Title of Invention


Abstract A method and apparatus for arranging various types of data, and at Various rates, into a uniquely structured format for transmission. Data for transmission formatting may be vocoder data or different types of non-vocoder data. The data organized into frames of a predetermined time duration for transmission. The data frames are organized, depending on the data, to be at one of several data rates. Vocoder data is provided at one of several data rates and is organized in the frame according to a predetermined format. Frames may be formatted with a sharing of vocoder data with non-vocoder data to be at a highest frame data rate. Different types of non-vocoder data may be organized so as to also be at the highest frame data rate. Additional control data may be provided within the data frames to support various aspects of the transmission and recovery upon reception.
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I. Field of the Invention
The present application is a continuation-in-part application of copending U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 08/171,146, filed December 21, 1993, entitled "METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR FORMATllNG DATA FOR TRANSMISSION" which is a continuation of U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 07/822,164, filed January 16, 1992, now abandoned, and as such relates to the organization of data for transmission. More particularly, the present invention relates to a novel and improved method and apparatus for formatting vocoder data, non-vocoder data and signaling data for transmission.
II. Description of the Related Art
In rhe field of digital communications various arrangements of digital data for transmission are used. The data bits are organized according to commonly used formats for transfer over the communication medium.
It is therefore an object of the preseni invention to provide a data format which facilitates the communication of various types of data, and data of various rates, to be communicated in a structured form.
I'he present invention is a novel and improved method and system for formatting digital data for communication over a transmission medium.
In communication systems it is important to utilize a data format which permits a full communication of data between users. In a communication system, such as a code division multiple access (CDMA) communication system, in which it is desirable to communicate various

types ot data, and at various rates, a data format must be selected which permits maximum flexibility within a predefined structure. Furthermore to maximize resources it is desirable to permit a sharing of the format to permit different types of data to be organized together. In such situations it is necessary to structure the data in a manner in which it may be readily extracted according to the corresponding type and rate.
In accordance with the present invention a method and apparatus is provided for arranging various types of data, and at various rate, into a uniquely structured format for transmission. Data is provided as vocoder data or different types of non-vocoder data. The data is organized into frames of a predetermined time duration for transmission. The data frames are organized, depending on the data, to be at one of several data rates. Vocoder data is provided at one of several data rates and is organized in the frame according to a predetermined format. Frames may be formatted with a sharing of vocoder data with non-vocoder data to be at a highest frame data rate. Non-vocoder data may be organized so as to also be at a highest frame rate. Additional control data may be provided within the data frames tc support various aspects of the transmission and recovery upon reception.
The features, objects, and advantages of the present invention will become more apparent from the detailed description set forth be10w when taken in conjunction with the drawings in which like reference characters identify correspondingly throughout and wherein:
Figure 1 is a b10ck diagram illustrating an exemplary embodiment for a transmitter portion of a transceiver;
Figures 2a - 21 are a series of diagrams illustrating frame data formats for the various data rates, types and modes of rate set 1;
Figure 3 is a diagram illustrating an exemplary circuit implementation of the CRC and Tail Bit generator of Figure 1;
Figures 4a - 4c is a f10w chart of the formatting of frames of data;

Figures 5a - 5d illustrate in a series of charts the ordering of code symbols in the interleaver array for transmission data rates of 9.6, 4.8, 2.4 and 1.2 kbps, respectively;
Figures 6a-6c is a chart illustrating the Walsh symbol corresponding to each encoder symbol group;
Figure 7 is a b10ck diagram illustrating the 10ng code generator of Figure 1;
Figures 8a - 8c are a series of diagrams illustrating 10ng code masks for the various channel type; and
Figures 9a - 9y are a series of diagrams illustrating frame data formats for the various data rates, types and modes of rate set 2.
Referring now to the drawings. Figure 1 illustrates an exemplary embodiment of a transmit portion 10 of a CDMA mobile station transceiver or PCN handset. In a CDMA cellular communication system a forward CDMA channel is used to transmit information from a cell base statiori to the mobile station. Conversely a reverse CDMA channel is used to transmit information from the mobile station to the cell base station. The communication of signals from, the mobile station may be characterized in the form of an access channel or a traffic channel communication. The access channel is used for short signaling messages such as call originations, responses to pages, and registrations. The traffic channel is used to communicate (1) primary traffic, typically includes user speech, or (2) secondary traffic, typically user data, or (3) signaling traffic, such as command and control signals, or (4) a combination of primary traffic and secondary traffic or (5) a combination of primary traffic and signaling traffic.
Transmit portion 10 enables data to be transmitted on the reverse CDMA channel at data rates of 9.6 kbps, 4.8 kbps, 2.4 kbps or 1.2 kbps. Transmissions on the reverse traffic channel may be at any of these data rates while transmissions on the access channel are at the 4.8 kbps data rate. The transmission duty cycle on the reverse traffic channel will vary

with the transmission data rate. Specifically, the transmission duty cyrle for each rate is provided in Table I. As the duty cycle far transmission varies proportionately with the data rate, the actual burst transmission rate is fixed at 28,800 code symbols per second. Since six code symbols are modulated as one of 64 Walsh symbols for transmission, the Walsh symbol transmission rate shall be fixed at 4800 Walsh symbols per second which results in a fixed Walsh chip rate of 307.2 kcps.
All data that is transmitted on the reverse CDMA channel is convolutional encoded, b10ck interleaved, modulated by 64-ary modulation, and direct-sequence PN spread prior to transmission. Table I further defines the relationships and rates for data and symbols for the various transmission rates on the reverse traffic channel. The numero10gy is identical for the access channel except that the transmission rate is fixed at 4.8 kbps, and the duty cycle is 100%. As described later herein each bit transmitted on the reverse CDMA channel is convolutional encoded using a rate 1/3 code. Therefore, the code symbol rate is always three times the data rate. The rate of the direct-sequence spreading functions shall be fixed at 1.2288 MHz, so that each Walsh chip is spread by precisely four PN chips.

Transmit portion 10, when functioning in mode in which primary traffic is present, communicates acoustical signals, such as speech and/or background noise, as digital signals over the transmission medium. To

facilitate the digital communication of acoustical signals, these signals are . sampled and digitized by well known techniques. For example, in Figure 1, sound is converted by microphone 12 to an ana10g signal which is then converted to a digital signal by codec 14. Codec 14 typically performs an ana10g to digital conversion process using a standard 8 bit/^law fomiat. In the alternative, the ana10g signal may be directly converted to digital form in a ur\iform pulse code modulation (PCM) format. In an exemplary embodiment codec 14 uses an 8 kHz sampling and provides an output of 8 bit samples at the sampling rate so as to realize a 64 kbps data rate.
The 8-bit samples are output from codec 14 to vocoder 16 where a }ilaw/uniform code conversion process is performed. In vocoder 16, the samples are organized into frames of input data wherein each frame is comprised of a predetermined number of samples. In a preferred implementation of vocoder 16 each frame is comprised of 160 samples or of 20 msec, of speech at the 8 kHz sampling rate. It should be understood that other sampling rates and frame sizes may be used. Each frame of speech samples is variable rate encoded by vocoder 16 with the resultant parameter data formatted into a corresponding data packet. The vocoder data packets are then output to microprocessor 18 and associated circuitry for tranEmissicn formattins:. Microprocessor 18 generirallv inrlndes program instructions contained with a program instruction memory, a data memory, and appropriate interface and related circuitry as is known in the art.
A preferred implementation of vocoder 16 utilizes a form of the Code Excited Linear Predictive (CELP) coding techniques so as to provide a variable rate in coded speech data. .A Linear Predictive Coder (LPC) analysis is performed upon a constant number of samples, and the pitch and codebook searches are performed on varying numbers of samples depending upon the transmission rate. A variable rate vocoder of this type is described in further detail in copending U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 08/004,484, filed January 14, 1993, Which is a continuation of U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 07/713,661 filed June 11, 1991, now abandoned, and assigned to the Assignee of the present invention and of which the disc10sure is incorporated by reference. Vocoder 16 may be

implemented in an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) or in a digital signal processor.
In the variable rate vocoder just mentioned, the speech analysis frames are 20 msec, in length, implying that the extracted parameters are output to microprocessor 18 in a burst 50 times per second. Furthermore the rate of data output is varied from roughly 8 kbps to 4 kbps to 2 kbps, and to 1 kbps.
At full rate, also referred to as rate 1, data transmission between the vocoder and the microprocessor is at an 8.55 kbps rate. For the full rate data the parameters are encoded for each frame and represented by 160 bits. The full rate data frame also includes a parity check of 11 bits thus resulting in a full rate frame being comprised of a total of 171 bits. In the full rate data frame, the transmission rate between the vocoder and the microprocessor absent the parity check bits would be 8 kbps.
At half rate, also referred to as rate 1/2, data transmission between the vocoder and the microprocessor is at a 4 kbps rate with the parameters encoded for each frame using 80 bits. At quarter rate, also referred to as rate 1/4, data trar\smission between the vocoder and the microprocessor is at a 2 kbps rate with the parameters encoded for each frame using 40 bits. At eighth rate, also refeTed to as ratp 1/8, data transmission between the vocoder and the microprocessor is slightly less than a 1 kbps rate with the parameters encoded for each frame using 16 bits.
In addition, no information may be sent in a frame between the vocoder and the microprocessor. This frame type, referred to as a blank frame, nnay be used for signaling or other non-vocoder data.
The vocoder data packets are then output to microprocessor 18 and CRC and Tail Bit generator 20 for completing the transmission formatting. Microprocessor 18 receives packets of parameter data every 20 msec, a10ng with a rate indication for the rate the frame of speech samples was encoded. Microprocessor 18 also receives, if present, an input of secondary traffic data for output to generator 20. Microprocessor 18 also internally generates signaling data for output to generator 20. Data whether it is primary traffic, secondary traffic or signaling traffic matter, if present, is output from microprocessor 18 to generator 20 every 20 msec, frame.

Generator 20 generates and appends at the end of all full and half Tate frames a set of parity check bits, frame quality indicator bits or cyclic redundancy check (CRC) bits which are used at. the receiver as a frame quality indicator. For a full rate frame, regardless of whether the data is a full rate primary, secondary or signaling traffic, or a combination of half rate primary and secondary traffic, or a combination of half rate primary and signaling traffic, generator 20 preferably generates a set of frame quality indicator bits according to a first polynomial. For a half rate data frame, generator 20 also generates a set of frame quality indicator bits preferably according to a second polynomial. Generator 20 further generates for all frame rates a set of encoder tail bits which fol10w the frame quality indicator bits, if present, or data if frame quality indicator bits are not present, at the end of the frame. Further details of the operation on microprocessor 18 and generator 20 are provided later herein with reference to Figures 3 and 4.
Reverse traffic channel frames provided from generator 20 at the 9.6 kbps rate are 192 bits in length and span the 20 msec, frame. These frames consist of a single mixed mode bit, auxiliary format bits if present, m.essage bits, a 12-bit frame quality indicator, and 8 tail bits as shown in Figures 2a - 2c and 2i - 21. The mixed mode bit shall be set to '0' during any frame in which the message bits are primary traffic information only. When the mixed mode bit is '0', the frame shall consist of the mixed mode bit, 171 primary traffic bits, 12 frame quality indicator bits, and 8 tail bits.
The mixed mode bit is set to '1' for frames containing secondary or signaling traffic. If the the mixed mode bit is set to '1' the frame is of a "blank-and-burst" or a "dim-and-burst" format. A "blank-and-burst" operation is one in which the entire frame is used for secondary or signaling traffic while a "dim-and-burst" operation is one in which the primary traffic shares the frame with either secondary or signaling traffic.
The first bit fol10wing the mixed mode bit is a traffic type bit. The traffic type bit is used to specify whether the frame contains secondary or signaling traffic. If the traffic type bit is a '0', the frame contains signaling traffic, and if a '1', the frame contains secondary traffic. Figures 2b - 2e and 2i-21 illustrate the traffic type bit. The two bits fol10wing the traffic type bit

are traffic mode bits. The two traffic mode bits specify the combination of data within the franie.
In the preferred implementation only primary traffic is transmitted in frames at the 4.8 kbps, 2.4 kbps, and 1.2 kbps rates. Mixed mode operation is generally not be supported at rates other than the 9.6 kbps rate, although it may be readily configured to do so. The frame formats for these particular rates are shown in Figures 2f - 2h. For the 4.8 kbps rate, the frame is 96 bits in length with the bits spaced over the 20 msec, time period of the frame as described later herein. The 4.8 kbps rate frame contains 80 primary traffic bits, an 8 frame quality indicator bits, and 8 tail bits. For the 2.4 kbps rate, the frame is 48 bits in length with the bits spaced over the 20 msec, time period of the frame as also described later herein. The 2.4 kbps rate frame contains 40 primary traffic bits and 8 tail bits. For the 1.2 kbps rate, the frame is 24 bits in length with the bits spaced over the 20 msec, time period of the frame as also described later herein. The 1.2 kbps rate frame contains 16 primary traffic bits and 8 tail bits.
In a preferred embodiment the access channel data is generated by microprocessor 18 for transmission at a rate of 4.8 kbps. As such the data is prepared in a manner identical to that of 4.8 kbps frame format data, such
ac pnroHino- \T\^or]a3\rir\cr ac \A7alcVi onrnHino- Tn tho pnrrirlino- crhprnp
implemented for the 4.8 kbps data, whether reverse traffic charmel data or access channel data, redundant data is generated. Unlike the reverse traffic channel where the redundant data is eliminated in the transmission, in access channel all data including redundant data is transmitted. Details on the transmission aspects of frames of access channel data are provided later herein.
Figures 2a-21 illustrate the frame formats of frames output by generator 20 for frames of rates 9.6 kbps, 4.8 kbps, 2.4 kbps and 1.2 kbps. Figure 2a illustrates a 9.6 kbps frame for the transmission of primary traffic only. The frame consists of one mixed mode bit, which is set to 0 to indicate that the frame contains only primary traffic data, 171 bits of primary traffic data, 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
Fig. 2b illustrate a 9.6 kbps dim and burst frame for the transmission of rate 1/2 primary traffic and signaling traffic. The frame consists of one mixed mode bit, which is set to 1 to indicate the frame does not contain

primary traffic only, one traffic type bit set to zero to indicate signdim^ uam is in the frame, two traffic mode bits set to 00 to indicate that the frame contains rate 1/2 primary traffic and signaling traffic, 80 primary traffic bits, 88 signaling traffic bits, 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
Fig. 2c illustrate a 9.6 kbps dim and burst frame for the transmission of rate 1/4 primary traffic*and signaling traffic. The frame consists of one mixed mode bit, which is set to 1 to indicate the frame does not contain primary traffic only, one traffic type bit set to zero to indicate signaling data is in the frame, two traffic mode bits set to 01 to indicate that the frame contains rate 1/4 primary traffic and signaling traffic, 40 primary traffic bits, 128 signaling traffic bits, 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
Fig. 2d illustrate a 9.6 kbps dim and burst frame for the transmission of rate 1/8 primary traffic and signaling traffic. The frame consists of one mixed mode bit, which is set to 1 to indicate the frame does not contain primary traffic only, one traffic type bit set to zero to indicate signaling data is in the frame, two traffic mode bits set to 10 to indicate that the frame contains rate 1/8 primary traffic and signaling traffic, 16 primary traffic bits, 152 signaling traffic bits, 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
Fig. 2e illustrate a 9.6 kbps blank and burst frame for the transmission of signaling traffic. The frame consists of or>p mixed mode bit, which is set to 1 to indicate the frame does not contain primary traffic only, one traffic type bit set to zero to indicate signaling data is in the frame, two traffic mode bits set to 11 to indicate that the frame contains signaling traffic only, 168 signaling traffic bits, 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
Fig. 2f illustrates a 4.8 kbps frame for the transmission of rate 1/2 primary traffic only. The frame contains 80 primary traffic bits, 8 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits. Fig. 2g illustrates a 2.4 kbps frame for the transmission of rate 1/4 primary traffic only. The frame contains 40 primary traffic bits and 8 tail bits. Fig. 2h illustrates a 1.2 kbps frame for the transmission of rate 1/8 primary traffic only. The frame contains 16 primary traffic bits and 8 tail bits.
Fig. 2i illustrate a 9.6 kbps dim and burst frame for the transmission of rate 1/2 primary traffic and secondary traffic. The frame consists of one mixed mode bit, which is set to 1 to indicate the frame does not contain

primary traffic only, one traffic type bit set to 1 to Indicate secondary data is . in the frame, two traffic mode bits set to 00 to indicate that the frame contains rate 1/2 primary traffic and secondary traffic, 80 primary traffic bits, 88 secondary traffic bits, 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
Fig. 2j illustrate a 9.6 kbps dim and burst frame for the transmission of rate 1/4 primary traffic and secondary traffic. The frame consists of one mixed mode bit, which is set to 1 to indicate the frame does not contain primary traffic only, one traffic type bit set to 1 to indicate secondary data is in the frame, two traffic mode bits set to 01 to indicate that the frame contains rate 1/4 primary traffic and secondary traffic, 40 primary traffic bits, 128 secondary traffic bits, 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
Fig. 2k illustrate a 9.6 kbps dim and burst frame for the transmission of rate 1/8 primary traffic and secondary traffic. The frame consists of one mixed mode bit, which is set to 1 to indicate the frame does not contain primary traffic only, one traffic type bit set to 1 to indicate secondary data is in the frame, two traffic mode bits set to 10 to indicate that the frame contains rate 1/8 primary traffic and secondary traffic, 16 primary traffic bits, 152 secondary traffic bits, 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
Fig. 21 illustrate a 9.6 kbps blank and burst frame for the tranGir.isGicn of seccndar)' traffic. The frame cop^sists of one mixed mode bit, which is set to 1 to indicate the frame does not contain primary traffic only, one traffic type bit set to 1 to indicate secondary data is in the frame, two traffic mode bits set to 11 to indicate that the frame contains secondary traffic only, 168 secondary traffic bits, 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
Figure 3 illustrates an exemplary implementation of the elements for formatting the data in accordance with Fig;ures 2a - 21. In Figure 3 data is transmitted from microprocessor 18 (Figure 1) to generator 20. Generator 20 is comprised of data buffer and control 10gic 60, CRC circuits 62 and 64, and tail bit circuit 66. A10ng with data provided from the microprocessor a rate command may optionally be provided. Data is transferred for each 20 msec frame from the microprocessor to 10gic 60 where temporarily stored. For each frame, 10gic 60 may for each frame count the number of bits transmitted from the microprocessor, or in the

alternative use the rate command and a count of the c10ck cycles in formatting a frame of data.
Each frame of the traffic channel includes a frame quality indicator. For the 9.6 kbps and 4.8 kbps transmission rates, the frame quality indicator is the CRC. For the 2.4 kbps and 1.2 kbps transmission rates, the frame quality indicator is implied, in that no extra frame quality bits are transmitted. The frame quality indicator supports two functions at the receiver. The first function is to determine the transmission rate of the frame, while the second function is to determine whether the frame is in error. At the receiver these determinations are made by a combination of the decoder information and the CRC checks.
For the 9.6 kbps and 4.8 kbps rates, the frame quality indicator (CRC) is calculated on all bits within the frame, except the frame quality indicator (CRC) itself and the tail bits. 10gic 60 provides the 9.6 kbps and 4.8 kbps rate data respectively to CRC circuits 62 and 64. Circuits 62 and 64 are typically constructed as a sequence of shift registers, modu10-2 adders (typically exclusive-OR gates) and switches as illustrated.
The 9.6 kbps transmission rate data uses a 12-bit frame quality indicator (CRC), which is be transmitted within the 192-bit 10ng frame as discussed with reference to Figures 2a - 2e and 2i - 21. As iiiusiraled in Figure 3 for CRC circuit 62, the generator polynomial for the 9.6 kbps rate is as fol10ws:
g(x) = Xl2 + xll + x10 + X9 + x8 + X4 + X + 1. (1)
The 4.8 kbps transmission rate data uses an 8-bit CRC, which is transmitted within the 96-bit 10ng frame. As illustrated in Figure 3 for CRC circuit 64, the generator polynomial for the 4.8 kbps rate is as fol10ws:
g(x) =- x« t x^ + x4 + x3 + X ^ 1. (2)
Initially, all shift register elements of circuits 62 and 64 are set to 10gical one ('1') by aa initialization signal from 10gic 60. Furthermore 10gic 60 set the switches of circuits 62 and 64 in the up position.
For 9.6 kbps rate data, the registers of circuit 62 are then c10cked 172 times for the 172 bits in the sequence of primary traffic, secondary traffic or signaling bits or a mixture thereof a10ng with the corresponding

mode/format indicator bits as input to circuit 62. After l/Z t?its ate CIOLKCU through circuit 62, 10gic 60 then sets the switches of circuit .62 in the down position with the registers of circuit 62 then being c10cked an additional 12 times. As a result of the 12 additional c10ckings of circuit 62, 12 additional output bits are generated which are the frame quality indicator bits (CRC bits). The frame quality indicator bits, in the order calculated, are appended to the end of the 172 bits as output from circuit 62. It should be noted that the 172 bits output from 10gic 60 which pass through circuit 62 are undisturbed by the computation of the CRC bits and are thus output from circuit 62 in the same order and at the same value at which they entered.
For 9.6 kbps rate data bits are input to circuit 64 from 10gic 60 in the fol10wing order. For the case of primary traffic only, the bits are input to circuit 64 from 10gic 60 in the order of the single mixed mode (MM) bit fol10wed by the 171 primary traffic bits. For the case of "dim and burst" with primary and signaling traffic, the bits are input to circuit 64 from 10gic 60 in the order of the single MM bit, a traffic type (TT) bit, a pair of traffic mode (TM) bits, 80 primary traffic bits, and 86 signaling traffic bits. For the case of "dim and burst" with primary and secondary traffic, the bits are input to circuit 64 from Icigic 60 in the order cf the single MM bit, the TT bit, the pair oi TM bits, SO primary traffic bits and 87 signaling traffic bits. For the case of "blank and burst" data format with signaling traffic only, the bits are input to circuit 64 from 10gic 60 in the order of the single MM bit, the TT bit and 168 signaling traffic bits. For the case of "blank and burst" data format with secondary traffic only, the bits are input to circuit 64 from 10gic 60 in the order of the single MM bit, the TT bit and 169. signaling traffic bits.
Similarly for 4.8 kbps rate data, the registers of circuit 64 are c10cked 80 tirnes for the 80 bits of primary traffic data, or for the 80 bits of access channel data, as input to circuit 64 from 10gic 60. After the 80 bits are c10cked through circuit 64, 10gic 60 then'sets the switches of circuit 64 in the down position with the registers of circuit 64 then being c10cked an additional 8 times. As a result of the 12 additional c10ckings of circuit 62, 12 additional output bits are generated which are the CRC bits. The CRC bits, in the order calculated, are again appended to the end of the 80 bits as

output from circuit 64. It. should again be noted that the 80 bits output from 10gic 60 which pass through circuit 64 are undisturbed by the computation of the CRC bits and are thus output from circuit 64 in the same order and at the same value at which they entered.
The bits output from either of circuits 62 and 64 are provided to switch 66 which is under the control of 10gic 60. Also input to switch 66 are the 40 and 16 bits of primary traffic data output from 10gic 60 for 2.4 kbps and 1.2 kbps data frames. Switch 66 selects between providing an output of the input data (up position) and tail bits at a 10gical zero ('0') value (down position). Switch 66 is normally set in the up position to permit data from 10gic 60, and from circuits 62 and 64 if present, to be output from generator 20 to encoder 22 (Figure 1). For the 9.6 kbps and 4.8 kbps frame data, after the CRC bits are c10cked through switch 66, 10gic 60 sets the switch to the down position for 8 c10ck cycles so as to generate 8 all zero tail bits. Thus for 9.6 kbps and 4.8 kbps data frames, the data as output to the encoder for the frame includes appended after the CRC bits, the 8 tail bits. Similarly for the 2.4 kbps and 1.2 kbps frame data, after the primar}' traffic bits are c10cked from 10gic 60 through switch 66, 10gic 60 sets the switch to the down position for 8 c10ck cycles so as to again generate S ail zero tail bits. Tnus for 2.4 kbps and 1.2 kbps data frames, the data as output to the encoder for the frame includes appended after the primar)' traffic bits, the 8 tail bits.
Figures 4a - 4c illustrate in a series of f10w charts the operation of microprocessor 18, and generator 20 in assembling the data into the disc10sed frame format. It should be noted that various schemes may be implemented for giving the various traffic types and rates priority for transmission. In an exemplary implementation, when a signaling traffic message is to be sent when there is vocoder data present a "dim and burst" format may be selected. Microprocessor 18 may generate a command to vocoder IS for the vocoder to encode speech sample frames at the half rate, regardless of the rate at which the vocoder would normally encode the sample frame. Microprocessor 18 then assembles the half rate vocoder data with the signaling traffic into the 9.6 kbps frame. In this case, a limit may be pLice on the number of speech frames encoded at the half rate to avoid degradation in the speech quality. In the alternative, microprocessor

18 may wait until, a halt rate frame of vocoder data is received be/ore assembling the data into the "dim and burst" format. In this case, in order to ensure timely transmission of the signaling data, a maximum limit on the number of consecutive frames at other than half rate may be imposed before a command is sent to the vocoder to encode at half rale. Secondary traffic may be transferred in the "dim and burst" format (Figure 2b-2d and Figures 2i-2k) in a similar manner.
Similar is the case for the "blank and burst" data formats as illustrated in Figures 2e and 21. The vocoder may be commanded to not encode the frame of speech samples or the vocoder data is ignored by the microprocessor in constructing the data frame. Prioritizing between generating frame formats of primary traffic of various rate, "dim and burst" traffic, and "blank and burst" traffic is open to many possibilities.
Referring back to Figure 1, 20 msec, frames of 9.6 kbps, 4.8 kbps, 2.4 kbps and 1.2 kbps data are thus output from generator 20 to encoder 22. In the exemplary embodiment encoder 22 is a preferably a convolutional encoder, a type of encoder well knov/n in the art. Encoder 22 preferably encodes the data using a rate 1/3, constraint length k = 9 convolutional code. As an example encoder 22 is constructed v^ith generator functions of go - 557(oclai), gi - u63(octal) and g2 -^ 711(octal). As is well known L". the art, convolutional encoding involves the modu10-2 addition of selected taps of a serially time-shifted delayed data sequence. The length of the data sequence delay is equal to k-1, where k is the code constraint length. Since in the preferred embodiment a rate 1/3 code is used, three code symbols, the code symbols (CQ), (ci) and (C2), are generated for each data bit input to the encoder. The code symbols (CQ), (ci) and (C2) are respectively generated by the generator functions go, gi and g2. The code symbols are output from encoder 22 to b10ck interleaver 24. The output code svonbols are provided to interleaver 24 in the order of the code symbol (CQ) being first, the code symbol (ci) being second and the code symbol (C2) being last. The state of the encoder 22, upon initialization, is the all-zero state. Furthermore the use of tail bits at the end of each frame provides a resetting of encoder 22 to an all-zero state.
The symbols output from encoder 22 are provided to b10ck interleaver 24 which under the control of microprocessor 18 provides a

code symbol repetition. Using a conventional random access memory (RAM) with the symbols stored therein as addressed by microprocessor 18, code symbols may be stored in a manner to achieve a code symbol repetition rate that varies with the data channel.
Code symbols are not repeated for the 9.6 kbps data rate. Each code symbol at the 4.8 kbps data rate is repeated 1 time, i.e. each symbol occurs 2 times. Each code symbol at the 2.4 kbps data rate is repeated 3 times, i.e. each symbol occurs 4 times. Each code symbol at the 1.2 kbps data rate is repeated 7 times, i.e. each symbol occurs 8 times. For all data rates (9.6, 4.8, 2.4 and 1.2 kbps), the code repetition results in a constant code symbol rate of 28,800 code symbols per second for the data as output from interleaver 24. On the reverse traffic channel the repeated code symbols are not transmitted multiple times with all but one of the code symbol repetitions deleted prior to actual transmission due to the variable transmission duty cycle as discussed in further detail be10w. It should be understood that the use of code symbol repetition as an expedient method for describing the operation of the interleaver and a data burst randomizer as discussed again in further detail be10w. It should be further understood that implementations other than those that use code symbol repetition rn;^v he resdih' devised thst achieve the sam.e result 2nd temain within the teaching of the present invention.
All code symbols to be transmitted on the reverse traffic channel and the access channel are interleaved prior to modulation and transmission. B10ck interleaver 24, constructed as is well known in the art, provides an output of the code symbols over a time period spanning 20 msec. The interleaver structure is typically a rectangular array with 32 rows and 18 columns, i.e. 576 cells. Code symbols are written into the interleaver by columns, with repetition for data at the 9.6, 4.8, 2.4 and 1.2 kbps rate, so as to completely fill the 32 x 18 matrix. Figures 5a - 5d illustrate the ordering of write operations of repeated code symbols into the interleaver "array for transm.ission data rates of 9,6, 4.8, 2.4 and 1.2 kbps, respectively.
Reverse traffic channel code symbols are output from the interleaver by rows. Microprocessor 18 also controls the addressing of the

interleaver memory for outputling the symbols in the appropriate qrucj. The interleaver rows are preferably output in the fol10wing order:
At 9.6 kbps:
12 34567891011 12131415161718192021 22232425262728293031 32
At 4.8 kbps:
1 3 2 4 5 7 6 8 9 111012 13 15 14 16 17 19 18 20 21 23 22 24 25 27 26 28 29 31 30 32
At 2.4 kbps:
1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 9 13 10 14 1115 12 16 17 21 18 22 19 23 20 24 25 29 26 30 27 31 28 32
At 1.2 kbps:
1 9 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 8 16 17 25 18 26 19 27 20 28 21 29 22 30 23 31 24 32.
Access channel code symbols are also output from interleaver 24 by rows. Microprocessor 18 again controls the addressing of the interleaver memory for outputting the symbols in the appropriate order. The interleaver rows are output in the fol10wing order at the 4.8 kbps rate for the access channel code symbols:
1 17 9 25 5 2113 29 3 19 11 27 7 23 15 31 2 18 10 26 6 22 14 30 4 20 12 28 8 24 16 32.
It should be noted that other encoding rates, such as a rate 1/2 convolutional code used on the forward transmission channel, a10ng with various other symbol interleaving formats may be readily devised using the basic teaching of the present invention.
Referring again to Figure 1, the interleaved code symbols are output from interleaver 24 to modulator 26. In the preferred embodiment modulation for the Reverse CDMA Channel uses 64-ary orthogonal signaling. That is, one of 64 possible modulation symbols is transmitted for each six rode symbols. The 64-ary modulation symbol is one of 64 orthogonal waveforms generated preferably using Walsh functions. These modulation symbols are given in Figures 6a-6c and are numbered 0 through 63. The modulation symbols are selected according to the fol10wing formula:
Modulation symbol number = CQ + 2ci + 4c2 + 8C3 + I6C4 + 32c5 (3)
where C5 shall represent the last or most recent and CQ the first or oldest binary valued ('0' and '1') code symbol of each group of six code symbols

that form a modulation symbol. The period of time required to transmit a single modulation symbol is referred to as a "Walsh symbol" interval and is approximately equal to 208.333 us. The period of time associated with one-sixty-fourth of the modulation symbol is referred to as a "Walsh chip" and is approximately equal to 3.2552083333... us.
Each modulation or Walsh symbol is output from modulator 26 to one input of a modu10-2 adder, exclusive-OR gate 28. The Walsh symbols are output from modulator at a 4800 sps rate which corresponds to a Walsh chip rate of 307.2 kcps. The other input to gate 28 is provided from 10ng code generator 30 which generates a masked pseudonoise (PN) code, referred to as the 10ng code sequence, in cooperation with mask circuit 32. The 10ng code sequence provided from generator 30 is at a chip rate four times the Walsh chip rate of modulator 26, i.e. a PN chip rate 1.2288 Mcps. Gate 28 combines the two input signals to provide an output of data at the chip rate of 1.2288 Mcps.
The 10ng code sequence is a time shift of a sequence of length 2^*2-1 chips and is generated by a linear generator well known in the art using the fol10wing polynomial:
p(x) = x42 + x35 + x33 + X^l + x27 + x^^ + x^S + x22 + x^l + X^^ +X^^ +
xi7 + x^6 + x^° + x' + x^ + x5 + x3 + x2 + x^ + 1 (4)
Figure 7 illustrates generator 30 in further detail. Generator 30 is comprised of a sequence generator section 70 and a masking section 72. Section 70 is comprised of a sequence of shift registers and modu10-2 adders (typically exclusive-OR gates) coupled together to generate a 42-bit code according to equation 4. The 10ng code is then generated by masking the 42-bit state variables output from section 70 with a 42-bit wide mask provided from mask circuit 32.
Section 72 is comprised of a series of input AND gates 74i - 7442 having one input for receiving a respective mask bit of the 42-bit wide mask. The other input of each of AND gates 74i -7442 receives the output from a corresponding shift register in section 70. The output of AND gates 74i - 7442 are modu10-2 added by adder 76 to form a single bit output for each 1.2288 MHz c10cking of the shift registers of section 70. Adder 76 is typically constructed as a cascaded arrangement of exclusive-OR gates as is

well known in the art. Therefore, the actu^^l output PN sequence is generated by the modu10-2 addition of all 42 masked output bits of sequence generator 70 as shown in Figure 7.
The mask used for the PN spreading shall vary depending on the channel type on which the mobile station is communicating. Referring to Figure 1, an initialization information is provided from microprocessor 18 to generator 30 and circuit 32. Generator 30 is responsive to the initialization information for initialization of the circuitry. Mask 32 is also responsive to the initialization information, which indicates the mask type to be provided, to output a 42-bit mask. As such, mask circuit 32 may be configured as a memory which contains a mask for each communication channel type. Figures 8a - 8c provide an exemplary definition of the masking bits for each channel type.
Specifically, when communicating on the Access Channel, the mask is defined as illustrated in Figure 8a. In the Access Channel mask, mask bits M24 through M41 are set to '1'; mask bits M19 through M23 are set to the chosen Access Channel number; mask bits M16 through M.^s are set to the code channel for the associated Paging Channel, i.e. the range typically being 1 through 7; mask bits M9 through Mis are set to the registration 7one: far the rurrent hasp station: and mask bits Mo throueh MB are set to the pi10t PN value for the current CDMA Channel.
When communicating on the Reverse Traffic Channel, the mask is defined as illustrated in Figure 8b. The mobile station uses one of two 10ng codes unique to that mobile station: a public 10ng code unique to the mobile station's electronic serial number (ESN); and a private 10ng code unique for each mobile identification number (MIN) which is typically the telephone number of the mobile station. In the public 10ng code the mask bits M32 through M41 are set to '0,' and the mask bits Mo through M31 are set to the mobile station ESN value.
It is further envisioned that a private 10ng code may be implemented as illustrated in Figure 8c. The private 10ng code will provide additional security in that it will only be known to the base station and the mobile station. The private 10ng code will not be transmitted in the clear over the transmission medium. In the private 10ng code the mask bit M40 through M41 are set to '0' and '1' respectively; while mask bits

