Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a process with which to operate a management system V, which manages a plurality of first function modules fl-iA and second function modules g1-g2. An inhibitor module 1 sets the first control status s1~s4 to denote disabling when assigned events e1-e4 are registered by an event registration device E, and the management system V then no longer makes the assigned first function module f1-f4 available for execut\on. The inhibitor module 1 sets the second control status r1-r2 to denote executabiiity when assigned events e1-e4 are registered by an event registration device EE, and the management system V then makes the assigned second function module g1-g2 available for execution. (Figure 1) 11.
Full Text

The present invention relates to a process with which to operate a management system of function modules. The invention is particularly with regard to a management system in which Individual function modules enable execution or disable same with the help of inhibitor moduies.
Even though the subsequent description of the invention is with reference to a diagnosis system management (DSM) for motor activation, it is not restricted to the same.
A diagnosis system management (DSM) is, among other things, used to control an operating procedure of a motor. Control takes place according to pre-determined program runs and on the basis of events which are registered by sensors and communicated to the DSM. In addition, the DSM facilitates external analysis modules to map and analyse program runs during or after the test phases and/or during ongoing operation of a motor.
A schematic structure of a conventional DSM V for a control system H of a motor is described with reference to Figure 5. The operating procedure of a motor comprises a sequential and/or parallel execution of a plurality of function modules h1-h3 such as, for example, the control of spark plugs, fuel tank evaporation and a gas mixture adaptation. These individual function modules h1-h3 are executed by a control system H. The function modules h1-h3 are made available for execution to the control system H by the DSM V, whereby the DSM V selects these function modules hl-h3 from a first number F of first function modules f 1 -f4 and a second number G of second function modules g1-g2.

When events e1-e4 occur, particularly error messages such as e.g. of a defective spark plug, it is expedient not to make some of the first function modules f1-f4 available any longer to the control system H for execution so that e.g., no further fuel is injected into the corresponding cylinder with the defective spark plug. An event registration device E is provided for this purpose in the DSM V, which registers events e1~e4 infer alia through sensors that monitor the spark plugs, for example. If an event e1-e4 is registered then the inhibitor module 1 is called up. The inhibitor module 1 has a database which Sinks the event e1-e4 to the first function modules f1-f4. tn the example presented in Figure 1, the first function modules f1 and f4 are assigned to event e1. Execution of the first function modules ft and f4 should correspondingly be cut off upon occurrence of event el. Control status s1-s4, which are stored in memory device K, are allocated to the first function modules fl-f4. The inhibitor module 1 sets the control status s1-s4 to denote disabling when their assigned events e1-e4 have occurred. Control status s1 and s4 are thus set to denote disabling in the above described case. Management system V queries control status s1-s4. If these control status s1-s4 are set to denote disabling, the management system V will not enable the corresponding first function module f144 for execution and, therewith, no longer makes it available to the control system H for execution.
Which function modules f1-f4 were disabled in the course of a test phase or a run can be determined by reading the memory device K. This is convenient for a diagnosis of the motor operation by the analysis module.
The second function modules g1-g2 are executed when a corresponding event d1-e4 occurs or has occurred. Management system V can, inter alia, make a second function module g1-g2 available to the control system H in the place of a disabled function module f!-f4. Which of the second function modules g1-g2 are made available is determined by the management system V, among other things, on the basis of internal algorithms of the management system V. The individual function modules f1-f4 can, hereby, be assigned

priorities and the next prioritised function module is made available upon disabling a prioritised function module.
The disadvantage in this process is that it is not transparent to an external analysis module as to which of the two function modules g1-g2 can be made available through the DSM V upon occurrence of event e1-e4. An analysis module therefore requires information regarding the internal algorithms of the management system V for an analysis and must, for this reason, be customised to each new DSlvl.
Another disadvantage is that the management system must check ail the events e1-e4 assigned to the second function module g1-g2 for a second function module g1-g2 before the management system V can determine whether this second function module g1-g2 can or not be enabled for execution through the control system H.
The objective of the present invention is to provide a process for operation of a management system which solves the problems mentioned above.
The present invention presents a process with which to operate a management system, which manages a plurality of first and second function modules, whereby a first function module is not enabled for execution if an associated first control status denotes this first function module as disabled and does not enable a second function module for execution if a second control status denotes this second function module as non-executable. A first event quantity, which is empty or has at least one event, is assigned to each first function module in a first database and a second database, which allocates a second event quantity, which is either empty or has at least one event, to each second function module. An inhibitor module is executed if an event registration module registers one or several events. This inhibitor

module sets all first control status to denote disabling if at least one of the registered events is contained in a first event quantity, which is assigned to the first control status and sets all the second control status to denote enabling if at feast one of the registered events is contained in the event quantity assigned to the second control status.
An advantage of the present invention is that a second control status is assigned to each second function module, which specifies whether the second function module can or cannot be made available for execution by the management system. Resource output and time spent by the management system in order to determine whether the corresponding second function module can or cannot be made available by checking the corresponding second control status is reduced therewith.
A preferred further development of the present invention provides for the inhibitor module storing the first and the second control status in a memory device and that the management system reads the first and second control status from the memory device. An externa! analysis module can, thus, register whether the first and second function module are disabled and/or enabled simply by reading the memory device.
A preferred further development of the present invention provides that each function module in the memory device has a status register assigned to it, whereby the first control status is stored in a first memory location of the status register and a second control status is stored in a second memory location of the status register.
A preferred further development of the present invention provides that the first and the second memory locations are identical memory locations.
A preferred further development of the present invention provides that the first and the second memory location respectively have the same memory vafue

when the first control status denotes disabling and the second control status denotes non-executabiiity or the first controi status does not denote disabling and the second control status denotes executabiiity. As a result, advantageously, no differentiation is necessary between the first and second function modules during register evaluation.
A preferred further development of the present invention provides for a third memory location being designed in the status register, which specifies whether the management system evaluates the first or second contra! status for a function module.
A preferred further development of the present invention provides that the inhibitor module is executed each time after the event registration module registers a single event.
A preferred further development of the present invention provides that a re-set take place in a first step, whereby ail first control status are set not to denote disabling and ail second control status are set to denote non-executability.
A preferred further development of the present invention provides for a loop querying all possible events upon their occurrence after a re-set and for the first and second control status being set corresponding to the occurrence or non-occurrence of the events.
A preferred further development of the present invention provides for the first and second control status being set only after execution of the loop if an event occurs.
Exemplary embodiments of the invention are described in greater detail below with reference to the enclosed figures.

Figure 1 is a schematic illustration for linking a management system to
Figure 2 is a schematic illustration of the memory map of a register through first and second control status.
Figure 3 is a schematic illustration of another embodiment of the storage arrangement of a first ami/or second control status in a register.
Figure 4 is a schematic illustration of a flow chart of a first step of an embodiment and
Figure 5 schematically illustrates combining a management system with events, according to prior art.
Figure 1 presents a schematic illustration of an embodiment of the present invention. A management system V manages a first quantity of functions F and a second quantity of functions G, whereby the first quantity of functions F comprise first function modules f!-f4 and the second function quantity G comprises second function modules g1-g2. The number of the function modules in this connection is only to be regarded as being by way of example. Function modules ft-f4, g1-g2 make functions avaiiabie for the control of spark piugs, cylinder ventilation, mixture adaptation among other things. The management system V makes one or several of these function modules available to a control system H, which executes function modules M-h3 that have been made available.
A first control status s1-s4 is assigned to each first function module fl-f4 via a link. This second control status has two status, which denote "not disabled" and "disabled". If the first control status s-s4 denotes disabling, then the first

function module f1-f4 is not made available by the management system V i.e., the controi system H can not execute this function module f1-f4. Conversely, the first function module f1-f4 can be enabled by the management system V,
The first control status s1-s4 is set to denote disabling if an event e1-e4 occurs, which assigns a first database to a first control status s1-s4. in the case of a first control status s2 in the illustration in Figure 1, events e2 and e3 are linked to the first controi status s2, as graphically indicated, via link 3, event path 2 and function path 1. The evaluation of the first database with links 3 of the first control status s1-s4 and events e1-e4 takes place through an inhibitor module 1, which simultaneously sets the corresponding first control status s1-s4 to denote disabling if the corresponding event e1~e4 occurs.
Second control status r1-r2 are assigned to the second function modules g1~ g2. The second controi status r1-r2 exhibit the following status; "nonexecutable" or "executable'. In the event of being denoted executable, the second function module g1-g2 is enabled for execution to the control system H by the management system V and can thus be executed by the control system, in another case, the second function module g1-g2 are not enabled for execution and can, thus, not be executed by the control system H.
The second control status r1-r2 are set on the basis of events e1-e4 corresponding to the first control status s1-s4. The second control status r1-r2 are hereby set to denote non-executabilfty if an event e1-e4 corresponding to it occurs. Linking the second control status r1-r2 to events e1-e4 takes place through a second database. The second database is also evaluated by an inhibitor module, which correspondingly sets the second control status r1-r2 to denote executability upon occurrence of sn event &1-e4.
The inhibitor module 1 stores control status s1-s4 in a memory device K. The management system V can access the memory device K through an interface

and read control status s1-s4, M-r2 in order to decide which function modules f1-f4, g1-g2 are to be enabled for execution by the control system H. Advantageously, the management system V has to read the control status st-s4, r1-r2 only for this decision and individual checking of events e1~e4 for enabling of the second function module g1-g2 is not necessary.
Events e1-e4 are registered by an event registration device E, which has a piuraiity of sensors that monitor the current operating status of a motor. The event registration device E can release a call up of the inhibitor module 1 in one embodiment while the inhibitor module 1 periodically queries the event registration device E regarding existence of an event e1-e4 in a second embodiment.
Figure 2 is a schematic illustration of two registers 11 and t2 of the memory device K of an embodiment. The first control status s1-s4 is stored in a first memory area A of register (1. The second corttro) status r1-r2 is stored in a second memory area B of register t2. in the embodiments presented, the first memory area A and the second memory area B are at non-identical memory locations. Management system V reads at memory locations A, B with the help of a method function, which selects the memory location corresponding to the first s1-s4 and second function module rl-r2 respectively. A third memory location C can be provided in addition in registers r1, t2, which specifies which of the two memory locations A, B is significant for enabling and/or disabling of the function module. This is provided for external analysis modules which, consequently, do not require any a priori knowledge of the function modules assigned to the two registers t1, t2. The third memory location C can also be used by the management system V.
Figure 3 presents a schematic illustration of register t3 of another embodiment. Here, the first control status s1-s4 and the second control status r1-r2 are stored in the same memory area D. In this connection, a memory value for disable-denotation of a first control status s1-s4 corresponds to a

non-executabie denotation of a second control status r1-r2 and respectively a memory value that does not denote disabling of a first control status s1-s4 corresponds to executable denotation of a second controi status r1-r2. The function moduie in the case of one memory value can, therewith, be made available by the management system V and must be disabled in the case of the second memory value, independent of whether a first or a second function moduie is assigned to the register. Advantageously, therefore, neither the management system V nor an externa! analysis system need decide between the first and second control status s1-s4, r1-r2. it is, however, necessary to set all first and second control status corresponding to a process described in Figure 4, in a first step of the process which can take place, inter alia, during reboot of the control system.
Figure 4 is a schematic presentation of a flow chart of a first step of an embodiment. To start, a re-set of all control status takes place in which all first control status s1-s4 are set to denote execufability S1 and all second controi status r1-r2 are set to denote disabling S2. This corresponds to the initial situation in which all first function modules f1-f4 can be enabled by the management system V and all second function modules g1~g2 are not enabled by the management system V. If the first and the second control status f1-f4, g1-g2 are correspondingly set, it might be favourable to execute a loop which queries alt events e1-e4 linked to the management system V as to whether they have occurred or not S3. The inhibitor module 1 is to be executed subsequently S4, if necessary, so that the first and second controi status s1-s4, r1-r2 can be set corresponding to the events e1-e4 that have occurred. The advantage of processing this type of loop results particularly when the event registration module E reacts only to one modification i.e. to the commencement of a new event e1-e4. This type of event registration device E would not register already previously registered or permanently registered events e1-e4. Correspondingly the first and second control status s1-s4, r1-r2 would probably remain defectively set after a re-set- It is, on the other hand, advantageous to only react to a modification, i.e. newly occurring

events e1-e4 after all control status are set once, in order to keep the system load low through the event registration device E and execution of the inhibitor module I. The inhibitor module i advantageously accesses a first and a second database, which are centrally accessible. By customising the first and second database, it is possible to customise the control properties of the management system V to new management pre-requisites with a central data modification.
Although the present invention has been described with reference to embodiments, it is not restricted to the same. A precise allocation • of a function module to first and second function modules is, in particular, not absolutely necessary; a function module can, instead, be associated with both quantities.

1 Function path
2 Event path
3 Link
\ inhibitor module
P Run control device
K Memory device
V Management system
s1-s4 First control status
rl, r2 Second control status
A, B, C First, second, third memory locations
D Memory location
t1,t2, t3 Status register
F Quantity of the first function module
f1-f4 First function module
H Control system
H1 -h3 Executable function module
E Event registration device
e1~e4 Events
G Quantity of the second function module
g1, g2 Second function module

1. Process with which to operate a management system (V), wnicn manages a plurality of first function modules (f144) and second function modules (g1-g2);
whereby, the management system (V) does not enable the first function module (F1-f4) for execution If an associated first control status (s1-s4) has denoted the first function module (f1-f4) as disabled and does not enable the second function module (g1-g2) for execution if a second control status (r1-r2) has denoted the second function module (g1-g2) as non-executable;
whereby a first database assigns a first event quantity, which is empty or contains at least one event (e1~e4), to every first function module (s1-s4) and a second database assigns a second event quantity, which is empty or contains at least one event (e1~e4), to each second function module (r1~r2);
using the following steps:
Registration of one or several events (e1-e4) by means of an event registration device (e);
Execution of an inhibitor module (I) which, based on the first database, sets all first control status (s1-s4) to denote disabling, whose allocated event quantity contains at least one of the registered events (e1-e4) and, based on the second database, sets all the second control status (r1-r2) to denote non-executability, whose assigned event quantity contains at least one of the registered events (e1~e4).

2. Process according to Claim 1, whereby the inhibitor modute (I) stores the first (s1-s4) and the second control status (r1-r2) in a memory device (K) and the management system (V) reads the first (s1-s4) and the second control status (r1-r2) from the memory device (K).
3. Process according to Claim 1 or 2, whereby each function module (f1-f4, g1~g2) is assigned a status register (t1-t3) in the memory device (K), whereby the first controi status (s1-s4) can be stored in a first memory location (A) of the status register and the second control status (r1-r2) can be stored in a second memory location (B) of the status register (t1 -13).
4. Process according to Claim 3, whereby the first (A) and the second memory location (B) are identical memory locations (D).
5. Process according to one of Claims 2 to 4, whereby the first (A) and the second (B) memory locations have a first memory value when the first control status (s1-s4) is denoted disabling or the second control status (r1-r2) is denoted non-executable and has a second memory value when the first controi status (s1-s4) is not denoted disabling or the second controt status (r1-r2) is denoted executable.
6. Process according to one of Claims 3 to 5, whereby a third memory location (C ) is provided in the status register (I1-t2), which specifies whether the management system (V) is evaluating the first (s1-s4) or the second (r1-r2) control status for a function module (f1~f4, g1-g2).
7. Process according to one of the preceding claims, whereby the inhibitor module (1) is executed each time after the event registration module (E) registers a single event (e1-e4).

8. Process according to one of the preceding claims, whereby a re-set
(S1.S2) takes place in a first step, whereby al! first control status
(s1-s4) are set to denote disabling (S1) and ail second control
status (r1-r2) are set to denote non-executabilitv.
9. Process according to Claim 8, whereby after a re-set (S1, S2), a
loop (S5) queries ail possible events (e1-e4) on their occurrence
(S3) and the first (s1-s4) and second (r1-r2) controi status are set
corresponding to the occurrence or non-occurrence of the events
10. Process according to Claim 9, whereby the first (s1-s4) and second
control status (r1-r2) are set after execution of the loop }S5) oniy if
an event (e1-e4) occurs.



1290-CHENP-2007 AMENDED CLAIMS 06-09-2013.pdf



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1290-CHENP-2007-Petition for POR.pdf

Patent Number 260571
Indian Patent Application Number 1290/CHENP/2007
PG Journal Number 19/2014
Publication Date 09-May-2014
Grant Date 08-May-2014
Date of Filing 28-Mar-2007
Name of Patentee ROBERT BOSCH GMBH
Applicant Address POSTFACH 30 02 20, D-70442 STUTTGART, GERMANY
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G05B 23/02
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2005/054547
PCT International Filing date 2005-09-13
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10 2004 046 874.5 2004-09-28 Germany