Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to a method for winding up and splicing a structural tire part having a material thickness that varies from the perspective of the cross-sectional profile thereof. In order to create a method which allows a structural tire part having a material thickness that varies from the perspective of the cross-sectional profile thereof to be wound up and spliced in a simple manner, the inventive method comprises the following steps: the structural tire part (2) is placed on a winding drum (1) encompassing a surface whose inclination relative to the main axis (3) of the winding drum (1) can be adjusted so as to compensate irregulär material shrinkages of the structural tire part (2); the winding drum (1) is rotated in order to wind up the structural tire part (2) in a rotationally symmetrical fashion; and the two free ends of the structural tire part (2) are spliced together so as to form a closed ring.
Full Text

Method for winding up and splicing a tire building component having a material thickness that varies in cross-sectional profile
The invention relates to a method for winding up and splicing a tire building component having a material thickness that varies in cross-sectional profile.
In tire production, tire building components are wound up on a winding drum and subsequently spliced together to form an annular component. In US 3,895,986, winding up of a bead filier is shown for example, this docuraent concerning the production of a bead assembly comprising a bead filier and a bead core. During the winding and subsequent automatic r splicing of strip-like tire building components, there is repeatedly the problem that the material shrinks unevenly, as seen over the width. This applies in particular to so-called bead fillers, which have a cross-sectionally triangulär profile. At present, compensation for the uneven shrinkage is provided in automatic machines for winding strip-like tire building components by means of a stretching device or by manual splice correction. The stretching device is relatively complex to produce and manual splice correction precludes automation.
The invention was based on the object of providing a method by which the winding up and splicing together of a tire building component having a material thickness that varies in cross-sectional profile is performed in a simple way.
The object is achieved by a method for winding up and splicing a tire building component having a material thickness that varies in cross-sectional profile, comprising the following steps:

- placing the tire building component on a winding drum having a surface which can be adjusted in its inclination in relation to the main axis of the winding drum to compensate for uneven material shrinkages of the tire building component,
- rotating the winding drum for rotationally symmetrica! winding up of the tire building component and
- splicing together the two free ends of the tire building component to form a closed ring.
One advantage of the invention is to be seen in particular in the fact that the winding up and splicing together of the tire building component is performed in a simple way by the method according to the invention, as a result of which this process can be easily automated. The surface which can be adjusted in its inclination is used to compensate for material shrinkages over the circumference of the tire building component, since this surface has a varying circumferential length or a varying diameter. This compensates for circumferential contractions, which occur on account of the material properties of the tire building component, as a result of which the opposite free ends of the tire building component lie directly one on top of the other and can be spliced together, without any stretching devices.
In an advantageous development of the invention, it is provided that the tire building component is a bead filier with a substantially triangulär cross-sectional profile. On account of the triangulär cross-sectional profile of the bead filier, relatively great material shrinkages occur in the case of this component.
In a further advantageous development-of the invention, it is provided that the surface which can be adjusted in its inclination is rotationally symmetrical in

relation to the rnain axis of the winding drum and tapers conically toward this main axis. The conical form of the surface which can be adjusted in its inclination results in optimum compensation for the material shrinkages.
In a further advantageous development of the invention, it is provided that the surface which can be adjusted in its inclination, is adjusted by an adjusting ring. By means of the adjusting ring, any desired fine adjustment can be performed in a simple way.
In a further advantageous development of the invention, it is provided that the adjusting ring sets the inclination of the surface which can be adjusted in its inclination by means of a threaded connection. The threaded connection can be realized in a simple way inside the winding drum.
In a further advantageous development of the invention, it is provided that the surface which can be adjusted in its inclination is formed by pivoting segments and the pivoting segments are adjusted synchronously in their inclination. The synchronous adjustment of the pivoting segments has the advantage that, in an adjustment, all the pivoting segments have the same angle of inclination.
In a further advantageous development of the invention, it is provided that the angle of inclination of the surface which can be adjusted in its inclination lies in a ränge of less than 10°. This angular ränge has proven to be particularly advantageous for the triangulär bead filier.
The invention is to be explained in more detail on the basis of an exemplary 'embodiment. In the drawing:

Figure 1 shows a sectional representation of the winding drum for winding up a bead filier and
Figure 2 shows a sectional representation of the winding drum, the surface which can be adjusted in its inclination having been adjusted in its inclination by the adjusting ring.
Figure 1 shows a sectional representation of the winding drum 1 for winding up a bead filier 2. The winding drum 1, in particular the components represented are rotationally symmetrical in relation to the main axis 3 of the winding drum 1. The bead filier 2 consists of an elastomer material and has a material thickness that varies in cross-sectional profile, the triangulär cross-sectional profile being wound up in the lying State on the pivoting Segments 4. The bead filier 2 is fed by way of a servicer to the winding drum 1 and subsequently placed on a pivoting segment, The winding-up Operation is subsequently performed, in that the winding drum 1 rotates about the main axis 3. After a cutting-to-length of the bead filier 2 in the form of a double oblique cut, the two free ends of the bead filier 2 are connected or spliced together on the winding drum 1, so that the bead filier 2 takes the form of a closed ring. The pivoting segments 4, only one pivoting segment being represented in the figure, form by way of their out er circumf erence the surface 5 which can be adjusted in its inclination. This surface is rotationally symmetrical in relation to the main axis 3 and has a three-dimensional conical surface. The inclined surface has the effect that the winding circumference is smaller in.the region of the tip 6 of the bead filier 2, thereby compensating for differences in diameter of the overall bead filier 2. These differences in diameter of the bead filier 2 are caused by material shrinkages, which bring about a smaller diameter at the tip 6 than at the opposite material

thickening 7 of the bead filier 2. The resulting material shrinkage over the circumference of the bead filier 2 is attributable in particular to the plastic-elastic material properties and the varying material thickness of the bead filier.2. These factors have the consequence that the bead filier 2 shrinks together more over the circumf erence at the tip 6 than at the opposite material thickening 7. The surface which can be adjusted in its inclination is then set in its angle of inclination with respect to the main axis 3 in such a way as to compensate for the material shrinkage. In this way, the free ends of the material of the bead filier 2 can be placed in a substantially planeparallel manner one on top of the other in an automated process without additional stretching devices and subsequently be spliced together. The surface which can be adjusted in its inclination is adjusted by means of the adjusting ring 8, which is likewise arranged rotationally symmetrically in relation to the main axis 3. A turning movement is used to make the adjusting ring 8 move parallel to the main axis 3, by means of a threaded connection 9, whereby the component 10 is likewise moved parallel to the main axis 3. In this way, the pivoting mechanism 11 is moved in such a way that the inclination of the surface 5 is adjusted by means of the pivot point 12, whereby a steeper or shallower angle of inclination is set. After the winding up and splicing of the bead filier 2, the turning up is performed by means of the pivoting Segments 4, which bring about righting of the bead filier 2 and at the same time connect the bead filier 2 to the bead core 13, so that the bead assembly 14 represented is produced. The turning up of the pivoting Segments 4 is performed by means of blowing compressed air into the hol low space 15 of the pneumatic cylinder 16.

Figure 2 shows the adjusting ring 8 in a position shifted to the left of the figure, whereby the angle of inclination of the surface 5 is changed. The angle of inclination of the surface 5 can be finely adjusted by the adjusting ring 8, the Optimum setting being dependent, inter alia, on material parameters of the bead filier 2.

List of designations
(forming part of the description)
1 Winding drum
2 Bead filier
3 Main axis of the winding drum
4 Pivoting Segments
5 Surface which can be adjusted in its inclination
6 Tip of the bead filier
7 Material thickening of the bead filier
8 Adjusting ring
9 Threaded connection
10 Component
11 Pivoting mechanism
12 Pivot point
13 Bead core
14 Bead assembly
15 Hollow space
16 Pneumati c cy1inder

Patent Claims
1. A method f or winding up and splicing a tire
building cornponent (2) having a material thickness
that varies in cross-sectional profile, comprising
the following steps:
- placing the tire building cornponent (2) on a winding drum (1) having a surf ace (5) which can be adjusted in its inclination in relation to the main axis (3) of the winding drum (1) to compensate for uneven material shrinkages of the tire building cornponent (2),
- rotating the winding drum (1) for rotationally symmetrica1 winding up of the tire building cornponent (2) and
- splicing together the two free ends of the tire building cornponent (2) to form a closed ring.
2. The method as claimed in claim 1, characterized in
that the tire building cornponent is a bead filier
(2) with a substantially triangulär cross-sectional
3. The method as claimed in claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the surf ace (5) which can be adjusted in its inclination is rotationally symmetrical in relation to the main axis (3) of the winding drum and tapers conically toward this main axis (3).
4. The method as claimed in one of Claims 1 to 3, characterized in that the surf ace (5) which can be adjusted in its inclination is adjusted by an adjusting ring (8).
5. The method as claimed in one of Claims 1 to 4, characterized in that the adjusting ring (8) sets the inclination of the surf ace (5) which can be

adjusted in its inclination by means of a threaded connection (9).
6. The method as claimed in one of Claims 1 to 5,
characterized in that the surface (5) which can be
adjusted in its inclination is formed by pivoting
segments (4) and the pivoting segments (4) are
adjusted synchronously in their inclination.
7. The method as claimed in one of Claims 1 to 6,
characterized in that the angle of inclination of
the surf ace (5) which can be adjusted in its
inclination lies in a ränge of less than 10°.
8. A device for winding up and splicing a tire
building component (2) having a material thickness
that varies in cross-sectional profile, which has a
winding drum (1) with pivoting segments (4),
characterized in that the winding drum (1) has a
surf ace (5) which can be adjusted in its
inclination in relation to the main axis (3) of the
winding drum (1) to compensate for uneven material
shrinkages of the tire building component (2).
9. A vehicle tire with tire building components (2) ,
the vehicle tire being produced by a method as
claimed in claim 1.


3479-CHENP-2007 ASSIGNMENT 29-08-2011.pdf

3479-CHENP-2007 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 28-11-2011.pdf

3479-chenp-2007 correspondence others 29-08-2011.pdf

3479-CHENP-2007 FORM-6 29-08-2011.pdf

3479-CHENP-2007 POWER OF ATTORNEY 29-08-2011.pdf

3479-CHENP-2007 AMENDED CLAIMS 16-04-2014.pdf

3479-CHENP-2007 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 11-02-2014.pdf


3479-CHENP-2007 FORM-1 16-04-2014.pdf

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3479-CHENP-2007 OTHER PATENT DOCUMENT 10-04-2014-1.pdf

3479-CHENP-2007 OTHER PATENT DOCUMENT 10-04-2014.pdf

3479-CHENP-2007 POWER OF ATTORNEY 16-04-2014.pdf

3479-CHENP-2007 - Petition 137 AF3.pdf

3479-CHENP-2007 - Petiton 137 - POR.pdf






3479-chenp-2007-form 1.pdf

3479-chenp-2007-form 3.pdf

3479-chenp-2007-form 5.pdf


Patent Number 260397
Indian Patent Application Number 3479/CHENP/2007
PG Journal Number 18/2014
Publication Date 02-May-2014
Grant Date 29-Apr-2014
Date of Filing 09-Aug-2007
Name of Patentee Continental Aktiengesellschaft
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number B29D 30/48
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP06/00674
PCT International Filing date 2006-01-26
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 102005006076.5 2005-02-10 Germany