Title of Invention


Abstract A process of forming a shaped composite material is provided which includes the steps of providing a composite strip having a substantially rigid substrate with a major surface and a polymer overlying the major surface of the substantially rigid substrate. The process further includes shaping the composite strip with a mandrel to form a shaped composite piece having a shape substantially defined by the shape of the mandrel, wherein during the shaping step the major surface of the composite strip is substantially maintained in one plane.
TECHNICAL FIELD Field of the Disclosure
THs disclosure is generally directed to composite melerials and, more ^edficaUy, to mcftiods of forndag sliaped composite loatBiials.
Description of Related Art
Compositematerials have long beea utilized in various applicstiow In particular, composite materials have reoently been utilized as bcatiogs. Gcaerajly, beidtigs ate mechanical devices used £br TBoitigatiiig fiictional forces. Bearings generally belong to two broad categoiics, linear or ladial beaiings, desigoated as such based upon tho nature of the frictioiial forces they mitigats. Lanear ot thiust bearings sre used m applications having inotion along a straight line, such as moving a drawer in. and out. Radial or rotary bearings are used in applications that involve movement around a ceater axis, such as a wheel on aa axis. Additionally, sojue bcaiings are designed to deal with both thrust and radial loads.
■Various l^ipes of materials have been utilized depending upon the type of bearing needed to properly reduce friction. la fact, dreading upon the reguixements and loads expected in the applicatjon, the material of the bearing canrmge from plastic, metals, to even ceramics. Recent advances have prodded a new genre of beaiiags caHcd self-lubricatiag beaiings, that may be used in mtne demandiBg enviioinrieiils, such as the high tempsnrtunes of an automobile. The type of material used facilitates the self-lubricating properties of these bearings. Some common self-Iuhricating materials include various polymers, graphite or Graphalloy® a graphite/metal alloy, and molybdenum disulfide (MoSj). Self-lubiicatiug bearings require litfie or no oil and typically do not deteriorate with wear as quickly as traditional bearings that rely upon traditional, supplemental lubrication.
The processes used to form bearings varies dqjending upon the complexiiy of the shape of the bearing and the material bcin^ gjrmed but generally involves techniques such as molding, casting, or stanqring operations. Bearings having more coa^lex structures are generally formed through molding or casting ptQcessos. Bearings baying less complex stmctures, typically utilijie fonnmg processes such as stamping operations, which quicldy yidd the desired shape from a large sheet of material. However, these processes can bo wastsful in light of the cost of the final product,
Accardiagly, the iadnstiy continues to lequiie nrprovemeaits to produce high perfonnancc composiliBs, such as those used in hearing applications, and as such, flie induatcy sjlso desires processes for fonnmg Mgh pafoimance composites ntilizmg mote cost effective and efficient processing.
Deficii)ticm of the Related Art
Accordii^ to one aspect, a process is disclosed that includes the steps of providing a composite strip made of a substantially rigid substrate ia.vbjg a major sur&ce and a polymer overlying the major surface of ■the substantially rigid avtbstrate, and shaping the composite strip wi1h a maniireL The composite strip is shaped t£> foim a siaped composite piccc having a shape substantially defmed by the shape of the mandrel, I such that duiiag the shaping step, the major sui&ce of the composite strip is subsianlially maintained in one plane.
According to anoflier aspect, a composite -washer is provided that includes a composite material icadc of a substantiany rigid substrate and a polymex Ismiaate ovcdyiag the substantially rigid stibstrate, The composite material has an open annular stnictuie with an outer diameter not grea^^ than about 5.1 cm 5 and a fonning threshold not greater than ahout 1.5.
According to a third aspect, a composite washer is provided that includes a con^site matsiial made of a metal and a polymer lamiiwie overlying the metal. The composite mftterial having aa cpea annular stmctuTB having an outer diameter grGatw than ahout 5.1 cm and a fanabg threshold not greater than about 1.25.
The present disclosure may be better undcrsiood, and its nvtmerous fcatmss and advantages mads apparent to those skilled m the arthy lefeiencing the accong)anyi»g drawings.
FIG. 1 is a flow chart illustrating a process according to a particular embodiment
FIG, 2 is an iUuEliati0n of a composite split-washcr according to a particular embodiment
15 The use of the same rofeience symbols la different dravringg indicates similar or identical items.
According to one aspect, a process is disclosed that includes the steps of presiding a con^osite strip made of a substantially rigid substrate halving a major surface and a polymer overlymg the mqor surface of
the substantially rigid substrate. The jirocess also mdudes the step of shying the composite siiip with a mandrel composiie to fonn a sh^ed composite piece having a shape substantially defined by the shape of ■ftie mandrel, such that dwrng the shaping step, the major surface of the composite strip is substantially maintained in one plane.
Rsfcrring to FIG. 1, a flow chart is provided fflustmtiag steps of a, sctaplcss or ncar-scxapless fijiming techoiqae for shaping a composite material accoxding to one embodhnetrt. AoconJijig to FIG. 1, the process is initated by providiflg a con^wsite strip that inchides a substeatiaHy rigid substrate eod aa overlying polymer layer. In one embodiment the substantially rigid substrate iacludcs a metal, metal alloy, or a combinatioii thereof; Suitable metals for the substantially rigid substrate include pliable metals, for example, altttninum, iroo, copper, other transition metalsj or alloys thereof. Still, according to a particular embodiment the substantially rigid substrate is made of a woven metal ajesh.
In fiirther isfercuce to the composite material, the substantially rigid substrate cati be generally fonned as a strip having a major surfacc. According to one embodirnett^ the composite strip has an aspect ratio of not less than about 5:1. Accordiag to another embodiment the aspect ratio can be greater, such as not less than about 6:1 or about 8:1. Still, accordi:® to aparticular embodhnent the a£i>ect ratio of tiic composite strip is not less than about 10:1. As used hsidn, the term "a^ect ratio" is defined as the ratio between the longest dimension of the substrate (the length) and the second longest dimeosion (the width). The major surface of the substrate is the plane defined by the dimensions of the length and the widtL As such, the diortest dimnnsion of the substrate snip is the thiclmess, and according to one Bmbodnnent, the I thidmcss of the composite str^ is not greater ■fiian about 5,0.0 mm, such as not greater than about 4.0 ram, or even not greater than about 3.0 mm. The total Sickness of the composite strip is dependent in part Mpon the thickness ofthe substantially rigid substrate, which according to one embodimett is not greater than about 3.0 mm, sach as mrt greater than about 1.0 mm or even not greater thaa about 0.5 mm.
According to amofher embodiment, the step of providing a corrqjosite material includes cutting a 5 compositestr^ ofdiscrete dimcmsionsfromalargerpiecBofconapositenialiniai For most applications, the length ofthe composite strip is tj-picaliy not greater than about 100 cm. According to one embodiment, the length ofthe cosaposite steip is not greater than sboui 75 cm, or about 50 cm. Still, the lengti ofthe composite strip can be less, such as not greater than about 25 cm, or even about 10 cm- la a particular anbodiment, the lengQi of the composite strip is between about 75 cm amd about 5 cm. Cutting of ftifc 0 composite strip can be acconqilished using manual or automatic devices. Furtiietmare, cuttmg of the composite strip can also include cutting the ends of the composite strip at an angle to the lateral axis, sudi that the ends ofthe C0n?)0site stdp are tapaed. Tapering the ends ofthe conqiosite strip malcEs a length of one side of flie composite str^ shorter than a lengfii of the opposing side of ftie coii5>osite strip. This aids the foiination of a composite shc^e having a g^, such, as a compodte split-washei as described in a. i5 subseqaraitenibodimest
. Tho stq) of piovidiag the substrate can also mdude cutting a substrate of a discrete width &oin a larger piacts of conq)osite mateiiaL Accordiiig to o»e embodiment, 1iue vvidlii of tie substrate is aot greaxer than about 5,0 ciq, sucli as not greater than about 4.0 cm, or even not greatEr than about 3.0 cm. As such, the ■width of the substrate can be smaller dspeading upon tiie dcsitcd dimensions of the final pieco and can be not greater than aboitf 2.0 cm-
In reference fo the composite inateii4 'flje substantially rigid substrats includes an overlying polymer layer, such that the polymer layer is a laminate end substantial^ overlies the major surfece of the substrate. The polymer laminate can be obtained fion a sheet of material 1ha.t hias been slaved or shaved to produce a polymer sheet iaviag a fine tiMcincss, such as less t3ian about 1.0 mm thick. The substrate can be lamiaated ■with the polymer sheet, such that the polymer overlies at least a. major surfhce of the substantially rigid substrate as a sheet of material. Optionally, an additional rigid mesh layer, such as a bronze metal medi layer, can be introduced between the substantially rigid substcate and the polymer laminate layer. Porming the composite material typically includes heat and pressure neatment, as well as an adhesive, sudi as e^aiylene tstrafluororethyknc (ETFE), to bond the pdymar laminate and the I substantially rigid substrate. Additionally, a rigid backing layer, such as a metal baddng layer cen be affixed to the composite material for improved dvirability and fonnabiKly, The metal baddng can ovexlie the substrate or a polymer laminate layer. In cme embodiment, the polymer lay«i can substantially overlie amajorily of the surfaces of the substrate, such as the major surfece of^flie snbstrate and the sides adjacent the major surace of the substrate. Still, the polymer layer can be a laminate layer that substantially overlies 3 the BBjor sui&ce of the substrate, the opposiag major surfecc of the substrate, and ■&e adjacent sides of the substrate. Generally, the polymer layer is pliable and suitable for fonning ■with the metal. According to one Bmbodimenl, the polymer can be a fkoropolymer, such as a polytetrafluoroefliylene (PTFE), the addition of which is suitable for use in self-lubricating bearing ^plications. In addition, the polymer layer can tadude fillers sutsh as ceramics, ceiasnic fibers or carbon containing compounds. In a particular 5 mbodiment, the composite meteiial is NORGLIDE® composite material, commeicially available from Saint-Gobain Perfomaance Plastics Corporalion, 150 Dey Roa4 Wayne, New Jersey.
KeSsning again to ritr, j., aiWd proviatng Oiu uumj^w^ito »itip loi, ike i.nTrn.oritB rttiti c^n iv engaged in a channel 103, According to one embodiment, the conqiosite strip can bs machine fed into the channel or can be manually fed into the channel The cbamiel can have dimensions substantially similar to (0 the dimensions of the composite sb^ such that at least a portion of the composite strip is secured in the cianuel during fonning,
In an exemplary embodiment, after the composite strip is eogaged in the cianael 103, the con::5)osite strip engages amandrd 105. Cjcncrally, the composite strip can engage The mandrel by contactiiig a portion of the strip to the surfecc of the maadisL Engaging the mandrel can flather include securing a 3 5 portion of Hie composite strip against the jnandiel. According to various embodimcats herein, the
composite strip can be genoally secuicd in the chamel and cf^engage the maudrd such th&t the iimjor siir&cB of the composite strip xs not in contact wifh the sutfece of tibe mandrel, lathsr sm edge of the composite strip dsfmed by fhe iMaknfiBB of fiie coinposite strip can be in contact with the surface of His maadiel duiing fbrmiug.
AccDidbg]^, the mandrel can have a selected geomelay aod contour substantially similat to tiic desired geometry and contour of tie final shaped composite piece. Generally, the mandrel can havs a poiygonal shape, particularly a symmesricel polygonal siape, such ss a circle, or the like. Accarding to a particular cmboditneat, the mandrel has a circular contour for fbnning a shaped composite piece having a circular contour, wliercby the dicumfeicnoe of ■flie mandiel substantially defines the inner dicmnfcrence of the shaped composite piece. Gcneially, the size of lie mandrel can be altfired deipending upon the desired aizB of the shaped compoate. In the context of forming a shaped coinposite having a circular con^^om:, the dimnetef •of'the'm&drel can be not less than, about 1 cav sum as not less than about 2.5 cm, and particularly within a range of diameters between about 23 cm and about 15 cm.
After engaging the composite strip with the mandrel 105, the con^josite strip can be shaped around the contour of the mandrel 107, such that the major sm^faoe of the substrate and composite stjip do not contact 1be mandrel and arc maintaioed in one plane. According to one embodiment a suitable tedbniqac for forming the composite str^ around the msadtel inckdes rolling the major Burfaoc giflihe composite strip under a sufScient force to guide the composite str^ aroimd the mandrel. According to one embodiiceat, the rolling force is not less than about 2.0 ]cN, suoTi as not less than about 4.5 kN, or about lOiiN. In vaiioTis embodimeats, the force applied to this major sniface of the composite str^ can bo not less than about 15 iiJ and particularly wilhin a range between about 5 KNf and about 50 KN.
The shaping process can also be aided by giipping the composite strip and guiding the composite strip around the mandrel while rolling -flie major surface of the composite strip. Tlie proccss can utilize oiie or a pluralily of gripping mechanisms, such as jaws or pincers, displaced eround the maadiel for engagiog the composite str^ and maiBiainriig sufScient force to aid the shaping proccss. According to a particular embodiment, a pair of jaws gr^s the ends of the composite strip while an edge of the composite strip engages the mandrel, such that at least a portion of the edge Bubstantially maintains contact ■with the sur&ce of the mandrel during forming. In apaiticular embodiment, the jaws foan the composite strip along the shs^e of the mandrel wMle rollers move over the major surface of the conqjosite sti^. After fcBming half of the composite shape, aaotber set of jaws can grip the ends of the coinposite str^ and guide the composite strip along the remainder of the mandrel to finish the diapiog process vshile the major surface of the composite ojaterial is rolled under a suEEcieat force. Upon complelion of fiie shaping process L07, the composite str^ can be removed fiom effouadthe di^e ofthe mandiel 109.
Refening to FIG- 2, a split-washer ZOO is iUustreted, which caa be foimed according to the fonning pioces$ described in the previous embodimeals, FIG. 2 illustmtes a composite strip 201 fanned mto an ammlar stmotore having a gap or split 207. The size of the gap csm vaiy depending npoEi the product's dasired applicotioa. According to one embodinieat, lie open aamilar stniclure has an outer ciiciimfeieDace extending through not less than about 340°, sudi as not less fhaa about 350°, or even not leas than about 355°.
The split-waski of FIG. 2 has an inner dJameter 203 and an outer diameter 205. According to a jm-tidilar embodiment, tbs open Eomulai structure has a forming tbieshold. As used herein, the "forming ■ftiBdiold" is a measure of the maximum allowable diuiensiDns for fanning a composite shape using the fbnmag prgoess described in pjrevious embodiments. In tiie context of composite shapes having a circukr COTtoui, such as the split-'washer 200, the forming ■flnedaold dnscaibes the maximmn allowable o^tor diameter 205 as a ratio between the outw diameter 205 and the inner diameter 203 (0.£).B»e/I.D.). According to a particular embodimeiat, for an open aTtnular structure ha-ving an outer diameter not greater thansboutS.l cm (approximately 2.0 inches), the fisrtmng threshold
1.5, such that, Ibe TnaxiniiiTn allowable outer disaoeter is not more than 1-5 times the dimension of the inner diameter. Notably, if the outer diameter is greater than 5.1 cm (approximately 2.0 inches) the forming Jhreshold changes. According to a particular embodiment, for an opeax annular structoe having an outer diameter greatejlihsn about 5.1 cm, the fianniug threshold (OD.n,« In Has context, lie Mowing composite annular structures are contcn^jkted. According to one embodimCTt a composite material having a substsatialfy rigid substrate and a polymer laminate overlying the sabstaatialfy rigid substrate forms an open annular structure. The open annular structure of the composite material can have an outer diameter not greater than about 5,1 cm and a farming threshold not greater than about 1.5. Such a stnictuie can be suitable as a seal, washer, or bearing, or particalaily a thrust bearing. Indeed, a suitable polymer, such, as a fhiaropolymer can be used tci fecilitate self-lubricaling properties fw bearing applications. In a particular embodiment, ttie conqjosite material is NORGLIDE® composite material, commercially available &om Sfflnt-Gobain Petfonnance Plastics Coiporation, 150 Dey Road, Wayne, New Jersey.
According to a particular embodiiBfin^ saother composite eaaular stracturo is contemplated. This strurture can include a metal substrate aad a polymer laminale overlying the metal substrate, wherein the structure is an open aTTunlar structure. The c^n annular structure can have an outer diameter greater than abontS.I cm and a fonning threshold not greater Aaa about 1.25. Suchastruotcre caabcsuitablc as a seal, washer, or bearing, or particularly a thrust bearing. Indeed, a suitable polymer, such as a fluoropolymfif caa be used to facihtate self-lubricating properties forbearing ^plicatians. In a particular
embodiment, Hie composite material is NORGUDE® coaaposite mateiial, connnereially available fixim • Saint-Gobain Pef&nnanoe KaBtics Coipoiatioii. ISO Dey Road, Wayne, Kew Jersey.
The above-discloscd stitgect matter is to ba considered inustrfftive, and not lestrictivc; and tlie apipended ddms are iatcndedt) cofvcr aH suchmodific&tionsj eiiiaiiceineats, and ofher embodiments, which Ml withm Ihe Irue scopo of the prcsuiil invesilicm. Thus, lo the maximum (SKlenl aHowed b^* kw, the sa^ of the present invention is to be detennincd by tte broadest permissible jateipreta^oa of the following claims and their equivalettTs, and diall not be iBStricted or limited by the foregoing detailed desiaip-tion.

1. A process comprising tlie steps of:
providiiii; a composite strip comprising a substantially rigid substrate having a major surface and a polymer overlying tlie major surface of tlie substantially rigid substrate; and shaping the composite strip with a mandrel to foim a shaped composite piece having a shape substantially defined by the shape of the mandrel, wherein during the shaping step fte major surface of tlie composite strip is substantially maintained in one plane.
2. The process of claim 1, whereui the composite strip has an aspect ratio of not less than about 5:1.
3. The process of any one of claims 1 or 2, wherein the providing step fiirther comprises cutting ends of the composite strip at an angle to a lateral axis of the composite strip, such that a length of a first side of the composite strip is shorter than a length of an opposing side of the composite strip.
4. The process of any one of claims 1, 2, or 3, wherein the shaping step fiirther comprises engaging the composite strip in a channel.
5. The process of any one of claims 1,2, 3, or 4, wherein tlie shaping step further comprises rolling the major surface of tlie composite strip under a force sufficient to guide flie composite strip around the mandrel,
6. The process of any one of claims 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5, wherein the shaping step fiirther comprises forming a shaped composite piece having a circular contoui".
7. The process of claim 6, wherein the circumference of the mandrel substantially defines the inner cii'cumference of the shaped composite piece.
8. The process of claim 6, wherein the shaped composite piece has an outer diameter not greater than about 5.1 cm and a forming threshold no! greater than about 1.5.
9. The process of any one of claints 1, 2, 3,4,5, or 6, wherein the substantially rigid substrate has a thickness not greater than about 0.5 mm.
1 ly. rt uuiiipu:>iic wasiicr touiprismg;
a composite material comprisiDg a substantially rigid substrate and a polymer laminate overlying the substantially rigid substrate, the composite material having an open annular structure having an outer diameter not greater than about 5.1 «m and a forming threshold not greater than about 1.5.


4028-CHENP-2008 CORRESPONDENCE OTHERS 05-09-2013.pdf

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Patent Number 260759
Indian Patent Application Number 4028/CHENP/2008
PG Journal Number 21/2014
Publication Date 23-May-2014
Grant Date 21-May-2014
Date of Filing 31-Jul-2008
Applicant Address 1199 CHILLICOTHE ROAD, AURORA, OHIO 44202,
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F16B43/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/US07/61458
PCT International Filing date 2007-02-01
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/764,115 2006-02-01 U.S.A.