Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a device for supplying liquids comprising heating elements (3) heating up said liquids and an electric drive pumping group (101). The characteristic is that the pumping group (101) comprises an intake (102) and at least a first and second intake duct (8a-8b, 8c-8d, 8e-8f), and is further equipped with an impeller (11a, ...., 11c), said first and second intake duct (8a-8b, 8c-8d, 8e-8f) being selectively activated according to the direction of rotation of said impeller (11a,...,11c) of said pumping group (4a,...,4c).
The present invention relates to a device for supplying and heating up liquids, water for instance, in vending machines.
It is known that a vending machine supplying hot chocolate, milk and tea, broth and / or any kind of drink that has to be served hot, has to be equipped with a tank from which a system consisting of pumps, heating elements, electric valves and mixing devices can take, heat up, supply and mix the product to be served to the consumer.
Manufacturers of vending machines hi.ve proposed various systems with such features, which can ensure both a correct and constant flow rate and temperature of the product contained in the tank
and a correct supply of the product to the consumer.
For instance, some of said manufacturers of vending machines have provided one or more tanks placed in the upper portion of the vendirg machine and containing for instance water or another liquid product.
Such tanks are provided with heating elements supplied with electric energy, which can heat up the content of said tanks to the convenient temperature.

In particular, placing the tanks in the upper portion of the vending machine allows to exploit the potential energy accumulated by water and to avoid the use of pumps to suck up water from the tank.
Indeed, said tanks are the starting point of in-take pipes or ducts downstream from which there is only an electric valve selecting which mixing device has to be actuated according to the product chosen by the consumer.
That is to say, the mixing devices receive on one hand the heated-up contemt within the tank and on the other the product (or several products at the same time), so that these can he mixed and then supplied to the consumer.
In particular, water heated up by the heating
element is mixed for instance with chocolate or milk
or tea by one of the m:.xing devices that are posi-
tioned beside or near a {supply nozzle for the product
to be served to the consumer.
Such technique, however, is disadvantageous be-cause it requires quite long pipes or ducts connecting tank and mixing devices, thus resulting in long wait-ing times before the product comes out of the supply nozzle and, above all, once the supply operation is over, leaving the connecting pipe full of water, which

leads to quite obvious consequences.
Other manufacturers o:: vending machines provide one or more tanks placed for instance in the lower portion of the vending machine, equipped with only one electric pump with an impeller under the level of water contained in the tank, and heating elements which can suitably heat up the product to be supplied.
Water heated up and sucked up through the pump impeller is led into an intake duct, which is then di-vided into a plurality of intake ducts arranged paral-lel one to the other by neans of an electric valve. Said electric valve allows to shut alternatively, i.e. selectively, one or another of the intake ducts, since the latter lead to the mixing devices.
Such technique is indubitably advantageous be-cause the water tank can be placed anywhere within the vending machine, and moreover because the tank can be placed beside the mixing devices, so as to avoid long connecting ducts as well as the absence of water in the connecting duct after every supply operation.
Nevertheless, the presence of the electric valve in the supply system results in serious technical dis-advantages and drawbacks
Indeed, after being used several times, the elec-tric valve shows an imperfect shutting due to the ac-

cumulation of limestone, high costs, a reduced reliability time and the possibility of managing a limited number of mixing or blending devices due to the low pressure that can be exerted by said electric valveThis results in .1 small number of drinks to be supplied to the consumer, who therefore has a limited choice of products.
However, should the manufacturer of vending ma-chines want to increase; the number of mixing devices, he would have to face as was mentioned before - a lack of pressure to be exerted by the electric valve, and should he simply increase the number of electric valves, this would result in an increase of manufac-turing costs that would hardly be competitive with re-spect to other manufacturers of vending machines.
Furthermore, the electric valve has stiff supply times deriving from the sum of activation, stop and safety times, thus resulting a great delay between consumer's request and actual drink supply, which therefore causes an incorvenience for the consumer.
Considering the state of the art as described above, the present invention aims at carrying out a device for supplying liquids without the problems re-lated to the prior art.
In accordance with the present invention said aim

is reached by means of a device for supplying liquids. Accordingly, the present invention provides a device for supplying liquids in vending machines for drinks, comprising heating elements heating up said liquids, an electric drive pumping group, comprising pumps, and plurality of mixing or blending devices, whereby said pumping group comprises an intake, at least a first and second intake duct connecting said pumps with said mixing devices, characterized in that said pumping group is equipped with at least an impeller, said first and second intake duct being selectively activated according to the direction of rotation of said at least one impeller of said pumping group.
The present invention makes it possible to carry out a device for supplying liquids, such as water for instance, which can supply a greater number of mixing devices and with shorter supply times than supply devices of the prior art.
Moreover, the present invention results in a higher reliability of the supply device with respect to known systems.
The characteristics and advantages of the present invention will be evident from the following detailed description of one of its embodiments, shown as a mere non-limiting example in the accompanying drawings, in which :
Figure 1 shows a perspective view of the supply device according to the present invention;
Figure 2 shows an enlarged detail of the supply device of Fig. 1;

Figure 3 shows a perspective view of a second embodiment of the supply device according to the present invention;
Figure 4 shows a view from below of the devices involved in the second embodiment; Figure 5 shows a view from above of the devices

involved in the second embodiment.
With reference to the enclosed figures 1-2 the numeral 1 refers to the device according to the pre-sent invention equipped with a tank 2 containing liq-uid food, and heating elements 3 and a plurality of pumping groups 4 are arranged within said tank 2.
Each pumping group comprises respective pumps 4a,
..., 4c, and said pumps 4a, ..., 4c as well as the
heating elements 3 are directly connected to an elec-
tronic interface. Such electronic interface 5 is sup-
plied by mains voltage, i.e. 220-230V and a frequency
of 50 Hz.
In order to actuate the electric pumps 4a, ...,
4c it is provided for a control panel 6, which is con-
nected directly to the electronic interface 5 and can
be actuated by the consumer.
Each of the electric pumps 4a, . . ., 4c is equipped with a pair of intake pipes or ducts 8a-8b, 8c-8d and 8e-8f, and each of said electric pumps 4a, . . ., 4c is also in fluid connection with a plurality of mixing or blending devices 7a, ......... 7f.
In particular, each of said mixing devices 7a, . .., 7f is in fluid connection with the electric pumps 4a, ..., 4c by means of at least a corresponding in-take duct 8a-8b, 8c-8d and 8e-8f.

Each of said electric pumps 4a, . . . , 4c consists of an electric motor 9 connected through motion trans-mission means 10 to an impeller or finned disc 11, said impeller being housed in a box-shaped shell 12, preferably a cylinder, or a stator.
Each shell 12 is the starting point of the intake pipes or ducts 8a-8b, 8c-8d and 8e-8f, which can lead liquid food contained in the tank 2 to the correspond-ing mixinq devices 7a, ... , 7f.
Advantageously, said intake ducts 8a-8b, 8c-8d and 8e-8f are arranged on the vertical tangent.
In particular, the shaft of the electric motor 9 is connected in direct drive with the motion transmission means 10, which are in direct drive on the shaft
of the rotor of said motor 9.
In an alternative embodiment it can be provided for a reduction gear box, which differentiates the ro-tation speed of the impe3.1er with respect to the rota-tion speed of said motor 9.
The heating elements 3 are arranged near the bot-tom of the tank 2 and csx. heat up water or other liq-uids contained in said tank 2 according to the drink
to be supplied.
Each of said mixing devices 7a, . . . , 7f is pro-vided on its intake, beyond with at least an intake

