Abstract | The instant invention relates to a process of dynamizing dilutions in progressive manner comprising of steps of pouring a quantity of the initial solution in the flask along with distilled water/alcohol to get a mixture in the proportion of 1:99, agitating the said mixture for 5 to 10 seconds, draining the said agitated mixture by suction leaving on a l/100th fraction in the flask, adding distilled water or alcohol the said fraction in the flask in the proportion of 99:1 of water/alcohol to the said fraction. Thereafter, the entire process is repeated from step one at a temperature ranging between 24°C to 28°C until the desired potency is prepared as indicated on the electronic controller provided in the improved dynamizer. |
Full Text | The invention relates to an improved device and a process for preparing dynamized solutions. Background: Under the principle of homoeopathy, a substance identified for its medicinal value can become a homoeopathic remedy only after the pharmacist has processed the crude product from nature in accordance with homoeopathic techniques in order to dynamize its inherent properties and to make its medicinal properties ready to use. There are a number of methods of preparation of homoeopathic medicines such as mother tincture by maceration and percolation and, dilutions by potentization and trituration. Potentization also known as dynamization is a process of dynamizing solutions, in this case homoeopathic liquid drug substances. The scales generally used are Decimal scale and centesimal scale and fifty millesimal (LM scale). The Centesimal scale was first introduced by Dr Samuel Hahnemann and is considered as the classical method of dynamization. According to this scale the first potency should contain one-hundredth part of the original drug and each succeeding potency should contain one-hundredth part of the potency preceding it. The scale is denoted by suffixing "C to the number indicating the potency. In practice it is usually denoted by simple numerical with no suffix such as 1, 3, 30, 200,1000, etc. As mentioned above, one such method of dynamizing the identified medicinal solution is by potentization whereby the identified solution is dynamized to the required potency by successive dilution and succussion. While the dynamizing process was earlier carried out by hand now there are devices, which make the tedious task of succussion simpler and more precise. However, the devices for the dynamizing of solutions presently available have certain disadvantages such as the need to calibrate the apparatus every time the device or the dynamizing apparatus is switched on. Since there was no fixed amount for calibration, the amount would vary every time to some extent when the device was operated. Further if there occurred any break during the dynamization process for any reason, the device requires initialization and calibration to continue the disrupted operation. While calibrating the device, the amount of liquid for dilution is determined by the lapse of time between start and stop position. For e.g. if the time lapse is 3 seconds the amount of diluent or solvent i.e. water or alcohol is 15 ml. In case the lapse extends to 4 seconds the liquid will be 17 ml or 20 ml. This variation due to manual operation leads to inaccurate dynamization, which in turn leads to inaccurate end product. This variation which appears to be negligible in the lower potencies, get magnified in higher potencies leading to inaccurate dynamized solutions. The precision of the ratio 1:99 for centesimal scale is lost. Summary of the invention: The object of the present invention is to provide for an improved device whereby the calibration is so fixed that the initial quantity of the diluent is measured precisely. Another advantage of the said invention is that in case of interruption during the operation, the device need not be re-calibrated and the operation can continue from the point where it was disrupted, thus giving more accurate dynamized potencies. Yet another advantage of the instant invention is that the amount of diluent used in the process is fixed and hence the quantity cannot vary every time the apparatus is used. Thus, any break in the succussion cycle will not break the continuity of the process. On restarting, the process continues from where it was disrupted. Accordingly the present invention relates to a process of dynamizing dilutions in progressive manner for a desired potency comprising of steps of step 1 - pouring a quantity of the initial solution in the flask along with distilled water/alcohol to get a mixture in the proportion of 1:99, step 2 - agitating the said mixture for 5 to 10 seconds, step 3 - draining the said agitated mixture by suction leaving on a 1/100* fraction in the flask, step 4 - adding distilled water or alcohol the said fraction in the flask in the proportion of 99 : 1 of water/alcohol to the said fraction and thereafter, step 5 - repeating the process from step one at a temperature ranging between 24°C to 28°C until the desired potency is prepared as indicated on the electronic controller. The instant invention also relates to an improved dynamizer for preparing dynamized solutions said dynamizer having a water container (2) for distilled water connected to a water pump (3), which is in turn connected to a continuous flow valve (5), a two way valve (6) and water solenoid valve (7) for monitoring the flow of water and the presence of air bubbles, which is in turn connected in series to an agitator assembly (8), a surge container, an air filter device controlled by the air compressor (13), air solenoid valves (14), a lifting device (11) which is connected to anvturret assembly (12), the operation of each of which is controlled by an electronic controller (1), wherein said agitator assembly comprises a flask fitted with two mouths, one for inlet and the other for outlet, a support system to hold the flask in place, a spring system on which said support system moves in vertical manner, and said electronic controller controls the movement of each part in process of dynamization, such that in case of any interruption in the said process, the cycle will recommence from the point of interruption until entire process of dynamization is completed. Brief description of the invention with the accompanying drawing: The Fig 1 is a diagrammatic representation of the successive steps involved in the dynamized dilution cycle. The dynamizer consists of an electronic controller (1) for controlling the various operations. The water container (2) holds desired quantity of distilled water, which is pumped through the system by a water pump (3), the flow of which and the presence or absence of bubbles in the distilled water is inspected through an inspection glass (4). The continuous flow valve (5), a two-way valve (6) and water solenoid valve (7) control the flow of water. The agitator assembly (8) is mounted on a spring system and is connected in turns to the surge container (9) and air filter (10). The air compressor (13) and air solenoid valves (14) control the flow of air sucked in through the said filter and directs the compressed air either to the agitator assembly or the lifting device (11). The intermediates of the dynamized solution are channeled from the agitator assembly to the turret assembly (12). Detailed description of the invention: Method for the dilution of compositions, more particularly of homoeopathic products, in which consecutive quantities of liquid diluent (3) are passed into a mixing reservoir (1) and are drained out on each occasion, the respective quantities to be diluted being on each occasion formed by the product remaining on the walls of the mixing reservoir (1) after each mixing cycle, characterized in that the mixing reservoir (1) is emptied by air jet after each mixing cycle. In the centesimal scale, 1 part of the medicinal substance is mixed with 99 parts alcohol or water to dilute, whereby a 1/100 substance is obtained. This is subjected to succussion for a predetermined period of time. The resulting product is called first centesimal. If 1 part of the first centesimal is mixed with 99 parts alcohol or water to dilute, a 1/10,000 substance is obtained, which is then subjected to succussion. This resulting product is called second centesimal. If 1 part of the second centesimal is mixed with 99 parts alcohol or water to dilute, a 1/1,000,000 substance is obtained. After succussion for a predetermined period, the resulting product is called third centesimal, and so on thereafter as far as this scale is concerned. The present invention relates an apparatus to get desired dynamized dilutions in progressive manner for homoeopathic use. Operational Flow Sequence of the improved dynamizer: There are 2 stages in the operation of the dynamizer of the instant invention, the initial stage and the intermediary stage. At the initial stage, the distilled water is passed from the water container (2), through the water pump (3), inspection glass (4), two-way valve (6) and finally through continuous flow valve (5) for the removal of air bubbles that might be present in the distilled water, before it is introduced into the agitator assembly. A Initial StageDistilled water or alcohol is filled in the water container (2) and simultaneously the programming is switched on and the process is set' in motion with the air bubbles being removed from, the water pipeline, viz., through water container (2) water pump (3) inspection glass (4) two way valve (6) and finally through continuous flow valve (5). Electronic controller (1) is programmed to achieve the desired potency. To make the desired potency, the initial selected potency is filled in the agitating vessel (8). With this process set on, the desired potency is made for which the water is routed through water container (2) to water pump (3) to inspection glass (4) to two way valve (6) to water solenoid valve (7) to agitating vessel (8) and from thereon to turret assembly/drain pot (12). During the process of draining, the air pressure is applied through the air filter (10) to air compressor (13) to air solenoid valve (14) to surge container (9) to agitating vessel (8); thereafter the pressure gets released along with the water through turret assembly/drain pot (12). This will be a continuous process till the desired potency is achieved. B Intermediary stage The intermediate potency, if desired, is collected and stored in glass bottles in the turret assembly/drain pot (12). For collection of the intermediate potency, the process involves the movement of air pressure from the air filter (10) to air compressor (13) to air solenoid valve (14) to lifting device (11) and finally to turret assembly/drain pot. The final potency is left in the agitating vessel after final dilution and subsequent succussion. The final dilution of desired potency is collecting from the agitating vessel and stored in alcohol as "back potency". It is this "back potency" which is used for making medicines for marketing. The dynamized dilution method consists of pouring a prepared solution in the preparation flask and agitating the liquid in a vertical up-down manner for a predetermined time with pre set amplitude and then draining the preparation flask by suction leaving only a fraction for eg. one hundredth part in the flask. The flask is once again filled with a predetermined amount of distilled water and agitated again in a similar fashion thus making a dynamized dilution. The process is repeated and continued for any number of times as desired. The apparatus consists of an operating flask fitted with two mouths on top one inlet and one outlet. The operating flask is held in place by support structure and rests on a spring, which moves in a vertical manner along with the support system. The inlet and outlets are fitted with rubber tubes. One to bring in distilled water and the other to throw out the liquid after agitation by a suction method for a determined time to leave only a fraction of the liquid in the operating flask. The apparatus consists of pump, compressor, agitator, turret, optical means and valves. The whole operation is controlled by a programming unit fitted in to the apparatus controlling the movement of each part, in a sequence. The automated dynamizer device is programmed in such a way that any break in the sequence will enable dynamization cycle to be completed from the point from which it was broken, without wastage. The above invention is explained below with an example but is not limited to the said example. Example: Take one drop of initial potency of 2C of the medicine to be prepared in the flask of the agitating assembly of the dynamizer. Add 99 drops of the distilled water to the said initial potency. The dynamizer is then programmed to operate from an initial potency to the desired potency. Thus the initial potency is 2C, the final desired potency is 197 C while the intermediate potency, which will be collected, is 27C. Once the dynamizer is programmed, it is set into operation. The first step is to remove all air bubbles in the dynamizer device by pumping water (3, 4, 6, 5) such that no air bubbles are visible through the inspection glass (4). Once the bubbles are completely removed, the process of dynamization is set into motion from the control panel of the electronic controller. The agitator assembly (8) agitates into a vertical motion. When the solution inside the flask of the agitated assembly is agitated to the next potency, 99 parts of the agitated solution are drained off leaving one part in the flask. Thereafter 99 parts of fresh distilled water is pumped into the flask and the said diluted solution is further subjected to agitation for the pre-determined time and amplitude. This process of dilution, agitation and draining is continued until a potency of 27C has been obtained whereupon 99 parts are collected in a bottle in the turret assembly instead of being drained off. Thereafter 99 drops of fresh distilled water is pumped into the flask and this process of dilution, agitation and draining is continued till the desired final potency of 197C is obtained, whereupon the dynamizer stops its operation. The flask in the agitated assembly is then removed and the final potency contained therein is used for preparing homeopathic medicine. The potency of the solution is visible as a digitized number on the monitoring panel of the electronic controller of the dynamizer. The dynamizer is prepared thereafter for the next set of operation. In the event dynamizer stops operation due to unforeseen circumstances, the operation recommences from the point of the break off. Bibliography: See, e.g., The Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, 8th Ed., Vol. 1,1979; Farmacopeia Homeopatica Brasileira, First Ed., 1976; Pharmacotechnie et Monographies des Medicaments Courants, Vol. II, 1979; Farmacopea Homeopatica of Dr. Wilmar Schwabe, Leipzig, 1929. We claim: 1. A process of dynamizing dilutions in progressive manner for a desired potency comprising of steps of step 1 - pouring a quantity of the initial solution in the flask along with distilled water/alcohol to get a mixture in the proportion of 1:99, step 2 - agitating the said mixture for 5 to 10 seconds, step 3 - draining the said agitated mixture by suction leaving on a 17100th fraction in the flask, step 4 - adding distilled water or alcohol the said fraction in the flask in the proportion of 99 : 1 of water/alcohol to the said fraction and thereafter, step 5 - repeating the process from step one at a temperature ranging between 24°C to 28°C until the desired potency is prepared as indicated on the electronic controller. 2. A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein the quantity of solution used initially is between 10-20 ml. 3. A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein the liquid is agitated for 7 seconds. 4. A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein the fraction left in the flask is one hundredth of the initial solution. 5. A process as claimed in claim 1 wherein the agitation takes place at room temperature. 6. An improved dynamizer for preparing dynamized solutions as described in any of the preceding claims having a water container (2) for distilled water connected to a water pump (3), which is in turn connected to a continuous flow valve (5), a two way valve (6) and water solenoid valve (7) for monitoring the flow of water and the presence of air bubbles/ which is in turn connected in series to an agitator assembly (8), a surge container an air filter device controlled by the air compressor (13), air solenoid valves (14), a lifting device (11) which is connected to an turret assembly (12), the operation of each of which is controlled by an electronic controller (1), wherein said agitator assembly comprises a flask fitted with two mouths, one for inlet and the other for outlet, a support system to hold the flask in place, a spring system on which said support system moves in vertical manner, and said electronic controller controls the movement of each part in process of dynamization, such that in case of any interruption in the said process, the cycle will recommence from the point of interruption until entire process of dynamization is completed. |
309-DEL-2004-Correspondence Others-(14-06-2012).pdf
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Patent Number | 253744 | ||||||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 309/DEL/2004 | ||||||||||||
PG Journal Number | 34/2012 | ||||||||||||
Publication Date | 24-Aug-2012 | ||||||||||||
Grant Date | 22-Aug-2012 | ||||||||||||
Date of Filing | 27-Feb-2004 | ||||||||||||
Name of Patentee | SBL PRIVATE LIMITED | ||||||||||||
Applicant Address | SBL HOUSE 2 COMMERCIAL COMPLEX, SHRESTHA VIHAR, NEW DELHI-110092, INDIA. | ||||||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | A61K 9/00 | ||||||||||||
PCT International Application Number | N/A | ||||||||||||
PCT International Filing date | |||||||||||||
PCT Conventions: