Title of Invention


Abstract Apparatus and methods for delayed network information transfer are disclosed. A user requests a file via a file requesting device (10), over a network (a), from a server (20). That request is accompanied by an expected delivery time of the file to the user. A schedule is generated by the server (20) for transfer of the file (35) according to a scheduled time, which scheduled time is determined in part at least by the expected delivery time. At the scheduled time, the file is then transmitted by the server (20) to a file receiving device (40).
Field of The Invention
The present invention relates to information transfer in communication networks. More specifically, the present invention relates to the delayed transfer of information through communication networks.
Background of the Invention
Communication networks have a range of bandwidths. A low bandwidth network generally provides slower transfer of the same amount of digital information as compared to a high bandwidth network. The comparatively slow transfer rate of low bandwidth networks may create difficulties when transferring large amounts of digital information.
One type of digital information increasingly transferred over networks is multimedia digital information. Multimedia digital information, e.g. audio, video, etc., generally favors high bandwidth networks for its transmission, as multimedia digital information files are generally large. Transferring those large multimedia files over low bandwidth networks may be impractical. Additionally, since communication networks are subject to dropouts and other errors, transferring multimedia files over a slower connection, that is, when there is a greater time for errors to occur during the transfer, may be impossible.
Low bandwidth networks, however, are often more convenient than high bandwidth networks. Thus, the user may use the low bandwidth networks more, and be more familiar with those networks, thus leading to difficulties for the multimedia digital information provider. On the one hand, the potential audience for the multimedia provider's content may be greater in the low bandwidth network space, yet on the other hand, the provider may simply be unable to reach that audience with the content because of the difficulties in transmitting multimedia content over a low bandwidth network.
One type of digital information increasingly transferred over networks is multimedia digital information. Multimedia digital information, e.g. audio, video, etc., generally favors high bandwidth networks for its transmission, as multimedia digital information files are generally large. Transferring those large multimedia files over low bandwidth networks may
be impractical. Additionally, since communication networks are subject to dropouts and other errors, transferring multimedia files over a slower connection, that is, when there is a greater time for errors to occur during the transfer, may be impossible.
Accordingly, there exists a need for apparatus and methods for transferring digital information to users so that network status, user status and server status are taken into account.
Summary Of The Invention
The present invention comprises apparatus and methods for transferring digital information to users so that network status, user status and server status are taken into account. A user requests a file via a file requesting device, over a network, from a server. That request is accompanied by an expected delivery time of the file to the user. The file is scheduled by the server for transfer according to a scheduled time, which scheduled time is determined in part at least by the expected delivery time. At the scheduled time, the file is then transmitted from the server to a file receiving device.
Additional advantages and novel features of the invention will be set forth in part in the description and figures which follow, and in part will become apparent to those skilled in the art on examination of the following, or may be learned by practice of the invention.
Brief Description of the Drawings
Figure 1 shows a preferred embodiment.
Figure 2 is a flow chart of a process of a preferred embodiment.
Detailed Description Of The Embodiments
Figure 1 shows a preferred embodiment of the present invention. File requesting device 10 has a network connection a to a server 20. A file requesting device may be in this embodiment, a personal digital assistant (PDA) form factor having wireless network capabilities and an operating system (OS) (which may be a OS as is known in the art, e.g. Palm OS, Windows CE, Pocket PC, Linux, etc.)
The user chooses code, data, information and/or files (referred to generally herein as a "file") on the server 20, over the network a, and provides an expected delivery time. The
server 20 generates a schedule 30 for the download based on a number of variables, including server status, status of the network, user-provided expected delivery time, etc. Note that, in some instances conditions may warrant download of the requested file to the user before the expected delivery time, assuming the user is available, such as when server and network conditions are favorable for that download. Yet, this type of download may be before the user is ready for the download. Thus, in some embodiments, the user may specify a "not sooner than" time for delivery as well as an expected delivery time. The server 20 then transmits the file 35 according to its generated schedule 30, to a user's file receiving device 40, over a network b.
Figure 2 shows the process of a preferred embodiment. The user requests a file via a file requesting device from the server and requests a delivery time for the file. The server processes the request and generates a schedule for delivery of the file. The server then uses the schedule to transmit the requested file to the user, who receives the file with his or her file receiving device.
In examples of the embodiments, status of a user's system (also referred to herein as a "client,") server, and network are taken into account. For example, the user may begin the process of an embodiment by requesting a file over a PC, (first client condition) over a DSL network (first network condition) from a private video server (first server condition), to be delivered within 10 minutes. Delivery then comprises the PC (second client condition) receiving the file over the same network (second network condition) from the video server (second server condition) at the scheduled time. The difference between the conditions, in this embodiment, is that the scheduled time has established the new client/network/server conditions.
Thus, providing the client with a delayed download alternative according to embodiments of the present invention takes into account a number of variables: the client status, for example a user may not be prepared to receive a file immediately, etc.; as well as the network status, e.g., the network may be too congested to transmit a download, etc.; as well as the server status, e.g. the server may schedule a delivery to avoid busy times.
Thus, the process of the preferred embodiments comprises, in the requesting stage; a first client status or condition using a file requesting device, a first network status or condition comprising the type of network used and its transmission status, and a first server status or
condition e.g. a web server. The receiving stage comprises a second client status or condition, using a file receiving device, a second network status or condition, comprising the type of network used and its transmission status, and a second server status or condition, e.g. a cache server. The various receiving conditions (client/network/server) are set at least in part, by the user provided expected delivery time. So for example, a cellphone (first client condition) may request a file over a cellular network (first network condition) from a Web server (server condition), to be delivered two hours later. Delivery then comprises a PVR (second client condition) receiving the file over a cable network (second network condition) from a cached video server. Insofar as embodiments may use a cached server to download the files, use of those cached servers may be in the manners disclosed in co-pending U.S. application No. 60/340,551, entitled APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR INFORMATION TRANSFER USING A CACHED SERVER, filed 13 DECEMBER 2001.
It should be noted that the initial file request may be made through various types of communication devices, e.g. cell phone, notebook computer, personal computer, etc. (herein referred to as a "file requesting device.") In some preferred embodiments, the initial request may be made via a low bandwidth network, however, a high bandwidth network may also be used.
Moreover, various types of devices may receive the requested file, (e.g., PDA, cell phone, notebook computer, desktop computer, personal video recorder, etc., herein referred to as a "file receiving device.") It should also be noted that, in certain embodiments, the user may use a device as both a file requesting device and a file receiving device.
The server, in this and other embodiments may be implemented in Unix® and Unix®-like platforms, including but not limited to Linux® and its variants, as well as other operating system platforms including but not limited to Microsoft Windows® XP, NT, Windows® 2000, Windows® 95, 98 and Me, IBM OS/390, MacOS, VxWorks® and others.
It should be noted that embodiments may be implemented through distributed services as well. For example, a server may be a web server only, with a listing of files, accessible to the user, that is actually stored on one or more other servers. Those one or more servers in turn, would be responsible for transferring the file. Thus, one or more systems and/or servers may be used in various embodiments.
Users may be assigned access and/or download rights depending upon their status with the file provider. Those with a preferred status may have different download rights, a different possible schedule of download rights, etc. than other users. Users may also be provided with a content redirection device, in the manners disclosed in co-pending U.S. application No. 60/340,547, entitled APPARATUS, METHODS AND ARTICLES OF MANUFACTURE FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, filed 13 DECEMBER 2001.
The schedule for download may be static in various embodiments, such as when only the user provided expected delivery time is considered, or dynamic, such as when user provided expected delivery time, server status, cache server status, network status, cost of transfer over a network, etc. are considered as well. For example, if connection is through a network, and the network has a relatively small load, than the transfer may occur. If the network is presently loaded near capacity, then file transfer may be delayed until more favorable conditions are present. The server may also delay transfer for a lower priority user. The type of file may also determine, in part, transfer time. An especially newsworthy file may, for example, be transferred more quickly than an entertainment file.
Various types of transmission may be used for the transfer. For example, unicasting, broadcasting or multicasting may be used, with the selection of the latter two possibly depending upon similar scheduling supplied by more than one user with similar user-provided expected delivery times. Usually broadcasting and/or multicasting will result in improved speed for content delivery.
The above description and the views and material depicted by the figures are for purposes of illustration only and are not intended to be, and should not be construed as, limitations on the invention. Moreover, certain modifications or alternatives may suggest themselves to those skilled in the art upon reading of this specification, all of which are intended to be within the spirit and scope of the present invention as defined in the attached claims.

We claim:
1. A method of delaying transfer of information through communication networks
comprising the steps of:
receiving a request for a file (35), via a server (20), over a first network (a), from a file requesting device (10);
receiving an expected delivery time for said file (35), via said server (20), from said file requesting device (10);
generating a schedule (30), via said server (20), the schedule (30) being generated in part at least by said expected delivery time, with said schedule (30) having a transfer time for said file (35); and
transmitting said file (35), at the scheduled time, from said server (20) to a file receiving device (40), over a second network (b) different from said first network (a), wherein said file requesting device (10) is a self-contained unit and is separate from said file receiving device (40).
2. A method of delaying transfer of information through communication networks as claimed in claim 1, wherein said first network (a) is a wireless network.
3. A method of delaying transfer of information through communication networks as claimed in claim 1, wherein said file requesting device (10) is selected from the group consisting of personal digital assistant, cell phone, notebook computer and personal computer.
4. A method of delaying transfer of information through communication networks as claimed in claim 1, wherein said file receiving device (40) is selected from the group consisting of personal digital assistant, cell phone, notebook computer and personal computer.
5. A system of delaying transfer of information through communication networks comprising:
a file requesting device (10) as a self-contained unit;
a server (20); and
a file receiving device (40) separate from said file requesting device (10);
wherein when a request for a file (35) is made by said file requesting device (10) over a first network (a) to said server (20), said request is accompanied by an expected delivery time, and said server (20) transfers said file (35) to said file receiving device (40) over a second network (b), different from said first network (a) at a scheduled time determined in part at least by said expected delivery time.
6. A system of delaying transfer of information through communication networks as claimed in claim 5, wherein said first network (a) is a wireless network.
7. A system of delaying transfer of information through communication networks as claimed in claim 5, wherein said file requesting device (10) is selected from the group consisting of personal digital assistant, cell phone, notebook computer and personal computer.
8. A system of delaying transfer of information through communication networks as claimed in claim 5, wherein said file receiving device (40) is selected from the group consisting of personal digital assistant, cell phone, notebook computer and personal computer.
9. A system of delaying transfer of information through communication networks comprising:
a first client condition;
a first network condition;
a first server condition;
a second client condition;
a second network condition; and,
a second server condition;
wherein a file requesting device in a first client condition, transmits a request for a file via a first network in a first network condition, with said request for said file comprising an expected delivery time, to a server in said first server condition, and, upon receipt of said request for said file, said server generates a schedule for transmission of said file, and transmits said file according to said schedule, which places said server in said second server condition, with the transmission sent via a second network, different form said first network, in said second network condition, and with said file received by a file receiving device (40), different form said file requesting device (10), in said second client condition, and wherein said file requesting device (10) is a self-contained unit.
10. A system of delaying transfer of information through communication networks as claimed in claim 9, wherein said first network is a wireless network.
11. A system of delaying transfer information through communication networks as claimed in claim 9, wherein said file requesting device (10) is selected from the group consisting of personal digital assistant, cell phone, notebook computer and personal computer.
12. A system of delaying transfer of information through communication networks as claimed in claim 9, wherein said file receiving device (40) is selected from the group consisting of personal digital assistant, cell phone, notebook computer and personal computer.






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Patent Number 254462
Indian Patent Application Number 1474/DELNP/2004
PG Journal Number 45/2012
Publication Date 09-Nov-2012
Grant Date 06-Nov-2012
Date of Filing 31-May-2004
Applicant Address 46, QUAI A. LE GALLO, F-92648 BOULOGNE (FR)
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G06F15/16
PCT International Application Number PCT/US02/38876
PCT International Filing date 2002-12-06
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/340,549 2001-12-13 U.S.A.