Title of Invention


Abstract A powertrain controller for a vehicle comprises a vehicle load estimation module, an adaptive power demand module, a throttle map module, and a transmission gearshift map module. The adaptive power demand module selects one of N mappings from pedal position to power demand based upon a vehicle load index and determines a power demand signal based upon a received pedal position signal and the selected one of the N mappings. The throttle map module selects one of P mappings from speed to throttle control based upon the power demand signal and determines a throttle control signal based upon a received speed signal and the selected one of the P mappings. The transmission gearshift map module selects one of Q mappings from vehicle speed to gear selection based upon the power demand signal and determines a gear control signal based upon a received vehicle speed signal and the selected one of the Q mappings.
Full Text 1
[0001] The present disclosure relates to powertrain control in a
vehicle, and more specifically to gear selection for an automatic transmission
and throttle control.
[0002] The background description provided herein is for the
purpose of generally presenting the context of the disclosure. Work of the
presently named inventors, to the extent it is described in this background
section, as well as aspects of the description that may not otherwise qualify as
prior art at the time of filing, are neither expressly nor impliedly admitted as
prior art against the present disclosure.
[0003] Referring now to FIG. 1, a functional block diagram of an
engine system 100 according to the prior art is depicted. A powertrain
controller 102 receives signals from vehicle sensors 104, such as pedal
position sensors and vehicle speed sensors. Based on these signals, the
powertrain controller 102 communicates a control signal to a transmission 106
indicating which gear to select. The powertrain controller 102 communicates
signals to an engine 108 indicating fuel and spark parameters. The
powertrain controller 102 communicates a control signal to an electronic
throttle control (ETC) motor 110, which varies the position of a throttle valve
modulating air intake of the engine 108.

[0004] A powertrain controller for a vehicle comprises a vehicle load
estimation module, an adaptive power demand module, a throttle map
module, and a transmission gearshift map module. The vehicle load
estimation module generates a vehicle load index. The adaptive power
demand module selects one of N mappings from pedal position to power
demand based upon the vehicle load index and determines a power demand
signal based upon a received pedal position signal and the selected one of
the N mappings.
[0005] The throttle map module selects one of P mappings from
speed to throttle control based upon the power demand signal and determines
a throttle control signal based upon a received speed signal and the selected
one of the P mappings. The transmission gearshift map module selects one
of Q mappings from vehicle speed to gear selection based upon the power
demand signal and determines a gear control signal based upon a received
vehicle speed signal and the selected one of the Q mappings. N, P, and Q
are integers greater than one.
[0006] In other features, the adaptive power demand module
selects another one of the N mappings based upon the vehicle load index and
determines the power demand signal based upon the pedal position signal
and an interpolation of the selected one of the N mappings and the selected
another one of the N mappings. The throttle map module selects another one
of the P mappings based upon the power demand signal and determines the
throttle control signal based upon the speed signal and an interpolation of the
selected one of the P mappings and the selected another one of the P
[0007] In further features, the transmission gearshift map module
selects another one of the Q mappings based upon the power demand signal
and determines the gear control signal based upon the vehicle speed signal
and an interpolation of the selected one of the Q mappings and the selected
another one of the Q mappings. The speed signal comprises a transmission

speed signal. The speed signal comprises the vehicle speed signal. The
throttle map module includes S sets of N mappings from vehicle speed to
throttle control, selects one of the S sets of N mappings based upon the gear
control signal, and selects one of the N mappings from the selected one of the
S sets of N mappings based upon the power demand signal.
[0008] In still other features, the vehicle load estimation module
generates the vehicle load index based upon at least one of incline, amount of
towing load, wind resistance, payload, speed, altitude, and acceleration. The
vehicle load estimation module generates the vehicle load index based upon
a difference between measured acceleration of the vehicle and acceleration of
the vehicle as predicted by engine torque. The pedal position signal is based
upon a signal from an accelerator pedal of the vehicle.
[0009] Further areas of applicability of the present disclosure will
become apparent from the detailed description provided hereinafter. It should
be understood that the detailed description and specific examples, while
indicating the preferred embodiment of the disclosure, are intended for
purposes of illustration only and are not intended to limit the scope of the
[0010] The present disclosure will become more fully understood
from the detailed description and the accompanying drawings, wherein:
[0011] FIG. 1 is a functional block diagram of an engine system
according to the prior art;
[0012] FIG. 2 is a functional block diagram of an exemplary engine
system according to the principles of the present disclosure;
[0013] FIG. 3 is a functional block diagram of an exemplary
powertrain controller according to the principles of the present disclosure; and
[0014] FIG. 4 contains graphical representations of exemplary
input/output relationships.

[0015] The following description is merely exemplary in nature and
is in no way intended to limit the disclosure, its application, or uses. For
purposes of clarity, the same reference numbers will be used in the drawings
to identify similar elements. As used herein, the phrase at least one of A, B,
and C should be construed to mean a logical (A or B or C), using a non-
exclusive logical or. It should be understood that steps within a method may
be executed in different order without altering the principles of the present
[0016] As used herein, the term module refers to an Application
Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC), an electronic circuit, a processor (shared,
dedicated, or group) and memory that execute one or more software or
firmware programs, a combinational logic circuit, and/or other suitable
components that provide the described functionality.
[0017] Referring now to FIG. 2, a functional block diagram of an
exemplary engine system 200 according to the principles of the present
disclosure is presented. The engine system 200 includes a plurality of
sensors 202, such as a level sensor 202-1, a suspension deflection sensor
202-2, an accelerometer 202-3, and an altitude sensor 202-4. The sensors
202 may also include a throttle position sensor 202-5, a pedal position sensor
202-6, a transmission speed sensor 202-7, and a vehicle speed sensor 202-8.
[0018] Signals from the sensors 202 are received by a sensor input
module 204. The sensor input module 204 may latch signals at specified
times, convert analog signals to digital, and perform bounds checking on the
signal values. A powertrain controller 206 receives sensor signals from the
sensor input module 204. Based upon the sensor signals, the powertrain
controller 206 communicates a gear selection signal to the transmission 106,
a throttle position control signal to the electronic throttle control (ETC) motor
110, and spark and fuel control signals to the engine 108.

[0019] Referring now to FIG. 3, a functional block diagram of an
exemplary powertrain controller 300 according to the principles of the present
disclosure is presented. The powertrain controller 300 includes a vehicle load
estimation module 302, an adaptive power demand module 304, a throttle
map module 306, and a transmission gearshift map module 308.
[0020] The vehicle load estimation module 302 receives engine
torque signals, vehicle speed signals, and/or other signals. Based upon these
signals, the vehicle load estimation module 302 generates a vehicle load
index, which is communicated to the adaptive power demand module 304.
The vehicle load index is a measure of the load the vehicle is experiencing.
[0021] The load may be affected by the incline the vehicle is
traveling on, the weight of the vehicle, whether the vehicle is towing, wind
resistance, etc. The vehicle load estimation module 302 can use sensor
signals from the sensor input module 204 of FIG. 2 to determine a vehicle
load index. The vehicle load estimation module 302 may estimate wind
resistance based upon vehicle speed and may estimate angle of incline based
on the measured angle of a sensor attached to the vehicle.
[0022] The vehicle load estimation module 302 may estimate
payload of the vehicle from suspension deflection sensors, may estimate
altitude from an air pressure sensor, and may estimate vehicle acceleration
from an accelerometer or a transmission speed reading. In various
implementations, the vehicle load estimation module 302 may determine or
adjust the vehicle load index based upon the difference between actual
vehicle acceleration and acceleration predicted by current engine torque.
Further description of the vehicle load estimation module 302 may be found in
commonly assigned U.S. Serial No. 11/459,703, filed July 25, 2006, the
disclosure of which is hereby incorporated by reference in its entirety.

[0023] The adaptive power demand module 304 includes storage
320 that stores one or more tables of power demand versus pedal position.
Pedal position may be determined from signals from a pedal position sensor.
Pedal position information may be modified by such sources as cruise control
and traction control. A table is selected from storage 320 by the vehicle load
index from the vehicle load estimation module 302.
[0024] Values may be interpolated if the vehicle load index lies
between multiple tables. For example, in various implementations storage
320 includes four tables and the vehicle load index ranges from one to four.
In this case, if a vehicle load index of 2.3 is received, the adaptive power
demand module 304 may read power demand values from tables
corresponding to vehicle load indices of two and three.
[0025] The adaptive power demand module 304 may then
interpolate between the two power demand values using a straight line. A
straight line interpolation for the above example would be to add thirty percent
of the difference between a value from tables two and three to the value from
table two. A non-linear curve or best fit line may be employed if power
demand values from additional tables are included. The resulting power
demand value is communicated to the throttle map module 306 and to the
transmission gearshift map module 308.
[0026] The throttle map module 306 includes storage 322 that
stores one or more tables corresponding to a plot of throttle position versus
transmission speed. In various implementations, storage 322 may store
functions that embody the relationship between throttle position and
transmission speed instead of storing pre-calculated tables. The throttle map
module 306 selects one of the tables based upon the power demand signal
from the adaptive power demand module 304.

[0027] The throttle map module 306 may interpolate when the
power demand signal falls between two tables within storage 322. The
throttle map module 306 determines a throttle position control signal from the
selected table or tables based on transmission input speed. The throttle map
module 306 communicates the throttle position control signal to the ETC
motor 110 of FIG. 2.
[0028] If the throttle map module 306 receives vehicle speed
instead of transmission speed, the throttle map module may include a plurality
of sets of tables, each corresponding to a different gear or gear ratio. A gear
signal may be received from the transmission gearshift map module 308 to
select one of the sets of tables; no interpolation is necessary because the
gear signal will be an integer. The transmission gearshift map module 308
includes storage 324 that stores one or more tables containing a mapping
from vehicle speed to a gear control signal.
[0029] The transmission gearshift map module 308 selects a table
from storage 324 based upon the received power demand signal. The
transmission gearshift map module 308 may interpolate If the power demand
signal falls between two tables. Based upon the vehicle speed, the
transmission gearshift map module 308 will output a gear control signal to the
transmission 106 of FIG. 2. The gear control signal may also be
communicated to the throttle map module 306.
[0030] Referring now to FIG. 4, graphical representations of
exemplary input/output relationships stored in equation and/or tabular form by
storage 320, storage 322, and/or storage 324 are presented. A first chart 402
depicts exemplary mappings from pedal position (such as pedal position) to
power demand for an adaptive power demand module, such as the adaptive
power demand module 304 of FIG. 3. In the first chart 402, four mappings are
shown, corresponding to four different vehicle load indices.

[0031] A second chart 404 depicts exemplary mappings from
transmission speed to throttle position for a throttle map module, such as the
throttle map module 306 of FIG. 3. The second chart 404 includes four
mappings, corresponding to four different power demand signals. A third
chart 406 depicts exemplary mappings from vehicle speed to gear control for
a transmission gearshift map module, such as the transmission gearshift map
module 308 of FIG-. 3.
[0032] The third chart 406 includes four mappings, corresponding to
four values of the power demand signal. These input/output relationships
may be established during design of the engine, and may be modified during
calibration. Additionally, the input/output relationships may be modified by the
powertrain controller 300 while driving to improve fuel economy.
[0033] Those skilled in the art can now appreciate from the
foregoing description that the broad teachings of the disclosure can be
implemented in a variety of forms. Therefore, while this disclosure includes
particular examples, the true scope of the disclosure should not be so limited
since other modifications will become apparent to the skilled practitioner upon
a study of the drawings, the specification and the following claims.

What is claimed is:
1. A powertrain controller for a vehicle, comprising:
a vehicle load estimation module that generates a vehicle load
an adaptive power demand module that includes N mappings
from pedal position to power demand, that selects one of the N mappings
based upon the vehicle load index, and that determines a power demand
signal based upon a received pedal position signal and the selected one of
the N mappings, wherein N is an integer greater than one;
a throttle map module that includes P mappings from speed to
throttle control, that selects one of the P mappings based upon the power
demand signal, and that determines a throttle control signal based upon a
received speed signal and the selected one of the P mappings, wherein P is
an integer greater than one; and
a transmission gearshift map module that includes Q mappings
from vehicle speed to gear selection, that selects one of the Q mappings
based upon the power demand signal, and that determines a gear control
signal based upon a received vehicle speed signal and the selected one of
the Q mappings, wherein Q is an integer greater than one.
2. The powertrain controller of claim 1 wherein the adaptive power
demand module selects another one of the N mappings based upon the
vehicle load index and determines the power demand signal based upon the
pedal position signal and an interpolation of the selected one of the N
mappings and the selected another one of the N mappings.

3. The powertrain controller of claim 1 wherein the throttle map
module selects another one of the P mappings based upon the power
demand signal and determines the throttle control signal based upon the
speed signal and an interpolation of the selected one of the P mappings and
the selected another one of the P mappings.
4. The powertrain controller of claim 1 wherein the transmission
gearshift map module selects another one of the Q mappings based upon the
power demand signal and determines the gear control signal based upon the
vehicle speed signal and an interpolation of the selected one of the Q
mappings and the selected another one of the Q mappings.
5. The powertrain controller of claim 1 wherein the speed signal
comprises a transmission speed signal.
6. The powertrain controller of claim 1 wherein the speed signal
comprises the vehicle speed signal and wherein the throttle map module
includes S sets of N mappings from vehicle speed to throttle control, selects
one of the S sets of N mappings based upon the gear control signal, and
selects one of the N mappings from the selected one of the S sets of N
mappings based upon the power demand signal.
7. The powertrain controller of claim 1 wherein the vehicle load
estimation module generates the vehicle load index based upon at least one
of incline, amount of towing load, wind resistance, payload, speed, altitude,
and acceleration.
8. The powertrain controller of claim 7 wherein the vehicle load
estimation module generates the vehicle load index based upon a difference
between measured acceleration of the vehicle and acceleration of the vehicle
as predicted by engine torque.

9. The powertrain controller of claim 1 wherein the pedal position
signal is based upon a signal from an accelerator pedal of the vehicle.
10. A method comprising:
generating a vehicle load index for a vehicle;
selecting one of N mappings from pedal position to power
demand based upon the vehicle load index, wherein N is an integer greater
than one;
receiving a pedal position signal, a speed signal, and a vehicle
speed signal;
determining a power demand signal based upon the pedal
position signal and the selected one of the N mappings;
selecting one of P mappings from speed to throttle control based
upon the power demand signal, wherein P is an integer greater than one;
determining a throttle control signal based upon the speed
signal and the selected one of the P mappings;
selecting one of Q mappings from vehicle speed to gear
selection based upon the power demand signal, wherein Q is an integer
greater than one; and
determining a gear control signal based upon the vehicle speed
signal and the selected one of the Q mappings.
11. The method of claim 10 further comprising:
selecting another one of the N mappings based upon the vehicle
load index;
interpolating between the selected one of the N mappings and
the selected another one of the N mappings; and
determining the power demand signal based upon the pedal
position signal and a result of the interpolating.
12. The method of claim 10 further comprising:

selecting another one of the P mappings based upon the power
demand signal;
interpolating between the selected one of the P mappings and
the selected another one of the P mappings; and
determining the throttle control signal based upon the speed
signal and a result of the interpolating.
13. The method of claim 10 further comprising:
selecting another one of the Q mappings based upon the power
demand signal;
interpolating between the selected one of the Q mappings and
the selected another one of the Q mappings; and
determining the gear control signal based upon the vehicle
speed signal and a result of the interpolating.
14. The method of claim 10 wherein the speed signal comprises a
transmission speed signal.
15. The method of claim 10 wherein the speed signal comprises the
vehicle speed signal and further comprising:
selecting one of S sets of N mappings from vehicle speed to
throttle control based upon the gear control signal; and
selecting one of the N mappings from the selected one of the S
sets of N mappings based upon the power demand signal.
16. The method of claim 10 further comprising generating the
vehicle load index based upon at least one of incline, amount of towing load,
wind resistance, payload, speed, altitude, and acceleration.

17. The method of claim 16 further comprising generating the
vehicle load index based upon a difference between measured acceleration of
the vehicle and acceleration of the vehicle as predicted by engine torque.
18. The method of claim 10 wherein the pedal position signal is
based upon a signal from an accelerator pedal of the vehicle.

A powertrain controller for a vehicle comprises a vehicle load
estimation module, an adaptive power demand module, a throttle map
module, and a transmission gearshift map module. The adaptive power
demand module selects one of N mappings from pedal position to power
demand based upon a vehicle load index and determines a power demand
signal based upon a received pedal position signal and the selected one of
the N mappings. The throttle map module selects one of P mappings from
speed to throttle control based upon the power demand signal and determines
a throttle control signal based upon a received speed signal and the selected
one of the P mappings. The transmission gearshift map module selects one
of Q mappings from vehicle speed to gear selection based upon the power
demand signal and determines a gear control signal based upon a received
vehicle speed signal and the selected one of the Q mappings.




00470-kol-2008-correspondence others.pdf

00470-kol-2008-description complete.pdf


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470 -KOL-2008-ASSIGNMENT.pdf



470-KOL-2008-(20-12-2013)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf



470-KOL-2008-(20-12-2013)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf






470-KOL-2008-(20-12-2013)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf


470-kol-2008-form 18.pdf


Patent Number 260628
Indian Patent Application Number 470/KOL/2008
PG Journal Number 20/2014
Publication Date 16-May-2014
Grant Date 13-May-2014
Date of Filing 06-Mar-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F16H59/24; F16H59/04;F16H59/18;F16H59/36
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 11/747425 2007-05-11 U.S.A.