Title of Invention


Abstract Abstract BROADBAND SINGLE VERTICAL POLARIZED BASE STATION ANTENNA An antenna (10) for receiving and/or transmitting electromagnetic signals is disclosed. The antenna (10) includes a ground plane (28) with a length and having a vertical axis along the length, and a dipole radiating element (18. 20) projects outwardly from a surface of the ground plane (28). The radiating element includes a feed section (20), and a ground section (18).
Full Text

Tiis application claims the benefit of U.S. provisional patent application serial no. iO/779,241, filed on March 3, 2006, incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
'he present invention relate to broadband base station antennas for wireless communications systems.
The number of base station antennas needed for cellular and other wireless ^mmunications applications is increasing rapidly due to increased use of mobile vireiess communications. Therefore, it is desirable to design low cost base station antennas. At the same time such wireless applications increasingly will equire \Mdeband capability. Most of the previous appn9aches to such antenna lesigns are dipole antennas with fish hook type of balun feed with various irrangements. Such systems are not readily compatible wHh tiie desired goals of ow cost and wide faandwndth. Accordingly, a n^d presently exists for an mproved base station antenna design.
rhe present invention provides a broadband single vertical polarized base station antenna and assembly that addresses the above shortcomings. In one

mbodiment, tfie present invention provides an antenna assennbly for receiving ndtor transmitting electromagnetic signals, comprising a ground plane and at last one dipole antenna, wherein each dipole antenna includes a first conductor ^tending transversety from a surface of ttie ground plane, the first conductor aving a first radiating element projecting outwardly therefrom; and a second anductor coupled to the ground plane by a dielectric and extending transversely itative to the surfece of the ground plane spaced from the first conductor, the Bcond conductor having a second radiating element projecting outwardly lerefrom. Further, the first and second conductors are spaced from one another y a gap, and the first and second radiating elements project outwardly in ssentially opposite directions-
) another embodiment, the present invention provides a broadband single ertical polarized base station comprising a ground plane and an antenna ssembly Induding multiple dipole antennas. Each dipole antenna, comprises a rst conductor extending transversely from a surface of the ground plane, the first onductor having a first radiating elertient projecting outwardly there^m; and a econd conductor coupled to the ground plane by a dielectric and extending -ansversely relative to the surface of the ground plane-spaced from the first onductor, the second conductor having a second radiating element projecting futwardly therefrom. Further, the first and second conductors are spaced from ine another by a gap, and tJie first and second radiating elements project outwardly in essentidly opposite directions. A feed line is coupled to said first onductor of each dipole antenna and spaced from said ground plane by an air lielectric, wherein the feed line pnavides a common input to the dipole antennas.
n another embodiment, the present invention provides an antenna for receiving ind/or transmitling ^ectroirragnetic signals.- comprising a ground plane with a sngth and having a vertical awal along the length, and a dipole radiating element irojecis outwardly irom a surface erf the ground plane. The radiating element icludes a feed section and a ground section.

Further features and advantages of the present invention are set out in the following detailed disdosure.
Fig. 1 shows a vertical polarized base station antenna on a ground, plane, according to an embodiment of the present invention.
Fig. 2 showra a staggered dipote antenna arrangement on the ground plane, according to an embodiment of the present invention.
Fig. 3A shows anotfier staggered dipole antenna arrangement on the ground plane, according to an embodiment of the present invention.
Fig. 3B shows the end view of ttie staggered dipole arrangement of FIG. 3A, according to an embodiment of the present invention.
Fig. 4 shows an isometric view of a dipole antenna on the ground plane, according to an embodiment of the present invention.
Fig. 5 shcftws one of the dipole arm with Ihe microsfrip line attached, according to an embodiment of the present invention
Fig. 6 shows one of thedipjole amii attached to the ground plane, according to an embodiment of the present invention.
Fig. 7 shows an isometric view of the dipole antenna witiiout the ground plane, accoTding to an embodiment of the present invention.

-igs. 8fii-C shows top views of alternate dipole arm arrangements, according to he present invention.
The present invention provides an antenna for use in wireless communication systems which addresses the above noted problems. One embodimwit of the present invention c^erates across various frequency bands, 806 - 960 MHz )and, 380 - 470 MHz band, 1710 - 2170 MHz. Although the present invention s particulariy adapted for use in a base station, it also can be used in ai) types of elecommunication systems, such as WiMax 2.3 GHz, 2.5 GHz and 3.5 GHz lands, etc.
=ig. 1 shows a set of four example dipole array antennas 10 with a common input 11, according to the present invention, for transmitting and receiving slectromagnetic signals. Ba.dn antenna element 10 (Fig. 7) includes two arms 18, 20. a ground plate 12 and two electrical conductors/legs 14 and 16 (Figs. 5 and 6). The conductor 16 Is attached to ground using the plate 12, with a dipole irm 18 (Fig. 6) towards one side, while the other conductoi^ 14 is spaced to the jround by a dielectric 23 (Fig. 3B}, such as air, foam, etc., with a dipole amn 20 ;Fig. 5) towards the opposite side of dipole arm 20, therefore fonriing a dipole :onfiguration. Each dipole arm fonns a radiating section/element. In this sxample. the conductor 14 and dipole arm 20 are formed/stamped from a sheet 3f conductive material, forming an L^hape. Further, the conductor 16 and dipole arm 18 are formed/stamped from a sheet of conductive material, fonning an L-shape. The input conductors 14 and 16 are separated by a gap 22 (Figs. 3B, 8A-Z).
the conductor 14 connecte a part of the dipole ami 20 to a feed line 24 and «ie Mrtductor 16 aannects a part of the d^jole amn 18 to ground wa ttie plate 12.

'he conductors 14 and 16 form a paired strips transmission line having an . Tipedance. The arms 18, 20 also have an impedance.
'he impedance of the paired strips transmission line 14, 16, is adjusted by 'arying the viridth of conductor actions 14, 16 antWor the gap 22 therebetween. The spedfic dimensions vary with the application. As such, ttie intrinsic input mpedance of each dipole is adjusted to mateh tfte impedani^ of the :orresponding feed section.
The two conductor sections 14, 16 of the dipole antenna form a balanced paired strips transmission line; ttierefore, it is unnecessary to provide a balun. This jrovides the antenna 10 with a very wide impedance bandwidth. Also, the antenna 10 has a stebte fer-field pattern across the impedance bandwidth.
-ig. 4 shows an isometric view of a single dipole antenna 10 on the ground plane 28. Fig. 5 shows the dipole arm 20 with the microstrip feed line 24 attached and rig. 6 shov\^ the dipole arm 18 that can be attached to the ground plane 28 via :he plate 12. The feed line 24 (and its extension feed line 11) comprises a microstip feed line spaced from the ground plane 28 by non-conductor such as air dielectric (e.g., dielectric 23). The impedance of ttie mic^strip line is adjusted by varying the width of the element 24, and/or the space be^^'ee^ Vne microsWp line to the ground plane. The fe^ line 24 is shown as a unitary element of the conductor 14. Fig. 7 shows an isometric view of the dipole antenna 10, as combination of elements in Figs. 5 and 6.
The conductor section 16 can be connected to the ground plane 28 by any suitatJle fastening device 30 (Fig. 3B) such as a nut and bolt, a screw, a rivet, or any suitable fastening method including soldering, welding, etc. The suitable osnr^ection provides both an etectrical and mechanical connection between the conductor 16 and ground plane 28.

he arrangement of the four dipole antennas 10 in Fig. 1 provides 90 degree, 05 degree, and 120 degree 3 dB azimuth beam vwdtti base station antenna nplementations, with different shapes of the ground plane 28. The staggered iipole arrangement in Fig. 2 and Figs. 3A-B provide a 65 degree 3 dB azimuth earn width base station antenna implementations. In the staggered irrangem^it in Fig. 2 the legs 14, 16 of the antennas 10 are essentially eipendicular to the ground plane 28.
n the above implementation, Vne legs 14,16 of each antenna 10 are at about 90 legree angles in r^ation to the ground plane 28- In another implementation, the sgs 14,16 of an antenna 10 can be at less than 90 degree angles to the ground >lane 28. For example, the legs 14, 16 of an antenna 10 can tie t)elween aboxrt )0 degrees (perpendicular to the ground plane 28) and about 30 degree to the iround plane 28. Other angles are possible. Figs. 3A-B provide examples of a itaggered arrangement with the legs 14, 16 of each antenna between about 90 legrees (perpendicular to the ground plane 28) and about 30 degree to the iround plane 28.
'ig. 3A shov^ a staggered arrangement of four dipole antennas 10A~O on the iround plane 28, wherein the legs 14, 16 of each the antenna 10A are transverse , n relation to the legs 14,16 of the antenna 10B. Further, the legs 14, 16 of the intenna 10A are at less than 90 degree angles (e.g., 30 to 90 degrees) in elation to the ground plane 28. SImilariy, the legs 14, 16 of the antenna 10B are It less than 90 degree angles (e.g., 30 to 90 degrees) in relation to the ground )lane 28. As such, in this example the dipole antennas 10A and 10B can be at ransverse angles of e.g. greater than 0 to about 120 degrees, in relation to one mother. Other transverse angles between the antennas 10A and 108 are )ossible.

:imilariy the legs of the antennas IOC and 10D are transverse in relation to one nother, and at less ttian 90 degrees in relation to the ground plane 28. Fig. 3B hows a partial end view of the staggered dipole arrangement of Fig. 3A, howing antennas lOAand 106.
ipedfic additional variations and miplementation details will vary with the larticular application as will be appreciated by ^ose skilled in the art. For jxample, Figs. 8A-C show top views of alternate dipole ann anangements, iccording to ttie present invention. The gap 22 between the legs 14 and 16 in he alternate antennas 40A-C in Figs. 8A-C is the same, while Figs. 8B and 8C ihow an enlarged view of the gap 22 for clarity.
"ig. SA shows a top view of the antenna 40A wherein the dipole amis 18, 20 and he legs 14, 16 are symmetric. Further, the legs 14 and 16 are the same distance rom the cenleriine 32A of the dipole arms 18. 20. Fig. 8B shows a top view of he antenna 4QB wherein the dipole arms 18, 20 are asymmetric, and the leg 16 ies on the centerJine 32B of the dipole arms 18, 20. Fig. 8C shows a top view of he antenna 40C wherein the dipole arms 18, 20 are asymmetric, and the leg 14 ies on the centerijne 32C of the dipole amis 18, 20.
-urther features and advantages of tiie invention will be apparent to those skilled n the art. Also, it will be appreciated by those skilled in the art that a variety of nodifications of the illustrated implementation are possible v^^iie remaining within he scope of the invention.

An antenna assembly for receiving and/or transmitting electromagnetic ignals, comprising:
a ground plane;
at least one dipole antenna, each dipole antenna intruding:
a first conductor extending transversely from a surface of the
ground plane and electrically connected to the ground plane, the
first conductor comprising a first radiating element projecting
outwardly therefrom;
a second conductor spaced from the ground plane by a dielectric
and extending transversely relative to the surface of the ground
plane, the second conductor ccmprising a second radiating element
projecting outwardly therefrom;
wherein the first and second conductors are spaced from one
another by a gap, and the first and second radiating elements
project outwardly in essentially opposite directions.
i. The antenna assembly of claim 1 further comprising a microstrip feed line coupled to said first conductor, and spaced from said ground plane by an air lielectric.
i. The antenna assembly of claim 1 wherein the first and second radiating elements are essentially in the same plane.
t. The antenna assembly of claim 1 wherein the first conductor and the first -adiating element are formed from a sheet of conductive material.
5. The antenna assembly of claim 1 wherein the first conductor and the first radiating element form an essentially L-shape.

5- The antenna assembly of claim 1 wherein the second conductor and the second radiating element are formed from a sheet of conductive material.
7. The antenna assembly of claim 1 wherein the second conductor and the secxind radiating element form an essentially L-shape.
3. The antenna assembly of claim 1 wherein the first and second conductors are spaced in essentially parallel relationship, forming a balanced paired strips transmission line.
9. The antenna assembly of claim 2 wherein each radiating element has an intrinsic input impedance that is adjusted to match the impedance of the microstrip line.
10. The antenna assemhly of claim 9 wherein the impedance of the microstrip line is adjusted by adjusting the width of The microstrip line and/or the space between the microstrip line and ground plane; and
11. The antenna assembly of claftn 8 wherein the impedance of the paired strips transmission line is adjusted fay adjusting the width of the conductor and/or gap between the conductors.
12. The antenna assembly of daim 1 wherein said at least one dipole antenna comprises an array of plural dipole antennas having a common feed line coupled to each dipole antenna.
13. The antenna assemtily of claim 12 wherein the dipole antennas are arranged in a row

4. The antenna assembly of claim 13 wherein said array of dipole antennas comprises four dipole antennas arranged in a row providing 90 degree. 105 legree, and 120 degree 3 dB azimuth beams.
15. The antenna assembly of claim 12 wherein the plural dipole antennas are irranged in a staggered pattern.
16- The antenna assembly of claim 15 comprising at least a pair of dipole mtenna arranged in a staggered pattern.
17. The antenna assembly of claim 16 compriang plural pairs of staggered, jipole antennas.
18. The antenna assembly of claim 17 wherein each pair of staggered dipofe antennas provides a 65 degree 3 dB azimuth beam.
19. The antenna assembly of claim 16 wherein the dipole antennas are at ransverse angles in relation to one another.
20. A broadband single vertical polarized base station comprising:
a graund section including a ground plane;
an antenna assembly section comprising plural dipole antennas, wherein sach dipote antenna, comprises:
a first conductor extending transversely from a surface of the ground plane and electrically connected to the ground plane, the first conductor having a first radiating element projecting outwaidly therefirom; and (2) a second conductor spaced from the ground plane by a dielectric and extending transversely relative to the surfece of the ground plane spaced from the firat conductor, the second conductor having a second radiating element projecting outwardly therefrom;

wherein the first and second conductors are spaced from one another by a gap, and the first and second radiating elements project outwardly :n essentially opposite directions;
wherein the first and second conductors are spaced in essentially parallel relationship, foming a balanced paired strips transmission line; and
a feed section compn'sing a microstrip feed line coupled to said second conductor of each dipole antenna and spaced from said ground plane by an air dielectric, wtfierein the microstrip feed line provides a common input to the dipole antennas.
21. An broadband single vertical polarized base station antenna for receiving and/or transmitting electromagnetic signals, comprising a ground plane with a length and having a vertical axis along the lengtii, and a dipole radiating element projects outwardly from a surface of the ground plane.
22. The antenna of daim 21 wherein tiie radiating element includes a feed section and a ground section.
23. The antenna of claim 21 wherein the antenna is configured to operate in
the 806 to 960 MHz frequency band.
24. The antenna of daim 21 wherein the antenna is configured to operate in
tiie 330 to 470 MHz frequency band.
25. The antenna of claim 21 wherein the antenna is configured to operate in
the 1710 to 2170 MHz frequency band.
26. The antenna of claim 21 wherein the antenna is configured to operate in
one or more of 380 to 470 MHz, 806 to 960 MHz, and 1710 to 2170 MHz
frequency bands.


5318-CHENP-2008 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 04-04-2014.pdf

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5318-CHENP-2008 PCT 25-03-2014.pdf

5318-CHENP-2008 POWER OF ATTORNEY 25-03-2014.pdf

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5318-chenp-2008 claims.pdf

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5318-chenp-2008 drawings.pdf

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5318-chenp-2008 pct.pdf

Patent Number 260221
Indian Patent Application Number 5318/CHENP/2008
PG Journal Number 15/2014
Publication Date 11-Apr-2014
Grant Date 09-Apr-2014
Date of Filing 03-Oct-2008
Applicant Address 1801 E. ST. ANDREW PLACE, SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA 92705
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H01Q9/28
PCT International Application Number PCT/US07/05137
PCT International Filing date 2007-03-02
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/779,241 2006-03-03 U.S.A.
2 11/713,351 2007-03-01 U.S.A.