Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a solar energy based LED Lamp Device with pulsed DC driver comprising of battery/les charged through a crystalline silicon or other film like solar module, a pulsed DC driver circuit, a voltage regulator circuit and arrays of LEDs wherein input DC voltage (VE) is regulated by a voltage regulator controller LM 317 through capacitor C1 and resistances (R1 & R2) to produce higher voltage than the input voltage via a capacitor (C2), the said input voltage being fed to a IC controller for controlling current consumption of the output, the regulated voltage with controlled current being fed to DC Driver circuit via IC 555 controller which generates DC pulse frequencies of 50 to 200 Hz with variable duty cycles via feeding to MOSFET IRFZ 44N driver which provide power to illuminate arrays of LEDs directionally with less current within the range of 15-25 MA.
Full Text

This Invention relates to a solar energy based LED lamp device
operated through a pulsed DC driver suitable for a table lamp and
home lighting in smaller range.
Solar cell industry is not competitive due to higher cost and inefficient
applications for lighting purposes. However, with the advent of Jght
Emitting Diodes (LEDs), host of applications at a lesser cost with
longer life and lower power consumption are possible. Hitherto, LED
lights are being used either for signaling or decorative lights and not
yet becoming prevalent for home lighting applications. However, the
output of LED is directional, which is desirable in the case of a table
lamp and house lighting in smaller range. LED lamps consuming less
power as compared to Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL), which are
regarded as power saving lighting source at present.
The illuminating bulb for table lamp generally constitutes fluorescent
tubes or recently introduced compact fluorescent lamps (CFL).

However, even a smallest CFL lamp consumes not less than 5 to 10
watt power in table lamps. Thus, a table lamp if operated by solar
power, requires higher wattage solar module. This also increases the
cost of the system. Further, solar cells deliver power In DC voltage.
This is inverted to get higher voltage of operation in case of
fluorescence lights. Some of the energy is lost during this inversion
process also. On the other hand, light emitting diode (LED) lights are
operated at DC voltage only and are quite compatible to solar
modules. Therefore, applications of LEDs for home lighting systems
such as table lamp are more desirable.
Regarding prior art references in this field of developments US Patent
No.6,234,645 has described a LED Lighting System For producing
White Light with three LEDs for providing visible light (luminous
efficiency above 30 Im/w preferably above 40 Im/w) at preselected
wavelengths and operated adjustably by selectively switching the
US Patent No.6,250,774 describes a luminaire in which a ighting
module supported in a housing comprises a set of lighting units each
comprising at least an LED chip and an optical system coupled
thereto, the lighting units illuminating respective portions of an
object, the LED chips supplying a luminous flux of at least 5 Im each.

US Patent 6,322,226 relates to an adjustable portable Ilium nation
apparatus having pre-focused LED and magnification lens, arranged
In an array inside a lens hood surrounding the magnification means
and mounted at an angle to provide optimum lighting onto the focal
point of the magnification means, the base of the apparatus being
adapted to receive a portable power source for the LEDS. Diffuser
lens are incorporated to provide softer lighting effect.
US Patent No.6,350,041 has described high output radial dispersing
lamp using a solid state light source transmitting light through a
separator to a disperser which disperses the light in a desired pattern
and/or changes its colours.
US Patent No. 4,677,533 describes a lighting fixture for a reading
lamp accommodation electronic lamps in alternating pattern about an
incandescent lamp.
US Patent No. 5,655,830 discloses a lighting device of low energy
consumption connected within electrical socket within a housing of
hollow translucent or transparent tube comprising a capactor for
limiting current flow and a resistor to limit surge current through the

US Patent No. 5,813,753 discloses a light emitting device for UV/blue
LED located In a depression having reflecting sidewalls, 2 light
transmitting material surrounding the LED and filling the depression
and a phosphor In the form of particles either dispersed In the light
transmitting material or adhered to the surface of the LED. The
device is provided with an optical filter to enhance spectral
characteristics of the emitted light.
US Patent No.6,161,91G describes a LED reading light assembly
comprising an optical assembly, a power circuit board, a housing and
a control system. The power circuit board provides a constant source
of electrical current to power the LED's and the control system
operates for temperature protection of LED assembly by monitoring
and maintaining the ambient temperature within a selected
temperature range.
US Patent No.6,599,000 has described a low voltage bright white LED
interior lamputilising DC Power, for area or spotlighting, the device
comprising essentially a base unit, an AC/DC power converter, a
bright white LED light source, a colourised diffusion panel and a
power switch.
US Patent No. 6,149, 283 described a lighting device with multicolour

adjuster to produce desired colours of LEDs with a conventional power supply circuit for
stepping down household 120V and current to a level rectified by full bridge: rectifier
and smoothened by capacitor and supplied in parallel across three sets of 'esistors,
potentiometers controllers and series connected Led sets of red, green and blue;.
None of the above prior arts- has described or disclosed anything about the features of
the present invention relating to LED table Lamp or small Home Lighting device
involving DC driver circuit adapted with voltage regulator circuit to generate a pulsed
DC frequencies by utilizing DC power source battery/batteries charged through a
crystalline silicon or other thin film solar module and producing a pulsed DC frequencies
within 50 to 200 Hz at constant voltage when driven by MOSFET and illuminate LEDs
with much less consumption of power than a direct DC driven lamp and controlled
through the pulsed DC Driver circuit.
Following is the details of some of the technical terms used in short:
(i) MOSFET IRFZ 44N Driver- It is an electronic component acting as a driver to
provide switching of DC voltage to Power LED.
(ii) MA- miliamperes (a unit used to measure current),
(iii) mcd- milicalendula (a unit of light defining LED brightness),
(iv) Zener diode- An electronic component acting as a voltage regulator, which
will not allow voltage to cross the specification if connected in parallel to the
Description of the Invention
The main objective of the invention is to propose a solar-energy based LED lamp
device, which provides adequate light for example (~100-200 lux) on a study table.

According to another objective of the invention a pulsed DC driver at
low voltage is applied with the LED Lamp Device to get better
Illumination with low average power consumption.
A further objective of the invention is to use lesser number of LEDs
than the direct DC driven LED lamps to reduce the cost of the lamp.
A still further objective of the invention is to propose a solar-energy-
based portable LED almp device in which the LEDs are protected
from over voltage damage through a control circuit.
An yet another objective of the invention is to propose a solar-
energy-based LED lamp device, with supply of a low power and
employing a low wattage solar module to charge its batteries.
As proposed In the invention the LED lights being directional Is
configured to form a lighting system for illuminating a small area
such as a study table for reading purpose, A LED lamp requires very
less power to provide adequate light (~ 100 to 200 Lux) on the table.
The power consumption of a lamp is very less ~ 0.5 to 2 Watt and its
batteries can be charged using a small wattage solar module (~ 2-10

A solar LED lamp of the present invention is constituted of a housing
with a stand, a solar module, LEDs connected in series/parallel
combination, with pulsed DC and voltage regulator circuit and a
According to the invention there is provided a solar energy based
LED Lamp Device with pulse DC driver comprising of battery/ies
charged through a crystalline silicon or other film like solar module, a
pulsed DC driver circuit, a voltage regulator circuit and arrays of LEDs
wherein Input DC voltage is regulated by a voltage regulator
controller LM 317 through capacitor, and resistances to produce
higher voltage than the input voltage via a capacitor, the said input
voltage being fed to a IC controller for controlling current
consumption of the output, the regulated voltage with controlled
current being fed to DC Driver circuit via IC 555 controller which
generates DC pulse frequencies of 50 to 200 Hz with variable duty
cycles via feeding to MOSFET IRFZ 44N driver which provide power
to illuminate arrays of LEDs directionally with less current within the
range of 15-25 MA.
The present invention will be better understood from the description
with references to the accompanying drawings in which
Figure 1 represents a schematic of a lamp showing various
components arrangement accommodated within the lamp device.

Figure 2 represents a schematic circuit arrangement showing pulsed
DC driver circuit and voltage regulator circuit connected with the
Figure 3 represents the circuit diagram of the pulsed DC: driver
interconnected with a regulator and LEDs.
Figure 4 represents (a) Normal DC powering of a Three LED System
and (b) Pulsed DC powering system of a Three LED system.
In figure 1 LEDs pulse generator and LM 317 IC regulator are
accommodated in a LED Fixture (F). Lamp support (S) provides
charge controller and battery. The lamp stand (LS) provides passages
for detachable leads to be interconnected with the charge controller,
pulse generator, voltage regulator and LEDs to emit light. The
support provides connectors for connecting solar charger.
Figure 2 shows the schematic arrangement of the interconnected
component of the device in which a DC supply (17) is regulated to
generate a Pulsed DC through a pulsed DC driver circuit (14). The
said pulsed DC generated is regulated through a voltage regulator
(15) and the regulated voltage is fed to the Light Emitting Dlodes
(LEDs) (16).

Human eyes cannot detect a change quicker than 25 frames / second
and if LEDs are made to operate at a frequency higher than 50 Hz, it
is possible to reduce the power consumption of LEDs without
affecting the visibility provided by them to a great extent This is
achieved through a pulsed DC driver circuit and a voltage regulator.
This way, pulsed DC driven LED tamp requires much lesser
current than a direct DC driven LED lamp. The average power
consumption in pulsed DC case comes out to be lesser than the
direct DC driven lamp, even though the Illumination (as In one of the
embodiment, It is about 150 LUX) In both the cases is equivalent
The LEDs are ultra bright white with source luminance 6000 to 10000
mcd disposed in the fixture at an angle between 15 degree to 70
degree and maintained with size within 5 mm to 10 mm. Damages of
LED's due to high voltage and overcharging of the batteries are
secured by incorporating zener diode in the regulator.
In Figure 3 pulse DC driver circuit consists of voltage regulator LM
317 IC which control the LED current consumption by adjusting solar
battery voltage supply through capacitors C1 C2 and resistances R1 &
R2 through 3 way connections for adjustment out and in to provide a
constant voltage to the controller 7805IC. After much Iteration, a
voltage between 10-11.1 volts for a set of 3 LEDs in series was found

suitable and LEDs were found to have best output to power
consumption ratio. The illumination was about 150 Lux average for a
12 LED lamp covering an area of A4 size paper 7805IC has also 3
way connectors to control current consumption for LEDs.
The circuit in figure 3 is used to pulse LEDs at a frequency higher
than 50 Hz with variable duty cycle. The circuit is based on the
standard IC 555, which provides pulse with desired duty cycle to
MOSFET IRFZ44N, which In turn derives the LEDs. The MOSFET
allows battery voltage to pulse at a duty cycle of 50% or less lor LED
lamp. The frequency and duty cycle can be adjusted by resistances
Rf and Rd and capacitance Cf. The difference in the continuous DC
operation and pulsed DC operation is shown in figure 4. However, for
a smaller pulse width, the LEDs can be made to operate at a higher
voltage with brighter glow without damage to the LED. Also,
increasing the operating voltage increases the solid angle of the LED.
This way same area can be covered with less number of LCDs. In
figure 3 a set of three LEDs, which normally would operate at 9.9.V
DC with 20mA nominal DC current, are made to operate on 50-
200Hz, 10- 13V and 10-90% wide pulse DC supply without damage to
the LEDs.
The Solar Charger and the components of a LED lamp In one
embodiment are described below:

Solar Chargers
- Solar Module iCrystalline sillicon or other thin film
like amorphous sillicon
- Rated Operating Voltage for module 16 V DC
- Charging Current (max.) :250 mA to 600 mA
The constituent components of the lamp:
- LED Characteristics : 3.4V/20mA/8000mcd
- Current consumption Controller : LM 317 IC
- Rated Operating Voltage : 11.2V-13.2V DC
- Rated Average Current (max.) in Pulsed mode : 60 mA
- Average Wattage of Table Lamp in pulsed mode: 0.7W
- Number of LEDs in Series : 3 NOS.
- number of LEDs in parallel : 4 nos.
In the pulse driver circuit for a single LED, the window for current is
15-25 mA. The LED can be operated at a little higher voltage and
current (average current comes out to be lesser than the rated
current) with pulsed DC voltage at different duty cycles without
affecting the intensity and no damage to LED. The LEDs can be
connected in series and parallel combination to provide required
illumination. In a single table lamp, 12 LEDs are required to provide
about 150 LUX on an A4 size paper for studying purpose. These LEDs
are mounted on acrylic base as per the circuit shown in fig. 2.

The invention as herein described is for a stand alone model of LED
lamp, which has been described with reference to a table lamp as an
illustration but the invention can be applied also to small home
lighting purpose.
The LEDs lamp housing is made of plastic or metal and is connected
to the base with a flexible stem, which can be adjusted for getting
the Illumination on a desired place. The LEDs are covered with
transparent corrugated Acrylic for dispersion of light
The table lamp is provided with detachable lead with connectors for
connecting to solar charger for ease of connection.
During the trials, a 12V, 10 W C-Si modules was used with 1 Number
of 12 V, 7 AH sealed maintenance free lead acid battery. Two table
lamps and one home light were connected to the battery. A table
lamp is found to consume about 0.5-1 watt and provides 100-200
LUX at the study table surface under the lamp, which to found to be
adequate for study purpose. The system has been monitored for
three months ensuring any trouble free use of the device.
The invention as herein described and illustrated should not be read
In a restrictive manner as various adaptations, alterations and
modifications are possible within the scope and limit of the invention
defined in the appended claims.

1. A solar energy based LED Lamp Device with pulsed DC driver comprising of
battery/ies charged through a crystalline silicon or other film like solar module, a
pulsed DC driver circuit, a voltage regulator circuit and arrays of LEDs,
characterized in that a voltage regulator controller LM317 is disposed for
regulating input DC voltage (VE) through capacitor C1 and resistances (R1and R2)
for producing higher voltage than the input voltage via a capacitor (C2) wherein a
IC controller is disposed for receiving the said input voltage for controlling
current consumption of the output when a DC driver circuit disposed for
receiving the regulated voltage with controlled current via IC, 555 controller and
for generating DC pulse frequencies of 50 to 200 Hz with variable duty cycles via
feeding to MOSFET IRFZ 44N driver for providing power for illuminating arrays of
LEDs directionally with less current within the range of 15-25 MA.
2. A device as claimed in claim 1, wherein a DC driver circuit being adapted with
voltage regulator circuit is disposed for generating a pulsed DC frequencies.
3. A device as claimed in claim 1, wherein a zener diode is incorporated in the
regulator for preventing the damages of LEDs due to high voltage and
overcharging of the batteries.
4. A device as claimed in claim 1, wherein LEDs are ultra bright white with source
luminance 6000 to 10000 mcd.
5. A device as claimed in the preceding claims wherein a LED rated 3.4V/20
mA/8000 mcd is employed in 3 numbers in series and 4 numbers in parallel
when operated with current consumption controller LM 317 IC of the pulse drive
circuit having rated operated DC voltage - 11.2V- 13.2V, rated average current
(max) in pulsed mode 60 mA, average wattage of table lamp in pulsed mode

6. A device as claimed in claim 1, wherein LEDs are disposed in the fixture at an
angle between 15 degrees to 70 degrees and maintained with size with n 5 mm
to 10 mm.
7. A device as claimed in the preceding claims wherein LED's lamp fixture is made
of plastic or metal and is connected to the base support (S) with a flexible light
stand being provided with detachable lead with connectors for connecting solar
charger, the LED's being covered with transparent corrugated Acrylic for
dispersion of light.
8. A device as claimed in the preceding claims wherein the pulsed DC drive r circuit
(14) consist of a IC 7805, IC 555 and IRFZ44N driver, wherein the IC 555
provides pulse with required duty cycle to MOSFETIRFZ44N which in turn derives
the LEDs, the frequency and duty cycle of the pulsed DC generated being
adjusted by resistance Rf and Rd and capacitance c f and wherein voltage of
batteries are regulated by a voltage regulator (15) consisting of a capacitor (C1),
higher and lower resistances (R1& R2) and a capacitor (C2) through LM 317


The invention relates to a solar energy based LED Lamp Device with
pulsed DC driver comprising of battery/les charged through a
crystalline silicon or other film like solar module, a pulsed DC driver
circuit, a voltage regulator circuit and arrays of LEDs wherein input
DC voltage (VE) is regulated by a voltage regulator controller LM 317
through capacitor C1 and resistances (R1 & R2) to produce higher
voltage than the input voltage via a capacitor (C2), the said input
voltage being fed to a IC controller for controlling current
consumption of the output, the regulated voltage with controlled
current being fed to DC Driver circuit via IC 555 controller which
generates DC pulse frequencies of 50 to 200 Hz with variable duty
cycles via feeding to MOSFET IRFZ 44N driver which provide power
to illuminate arrays of LEDs directionally with less current within the
range of 15-25 MA.




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992-KOL-2006-GRANTED-FORM 1.pdf

992-KOL-2006-GRANTED-FORM 2.pdf






Patent Number 254433
Indian Patent Application Number 992/KOL/2006
PG Journal Number 45/2012
Publication Date 09-Nov-2012
Grant Date 02-Nov-2012
Date of Filing 27-Sep-2006
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F21S11/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA