Title of Invention


Abstract There are described a method and an apparatus for controlling the level and/or the inventory in a fluidized bed in a fluidized-bed tank, wherein a stream of solids is withdrawn from the fluidized-bed tank via a downer, the stream of solids is fluidized at the bottom of the downer by supplying a conveying gas flow and is conveyed to the top through a riser branching off from the downer. The size of the stream of solids conveyed through the riser is varied by the variable supply of the conveying gas, wherein the level of the solids or the solids inventory in the solids tank is used as a control variable and the volume flow rate of the conveying gas is used as an actuating variable of a control circuit.
Full Text FORM-2
(39 of 1970)
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a company incorporated in Finland
of Riihilontuntie 7, FIN - 02200, Espoo


The present invention relates to a method and an apparatus for controlling a stream of solids and in particular for controlling the level and/or the solids inventory in a solids tank, in particular in a fluidized bed in a fluidized-bed tank, as well as the temperature and/or the mixing ratio in a mixing tank to which two streams of solids are supplied.
During the treatment of granular solids such as sulfidic zinc ore, iron ore, sponge iron or aluminumhydroxide, it is the object in many regions that the solids inventory, i.e. the quantity and hence the vertical level of the solids in a fluidized bed, must be kept constant. There are various solutions to this object. On the one hand, a so-called aperture blocker or a discharge lance can be used. This is a mechanical solids valve in the form of a lance with a conical tip which fits into a corresponding conically shaped opening of the tank wall of the Iluidized bed. By withdrawing or inserting the lance into the opening, the cross-section is increased or reduced, so that the outflow can be controlled. However, the same pressure exists on both sides of the solids outlet, because the aperture blocker can effect a pressure seal only in the completely closed condition. In general, this will be the pressure of the fluidized bed at the level of the solids outlet. If as a result of the switching of the process and/or the respective operating condition a differential pressure is obtained over the solids outlet, a deterioration of the control quality must be expected.
In EP 0 488 433 B1, a control aperture blocker for opening and closing a gas passage is described in detail.
Such control aperture blockers are functioning in practice, but they have their weaknesses and disadvantages. On the one hand, the control aperture blocker

has mechanically moving parts, which are in contact with the solids. Therefore, it must be cooled by water cooling, if the solids are hot. Here, the flow rate of the cooling water and the temperature difference between forward flow and return flow must be monitored. Occasionally, a damage of the lance occurs. Then, water escapes from the lance and, in the worst case, flows into the tank located below the same, which has a refractory lining, whereby said refractory lining can be damaged. In addition, the lance must be moved laterally, with the drive being located on the outside at ambient pressure, and excess pressure or negative pressure typically existing inside. For sealing purposes, a stuffing box is used. If the same becomes leaky, hot solids probably will be discharged, which represents a safety hazard, or ambient air will enter, which can disturb the process. To adjust the stream of solids discharged via the aperture blocker, an exact adjustment is required between the tip of the lance and the nozzle stone acting like a valve seat. It should be considered here that after extended operating periods the high temperatures can effect a displacement of the refractory lining, so that this exact adjustment can get lost. It can also occur that after an extended period with closed aperture blocker, the solids are defluidized before the tip of the aperture blocker and do not move upon opening the aperture blocker. In many cases, a manually handled air lance, which is moved through another stuffing box, can then be used for poking and at the same time fluidizing the solids. The success or failure of such poking typically can be observed through an inspection glass. When the solids are hot enough to glow, something can be seen. But if they are cold, nothing can be seen and one is working blind, so to speak. In the case of hot solids, however, the inspection glass withstanding the high temperatures is very expensive. Moreover, with a control aperture blocker a pressure seal cannot be realized via the control device. This can lead to gas/air flows through the nozzle stone, in the worst

case also against the direction of the solids flow, whereby the solids flow can be limited or even be inhibited completely.
Alternatively, the level of the inventory in the fluidized bed can also be kept constant by a weir or a discharge opening disposed at a firmly defined distance from the distributor plate. This is frequently employed in stationary or bubble-forming lluidized beds. When the fluidized bed has a higher or lower pressure than the surroundings or a succeeding tank into which the solids flow, a pressure seal must yet be realized. For this purpose, so-called float chambers, siphons or star feeders can be employed.
A siphon for conveying fine-grained solids is known for instance from DE 196 29 289 Al. The siphon consists of a conduit connected with a means for feeding the solids and an almost oppositely directed second conduit to which a further conduit is connected, in which the solids are conveyed under the influence of gravity. Into a region filled with fine-grained solids, a lance extends for lluidizing the solids. The apparatus is used for blocking the pressure in a fluidized bed with respect to the underflow of a recirculation cyclone and for recirculating the solids from the cyclone back to the fluidized bed. A specific control of the stream of solids is not possible. The supply of air merely serves to keep the solids in a fluid-like condition. In such a system, the solids level in the lluidized bed is not variable.
In the case of star feeders, the stream of solids and hence the solids level in the fluidized bed can be influenced by varying the rotational speed, and when new, a pressure seal can also be achieved. However, they are disadvantageous in so far as the rotating rotor is in direct contact with the solids, whereby wear occurs and tightness is endangered. In addition, the shaft of the rotating rotor 4

must be sealed against the surroundings, because the drive is arranged on the outside.
A further disadvantage of all the aforementioned systems consists in that they only work in downward direction, i.e. the solids arrive at a level lower than the level in the iluidized bed.
The U.S. patent 6,666,629 describes a method for conveying granular solids, by means of which height can also be overcome in principle. By means of a gaseous medium, the solids are conveyed from a first zone with a pressure of 4 to 16 bar through a descending conduit and via an ascending conduit to a second zone with a pressure lower than in the first zone by 3 to 15 bar. The inflow of the gaseous medium is effected through an upwardly directed nozzle at the point where the descending conduit opens into the ascending conduit. Moreover, additional gas is introduced into the descending conduit, which determines the stream of solids through the descending conduit.
From WO 01/28900 A1 an apparatus is known, in which solids are conducted through a downer to an ascending conduit, through which they are conveyed by means of fluidizing gas and then are withdrawn at the bottom upon deflection. By means of numerous gas supply conduits, the stream of solids is fluidized both in the descending conduit and in the riser along the entire length and thereby is conveyed by gravity like a fluid in communicating tubes.
US 2005/0058516 Al describes an apparatus for the transport of fine-grained solids with a controlled How rate, wherein the solids initially flow downwards through a downer as a result of gravity and then are transported 5

to a riser via an inclined transfer conduit by injecting a secondary gas, in which riser air is introduced from below, in order to convey the particles to the top. The downer and the riser accordingly are not directly connected with each other. In the connecting piece, the solids are fluidized and supplied with secondary air. 'The conveying air in the riser is kept constant, whereas the control of the stream of solids is effected via the secondary air in the connecting piece.
The stream of solids discharged via the riser then can be supplied to a mixing tank in which it is mixed with another stream of solids. Such mixture, however without use of a riser formed as described above, is known for instance from DH 195 42 309 Al. When producing alumina from aluminum hydroxide, a partial stream of the predried and only slightly preheated hydrate is passed by the furnace of a calcining plant and then mixed with the hot alumina from the furnace of the calcining plant. It is difficult, however, to precisely define the temperalure in the mixing tank and the mixing ratio of alumina and aluminum hydroxide, as the mass flows can hardly be measured. This is why in practice a speed-variable star feeder mostly is used for the hydrate passed by the furnace, by means of which the temperature in the mixing tank is controlled. However, this involves the above-described typical disadvantages of the star feeder such as wear and decreasing tightness, so that a reliable pressure seal is almost impossible.
Therefore, it is the object underlying the invention to provide for a control of the solids level in the solids tank and of the temperature in a mixing tank by reliably controlling the stream of solids. At the same time, a reliable pressure seal should be ensured.

In a method in accordance with the present invention, this object substantially is solved by the features of claims 1 and 2.
In accordance with the invention, a granular stream of solids is withdrawn from a solids tank, in particular a fluidized-bed tank, via a descending conduit (downer), which stream of solids is fluidized at the bottom of the downer by supplying a conveying gas and is transported to a higher level via an ascending conduit (riser) branching off from the downer, wherein the size of the stream of solids conveyed through the riser is controlled by supplying the conveying gas, wherein the level of the solids or the solids inventory in the solids tank is measured and used as a control variable of a control circuit, and wherein the volume How of the conveying gas is used as an actuating variable of the control circuit.
In accordance with a development of the invention, the level of the solids or the solids inventory is determined by means of the pressure difference between the upper and the lower region of the solids tank, in particular of the fluidized bed formed in the same. Alternatively, it is also possible to perform an ultrasonic measurement of the solids level or a weight measurement of the solids tank.
In a stationary fluidized bed, the fluidized solids bed behaves like a fluid and thus generates a hydrostatic pressure, which is proportional to the height of the fluidized bed. In the case of a circulating fluidized bed, a level is not defined, because the fluidized bed fills up the entire fluidized-bed reactor. The pressure difference then is proportional to the solids inventory of the fluidized-bed reactor. In accordance with the invention, the pressure difference signal is utilized for actuating a control valve via a control circuit

and thereby determine the supply of the conveying gas. If the pressure difference in the fluidized-bed tank becomes too large, the valve is opened more and the conveying gas How is increased, so that the solids are removed from the fluidized bed and the level is decreasing again. If the level becomes too low, the pressure difference is decreasing and the conveying gas flow is reduced, which leads to a corresponding reduction of the solids mass flow in the riser and hence to an increase of the level in the fluidized bed. In this way, the retention time of the solids in the fluidized bed can also be controlled.
If the stream of solids is supplied to a mixing tank via the riser, the temperature and/or the mixing ratio in the mixing tank can be controlled by means of the invention in that the temperature in the mixing tank is measured and that the measured temperature is used as a control variable for the supply of the fluidizing gas. In this case as well, the size of the stream of solids conveyed through the riser is controlled by the supply of the fluidizing gas. If the temperature in the mixing tank differs from a defined setpoint, the supply of the fluidizing gas is adjusted such that correspondingly more or less solids are conveyed through the riser and thereby the temperature in the mixing tank is again brought to ihe desired value. In contrast to the mass flows of the solids, the temperature can be measured very easily, so that a reliable control is easily possible.
In accordance with a preferred embodiment of the invention, the pressure difference between the bottom and the top of the downer is kept smaller than the pressure loss corresponding to a fluidized downer. If, as likewise provided in accordance with the invention, the pressure at the bottom of the downer is kept greater than the pressure at the top of the downer, the solids in

the downer behave like a sinking bed with a porosity close to that of a fixed bed. Thus, a non-iluidized, traversed moving bed is present in the downer.
The pressure difference of the first downer, APD, here is defined by
Here,, PR is the pressure loss over the riser, which depends on the conveying gas flow and the solids mass ilow. As the supply of gas to the riser is varied, in order to realize a certain solids mass flow, a corresponding pressure loss is obtained here.
PR,K is the pressure at the top of the riser. In many cases, this pressure corresponds to ambient pressure, but it can vary, for instance when the waste air extraction of a fluidizing channel is too strong and a negative pressure is generated. If a further process part is provided downstream of the riser, the pressure PRK can also be much higher than the ambient pressure, for instance also higher than the pressure P0.
In addition, the pressure P0 in the free space of the attached fluidized bed must be considered, as well as the pressure APWS-B, which is caused by the fluidized bed of the bed height IIWS,B above the downer inlet. Both pressures are dependent on the plant behavior of the fluidized-bed tank or possibly further upstream apparatuses. Thus, the pressure difference APD over the downer is obtained automatically corresponding to the adjustment of the conveying gas ilow. Moreover, this pressure difference should not become greater than the one obtained in the case of a fluidized downer. This would mean that the porosity in the downer would be reduced and the back pressure from the riser, or also from the fluidized-bed tank, no longer could be sealed reliably. This is expressed by


porosity of the solids in the fixed-bed condition solids density gravitational acceleration height of the riser
Under these conditions, the bed in the downer acts as a pressure seal, and the pressure at the top of the riser is uncoupled from the pressure at the inlet of the downer. Furthermore, the solids mass flow conveyed or the bed height and the solids inventory in the fluidized-bed tank can now be adjusted or controlled by varying the conveying gas. The conveying gas, e.g. air, for the major part flows upwards in the riser and transports so much solids to the top as corresponds to its load-bearing capacity. A minor part of the conveying gas traverses the moving bed in the downer and thereby causes the pressure loss in the downer.
In principle, a positive or negative pressure difference can be overcome by the arrangement in accordance with the invention, the pressure difference between the inlet of the downer and the top of the riser lying in the range from -10 bar to +50 bar, preferably from -1 bar to +1 bar, in accordance with the invention. The pressure at the top of the riser is 0 to 50 bar (abs.) in accordance with the invention, approximately ambient pressure being preferred in general.
Below the riser, the conveying gas preferably is supplied via at least one conveying gas nozzle. For this purpose, in principle any suitable nozzle or gas supply can be provided, for instance a cap-type nozzle or a nozzle

directed upwards, at whose upper end e.g. a porous, gas-permeable medium such as a membrane can be disposed, which is traversed by the conveying gas flow, or for instance a suitably mounted orifice plate.
In accordance with a particularly preferred aspect of the invention, the conveying gas is supplied below the riser via at least one downwardly directed nozzle. Thereby, a pluggage of the nozzle is reliably avoided.
The required quantity of conveying gas depends on the solids properties, such as particle density, particle size and size distribution, the operating temperature and the operating pressure, the riser diameter and the riser height. The riser diameter preferably should be chosen such that with the maximum solids mass flow to be expected a solids delivery rate of up to 5 m/s, preferably about I to 2 m/s is obtained.
The optimum height of the riser depends on the pressure at the riser head and on the solids density. It should preferably be greater than the height of the downer, when the pressure at the riser head is smaller than/equal to the pressure at the inlet of the downer. When the pressure at the riser head is significantly higlier than the pressure at the inlet of the downer, the length of the riser can be reduced. Then, it can even be smaller than the height of the downer.
In accordance with the invention, the level of the fluidized bed in the fluidized-bed tank is kept constant, and this is also applicable when the solids mass How at the entrance to the tank varies. It is likewise in accordance with the invention to specifically vary the level of the fluidized bed with a constant inlet mass flow, for instance following a linear increase and decrease or in

cyclically recurrent form of any time function (level = f(time)), in particular corresponding to a sinusoidal function. For this purpose, the setpoint of the control circuit would only be varied correspondingly.
When different gas atmospheres are required in the fluidized-bed tank and the discharge tank of the riser, a gas barrier between the fluidized-bed tank and the discharge tank of the riser is ensured in accordance with the invention, in that a third, preferably inert gas, in particular nitrogen, is used as conveying gas.
In accordance with a development of the invention, the solids mass flow can reliably be interrupted by a strong reduction or complete interruption of the conveying gas How. Experiments have shown that even with great pressure differences between the fluidized-bed tank and the head of the riser the solids will cease to How as soon as the conveying gas flow becomes smaller than would be necessary for a minimum fluidization in the riser. Both in the downer and in the riser, a traversed fixed bed then is obtained. Thus, when the conveying gas How is not interrupted completely, but only reduced below the critical limit, and a third, preferably inert gas is chosen as conveying gas, this traversal guarantees the separation of the gas atmospheres between the fluidized-bed tank and the riser head also in the case of the interrupted stream of solids, which may be necessary depending on the application. When the conveying gas How is interrupted completely, the solids in the downer and in the riser will remain as a fixed bed. Through the downer and the riser, a very small gas How may then occur from the tank with the higher pressure into the tank with the lower pressure.

Due to the dependence of the conveyed solids mass flow on the conveying gas volume How and the material used, the mass flow of conveyed solids can be determined at the same time, and an indirect measurement of the conveyed solids mass flow through the riser is possible in accordance with the invention.
In principle, all fluidi/able solids can be transported with the arrangement in accordance with the invention. In general, however, the particle size of the solids to be conveyed should not be greater than 10 mm, preferably not greater than 3 mm, and in particular not greater than 0.3 mm. Iron ore is processed for instance with a grain size up to about 10 mm, plastics granules preferably have a grain size of 2 to 6 mm, whereas alumina preferably is processed with a grain size In accordance with a particularly preferred aspect of the invention, several streams of solids are withdrawn from the fluidized-bed tank in parallel via separate downers. In accordance with the invention, the supply of conveying gas for each downer and hence the discharge of solids via the respectively associated riser is varied individually. In this way, several variables can then be controlled, for instance, in the case of four separate downers, the level in the fluidized-bed lank can be controlled on the one hand by varying the supply of conveying gas to the first riser, whereas in the discharge tanks of the second, third and fourth riser three levels and/or mixing temperatures are controlled. All riser diameters can be different and all riser heads can be located at different levels and have different pressures. Moreover, the inlets of the various downers can also be connected to the fluidized-bed tank at different levels, which permits for instance a substantial evacuation of the fluidized-bed tank through the bottommost downer. The pressures at the riser

heads can also be different from the pressure at the inlet of the downers. In addition, the gas atmospheres in the fluidized-bed tank and in the four discharge tanks can be different, and gas barriers are possible between all five tanks. Here, it is also possible to normally not utilize one or more of the downers and only use the same as an additional conveying means when a critical solids level in the fluidized- bed tank is exceeded. Switching between various recipient tanks for the solids discharged from the fluidized bed so far has merely been possible via a mechanical switch. By means of the invention, the contact of movable pails with the hot solids is avoided and the resulting wear, which leads to a reduction of the control accuracy and an increased maintenance effort, is avoided.
This invention also extends to an apparatus for controlling the stream of solids with the features of claims 16 or 17.
When controlling the level and/or the solids inventory in a solids tank, in particular in a fluidized bed, a measuring device for detecting the level of the solids in the tank is provided in accordance with the invention, wherein the supply of the conveying gas flow to the associated riser is effected via a control valve, and wherein the open position of the control valve can be varied via a control circuit on the basis of the measurement result of the measuring device.
In the case of fluidized beds, the level preferably is detected by means of the pressure difference between the deepest point of the fluidized bed and the free space above the fluidized bed. The pressure difference can be measured directly via a differential pressure pickup. Alternatively, the pressure difference can also be calculated on the basis of the measurement of two

pressure sensors. However, the solids inventory can for instance also be detected by weighing the solids tank or by measuring the deformation of a supporting steel scaffold.
For controlling the temperature and/or the mixing ratio of two streams of solids joined together in one mixing tank, a temperature measuring device is provided at the mixing tank in accordance with the invention, wherein the supply of the conveying gas How is effected via a control valve and the open position of the control valve can be controlled via a control circuit on the basis of the temperature measured by means of the temperature measuring device.
In accordance with the invention, the supply of the conveying gas flow is effected via at least one, preferably downwardly inclined nozzle. Alternatively, the supply of the conveying gas flow can also be effected via a fluidizing cloth or some other porous medium.
In accordance with the invention, the downer is inclined by not more than 45° with respect to the vertical, in order to provide for the solids descending gradually in the downer without lluidization.
On the other hand, the riser preferably is arranged approximately vertical. The discharge of solids through the riser thereby is facilitated.
In accordance with a development of the invention, the height of the riser is greater than the height of ihe downer. Thus, height can also be gained by means of the invention, i.e. the solids can be conveyed to the top. In plant construction, this is highly advantageous, because the various process stages

no longer must be built one on top of the other, but can also be erected one beside the other. In this way, construction height and hence costs are saved.
To be able to adjust the desired ilow regime in the riser, which is very similar to that of a dense fluidized bed, the diameter of the downer should be greater than or equal to the diameter of the riser. Preferably, the diameter of the downer is 1.5 to 3 times the diameter of the riser; usually it should be twice as great as the diameter of the riser. It is not necessary that downers or risers always are cylindrical. Oval, angular etc. embodiments are also possible. The diameter then always refers to an equivalent diameter of a round tube with the same cross-sectional area. It is also possible that the diameters or shapes of the downers and risers are changing along their course.
At its upper end, the riser opens into a discharge pot or expansion tank, from which the solids then are withdrawn. Alternatively, the solids can also simply be deflected via an elbow at the upper end of the riser and then be conducted into a recipient tank.
In accordance with the invention, the temperature of the solids in the downer and/or riser can be influenced in that heat exchangers are provided in the downer and/or in the riser. In the case of inside heat exchangers, the diameter of the riser must be adjusted such that the ratios of free cross-sectional area between downer and riser again correspond to the required relations. Alternatively, the downer and/or the riser itself can also constitute a heat exchanger.
If two or more downers branch off from the fluidized-bed tank, the solids can be supplied in parallel to various downstream tanks or plants. The flow rate

through the individual downers and associated risers can be controlled individually. The risers also can have different lengths. When the risers are designed for different streams of solids, the diameters must be adjusted correspondingly, furthermore, it is not necessary that the downers or risers always are cylindrical. Oval, angular, etc. embodiments are also possible. The diameter then always refers to an equivalent diameter of a round tube with the same cross-sectional area. It is also possible that the diameters or shapes of the downers and risers are changing along their course.
Developments, advantages and possible applications of the invention can also be taken from the following description of embodiments and from the drawing. All features described and/or illustrated form the subject-matter of the invention per se or in any combination, independent of their inclusion in the claims or their back reference.
In the drawing,
Fig. 1 schematically shows an apparatus in accordance with a first
embodiment of the invention,
Fig. 2 schematically shows an apparatus in accordance with a second
embodiment of the invention, and
Fig. 3 schematically shows an apparatus in accordance with a third
embodiment of the present invention.
Fig. 1 shows an apparatus for adjusting the level or the inventory in a fluidized-bed tank 1 in accordance with a first embodiment of the invention. Instead of the fluidized-bed tank 1, there can also be used a cyclone or some other tank containing solids. What is essential above all is the fact that fluidizable solids are received in the tank.

In the fluidized-bed tank 1, there is shown a stationary (bubble-forming) fluidized bed 2 of preferably fine-grained solids, such as iron ore, alumina or plastics granules, with a mean grain size below 10 mm, preferably from 0.01 to 5 mm and in particular from 0.05 to 1 mm. The solids are introduced into the fluidized-bed tank 1 via a supply conduit 3. The fluidized bed 2 is fluidized by means of lluidizing gas, which is supplied to a gas distributor 5 via a conduit 4 and traverses the fluidized bed 2 from below. In addition, fuel can be supplied.
At a defined distance from the distributor plate (i.e. above the same or at its level), a descending conduit, which is also referred to as downpipe 6 or downer, branches off from the fluidized-bed tank 1. The inlet region of the downer 6 located above the height 1ID is also referred to as head 7 of the downer. Shortly before the bottom 8 of the downer 6, an upwardly directed conduit, which is also referred to as rising pipe 9 or riser, branches off from the downer 6 and extends substantially vertically to the top. The diameter of the downer 6 is about twice as great as that of the riser 9. The inlet region or base 10 of the riser 9 can slightly protrude into the downer 6 or terminate flush with the wall of the downer 6. At the upper end or head 11 of the riser 9, the riser 9 opens into a discharge pot 12, from which the solids can flow off via a chute 13. This downer/riser arrangement is also referred to as "Lifting Sealpot" (LSP).
At the bottom 8 of the downer 6, below the riser base 10, conveying gas is supplied via a nozzle 14 connected to a supply conduit 15, in order to fluidize the stream of solids in the riser 9. In principle, any suitable conveying gas can be used as lluidizing gas. Preferably, a third, in particular inert gas such as nitrogen is used to ensure the separation of the gas atmospheres between the

fluidized bed and the head of the riser. For the sake of simplicity, the conveying gas subsequently will briefly be referred to as propellant air. A plurality of nozzles 14 can be provided to supply the propellant air. The nozzle 14 is not restricted to the illustrated form of an upwardly directed nozzle. Rather, it is also possible to provide a cap-type nozzle or a downwardly directed nozzle or a nozzle with a porous body provided at its end, which should prevent the nozzle from plugging. It is also possible to supply the conveying gas via a fluidizing cloth or some other porous medium, which is disposed at the bottom of the downer above a non-illustrated gas distributor. One of skill in the art can employ all measures known to him for appropriately fluidizing the solids at the bottom of the downer 6.
The supply conduit 15 for the propellant air includes a control valve 16, by means of which the supplied quantity of propellant air can be controlled. For this purpose, a pressure difference measuring device 17 is provided at the fluidized-bed tank 1, by means of which the pressure difference AP between the pressure P(, over the fluidized bed 2 and the pressure Pi in the fluidized bed 2 below the inlet region of the downer 6 is measured. Preferably, the pressure P1 is measured at the lower end of the fluidized bed 2 directly above the distributor plate of the gas distributor 5. The pressure difference AP is provided to the control valve 16 as a control variable for controlling the supply of propellant air.
The apparatus in accordance with the first embodiment of the invention substantially is designed as described above. Subsequently, the mode of function and operation of this apparatus will be explained.

From the fluidized bed 2 in the lluidized-bed tank 1, the solids sink through the downer 6 to the bottom 8 of the downer 6 and to the lower end 10 of the riser 9. By adding propellant or conveying air below the inlet opening 10 of the riser 9, the solids are conveyed to the top in the riser 9, exit again at the upper end 11 thereof and How off via the chute 13, for instance onto a conveyor belt, into a lluidi/ing channel, an airlift or the like. The stream of solids to be conveyed can be varied via the quantity of propellant air.
For controlling the bed height 1 IWS.B in the lluidized-bed tank 1, the level of the fluidized bed 2 is measured via a pressure difference AP between the pressure Po above the lluidized bed and the pressure Pi in the lower region of the fluidized bed. On the basis of the pressure difference AP, the control valve 16 is actuated, in order to define the quantity of propellant air to be supplied through the nozzle 14. The solids at the bottom of the downer 6 are fluidized by the propellant air and conveyed to the top through the riser 9. The flow in the riser 9 behaves like a dense fluidized bed, whereas the solids in the downer 6 are sinking like a traversed moving bed as a layer with a porosity close to that of a fixed bed. For this purpose, it is necessary that the solids flow rate in the downer 6 does not become too high and the pressure difference between the bottom 8 and the head 7 of the downer 6 does not become greater than the pressure loss corresponding to a fluidized downer 6. At the same time, the pressure at the bottom of the downer 6, which corresponds to the pressure at the lower end of the riser 9, must be greater than the pressure at the top of the downer 6.
In many cases, the pressure PR,K AT THE head 11 of the riser 9 corresponds to ambient pressure. J Jowever, conveyance in the riser 9 is also possible against

a high excess pressure, for instance up to 50 bar, or also against a negative pressure.
For keeping constant the level in the fluidized-bed tank 1, the supply of conveying air is controlled via a control circuit. The level is detected via a measurement or calculation of the pressure difference P1 - P0. In a fluidized bed, the fluidized solids bed behaves like a fluid and thus generates a hydrostatic pressure, which is proportional to the height of the fluidized bed. The pressure difference signal is utilized for actuating the control valve 16 via a control circuit, in order to keep the pressure difference P] - P0 constant. When the pressure difference Pi - P0 in the fluidized-bed tank 1 becomes too large, the control valve 16 is opened more and the conveying gas flow is increased, so that more solids are removed from the fluidized bed 2 and the level decreases again. When the level of the fluidized bed 2 becomes too low, the pressure difference P1 - P0 decreases and the conveying gas flow is reduced, which leads to a reduction of the solids mass flow in the riser 9, whereby the level increases again.
Thus, the bed height in the Fluidized-bed tank can also be kept constant when the solids mass How at the inlet of the fluidized-bed tank 1 varies. With constant inlet mass How it is possible to specifically vary the bed height of the fluidized bed 2, for instance as a sinusoidal function over time. For this purpose, the setpoinl of the control circuit is varied correspondingly.
By means of the apparatus in accordance with the invention, the solids mass flow can also be interrupted reliably. This is effected by a strong reduction or complete interruption of the conveying gas flow. Even with great pressure differences between the fluidized-bed tank 1 and the head 11 of the riser 9,

the solids will cease to How, as soon as the conveying gas flow becomes smaller than corresponds to the minimum fluidization rate in the riser 9. In the riser 9 and in the downer 6 a traversed fixed bed then is obtained. This traversal guarantees the separation of the gas atmospheres between the fluidized-bed tank 2 and the head 11 of the riser 9, which may be necessary depending on the application. When the conveying gas flow is interrupted completely, the solids will remain in the riser 9 as a fixed bed and prevent the compensation of pressure between the fluidized-bed tank 1 and the head 11 of the riser 9.
The solids mass How in the riser 9, whose conveying gas volume flow is connected as an actuating variable for controlling the solids inventory of the fluidized- bed reactor 1, is in a defined relationship with the conveying gas volume flow itself. If a How measurement for the conveying gas is employed before the control valve 16, the solids mass flow therefore can be derived from the measured conveying gas volume flow. The solids retention time of a solids tank, for instance also of a fluidized-bed reactor, is obtained from the ratio of solids content to solids throughput. Because the solids mass flow of the riser 9 - apart from control variations - is identical with the solids throughput of the fluidized-bed reactor, the solids retention time can even be determined and controlled in the method of the invention. When e.g. the usually constant introduction of solids into the fluidized-bed reactor is doubled at a specific time, the inventory in the fluidized-bed reactor must also be doubled, if the solids retention time should be kept constant. Even if the introduction of solids into the Iluidized-bed reactor is not measured, it can be concluded from the rise in the solids mass flow in the riser 9 that the throughput of the system has been doubled. For keeping constant the solids retention time, the setpoint of the control circuit for the reactor inventory then

is doubled. Alter a transition period, twice the pressure difference of the fluidized-bed reactor is obtained. Thus, instead of the solids inventory in the fluidized bed, even the retention time of the solids in the fluidized bed can be controlled in this way.
Fig. 2 shows a second embodiment of the invention, in which two downers 6] and 62 are connected to the fluidized-bed tank 1. Here, the function is just the same as in the apparatus as shown in Fig. 1, so that reference is made to the above description. Of course, it is also possible to provide further downers 63 to 6n. In the embodiment as shown in Fig. 2, the supply of conveying gas via the nozzles 14|, 142 for each downer 61 62 is varied individually by correspondingly actuating the control valves 61, 162. As a result, the stream of solids through the risers 9h 92 likewise can be varied individually. It must merely be ensured that the height of the fluidized bed 2 does not decrease below the inlet of the downers 6N 62. Of course, it is also possible to provide further downers 63 to 6„ with associated risers 93 to 9n, for which then the same applies. These individually adjustable streams of solids through n independent downers and associated risers can then be utilized for controlling n variables, for instance n temperatures in the n tanks connected to the rising head pipes 1 11 to 11 „, when one further stream of solids of different temperature is each introduced into these tanks. It is likewise possible to control the level of the fluidized bed in the fluidized-bed tank 1 by varying the streams of solids through the riser 9b while n-1 temperatures in the tanks behind the rising head pipes 1 1? to 1 ln are controlled by varying the streams of solids in the risers 92 to 9„. Another possibility is the control of n solids levels in the tanks behind the riser heads 112 to 1 ln, when the level in the fluidized bed is controlled by varying the stream of solids through the solids inlet 3. It can thus be ensured, for instance, that in these tanks, which all have

different pressures and gas atmospheres and can be located at different heights, enough solids for the supply of downstream apparatuses or parts of the plant always are available.
Fig. 3 shows a third embodiment of the invention, in which the apparatus of the invention is used for a hydrate bypass during the production of alumina.
A method for producing alumina from aluminum hydroxide is described for instance in Dl- 195 42 309 Al. A partial stream of moderately warm aluminum hydroxide (Al (011) 3) is branched off before the calcining furnace and later on admixed again to the hot alumina (AI2O3) produced in the calcining furnace. In the illustrated embodiment, the aluminum hydroxide branched off is conveyed via a fluidizing channel 20 at a temperature of about 160 C and at about ambient pressure. From the fluidizing channel 20, part of the aluminum hydroxide Hows off via a downer 21, while the other part is moved on in the Iluidizing channel 20 and is supplied to the calcining furnace via various non-illustrated process stages. Like in the first embodiment, a riser 23, which extends to the top substantially vertically, branches off at the bottom 22 of the downer 21. The solids at the bottom of the downer 21 are lluidized by means of at least one nozzle 24, which in turn can be any nozzle in principle. There is shown an upwardly directed nozzle 24, but it is also possible to direct the nozzle downwards, in order to be able to prevent pluggings more reliably. The solids ascend through the riser 23 into an expansion tank 25 and are supplied from the same via a delivery conduit 26 to a mixing tank 27. Instead of the expansion tank 25, a simple elbow can also be provided at the end of the riser 23.

In the mixing tank 27, the aluminum hydroxide is mixed with alumina from the calcining furnace, which is supplied via a conduit 28. The alumina has a temperature of about 970°C, so that with the mixing ratio provided in the fluidized mixing tank 27 a mixing temperature of about 850°C is obtained. The pressure in the mixing tank 27 is about 1.14 bar (abs), i.e. there exists a slight excess pressure with respect to the surroundings. In this embodiment, the mixing tank 27 can be disposed above or below the fluidizing channel 20.
The temperature in the mixing lank 27 depends on the mixing ratio between the aluminum hydroxide supplied via the riser 23 and the alumina supplied via the conduit 28 and on the temperatures of these streams of solids. The solids mass Hows in the riser 23 and in the conduit 28 can, however, hardly be measured. Therefore, it is provided in accordance with the invention to detect the easily measurable temperature in the mixing tank 27 by means of a temperature measuring device 2L) and use the same as a control variable for actuating a control valve 30 in the supply conduit 31 to the nozzle 24, by means of which the supply of the conveying gas at the bottom 22 of the downer 21 is adjusted. In this way, the mixing ratio and hence the temperature in the mixing tank 27 can be influenced very easily by increasing the supply of conveying gas via the nozzle 24 when the actual temperature in the mixing tank 27 exceeds the setpoint, so that more colder alu-minumhydroxide is introduced into the mixing tank. As a result, the temperature in the mixing tank decreases again. When the temperature in the mixing tank 27 decreases below the setpoint, the supply of aluminumhydroxide is reduced by corre- spondingly closing the control valve 30.

By means of the invention, a simple control of the level and/or the solids inventory in the lluidized bed in a fluidized-bed tank and of the temperature and the mixing ratio in a mixing tank can thus be achieved. At the same time, a pressure seal between the lluidized bed contained in the fluidized-bed tank and the head of the riser is ensured, which is important in many applications. Finally, it is also possible to reduce the amount of solids conveyed through the riser to zero by means of the arrangement in accordance with the invention.
Discharge of iron ore
During discharge from a fluidized-bed cooler for iron ore, a system as shown in Fig. 1 is utilized. The entrance to the downer 6 is located about 0.5 m below the desired level of the lluidized bed. The inflow into the cooler is specified and should again be discharged continuously via the downer/riser arrangement (Lifting Seal pot or LSP), in order to keep the level in the cooler constant. The downer 6 has a diameter DD = 0.2 m and a downer height HD = 2 m. The riser 9 with a diameter DR = 0.1 m has a length HR = 4 m. Thus, the riser head is located about 1.5 m above the desired level in the fluidized-bed tank. The excess pressure above the fluidized bed is about 30 mbar, while ambient pressure exists at the riser head.
The level of the lluidized bed is measured via a pressure difference as in Fig. 1 and controlled via a control circuit and the control valve 16 for the conveying air flow. The conveying air is provided by a blower and supplied via an upwardly directed nozzle 14 below the riser bottom 10. With a solids flow rate of 6.2 t/h, the conveying gas flow is about 40 Nm3/h. As the plant

can also be operated under partial load or overload, the conveying gas flow then is decreased or increased correspondingly, in order to keep the level in the fluidized bed constant.
When it is desired, for instance, to discharge as much iron ore as possible from the cooler before shutting off the plant, the setpoint of the control circuit can also be changed to a level lower than usual with the consequence that more iron ore is discharged from the cooler via the LSP, until the new level setpoint is reached.
Conversely, when discharge is disturbed behind the riser head, the level setpoint in the cooler can be increased for a certain period. Then, less or no iron ore at all would be discharged from the cooler by the LSP, with the consequence that die level in the cooler is rising and ore is stored there specifically.
Hydrate by-pass
Here, the invention is utilized to pass a part of the hydrate stream by the furnace of a calcining plant, as described in principle in DE 195 42 309 Al (cf. Fig. 3). For this purpose, a partial stream of the preheated and predried hydrate is withdrawn such that the downer 21 of the invention always is completely filled. The solids then are conveyed via the riser 23 into the mixing tank 27 (Mixpot), where they are processed.
The downer 21 has a diameter DD = 0.2 m and a downer height HD = 8 m. At its base, the riser with a diameter DR = 0.1 m is connected flush with the downer 21. The riser 23 has a length HR = 10 m. Thus, the riser head is located about 2 in above ihe level in the lluidizing channel. The pressure in

the fluidizing channel is about ambient pressure, whereas the pressure at the riser head corresponds to the pressure in the mixing tank with an excess pressure of 0.14 bar.
The solids flow rate is varied here between 0 and 10 t/h, so that the temperature in the mixing tank, where the solids conveyed are mixed with hot solids from the furnace, is kept at a constant setpoint. In this case, the control variable thus is the temperature in the mixing tank. This temperature is determined by the mass How ratio of hydrate, which flows into the mixing tank through the hydrate by-pass, and alumina, which flows from the furnace into the mixing tank. The control circuit actuates the control valve 30 for the conveying air of the LSI1, because neither the alumina mass flow from the furnace nor the hydrate mass How through the hydrate by-pass can easily be measured. On the other hand, the temperature measurement in the mixing tank can be effected very easily. Lor a mixing tank temperature of 850 C a hydrate mass flow of about 8 t/h is required through the by-pass, when the total production of alumina is 78 t/h. Lor this purpose, about 120 Nm /h of conveying air are required in the LSP.
List of Reference Numerals
1 fluidized-bed tank
2 fluidized bed
3 solids supply conduit
4 supply conduit fluidizing gas for fluidized bed
5 gas distributor
6 downer
7 head of the downer
8 bottom of the downer

9 riser
10 bottom of the riser
11 head ol'the riser
12 discharge pot
13 chute
14 nozzle
15 conduit
16 control valve
17 pressure difference measuring device

20 fluidizing channel
21 downer
22 bottom
23 riser
24 nozzle
25 expansion tank
26 delivery conduit
27 mixing tank
28 conduit
29 temperalure measuring device
30 control valve
31 supply conduit

We claim
1. A method for controlling the level and/or the inventory in a solids tank, in particular a iluidi/ed-bed lank, from which a stream of solids is withdrawn via a downer, wherein the stream of solids withdrawn from the solids tank is fluidized at the bottom of the downer by supplying a conveying gas and is transported to a higher level via a riser branching off from the downer, wherein the size of the stream of solids conveyed through the riser is varied by the variable supply of the conveying gas, wherein the level of the solids or the solids inventory in the solids tank is used as a control variable and the volume flow of the conveying gas is used as an actuating variable of a control circuit.
2. The method as claimed in claim 1, characterized in that the level of the solids in the Lank is determined by measuring the pressure difference over the solids tank.
3. A method for controlling the temperature and/or the mixing ratio in a mixing tank, wherein a first stream of solids is withdrawn from a tank via a downer, wherein the stream of solids withdrawn from the tank is fluidized at the bottom of the downer by supplying a conveying gas and is transported into the mixing tank via a riser branching off from the downer, in which mixing tank it is mixed with a second stream of solids of a different temperature, wherein the size of the stream of solids conveyed through the riser is controlled by supplying the conveying gas, wherein the temperature in the mixing tank is measured, and wherein the measured temperature is used as a control variable for the supply of the conveying gas. 30

4. The method as claimed in any of the preceding claims, characterized in that the pressure dilTerenee between the bottom and the top of the downer is kept smaller than the pressure loss corresponding to a fluidized downer.
5. The method as claimed in any of the preceding claims, characterized in that the pressure at the bottom of the downer is kept greater than the pressure at the top of the downer.
6. The method as claimed in any of the preceding claims, characterized in
that the pressure difference between the inlet of the downer and the head of the riser lies in the range from -10 bar to +50 bar, preferably from -1 bar to +1 bar.
7. The method as claimed in any of the preceding claims, characterized in that the pressure at the top of the riser is 0 to 50 bar (abs) and preferably is about ambient pressure.
8. The method as claimed in any of the preceding claims, characterized in that with the maximum solids mass flow provided, the delivery rate in the riser is smaller than 5 m/s and preferably is about 1 to 2 m/s.
9. The method as claimed in any of the preceding claims, characterized in that the bed height of the fluidized bed in the fluidized-bed tank is kept constant.
10. The method as claimed in any of claims 1 to 8, characterized in that the
bed height of the lluidized bed in the tluidized-bed tank is varied corresponding to a specified function.

11. The method as claimed in any of the preceding claims, characterized in that a third gas, preferably an inert gas and in particular nitrogen is used as conveying gas.
12. The method as claimed in any of the preceding claims, characterized in that for interrupting the throughput of solids, the conveying gas is introduced with such a small volume flow rate that the traversal of the fixed bed in the riser lies below the minimum fluidization rate in the riser.
13. The method as claimed in any of the preceding claims, characterized in that the particle size of the solids to be conveyed is not greater than 10 mm, preferably not greater than 3 mm, and in particular not greater than 0.3 mm.
14. The method as claimed in any of the preceding claims, characterized in that several streams of solids are withdrawn from the fluidized-bed tank in parallel via separate downers.
15. The method as claimed in claim 14, characterized in that the supply of
conveying gas into each downer is controlled individually.
16. An apparatus for controlling the level and/or the solids inventory in a
solids tank, in particular for performing a method as claimed in any of the
preceding claims, comprising a downer (6) through which a stream of solids
is withdrawn from the solids tank (1), a riser (9) which close to the bottom (8)
of the downer (6) branches off from the same to the top, and a conveying gas
supply below the riser (9), wherein the stream of solids withdrawn from the
solids tank (1) is fluidized by the conveying gas and is transported to a higher
level via the riser (9), characterized in that the level of the solids in the tank

(1) is detected via a measuring device, that the supply of the conveying gas flow is effected via a control valve (16), and that the open position of the control valve (16) can be varied via a control circuit on the basis of the measurement result of the measuring device.
17. The apparatus as claimed in claim 16, characterized in that the
measuring device is a pressure difference measuring device (17) for detecting the pressure difference over the tank (1).
18. An apparatus for controlling the temperature and/or the mixing ratio in a mixing tank (27), in particular for performing a method as claimed in any of claims 1 to 15, wherein the mixing tank (27) is supplied with a first stream of solids via a downer (21) from a iluidized-bed tank (20) and with a second stream of solids of a different temperature, wherein the first stream of solids withdrawn from the Fluidi/.ec! bed is fluidized at the bottom of the downer (21) by supplying a Fluidi/.ing gas and is transported into the mixing tank (27) via a riser (23) branching off from the downer (21), in which mixing tank it is mixed with the second stream of solids, characterized in that a temperature measuring device (29) is provided at the mixing tank (27), that the supply of the conveying gas flow is effected via a control valve (30), and that the open position of the control valve (30) can be controlled via a control circuit on the basis of the temperature measured by means of the temperature measuring device (29).
19. The apparatus as claimed in any of claims 16 to 18, characterized in that the supply of the conveying gas How is effected via at least one nozzle (14, 24).

20. The apparatus as claimed in claim 19, characterized in that the at least one nozzle (14, 24) is inclined downwards.
21. The apparatus as claimed in any of claims 16 to 18, characterized in that the supply of the conveying gas How is effected via a fluidizing cloth.
22. The apparatus as claimed in any of claims 16 to 21, characterized in that the downer (6, 21) is inclined by not more than 45° with respect to the vertical.
23. The apparatus as claimed in any of claims 16 to 22, characterized in that the riser (9, 23) is arranged approximately vertical.
24. The apparatus as claimed in any of claims 16 to 23, characterized in that the height (HR) of the riser (9, 23) is greater than the height (HD) of the downer (6, 21).
25. The apparatus as claimed in any of claims 16 to 24, characterized in that the diameter (DD) of the downer (6, 21 ) is greater than or equal to the diameter (DR) of the riser (9, 23), preferably about twice as great as the diameter (DR) of the riser (9, 23).
26. The apparatus as claimed in any of claims 16 to 25, characterized in that the riser (9, 23) opens into a discharge pot (12) or the like.
27. The apparatus as claimed in any of claims 16 to 26, characterized in that in the downer (6, 21 ) and/or in the riser (9, 23) heat exchangers are provided or that the downer and/or the riser themselves constitute heat exchangers.

28. The apparatus as claimed in any of claims 16 to 27, characterized in that two or more downers (6) branch off from the solids tank (1).
29. The apparatus as claimed in claim 28, characterized in that the downers
(6) are connected to the solids tank at different levels.

Dated thi
OfR. IC/Dewan & Co.
Applteant's Patent Attorney






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1404-MUMNP-2009-FORM PCT-ISA-210(30-10-2013).pdf

1404-MUMNP-2009-OTHER DOCUMENT(14-2-2014).pdf

1404-MUMNP-2009-OTHER DOCUMENT(30-10-2013).pdf


1404-MUMNP-2009-PETITION UNDER RULE-137(14-2-2014).pdf

1404-MUMNP-2009-POWER OF ATTORNEY(14-2-2014).pdf

1404-MUMNP-2009-REPLY TO EXAMINATION REPORT(30-10-2013).pdf

1404-MUMNP-2009-REPLY TO HEARING(14-2-2014).pdf

1404-mumnp-2009-wo international publication report a1.pdf


Patent Number 259848
Indian Patent Application Number 1404/MUMNP/2009
PG Journal Number 14/2014
Publication Date 04-Apr-2014
Grant Date 28-Mar-2014
Date of Filing 28-Jul-2009
Name of Patentee OUTOTEC OYJ
Applicant Address RIIHITONTUNTIE 7, ESPOO,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B01J8/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2008/000490
PCT International Filing date 2008-01-23
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10 2007 009 758.3 2007-02-27 Germany