Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to the external type of rotary gear pump for carrying high volume of the liquid. This rotary gear pump consists of impeller assembly, timing gears and reduction gears which ensure the handling of high volume of liquid by the gear pump. Because of inbuilt speed reduction the pump can directly be coupled with the primover there by reducing the overall cost and space, the timing gears reduces the noise level and enhances the working life of the pump. These pumps are used for loading, un-loading and transfer high volumes for wagon decanting, cargo un-loading of various viscous liquids such as edible oils, fuel oils, viscous chemicals etc. (Figure 2)
Full Text FORM 2
THE PATENT ACT 1970 (39 of 1970)
(See Section 10, and rule 13)

b) Nationality : INDIAN Company
c) Address : PLOT NO. 113, GIDC ESTATE,
WADHWAN CITY - 363 035,

The following specification particularly describes the invention and the manner in which it is to be performed : -

A Rotary Gear Pump for Carrying High Volume of the Liquid
Field of invention:
The present invention relates to gear pumps, specifically to an external type of rotary gear pump. More particularly it relates to a rotary gear pump handling high volume of liquid having impeller assembly associated with timing gears which acts as drive gears and reduction gears to facilitate adjustment of the speed of the impeller.
Prior art:
Gear pump is one among different types of rotary positive displacement pump such as vane, lobe, screw, tracoidal, shuttle block used for handling viscous and semi-viscous liquid each one having its own advantages, disadvantages and limitations. There are different kinds of gear pumps, but as the present invention is specifically relates to external gear pump we therefore, will discuss only about said pump. The constructional and functional mechanism of such gear pump is shown in figure 1(a) to 1(c). As shown in these figures, an external gear pump employs pair of external gear (G) acting as impeller which rotates in closed housing (H) to achieve desired flow and pressure to meet required application. As rotor rotates in the housing (H) vacuum is created at the suction side there by causing the liquid to enter the pump under atmospheric pressure acting on the liquid surface. The incoming liquid gets entrapped in the chamber (C) formed between the tooth gap (T) and housing (H) and it is bodily carried to the discharge side (D) where it is delivered overcoming the resistance in the discharge line.
Gear pump has constrained in higher sizes of high flow applications as it requires higher size of impeller gear associated with deficiency of high power consumption and high noise level. Due to this gear pump are not generally recommended for sizes higher than 6' with capacity above 125 m3/hr. If at all they are used they are run at low RPM by using low RPM electrical motor or speed reducer this again require

higher size of pump with costly drive, high maintenance & higher space requirement. Since these pumps are designed to carry high volume of liquid the impeller size increases considerably in diameter and face width due to which if they are allowed to mesh directly to transmit power it develops considerable noise of prohibitive level.
Therefore, there is a need of a gear pump which can overcome all these deficiencies and constrains.
Object of Invention:
The object of the present invention is to provide a gear pump which will obviate all the deficiencies associated with the prior art gear pumps.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a gear pump which is compact, simple in construction and cost effective.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a gear pump with which is easily maintainable.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a gear pump with which is easily cleanable.
Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a gear pump which gives high efficiency.
Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a gear pump which is low in noise.
Yet another object of the present invention is to provide a gear pump which is reliable and long lasting.

Accordingly to achieve the aforementioned objects, a rotary gear pump for carrying high volume of the liquid is provide with a pair of impeller gears associated with timing gears and reduction gears the said gear pump comprises of:
An impeller assembly having a pair of extended rotor and stator shafts fitted with a pair of herringbone gears with 8 to 10 numbers of teeth to provide possible minimum diameter. Said herringbone gears are mounted on said stator and rotor shafts in a pair in such a way that three gears are fixed on shaft while forth gear is floating to facilitate adjustment of any running error;
Hardened and ground timing gears provided on extended shaft to transmit the power at reduced noise level within acceptable limit while in operation, said timing gears are fitted on non-drive end side of the impeller assembly;
a driven reduction gear fitted on the drive side of the impeller on extended stator shaft and a drive pinion is fitted on front cover with ball bearing mashing the drive gear to reduce the speed of impeller gears within pump;
a pump casing along with covers accommodating the said impeller assembly, timing gears, drive gear and driven pinion.
a pressure relief valve assembly to safeguard the pump against excess pressure of liquid being pumped;

Brief description of Drawings :

Figure 1(a) to 1(c) Shows the constructional and operational view of the external gear pumps.
Figure 2 Shows the perspective view of the rotary gear pump in accordance to present invention.
Figure 3 Shows the sectional view of the rotary gear pump in accordance to present invention.
Detail description of the invention:
The above, and the other objects, features & advantages of invention will become apparent from following description read in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
The no-load power consumption in the gear pump affects the overall efficiency of the gear pump. The improper design of the gear pump results into high power consumption at no-load there by reducing the overall efficiency. Present invention curtail this no load power consumption of very high nature to great extent by improved impeller gear design with lesser number of higher module teeth to enable impeller to carry high volume of liquid per unit weight per revolution of the pump. Along with the impeller assembly some other unique parts of the gear pump are also responsible for the improvement in gear pump which is illustrated with reference to drawings hereinafter.
Now referring to figure 2, it shows the perspective view of the rotary gear pump in accordance to present invention comprising of an impeller gear assembly, timing gears and reduction gears the detailed construction is as follow.
A pair of left and right gear (08) fitted on rotor shaft (07) with key (24) and positioned on either side by pair of bearing sleeve (36) and packing sleeve (37) with

help of thrust washer (12) and washer (34) and cap screw (35) on one side and snap ring (40) on other side forms the rotor impeller assembly. Similarly, a pair of left and right gear (10) fitted on stator shaft (09) with key (32) and positioned on either size by pair of bearing sleeve (36) and packing sleeve (37) with help of thrust washer (12), washer (34) and cap screw (35) forms the stator impeller assembly.
These two assemblies are then placed in casing (01) and packed on either size by wearing plate (06). Bearing cover (02) than closes the casing after fitting 4 nos. of needle bearing (13) in this bearing cover on either side. The bearing covers are dowelled to the casing with 4 nos. of dowel pin (25). A pair of timing gear (11) is fitted on the non-drive end side of this impeller assembly and this side is closed with back cover (04) with help of bolt (20) packing (33) and dowel (25).
On the drive side, on the stator shaft the driven gear (16) is fitted. The pinion shaft (15) which also forms the drive shaft of the pump is fitted on front cover with help of 2 ball bearings (18). This front cover is then fitted on the pump with help of packing (33), bolt (38), dowel (25). An angular contact bearing (43) is fitted on this pinion which rests on the rotor shaft separating them while in operations. A relief valve assembly comprising of housing (27), piston (28), spring (29), lock nut (30) and adjusting screw (31) is then fitted on the top of the casing with help of packing (41) and bolt (22), Legs (26) are also fitted on the bottom of the pump with bolt (39).
This makes a compact pump assembled to deliver high flow of viscous liquid at moderate pressure running quite efficiently with low noise level. The pump is protected against over pressure by putting the relief valve in operation. This is a unique perception transferred into a product by our team of engineers.
Advantages of the gear pump of the present invention:
1. High efficiency.
2. High speed.
3. High volume of liquid carrying capacity.

4. Relatively quiet operation.
5. Simple construction and compact in nature.
6. Easily maintainable and cleanable
Industrial Application:
External rotary gear pumps with high flow characteristic are widely used for loading, unloading and transfer applications for wagon decanting, cargo un-loading, export pumps on port for various types of viscous and semi-viscous liquid such as edible oils, fuel oils, viscous chemicals, bitumen, tar, molasses etc. Because of inbuilt speed reduction the pump can directly be coupled with the prime mover reducing the overall cost and space, the timing gears reduces the noise level and enhances the working life of the pump as the impeller gears rotates within casing without touching each other or the casting.
The particular applications of gear pump of the present invention are as given
i. Industrial and mobile applications of loading and unloading
ii. Transfer of fuel and lubrication
iii. Mixing and blending (double pump)
v. High volume cargo transfers
vi. Export pumps at port
The present invention is not limited to the above described embodiments, and various changes may be made, if desired, without departing from the essence or spirit of the invention which can be read from the claims and the entire specification. All these changes are also intended to be within technical scope of the present invention.

1. A rotary gear pump for carrying high volume of the liquid, said gear pump comprises:
An impeller assembly having a pair of extended rotor and stator shafts fitted with a pair of herringbone gears with 8 to 10 numbers of teeth to provide possible minimum diameter. Said herringbone gears are mounted on said stator and rotor shafts in a pair in such a way that three gears are fixed on shaft while forth gear is floating to facilitate adjustment of any running error;
Hardened and ground timing gears provided on extended shaft to transmit the power at reduced noise level within acceptable limit while in operation, said timing gears are fitted on non-drive end side of the impeller assembly;
a driven reduction gear fitted on the drive side of the impeller on extended stator shaft and a drive pinion is fitted on front cover with ball bearing mashing the drive gear to reduce the speed of impeller gears within pump;
a pump casing along with covers accommodating the said impeller assembly, timing gears, drive gear and driven pinion.
a pressure relief valve assembly to safeguard the pump against excess pressure of liquid being pumped;
2. The rotary gear pump for carrying high volume of the liquid as claimed in claim 1 wherein gears are mounted on shafts by means of key.
3. The rotary gear pump for carrying high volume of the liquid as claimed in claim 1 wherein shafts are provided with sleeves to prevent axial movement of said gears on the shafts.

4. The rotary gear pump for carrying high volume of the liquid as claimed in claim 1 wherein pressure relief valve assembly is a spring-loaded bypass valve.
5. The rotary gear pump for carrying high volume of the liquid as claimed in claim 1 wherein gear pump is external type of gear pump.
6. The rotary gear pump for carrying high volume of the liquid such as hereinbefore described and illustrated with reference to accompanying drawings.

The present invention relates to the external type of rotary gear pump for carrying high volume of the liquid. This rotary gear pump consists of impeller assembly, timing gears and reduction gears which ensure the handling of high volume of liquid by the gear pump. Because of inbuilt speed reduction the pump can directly be coupled with the primover there by reducing the overall cost and space, the timing gears reduces the noise level and enhances the working life of the pump. These pumps are used for loading, un-loading and transfer high volumes for wagon decanting, cargo un-loading of various viscous liquids such as edible oils, fuel oils, viscous chemicals etc. (Figure 2)
The Controller of Patents,
The Patent Office.






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1759-MUM-2007-REPLY TO EXAMINATION REPORT(21-7-2011).pdf

1759-MUM-2007-REPLY TO HEARING(22-10-2012).pdf



Patent Number 254415
Indian Patent Application Number 1759/MUM/2007
PG Journal Number 44/2012
Publication Date 02-Nov-2012
Grant Date 31-Oct-2012
Date of Filing 13-Sep-2007
Name of Patentee DEL PD PUMPS & GEARS (P) LTD.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F4C2/00,F02B53/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA