Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention proposes an advanced method used for accessing the remote computer and getting the document printed with the help of an SMS analyzer or IVR to send the request. When SMS is used as a medium it should specify the name of the document and the IP address of the printer. Once the SMS analyzer receives the SMS, the software running in the computer gets the message to the computer and parses it. After parsing the message, it would search for the document requested in the message and sends for printing to a network printer. While sending information verbally using phone to the IVR (Interactive voice response) attached to a computer it tempts the user (when the call is received by IVR) to pronounce the name and location about the document and the information about the printer. The remaining procedures are same as above.
The present invention relates to a remote printing of documents. Further, this invention relates to remote printing. More particularly, this invention relates to a method of printing document remotely by using Short Messaging Service (SMS) analyzer or Interactive Voice Response (IVR) for sending the request.
There are sophisticated technologies available in the prior art for printing of document from one place to another place. But when somebody wants a document that is available on a remote location to be printed on to his current location, the state of the art technologies proves to be deficient. In this context the present invention focuses on remote printing using IVR.
In one of the existing art known from US Patent publication No. 200215797A1 titled "Mailbox Printing Services for Information Appliances", a method for printing a document stored on a remote computer using an information appliance is described. According to this prior art, the user can print the document present in the remote computer on a nearby printer after connecting an information appliance to the printer. In this method a connection is provided between the remote computer and the information appliance, so that the information appliance can receive information regarding the documents stored on the remote computer. The information is displayed on the information appliance display so that the user can select a document from the display and give the print command. Subsequently the information appliance transmits the print request to a printer to which it is connected and thereafter the printer connects to the remote computer, retrieves the requested document and prints it.
Another US Patent publication No. 20040162076A1 describes a system and method for accessing resources located on a remote computer. Here the user can get the required documents printed on to a networked printer. In this case a proxy server is used to establish the communication between the remote computer and a user's wireless device. The proxy server enables transfer of information from the wireless device to the remote computer and vice versa. In order to provide adequate security the messages are encrypted so that the proxy server cannot decrypt them. Here user connects to the remote device using an interface on the wireless device queries the remote computer for a list of available resources and services via the proxy server. The user may also identify a nearby printer and can get the documents printed.
The present invention proposes an advanced method used for accessing the remote computer and getting the document printed with the help of an SMS analyzer or IVR to send the request.
The primary objective of this invention is therefore to provide a method for printing a document available in a remote computer on a printer specified by the user while user is not at the place where documents are stored.
It is another object of the invention to employ SMS analyzer or IVR to send the request for remote printing.
It is yet another object of the invention to locate the document in the remote computer and to print it on the printer corresponding to the IP address provided by the user.
Accordingly, this invention provides a method of printing document remotely by using a Short Messaging Service (SMS) analyzer instrument attached to a computer, the method comprising the steps of;
a) sending an SMS containing the name of the document to be printed and the IP address of the destination printer to the SMS analyzer attached to the computer for interpretation;
b) passing the message to the said computer through an interface to extract the document name, its path and Printer IP Address; and
c) retrieving the document and printing that onto the network printer with the help of given IP address.
The invention also provides a method of printing document remotely by sending information verbally using phone to the IVR (Interactive voice response) attached to a computer, the method comprising the steps of;
a) tempting the user when the call is received by IVR to pronounce the name and location about the document and the information about the printer;
b) passing the message to the said computer through an interface to extract the document name, its location and Printer information; and
c) retrieving the document and printing that onto the network printer
Other advantages and features of the invention will become more readily apparent from the following description of an embodiment of the invention given as a non- restrictive example only and represented in the accompanying drawings, in which
Figure 1 depicts a Communication model for remote printing using IVR. Here the user will make a call to IVR or SMS analyzer and this machine will communicate to the computer to find the document. The computer will then print the document to the network printer.
Figure 2 explains the detailed steps of the process.
Figure 3 shows the communication model in the present scenario.
The preferred embodiments of the present invention will now be explained with reference to the accompanying drawing. It should be understood however that the disclosed embodiments are merely exemplary of the invention, which may be embodied in various forms. The following description and drawings are not to be construed as limiting the invention and numerous specific details are described to provide a thorough understanding of the present invention, as the basis for the claims and as a basis for teaching one skilled in the art on how to make and/or use the invention. However in certain instances, well-known or conventional details are not described in order not to unnecessarily obscure the present invention in detail.
According to a preferred embodiment of the invention the user sends an SMS to an SMS analyzer that is connected to the remote computer for enabling remote printing. SMS Analyzer is a device that is assumed to receive SMS sent by any mobile and analyze them. After receiving SMS, it can send information to the computer or any other device. Technically, SMS Analyzer is similar to mobile but with only SMS capability. In addition to this, it also has functionality to send the same SMS sentence to the computer. SMS Analyzer is connected to the computer with either USB port/Ethernet port. There would be SMS Analyzer software running on the computer in order to help getting information from Analyzer to the computer.
The SMS specifies the name of the document and the IP address of the printer. Once the analyzer receives the SMS, the software running in the computer gets the message to the computer and parses it. To be more specific, the SMS analyzer reads the message and passes it through an interface to the remote computer, which extracts the name and path of the document and the IP address of the printer. After parsing the message, it would search for the document requested in the message. Subsequently, the remote computer locates the document and prints it on the printer corresponding to the IP address provided by the user. If the user is not aware of the location of the document, the remote computer searches for the document, and if found prints it on the printer. If the remote computer finds more than one document with the same name, it notifies the user through the SMS analyzer. Thereafter, the user notifies the remote computer regarding the required document.
The figure 1 shows the mobile connected with IVR. This device can also be a PSTN phone connected with IVR machine. The IVR machine is connected with a computer which is in-turn connected to Internet. The printer shown in the figure 1 is a network printer connected with Internet. The location of the printer can be anywhere in the world.
The figure 2 explains the detailed steps of the process. There are two main components used in the invention - 1. SMS analyzer and 2. Print application which would be a software running on the attached computer connected to the Internet. The technical details about these two components are mentioned below:
1. SMS Analyzer: SMS analyzer has some unique number where message can be send (similar to other normal mobile) There are three main components of the analyzer:
Memory: The incoming message is stored in this memory. MsgRecv Task: This is a daemon task which will keep polling for incoming message in the memory. Once any message reaches to the memory, this task parses the message and sends the name of document to the Print Application running onto the computer.
MsgSend Task: This is also a daemon which will poll messages from the Print application on the computer. Printer Application will format the message and send back to the Mobile device. This task is basically used to send error messages, status messages and confirmations.
2. Print Application: Print application is responsible for getting the document name and print the document to the specified printer. It is also responsible for notifying user for any error message, status message or information.
There are Three main component of Print Application:
a. MsgRecv Task: MsgRecv task gets required document and printer name and the additional information from the analyzer and pass this to the print component for printing.
b. MsgSend Task: MsgSend Task gets status, error or any other information which has to be passed to the user and sends to the analyzer. Analyzer in-turn passes this information to the user.
c. Print Component: Print component is responsible for printing the document to the specified printer. It gets information from MsgRecv Task and accordingly it prints the document to specified printer. Any error, status or information is sent to MsgSend Task which in-turn passes it to the Analyzer.
Referring to Figure 2 the following steps are involved in the process:
1. User sends an SMS containing the name of the document to be printed along with printer's IP address (where it needs to be printed) to the SMS analyzer attached to computer.
2. SMS is reached to the SMS Analyzer Memory through SMC (Short Message Center).
3. MsgRecv Task fetches message from the Memory and parses it.
4. After parsing the message, it sends required information (document name and printer name, IP address) to the Print Application.
5. Print Application (MsgRecv Task) finds the required document from the local hard disk and sends to the Print Component for printing. If the Print Component doesn't find required document, it will notify user through MsgSend Task of Print Application.
6. Print Component gets the document and prepares it for printing using appropriate application.
7. Once document is prepared for printing, it sends the print job to the specified printer.
8. For any error or status information, print component calls MsgSend
Task which forwards information to the user through Analyzer MsgSend Task.
In case user is not aware of the location of document, the Print application on the computer will have an option of searching the document and printing it onto network printer. If there are multiple documents available with the same name, the print application can notify the SMS analyzer with all documents and their locations. SMS analyzer will in-turn passes this information to the user and asks for confirmation of which document he/she wants to print. User notifies about the correct document and it gets printed as per above steps.
According to another embodiment, the user can connect to an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system and provide the information about the name and location of the document, and the printer information to the IVR so as to enable the remote printing. The IVR in turn passes this information to the remote computer, which prints it out on the printer. The subsequent operations are similar to those mentioned in the first method.
IVR machine is a device, which is capable of handling voice responses. When user calls a particular phone that is connected with IVR Machine, the IVR machine takes over the control and gives the response to user's questions. IVR machine is not intelligent enough to give answer to all questions rather it can answer only those questions which were pre-entered into IVR.
Figure - 3 shows the communication model in this scenario.
In this proposed invention, there are two main components similar to the first
1. IVR Machine
2. Print Application
1. IVR Machine: IVR machine design is not in the scope of invention. The purpose of IVR machine is to get the voice response from the user based
on certain predefined questions asked. The IVR gets the information from the user and passes to the Print Application. It also gets response such as error message, status message or other information from the Print Application and replies back to the user.
2. Print Application: Print Application module is similar to the previous case scenario. But in this case, it will have two components.
a. HandleRequest Task
b. Print Component
HandleRequest Task: This task would take request from IVR machine and search for the document required. After finding the document, it will call print component to handle the printing. Any error, status message of information is returned back to IVR machine from this task only as once the connection is established between IVR and HandleRequest Task, it has to complete the request.
Print Component: The print Component is similar to the first scenario. This takes document information from the HandleRequest Task and prints the document to the mentioned printer. Any error, status or information is returned back to HandleRequest task which in turn transfers information to the user via IVR.
Referring to Figure 3 the following steps involved in the process:
1. The user makes a call to connect to IVR.
2. The IVR has predefined options fed into it. It asks user about the name and location about the document and printer information. In case user doesn't know this information, he/she can select other options and search for the document or printer.
3. IVR gets information and passes it to the HandleRequest Task in the Print Application running on the computer and waits for the response from the Print Application.
4. In case user doesn't know the path of document, he can just give the name of document. The IVR then sends this information with a search option to the Print Application. The print application then searches for the document and notifies IVR.
5. Print Application searches for the document and it calls Print Component to print the document. It waits for the response from the Print Application which returns the status or error message to it.
6. Print Component gets the document and prepares it for printing using appropriate application.
7. Once document is prepared for printing, it sends the print job to the specified printer.
8. Any error, status or other information is sent back to HandleRequest Task.
In case of multiple documents with the same name exists onto the system, following steps are performed:
1. The IVR passes the document name to the Print Application.
2. Print Application looks for the document and if it finds the multiple occurrences of the document, it notifies IVR with all document information.
3. IVR passes this information to the user and asks to select which one to print.
4. User gives his/her choice and this information is passed by IVR to Print Application, which will print document to the mentioned printer using steps mentioned above.
The foregoing description of illustrated embodiments of the present invention, including what is described in the Abstract, is not intended to be exhaustive or to limit the invention to the precise forms disclosed herein. While specific embodiments of, and examples for, the invention are described herein for illustrative purposes only, various equivalent modifications are possible within the spirit and scope of the present invention, as those skilled in the relevant art will recognize and appreciate. As indicated, these modifications may be made to the
present invention in light of the foregoing description of illustrated embodiments of the present invention and are to be included within the spirit and scope of the present invention.
Thus, while the present invention has been described herein with reference to particular embodiments thereof, a latitude of modification, various changes and substitutions are intended in the foregoing disclosures, and it will be appreciated that in some instances some features of embodiments of the invention will be employed without a corresponding use of other features without departing from the scope and spirit of the invention as set forth. Therefore, many modifications may be made to adapt a particular situation or material to the essential scope and spirit of the present invention. It is intended that the invention not be limited to the particular terms used in following claims and/or to the particular embodiment disclosed as the best mode contemplated for carrying out this invention, but that the invention will include any and all embodiments and equivalents falling within the scope of the appended claims.

1. A method of printing document remotely by using a Short Messaging Service (SMS) analyzer instrument attached to a computer, the method comprising the steps of:
a) sending an SMS containing the name of the document to be printed and the IP address of the destination printer to the SMS analyzer attached to the computer for interpretation;
b) passing the message to the said computer through an interface to extract the document name, its path and Printer IP Address; and
c) retrieving the document and printing that onto the network printer with the help of given IP address.
2. A method of printing document remotely by sending information verbally using phone to the IVR (Interactive voice response) attached to a computer, the method comprising the steps of:
a) tempting the user when the call is received by IVR to pronounce the name and location about the document and the information about the printer;
b) passing the message to the said computer through an interface to extract the document name, its location and Printer information; and
c) retrieving the document and printing that onto the network printer
3. The method as claimed in claim 1 or 2 wherein the said computer searches the document and prints it onto the network printer in case the user is not aware of the location of document.
4. The method as claimed in claim 1 or 2 wherein the said computer notifies the SMS analyzer with all documents and their locations if there are multiple documents available with the same name
5. The method as claimed in claim 4 wherein the SMS analyzer passes the required information to the user and receives confirmation regarding the document to be printed.
6. A method of printing document remotely by using a Short Messaging Service (SMS) analyzer instrument attached to a computer, substantially as herein above described and illustrated with reference to the accompanying drawings.
7. A method of printing document remotely by sending information verbally using phone to the IVR (Interactive voice response) attached to a computer, substantially as herein above described and illustrated with reference to the accompanying drawings



286-CHE-2005 FORM-13 26-10-2012.pdf

286-CHE-2005 POWER OF ATTORNEY 26-10-2012.pdf


286-CHE-2005 AMENDED CLAIMS 26-10-2012.pdf

286-CHE-2005 AMENDED CLAIMS 28-06-2012.pdf



286-CHE-2005 FORM-1 28-06-2012.pdf

286-CHE-2005 FORM-13 28-06-2012.pdf

286-CHE-2005 FORM-5 28-06-2012.pdf

286-CHE-2005 POWER OF ATTORNEY 28-06-2012.pdf

286-CHE-2005 ABSTRACT.pdf

286-CHE-2005 CLAIMS.pdf



286-CHE-2005 DRAWINGS.pdf

286-CHE-2005 FORM 1.pdf

286-CHE-2005 FORM 13 19-06-2006.pdf

286-CHE-2005 FORM 18 11-12-2007.pdf


Patent Number 254448
Indian Patent Application Number 286/CHE/2005
PG Journal Number 45/2012
Publication Date 09-Nov-2012
Grant Date 05-Nov-2012
Date of Filing 18-Mar-2005
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G03B
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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