Title of Invention


Abstract A method of making zeolite microneedles includes providing a polymer microneedles template, depositing zeolite seeds on the polymer microneedles template, and growing the zeolite seeds into an array of zeolite microneedles.
Full Text The present application claims priority to provisional application No. 60/776,107 entitled
"Molecular Sieve and Zeolite Microneedles and Preparation Thereof, that was filed on
February 21, 2006, the content of which is incorporated herein by reference.
Microneedles are considered a hybrid of hypodermic needles and transdermal patches
that involve narrow and shallow injections to administer drugs. Microneedles are a new drug
delivery system for transdermal delivery of drug, by virtue of their small dimensions, ability
to penetrate into skin tissue in a non-invasive manner and their minimization of the risk for
infection. Microneedles typically are around 100-200 microns in length, which is long
enough to penetrate the stratum corneum skin barrier but not deep enough to reach the nerves
in the dermis layer. Therefore, microneedles may provide a painless injection and may allow
patients to operate the microneedles safely on their own.
Microneedles are conventionally made of silicon, glass, metallic material or polymer.
Early microneedles were made of silicon and were prepared by microlithography and etching
technologies originally developed for the microelectronics industry. Glass microneedles are
made using conventional drawn glass micropipette techniques. However, the fragile nature of
silicon and glass often results in easy breakage of the microneedles.
Metallic materials, including steel, stainless steel and nickel, may be electrodeposited
onto polymeric mold to create microneedles with good mechanical strength. However, the
possible toxicity of metals to the human body can limit its area of application and can pose a
problem for the waste disposal. Polymeric microneedles are easy to manufacture, safe and
inexpensive. A number of biodegradable polymers have been approved by the U.S Food and
Drug Administrative (FDA). For example, Poly(lactic-acid) (PLA), poly(glycolic-acid) (PGA)
and their copolymers have been used routinely for a narrow range of medical applications.
However, the relative low Young's modulus of polymers means the polymer microneedles
may not be strong enough to penetrate the skin.

Consequently, it is desirable to develop microneedles with improved properties.
Particularly, it is desirable to develop microneedles that exhibit improved mechanical
properties and possess improved thermal and chemical stability compared to silicon and
polymer microneedles. It is also desirable to develop microneedles that are biocompatible,
especially when compared to metal microneedles. Furthermore, it is desirable to develop
microneedles that can be produced conveniently and inexpensively.
According to an aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method of making
zeolite microneedles that includes providing a polymer microneedles template, depositing
zeolite seeds on the polymer microneedles template, and growing the zeolite seeds into an
array of zeolite microneedles.
According to another aspect of the invention, where is provided a method of making
hollow zeolite microneedles that includes providing a polymer microneedles template,
depositing zeolite seeds on the polymer microneedles template, growing the zeolite seeds into
an array of zeolite microneedles, and removing the polymer microneedles template from the
zeolite microneedles.
According to a further aspect of the invention, there is provided zeolite microneedles
that includes a substrate layer and zeolites on the substrate layer to form an array of zeolite
FIG. 1 depicts a schematic diagram illustrating a method of fabricating microneedles.
FIG. 2 shows a fluorescent micrograph and schematic diagram of a tapered microneedles
FIG. 3 shows a fluorescent micrograph and schematic diagram of a bowl shaped
microneedles template.
FIG. 4 shows a fluorescent micrograph and schematic diagram of a cylindrical microneedles

FIG. 5 shows the X-ray diffraction pattern of silicate-1 seeds with the characteristic zeolite
FIG. 6 shows a SEM image of 100 nm silicate-1 seeds well dispersed in solution.
FIG. 7 shows a SEM image of zeolite seeds-coated microneedles formed using an
electrostatic method.
FIG. 8 shows a SEM image of open-tip zeolite microneedles with a shell thickness of about 1
FIG. 9 shows a SEM image of open-tip zeolite microneedles with a shell thickness of about 6
FIG. 10A shows a SEM image of closed-tip zeolite microneedles synthesized for about 24
FIG. 10B shows a SEM picture of open-tip zeolite microneedles synthesized for about
48 hours.
FIG. 11A shows FTIR results of a zeolite-coated polymer microneedles template before
FIG. 11B shows FTIR results of a zeolite-coated polymer microneedles template after
FIG. 12 shows a cell culture without the addition of zeolites.
FIG. 13A shows the cell culture of FIG. 12 within a day after the addition of zeolites.
FIG. 13B shows the cell culture of FIG. 12 one day after the addition of zeolites.
FIG. 13C shows the cell culture of FIG. 12 two days after the addition of zeolites.
FIG. 13D shows the cell culture of FIG. 12 three days after the addition of zeolites.
FIG. 14 shows a force-displacement graph of an insertion of zeolite microneedles into a
skin's surface.
FIG. 15 shows an optical micrograph of microneedles after the insertion of FIG. 14.
FIG. 16A shows an optical micrograph of microneedles in a close-packed pattern.
FIG. 16B shows an optical micrograph of microneedles in a square pattern.
FIG. 17 shows a graph illustrating the effect of different wall thicknesses and packing
geometries on the insertion force of microneedles .
FIG. 18 shows a force-displacement graph illustrating the strength of zeolite microneedles.
FIG. 19 shows a graph illustrating the force required to break zeolite microneedles at
different wall thickness and packing geometries.

FIG. 20 shows a graph illustrating the change of concentration of sodium chloride in the
lower chamber of a diffusion cell.
FIG. 21 shows microneedles as used in a pen applicator.
FIG. 22 depicts a cross-sectional view of the pen applicator of FIG. 21.
FIG. 23 depicts an electrical circuit of the pen applicator of FIG. 21.
FIG. 24 shows microneedles as used in a wristwatch applicator.
FIG. 25 shows an exploded view of FIG. 24.
Reference will now be made in detail to the preferred embodiments of the invention,
examples of which are also provided in the following description. Exemplary embodiments
of the invention are described in detail, although it will be apparent to those skilled in the
relevant art that some features that are not particularly important to an understanding of the
invention may not be shown for the sake of clarity.
Furthermore, it should be understood that the invention is not limited to the precise
embodiments described below and that various changes and modifications thereof may be
effected by one skilled in the art without departing from the spirit or scope of the invention.
For example, elements and/or features of different illustrative embodiments may be combined
with each other and/or substituted for each other within the scope of this disclosure and
appended claims.
A method of fabricating microneedles includes providing a polymer microneedles
template, depositing zeolite seeds on the polymer microneedles template, growing the zeolite
seeds into microneedles, and removing the polymer microneedles template, as shown in FIG.
1. Preferably, the microneedles are configured as an array, as depicted in FIGs. 10, 15 and 16.
The polymer microneedles template may be prepared using a photolithographic
process. Microneedles with different degrees of tapering may be achieved by controlling the
conditions for front exposure photolithography, for example, by varying the exposure time
and/or developing time in the photolithographic process. The microneedles may contain
either open-end tips or closed-end tips. The conformation of the tips may be controlled by

varying the seeding methods and/or the growth conditions of the zeolite. Removing the
polymer microneedles template can provide an array of hollow microneedles with a zeolite
shell. The polymer microneedles template may be removed using an air calcination method
or an ozonation method.
The polymer microneedles template be formed from a substrate layer and a photo-
sensitive polymeric layer coated on the surface of the substrate layer. The photo-sensitive
polymeric layer may include a material such as an SU-8 photoresist (SU-8 2075 made by
MicroChem). The substrate layer may include silica, glass, quartz, metal, or any combination
thereof. The polymer microneedles template may be prepared using a front exposure method
by spin-coating the resist onto the surface of the substrate layer, for example, using a Solite
5110-C/PD Wafer Spinner (available from Solite). The resulting template precursor may then
be pre-baked on a level hot plate and soft baked to evaporate the solvent. Coating fidelity and
resist-substrate adhesion of the template can be improved by carrying out the soft baking step
at a lower initial bake temperature, and allowing the solvent to be evaporated out of the
polymer layer at a controlled manner.
The polymer microneedles template precursor may then be subjected to a
photolithographic process. A mask may be aligned on the coated substrate and exposed to
UV light, for example, using an AB-Manufacturing Contact Aligner (available from AB-
Manufacturing). The photo-sensitive polymer is excited when exposed to UV light. For
example, SU-8 has an optimal absorption of UV exposure from about 350nm to about 400nm.
Exposure time may be used to control the shape of the polymer microneedles template and
ultimately the shape of the microneedles. The exposure time may range from about 30
seconds to about 360 seconds. In one example, the template may be exposed to UV light for
about 120 seconds. In another example, the template may be exposed to UV light for about
180 seconds. The longer the exposure time, the more the polymer may be excited. Following
the exposure, a post-expose bake may be preformed to selectively cross-link the exposed area
of the polymer layer. Thus, by varying the exposure time, photo-sensitive polymer layers
with different extents of cross-linking may be prepared.
The unexposed portion of the photo-sensitive polymer may be removed by immersing
the template precursor into a developer, for example, using a MicroChem's SU-8 Developer

with agitation (available from MicroChem). The exposed area will form highly cross-linked
polymers and will remain on the template, while the unexposed areas will be stripped out.
Moreover, as with the exposure time, the developing time may also be used to control the
shape of the polymer microneedles template and ultimately the shape of the microneedles.
The developing time may range from about 3 minutes to about 90 minutes. In one example,
the precursor may be immersed into the developer for 30 minutes. In another example, the
precursor may be immersed into the developer for 60 minutes. The contact area between the
polymer layer and the developer decreases at a high aspect ratio, and. thus, polymer
microneedles templates with different tapered angles may be obtained by controlling the
developing time. The longer the developing time, the more photo-sensitive polymer may be
washed away.
Instead of the negative resist system described above, a positive resist system may be
used to form the polymer microneedles template. For example, when a photo-sensitive
polymer layer such as DNQ-Novolac is exposed to radiation, the polymer becomes soluble.
Immersing the layer in a developer removes the exposed areas of the layer.
The microneedles fabricated on the polymer microneedles template may contain
tapered angles of 75°, 90°, 100° or any other variations. A fluorescent microscope, such as a
BX41 from Olympus, may be used to characterize the microneedles. FIG. 2 shows tapered
microneedles with a height of about 280 μm, a top diameter of about 120 μm, a bottom
diameter of about 240 μm, and a taper angle of 75°. FIG. 3 shows bowl shaped microneedles
with a height of about 160 μm, a top diameter of about 200 μm, a bottom diameter of about
140 μm, and a taper angle of 100°. FIG. 4 shows cylindrical microneedles with a height of
about 150 μm, a diameter of about 100 μm, and a taper angle of 90°. Consequently, by
controlling the exposure and/or developing time, microneedles may be obtained in various
shapes, including tapered, bowl and cylindrical shaped.
Microneedles may be prepared by electrostatically assembling, spin-coating or aging
nanometer-sized zeolite nanocrystal seeds on the surface of the polymer microneedles
template, and growing the zeolite seeds. Different zeolites may be grown by different zeolite
seeds. For example, silicate-1 seeds may be used to grow MFI-type zeolites. Other zeolite-
types may be prepared from the corresponding zeolite seeds, for example, LTA zeolite from

NaA seeds. It may be possible to prepare other zeolite-types from seeds of a different zeolite.
For example, FAU zeolite may be grown from NaA seeds. Zeolite seeds may be prepared by
nucleation of zeolite nanocrystals from a homogeneous synthesis solution, followed by
separation and purification. The seeds may then be stored as a suspension in solvents. It may
also be possible to prepare zeolite seeds by grinding corresponding zeolite powder or by
dissolution using acidic or basic solutions.
Zeolite nanocrystals may be made of crystalline molecular sieve materials or
crystalline aluminosilicate materials. Zeolites belong to a broader material category known as
"molecular sieves" and are often referred as such. Zeolites have uniform, molecular-sized
pores, and can be separated based on their size, shape and polarity. For example, zeolites may
have pore sizes ranging from about 0.3 nm to about 1 nm. The crystalline structure of zeolites
may provide good mechanical properties and good thermal and chemical stability. Zeolites
may be applied in chemical adsorption, separations and reactions, as well as in sensors and
medical applications.
X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) may be
carried out to determine the properties of zeolites, including their crystallinity, size and
morphology. FIG. 5 shows an X-ray diffraction pattern of silicate-1 seeds obtained using an
X-ray diffractometer (PANalytical, X'pert Pro). The pattern indicated that crystalline silicate
1 seeds were present. FIG. 6 shows a scanning electron micrograph of silicate-1 seeds
obtained using a SEM (JEOL, JSM 6300). The micrograph indicated that the silicate-1 seeds
were around 100 nm in size and well dispersed in solution.
Zeolites may be seeded on the polymer microneedles template using an electrostatic
method. The attraction force between oppositely charged surfaces is the driving force for the
electrostatic method. A layer of positively charged polyelectrolyte may be introduced into the
polymer microneedles template. In one example, the template is immersed in a
poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) PDADMAC (1mg/ml in 0.5M NaCl, Sigma)
polyelectrolyte solution. Zeolite seeds that are negatively charged may then be introduced
and coated onto the positively charged surface of the polymer microneedles template. In
another example, a negatively charged polyelectrolyte may be added onto the positively
charged polyelectrolyte prior to the introduction of the zeolite seeds. An example of a

negatively charged polyelectrolyte is polystyrene sulfonate (PSS), such as 1 mg ml-1 PSS
in 0.5 M NaCl (Aldrich). A sequential adsorption of oppositely charged polyelectrolytes may
be repeated one or more times, and then finished with an adsorption of a positively charged
polyelectrolyte, to ensure the template is coated uniformly with positively charged
polyelectrolyte. Zeolite seeds that are negatively charged may then be introdoced and coated
onto the positively charged surface. FIG. 7 shows a scanning electron micrograph of 100 nm
zeolite seed-coated and tapered microneedles template formed using the electrostatic coating
method, with the seeds uniformly coated on the template surface.
Zeolites may also be seeded onto the polymer microneedles template using a spin-
coating method. A surfactant may first be spin-coated onto the polymer microneedles
template, for example, by spin-coating (3-mercaptopropyl) trimethoxysilane (Aldrich, 95%)
in ethanol (Merck, 99.9 %) at more than 3000 rpm using a spin-coater (P-6000, Specialty
Coating System, Inc.). Zeolite seed solution may then be similarly spin-coated onto the
template. The surfactant and zeolite seed coating steps may be repeated one or more times.
By controlling the speed of spin coating, the tip of the microneedle template can either be
seeded or not seeded. For example, the speed of spin coating may vary from about 3000 rpm
to about 6000 rpm. A completely seeded sample may grow a close-ended microneedle,
whereas a microneedle having an unseeded tip may grow an open-ended microneedle. FIGs.
10A and 10B show electron micrographs of an array of microneedles formed using the spin-
coating method, with close-ended tips and open-ended tips, respectively.
Zeolites may also be seeded onto the polymer microneedles template using an aging
method. The polymer microneedles template may first be placed in a zeolite synthesis
solution and allowed to age at low temperature. For example, the template may be placed into
a zeolite synthesis solution containing 40 TEOS (Aldrich), 10 TPAOH (Aldrich) and 20000
DDI water by molar ratios for deposition of pure silica, silicate-1 zeolites.
After the zeolite seeds are deposited on the polymer microneedles template, the zeolite
may be grown. The zeolite may be synthesized at high temperature, for example, in a Teflon
bomb incubated at about 403 K for around 24 hours. A thin zeolite shell may subsequently
grow on the seeded template and seed surface of the substrate. FIG. 8 shows a scanning
electron micrograph of zeolite open-tip microneedles formed using the aging method, with a

shell thickness of about 1 μm. Moreover, to increase the shell thickness, the zeolite
microneedles may be transferred again into the zeolite synthesis solution containing 40 TEOS
(Aldrich), 10 TPAOH (Aldrich) and 20000 DDI water by molar ratios to further grow for
another 24 hours. FIG. 9 shows a scanning electron micrograph of zeolite open-tip
microneedles formed using the aging method, with a shell thickness of about 6 μm.
Hollow microneedles may be obtained by removing the polymer microneedles
template from the zeolite shell using an air calcination method or an ozonation method. In the
air calcination method, the polymer microneedles template and the organic growth directing
agent (or organic template) in the zeolite pores may be burnt off at a high temperature. In one
example, the microneedles are calcined in an air-purged furnace that may be programmed to
increase the temperature to about 873 K and kept for around 24 hours, at a rate of change to
the temperature of about 0.5 K/min. FIGs. lOA and lOB show the scanning electron
micrographs of closed-tip and open-tip zeolite microneedles, respectively, that have been
calcined for 24 and 48 hours, respectively. After air calcination at about 873 K for around 24
hours, the polymer microneedles template have preferably been removed, and hollow zeolite
microneedles remain.
In the ozonation method, the polymer microneedles template reacts with ozone to form
gaseous byproducts in gas phase treatment, or soluble byproducts in liquid phase treatment.
For example, the zeolite-coated template may be wrapped by heating tape (Thermolyne
Briskheat) that may be controlled by a temperature controller (RKC) and a thermocouple
(Omega, K-type). Pure oxygen or oxygen-ozone gas stream may then be fed and controlled
by an ozone generator (Trailigas, Ozonconcept OZC 1002). The ozone treatment method is
applicable in a gaseous phase as well as in a liquid phase.
Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) may be used to identify organic materials, and in
some cases inorganic materials, using an infrared microscope (PerkinElmer, Spectrum GX).
This technique measures the absorption of various infrared light wavelengths by the materials
of interest. These infrared absorption bands can identify specific molecular components and
structures. Referring to FIGs. 11A and 11B, the FTIR results show the zeolite-coated
polymer microneedles template before and after ozonation, respectively. Three characteristic
bands at wavenumbers of 2880 cm-1, 2940 cm-1 and 2980 cm-1 were observed before

ozonation, which indicated the presence of propyl groups with C-H stretching vibrations.
After ozonation, however, those three peaks disappeared, which indicate the propyl groups
might have been removed during ozone treatment.
Zeolite microneedles preferably are biocompatible. ISO 10993 describes a set of
international standards that address the biological evaluation of medical devices. The basic
biocompatibility tests include ISO 10993-1 and ISO 10993-5. The ISO 10993-1 test may be
carried out to determine the characteristics and properties of zeolites, including their chemical,
toxicological, physical, electrical, morphological, and mechanical properties. These can be
determined by various characterization techniques such as SEM, XRD and FTIR, and are
often available from the material safety data sheet (MSDS).
The ISO 10993-5 test may be carried out to determine the cytotoxicity of zeolites. In
the elution test method, extracts may be obtained by placing the zeolites in cell culture media,
for example, Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells, under standard conditions. The
cells will then be observed for visible signs of toxicity in response to the zeolites, such as a
change in the size or appearance of cellular components, or a disruption in their configuration.
FIG. 12 shows an MDCK cell culture without the addition of zeolites, which was used
as a control for the cytotoxicity test. FIGs. 13A, 13B, 13C and 13D show that the cells did
not exhibit any changes in size or appearance from day 0, 1, 2 and 3, respectively, after the
addition of Silicate-1 zeolites to the MDCK cell culture. As seen, the MDCK cells did not
show visible signs of toxicity, because the numbers and configuration of the cell's monolayer
appeared to be the same, thus indicating that Silicate-1 zeolites did not inhibit the growth or
cause the death to the MDCK cells.
An insertion test may be performed to determine the force required for zeolite
microneedles to penetrate a skin's surface. FIG. 14 shows a force-displacement graph for the
insertion of the zeolite microneedles into a pig's skin. The graph can be divided into three
stages. In stage A, the horizontal line represented when the microneedles sample started to
move towards the skin at a constant speed, which indicated that little force was required to
overcome the resistance of air between the microneedles and the skin, for a small
displacement. In stage B, the increasing slope represented when the microneedles began to

make contact with the skin, and the skin deformed under pressure. As the microneedles
insertion is resisted by the stratum corneum of the skin, a greater force is therefore required
for the penetration. In stage C, a small decrease in the force exerted represented when the
microneedles were inserted into the skin, and the discontinuity between stages B and C
indicated the occurrence of insertion. Since the inner part of the skin is less resistive than the
outer stratum corneum, less force is required for further penetration.
The effects of the wall thickness and the packing geometries of the open-tip zeolite
microneedles on the force of insertion may also be studied. FIGs. 16A and 16B show the
optical micrographs of an array of microneedles of a close-packed pattern and a squared
pattern, respectively. FIG. 17 shows a graph illustrating the insertion force for different
thicknesses of zeolite wall and different packing geometries of microneedles. As seen, the
insertion force between the square and close-packed patterns was similar at a given zeolite
wall thickness. The insertion force to insert through a pig's skin increased with thicker zeolite
wall, which indicated that a thicker wall was less sharp.
A strength test may be performed to determine the force required to break the zeolite
microneedles. For example, a strength test may be performed using a movable load cell of a
Compressive/Tensile Tester (Instron, model 5567). FIG. 18 shows a force-displacement
graph for the strength test. The graph can be divided into three stages. In stage A, the
horizontal line represented when the microneedles sample started to move towards the tester
platform at a constant speed, which indicated that little force was required to overcome the
resistance of air between the microneedles and the skin for a small displacement. In stage B,
an increasing slope represented when the microneedles began to make contact with the tester
platform, because a greater force was required to move further downward. In stage C, the
discontinuity represented when one of the microneedles broke. The further increase in slope
indicated larger force was required for additional displacement, since the microneedles were
pressed against the test platform.
The effects of the wall thickness and the packing geometries of the open-tip zeolite
microneedles on the breakage force may also be studied. FIG. 15 shows an optical
micrograph of an array of zeolite microneedles after the insertion into skin. As shown, over
90% of the needles remained intact after the insertion, which proves that zeolite microneedles

can have the mechanical strength for drug delivery. FIG. 19 shows a graph illustrating the
breakage force for different thicknesses of zeolite walls and different packing geometries of
microneedles. As seen, the breakage force between the square and close-packed patterns was
similar at a given zeolite wall thickness. The breakage force increases with thicker zeolite
wall, which indicates that a thicker wall is stronger.
A drug delivery test may be performed to determine the diffusion rate of drug through
a membrane, for example, using a diffusion cell consisted of an upper chamber and a lower
chamber separated by a membrane. FIG. 20 shows the change of the concentration of sodium
chloride in the lower chamber of the diffusion cell. The "test" graph represents when
membrane was pierced while "control" graph represents when the membrane was not pierced.
The results show that the concentration of sodium chloride in saline solution in the lower
chamber increases with time at a constant rate when the membrane was pierced, but the
concentration remained unchanged when the membrane was not pierced.
Zeolite microneedles may be applied in medical applications including drug delivery
and body fluid extraction. Drug delivery may include vaccination, hormone regulation and
insulin delivery. Moreover, the microneedles may be used in drug delivery applicators, such
as pen applicators or wristwatch applicators. Body fluid extraction may cover blood glucose
analysis and building sensors. Apart from the use of drug delivery, the microneedles can
serve as body fluid extractor and/or biosensor. It is possible to use microneedles to draw
blood samples for analysis with an onboard sensor. This data can then be processed to
calculate the required medicinal dosage. The microneedles may be used in cosmetics, such as
creating cosmetic facial masks or tattoos.
Zeolite microneedles may be used in a reusable pen applicator 10, as depicted in FIG.
21. The pen applicator 10 may include a protective case 12, a reservoir 14, a control system
16 and a battery 18. The protective case 12 may serve to protect the microneedles 20 when
the microneedles 20 are not in use, and may ensure vertical insertion of the microneedles 20 at
a constant force to reduce the breakage during use. The reservoir 14 may be used for drug
storage. The control system 16 may include a motor 22 and a control circuitry 24. The pen
applicator 10 may be driven by the motor 22 controlled by the control circuitry 24 to ensure

precise rate of injection and drug dosage. The microneedles 20 may be replaced after use, and
thus the pen applicator 10 may be reusable.
FIG. 22 shows a schematic illustrating the mechanism of the pen applicator 10
responsible for the drug injection and loading. The mechanism may include a screw 26, a
plug 28, a motor 30 and a gearbox 32. The plug 28 may be attached to the end of the screw
26 to be driven by the motor 30. The gearbox 32 may be attached to the motor 30 to decrease
the rotation speed and to increase the torque to the plug 28. The plug 28 may be moved
forward to inject drugs and may be moved backward to load drugs.
FIG. 23 shows a schematic illustrating the electronic circuit 34 of the pen applicator
10 responsible for controlling the current flowing through the motor 30 that drives the drug
injection and loading. The circuit 34 may control the motor 30, the directions of rotation, and
one or more external indictor lights (LED) 36. The circuit 34 may include a switch 38 and a
power source made of one of more batteries 40.
The zeolite microneedles may also be used in a programmable wristwatch applicator
50, as depicted in FIGs. 24 and 25. The wristwatch applicator 50 may include a liquid crystal
display (LCD) 52, a micro-pumping system 54, a microprocessor 56, a drug storage chamber
58, rotating tracks of microneedles 60 and a battery 62.
The wristwatch applicator 50 may be programmed to inject the required dosage of
drugs into a human body at a preset time. The drugs may be pumped from the drug storage
chamber 58 through the microneedles into the human body using the micro-pumping system
54. Examples of micro-pumping systems include lead zicrconate titanate or piezoelectric
ceramic (PZT) and magnetic membrane micropumps. The microprocessor 56 may allow
users to adjust the rate of drug injection, the dosage of drugs and the desired timing of
injection, each of which may be displayed on the LCD screen 52. The users may find the
wristwatch applicator 50 convenient to use because the rotating track 60 of microneedles may
rotate after each injection; therefore, replacement of microneedles after each use may not be
necessary, and the drug may be refilled in the drug storage chamber 58.

The microneedles are further illustrated by the following examples, which are not to
be construed in any way as imposing limitations upon the scope thereof. On the contrary, it is
to be clearly understood that resort may be had thereof which, after reading the description
herein, may suggest themselves to those skilled in the art without departing from the spirit of
the specification and/or the scope of the appended claims.
Example 1: Preparation of SU-8 tapered microneedle template (75°)
The first step included spin-coating 1ml of SU-8 resist on the surface of a substrate
(e.g. silica, glass, quartz and metal) at an acceleration of around 300rpm and holding at
around lOOOrpm for a total of about 30 seconds using a Solite 5110-C/PD Wafer Spinner.
The second step included pre-baking the SU-8 resist at 338K for 10 minutes and then soft
baking it at around 368K for about 30 minutes. The third step included cooling the SU-8
resist down to room temperature. The fourth step included aligning a pattern mask on the SU-
8 coated substrate and exposed it to UV light for about 180 seconds using an AB-
Manufacturing Contact Aligner. The fifth step included post-baking the resist on a level hot
plate at around 368K for about 30 minutes. The sixth step included cooling the resist down to
room temperature. The seventh step included developing the SU-8 coated substrate using a
MicroChem's SU-8 Developer for about 30 minutes with agitation.
The polymer microneedles template was characterized using a fluorescent microscope.
The sample was cross-sectioned and cleaned with DDI water to remove dirt and contaminants.
The sectioned sample was then mounted on a microscopic slide using adhesives tapes. The
cross-section sample was subsequently examined under a fluorescent microscope (BX41,
Olympus). The light shutter was fully opened during the operation and the excitation
wavelength of light source was around 450-490 nm. FIG. 2 shows tapered microneedles with
about 280 μm in height, top diameter of about 120 μm, bottom diameter of about 240 μm, and
a taper angle of 75°.

Example 2: Preparation of SU-8 bowl shaped microneedle template (100°)
The first step included spin-coating lml of SU-8 resist on the surface of a substrate
(e.g. silica, glass, quartz and metal) at an acceleration of around 300rpm and hold at around
2000rpm for a total of about 30 seconds using a Solite 5110-C/PD Wafer Spinner. The
second step included pre-baking the resist on a level hot plate at around 338K for about 10
minutes and then soft-baking it at around 368K for about 30 minutes. The third step included
cooling the SU-8 resist down to room temperature. The fourth step included aligning the
pattern mask on the SU-8 coated quartz substrate and exposed it to UV light for about 120
seconds using an AB-Manufacturing Contact Aligner.
The fifth step included post-baking the resist on a level hot plate at around 368K for
about 30 minutes. The sixth step included cooling the resist down to room temperature. The
seventh step included developing the SU-8 coated substrate using a MicroChem's SU-8
Developer for about 30 minutes with agitation. The polymer microneedles template was
characterized using a fluorescent microscope as described in Example 1. FIG. 3 shows bowl
shaped microneedles with about 160 μm in height, top diameter of about 200 μm, bottom
diameter of about 140 μm, and a taper angle of 100°.
Example 3: Preparation of SU-8 cylinder microneedle template (90°)
The first step included spin-coating lml of SU-8 resist on the surface of a substrate
(e.g. silica, glass, quartz and metal) at an acceleration of around 300rpm and hold at around
2000rpm for a total of about 30 seconds using a Solite 5110-C/PD Wafer Spinner. The
second step included pre-baking the SU-8 resist on a level hot plate at around 338K for about
10 minutes and then soft-baking it at around 368K for about 30 minutes. The third step
included cooling the resist down to room temperature. The fourth step included aligning the
pattern mask on the SU-8 coated quartz substrate and exposed it to UV light for about 180
seconds using an AB-Manufacturing Contact Aligner.
The fifth step included post-baking the resist on a level hot plate at around 368K for
about 30 minutes. The sixth step included cooling the resist down to room temperature. The
seventh step included developing the SU-8 coated quartz substrate using a MicroChem's SU-

8 Developer for about 60 minutes with agitation. The polymer microneedles template may be
characterized using a fluorescent microscope as described in Example 1 FIG. 4 shows
cylindrical microneedles with about 150 μm in height, a diameter in size of about 100 μm,
and a taper angle of 90°.
Example 4: Preparation of silicalite-1 (Sil-1) seed solution
The first step included placing and stirring 60 ml of 1.0 M tetrapropylammonium
hydroxide (TPAOH, Aldrich) in a cleaned Teflon container. The second step included adding
0.9 g of sodium hydroxide (NaOH, BDH, 99%) slowly into the stirring TPAOH solution. The
third step included keeping the solution at around 353K in a water bath. The fourth step
included slowing adding and dissolving 15 g of fumed silica (Aldrich, 99.8%) into the stirring
solution. The fourth step included stirring the solution mixture for about 24 hours at ambient
conditions to obtain a clear and homogeneous synthesis solution.
The fifth step included placing a Teflon container that contained the synthesis solution
in a stainless steel autoclave. The sixth step included placing the autoclave in a pre-heated
oven at around 403 K for about 8 hours hydrothermal treatment. The seventh step included
cooling the synthesis down to quench the crystallization by compressed air. The eight step
included centrifuging the synthesis solution at > 2000 rpm by a high speed centrifuge (Sorvall
RC 5C Plus) for about 15 minutes to remove any coarse particles. The ninth step included
centrifuging the recovered solution at > 20000 rpm for about 20 minutes to obtain the seeds at
the bottom of the centrifuge. The tenth step included removing the solution and adding
ethanol (Merck, 99.9%) to re-suspend the seeds. Steps ninth and tenth were repeated until the
solution was neutral, i.e. at around pH 7.
Seed characterization
The seed solution was characterized using an X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The sample
was carefully packed in an aluminum holder, and the holder was clamped on the X-Ray
diffractometer (PANalytical, X'pert Pro). The sample was then exposed to X-Ray with
wavelength of 1.54A generated from copper source. The sample clamp and the X-ray source

were rotated at the angular speed of about 0.0087 (rad/s). The crystallinity of the prepared
sample was then examined using the XRD graph. FIG. 5 shows an X-ray diffraction pattern
of silicate-1 seed using an X-ray diffractometer (PANalytical, X'pert Pro), which indicates
that crystalline silicate-1 seeds were obtained.
The seeds were also characterized using a Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The
zeolite seeds were first mounted on copper sample holder using conducting adhesives and
silver paste before sputter-coating (Denton, DESK II) 20 nm of gold. SEM (JEOL, JSM 6300)
images were then taken to provide information on the film morphology and crystal grain size.
FIG. 6 shows a scanning electron micrograph of silicate-1 seeds using a SEM (JEOL, JSM
6300), which indicates silicate-1 seeds that were around 100 nm in size and were well
dispersed in solution.
Example 5: Zeolite seeding on SU-8 polymer microneedles template by electrostatic method
The first step included immersing the SU-8 polymer microneedles template in 5 ml of
Poly (diallyldimethylammonium chloride) PDADMAC (lmg/ml in 0.5M NaCl, Sigma)
polyelectrolyte solution. The second step included stirring the solution at room temperature
for about 15 minutes to allow the adsorption of the positively charged polyelectrolyte. The
third step included washing the coated SU-8 polymer microneedles template three times with
0.5 M NaCl to remove the excess PDADMAC polyelectrolyte. The fourth step included
adding 5 ml aliquot of a negatively charged polyelectrolyte (polystyrene sulfonate) PSS (1 mg
ml"1 in 0.5 M NaCl, Aldrich) to form a second polyelectrolyte layer with a negative charge on
the SU-8 polymer microneedles template surface.
The fifth step included washing the coated SU-8 polymer microneedles template three
times with 0.5 M NaCl to remove the excess PSS polyelectrolyte. The sequential adsorption
of oppositely charged polyelectrolyte was repeated three times to obtain a uniform positive
surface charge on the SU-8 polymer microneedles template, herein referred to as SU-8/
(PDADMAC/PSS/ PDADMAC). The sixth step included re-suspending the positively

charged SU-8 polymer microneedles template in zeolite seed (0.2 wt %) solution. The
seventh step included stirring the suspension at room temperature overnight.
The zeolite seeds coated SU-8 polymer microneedles template was first cleaned with
DDI water to remove dirt and contaminants. The zeolite seeds coated SU-8 polymer
microneedles template was then mounted on copper sample holder using conducting
adhesives and silver paste before sputter-coating (Denton, DESK II) 20 nm of gold. The
samples were imaged at high magnification with a SEM (JEOL, JSM 6300). FIG. 7 shows a
scanning electron micrograph of 100 nm zeolite seeds coated polymer tapered microneedles
template using the electrostatic coating method, which indicates that the seeds were uniformly
coated on the template surface.
Example 6: Zeolite seeding on SU-8 polymer microneedles template by spin coating method
The first step included cleaning the SU-8 polymer microneedles template with ethanol
(Merck, 99.9 %) and distilled deionized water and drying it in an oven at around 338 K. The
second step included spin-coating 0.05 M of (3-mercaptopropyl) trimethoxysilane (Aldrich,
95 %) in ethanol (Merck, 99.9 %) on the SU-8 polymer microneedles template at > 3000 rpm
using a spin-coater (P-6000, Specialty coating system, Inc.). The third step included
preparing a 0.5 wt. % seed solution as descried in Example 4, and spin-coating it at > 3000
rpm with the spin-coater. The fourth step included drying the seed-coated template in an oven
at around 338 K for about 10 minutes. The second and fourth steps were repeated three times.
Example 7: Preparation of zeolite microneedles - thin shell wall
The first step included transferring zeolite seed coated SU-8 polymer microneedles
template into a zeolite synthesis solution containing 40 TEOS (Aldrich), 10 TPAOH
(Aldrich), and 20000 DDI water by molar ratios for deposition of pure silica, silicate-1
zeolites. The second step includes carrying out the synthesis in a Teflon bomb and
incubating it at around 403K for about 24 hours. The third step includes growing a thin

zeolite shell on the seeded polymer microneedles templates and the seed surface of the
substrate. The fourth step included washing away the zeolite particles deposited from the
solutions using DDI water. The thin zeolite shell wall was characterized using a SEM as
described in Example 4. FIG. 8 shows a scanning electron micrograph of zeolite open-tip
microneedles with a shell thickness of about 1 μm.
Example 8: Preparation of zeolite microneedles - thick shell wall
The first step included transferring zeolite seed coated SU-8 polymer microneedles
template into a zeolite synthesis solution containing 40 TEOS (Aldrich), 10 TPAOH
(Aldrich), and 20000 DDI water by molar ratios for deposition of pure silica, silicate-1
zeolites. The second step includes carrying out the synthesis in a Teflon bomb and
incubating it at around 403K for about 24 hours. The third step includes growing a thin
zeolite shell on the seeded polymer microneedles templates and the seed surface of the
substrate. The fourth step included washing away the zeolite particles deposited from the
solutions using DDI water. The fifth step included transferring Zeolite microneedles into the
zeolite synthesis solution again to further grow for another 24 hours. The sixth step included
washing away the zeolite particles deposited from the solutions using DDI water. The thick
zeolite shell wall was characterized using a SEM as described in Example 4. FIG. 9 shows a
scanning electron micrograph of zeolite open-tip microneedles with a shell thickness of about
6 μm.
Example 9: Preparation of zeolite microneedles - aging method
The first step included immersing the SU-8 polymer microneedles template into a
zeolite synthesis solution containing 40 TEOS (Aldrich), 10 TPAOH (Aldrich), 20000 DDI
water by molar ratios for deposition of pure silica, silicate-1 zeolites at around 298K for about
24 hours. The second step included carrying out the synthesis in a Teflon bomb and
incubating at around 403K for about 24 hours. The third step includes growing a thin zeolite
shell on the seeded polymer microneedles templates and the seed surface of the substrate.
The fourth step included washing away the zeolite particles deposited from the solutions using
DDI water.

Example 10: Removal of SU-8 polymer microneedles template - air calcinations
The SU-8 polymer microneedles template was removed by air calcination. The first
step included putting the zeolite-coated polymer microneedles template in a crucible that can
withstand high temperature treatment. The second step included putting the crucible into an
air-purging furnace. The furnace was programmed to increase the temperature to around 873K
and kept it for about 24 hours. The rate of change of the temperature was 0.5 K/min. The
zeolite microneedles was characterized using a SEM as described in Example 4. FIGs. 10A
and 10B show the scanning electron micrographs of an array of closed-tip and open-tip zeolite
microneedles, respectively, that had been synthesized for 24 and 48 hours, respectively.
Example 11: Removal of SU-8 polymer microneedles template - ozonation
The SU-8 polymer microneedles template was removed by ozonation. The first step
included placing zeolite-coated polymer microneedles template in a stainless steel housing in
which rubber and graphite o-rings were used to provide a leak-free system for gas flow
through the cabinet. The stainless steel consisted of inlet and outlet for retentate to flow
through the tube. The second step included wrapping the step up with heating tape
(Thermolyne Briskheat) that was controlled by temperature controller (RKC) and
thermocouple (Omega, K-type). The third step included increasing the temperature of the
vessel to around 473K with temperature increasing rate of about 0.5 K/min.
The fourth step included feeding pure oxygen or oxygen-ozone gas stream to the unit
at a constant flow rate of about 250 cm3/min when the temperature reached around 473K.
The ozone concentration could be controlled by adjusting the power of the ozone generator
(Trailigas, Ozonconcept OZC 1002). The fifth step included keeping the gas pressure inside
the tube at about 1.2 bars during the ozone treatment. The sixth step included cooling the
setup down at the rate of about 0.5 K/min to room temperature after ozone treatment. FIGs.
11A and 11B, the FTIR results show the zeolite-coated polymer microneedles template before
and after ozonation, respectively.

The SU-8 polymer microneedles template was characterized using Fourier Transform
Infrared (FTIR). The first step included mounting a zeolite-coated polymer microneedles
template before ozonation on the sample stage of the infrared microscope (PerkinElmer,
Spectrum GX). The second step included flowing dry air (without moisture and carbon
dioxide) through during the measurement. The third step included focusing the sample by the
microscope in visible light mode. The fourth step included changing the light source to IR
mode and adjusting the area for analysis to be 100 μm x 100 μm square after focusing.
The fifth step included scanning the signal of the IR from the sample. The sixth step
included treating the zeolite-coated polymer microneedles template in ozone for 30 minutes to
about 4 hours. The seventh step including mounting the sample on a cell and placing it under
the infrared microscope for analysis. The eighth step included focusing the sample by the
microscope in visible light mode. The ninth step included changing the light source to IR
mode after focusing. The tenth step included scanning the signal of the IR from the sample.
Example 12: Evaluation of zeolite microneedles on its biocompatibility
The first step included preparing zeolite fluid extract by adding 1 g of Silicate-1
crystal in 10 ml culture medium at about 310 K. The second step included deriving Madin-
Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) cells from normal dog's kidney as the cultured-cell
monolayer. The third step included applying the fluid extract obtained to a cultured-cell
monolayer replacing the medium that had nourished the cells. The fourth step included
incubating the cultures at about 310 K and periodically removing for microscopic
examination at designated times for as long as 3 days. FIG. 12 shows the cell culture without
the addition of zeolite, which was used as a control for the cytotoxicity test. FIGs. 13 A, 13B,
13C and 13D show that the cells did not exhibit any changes in size or appearance from day 0,
1, 2 and 3, respectively, after the addition of Silicate-1 zeolites to the MDCK cell culture.
Example 13: Insertion test
Insertion test was operated using a proprietary software (Merlin). The first step
included attaching the microneedles sample to a movable load cell with maximum load of 100
N of the Compressive/Tensile Tester (Instron, model 5567). The second step included placing

a pig's skin on an agar plate beneath the microneedles. The third step included moving the
microneedles towards the skin at a constant velocity of 1.1 mm/s by the program. The fourth
step included identifying the insertion sample into the skin when the force exerted by the load
suddenly dropped. The fifth step included using an optical microscope (Olympus BX41) to
examine the sample after the test.
FIG. 14 shows a force-displacement graph for the insertion of the zeolite
microneedles into the pig's skin. FIG. 16 shows the optical micrographs of an array of
microneedles with a close-packed pattern and a square pattern, respectively.
Example 14: Strength test
Insertion test was operated using a proprietary software (Merlin). The first step
includes attaching the microneedles sample to a movable load cell with maximum load of 100
N of the Compressive/Tensile Tester (Instron, model 5567). The second step included moving
the microneedles towards the skin at a constant velocity of 1.1 mm/s by the program. The
fourth step included identifying the needle breakage when the force exerted by the load
suddenly increased significantly. The fifth step included using an optical microscope
(Olympus BX41) to examine the sample after the test. The sixth step included calculating
safety ratio to determine the likeliness of needle breakage throughout the insertion, which is
defined as the amount of breakage force per unit of insertion force.
FIG. 18 shows a force-displacement graph for the strength test. FIG. 15 shows the
optical micrograph of an array of zeolite microneedles after insertion test. As shown, over 90
% of the needles remained intact after the insertion, which proves that zeolite microneedles
have the mechanical strength for drug delivery. Table 1 summarizes the safety ratio of zeolite
microneedles sample with different thicknesses. A larger safety ratio indicates safer
microneedles. The results prove that zeolite microneedles are stronger than the polymeric
microneedles and approaches nickel microneedles in strength.
Table 1 Insertion force, breakage force and safety ratio for zeolite microneedles with different

Example 15: Evaluation of diffusivity of zeolite microneedles
Drug delivery test was performed to investigate the diffusion rate of drug through a
membrane. The diffusion cell consisted of an upper chamber and a lower chamber separated
by a membrane.
The first step included placing a physiological saline solution (1.2 wt % sodium
chloride) in an upper chamber of a diffusion cell. The second step included using a layer of
artificial skin, e.g. pig's skin, as the membrane of the diffusion cell. The third step included
piercing the skin with the microneedles samples and placing them in the diffusion cell. The
fourth step included placing DDI water in a lower chamber of the diffusion cell with
continuous stirring. The fifth step included putting a conductivity meter probe in the lower
chamber and measuring the conductivity in real time. The sixth step included recording the
conductivity reading at a fixed time interval and using the calibration data to convert it to
concentration units.
FIG. 20 shows a graph illustrating the change of the concentration of sodium chloride
in the lower chamber of the diffusion cell. The lower graph depicted the control, which
represented the un-pierced pig's skin. The upper graph depicted the test results, which
represented the pierced pig's skin. As shown, the concentration of sodium chloride remained
unchanged with time with the un-pierced sample. On the other hand, the concentration of
sodium chloride increased steadily with time with the pierced sample, which indicated that the
physiological saline solution diffused across the membrane of the diffusion cell from the
upper chamber and into the lower chamber. Consequently, the result indicates zeolite
microneedles may be used in drug delivery.

While the examples of the zeolite microneedles have been described, it should be
understood that the zeolite microneedles are not so limited and modifications may be made.
The scope of the zeolite microneedles is defined by the appended claims, and all devices that
come within the meaning of the claims, either literally or by equivalence, are intended to be
embraced therein.

We Claim:
1. A method of making zeolite microneedles, comprising:
providing a polymer microneedles template;
depositing zeolite seeds on said polymer microneedles template; and
growing said zeolite seeds into an array of zeolite microneedles.
2. The method of claim 1, wherein said providing comprises exposing a photo-
sensitive polymer to ultraviolet light.
3. The method of claim 2, wherein said providing further comprises immersing
said photo-sensitive polymer into a developer.
4. The method of claim 1, wherein said depositing comprises electrostatically
assembling zeolite seeds.
5. The method of claim 4, wherein said assembling comprises introducing a
positively charged polyelectrolyte into said template.
6. The method of claim 5, wherein said positively charged polyelectrolyte
comprises poly(diallyldimethylanimonium chloride).
7. The method of claim 5, wherein said assembling further comprises introducing
negatively charged zeolite seeds onto said positively charged polyelectrolyte.
8. The method of claim 5, wherein said assembling further comprises introducing
a negatively charged polyelectrolyte onto said positively charged polyelectrolyte.
9. The method of claim 8, wherein said negatively charged polyelectrolyte
comprises polyelectrolyte (polystyrene sulfonate) PSS.
10. The method of claim 1, wherein said depositing comprises spin-coating zeolite
seeds on said template.

11. The method of claim 10, wherein said zeolite seeds comprise silicate-1 seeds.
12. The method of claim 1, wherein said depositing comprises aging zeolite seeds
on said template.
13. The method of claim 1, wherein said growing comprises incubating the zeolite
seeds at about 403K for around 24 hours.
14. The method of claim 1, further comprising removing said polymer
microneedles template from said zeolite microneedles.
15. The method of claim 14, wherein said template is removed using an air
calcination method.
16. The method of claim 14, wherein said template is removed using an ozonation
17. Zeolite microneedles, comprising:
a substrate layer; and
zeolites on said substrate layer to form an array of zeolite microneedles.
18. The zeolite microneedles of claim 17, wherein said zeolite microneedles have a
taper angle from about 75° to about 100°.
19. The zeolite microneedles of claim 17, wherein said substrate layer comprises
silica, glass, quartz, metal or any combination thereof.
20. The zeolite microneedles of claim 17, wherein said zeolite microneedles
comprises close-ended tips.
21. The zeolite microneedles of claim 17, wherein said zeolite microneedles
comprises open-ended tips.

22. The zeolite microneedles of claim 17. wherein said zeolite microneedles are
23. The zeolite microneedles of claim 17, wherein said zeolite microneedles are
24. A pen applicator, comprising a control system and the zeolite microneedles of
claim 17 attached to said control system.
25. A wristwatch applicator, comprising a microprocessor and the zeolite
microneedles of claim 17 attached to said microprocessor.

A method of making zeolite microneedles includes providing a polymer microneedles template, depositing zeolite seeds on the polymer microneedles template, and growing the
zeolite seeds into an array of zeolite microneedles.


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Patent Number 260567
Indian Patent Application Number 3774/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 19/2014
Publication Date 09-May-2014
Grant Date 08-May-2014
Date of Filing 16-Sep-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A61M 37/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/CN2007/000584
PCT International Filing date 2007-02-16
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/776,107 2006-02-21 U.S.A.