duct 8a-8b, 8c-8d and 8e-8f, also with a supply duct 13a, ..., 13f.
The supply ducts 13a, ..., 13f can lead into the corresponding mixing device 7a, . .., 7f products such as chocolate, milk, tea or broth, which are necessary for preparing the drink.
The mixing of wai;er contained in the tank 2 and products led by the supply ducts 13a, ..., 13f, there-fore, takes place within said mixing devices 7a, . . . , 7f by means of a propeller or fan 14.
Also this fan 14 is supplied with electric energy directly by the electronic interface 5.
After the mixing step has taken place, each mix-
ing device 7a, . . ., 7f supplies through its own intake
duct 16a, . . ., 16f tie product to be served to the
As can be observed, also the tank 2. is equipped with an intake duct 15, which can supply said tank 2 with water or any other liquid or fluid substance to be heated up for the following preparation of the drink to be supplied.
As was already described, the heating elements 3 are placed near the bottom of the tank 2 and are ar-mored heating elements with different power, coated with food-compatible anti-corrosion paints.

The heating element 3 is supplied with electric energy by the electronic interface 5 and is equipped with mains plugs 3a and 3b, so as to be easily remov-able from the body of the tank 2 to carry out fast maintenance operations.
Such heating elements are made of Silumin or
other aluminum alloys, of pyroceram or of Ni-Cr
stainless steel or other non-magnetic stainless
steels, which can turn electric energy into heat as
efficiently as possible.
In particular, the heating element 3 should be provided with specific requirements, such as for in-stance electric safety, working safety and above all sufficient heat capacity.
As far as electric safety is concerned, today thanks to the optimal choice of the three main compo- nents constituting the heating element 3 (i.e. sheath material, heating wire and oxide coating for heating wire) no specific problems arise, whereas as far as working safety is concerned, even in case of a highly simple heating element 3 the latter will hardly break down, thus ensuring a isuitable life of the heating element in its use conditions.
Considering now heat capacity, different aspects have to be taken into consideration, not only the ca-

paucity of the tank 2, such as for instance the material of said tank 2, so that the actual power is of 1 - 2 KW.
The heating element 3 can also be connected directly to a device that can break the current flow when the content of the tank 2 reaches a given and desired threshold temperature.
Said device is a thermostatic switch (not shown in the figures), for instance a bi-metallic one, which exploits the extending or shortening ieature of metals and according to the temperature can open or close, thus defining to which temperature this "elementary" relay should open or close the electric circuit.
In order to check that the circuit has actually been closed, the thermostatic switch is connected to a lamp or light (not shown in the figures), which turns on when the latter is on and turns off when
it is off.
The thermostatic switch should be immersed in the water contained in the tank 2, connected to the mains and to the heating element 3 of the heater.
However, said bi-metallic thermostatic switch can also be incorporated into the heating element 3, thus forming the so-called thermo-heater or thermostatic switch heater.

Another type of thermostatic switch that is more

reliable than the bi-metallic one is the electronic type, which exploits the seasitivity to temperature of some semiconductors immersed in water or applied out-side the tank 2 and connected to the electronic inter-face 5 by means of a small cable.
Temperature is adjusted by means of a potentiome-ter, whose main feature is the possibility of a grad-ual adjustment of the power of the heating element 3.
Indeed, this type of J:hercnostatic switch does not
fully break the flow of electric, current, as happens
in case of bi-metallic thermostatic switches, but re-
duces the power of the heating element 3 as needed.
When water temperature is only slightly lower than the
desired value, said heating element 3 operates at a
minimum power, but when said difference is more than
for instance a preset temperature of 1°C, said heating
element 3 operates at full capacity.
The working idea of such embodiments is managed by means of a micro-controller (not shown in the fig-ures) included within the electronic interface 5.
Referring now to Figure 2, it can be noticed that the impeller 11 is of the type equipped with blades, but other embodiments are possible, such as for in-stance with propeller, turbine or disc.
As can be inferred from such Figure 2, the intake

ducts 8a and 8b are arranged tangentially with respect to the stator of the shell 12, thus ensuring that the fluid sucked up during a sense of rotation of the im-peller 11 gets into only one intake duct 8a or 8b.
Obviously, the incidence angle of such intake ducts 8a and 8b can also be different from the one shown in Figure 2, bub should anyhow be such as to preserve the feature according to which only one in-take duct can be selected during a sense of rotation . of the impeller 11.
It should be observed that the aspects determin-ing the effectiveness of the stirring induced by the impeller 11 are the power of the electric motor 3 and the shape of the impeller 11, which should therefore be chosen in accordance with the desired stirring.
The impeller 11 anc. the shell 12 therefore trans-
mit to the fluid a motion with a tangential component
oriented in a first and second direction according to
the sense of rotation of said impeller. The first duct
8a is then activated only in a sense of rotation of
the impeller 11, for instance clockwise, whereas the
second duct 8b is activated only in the, opposite sense
of rotation of the impeller 11, for instance anti-
In other words, the first intake duct 8a is ori-

ented with respect tio teh cell 12 in a non-
perpendicular direction, so as to receive the intake flow when the impeller 11a has a first sense of rota-tion, and said second intake duct 8b is oriented with respect to the shell 12 in a non-perpendicular direc-tion,so as to receive an intake flow when the impel-ler 11a has an opposite sense of rotation witn respect to said first sense of rotation.
Referring now again to Figure 2, it can be no-
ticed how the contours 16 and 17 of thebox-shaped
body 12, for instance, of the electric pump 4a allow
to activate tne intake duct 8a wnen said impeller ,
turns clockwise, while the intake duct 8b is not work-
ing, and vice versa.
The intake ducts 8a-8b, 8c-8d and 8e-8f are for instance made of a material such as neoprene, having an inner diameter of some tens of millimeters and ena-bling the flow of the substances contained in the tank 2 without modifying their organoleptic properties in a temperature range between zero °C and one hundred °C.
the resent emodiment uses centrifugal pumps whose impellers 11 are provided with simple blades, i.e. there is an impeller 11 equipped with four or six or also eight fins connected to the transmission means 10 so as to take the content of the tank 2.

In the example the transmission means 10 consist of a simple shaft turning synchronously with the elec-tric motor 9.
The main feature of centrifugal electric pumps 4 is that they generate a low pressure and therefore have a flow rate of some tens of deciliters per minute with discharge heads of fifty or one hundred centime-ters, and that they are highly efficient and fully si-lent.
The electric motor 9 is supplied with a constant voltage for instance of 24V, the mains voltage of 220-23 0V and 50 HZ having been transformed through suit-able devices (not shown in the figures) arranged in the electronic interface 5.
The electric motor 9 is therefore a direct cur-rent (DC) electric motor equipped with an instantane-ous switch which can reverse the direction of rotation of. the electric motor 9, said switch being also ar-ranged in the electronic interface 5.
It is also provided that the electronic interface 5 can also adjust the rotation speed of the impeller 11 through a microprocessor.
It is further provided that the electronic inter-face 5 can be equipped with feedback circuits (not shown in the figures) , which can keep the speed of the

impeller 7 constant when the viscosity of the content of the tank 2 changes, and with reference circuits (not shown in the figures) which can stabilize speed in case of oscillations in the mains current.
In particular, the stirring speed should be ad-justed so as to avoid spray, foam and other drawbacks causing load losses and therefore a lower efficiency.
Referring now to Figuxes 3-4, which show the sec-ond embodiment of the present invention and where the elements described previously are assigned the same number, a pumping group 101 can be seen comprising a plurality of pumps 4a and 4b.
In particular, said pumps 4a and 4b are arranged together as one piece since they are connected to a single electric motor 9, which transfers motion. to corresponding impellers 11a and 11b through motion
Said impellers 11a and 11b are housed each in a box-shaped shell 103, preferably shaped as a paral-lelepiped, working as a stator.
Each shell 103 contains openings 102 allowing the fluid contained in the tank 2 to get in once said, im-pellers lla and 11b are actuated.
Furthermore, each shell 102 is the starting point of the intake pipes or ducts 8a-8b, which can lead

