Title of Invention


Abstract A control system and method to determine position of a rotor relative to a stator for a synchronous multipole electrical machine is presented, including one for application on a fuel/electric hybrid powertrain for a vehicle. The machine includes a stator, a rotor, and a rotor position sensing mechanism. The control system controls the electrical machine, in conjunction with an electrical storage device and an inverter, using algorithms and calibrations which derive a rotor position based upon a sensorless position sensing technique, and determine an offset from a sensed rotor position. Electrical output from the inverter to the machine is controlled based the offset, which is stored non-volatile memory. A rotor position is derived based upon a sensorless position sensing technique during initial machine operation after startup of the machine, and includes operation in a torque-generative mode and in an electrical energy-generative mode.
Full Text

[0001] This invention pertains generally to control of an electrical machine,
and more specifically to a control system for an electric machine to determine
rotational position to optimize energy usage to supply motive torque in a
vehicle propulsion system.
[0002] Control systems for electrical motors typically include a feedback
device such as a position sensor to provide data to measure position and
rotational velocity of the motor. On a three-phase multipole synchronous
electrical motor, precise and accurate measurement of position of a rotor
relative to each of the poles of a stator is important to achieve efficient
transmission of electrical energy. Rotor position is typically measured using
the position sensor to determine position of the resolver. Position of the
resolver relative to the machine rotor is subject to error due to factors
including manufacturing variations and tolerances. Electrical motor
manufacturers have attempted to correct errors in resolver position
measurement using adjustments and post-assembly calibrations.
Manufacturers have also attempted to correct sensor-related errors by
introducing sensorless techniques for determining rotor position by monitoring
and analyzing electromagnetic characteristics of the motor.
[0003] Vehicle propulsion systems comprising hybrid powertrains are
known for managing the input and output torques of various torque-generative
devices, most commonly internal combustion engines and electric machines.
One hybrid powertrain architecture comprises a two-mode, compound-split,
electro-mechanical transmission which utilizes an input member for receiving
torque from a torque-generative source, e.g. an internal combustion engine,
and an output member for delivering motive torque from the transmission to a

vehicle driveline. Motive torque is transmitted to the transmission from first
and second electrical machines operatively connected to an energy storage
device for interchanging electrical power therebetween. A controller is
provided for regulating the electrical power interchange between the energy
storage device and the electrical machines.
[0004] The electrical machines preferably comprise known permanent
magnet synchronous motor/generator machines, each constructed of a multi-
pole electrical stator and a rotor device. Such machines are preferable for
powertrain and vehicle applications because they exhibit high torque-to-inertia
ratios, high efficiency, and high power density. In such machines, the
controller requires accurate and precise information regarding position of the
rotor device relative to the stator in order to optimize electrical energy
efficiency, thus leading to improved fuel economy.
[0005] Prior art systems utilize such techniques as tight machine tolerances
and assembly methods, coupled with multiple position sensing devices to
ensure accurate measurement of rotor position relative to the stator.
[0006] When using PM synchronous machines, absolute position (within one
pole pair pitch) is required. Also, the accuracy of this position measurement is
critical, as it will affect the performance of the motor control, most noticeably
in torque production and linearity. Using a resolver can provide precise
position measurement. However, the accuracy of the measurement is directly
affected by the initial alignment of the resolver during installation. The
installation of the resolver and mechanical alignment can be difficult to
control in production.
[0007] It is therefore desirable to use a self-aligning start-up algorithm in the
motor control.
[0008] There is a need to provide an improved method and system to
precisely and accurately determine position of a rotor device in a stator for an
electrical machine, especially one for application on a fuel/electric hybrid
powertrain for a vehicle.

[0009] It is therefore an object of this invention to provide a control system
for an electric machine which precisely and accurately determines position of
a rotor device relative to a stator for the electrical machine, especially one
comprising a synchronous multipole electrical machine, including one for
application on a fuel/electric hybrid powertrain for a vehicle.
[0010] In accordance with the present invention, a sensorless motor control
system is used to estimate rotor position during powertrain start-up. The
estimated angle is compared to the measured resolver angle. A correcting
offset is added to the resolver signal. After start-up, the control system uses
the corrected resolver signal for position feedback and control. In this manner,
the installation alignment requirements for the resolver are greatly reduced.
[0011] Thus, in accordance with the invention, a control system and a
method for controlling an electric machine comprising a multi-phase multipole
motor having a stator, a rotor, and a rotor position sensing mechanism is
provided. The control system comprises an inverter operable to transmit
electrical energy between the stator of the electrical machine and an electrical
storage device, and a controller. The controller includes executable algorithms
and predetermined calibrations which derive a rotor position based upon a
sensorless position sensing technique, and determine an offset parameter
between the derived rotor position and a sensed rotor position. The inverter is
controlled based upon the sensed rotor position and the offset parameter. The
offset parameter is stored in a non-volatile memory device of the control
system for future reference.
[0012] These and other aspects of the invention will become apparent to
those skilled in the art upon reading and understanding the following detailed
description of the embodiments.

[0013] The invention may take physical form in certain parts and
arrangement of parts, the preferred embodiment of which will be described in
detail and illustrated in the accompanying drawings which form a part hereof,
and wherein:
[0014] Figs. 1 and 2 are schematic diagrams of an exemplary powertrain and
control architecture, in accordance with the present invention;
[0015] Figs. 3, 4, and 5 are schematic diagrams of a control scheme, in
accordance with the present invention;
[0016] Fig. 6 is an algorithmic flowchart, in accordance with the present
[0017] Fig. 7 is a data graph, in accordance with the present invention; and,
[0018] Fig. 8 is a schematic diagram of an element of a component, in
accordance with the present invention.
[0019] Referring now to the drawings, wherein the showings are for the
purpose of illustrating the invention only and not for the purpose of limiting
the same, Figs. 1 and 2 depict a system comprising an engine 14, transmission
10, control system, and driveline which has been constructed in accordance
with an embodiment of the present invention.
[0020] Mechanical aspects of exemplary transmission 10 are disclosed in
detail in commonly assigned U.S. Patent No. 6,953,409 entitled TWO-MODE,
FOUR FIXED RATIOS, which is incorporated herein by reference. The
exemplary two-mode, compound-split, electro-mechanical transmission
embodying the concepts of the present invention is depicted in Fig. 1, and is
designated generally by the numeral 10. The transmission 10 has an input
shaft 12 preferably directly driven by an engine 14. A transient torque damper
20 is incorporated between the output shaft 18 of the engine 14 and the input

member 12 of the transmission 10. The transient torque damper 20 preferably
comprises a torque transfer device 77 having characteristics of a damping
mechanism and a spring. The transient torque damper 20 permits selective
engagement of the engine 14 with the transmission 10. The torque transfer
device 77 is not utilized to change, or control, the mode in which the
transmission 10 operates. The torque transfer device 77 preferably comprises
a hydraulically operated friction clutch, referred to as clutch C5.
[0021] The engine 14 may be any of numerous forms of internal combustion
engines, such as a spark-ignition engine or a compression-ignition engine,
readily adaptable to provide a torque output to the transmission 10 at a range
of operating speeds, from idle, at or near 600 revolutions per minute (RPM), to
over 6,000 RPM. Irrespective of the means by which the engine 14 is
connected to the input member 12 of the transmission 10, the input member 12
is connected to a planetary gear set 24 in the transmission 10.
[0022] Referring specifically now to Fig. 1, the transmission 10 utilizes three
planetary-gear sets 24, 26 and 28. The first planetary gear set 24 has an outer
ring gear member 30 which circumscribes an inner, or sun gear member 32. A
plurality of planetary gear members 34 are rotatably mounted on a carrier 36
such that each planetary gear member 34 meshingly engages both the outer
gear member 30 and the inner gear member 32.
[0023] The second planetary gear set 26 has an outer ring gear member 38,
which circumscribes an inner sun gear member 40. A plurality of planetary
gear members 42 are rotatably mounted on a carrier 44 such that each
planetary gear 42 meshingly engages both the outer gear member 38 and the
inner gear member 40.
[0024] The third planetary gear set 28 has an outer ring gear member 46,
which circumscribes an inner sun gear member 48. A plurality of planetary
gear members 50 are rotatably mounted on a carrier 52 such that each
planetary gear 50 meshingly engages both the outer gear member 46 and the
inner gear member 48.

[0025] The three planetary gear sets 24, 26 and 28 each comprise simple
planetary gear sets. Furthermore, the first and second planetary gear sets 24
and 26 are compounded in that the inner gear member 32 of the first planetary
gear set 24 is conjoined through a hub plate gear 54 to the outer gear member
38 of the second planetary gear set 26. The conjoined inner gear member 32 of
the first planetary gear set 24 and the outer gear member 38 of the second
planetary gear set 26 are continuously connected to a first electrical machine
comprising a motor/generator 56, referred to as Motor A or "MA".
[0026] The planetary gear sets 24 and 26 are further compounded in that the
carrier 36 of the first planetary gear set 24 is conjoined through a shaft 60, to
the carrier 44 of the second planetary gear set 26. As such, carriers 36 and 44
of the first and second planetary gear sets 24 and 26, respectively, are
conjoined. The shaft 60 is also selectively connected to the carrier 52 of the
third planetary gear set 28, through a torque transfer device 62 which, as will
be hereinafter more fully explained, is employed to assist in the selection of
the operational modes of the transmission 10. The carrier 52 of the third
planetary gear set 28 is connected directly to the transmission output member
[0027] In the embodiment described herein, wherein the transmission 10 is
used in a land vehicle, the output member 64 is operably connected to a
driveline comprising a gear box 90 or other torque transfer device which
provides a torque output to one or more vehicular axles 92 or half-shafts (not
shown). The axles 92, in turn, terminate in drive members 96. The drive
members 96 can be either front or rear wheels of the vehicle on which they are
employed, or they may be a drive gear of a track vehicle. The drive members
96 may have some form of wheel brake 94 associated therewith. The drive
members each have a speed parameter, NWHL, comprising rotational speed of
each wheel 96 which is typically measurable with a wheel speed sensor.
[0028] The inner gear member 40 of the second planetary gear set 26 is
connected to the inner gear member 48 of the third planetary gear set 28,

through a sleeve shaft 66 that circumscribes shaft 60. The outer gear member
46 of the third planetary gear set 28 is selectively connected to ground,
represented by the transmission housing 68, through a torque transfer device
70. Torque transfer device 70, as is also hereinafter explained, is also
employed to assist in the selection of the operational modes of the
transmission 10. The sleeve shaft 66 is also continuously connected to a
second electrical machine comprising a motor/generator 72, referred to as MB.
[0029] All the planetary gear sets 24, 26 and 28 as well as the two electrical
machines 56 and 72 are coaxially oriented, as about the axially disposed shaft
60. Electrical machines 56 and 72 are both of an annular configuration which
permits them to circumscribe the three planetary gear sets 24, 26 and 28 such
that the planetary gear sets 24, 26 and 28 are disposed radially inwardly of the
electrical machines 56 and 72. This configuration assures that the overall
envelope, i.e., the circumferential dimension, of the transmission 10 is
[0030] A torque transfer device 73 selectively connects the sun gear 40 with
ground, i.e., with transmission housing 68. A torque transfer device 75 is
operative as a lock-up clutch, locking planetary gear sets 24, 26, electrical
machines 56, 72 and the input to rotate as a group, by selectively connecting
the sun gear 40 with the carrier 44. The torque transfer devices 62, 70, 73, 75
are all friction clutches, respectively referred to as follows: clutch CI 70,
clutch C2 62, clutch C3 73, and clutch C4 75. Each clutch is preferably
hydraulically actuated, receiving pressurized hydraulic fluid from a pump
when a corresponding clutch control solenoid is actuated. Hydraulic actuation
of each of the clutches is accomplished using a known hydraulic fluid circuit
having a plurality of clutch-control solenoids, which is not described in detail
[0031] The transmission 10 receives input motive torque from the torque-
generative devices, including the engine 14 and the electrical machines 56 and
72, as a result of energy conversion from fuel or electrical potential stored in

an electrical energy storage device (ESD) 74. The ESD 74 typically
comprises one or more batteries. Other electrical energy and electrochemical
energy storage devices that have the ability to store electric power and
dispense electric power may be used in place of the batteries without altering
the concepts of the present invention. The ESD 74 is preferably sized based
upon factors including regenerative requirements, application issues related to
typical road grade and temperature, and propulsion requirements such as
emissions, power assist and electric range. The ESD 74 is high voltage DC-
coupled to transmission power inverter module (TPIM) 19 via DC lines or
transfer conductors 27. The TPIM 19 is an element of the control system
described hereinafter with regard to Fig. 2. The TPIM 19 communicates with
the first electrical machine 56 by transfer conductors 29, and the TPIM 19
similarly communicates with the second electrical machine 72 by transfer
conductors 31. Electrical current is transferable to or from the ESD 74 in
accordance with whether the ESD 74 is being charged or discharged. TPIM 19
includes the pair of power inverters and respective motor controllers
configured to receive motor control commands and control inverter states
therefrom for providing motor drive or regeneration functionality.
[0032] In motoring control, the respective inverter receives current from the
DC lines and provides AC current to the respective electrical machine, i.e. MA
and MB, over transfer conductors 29 and 31. In regeneration control, the
respective inverter receives AC current from the electrical machine over
transfer conductors 29 and 31 and provides current to the DC lines 27. The net
DC current provided to or from the inverters determines the charge or
discharge operating mode of the electrical energy storage device 74.
Preferably, MA 56 and MB 72 are three-phase AC machines and the inverters
comprise complementary three-phase power electronics.

[0033] Referring now to Fig. 2, a schematic block diagram of the control
system, comprising a distributed controller architecture, is shown. The
elements described hereinafter comprise a subset of an overall vehicle control
architecture, and are operable to provide coordinated system control of the
powertrain system described herein. The control system is operable to
synthesize pertinent information and inputs, and execute algorithms to control
various actuators to achieve control targets, including such parameters as fuel
economy, emissions, performance, driveability, and protection of hardware,
including batteries of ESD 74 and MA and MB 56, 72. The distributed
controller architecture includes engine control module ('ECM') 23,
transmission control module ('TCM') 17, battery pack control module
('BPCM') 21, and Transmission Power Inverter Module ('TPIM') 19. A
hybrid control module ('HCP') 5 provides overarching control and
coordination of the aforementioned controllers. There is a User Interface
('UI') 13 operably connected to a plurality of devices through which a vehicle
operator typically controls or directs operation of the powertrain, including the
transmission 10. Exemplary vehicle operator inputs to the UI 13 include an
accelerator pedal, a brake pedal, transmission gear selector, and, vehicle speed
cruise control. Each of the aforementioned controllers communicates with
other controllers, sensors, and actuators via a local area network ('LAN') bus
6. The LAN bus 6 allows for structured communication of control parameters
and commands between the various controllers. The specific communication
protocol utilized is application-specific. By way of example, one
communications protocol is the Society of Automotive Engineers standard
J1939. The LAN bus and appropriate protocols provide for robust messaging
and multi-controller interfacing between the aforementioned controllers, and
other controllers providing functionality such as antilock brakes, traction
control, and vehicle stability.

[0034] The HCP 5 provides overarching control of the hybrid powertrain
system, serving to coordinate operation of the ECM 23, TCM 17, TPIM 19,
and BPCM 21. Based upon various input signals from the UI 13 and the
powertrain, including the battery pack, the HCP 5 generates various
commands, including: an engine torque command, clutch torque commands,
TCLN for the various clutches C1, C2, C3, C4 of the transmission 10; and
motor torque commands, TAand TB, for MA and MB, respectively.
[0035] The ECM 23 is operably connected to the engine 14, and functions to
acquire data from a variety of sensors and control a variety of actuators,
respectively, of the engine 14 over a plurality of discrete lines collectively
shown as aggregate line 35. The ECM 23 receives the engine torque
command, TE_CMD, from the HCP 5, and generates a desired axle torque, and an
indication of actual engine torque, Tb input to the transmission, which is
communicated to the HCP 5. For simplicity, ECM 23 is shown generally
having bi-directional interface with engine 14 via aggregate line 35. Various
other parameters that are sensed by ECM 23 include engine coolant
temperature, engine input speed (N1) to shaft 12 leading to the transmission,
manifold pressure, ambient air temperature, and ambient pressure. Various
actuators that are controlled by the ECM 23 include fuel injectors, ignition
modules, and throttle control modules.
[0036] The TCM 17 is operably connected to the transmission 10 and
functions to acquire data from a variety of sensors and provide command
signals to the transmission. Inputs from the TCM 17 to the HCP 5 include
estimated clutch torques, TCL N_EST, for each of the clutches C1, C2, C3, and,
C4 and rotational speed, N0, of the output shaft 64. Other actuators and
sensors may be used to provide additional information from the TCM to the
HCP for control purposes.

[0037] The BPCM 21 is signally connected one or more sensors operable to
monitor electrical current or voltage parameters of the ESD 74 to provide
information about the state of the batteries to the HCP 5. Such information
includes battery state-of-charge, battery voltage, VBAT, and available battery
power, PBAT_MiNand PBAT_MAX-
[0038] The Transmission Power Inverter Module (TPIM) 19 includes a pair
of power inverters and motor controllers configured to receive motor control
commands and control inverter states therefrom to provide motor drive or
regeneration functionality. The TPIM 19 is operable to generate torque
commands for MA 56 and MB 72, TA and TB, based upon input from the HCP
5, which is driven by operator input through UI 13 and system operating
parameters. The motor torque commands for MA and MB, i.e. TA and TB, are
implemented by the control system, including the TPIM 19, to control MA and
MB. Individual motor speed signals, NA and NB for MA and MB respectively,
are derived by the TPIM 19 from the motor phase information or conventional
rotation sensors. The TPIM 19 determines and communicates motor speeds,
NA and NB, to the HCP 5. The electrical energy storage device 74 is high-
voltage DC-coupled to the TPIM 19 via DC lines 27. Electrical current is
transferable to or from the TPIM 19 in accordance with whether the ESD 74 is
being charged or discharged.
[0039] Each of the aforementioned controllers is preferably a general-
purpose digital computer generally comprising a microprocessor or central
processing unit, storage mediums comprising read only memory (ROM),
random access memory (RAM), electrically programmable read only memory
(EPROM), high speed clock, analog to digital (A/D) and digital to analog
(D/A) circuitry, and input/output circuitry and devices (I/O) and appropriate
signal conditioning and buffer circuitry. Each controller has a set of control
algorithms, comprising resident program instructions and calibrations stored in
ROM and executed to provide the respective functions of each computer.

Information transfer between the various computers is preferably
accomplished using the aforementioned LAN 6.
[0040] Algorithms for control and state estimation in each of the controllers
are typically executed during preset loop cycles such that each algorithm is
executed at least once each loop cycle. Algorithms stored in the non-volatile
memory devices are executed by one of the central processing units and are
operable to monitor inputs from the sensing devices and execute control and
diagnostic routines to control operation of the respective device, using preset
calibrations. Loop cycles are typically executed at regular intervals, for
example each 3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 25 and 100 milliseconds during ongoing
engine and vehicle operation. Alternatively, algorithms may be executed in
response to occurrence of an event.
[0041] In response to an operator's action, as captured by the UI 13, the
supervisory HCP controller 5 and one or more of the other controllers
determine required transmission output torque, T0 at shaft 64. Selectively
operated components of the transmission 10 are appropriately controlled and
manipulated to respond to the operator demand. For example, in the
exemplary embodiment shown in Fig. 1 and 2, when the operator has selected
a forward drive range and manipulates either the accelerator pedal or the brake
pedal, the HCP 5 determines an output torque for the transmission, T0, which
affects how and when the vehicle accelerates or decelerates. Final vehicle
acceleration is affected by other factors, including, e.g., road load, road grade,
and vehicle mass. The HCP 5 monitors the parametric states of the torque-
generative devices, and determines the output of the transmission required to
arrive at the desired torque output. Under the direction of the HCP 5, the
transmission 10 operates over a range of output speeds from slow to fast in
order to meet the operator demand.

[0042] The two-mode, compound-split, electro-mechanical transmission,
includes output member 64 which receives output power through two distinct
gear trains within the transmission 10, and operates in several transmission
operating modes, described with reference now to Fig. 1, and Table 1, below.

[0043] The various transmission operating modes described in the table
indicate which of the specific clutches C1, C2, C3, C4 are engaged or actuated
for each of the operating modes. Additionally, in various transmission
operating modes, MA and MB may each operate as electrical motors to
generate motive torque, or as a generator to generate electrical energy. A first
mode, or gear train, is selected when the torque transfer device 70 is actuated
in order to "ground" the outer gear member 46 of the third planetary gear set
28. A second mode, or gear train, is selected when the torque transfer device
70 is released and the torque transfer device 62 is simultaneously actuated to
connect the shaft 60 to the carrier 52 of the third planetary gear set 28. Other
factors outside the scope of the invention affect when MA and MB 56, 72
operate as motors and generators, and are not discussed herein.
[0044] The control system, shown primarily in Fig. 2, is operable to provide
a range of transmission output speeds, N0, of shaft 64 from relatively slow to
relatively fast within each mode of operation. The combination of two modes
with a slow-to-fast output speed range in each mode allows the transmission
10 to propel the vehicle from a stationary condition to highway speeds, and

meet various other requirements as previously described. Additionally, the
control system coordinates operation of the transmission 10 so as to allow
synchronized shifts between the modes.
[0045] The first and second modes of operation refer to circumstances in
which the transmission functions are controlled by one clutch, i.e. either clutch
C1 62 or C2 70, and by the controlled speed and torque of the electrical
machines 56 and 72, which can be referred to as a continuously variable mode.
Certain ranges of operation are described below in which fixed ratios are
achieved by applying an additional clutch. This additional clutch may be
clutch C3 73 or C4 75, as shown in the table, above.
[0046] When the additional clutch is applied, fixed ratio of input-to-output
speed of the transmission, i.e. N,/N0, is achieved. The rotations of machines
MA and MB 56, 72 are dependent on internal rotation of the mechanism as
defined by the clutching and proportional to the input speed, N,, determined or
measured at shaft 12. The machines MA and MB function as motors or
generators. They are completely independent of engine-to-output power flow,
thereby enabling both to be motors, both to function as generators, or any
combination thereof. This allows, for instance, during operation in Fixed Ratio
1 that motive power output from the transmission at shaft 64 is provided by
power from the engine and power from MA and MB, through planetary gear
set 28 by accepting power from the energy storage device 74.
[0047] The transmission operating mode can be switched between Fixed
Ratio operation and continuously variable Mode operation by activating or
deactivating one the additional clutches during Mode I or Mode II operation.
Determination of operation in fixed ratio or mode control is by algorithms
executed by the control system, and is outside the scope of this invention. The
modes of operation may overlap the ratio of operation, and selection depends
again on the driver's input and response of the vehicle to that input. RANGE 1
falls primarily within mode I operation when clutches CI 70 and C4 75 are
engaged. RANGE 2 falls within mode I and mode II when clutches C2 62 and

C1 70 are engaged. A third fixed ratio range is available primarily during
mode II when clutches C2 62 and C4 75 are engaged, and a fourth fixed ratio
range is available during mode II when clutches C2 62 and C3 73 are engaged.
It is notable that ranges of operation for Mode I and Mode II typically overlap
[0048] Referring again to Fig 1, and with reference now to Fig. 8, the
electric machines MA and MB 56, 72 are known three-phase AC electrical
machines and the inverters comprise known complementary three-phase
power electronics. MA and MB are coaxially oriented about the axially
disposed shaft 60. MA and MB are both of an annular configuration
permitting them to circumscribe the three planetary gear sets 24, 26 and 28
such that the planetary gear sets 24, 26 and 28 are disposed radially inwardly
of MA and MB. Each machine includes a stator, a rotor, and a resolver
assembly 80, shown also with reference to Fig. 8. The motor stator for each
machine is grounded to outer transmission housing 68, and includes a stator
core with coiled electrical windings extending therefrom. The rotor for MA
56 is supported on a hub plate gear 54 that is operably attached to output shaft
60 via carrier 36. The rotor for MB 72 is attached to sleeve shaft hub 66.
Each motor resolver assembly 80 is appropriately positioned and assembled on
one of MA and MB, such that a notch 88 is oriented at magnetic, or true north.
Each resolver assembly 80 of this embodiment comprises a known variable
reluctance device including a resolver stator 82, operably connected to the
stator for each machine, and a resolver rotor 84, operably connected to the
rotor for each machine described above. Each resolver 80 comprises a sensing
device operable to sense rotational position of the resolver stator relative to the
resolver rotor, and identify the rotational position relative to notch 88. Each
resolver stator 82 comprises a series of inductive coils assembled thereon
which receive an electrical excitation signal from the TPIM 19, and a pair of
sensing, or pickup, coils which provide an electrical signal output to the TPIM
19. Each resolver rotor 84 comprises a rotating device having a plurality of

lobes 86, or eccentricities, located on the outer circumference. In the
exemplary system shown in Fig. 8 there are three lobes shown, but the system
is operative using various quantities of lobes 86. In operation, the resolver
rotor 84 rotates with the motor rotor. The pickup coils are excited by the
excitation signal and return a signal to the TPIM at the same frequency as the
excitation frequency and having a voltage level that is dependent upon the
proximity of the of the lobed resolver rotor 84 to the resolver stator 82. The
resolver 80 operates by sensing relative position and motion of the resolver
rotor rotating within the resolver stator. The control system is able to interpret
the signal returned through the resolver stator to determine rotor position, as is
described herein. The variable reluctance device for the resolver 80 is one of
several known technologies useable to determine position.
[0049] The invention, described with reference to the embodiment described
above, comprises utilizing elements of the distributed control system to
operate MA and MB, to provide motive torque and regenerative torque for the
vehicle powertrain system. The overall control system operates the TPIM 19
to transmit electrical energy between the stator of each electrical machine and
the ESD 74. The TPIM operates to measure a position of the resolver rotor
and hence the machine rotor, using the resolver stator device, measured
relative to notch 88 of the rotor 84, including known signal processing
methods. The TPIM acts to derive a position of the machine rotor using a
sensorless position sensing technique, described hereinbelow. The derived
position of the machine rotor is a true position of the machine rotor. The
TPIM determines an offset parameter, comprising an angular difference
between the derived position of the machine rotor and the measured position
of the resolver rotor. The TPIM operates to control electrical energy input to
each of the coils of the stator for the three-phase multipole motor, using the
offset parameter. The offset parameter is preferably stored in a non-volatile
memory device within the TPIM or other element of the control system, for
use in future operation. An alternative control system preferably includes an

on-board algorithm that provides statistical analysis of a plurality of offset
parameters calculated over subsequent starting events, using such known
techniques as exponentially weighted moving averages. A parametric value
for the offset is preferably determined once during each operation of the
engine or vehicle. The control system preferably operates to derive the rotor
position during initial machine operation, i.e. at engine startup or immediately
thereafter. The control system is preferably operable to determine the offset
parameter when the machine is operating in a motive torque-generative mode
and when operating in an electrical energy-generative mode.
[0050] One exemplary method for sensorless position sensing comprises
injecting a high frequency signal into the stator of the electrical machine at
low operating speed, during initial machine operation; and, detecting a
position of the rotor based upon the injected high frequency signal. This
includes determining a north/south polarity of the resolver rotor prior to, or
simultaneously with determining its position, in systems wherein this is
necessary. The technique is described as below.
[0051] Referring now to Figs. 3, 4, and 5, a diagrammatic drawing of an
embodiment of the exemplary sensorless position sensing scheme 110, for
execution as a coded algorithm in the distributed control system described
hereinabove, is now described. The position sensing scheme 110 is illustrated
as a sequence of block diagrams that represent software executed in the
distributed control system, to control one of electrical machines MA and MB
56, 72. Alternate embodiments of electric machines which may employ the
control system described herein include motor technologies such as,
synchronous reluctance motors, and interior permanent magnet motors. In
operation, the HCP 5 generates input torque command T1 , previously
described. The torque command T1 is processed by a torque linearization
model 114 to generate a corresponding stator current Is required to develop the
desired electromagnetic torque in the machine. The stator current generated
at block 114 is then passed to an optimum torque per amp block 116. Block

116 processes the commanded stator current and decomposes it into the
respective D and Q axis components of current command (Idset and Iqse) to
provide the maximum torque for the given stator current amplitude.
[0052] The current command Idsei is added to a field weakening component
Idse_fw generated at summing junction 118 to generate the final D axis current
command Idse- The field weakening component Idse_fw is generated by a field
weakening block 120 using the measured DC link voltage VdC, commanded
output voltages Vqss and VdSS, and rotor angular velocity cor. Summing
junction 122 subtracts the feedback current Iqse_ft from the Q axis current
command Iqse to obtain the error of the Q axis current regulator. Summing
junction 124 subtracts the feedback current from Idse_ft from the D axis current
command Idse to obtain the error of the D axis current regulator. The errors
generated by the summing junctions 122 and 124 are used by a synchronous
current regulator block 126 to control the synchronous frame voltage
commands Vdse and Vqse.
[0053] Block 128 uses the estimated rotor angular position 9r to convert the
synchronous frame voltage commands Vdse and Vqse to the stationary frame
voltage commands VdSSi and Vqssi. The high frequency voltage signals Vdssi_nj
and Vqss_inj are added to the stationary reference frame voltage commands by
the summing junctions 130 and 132, resulting in the final voltage commands
Vdss and Vqss. The voltage source inverter 134 processes the final voltage
commands VdSS and Vqss to generate the actual phase voltages applied the
motor 56. The phase currents are measured and processed by a three-phase to
two-phase transformation block 136. The outputs of the block 136 are
stationary frame currents Idss and Iqss. A stationary to rotating frame
transformation block 140 uses the stationary frame currents IdSS and Iqss and the
estimated rotor angular position 9r to generate synchronous reference frame
feedback currents Idseft and Iqse ft-
[0054] The present invention includes sensorless control of the rotor speed
and position that includes: a low speed rotor angular position estimation

method/observer at block 142; an initial rotor polarity detection method at
block 143, when needed; a high speed rotor angular position estimation
method/observer at block 144; and a transition algorithm at block 146 to
seamlessly merge the low and high speed estimation methods, when the high
speed rotor angular position estimation method is utilized.
[0055] Block 142 of Fig. 3 represents the low speed estimation method of
the present invention. Fig. 4 shows a detailed block diagram implementation
of block 142 to estimate rotor electrical position during low-speed operations
as described above. The low speed estimation method is used to estimate rotor
electrical position during zero and low-speed operations (preferably rated machine speed but any machine speed is considered within the scope of
the low speed estimation method of the present invention). The estimation of
the rotor electrical position is performed by injecting a high frequency voltage
signal on an estimated D axis of the machine. The fluctuating high frequency
signal in a synchronously rotating reference frame with the fundamental stator
frequency is used to detect an asymmetry of the spatial impedance in an AC
machine. An asymmetry of the spatial impedance is caused by salient
construction of the rotor of the machine or induced magnetic saturation in the
[0056] When the high frequency voltage signal is injected on the estimated
D axis, the orthogonal component of the current measured at the estimated
reference frame can be used as an error signal as shown by Eq. 1.

and also the impedance difference of the reactive component is much larger
than that of the resistive component then Eq. 2 can be
simplified as shown in Eq. 3 in quasi-steady-state.
[0059] sin
[0061] Multiplying the orthogonal signal with respect to the injected signal
results in the DC quantity of the error signal for the tracking controller. After
low-pass filtering the DC quantity can be obtained as shown in Eq. 4:
[0063] Referring to Fig. 4, block 150 converts the stationary frame currents
Iqss and Idss to the estimated synchronous reference frame current Iqsm. Block
152 comprises a second order band pass filter to allow only the injection high
frequency signal (preferably in the range 500 to 1000Hz) to be processed at
multiplying junction 154. Junction 154 multiplies the output of the BPF of
block 152 by the term to extract the DC component of the error
signal. Block 156 comprises a second order low pass filter to remove high
frequency harmonics from the signal and output the term Iqm . Iqm is an error
signal defined in Eq. 4.

[0064] Block 158 is a third order position observer that processes the error
term Iqm. Iqm is processed by proportional control block 160, integral control
block 162, and feed-forward control block 164 to generate outputs. The
integral and proportional outputs of blocks 160 and 162 are summed at
summing junction 166 and processed by block 168 to generate and estimate
speed corjow The output of the feed-forward gain block 164 is processed by a
limiter block 170 and then fed-forward to summing junction 172 to be added
to the speed output of block 168. Block 174 processes to generate the
term which is the estimated angular position of the rotor at low speed.
[0065] Fig. 5 is a detailed block diagram implementation of the block 143
used to detect initial rotor magnet polarity, for north/south polarity
determination. The stationary to rotating reference frame block 180 converts
the stationary frame currents IdSS and Iqss to the synchronous reference frame
currents IdSe and Iqse using 9r. Only the D axis current Idse is used in the initial
rotor polarity detection method. Idse is passed through a band-pass filter 182
which filters out all but the second harmonic of the injection frequency of the
Idse current. The output of the band-pass filter 182 is Idse bP- The signal Idse_bp
is demodulated by multiplying it with the term sin(2cojnjt - ยง) using the
multiplier block 184. The resultant signal Iai contains a DC component and a
high frequency component. The low-pass filter block 186 filters out the high
frequency component of Idi, leaving only the DC portion Id. The signal Id
contains the information on the polarity of the rotor magnet with respect to the
estimated machine D axis. Condition block 188 determines the polarity of the
estimated position using the sign of the signal Id. This condition is evaluated
once during the start-up sequence. If the sign of Id is negative, 180 degrees is
added to the estimated rotor position.
[0066] Referring now to Fig. 6, an algorithm, executed in the control system
to control the exemplary powertrain shown with reference to Fig. 1 and 2, is
described which implements the exemplary method for sensorless position
sensing described hereinabove with reference to Figs. 3, 4, and 5. The method

comprises injecting a high frequency signal into the stator at low operating
speed during initial machine operation to detect position of the rotor based
upon the injected high frequency signal. The algorithm includes measuring
the resolver position using the resolver sensor (SI). When the rotational speed
is greater than a calibrated maximum (nmax), (S2) a previously stored offset
value is used by the control system, or alternatively, the algorithm waits until
the speed drops below the calibrated maximum (nmax) (S3'). When the
rotational speed is less than the calibrated maximum (nmax) switching is
enabled (S3), the high frequency ('HF') signal is injected, and estimation of
the rotor electrical position is performed (S4). The system converges on a
value (S5), and the offset is computed (S6). The offset is validated, and
filtered (S7), and the high frequency injection and estimation is disabled for
the remainder of the operating cycle (S8). The powertrain system operates
(S9) using the resolver sensor position and the learned offset. At shutdown,
the data is stored in a non-volatile memory storage device of the control
system, such as one of the electrically programmable read only memory
(EPROM) devices of one of the controllers.
[0067] Referring now to Fig. 7, data for the exemplary system is shown.
The plotted data comprises a plot of magnitude of resolver error, in electrical
degrees. Line A is a representation of the actual resolver error, in this instance
comprising a worst-case error created during system assembly, having a
magnitude of ten degrees electrical rotation. The data points shown as C in
the plot comprise raw algorithm learn values for resolver position, corrected
using the invention described herein. In all instances, the magnitude of error
of the corrected resolver position is less than two degrees electrical rotation.
Line B comprises a filtered, or statistically analyzed resolver learn value,
which has an initial offset of ten degrees electrical rotation, which converges
to less than two degrees after forty observations, and converges to near zero
after eighty observations, thus demonstrating the capability of the method
described herein to learn and correct for resolver error.

[0068] The invention has been described with specific reference to the
preferred embodiments and modifications thereto. Further modifications and
alterations may occur to others upon reading and understanding the
specification. It is intended to include all such modifications and alterations
insofar as they come within the scope of the invention.

Having thus described the invention, it is claimed:
1. Control system for an electric machine comprising a multi-phase
multipole motor having a stator, a rotor, and a rotor position sensing
mechanism, comprising:
an inverter operable to transmit electrical energy between the stator of the
electrical machine and an electrical storage device; and,
a controller, operable to:
derive a rotor position based upon a sensorless position sensing technique;
determine an offset parameter between the derived rotor position and a sensed
rotor position; and,
control the inverter based upon the sensed rotor position and the offset
2. The control system of claim 1, wherein the controller operable to derive a
rotor position based upon a sensorless position sensing technique further
comprises the controller operable to derive the rotor position during initial
machine operation.
3. The control system of claim 2, further comprising deriving the rotor
position during a first second of machine operation after startup of the
4. The control system of claim 2, wherein initial machine operation
comprises operation in a torque-generative mode and in an electrical energy-
generative mode.

5. The control system of claim 1, wherein the controller operable to derive a
rotor position based upon a sensorless position sensing technique comprises
the controller operable to:
inject a high frequency signal into the stator of the electrical machine during
initial machine operation; and,
detect a position of the rotor based upon the injected high frequency signal.
6. The control system of claim 1, wherein the controller operable to derive a
rotor position based upon a sensorless position sensing technique comprises
the controller operable to:
inject a high frequency signal into the stator of the electrical machine during
initial machine operation;
determine a north/south polarity of the rotor; and,
detect a position of the rotor based upon the injected high frequency signal.
7. The control system of claim 1, further comprising the controller operable
to store the offset parameter in a non-volatile memory device.
8. The control system of claim 1, wherein the rotor position sensing
mechanism of the electric machine further comprises a resolver stator having a
plurality of inductive coils and, a lobed resolver rotor operatively attached to
the rotor of the electrical machine.
9. The control system of claim 8, wherein the controller operable to control
the inverter based upon the sensed rotor position and the offset parameter
further comprises:
the controller operable to control electrical energy transmitted between the
stator of the electrical machine and the electrical storage device based
upon the offset parameter.

10. The control system of claim 9, wherein the controller operable to control
the inverter further comprises the controller operable to control electrical
energy input to each coil of the stator for the multi-phase multipole motor.
11. The control system of claim 1, wherein the electric machine is operatively
connected to a two-mode compound split hybrid electro-mechanical
12. The control system of claim 11, further comprising the two-mode
compound split hybrid electro-mechanical transmission operable to transmit
motive torque to a driveline of a vehicle.
13. Method for controlling electrical energy transmitted between an energy
storage device and an electric machine comprising a multi-phase multipole
motor having a stator, a rotor, and a rotor position sensing mechanism,
deriving a rotor position based upon a sensorless position sensing technique;
determining an offset parameter between the derived rotor position and a
sensed rotor position; and,
controlling electrical energy transmitted therebetween based upon the sensed
rotor position and the offset parameter.
14. The method of claim 13, wherein deriving rotor position based upon a
sensorless position sensing technique further comprises deriving the rotor
position during initial machine operation.
15. The method of claim 13, further comprising deriving the rotor position
during a first second of machine operation after startup of the machine.

16. The method of claim 14, further comprising deriving rotor position during
initial machine operation comprising a torque-generative mode and an
electrical energy-generative mode.
17. The method of claim 13, deriving a rotor position based upon a sensorless
position sensing technique comprises:
injecting a high frequency signal into the stator of the electrical machine
during initial machine operation; and,
detecting a position of the rotor based upon the injected high frequency signal.
18. The method of claim 13, wherein deriving a rotor position based upon a
sensorless position sensing technique comprises:
injecting a high frequency signal into the stator of the electrical machine
during initial machine operation;
determining a north/south polarity of the rotor; and,
detecting a position of the rotor based upon the injected high frequency signal.
19. The method of claim 13, further comprising storing the offset parameter
in a non-volatile memory device.
20. The method of claim 19, wherein controlling electrical energy transmitted
therebetween based upon the sensed rotor position and the offset parameter
further comprises: controlling electrical energy transmitted between the stator
of the electrical machine and the electrical storage device based upon the
offset parameter.
21. The method of claim 20, wherein controlling electrical energy transmitted
between the stator of the electrical machine and the electrical storage device
further comprises controlling electrical energy input to each coil of the stator
for the multi-phase multipole motor.

22. Article of manufacture, comprising a storage medium having a computer
program encoded therein for effecting a method to control electrical energy
transmitted between an energy storage device and an electric machine
comprising a multi-phase multipole motor having a stator, a rotor, and a rotor
5 position sensing mechanism, the program comprising:
code for deriving a rotor position based upon a sensorless position sensing
technique executed during a startup of the electrical machine;
code for determining an offset parameter between the derived rotor position
and a sensed rotor position; and,
10 code for controlling phase of electrical energy input to each coil of the stator
for the multi-phase multipole motor based upon the sensed rotor
position and the offset parameter.

A control system and method to determine position of a rotor relative
to a stator for a synchronous multipole electrical machine is presented,
including one for application on a fuel/electric hybrid powertrain for a vehicle.
The machine includes a stator, a rotor, and a rotor position sensing
mechanism. The control system controls the electrical machine, in
conjunction with an electrical storage device and an inverter, using algorithms
and calibrations which derive a rotor position based upon a sensorless position
sensing technique, and determine an offset from a sensed rotor position.
Electrical output from the inverter to the machine is controlled based the
offset, which is stored non-volatile memory. A rotor position is derived based
upon a sensorless position sensing technique during initial machine operation
after startup of the machine, and includes operation in a torque-generative
mode and in an electrical energy-generative mode.




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463-KOL-2008-FORM 1.pdf

463-kol-2008-form 18.pdf

463-KOL-2008-FORM 2.pdf

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463-KOL-2008-FORM 5.pdf



Patent Number 259885
Indian Patent Application Number 463/KOL/2008
PG Journal Number 14/2014
Publication Date 04-Apr-2014
Grant Date 28-Mar-2014
Date of Filing 06-Mar-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H02P6/18; H02P6/14
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/743,901 2007-05-03 U.S.A.