Title of Invention


Abstract A process for preparing fluorinated ethers, such as desflurane, comprises reacting the corresponding chlorinated ether, such as isoflurane, with anhydrous hydrogen fluoride in the vapor phase in the presence of chromia catalyst. It is emphasized that this abstract is provided to comply with the rules requiring an abstract which will allow a searcher or other reader quickly to ascertain the subject matter of the technical disclosure. It is submitted with the understanding that it will not be used to interpret or limit the scope or meaning of the appended issued claims. 37 CFR § 1.72(b).
1. Field of the Invention
[0001] The present invention relates generally to the preparation of fluorinated ethers, which are useful as inhalation anesthetics.
2. Description of Related Art
|0002] Destlurane is a well known compound with effective anesthetic properties. For example see E.l.Eger et al, Anesthesia and Analgesia, 1987, pp 971-973, 974-976, 977-982, 983-985, 1227-1229, 1230-1233 and 1312-1315.
[0003] This compound is mentioned in U.S. Pat. No. 3,897,502, where it is prepared by the direct fluorination of 2-difluoromethoxy-1,1,1-trifluoroethane in Freon E3 as solvent, using 20% fluorine gas in argon. The reaction took 13 hours and had to be carried out at -20°C to -25°C to control the exothermic process. This process would be difficult to scale up due to the slow reaction, low reaction temperature and expensive reagents. Also, it is known to those skilled in the art that special care needs to be taken since the interaction of fluorine gas with partially fluorinated hydrocarbons is liable to cause explosions.
[0004] Other methods available for synthesis of desflurane involve:
a) Reaction of CHC12OCH2COC1 and/or CHC12OCHC1COC1 with sulfur
tetrafluoride (U.S. Pat. No. 4,855,511). This is a multistage process
and involves handling of highly toxic gaseous reagent sulfur
b) Reaction of CF3CHC1OCF2H (isoflurane) with potassium fluoride.
This reaction can be carried out in the absence of solvent at 278°C
under a pressure of 500 psi in an autoclave (U.S. Pat. No. 4,874,901)
or in presence of an aprotic solvent (like sulfolane) with a phase
transfer catalyst (tetramethylammonium chloride) at 210°C again under
pressure (UK Patent Specification No. 2,219,292). These processes
have to be operated at high pressure and at elevated temperature for a
long period of time and hence suffer from high capital cost. In
addition, these processes have a further disadvantage in that they are
essentially batch processes.
c) Reaction of CF3CHC1OCF2H (isoflurane) with bromine trifluoride at
ambient temperature (U.S. Pat. No. 5,015,781). Although this process
gives a good yield and the transformation is accomplished in a short
time, the reagent bromine trifluoride which is prepared from fluorine
and bromine, is a highly toxic and hazardous chemical, which can
explode in contact with water or organic materials. Special care and
engineering are required for safe use which makes handling it on a
commercial scale quite difficult. Additionally BrF3 is an expensive
fluormating agent.
d) Reaction of CF3CH2OCF2H with a solid transition metal fluoride
fluorinating agent, where the fluorinating agent is CoFs (U.S. Pat. No.
6,054,626). This process, according to the examples listed therein,
gives a low yield (30-40%) of crude desflurane which has to be further
purified for use as an anesthetic.
e) Reaction of CF3CHC1OCF2H (isoflurane) with HF in the presence of
antimony pentachloride, alone or in combination with antimony
trichloride (U.S. Pat. No. 5,026,924 and 6,800,786). This process
suffers from several drawbacks, including the use of highly toxic and
environmentally troublesome antimony salts which must be removed
as an aqueous waste stream. The process also results in the formation
of very difficult to separate byproducts, the removal of which results in
increased energy consumption, and more significantly, results in a
reduced yield of desflurane.
[0005 j Accordingly, an object of the present invention was to provide a process whereby fluorinated ethers, including desflurane, can be prepared on an industrial scale without significant problems.
[0006] This arid other objects were met with the present invention. Thus, it has been found that certain aliphatic fluorinated ethers, including desflurane, can be produced from the corresponding chlorinated ethers by contacting the latter with anhydrous
hydrogen fluoride in the vapor phase in the presence of a chromia catalyst. The term "chromia catalyst," as used herein, refers to a catalyst comprising chromium having a valence of 3 to 6, wherein the catalyst is selected from the group consisting of chromium oxides, chromium halides, chromium oxides treated with halides, and mixtures thereof.
(Formula Removed)
[0007] The present invention provides a process for the preparation of fluorinated ethers of the formula:
where R is hydrogen, fluorine or an alkyl group, R' is hydrogen, an alkyl group or a fluoroalkyl group and R" is fluorine or a fluoroalkyl group, which process comprises reacting a chlorinated ether of the formula:
(where, R, R1 and R" are as hereinbefore defined) with anhydrous HF over chromia catalyst as shown in the above reaction scheme.
10008J In the preferred operation of the process R is hydrogen, R' is hydrogen and R" is fluorine, i.e., the process produces desflurane starting from isoflurane.
[0009J Using this new process, CF2CHClOCF2H (isoflurane) can be fluorinated under relatively mild conditions in the vapor phase to CF3CHFOCF2H (desflurane) using excess anhydrous HF over chromia catalyst. Preferably, the process is continuous and is not limited to a particular pressure, since it may be run at reduced pressure, ambient pressure or at elevated pressure. Almost no by-products are seen, which results in no loss of product due to issues relating to separation of by-products from desflurane, as is the case with examples in the related art.
1001OJ The chromia catalyst used in the reaction can be prepared by methods known to those skilled in the art, for example, those described in U.S. Patent No. 6,706,935, the entire contents of which are incorporated herein by reference. Preferably, the chromia catalyst is a chromium oxide, for example, Cr2O3; or a chromium halide, for example, Cr2O3, where each X is the same or a different halogen, especially fluorine or chlorine; or a chromium oxide, for example, Cr2O3, treated with a halide, for example, CCl3F or CC14, or a fluorinating agent such as HF. Preferably, the chromia catalyst is prepared by a method that comprises annealing, drying and/or partially fluorinating it using a fluorinating agent such as HF. It can be used in form of pellets, granules or as a powder. The chromia catalyst can be unsupported, but can also be deposited on a solid support such as alumina or may be doped with transition metal ions.
|0011) The process of the present invention thus provides a safe and economic route to desflurane which can be easily developed to commercial scale.
[0012] The fluorination in general will be carried out by contacting HF and CF3CHC1OCF2H with chromia catalyst. The HF and CF3CHC1OCF2H can be liquid and/or vapor phase and the catalyst can be in a packed or simulated moving bed or in a stirred tank reactor.
[0013] The starting chlorinated ether has a boiling point of 48.5°C and can be vaporized easily by heating. In one embodiment the fluorination will be carried out by contacting HF vapor and CF3CHClOCF2H vapor over a packed or simulated moving bed of chromia catalyst at temperatures of 80 to 450°C, preferably 100 to 3()0°C and most preferably 120-200°C. The reaction can be carried out at elevated pressure, reduced pressure or at atmospheric pressure. While the starting material is preferably introduced as a vapor, it can also be introduced in liquid form. If desired, the starting material can be introduced by mixing with an inert carrier gas.
[0014J In a preferred embodiment of the reaction, the starting material CF3CHClOCF2H and excess HF are continuously introduced in vapor form over a chromia catalyst bed. The amount of HF used can be between 0.25 to 25 mole equivalents for each mole of CF3CHClOCF2H, more preferably between 1 to 15 equivalents of HF and most preferably between 2 to 6 equivalents of HF. The HC1, unreacted HF, unreacted CF3CHC1OCF2H and desflurane are then collected in another vessel or a column where HC1 is removed and unreacted HF and CF3CHC1OCF2H are recycled using fractional distillation.
[0015] The separation of product/unreacted starting materials and HCI may be either continuous or batch and is not limited as to pressure, which may be at reduced pressure, ambient pressure or at elevated pressure. In actual practice, it would be preferred to operate at higher pressure to allow for greater fractional distillation efficiency. The separation method used may be fractional distillation, solvent extraction, washing with water and the like.
[0016] The following examples illustrate the present invention and should not be construed in any way as limiting its scope.

Example 1
[0017] A 1-foot by 1-inch stainless steel tube was filled with chromia catalyst and heated to 175°C. CF3CHC1OCF2H was fed into the tube using nitrogen as a carrier gas at the rate of 20 ml/min. The amount of CF3CHC1OCF2H fed was 0.07 moles/ hr along with excess HF vapor. After passing over the chromia bed, the material went into a water scrubber to remove HF and HC1. The scrubber was connected to a cold trap. The contents of the cold trap were weighed and analyzed using a GC/MS. The analysis indicated the following: Desflurane 75.30%, CF3CHC1OCF2H 24.58%, total other by-products 0,12% (R123, R124, R125).
Example 2
[0018] A 1-foot by 1-inch stainless steel tube was filled with chromia catalyst and heated to 170°C. In this case, no carrier gas was used. The CF3CHC1OCF2H was vaporized using a pre-heater before it reached the tube containing chromia. The amount of CF3CHC1OCF2H fed was 0.23 moles/hr and the amount of HF fed was 2.3 moles/hr. After passing over the chromia bed, the material went into a water scrubber to remove HF and HC1. The scrubber was connected to a cold trap. The contents of the cold trap were weighed and analyzed using a GC/MS. Analysis indicated desflurane 76.02%, CF3CHC1OCF2H 14.65%, other by-products 9.33% (R123, R124, R125)
Example 3
[0019] A 1-foot by 1-inch stainless steel tube was filled with chromia catalyst and heated to 140°C. In this case, no carrier gas was used. The CF3CHC1OCF2H was vaporixed using a pre-heater before it reached the tube containing chromia. The
amount of CF3CHC1OCF2H fed was 0.32 moles/hr and the amount of HF fed was 1.5 moles/hr. After passing over the chromia bed, the material was collected into a cold bomb and the bomb was weighed. A mass balance of 95% was obtained. The contents of the bomb were passed through water to remove HF and HC1 and the organic material was collected in a cold trap and analyzed using GC/MS. Analysis indicated 46.14% desflurane, 53.86% isoflurane and 10020] It should be understood that the preceding detailed description of the invention is merely a detailed description of one preferred embodiment or of a small number of preferred embodiments of the present invention and that numerous changes to the disclosed embodiment(s) can be made in accordance with the disclosure herein without departing from the spirit or scope of the invention. The preceding detailed description of the invention, therefore, is not meant to limit the scope of the invention in any respect. Rather, the scope of the invention is to be determined only by the appended issued claims and their equivalents.

1. A process for preparing a fluorinated ether of the formula:
where R is hydrogen, fluorine or an alkyl group, R' is hydrogen, an alkyl group or a fluoroalkyl group and R" is fluorine or a fluoroalkyl group, which process comprises reacting a chlorinated ether of the formula:
where R, R' and R" are as hereinbefore defined, with anhydrous HF in the presence of a chromia catalyst.
2. A process for the preparation of 2-difluoromethoxy-l,l,l,2-
tetrafluoroethane (desflurane) of the formula:
which comprises reacting 2-chloro-2-difluoromethoxy-l,l,l-trifluoroethane (isollurane) of the formula:
with anhydrous HF in the presence of a chromia catalyst.
3. The process according to claim 2, where the isoflurane and HF are
reacted in the vapor phase at a temperature of 80-450°C over a bed of chromia
4. The process according to claim 3, where the isoflurane and HF are
reacted in the vapor phase at a temperature of 120-200°C over a bed of chromia
5. The process according to claim 2, where the isoflurane is introduced
over chromia catalyst as vapor, liquid or by mixing with an inert carrier gas.
6. The process according to claim 2, which is operated continuously and
the isoflurane and HF vapors are fed continuously over chromia catalyst using a 0.25
to 25 molar equivalent of HF.
7. The process according to claim 6, wherein the isoflurane and HF
vapors are fed continuously over chromia catalyst using a 1 to 15 molar equivalent of
8. The process according to claim 7, wherein the isoflurane and HF
vapors are fed continuously over chromia catalyst using a 2 to 6 molar equivalent of
9. The process according to claim 2, where the reacting is carried out at
reduced pressure.
10. The process according to claim 2, where the reacting is carried out at
elevated pressure.
11. The process according to claim 2, where the reacting is carried out at
atmospheric pressure.
12. The process according to claim 2, which further comprises separating
product from unreacted starting materials and HC1 in a batchwise or continuous
manner and at reduced pressure.
13. The process according to claim 2, which further comprises separating
product from unreacted starting materials and HC1 in a batchwise or continuous
manner and at ambient pressure.
14. The process according to claim 2, which further comprises separating
product from unreacted starting materials and HC1 in a batchwise or continuous
manner and at elevated pressure.
15. A process substantially as herein described with reference to the foregoing description, examples and the accompanying tables.






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Patent Number 260394
Indian Patent Application Number 5447/DELNP/2007
PG Journal Number 18/2014
Publication Date 02-May-2014
Grant Date 28-Apr-2014
Date of Filing 13-Jul-2007
Applicant Address PO BOX 661, KINDERKAMACK ROAD, RIVER EDGE, NJ 07661, USA.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C07C 41/16
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2006/000750
PCT International Filing date 2006-01-06
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/643,301 2005-01-12 U.S.A.