Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a signalling column with levels which are assembled bv means of a relative pivoting limited in amplitude and interconnected by means of axially-extending conductors. The body of a level (A) has a locking bar (30) which extends axially to penetrate an opening (23) in the adjacent level and abuts an edge of said opening on a rotation attempt. The ends (30a, 30b) of the bar may be displaced and the opening is of such a size as to accommodate the top end of the relevant bar and the bottom end of the bar above.
Full Text

The present invention relates to a signaling column composed of signaling levels, in particular optical signaling levels, which are superposed on one another and fixed to one another by pivoting about the axis of the column.
The levels of such a column each have a body which comprises a lateral wall and a cover, and accommodate a signaling member and conductors which are distributed over the periphery of the body and extend parallel to the axis to ensure an electrical connection with, the signaling member. Such a column is known, for example, from the document FR 2 12 8 998. The body comprises means for assembling to the adjacent body by pivoting of limited amplitude and means for interconnecting which ensure, during pivoting, a continuing connection between the different levels.
The various levels are assembled by relative pivoting, preferably by a bayonet-type mounting of a body of a level on the body of an underlying level. The mounting is very simple, which means that the dismantling is also very simple. To replace a level or to work on the signaling member of a level, it suffices to pivot the upper level, with the levels which are superposed thereon, in order to dismantle the entire part of the column surmounting the relevant level. It is sometimes desirable to prevent instant dismantling of a level relative to the underlying level. in order to avoid intervention by an unauthorized operator.
The object of the invention is lock. the levels in a
manner which is simple and *well adapted to the configuration of a signaling claim and which provides the desired protection against untermely dismantling.

According to the invention, the body has a lock consisting of a bar which extends axially with a first end accessible by a tool and a second end capable of penetrating an opening of the adjacent body and capable of abutting against an edge of the opening to prevent the pivoting of the body, the bar being displaceable to adopt two axially distinct positions, one a retracted locked position and the other an extended unlocked position.
The opening is preferably made in an upper face of the cover which is perpendicular to the axis of the column and the bar preferably has a uniform section over its entire length. The ends of the locking bar may be offset, tiie opening being dimensioned tc accommodate the first: end of the relevant bar and the second end of the adjacent bar.
The first end of the bar, which is preferably its upper end, may advantageously have an eyelet for operating the tool and may be countersunk relative to the upper surface of the cover in the locked position, the operation being facilitated by the opening having a radially flared shape.
The bar may be easily guided in translation in the axial direction of the column by guide surfaces provided in the upper cover and guide elements provided in the lower part of the body.
The detailed description which follows illustrates an embodiment given by way of example with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:
figure 1 shows an eleven of a signaling
column according in the invention,

figure 2 is a side view of one level of the
figure 3 is a top view of the level of figure 2,
figure 4 illustrates, by means of a schematic
section according to IV-IV, the interconnection of superposed levels,
figure 5 shows in schematic perspective one
level of the column,
figure 6 shows schematically the interconnection
and the locking of superposed levels,
figures 7 ^ 3 illustrate the locking and respectively
the unlocking of two levels of the column.
The signaling column C illustrated in the figures comprises a plurality of superposed signaling levels or modules A. As is seen in figure 1, the column C extends along a vertical axis X and has four levels A1-A4 fixed to one another, the lowest level Al being fixed to a base B which ensures the passage of electrical conductors, the uppermost level A3 being preferably covered by a lid D. The column may, naturally, have a variable number of levels. One level is mounted onto an underlying level by a bayonet-type movement, with pivoting of limited amplitude, for example at an angle of less than 30e.
The body 10 of a level A accorrrodates a plurality of conductors 2 0 in the form of beads i see figures 4 and 6). These conductors ensure the supply and transmission of signaling signals toward the —verious levels, which obviously assumes an interconnettitr. of the ends 2Ca, 2 0b of the homolocous conduct:rs belonaing to the

superposed levels. The body 10 has a cylindrical or prismatic wall 11 with an axis X. The wall 11 is translucent and, for example, colored when the signaling is illuminated, and may be opaque in other cases. The body is provided with an upper cover 12, of which the upper face 12a extends transversely to the axis X. The cover 12 is provided on its periphery with a plurality of inwardly curved passages 13 and, on the inside, insulating contacts 14 adjacent to these passages and designed to receive clip connectors 14a which accommodate the ends 2 0a, 2 0b of conductors to be interconnected. On its lower part, opposing the cover, the body 10 has retaining elements 15 for the lower ends 20b of the conductors 20 and a lower part 16. The lower part 16 is provided with shapes 18 for coupling to the upper part 17 of the underlying level, for example of the bayonet: type, to cooperate during assembly by pivoting with homologous coupling shapes 19 of the underlying level. The cover 12 bears a signaling member S to which the ends 20a of the conductors 2 0 accommodated in the body of the relevant level are connected.
A lock 3 0 consisting of an axial bar extends inside the body 10, substantially over the height thereof. The bar 30 is essentially rigid and guided in translation in the direction X by guide surfaces 21 provided in the cover 12 and guide elements 22 provided in the lower part of the body. The bar 3 0 may, at its upper end 3 0a, pass through an opening 23 made in the cover 12, by being guided in this opening, to project beyond the surface 12a of the cover 12; the end 30a of the bar 30 is not widened and has an eyelet 31 to receive the tip of a tool T. At its lower end 2~h, the bar 3 0 is guided in the elements 22 and may penetrate an opening of the cover 12 of the underlying level preferably consisting of the opening 23 already provided in this cover. It is noteworthy that the opening 23 has . on the one hand, an

edge 23a radially flared towards the outside and, on the other hand, a lateral abutment edge 23b.
The opening 23 is, therefore, dimensioned to accommodate the upper end 3 0a of the bar 3 0 of the relevant level and the lower end 30b of the superposed level. It will be noted that the bars are formed with ends 3 0a, 3 0b which are slightly radially offset, and have a uniformly straight section over their entire length.
The locking bar 3 0 is capable of adopting an upper unlocked position, in which its upper end 3 0a projects relative to the upper surface 12a of the cover, and a locked lower position, in which its upper end 3 0a is countersunk relative to the surface 12a. The maintenance of these positions is partially ensured by the friction against the guide surfaces 21, 22. It is preferable to provide stop elements 32, such as snap connections or hard points, to maintain the bar in these two positions.
The mounting of one level of the column on the underlying level will be explained with reference to figures 7 and 8. To be assembled to the underlying level (for example denoted in this case Al) , the upper level (for example denoted in this case A2) is initially advanced in the direction X, with axial interlocking of the lower part 16 of A2 into the upper part 17 of Al. Then the operator pivots the body of A2 about the axis X to obtain the interlocking of the shapes 18 of A2 onto the shapes 15 of Al. During these coupling movements, the locking bar 30 of A2 is in the upper unlocked position so as not to act on the cover of Al. The pivoting is carried out ever an angle which depends en the configuration cf the elements 13, 14a, 20, in "his case of the order cf the angular extension of the passages 13 . V7her. the pivoting is terminated,

the lower ends 2 Ob of the conductors 2 0 of A2 are inserted in the connectors 14a of Al. The assembled position is thus confirmed and secured by the operator who lowers the bar 3 0 of A2, manually or by means of the tool T, in guided translation through the opening 13, the surfaces 21 and the elements 22. The translation is carried out until the insertion of the end 3 0b of the bar in the opening 23 of the cover of Al. As is seen in figure 7, the end 3 0b of the bar 3 0 of A2 is accommodated adjacent to the end 3 0a of the bar 3 0 of Al and thus contributes to the blocking of said bar.
When attempting to dismantle A2, the locking bar 3 0 abuts against the lateral edge 23b of the opening 23. To remove the level A2 it is necessary to unblock its bar 3 0 by raising by means of the tool T in order to bring the bar into the position indicated in figure 8. The introduction of T into the eyelet 24 is facilitated by the flared form provided to the external radial edge 23a of the opening 23.

Patent claims
1. A signaling column composed of signaling
levels, in particular optical signaling levels,
superposed on one another and fixed to one another by
rotation about an axis,
the levels (A) each having a body (10) which comprises a lateral wall (11) and a cover (12) and accommodating a signaling member (S) and conductors (20) which are distributed over the periphery of the body and extend parallel to the axis to ensure anelectrical connection with the signaling member
- the body comprising means (18, 19) for assembling to
the adjacent body by pivoting of limited amplitude, and
means for connecting (20a, 2Ob, 14a) which ensure,
during pivoting, an interconnection of the different
characterized in that
- the body (10) has a lock consisting of a bar (30)
which extends axially and has a first end (3 0a)
accessible by a tool and a second end (3 0b) capable of
penetrating an opening (23) of the body of the adjacent
level and capable of abutting against an edge of the
opening to prevent the pivoting of the body, the bar
being displaceable to adopt, two axially distinct
positions, one a retracted locked position and the
other an extended unlocked position..
2. The signaling column as claimed in claim 1,
characterized in that the first end of the bar
(30) is its upper end, the opening being made Ir
an upper face (12a) of the river -12' which is
perpendicular to the axis of the column.

3. The signaling column as claimed in claim 2, characterized in that the upper end (30a) of the bar has an eyelet (31) for operating the tool and is countersunk relative to the upper surface (12a) of the cover (12) in the locked position.
4. The signaling column as claimed in claim 2, character! zed in that the bar (30) is guided in translation in the direction (X) by guide surfaces (21) provided in the upper cover (12) and guide elements
(22) provided in the lower part (16) of the body.
5. The signaling column as claimed in claim 1,
characterized in that the section of the locking bar
(30) is uniform over its length, the ends (30a, 30b) of
the bar are offset and the opening (23) is dimensioned
to accommodate the first end of the relevant bar (3 0a)
and the second end (3 0b) of the bar of the adjacent
6. The signaling column as claimed in claim 1,
characterized in that the opening (23) made in the
cover (12) to accommodate the upper end (30a) of the
bar (30) has an outwardly flared radial edge (23a) .


4053-CHENP-2006 AMENDED CLAIMS 29-10-2012.pdf

4053-CHENP-2006 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 15 -11-2012.pdf


4053-CHENP-2006 FORM-18.pdf

4053-CHENP-2006 FORM-3 29-10-2012.pdf

4053-CHENP-2006 FORM-3.pdf

4053-CHENP-2006 OTHER PATENT DOCUMENT 29-10-2012.pdf

4053-CHENP-2006 POWER OF ATTORNEY 29-10-2012.pdf

4053-CHENP-2006 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 20-04-2012.pdf

4053-CHENP-2006 FORM-3 15 -11-2012.pdf






4053-chenp-2006-form 1.pdf

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4053-chenp-2006-form 5.pdf


Patent Number 254456
Indian Patent Application Number 4053/CHENP/2006
PG Journal Number 45/2012
Publication Date 09-Nov-2012
Grant Date 06-Nov-2012
Date of Filing 03-Nov-2006
Name of Patentee Schneider Electric Industries SAS
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F21S 8/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP05/51778
PCT International Filing date 2005-04-21
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 04/04746 2004-05-04 France