Title of Invention


Abstract ABSTRACT METHOD FOR MODIFYING MSS The invention refers to a method for optimising the data communication in a network comprising a wireless radio network using connection oriented protocol (TCP) over internet protocol (IP). The network comprises a router (SGSN) intervening the connection oriented setup between a host (SERVER) and a client (MS), and changing the maximum segment size (MSS, ms) into a maximum segment size (MSS, sgsn) based on the router's (SGSN) knowledge about the radio network. (Fig. 3)
Full Text

The present invention refers to a method for optimising the data communication in a
network comprising a wireless radio network using a connection oriented protocol over an
internet protocol IP. The method comprises:
- establishing a communication between a host and a client with a connection oriented
protocol over the internet protocol by;
- the client sending information to the host what maximum segment size MSS the client
can handle;
- the host sending a response to the client what maximum segment size MSS the host can
or by;
- the host sending information to the client what maximum segment size the host can
- the client sending a response to the host what maximum segment size the client can
The invention also refers to a telephone system and a router arranged to carry out the
intervention according to the above described method.
BSC-Base Station Controller
BTS-Base Transceiver Station
EDGE-Enhanced Data rate for Global Evolution
FDD-Frequency Division Duplex
GGSN-Gateway GPRS Support Node
GPRS-General Packet Radio System
GSM-Global System for Mobile Communications
GTP-GPRS Tunneling Protocol
IP-Internet Protocol
IPv4-Internet Protocol version 4
IPv5- Internet Protocol version 5
IPv6- Internet Protocol version 6
LLC-Logical Link Control

MAC- Medium Access Code
MS-Mobile station
MSS-Maximum Segment Size
MTU-Maximum Transfer Unit
PDP-Packet Data Protocol
QoS-Quality of Service
RLC-Radio Link Control
RNC- Network Control,
SFU-payload data
SGSN-Serving GPRS Support Node
SNDCP-Sub Network Dependent Convergence Protocol
TDD-Time Division Duplex

UMTS-Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
UTRAN- UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network
WCDMA- Wide band Code Division Multiple Access
GTPvO-GPRS Tunnelling Protocol for 2G and 2,5G
GTPvl-GPRS Tunnelling Protocol for 3G
In the field of data communication for wireless networks, TCP is used as a connection
oriented protocol that fragments and reassembles a byte stream into discrete messages or
packets. Furthermore, IP-protocols are used in the next lower layer for delivering IP-
packets, e.g. by packet routing.
The TCP service is obtained by having both a host (hereinafter also called SERVER) and a
client (hereinafter also called mobile station or MS) create end points called sockets. Each
socket has a number (address) comprising an IP address of the host and a 16-bit number
local to that host, called a port.

To obtain TCP service a connection must be established between a socket on the
SERVER, and a socket on the MS. A socket may be used for multiple connections at the
same time. Every byte on a TCP connection has its own 32-bit sequence number used both
for acknowledgements and for a window mechanism, which use a separate 32-bit header
The sending and receiving TCP entities exchange data in the form of segments. A segment
consists of a fixed 20-byte header (plus an optional part) followed by zero or more data
bytes. The TCP software decides how the segments should be. It can accumulate data from
several writes into one segment or split data from one write over multiple segments. Two
limits restrict the segment size. Firstly, each segment, including the TCP header, must fit
in the 65,535 byte IP payload. Secondly, each network has a maximum transfer unit
(MTU), and each segment must fit in the MTU.
The MTU, is the largest physical packet size, measured in bytes (B), that a network can
transmit. Any messages larger than the MTU are divided into smaller packets before being
Every network has a different MTU, which is set by the network administrator. For
example, on Windows 95, a user can also set the MTU of his machine. This defines the
maximum size of the packets sent from that computer onto the network. Ideally, it is
desired that the MTU is the same as the smallest MTU of all the networks between a
certain machine and a message's final destination. In practice, the MTU is generally a few
thousand bytes and thus defines the upper bound on segment size. If a segment passes
through a sequence of networks without being fragmented and then hits a network whose
MTU is smaller than the segment, the router at the boundary fragments the segment into
two or more smaller segments, which slows down transmission speeds.
In the field of wireless communication there is a certain router in the interface (Gb or Iu)
between a land line bound network and the wireless network, The wireless network may
comprise MS:s in the form of mobile telephones for mobile telephone services, or mobile
telephones or computers for data communication. The wireless network may be in the

form of the so called 2G or 2.5G standard (the Gb interface) for the use of, for example,
GSM or EDGE. The wireless network may also be in the form of the so called 3G
standard (the Iu interface) for the use of, for example, WCDMA. The router breaks down
the data stream from the land line network into smaller segments according to the given
standard. In the present GPRS standard the router is labelled SGSN, which is a node in a
GPRS infrastructure that is responsible for the delivery of data packets from and to the
mobile stations within its service area. Its tasks include packet routing and transfer,
mobility management (attach/detach and location management), logical link management,
and authentication and charging functions. The location register of the SGSN stores
location information and user profiles of all GPRS users registered with this SGSN as of
June 2001.
A segment that is too large for a network is broken up by the router into multiple
segments. Each new segment gets its own IP header, so fragmentation by routers increases
the total overhead because each additional segment adds 20 bytes of extra header
information in the form of an IP header.
Each host is allowed to specify the maximum TCP payload it is willing to accept, but all
Internet hosts are required to accept TCP segments of 536+20 bytes (536 bytes of TCP
payload and 20 bytes TCP header + 20 B of IP header ending up at an MTU of 576B).
During setup of the TCP connection, each side can announce its maximum segment size
(MSS) and can also see the suggested MSS from the counterpart. According to the present
TCP/IP standard, the minimum MTU that can be sent without risking fragmentation or
MTU Discovery is 576B in a correctly configured network.
A problem with prior art occurs when the SGSN is forced to fragment the IP segment(s)
from the land line network into segments of lesser size in order to satisfy the demands
from the wireless network. The lesser sized segments are not optimised by forehand, but
serves only to fit the standard of the MS. As a consequence the last of the lesser sized
segments may comprise only a small amount of information instead of a complete
utilisation of the segment. By not utilising the complete segment for the transport of
information, the overall performance of the system is not optimal.

Therefore, there is a need for an improved handling when setting up a connection between
a host and a client using a connection oriented protocol in a system comprising a wireless
The object of the invention is to meet the above stated need with a method for optimising
the data communication in a network comprising a wireless radio network using a
connection oriented protocol over an internet protocol IP. The connection oriented
protocol may advantageously be TCP, but may be a different connection oriented protocol
in another standard. The method comprises:
- establishing a communication between a host and a client with a connection oriented
protocol over the internet protocol by;
- the client sending information to the host what maximum segment size MSS the client
can handle; . - .
- the host sending a response to the client what maximum segment size MSS the host can
or by;
- the host sending information to the client what maximum segment size the host can
- the client sending a response to the host what maximum segment size the client can

- letting a router intervening the response from the host or the client, and changing the
maximum segment size into a maximum segment size based on the router's knowledge
about the radio network.
In the previously known systems using connection oriented protocols over IP, the router is
transparent to the negotiation between the client and the host. However, the router
negotiates with the client and/or the host regarding the performance of the radio network.
The router therefore has knowledge about the wireless radio network, i.e. radio parameters
in the wireless system such as capacity etc. One benefit of the invention is that the router
intervenes the negotiation and alters or adds (if an MSS value is lacking) the MSS value
taking the parameters from the wireless network into account. This gives that the host and
the client can be made sending packets (in both directions) that are smaller or larger than
what was announced by the end points during the setup phase, thereby enabling a better
utilisation of the system by always using optimum fragmentation and thus optimizing the
connection oriented protocol payload packet sizes. The method thus gives a better
utilisation and performance of the wireless system.
It should also be mentioned that a segment can be a non-fragment segment, i.e. a segment
not allowed to be segmented. When a non-fragment segment is too large it is deleted,
instead of fragmented, and an ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) message is sent
to the sending unit that the segment was too large. This is normally called path MTU
discovery. The present invention gives a benefit also for transmission of non-fragment
segment by the non-fragment segment being optimal in size from the beginning and the
path MTU discovery does not need to be brought into action.
Another advantage is that the standard used need not be altered, but by programming the
router to intervene, the host and the client can be left unaltered and work according to the
previous standard.
Yet one advantage with the invention is thus that the router dynamically calculates the
optimum maximum segment size MSS for every new session that is established. The
router negotiates with a client or a host in the wireless network, for example regarding

LLC, SDU, etc., and thus collects information about the wireless network. Dynamically
refers to the router using the information on calculating optimum maximum segment size
MSS every time a connection oriented communication is established between a host and a
In one embodiment of the invention, the connection oriented protocol is a transmission
control protocol TCP.
The invention thus refers to a method acting when a PDP context is negotiated for an MS
in the SGSN, where parameters regarding QoS and link layer configuration are negotiated.
These values can be used to optimize the TCP packet sizes for negotiate PDP context. This
is done by intervening TCP synchronization packets that are used to negotiate the MSS for
TCP and change the values for the MSS based on the parameters.
Below follows a number of examples of parameters that can be used in a router such as a
GPRS SGSN, as a basis for a decision for altering the MSS.
- One example of usage is that the GTPvO and GTPvl payload tunnel headers have
different sizes. The former is normally 40B long and the latter is normally 48B long.
Depending on which one of these protocols that is used for tunnelling payload to the
GGSN, different TCP packet sizes are optimal to use over the Gn interface.
- IP fragmentation on the lu interface. The IP fragmentation for the GTPvl protocol is
always used for payload traffic.
- The SGSN to MS negotiated LLC SDU (payload data) size. The LLC SDU size is
normally negotiated to 500B, which with the SNDCP overhead means that 1500B end-
user packet needs for LLC frames where the last one is 12B. If the TCP packet size is
decreased to 1488B the radio interface efficiency is increased in a GSM/GPRS based
system where the SNDCP is placed in the SGSN. However, in a UMTS/GPRS based
system this is not true since the SNDCP is in the RNC for 3GPP based systems.

- Gb interface protocol. Frame relay can handle packets up to 1600, but when Gb-over-IP
is introduced the MTU size on the Gb interface may enforce fragmentation depending on
the negotiated LLC SDU size, which has a maximum value of 1520B, but with additional
headers to be added. Efficiency for the Gb interface would increase if fragmentation is
avoided when possible. Calculations indicate that end-user packets shall not exceed 1423B
to avoid fragmentation if the LLC SDU is negotiated larger than 1427B.
All the relevant parameters need to be considered for optimal result, but even taking one
or some of the parameters into consideration will give a better utilisation of the system.
GPRS is a packet solution for wireless data used in, for example, GSM-based packet
switching specification by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI)
and 3G specification by the International Telecommunication ITU for wireless data. In
GSM for example, data rates are promised from 56 up to 114 Kbps and continuous
connection to the Internet for mobile phone and computer users. The higher data rates will
allow users to take part in video conferences and interact with multimedia Web sites and
similar applications using mobile handheld devices as well as notebook computers. GPRS
will complement existing services such as circuit-switched cellular phone connections and
the Short Message Service (SMS) as of July 2000.
When setting up the TCP connection the client sends a SYN (synchronising) segment
comprising a flag and information to the host what MSS the client is willing to accept.
When the host has received the information it sends a reply comprising SYN
acknowledgement and information what MSS the host is willing to accept. This
negotiation is transparent to the SGSN, but the Logical Link Control (LLC) protocol ads
an LLC header containing checksum and further segmentation
In one embodiment, the network comprises a landline based network and the host is
comprised in the land line based network and may be in the form of a SERVER, or a user
PC (personal computer), or the like. The client is here comprised in the radio network and
may be in the form of a mobile station such as a mobile telephone, a PC, or the like.

