Title of Invention


Abstract An anti-insect Trap Cover comprising a Circular Housing with a slide locking is fixed over the base units of Nahni or Gully Traps, flushed with the floor level wherein a Base Cup capable of holding or retaining a portion of drain water having a raised drain water out let thereby forming a water seal around the Inverted Cup assembled with the said base cup within the Circular Housing. The Inverted Cup is consisting peripheral perforations or slits to allow drain water and immersed within the water seal and whereas the excess drain water coming from the floor creates pressure in the water seal and overflows through the raised drain water out let and falls into the said base units embedded within the flooring bed. A water seal all around the cover allows the water to pass through the perforations or slits or other means of the Anti-lnsect Trap Cover and in turn pass through the Nahni or Gully Trap, thereby allowing the drain water to drain through the drain pipes of the drainage or sewerage systems. The design of the above said Cover does not allow any Insects or Cockroaches into the living environment of dwelling or Offices. Hence, the actual problem of Insects is totally solved, making our life more comfortable. These Traps can be made of suitable Plastic or metals or Stainless Steel or alloys there of. The Size, Shape also can be varied. Preferred one being Circular. A circular weak Central portion of the Top cover with perforations or slits around the tapered portion of the Inverted Cup, can be removed to make a central top hole and a tubular adopter is pierced to lock to facilitate drain water pipe or Hose drawn from the wash basin or sink. -_I
Full Text

This Invention relates to " ANTI-INSECT TRAP COVER ", for use in Drainage Systems to cater to cover Nahni-Traps & Gully Traps to provide an Anti-Insect Trap Cover with perforations to allow water to enter into Nahni Or Gully Traps freely without any Obstruction and at the same time disallow any insects that breed in the drainage pipes and try to enter bath rooms and kitchens from the Conventional fully Covers which can not stop the insects to pass through such Covers of the Nahni Or Gully Traps.
v The Specialty Feature of this Anti-Insect Trap Cover is that it can be applied to
Nahni-Traps and Gully Traps with some dimensional Modifications and Shape
Modification applying the basic Design of the Anti-Insect Trap Cover.
v The Anti-Insect Trap Cover is well designed to cater the drainage needs and to protect
bath rooms and kitchens with the help of an In-Built Water Seal which seals the
Nahni or Gully Trap totally with the help of the drain water which passes through the
Anti-Insect Trap Cover.
The present Invention of "Anti-Insect Trap Cover" is an improved Product over the present practice, in use or being followed relating to Nahni Or Gully Traps in Drainage and Sewerage Systems, etc..
(i) This Invention caters the present day needs of Society in a better manner over the present day practice relating to Nahni-Traps & Gully Traps. Firstly, the present day professionals in this line, did not properly attend the Area of Making Nahni Or Gully Trap Covers with proper design Standards to cater to the Public,. The present Invention takes care of the actual Consumer to fully cater to his total requirements. The Consumer of the Conventional Nahni Or Gully Trap Cover is highly unhappy and feels unhygienic Conditions both in the Kitchens and Toilets with the Spread of Insects which forces the Consumer to use Insect Killer Sprays which is Poisonous to the micro-environmental conditions of his dwelling or Office. And another implication is that the Insects that comes from the drainage pipes through the Conventional Covers of the Nahni Or Gully Traps enters the other living and bedrooms and spreads into the ward robes and it is very difficult to hunt them with the help of poisonous Sprays which is hazardous to human health. Hence, it is a situation to pay a in-depth Thought to actually solve the issue of entry of Insects into the living environment. The Present Invention of Anti-Insect Trap Cover to Nahni or Gully Traps is well designed with a water seal all around the cover allowing water all around through the perforations of the Anti-Insect Trap Cover to pass through the Nahni Or Gully Trap thereby allowing the drain water to drain out through the drain Pipes of the Drainage System. The Design of the Anti-Insect Trap Cover does not allow any insects like Cockroaches or Other like insects into the Living Spaces of the Dwelling Or Office Spaces. Hence, the actual Problem of insects is solved totally, making human life happy.
(ii) Hence, we require a highly efficient Product, which can overcome these constraints and shall also be cost-effective when compared with traditional or conventional type Covers for use in Nahni or Gully Traps. The Present Invention is made Possible by using high-technical Skills in designing the final New Product.
(iii) As the Anti-Insect Trap Cover is called by itself is self explanatory by giving an Idea of a Modern Product which does not allow any Insects into the living environment. This is achieved through designing the perforations, which passes water into the drain-pipes, are kept within the water seal of the Product. Here, the water pressure from the flooring is increased with the coming up water which tries to pass through the Anti-Insect Trap Cover of the Nahni or Gully Trap, increases Pressure in the Water Seal of the Anti-Insect Trap Cover and thereby allowing water to Overflow through the Water Seal thereby allowing the drain water to pass through the Nahni Or Gully Trap.

(iv) Generally Nahni Traps are Circular in Shape and whereas the Gully Traps are Square in Shape. Hence, it is required to design the Two types keeping in View the basic Design Principle of the Anti-Insect Trap Covers to suit the Dimensional requirements and also to suit the basic Shapes of the Nahni & Gully Traps separately. The method Of providing water seal around the Nahni or Gully Trap cover is maintained to fulfill the Basic Concept of the Design of the Anti-Insect Trap Covers.
(v) As Compared to the Gully Trap with the Nahni Traps, the Nahni Traps cater to two different needs namely to cater to Toilet Nahni Traps and Sink or Wash Basin Nahni traps. The Wash Basin or Sink Nahni traps are provided with a top hole to suit to the connecting drain pipe to be inserted into the Anti-Insect Trap Covers. Hence, it is required to produce two different types of Anti-Insect Trap Covers, One with a Top Hole to cater to Sink and Wash Basins and Other without a Top Hole to cater to normal Toilet Nahni Trap, (vi) A Product of Anti-Insect Trap Cover for use as Nahni Trap Cover or Gully Trap Cover wherein the Anti-Insect Trap Cover i's designed with an all-round water seal as per the View Sheets, wherein perforations are provided within the water seal to allow the drain water to enter the Nahni Or Gully Trap with the help of pressure created due to the coming up drain water which increases the pressure within the water seal and allows drain water to Overflow through the water seal and falls into the Nahni Or Gully Trap allowing the drain water to flow through the drainage system wherein the Anti-Insect Trap Cover allows only drain water to enter into drainage pipes of the drainage system and simultaneously creating a water seal all-round with the help of the remaining drain water which becomes stagnant after allowing the excess drain water to flow through the Anti-Insect Trap Cover due to the design of the Anti-Insect Trap Cover wherein the cover of the Nahni Or Gully Trap is sealed totally all around the Anti-Insect Trap Cover thereby the Perforations provided all-round the tapered surface of the Anti-Insect Trap Cover are immersed in the stagnant drain water and remains as a water seal which does not allow any kind of insects like Cockroaches or like Insects to come from inside the Nahni Or Gully Trap Out into the Toilets or Kitchens thereby totally stopping the entry of Insects into the living environment there by totally disconnecting the drainage pipes of the drainage system where the Insects naturally breed and try to enter the Living Environment whereas the Anti-Insect Trap Cover is designed as per the relevant Country's Standard Codes of Practice and as per the Market Standards with regard to the size, shape & dimensional Criteria that is being followed for Nahni and Gully Traps, (vii) A Product, Wherein the Anti-Insect Trap Cover is produced Monolithically Or made into Multiple Component Units with different provisions for assembly, like Screw Type Provisions or Press-Type Provisions Or any Other suitable Known Provisions which assist in assembling to make a final Assembled Product of Anti-Insect Trap Cover wherein the Anti-Insect Trap Cover is Produced along with the Nahni Or Gully Traps itself monolithically Or the Nahni Or Gully Trap along with the Anti-Insect Trap Cover is made into different Component units with the help of Known attaching systems wherein the Component Units are assembled to make the final product of Nahni Or Gully Trap itself, (viii) A Product, Wherein the Anti-Insect Trap Cover may be selected from many a state of art materials, including, asbestos cement, fiber-gloss, HDPE, polymers and a variety of minerals and chemical substances, reagents and catalysts, combinations and mixtures there of, further processed to achieve a higher strength and durability Or Cast-iron, Pig-iron, aluminum and many known metals and alloys there of and a variety of Rubbers or Rubbers mixed with Plastics, wherein The size, shape, dimensional-parameters are worked out based on the available criteria, technology and method of production and development of new technology or material for enriching the quality, durability etc., shall follow the relevant Country's Standards and Codes of Practice.

(ix) A Product, Wherein the Anti-Insect Trap Cover is selected from Circular, Rectangular, Chamfered Rectangle, Polygonal, Transformed-Shapes Or any other and Composite Shapes, etc., where in many shapes are merged to serve the basic purpose of the Anti-Insect Trap Cover to cater to Nahni Or Gully Traps.
(x) A Product, Wherein the dimensional range of the Anti-Insect Trap Cover for use or application to Nahni Traps ranges from 75mm to 300mm and the depth of the Anti-Insect Trap Cover ranges from 25mm to 150mm., Whereas for application to Gully Traps, the dimensional Range ranges from 100mm to 500mm.and the depth of the Anti-Insect Trap Cover ranges from 50mm to 300mm.
(xi) A Product, Wherein, Locking or Interlocking-arrangements can be made while designing the Anti-Insect Trap Cover components, so as to facilitate the Component Units for firm-gripping of Units to one another and to arrest movement of component Units after assembly / installation or jointing with a known material, is done/completed.
(xii) A Product, Wherein, Categorization of Anti-Insect Trap Covers can be done based on the Type, Size, Shape and Provision of different specialty needs of Nahni Traps or Gully Traps, Etc. and Whereas the Anti-Insect Trap Covers are designed with Tolerances & Provisions for multiple applications with varied diameters, Shapes and Special-angular and other requirements and Whereas The size shape and dimensional Criteria are separately adopted for the design of Nahni or Gully Traps respectively to suit the technical needs of the Nahni Or Gully Traps.
(xiii) A Product, Wherein, Many embodiments, modifications and alterations are possible within the Scope and frame-work of Anti-Insect Trap Covers, relating to design-processes, addition of new features, adoption of known methods, of production and manufacture of Anti-Insect Trap Covers and its Component Units.
(xiv) A Product, Wherein, incase of Nahni Traps intended for use of Wash-Basins & Sinks the Anti-Insect Trap Cover is Provided with a Central Hole for insertion of a Hose Or a Drain Pipe which is inserted into the Hole provided at the top of the Anti-Insect Trap Cover to a depth where a small portion of the hose is inserted into the stagnant water of the Nahni Trap itself so as to stop insects not to enter into the Hose and come out of the wash Basins and Sinks.
(xv) A Product, Wherein, the said Anti-Insect Trap Cover, as here in, illustrated as per the attached drawings, governed, worked-out, conceptualized, exemplified and as Substantially described herein.
(xvi) Factors governing the design-process and process of production of "Anti-Insect Trap Cover", which is capable of conversion to use both for Nahni Traps & Gully Traps:-
· Selection of materials that are suitable to produce Anti-Insect Trap Cover to
· cater to Nahni Traps and Gully Traps.
· Selecting a shape selected from Circular, Rectangular, Chamfered Rectangle,
· Polygonal, Transformed-Shapes Or any other and Composite Shapes, etc.,
· wherein many shapes are merged to serve the basic purpose of the Anti-Insect
· Trap Cover to cater to Nahni Or Gully Traps.
· The Anti-Insect Trap Cover may be made Monolithic or In multiple part units
· to be assembled to make the final product
· Design of Different Component Units with many provisions & features
· The size shape and dimensional Criteria are separately adopted for the design of
· Nahni or Gully Traps respectively to suit the technical needs of the Nahni Or
· Gully Traps.

