Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a method for purification of synthetically-produced compounds, comprising a betaine structure in the molecule, for example, indocyan green, characterised in that reaction by-products, starting materials and/or other impurities such as Nal used during production are separated by extraction.
Full Text WO 2006/128451 PCT/DE2006/000959
"Method for the purification of betaines"
The present invention relates to a method for the purification
of synthetically produced chemical substances that contain a
betaine structure in the molecule.
In particular, this method is suitable for the purification of
indocyanine green (Indocyanine Green), a dye described in the
American pharmacopoeia. Indocyanine green is 2-(7-[1,3-dihydro-
hydroxide, betaine sodium salt, and is characterized by the
following chemical structure:

Indocyanine green is a green dye that is used in medicine, for
the diagnosis of cardiac, cardiovascular, microcirculation, and
liver function.

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The production of indocyanine green takes place, for example, by
means of condensation of two indolinium molecules, using sodium
iodide. The sodium iodide is added to the synthesis salt in
order to bring about precipitation of the dye. Conventional
measures for reducing the sodium iodide content are complicated
and cost-intensive, and this leads to clearly increased
production costs of the dye. Discontinuous treatment of
indocyanine green (ICG) by means of crystallization and
precipitation, respectively, is only possible with restrictions;
purification of the substance on a large technical scale is
almost impossible. While chromatographic methods for the
purification of ICG are possible on a laboratory scale, larger
amounts cannot be purified in a single work process.
The present invention was based on the task of making available
a method for the purification of betaines, particularly of
indocyanine green, in which the synthesis path usual in the
state of the art and also introduced in plants on a large
technical scale can remain unchanged, so that only the
purification step undergoes a change.

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Accordingly, the object of the present invention is a method for
the purification of chemical substances and chemical compounds
that contain a betaine structure in the molecule, which method
is characterized in that reaction by-products, starting
compounds and/or other contaminants that are insoluble in the
selected organic solvent are removed by extraction.
The method according to the invention takes advantage of the
solubility differences between the contaminants and betaines.
The method is particularly well suited for the purification of
indocyanine green, if sodium iodide (NaI) is used as the
precipitation agent during its production, for conversion of the
acid to the corresponding Na salt.
The use of NaI, which can still be contained in several % in
commercially available products, could be the cause for the fact
that the types and scope of the diagnostic use of ICG are
In addition to indocyanine green, natural substances that can be
purified of inorganic contaminants in this manner, particularly

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alkaloids of the indol and isoquinoline type, are possible
subjects for the method according to the invention.
The extraction is performed in an organic solvent, preferably a
non-aqueous solvent, particularly in aprotic solvents (e.g.
CH2Cl2 or acetic ester). The possibility of removing NaI from
indocyanine green or separating it from the latter by means of
extraction, is surprising in that the indocyanine green is only
moderately soluble in the non-aqueous solvent CH2Cl2 that is
preferably used, while NaI is insoluble in it.
Since some of the contaminants to be removed, such as inorganic
salts, for example, including NaI, are soluble in water, a non-
aqueous solvent is preferably used as the solvent. Drying of the
non-aqueous solvent can take place in known manner, by way of
molecular sieves, P2O6, etc.
The extraction according to the invention can be carried out by
means of shaking out (sequential extraction) or continuously.
Sequential extraction usually takes place in a shaker funnel.
However, shaking the substances out is relatively complicated,
time-consuming, and therefore less preferred. Preferably,

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extraction is therefore carried out continuously. The so-called
Soxhlet extraction is particularly suitable for this.
For continuous extraction, the substance to be purified is
preferably put into a sleeve or similar accommodation device
that is permeable for the solvent, and continuously flushed with
the solvent, slightly below its boiling point. When this is
done, the soluble components are dissolved, while insoluble
components remain in the accommodation device; in other words,
in the purification of indocyanine green, this compound is
dissolved by the extraction solvent and removed from the device,
while substances that are insoluble in the solvent, e.g. NaI,
remain behind.
To carry out the method according to the invention, an
indocyanine green available from usual industrial production,
which contained 4.6% NaI, was subjected to continuous extraction
in a Soxhlet apparatus.

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For the production of non-aqueous methylene chloride, 500 ml
methylene chloride were dried over a molecular sieve (4 A from
the Roth company, 0.4 nm, bead form) and subsequently distilled.
100 ml of the first run were discarded, so that approximately
400 ml purified and dried methylene chloride were available for
the subsequent continuous extraction.
266 mg indocyanine green were weighed into a paper sleeve
suitable for the Soxhlet apparatus. 250 ml of the purified and
dried methylene chloride were placed into a 500 ml flask as the
substance presented. The apparatus furthermore contained a
reflux cooler and a drying tube set onto the latter, filled with
CaCl2. The extraction was carried out over a time period of 30
hours, at a water bath temperature of 48°C. Subsequently, the
deep-green solution obtained was concentrated in a rotation
evaporator and lyophilized.
The indocyanine green obtained contained is more than 10 times below the tolerance range established by
the USP for parenteral use of indocyanine green (Indocyanine
Green for Injection).

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Extractions with solvents such as acetone resulted in NaI, which
is soluble in this solvent to a certain extent, also being
Extraction with solutions smaller than, for example extraction
with acetone, chloroform, cyclohexane, and heptane, resulted in
no separation of the substances indocyanine green and NaI.

WO 2006/128451 PCT/DE2006/000959
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1. Method for purification of synthetically produced chemical
substances that contain a betaine structure in the molecule
characterized in that
reaction by-products, starting compounds and/or other
contaminants are removed by extraction.
2. Method according to claim 1,
characterized in that
the substances are selected from indocyanine green.
3. Method according to one of claims 1 or 2,
characterized in that
the by-product that is removed is an iodide, particularly
sodium iodide.
4. Method according to one of claims 1 to 3,
characterized in that
the extraction is carried out with an organic solvent,
preferably methylene chloride.

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5. Method according to one of claims 1 to 4,
characterized in that
the extraction is carried out continuously, particularly by
means of the Soxhlet method.

The invention relates to a method for purification of synthetically-produced compounds, comprising a betaine structure
in the molecule, for example, indocyan green, characterised in that reaction by-products, starting materials and/or other impurities
such as Nal used during production are separated by extraction.




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Patent Number 260342
Indian Patent Application Number 4762/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 17/2014
Publication Date 25-Apr-2014
Grant Date 24-Apr-2014
Date of Filing 07-Dec-2007
Applicant Address STAHLGRUBERRING 28 81829 MUNCHEN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C09B 67/54
PCT International Application Number PCT/DE2006/000959
PCT International Filing date 2006-06-01
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 102005025560.4 2005-06-01 Germany