Mo through M39 may be set to according to a predeterniined assignment scheme.
Referring back to Figure 1 the output of gate 28 is respectively provided as one input to each one of a pair of modu10-2 adders, exclusive-OR gates 34 and 36. The other input to each of gates 34 and 36 are second and third PN sequences are I and Q channel "short codes" respectively generated by I and Q Channel PN generators 38 and 40. The Reverse Access Channel and Reverse Traffic Channel is therefore OQPSK spread prior to actual transmission. This offset quadrature spreading on the Reverse Channel uses the same I and Q PN codes as the Forward Channel I and Q pi10t PN codes. The I and Q PN codes generated by generators 38 and 40 are of length 2'^ and are preferably the zero-time offset codes with respect to the Forward Channel. For purposes of further understanding, on the Forward Channel a pi10t signal is generated for each base station. Each base station pi10t channel signal is spread by the I and Q PN codes as just mentioned. Base station I and Q PN codes are offset from one another, by a shifting of the code sequence, so as to provide a distinction between base station transmission. The generating functions for the I and Q short PN codes shall be as fol10ws:
ri^xj = X'-" + x" + x' + X" + X' + x-' + 1 (j;
. PQ(X) = Xl5 + xl2 + xll + xl0 + x6 + x5+x4 + x3 + 1. ' (6)
Generators 38 and 40 may be constructed as is well known in the art so as to provide an output sequence in accordance with equations (5) and (6).
The I and Q waveforms are respectively output from gates 34 and 36 where respectively provided as inputs to finite impulse response (FIR) filters 42 and 44. FIR filters 42 and 44 are digital filters which bandlimit the resulting I and Q waveforms. These digital filters shape the I and Q waveforms such that the resulting spectrum is contained within a given spectral mask. Filters 42 and 44 may be constructed according to well known digital filter techniques and preferably provide a desired frequency response.
The binary 'C and 'V inputs to digital filters 42 and 44, generated by the PN spreading functions, are mapped into +1 and -1, respectively. The

sampling frequency-of the digital filter is 4.9152 MHz = 4 x 1.2288,MHz.' An
additional binary '0' and '1' input sequence synchronous with the I and Q
digital u'a\'eforms shall be provided to each of digital filters 42 and 44.
This particular sequence, referred to as a masking sequence, is the output
generated by a data burst randomizer. The masking sequence multiplies
the I and Q binary waveforms to produce a ternary (-1, 0, and +1) input to
the digital filters 42 and 44.
As discussed previously the data rate for transmission on the
Reverse Traffic Channel is at one of the rates of equal 9.6, 4.8, 2.4, or 1.2
kbps and varies on a frame-by-frame basis. Since the frames are of a fbced
20 ms length for both the Access Channel and the Reverse Traffic Channel,
the number of information bits per frame shall be 192, 96, 48, or 24 for
transmission at data rates of 9.6, 4.8, 2.4, or 1.2 kbps, respectively. As
described previously, the information is encoded using a rate 1/3
convolutional encoder and then the code symbols shall be repeated by a
factor of 1, 2, 4, or 8 for a data rate of 9.6, 4.8, 2.4, or 1.2 kbps, respectively.
The resulting repetition code symbol rate is thus fixed at 28,800 symbols
per second (sps). This 28,800 sps stream is b10ck interleaved as previously
Pijoi to transmission, the Reverse Traffic Channel interleaver output stream is gated with a time filter that al10ws transmission of certain interleaver output symbols and deletion of others. The duty cycle of the transmission gate thus varies with the transmit data rate. When the transmit data rate is 9,6 kbps, the transmission gate al10ws all interleaver output symbols to be transmitted. When the transmit data rate is 4.8 kbps, the transmission gate al10ws one-half of the interleaver output symbols to be transmitted, and so forth. The gating process operates by dividing the 20 msec frame into 16 equal length (i.e., 1.25 ms) periods, called power control groups. Certain power control groups are gated on (i.e., transmitted), while other groups are gated off (i.e., not transmitted).
The assignment of gated-on and gated-off groups is referred to as a data burst randomizer function. The gated-on power control groups are pseudo-randomized in their positions within the frame so that the actual traffic 10ad on the Reverse CDMA Channel is averaged, assuming a random distribution of the frames for each duty cycle. The gated-on power

control groups are such that every code symbol input tu mc icj^v....^.. process shall be transmitted once without repetition. During the gated-off periods, the mobile station does not transmit energy, thus reducing the interference to other mt>bile stations operating on the same Reverse CDMA Channel. This S)'mbol gating occurs prior to transmission filtering.
The transmission gating process is not used when the mobile station transmits on the Access Channel. When transmitting on the Access Channel, the code symbols are repeated once (each symbol occurs twice) prior to transmission.
In the implementation of the data burst randomizer function, data burst randomizer 10gic 46 generates a masking stream of O's and I's that randomly mask out the redundant data generated by the code repetition. The masking stream pattern is determined by the frame data rate and by a b10ck of 14 bits taken from the 10ng code sequence generated by generator 30. These mask bits are synchronized with the data f10w and the data is selectively masked by these bits through the operation of the digital filters 42 and 44. Within 10gic 46 the 1,2288 MHz 10ng code sequence output from generator 30 is input to a 14-bit shift register, which is shifted at a 1.2288 MHz rate. The contents of this shift register are 10aded into a 14-bil Idicli exdLily One power conlfol group (1.25 ms) before each Reverse Traffic Channel frame boundary. 10gic 46 uses this data a10ng with the rate input from microprocessor 18, to determine, according to a predetermined algorithm, the particular power control group(s) in which the data is to be al10wed to pass through filters 42 and 46 for transmission. 10gic 46 thus outputs for each power control group a 'V or '0' for the entire power control group depending on whether the data is to be filtered out ('0') or passed through ('1'). At the corresponding receiver, which also uses the same 10ng code sequence and a corresponding rate determined for the frame, determines the appropriate power control group(s) in which the data is present.
The I channel data output from filter 42 is provided directly to a digital to ana10g (D/A) converter and anti-aliasing filter circuit 50. The Q charmel data however is output from filter 44 to a delay element 48 which a one-half PN chip time delay (406.9 nsec) in the Q channel data. The Q channel data is output from delay element 48 to digital to ana10g (D/A)

converter and anti-aliasing filter circuit 52. Circuits 50 and 52 convert the digital data to ana10g form and filter the ana10g signal. The signals output from circuits 50 and 52 are provided to Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Key (OQPSK) modulator 54 where modulated and output to RF transmitter circuit 56. Circuit 56 amplifies, filters and frequency upconverts the signal for transmission. The signal is output from circuitry 56 to antenna 58 for communication to the base station.
It should be understood that the exemplary embodiment of the present invention discusses the formatting of data for modulation and transmission with respect to a mobile station. It should be understood that the data formatting is the same for a cell base station, however the modulation may be different.
In an improved embodiment, the present invention may be designed to operate with two alternative sets of data rates. In the first exemplary embodiment, primary traffic is transmitted in frames at the 9.6 kbps, 4.8 kbps, 2.4 kbps and 1.2 kbps rates. These rates comprise a set of data rates referred to herein as rate set 1. In an improved embodiment of the present invention, primary traffic can also be transmitted in frames at the rates of 14.4 kbps, 1.1 kbps, 3.6 kbps and 1.8 kbps thus permitting higher rate vocoders and other data. Ihese rates comprise a set of uaia lates referred to herein as rate set 2. Transmission of data provided at rates within rates set 1 proceeds as described previously. Transmission of rate set 2 frames of data proceeds in a similar manfier with slight differences ir^ the generation of frame quality iiidicator (CRC) bits, the al10cation of bits in a frame, and the convolutional encoding of the frames. The differences are described in detail be10w.
In the exemplary embodiment of the present invention, the frames of rate bet 1 aie convoluticnally encoded at a different rate than frames of rate set 2. Rate set 1 frames are convolutionally encoded at rate 1/3, while rate set 2 frames are convolutionally encoded at rate 1/2. In the exemplary embodfment two separate convolutional encoders are provided. Convolutional encoder 22 is a rate 1/3 convolutional encoder for the encoding of rates set 1 frames and convolutional encoder 23 is a rate 1/2 convolutional encoder for the encoding of rate set 2 frames. Switch 21

recei\'es a RATE SET signal from microprocessor 18 and accoramgiy directs the frame to the correct convolutiotTal encoder.
It should be noted that the encoded symbol rates from convolutional encoder 23 are 28.8 ksps, 14.4 ksps, 7.2 ksps and 3.6 ksps are the same rates provided from convolutional encoder 22. This al10ws the transmission of rate set 2 frames fol10wing the convolutional encoding of the frames to proceed identically as described previously for rate set 1 frames.
In the exemplary embodiment, the generator polynomials for the frame quality indicator used in generator 20 rate set 2 frames are as fol10ws:
g(x)= xl2 + xll + x^O + x9 + x8 + x4 + X + 1, (7)
for the 12-bit frame quality indicator;
g(x)= x10 + x9 + x8 + x7 + x6 + x4+ x3 + 1 (8)
for the 10-bit frame quality indicator;
g(x)= x^ + x7 + x^+ x3 + x + 1 (9)
for the 8-bit frame quality indicator; and
g(x)= x6 + x2 + X + 1 (10)
for the 6-bit frame quality indicator.
The design and implementation of encoders to generate frame quality indicator bits using these polynomials is the same as those described with respect to rate set 1.
A final distinction between rate set 2 frames and rate set 1 frames is the inclusion of an erasure indicator bit. An erasure indicator bit is a feedback signal from the receiving system of the communications device to a remote transmitting device to indicate that a frame erasure has occurred. In the exemplary embodiment this bit is set when the personal station is unable to decide upon the data rate of the received frame or errors are detected. This, bit may be based upon other forms of received signal quality metrics such as received signal strength. In response the remote transmitting device can respond to strengthen its signal by increasing its transmission energy or by decreasing its data rate. The erasure bit may be set by either microprocessor 18 or by an additional

element, erasure indicator element 19, both of which would operate in conjunction with a FRAME ERASURE SIGNAL from the receiving system of the communications device (not shown).
Table II shown be10w illustrates the contents of the exemplary frames of both data rate sets. As described previously, for rate set 1 frames, 9600 bps frames comprise 172 information bits, 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits, 4800 bps frames comprise 80 information bits, 8 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits, 2400 bps frames comprise 40 information bits and 8 tail bits, and 1200 bps frames comprise 16 information bits and 8 tail bits. For rate set 2 frames, 14,400 bps frames comprise 267 information bits, 1 erasure indicator bit, 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits, 7200 bps frames comprise 125 ir\formation bits, 1 erasure indicator bit, 10 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits, 3600 bps frames comprise 55 information bits, 1 erasure indicator bit, 8 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits, and 1800 bps frames comprise 21 information bits, 1 erasure indicator bit, 6 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.

Figures 10a-10y. illustrate the frame format for frames generated within rate set 2. In Figure 10a, a 14.4 kbps frame is illustrated for transmission of full rate primary traffic. One bit is provided for the erasure indicator bit described above and one reserved bit is provided. A mixed mode bit is set to zero to indicate that the frame consists only of primary traffic data. 265 primary traffic bits are then provided, fol10wed by 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
In Figure 10b, a 14.4 kbps dim and burst frame is illustrated for transmission of half rate primary traffic and signaling traffic. One bil is provided for the erasure indicator bit and one reserved bit is provided. The mixed mode bit is set to 1 to indicated that the packet consists of data other than primary traffic only. Four frame mode bits are provided to indicate the types of data in the packet. The frame mode bits are set to 0000 to indicate that the data present in the packet is half rate primary traffic and signaling traffic. There are 124 bits of primary traffic and 137 bits of signaling traffic. The frame is accompanied by 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
In Figure 10c, a 14.4 kbps dim and burst frame is illustrated for transmission of quarter rate primary traffic and signaling traffic. One bit is provided for the erasure indicator bit and one reserved bit is provided. The mixed mode bit is set to 1. The frame mode bits are set to 0001 to indicate that the data present in the packet is quarter rate primary traffic and signaling traffic. There are 54 bits of primary traffic and 207 bits of

signaling traffic. The frame is accompanied by 12 frame quality mdicator bits and 8 tail bits.
In Figure 10d, a 14.4 kbps dim and burst frame is illustrated for transmission of eighth rate primary traffic and signaling traffic. One bit is provided for the erasure indicator bit and one reserved bit is provided. The mixed mode bit is set to 1. The frame mode bits are set to 0010 to indicate that the data present in the packet is eighth rate primary traffic and signaling traffic. The frame has 20 bits of primary traffic and 241 bits of signaling traffic and contains 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
In Figure 10e, a 14.4 kbps blank and burst frame is illustrated for transmission of signaling traffic. One bit is provided for the erasure indicator bit and one reserved bit is provided. The mixed mode bit is set to 1. The frame mode bits are set to 0011 to indicate that the data present in the packet is signaling traffic. There are 261 bits of signaling traffic, 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
In Figure 10f, a 7.2 kbps frame is illustrated for transmission of half rate primary traffic only. An erasure indicator bit is provided. The mixed mode bit is set to 0. There are 124 bits of primary traffic provided, 10 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
In Figure 10g, a 7.2 kbps uiin and burst frame is illustrated for transmission of quarter rate primary traffic with signaling traffic. An erasure indicator bit is provided. The mixed mode bit is set to 1. Three frame mode bits are set to 000. There are 54 bits of primary traffic, 67 bits of signaling traffic, 10 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
In Figure 10h, a 7.2 kbps dim and burst frame is illustrated for transnnission of eighth rate primary traffic with signaling traffic. An erasure indicator bit is provided. The mixed mode bit is set to 1. Three frame mode bits are set to GOT. There are 20 bits of primary traffic, 101 bits of signaling traffic, 10 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
In Figure 10i, a 7.2 kbps blank and burst frame is illustrated for transmission of signaling traffic. An erasure indicator bit is provided. The mixed mode bit is set to 1. Three frame mode bits are set to 010. There are 121 bits of signaling traffic, 10 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
In Figure 10j, a 3.6 kbps frame is illustrated for transmission of quarter rate primary traffic only. An erasure indicator bit is provided. The

