Title of Invention


Abstract A control scheme is provided for stopping an internal combustion engine of a hybrid powertrain during ongoing vehicle operation. The method, executed as program code in an article of manufacture comprises the following steps in the sequence set forth. First, engine operation is controlled to stop firing the engine. A damper clutch is controlled to lock rotation of the engine and the electro-mechanical transmission. Torque outputs from the first and second electrical machines are then selectively controlled to reduce engine speed. Torque outputs from the first and second electrical machines are then selectively controlled to stop rotation of the engine substantially near a predetermined crank position.
Full Text GP-308339-PTH-CD
[0001] This invention pertains generally to control systems for powertrain
control systems employing electro-mechanical transmissions.
[0002] Hybrid powertrain architectures comprise torque-generative devices,
including internal combustion engines and electric machines, which transmit
torque through a transmission device to a vehicle driveline. A hybrid
powertrain architecture reduces fuel consumption through the engine by
shutting off the engine at opportune moments during ongoing vehicle
operation, including events such as the vehicle stopped at a light or in traffic,
or when the vehicle is operating on a downhill portion of a highway. A
powertrain architecture includes, e.g., an engine and transmission system
controlled and mechanized to shut off the engine, and restart it using a belt
drive through an alternator, often referred to as a belt-alternator-starter (BAS)
device. Other powertrain architectures include engine and transmission
systems wherein one or more electrical motors generate motive torque which
is transmitted to the vehicle driveline directly or through the transmission.
[0003] One such transmission includes a two-mode, compound-split, electro-
mechanical transmission which utilizes an input member for receiving motive
torque from a prime mover power source, typically an internal combustion
engine, and an output member for delivering motive torque from the
transmission to the vehicle driveline. Electrical machines, operatively
connected to an electrical energy storage device, comprise motor/generators
operable to generate motive torque for input to the transmission,
independently of torque input from the internal combustion engine. The
electrical machines are further operable to transform vehicle kinetic energy,
transmitted through the vehicle driveline, to electrical energy potential that is

storable in the electrical energy storage device. A control system monitors
various inputs from the vehicle and the operator and provides operational
control of the powertrain system, including controlling transmission gear
shifting, controlling the torque-generative devices, and regulating the electrical
power interchange between the electrical energy storage device and the
electrical machines.
[0004] The exemplary electro-mechanical transmissions are selectively
operative in fixed gear modes and continuously variable modes through
actuation of the torque-transfer clutches, typically employing a hydraulic
circuit to effect clutch actuation, including fixed gear modes and continuously
variable modes. Engineers implementing powertrain systems having electro-
mechanical transmissions are tasked with implementing control schemes to
monitor system states and control operation of various systems and actuators
to effectively control powertrain operation.
[0005] Operation of the powertrain system includes selectively starting and
stopping operation of the internal combustion engine. Engine stopping can be
operator-initiated, wherein the vehicle operator stops the engine operation by
way of, a key-off crank action. Engine stopping further comprises automatic
engine stop events during ongoing vehicle operation, wherein the engine is
automatically stopped by the control system. This typically occurs in response
to a control system determination of an opportunity to stop the engine and
referred to as a quiescent auto-stop event. The control system selectively
stops operation of the internal combustion engine to optimize energy
efficiency, and for other reasons.
[0006] During an engine stop event, compression torque pulses are generated
in unfired engine cylinders and transmitted to a transmission torque damper
and the engine block, which may result in objectionable vibrations reaching
the vehicle operator, especially at resonant frequencies for the powertrain and
various driveline components.

[0007] There is a need for a control scheme which effectively stops operation
of an internal combustion engine and accommodates pressure pulses and
vibrations including during ongoing vehicle operation. Such a system is
described hereinafter.
[0008] In accordance with an embodiment of the invention, a control scheme
is provided for stopping an internal combustion engine of a hybrid powertrain,
including during ongoing vehicle operation. The method, preferably executed
as program code in an article of manufacture comprises the following steps in
the sequence set forth. First, engine operation is controlled to stop firing the
engine. A damper clutch is controlled to lock rotation of the engine and the
electro-mechanical transmission. Torque outputs from electrical machines are
then selectively controlled to reduce engine speed. Torque outputs from the
electrical machines are then selectively controlled to stop rotation of the
engine substantially near a predetermined crank position.
[0009] An aspect of the invention includes the powertrain comprising the
internal combustion engine and first and second electrical machines and an
electro-mechanical transmission selectively operative to transmit torque
[0010] An aspect of the invention includes an engine torque simulation model
to accurately determine engine compression pressures in real-time to
accommodate changes in engine operating conditions, based upon present
engine operating conditions.
[0011] These and other aspects of the invention will become apparent to those
skilled in the art upon reading and understanding the following detailed
description of the embodiments.

[0012] The invention may take physical form in certain parts and arrangement
of parts, an embodiment of which is described in detail and illustrated in the
accompanying drawings which form a part hereof, and wherein:
[0013] Fig. 1 is a schematic diagram of an exemplary powertrain, in
accordance with the present invention;
[0014] Fig. 2 is a schematic diagram of an exemplary architecture for a
control system and powertrain, in accordance with the present invention; and,
[0015] Figs. 3 and 4 are graphical depictions, in accordance with the present
[0016] The drawings are now described, wherein the depictions are for the
purpose of illustrating the invention only and not for the purpose of limiting
the same. Referring now Figs. 1 and 2, a system illustrative of the invention is
depicted, comprising an engine 14, transmission 10, control system, and
driveline. Mechanical aspects of transmission 10 are disclosed in detail in
commonly assigned U.S. Patent No. 6,953,409, entitled "Two-Mode,
Compound-Split, Hybrid Electro-Mechanical Transmission having Four Fixed
Ratios", which is incorporated herein by reference. The transmission 10
includes an input shaft 12 having an input speed, N, that is preferably driven
by the internal combustion engine 14. The engine 14 has a crankshaft
operatively connected via shaft 18 to a lockable torque damper device 20
operative to transmit torque to the transmission input shaft 12. The lockable
torque damper device includes clutch C5, which locks the torque damper
device 20, thus transmitting torque directly between the engine and the input
shaft 12 of the transmission. The engine has characteristic speed NE and
output torque TE. When the damper device 20 is locked, the engine speed NE
and output torque TE are effectively equal to the transmission input speed N,
and input torque T,, with any differences comprising twisting of the
components therebetween.

[0017] The transmission 10 utilizes three planetary-gear sets 24, 26 and 28,
and four torque-transmitting devices, i.e., clutches CI 70, C2 62, C3 73, and
C4 75. Clutches C2 and C4 preferably comprise hydraulically-actuated
rotating friction clutches. Clutches CI and C3 preferably comprise
comprising hydraulically-actuated stationary devices grounded to the
transmission case 68.
[0018] There is a first electrical machine comprising a motor/generator 56,
referred to as MA, and a second electrical machine comprising a
motor/generator 72, referred to as MB operatively connected to the
transmission via the planetary gears. Rotational positions of MA and MB are
measured using resolvers 82 and 84, respectively, which are known electrical
devices each comprising a stator and rotor which are operative to measure
position of the electrical machines. Transmission output shaft 64 is operably
connected to a vehicle driveline 90 to provide motive output torque, T0 at
output speed N0to vehicle wheels.
[0019] The transmission 10 receives input torque from the torque-generative
devices, including the engine 14 and the MA 56 and MB 72, and referred to as
'T,', 'TA', and 'TB' respectively, as a result of energy conversion from fuel or
electrical potential stored in an electrical energy storage device (ESD) 74. The
ESD 74 is high voltage DC-coupled to transmission power inverter module
('TPIM') 19 via DC transfer conductors 27. The TPIM 19 is an element of the
control system described hereinafter with regard to Fig. 2. The TPIM 19
transmits electrical energy to and from MA 56 by transfer conductors 29, and
the TPIM 19 similarly transmits electrical energy to and from MB 72 by
transfer conductors 31. Electrical current is transmitted to and from the ESD
74 in accordance with whether the ESD 74 is being charged or discharged.
TPIM 19 includes the pair of power inverters and respective motor control
modules configured to receive motor control commands and control inverter
states therefrom for providing motor drive or regeneration functionality.
Preferably, MA 56 and MB 72 are three-phase AC machines each having a
rotor operable to rotate within a stator that is mounted on a case of the

transmission. The inverters comprise known complementary three-phase
power electronics devices.
[0020] Referring now to Fig. 2, a schematic block diagram of the control
system, comprising distributed control module architecture, is shown. The
elements described hereinafter comprise a subset of overall vehicle control
architecture, and are operable to provide coordinated system control of the
powertrain system described herein. The control system synthesizes pertinent
information and inputs, and executes algorithms to control various actuators to
achieve control targets, including such parameters as fuel economy, emissions,
performance, driveability, and protection of hardware, including batteries of
ESD 74 and MA and MB 56, 72. The distributed control module architecture
includes engine control module ('ECM') 23, transmission control module
('TCM') 17, battery pack control module ('BPCM') 21, and TPIM 19. A
hybrid control module ('HCP') 5 provides overarching control and
coordination of the aforementioned control modules. There is a User Interface
('UI') 13 operably connected to a plurality of devices through which a vehicle
operator typically controls or directs operation of the powertrain including the
transmission 10 through a request for a torque output. Exemplary vehicle
operator inputs to the UI 13 include an accelerator pedal, a brake pedal,
transmission gear selector, and, vehicle speed cruise control. Each of the
aforementioned control modules communicates with other control modules,
sensors, and actuators via a local area network ('LAN') bus 6. The LAN bus 6
allows for structured communication of control parameters and commands
between the various control modules. The specific communication protocol
utilized is application-specific. The LAN bus and appropriate protocols
provide for robust messaging and multi-control module interfacing between
the aforementioned control modules, and other control modules providing
functionality such as antilock brakes, traction control, and vehicle stability.

[0021] The HCP 5 provides overarching control of the hybrid powertrain
system, serving to coordinate operation of the ECM 23, TCM 17, TPIM 19,
and BPCM 21. Based upon various input signals from the UI 13 and the
powertrain, including the battery pack, the HCP 5 generates various
commands, including: an operator torque request ('T0_REQ') output to driveline
90, the input torque T, originating from the engine, clutch torque, (TCL_N') for
the N various torque-transfer clutches CI, C2, C3, C4 of the transmission 10;
and motor torques TA and TB for MA and MB. The TCM 17 is operatively
connected to the electro-hydraulic control circuit 42, including monitoring
various pressure sensing devices (not shown) and generating and executing
control signals for various solenoids to control pressure switches and control
valves contained therein.
[0022] The ECM 23 is operably connected to the engine 14, and functions to
acquire data from a variety of sensors and control a variety of actuators,
respectively, of the engine 14 over a plurality of discrete lines collectively
shown as aggregate line 35. The ECM 23 receives the engine torque
command from the HCP 5, and generates a desired axle torque, and an
indication of actual input torque, T,, to the transmission, which is
communicated to the HCP 5. For simplicity, ECM 23 is shown generally
having bi-directional interface with engine 14 via aggregate line 35. Various
other parameters that may be sensed by ECM 23 include engine coolant
temperature, engine input speed, NE, to shaft 12 which translate to
transmission input speed, Nb manifold pressure, ambient air temperature, and
ambient pressure. Various actuators that may be controlled by the ECM 23
include fuel injectors, ignition modules, and throttle control modules.
[0023] The TCM 17 is operably connected to the transmission 10 and
functions to acquire data from a variety of sensors and provide command
signals to the transmission. Inputs from the TCM 17 to the HCP 5 include
estimated clutch torques for each of the N clutches, i.e., CI, C2, C3, and C4,
and rotational speed, N0, of the output shaft 64. Other actuators and sensors
may be used to provide additional information from the TCM to the HCP for

control purposes. The TCM 17 monitors inputs from pressure switches and
selectively actuates pressure control solenoids and shift solenoids to actuate
various clutches to achieve various transmission operating modes, as described
[0024] The BPCM 21 is signally connected one or more sensors operable to
monitor electrical current or voltage parameters of the ESD 74 to provide
information about the state of the batteries to the HCP 5. Such information
includes battery state-of-charge, battery voltage and available battery power,
referred to as a range PBAT_MiNto PBAT_MAX-
[0025] Each of the aforementioned control modules is preferably a general-
purpose digital computer generally comprising a microprocessor or central
processing unit, storage mediums comprising read only memory (ROM),
random access memory (RAM), electrically programmable read only memory
(EPROM), high speed clock, analog to digital (A/D) and digital to analog
(D/A) circuitry, and input/output circuitry and devices (I/O) and appropriate
signal conditioning and buffer circuitry. Each control module has a set of
control algorithms, comprising resident program instructions and calibrations
stored in ROM and executed to provide the respective functions of each
computer. Information transfer between the various computers is preferably
accomplished using the aforementioned LAN 6.
[0026] Algorithms for control and state estimation in each of the control
modules are typically executed during preset loop cycles such that each
algorithm is executed at least once each loop cycle. Algorithms stored in the
non-volatile memory devices are executed by one of the central processing
units and are operable to monitor inputs from the sensing devices and execute
control and diagnostic routines to control operation of the respective device,
using preset calibrations. Loop cycles are typically executed at regular
intervals, for example each 3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 25 and 100 milliseconds (msec)
during ongoing engine and vehicle operation. Alternatively, algorithms may
be executed in response to occurrence of an event.

[0027] The exemplary two-mode, compound-split, electro-mechanical
transmission operates in several fixed gear operating modes and two
continuously variable operating modes, described with reference to Fig. 1, and
Table 1, below.

Table 1
Transmission Operating
Range State Actuated Clutches
Mode 1 - Engine
(Ml_Eng_Off) Off CI
Mode 1 - Engine
(Ml_Eng_On) On CI
Fixed Ratio 1 (GR1) CI C4
Fixed Ratio 2 (GR2) CI C2
Mode 2 - Engine
(M2_Eng_Off) Off C2
Mode 2 - Engine
(M2_Eng_On) On C2
Fixed Ratio 3 (GR3) C2 C4
Fixed Ratio 4 (GR4) C2 C3

[0028] The various transmission operating range states described in the table
indicate which of the specific clutches CI, C2, C3, and C4 are engaged or
actuated for each of the operating range states. A first mode, i.e., Mode 1, is
selected when clutch CI 70 is actuated in order to "ground" the outer gear
member of the third planetary gear set 28. The engine 14 can be either on or
off. A second mode, i.e., Mode 2, is selected when clutch CI 70 is released
and clutch C2 62 is simultaneously actuated to connect the shaft 60 to the
carrier of the third planetary gear set 28. Again, the engine 14 can be either on
or off. Other factors outside the scope of the invention affect when the
electrical machines 56, 72 operate as motors and generators, and are not
discussed herein.
[0029] The first and second continuously variable modes of operation refer to
circumstances in which the transmission functions are controlled by one
clutch, i.e., either clutch CI 62 or C2 70, and by the controlled speed and
torque of the electrical machines 56 and 72. Certain ranges of operation
comprise fixed gear ratios achieved by applying an additional clutch. This
additional clutch may be clutch C3 73 or C4 75, as shown in the table, above.
When the additional clutch is applied, fixed ratio operation of input-to-output
speed of the transmission, i.e., N/N0, is achieved. The rotations of machines
MA and MB 56, 72 are dependent on internal rotation of the mechanism as
defined by the clutching and proportional to the input speed measured at shaft
[0030] In response to an operator's action, as captured by the UI 13, the
supervisory HCP control module 5 and one or more of the other control
modules determine the operator torque request T0 R'E0, to be executed at shaft
64. Final vehicle acceleration is affected by other factors, including, e.g.,
road load, road grade, and vehicle mass. The operating mode is determined
for the exemplary transmission based upon a variety of operating
characteristics of the powertrain. This includes an operator demand for
torque, typically communicated through inputs to the UI 13 as previously
described. Additionally, a demand for output torque is predicated on external

conditions, including, e.g., road grade, road surface conditions, or wind load.
The operating mode may be predicated on a powertrain torque demand caused
by a control module command to operate of the electrical machines in an
electrical energy generating mode or in a torque generating mode. The
operating mode can be determined by an optimization algorithm or routine
which determines optimum system efficiency based upon operator demand for
power, battery state of charge, and energy efficiencies of the engine 14 and
MA and MB 56, 72. The control system manages torque inputs from the
engine 14 and MA and MB 56, 72 based upon an outcome of the executed
optimization routine, and system optimization occurs to optimize system
efficiencies to improve fuel economy and manage battery charging.
Furthermore, operation can be determined based upon a fault in a component
or system. The HCP 5 monitors the parametric states of the torque-generative
devices, and determines the output of the transmission required to arrive at the
desired torque output, as described hereinbelow. Under the direction of the
HCP 5, the transmission 10 operates over a range of output speeds from slow
to fast in order to meet the operator demand.
[0031] The exemplary engine 14 comprises a multi-cylinder internal
combustion engine selectively operative in several states to transmit torque to
the transmission via shaft 12, and can be either a spark-ignition or a
compression-ignition engine. The exemplary engine states comprise normal
engine operation ('ALL_CYL'), engine operation with deactivated cylinders
('DEACT'), engine fuel-cutoff ('FCO'), engine fuel-cutoff with cylinder
deactivation ('FCODEACT'), and engine-off ('OFF'). In normal engine
operation, all the engine cylinders are fueled and fired. In the cylinder
deactivation state, typically half of the cylinders, e.g., one bank of a V-
configured engine, are deactivated. A bank of cylinders is typically
deactivated by discontinuing fuel delivery thereto and selectively leaving open
exhaust valves to reduce engine pumping losses. In the engine fuel-cutoff
state, fuel delivery to all the cylinders is discontinued. In the engine fuel-
cutoff with cylinder deactivation state, fuel delivery to all the cylinders is

discontinued and a bank of the cylinders is deactivated to reduce pumping
losses. The engine-off state is defined by engine input speed, NE, being equal
to zero revolutions per minute (RPM), i.e., the engine crankshaft is not
[0032] Referring now to Fig. 3, the control scheme to stop rotation of the
internal combustion engine during ongoing vehicle operation is now
described, with reference to the exemplary hybrid powertrain system of Figs. 1
and 2. Prior to executing steps to stop the engine during ongoing operation,
the electro-mechanical transmission is controlled to either one of the
continuously variable modes of operation (i.e., Mode 1, Mode 2). The control
scheme is executed in one or more of the control modules as machine-
executable code operative to control elements of the hybrid powertrain to
generate torque output from the electrical machines to stop rotation of the
engine which is not firing. The program comprises sequentially executed
steps, wherein each step is preferably substantially completed prior to
executing a subsequent step. The first step comprises controlling engine
operation to stop firing the engine, and can include minimizing intake
manifold absolute pressure. Next, the damper lockout clutch device is
actuated. Next, torque outputs from the first and second electrical machines
are selectively controlled to reduce engine speed, i.e., control spindown of
engine rotation. Next, torque outputs from the first and second electrical
machines are controlled to stop the engine rotation substantially at or near a
predetermined crank position. The previously closed engine throttle is
preferably re-opened subsequent to stopping rotation of the engine. The
damper clutch preferably locks rotation of the engine to the electro-mechanical
transmission during the period when the engine is stopped.
[0033] The engine stop event is initiated by a command from the HCP 5,
resulting from control schemes focused on optimizing system efficiency and
including decisions based upon exceeding system-imposed limits. The system-
imposed limits comprise operating parameters of vehicle speed, battery SOC,
battery temperature, battery power capability, battery voltages, engine coolant

temperature, system thermal limits, and system diagnostics. Each of these
operating parameters is monitored by one or more of the control modules, and
a decision to stop the engine can be based upon one of the parameters
exceeding a predetermined threshold, or a combination of the parameters
exceeding predetermined thresholds coincident to one another. A decision to
stop the engine can occur during a vehicle coastdown event or during steady
state operation. Each decision to restart the engine includes a debounce
analysis of engine start/stop events, effectively adding a hysteresis to each
starting event. The debounce analysis includes, for example, tying operator
behavior to an engine stop that is being initiated based upon efficiency
calculations. Thus engine stops are avoided that would be unexpected by the
vehicle operator, e.g., not stopping the engine when the operator is depressing
the accelerator pedal.
[0034] The first step comprises controlling engine operation to stop firing the
engine. When the engine comprises a spark-ignition engine, stopping engine
firing comprises stopping fuel delivery and spark energy. When the engine
comprises a compression-ignition engine, stopping engine firing comprises
stopping fuel delivery. Stopping firing the engine can include minimizing
intake manifold absolute pressure (MAP). The engine minimizes MAP by
closing throttle valve(s) of the engine to a minimum opening, typically zero
percent open, with the engine still being fueled. Closing the throttle valve can
be accomplished by controlling position of electronically-controlled intake air
management valves to a zero throttle opening. Such action significantly
reduces crankshaft torque oscillations during the engine stop. Engine idle
speed is maintained by controlling system torque through the electrical
machines MA, MB. When the spark-ignition engine is used, spark retard is
ramped in to minimize engine torque generation during this period. When the
compression-ignition engine is used, timing of engine fuel injection is adjusted
to minimize the engine torque generation. Fuel injection is sequentially
disabled according to the engine cylinder firing order, so that each combustion
chamber is purged of any combustion charge prior to stopping the engine.

When the engine mechanization includes variable cam phasing device, it is
preferably controlled to a parked position during this period. The park
position of the variable cam phasing device can be either one of a full-retard
position and full-advance position, depending upon engine design and
[0035] Subsequently the damper clutch of device 20 operative to lock rotation
of the engine and the electro-mechanical transmission is actuated through
clutch C5. The clutch C5 is preferably actuated as a step-input, with no ramp-
in time. Because the engine MAP is at low levels, oscillations are
substantially reduced and effects on system dynamics are minimized.
[0036] Next, torque outputs from the first and second electrical machines are
selectively controlled to reduce engine speed, i.e., control spindown of engine
rotation. During this period, the engine is in fuel-cutoff mode, and the
electrical machines control engine speed. A preferred engine speed
deceleration rate comprises a maximum speed change that minimizes engine
and system dynamics. A small amount of inertial energy is recovered, and
total time to stop the engine is minimal, permitting fast turnaround for a
subsequent restart event. This also serves to limit magnitude of fresh air (i.e.,
a lean exhaust gas feedstream) flushed through the exhaust aftertreatment
system, to limit any effect upon tailpipe emissions, and limit long-term
deterioration of catalytic devices. Selectively controlling torque outputs from
the first and second electrical machines to reduce engine speed comprises
executing computer code comprising a system equation to determine motor
torque outputs from each of the first and second electrical machines.
[0037] When the exemplary transmission is operated in one of the
continuously variable modes, the speed relationship between MA, MB, N, and
N0 is defined as shown in Eq. 1, below:

wherein N, comprises the input speed from engine 14, N0 is the transmission
output speed, NA and NB are the operating speeds for MA 56 and MB 72, and
bn, bn, bai, b22, are known scalar values determined for the specific
application in the specific operating range state. Therefore, the determined
scalar values for bn, b^, b2i, b22 are specific to each of Mode 1 and Mode 2.
In this application, when the transmission output speed, N0 and N, are known,
motor speeds NA and NB can be determined.
[0038] System torque control and management in one of the continuously
variable operating modes is preferably controlled using the torque relationship
described in Eq. 2, below:

[0039] wherein:
[0040] TA is torque for MA; TB is torque for MB;
[0041] T, is input torque to the transmission at shaft 12, and is based upon the
engine torque;
[0042] T0 is output torque from the transmission at shaft 64;
[0043] N, DOT is the input speed profile of the input shaft 12 to the
[0044] N0 DOT is output speed profile of the output shaft 64 of the
transmission, indicative of vehicle acceleration; and,
[0045] kn comprises a 2 x 4 matrix of parameters determined by transmission
hardware gear and shaft interconnections and estimated hardware inertias
applicable to the current drive range.
[0046] Torques TA and TB are bounded by minimum and maximum limits,
TA MAX, TA_MIN, TB MAX, TB_MIN, as shown in Fig. 4, which comprise limits
imposed by constraints on the battery. The substance of Eq. 1 is preferably
converted to an algorithm resident in one of the control modules which is
executed during each 6.25 msec loop cycle. The control scheme determines

and implements preferred parametric control values for motor torques TA, TB
as described.
[0047] Referring again to Fig. 4, a graphical depiction of an operating region
for the exemplary system is shown, for operating the system in the
continuously variable Mode 1 operation. A first operating space is defined, by
a torque output range for MA 56 (TA_MIN, TA_MAX) plotted on the x-axis and a
torque output range for MB 72 (TBM:N, TB_MAX), plotted on the y-axis. The
torque output ranges are limited by a second operating space, defined based
upon battery power limitations, i.e., PBAT MIN and PBAT MAX- Based upon the
relationship described with reference to Eqs. 1 and 2, for a given fixed or
constant output torque, T0, and the preferred input speed profile, N, D0T, there
is an allowable range of input torques, T, MIN to T|_MAX, which can be generated
and transmitted to the engine to spin the engine to meet the input speed profile
N, DOT in anticipation of stopping rotation of the engine. The input speed
profile N|_D0T can be determined from a predetermined controlled engine speed
spindown profile, and to control engine position at engine stop, consistent with
engine speed depicted in Fig. 4, to meet operator requirements and engine and
powertrain constraints. The control scheme described herein can operate the
electrical machines MA and MB. Thus, in the embodiment described,
stopping the engine includes generating initial torque values for TA and TB,
based upon known and selected values for T,, T0, N, D0T, and N0_DOT using Eqs.
1 and 2. At initiation of the engine stop, the input speed profile N, D0T is
determined based upon a preferred elapsed time to stop rotation of the engine,
within the allowable speed profile N, D0T operating window discernible in Fig.
4. Output torque T0 and output speed profile N0 DOT are previously determined
values, and T, comprises engine torque. The electrical machines MA and MB
are controlled through the TPIM to deliver the determined torque values for TA
and TB, and the process is repeated for each cycle of the 6.25 msec loop cycle
as the engine speed decreases according to the determined engine input speed
profile N,_D0T. Thus the control system controls torque outputs TA and TB for
MA and MB.

[0048] Torque outputs from the first and second electrical machines are
subsequently controlled to spindown and stop rotation of the engine
substantially near a target crank angle position. As described above, torque
outputs are controlled based upon the input speed profile N,_D0T to achieve
engine stop at or near the target crank angle. The engine spindown comprises
a calculated profile which equates to a predetermined number of degrees of
rotation, e.g., 1000 degrees, by which the engine stops rotating. Engine
spindown is calculated starting at an engine angle value, and the engine speed
is closed-loop controlled to reach a final target engine angle target.
[0049] The previously closed engine throttle can be re-opened subsequent to
stopping rotation of the engine. Electronically-controlled intake air
management valves typically have a 'park' position that is greater than zero
throttle position in order to permit engine operation in the event of a system
fault. Thus the intake air management valve is actively controlled to reach the
zero throttle position, and comprises an electrical load. Allowing the park
position reduces electrical load.
[0050] The damper clutch is preferably controlled to lock rotation of the
engine to the electro-mechanical transmission during periods when the engine
is stopped. Co-pending U.S. Patent Application No. 11/743,945 (Attorney
Docket No. GP-308341-PTH-CD) entitled METHOD AND APPARATUS TO
provides additional details related to using the resolvers to determine engine
position, the contents of which are hereby incorporated by reference. The
position information from the resolvers provides an absolute measurement of
engine position and has higher measurement resolution than the crank position
sensor. The resolvers are operative to provide an accurate measure of shaft
angle immediately upon application of electrical power and continuously
during ongoing operation, effecting improved control and accuracy.
[0051] The action of locking the damper clutch C5 to lockout the damper 20
during the engine stop enables the control system to cancel oscillations
occurring at critical system frequencies by actively controlling torque outputs

from the electrical motors. Critical frequencies at which there is typically
resonance include vehicle rocking occurring at about 2 Hz (30 rpm) driveline
resonance occurring at about 4 Hz (60 rpm), powertrain mount resonance at
about 14 Hz (200 rpm), and damper resonance in a range of 9-12 Hz (125
[0052] Engine crank torque referred to as T,(crank) comprises a measure of
engine crankshaft torque when the engine is unfired. The engine crank torque
comprises a sum of the cylinder torques calculated for each cylinder, and is
preferably determined by executing a simulation model in the control system.
The simulation model calculates, in real-time, a cylinder pressure for each
cylinder as a function of the engine crank angle. The cylinder pressure is
based upon compression pulses generated by the action of crankshaft rotation
wherein movement of each piston in each engine cylinder is resisted by air
trapped within the combustion chamber of the cylinder, the resistance
determined by positions of intake and exhaust valves of the engine. Each
cylinder torque is determined by multiplying a torque ratio by the cylinder
pressure. The torque ratio is determined for each cylinder as a function of
crank angle, which encompasses changes in cylinder geometry and cylinder
friction. The torque ratio is preferably a pre-calibrated array of values stored
in memory, and retrievable as based upon crank angle. An exemplary method
to determine the engine crank torque using a simulation model is described in
co-pending U.S. Patent Application No. 11/669522, (Attorney Docket No.
reference herein. The exemplary simulation model is preferably executed in
one of the control modules, and determines a parametric value for the engine
crank torque T,(crank) during each 6.25 msec loop. The exemplary simulation
model adapts to changing operating and ambient conditions, and determines
parametric values for the engine crank torque when the engine is unfired.

[0053] Specific alternate embodiments include hybrid systems employing a
single electrical machine that is selectively operatively connected to the engine
to control crank rotation, including e.g., a belt-alternator-starter powertrain,
and, an electro-mechanical transmission system employing a single electrical
machine for torque and electrical energy generation. Another alternate
embodiment comprises use of a compression-ignition engine, wherein the
engine starting sequence uses fuel delivery timing and quantity to effect the
starting and torque output from the engine, which is known to a skilled
[0054] It is understood that modifications are allowable within the scope of
the invention. The invention has been described with specific reference to the
embodiments and modifications thereto. Further modifications and alterations
may occur to others upon reading and understanding the specification. It is
intended to include all such modifications and alterations insofar as they come
within the scope of the invention.

Having thus described the invention, it is claimed:
/ „ Method to control operation of a hybrid powertrain to stop an internal
combustion engine the powertrain comprising the internal combustion engine
and first and second electrical machines and an electro-mechanical
transmission selectively operative to transmit torque therebetween, the method
comprising the following steps in the sequence set forth:
first, controlling engine operation to stop firing the engine and minimize
intake manifold absolute pressure; then,
controlling a damper clutch to lock rotation of the engine and the electro-
mechanical transmission; then,
selectively controlling torque outputs from the first and second electrical
machines to reduce engine speed; and then,
selectively controlling torque outputs from the first and second electrical
machines to stop rotation of the engine substantially near a
predetermined crank position.

GP-308339-PTH-CD -..
J^_. The method of claim 16, wherein the torque output from the first and
second electrical machines is limited based upon electrical energy capacity of
an electrical energy storage device operative to supply electrical energy
3» The method of claim 16, comprising selectively controlling the electro-
mechanical transmission to one of a first and a second continuously variable
mode of operation prior to controlling the engine operation to stop firing the
2-j t Method to control operation of a hybrid powertrain to stop an internal
combustion engine the powertrain comprising the internal combustion engine
and an electrical machine and an electro-mechanical transmission selectively
operative to transmit torque therebetween, the program comprising the
following steps in the sequence set forth:
first, selectively controlling the electro-mechanical transmission to a
continuously variable mode of operation; then,
controlling engine operation to stop firing the engine and minimize intake
manifold absolute pressure; then,
controlling a damper clutch to lock rotation of the engine and the electro-
mechanical transmission; then,
selectively controlling torque output from the electrical machine to reduce
engine speed; and then,
selectively controlling torque output from the electrical machine to stop
rotation of the engine substantially near a predetermined crank

A control scheme is provided for stopping an internal combustion
engine of a hybrid powertrain during ongoing vehicle operation. The method,
executed as program code in an article of manufacture comprises the
following steps in the sequence set forth. First, engine operation is controlled
to stop firing the engine. A damper clutch is controlled to lock rotation of the
engine and the electro-mechanical transmission. Torque outputs from the first
and second electrical machines are then selectively controlled to reduce engine
speed. Torque outputs from the first and second electrical machines are then
selectively controlled to stop rotation of the engine substantially near a
predetermined crank position.




00441-kol-2008-correspondence others.pdf

00441-kol-2008-description complete.pdf


00441-kol-2008-form 1.pdf

00441-kol-2008-form 2.pdf

00441-kol-2008-form 3.pdf

00441-kol-2008-form 5.pdf


441-KOL-2008-(06-11-2013)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf



441-KOL-2008-(06-11-2013)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf








441-KOL-2008-(06-11-2013)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf



441-kol-2008-form 18.pdf


Patent Number 260621
Indian Patent Application Number 441/KOL/2008
PG Journal Number 20/2014
Publication Date 16-May-2014
Grant Date 13-May-2014
Date of Filing 05-Mar-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F02N15/00; F02D17/00; F02D17/04
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/743,969 2007-05-03 U.S.A.