Title of Invention


Abstract This invention relates to a process that yields Kradi (Semi Soft cheese) stable at ambient temperature 25°C for 12-15 days comprising, mixing of one part (liter) of pasteurized buffalo milk fat level 2 to 4% with two to three part (litre) of cultured skim milk and adjustment of pH of coagulation to 4.8 to 5.2 with citric acid or disodium phosphate subjecting the mixture to coagulation temperature of 70 to 80°C for 5 to 10 minutes, draining out whey through muslin cloth and molding the curd. Patting to give the curd typical Kradi Shape. Surface drying the Kradi in air cabinet drier at 40 to 60 °C for 10 to 20 minutes. Packing in multilayer polyethylene pouches
Full Text A process for commercial manufacture of Kradi.
Field of Invention
This invention relates to a process for commercial manufacture of Kradi (semi-soft cheese).
Background of Invention
Kradi (semi-soft cheese), also referred as milk bread, is a famous traditional milk product of Jammu and Kashmir (Lawrence, 1886). It is a type of fresh unripened cheese made by heat coagulation of buffalo milk and lassi (buttermilk) - a by-product of country butter making working out the coagulam into a pat and Finally making the balls cut of it which are manually spread out to a circular shape of varying dimeter and thickness and then sun dried to a slightly firm texture. It is usually prepared from buffalo milk with some sour butter milk being the coagulating agent. After coagulation small balls are made out of it, which are latter given a circular shape of varying diameter ranging from 5 to 20 cm with a thickness of about 0.3 to 2.5 cm. it is manufactured primarily by tribal population of Gujjar 8B Bakkerwals living in the hills of Shopian, Kupwara, Pahalgam, Poonch, and Rajouri areas of Jammu and Kashmir, India and Muzzafarabad of Pakistan occupied Kashmir. The Gujtjar 8B Bakerwal are poor and backward sections of the society whose main source of income is from sale of milk & milk products. Kardi making is an art handed down from generation to generation of these tribes. It acts as a means of salvaging surplus milk solids at high altitude pastures which would other wise go waste as there are neither any easy means of transportation nor any other suitable outlets for disposal of milk. However it is considered a milk delicacy and has a tremendous market potential as it is quite acceptable throughout the state being consumed
either as a fried spiced item or a culinary dish. Kradi is well relished by all the sections of the society, particularly by the affluent class. It is a fancy product either eaten raw or used as an ingredient for preparation of several Kashmiri dishes. The ripened varieties of cheese that are popular in the developed countries are not so relished in India, because most Indians dislike the sharp flavour of ripened cheeses that are also costly due to high curing cost. On the other hand, unripened cheeses being mild in flavour are suitable to the Indian palate and are cheaper too. Also no rennet is used for coagulation so it may find greater acceptance among vegetarian population. While many cheeses are traditionally manufactured by using starter cultures and rennet, kradi is manufactured by heat coagulation of milk. The characteristic delicate flavour of Kradi could easily blend with any food preparation. The traditional method of preparation of kradi is more or less limited and offers great scope for improvisation. In the past no attempt has been made by any food/dairy processing agency or research organization at government or non-government level to characterize or standardized the method of manufacture of this milk product. Development of such a process will bring this very important variety of cheese on the map of traditional Indian milk products. There is also scope for the export of this product for Indians living abroad.
After carrying the market survey of this product, the technology has been standardized on the basis of scientific guidelines for the manufacture of Kradi at Dairy Technology Division of NDRI, Karnal. This technology was developed after thorough study of market samples for descriptive sensory analysis, physico-chemical, microbiological, textural, mechanical,
functional 8B instrumental colour analysis. The optimized product developed was found to be better than market samples of any region in comparison to sensory analysis, physico-chemical, microbiological, textural, mechanical, functional & instrumental colour analysis. This technology is commercially adoptable for the large scale manufacture of this product. It will boost the production and preservation of Kardi.
Object of Invention
The main object of this invention is to develop a process for commercial manufacture of Kradi (semi-soft cheese)
Other object is to develop Kradi, stable at ambient temperature (25°C) for at least 12 to 15 days.
Another object is to develop suitable packaging technology for Kradi.
Yet another object is to develop a process to minimize losses and maximize yield during Kradi manufacture.
Another object is to develop a process for Kradi to obtain a characteristic delicate flavour of Kradi which could easily blend with any food preparation.
Statement of Invention
This invention relates to a process that yields Kradi (Semi Soft cheese) stable at ambient temperature 25°C for 12-15 days comprising, mixing of one part (liter) of pasteurized buffalo milk fat level 2 to 4% with two to three part (litre) of cultured skim milk and adjustment of pH of coagulation to 4.8 to 5.2 with citric acid or disodium phosphate, subjecting the mixture to coagulation a temperature of 70 to 80°C for 5 to 10 minutes, draining out whey through muslin cloth and molding the curd, patting to give the curd typical Kradi Shape. Surface drying the Kradi in air cabinet drier at 40 to 60 °C for 10 to 20 minutes. Packing in multilayer polyethylene pouches
Detailed description of Invention
This process has been developed for manufacturing Kradi on Industrial scale with relatively low labour and time consumption, comparatively higher yield and extended shelf life. The process standardized for Kardi manufacture can be easily adopted by the dairy industry to manufacture a quality product. It will offer excellent avenues for buttermilk utilization, curtails post harvest losses and enhance the profitability of milk producers and processors. This invention relates to A process for commercial manufacture of Kradi (semi-soft cheese). The standardization trials with two RSM (four factors CCRD) designs were carried out to develop manufacturing technology for Kradi. Thirty trials each were carried as per the 4-factor CCRD RSM design with cultures NCDC 167 and NCDC 144 respectively. The optimized product can be prepared from
buffalo milk fat level 2 to 4% with cultured skim milk to milk ratio 2 to 3 liter at the pH of coagulation 4.8 to 5.2 and coagulation temperature was 70 to 80 °C for 5 to 10 minutes. The cultured skim milk can be made using culture NCDC 167 or NCDC 144. The product is then surface dried in cabinet air dryer at 40 to 60 °C for 10 to 20 minutes and stored at refrigeration temperature after vacuum packing in multilayer poly laminates.
An example of Kradi formulation and thermal processing
Following the procedure as outlined in the Flow Diagram, the quantities of ingredients required for making Kradi obtaining 12.0% yield with NCDC 144 culture and the processing condition are as under.
Buffalo milk (Fat 3.5%, T.S 12.5%) 1.0 L
Cultured skim milk (Fat 0.1%, T.S 9.5%) 1.5 L
pH of coagulation 5.0
Coagulation temperature 60 °C
Coagulation time 5.0 min

We Claim
1. A process that yields Kradi (Semi Soft cheese) stable at ambient
temperature 25°C for 12-15 days comprising
i) mixing of one part (liter) of pasteurized buffalo milk fat level 2 to 4% with two to three part (litre) of cultured skim milk and adjustment of pH of coagulation to 4.8 to 5.2 with citric acid or disodium phosphate.
ii) subjecting the mixture to coagulation temperature of 70 to 80°C for 5 to 10 minutes.
iii) draining out whey through muslin cloth and molding the curd
iv) Patting to give the curd typical Kradi Shape.
v) Surface drying the Kradi in air cabinet drier at 40 to 60 °C for 10 to 20 minutes.
vi) Packing in multilayer polyethylene pouches
2. A process that yields Kradi as claimed in claim 1, wherein the
cultured skim milk is made using culture NCDC-167 or NCDC
3. A process that yields Kardi as claimed in claim 1, wherein he vacuum packed product had shelf life of 3.5 to 4 months at 5°C while non-vacuum product had a shelf life of 2.5 to 3 months at 5°C.
4. A process that yields Kardi as claimed in claim 1, wherein the vacuum packed product had shelf life of more than 6 months at 20°C while non-vacuum packed product has a shelf life of 4 to 5 months at -20°C.






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Patent Number 260553
Indian Patent Application Number 2134/DEL/2008
PG Journal Number 19/2014
Publication Date 09-May-2014
Grant Date 07-May-2014
Date of Filing 10-Sep-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A23C19/00
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
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