mixed mode bit is set to 0. No frame mode bits are provided. There are 54 bits of primary traffic, 8 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
In Figure 10k, a 3.6 kbps dim and burst frame is illustrated for transmission of eighth rate primary traffic with signaling traffic. An erasure indicator bit is provided. The mixed mode bit is set to 1. Two frame mode bits are set to 00. There are 20 bits of primary traffic, 32 bits of signaling traffic, 8 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
In Figure 101, a 3.6 kbps blank and burst frame is illustrated for transmission of signaling traffic. An erasure indicator bit is provided. The mixed mode bit is set to 1. Two frame mode bits are set to 01. There are 52 bits of signaling traffic, 8 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
In Figure 10m, a 1.8 kbps frame is illustrated for transmission of eighth rate primary traffic only. An erasure indicator bit is provided. The mixed mode bit is set to 0. No frame mode bits are provided. There are 20 bits of primary traffic, 6 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
In Figure 10n, a 14.4 dim and burst frame is illustrated for transmission of half rate primary traffic and secondary traffic. An erasure indicator bit is provided with a reserved bit. The mixed mode bit is set to 1. The frame mode bits are set to 0100 to indicate that the data present in the packet is half rate primary traffic and signaling traffic Thprp arp 124 bits of primary traffic, 137 bits of secondary traffic, 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8'tail bits.
In Figure 10o, a 14.4 kbps dim and burst frame is illustrated for transmission of quarter rate primary traffic and secondary traffic. An erasure indicator bit is provided a10ng with a reserved bit. The mixed mode bit is set to 1. The four frame mode bits are set to 0101 to indicate that the data present in the packet is quarter rate primary traffic plus secondary traffic. There are 54 bits of primary traffic, 207 bits of secondary traffic, 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
In Figure 10p, a 14.4 kbps dim and burst frame is illustrated for transmission of a frame consisting of eighth rate primary traffic and secondary traffic. An erasure indicator bit is provided with a reserved bit. The mixed mode bit is set to 1. The frame mode bits are set to 0110 to indicate that the data present in the packet is eighth rate primary traffic

plus secondary traffic. There are 20 bits of primary traffic, 241 bits of secondary traffic, 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
In Figure 10q, a 14.4 kbps blank and burst frame is illustrated for transmission of secondary traffic. An erasure indicator bit is provided a10ng with a reserved bit. The mixed mode bit is set to 1. The four frame mode bits are set to 0111. There are 261 bits of secondary traffic, 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
Figure 10r illustrates a 14.4 kbps dim and burst frame for the transmission of eighth rate primary data, secondary and signaling traffic. An erasure indicator bit is provided with a reserved bit. The mixed mode bit is set to 1. The frame mode bits are set to 1000 to indicate that the data present in the packet is eighth rate primary data, secondary and signaling traffic. There are 20 bits of primary traffic, 221 bits of signaling traffic, 20 bits of secondary traffic, 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
Figure 10s illustrates a 7.2 kbps dim and burst frame with quarter rate primary and secondary traffic. An erasure indicator bit is provided. The mixed mode bit is set to 1. The frame mode bits are set to Oil. There are 54 bits of primary traffic, 67 bits of secondary traffic, 12 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
Figure 10t illustrates a 7.2 kbps dim and burst frame with eighth rate primary and secondary traffic. An erasure indicator bit is provided. Tlie mixed mode bit is set to 1. The frame mode bits are set to 100. There are ' 20 bits of primary traffic, 101 bits of secondary traffic, 10 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
Figure 10u illustrates a 7.2 kbps blank and burst frame with secondary traffic only. An erasure indicator bit is provided. The mixed mode bit is set to 1. The frame mode bits are set to 101. There are 121 bits of secondary traffic, 10 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
Figure 10v illustrates a 7.2 kbps dim and burst frame with eighth rate primary traffic, secondary and signaling traffic. An erasure indicator bit is provided. The mixed mode bit is set to 1. The frame mode bits are set to 110. There are 20 bits of primary traffic, 81 bits of signaling traffic, 20 bits of secondary traffic, 10 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
Figure 10w illustrates a 3.6 kbps dim and burst frame with eighth rate primary traffic and secondary traffic. An erasure indicator bit is

provided. the mixed mode bit is set to 1. The frame mode bits are set to 10. There are 20 bits of primary traffic, 32 bits of secondary traffic, 8 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
Figure 10x illustrates a 3.6 kbps blank and burst frame with secondary traffic only. An erasure indicator bit is provided. The mixed mode bit is set to 1. The frame mode bits are set to 11. There are 52 bits of secondary traffic, 8 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
Figure 10y illustrates a 1.8 kbps blank and burst frame with secondary traffic only. An erasure indicator bit is provided. The mixed mode bit is set to 1. There are 20 bits of secondary traffic, 6 frame quality indicator bits and 8 tail bits.
The previous description of the preferred embodiments is provided to enable any person skilled in the art to make or use the present invention. The various modifications to these embodiments will be readily apparent to those skilled in the art, and the generic principles defined herein may be applied to other embodiments without the use of the inventive faculty. Thus, the present invention is not intended to be limited to the embodiments shown herein but is to be accorded the widest scope consistent with the principles and novel features disc10sed herein.

1. In a communication system, a method for transmitting a
2 frame of data at a data rate of a predetermined data rate set of a set of rate
sets, comprising the steps of:
4 receiving said data frame;
generating a set of parity check bits and tail bits in accordance with 6 said data rate set of said data frames-encoding said data frame where in the encoding rate of said 8 encoding is determined in accordance with said data rate set of said data
frame; and
10 transmitting said encoded data frame.
2. The method of Claim 1 wherein there is a multiplicative
2 factor between rates of rate set 1 and rates of rates set 2.
3. The method of Claim 1 wherein said encoding rate for rate set
2 2 is inversely proportional to said multiplicative factor.
4. A method for transmitting a frame of data substantially as herein described, with reference to the accompanying drawings.


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Patent Number 229978
Indian Patent Application Number 59/MAS/1996
PG Journal Number 13/2009
Publication Date 27-Mar-2009
Grant Date 24-Feb-2009
Date of Filing 12-Jan-1996
Applicant Address 6455 LUSK BOULEVARD, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92121,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H03M13/23
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 08/374,444 1995-01-17 U.S.A.