Abstract | This invention relates to a pyrotechnic composition for energy rich propellant comprising magnesium powder as metal fuel and present in the amount of 22 to 50% by weight preferably 37 to 47% by weight, potassium nitrate as an oxidizer and present in an amount of 70 to 42% by weight preferably 55 to 45% by weight, and the remaining is 8 to 10% of binder as a solution of plasticised ethyl cellulose (PEC) in toluene and further according to this invention there is provided a process for the preparation of pyrotechnic composition for energy rich propellant which comprises in the steps of preparing a mixture of 22 to 50% by weight of magnesium powder with purity higher than 95% and 70 to 42% by weight of potassium nitrate, mixing 8 to 10% PEC solution with a mixture of magnesium powder and potassium |
Full Text | -2- FIELD OF INVENTION This invention relates to a pyrotechnic composition for energy rich propellant and the process for the preparation thereof. PRIOR ART; The three main classes of propellants viz. Composite, double based and composite modified double based, have to function at extremes of temperature and some times at high altitude according to the end use. For stable combustion, a certain amount of initial pressure is necessary which is different for different types of propellants depending upon the flame characteristics of the propellant. The critical combustion pressure required for composite propellants is 10-15 Kg/cm2 for double based propellant is 30-35 Kg/cm2 and for composite modified double based propellant it is 20-25 Kg/cm2. Conventionally gun powder having high gas to solid ratio has been used as an efficient igniter for ignition of double based propellants at ground level. The disadvantage of using gun powder as igniter is that it fails to ignite at high attitude. Another disadvantage of using gun powder as igniter is that it is not a reliable igniter for composite and composite modified double based propellants. Yet another disadvantage of using gun powder as igniter is that it does not give satisfactory ignition for composite propellants which have high auto ignition temperature and poor mechanical properties. Further disadvantage of using gun powder as igniter is that it is not very efficient for propellants which have low structural integrity and require low critical pressure for steady state of combustion. A pyrotechnic composition usually contains a small percentage of binder which may be of natural origin or man made organic polymer, which holds fuel (metal) and oxidiser components in homogenous blend. Some other pyrotechnic compositions with metal powders such as AI, Mg, B as fuel as KNOa as oxidiser, with or without binder have also been used as igniter for the propellants. However, disadvantage of using these pyrotechnic compositions without binder is that on storage the ingredients of constituent composition are likely to segregate. Another disadvantage of using these pyrotechnic compositions without binder is that the composition becomes sensitive to mechanical impulse. Yet another disadvantage of using these pyrotechnic compositions without binder is that the composition is susceptible to ingress of moisture which affects the final performance. Still another disadvantage of using these pyrotechnic compositions without binder is that the composition does not have pelleting property and thus are? Further disadvantage <.rf using these pyrotechnic> compositions without binder is th.it the composition does not; give reproducible and reliable results. Still further disadvantage of using these pyrotechnic compositions without: binder is that such composi t ions do not have high coiftpressive? strength. The disadvantage of using pyrotechnic composition with organic polymer binder v.i,:'. Ethyl cellulose without plastic isation,, the composition is prone to oxidation in presence of light and temperature above the softening point i1 5uP C ) . Another disadvantage of using pyrotechnic composition with ethyl eellulose without piasticisation, as hinder is that on storage the composit.ion deteriorates and pellet becomes brittle in nature. OBJECTS. OF THE INVENT; I OH The primary object. of the present invention is to pi-" o pose a magnesium based pyrotechnic composition for energy r .i c.! "i p i- o pe 1 3 a n t s „ Another object of the present invention is io propose a magnesium based pyrotechnic: composition which is stable,. Still another object of the present invention is to propose a magnesium based pyrotechnic composition which gives reproducible per f or mane e., Yet another object of the present invention i.B propose a magnesium based pyrotechnic: compos;, i. tion with iii.i i i i mum iqn :i 1: i on de lay . Still another object of the present invention is to propose a magnesium based pyrotechnic composition' with BU -f '(ic i 01111 y 1 Diio s>"iel f 1 i f e. F'urtf'ier object of the present invention is to propose a formulation of magnesium based pyrotechnic composition that gives desired i (.in it ion to various classes erf p i'" o pel J a n * s .• : 5 : DESCRIPTION OF INVENTION According to this invention there is provided a pyrotechnic composition for energy rich propellant, comprising: - (a) magnesium powder as metal fuel and present in the amount of 22 to 50% by weight preferably 37 to 47% by weight, (b) potassium nitrate as an oxidizer and present in an amount of 70 to 42% by weight preferably 55 to 45% by weight, and (c) the remaining is 8 to 10% of binder as a solution of plasticised ethyl cellulose (PEC) in toluene. Further according to this invention there is provided a process for the preparation of pyrotechnic composition for energy rich propellant which comprises iri the steps of:- a) preparing a mixture of 22 to 50% by weight of magnesium powder with purity higher than 95% and 70 to 42% by weight of potassium nitrate, b) mixing 8 to 10% PEC solution with a mixture of magnesium powder and potassium nitrate. In accordance with the present invention, the preparation of magnesium based pyrotechnic composition comprises of the steps of:- a) Preparation of Plasticised Ethyl Cellulose Plasticised ethyl cellulose (PEC) is prepared by plasticisation of ethyl cellulose with diethyl phthalate taking 70 to 80% preferably 75 to 77.5% by weight of ethyl cellulose and 30 to 20% preferably 25 to 22.5% by weight of diethyl phthalate. \-s.).. PO£P.$.r£\t-:.i.9.Q. P'f sp-ky.^iMl P...'.f '::\Li'"Lt.i.<:li ethyl cellulose> 8% to 10X solution of dried plasticised ethyl cells.! lose (PEC) is prepared by dissolving PEC in toluene in a suitable vessel with constant stirring to get uniform solution. Lty.!l§:. P...1. !j^an.!§.§i.y.fij and E^fca£.E:.i.y.m. Nitrate Powders 22 to 50X preferably 37 to 47X by weight of magnesium powder (Gr.V) with purity higher than 95% is mixed with 70 to 42% preferably 55 to 45% by weight of potassium nitrate?. The mixture? is sieved 3-4 times to get homogeneity » IT.!..).. t!.i.>ii.D.fl. 9.T.. !'l§S.O.S?.§i.y.ffl. §nd P.ota.sBiu.jji Q.i.t.r;ate. powder mijjjture w i t h Pj::C; so 1 u.t i on The compoB.it ion of the present invention is prepared by m.ixinq around 50% of PEC solution with the mixture? of magnesium powder and potassium nitrate as prepared above. The remaining 50% PEC solution is poured over mix and i.s throughly mixed to get homogenous mix. This mix is allowed to become semi ..... solid which is then granulated by passina through :.' sieve. These granu'les ca e dried in a watef jacketed oven at 60-i-f' 't for about 2 to 6 hour's to reduce to volatile matter to around .1.%.. The invention w:i 1 1 now be illustrated with an example winch is if (tended to illustrate the working of the invention and is no! .-; 1 1 ' ended to be taken respei trively to imply an 1'inv* l a l ion fH'i tlje scope of the present ii > /ention . -7- Example 1 The plasticised ethyl cellulose (PEC) was prepared by 29% plasticisation of ethyl cellulose N-200 with diethyl phthalate. A 10 % solution of dried plasticised ethyl cellulose was prepared using 40g of dried plasticised ethyl cellulose and 400 cm3 of distilled toluene as solvent in a suitable vesel wth constant stirring to get uniform solution. l10.0g of magnesium powder Gr.V with purity more than 95% & 350.0g of potassium nitrate with particle size between 90 & 53 micrometer were weighed accurately and mixed on a wax paper using hom spatula. This mix was then sieved 3 times through 600 micrometer sieve for better mixing. In a mixing vessel 50% of plasticised ethyl cellulose (PEC) solution was taken in which the above mix of magnesium & potassium nitrate was added carefully avoiding the spillage of material. The remaining 50% of PEC solution was poured over mix and was thoroughly mixed using horn spatula to get homogeneous mix. The mix was poured on conducting polythene sheet kept in a tray and allowed to become semisolid. The semisolid mass/dough was then granulated by passing through 25 BSS (600 micrometer) sieve. The sieved granules were then retained on 52 BSS (300 micrometer) sieve and retained material was dried in water jacketed oven at 60 ± 5° C for 2 to 6 hours to reduce the volatile matter to granules were used for characterisation. The qualified granules were used for making pellets in a pelleting machine using appropriate die & punches. The pellets are used for further tests. Example No 2 to 7 In these examples the procedure for preparation is identical to that of example 1 except that magnesium was increased from 27 to 50% while Potassium Nitrate was reduced from 65 to 42% keeping binder (PEC) constant at 8% by weight. These formulations are given in Table 1 TABLE - 1 Magnesium Based Pyrotechnic Compositions Results Exam -pie 1 : 2 3 4 5 6 7 Percentage Composition Mg KNO3 22 27 32 37 42 47 50 70 65 60 55 50 45 42 Cal-val cal/g 1607 1831 1928 2047 2008 1970 1897 Height of 50% explosions cm. 68 52 45 42 71 70 73 Ignition temp °C 510 517 479 490 536 479 477 Pressure Maximum (kg/cm2) 44.2 48.3 55.2 55.4 59.3 58.4 56.3 Ignition delay (ms) 350 34 24 19 16 18 16 -8- The ignition temperature evaluated by Micro DTA for all the examples were found to be in the range from 477°C to 536°C. The formulated compositions referred at example 1 to 7 were evaluated at loading density 0.01 g/cc in simple closed vessel (free volume 700 cc) designed for this purpose. For initiation, these igniter compositions were initiated smoothly by an electric squib. The results are given in Table 1. Except the composition in example 1, all other compositions gave satisfactory pressure-time (p-t) profile with low ignition delay. The binder plasticised Ethyl cellulose (8% by weight) gave satisfactory structural integrity to the granules of the composition. The composition could be pelleted in different sizes giving pellet densities in the range of 1.40 to 1.78 g/cm3. The breaking strength for these pellets was found in the range of 200-250N. The structural integrity as well as the ballistic performance of these compositions were found to be satisfactory even five years after manufacture. The composition of example 5, using 42% of Mg and 50% of KNO3 was successfully used for ignition of composite and composite modified double based propellants which delivered smooth p-t (pressure-time) profile with minimum ignition delay. This composition is safe to handle, manufacture, pelleting and for transportation, with the precautions necessary for handling pyrotechnic compositions. It is to be understood that the process of the present invention is susceptible to modifications, adaptations, changes by those skilled in art. Such modifications, adaptations, changes are intended to be within the scope of the present invention, which is further set forth under the following claims:- The ingredient are not chemically in acting but gives synergetic properties i.e. properties of the end product are synergetic. I CLAIM; 1. A pyrotechnic composition for energy rich propellant, comprising:- (a) magnesium powder as metal fuel and present in the amount of 22 to 50% by weight preferably 37 to 47% by weight, (b) potassium nitrate as an oxidizer and present in an amount of 70 to 42% by weight preferably 55 to 45% by weight, and (c) the remaining is 8 to 10% of binder as a solution of plasticised ethyl cellulose (PEC) in toluene. 2. A process for the preparation of pyrotechnic composition for energy rich propellant which comprises in the steps of:- a) preparing a mixture of 22 to 50% by weight of magnesium powder with purity higher than 95% and 70 to 42% by weight of potassium nitrate, b) mixing 8 to 10% PEC solution with a mixture of magnesium powder and potassium nitrate. 3. A magnesium based pyrotechnic composition for energy rich composite propellants as substantially described herein. 4. A process for preparation of a pyrotechnic composition substantially as herein described and illustrated in the example. |
936-del-2000-description (complete).pdf
Patent Number | 231074 | |||||||||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 936/DEL/2000 | |||||||||||||||
PG Journal Number | 13/2009 | |||||||||||||||
Publication Date | 27-Mar-2009 | |||||||||||||||
Grant Date | 28-Feb-2009 | |||||||||||||||
Date of Filing | 16-Oct-2000 | |||||||||||||||
Name of Patentee | THE ADVISER | |||||||||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | C06B 27/00 | |||||||||||||||
PCT International Application Number | N/A | |||||||||||||||
PCT International Filing date | ||||||||||||||||
PCT Conventions: