Title of Invention


Abstract A ceiling tile product and method in which a slurry formed mat primarily comprising mineral wool and binder is provided with a binder enhancement zone at its face. The binder enhancement zone can reduce the total required latex content, reduce the amount of finish or paint needed to achieve a commercially acceptable color and improve noise reduction.
[0001] The invention relates to ceiling tile and, more
specifically, to a tile construction that provides improved
durability and reduction in manufacturing costs by strategic
non-uniform distribution of latex binder through the thickness
of the tile,
[0002] Ceiling tile is frequently manufactured using a
felting process to construct a tile or board from a water-
based slurry. The slurry, typically, includes a homogeneous
mix of all of the raw materials that make up the body proper
of the tile. Layers of felted slurry material are pressed
into a mat and dried to form a board. Some tiles are
constructed from boards that are embossed or patterned before
they are completely dry, while others are made from boards
that are first dried and then ground to obtain a desired
thickness and a smooth finish. Typically, the raw materials
include a binder such as latex or starch or a combination of
the two that serves to hold the other materials together when
the board is dried. Ordinarily, the binder represents a small
percentage of the total weight of the board but represents a
disproportionately high part of the cost of the materials.
The binder content affects board strength and surface
hardness. Conventionally, a level of binder content is
maintained in the slurry mix to achieve a satisfactory surface
hardness and, therefore, acceptable durability.
[0003] The invention provides a ceiling tile
construction in which binder material has a non-uniform
distribution across the thickness of the tile with a
relatively high concentration near the finished or visible

face of the tile. The disclosed distribution of binder can
reduce manufacturing costs while providing a tile with a
satisfactory or even superior surface hardness and durability
as well as improved noise absorption capability. The tile of
the invention can be made by reducing the binder content in
the slurry or mix of material to below heretofore standard
formulations and, after the mat or tile board is at least
preliminarily formed, including on the side of the mat
associated with the future visible face of the tile a layer of
supplemental water-based latex binder. The coated binder,
preferably, is the same material used in the slurry
formulation to fix or cement the other materials making up the
tile board, The enhanced binder zone at the visible side of
the tile can increase the hardness and strength of the product
at this side while allowing total binder content to be
reduced, reduce final finish coat or paint requirements and
increase sound absorption.
[0004] The invention comprises mineral wool-based
celling tile that, in part, is made in a traditional water
felting process. In the context of the present invention, the
slurry solids typically contain roughly 90% mineral wool and
the remainder of solids primarily comprise binder in the form
of latex or latex and starch. All together, the solids in the
slurry are about 5% of the total weight of the slurry; i.e. a
consistency of 5%. Latex is well-known and widely used
commercially as a binder. Normally, the latex is disbursed as •■
a water emulsion and coalesces into a solid when the water is
driven off- Various formulations for the slurry can be used
as desired or necessary. Generally, the following table gives
an approximate range of slurry constituents by weight
percentage of total solids:
mineral wool 75 - 95%

perlite 0 - 15%
cellulose fiber 0 - 10%
binder (starch) 0-5%
binder (latex) 0 - 10%
binder (total) 5 - 12%
[0005] In the felting process, the slurry is deposited
on a moving screen and, typically, is dried by gravity,
pressure rolls, vacuum, and heat. The solids in the slurry
are generally uniformly mixed and distributed and generally
remain or are intended to remain in this state as the mat is
formed on the screen and is progressively dried. Preferably,
the latex used in the slurry is a high Tg binder material
cured at relatively high temperature, for example, by exposing
the mat to hot air (for example at about 350° F) and/or
infrared heating. A low Tg binder can be used where it
provides sufficient strength and hardness of the core.
[0006J The invention comprehends a process and articila
in which the binder distribution across the thickness of the
mat is modified so that a greater concentration of the binder
exists adjacent the face or ultimate room side of the ceiling
tile. It has been discovered that in practicing the
invention, the durability of the ceiling tile, its noise
reduction coefficient (NRC) and its finish paint requirements
can all be improved even while reducing its total binder
content and, therefore, reducing its cost of manufacture.
[0007] The increased concentration of latex binder at a
latex binder enhancement zone, can be produced by conventional
coating techniques such as by spraying, roll-coating, flood
coating and the like. The binder enhancement zone, when made
by a coating process, can be coated before, during, or after
the slurry formed mat is dried and/or cured. Prior partial or
full curing of the mat can reduce or prevent free migration of
the binder material being applied to form the enhancement zone
at the face side of the mat. The latex binder in the

enhancement zone is typically cured by drying it from its
water carrier by exposure to relatively high temperature air,
e.g. about 350° F.
[0008] The slurry binder can wholly comprise starch or,
more preferably, is used in an amount, for example, roughly
equal by weight to the latex content. The latex binder
enhancement zone or layer preferably uses the same latex
material as used in the slurry but, if desired, can be
different. The enhancement layer can be applied after the mat
is fully cured and can be applied, if the mat or board is to
be ground or sanded, after such grinding or sanding.
[0009] The latex enhancement zone can reduce
manufacturing costs of the tile by allowing the latex content
of the slurry to be reduced from that of conventional
formulations. With the invention, the effective surface
hardness of the face of the finished tile can be even higher
than prior art products while the total or net: latex usage ia
less than in such prior art products. The effective hardness
of the tile face is measured through any finish material or
paint coated and cured on the tile. The increased hardness of
the outer face region, either on an absolute basis or as a
comparison to prior art product, is reflected in a higher
durability of the ceiling tile when it is being handled during
installation or during its service life.
[0010] The latex enhancement zone is substantially more
concentrated on the basis, for instance, of grams per unit of
thickness than the remainder of the mat. By way of example,
if the slurry carried latex binder content is about 4 or 5% of
the weight of the mat distributed over the thickness of the
mat proper, the enhancement zone, coated onto the top of the
mat, can be about 1% of the total mat weight. Stated
otherwise, in this example approximately 1/4 to 1/5 of the
latex binder content of the finished tile exists at one side
of the mat when the latex binder enhancement zone is developed

by a coating process. Ordinarily, the top side of the felted
mat will be the side made with the supplemental latex binder
enhancement zone since, in conventional felting or processing,
this is the side which is most accessible. The zone is easily
developed on the top of the mat by spraying, roll-coating or
the like on the mat production line. When the latex enhanced
zone is created by a separate coating process, the latex
material used, as mentioned, is preferably the same as used in
forming the mat slurry. This commonality affords convenience
and cost savings through attendant purchasing, inventory and
[0011] Ceiling tile of the type under consideration here
is normally coated or painted to achieve a color that
approaches a true white. This coating typically involves a
primer coat and a finish coat of a formulation of a paint type
.latex with a fast low temperature cure. The invention enables
the tile to be coated with less paint while achieving the same
or improved whiteness. This effect results from the high
concentration of latex binder present in the enhancement zone
at the outer surface of the mat made under the principles of
the invention which latex binder has a color closer to white
than the color of natural mineral wool. The paint required on
the face of the dried tile mat or board proper to hide the
considerably off-white color of the mineral wool is reduced.
[0012] It has been found that the ceiling tile made in
accordance with the invention can also exhibit improved sound
absorption sometimes technically referenced as noise reduction
coefficient (NRC). This phenomena is believed to be the
result of using less paint or coating which, apparently,
causes less net blocking of the porous surface of the mat and,
therefore, promotes greater sound absorption.
[0013] The following table sets out an example of a
solids formulation of a conventional prior art tile identified

by the label AControlS and an example of a formulation of a
tile of the invention identified by the label ATrial@.

Wool % Starch % Latex in
Core % Latex
Spray % Total
Latex %
Control 92.3 3.0 6.7 0.0 6.7
Trial 92.3 3.0 4,7 1.0 5.7
[0014] Tiles of both formulations/constructions
(Control) and (Trial) were tested with the following results:
Coating Coverage, Lab Value and Estimated NRC Value:
TC*B*L Hun 1

No. Primary,
GMs/SF Finish,
Gms/3 F Total
Ctg,GM/SF L Lab
a. to. Estimated
2 0.0 20. 0 40.0 93 . 69 -0.19 3.87 0. 67
Trial 1 0-0 22.0 22.0 92.62 0. 66 8.7 0.68
Trial 2 11. 0 20-0 31.0 90. 11 0-02 4.35 0.72
Trial 3 10.0 10.0 20.0 67.56 0.09 5.04 0.70
Trial 4 20.0 20.0 40,0 94. 84 -0.24 2.94 0. 68
Test Run 2
No- Primary,
Gms/SF Finish,
Gms/SF Total
Ctg,GM/SF L Lab
a. b. Estimated
Control 20.0 20.0 40.0 92.48 0.02 4.15 0. 69
Trial 1 0.0 30.0 30.0 89. 52 0.0 4 .23 0.72
Trial 2 20. 0 15.0 35.0 91.07 -0.15 3.78 0.73
Trial 3 25.0 10.0 35.0 90.49 -0.15 4.22 0.74
Trial 4 0-0 26 26.0 67.61 -0.2 6.83 0,74
Trial 5 0-0 30.0 30,0 89.14 -0.14 6.92 0.74
Trial 6 35.0 0.0 35. 0 66-84 0.55 7.B4 0.67

Test Run 3

Test Ho. Primary
GMs/SF Finish,
Gms/SF Total
Ctg,GM/SF L Lab
a. b. Estimated
Control 20.4 21.3 41.7 . 93.66 - .20 3.54 0.69
Trial 1 20. 6 16.3 36.9 92.30 -0.12 3.34 0.74
Trial 2 20.6 19.0 38.6 92.83 -0.11 3.06 0.73
Trial 3 24.5 15.0 39.5 93.10 -0.12 3-01 0.73
Trial 4 0.0 33.0 33.0 91.76 -0.19 3.71 0.67
Trial 5 0.0 10.0 40,0 94 .22 -0. 2B 3 .33 0-70
Trial 6 20.4 21.3 41.7 93.68 -0.26 2.93 0.73
Physical Data:
Test Run 1
LB/MSF Caliper,
inch Density,
LB/CF HunterG,
Control 10 41 0.717 17.5 1.7 5
Trial 1 1032 0.726 17.1 2.0
Trial 2 1055 0.732 17.3 2 .25
Trial 4 1086 0.738 17.7 2.5
'i'esf. Rim 2

LB/MSF Caliper,
inch Density,
LB/CF HunterG,
Trial 1 1061 0.733 17.4 2.0
Trial 2 1063 0.730 17.5 2.25
Trial 3 1072 0.733 17.5 2.5
Trial 4 1059 0.729 17.4 2.25
Trial 5 1060 0.734 17.3 2,0
Trial 6 1069 0.729 17.6 3.0

Test Run 3
IB/MSF Caliper,
inch Density,
LB/CF HunterG,
Control 1035 0.710 17.5 1.75
Trial 1 1053 0.726 17.4 2.0
Trial 2 1064 0."734 17.4 2.0
Trial 3 1089 0.730 17.9 2.25
Trial 4 1045 0.725 17.3 2.0
Trial 5 1071 0.730 17.6 2.0
Trial 6 1061 0.732 17.4 2.0
[0015] Trial 1, Trial 2 etc. are separate samples of the
inventive formulation/constructions.
[0016] The tiles (Trial) made according to the invention
were coated with finishing material (a latex-based paint) in
various quantities of a primer coat and/or a finish coat.
Paint grade latex is readily distinguishable on a mechanical
strength basis and on an abrasion-resistance basis from a
binder type latex material.
[0017] Study of the values recorded in the above tables
reveals that ceiling tiles fabricated with a latex enhancement
zone on the face of the mat according to Lha invention but
with less total latex content can be whiter, capable of
greater noise reduction, and more durable than tiles with a
conventional formulation (Control).
[0018] A Hunter gauge (the source of the HunterG Hrdn=s
values) is a device used commercially to measure the surface
hardness of materials such as wallboard. In general, the
higher the Hunter gauge reading, the harder the surface of a
product and the greater its durability.
[0019] The values L, a, b, are references to a color
space method of evaluating the color of a surface wherein pure
white is assigned the value of 100 and the lower the absolute
value of the a, b values, the less deviation from white to

primary colors. The greater the number recorded for NRC, the
more a board is capable of absorbing sound.
[0020] Other methods can be developed to produce a latex
enhancement zone in a ceiling tile mat besides those disclosed
herein. For example, it is envisioned that such a zone can be
developed in the felting process adjacent the screen by
purposely allowing the latex to settle out or by depositing a
high latex content onto the screen prior to the formation of
the mat proper. Typically, a tile made in accordance with the
invention will have a caliper of between about 1/2 to about
7/B" and will have a relatively porous interior.
[0021] It should be evident that this disclosure is by
way of example and that various changes may be made by adding,
modifying or eliminating details without departing from the
fair scope of the teaching contained in this disclosure. The
invention is therefore not limited to particular details of
this disclosure except to the extent that the following claims
are necessarily so limited.

1. A method of making a mineral wool based ceiling tile
comprising mixing a quantity of mineral wool and binder in
proportions where the quantity of mineral wool on a weight
basis is substantially greater than the quantity of binder and
to a degree where the binder is generally uniformly
distributed over the mineral wool, and forming a mat from the
mineral wool and binder in the uniformly mixed condition,
curing the binder so as to rigidify the mineral wool in a
manner that the resulting mass of material is relatively
.porous, forming a zone of enhanced binder content at one side
of the mat where the binder content per unit thickness is
substantially greater than the binder content per unit
thickness throughout the majority of the thickness of the mat
whereby the hardness of the mat at the surface of said
enhanced binder zone is greater uhdii that which would be
produced at a mat surface formed by the binder content
existing through the majority of the thickness of the mat.
2. A method as set forth in claim 1, wherein the binder
used for the binder enhancement zone is latex and is the same
as at least some of the binder mixed with the mineral wool to
make the mat.
3. A method as set forth in claim 2, wherein the
enhanced binder zone is made by coating the mat with said
4. A method as set forth in claim 3, wherein said
coating of the mat by the binder is accomplished by spraying
said binder onto said mat.

5. A method as set forth in claim 3, wherein the binder
coat is formed on said mat by roll coating said binder onto
said mat.
6. A method as set forth in claim 1, wherein the
enhanced binder 2one is coated with a finishing material to
bring its color close to pure white.
7. A ceiling tile comprising a slurry formed mat of a
nominal thickness of between about 1/2 inch and about 3/4 inch
and having at least 75% mineral wool content and 3% binder by
weight, the binder being distributed substantially throughout
the majority of the thickness of the mat, and a binder
enhancement zone on a face side of the mat, the zone having a
binder content per unit thickness substantially greater than
the binder content per unit thickness of a main portion of the
itiat whereby the hardness of trie zone Is greater than the
hardness of the main portion of the mat such that the
durability of the tile in resisting physical damage is
increased while the overall binder content of the tile can be
reduced and consequently the costs of the tile can be reduced.
8. A ceiling tile as set forth in claim 7, wherein the
binder enhancement zone is covered with a paint-type coating
that is closer in color to a pure white than the color
exhibited by the binder enhancement zone.
9. A ceiling tile as set forth in claim B, wherein the
binder enhancement zone includes a latex binder and is closer
to a pure white in its color than the color of a main portion
of the mat whereby less paint type coating is necessary to
obtain a desired level of white color at the face of the tile
than would be required if the binder enhancement zone was

omitted and the paint type coating was applied to a face of
the mat.
10. A ceiling tile as set forth in claim 7, wherein the
binder enhancement zone is coated on the mat.
11. A ceiling tile comprising a base mat formed from a
water slurry of uniformly mixed mineral wool and binder, the
■mineral wool forming the majority of the weight of the tile,
the mat having a relatively low density and being relatively
porous, a binder enhancement zone on a face side of the mat
formed as a coat on the body of mineral wool and binder from
the slurry, the concentration of binder per unit thickness in
the binder enhancement zone being substantially greater than
the concentration of binder in the mat per unit thickness.
12. A calling tile a? sat forth in claim 11, wherein the
binder coated on the mat is the same as binder material mixed
in the slurry to form said mat.
13. A ceiling tile as set forth in claim 11, wherein the
binder enhancement zone is coated with a material to color the
tile towards white.
14. A ceiling tile as set forth in claim 11, wherein the
binder in the binder enhancement zone is a high Tg binder type

A ceiling tile product and method in which a slurry
formed mat primarily comprising mineral wool and binder is
provided with a binder enhancement zone at its face. The
binder enhancement zone can reduce the total required latex
content, reduce the amount of finish or paint needed to
achieve a commercially acceptable color and improve noise




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780-KOLNP-2008-(28-06-2013)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf

780-KOLNP-2008-(28-06-2013)-PETITION UNDER SECTION 8(1).pdf



780-KOLNP-2008-FORM 18.pdf

780-KOLNP-2008-FORM 3-1.1.pdf



Patent Number 260484
Indian Patent Application Number 780/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 18/2014
Publication Date 02-May-2014
Grant Date 30-Apr-2014
Date of Filing 21-Feb-2008
Name of Patentee USG INTERIORS, INC.
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number E04B 1/86, B32B 5/14
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2006/031857
PCT International Filing date 2006-08-15
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/227014 2005-09-15 U.S.A.