The Anti-Insect Trap Cover may be produced monolithically or may be produced by designing the product in different Components with attaching Screw-Type arrangement or Press-Type arrangement or any other suitable known method to attach the component units to be assembled to form final product following a dimensional Criteria keeping in view the Purpose and application of relevant Country's Prevailing Standards and Codes of practice. Standardization of different Units and Fixing-up of dimensions, keeping in view the market-demand, as per the prevailing code of practice or as per relevant country's prevailing Standards, so as to satisfy the legality of this Anti-Insect Trap Cover.
Development of relevant Technology for production in bulk to satisfy the Market-Demand.
In-case of Specialty Anti-Insect Trap Cover, where a coating or covering of a different material is required to protect the basic Anti-Insect Trap Cover structure and its material. Use of different protective Coatings or application of materials for increasing durability and finish of the Anti-Insect Trap Covers. Where the Anti-Insect Trap Cover may be selected from many a state of art materials, including, asbestos cement, fiber-gloss, HDPE, polymers and a variety of minerals and chemical substances, reagents and catalysts, combinations and mixtures there of, further processed to achieve a higher strength and durability Or Cast-Iron, Pig-iron, aluminum and many known metals and alloys there of. The size, shape, dimensional-parameters are worked out based on the available criteria, technology and method of production and development of new technology or material for enriching the quality, durability etc., shall follow the relevant Country's Standards and Codes of Practice.
Making provisions for varied diameters of Nahni Traps and to cater to various Size and Shapes different types of Gully Traps
The Anti-Insect Trap Covers are designed with Tolerances & Provisions for multiple applications with varied diameters, Shapes and Special-angular and other requirements.
Casting Techniques are developed and adopted based on the quantity of production that may be required to suit the market demand, in case of Caste-Iron Component Units production.
Categorization of Anti-Insect Trap Covers based on the Type, Size, Shape and
Provision of different specialty needs of Nahni Traps or Gully Traps, Etc.
All safety codes, Test-Codes, Other Codes of Practice and Standards of the
relevant country shall be followed as provided and specified for Anti-Insect Trap
Locking or Interlocking-arrangements can be made while designing the Anti-Insect Trap Cover components, so as to facilitate the Component Units for firm-gripping of Units to one another and to arrest movement of component Units after assembly / installation or jointing with a known material, is done/completed.
Many embodiments, modifications and alterations are possible within the Scope and frame-work of Anti-Insect Trap Covers, relating to design, processes, addition of new features, adoption of known methods, of production and manufacture of Anti-Insect Trap Covers and its Component Units.

• The dimensional range of the Anti-Insect Trap Cover for use or application to
• Nahni Traps ranges from 75mm to 300mm and the depth of the Anti-Insect
• Trap Cover ranges from 25mm to 150mm. Whereas for application to Gully
• Traps, the dimensional Range ranges from 100mm to 500mm.and the depth of
• the Anti-Insect Trap Cover ranges from 50mm to 300mm.
• The Anti-Insect Trap Cover for Nahni or Gully Traps may be made monolithic
• with the Nahni or Gully Traps or the Anti-Insect Trap Cover merged with the
• basic unit or bottom unit of the Nahni or Gully Trap may be divided into
• different component Units and assembled to form a complete Nahni Or Gully
• Trap,
(xvii) The following Example explains and illustrates as per the attached view-sheets, in detail, the Concept of "Anti-Insect Trap Cover", in a better manner, so as to understand the Concept and its implementation, for manufacture into a physical product.
(xviii) EXAMPLE-1: - Circular Type Anti-Insect Trap Cover for Nahni-Traps: The Process of Production Or Manufacture & Installation of Circular Type Anti-Insect Trap Cover, based on the Governing factors & Worked out Ranges & Parameters, using relevant known Technology, Suitable to produce Anti-Insect Trap Covers in Plastic Material, comprises of the following Steps: -
1. Making of moldings as per design as explained above a single Mold Or Multiple
2. Moldings as required for Bulk Production With all Technical Requirements of
3. Injection Molding Machine and as per the attached View Sheets.
4. Fixing the Mold Or Moldings at Once Or One by One to Injection Molding Machine
5. for Automation Process of Production with required Expertise.
6. Taking Out the Final Product Or its Component Units.
7. Finishing the Product Or its Component Units.
8. Manual Correction or Modification to improve the final Product.
9. Assembly of Component Units when produced in more than One Component Units.
10. Final Finishing of the Assembled Product with a Finishing Coat.
11. Drying Process if Required.
12. Packing the Product to supply to the Market.

· View Sheet-1 is a Photographic View, which is self explanatory, describing an Anti-
· Insect Trap Cover intended for Nahni Traps, without a Central-Hole on the top Part of
· the Anti-Insect Trap Cover which is referred as "A" and the Second Photographic
· View describes by itself with a Central-Hole on the Top, to allow the Hose pipe or
· drain-pipe to be inserted incase of Wash-Basin Or Sink purpose. The Photo-View
· shows the Stagnant Water that is retained in the Anti-Insect Trap Cover, also
· transparently showing the Perforations within the Water-Seal.
· View Sheet-2 is a Technical Section Drawing of the View Sheet-1, explaining the
· Anti-Insect Trap Cover intended for use of Nahni Traps, showing Parts "A" &"B"
· Wherein Part- A Explains Section of Anti-Insect Trap Cover with a Central Hole as
· explained above for Toilet Nahni Traps and Part-B, With Central Hole intended for
? use of Nahni Traps of Wash-Basins & Sinks Purpose.
The terms & expressions, view-drawings, attached with this specification are of description and not of limitation, there being no intention in the use of such terms & expressions of excluding any equivalents of the features and Concept, herein are possible without departing from the scope & ambit of this invention.

1. A Product of Anti-Insect Trap Cover for use as Nahni Trap Cover or Gully Trap Cover
2. wherein the Anti-Insect Trap Cover is designed with an all-round water seal as per the
3. View Sheets, wherein perforations are provided within the water seal to allow the drain
4. water to enter the Nahni Or Gully Trap with the help of pressure created due to the
5. coming up drain water which increases the pressure within the water seal and allows
6. drain water to Overflow through the water seal from inside the Anti-Insect Trap Cover
7. and falls into the Nahni Or Gully Trap allowing the drain water to flow through the
8. drainage system wherein the Anti-Insect Trap Cover allows only drain water to enter into
9. drainage pipes of the drainage system and simultaneously creating a water seal all-round
10. with the help of the remaining drain water which becomes stagnant after allowing the
11. excess drain water to flow through the Anti-Insect Trap Cover due to the design of the
12. Anti-Insect Trap Cover wherein the cover of the Nahni Or Gully Trap is sealed totally all
13. around the Anti-Insect Trap Cover thereby the Perforations provided all-round the
14. tapered surface of the Anti-Insect Trap Cover are immersed in the stagnant drain water
15. and remains as a water seal which does not allow any kind of insects like Cockroaches or
16. like Insects to come from inside the Nahni Or Gully Trap Out into the Toilets or Kitchens
17. thereby totally stopping the entry of Insects into the living environment there by totally
18. disconnecting the drainage pipes of the drainage system where the Insects naturally breed
19. and try to enter the Living Environment whereas the Anti-Insect Trap Cover is designed
20. as per the relevant Country's Standard Codes of Practice and as per the Market Standards
21. with regard to the size, shape & dimensional Criteria that is being followed for Nahni and
22. Gully Traps.
23. A Product as Claimed in Claim: 1, Wherein the Anti-Insect Trap Cover is produced
24. Monolithically Or made into Multiple Component Units with different provisions for
25. assembly, like Screw Type Provisions or Press-Type Provisions Or any Other suitable
26. Known Provisions which assist in assembling to make a final Assembled Product of
27. Anti-Insect Trap Cover wherein the Anti-Insect Trap Cover is Produced along with the
28. Nahni Or Gully Traps itself monolithically Or the Nahni Or Gully Trap along with the
29. Anti-Insect Trap Cover is made into different Component units with the help of Known
30. attaching systems wherein the Component Units are assembled to make the final product
31. of Nahni Or Gully Trap itself.
32. A Product as claimed Claim: 1 & 2, Wherein the Anti-Insect Trap Cover may be selected
33. from many a state of art materials, including, asbestos cement, fiber-gloss, HDPE,
34. polymers and a variety of minerals and chemical substances, reagents and catalysts,
35. combinations and mixtures there of, further processed to achieve a higher strength and
36. durability Or Cast-iron, Pig-iron, aluminum and many known metals and alloys there of
37. and a variety of Rubbers or Rubbers mixed with Plastics, wherein The size, shape,
38. dimensional-parameters are worked out based on the available criteria, technology and
39. method of production and development of new technology or material for enriching the
40. quality, durability etc., shall follow the relevant Country's Standards and Codes of
41. Practice.
42. A Product as claimed in Claim: 1 to 3, Wherein the Anti-Insect Trap Cover is selected
43. from Circular, Rectangular, Chamfered Rectangle, Polygonal, Transformed-Shapes Or
44. any other and Composite Shapes, etc., where in many shapes are merged to serve the
45. basic purpose of the Anti-Insect Trap Cover to cater to Nahni Or Gully Traps.

5. A Product as claimed in Claim: 1 to 4, Wherein the dimensional range of the Anti-Insect
Trap Cover for use or application to Nahni Traps ranges from 75mm to 300mm and the
depth of the Anti-Insect Trap Cover ranges from 25mm to 150mm., Whereas for
application to Gully Traps, the dimensional Range ranges from 100mm to 500mm.and
the depth of the Anti-Insect Trap Cover ranges from 50mm to 300mm.
6. A Product as claimed in Claim: 1 to 5, Wherein, Locking or Interlocking-arrangements
can be made while designing the Anti-Insect Trap Cover components, so as to facilitate
the Component Units for firm-gripping of Units to one another and to arrest movement of
component Units after assembly / installation or jointing with a known material, is
7. A Product as claimed in Claim: 1 to 6, Wherein, Categorization of Anti-Insect Trap
Covers can be done based on the Type, Size, Shape and Provision of different specialty
needs of Nahni Traps or Gully Traps, Etc. and Whereas the Anti-Insect Trap Covers are
designed with Tolerances & Provisions for multiple applications with varied diameters,
Shapes and Special-angular and other requirements and Whereas The size shape and
dimensional Criteria are separately adopted for the design of Nahni or Gully Traps
respectively to suit the technical needs of the Nahni Or Gully Traps.
8. A Product as claimed in Claim: 1 to 7, Wherein, Many embodiments, modifications and
alterations are possible within the Scope and frame-work of Anti-Insect Trap Covers,
relating to design-processes, addition of new features, adoption of known methods, of
production and manufacture of Anti-Insect Trap Covers and its Component Units.
9. A Product as claimed in Claim: 1 to 8, Wherein, incase of Nahni Traps intended for use of
Wash-Basins & Sinks the Anti-Insect Trap Cover is Provided with a Central Hole for
insertion of a Hose Or a Drain Pipe which is inserted into the Hole provided at the top of
the Anti-Insect Trap Cover to a depth where a small portion of the hose is inserted into
the stagnant water of the Nahni Trap itself so as to stop insects not to enter into the Hose
and come out of the wash Basins and Sinks.
10. A Product as claimed in Claim: 1 to 6 Wherein, the said Anti-Insect Trap Cover, as here
in, illustrated as per the attached drawings, governed, worked-out, conceptualized,
exemplified and as Substantially described herein.



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Patent Number 251256
Indian Patent Application Number 328/CHE/2007
PG Journal Number 10/2012
Publication Date 09-Mar-2012
Grant Date 05-Mar-2012
Date of Filing 19-Feb-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A01M1/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA