Title of Invention


Abstract This invention relates to a solar poultry housing structure for commercial poultry rearing in cold arid zones comprising, a top-open concreate configuration having atleast four walls to form a house-like structure, a south wall (4) of the configuration comprising a thick concreate and acting as a thermal mass, the remaining walls (24) of the atleast four walls comprising a double-wall; a plurality of inner connecting side glass doors (12) dividing the house-like structure into a plurality of room-like structures each being provided with a double-door (15), and atleast two ventilators (18); a plurality of puff panels constituting a roof (1) for the top-open concreate configuration disposed such that the roof (1) is high at the centre having slopes on south and the north directions; a ledge (11) acting as a rat-proofing having a height and a width periphetically provided with respect to the top-open concreate configuration, such that the ledge (11) forming an acute angle with the adjoining walls (4,24); and a plurality of glazing means (3) disposed in an aluminium frame (19) which is anchored in atleast one concreate support (26), a first airspace (21) and a second air-space (22) being respectively formed between the aluminium frame (19) and the glazing means (3), and between the south wall (4) and an inner portion of the thermal mass wall (4) for transmitting the captured solar heat inside of the room-like structures.
This invention relates to a solar poultry housing structure for commercial poultry rearing in cold arid zones.
In a large country for example, India huge variations in climatic conditions exist which range from hot humid to harsh cold arid conditions. The temperatures in a large country vary from forty (summers) to minus twenty eight (winters) degrees. The humidity varies in the regions from 36% to 65%. As such the increment of activities like animal husbandry, in absence of favorable climate is less. As on date most of the poultry farming is limited to the periods of favorable temperatures, which lasts for just 3 to 4 months. The availability of the fresh meat becomes less as the winter's progress including the availability of poultry and poultry products becomes negligible. More over, three is no specific breed of poultry products available in the cold arid region, and locals are forced to rear varieties adapted to tropical zones in the temperate climatic conditions, without any adequate, well defined and scientifically designed infrastructure. As such most of the poultry rearing practices are confined to rearing of poultry in small underground sheds which do not cater for proper ventilation and hygienic conditions, resulting in increased incidence of various diseases in the poultry. The requisite temperature in such structures is maintained by using artificial means of heating which is unsafe and uneconomical. These factors have cumulatively rendered the poultry production in such regions redundant.
The climatic conditions in regions such as Ladakh make the conventional poultry rearing a difficult venture in the region. This is specifically because rearing of poultry requires maintenance of specific managemental conditions like temperature, ventilation, humidity besides hygiene and biosecurity. The conventional rearing of poultry in small underground houses or over ground houses does not meet the managemental conditions, thus resulting in uneconomical rearing practices which tend to be unhygienic. Further, maintenance of proper temperature and ventilation in such houses in also not possible.
It is therefore an object of the present invention to propose a solar based poultry
housing device which creates and maintains an hygienic and viable conditions for
poultry rearing in cold arid zones.
Another object of the present invention is to propose a solar based poultry
housing device which provides condusive and conventional conditions required
for poultry rearing.
Still another object of the present invention is to propose a solar based poultry
housing device which provides a configuration capable of ample trapping of solar
energy in day times, which is used to heat the housing device in day time
including retaining the heat at the night time.
Yet another object of the present invention is to propose a solar based poultry
housing device which has a ventilation means to create draft of air to ventilate
the housing device.
A further object of the present invention is to propose a solar based poultry
housing device which provides a rat proofing means for safety of the breeds. A still further object of the present invention is to propose a solar based
poultry housing device which eliminates the requirement of artificial
heating in winters and the regular pest-control exercise to prevent
A still another object of the present invention is to propose a solar based
poultry housing device which is economic and entails less maintenance
The invention discloses a solar poultry housing structure for commercial poultry rearing in cold arid zones.
The device comprises a plurality of room-like structure arranged linearly form east to west direction. The device is so constructed that it faces due south to receive the maximum sun on the south wall, as in the winters the sun moves in the southern solicitous.
The south wall of the device is constructed with constructed with concreate which is substantially thick and acts as a thermal mass. An exterior of the south wall is painted black to absorb maximum sun light. An interior of the south wall is painted white to reflect maximum heat. A plurality of double glass glazing means is disposed outside the south wall at a predetermined gap to allow development of an air pocket, the double glass glazing means being mounted on a frame. The frame is anchored in a plurality of concrete supports which are painted black. The width of each room like structure is covered with atleast two glazing means on the south wall. The device is so designed to have inbuilt windows which can be opened to facilitate washing of the inside wall or inside of the glazing means. The hollow air pocket between the glazing means and the frame are packed with an insulating material. The glazing means trap the solar energy and pass it to an
air space which is formed between the thermal mass and the inner glazing means. The air trapped in the air-pocket gets heated due to the solar energy and is channelised within the room-like structures through the windows. A plurality of ventilators are provided at bird level in the southern thermal mass wall. The principle of this heating is that the long wavelengths of light when passes through the glass glazing means, the light gets converted into shorter wave lengths. These short wavelengths of light cannot be reflected back through the glass and eventually heat the air trapped within the area. A plurality of inbuilt drains are provided to facilitate pressure washing of the glazing means once they become dirty. These drains facilitate rapid removal of the dirt and water in such a case.
A roof for the device is provided. The roof comprises a plurality of puff panels which consist of factory packed glass wool interposed between atleast two GI sheets. The thickness of the glass wool packing is approximately about 2 inches. The roof is so configured that it is high in the center having slopes on the south and the north directions. The south side of the slope is provided with transparent sheets like polycarbonate, glass etc, superimposed over each other, to facilitate further trapping of solar energy from the roof.
Remaining three outside walls, namely, the north, the east and the west walls of the device are constructed as double walled. An inside wall, of the double walls is substantially thick and is made of hollow/ solid blocks of concrete. The air trapped within the hollow blocks act as an insulator. An outside wall of the double walls is made up of stone blocks, joined with suitable masonry. A space of approximately 6 inches between the outsie and the inside walls is filled with a thick layer of thermocol or any other insulator. The inner walls which separate the room-like structures from each other are made up of concrete hollow/solid blocks.
A separate entrance to each room-like structure is arranged by providing at least one double door to each room. An outer door is separated from an inner door by a distance. A foot-path in the floor space is provided between the two doors. An additional single door in each room is arranged so as to facilitate an internal commutation between the plurality of room-like structures. The opening of the single door facilitates easy movement of the poultry birds from one room to another. By keeping the single door closed, the device can be divided into four independent units which can be utilized at the time of brooding or disease outbreak for segregation of birds.
The corners of the room-like structures are rounded to prevent smothering of the birds due to huddling. A plurality of ventilators are provided on the three outside walls of the device. Each of the ventilators is provided with a wire mesh to prevent entry of animals like cats, dogs or rodents. Two glass shutters at either end of the device are provided for the ventilation, which can be individually opened for closed. An exhaust fan with speed regulator in each ventilator is arranged to facilitate ventilation by creating a draft of air when required. The ventilators are provided at a height of approximately 1 foot from the floor level to ensure ventilation at bird level. Each room-like structure is provided with atleast two such ventilators.
The floor of the device is made of concrete. The floor is insulated underneath with a thick layer of an insulating material, to prevent heat dissipation to the surrounding land through conduction. The wall and the floor meet each other at a curve instead of an angle which facilitates easy washing and drainage of the floor.
Each room-like structures is internally provided with a layer of reflecting GI sheet. The inside surface of the GI sheet, which faces the wall is painted black. This GI
sheet reflects back the heat to the center of the room at the bird level. Also it provides for a surface which is easily disinfected. Smooth joints have been provided in the rooms to prevent presence of crevices.
All the room-like structures are provided with drainage, electricity and water. Electric switches are provided outside the structures to facilitate their operation without gaining an entry in the units. All the room-like structures are provided with electric points and kerosene bukharies, for accessory heating in case of emergency and continuous cloudy conditions. All the room-like structures are provided with the inbuilt drains which ultimately lead into a septic tank and facilitate hygienic removal of all organic material produced in the units. The device is provided with a rat proofing which constitutes a ledge running along the periphery. The ledge is so constructed that it forms an acute angle with the adjoining wall when viewed from the underneath. The ledge has been provided at a height above the ground level. A plurality of stairs leading into each unit is provided. The stairs are so constructed that there is a gap between the top stair and the door, to prevent rodents from jumping across into the units. In addition, all the units have been provided with an adequately high GI Sheet barrier at the door to prevent rodents from gaining entry in the units.
Figure 1- Shows a cross section of one of the four room-like structures of the device according to the present invention.
Figure 2- a longitudinal section of a solar-based poultry housing device according to the present invention.
Figure 3- a sectional view of a south wall of the device as of the invention. Figure 4- a front view of the device of the invention. Figure 5- a rear view of the device of the invention.
Referring to figure 1, the cross section of the present device shows a plurality of room-like structures facing south atleast four such units are arranged linearly as shown in figure 2.
A south wall (4) of the device is made of concrete which is about 9 inches thick and acts as a thermal mass. Out side of the south wall (4) is provided with a plurality of double glass glazing means (3), separated from each other by a distance of about 1.5 to 2 inches, and mounted on an aluminium frame (19) as shown in figures 1,2 and 3. The plurality of double glass glazing means (3) is provided for approximately 108 sq foot of solar area to each room-like structure on which solar energy can be trapped. A frame (19) is anchored in atleast one concrete support (26) being painted black.
Figure -4 shows that the aluminium frame structure (19) which is so designed to have atleast one inbuilt window (20) which can be opened to facilitate washing of the inside wall and the inside of the glazing means (3). A hollow airspace (21) between the glazing means (3) and the aluminium frame (19) are provided with an insulating material like rubber beading as shown in figure 3. The glazing means (3) traps the solar energy and passes it to an air
space (22) which is formed between the thermal mass wall (4) and the inner glazing means(3). The space (22) is about 1.5 feet as is evident from figure 3. The air with in the space (22) gets heated up due to solar energy and is channelized with in the room-like structure through a second window (17) provided in the southern thermal mass wall (4) and a plurality of ventilators (6) as shown in figures 1 and 2. The ventilators (6) are provided approximately 1 foot from the ground level. Atleast one Inbuilt drain (10) is provided for pressure washing of the glazing means (3) once it becomes dirty . The drain (10) facilitates rapid removal of the dirt and water.
The room-like structures are each approximately 18 feet wide and 20 feet long by approximately 10 feet 6 inches high at the highest point, which is at the center and approximately 8 feet high at the south (4) and north walls (24) as shown in Figure 1.
The device is provided with a roof-comprising puff panels (1) which consist of glass wool packed in between atleast two GI sheets shown in figure 1. The thickness of the glass wool packing is about 2 inches. The roof is so placed that it is high in the center and slopes on south and north sides. The south side of the slope is provided with atleast two transparent polycarbonate sheets (23), superimposed over each other, to facilitate trapping of maximum solar energy from the roof (1) as is depicted in figures 1 and 4.
The other three outside walls (24), viz. the north, the east and the west walls of the device are double walled as is seen in figures 1 and 2 . An inner wall (13) of the double walls (24) is approximately 9 inches thick and is made of hollow/ solid blocks of concrete as is depicted in figure 1. The air trapped with in the hollow blocks act as an insulator. An outside wall (14) of the double walls (24) is made up of stone blocks, joined with suitable masonry as demonstrated in figure 1.
A space (25), of approximately 6 inches is maintained between the two walls (13,14) which is filled with a thick layer of thermocol or any other insulator as shown in figures 1 and 2. The inner walls (13) which separate the two room-like structures within the device are made up of concrete hollow/solid blocks. A separate entrance to each room of the device is provided. The separate entrance comprises a double door(15) to each room. The size of the door (15) is approximately 06 feet 05 inches by 04 feet as shown in figures 1,2 and 5. The inner door of the double door (15) is made of glass mounted on aluminium. The outer door is separated from the inner door by a distance of approximately 3 feet 5 inches and is made of the insulating material as used for the roof (1). A space (25), of approximately 6 inches is maintained between the two walls (13,14) which is filled with a thick layer of thermocol or any other insulator as shown in figures 1 and 2. The inner walls (13) which separate the two room-like structures within the device are made up of concrete hollow/solid blocks. There is a provision of a foot path in the floor space between the two double doors(15). An inter-connecting glass door(12) of size 3 feet 9 inches x 2 feets is mounted on an aluminium frame as shown in figures 1 and 2, in each room-like structure so as to facilitate an internal connection between all the rooms of the device. The opening of the door (12) facilitates easy movement of poultry birds from one room to another. By keeping the door (12) closed, the device can be divided into four independent units which can be utilized at the time of brooding or disease outbreak for segregation of birds.
A plurality of ventilators (18) of approximately 1.5 feets by 1.5 feets on the three outside walls (24) of the device is arranged. Each of the ventilators (18) is provided with wire mesh, glass shutters and exhaust fans. The ventilators (18) are provided at a height of approximately 1.0 foot from a concreate floor (7) to
provide ventilation at bird level. Each room-like structure is provided with two such ventilators (18).
The floor (7) of the device is made of concrete and is about 2.5 inches thick. The floor (7) is insulated below with at least 2 inch thick layer of an insulating material (8) as is depicted in figure 1, to prevent heat dissipation to the surrounding land through conduction.
On the insides, each room-like structure is provided with a layer of reflecting GI sheet (5) which is approximately 1 meter high as is depicted in figures 1 and 2. This GI sheet (5) reflects back the heat to the center of the room at the bird level.
The device is provided with rat proofing which comprises a ledge (11) of approximately 2.5 feet width running all round the periphery of the device. The ledge (11) is so constructed that it forms an acute angle of about 70° with the adjoining wall when viewed from the bottom. The ledge (11) is provided at a height of approximately 2.5 to 3.5 feet from the ground level as shown in figures 1,2,4 and 5. Such an arrangement of the ledge (11) restricts rodent to trespass the device . A plurality of stairs (27) leading into the units are so provided that there is a gap of 02 feet between the top stair (27) and the door (15), to prevent rodents from jumping across into the units, as shown in figure 5. The units are provided with a GI Sheet (16) at the door (15) to prevent rodents from gaining entry in the room-like structures as shown in figure-1.

We Claim:
1. A solar poultry housing structure for commercial poultry rearing in cold arid
zones comprising:-
a top-open concreate configuration having atleast four walls to form a houselike
structure, a south wall (4) of the configuration comprising a thick
concreate and acting as a thermal mass, the remaining walls (24) of the atleast
four walls comprising a double-wall;
a plurality of inner connecting side glass doors (12) dividing the house-like
structure into a plurality of room-like structures each being provided with a
double-door (1 5), and atleast two ventilators (1 8);
a plurality of puff panels constituting a roof (1) for the top-open concreate
configuration disposed such that the roof (1) is high at the centre having
slopes on south and the north directions characterized by;
a ledge (11) acting as a rat-proofing having a height and a width
periphetically provided with respect to the top-open concreate configuration,
such that the ledge (1 1) forming an acute angle with the adjoining walls (4,24);
a plurality of glazing means (3) disposed in an aluminium frame (19) which is
anchored in atleast one concreate support (26), a first airspace (21) and a
second air-space (22) being respectively formed between the aluminium frame
(19) and the glazing means (3), and between the south wall (4) and an inner
portion of the thermal mass wall (4) for transmitting the captured solar heat
inside of the room-like structures.
2. The housing as claimed in claim 1, wherein the aluminium frame structure
(1 9) having atleast one operable in-built window (20).
3. The housing as claimed in claim 1, wherein the double-door (15) comprises
and inner door and an outer door spaced apart from other, and wherein the
inner door comprises aluminium or glass, and the outer door comprises
insulating material.
4. The housing as claimed in claim 1, wherein the double walls (24)
comprises an inner wall (13) and an outer wall (14) being spaced
apart, the space (25) being filled with an insulating material.
5. The housing as claimed in claim 1 any of the preceding claims wherein a
concreate floor (7) is provided to each room-like structures, wherein an
insulating material (8) provided beneath the floor (7) to prevent heat
dissipation, and wherein an in built drain (10) is provided for rapid removal of
dirt and water.
6. The housing as claimed in claim 1, wherein a series of Galvanized Iron sheets
(5) is provided on the inner walls (13) which reflects the heat back to the
center of the room-like structures.
7. The housing as claimed in claim 1, wherein a plurality of stairs (27) leading to
the room-like structures are provided, the top stair (27) maintaining a gap in
respect of the double-door (1 5).
8. The housing as claimed in any of the preceding claims, wherein each roomlike
structure is provided with a galvanized iron sheet (16) at the double door
(15) to prevent rodents to gain entry into the device.
9. A housing as claimed in claim 1, wherein the south-wall (4) having a plurality
of ventilations (6), and wherein the room-like structures provided with a
second window ( 1 7).













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Patent Number 259883
Indian Patent Application Number 1056/DEL/2006
PG Journal Number 14/2014
Publication Date 04-Apr-2014
Grant Date 28-Mar-2014
Date of Filing 24-Apr-2006
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C12Q
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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