Title of Invention


Abstract The invention discloses a sensor for measuring a condition of body fluids comprising a sensor element implantable in said body and in radio communication with a receiver unit outside said body, wherein said sensor element implantable in said body comprises at least one differential pressure sensor (5) arranged with at least two chambers on each side of said pressure sensor, where each chamber is confined, in one end by one side of said pressure sensor each, and on the other end by a semipermeable membrane (2,4) each arranged towards the surroundings.
Full Text Sensor in vivo Measurement of Osmotic Changes
The present invention is related to an invasive sensor which can be implanted
subcutaneously, and specially to an invasive sensor comprising at least one differential
pressure-transducer that measures the pressure difference between two fluid volumes
confined by, in one end the at least one differential pressure-transducer, and in the other
end osmotic membranes, as defined in the enclosed independent claims.
The design and production of differential pressure sensors based on silicon micro-
mechanics is known. The Norwegian company SensoNor has developed a technique for
buried piezoresistors. Besides offering excellent long-term stability, this technique
allows contact with water on both sides of the membrane. Using anodic or fusion
bonding, hermetically sealed cavity structures can be obtained
Porous etching (anodic oxidation) of silicon is also a well-known technique. Porous
silicon (PS) is made by electrochemical etching of a silicon wafer in solutions
containing hydrofluoric acid (HF). Usually, HF is sold in an aqueous solution with up to
50 % of HF. Thus, the first attempts to form porous silicon were performed using only
HF diluted in de-ionised and ultra-pure water. Due to the hydrophobic character of the
clean Si surface, absolute ethanol is usually added to the aqueous solution to increase
the wettability of the PS surface. So far this technique is mainly used for making visible
photoluminescence (PL).
The sol-gel techniques are well known processes, used for a variety of different
commercial applications, ranging from optical and electrical coatings to improve the
scratch resistance.
US patent 5,337,747 by Frederic Neftel, January 7th, 1993, discloses an implantable
device for estimating the level of glucose in the blood by the use of osmosis.
The US Patent 5,337,747 is based on the use of two pressure sensors, each sensor
measuring the pressure in a corresponding "chamber". This means that the signal of
interest is the difference between the two sensors. This will significantly decrease both
the sensitivity and accuracy of the measurement.

The pressure sensors are based on a pressure sensor where the deflection of a pressure
sensitive membrane is measured by the change in the electrical capacitance between this
membrane (which doubles as an electrode) and a fixed electrode. This type of sensor
excludes the use of a differential element as long as the medium where the measuring of
the pressure is conducted, is conductive (as in the present case where water is used).
It should also be noted that the sensor element described in the US Patent 5,337,747
would not work according to its intentions. This is caused by the fact that more than 99
% of the capacitance measured will be caused by the mounting between the membrane
(10) and the other electrode (12) which is fixed and is not changing with changing
pressure in the chamber. Less than 1 % of the total capacitance will be modulated by the
deflection of the pressure sensitive membrane.
In the US Patent 5,337,747 it is stated that one of the osmotic membranes should be
permeable for water, ions and lactic acid, but not for glucose. This should be obtained
by designing pores with a diameter of between 0,6 and 0,74 rim. However, this model
for membrane behaviour is over-simplified and does not take into account other
important effects contributing to the transport properties of the membrane. A membrane
with such a cut-off (pore diameter) will not avoid osmotic effects from the stated
solutes. This is because both electrical and steric effects will impede and possibly
totally stop the transport of solutes. This means that it is impossible to obtain an osmotic
pressure from glucose only.
US Patent 6,224,550, by one of the present inventors, May 1,2001, relies on
maintaining a similar osmolality on both sides of an osmotic membrane. This is
obtained by allowing water to flow freely through the membrane and thereby changing
the volume (and thereby the concentration) of the "calibrated" fluid inside the sensor.
One of the disadvantages with this design is the fact that a significant amount of water
must be transported through the membrane when the osmolality in the body is changing.
However, only limited fluxes are possible through such membranes, which means that a
relatively large area of the osmotic membrane is needed. In addition, the time response
will depend on the actual position of a piston, and as such, the sensor will also be non-
Another problem is the friction between the moving piston and the wall. To be able to
move the piston, the pressure force must exceed the friction force. From measurements
it is seen that even with a large cylinder radius, it is needed a high difference in osmotic
pressure to move the piston, which is very unfavourable from the point of accuracy.
A more fundamental problem with this sensor is the fact that to obtain a "calibrated"
fluid, the small electrolytes must be allowed to pass through the membrane. As glucose
and larger molecules are excluded from passing through the membrane, the "calibrated"
fluid will always have to maintain a higher concentration of the electrolytes (chlorine,
potassium, etc). The result is an unstable element, from which the electrolytes gradually
will be drained out, and in the end the calibrated fluid will disappear.
The principle of the sensor according to the present invention is based on osmosis. In its
simplest form, osmosis is the transport of a solvent across a semipermeable membrane
caused by differences in the concentration of solutes on either side of the membrane.
Osmosis is a process where certain kinds of molecules in a liquid are preferentially
blocked by a "semipermeable" membrane. The solvent (in our case water) is diffusing
through the membrane into the more concentrated solution, more so than in the opposite
direction. The result is a combination of two effects. One is that an osmotic
(hydrostatic) pressure is built up in the volume of higher concentration. The other is the
reduction in the concentration difference caused by the increased volume of solvent.
Ultimately, a dynamic equilibrium is reached, in which the increase in chemical
potential caused by the osmotic pressure difference (D), equals the corresponding
change caused by the difference in concentration (C). At osmotic equilibrium, the
chemical potential of the solvent must equate the chemical potential of the pure solvent.
The ratio between change in pressure versus change in concentration depends on the
compliance of the volumes and can be changed (and optimised) by the design.
Osmotic pressure is one example of a colligative property, that is a property which
depends only on the number of solute molecules, and not on the nature of the molecules.
For relatively small concentrations, as those observed in the body, the osmotic pressure
is equal to the pressure that the solute molecules would exert given they were in a gas of
the same concentration.

Where V is the volume of solution containing one mole of solute. The constant i, is the
"van't Hoff factor", which is a measure of the relative increase in amount of entities
(particles) due to dissociation.
The present invention can be utilised to monitor any changes within the in chemistry in
vivo. The type of solutes and their concentration observed in vivo gives a tremendous
amount of information regarding the physiology of the body, and its condition. By
measuring the composition for instance in the interstitial fluid (ISF), a lot of information
can be obtained regarding de-hydration of the body and different diseases. These are
amongst others: diabetes, kidney function etc. Also normal variations for instance in
lactate concentration caused by physical activity can be monitored.
In addition to the substances mentioned above, which can change the osmolality in the
body, one can also find substances by medication, which give an osmotic contribution
in the body fluid. In this case, the present invention can be used to monitor the amount
of medication.
Measurement of glucose in ISF is becoming recognised as an alternative to measuring
the glucose directly in the blood. The glucose measurement in blood is associated with
several drawbacks. It needs a sample of blood, drawn from the body. Even though the
equipment has become more sensitive, and therefore requires less blood, the process is
associated with pain and the number of tests typically limited to less than 10 per day. It
is also known that large variations in measured values can be caused by the
measurement procedure.
The present invention is concerned with a variety of parameters like de-hydration,
lactic-acid, and amino-acids in addition to glucose.
In examples of embodiments of the present invention the use of one pressure sensor of
the differential type, which directly measure the difference between the two chambers,
will increase the sensitivity and accuracy by order of magnitudes.
hi examples of embodiments of the present invention, a piezo-resistive element, in
which the sensing resistors are "buried" into the silicon, and do therefore not get into
contact with the liquid in the reference volumes are used. The buried resistors can be
part of a Wlieatstone bridge.
Fig. 1 illustrates an example of embodiment of the present invention.
Fig. 2 illustrates another example of embodiment of the present invention.
Fig. 3 illustrates another example of embodiment of the present invention.
Fig. 4 illustrates an arrangement of an embodiment of the present invention.
Fig. 5 illustrates another example of embodiment of the present invention.
Fig. 6 A illustrates a side view of an example of an embodiment of the present invention.
Fig. 6B illustrates a top view of the example shown in fig. 6 A.
The total sensor consists of two main parts. The first part is the sensing apparatus,
which is placed inside the human (or animal) body. The other part is the control unit,
which receives the sensor signal, converts it to the concentration of the solute, with the
possibility of storing and displaying the real-time as well as average values.
The sensing apparatus consists of the following elements: The sensing device, a radio
transmitter (possibly a transceiver) and an energy supply, which could be a battery or an
antenna for magnetic induction (see fig. 6A and 6B).
In the present invention, the sensing device comprises the following elements. One or
more differential pressure-transducers, each of which is able to directly measure the
pressure difference between two liquid volumes hereafter called reference volumes.
These reference volumes are internal to the osmotic sensor, and are confined by, in one
end the differential pressure transducer, and in the other end the respective osmotic
A change in the glucose concentration in vivo has two effects. One is the direct change
in the osmolality of the ISF. The other is a change in fluid composition (without
necessary changing the total concentration of osmotic active substances). Both these
effects have to be measured, as the body will be inclined to maintain a constant
osmolality by slowly adjusting the concentration of the electrolytes.
Differential measurement
Changes in the chemical composition in vivo is a combination of A) Direct changes in
the osmolality of the fluid, which are directly reflected by the sensor. B) Changes in
fluid composition (without changing the total concentration of osmotic active
substances). The main difficulty when using osmotic techniques is to obtain an adequate
specificity (the ability to distinguish between the different osmotic components).
Fig. 1 illustrates an example of embodiment according to the present invention. A
sensor housing 1 made in silicon comprises a sensor 2 which is a pressure transducer or
a variable capasitor that will register a change in the pressure caused by a variable flux
of water inn or out of the membrane and/or a change in volume hat activates the sensor
2. A charged membrane 3 comprising both anion and cation charges are supported by a
perforated support 4. A callibrated fluid 5 is present in the porous substance 6, where
the osmolality is defined by the content of molecules. The fluid will normally be water
while the solute is salt or for example glucose or other types of molecules. A normal
condition is when the osmolality is equal on both sides of the membrane. When charged
substances 8 are close to the membrane, two effects will arise. The first one is that the
osmolality of the body fluid will increase which causes water to be forced out of the
sensor which reduces the fluid volume in the sensor. The second effect is to change the
electrical potential in the membrane due to the charges. This is illustrated with the
circuit 7. A normal fluid condition provides a defined voltage over the membrane.
When the ion concentration increases the voltage will change according to the negative
or positive charges, and the detected difference and the osmolality changes will be
proportional to the ion concentration in the fluid, and it will indicate if the registered
osmolality is due to glucose or lactates.
Figure 2 illustrates another embodiment of the present invention where there are
arranged two membranes 2 and 4 on each side of the sensor housing 1. The membrane 2
has a cut-off enabling diffusion of glucose or lactions 7 in a reference fluid 6, butt hat
will cut off larger molecules. The membrane 4 has a cur-offthat gives an osmotic effect
for glucose molecules 8, butt hat reduces or has no osmotic effect for lactions 7. The
cavity above the sensor 5 provides two separate chambers filled with a porous material
preferred to be an inert metal, ceramics or plastic that support the membranes from the
side that faces the reference chambers. Above each membrane is arranged a stiff
perforated plate 3 made of metal, ceramics or plastic.
Figure 3 illustrates another embodiment of the present invention. The embodiment has
the same elements as in the example illustrated in figure 2, but the area of the two
membranes 2 and 4 are different.
Figure 4 illustrates an example of arrangement of the present invention. A sensor
housing 1 is machined from titan or siliconocide. In each end of the house, there are
provided two half-spheres in porous metal or ceramics 4. Above each of these parts
there are provided an unorganic membrane 2 and 3 with different cut-offs.
There is provided a cavity 6 n the housing 1 for the electronic circuits 5 that transforms
the signals from the pressure transducers 8 to digital signals transmitted to a receiver.
The ports 7 provides communication between the pressure transducers and the reference
fluids from each of the membranes 2 and 3.
Figure 5 illustrates an example of embodiment of the present invention where the sensor
do not provides a calibrated fluid as a reference, but two charged membranes A and B
with different charges made of silicon, titan or another biocompatible material. When
the ion concentration changes around the sensor, the potential between the membranes
will be changed and will be proportional to the ion concentration of the body fluid.
Figure 6A and 6B illustrates an arrangement of a power supply, an ASIC circuit and the
reference chambers according to the present invention.
The use of differential measurements is the clue to solve the problem with specificity.
Differential measurements make it possible to measure the various diffusion rates
(permeability) of the species that contributes to the osmotic pressure. By combining the
measurements from different membranes we can therefore track the changes in
concentration of the solute in question.
An additional approach is to vary the displacement versus pressure for the different
reference volumes (or alternatively the available flow area). This is best done by
modifying the stiffness of the osmotic membranes as described below.
Reference fluid
The fluid inside the reference volumes, hereafter called reference fluid, is based on
water, with added solutes. The type and amount of solutes is chosen to closely resemble
the in vivo condition. (This fluid could for instance be Ringer Acetate). In addition to
these low molecular weight electrolytes and molecules, a specific amount of a non
harmful, non toxic, fully water soluble solute with a high molecular weight (> 1000
Dalton) is added. This is done to ensure that the hydrostatic pressure inside the
reference chambers always is higher than in the surrounding fluid. In this way, the
formation of gas bubbles is avoided, which could otherwise cause a serious fail-function
of the sensor.
Differential pressure transducer
The use of differential pressure transducers is one of the main features of the present
invention. This is done to; A) Compensate for changes in hydrostatic pressure (caused
by external air pressure variations, as well as tension in muscles etc.). B) Increase the
resolution of the sensing elements, as the membranes of the pressure transducers are
only subjected to the difference between the two osmotic pressures. As these differences
are small, highly sensitive elements are designed. This increased sensitivity is important
also for improving the specificity of the sensor
Osmotic membranes
The semipermeable membranes are designed such that small molecules ( and ions to some extent will pass through the membrane. The concentration of these
substances in the reference chambers will thereby to some extent adjust to the interstitial
body fluid. However, the sensor can not rely on finding the ideal membranes. The clue
is membranes that have different properties with respect to the different solutes
encountered in vivo.
Today there exist several techniques by which osmotic membranes can be custom-made
with different properties. Examples of this are fore example "sol-gel techniques", micro
perforation, etching and similar techniques giving predefined pore sizes in non-organic
membranes. Alternatively organic membranes can be used. Thus it is possible to design
sensors with two or more different membranes that give different responses to the
different solutes in the interstitial liquid in the body. By varying only the pore size of
the membrane in the range of the substance in question, but keeping the materials the
same, the diffusion of the electrolytes is only slightly altered. By differential monitoring
of the flux across the membranes one can therefore detect changes in the solute, which
is monitored.
Beside the specifically designed pore size, the membranes also posses other important
properties. These includes
• Preferably no (or only a small) thermal expansion miss-match with the silicon
pressure sensor
• Ease of bonding to the silicon pressure sensor
• Easily defined geometrical properties as well as precisely adaptable displacement
The mechanical displacement of the membrane defines accurately the amount of water
that has to diffuse through the membrane to obtain a certain pressure in the reference
volume. By reducing the displacement of the membrane, the response time of the
element is reduced proportionally.
One way of making the osmotic membranes is to make a two-layer structure. The first
layer (or substrate) is used to provide the mechanical properties of the membrane, and
can typically be made by micro-machining of silicon. This technique is well known in
the industry. A sufficient porosity of the thin silicon membranes formed is obtained by
anodic oxidation of the silicon. This process is documented in the literature by several
The "active" part of the membrane (where the osmotic properties are defined) is added
as a thin film on top of the silicon substrate. This can either be a non-organic material,
made for instance by a "Sol-gel" technique.
To improve the time response the water permeability must be sufficiently high.
Minimising the diffusion length and maximising the pore density in the membrane
support structure obtain this.
However, the sensor can easily be adapted to accept commercially available membranes
of different types.
Reference volume
The design of the reference volumes is important to obtain a high accuracy. One
important factor is to minimise concentration gradients in the reference volume caused
by the transport of water (or solutes) across the membrane. This is done by ensuring that
the depth of the reference chambers (normal to the semipermeable membrane) is small
compared to the square root of the diffusivity times the wanted response time of the
The reference chambers is formed in a material and with an external structure to
minimise the volume displacement of the chambers when exposed to changes in
hydrostatic pressure. This is important to minimise the amount of water transport
through the membrane, which will increase the response time.
The reference volume is designed such that gas-bubbles are not trapped inside re-entrant
cavities. This is obtained by a combination of the geometrical shape and by the choice
of materials (avoid hydrophobic materials).
Filling of reference volume
The reference volumes are filled with a suitable solute. One alternative is to join the
sensor wafer and the membrane wafers while these are immersed in the actual solution.
Another alternative is to fill the reference volume through a separate filling hole, which
is sealed after the filling. These two filling alternatives is performed under low
atmospheric pressure (given by vapour pressure of water) to minimise the amount of air
in the reference chamber.
When using a separate filling hole, the diameter of the filling hole has to be sufficient to
avoid problems with surface tension induced pressures. The filling hole is plugged
under liquid, and the system is designed to obtain a minimum of volume change during
plugging, to avoid high pressure peeks.
If the osmotic membranes have a sufficient permeability for the low-molecular solutes
(ions), filling of solvent (and low molecular weight substances) can be obtained through
the osmotic membrane. The last method requires that the high molecular weight
materials be deposited into the chamber before the membranes are joined to the
pressure transducer. The actual filling of the "solvent" could also be performed in the
body, after implantation. This can be obtained by for instance sputtering onto one or
both of the parts constituting the osmotic element, not on the bonding surfaces
(sputtering through a mask or Lift-off) prior to bonding.
When filling the solvent through membrane the vapour pressure inside the reference
volume must be reduced compared to the external liquid (solvent) to facilitate the filling
of the chamber. This is obtained by using the vapour pressure depressing effects caused
by the addition of a solute in the reference volume (the high molecular weight material).
Other materials
The invention make it possible to use silicon microelectronics whereby the sensor can
be made very small and be given numerous different geometrical shapes and can thus be
implanted with minute surgical operations. But, the sensor can also be produced by
conventional machining technology with the only difference that the geometrical shape
and size will be different.
Electrical read-out
The electrical signal from the pressure transducer is transformed to make it suitable for
wire-less transmission to an external receiver unit. Both the coding (protocol) and the
frequency is chosen to provide data integrity, security and low power consumption.
Such "radio" transmission systems do partly exist today, and are also under
development. The energy can either be supplied internally from a battery, or by for
instance magnetic induction.
We claim :
1. Sensor for measuring a condition of body fluids comprising a sensor element
implantable in said body and in radio communication with a receiver unit outside
said body, wherein said sensor element implantable in said body comprises at
least one differential pressure sensor (5) arranged with at least two chambers on
each side of said pressure sensor, where each chamber is confined, in one end by
one side of said pressure sensor each, and on the other end by a semipermeable
membrane (2,4) each arranged towards the surroundings.
2. Sensor as claimed in claim 1, wherein said pressure sensor is arranged with
piezo- electric resistor elements buried in a silicon wafer or beam.
3. Sensor as claimed in claim 1 and 2, wherein said piezo-electric resistor elements
are connected as a Wheatstone bridge.
4. Sensor as claimed in claim 1, wherein a depth for a chamber defined as the
distance between said pressure sensor and said semipermiable membrane is
arranged such that a gradient of a concentration of a solvent in said chamber is
5. Sensor as claimed in one of the preceding claims, wherein said membranes in said
sensor element are arranged sufficient stiff to inhibit displacement of said
membrane when there are changes in osmotic pressure.
6. Sensor as claimed in one of the preceding claims, wherein said membranes are
provided by anisotropic etching of a silicon wafer or a glass wafer.

The invention discloses a sensor for measuring a condition of body fluids comprising a
sensor element implantable in said body and in radio communication with a receiver unit
outside said body, wherein said sensor element implantable in said body comprises at
least one differential pressure sensor (5) arranged with at least two chambers on each side
of said pressure sensor, where each chamber is confined, in one end by one side of said
pressure sensor each, and on the other end by a semipermeable membrane (2,4) each
arranged towards the surroundings.



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2437-kolnp-2005-granted-reply to examination report.pdf


Patent Number 234591
Indian Patent Application Number 2437/KOLNP/2005
PG Journal Number 24/2009
Publication Date 12-Jun-2009
Grant Date 10-Jun-2009
Date of Filing 30-Nov-2005
Name of Patentee LIFECARE AS
Applicant Address SOLHEIMSGAEN 16A, NO-5058, BERGEN, NORWAY
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A61B 5/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/NO2004/000166
PCT International Filing date 2004-06-09
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 20032608 2003-06-10 Norway