2 5'CCC G C C A*

Overhang position 12 3 4
[0197] One signal will be seen that corresponds to the molecular weight of
molecules filled in at position 4 complementary to the overhang, which indicates
that the individual is homozygous for guanine.
[0198] Heterozygous:
Allele 1 5' CCC A*
Overhang position 12 3 4
Allele 2 5'CCC G C C A*
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0199] Two signals will be seen; the first signal corresponds to the ddATP
filled in at position one complementary to the overhang and the second signal
corresponds to the ddATP filled in at position 4 complementary to the overhang.
The two signals can be separated based on molecular weight; allele 1 and allele 2
will be separated by three bases, which allows detection and quantitation of the
signals. The molecules filled in at position 1 and those filled in at position 4 can
be distinguished based on molecular weight.
[0200] As discussed above, if the variable site contains either adenine or
guanine, either labeled adenine or labeled guanine can be used to determine the
sequence of both alleles. If positions 2,3, or 4 of the overhang are not
complementary to adenine but one of the positions is complementary to a guanine,
then labeled ddGTP can be used to determine whether the template DNA is
homozygous or heterozygous for adenine or guanine. For example, if position 3
in the overhang corresponds to a cytosine then the following signals will be
expected if the template DNA is homozygous for guanine, homozygous for
adenine, or heterozygous:
[0201] Homozygous for guanine:
Allele 1 5' CCC G*

Overhang position 12 3 4
Allele 2 5' CCC G*
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0202] One signal will be seen that corresponds to the molecular weight of
molecules filled in with ddGTP at position one complementary to the overhang,
which indicates that the individual is homozygous for guanine.
[0203] Homozygous for adenine:
Allele 1 5'CCC A A G*
Overhang position 12 3 4
Allele 2 5'CCC A A G*
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0204] One signal will be seen that corresponds to the molecular weight of
molecules filled in at position 3 complementary to the overhang, which indicates
that the individual is homozygous for adenine at the variable site.
[0205] Heterozygous:
Allele 1 5' CCC G*
Overhang position 12 3 4
Allele 2 5'CCC A A G*
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0206] Two signals will be seen; the first signal corresponds to the ddGTP
filled in at position one complementary to the overhang and the second signal
corresponds to the ddGTP filled in at position 3 complementary to the overhang.
The two signals can be separated based on molecular weight; allele 1 and allele 2

will be separated by two bases, which allows easy detection and quantitation of
the signals.
[0207] Some type IIS restriction enzymes also display alternative cutting as
discussed above. For example, BsmFI will cut at 10/14 and 11/15 from the
recognition site. However, the cutting patterns are not mutually exclusive; if the
11/15 cutting pattern is seen at a particular sequence, 10/14 cutting is also seen. If
the restriction enzyme BsmF I cuts at 10/14 from the recognition site, the 5'
overhang will be X1X2X3X4. If BsmF I cuts 11/15 from the recognition site, the
5' overhang will be X0X1X2X3. If position Xo of the overhang is complementary
to the labeled nucleotide, the labeled nucleotide will be incorporated at position
X0 and provides an additional level of quality assurance. It provides additional
sequence information.
[0208] For example, if the variable site is adenine or guanine, and position 3
in the overhang is complementary to adenine, labeled ddATP can be used to
determine the genotype at the variable site. If position 0 of the 11/15 overhang
contains the nucleotide complementary to adenine, ddATP will be filled in and an
additional signal will be seen.
[0209] Heterozygous:
10/14 Allele 1 5'CCA A*
Overhang position 12 3 4
10/14 Allele 2 5'CCA G C A*
Overhang position 12 3 4
11/15 Allele 1 5'CC A*
3'GG T T G T
Overhang position 0 12 3
11/15 Allele 2 5'CC A*
3'GG T C G T

Overhang position 0 12 3
[0210] Three signals are seen; one corresponding to the ddATP incorporated
at position 0 complementary to the overhang, one corresponding to the ddATP
incorporated at position 1 complementary to the overhang, and one corresponding
to the ddATP incorporated at position 3 complementary to the overhang. The
molecules filled in at position 0,1, and 3 complementary to the overhang differ in
molecular weight and can be separated using any technique that discriminates
based on molecular weight including but not limited to gel electrophoresis, and
mass spectrometry.
[0211] For quantitating the ratio of one allele to another allele or when
determining the relative amount of a mutant DNA sequence in the presence of
wild type DNA sequence, an accurate and highly sensitive method of detection
must be used. The alternate cutting displayed by type IIS restriction enzymes may
increase the difficulty of determining ratios of one allele to another allele because
the restriction enzyme may not display the alternate cutting (11/15) pattern on the
two alleles equally. For example, allele 1 may be cut at 10/14 80% of the time,
and 11/15 20% of the time. However, because the two alleles may differ in
sequence, allele 2 may be cut at 10/14 90% of the time, and 11/15 20% of the
[0212] For purposes of quantitation, the alternate cutting problem can be
eliminated when the nucleotide at position 0 of the overhang is not
complementary to the labeled nucleotide. For example, if the variable site
corresponds to adenine or guanine, and position 3 of the overhang is
complementary to adenine (i.e., a thymidine is located at position 3 of the
overhang), labeled ddATP can be used to deterrnine the genotype of the variable
site. If position 0 of the overhang generated by the 11/15 cutting properties is not
complementary to adenine, (i.e., position 0 of me overhang corresponds to
guanine, cytosine, or adenine) no additional signal will be seen from the
fragments that were cut 11/15 from the recognition site. Position 0
complementary to the overhang can be filled in with unlabeled nucleotide,

eliminating any complexity seen from the alternate cutting pattern of restriction
enzymes. This method provides a highly accurate method for quantitating the
ratio of a variable site including but not limited to a mutation, or a single
nucleotide polymorphism.
[0213] For instance, if SNP X can be adenine or guanine, this method of
labeling allows quantitation of the alleles that correspond to adenine and the
alleles that correspond to guanine, without determining if the restriction enzyme
displays any differences between the alleles with regard to alternate cutting
[0214] Heterozygous:
10/14 Allele 1 5' CCG A*
Overhang position 12 3 4
10/14 Allele 2 5'CCG G C A*
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0215] The overhang generated by the alternate cutting properties of BsmF I
is depicted below:
11/15 Allele 1 5'CC
3'GG C T G T
Overhang position 0 12 3
11/15 Allele 2 5'CC
3'GG C C G T
Overhang position 0 12 3
[0216] After filling in with labeled ddATP and unlabeled dGTP, dCTP, dTTP,
the following molecules would be generated:
11/15 Allele 1 5'CC G A*

3'GG C T G T
Overhang position 0 12 3
11/15 Allele 2 5'CC G G C A*
3'GG C C G T
Overhang position 0 12 3
[0217] Two signals are seen; one corresponding to the molecules filled in with
ddATP at position one complementary to the overhang and one corresponding to
the molecules filled in with ddATP at position 3 complementary to the overhang.
Position 0 of the 11/15 overhang is filled in with unlabeled nucleotide, which
eliminates any difficulty in quantitating a ratio for the nucleotide at the variable
site on allele 1 and the nucleotide at the variable site on allele 2.
[0218] Any nucleotide can be used including adenine, adenine derivatives,
adenine homologues, guanine, guanine derivatives, guanine homologues,
cytosine, cytosine derivatives, cytosine homologues, thymidine, thymidine
derivatives, or thymidine homologues, or any combinations of adenine, adenine
derivatives, adenine homologues, guanine, guanine derivatives, guanine
homologues, cytosine, cytosine derivatives, cytosine homologues, thymidine,
thymidine derivatives, or thymidine homologues.
[0219] The nucleotide can be labeled with any chemical group or moiety,
including but not limited to radioactive molecules, fluorescent molecules,
antibodies, antibody fragments, haptens, carbohydrates, biotin, derivatives of
biotin, phosphorescent moieties, luminescent moieties, electrochemiluminescent
moieties., chromatic moieties, and moieties having a detectable electron spin
resonance, electrical capacitance, dielectric constant or electrical conductivity.
The nucleotide can be labeled with one or more than one type of chemical group
or moiety.
[0220] In another embodiment, labeled and unlabeled nucleotides can be used.
Any combination of deoxynucleotides and dideoxynucleotides can be used
including but not limited to labeled dideoxynucleotides and labeled

deoxynucleotides; labeled dideoxynucleotides and unlabeled deoxynucleotides;
unlabeled dideoxynucleotides and unlabeled deoxynucleotides; and unlabeled
dideoxynucleotides and labeled deoxynucleotides.
[0221] In another embodiment, nucleotides labeled with a chemical moiety
can be used in the PCR reaction. Unlabeled nucleotides then are used to fill-in the
5' overhangs generated after digestion with the restriction enzyme. An unlabeled
terminating nucleotide can be used to in the presence of unlabeled nucleotides to
determine the sequence of the alleles of a locus of interest.
[0222] For example, if labeled dTTP was used in the PCR reaction, the
following 5' overhang would be generated after digestion with BsmF I:
10/14 Allele 1 5'CT*G A
Overhang position 12 3 4
10/14 Allele 2 5' CT*G G C A
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0223] Unlabeled ddATP, unlabeled dCTP, unlabeled dGTP, and unlabeled
dTTP can be used to fill-in the 5' overhang. Two signals will be generated; one
signal corresponds to the DNA molecules filled in with unlabeled ddATP at
position I complementary to the overhang and the second signal corresponds to
DNA molecules filled in with unlabeled ddATP at position 3 complementary to
the overhang. The DNA molecules can be separated based on molecular weight
and can be detected by the fluorescence of the dTTP, which was incorporated
during the PCR reaction.
[0224] The labeled DNA loci of interest sites can be analyzed by a variety of
methods including but not limited to fluorescence detection, DNA sequencing gel,
capillary electrophoresis on an automated DNA sequencing machine,
microchannel electrophoresis, and other methods of sequencing, mass
spectrometry, time of flight mass spectrometry, quadrupole mass spectrometry,
magnetic sector mass spectrometry, electric sector mass spectrometry infrared

spectrometry, ultraviolet spectrometry, palentiostatic amperometry or by DNA
hybridization techniques including Southern Blots, Slot Blots, Dot Blots, and
DNA microarrays, wherein DNA fragments would be useful as both "probes" and
"targets," ELISA, fluorimetry, and Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer
[0225] This method of labeling is extremely sensitive and allows the detection
of alleles of a locus of interest that are in various ratios including but not limited
to 1:1,1:2,1:3,1:4,1:5,1:6-1:10,1:11-1:20,1:21-1:30,1:31-1:40,1:41-1:50,
1:51-1:60,1:61-1:70, 1:71-1:80,1:81-1:90,1:91:1:100,1:101-1:200,1:250,
1:9001-1:10,000; 1:10,001-1:20,000,1:20,001:1:30,000,1:30,001-1:40,000,
1:40,001-1:50,000, and greater than 1:50,000.
[0226] For example, this method of labeling allows one nucleotide labeled
with one signal generating moiety to be used to determine the sequence of alleles
at a SNP locus, or detect a mutant allele amongst a population of normal alleles,
or detect an allele encoding antibiotic resistance from a bacterial cell amongst
alleles from antibiotic sensitive bacteria, or detect an allele from a drug resistant
virus amongst alleles from drug-sensitive virus, or detect an allele from a non-
pathogenic bacterial strain amongst alleles from a pathogenic bacterial strain.
[0227] As shown above, a single nucleotide can be used to determine the
sequence of the alleles at a particular locus of interest. This method is especially
useful for determining if an individual is homozygous or heterozygous for a
particular mutation or to determine the sequence of the alleles at a particular SNP
site. This method of labeling eliminates any errors caused by the quantum
coefficients of various dyes. It also allows the reaction to proceed in a single
reaction vessel including but not limited to a well of a microliter plate, or a single
eppendorf tube.

[0228] This method of labeling is especially useful for the detection of
multiple genetic signals in the same sample. For example, this method is useful
for the detection of fetal DNA in the blood, serum, or plasma of a pregnant
female, which contains both maternal DNA and fetal DNA. The maternal DNA
and fetal DNA may be present in the blood, serum or plasma at ratios such as
97:3; however, the above-described method can be used to detect the fetal DNA.
This method of labeling can be used to detect two, three, or four different genetic
signals in the sample population
[0229] This method of labeling is especially useful for the detection of a
mutant allele that is among a large population of wild type alleles. Furthermore,
this method of labeling allows the detection of a single mutant cell in a large
population of wild type cells. For example, this method of labeling can be used to
detect a single cancerous cell among a large population of normal cells.
Typically, cancerous cells have mutations in the DNA sequence. The mutant
DNA sequence can be identified even if there is a large background of wild type
DNA sequence. This method of labeling can be used to screen, detect, or
diagnosis any type of cancer including but not limited to colon, renal, breast,
bladder, liver, kidney, brain, lung, prostate, and cancers of the blood including
[0230] This labeling method can also be used to detect pathogenic organisms,
including but not limited to bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, and mycobacteria.
It can also be used to discriminate between pathogenic strains of microorganism
and non-pathogenic strains of microorganisms including but not limited to
bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, and mycobacteria.
[0231] For example, there are several strains of Escherichia coli (E. coli), and
most are non-pathogenic. However, several strains, such as E. coli 0157 are
pathogenic. There are genetic differences between non-pathogenic E. coli strains
and pathogenic E. coli. The above described method of labeling can be used to
detect pathogenic microorganisms in a large population of non-pathogenic
organisms, which are sometimes associated with the normal flora of an individual.

[0232] In another embodiment, the sequence of the locus of interest can be
determined by detecting the incorporation of a nucleotide that is 3' to the locus of
interest, wherein said nucleotide is a different nucleotide from the possible
nucleotides at the locus of interest. This embodiment is especially useful for the
sequencing and detection of SNPs. The efficiency and rate at which DNA
polymerases incorporate nucleotides varies for each nucleotide.
[0233] According to the data from the Human Genome Project, 99% of all
SNPs are binary. The sequence of the human genome can be used to determine
the nucleotide that is 3' to the SNP of interest. When the nucleotide that is 3' to
the SNP site differs from the possible nucleotides at the SNP site, a nucleotide
that is one or more than one base 3' to the SNP can be used to determine the
identity of the SNP.
[0234] For example, suppose the identity of SNP X on chromosome 13 is to
be determined. The sequence of the human genome indicates that SNP X can
either be adenosine or guanine and that a nucleotide 3' to the locus of interest is a
thymidine. A primer that contains a restriction enzyme recognition site for BsrnF
I, which is designed to be 13 bases from the locus of interest after amplification, is
used to amplify a DNA fragment containing SNP X. Digestion with the
restriction enzyme BsmF I generates a 5' overhang that contains the locus of
interest, which can either be adenosine or guanine. The digestion products can be
split into two "fill in" reactions: one contains dTTP, and the other reaction
contains dCTP. If the locus of interest is homozygous for guanine, only the DNA
molecules that were mixed with dCTP will be filled in. If the locus of interest is
homozygous for adenosine, only the DNA molecules that were mixed with dTTP
will be filled in. If the locus of interest is heterozygous, the DNA molecules that
were mixed with dCTP will be filled in as well as the DNA molecules that were
mixed with dTTP. After washing to remove the excess dNTP, the samples are
filled in with labeled ddATP, which is complementary to the nucleotide
(thymidine) that is 3' to the locus of interest. The DNA molecules that were filled
in by the previous reaction will be filled in with labeled ddATP. If the individual

is homozygous for adenosine, the DNA molecules that were mixed with dTTP
subsequently will be filled in with the labeled ddATP. However, the DNA
molecules that were mixed with dCTP, would not have incorporated that
nucleotide, and therefore, could not incorporate the ddATP. Detection of labeled
ddATP only in the molecules that were mixed with dTTP indicates that the
identity of the nucleotide at SNP X on chromosome 13 is adenosine.
[0235] In another embodiment, large scale screening for the presence or
absence of single nucleotide mutations can be performed. One to tens to hundreds
to thousands of loci of interest on a single chromosome or on multiple
chromosomes can be amplified with primers as described above in the "Primer
Design" section. The primers can be designed so that each amplified loci of
interest is of a different size (FIG. 2). The amplified loci of interest that are
predicted, based on the published wild type sequences, to have the same
nucleotide at the locus of interest can be pooled together, bound to a solid support,
including wells of a microtiter plate coated with streptavidin, and digested with
the restriction enzyme that will bind the recognition site on the second primer.
After digestion, the 3' recessed end can be filled in with a mixture of labeled
ddATP, ddTTP, ddGTP, ddCTP, where each nucleotide is labeled with a different
group. After washing to remove the excess nucleotide, the fluorescence spectra
can be detected using a plate reader or fluorimeter directly on the streptavidin
coated plates. If all 50 loci of interest contain the wild type nucleotide, only one
fluorescence spectra will be seen. However, if one or more than one of the 50 loci
of interest contain a mutation, a different nucleotide will be incorporated and
other fluorescence pattern(s) will be seen. The nucleotides can be released from
the solid matrix, and analyzed on a sequencing gel to determine the loci of interest
that contained the mutations. As each of the 50 loci of interest are of different
size, they will separate on a sequencing gel.
[0236] The multiple loci of interest can be of a DNA sample from one
individual representing multiple loci of interest on a single chromosome, multiple
chromosomes, multiple genes, a single gene, or any combination thereof. The

multiple loci of interest also can represent the same locus of interest but from
multiple individuals. For example, 50 DNA samples from 50 different individuals
can be pooled and analyzed to determine a particular nucleotide of interest at gene
[0237] When human data is being analyzed, the known sequence can be a
specific sequence that has been determined from one individual (including e.g. the
individual whose DNA is currently being analyzed), or it can be a consensus
sequence such as that published as part of the human genome.
[0238] The methods of the invention are most conveniently practiced by
providing the reagents used in the methods in the form of kits. A kit preferably
contains one or more of the following components: written instructions for the
use of the kit, appropriate buffers, salts, DNA extraction detergents, primers,
nucleotides, labeled nucleotides, 5' end modification materials, and if desired,
water of the appropriate purity, confined in separate containers or packages, such
components allowing the user of the kit to extract the appropriate nucleic acid
sample, and analyze the same according to the methods of the invention. The
primers that are provided with the kit will vary, depending upon the purpose of
the kit and the DNA that is desired to be tested using the kit. In preferred
embodiments the kits contain a primer that allows the generation of a recognition
site for a restriction enzyme such that digestion with the enzyme generates in the
DNA fragment generated during the sequencing method, a 5* overhang containing
the locus of interest.
[0239] A kit can also be designed to detect a desired or variety of single
nucleotide polymorphisms, especially those associated with an undesired
condition or disease. For example, one kit can comprise, among other
components, a set or sets of primers to amplify one or more loci of interest
associated with breast cancer. Another kit can comprise, among other
components, a set or sets of primers for genes associated with a predisposition to
develop type I or type II diabetes. Still, another kit can comprise, among other

components, a set or sets of primers for genes associated with a predisposition to
develop heart disease. Details of utilities for such kits are provided in the
"Utilities" section below.
[0240] The methods of the invention can be used whenever it is desired to
know the sequence of a certain nucleic acid, locus of interest or loci of interest
therein. The method of the invention is especially useful when applied to
genomic DNA. When DNA from an organism-specific or species-specific locus
or loci of interest is amplified, the method of the invention can be used in
genotyping for identification of the source of the DNA, and thus confirm or
provide the identity of the organism or species from which the DNA sample was
derived. The organism can be any nucleic acid containing organism, for example,
virus, bacterium, yeast, plant, animal or human.
[0241] Within any population of organisms, the method of the invention is
useful to identify differences between the sequence of the sample nucleic acid and
that of a known nucleic acid. Such differences can include, for example, allelic
variations, mutations, polymorphisms and especially single nucleotide
[0242] In a preferred embodiment, the method of the invention provides a
method for identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms.
[0243] In a preferred embodiment, the method of the invention provides a
method for identification of the presence of a disease, especially a genetic disease
that arises as a result of the presence of a genomic sequence, or other biological
condition that it is desired to identify in an individual for which it is desired to
know the same. The identification of such sequence in the subject based on the
presence of such genomic sequence can be used, for example, to determine if the
subject is a carrier or to assess if the subject is predisposed to developing a certain
genetic trait, condition or disease. The method of the invention is especially
useful in prenatal genetic testing of parents and child. Examples of some of the

[02441 The method of the invention is useful for screening an individual at
multiple loci of interest, such as tens, hundreds, or even thousands of loci of
interest associated with a genetic trait or genetic disease by sequencing the loci of
interest that are associated with the trait or disease state, especially those most

frequently associated with such trait or condition. The invention is useful for
analyzing a particular set of diseases including but not limited to heart disease,
cancer, endocrine disorders, immune disorders, neurological disorders,
musculoskeletal disorders, ophthalmologic disorders, genetic abnormalities,
trisomies, monosomies, transversions, translocations, skin disorders, and familial
[0245] The method of the invention can be used to genotype microorganisms
so as to rapidly identify the presence of a specific microorganism in a substance,
for example, a food substance. In that regard, the method of the invention
provides a rapid way to analyze food, liquids or air samples for the presence of an
undesired biological contamination, for example, microbiological, fungal or
animal waste material. The invention is useful for detecting a variety of
organisms, including but not limited to bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, molds,
yeasts, plants, animals, and archaebacteria. The invention is useful for detecting
organisms collected from a variety of sources including but not limited to water,
air, hotels, conference rooms, swimming pools, bathrooms, aircraft, spacecraft,
trains, buses, cars, offices, homes, businesses, churches, parks, beaches, athletic
facilities, amusement parks, theaters, and any other facility that is a meeting place
for the public.
[0246] The method of the invention can be used to test for the presence of
many types of bacteria or viruses in blood cultures from human or animal blood
[0247] The method of the invention can also be used to confirm or identify the
presence of a desired or undesired yeast strain, or certain traits thereof, in
fermentation products, e.g. wine, beer, and other alcohols or to identify the
absence thereof.
[0248] The method of the invention can also be used to confirm or identify the
relationship of a DNA of unknown sequence to a,DNA of known origin or
sequence, for example, for use in criminology, forensic science, maternity or
paternity testing, archeological analysis, and the like.

[0249] The method the invention can also be used to determine the genotypes
of plants, trees and bushes, and hybrid plants, trees and bushes, including plants,
trees and bushes that produce fruits and vegetables and other crops, including but
not limited to wheat, barley, corn, tobacco, alfalfa, apples, apricots, bananas,
oranges, pears, nectarines, figs, dates, raisins, plums, peaches, apricots,
blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, berries, cherries, kiwis, limes, lemons,
melons, pineapples, plantains, guavas, prunes, passion fruit, tangerines, grapefruit,
grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew melons, pomegranates, persimmons,
nuts, artichokes, bean sprouts, beets, cardoon, chayote, endive, leeks, okra, green
onions, scallions, shallots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, yams, asparagus, avocados,
kohlrabi, rutabaga, eggplant, squash, turnips, pumpkins, tomatoes, potatoes,
cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, peppers,
spinach, mushrooms, zucchini, onions, peas, beans, and other legumes.
[0250] Especially, the method of the invention is useful to screen a mixture of
nucleic acid samples that contain many different loci of interest and/or a mixture
of nucleic acid samples from different sources that are to be analyzed for a locus
of interest. Examples of large scale screening include taking samples of nucleic
acid from herds of farm animals, or crops of food plants such as, for example,
corn or wheat, pooling the same, and then later analyzing the pooled samples for
the presence of an undesired genetic marker, with individual samples only being
analyzed at a later date if the pooled sample indicates the presence of such
undesired genetic sequence. An example of an undesired genetic sequence would
be the detection of viral or bacterial nucleic acid sequence in the nucleic acid
samples taken from the farm animals, for example, mycobacterium or hoof and
mouth disease virus sequences or fungal or bacterial pathogen of plants.
[0251] Another example where pools of nucleic acid can be used is to test for
the presence of a pathogen or gene mutation in samples from one or more tissues
from an animal or human subject, living or dead, especially a subject who can be
in need of treatment if the pathogen or mutation is detected. For example,
numerous samples can be taken from an animal or human subject to be screened

for the presence of a pathogen or otherwise undesired genetic mutation, the loci of
interest from each biological sample amplified individually, and then samples of
the amplified DNA combined for the restriction digestion, "filling in," and
detection. This would be useful as an initial screening for the assay of the
presence or absence of nucleic acid sequences that would be diagnostic of the
presence of a pathogen or mutation. Then, if the undesired nucleic acid sequence
of the pathogen or mutation was detected, the individual samples could be
separately analyzed to determine the distribution of the undesired sequence. Such
an analysis is especially cost effective when there are large numbers of samples to
be assayed. Samples of pathogens include the mycobacteria, especially those that
cause tuberculosis or paratuberculosis, bacteria, especially bacterial pathogens
used in biological warfare, including Bacillus anthracis, and virulent bacteria
capable of causing food poisoning, viruses, especially the influenza and AIDS
virus, and mutations known to be associated with malignant cells. Such an
analysis would also be advantageous for the large scale screening of food products
for pathogenic bacteria.
[0252] Conversely, the method of the invention can be used to detect the
presence and distribution of a desired genetic sequence at various locations in a
plant, animal or human subject, or in a population of subjects, e.g. by screening of
a combined sample followed by screening of individual samples, as necessary.
[0253] The method of the invention is useful for analyzing genetic variations
of an individual that have an effect on drug metabolism, drug interactions, and the
responsiveness to a drug or to multiple drugs. The method of the invention is
especially useful in pharmacogenomics.
[0254] Having now generally described the invention, the same will become
better understood by reference to certain specific examples which are included
herein for purposes of illustration only and are not intended to be limiting unless
other wise specified.

[0255] The following examples are illustrative only and are not intended to
limit the scope of the invention as defined by the claims.
[0256] DNA sequences were amplified by PCR, wherein the annealing step in
cycle 1 was performed at a specified temperature, and then increased in cycle 2,
and further increased in cycle 3 for the purpose of reducing non-specific
amplification. The TM1 of cycle 1 of PCR was determined by calculating the
melting temperature of the 3' region, which anneals to the template DNA, of the
second primer. For example, in FIG. 1B, the TM1 can be about the melting
temperature of region "c." The annealing temperature was raised in cycle 2, to
TM2, which was about the melting temperature of the 3' region, which anneals to
the template DNA, of the first primer. For example, in FIG. 1C, the annealing
temperature (TM2) corresponds to the melting temperature of region "b"'. In
cycle 3, the annealing temperature was raised to TM3, which was about the
melting temperature of the entire sequence of the second primer For example, in
FIG. 1D, the annealing temperature (TM3) corresponds to the melting temperature
of region "c" + region "d". The remaining cycles of amplification were performed
Preparation of Template DNA
[0257] The template DNA was prepared from a 5 ml sample of blood obtained
by venipuncture from a human volunteer with informed consent. Blood was
collected from 36 volunteers. Template DNA was isolated from each blood
sample using QIAamp DNA Blood Midi Kit supplied by QIAGEN (Catalog
number 51183). Following isolation, the template DNA from each of the 36
volunteers was pooled for further analysis.
Design of Primers
[0258] The following four single nucleotide polymorphisms were analyzed:
SNP HC21S00340, identification number as assigned by Human Chromosome 21

cSNP Database, (FIG. 3, lane 1) located on chromosome 21; SNP TSC 0095512
(FIG. 3, lane 2) located on chromosome 1, SNP TSC 0214366 (FIG. 3, lane 3)
located on chromosome 1; and SNP TSC 0087315 (FIG. 3, lane 4) located on
chromosome 1. The SNP Consortium Ltd database can be accessed at
http://snp.cshl.org/, website address effective as of February 14,2002.
[0259] SNP HC21S00340 was amplified using the following primers:
First primer:
Second primer:
[0260] SNP TSC0095512 was amplified using the following primers:
First primer:
NO: 11)
Second primer:
[0261] SNP TSC0214366 was amplified using the following primers:
First primer:
NO: 13)
Second primer:
[0262] SNP TSC 0087315 was amplified using the following primers:
First primer:
NO: 15)
Second primer:

[0263] All primers were designed such that the 3' region was complementary
to either the upstream or downstream sequence flanking each locus of interest and
the 5' region contained a restriction enzyme recognition site. The first primer
contained a biotin tag at the 5' end and a recognition site for the restriction
enzyme EcoRI. The second primer contained the recognition site for the
restriction enzyme BceA I.
PCR Reaction
[0264] All four loci of interest were amplified from the template genomic
DNA using PCR (U.S. Patent Nos. 4,683,195 and 4,683,202). The components of
the PCR reaction were as follows: 40 ng of template DNA, 5 μM first primer, 5
μM second primer, 1X HotStarTaq Master Mix as obtained from QIAGEN
(Catalog No. 203443). The HotStarTaq Master Mix contained DNA polymerase,
PCR buffer, 200 μM of each dNTP, and 1.5 mM MgCl2.
[0265] Amplification of each template DNA that contained the SNP of
interest was performed using three different series of annealing temperatures,
herein referred to as low stringency annealing temperature, medium stringency
annealing temperature, and high stringency annealing temperature. Regardless of
the annealing temperature protocol, each PCR reaction consisted of 40 cycles of
amplification. PCR reactions were performed using the HotStarTaq Master Mix
Kit supplied by QIAGEN. As instructed by the manufacturer, the reactions were
incubated at 95°C for 15 min. prior to the first cycle of PCR. The denaturation
step after each extension step was performed at 95°C for 30 sec. The annealing
reaction was performed at a temperature that permitted efficient extension without
any increase in temperature.
[0266] The low stringency annealing reaction comprised three different
annealing temperatures in each of the first three cycles. The annealing
temperature for the first cycle was 37°C for 30 sec; the annealing temperature for
the second cycle was 57°C for 30 sec; the annealing temperature for the third
cycle was 64°C for 30 sec. Annealing was performed at 64°C for subsequent
cycles until completion.

[0267] As shown in the photograph of the gel (FIG. 3A), multiple bands were
observed after amplification of the DNA template containing SNP TSC 0087315
(lane 4). Amplification of the DNA templates containing SNP HC21S00340 (lane
1), SNP TSC0095512 (lane 2), and SNP TSC0214366 (lane 3) generated a single
band of high intensity and one band of faint intensity, which was of higher
molecular weight. When the low annealing temperature conditions were used, the
correct size product was generated and this was the predominant product in each
[0268] The medium stringency annealing reaction comprised three different
annealing temperatures in each of the first three cycles. The annealing
temperature for the first cycle was 40°C for 30 seconds; the annealing temperature
for the second cycle was 60°C for 30 seconds; and the annealing temperature for
the third cycle was 67°C for 30 seconds. Annealing was performed at 67°C for
subsequent cycles until completion. Similar to what was observed under low
stringency annealing conditions, amplification of the DNA template containing
SNP TSC0087315 (FIG. 3B, lane 4) generated multiple bands under conditions of
medium stringency. Amplification of the other three DNA fragments containing
SNPs (lanes 1-3) produced a single band. These results demonstrate that variable
annealing temperatures can be used to cleanly amplify loci of interest from
genomic DNA with a primer that has an annealing length of 13 bases.
[0269] The high stringency annealing reaction was comprised of three
different annealing temperatures in each of the first three cycles. The annealing
temperature of the first cycle was 46°C for 30 seconds; the annealing temperature
of the second cycle was 65°C for 30 seconds; and the annealing temperature for
the third cycle was 72°C for 30 seconds. Annealing was performed at 72°C for
subsequent cycles until completion. As shown in the photograph of the gel (FIG.
3C), amplification of the DNA template containing SNP TSC0087315 (lane 4)
using the high stringency annealing temperatures generated a single band of the
correct molecular weight. By raising the annealing temperatures for each of the
first three cycles, non-specific amplification was eliminated. Amplification of the

DNA fragment containing SNP TSC0095512 (lane 2) generated a single band.
DNA fragments containing SNPs HC21S00340 (lane 1), and TSC0214366 (lane
3) failed to amplify at the high stringency annealing temperatures, however, at the
medium stringency annealing temperatures, these DNA fragments containing
SNPs amplified as a single band. These results demonstrate that variable
annealing temperatures can be used to reduce non-specific PCR products, as
demonstrated for the DNA fragment containing SNP TSC0087315 (FIG. 3, lane
[0270] SNPs on chromosomes 1 (TSC0095512), 13 (TSC0264580), and 21
(HC21S00027) were analyzed. SNP TSC0095512 was analyzed using two
different sets of primers, and SNP HC21S00027 was analyzed using two types of
reactions for the incorporation of nucleotides.
Preparation of Template DNA
[0271] The template DNA was prepared from a 5 ml sample of blood obtained
by venipuncture from a human volunteer with informed consent. Template DNA
was isolated using the QIAmp DNA Blood Midi Kit supplied by QIAGEN
(Catalog number 51183). The template DNA was isolated as per instructions
included in the kit. Following isolation, template DNA from thirty-six human
volunteers were pooled together and cut with the restriction enzyme EcoRI. The
restriction enzyme digestion was performed as per manufacturer's instructions.
Design of Primers
[0272] SNP HC21S00027 was amplified by PCR using the following primer
First primer:
NO: 17)
Second primer:

[02731 The first primer contained a biotin tag at the extreme 5' end, and the
nucleotide sequence for the restriction enzyme EcoRI. The second primer
contained the nucleotide sequence for the restriction enzyme BsmF I (FIG. 4A).
[0274] Also, SNP HC21S00027 was amplified by PCR using the same first
primer but a different second primer with the following sequence:
Second primer:
[027S] This second primer contained the recognition site for the restriction
enzyme BceA I (FIG. 4B).
SNP TSC0095512 was amplified by PCR using the following primers:
First primer:
NO: 11)
Second primer:
[0276] The first primer had a biotin tag at the 5' end and contained a
restriction enzyme recognition site for EcoRI. The second primer contained a
restriction enzyme recognition site for BsmF I (FIG. 4C).
[0277] Also, SNP TSC0095512 was amplified using the same first primer and
a different second primer with the following sequence:
Second primer:
[0278] This second primer contained the recognition site for the restriction
enzyme BceA I (FIG. 4D).
[0279] SNP TSC0264580, which is located on chromosome 13, was amplified
with the following primers:
First primer:

Second primer:
[0280] The first primer contained a biotin tag at the extreme 5' end and had a
restriction enzyme recognition site for EcoRI. The second primer contained a
restriction enzyme recognition site for BsmF I.
PCR Reaction
[0281] All loci of interest were amplified from the template genomic DNA
using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR, U.S. Patent Nos. 4,683,195 and
4,683,202, incorporated herein by reference). In this example, the loci of interest
were amplified in separate reaction tubes but they could also be amplified together
in a single PCR reaction. For increased specificity, a "hot-start" PCR was used.
PCR reactions were performed using the HotStarTaq Master Mix Kit supplied by
QIAGEN (catalog number 203443). The amount of template DNA and primer
per reaction can be optimized for each locus of interest but in this example, 40 ng
of template human genomic DNA and 5 uM of each primer were used. Forty
cycles of PCR were performed. The following PCR conditions were used:
(1) 95°C for 15 minutes and 15 seconds;
(2) 37°C for 30 seconds;
(3) 95°C for 30 seconds;
(4) 57°C for 30 seconds;
(5) 95°C for 30 seconds;
(6) 64°C for 30 seconds;
(7) 95°C for 30 seconds;
(8) Repeat steps 6 and 7 thirty nine (39) times;
(9) 72°C for 5 minutes.
[0282] In the first cycle of PCR, the annealing temperature was about the
melting temperature of the 3' annealing region of the second primers, which was
37°C. The annealing temperature in the second cycle of PCR was about the
melting temperature of the 3' region, which anneals to the template DNA, of the
first primer, which was 57°C. The annealing temperature in the third cycle of

PCR was about the melting temperature of the entire sequence of the second
primer, which was 64°C. The annealing temperature for the remaining cycles was
64°C. Escalating the annealing temperature from TM1 to TM2 to TM3 in the first
three cycles of PCR greatly improves specificity. These annealing temperatures
are representative, and the skilled artisan will understand the annealing
temperatures for each cycle are dependent on the specific primers used.
[0283] The temperatures and times for denaturing, annealing, and extension,
can be optimized by trying various settings and using the parameters that yield the
best results. Schematics of the PCR products for SNP HC21S00027 and SNP
TSC095512 are shown in FIGS. 5A-5D.
Purification of Fragment Containing Locus of Interest
[0284] The PCR products were separated from the genomic template DNA.
Each PCR product was divided into four separate reaction wells of a Streptawell,
transparent, High-Bind plate from Roche Diagnostics GmbH (catalog number 1
645 692, as listed in Roche Molecular Biochemicals, 2001 Biochemicals Catalog).
The first primers contained a 5' biotin tag so the PCR products bound to the
Streptavidin coated wells while the genomic template DNA did not. The
streptavidin binding reaction was performed using a Thermomixer (Eppendorf) at
1000 rpm for 20 min. at 37°C. Each well was aspirated to remove unbound
material, and washed three times with IX PBS, with gentle mixing (Kandpal et
al., Nucl. Acids Res. 18:1789-1795 (1990); Kaneoka et al., Biotechniques 10:30-
34 (1991); Green et al., Nucl. Acids Res. 18:6163-6164 (1990)).
Restriction Enzyme Digestion of Isolated Fragments Containing Loci of Interest
[0285] The purified PCR products were digested with the restriction enzyme
that bound the recognition site incorporated into the PCR products from the
second primer. DNA templates containing SNP HC21S00027 (FIG. 6A and 6B)
and SNP TSC0095512 (FIG. 6C and 6D) were amplified in separate reactions
using two different second primers. FIG. 6A (SNP HC21S00027) and FIG. 6C
(SNP TSC0095512) depict the PCR products after digestion with the restriction

enzyme BsmF I (New England Biolabs catalog number R0572S). FIG. 6B (SNP
HC21S00027) and FIG. 6D (SNP TSC0095512) depict the PCR products after
digestion with the restriction enzyme BceA I (New England Biolabs, catalog
number R0623S). The digests were performed in the Streptawells following the
instructions supplied with the restriction enzyme. The DNA fragment containing
SNP TSC0264580, was digested with BsmF I. After digestion with the
appropriate restriction enzyme, the wells were washed three times with PBS to
remove the cleaved fragments.
Incorporation of Labeled Nucleotide
[0286] The restriction enzyme digest described above yielded a DNA
fragment with a 5' overhang, which contained the SNP site or locus of interest and
a 3' recessed end. The 5' overhang functioned as a template allowing
incorporation of a nucleotide or nucleotides in the presence of a DNA polymerase.
[0287] For each SNP, four separate fill in reactions were performed; each of
the four reactions contained a different fluorescently labeled ddNTP (ddATP,
ddTTP, ddGTP, or ddCTP). The following components were added to each fill in
reaction: 1 μl of a fluorescently labeled ddNTP, 0.5 μl of unlabeled ddNTPs (40
uM), which contained all nucleotides except the nucleotide that was fluorescently
labeled, 2 μl of 10X sequenase buffer, 0.25 μl of Sequenase, and water as needed
for a 20ul reaction. All of the fill in reactions were performed at 40°C for 10 min.
Non-fluorescently labeled ddNTP was purchased from Fermentas Inc. (Hanover,
MD). All other labeling reagents were obtained from Amersham (Thermo
Sequenase Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Core Kit, US 79565). In the
presence of fluorescently labeled ddNTPs, the 3' recessed end was extended by
one base, which corresponds to the SNP or locus of interest (FIG 7A-7D).
[0288] A mixture of labeled ddNTPs and unlabeled dNTPs also was used for
the "fill in" reaction for SNP HC21S00027. The "fill in" conditions were as
described above except that a mixture containing 40 μM unlabeled dNTPs, 1 μl
fluorescently labeled ddATP, 1 μl fluorescently labeled ddTTP, 1 ui fluorescently
labeled ddCTP, and 1 μl ddGTP was used. The fluorescent ddNTPs were

obtained from Amersham (Thermo Sequenase Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing
Core Kit, US 79565; Amersham did not publish the concentrations of the
fluorescent nucleotides). The DNA fragment containing SNP HC21S00027 was
digested with the restriction enzyme BsmF I, which generated a 5' overhang of
four bases. As shown in FIG. 7E, if the first nucleotide incorporated is a labeled
ddNTP, the 3' recessed end is filled in by one base, allowing detection of the SNP
or locus of interest. However, if the first nucleotide incorporated is a dNTP, the
polymerase continues to incorporate nucleotides until a ddNTP is filled in. For
example, the first two nucleotides may be filled in with dNTPs, and the third
nucleotide with a ddNTP, allowing detection of the third nucleotide in the
overhang. Thus, the sequence of the entire 5' overhang may be determined, which
increases the information obtained from each SNP or locus of interest.
[0289] After labeling, each Streptawell was rinsed with IX PBS (100 ul) three
times. The "filled in" DNA fragments were then released from the Streptawells
by digestion with the restriction enzyme EcoRI, according to the manufacturer's
instructions that were supplied with the enzyme (FIGS. 8A-8D). Digestion was
performed for 1 hour at 37 °C with shaking at 120 rpm.
Detection of the Locus of Interest
[0290] After release from the streptavidin matrix, 2-3 μl of the 10 μl sample
was loaded in a 48 well membrane tray (The Gel Company, catalog number
TAM48-01). The sample in the tray was absorbed with a 48 Flow Membrane
Comb (The Gel Company, catalog number AM48), and inserted into a 36 cm 5%
acrylamide (urea) gel (BioWhittaker Molecular Applications, Long Ranger Run
Gel Packs, catalog number 50691).
[0291] The sample was electrophoresed into the gel at 3000 volts for 3 min.
The membrane comb was removed, and the gel was run for 3 hours on an ABI
377 Automated Sequencing Machine. The incorporated labeled nucleotide was
detected by fluorescence.
[0292] As shown in FIG. 9A, from a sample of thirty six (36) individuals, one
of two nucleotides, either adenosine or guanine, was detected at SNP

HC21S00027. These are the two nucleotides reported to exist at SNP
HC21S00027 (www.snp.schl.org/snpsearch.shtml). One of two nucleotides,
either guanine or cytosine, was detected at SNP TSC0095512 (FIG. 9B). The
same results were obtained whether the locus of interest was amplified with a
second primer that contained a recognition site for BceA I or the second primer
contained a recognition site for BsmF I.
[0293] As shown in FIG. 9C, one of two nucleotides was detected at SNP
TSC0264580, which was either adenosine or cytosine. These are the two
nucleotides reported for this SNP site (www.snp.schl.org/snpsearch.shtml). In
addition, a thymidine was detected one base upstream of the locus of interest. In a
sequence dependent manner, BsmF I cuts some DNA molecules at the 10/14
position and other DNA molecules, which have the same sequence, at the 11/15
position. When the restriction enzyme BsmF I cuts 11 nucleotides away on the
sense strand and 15 nucleotides away on the antisense strand, the 3' recessed end
is one base upstream of the SNP site. The sequence of SNP TSC0264580
indicated that the base immediately preceding the SNP site was a thymidine. The
incorporation of a labeled ddNTP into this position generated a fragment one base
smaller than the fragment that was cut at the 10/14 position. Thus, the DNA
molecules cut at the 11/15 position provided identity information about the base
immediately preceding the SNP site, and the DNA molecules cut at the 10/14
position provided identity information about the SNP site.
[0294] SNP HC21S00027 was amplified using a second primer that contained
the recognition site for BsmF I. A mixture of labeled ddNTPs and unlabeled
dNTPs was used to fill in the 5' overhang generated by digestion with BsmF I. If
a dNTP was incorporated, the polymerase continued to incorporate nucleotides
until a ddNTP was incorporated. A population of DNA fragments, each differing
by one base, was generated, which allowed the full sequence of the overhang to be
[0295] As seen in FIG. 9D, an adenosine was detected, which was
complementary to the nucleotide (a thymidine) immediately preceding the SNP or

locus of interest. This nucleotide was detected because of the 11/15 cutting
property of BsmF I, which is described in detail above. A guanine and an
adenosine were detected at the SNP site, which are the two nucleotides reported
for this SNP site (FIG. 9A). The two nucleotides were detected at the SNP site
because the molecular weights of the dyes differ, which allowed separation of the
two nucleotides. The next nucleotide detected was a thymidine, which is
complementary to the nucleotide immediately downstream of the SNP site. The
next nucleotide detected was a guanine, which was complementary to the
nucleotide two bases downstream of the SNP site. Finally, an adenosine was
detected, which was complementary to the third nucleotide downstream of the
SNP site. Sequence information was obtained not only for the SNP site but for
the nucleotide immediately preceding the SNP site and the next three nucleotides.
[0296] None of the loci of interest contained a mutation. However, if one of
the loci of interest harbored a mutation including but not limited to a point
mutation, insertion, deletion, translocation or any combination of said mutations,
it could be identified by comparison to the consensus or published sequence.
Comparison of the sequences attributed to each of the loci of interest to the native,
non-disease related sequence of the gene at each locus of interest determines the
presence or absence of a mutation in that sequence. The finding of a mutation in
the sequence is then interpreted as the presence of the indicated disease, or a
predisposition to develop the same, as appropriate, in that individual. The relative
amounts of the mutated vs. normal or non-mutated sequence can be assessed to
determine if the subject has one or two alleles of the mutated sequence, and thus
whether the subject is a carrier, or whether the indicated mutation results in a
dominant or recessive condition.
[0297] Four loci of interest from chromosome 1 and two loci of interest from
chromosome 21 were amplified in separate PCR reactions, pooled together, and
analyzed. The primers were designed so that each amplified locus of interest was
a different size, which allowed detection of the loci of interest.

Preparation of Template DNA
[0298] The template DNA was prepared from a 5 ml sample of blood obtained
by venipuncture from a human volunteer with informed consent. Template DNA
was isolated using the QIAmp DNA Blood Midi Kit supplied by QIAGEN
(Catalog number 51183). The template DNA was isolated as per instructions
included in the kit. Template DNA was isolated from thirty-six human
volunteers, and then pooled into a single sample for further analysis.
Design of Primers
[0299] SNP TSC 0087315 was amplified using the following primers:
First primer:
NO: 15)
Second primer:
[0300] SNP TSC0214366 was amplified using the following primers:
First primer:
NO: 13)
Second primer:
[0301] SNP TSC 0413944 was amplified with the following primers:
First primer:
Second primer:
[0302] SNP TSC0095512 was amplified using the following primers:
First primer:
NO: 11)

Second primer:
[0303] SNP HC21S00131 was amplified with the following primers:
First primer:
Second primer:
[0304] SNP HC21S00027 was amplified with the following primers:
First primer:
NO: 17)
Second primer:
[0305] For each SNP, the first primer contained a recognition site for the
restriction enzyme EcoRI and had a biotin tag at the extreme 5' end. The second
primer used to amplify each SNP contained a recognition site for the restriction
enzyme BceA I.
PCR Reaction
[0306] The PCR reactions were performed as described in Example 2 except
that the following annealing temperatures were used: the annealing temperature
for the first cycle of PCR was 37°C for 30 seconds, the annealing temperature for
the second cycle of PCR was 57°C for 30 seconds, and the annealing temperature
for the third cycle of PCR was 64°C for 30 seconds. All subsequent cycles had an
annealing temperature of 64°C for 30 seconds. Thirty seven (37) cycles of PCR
were performed. After PCR, ¼ of the volume was removed from each reaction,
and combined into a single tube.

Purification of Fragment Containing Locus of Interest
[0307] The PCR products (now combined into one sample, and referred to as
"the sample") were separated from the genomic template DNA as described in
Example 2 except that the sample was bound to a single well of a Streptawell
microtiter plate.
Restriction Enzyme Digestion of Isolated Fragments Containing Loci of Interest
[0308] The sample was digested with the restriction enzyme BceA I, which
bound the recognition site in the second primer. The restriction enzyme
digestions were performed following the instructions supplied with the enzyme.
After the restriction enzyme digest, the wells were washed three times with IX
Incorporation of Nucleotides
[0309] The restriction enzyme digest described above yielded DNA molecules
with a 5' overhang, which contained the SNP site or locus of interest and a 3'
recessed end. The 5' overhang functioned as a template allowing incorporation of
a nucleotide in the presence of a DNA polymerase.
[0310] The following components were used for the fill in reaction: 1 μl of
fluorescently labeled ddATP; 1 μl of fluorescently labeled ddTTP; 1 μl of
fluorescently labeled ddGTP; 1 μl of fluorescently labeled ddCTP; 2 μl of 10X
sequenase buffer, 0.25 μl of Sequenase, and water as needed for a 20 μl reaction.
The fill in reaction was performed at 40°C for 10 min. All labeling reagents were
obtained from Amersham (Thermo Sequenase Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing
Core Kit (US 79565); the concentration of the ddNTPS provided in the kit is
proprietary and not published by Amersham). In the presence of fluorescently
labeled ddNTPs, the 3' recessed end was filled in by one base, which corresponds
to the SNP or locus of interest.
[0311] After the incorporation of nucleotide, the Streptawell was rinsed with
IX PBS (100 μl) three times. The "filled in" DNA fragments were then released
from the Streptawell by digestion with the restriction enzyme EcoRI following the

manufacturer's instructions. Digestion was performed for 1 hour at 37 °C with
shaking at 120 rpm.
Detection of the Locus of Interest
[0312] After release from the streptavidin matrix, 2-3 μl of the 10 μl sample
was loaded in a 48 well membrane tray (The Gel Company, catalog number
TAM48-01). The sample in the tray was absorbed with a 48 Flow Membrane
Comb (The Gel Company, catalog number AM48), and inserted into a 36 cm 5%
acrylamide (urea) gel (BioWhittaker Molecular Applications, Long Ranger Run
Gel Packs, catalog number 50691).
[0313] The sample was electrophoresed into the gel at 3000 volts for 3 min.
The membrane comb was removed, and the gel was run for 3 hours on an ABI
377 Automated Sequencing Machine. The incorporated nucleotide was detected
by fluorescence.
[0314] The primers were designed so that each amplified locus of interest
differed in size. As shown in FIG. 10, each amplified loci of interest differed by
about 5-10 nucleotides, which allowed the loci of interest to be separated from
one another by gel electrophoresis. Two nucleotides were detected for SNP
TSC0087315, which were guanine and cytosine. These are the two nucleotides
reported to exist at SNP TSC0087315 (www.snp.schl.org/snpsearch.shtml). The
sample comprised template DNA from 36 individuals and because the DNA
molecules that incorporated a guanine differed in molecular weight from those
that incorporated a cytosine, distinct bands were seen for each nucleotide.
[0315] Two nucleotides were detected at SNP HC21S00027, which were
guanine and adenosine (FIG. 10). The two nucleotides reported for this SNP site
are guanine and adenosine (www.snp.schl.org/snpsearch.shtml). As discussed
above, the sample contained template DNA from thirty-six individuals, and one
would expect both nucleotides to be represented in the sample. The molecular
weight of the DNA fragments that incorporated a guanine was distinct from the
DNA fragments that incorporated an adenosine, which allowed both nucleotides
to be detected.

[0316] The nucleotide cytosine was detected at SNP TSC0214366 (FIG. 10).
The two nucleotides reported to exist at this SNP position are thymidine and
[0317J The nucleotide guanine was detected at SNP TSC0413944 (FIG. 10).
The two nucleotides reported for this SNP are guanine and cytosine
[0318] The nucleotide cytosine was detected at SNP TSC0095512 (FIG. 10).
The two nucleotides reported for this SNP site are guanine and cytosine
[0319] The nucleotide detected at SNP HC21S00131 was guanine. The two
nucleotides reported for this SNP site are guanine and adenosine
[0320] As discussed above, the sample was comprised of DNA templates
from thirty-six individuals and one would expect both nucleotides at the SNP sites
to be represented. For SNP TSC0413944, TSC0095512, TSC0214366 and
HC21S00131, one of the two nucleotides was detected. It is likely that both
nucleotides reported for these SNP sites are present in the sample but that one
fluorescent dye overwhelms the other. The molecular weight of the DNA
molecules that incorporated one nucleotide did not allow efficient separation of
the DNA molecules that incorporated the other nucleotide. However, the SNPs
were readily separated from one another, and for each SNP, a proper nucleotide
was incorporated. The sequences of multiple loci of interest from multiple
chromosomes, which were treated as a single sample after PCR, were determined.
[0321] A single reaction containing fluorescently labeled ddNTPs was
performed with the sample that contained multiple loci of interest. Alternatively,
four separate fill in reactions can be performed where each reaction contains one
fluorescently labeled nucleotide (ddATP, ddTTP, ddGTP, or ddCTP) and
unlabeled ddNTPs (see Example 2, FIGS. 7A-7D and FIGS. 9A-C). Four
separate "fill in" reactions will allow detection of any nucleotide that is present at
the loci of interest. For example, if analyzing a sample that contains multiple loci

of interest from a single individual, and said individual is heterozygous at one or
more than one loci of interest, four separate "fill in" reactions can be used to
determine the nucleotides at the heterozygous loci of interest.
[0322] Also, when analyzing a sample that contains templates from multiple
individuals, four separate "fill in" reactions will allow detection of nucleotides
present in the sample, independent of how frequent the nucleotide is found at the
locus of interest. For example, if a sample contains DNA templates from 50
individuals, and 49 of the individuals have a thymidine at the locus of interest, and
one individual has a guanine, the performance of four separate "fill in" reactions,
wherein each "fill in" reaction is run in a separate lane of a gel, such as in FIGS.
9A-9C, will allow detection of the guanine. When analyzing a sample comprised
of multiple DNA templates, multiple "fill in" reactions will alleviate the need to
distinguish multiple nucleotides at a single site of interest by differences in mass.
[0323] In this example, multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms were
analyzed. It is also possible to determine the presence or absence of mutations,
including point mutations, transitions, transversions, translocations, insertions,
and deletions from multiple loci of interest. The multiple loci of interest can be
from a single chromosome or from multiple chromosomes. The multiple loci of
interest can be from a single gene or from multiple genes.
[0324] The sequence of multiple loci of interest that cause or predispose to a
disease phenotype can be determined. For example, one could amplify one to tens
to hundreds to thousands of genes implicated in cancer or any other disease. The
primers can be designed so that each amplified loci of interest differs in size.
After PCR, the amplified loci of interest can be combined and treated as a single
sample. Alternatively, the multiple loci of interest can be amplified in one PCR
reaction or the total number of loci of interest, for example 100, can be divided
into samples, for example 10 loci of interest per PCR reaction, and then later
pooled. As demonstrated herein, the sequence of multiple loci of interest can be
determined. Thus, in one reaction, the sequence of one to ten to hundreds to

thousands of genes that predispose or cause a disease phenotype can be
[0325] Genomic DNA was obtained from four individuals after informed
consent was obtained. Six SNPs on chromosome 13 (TSC0837969, TSC0034767,
TSC1130902, TSC0597888, TSC0195492, TSC0607185) were analyzed using the
template DNA. Information regarding these SNPs can be found at the following
website (www.snp.schl.org/snpsearch.shtml)website active as of February 11,
[0326] A single nucleotide labeled with one fluorescent dye was used to
genotype the individuals at the six selected SNP sites. The primers were designed
to allow the six SNPs to be analyzed in a single reaction.
Preparation of Template DNA
[0327] The template DNA was prepared from a 9 ml sample of blood obtained
by venipuncture from a human volunteer with informed consent. Template DNA
was isolated using the QIAmp DNA Blood Midi Kit supplied by QIAGEN
(Catalog number 51183). The template DNA was isolated as per instructions
included in the kit.
Design of Primers
[0328] SNP TSC0837969 was amplified using the following primer set:
First primer:
Second primer:
[0329] The first primer had a biotin tag at the 5' end and contained a
restriction enzyme recognition site for EcoRI. The first primer was designed to
anneal 44 bases from of the locus of interest. The second primer contained a
restriction enzyme recognition site for BsmF I.
[0330] SNP TSC0034767 was amplified using the following primer set:

First primer:
Second primer:
[0331] The first primer had a biotin tag at the 5' end and contained a
restriction enzyme recognition site for EcoRI. The first primer was designed to
anneal 50 bases from the locus of interest. The second primer contained a
restriction enzyme recognition site for BsmF I.
[0332] SNP TSC1130902 was amplified using the following primer set:
First primer:
Second primer:
[0333] The first primer had a biotin tag at the 5' end and contained a
restriction enzyme recognition site for EcoRI. The first primer was designed to
anneal 60 bases from the locus of interest. The second primer contained a
restriction enzyme recognition site for BsmF I.
[0334] SNP TSC0597888 was amplified using the following primer set:
First primer:
Second primer:
[0335] The first primer had a biotin tag at the 5' end and contained a
restriction enzyme recognition site for EcoRI. The first primer was designed to
anneal 70 bases from the locus of interest. The second primer contained a
restriction enzyme recognition site for BsmF I.
[0336] SNP TSC0195492 was amplified using the following primer set:
First primer:
Second primer:

[0337] The first primer had a biotin tag at the 5' end and contained a
restriction enzyme recognition site for EcoRI. The first primer was designed to
anneal 80 bases from the locus of interest. The second primer contained a
restriction enzyme recognition site for BsmF I.
[0338] SNP TSC0607185 was amplified using the following primer set:
First primer:
Second primer:
[0339] The first primer had a biotin tag at the 5' end and contained a
restriction enzyme recognition site for EcoRI. The first primer was designed to
anneal 90 bases from the locus of interest. The second primer contained a
restriction enzyme recognition site for BsmF I.
[0340] All loci of interest were amplified from the template genomic DNA
using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR, U.S. Patent Nos. 4,683,195 and
4,683,202, incorporated herein by reference). In this example, the loci of interest
were amplified in separate reaction tubes but they could also be amplified together
in a single PCR reaction. For increased specificity, a "hot-start" PCR was used.
PCR reactions were performed using the HotStarTaq Master Mix Kit supplied by
QIAGEN (catalog number 203443). The amount of template DNA and primer
per reaction can be optimized for each locus of interest but in this example, 40 ng
of template human genomic DNA and 5 μM of each primer were used. Forty
cycles of PCR were performed. The following PCR conditions were used:
(1) 95°C for 15 minutes and 15 seconds;
(2) 37°C for 30 seconds;
(3) 95°C for 30 seconds;
(4) 57°C for 30 seconds;
(5) 95°C for 30 seconds;
(6) 64°C for 30 seconds;

(7) 95°C for 30 seconds;
(8) Repeat steps 6 and 7 thirty nine (39) times;
(9) 72°C for 5 minutes.
[0341] In the first cycle of PCR, the annealing temperature was about the
melting temperature of the 3' annealing region of the second primers, which was
37°C. The annealing temperature in the second cycle of PCR was about the
melting temperature of the 3' region, which anneals to the template DNA, of the
first primer, which was 57°C. The annealing temperature in the third cycle of
PCR was about the melting temperature of the entire sequence of the second
primer, which was 64°C. The annealing temperature for the remaining cycles was
64°C. Escalating the annealing temperature from TM1 to TM2 to TM3 in the first
three cycles of PCR greatly improves specificity. These annealing temperatures
are representative, and the skilled artisan will understand the annealing
temperatures for each cycle are dependent on the specific primers used.
[0342] The temperatures and times for denaturing, annealing, and extension,
can be optimized by trying various settings and using the parameters that yield the
best results. In this example, the first primer was designed to anneal at various
distances from the locus of interest. The skilled artisan understands that the
annealing location of the first primer can be 5-10,11-15,16-20,21-25,26-30,31-
35,36-40,41-45,46-50,51-55,56-60, 61-65,66-70, 71-75,76-80, 81-85,86-90,
350,351-400,401-450,451-500, or greater than 500 bases from the locus of
Purification of Fragment Containing Locus of Interest
[0343] The PCR products were separated from the genomic template DNA.
After the PCR reaction, 1/4 of the volume of each PCR reaction from one
individual was mixed together in a well of a Streptawell, transparent, High-Bind
plate from Roche Diagnostics GmbH (catalog number 1 645 692, as listed in
Roche Molecular Biochemicals, 2001 Biochemicals Catalog). The first primers

contained a 5' biotin tag so the PCR products bound to the Streptavidin coated
wells while the genomic template DNA did not. The streptavidin binding reaction
was performed using a Thermomixer (Eppendorf) at 1000 rpm for 20 min. at
37°C. Each well was aspirated to remove unbound material, and washed three
times with IX PBS, with gentle mixing (Kandpal et al., Nucl. Acids Res. 18:1789-
1795 (1990); Kaneoka et al., Biotechniques 10:30-34 (1991); Green et al., Nucl.
Acids Res. 18:6163-6164(1990)).
Restriction Enzyme Digestion of Isolated Fragments Containing Loci of Interest
[0344] The purified PCR products were digested with the restriction enzyme
BsmF I, which binds to the recognition site incorporated into the PCR products
from the second primer. The digests were performed in the Streptawells
following the instructions supplied with the restriction enzyme. After digestion,
the wells were washed three times with PBS to remove the cleaved fragments.
Incorporation of Labeled Nucleotide
[0345] The restriction enzyme digest with BsmF I yielded a DNA fragment
with a 5' overhang, which contained the SNP site or locus of interest and a 3'
recessed end. The 5' overhang functioned as a template allowing incorporation of
a nucleotide or nucleotides in the presence of a DNA polymerase.
[0346] Below, a schematic of the 5' overhang for SNP TSC0837969 is shown.
The entire DNA sequence is not reproduced, only the portion to demonstrate the
overhang (where R indicates the variable site).
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0347] The observed nucleotides for TSC0837969 on the 5' sense strand (here
depicted as the top strand) are adenine and guanine. The third position in the
overhang on the antisense strand corresponds to cytosine, which is
complementary to guanine. As this variable site can be adenine or guanine,
fluorescently labeled ddGTP in the presence of unlabeled dCTP, dTTP, and dATP

was used to determine the sequence of both alleles. The fill-in reactions for an
individual homozygous for guanine, homozygous for adenine or heterozygous are
diagrammed below.
[0348] Homozygous for guanine at TSC 0837969:
Allele 1 5' TTAA G*
Overhang position 12 3 4
Allele 2 5' TTAA G*
Overhang position 12 3 4
[00100] Labeled ddGTP is incorporated into the first position of the overhang.
Only one signal is seen, which corresponds to the molecules filled in with labeled
ddGTP at the first position of the overhang.
[0349] Homozygous for adenine at TSC 083 7969:
Allele 1 5'TTAA A T G*
Overhang position 12 3 4
Allele 2 5'TTAA A T G*
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0350] Unlabeled dATP is incorporated at position one of the overhang, and
unlabeled dTTP is incorporated at position two of the overhang. Labeled ddGTP
is incorporated at position three of the overhang. Only one signal will be seen; the
molecules filled in with ddGTP at position 3 will have a different molecular
weight from molecules filled in at position one, which allows easy identification
of individuals homozygous for adenine or guanine.
[0351] Heterozygous at TSC0837969:
Allele 1 5' TTAA G*
Overhang position 12 3 4

Allele 2 5'TTAA A T G*
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0352] Two signals will be seen; one signal corresponds to the DNA
molecules filled in with ddGTP at position 1, and a second signal corresponding
to molecules filled in at position 3 of the overhang. The two signals can be
separated using any technique that separates based on molecular weight including
but not limited to gel electrophoresis.
[0353] Below, a schematic of the 5' overhang for SNP TSC0034767 is shown.
The entire DNA sequence is not reproduced, only the portion to demonstrate the
overhang (where R indicates the variable site).
4 3 2 1 Overhang Position
[0354] The observed nucleotides for TSC0034767 on the 5' sense strand (here
depicted as the top strand) are cytosine and guanine. The second position in the
overhang corresponds to adenine, which is complementary to thymidine. The
third position in the overhang corresponds to cytosine, which is complementary to
guanine. Fluorescently labeled ddGTP in the presence of unlabeled dCTP, dTTP,
and dATP is used to determine the sequence of both alleles.
[0355] In this case, the second primer anneals upstream of the locus of
interest, and thus the fill-in reaction occurs on the anti-sense strand (here depicted
as the bottom strand). Either the sense strand or the antisense strand can be filled
in depending on whether the second primer, which contains the type IIS
restriction enzyme recognition site, anneals upstream or downstream of the locus
of interest.
Below, a schematic of the 5' overhang for SNP TSC1130902 is shown. The
entire DNA sequence is not reproduced, only a portion to demonstrate the
overhang (where R indicates the variable site).

Overhang position 12 3 4
[00101] The observed nucleotides for TSC1130902 on the 5' sense strand are
adenine and guanine. The second position in the overhang corresponds to a
thymidine, and the third position in the overhang corresponds to cytosine, which
is complementary to guanine.
[0356] Fluorescently labeled ddGTP in the presence of unlabeled dCTP,
dTTP, and dATP is used to determine the sequence of both alleles.
[00102] Below, a schematic of the 5' overhang for SNP TSC0597888 is shown.
The entire DNA sequence is not reproduced, only the portion to demonstrate the
overhang (where R indicates the variable site).
4 3 2 1 Overhang position
[0357] The observed nucleotides for TSC0597888 on the 5' sense strand (here
depicted as the top strand) are cytosine and guanine. The third position in the
overhang corresponds to cytosine, which is complementary to guanine.
Fluorescently labeled ddGTP in the presence of unlabeled dCTP, dTTP, and
dATP is used to determine the sequence of both alleles.
[0358] Below, a schematic of the 5' overhang for SNP TSC0607185 is shown.
The entire DNA sequence is not reproduced, only the portion to demonstrate the
overhang (where R indicates the variable site).
4 3 2 1 Overhang position
[0359] The observed nucleotides for TSC0607185 on the 5' sense strand (here
depicted as the top strand) are cytosine and thymidine. In this case, the second
primer anneals upstream of the locus of interest, which allows the anti-sense
strand to be filled in. The anti-sense strand (here depicted as the bottom strand)
will be filled in with guanine or adenine.

[0360] The second position in the 5' overhang is thymidine, which is
complementary to adenine, and the third position in the overhang corresponds to
cytosine, which is complementary to guanine. Fluorescently labeled ddGTP in
the presence of unlabeled dCTP, dTTP, and dATP is used to determine the
sequence of both alleles.
[0361] Below, a schematic of the 5' overhang for SNP TSCO195492 is shown.
The entire DNA sequence is not reproduced, only the portion to demonstrate the
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0362] The observed nucleotides at this site are cytosine and guanine on the
sense strand (here depicted as the top strand). The second position in the 5'
overhang is adenine, which is complementary to thymidine, and the third position
in the overhang corresponds to cytosine, which is complementary to guanine.
Fluorescently labeled ddGTP in the presence of unlabeled dCTP, dTTP, and
dATP was used to determine the sequence of both alleles.
[0363] As demonstrated above, the sequence of both alleles of the six SNPs
can be determined by labeling with ddGTP in the presence of unlabeled dATP,
dTTP, and dCTP. The following components were added to each fill in reaction:
1 μl of fluorescently labeled ddGTP, 0.5 μl of unlabeled ddNTPs ( 40 uM), which
contained all nucleotides except guanine, 2 μl of 10X sequenase buffer, 0.25 μl of
Sequenase, and water as needed for a 20ul reaction. The fill in reaction was
performed at 40°C for 10 min. Non-fluorescently labeled ddNTP was purchased
from Fermentas Inc. (Hanover, MD). All other labeling reagents were obtained
from Arnersham (Thermo Sequenase Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Core Kit,
US 79565).
[0364] After labeling, each Streptawell was rinsed with IX PBS (100 ul) three
times. The "filled in" DNA fragments were then released from the Streptawells
by digestion with the restriction enzyme EcoRI, according to the manufacturer's

instructions that were supplied with the enzyme. Digestion was performed for 1
hour at 37 °C with shaking at 120 rpm.
Detection of the Locus of Interest
[0365] After release from the streptavidin matrix, the sample was loaded into
a lane of a 36 cm 5% acrylamide (urea) gel (BioWhittaker Molecular
Applications, Long Ranger Run Gel Packs, catalog number 50691). The sample
was electrophoresed into the gel at 3000 volts for 3 min. The gel was run for 3
hours on a sequencing apparatus (Hoefer SQ3 Sequencer). The gel was removed
from the apparatus and scanned on the Typhoon 9400 Variable Mode Imager.
The incorporated labeled nucleotide was detected by fluorescence.
[0366] As shown in FIG. 11, the template DNA in lanes 1 and 2 for SNP
TSC0837969 is homozygous for adenine. The following fill-in reaction was
expected to occur if the individual was homozygous for adenine:
[0367] Homozygous for adenine at TSC 0837969:
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0368] Unlabeled dATP was incorporated in the first position complementary
to the overhang. Unlabeled dTTP was incorporated in the second position
complementary to the overhang. Labeled ddGTP was incorporated in the third
position complementary to the overhang. Only one band was seen, which
migrated at about position 46 of the acrylamide gel. This indicated that adenine
was the nucleotide filled in at position one. If the nucleotide guanine had been
filled in, a band would be expected at position 44.
[0369] However, the template DNA in lanes 3 and 4 for SNP TSC0837969
was heterozygous. The following fill-in reactions were expected if the individual
was heterozygous:
[0370] Heterozygous at TSC0837969:
Allele 1 5' TTAA G*

Overhang position 12 3 4
Allele 2 5'TTAA A T G*
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0371] Two distinct bands were seen; one band corresponds to the molecules
filled in with ddGTP at position 1 complementary to the overhang (the G allele),
and the second band corresponds to molecules filled in with ddGTP at position 3
complementary to the overhang (the A allele). The two bands were separated
based on the differences in molecular weight using gel electrophoresis. One
fluorescently labeled nucleotide ddGTP was used to determine that an individual
was heterozygous at a SNP site. This is the first use of a single nucleotide to
effectively detect the presence of two different alleles.
[0372] For SNP TSC0034767, the template DNA in lanes 1 and 3 is
heterozygous for cytosine and guanine, as evidenced by the two distinct bands.
The lower band corresponds to ddGTP filled in at position 1 complementary to
the overhang. The second band of slightly higher molecular weight corresponds
to ddGTP filled in at position 3, indicating that the first position in the overhang
was filled in with unlabeled dCTP, which allowed the polymerase to continue to
incorporate nucleotides until it incorporated ddGTP at position 3 complementary
to the overhang. The template DNA in lanes 2 and 4 was homozygous for
guanine., as evidenced by a single band of higher molecular weight than if ddGTP
had been filled in at the first position complementary to the overhang.
[0373] For SNP TSC1130902, the template DNA in lanes 1,2, and 4 is
homozygous for adenine at the variable site, as evidenced by a single higher
molecular weight band migrating at about position 62 on the gel. The template
DNA in lane 3 is heterozygous at the variable site, as indicated by the presence of
two distinct bands. The lower band corresponded to molecules filled in with
ddGTP at position 1 complementary to the overhang (the guanine allele). The
higher molecular weight band corresponded to molecules filled in with ddGTP at
position 3 complementary to the overhang (the adenine allele).

[0374] For SNP TSC0597888, the template DNA in lanes 1 and 4 was
homozygous for cytosine at the variable site; the template DNA in lane 2 was
heterozygous at the variable site, and the template DNA in lane 3 was
homozygous for guanine. The expected fill-in reactions are diagrammed below:
[0375] Homozygous for cytosine:
Allele 1 T C T G ATTC 3'
G* A C TAAG 5'
4 3 2 1 Overhang position
Allele 2 T C T G ATTC 3'
G* A C TAAG 5'
4 3 2 1 Overhang position
[0376] Homozygous for guanine:
Allele 1 T C T C ATTC 3'
G* TAAG 5'
4 3 2 1 Overhang position
Allele 2 T C T C ATTC 3'
G* TAAG 5'
4 3 2 1 Overhang position
[0377] Heterozygous for guanine/cytosine:
Allele1 T C T G ATTC 3'
G* A C TAAG 5'
4 3 2 1 Overhang position
Allele 2 T C T C ATTC 3'

G* TAAG 5'
4 3 2 1 Overhang position
[0378] Template DNA homozygous for guanine at the variable site displayed
a single band, which corresponded to the DNA molecules filled in with ddGTP at
position 1 complementary to the overhang. These DNA molecules were of lower
molecular weight compared to the DNA molecules filled in with ddGTP at
position 3 of the overhang (see lane 3 for SNP TSC0597888). The DNA
molecules differed by two bases in molecular weight.
[0379] Template DNA homozygous for cytosine at the variable site displayed
a single band, which corresponds to the DNA molecules filled in with ddGTP at
position 3 complementary to the overhang. These DNA molecules migrated at a
higher molecular weight than DNA molecules filled in with ddGTP at position 1
(see lanes 1 and 4 for SNP TSC0597888).
[0380] Template DNA heterozygous at the variable site displayed two bands;
one band corresponded to the DNA molecules filled in with ddGTP at position 1
complementary to the overhang and was of lower molecular weight, and the
second band corresponded to DNA molecules filled in with ddGTP at position 3
complementary to the overhang, and was of higher molecular weight (see lane 3
for SNP TSC0597888).
[0381] For SNP TSC0195492, the template DNA in lanes 1 and 3 was
heterozygous at the variable site, which was demonstrated by the presence of two
distinct bands. The template DNA in lane 2 was homozygous for guanine at the
variable site. The template DNA in lane 4 was homozygous for cytosine. Only
one band was seen in lane 4 for this SNP, and it had a higher molecular weight
than the DNA molecules filled in with ddGTP at position 1 complementary to the
overhang (compare lanes 2,3 and 4).
[0382] The observed alleles for SNP TSC0607185 are reported as cytosine or
thymidine. For consistency, the SNP consortium denotes the observed alleles as
they appear in the sense strand (www.snp.schi.org/snpsearch.shtml); website

active as of February 11,2003). For this SNP, the second primer annealed
upstream of the locus of interest, which allowed the fill-in reaction to occur on the
antisense strand after digestion with BsmF I.
[0383] The template DNA in lanes 1 and 3 was heterozygous; the template
DNA in lane 2 was homozygous for thymidine, and the template DNA in lane 4
was homozygous for cytosine. The antisense strand was filled in with ddGTP, so
the nucleotide on the sense strand corresponded to cytosine.
[0384] Molecular weight markers can be used to identify the positions of the
expected bands. Alternatively, for each SNP analyzed, a known heterozygous
sample can be used, which will identify precisely the position of the two expected
[0385] As demonstrated in FIG. 11, one nucleotide labeled with one
fluorescent dye can be used to determine the identity of a variable site including
but not limited to SNPs and single nucleotide mutations. Typically, to determine
if an individual is homozygous or heterozygous at a SNP site, multiple reactions
are performed using one nucleotide labeled with one dye and a second nucleotide
labeled with a second dye. However, this introduces problems in comparing
results because the two dyes have different quantum coefficients. Even if
different nucleotides are labeled with the same dye, the quantum coefficients are
different. The use of a single nucleotide labeled with one dye eliminates any
errors from the quantum coefficients of different dyes.
[0386] In this example, fluorescently labeled ddGTP was used. However, the
method is applicable for a nucleotide tagged with any signal generating moiety
including but not limited to radioactive molecule, fluorescent molecule, antibody,
antibody fragment, hapten, carbohydrate, biotin, derivative of biotin,
phosphorescent moiety, lurninescent moiety, electrochemiluminescent moiety,
chromatic moiety, and moiety having a detectable electron spin resonance,
electrical capacitance, dielectric constant or electrical conductivity. In addition,
labeled ddATP, ddTTP, or ddCTP can be used.

[0387] The above example used the third position complementary to the
overhang as an indicator of the second allele. However, the second or fourth
position of the overhang can be used as well (see Section on Incorporation of
Nucleotides). Furthermore, the overhang was generated with the type IIS enzyme
BsmF I; however any enzyme that cuts DNA at a distance from its binding site
can be used including but not limited to the enzymes listed in Table I.
[0388] Also, in the above example, the nucleotide immediately preceding the
SNP site was not a guanine on the strand that was filled in. This eliminated any
effects: of the alternative cutting properties of the type IIS restriction enzyme to be
removed. For example, at SNP TSC0837969, the nucleotide upstream of the SNP
site on the sense strand was an adenine. If BsmF I displayed alternate cutting
properties, the following overhangs would be generated for the adenine allele and
the guanine allele:
G allele -11/15 Cut 5' TTA
Overhang position 0 12 3
G allele after fill-in 5'TTA A G*
Overhang position 0 12 3
A allele 11/15 Cut 5'TTA
Overhang position 0 12 3
A allele after fill-in 5'TTA A A T G*
Overhang position 0 12 3

[0389] For the guanine allele, the first position in the overhang would be filled
in with dATP, which would allow the polymerase to incorporate ddGTP at
position 2 complementary to the overhang. There would be no detectable
difference between molecules cut at the 10/14 position or molecules cut at the
11/15 position.
[0390] For the adenine allele, the first position complementary to the
overhang would be filled in with dATP, the second position would be filled in
with dATP, the third position would be filled in with dTTP, and the fourth
position would be filled in with ddGTP. There would be no difference in the
molecular weights between molecules cut at 10/14 or molecules cut at 11/15. The
only differences would correspond to whether the DNA molecules contained an
adenine at the variable site or a guanine at the variable site.
[0391] As seen in FIG. 11, positioning the annealing region of the first primer
allows multiple SNPs to be analyzed in a single lane of a gel. Also, when using
the same nucleotide with the same dye, a single fill-in reaction can be performed.
In this example, 6 SNPs were analyzed in one lane. However, any number of
SNPs including but not limited to 1,2,3,4, 5, 6,7, 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,
17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30, 30-40,41-50, 51-60, 61-70,
71-80,81-100,101-120,121-140,141-160,161-180,181-200, and greater than
200 can be analyzed in a single reaction.
[0392] Furthermore, one labeled nucleotide used to detect both alleles can be
mixed with a second labeled nucleotide used to detect a different set of SNPs
provided that neither of the nucleotides that are labeled occur immediately before
the variable site (complementary to nucleotide at position 0 of the 11/15 cut). For
example, suppose SNP X can be guanine or thymidine at the variable site and has
the following 5' overhang generated after digestion with BsmF I:
SNP X 10/14 5'TTGAC
G allele 3'AACTG C A C T
Overhang position 12 3 4

Overhang position 0 12
[0394] Now suppose SNP Y can be adenine or thymidine and has the
following 5' overhangs generated after digestion with BsmF I.

[0395] After fill-in with labeled ddATP and unlabeled dCTP, dGTP, and
dTTP, the following molecules would be generated:

[0396] In this example, labeled ddGTP and labeled ddATP are used to
determine the identity of both alleles of SNP X and SNP Y respectively. The
nucleotide immediately preceding (the complementary nucleotide to position 0 of
the overhang from the 11/15 cut SNP X is not guanine or adenine on the strand
that is filled-in. Likewise, the nucleotide immediately preceding SNPY is not
guanine or adenine on the strand that is filled-in. This allows the fill-in reaction
for both SNPs to occur in a single reaction with labeled ddGTP, labeled ddATP,
and unlabeled dCTP and dTTP. This reduces the number of reactions that need to
be performed and increases the number of SNPs that can be analyzed in one
[0397] The first primers for each SNP can be designed to anneal at different
distances from the locus of interest, which allows the SNPs to migrate at different
positions on the gel. For example, the first primer used to amplify SNP X can
anneal at 30 bases from the locus of interest, and the first primer used to amplify
SNP Y can anneal at 35 bases from the locus of interest. Also, the nucleotides can
be labeled with fluorescent dyes that emit at spectrums that do not overlap. After
running the gel, the gel can be scanned at one wavelength specific for one dye.
Only those molecules labeled with that dye will emit a signal. The gel then can be
scanned at the wavelength for the second dye. Only those molecules labeled with

that dye will emit a signal. This method allows maximum compression for the
number of SNPs that can be analyzed in a single reaction.
[0398] in this example, the nucleotide preceding the variable site on the
strand that -was filled-in is not be adenine or guanine. This method can work with
any combination of labeled nucleotides, and the skilled artisan would understand
which labeling reactions can be mixed and those that can not For instance, if one
SNP is labeled with thymidine and a second SNP is labeled with cytosine, the
SNPs can be labeled in a single reaction if the nucleotide immediately preceding
each variable site is not thymidine or cytosine on the sense strand and the
nucleotide immediately after the variable site is not thymidine or cytosine on the
sense strand.
[0399] This method allows the signals from one allele to be compared to the
signal from a second allele without the added complexity of determining the
degree of alternate cutting, or having to correct for the quantum coefficients of the
dyes. This method is especially useful when trying to quantitate a ratio for one
allele to another. For example, this method is useful for detecting chromosomal
abnormalities. The ratio of alleles at a heterozygous site is expected to be about
1:1 (one A allele and one G allele). However, if an extra chromosome is present
the ratio is expected to be about 1:2 (one A allele and 2 G alleles or 2 A alleles
and 1 G allele). This method is especially useful when trying to detect fetal DNA
in the presence of maternal DNA.
[0400] In addition, this method is useful for detecting two genetic signals in
one sample. For example, this method can detect mutant cells in the presence of
wild type cells (see Example 5). If a mutant cell contains a mutation in the DNA
sequence of a particular gene, this method can be used to detect both the mutant
signal and the wild type signal. This method can be used to detect the mutant
DNA sequence in the presence of the wild type DNA sequence. The ratio of
mutant DNA to wild type DNA can be quantitated because a single nucleotide
labeled with one signal generating moiety is used.

[0401] Non-invasive methods for the detection of various types of cancer have
the potential to reduce morbidity and mortality from the disease. Several
techniques for the early detection of colorectal tumors have been developed
including colonoscopy, barium enemas, and sigmoidoscopy but are limited in use
because the techniques are invasive, which causes a low rate of patient
compliance. Non-invasive genetic tests may be useful in identifying early stage
colorectal tumors.
[0402] In 1991, researchers identified the Adenomatous Polyposis Coli gene
(APC), which plays a critical role in the formation of colorectal tumors (Kinzler et
at. Science 253:661-665,1991). The APC gene resides on chromosome 5q21-22
and a total of 15 exons code for an RNA molecule of 8529 nucleotides, which
produces a 300 Kd APC protein. The protein is expressed in numerous cell types
and is essential for cell adhesion.
[0403] Mutations in the APC gene generally initiate colorectal neoplasia
(Tsao, J. et al, Am, J. Pathol. 145:531-534,1994). Approximately 95% of the
mutations in the APC gene result in nonsense/frameshift mutations. The most
common mutations occur at codons 1061 and 1309; mutations at these codons
account for 1/3 of all germline mutations. With regard to somatic mutations, 60%
occur within codons 1286-1513, which is about 10% of the coding sequence.
This region is termed the mutation Cluster Region (MCR). Numerous types of
mutations have been identified in the APC gene including nucleotide substitutions
(see Table III), splicing errors (see Table IV), small deletions (see Table V),
small insertions (see Table VI), small insertions/deletions (see Table VII), gross
deletions (see Table VIII), gross insertions (see Table DC), and complex
rearrangements (see Table X).
[0404] Researchers have attempted to identify cells harboring mutations in the
APC gene in stool samples (Traverso, G. et al, New England Journal of
Medicine, Vol 346:311-320,2002). While APC mutations are found in nearly all
tumors, about 1 in 250 cells in the stool sample has a mutation in the APC gene;

most of the cells are normal cells that have been shed into the feces. Furthermore,
human DNA represents about one-billionth of the total DNA found in stool
samples; the majority of DNA is bacterial. The technique employed by Traverso
et al. only detects mutations that result in a truncated protein.
[0405] As discussed above, numerous mutations in the APC gene have been
implicated in the formation of colorectal tumors. Thus, there still exists a need for
a highly sensitive, non-invasive technique for the detection of colorectal tumors.
Below, methods are described for detection of two mutations in the APC gene.
However, any number of mutations can be analyzed using the methods described
Preparation of Template DNA
[0406] The template DNA is purified from a sample containing colon cells
including but not limited to a stool sample. The template DNA is purified using
the procedures described by Ahlquist et al. (Gastroenterology, 119:1219-1227,
2000). If stool samples are frozen, the samples are thawed at room temperature,
and homogenized with an Exactor stool shaker (Exact Laboratories, Maynard,
Mass.) Following homogenization, a 4 gram stool equivalent of each sample is
centrifuged at 2536 x g for 5 minutes. The samples are centrifuged a second time
at 16,500 x g for 10 minutes. Supernatants are incubated with 20 μl of RNase (0.5
mg per milliliter) for 1 hour at 37°C. DNA is precipitated with 1/10 volume of 3
mol of sodium acetate per liter and an equal volume of isopropanol. The DNA is
dissolved in 5 ml of TRIS-EDTA (0.01 mol of Tris per liter (pH 7.4) and 0.001
mole of EDTA per liter.
Design of Primers
[0407] To determine if a mutation resides at codon 1370, the following
primers are used:
First primer:
Second primer:

[0408] The first primer contains a biotin tag at the extreme 5' end, and the
nucleotide sequence for the restriction enzyme EcoRI. The second primer
contains the nucleotide sequence for the restriction enzyme BsmF I.
[0409] To determine if a small deletion exists at codon 1302, the following
primers are used:
First primer:
Second primer:
[0410] The first primer has a biotin tag at the 5' end and contains a restriction
enzyme recognition site for EcoRI. The second primer contains a restriction
enzyme recognition site for BsmF I.
PCR Reaction
[0411] The loci of interest are amplified from the template genomic DNA
using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR, U.S. Patent Nos. 4,683,195 and
4,683,202, incorporated herein by reference). The loci of interest are amplified in
separate reaction tubes; they can also be amplified together in a single PCR
reaction. For increased specificity, a "hot-start" PCR reaction is used, e.g. by
using the HotStarTaq Master Mix Kit supplied by QIAGEN (catalog number
203443). The amount of template DNA and primer per reaction are optimized for
each locus of interest but in this example, 40 ng of template human genomic DNA
and 5 μM of each primer are used. Forty cycles of PCR are performed. The
following PCR conditions are used:
(1) 95°C for 15 minutes and 15 seconds;
(2) 37°C for 30 seconds;
(3) 95°C for 30 seconds;
(4) 57°C for 30 seconds;
(5) 95°C for 30 seconds;
(6) 64°C for 30 seconds;

(7) 95°C for 30 seconds;
(8) Repeat steps 6 and 7 thirty nine (39) times;
(9) 72°C for 5 minutes.
[0412] In the first cycle of PCR, the annealing temperature is about the
melting temperature of the 3' annealing region of the second primers, which is
37°C. The annealing temperature in the second cycle of PCR is about the melting
temperature of the 3' region, which anneals to the template DNA, of the first
primer, which is 57°C. The annealing temperature in the third cycle of PCR is
about the melting temperature of the entire sequence of the second primer, which
is 64°C. The annealing temperature for the remaining cycles is 64°C. Escalating
the annealing temperature from TM1 to TM2 to TM3 in the first three cycles of
PCR greatly improves specificity. These annealing temperatures are
representative, and the skilled artisan understands that the annealing temperatures
for each cycle are dependent on the specific primers used.
[0413] The temperatures and times for denaturing, annealing, and extension,
are optimized by trying various settings and using the parameters that yield the
best results.
Purification of Fragment Containing Locus of Interest
[0414] The PCR products are separated from the genomic template DNA.
Each PCR product is divided into four separate reaction wells of a Streptawell,
transparent, High-Bind plate from Roche Diagnostics GmbH (catalog number 1
645 692, as listed in Roche Molecular Biochemicals, 2001 Biochemicals Catalog).
The first primers contain a 5' biotin tag so the PCR products bound to the
Streptavidin coated wells while the genomic template DNA does not The
streptavidin binding reaction is performed using a Thermomixer (Eppendorf) at
1000 rpm for 20 min. at 37°C. Each well is aspirated to remove unbound
material, and washed three times with IX PBS, with gentle mixing (Kandpal et
al.,Nucl. Acids Res. 18:1789-1795 (1990); Kaneoka et al., Biotechniques 10:30-
34 (1991); Green et al.,Nucl. Acids Res. 18:6163-6164 (1990)).

[0415] Alternatively, the PCR products are placed into a single well of a
streptavidin plate to perform the nucleotide incorporation reaction in a single well.
Restriction Enzyme Digestion of Isolated Fragments Containing Loci of Interest
[0416] The purified PCR products are digested with the restriction enzyme
BsmF I (New England Biolabs catalog number R0572S), which binds to the
recognition site incorporated into the PCR products from the second primer. The
digests are performed in the Streptawells following the instructions supplied with
the restriction enzyme. After digestion with the appropriate restriction enzyme,
the wells are washed three times with PBS to remove the cleaved fragments.
Incorporation of Labeled Nucleotide
[0417] The restriction enzyme digest described above yields a DNA fragment
with a 5' overhang, which contains the locus of interest and a 3' recessed end. The
5' overhang functions as a template allowing incorporation of a nucleotide or
nucleotides in the presence of a DNA polymerase.
[0418] For each locus of interest, four separate fill in reactions are performed;
each of the four reactions contains a different fluorescently labeled ddNTP
(ddATP, ddTTP, ddGTP, or ddCTP). The following components are added to
each fill in reaction: 1 μl of a fluorescently labeled ddNTP, 0.5 μl of unlabeled
ddNTPs ( 40 uM), which contains all nucleotides except the nucleotide that is
fluorescently labeled, 2 μl of 10X sequenase buffer, 0.25 μl of Sequenase, and
water as needed for a 20ul reaction. The fill are performed in reactions at 40°C
for 10 min. Non-fluorescently labeled ddNTP are purchased from Fermentas Inc.
(Hanover, MD). All other labeling reagents are obtained from Amersham
(Thermo Sequenase Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Core Kit, US 79565). In
the presence of fluorescently labeled ddNTPs, the 3' recessed end is extended by
one base, which corresponds to the locus of interest.
[0419] A mixture of labeled ddNTPs and unlabeled dNTPs also can be used
for the fill-in reaction. The "fill in" conditions are as described above except that
a mixture containing 40 μM unlabeled dNTPs, 1 μl fluorescently labeled ddATP,

1 μl ftaorescently labeled ddTTP, 1 μl fluorescently labeled ddCTP, and 1 μl
ddGTP are used. The fluorescent ddNTPs are obtained from Amersham (Thermo
Sequenase Dye Terminator Cycle Sequencing Core Kit, US 79565; Amersham
does not publish the concentrations of the fluorescent nucleotides). The locus of
interest is digested with the restriction enzyme BsmF I, which generates a 5'
overhang of four bases. If the first nucleotide incorporated is a labeled ddNTP,
the 3' recessed end is filled in by one base, allowing detection of the locus of
interest. However, if the first nucleotide incorporated is a dNTP, the polymerase
continues to incorporate nucleotides until a ddNTP is filled in. For example, the
first two nucleotides may be filled in with dNTPs, and the third nucleotide with a
ddNTP, allowing detection of the third nucleotide in the overhang. Thus, the
sequence of the entire 5' overhang is determined, which increases the information
obtained from each SNP or locus of interest This type of fill in reaction is
especially useful when detecting the presence of insertions, deletions, insertions
and deletions, rearrangements, and translocations.
[0420] Alternatively, one nucleotide labeled with a single dye is used to
determine the sequence of the locus of interest See Example 4. This method
eliminates any potential errors when using different dyes, which have different
quantum coefficients.
[0421] After labeling, each Streptawell is rinsed with IX PBS (100 μl) three
times. The "filled in" DNA fragments are released from the Streptawells by
digesting with the restriction enzyme EcoRI, according to the manufacturer's
instructions that are supplied with the enzyme. The digestion is performed for 1
hour at 37 °C with shaking at 120 rpm.
Detection of the Locus of Interest
[0422] After release from the streptavidin matrix, the sample is loaded into a
lane of a 36 cm 5% acrylamide (urea) gel (BioWhittaker Molecular Applications,
Long Ranger Run Gel Packs, catalog number 50691). The sample is
electrophoresed into the gel at 3000 volts for 3 min. The gel is run for 3 hours

using a sequencing apparatus (Hoefer SQ3 Sequencer). The incorporated labeled
nucleotide is detected by fluorescence.
[0423] To determine if any cells contain mutations at codon 1370 of the APC
gene when separate fill-in reactions are performed, the lanes of the gel that
correspond to the fill-in reaction for ddATP and ddTTP are analyzed. If only
normal cells are present, the lane corresponding to the fill in reaction with ddATP
is a bright signal. No signal is detected for the "fill-in" reaction with ddTTP.
However, if the patient sample contains cells with mutations at codon 1370 of the
APC gene, the lane corresponding to the fill in reaction with ddATP is a bright
signal, and a signal is detected from the lane corresponding to the fill in reaction
with ddTTP. The intensity of the signal from the lane corresponding to the fill in
reaction with ddTTP is indicative of the number of mutant cells in the sample.
[0424] Alternatively, one labeled nucleotide is used to determine the sequence
of the alleles at codon 1370 of the APC gene. At codon 1370, the normal
sequence is AAA, which codes for the amino acid lysine. However, a nucleotide
substitution has been identified at codon 1370, which is associated with colorectal
tumors. Specifically, a change from A to T (AAA-TAA) typically is found at
codon 1370, which results in a stop codon. A single fill-in reaction is performed
using labeled ddATP, and unlabeled dTTP, dCTP, and dGTP. A single nucleotide
labeled with one fluorescent dye is used to determine the presence of both the
normal and mutant DNA sequence that codes for codon 1370. The relevant DNA
sequence is depicted below with the sequence corresponding to codon 1370 in
[0425] After digest with BsmF I, the following overhang is produced:
Overhang position 12 3 4

[0426] If the patient sample has no cells harboring a mutation at codon 1370,
one signal is seen corresponding to incorporation of labeled ddATP.
5' CCC A*
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0427] However, if the patient sample has cells with mutations at codon 1370
of the APC gene, one signal is seen, which corresponds to the normal sequence at
codon 1370, and a second signal is seen, which corresponds to the mutant
sequence at codon 1370. The signals clearly are identified as they differ in
molecular weight.
Overhang of normal DNA sequence: CCC
Overhang position 12 3 4
Normal DNA sequence after fill-in: CCC A*
Overhang position 12 3 4
Overhang of mutant DNA sequence: CCC
Overhang position 12 3 4
Mutant DNA sequence after fill-in: CCC T A*
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0428] Two signals are seen when the mutant allele is present. The mutant
DNA molecules are filled in one base after the wild type DNA molecules. The
two signals are separated using any method that discriminates based on molecular

weight One labeled nucleotide (ddATP) is used to detect the presence of both the
wild type DNA sequence and the mutant DNA sequence. This method of labeling
reduces the number of reactions that need to be performed and allows accurate
quantitation for the number of mutant cells in the patient sample. The number of
mutant cells in the sample is used to determine patient prognosis, the degree and
the severity of the disease. This method of labeling eliminates the complications
associated with using different dyes, which have distinct quantum coefficients.
This method of labeling also eliminates errors associated with pipetting reactions.
[0429] To determine if any cells contain mutations at codon 1302 of the APC
gene when separate fill-in reactions are performed, the lanes of the gel that
correspond to the fill-in reaction for ddTTP and ddCTP are analyzed. The normal
DNA sequence is depicted below with sequence coding for codon 1302 in bold
[0430] After digest, the following 5' overhang is produced:
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0431] After the fill-in reaction, labeled ddTTP is incorporated.
5' ACCC T*
Overhang position 12 3 4

[0432] A deletion of a single base of the APC sequence, which typically codes
for codon 1302, has been associated with colorectal tumors. The mutant DNA
sequence is depicted below with the relevant sequence in bold:
After digest:
Overhang position 12 3 4
After fill-in:
5' ACC C*
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0433] If mere are no mutations in the APC gene, signal is not detected for the
fill in reaction with ddCTP*, but a bright signal is detected for the fill-in reaction
with ddTTP*. However, if there are cells in the patient sample that have
mutations in the APC gene, signals are seen for the fill-in reactions with ddCTP*
and ddTTP*.
[0434] Alternatively, a single fill-in reaction is performed using a mixture
containing unlabeled dNTPs, fluorescently labeled ddATP, fluorescently labeled
ddTTP, fluorescently labeled ddCTP, and fluorescently labeled ddGTP. If there
is no deletion, labeled ddTTP is incorporated.
5' ACCC T*
Overhang position 12 3 4

[0435] However, if the T has been deleted, labeled ddCTP* is incorporated.
5' ACC C*
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0436] The two signals are separated by molecular weight because of the
deletion of the thymidine nucleotide. If mutant cells are present, two signals are
generated in the same lane but are separated by a single base pair (this principle is
demonstrated in FIG 9D). The deletion causes a change in the molecular weight
of the DNA fragments, which allows a single fill in reaction to be used to detect
the presence of both normal and mutant cells.
[0437] In the above example, methods for the detection of a nucleotide
substitution and a small deletion are described. However, the methods are used
for the detection of any type of mutation including but not limited to nucleotide
substitutions (see Table IH), splicing errors (see Table IV), small deletions (see
Table V), small insertions (see Table VI), small insertions/deletions (see Table
VII), gross deletions (see Table VIII), gross insertions (see Table IX), and
complex rearrangements (see Table X).
[0438] In addition, the above-described methods are used for the detection of
any type of disease including but not limited to those listed in Table II.
Furthermore, any type of mutant gene is detected using the inventions described
herein including but not limited to the genes associated with the diseases listed in
p53, ELAC2, CDH1, APC, AR, PMS2, MLH3, CYP1A1, GSTP1, GSTM1,
AXIN2, CYP19, MET, NAT1, CDKN2A, NQ01, trc8, RAD51, PMS1, TGFBR2,
cart, SORBS 1, LEP, LEPR, SIM1, TNF, IL-6, IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, ILIA, TAP2,
THPO, THRB, NBS1, RBM15, LIF, MPL, RUNX1, Her-2, glucocorticoid
receptor, estrogen receptor, thyroid receptor, p21, p27, K-RAS, N-RAS,

retinoblastoma protein, Wiskott-Aldrich (WAS) gene, Factor V Leiden, Factor II
(prothrombin), methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase, cystic fibrosis, LDL
receptor, HDL receptor, superoxide dismutase gene, SHOX gene, genes involved
in nitric oxide regulation, genes involved in cell cycle regulation, tumor
suppressor genes, oncogenes, genes associated with neurodegeneration, genes
associated with obesity,. Abbreviations correspond to the proteins as listed on
the Human Gene Mutation Database, which is incorporated herein by reference
(www.archive.uwcm.ac.uk/uwcm) website address active as of February 12,
[0439] The above-example demonstrates the detection of mutant cells and
mutant alleles from a fecal sample. However, the methods described herein are
used for detection of mutant cells from any biological sample including but not
limited to blood sample, serum sample, plasma sample, urine sample, spinal fluid,
lymphatic fluid, semen, vaginal secretion, ascitic fluid, saliva, mucosa secretion,
peritoneal fluid, fecal sample, body exudates, breast fluid, lung aspirates, cells,
tissues, individual cells or extracts of the such sources that contain the nucleic
acid of the same, and subcellular structures such as mitochondria or chloroplasts.
In addition, the methods described herein are used for the detection of mutant
cells and mutated DNA from any number of nucleic acid containing sources
including but not limited to forensic, food, archeological, agricultural or inorganic
[0440] The above example is directed to detection of mutations in the APC
gene. However, the inventions described herein are used for the detection of
mutations in any gene that is associated with or predisposes to disease (see Table
[0441] For example, hypermethylation of the glutathione S-transferase PI
(GSTP1) promoter is the most common DNA alteration in prostrate cancer. The
methylation state of the promoter is determined using sodium bisulfite and the
methods described herein.

[0442] Treatment with sodium bisulfite converts unmethylated cytosine
residues into uracil, and leaving the methylated cytosines unchanged. Using the
methods described herein, a first and second primer are designed to amplify the
regions of the GSTP1 promoter that are often methylated. Below, a region of the
GSTP1 promoter is shown prior to sodium bisulfite treatment:
[0443] Before Sodium Bisulfite treatment:
[0444] Below, a region of the GSTP1 promoter is shown after sodium
bisulfite treatment, PCR amplification, and digestion with the type IIS restriction
en2yme BsmF I:
5' ACC
Overhang position 12 3 4
Overhang position 12 3 4
[0445] Labeled ddATP, unlabeled dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP are used to fill-in
the 5' overhangs. The following molecules are generated:
5' ACC A*
Overhang position 12 3 4

5'ACC G C T A*
Overhang position 1 2 3 4
[0446] Two signals are seen; one corresponds to DNA molecules filled in
with ddATP at position one complementary to the overhang (unmethylated), and
the other corresponds to the DNA molecules filled in with ddATP at position 4
complementary to the overhang (methylated). The two signals are separated
based on molecular weight. Alternatively, the fill-in reactions are performed in
separate reactions using labeled ddGTP in one reaction and labeled ddATP in
another reaction.
[0447] The methods described herein are used to screen for prostate cancer
and also to monitor the progression and severity of the disease. The use of a
single nucleotide to detect both the methylated and unmethylated sequences
allows accurate quantitation and provides a high level of sensitivity for the
methylated sequences, which is a useful tool for earlier detection of the disease.
[0448] The information contained in Tables III-X was obtained from the
Human Gene Mutation Database. With the information provided herein, the
skilled artisan will understand how to apply these methods for determining the
sequence of the alleles for any gene. A large number of genes and their associated
mutations can be found at the following website:

[0449] Bold letters indicate the codon. Undercase letters represent the
deletion. Where deletions extend beyond the coding region, other positional

information is provided For example, the abbreviation 5' UTR represents 5'
untranslated region, and the abbreviation E6I6 denotes exon 6/intron 6 boundary.

[0450] Having now fully described the invention, it will be understood by
those of skill in the art that the invention can be performed with a wide and
equivalent range of conditions, parameters, and the like, without affecting the
spirit or scope of the invention or any embodiment thereof.
[0451] All documents, e.g., scientific publications, patents and patent
publications recited herein are hereby incorporated by reference in their entirety to
the same extent as if each individual document was specifically and individually

indicated to be incorporated by reference in its entirety. Where the document
cited only provides the first page of the document, the entire document is
intended, including the remaining pages of the document.

1. A method for determining a sequence of a locus of interest, said method
(a) amplifying a locus of interest on a template DNA using a first and second primers,
wherein the second primer contains a recognition site for a restriction enzyme that cuts
DNA at a distance from the recognition site such that digestion with the restriction
enzyme generates a 5' overhang containing the locus of interests and wherein the
annealing temperature for cycle 1 of amplification is at about the melting temperature of
the 3' region of the second primer, which anneals to the template DNA, the annealing
temperature for cycle 2 of amplification is at about the melting temperature of the 3'
region of the first primer, which anneals to the template DNA, and the annealing
temperature for the remaining cycles of amplification is at about the melting temperature
of the entire second primer;
(b) digesting the amplified DNA with the restriction enzyme that recognizes the
recognition site on the second primer;
(c) incorporating a nucleotide into the digested DNA of (b) by using the 5' overhang
containing the locus of interest as a template; and
(d) determining the sequence of the locus of interest by determining the sequence of
the DNA of (c).
2. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the template DNA is obtained
from a source selected from the group consisting of a bacterium, fungus, virus, protozoan,
plant, animal and human.
3. The method as claimed in claim 1 or 2, wherein the template DNA is
obtained from a sample selected from the group consisting of a cell, tissue, blood, serum,
plasma, urine, spinal fluid, lymphatic fluid, semen, vaginal secretion, ascitic fluid, saliva,
mucosa secretion, peritoneal fluid, fecal matter, or body exudates.
4. The method as claimed in claim 1 or 2, wherein the amplification in (a)
comprises polymerase chain reaction (PCR).
5. The method as claimed in claim 1 to 4, wherein the restriction enzyme cuts
DNA at a distance from the recognition site.

6. The method as claimed in claim 5, wherein an annealing length of the 3'
region of the second primer is selected from the group consisting of 25-20, 20-15, 15, 14,
13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, and less than 4 bases.
7. The method as claimed in claim 1 to 6, wherein the 3' end of the second
primer is adjacent to the locus of interest.
8. The method as claimed in claim 5, wherein the recognition site is for a
Type IIS restriction enzyme.
9. The method as claimed in claim 8, wherein the Type IIS restriction
enzyme is selected from the group consisting of: Acinetobacter lwoffii, Bacillus
laterosporus, Bacillus brevis, —Bacillus cereus, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus
stearothermophilus, Bacillus stearothermophilus 71, Bacillus stearothermophilus A664,
Bacillus stearothermophilus B61, Bacillus stearothermophilus F, Bacillus species M,
Enterobacter aerogenes, Flavobacterium aquatile, Flavobacterium okeonokoites,
Haemophilus gallinarum, Pseudomonas lemoignei, Saccharopolyspora species,
Streptococcus faecalis ND547, and Streptococcus thermophilus.
10. The method as claimed in claim 1 to 9, wherein the first primer contains a
recognition site for a restriction enzyme that is different from the recognition site for the
restriction enzyme on the second primer.
11. The method as claimed in claim 10, comprising digesting the DNA of (c)
with a restriction enzyme that recognizes the recognition site on the first primer.
12. The method as claimed in claim 1 to 11, wherein the second primer
contains a tag at the 5' terminus.

13. The method as claimed in claim 1 to 11, wherein the first primer contains
a tag at the 5' terminus.
14. The method as claimed in claim 12 or 13, wherein the tag is used to
separate the amplified DNA from the template DNA.
15. The method as claimed in claim 14, wherein the tag is used to separate the
amplified DNA containing the incorporated nucleotide from the amplified DNA that does
not contain the incorporated nucleotide.
16. The method as claimed in claims 12, 13, 14 or 15, wherein the tag is
selected from the group consisting of: radioisotope, fluorescent reporter molecule,
chemiluminescent reporter molecule, antibody, antibody fragment, hapten, biotin,
derivative of biotin, photobiotin, iminobiotin, digoxigenin, avidin, enzyme, acridinium,
sugar, enzyme, apoenzyme, homopolymeric oligonucleotide, hormone, ferromagnetic
moiety, paramagnetic moiety, diamagnetic moiety, phosphorescent moiety, luminescent
moiety, electrochemiluminescent moiety, chromatic moiety, moiety having a detectable
electron spin resonance, electrical capacitance, dielectric constant, and electrical
conductivity and combinations thereof.
17. The method as claimed in claim 16, wherein a biotin tag is used to
separate amplified DNA from the template DNA using a streptavidin matrix, and where
optionally, the streptavidin matrix is coated on wells of a microtiter plate.
18. The method as claimed in claim 2 to 25, wherein the incorporation of a
nucleotide in (c) is by a DNA polymerase selected from the group consisting of E. coli
DNA polymerase, Klenow fragment of E. coli DNA polymerase I, T7 DNA polymerase,
T4 DNA polymerase, Taq polymerase, Pfu DNA polymerase, Vent DNA polymerase and

19. The method as claimed in claims 1 to 18, wherein the incorporation of a
nucleotide in (c) comprises incorporation of a labeled nucleotide.
20. The method as claimed in claims 1 to 19, wherein the incorporation of a
nucleotide in (c) further comprises incorporation of an unlabeled nucleotide.
21. The method as claimed in claim 19, wherein the labeled nucleotide is
selected from the group consisting of a dideoxynucleotide and deoxynucleotide.
22. The method as claimed in claim 20, or 21 wherein the labeled nucleotide
is labeled with a molecule selected from the group consisting of radioactive molecule,
fluorescent molecule, antibody, antibody fragment, hapten, carbohydrate, biotin,
derivative of biotin, phosphorescent moiety, luminescent moiety,
electrochemiluminescent moiety, chromatic moiety, moiety having a detectable electron
spin resonance, electrical capacitance, dielectric constant, and electrical conductivity and
combinations thereof.
23. The method as claimed in claims to 22, wherein the determination of the
sequence of the locus of interest in (d) comprises detecting the nucleotide.
24. The method as claimed in claims 19 to 23, wherein the determination of
the sequence of the locus of interest in (d) comprises detecting labeled nucleotide.
25. The method as claimed in claim 23 or 24 ., wherein the detection is by a
method selected from the group consisting of gel electrophoresis, polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis, fluorescence detection, sequencing, ELISA, mass spectrometry,
fiuorometry, hybridization, microarray, and Southern Blot.
26. The method as claimed in claim 1 to 25, wherein the locus of interest is
suspected of containing a single nucleotide polymorphism or mutation.

27. The method as claimed in claim 1 to 26, wherein the method is used for
determining the sequence of multiple loci of interest concurrently.
28. The method as claimed in claim 25, wherein the template DNA comprises
multiple loci from a single chromosome or from multiple chromosomes.
29. The method as claimed in claim 27 or 28, wherein the loci of interest on
template DNA are amplified in one reaction.
30. The method as claimed in claim 27 or 28, wherein each of the loci of
interest on template DNA is amplified in a separate reaction.
31. The method as claimed in claim 30, wherein the amplified DNA are
pooled together prior to digestion of the amplified DNA.
32. The method as claimed in claim 19 to 31, wherein each of the labeled
DNA in (c) containing a locus of interest is separated prior to (d).
33. The method as claimed in claim 27 to 32 , wherein at least one of the loci
of interest may contain a single nucleotide polymorphism or a mutation.

The invention provides a method useful for determining the sequence of large numbers of loci of interest on a single
or multiple chromosomes. The method utilizes an oligonucleotide primer that contains a recognition site for a restriction enzyme
such that digestion with the restriction enzyme generates a 5' overhang containing the locus of interest. The 5' overhang is used as
a template to incorporate nucleotides, which can be detected. The method is especially amenable to the analysis of large numbers of
sequences, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms, from one sample of nucleic acid.






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1194-kolnp-2004-granted-examination report.pdf

1194-kolnp-2004-granted-form 1.pdf

Patent Number 228063
Indian Patent Application Number 1194/KOLNP/2004
PG Journal Number 05/2009
Publication Date 30-Jan-2009
Grant Date 28-Jan-2009
Date of Filing 17-Aug-2004
Name of Patentee RAVGEN, INC.
Applicant Address 9241 RUMSEY ROAD, COLUMBIA, MD 21045
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C12Q 1/68
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2003/06376
PCT International Filing date 2003-02-28
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/360,232 2002-03-01 U.S.A.
2 10/093,618 2002-03-11 U.S.A.
3 60/378,354 2002-05-08 U.S.A.