Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a multi-channel synthesizer for generating an output signal from an input signal, the input signal having at least one input channel and a sequence of quantized reconstruction parameters, the quantized reconstruction parameters being quantized in accordance with a quantization rule, and being associated with subsequent time portions of the input channel, the output signal having a number of synthesized output channels, and the number of synthesized output channels being greater than 1 or a number of input channels, the synthesizer comprising : a post processor (10) for determining one of a post processed reconstruction parameter and a post processed quantity derived from the reconstruction parameter for a time portion of the input signal to be processed, wherein the post processor (10) is operative to determine one of the post processed reconstruction parameter and the post processed quantity such that a value of the post processed reconstruction parameter or the post processed quantity is different from a value obtainable using requantization in accordance with the quantization rule; and a multi- channel reconstructor (12) for reconstructing a time portion of the number of synthesized output channels using the time portion of the input channel and one of the processed reconstruction parameter and the post processed value. The invention further relates to a method for generating an output signal from an input signal.
Full Text Multi-channel synthesizer and method for generating a
multi-channel output signal
Field of the invention
The present invention relates to multi-channel audio proc-
essing and, in particular, to multi-channel audio recon-
struction using a base channel and parametric side informa-
tion for reconstructing an output signal having a plurality
of channels.
Background of the invention and prior art
In recent times, the multi-channel audio reproduction tech-
nique is becoming more and more important. This may be due
to the fact that audio compression/encoding techniques such
as the well-known mp3 technique have made it possible to
distribute audio records via the Internet or other trans-
mission channels having a limited bandwidth. The mp3 coding
technique has become so famous because of the fact that it
allows distribution of all the records in a stereo format,
i.e., a digital representation of the audio record includ-
ing a first or left stereo channel and a second or right
stereo channel.
Nevertheless, there are basic shortcomings of conventional
two-channel sound systems. Therefore, the surround tech-
nique has been developed. A recommended multi-channel-
surround representation includes, in addition to the two
stereo channels L and R, an additional center channel C and
two surround channels Ls, Rs. This reference sound format
is also referred to as three/two-stereo, which means three
front channels and two surround channels. Generally, five

transmission channels are required. In a playback environ-
ment, at least five speakers at the respective five differ-
ent places are needed to get an optimum sweet spot in a
certain distance from the five well-placed loudspeakers.
Several techniques are known in the art for reducing the
amount of data required for transmission of a multi-channel
audio signal. Such techniques are called joint stereo tech-
niques. To this end, reference is made to Fig. 10, which
shows a joint stereo device 60. This device can be a device
implementing e.g. intensity stereo (IS) or binaural cue
coding (BCC). Such a device generally receives - as an in-
put - at least two channels (CH1, CH2, ... CHn) , and outputs
a single carrier channel and parametric data. The paramet-
ric data are defined such that, in a decoder, an approxima-
tion of an original channel (CH1, CH2, ... CHn) can be calcu-
Normally, the carrier channel will include subband samples,
spectral coefficients, time domain samples etc, which pro-
vide a comparatively fine representation of the underlying
signal, while the parametric data do not include such sam-
ples of spectral coefficients but include control parame-
ters for controlling a certain reconstruction algorithm
such as weighting by multiplication, time shifting, fre-
quency shifting, phase shifting, ... The parametric data,
therefore, include only a comparatively coarse representa-
tion of the signal or the associated channel. Stated in
numbers, the amount of data required by a carrier channel
will be in the range of 60 - 70 kbit/s, while the amount of
data required by parametric side information for one chan-
nel will be in the range of 1,5 - 2,5 kbit/s. An example
for parametric data are the well-known scale factors, in-
tensity stereo information or binaural cue parameters as
will be described below.

Intensity stereo coding is described in AES preprint 3799,
"Intensity Stereo Coding", J. Herre, K. H. Brandenburg, D.
Lederer, February 1994, Amsterdam. Generally, the concept
of intensity stereo is based on a main axis transform to be
applied to the data of both stereophonic audio channels. If
most of the data points are concentrated around the first
principle axis, a coding gain can be achieved by rotating
both signals by a certain angle prior to coding. This is,
however, not always true for real stereophonic production
techniques. Therefore, this technique is modified by ex-
cluding the second orthogonal component from transmission
in the bit stream. Thus, the reconstructed signals for the
left and right channels consist of differently weighted or
scaled versions of the same transmitted signal. Neverthe-
less, the reconstructed signals differ in their amplitude
but are identical regarding their phase information. The
energy-time envelopes of both original audio channels, how-
ever, are preserved by means of the selective scaling op-
eration, which typically operates in a frequency selective
manner. This conforms to the human perception of sound at
high frequencies, where the dominant spatial cues are de-
termined by the energy envelopes.
Additionally, in practical implementations, the transmitted
signal, i.e. the carrier channel is generated from the sum
signal of the left channel and the right channel instead of
rotating both components. Furthermore, this processing,
i.e., generating intensity stereo parameters for performing
the scaling operation, is performed frequency selective,
i.e., independently for each scale factor band, i.e., en-
coder frequency partition. Preferably, both channels are
combined to form a combined or "carrier" channel, and, in
addition to the combined channel, the intensity stereo in-
formation is determined which depend on the energy of the

first channel, the energy of the second channel or the en-
ergy of the combined or channel.
The BCC technique is described in AES convention paper
5574, "Binaural cue coding applied to stereo and multi-
channel audio compression", C. Faller, F. Baumgarte, May
2002, Munich. In BCC encoding, a number of audio input
channels are converted to a spectral representation using a
DFT based transform with overlapping windows. The resulting
uniform spectrum is divided into non-overlapping partitions
each having an index. Each partition has a bandwidth pro-
portional to the equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB).
The inter-channel level differences (ICLD) and the inter-
channel time differences (ICTD) are estimated for each par-
tition for each frame k. The ICLD and ICTD are quantized
and coded resulting in a BCC bit stream. The inter-channel
level differences and inter-channel time differences are
given for each channel relative to a reference channel.
Then, the parameters are calculated in accordance with pre-
scribed formulae, which depend on the certain partitions of
the signal to be processed.
At a decoder-side, the decoder receives a mono signal and
the BCC bit stream. The mono signal is transformed into the
frequency domain and input into a spatial synthesis block,
which also receives decoded ICLD and ICTD values. In the
spatial synthesis block, the BCC parameters (ICLD and ICTD)
values are used to perform a weighting operation of the
mono signal in order to synthesize the multi-channel sig-
nals, which, after a frequency/time conversion, represent a
reconstruction of the original multi-channel audio signal.
In case of BCC, the joint stereo module 60 is operative to
output the channel side information such that the paramet-
ric channel data are quantized and encoded ICLD or ICTD pa-

rameters, wherein one of the original channels is used as
the reference channel for coding the channel side informa-
Normally, the carrier channel is formed of the sum of the
participating original channels.
Naturally, the above techniques only provide a mono repre-
sentation for a decoder, which can only process the carrier
channel, but is not able to process the parametric data for
generating one or more approximations of more than one in-
put channel.
The audio coding technique known as binaural cue coding
(BCC) is also well described in the United States patent
application publications US 2003, 0219130 A1, 2003/0026441
A1 and 2003/0035553 A1. Additional reference is also made
to "Binaural Cue Coding. Part II: Schemes and Applica-
tions", C. Faller and F. Baumgarte, IEEE Trans. On Audio
and Speech Proc, Vol. 11, No. 6, Nov. 1993. The cited
United States patent application publications and the two
cited technical publications on the BCC technique authored
by Faller and Baumgarte are incorporated herein by refer-
ence in their entireties.
In the following, a typical generic BCC scheme for multi-
channel audio coding is elaborated in more detail with ref-
erence to Figures 11 to 13. Figure 11 shows such a generic
binaural cue coding scheme for coding/transmission of
multi-channel audio signals. The multi-channel audio input
signal at an input 110 of a BCC encoder 112 is down mixed
in a down mix block 114. In the present example, the origi-
nal multi-channel signal at the input 110 is a 5-channel
surround signal having a front left channel, a front right
channel, a left surround channel, a right surround channel

and a center channel. In a preferred embodiment of the pre-
sent invention, the down mix block 114 produces a sum sig-
nal by a simple addition of these five channels into a mono
signal. Other down mixing schemes are known in the art such
that, using a multi-channel input signal, a down mix signal
having a single channel can be obtained. This single chan-
nel is output at a sum signal line 115. A side information
obtained by a BCC analysis block 116 is output at a side
information line 117. In the BCC analysis block, inter-
channel level differences (ICLD), and inter-channel time
differences (ICTD) are calculated as has been outlined
above. Recently, the BCC analysis block 116 has been en-
hanced to also calculate inter-channel correlation values
(ICC values) . The sum signal and the side information is
transmitted, preferably in a quantized and encoded form, to
a BCC decoder 120. The BCC decoder decomposes the transmit-
ted sum signal into a number of subbands and applies scal-
ing, delays and other processing to generate the subbands
of the output multi-channel audio signals. This processing
is performed such that ICLD, ICTD and ICC parameters (cues)
of a reconstructed multi-channel signal at an output 121
are similar to the respective cues for the original multi-
channel signal at the input 110 into the BCC encoder 112.
To this end, the BCC decoder 120 includes a BCC synthesis
block 122 and a side information processing block 123.
In the following, the internal construction of the BCC syn-
thesis block 122 is explained with reference to Fig. 12.
The sum signal on line 115 is input into a time/frequency
conversion unit or filter bank FB 125. At the output of
block 125, there exists a number N of sub band signals or,
in an extreme case, a block of a spectral coefficients,
when the audio filter bank 125 performs a 1:1 transform,
i.e., a transform which produces N spectral coefficients
from N time domain samples.

The BCC synthesis block 122 further comprises a delay stage
126, a level modification stage 127, a correlation process-
ing stage 128 and an inverse filter bank stage IFB 129. At
the output of stage 129, the reconstructed multi-channel
audio signal having for example five channels in case of a
5-channel surround system, can be output to a set of loud-
speakers 124 as illustrated in Fig. 11.
As shown in Fig. 12, the input signal s (n) is converted
into the frequency domain or filter bank domain by means of
element 125. The signal output by element 125 is multiplied
such that several versions of the same signal are obtained
as illustrated by multiplication node 130. The number of
versions of the original signal is equal to the number of
output channels in the output signal, to be reconstructed
When, in general, each version of the original signal at
node 130 is subjected to a certain delay d1, d2, ..., di, ...,
dN. The delay parameters are computed by the side informa-
tion processing block 123 in Fig. 11 and are derived from
the inter-channel time differences as determined by the BCC
analysis block 116.
The same is true for the multiplication parameters a1, a2,
..., a1, ..., aN, which are also calculated by the side infor-
mation processing block 123 based on the inter-channel
level differences as calculated by the BCC analysis block
The ICC parameters calculated by the BCC analysis block 116
are used for controlling the functionality of block 128
such that certain correlations between the delayed and
level-manipulated signals are obtained at the outputs of
block 128. It is to be noted here that the ordering of the

stages 126, 127, 128 may be different from the case shown
in Fig. 12.
It is to be noted here that, in a frame-wise processing of
an audio signal, the BCC analysis is performed frame-wise,
i.e. time-varying, and also frequency-wise. This means
that, for each spectral band, the BCC parameters are ob-
tained. This means that, in case the audio filter bank 125
decomposes the input signal into for example 32 band pass
signals, the BCC analysis block obtains a set of BCC pa-
rameters for each of the 32 bands. Naturally the BCC syn-
thesis block 122 from Fig. 11, which is shown in detail in
Fig. 12, performs a reconstruction which is also based on
the 32 bands in the example.
In the following, reference is made to Fig. 13 showing a
setup to determine certain BCC parameters. Normally, ICLD,
ICTD and ICC parameters can be defined between pairs of
channels. However, it is preferred to determine ICLD and
ICTD parameters between a reference channel and each other
channel. This is illustrated in Fig. 13A.
ICC parameters can be defined in different ways. Most gen-
erally, one could estimate ICC parameters in the encoder
between all possible channel pairs as indicated in Fig.
13B. In this case, a decoder would synthesize ICC such that
it is approximately the same as in the original multi-
channel signal between all possible channel pairs. It was,
however, proposed to estimate only ICC parameters between
the strongest two channels at each time. This scheme is il-
lustrated in Fig. 13C, where an example is shown, in which
at one time instance, an ICC parameter is estimated between
channels 1 and 2, and, at another time instance, an ICC pa-
rameter is calculated between channels 1 and 5. The decoder
then synthesizes the inter-channel correlation between the

strongest channels in the decoder and applies some heuris-
tic rule for computing and synthesizing the inter-channel
coherence for the remaining channel pairs.
Regarding the calculation of, for example, the multiplica-
tion parameters a1, aN based on transmitted ICLD parame-
ters, reference is made to AES convention paper 5574 cited
above. The ICLD parameters represent an energy distribution
in an original multi-channel signal. Without loss of gener-
ality, it is shown in Fig. 13A that there are four ICLD pa-
rameters showing the energy difference between all other
channels and the front left channel. In the side informa-
tion processing block 123, the multiplication parameters
a1, ..., aN are derived from the ICLD parameters such that the
total energy of all reconstructed output channels is the
same as (or proportional to) the energy of the transmitted
sum signal. A simple way for determining these parameters
is a 2-stage process, in which, in a first stage, the mul-
tiplication factor for the left front channel is set to
unity, while multiplication factors for the other channels
in Fig. 13A are set to the transmitted ICLD values. Then,
in a second stage, the energy of all five channels is cal-
culated and compared to the energy of the transmitted sum
signal. Then, all channels are downscaled using a down-
scaling factor which is equal for all channels, wherein the
downscaling factor is selected such that the total energy
of all reconstructed output channels is, after downscaling,
equal to the total energy of the transmitted sum signal.
Naturally, there are other methods for calculating the mul-
tiplication factors, which do not rely on the 2-stage proc-
ess but which only need a 1-stage process.
Regarding the delay parameters, it is to be noted that the
delay parameters ICTD, which are transmitted from a BCC en-

coder can be used directly, when the delay parameter d1 for
the left front channel is set to zero. No reseating has to
be done here, since a delay does not alter the energy of
the signal.
Regarding the inter-channel coherence measure ICC transmit-
ted from the BCC encoder to the BCC decoder, it is to be
noted here that a coherence manipulation can be done by
modifying the multiplication factors a1, ..., an such as by
multiplying the weighting factors of all subbands with ran-
dom numbers with values between 201ogl0(-6) and 201ogl0(6).
The pseudo-random sequence is preferably chosen such that
the variance is approximately constant for all critical
bands, and the average is zero within each critical band.
The same sequence is applied to the spectral coefficients
for each different frame. Thus, the auditory image width is
controlled by modifying the variance of the pseudo-random
sequence. A larger variance creates a larger image width.
The variance modification can be performed in individual
bands that are critical-band wide. This enables the simul-
taneous existence of multiple objects in an auditory scene,
each object having a different image width. A suitable am-
plitude distribution for the pseudo-random sequence is a
uniform distribution on a logarithmic scale as it is out-
lined in the US patent application publication 2003/0219130
Al. Nevertheless, all BCC synthesis processing is related
to a single input channel transmitted as the sum signal
from the BCC encoder to the BCC decoder as shown in Fig.
A related technique, also known as parametric stereo, is
described in J. Breebaart, S. van de Par, A. Kohlrausch, E.
Schuijers, "High-Quality Parametric Spatial Audio Coding at
Low Bitrates", AES 116th Convention, Berlin, Preprint 6072,
May 2004, and E. Schuijers, J. Breebaart, H. Purnhagen, J.

Engdegard, "Low Complexity Parametric Stereo Coding", AES
116th Convention, Berlin, Preprint 6073, May 2004.
As has been outlined above with respect to Fig. 13, the pa-
rametric side information, i.e., the interchannel level
differences (ICLD), the interchannel time differences
(ICTD) or the interchannel coherence parameter (ICC) can be
calculated and transmitted for each of the five channels.
This means that one, normally, transmits five sets of in-
terchannel level differences for a five channel signal. The
same is true for the interchannel time differences. With
respect to the interchannel coherence parameter, it can
also be sufficient to only transmit for example two sets of
these parameters.
As has been outlined above with respect to Fig. 12, there
is not a single level difference parameter, time difference
parameter or coherence parameter for one frame or time por-
tion of a signal. Instead, these parameters are determined
for several different frequency bands so that a frequency-
dependent parametrization is obtained. Since it is pre-
ferred to use for example 32 frequency channels, i.e., a
filter bank having 32 frequency bands for BCC analysis and
BCC synthesis, the parameters can occupy quite a lot of
data. Although - compared to other multi-channel transmis-
sions - the parametric representation results in a quite
low data rate, there is a continuing need for further re-
duction of the necessary data rate for representing a
multi-channel signal such as a signal having two channels
(stereo signal) or a signal having more than two channels
such as a multi-channel surround signal.
To this end, the encoder-side calculated reconstruction pa-
rameters are quantized in accordance with a certain quanti-
zation rule. This means that unquantized reconstruction pa-

rameters are mapped onto a limited set of quantization lev-
els or quantization indices as it is known in the art and
described in detail in C. Faller and F. Baumgarte, "Binau-
ral cue coding applied to audio compression with flexible
rendering," AES 113th Convention, Los Angeles, Preprint
5686, October 2002.
Quantization has the effect that all parameter values,
which are smaller than the quantization step size, are
quantized to zero. Additionally, by mapping a large set of
unquantized values to a small set of quantized values re-
sults in data saving per se. These data rate savings are
further enhanced by entropy-encoding the quantized recon-
struction parameters on the encoder-side. Preferred en-
tropy-encoding methods are Huffman methods based on prede-
fined code tables or based on an actual determination of
signal statistics and signal-adaptive construction of code-
books. Alternatively, other entropy-encoding tools can be
used such as arithmetic encoding.
Generally, one has the rule that the data rate required for
the reconstruction parameters decreases with increasing
quantizer step size. Stated in other words, a coarser quan-
tization results in a lower data rate, and a finer quanti-
zation results in a higher data rate.
Since parametric signal representations are normally re-
quired for low data rate environments, one tries to quan-
tize the reconstruction parameters as coarse as possible to
obtain a signal representation having a certain amount of
data in the base channel, and also having a reasonable
small amount of data for the side information which include
the quantized and entropy-encoded reconstruction parame-
ters .

Prior art methods, therefore, derive the reconstruction pa-
rameters to be transmitted directly from the multi-channel
signal to be encoded. A coarse quantization as discussed
above results in reconstruction parameter distortions,
which result in large rounding errors, when the quantized
reconstruction parameter is inversely quantized in a de-
coder and used for multi-channel synthesis. Naturally, the
rounding error increases with the quantizer step size,
i.e., with the selected "quantizer coarseness". Such round-
ing errors may result in a quantization level change, i.e.,
in a change from a first quantization level at a first time
instant to a second quantization level at a later time in-
stant, wherein the difference between one quantizer level
and another quantizer level is defined by the quite large
quantizer step size, which is preferable for a coarse quan-
tization. Unfortunately, such a quantizer level change
amounting to the large quantizer step size can be triggered
by only a small parameter change, when the unquantized pa-
rameter is in the middle between two quantization levels.
It is clear that the occurrence of such quantizer index
changes in the side information results in the same strong
changes in the signal synthesis stage. When - as an example
- the interchannel level difference is considered, it be-
comes clear that a strong change results in a sharp de-
crease of loudness of a certain loudspeaker signal and an
accompanying sharp increase of the loudness of a signal for
another loudspeaker. This situation, which is only trig-
gered by a quantization level change and a coarse quantiza-
tion can be perceived as an immediate relocation of a sound
source from a (virtual) first place to a (virtual) second
place. Such an immediate relocation from one time instant
to another time instant sounds unnatural, i.e., is per-
ceived as a modulation effect, since sound sources of, in
particular, tonal signals do not change their location very

Generally, also transmission errors may result in sharp
changes of quantizer indices, which immediately result in
the sharp changes in the multi-channel output signal, which
is even more true for situations, in which a coarse quan-
tizer for data rate reasons has been adopted.
Summary of the invention
It is the object of the present invention to provide an im-
proved signal synthesis concept allowing a low data rate on
the one hand and a good subjective quality on the other
In accordance with the first aspect of the present inven-
tion, this object is achieved by a multi-channel synthe-
sizer for generating an output signal from an input signal,
the input signal having at least one input channel and a
sequence of quantized reconstruction parameters, the quan-
tized reconstruction parameters being quantized in accor-
dance with a quantization rule, and being associated with
subsequent time portions of the input channel, the output
signal having a number of synthesized output channels, and
the number of synthesized output channels being greater
than 1 or greater than a number of input channels, compris-
ing: a post processor for determining a post processed re-
construction parameter or a post processed quantity derived
from the reconstruction parameter for a time portion of the
input signal to be processed, wherein the post processor is
operative to determine the post processed reconstruction
parameter such that a value of the post processed recon-
struction parameter or the post processed quantity is dif-
ferent from a value obtainable using requantization in
accordance with the quantization rule; and a multi-channel

reconstructor for reconstructing a time portion of the num-
ber of synthesized output channels using the time portion
of the input channel and the post processed reconstruction
parameter or the post processed quantity.
In accordance with a second aspect of the invention, this
object is achieved by a method of generating an output sig-
nal from an input signal, the input signal having at least
one input channel and a sequence of quantized reconstruc-
tion parameters, the quantized reconstruction parameters
being quantized in accordance with a quantization rule, and
being associated with subsequent time portions of the input
channel, the output signal having a number of synthesized
output channels, and the number of synthesized output chan-
nels being greater than 1 or greater than a number of input
channels, comprising: determining a post processed recon-
struction parameter or a post processed quantity derived
from the reconstruction parameter for a time portion of the
input signal to be processed, such that a value of the post
processed reconstruction parameter or the post processed
quantity is different from a value obtainable using requan-
tization in accordance with the quantization rule; and
reconstructing a time portion of the number of synthesized
output channels using the time portion of the input channel
and the post processed reconstruction parameter or the post
processed quantity.
In accordance with a third aspect of the present invention,
this object is achieved by a computer program implementing
the above method, when running on a computer.
The present invention is based on the finding that a post
processing for quantized reconstruction parameters used in
a multi-channel synthesizer is operative to reduce or even
eliminate problems associated with coarse quantization on

the one hand and quantization level changes on the other
hand. While, in prior art systems, a small parameter change
in an encoder results in a strong parameter change at the
decoder, since a requantization in the synthesizer is only
admissible for the limited set of quantized values, the in-
ventive device performs a post processing of reconstruction
parameters so that the post processed reconstruction pa-
rameter for a time portion to be processed of the input
signal is not determined by the encoder-adopted quantiza-
tion raster, but results in a value of the reconstruction
parameter, which is different from a value obtainable by
the quantization in accordance with the quantization rule.
While, in a linear quantizer case, the prior art method
only allows inversely quantized values being integer multi-
ples of the quantizer step size, the inventive post proc-
essing allows inversely quantized values to be non-integer
multiples of the quantizer step size. This means that the
inventive post processing eliminates the quantizer step
size limitation, since also post processed reconstruction
parameters lying between two adjacent quantizer levels can
be obtained by post processing and used by the inventive
multi-channel reconstructor, which makes use of the post
processed reconstruction parameter.
This post processing can be performed before or after re-
quantization in a multi-channel synthesizer. When the post
processing is performed with the quantized parameters,
i.e., with the quantizer indices, an inverse quantizer is
needed, which can inversely quantize not only quantizer
step multiples, but which can also inversely quantize to
inversely quantized values between multiples of the quan-
tizer step size.

In case the post processing is performed using inversely
quantized reconstruction parameters, a straight-forward in-
verse quantizer can be used, and an interpola-
tion/filtering/smoothing is performed with the inversely-
quantized values.
In case of a non-linear quantization rule, such as a loga-
rithmic quantization rule, a post processing of the quan-
tized reconstruction parameters before requantization is
preferred, since the logarithmic quantization is similar to
the human ear's perception of sound, which is more accurate
for low-level sound and less accurate for high-level sound,
i.e., makes a kind of a logarithmic compression.
It is to be noted here that the inventive merits are not
only obtained by modifying the reconstruction parameter it-
self which is included in the bit stream as the quantized
parameter. The advantages can also be obtained by deriving
a post processed quantity from the reconstruction parame-
ter. This is especially useful, when the reconstruction pa-
rameter is a difference parameter and a manipulation such
as smoothing is performed on an absolute parameter derived
from the difference parameter.
In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the
post processing for the reconstruction parameters is con-
trolled by means of a signal analyser, which analyses the
signal portion associated with a reconstruction parameter
to find out, which signal characteristic is present. In a
preferred embodiment, the inventive post processing is ac-
tivated only for tonal portions of the signal (with respect
to frequency and/or time), while the post processing is de-
activated for non-tonal portions, i.e., transient portions
of the input signal. This makes sure that the full dynamic
of reconstruction parameter changes is transmitted for

transient sections of the audio signal, while this is not
the case for tonal portions of the signal.
Preferably, the post processor performs a modification in
the form of a smoothing of the reconstruction parameters,
where this makes sense from a psycho-acoustic point of
view, without affecting important spatial detection cues,
which are of special importance for non-tonal, i.e., tran-
sient signal portions.
The present invention results in a low data rate, since an
encoder-side quantization of reconstruction parameters can
be a coarse quantization, since the system designer does
not have to fear heavy changes in the decoder because of a
change from a reconstruction parameter from one inversely
quantized level to another inversely quantized level, which
change is reduced by the inventive processing by mapping to
a value between two requantization levels.
Another advantage of the present invention is that the
quality of the system is improved, since audible artefacts
caused by a change from one requantization level to the
next allowed requantization level are reduced by the inven-
tive post processing, which is operative to map to a value
between two allowed requantization levels.
Naturally, the inventive post processing of quantized re-
construction parameters represents a further information
loss, in addition to the information loss obtained by pa-
rametrization in the encoder and subsequent quantization of
the reconstruction parameter. This is, however, not as bad
as it sounds, since the inventive post processor preferably
uses the actual or preceding quantized reconstruction pa-
rameters for determining a post processed reconstruction
parameter to be used for reconstruction of the actual time

portion of the input signal, i.e., the base channel. It has
been shown that this results in an improved subjective
quality, since encoder-induced errors can be compensated to
a certain degree. Even when encoder-side induced errors are
not compensated by the post processing of the reconstruc-
tion parameters, strong changes of the spatial perception
in the reconstructed multi-channel audio signal are re-
duced, preferably only for tonal signal portions, so that
the subjective listening quality is improved in any case,
irrespective of the fact, whether this results in a further
information loss or not.
Brief description of the accompanying drawings
Preferred embodiments of the present invention are subse-
quently described by referring to the enclosed drawings, in
Fig. 1 is a block diagram of a preferred embodiment of
the inventive multi-channel synthesizer;
Fig. 2 is a block diagram of a preferred embodiment of an
encoder/decoder system, in which the multi-channel
synthesizer of Fig. 1 is included;
Fig. 3 is a block diagram of a post processor/signal ana-
lyser combination to be used in the inventive
multi-channel synthesizer of Fig. 1;
Fig. 4 is a schematic representation of time portions of
the input signal and associated quantized recon-
struction parameters for past signal portions, ac-
tual signal portions to be processed and future
signal portions;

Fig. 5 is an embodiment of the post processor from
Fig. 1;
Fig. 6a is another embodiment of the post processor shown
in Fig. 1;
Fig. 6b is another preferred embodiment of the post proc-
Fig. 7a is another embodiment of the post processor shown
in Fig. 1;
Fig. 7b is a schematic indication of the parameters to be
post processed in accordance with the invention
showing that also a quantity derived from the re-
construction parameter can be smoothed;
Fig. 8 is a schematic representation of a quan-
tizer/inverse quantizer performing a straightfor-
ward mapping or an enhanced mapping;
Fig. 9a is an exemplary time course of quantized recon-
struction parameters associated with subsequent
input signal portions;
Fig. 9b is a time course of post processed reconstruction
parameters, which have been post-processed by the
post processor implementing a smoothing (low-pass)
Fig. 10 illustrates a prior art joint stereo encoder;
Fig. 11 is a block diagram representation of a prior art
BCC encoder/decoder chain;

Fig. 12 is a block diagram of a prior art implementation
of a BCC synthesis block of Fig. 11; and
Fig. 13 is a representation of a well-known scheme for de-
termining ICLD, ICTD and ICC parameters.
Fig. 1 shows a block diagram of an inventive multi-channel
synthesizer for generating an output signal from an input
signal. As will be shown later with reference to Fig. 4,
the input signal has at least one input channel and a se-
quence of quantized reconstruction parameters, the quan-
tized reconstruction parameters being quantized in accor-
dance with a quantization rule. Each reconstruction parame-
ter is associated with a time portion of the input channel
so that a sequence of time portions has associated
therewith a sequence of quantized reconstruction parame-
ters. Additionally, it is to be noted that the output sig-
nal, which is generated by the multi-channel synthesizer of
Fig. 1 has a number of synthesized output channels, which
is in any case greater than the number of input channels in
the input signal. When the number of input channels is 1,
i.e., when there is a single input channel, the number of
output channels will be 2 or more. When, however, the num-
ber of input channels is 2 or 3, the number of output chan-
nels will be at least 3 or at least 4.
In the BCC case described above, the number of input chan-
nels will be 1 or generally not more than 2, while the num-
ber of output channels will be 5 (left surround, left, cen-
ter, right, right surround) or 6 (5 surround channels plus
1 sub-woofer channel) or even more in case of 7.1 or 9.1
multi-channel formats.

As shown in Fig. 1, the inventive multi-channel synthesizer
includes, as essential features, a reconstruction parameter
post processor 10 and a multi-channel reconstructor 12. The
reconstruction parameter post processor 10 is operative to
receive quantized and preferably encoded reconstruction pa-
rameters for subsequent time portions of the input channel.
The reconstruction parameter post processor 10 is operative
to determine a post processed reconstruction parameter at
an output thereof for a time portion to be processed of the
input signal. The reconstruction parameter post processor
operates in accordance to a post processing rule, which is
in certain preferred embodiments a low pass filtering rule,
a smoothing rule or something like that. In particular, the
post processor 10 is operative to determine the post proc-
essed reconstruction parameter such that a value of the
post processed reconstruction parameter is different from a
value obtainable by requantization of any quantized recon-
struction parameter in accordance with the quantization
The multi-channel reconstructor 12 is used for reconstruct-
ing a time portion of each of the number of synthesis out-
put channels using the time portion to be processed of the
input channel and the post processed reconstruction parame-
In preferred embodiments of the present invention, the
quantized reconstruction parameters are quantized BCC pa-
rameters such as interchannel level differences, interchan-
nel time differences or interchannel coherence parameters.
Naturally, all other reconstruction parameters such as ste-
reo parameters for intensity stereo or parametric stereo
can be processed in accordance with the present invention
as well.

To summarize, the inventive system has a first input 14a
for the quantized and preferably encoded reconstruction pa-
rameters associated with subsequent time portions of the
input signal. The subsequent time portions of the input
signal are input into a second input 14b, which is con-
nected to the multi-channel reconstructor 12 and preferably
to an input signal analyser 16, which will be described
later. On the output side, the inventive multi-channel syn-
thesizer of Fig. 1 has a multi-channel output signal output
18, which includes several output channels, the number of
which is larger than a number of input channels, wherein
the number of input channels can be a single input channel
or two or more input channels. In any case, there are more
output channels than input channels, since the synthesized
output channels are formed by use of the input signal on
the one hand and the side information in the form of the
reconstruction parameters on the other hand.
In the following, reference will be made to Fig. 4, which
shows an example for a bit stream. The bit stream includes
several frames 20a, 20b, 20c,... Each frame includes a time
portion of the input signal indicated by the upper rectan-
gle of a frame in Fig. 4. Additionally, each frame includes
a set of quantized reconstruction parameters which are as-
sociated with the time portion, and which are illustrated
in Fig. 4 by the lower rectangle of each frame 20a, 20b,
20c. Exemplarily, frame 20b is considered as the input sig-
nal portion to be processed, wherein this frame has preced-
ing input signal portions, i.e., which form the "past" of
the input signal portion to be processed. Additionally,
there are following input signal portions, which form the
"future" of the input signal portion to be processed (the
input portion to be processed is also termed as the "ac-
tual" input signal portion), while input signal portions in
the "past" are termed as former input signal portions,

while signal portions in the future are termed as later in-
put signal portions.
In the following, reference is made to Fig. 2 with respect
to a complete encoder/decoder set-up, in which the inven-
tive multi-channel synthesizer can be situated.
Fig. 2 shows an encoder-side 21 and a decoder-side 22. In
the encoder, N original input channels are input into a
down mixer stage 23. The down mixer stage is operative to
reduce the number of channels to e. g. a single mono-
channel or, possibly, to two stereo channels. The down
mixed signal representation at the output of down mixer 23
is, then, input into a source encoder 24, the source en-
coder being implemented for example as an mp3 decoder or as
an AAC encoder producing an output bit stream. The encoder-
side 21 further comprises a parameter extractor 25, which,
in accordance with the present invention, performs the BCC
analysis (block 116 in Fig. 11) and outputs the quantized
and preferably Huffman-encoded interchannel level differ-
ences (ICLD) . The bit stream at the output of the source
encoder 24 as well as the quantized reconstruction parame-
ters output by parameter extractor 25 can be transmitted to
a decoder 22 or can be stored for later transmission to a
decoder, etc.
The decoder 22 includes a source decoder 26, which is op-
erative to reconstruct a signal from the received bit
stream (originating from the source encoder 24) . To this
end, the source decoder 26 supplies, at its output, subse-
quent time portions of the input signal to an up-mixer 12,
which performs the same functionality as the multi-channel
reconstructor 12 in Fig. 1. Preferably, this functionality
is a BCC synthesis as implemented by block 122 in Fig. 11.

Contrary to Fig. 11, the inventive multi-channel synthe-
sizer further comprises the post processor 10, which is
termed as "interchannel level difference (ICLD) smoother",
which is controlled by the input signal analyser 16, which
preferably performs a tonality analysis of the input sig-
nal .
It can be seen from Fig. 2 that there are reconstruction
parameters such as the interchannel level differences
(ICLDs), which are input into the ICLD smoother, while
there is an additional connection between the parameter ex-
tractor 25 and the up-mixer 12. Via this by-pass connec-
tion, other parameters for reconstruction, which do not
have to be post processed can be supplied from the parame-
ter extractor 25 to the up-mixer 12.
Fig. 3 shows a preferred embodiment of the signal-adaptive
reconstruction parameter processing formed by the signal
analyser 16 and the ICLD smoother 10.
The signal analyser 16 is formed from a tonality determina-
tion unit 16a and a subsequent thresholding device 16b. Ad-
ditionally, the reconstruction parameter post processor 10
from Fig. 2 includes a smoothing filter 10a and a post
processor switch 10b. The post processor switch 10b is op-
erative to be controlled by the thresholding device 16b so
that the switch is actuated, when the thresholding device
16b determines that a certain signal characteristic of the
input signal such as the tonality characteristic is in a
predetermined relation to a certain specified threshold. In
the present case, the situation is such that the switch is
actuated to be in the upper position (as shown in Fig. 3),
when the tonality of a signal portion of the input signal,
and, in particular, a certain frequency band of a certain
time portion of the input signal has a tonality above a to-

nality threshold. In this case, the switch 10b is actuated
to connect the output of the smoothing filter 10a to the
input of the multi-channel reconstructor 12 so that post
processed, but not yet inversely quantized interchannel
differences are supplied to the decoder/multi-channel re-
constructor/up-mixer 12.
When, however, the tonality determination means determines
that a certain frequency band of a actual time portion of
the input signal, i.e., a certain frequency band of an in-
put signal portion to be processed has a tonality lower
than the specified threshold, i.e., is transient, the
switch is actuated such that the smoothing filter 10a is
In the latter case, the signal-adaptive post processing by
the smoothing filter 10a makes sure that the reconstruction
parameter changes for transient signals pass the post proc-
essing stage unmodified and result in fast changes in the
reconstructed output signal with respect to the spatial im-
age, which corresponds to real situations with a high de-
gree of probability for transient signals.
It is to be noted here that the Fig. 3 embodiment, i.e.,
activating post processing on the one hand and fully deac-
tivating post processing on the other hand, i.e., a binary
decision for post processing or not is only a preferred em-
bodiment because of its simple and efficient structure.
Nevertheless, it has to be noted that, in particular with
respect to tonality, this signal characteristic is not only
a qualitative parameter but also a quantative parameter,
which can be normally between 0 and 1. In accordance with
the quantitatively determined parameter, the smoothing de-
gree of a smoothing filter or, for example, the cut-off
frequency of a low pass filter can be set so that, for

heavily tonal signals, a heavy smoothing is activated,
while for signals which are not so tonal, the smoothing
with a lower smoothing degree is initiated.
Naturally, one could also detect transient portions and ex-
aggerate the changes in the parameters to values between
predefined quantized values or quantization indices so
that, for heavily transient signals, the post processing
for the reconstruction parameters results in an even more
exaggerated change of the spatial image of a multi-channel
signal. In this case, a quantization step size of 1 as in-
structed by subsequent reconstruction parameters for subse-
quent time portions can be enhanced to for example 1.5,
1.4, 1.3 etc, which results in an even more dramatically
changing spatial image of the reconstructed multi-channel
It is to be noted here that a tonal signal characteristic,
a transient signal characteristic or other signal charac-
teristics are only examples for signal characteristics,
based on which a signal analysis can be performed to con-
trol a reconstruction parameter post processor. In response
to this control, the reconstruction parameter post proces-
sor determines a post processed reconstruction parameter
having a value which is different from any values for quan-
tization indices on the one hand or requantization values
on the other hand as determined by a predetermined quanti-
zation rule.
It is to be noted here that post processing of reconstruc-
tion parameters dependent on a signal characteristic, i.e.,
a signal-adaptive parameter post processing is only op-
tional. A signal-independent post processing also provides
advantages for many signals. A certain post processing
function could, for example, be selected by the user so

that the user gets enhanced changes (in case of an exag-
geration function) or damped changes (in case of a smooth-
ing function). Alternatively, a post processing independent
of any user selection and independent of signal character-
istics can also provide certain advantages with respect to
error resilience. It becomes clear that, especially in case
of a large quantizer step size, a transmission error in a
quantizer index may result in heavily audible artefacts. To
this end, one would perform a forward error correction or
anything like that, when the signal has to be transmitted
over error-prone channels. In accordance with the present
invention, the post processing can obviate the need for any
bit-inefficient error correction codes, since the post
processing of the reconstruction parameters based on recon-
struction parameters in the past will result in a detection
of erroneous transmitted quantized reconstruction parame-
ters and will result in suitable counter measures against
such errors. Additionally, when the post processing func-
tion is a smoothing function, quantized reconstruction pa-
rameters strongly differing from former or later recon-
struction parameters will automatically be manipulated as
will be outlined later.
Fig. 5 shows a preferred embodiment of the reconstruction
parameter post processor 10 from Fig. 1. In particular, the
situation is considered, in which the quantized reconstruc-
tion parameters are encoded. Here, the encoded quantized
reconstruction parameters enter an entropy decoder 10c,
which outputs the sequence of decoded quantized reconstruc-
tion parameters. The reconstruction parameters at the out-
put of the entropy decoder are quantized, which means that
they do not have a certain "useful" value but which means
that they indicate certain quantizer indices or quantizer
levels of a certain quantization rule implemented by a sub-
sequent inverse quantizer. The manipulator lOd can be, for

example, a digital filter such as an IIR (preferably) or a
FIR filter having any filter characteristic determined by
the required post processing function. A smoothing or low
pass filtering post-processing function is preferred. At
the output of the manipulator lOd, a sequence of manipu-
lated quantized reconstruction parameters is obtained,
which are not only integer numbers but which are any real
numbers lying within the range determined by the quantiza-
tion rule. Such a manipulated quantized reconstruction pa-
rameter could have values of 1.1, 0.1, 0.5,..., compared to
values 1, 0, 1 before stage lOd. The sequence of values at
the output of block lOd are then input into an enhanced in-
verse quantizer lOe to obtain post-processed reconstruction
parameters, which can be used for multi-channel reconstruc-
tion (e. g. BCC synthesis) in block 12 of Fig. 1.
It has to be noted that the enhanced quantizer lOe is dif-
ferent from a normal inverse quantizer since a normal in-
verse quantizer only maps each quantization input from a
limited number of quantization indices into a specified in-
versely quantized output value. Normal inverse quantizers
cannot map non-integer quantizer indices. The enhanced in-
verse quantizer lOe is therefore implemented to preferably
use the same quantization rule such as a linear or loga-
rithmic quantization law, but it can accept non-integer in-
puts to provide output values which are different from val-
ues obtainable by only using integer inputs.
With respect to the present invention, it basically makes
no difference, whether the manipulation is performed before
requantization (see Fig. 5) or after requantization (see
Fig. 6a, Fig. 6b). In the latter case, the inverse quan-
tizer only has to be a normal straightforward inverse quan-
tizer, which is different from the enhanced inverse quan-
tizer lOe of Fig. 5 as has been outlined above. Naturally,

the selection between Fig. 5 and Fig. 6a will be a matter
of choice depending on the certain implementation. For the
present BCC implementation, the Fig. 5 embodiment is pre-
ferred, since it is more compatible with existing BCC algo-
rithms. Nevertheless, this may be different for other ap-
plications .
Fig. 6b shows an embodiment in which the enhanced inverse
quantizer lOe in Fig. 6a is replaced by a straightforward
inverse quantizer and a mapper 10g for mapping in accor-
dance with a linear or preferably non-linear curve. This
mapper can be implemented in hardware or in software such
as a circuit for performing a mathematical operation or as
a look up table. Data manipulation using e.g. the smoother
lOg can be performed before the mapper 10g or after the
mapper lOg or at both places in combination. This embodi-
ment is preferred, when the post processing is performed in
the inverse quantizer domain, since all elements 10f, 10h,
lOg can be implemented using straightforward components
such as circuits of software routines.
Generally, the post processor 10 is implemented as a post
processor as indicated in Fig. 7a, which receives all or a
selection of actual quantized reconstruction parameters,
future reconstruction parameters or past quantized recon-
struction parameters. In the case, in which the post proc-
essor only receives at least one past reconstruction pa-
rameter and the actual reconstruction parameter, the post
processor will act as a low pass filter. When the post
processor 10, however, receives a future quantized recon-
struction parameter, which is not possible in real-time ap-
plications, but which is possible in all other applica-
tions, the post processor can perform an interpolation be-
tween the future and the present or a past quantized recon-
struction parameter to for example smooth a time-course of

a reconstruction parameter, for example for a certain fre-
quency band.
As has been outlined above, the data manipulation to over-
come artefacts due to quantization step sizes in a coarse
quantization environment can also be performed on a quan-
tity derived from the reconstruction parameter attached to
the base channel in the parametrically encoded multi chan-
nel signal. When for example the quantized reconstruction
parameter is a difference parameter (ICLD), this parameter
can be inversely quantized without any modification. Then
an absolute level value for an output channel can be de-
rived and the inventive data manipulation is performed on
the absolute value. This procedure also results in the in-
ventive artefact reduction, as long as a data manipulation
in the processing path between the quantized reconstruction
parameter and the actual reconstruction is performed so
that a value of the post processed reconstruction parameter
or the post processed quantity is different from a value
obtainable using requantization in accordance with the
quantization rule, i.e. without manipulation to overcome
the "step size limitation".
Many mapping functions for deriving the eventually manipu-
lated quantity from the quantized reconstruction parameter
are devisable and used in the art, wherein these mapping
functions include functions for uniquely mapping an input
value to an output value in accordance with a mapping rule
to obtain a non post processed quantity, which is then post
processed to obtain the postprocessed quantity used in the
multi channel reconstruction (synthesis) algorithm.
In the following, reference is made to Fig. 8 to illustrate
differences between an enhanced inverse quantizer 10e of
Fig. 5 and a straightforward inverse quantizer 10f in Fig.

6a. To this end, the illustration in Fig. 8 shows, as a
horizontal axis, an input value axis for non-quantized val-
ues. The vertical axis illustrates the quantizer levels or
quantizer indices, which are preferably integers having a
value of 0, 1, 2, 3. It has to be noted here that the quan-
tizer in Fig. 8 will not result in any values between 0 and
1 or 1 and 2. Mapping to these quantizer levels is con-
trolled by the stair-shaped function so that values between
-10 and 10 for example are mapped to 0, while values be-
tween 10 and 20 are quantized to 1, etc.
A possible inverse quantizer function is to map a quantizer
level of 0 to an inversely quantized value of 0. A quan-
tizer level of 1 would be mapped to an inversely quantized
value of 10. Analogously, a quantizer level of 2 would be
mapped to an inversely quantized value of 20 for example.
Requantization is, therefore, controlled by an inverse
quantizer function indicated by reference number 31. It is
to be noted that, for a straightforward inverse quantizer,
only the crossing points of line 30 and line 31 are possi-
ble. This means that, for a straightforward inverse quan-
tizer having an inverse quantizer rule of Fig. 8 only val-
ues of 0, 10, 20, 30 can be obtained by requantization.
This is different in the enhanced inverse quantizer 10e,
since the enhanced inverse quantizer receives, as an input,
values between 0 and 1 or 1 and 2 such as value 0.5. The
advanced requantization of value 0.5 obtained by the ma-
nipulator lOd will result in an inversely quantized output
value of 5, i.e., in a post processed reconstruction pa-
rameter which has a value which is different from a value
obtainable by requantization in accordance with the quanti-
zation rule. While the normal quantization rule only allows
values of 0 or 10, the inventive inverse quantizer working
in accordance with the inverse quantizer function 31 re-

suits in a different value, i.e., the value of 5 as indi-
cated in Fig. 8.
While the straight-forward inverse quantizer maps integer
quantizer levels to quantized levels only, the enhanced in-
verse quantizer receives non-integer quantizer "levels" to
map these values to "inversely quantized values" between
the values determined by the inverse quantizer rule.
Fig. 9 shows the impact of the inventive post processing
for the Fig. 5 embodiment. Fig. 9a shows a sequence of
quantized reconstruction parameters varying between 0 and
3. Fig. 9b shows a sequence of post processed reconstruc-
tion parameters, which are also termed as "modified quan-
tizer indices", when the wave form in Fig. 9a is input into
a low pass (smoothing) filter. It is to be noted here that
the increases/decreases at time instance 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, and
10 are reduced in the Fig. 9b embodiment. It is to be noted
with emphasis that the peak between time instant 8 and time
instant 9, which might be an artefact is damped by a whole
quantization step. The damping of such extreme values can,
however, be controlled by a degree of post processing in
accordance with a quantitative tonality value as has been
outlined above.
The present invention is advantageous in that the inventive
post processing smoothes fluctuations or smoothes short ex-
treme values. The situation especially arises in a case, in
which signal portions from several input channels having a
similar energy are super-positioned in a frequency band of
a signal, i.e., the base channel or input signal channel.
This frequency band is then, per time portion and depending
on the instant situation mixed to the respective output
channels in a highly fluctuating manner. From the psycho-
acoustic point of view, it would, however, be better to

smooth these fluctuations, since these fluctuations do not
contribute substantially to a detection of a location of a
source but affect the subjective listening impression in a
negative manner.
In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the present
invention, such audible artefacts are reduced or even
eliminated without incurring any quality losses at a dif-
ferent place in the system or without requiring a higher
resolution/quantization (and, thus, a higher data rate) of
the transmitted reconstruction parameters. The present in-
vention reaches this object by performing a signal-adaptive
modification (smoothing) of the parameters without substan-
tially influencing important spatial localization detection
The sudden occurring changes in the characteristic of the
reconstructed output signal result in audible artefacts in
particular for audio signals having a highly constant sta-
tionary characteristic. This is the case with tonal sig-
nals. Therefore, it is important to provide a "smoother"
transition between quantized reconstruction parameters for
such signals. This can be obtained for example by smooth-
ing, interpolation, etc.
Additionally, such a parameter value modification can in-
troduce audible distortions for other audio signal types.
This is the case for signals, which include fast fluctua-
tions in their characteristic. Such a characteristic can be
found in the transient part or attack of a percussive in-
strument. In this case, the present invention provides for
a deactivation of parameter smoothing.
This is obtained by post processing the transmitted quan-
tized reconstruction parameters in a signal-adaptive way.

The adaptivity can be linear or non-linear. When the adap-
tivity is non-linear, a thresholding procedure as described
in Fig. 3 is performed.
Another criterion for controlling the adaptivity is a de-
termination of the stationarity of a signal characteristic.
A certain form for determining the stationarity of a signal
characteristic is the evaluation of the signal envelope or,
in particular, the tonality of the signal. It is to be
noted here that the tonality can be determined for the
whole frequency range or, preferably, individually for dif-
ferent frequency bands of an audio signal.
The present invention results in a reduction or even elimi-
nation of artefacts, which were, up to now, unavoidable,
without incurring an increase of the required data rate for
transmitting the parameter values.
As has been outlined above with respect to figures 2 and 3,
the preferred embodiment of the present invention performs
a smoothing of interchannel level differences, when the
signal portion under consideration has a tonal characteris-
tic. Interchannel level differences, which are calculated
in an encoder and quantized in an encoder are sent to a de-
coder for experiencing a signal-adaptive smoothing opera-
tion. The adaptive component is a tonality determination in
connection with a threshold determination, which switches
on the filtering of interchannel level differences for to-
nal spectral components, and which switches off such post
processing for noise-like and transient spectral compo-
nents. In this embodiment, no additional side information
of an encoder are required for performing adaptive smooth-
ing algorithms.

It is to be noted here that the inventive post processing
can also be used for other concepts of parametric encoding
of multi-channel signals such as for parametric stereo
MP3/AAC, MP3 surround, and similar methods.

1. A multi-channel synthesizer for generating an output signal from an
input signal, the input signal having at least one input channel and a
sequence of quantized reconstruction parameters, the quantized
reconstruction parameters being quantized in accordance with a
quantization rule, and being associated with subsequent time portions
of the input channel, the output signal having a number of synthesized
output channels, and the number of synthesized output channels being
greater than 1, or greater than a number of input channels, the
synthesizer comprising :
a post processor (10) for determining one of a post processed
reconstruction parameter and a post processed quantity derived from
the reconstruction parameter for a time portion of the input signal to
be processed, wherein the post processor (10) is operative to
determine one of the post processed reconstruction parameter and the
post processed quantity such that a value of the post processed
reconstruction parameter or the post processed quantity is different
from a value obtainable using requantization in accordance with the
quantization rule; and
a multi-channel reconstructor (12) for reconstructing a time portion of
the number of synthesized output channels using the time portion of
the input channel and one of the processed reconstruction parameter
and the post processed value.

2. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in claim 1, further
an input signal analyzer (16) for analyzing the input signal to
determine a signal characteristic of the time portion of the input signal
to be processed; and
wherein the post processor (10) is operative to determine the post
processed reconstruction parameter depending on the signal
3. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in claim 2, wherein the post
processor (10) is operative to determine the post processed
reconstruction parameter, when a predetermined signal characteristic
is determined by the input signal analyser (16), and to bypass the post
processor (10), when the predetermined signal characteristic is not
determined by the input signal analyzer for a time portion of the input
4. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in claim 3, wherein the input
signal analyzer (16) is operative to determine the signal characteristic
as the predetermined signal characteristic, when a signal characteristic
value is in a specified relation to a threshold.
5. The multi-channel synthesizer an claim 2, 3 or 4 wherein the signal
characteristic is a tonality characteristic or a transient characteristic of
the portion of the input signal to be processed.

6. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in anyone of claims 1-5
wherein the post processor (10) is operative to perform a smoothing
function so that a sequence of post processed reconstruction
parameters is smoother in time compared to a sequence of non post-
processed inversely quantized reconstruction parameters.
7. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in anyone of claims 1-6,
which the post processor (10) is operative to perform a smoothing
function, and wherein the post processor (10) includes a digital filter
having a low pass characteristic, the filter receiving as an input at least
one reconstruction parameter associated with a preceding time portion
of the input signal.
8. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in anyone of claims 1-7,
which the post processor (10) is operative to perform an interpolating
function using a reconstruction parameter associated with at least one
preceding time portion or using a reconstruction parameter associated
with at least one subsequent time portion.
9. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in anyone of claims 1-8,
which the post processor (10) is operative to determine a manipulated
reconstruction parameter as not being coincident with any quantization
level defined by the quantization rule, and to inversely quantize the
manipulated reconstruction parameter using a inverse quantizer being
operable to map the manipulated reconstruction parameter to an
inversely quantized manipulated reconstruction parameter not being
coincident with an inversely quantized value defined by mapping any
quantization level by the inverse quantizer.

10. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in claim 9, wherein the
quantization rule is a logarithmic quantization rules.
11. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in anyone of claims 1-11,
which the post processor (10) is operative to inversely quantize
quantized reconstruction parameters in accordance with the
quantization rule, to manipulate obtained inversely quantized
reconstruction parameters, and to map manipulated parameters in
accordance with one of a non-linear and a linear function.
12. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in anyone of claims 1-11,
which the post processor (10) is operative to inversely quantize
quantized reconstruction parameters in accordance with the
quantization rule, to map obtained inversely quantized parameters in
accordance with a non-linear or linear function; and to manipulate
obtained mapped reconstruction parameters.
13. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in anyone of claims 1-12,
which the post processor (10) is operative to an inversely quantized
reconstruction parameter associated with the subsequent time portion
of the input signal in accordance with the quantization rule, and which
the post processor (10) is further operative to determine a post
processed reconstruction parameter based on at least one inversely
quantized reconstruction parameter for at least one preceding time
portion of the input signal.

14. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in anyone of claims 1-13,
which a time portion of the input signal has associated therewith a
plurality of quantized reconstruction parameters for different frequency
bands of the input signal, and wherein the post processor (10) is
operative to determine post processed reconstruction parameters for
the different frequency bands of the input signal.
15. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in anyone of claims 1-14,
wherein the input signal is a sum spectrum obtained by combining at
least two original channels of a multi-channel audio signal, and
Wherein the quantized reconstruction parameter is an interchannel
level difference parameter, an interchannel time difference parameter,
an interchannel phase difference parameter or an interchannel
coherence parameter.
16. The multi-channel synthesizer an anyone of claims 2-15, which the
input channel analyzer (16) is operative to determine a degree
quantitatively indicating how much the input signal has the signal
characteristic, and
which the post processor (10) is operative to perform a post
processing with a strength depending on the degree.
17. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in anyone of claim 1-16,
which the post processor (10) is operative to us the quantized
reconstruction parameter associated with the time portion to be
processed, when determining the post processed reconstruction
parameter for the time portion to be processed.

18. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in anyone of claims 1-17,
which the quantization rule is such that a difference between two
adjacent quantization levels is larger than a difference between two
numbers determined by a processor accuracy of a processor for
performing numerical calculations.
19. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in anyone of claims 1-18,
which the quantized reconstruction parameters are entropy encoded
and associated with the time portion in an entropy encoded form, and
which the post processor (10) is operative to entropy-decode the
entropy-encoded quantized reconstruction parameter used for
determining the post processed reconstruction parameters.
20. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in claim 7, which the digital
filter (10a) is an IIR filter.
21. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in anyone of claims 1-20,
which the post processor (10) is operative to implement a post
processing rule such that a difference between post processed
reconstruction parameters for subsequent time portions is smaller than
a difference between non-post processed reconstruction parameters
derived from the quantized reconstruction parameters associated with
subsequent time portions by requantizastion.
22. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in anyone of claims 1-21,
which the postprocessed quantity is derived from the quantized
reconstruction parameter only using a mapping function uniquely
mapping an input value to an output value in accordance with a

mapping rule to obtain a non post processed quantity, and which the
post processor is operative to post process the non postprocessed
quantity to obtain the postprocessed quantity.
23. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in anyone of claims 1-22,
which the quantized reconstruction parameter is a difference
parameter indicating a parameterized difference between two absolute
quantities associated with the input channels, and wherein the post
processed quantity is an absolute value used for reconstructing an
output channel corresponding to one of the input channels.
24. The multi-channel synthesizer as claimed in anyone of claims 1-23,
which the quantized reconstruction parameter is an inter channel lev el
difference, and in which the post processed quantity indicates an
absolute level of an output channel, or wherein the quantized
reconstruction parameter is an inter channel time difference, and in
which the post processed quantity indicates an absolute time reference
of an output channel, or
wherein the quantized reconstruction parameter is an inter channel
phase difference, and in which the post processed quantity indicates
an absolute phase value of an output channel.
25. A method of generating an output signal from an input signal, the
input signal having at least one input channel and a sequence of
quantized reconstruction parameters, the quantized reconstruction
parameters being quantized in accordance with a quantization rule,
and being associated with subsequent time portions of the input

channel, the output signal having a number of synthesized output
channels, and the number of synthesized output channels being
greater than 1 or greater than a number of input channels, the method
determining (10) a post processed reconstruction parameter or a post
processed quantity derived from the reconstruction parameter for a
time portion of the input signal to be processed, such that a value of
the post processed reconstruction parameter or the post processed
quantity is different from a value obtainable using requantization in
accordance with the quantization rule; and reconstructing (12) a time
portion of the number of synthesized output channels using the time
portion of the input channel and the post processed reconstruction
parameter or the post processed value.


03518-kolnp-2006 abstract.pdf

03518-kolnp-2006 claims.pdf

03518-kolnp-2006 correspondence others.pdf

03518-kolnp-2006 description (complete).pdf

03518-kolnp-2006 drawings.pdf

03518-kolnp-2006 form 1.pdf

03518-kolnp-2006 form 2.pdf

03518-kolnp-2006 form 3.pdf

03518-kolnp-2006 form 5.pdf

03518-kolnp-2006 international publication.pdf

03518-kolnp-2006 international search authority report.pdf

03518-kolnp-2006 pct request.pdf

03518-kolnp-2006 priority document.pdf

03518-kolnp-2006-correspondence others-1.1.pdf





03518-kolnp-2006-international search authority report-1.1.pdf

03518-kolnp-2006-pct others.pdf



3518-KOLNP-2006-AMANDED CLAIMS-1.1.pdf


3518-KOLNP-2006-CORRESPONDENCE 1.1.pdf







3518-kolnp-2006-examination report.pdf

3518-KOLNP-2006-FORM 1-1.1.pdf

3518-KOLNP-2006-FORM 1.pdf

3518-kolnp-2006-form 18.pdf

3518-KOLNP-2006-FORM 2-1.1.pdf

3518-KOLNP-2006-FORM 2.pdf

3518-kolnp-2006-form 3.1.pdf

3518-KOLNP-2006-FORM 3.pdf

3518-kolnp-2006-form 5.pdf




3518-kolnp-2006-granted-description (complete).pdf


3518-kolnp-2006-granted-form 1.pdf

3518-kolnp-2006-granted-form 2.pdf





3518-KOLNP-2006-PETITION UNDER RULE 137 1.1.pdf

3518-KOLNP-2006-PETITION UNDER RULR 137-1.2.pdf

3518-kolnp-2006-reply to examination report.pdf


Patent Number 250122
Indian Patent Application Number 3518/KOLNP/2006
PG Journal Number 49/2011
Publication Date 09-Dec-2011
Grant Date 08-Dec-2011
Date of Filing 24-Nov-2006
Applicant Address HANSASTRASSE 27C, 80686, MUNCHEN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04S 3/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2005/006315
PCT International Filing date 2005-06-13
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10/883,538 2004-06-30 U.S.A.