liquid food contained in the tank 2 to the correspond-ing mixing devices 7a, ..., 7f.
Advantageously, such intake ducts 8a-8b, 8c-8d and 8e-8f are arranged on the vertical tangent.
In particular, the shaft of the electric motor 9 is connected in direct drive with the motion transmis-sion means 10, which are in direct drive on the shaft of the rotor of said motor 9.
The working of the device 1, which has been pre-viously described in its main components, will now be described in its aspects of novelty.
Once the consumer acts upon a key of the keyboard 6 in order to obtain any of the drinks supplied by the vending machine through one of its mixing devices 7a, . . ., 7f, the control interface 5 activates the heating element 3 so as to heat up the product contained in the tank 2 to the desired temperature as fast as pos-sible, and selects which electric pump 4a or 4b or 4c has to be activated and above all which direction of rotation has to be chosen for the selected pump, i.e. clockwise or anti-clockwise.
Supposing that the impeller 11a of the electric pump 4a is activated in clockwise direction of rota-tion, the intake duct 8a is then activated and sends the content of the tank 2 to the mixing device 7a as-

sociated to said duct.
The rotary movement of the impel er 1 la of the electric pump 4a immersed in the liquid of the tank 2 generates a vortex, which trails the liquid portions from the center of the rotation to the walls of the box-shaped body 12, which by virtue of its shape leads said liquid portions into the intake duct 8a.
Once the first drink selected has been supplied, in case the consumer pushes a different key with respect to the previous one, though connected to the same electric motor 9, the electronic interface 5 reverses the direction of rotation of the impeller lla of the electric pump 4a, i.e. in this case anti-clockwise, thus activating the intake duct 8b, which in the previous case was inactive, together with the mixing device 7b associated to said duct.
Advantageously, because of the possibility of reversing the direction of rotation of the electric motor 9, only one of the intake ducts 8a-8b, 8c-8d and 8e-8f of the pumps 4a, ...., 4c is activated, with the favorable consequence that only one impeller supplies two different mixing devices.
It is thus possible to mar age several mixing devices and therefore to offer a greater variety of hot products 10 the consumer due to the presence of a

reversible pump with intake ducts that can be selec-tively chosen.
With particular reference to the figures 3 to 5, a different embodiment of a device for supplying liq-uids according to the present invention will now be described, which embodiment differs from the one pre-viously described only in the pumping group 101 used.
The pumping group 101 comprises an electric motor 9, which through motion transmission means 10 can ac-tuate a plurality of centrifugal pumps, in the example two pumps referred to with 400a and 400b.
In the preferred embodiment the aforesaid motion transmission means comprise a rotation shaft 10, which is connected in direct drive, or by means of a reduc-tion gear box, with the electric motor 9 and on which are fitted the impellers 110a and 110b of the pumps 400a and 400 b, respectively.
Each centrifugal pump 400a and 400b has its own impeller 110a and 100b, housed in its own box-shaped shell 103a and 103b, preferably a parallelepiped, act-ing as a stator for the pump.
As is evident from the figures, the centrifugal pumps 400a and 400b are coaxial one respect to the other, so as to be both driven by the same rotation shaft 10, and are placed one beside the other.

Both cells 103a and 103b have an open front end
enabling the introduction of the coresponding impel-
ler.concerning this it should be pointed out that
while the front end of a shell,the one referred to
with front end of a shell,the one referred to
with 103a,is closed by a cover 105,the outer shell,
i.e. the one referred to with 103b in the figure,does
not need any cover since its front end is closed
thanks to the body of the other shell on which it
Each shell 103a and 103b has its own intake open-
ing 102a and 102b,which allows the fluid within the
tank to get into the pump.
Furthermore,eachshell 103a and 103b has its own
intake duct 800a and 800b , which leads the liquid sub-
stance within the tank 2 to the corresonding mixing
devices 7a,..., 7f(not shown in figures 3-5).
Advantageously, the intake ducts 800a and 800b
extend within the pumping group in a vertical direc-
tion parallel to the rotation shaft 10,and are sup-
plied by means of a corresponding intake plug 104a and
104b obtained in the corresponding shell 103a and
Obviously, said intake plugs 104a and 104b as
well as the openings 102a and 102b are affset one with
respect to the other so as not to interfere, as can be


inferred from Figures 4 and 5.
In particular, referring again to Figures 4 and 5, it can be noticed how the intake duct 800b origi-nates from the intake plug 104b of the shell 103b, whereas the intake duct 800a originates from the shell 103a on the intake plug 104a. The intake duct 800a gets through the shell 103a as far as the mixing de-vice 7a.
It should be noticed that in the present embodi-ments the fins of the impellers 110a and 110b are sh-aped so as to enable the generation of a vortex only when said impellers are driven in the same direction of rotation.
Advantageously, the aforesaid impellers are housed in their own shell so as to be upside down one with respect to the other. As a consequence, a rota-tion in a certain direction (for instance clockwise) of the rotation shaft 10 results in the rotation of both impellers 110a and 110b, but only one of both im-pellers (impeller 110a) can generate a vortex in its own shell allowing to lead fluid into the correspond-ing intake duct (intake duct 800a) . In the same way, by inverting the direction of rotation of the rotation shaft 10 (anti-clockwise) only the other impeller (im-peller 110b) can generate in its own shell a vortex

allowing to lead fluid into the corresponding intake
duct (intake duct 8 00b).
In short, the structure of the pumping group 101 enables to send fluid tc an intake duct or to the other one selectively according to the direction of rotation given to the drive shaft 10 by the electric motor 9, i.e. to the direction of rotation given to both impellers 110a and 100b. Indeed, both impellers 110 and 110b are forced to turn in the same direction, 0 but, as was said before, this results in an impeller generating in its own shell a vortex allowing to lead fluid to a corresponding intake duct, whereas the other impeller cannot create in its own intake duct such a discharge head tc lead the fluid to the corre-sponding intake duct.
Advantageously, each intake plug 104a and 104b is oriented with respect to the corresponding shell 103a
and 103b in a non-perpendicular, preferably tangen-tial direction promoting the receipt of the intake flow resulting from the vortex generated by the corre-sponding impeller 110a and 110b in the shell.
Moreover, this allows to solve the problem re-sulting from limestone scales on the seal, since the diameters of discharge ducts are greater than those in known system thus avoiding the deposit and therefore

the formation of limestone.
Eventually, the device such as described can advantageously be carried out with lower costs.
Obviously, in order to meet urgent and specific needs, a person skilled in the art can make several changes and variants to the device as described above, all of which are included in the protection field of the invention as defined by the following claims.

1. Device for supplying liquids in vending machines for drinks, comprising heating elements (3)
heating up said liquids, an electric drive pumping group (4, 101), comprising pumps (4a....4c), and
plurality of mixing or blending devices (7a 7f), whereby said pumping group (4, 101) comprises
an intake (4', 102a, 102b), at least a first and second intake duct (8a-8b, 8c-8d, 8e-8f, 800a, 800b) connecting said pumps (4a...4c) with said mixing devices (7a...7f), characterized in that said pumping group is equipped with at least an impeller (11a,...., 11c, 110a, 110b), said first and second intake duct (8a-8b, 8c-8d, 8e-8f) being selectively activated according to the direction of rotation of said at least one impeller (11a, ..., 11c) of said pumping group (4, 101).
2. Device as claimed in claim 1, wherein said pumping group (4) comprises at least a pump (4a,
4b, 4c) equipped with said at least one impeller (11a, 11b,11c).
3. Device as claimed in claim 2, wherein said at least one pump (4a, ...., 4c) is a centrifugal
pump, and said at least one impeller (11a,...., 11c) is housed within a chamber (12, 103) defined by a
shell and :
said first intake duct (8a, 8c, 8e) is oriented with respect to the shell (12) in a non-perpendicular direction, so as to receive the intake flow when said impeller (11a, 11b, 11 c) has a first direction c f rotation and
said second intake duct (8b, 8d, 8f) is oriented with respect to the shell (12) in a non-perpendicular direction, so as to receive an intake flow (11a, 11b, 11e) when the impeller (11a, 11b, 11c) has an opposite direction of rotation with respect to said first direction of rotation.

4. Device as claimed in claim 3, wherein said shell (12, 103) is substantially box-shaped and
said first (8a, 8c, 8e) and second (8b, 8d, 8 ) duct are oriented in directions tangent to the shell (12).
5. Device for supplying food as claimed in claim 2, wherein said at least one pump (4a, ..., 4c)
comprises an electric motor (9) connected to said at least one impeller (11a, ...,11c) through motion
transmission means (10).
6. Device as claimed in claim 1, in which said pumping group comprises two pumps (400a,
400b) driven by the same electric motor by means of motion transmission means (10), each pump
comprising : an impeller (11a, 11b), an irtake opening (102a, 102b) and at least an intake duct that
can be activated only in a given direction of rotation of the impeller (110a, 110b), said two pumps
(400a, 400b) having opposite directions of rotation for the activation of the corresponding intake duct.
7. Device for supplying food as claimed in claim 3 or 6, wherein the direction of rotation of said
at least one impeller (11a, ..., 11c, 110a, 10b) of said at least one pump (4a, ..., 4c, 400a, 400b) is
operatively driven by an electronic interface (5) in accordance with signals sent to said electronic
interface (5) from a selection keyboard (6)
8. Device for supplying food as claimed in claim 3 or 6, wherein said at least first and second
intake duct (8a-8b, 8c-8d, 8e-8f, 800a, 800b) are each in fluid connection with at least a mixing
device (7a,...., 7f).

9. Device for supplying food as claimed in claim 8, wherein said at least one mixing device
(7a, 7f) is also in fluid connection with an intake duct (13a, , 13f) supplying said at least one
mixing device (7a, , 7f) with soluble p'oducts.
10. Device for supplying food as claimed in claim 5 or 6, wherein said electric motor (9) is
controlled by said electronic interface (5).
11. Device for supplying food as claimed in claim 5 or 6, wherein said motion transmission
means (10) comprise a drive shaft.

The present invention relates to a device for supplying liquids comprising heating elements
(3) heating up said liquids and an electric drive pumping group (101). The characteristic is that the
pumping group (101) comprises an intake (102) and at least a first and second intake duct (8a-8b, 8c-
8d, 8e-8f), and is further equipped with an impeller (11a, ...., 11c), said first and second intake duct
(8a-8b, 8c-8d, 8e-8f) being selectively activated according to the direction of rotation of said impeller
(11a,...,11c) of said pumping group (4a,...,4c).




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820-kolnp-2005-granted-reply to examination report.pdf


Patent Number 228419
Indian Patent Application Number 820/KOLNP/2005
PG Journal Number 06/2009
Publication Date 06-Feb-2009
Grant Date 04-Feb-2009
Date of Filing 05-May-2005
Name of Patentee RHEA VENDORS S. P. A.
Applicant Address VIA VALLEGGIO, 2BIS, I-22100, COMO
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A47J 31/46
PCT International Application Number PCT/IT2002/000725
PCT International Filing date 2002-11-15
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA