Title of Invention


Abstract A liquid fuel detection system for a fuel vapor system of a vehicle providing fuel vapor to an engine operating in closed loop includes an oxygen sensor that generates an oxygen signal based on an oxygen level in engine exhaust. An engine speed sensor generates a speed signal based on a speed of the engine. And a control module receives the oxygen signal and the speed signal, determines a fuel control factor based on the oxygen signal, determines a long term modifier based on long term changes of the fuel control factor, and detects the presence of liquid fuel in the fuel vapor system based on the fuel control factor, the speed signal, and the long term modifier.
Full Text 1
[0001] The present invention relates to detection systems, and more
particularly to liquid fuel detection systems.
[0002] Internal combustion engines combust an air/fuel (A/F)
mixture within cylinders to drive pistons and to provide drive torque. Air is
delivered to the cylinders and an intake manifold via a throttle. A fuel injection
system supplies fuel from a fuel tank to provide fuel from a desired A/F
mixture to the cylinders. To prevent release of fuel vapor, vehicles also
typically include an evaporative emissions system, which includes a canister
that absorbs fuel vapor from a fuel tank, a canister vent valve and a purge
valve. The canister vent valve allows air to flow into the canister. The purge
valve supplies a combination of air and vaporized fuel from the canister to the
intake system.
[0003] Closed-loop control systems adjust inputs of a system based
on feedback from outputs of the system. By monitoring the amount of oxygen
in the exhaust, closed-loop fuel control systems manage fuel delivery to an
engine. Based on the output of oxygen sensors, the engine control module
adjusts the fuel delivery to match the ideal A/F ratio (14.7 to 1). By monitoring
the engine speed variation at idle, closed-loop speed control systems manage
engine intake airflows and spark advance.
[0004] Under some circumstances, liquid fuel rather than fuel vapor
can be present in the canister. Controlling the fuel system when liquid fuel is
present in the canister can be a difficult task. Liquid fuel in the canister can
produce high engine emissions, undesirable idle surge, steady throttle surge,
or engine stall. If this problem occurs, a vehicle may also fail evaporative
emissions requirements.

[0005] Accordingly, a liquid fuel detection system for a fuel vapor
system of a vehicle providing fuel vapor to an engine operating in closed loop
includes an oxygen sensor that generates an oxygen signal based on an
oxygen level in engine exhaust. An engine speed sensor generates a speed
signal based on a speed of the engine. And a control module receives the
oxygen signal and the speed signal, determines a fuel control factor based on
the oxygen signal, determines a long term modifier based on long term
changes of the fuel control factor, and detects the presence of liquid fuel in
the fuel vapor system based on the fuel control factor, the speed signal, and
the long term modifier.
[0006] In another feature, the control module detects the presence
of liquid fuel when the fuel control modifier drops below a minimum for a
selectable period of time.
[0007] In another feature, the control module detects the presence
of liquid fuel in the fuel vapor system when the speed signal and the fuel
control factor indicate engine instability.
[0008] In other features, the control module detects the presence of
liquid fuel in the fuel vapor system when engine idle conditions are met.
Engine idle conditions are met if throttle position is less than a minimum
throttle position value and vehicle speed is less than a minimum vehicle
speed value.
[0009] In still other features, the control module sets a liquid fuel
notification code when the presence of liquid fuel is detected a selectable
number of times and the control module sends an off-board communication
signal when the presence of liquid fuel is detected a selectable number of

[0010] Further areas of applicability of the present invention will
become apparent from the detailed description provided hereinafter. It should
be understood that the detailed description and specific examples, while
indicating the preferred embodiment of the invention, are intended for
purposes of illustration only and are not intended to limit the scope of the
[0011] The present invention will become more fully understood
from the detailed description and the accompanying drawings, wherein:
[0012] Figure 1 is a functional block diagram of an engine control
system and a fuel system according to the present invention;
[0013] Figure 2 is a flowchart illustrating a method of detecting the
presence of liquid fuel in the fuel vapor system;
[0014] Figure 3 is a flowchart illustrating a method of checking
engine idle conditions;
[0015] Figure 4 is a flowchart illustrating a method of checking
engine stability conditions; and
[0016] Figure 5 is a flowchart illustrating a method of checking long
term modifier low conditions.
[0017] The following description of the preferred embodiment(s) is
merely exemplary in nature and is in no way intended to limit the invention, its
application, or uses. For purposes of clarity, the same reference numbers will
be used in the drawings to identify similar elements. As used herein, the term
module refers to an application specific integrated circuit (ASIC), an electronic
circuit, a processor (shared, dedicated, or group) and memory that executes
one or more software or firmware programs, a combinational logic circuit,
and/or other suitable components that provide the described functionality.

[0018] Referring to Figure 1, a vehicle 10 includes an engine
system 12 and a fuel system 14. One or more control modules 16
communicate with the engine and fuel systems 12, 14. The fuel system 14
selectively supplies liquid and/or fuel vapor to the engine system 12, as will be
described in further detail below.
[0019] The engine system 12 includes an engine 18, a fuel injection
system 20, an intake manifold 22, and an exhaust manifold 24. Air is drawn
into the intake manifold 22 through a throttle 26. The throttle 26 regulates
mass air flow into the intake manifold 22. Air within the intake manifold 22 is
distributed into cylinders 28. The air is mixed with fuel and the air/fuel mixture
is combusted within cylinders 28 of the engine 18. Although two cylinders 28
are illustrated, it can be appreciated that the engine 18 can include more or
fewer cylinders 28 including, but not limited to 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12
cylinders. The fuel injection system 20 includes liquid injectors that inject
liquid into the cylinders 28.
[0020] Exhaust flows through the exhaust manifold 24 and is treated
in a catalytic converter 30. First and second exhaust oxygen sensors 32 and
34 (e.g., wide-range A/F ratio sensors) communicate exhaust A/F ratio signals
to the control module 16. A mass air flow (MAF) sensor 36 is located within
an air inlet and communicates to the control module 16 a MAF signal based
on the mass of air flowing into the engine system 12. An engine speed
sensor 38 senses the speed of the engine and communicates an engine
speed signal to the control module 16. A throttle position sensor 40 senses
the position of the throttle 26 and communicates a throttle position signal to
the control module 16.
[0021] The control module 16 controls the fuel and air provided to
the engine based on oxygen sensor signals and throttle valve position. This
form of fuel control is also referred to as closed loop fuel control. Closed loop
fuel control is used to maintain the air/fuel mixture at or close to an ideal
stoichiometric air/fuel ratio by commanding a desired fuel delivery to match
the airflow. Stoichiometry is defined as an ideal air/fuel ratio, which is 14.7 to

1 for gasoline. The engine control may command different airflow to
compensate the engine speed changes during engine idle operation.
[0022] The engine system 12 operates in a lean condition (i.e.
reduced fuel) when the A/F ratio is higher than a stoichiometric A/F ratio. The
engine system 12 operates in a rich condition when the A/F ratio is less than
the stoichiometric A/F ratio. A fuel control factor helps determine whether the
A/F ratio is within an ideal range, i.e., greater than a minimum value and less
than a maximum value. An exemplary fuel control factor includes a short term
integrator (STI) that provides a rapid indication of fuel enrichment based on
input from the oxygen sensor signals. For example, if the signals indicate an
air/fuel ratio greater than a specified reference, STI is increased a step and if
the signals indicate an air/fuel ratio less than the specified reference, STI is
decreased a step. A fuel control modifier monitors changes in the fuel control
factor over a long term. An exemplary fuel control modifier includes a long
term modifier (LTM). LTM monitors STI and uses integration to produce its
[0023] The fuel system 14 includes a fuel tank 42 that contains
liquid fuel and fuel vapor. A fuel inlet 44 extends from the fuel tank 42 to
enable fuel filling. A fuel cap 46 closes the fuel inlet 44 and may include a
bleed hole (not shown). A modular reservoir assembly (MRA) 48 is disposed
within the fuel tank 42 and includes a fuel pump 50. The MRA 48 includes a
liquid fuel line 52 and a fuel vapor line 54.
[0024] The fuel pump 50 pumps liquid fuel through the liquid fuel
line 52 to the fuel injection system 20 of the engine 18. A fuel vapor system
includes the fuel vapor line 54 and a canister 56. Fuel vapor flows through
the fuel vapor line 54 into the canister 56. A fuel vapor line 58 connects a
purge valve 60 to the canister 56. The control module 16 modulates the
purge valve 60 to selectively enable fuel vapor flow to the intake system of the
engine 18. The control module 16 modulates a canister vent valve 62 to
selectively enable air flow from atmosphere into the canister 56.

[0025] Referring to Figures 1 and 2, the steps performed by the
control module to detect liquid fuel in the fuel vapor system will be described
in more detail. The following method is performed continually when the
engine system 12 is operating under closed loop fuel control. Control checks
idle conditions to determine if the vehicle 10 is operating at idle at 100.
Control checks engine operating characteristics to determine instability at 110.
If idle conditions are met and the engine operating conditions indicate
instability at 120, control checks LTM low conditions at 130. LTM low
conditions occur when LTM value remains low for a selectable period of time.
If idle conditions are not met or engine operating conditions indicate stability
at 120, control returns to checking idle conditions at 100. If LTM low
conditions are met at 140, liquid fuel is deemed present in the fuel vapor
system at 150. If the LTM low conditions are not met, control returns to check
idle conditions at 100.
[0026] Once control detects liquid fuel in the fuel vapor system,
control may set a notification code at 160 and a notification signal is sent at
170. The signal can be in the form of a diagnostic code that can be retrieved
by a service tool connected to the vehicle, in the form of a signal that
illuminates an indicator light viewable by an operator and/or in the form of a
diagnostic code that is broadcast to a remote service technician. Alternatively
(flow not shown), control may wait until fuel has been detected in the vapor
system a consecutive number of times or a selected number of times within a
specified time period before setting a notification signal or sending the
notification signal.
[0027] Referring now to Figure 3, a method of checking idle
operating conditions referred to at process box 100 in Figure 2 will be
discussed in more detail. Control evaluates whether the throttle position
signal is less than a minimum value at 200. The minimum value can be
selectable. If the throttle position is less than the minimum at 200, control
evaluates the vehicle speed at 210. If the vehicle speed is less than a
minimum speed value at 210, idle conditions are deemed met at 220 and an
idle conditions met flag is set to TRUE. If the throttle position is greater than

or equal to the minimum at 200 or the vehicle speed is greater than or equal
to the maximum at 210, idle conditions are deemed not met and the idle
conditions met flag is set to FALSE at 230.
[0028] Referring now to Figure 4, a method of checking engine
stability referred to at process box 110 of Figure 2 will be discussed in more
detail. Control evaluates engine speed at 300. If engine speed deviates from
a desired engine speed a selectable number of times at 300, control
evaluates STI in step 310. If STI deviates from from a selected value (i.e. 100
percent) by a selectable amount and for a selectable number of times, engine
is deemed unstable and an engine unstable flag is set to TRUE at 320. If the
engine is stable at 300 and the STI is stable at 310, the engine unstable flag
is set to FALSE at 330.
[0029] Referring now to Figure 5, a method of checking LTM low
conditions referred to at process box 130 of Figure 2 will be discussed in more
detail. A counter is initialized to zero at 390. If the LTM is less than or equal
to a selectable minimum at 400, a counter is incremented at 410. If the
counter is greater than a threshold at 420, a LTM low condition is set to TRUE
at 430. If the counter is less than or equal to the threshold at 420, control
returns to evaluate LTM at 400. If the LTM is greater than the selectable
minimum at 400, the LTM low condition flag is set to FALSE at 440.
[0030] Those skilled in the art can now appreciate from the
foregoing description that the broad teachings of the present invention can be
implemented in a variety of forms. Therefore, while this invention has been
described in connection with particular examples thereof, the true scope of the
invention should not be so limited since other modifications will become
apparent to the skilled practitioner upon a study of the drawings, specification,
and the following claims.

What is claimed is:
1. A liquid fuel detection system for a fuel vapor system of a
vehicle providing fuel vapor to an engine operating in closed loop, comprising:
an oxygen sensor that generates an oxygen signal based on an
oxygen level in engine exhaust;
an engine speed sensor that generates a speed signal based on
a speed of said engine; and
a control module that receives said oxygen signal and said
speed signal, that determines a fuel control factor based on said oxygen
signal, that determines a long term modifier based on long term changes of
said fuel control factor, and that detects the presence of liquid fuel in said fuel
vapor system based on said fuel control factor, said speed signal, and said
long term modifier.
2. The liquid fuel detection system of Claim 1 wherein said control
module detects the presence of liquid fuel when said fuel control modifier is
below a minimum for a selectable period of time.
3. The liquid fuel detection system of Claim 1 wherein said control
module detects the presence of liquid fuel in said fuel vapor system when said
speed signal and said fuel control factor indicate engine instability.
4. The liquid fuel detection system of Claim 1 wherein said control
module detects the presence of liquid fuel in said fuel vapor system when
engine idle conditions are met.
5. The liquid fuel detection system of Claim 4 wherein said engine
idle conditions are met if throttle position is less than a minimum throttle
position value and vehicle speed is less than a minimum vehicle speed value.

6. The liquid fuel detection system of Claim 5 wherein said
minimum throttle position value and said minimum vehicle speed value are
7. The liquid fuel detection system of claim 1 wherein said control
module sets a liquid fuel notification code when the presence of liquid fuel is
detected a selectable number of times.
8. The liquid fuel detection system of claim 1 wherein said control
module sends an off-board communication signal when the presence of liquid
fuel is detected a selectable number of times.
9. The liquid fuel detection system of claim 8 wherein said control
module sends said off-board communication signal to a service tool
connected to said vehicle.
10. The liquid fuel detection system of claim 8 wherein said control
module said off-board communication signal illuminates an indicator light
viewable by an operator of said vehicle.
11. The liquid fuel detection system of claim 8 wherein said control
module broadcasts said communication signal to a remote service technician.

12. A method of detecting the presence of liquid fuel in a fuel vapor
system of an engine operating in closed loop, comprising:
receiving an engine speed signal;
receiving an oxygen sensor signal;
determining an oxygen level from said oxygen sensor signal;
determining a short term integrator from said oxygen level;
determining a long term modifier from said short term integrator;
checking engine instability based on said short term integrator
and said engine speed; and
detecting the presence of liquid fuel in said fuel vapor system
based on said engine instability when said long term modifier decreases
below a minimum value for a selectable period of time.
13. The method of Claim 12 further comprising setting a notification
code and sending a notification signal including said notification code.
14. The method of Claim 13 wherein said steps of setting a
notification code and said step of sending a notification signal is performed
once said presence of liquid fuel is detected a selectable number of times.
15. The method of claim 13 further comprising illuminating an
indication light viewable by an operator based on said notification code.
16. The method of claim 12 further comprising determining if idle
conditions are met and wherein said step of detecting is performed once idle
conditions are met.
17. The method of claim 16 wherein said step of determining if idle
conditions met comprises evaluating a throttle position and a vehicle speed.

A liquid fuel detection system for a fuel vapor system of a vehicle providing fuel vapor to an engine operating in closed loop includes an oxygen sensor that generates an oxygen signal based on an oxygen level in engine exhaust. An engine speed sensor generates a speed signal based on a speed of the engine. And a control module receives the oxygen signal and the speed signal, determines a fuel control factor based on the oxygen signal, determines a long term modifier based on long term changes of the fuel
control factor, and detects the presence of liquid fuel in the fuel vapor system
based on the fuel control factor, the speed signal, and the long term modifier.





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1456-KOL-2007-(20-05-2013)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf



1456-KOL-2007-(20-05-2013)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf






1456-KOL-2007-(20-05-2013)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf

1456-KOL-2007-CORRESPONDENCE 1.1.pdf

1456-kol-2007-form 18.pdf

Patent Number 259917
Indian Patent Application Number 1456/KOL/2007
PG Journal Number 14/2014
Publication Date 04-Apr-2014
Grant Date 29-Mar-2014
Date of Filing 24-Oct-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F02D41/00; G06F19/00; F02D41/00;
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/560,997 2006-11-17 U.S.A.