In one embodiment of the invention, the method handles the intervention in the response
in a logical link control protocol in the router.
In one embodiment of the invention, the router is part of a radio link. This may be the
situation when, for example, both the host and the client are mobile stations in a wireless
local area network WLAN. Both mobile stations have wireless connection with the router
and the router is aware of the radio network capacity. When the mobile stations then
negotiates MSS, the router intervenes the synchronisation response and transmits an MSS
according to the radio network parameters.
In one embodiment, the mobile station is a GSM based equipment or an EDGE based
In another embodiment, the mobile station is a WCDMA based equipment.
The invention also refers to a telephone system and a router arranged to carry out the
intervention according to the above described method.
The invention will below be described in connection to a number of drawings where:
Figure 1 schematically shows a TCP/IP based network according to prior art;
Figure 2 schematically shows prior art TCP/IP connection setup between a host and a
client over a router in the form of an SGSN;
Figure 3 schematically shows the inventive TCP/IP connection setup between a host and a
client over the SGSN;
Figure 4 schematically shows different stacked protocols of the GGSN over the Gn
interface to the SGSN and the SGSN over the Gb interface to the MS, and where;

Figure 5 schematically shows different stacked protocols of the GGSN over the Gn
interface to the SGSN and the SGSN over the Iu interface to the MS.
Figure 1 schematically shows a TCP/IP based network in a GPRS standard according to
prior art. The network comprises a landline based network and a first and a second
wireless radio network. The land line based network comprises a host in the form of a
SERVER and a GGSN and a SGSN. The first radio network comprises a BSC, a BTS and
a client in the form of a MS, all based on GSM or EDGE, see also figure 4. The second
radio network comprises an RNC, a Node B and a client in the form of an MS, all based
on WCDMA, see also figure 5. The interface between the GGSN and the SGSN is called
Gn, and the interface between the SGSN and the BSC is called Gb, and the interface
between the SGSN and the RNC is called lu. The interface between the MS and the BTS
in the first radio network is called Um and the interface between the MS and the Node-B in
the second radio network is called Uv. The interface between the GGSN and the SERVER
is called Gi.. .
When discussing figure 1, cross-references are made to figures 4 and 5. Figure 4
schematically shows different stacked protocols of the GGSN over the Gn interface to the
SGSN and the SGSN over the Gb interface to the MS. Figure 5 schematically shows
different stacked protocols of the GGSN over the Gn interface to the SGSN and the SGSN
over the Iu interface to the MS.
The GGSN refers to a gateway GPRS support node acting as an interface between the
GPRS backbone network and the external packet data networks (radio network and the IP
network). It converts the GPRS packets coming from the SGSN into the appropriate
packet data protocol (PDP) format (e.g. IP) and sends them out on the corresponding
packet data network. In the other direction, PDP addresses of incoming data packets are
converted to the GSM address of the destination user. The readdressed packets are sent to
the responsible SGSN. For this purpose, the GGSN stores the current SGSN address of the

user and his or her profile in its location register. The GGSN also performs authentication
and charging functions towards external systems, whereas SGSN performs GSM
The function of the SGSN is as a router in the interface between the wireless network and
the land line based network and has been explained above.
WCDMA technology is used for UTRAN air interface. UMTS WCDMA is a Direct
Sequence CDMA system where user data is multiplied with quasi-random bits derived
from WCDMA Spreading codes. In UMTS, in addition to channelisation, Codes are used
for synchronisation and scrambling. WCDMA has two basic modes of operation:
Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) and Time Division Duplex (TDD).
The functions of the Node-B are:
• Air interface Transmission / Reception • Modulation / Demodulation
• CDMA Physical Channel coding
• Micro Diversity
• Error Handing
• Closed loop power control
The functions of the RNC are:
• Radio Resource Control
• Admission Control
• Channel Allocation
• Power Control Settings
• Handover Control
• Macro Diversity
• Ciphering
• Segmentation / Reassembly
• Broadcast Signalling

• Open Loop Power Control
EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution) is a 3G technology that delivers
broadband-like data speeds to mobile devices. It allows consumers to connect to the
Internet and send and receive data, including digital images, web pages and photographs,
three times faster than possible with an ordinary GSM/GPRS network.
The invention refers essentially to the, so called, general packet radio system (GPRS). The
GPRS of today has an MTU of 1500B (1500 Bytes). The GPRS is implemented as a
virtual link between the MS and the GGSN with 1500 MTU at both ends. Between the
SGSN the link is realised as a tunnel over a GTP protocol that adds 40B-48B depending
on GTP version. GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP) is the protocol used between SGSN and
GGSN to tunnel various data protocols through the GPRS backbone. In addition to
supporting GTPvO for 2.5G (GPRS), this feature allows the GGSN to be UMTS R99
compliant with respect to the GTP protocol (called GTPvl per the 3 GPP R99/UMTS
standards specification).
Over the Gb interface in GSM GPRS the virtual link is fragmented into different link
protocols such as LLC. The IP frames are fragmented over this frame format and not on
the IP level, but oh the SNDCP protocol level. However, the LLC protocol is fragmented
over the RLC without SGSN being aware, but the SGSN trusts that it is being done. These
stacked protocols have frame sizes not aligned for optimal performance and bandwidth
The radio interfaces lu in the RNC for UMTS GPRS has the same problem as the Gb
interface in GSM GPRS, but here the protocol layers are partly different and protocol
layers that are similar between the two standards are differently distributed.
Concentration is performed in the air interface lu, because the number of traffic channels
is limited. The BSC connects traffic channels between the BTS and the SGSN, employing
a pool of voice coders that can be connected to the switch in the BSC. The BSC also

performs the required switching during a call in progress, as the mobile moves from one
cell to another within a BSC service area.
As mentioned above describing prior art, one problem with the existing MSS modification
is that the radio interfaces Gb and lu are not utilized in an optimal way. Large packets over
the GTP tunnels can make the GFTP packets exceed 1500B, which often must be
fragmented in the IP network. This is costly for the system and should be avoided.
Figure 2 schematically shows prior art TCP/IP connection setup between the SERVER
and the MS over the SGSNin the first wireless radio network. When setting up the TCP
connection the MS sends information to the SERVER comprising a sychronising SYN,ue
segment comprising a flag and information to the SERVER what MSS the MS is willing
to accept. The SERVER sends a response in the form of a SYN,serv (synchronising)
segment comprising a flag and information to the MS what MSS the SERVER is willing to accept. Typically the SERVER suggests an MSS of 1500 B and the MS suggests an
MSS of 500B. However, the SGSN is not part of the negotiation between the SERVER
and the MS, but the SGSN only passes the information on until a TCP/IP connection has
been established. Furthermore, the SGSN handles the breaking down of segments that are
too large for the radio network too handle. This has been discussed above as the problem
with the present method.
In figure 2 the SGSN also negotiates NEG with the MS regarding radio network
parameters, for example, information regarding the capacity of the radio network. This
negotiation NEG is handled by a LLC protocol in both the MS and the SGSN.
Figure 3 schematically shows the inventive TCP/IP connection setup between the
SERVER and the MS over the SGSN. In figure 3 the SGSN negotiates NEG with the MS.
This negotiation NEG gives the SGSN information on the capacity of the radio network.
The MS sends information to the SERVER comprising a sychronising SYN,ue segment
comprising a flag and information to the SERVER what MSS the MS is willing to accept.
Typically the MS suggest an MSS of 500B. The SERVER sends a response in the form of
a SYN,serv (synchronising) segment comprising a flag and information to the MS what

MSS the SERVER is willing to accept. Typically the SERVER suggests an MSS of 1500
B. According to the invention the SGSN uses its information on the radio network
capacity and interrupts the answer from the SERVER during the setup phase and instead
sends a SYN,sgsn to the MS giving an MSS based on the wireless network parameters.
The MS is not aware that the SGSN has intervened, but believes that the suggested MSS is
a proper suggestion from the SERVER. The SGSN decides the MSS in view of the
knowledge about the wireless network such that the fragmentation of the data stream
becomes optimal, i.e. such that the SGSN does not have to break up the segments. The
segments will thus be used to its maximum.
The invention is not restricted to the above embodiment, but may be varied within the
scope of the appending claims. For example, the BSC may, based on the parameters
owned by the BSC, change the MSS value that is announced by the endpoints (SERVER
and MS ) in the setup phase of a TCP session.

1. Method for optimizing the data communication in a network comprising a wireless
radio network using connection oriented protocol (TCP) over internet protocol (IP),
wherein the method comprising the steps of:
- establishing a connection oriented communication between a host (SERVER) and a
client (MS) using the connection oriented protocol (TCP) over the Internet protocol (IP)
- the client (MS) sending maximum segment size (MSS, ms) information
to the host (SERVER);
- the host (SERVER) sending a maximum segment size (MSS, serv)
response to the client (MS);
or by;
- the host (SERVER) sending maximum segment size (MSS, serv)
information to the client (MS);
- the client (MS) sending a maximum segment size (MSS, ms) response
to the host (SERVER);
- letting a router (SGSN) intervening the response from the host
(SERVER) or the client (MS), and changing the maximum segment size
(MSS, ms) into a maximum segment size (MSS, sgsn) based on the
router's (SGSN) knowledge about the radio network.
2. Method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the network comprises a landline based
network and where the host (SERVER) is comprised in the land line based network and
where the client (MS) is comprised in the radio network.
3. Method as claimed in claim 1 or 2, wherein the client (MS) is a mobile station in the
radio network.

4. Method as claimed in claim 1, wherein both the client (MS) and the host (SERVER)
are mobile stations in the wireless radio network.
5. Method as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein the connection oriented
protocol (TCP) is a transmission control protocol TCP.
6. Method as claimed in any one of claims 2-5, wherein the router (SGSN) negotiates
with the client (MS) regarding the performance of the radio network.
7. Method as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein the method handles the
intervention in the response in a logical link control (LLC) protocol in the router (SGSN).
8. Method as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein the router (SGSN) is a
radio link.
9. Method as claimed in any one of the preceding claims, wherein the client (MS) is a
GSM based equipment or an EDGE based equipment.

10. Method as clamed in any one of claims 1-8, wherein the mobile station (MS) is a
WCDMA based equipment.
11. Method as claimed in anyone of claims 1 to 10 adapted to be used in a telephone
12. A router arranged to carry out the intervention in the method as claimed in any one of
claims 1-10.


The invention refers to a method for optimising the data communication in a network
comprising a wireless radio network using connection oriented protocol (TCP) over
internet protocol (IP). The network comprises a router (SGSN) intervening the connection
oriented setup between a host (SERVER) and a client (MS), and changing the maximum
segment size (MSS, ms) into a maximum segment size (MSS, sgsn) based on the router's
(SGSN) knowledge about the radio network.
(Fig. 3)




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2104-KOLNP-2007-ABSTRACT 1.1.pdf

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2104-KOLNP-2007-CLAIMS 1.1.pdf


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2104-KOLNP-2007-FORM 1 1.1.pdf

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2104-KOLNP-2007-OTHERS 1.1.pdf

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Patent Number 253344
Indian Patent Application Number 2104/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 29/2012
Publication Date 20-Jul-2012
Grant Date 13-Jul-2012
Date of Filing 11-Jun-2007
Applicant Address S-164 83 STOCKHOLM
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04L 29/06, 12/56
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2004/012956
PCT International Filing date 2004-11-15
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA