Title of Invention


Abstract This invention relates to a process for the preparation of modified Cassia fora gum characterized by exposure of the endosperm or the unmodified Cassia tora gum powder to ammonia gas under gaseous pressure as herein described to provide an increase nitrogen content by increase in weight of 1 to 20 % of the gum to obtain the modified cassia tora gum.
This invention relates to process for the preparation of Cassia tora gum having modified morphological character and an increase in the zeta potential. The application of modified C. tora gum is for paper industry as wetend additive, as flocculant for backwater treatment in paper industry, for mud settling in sugar industry and as thickner in textile printing etc.
The main object of the present invention is to propose a process for the modification of Cassia tora gum to increase the zeta potential and change the morphology of the gum molecule.
Another object of this invention is to propose a process for the modification of Cassia tora gum which can be used as an additive for increasing the dry strength of the paper, as flocculant, and as thickner.
Still another object of the present invention is to propose a simple, cost effective process to modify the physico-chemical properties of C.tora gum in order to make available biopolymer to replace synthetic petrochemical used as flocculant in large scale till todate.

According to this invention there is provided a process for the
preparation of modified Cassia tora gum comprising exposure of the
endosperm or the unmodified C.tora gum powder to ammonia gas under gaseous pressure to provide an increase nitrogen content by increase in weight of 1 to 20 % of the gum to obtain the modified cassia tora gum.
In accordance with this invention the starting material may be the endosperm separated from the seed or the unmodified C.tora gum powder. Such a starting material is subjected to a gaseous treatment in the presence of ammonia gas under pressure of 0.5 to 4.5 kg/in2 and for a period of 5 to 240 minutes. The purpose of such an ammonia gas treatment is to increase the nitrogen content from 0.76 to 1.08 by an increase in weight from 1 to 20%. Depending upon the viscosity and the end application, such a treatment is carried out for a period of 5 to 240 minutes. It has have found that a pressure greater than 4.5 kgs/in2 does not further imprance the properties.
The final step in the process consists in the step of grinding to obtain a mesh size of at least 100 mesh and preferably 200 to 250 mesh.

As Flocculant
Clarification of sulphited sugarcane juice by the addition of C. tora was compared with guar gum, CMC and Mafloc a synthetic polycrylamide compound. Flocculants (3 ppm) each was added separately and settling rate of mud showed that it is better than guar gum and CMC, while it is quite comparable with Mafloc.
In paper sheet formation, a suspension of solid particles of varied size, shape and composition is caused to flow onto a forming screen. The fibres in the head box stock will be retained on a normal machine wire mesh (75 um hole) merely as a result of their physical size; therefore, it is the pulp fines and mineral fillers that pass the wire and follow the white water system. In a mill an efficient white-water and broke recovery system normally run above 95 per cent. Synthetic polymers cationic in nature are normally used by mills to flocculate suspended fines in back water. CTM (modified) was used to treat the back water (pH 5.5, suspended solid 3936 mg/1) to recover the suspended fines and its performance compared with Trufloc and Deftech 706. 4 ppm of each flocculants were used to treat the back water, recovery percent of the suspended solids in the case of trufloc and Deftech 706 was 98.7 while C. tora modified showed the recovery upto 99.6 per cent. Beater Additive in Paper Making
Beater adhesives are employed in improving sheet formation, fibre to fibre bonding, improve drainage properties, reduce power requirements and conserve long fibre pulps. A general effect of adhesives (gums, starches etc.) are to advance beating to obtain higher strength, which could be achieved otherwise with prolonged beating.
Two types of bleached pulps, one consisting of approximately 80% Eucalyptus, 12% bamboo, 8% pine; and second consisting of 80% bagasse, 20% softwood bleached pulp with pulp brighness 74% and 81% respectively were used for study in laboratory. Addition of 0.25 - 0.5 per cent dosage of CTM showed that:
Freeness of pulp decreased by about 50-85 mL CSF, Burst factor increased by 15 to 26%, follding strength increased by 35-37%, breaking length increased marginally (in pulp 1). Breaking length increased by (26-29%) and folding strength 84-146% (in pulp 2, on addition 0.5% CTM).

SEM studies show that treatment of the endosperm/gum of C. tora with ammonia under pressure changes the morphological character of the gum. SEM overview photograph of native gum shows that gum is composed of rhomboidal, micaceous and rod like shape crystals. SEM of the modified gum (increase wt. 5.8%) shows change in the morphology of gum, and reveal the presence of bushy, ribbon, orthorhombic like crystals.
Rheologicai behaviour of CTM showed that with increase in nitrogen content of the modified product, viscosity increases at same level of concentration.
Viscosity of C. tora modified

(Table Removed)
Similarly Zeta potential of the modified gum increases with increase in the nitrogen content of the modified product.
Zeta Potential

(Table Removed)
Pilot Plant Trial
Paper machine trial was conducted in a mill which is based on agriculture residue i.e. rice straw (10-12%), wheat straw (45%) and sarkanda (45%) producing writing paper. The additive (CTM) was added in a tank consisting of pulp from rice straw, wheat straw and sarkanda (88%) and cotton linter (6%) and white cutting (6%) and pumped to head box directly.
It was found that at 0.25% addition of CTM, properties of the paper are more or less as compared with paper being produced by the mill using 0.5% of Higum (guar gum). The capacity of the paper was increased from 89.2 to 93.93%, apparent density, breaking length (MD, CD), Tear factor. Durst Index, brightness were almost same vis-avis guar gum. Advantage of using CTM would provide lot of financial gain due to use of lesser quantity of CTM (0.25% in comparison to 0.5% guar gum) and with substantially reduced cost per unit (tonne/tonne) AS Thickner in Textile printing
Thickner used in textile printing are high molecular weight compounds giving viscous pastes in water. Their main function is to hold or adhere the dye particles in the desired place on the fabric until the transfer of the dye into the fabric and its fixation is complete. Cassia fora gum (natural & modified), sodium alginate and blends thereof were taken as thickner for printing using hot and cold brand reactive dyes Colour value (K/S), fastness and stiffness of the prints were determined. 5-7 per cent of C. fora native and modified gum can be used alone or as blend upto 50:50 for obtaining the same K/S value as obtainable with sodium alginate

1. A process for the preparation of modified Cassia tora gum characterized
by exposure of the endosperm or the unmodified C.tora gum powder to
ammonia gas under gaseous pressure as herein described to provide an
increase nitrogen content by increase in weight of 1 to 20 % of the gum
to obtain the modified cassia tora gum.
2. A process for the preparation of modified C.tora gum as claimed in claim
1 wherein endosperm is subjected to a gaseous phase of ammonia at a
pressure 0.5 kg to 5 kg.
3. A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein the gaseous phase treatment is
carried out for a period of 5 to 240 minutes.
4. A process as claimed in claim 2 wherein the gaseous phase treatment is
carried out to provide an increase in nitrogen content of 0.91 to 1.08%.

6. A process for the preparation of modified Cassia tora gum substantially as herein described.






1542-del-1999-description (complete).pdf






Patent Number 232922
Indian Patent Application Number 1542/DEL/1999
PG Journal Number 13/2009
Publication Date 27-Mar-2009
Grant Date 23-Mar-2009
Date of Filing 16-Dec-1999
Applicant Address P.O. NEW FOREST, DEHRADUN - 248 006,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B29C 65/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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