Title of Invention

"High Tryptophan Soybean Meals and Methods of Preparing The Same"

Abstract Abstract "HIGH TRYPTOPHAN SOYBEAN MEAL" The present invention is directed to a soybean meal with high tryptophan content and its method of manufacture. The high tryptophan content soybean meal is to be used as an ingredient in animal feeding operations. Also provided are products from the further processing of the soybean meal.
Full Text The present invention involves die fields of genetic engineering, plant
5 breeding, grain processing, and animal nutrition. The present invention relates to a
novel high tryptophan soybean meal to be used as an ingredient in animal feeding
Animal species raised for meat Jack the ability to manufacture a number of
•• amino acids and tlierefore are required to obtain these amino acids from their d;^et,
10 The amino acids which must be obtained from the diet are referred to as essential
amino acids. Plants are able to synthesize all twenty of the essential amino acids and
therefore serve as the primaiy source of these amino acids for animals. Tryptophan is
one of these essential amino acids, and at the same time, is unden-epresented in the
amino acid profile of many feed ingredients.
15 Economical sources of protein, such as, by-products from the com milling and
animal rendering plants, are commonly used in animal feeds. Examples of these types
"of by-products Include corn gluten meal, distiller's grains with solubles, meat and
bone meal, feather meal, and poultry meal. Unfortunately, the tryptophan content in
these by-products is deficient for various animal requirements, and therefore limits the
20 amounts that may be used in certain feed formulations.
Soybean meal is one of the major ingredients of animal feed that provides
protein and essential amino acids. Vv'hen soybean meal is formulated in feed rations,
the inclusion rate is typically calculated based on satisfying the most limiting essential
amino acid. This limiting essential amino acid is typically tryptophan, resulting in the
25 remaining essential amino acids being formulated in excess of dietary requirements-
The excess amino acids end up as waste. The need therefore exists to provide
soybean meals with higher concentrations of tryptophan.
The present invention described herein relates to a high tryptophan content
30 soybean meal derived from the processing of one or more soybeans having a high
total tryptophan content. The present invention includes the use of a high tryptophan
content soybean jneal in the animal feed industry.
Thus, m a first aspect, the present invention is directed to a soybean meal
having a total tryptophan content greater than about 0.78 weight percentage on a dry
matter basis (wt.%), wherein no exogenous tryptophan has been added. In one
embodiment of the present invention, the soybean mea! has at least about O.IO wt.%
51. free tryptophan. In another embodiment the soybean meal has at least about 0.43
wt.% free tryptophan. In a further embodiment, the soybean meal has a protein
content of at least about 44 wt.% or higher. In addition the soybean meal may further
have a protein bound tryptophan content comprising transgenlcally modified protein,
wherein the transgenlcally modified protein contains at least 8 wt.% tryptophan
10 residues.
The present invention relates to a method of making a soybean meal having at
least about 0,78 wt.% total tryptophan comprising; introducing into regenerable cells
« '• of a soybean plant a trahsgene comprising an isolated nucleic acid molecule encoding
an enzyme in the tryptophan biosynthetic pathway, wherein the isolated nucleic acid
15 molecule is operably linked to a promoter functional in a plant cell, to yield
transformed plant cells; and regenerating a plant from said transformed plant cells
wherein the cells of the plant express the enzyme encoded by the isolated nucleic acid
molecule in an amount effective to increase the tryptophan content in the soybean
grain of the plant relative to the tryptophan content in the grain of an untransformed
20 soybean plant of the same genetic background; and producing a soybean meal from
the grain of the transformed plant,
In one aspect of the present invention the method includes a transgene which
encodes a monomeric anthranjiate synthase comprising an anthraniiate synthase alpha
domain and an anthraniiate synthase beta domain. The method further includes a
25 transgene that encodes a feedback insensitive maize anthraniiate synthase alphasubunit.
The method frirther includes any of the transgenes that encode
phosphoribosylanthranilate transferase, phosphoribosylanthranilate isomcrase, indolet
3-phosphate synthase, or tryptophan synthase.
In another aspect, the present invention is directed to a method of producing a
30 high tryptophan content soybean meal comprising: a) selecting soybean grain having
a total tiyptopJian content of greater than about 0,65 wt.%; and b) extracting an oil
from said grain to produce a soybean meal. In one embodiment of the present
invention, the method of producing a high tryptophan content soybean meal may also
use a soybean grain having a free tryptophan of greater than about 0,15 •wt.%.
In another aspect, the present invention is directed to incorporating the
soybean meal into animal feed, including feed for animal producer, feed for
5 companion animals, and feed for aquacuiture. The soybean meal of the present
invention is also useftil as a fermentation feed source.
In another aspect, the present invention is directed to a high tryptophan
content, fiill fat soybean meal for use in animal feeds, The high tryptophan content,
fill! fat soybean meal may optionally be extruded.
10 In another aspect, the present invention is directed to a high tryptophan
content soybean isolate or soybean protein concentrate.
The present invention describes a new feed ingredient, a high tryptophan
^ content soybean meal. The meal of the present invention is useful in animal feeding
15 operations, as an aquacuiture feed source and as a component of a fermentation
The following de/mitions are used herein;
Exogenous Tryptophan: Tryptophan that is not an intrinsic part of the soybean
from which the soybean meal has been produced, Exogenous tryptophan may be
20 '• added to the meal or to the feed, in order to increase the concentration.
Free Tryptophan: Tryptophan in the free acid form and not part of an
oligopeptide, polypeptide, or protein, i
Full Fat Soybean Meal; A soybean product, produced similar to .soybean
meal, except omitting the oil extraction step.
25 Protein Content: Weight percentage of protein contained in soybean seeds or
soybean meal.
Soybean Meal: A feed ingredient that is a product of processing soybean
"grain. The phrase "soybean meal", as used herein, refers to a'defatted, desolventized,
toasted, and ground soybean materia!,
30 Soybean Protein Isolate: A preparation from soybean grain made by removing
the majority .of non-protein components and containing not less than 90% protein on a
moisture-fi^ee basis. '
Soybean Protein Concentrate: A preparation from soybean grain made by
'• removing most of the oil and water soluble non-protein constituents and containing
not less than about 65% protein on a moisture-free basis.
Transgenc: A nucleic acid molecule, including at least a pronnoter sequence, a
5 coding region, and a transcription termination sequence, inserted into the genome of a
cell via gene splicing techniques.
Total Tiyptophan Content: The sum of free tryptophan and protein bound
tryptophan contents.
Free Tryptophan Content: The weight percentage of free tryptophan of the
to ' soybean grain or soybean meal.
Protein Bound Tryptophan Content: The weight percentage of tryptophan that
Is Incorporated into proteins or peptides in the soybean seed or soybean meal. The
phrases "protein bound tryptophan" and "peptide bound tr>'ptophan" arc herein used
15 High Tryptophan Soybean Varieties
The high tryptophan content soybean meal of the present invention involves
the use of a high tryptophan soybean variety or varieties. There are various methods
of producing a high tryptophan soybean variety.
Tryptophan in soybean grain e.xists in two different forms: protein bound and.
20 free, Technical approaches for increasing the concentration of free tryptophan in
grain include: 1) increasing synthesis, 2) decreasing degradation, or 3) increasing
transport from the site of synthesis to the site of storage. Additionally, tlie
combination of any or all of above approaches can be used to achieve optimal results.
Increased synthesis of tryptophan in soybean plants can be achieved by 1) over
25 expressing a key enzyme or enzymes in the biosyrithetic pathway, or 2) expressing at
least one key enzyme in the biosyntlietic pathway that is less sensitive or insensitive
to the feedback inhibition as compared to the corresponding endogenous enzyme.
Examples of these methods are described in US, Patent Publication Nos.
2003/0097677 and 2003/0213010, iiereln incorporated by reference.
30 Decreased degradation of tryptophan can be achieved by 1) reducing the
amount of the enzyme(s) responsible for degradation, or 2) reducing the effectiveness
of the degradation enzymes by expressing aninhibitor of that enzyme; or 3) by
expressing a mutant form of the degradation enzyme that would competitively inhibit
5 ^
the activity of tiie native enzyme. The amount of tiie enzyme may be reduced by gene
suppression techniques such as antisense suppression, sense co-suppression, RNA
interference, or other techniques well known in the art.
Plants possess multiple forms of amino acid transporters characterized
5 according to their specificity for, or affinity lo. individual amino acids. Over
expression of a tryptophan transporter or expression of a more effective tryptophan
transporter would facilitate transport of tryptophan from the plastJds to other
compartments such as cytosohc space, extra cellular space, or vacuoles. See, for
example, U.S. Patent Publication No. 2003/0188332.
10 Protein bound tryptophan can be increased by over expressing a storage
protein that contains a high level of tryptophan. The high tryptophan protein can be a
native protein or a modified form of a native protein. Examples of these methods are
disclosed in PCT Applications WO 98/45458, WO 98/20133, and WO 99/29882.
Additionally, protein bound tryptophan can be increased on a weight
1S percentage basis by increasing the overall concentration of protein in soybean grain,
relative to other components such as carbohydrate and lipid. High protein soybeans
can be obtained fay screening the natural germplasm of* soybeans or mutant
populations of soybeans.
Another method of increasing protein bound tryptophan is to suppress the
20 expression of native storage proteins that are inherently low in'tryptophan. In this
method, the amino acid composition of the grain changes in favor of higher levels of
tryptophan as compared to a non-suppressed parental line. An example of this
method, as specifically applied to corn, but applicable to soybeans, is disclosed in
U.S. Patent 6,326,527,
25 A further method of increasing protein bound tryptophan in soybeans is to
engineer the nucleic acid sequences encoding a major storage protein by substituting
tryptophan codons in place of those coding for other amino acids. The resulting
expressed protein, tlios, has higher levels of tryptophan, thereby increasing the total
tryptophan level in the plant. An example of this method is disclosed in U.S. Patent
30 Publication No. 2003/0200558.
In yet another method, free tryptophan levels can be increased in a target
tissue, and at the same time, a complementary protein sink can be created, which
results in an increase in protein bound tryptophan. An example of this method is
described in U.S. Patent 6,080,913,
One of ordinary skill in tlie art will recognize that other methods of producing
• a soybean grain having high tryptophan content exist, and may be used to generate the
5 high tryptophan content soybean meal of the present invention. .
Soybean Processing and Products
In one aspect of the present invention, high tryptophan soybeans arc processed
into high tryptophan content soybean meal. IMany methods are Icnqwn for the
processing of raw soybeans into soybean meal. The high tryptophan content soybean
10 meal of the present invention may be prepared using these methods to process high
tryptophan soybean grain.
Illustrative processes for soybean meal preparation include those taught in
U.S. Patents 4,992,294; 5.225,230; 5,773,051; and 5,866,192. Typically, commercial
soybean processes start with the step of receiving the soybeans from the field by any
15 conventional transport means. The soybeans are typically received in a dirty and
often wet condition and may be cleaned with a vibrating screen. In this step the
soybeans are separated from non-soybean material, for example, rocks, sticks, leaves,
stems, dirt, weed seeds, and unwanted fragments of soybeans. The cleaned soybeans,
in combination witli the loose hulls that are not removed by the vibrating screen, are
20 transferred to an aspirator in which most of the remaining loose hulls are removed by
air, The soybeans are then transferred to storage, and the removed loose hulls are
collected as a by-product for further processing.
At this point in the processing, the soybeans typically contain about 12%
water, but the actual water content of the soybeans may vary based on a host of
25 different factors. If tlie water content of the soybeans is in excess of about 12%, then
the soybeans may be subjected to a drj'ing step to reduce the water content below
about 12% prior to placing in storage. The control of the water content is essential to
prevent mold and microbial contamination during storage.
The processing procedures from this point forward may vary depending upon
30 the desired end products. For example, the soybeans may be first dehulled using such
conventional equipment as cracking roils or hammer mills in combination with a
conventional aspiration system. Alternatively, the hulls may not be removed prior to
furtlier processing. See, for example, U.S. Patent 5,225,230. In order to deactivate
antinutritional factors, such as trypsin inhibitors, the soybeans may be subjected to
For cracking processes, clean, dry, whole soybeans are fed to coarsely
corrugated roller mills or "crackers." These crackers can have one or more sets of
5 rolls. Soybean pieces, called "cracks," are formed. The goal of the cracking step is to
maximize the pieces that are 1/4"* to l/S"* the size of the starting soybean, and to
minimize the formation of fines, which are pieces less than 1 mm in diameter.
From the cracking milts, particles ot"whole soybeans (cracks) are conveyed to
multistage aspiration dehulling systems, which typically employ 1 to 3 stages. Bach
10 stage consists of an aspirator and a size screening system. At each stage, the fiberrich
hulls are first removed by means of a coimtercurrent air stream and a cyclone.
The heavier, fiber-lean, meats fraction is conveyed to a screening system that removes
at least one additional fraction by size, and yields one stream for fiirther aspiration.
Alternatively, screening can be employed prior to aspiration. The "hulls" stream is
15 typically combined with other soybean byproducts and used as an animal feed
ingredient. The once dehuUed meats are then dehulled a second time to bring them to
less than about 3% crude fiber (4.28% crude fiber on a defatted, dry basis) using a 2
stage commercial pre-extraction process. However, the single stage systems can also
be employed to yield meats.
20 The resulting meats are then heat conditioned, such as in a rotary or stack
cooker. The residence times of the cracks are typically between about 20 and about
40 minutes. Discharge temperatures typically are in the range of about 120 to 180°F.
Lower conditioning temperatures may be employed if a greater fines production in tlie
flaker is tolerable.
25 The conditioned meats are then fed to smooth roller mills called flakers. A
force of greater than about 500 IcPa-gaugc (72.5 psig) is typically applied to the rolls.
Flake thicltnesses of less than about 0,75 nun (0.030") are preferably produced' in
order to obtain maximum oil recovery in the subsequent oil extraction,step.-
Optionaily, the cracking and dehulling steps are eliminated, or done subsequent to the
30 conditioning step. An additional option would be to expand a percentage of the
flaked soybeans to form "collets" prior to oil extraction. Other process variations
include conditioning prior to the cracking step, and eliminating the dehulling step
prior to oil extraction. A soybean meal of the present invention produced In a process
'•• having the variation of eliminating the dehulling step would be considered a high
tryptophan and high fiber soybean nicaJ, This product could be a specialty feed
ingredient in a swine production operation.
The next step iii the process of generating soybean meal is the extraction of
5 oil. This extraction step is typically done using a lipophilic solvent, but may also be
done by mechanical extraction. In tiiis process, the soybean meal is contacted with a
suitable solvent (e.g., hexane) to remove tlie oil to a content of typically less than
about 1% by weight. One example of a conventional solvent extraction procedure is
. ' described in U.S. Patent 3.721.569.
10 However, if a "full fat" soybean meal is desired.then the oil bearing meal is
not subjected, to oil (also known as fat or lipid) extraction. In this embodiment of the
present invention, the resulting product would be a high tryptophan content, full fat
soybean meal. '
At this stage, the solvent extracted, defatted soybean meal tj^pically contains
15 about 30% solvent by weight. Prior to being used as an animal feed, the meal is
typically processed through a desolventizer-toaster 03T) to remove the residua!
solvent and to heat the protein fraction sufficient to inactivate trypsin inhibitors and
other naturall)' occurring toxicants (antifeedants). Typically, steam contacts the
soybean meal and the Itcat of vaporization released fi'om the condensing steam
20 vaporizes the solvent, which is subsequently recovered and recycled.
As an alternative to solvent extraction, the soybean meal is defatted
mechanically using, for example, a screw piess. This mechanioally extracted or
"expeller" soybean meal typically contains between about4 ind about 8% residual oil.
If the intended use of the meal is as a feed supplement for ruminants, then the meal
25 may first be heated and dried in a specified hianner, such as that taught in U.S; Patent
5,225,230, before oil is extracted mechanically. The defatted soybean meal is then
dried and typicaUy ground or pelletized, and then milled into a physical .state suitable
for use as a food supplement (jr as an animal feed.
Further processing of the soybean or the meal may optionally be done to make
30 the resulting feed more palatable, available, and/or digestible in animals. These
processes include addition of enzymes or nutrients, and heat treatment of the meal.
Additionally, further processing may be done to the nseal, such as pelleting, to make it
more compact and dense in distribution.
Further processing of the soybean mea! can produce soybean floxir, soybean
protein concentrates, and soybean protein isolates that have food, feed, and industrial
uses. The high tryptophan content soybean mea! of the present invention can be
further processed into any of the products described below.
5 Soybean flours are produced simply by grinding and screening the defatted
soybean meol. Soybean protein concentrates, having at least about 65 wt.% protein,
are made by removing soluble carbohydrate material from defatted soybean meal.
Aqueous alcohol extraction (60-80% ethanoi in water) or acid leaching at the
'•• isoelectric pH 4.5 of the protein are ll)e most common methods bf removing the
3 0 soluble carbohydrate fraction. A myriad of applications ha,ve been developed for
soybean protein concentrates and texturized concentrates in processed foods, meat,
poultry, fish, cereal, and dairy systems, any of which can be employed with the high
tryptophan content soybean mea! of the present invention.
Soybean protein isolates are preferaljly produced through standard chemical
15 isolation, drawing the protein out of the defatted soybean flake tlirough solubilization
(alkaft extraction at pH 7-10) and separation followed by isoelectric precipitation. As
' a result, isolates are at least about 90 wt.% protein. They are sometimes high in
sodium and minerals (ash content), a property that can limit their application. Their
major applications have been in dairy substitution, as in infant formulas and milk
20 replacers.
Soybean flours are often used in the man\ifacturt«g of meat extenders and
analogs, pet foods, baking ingredients, and other food products. Food products made
fi^om soybean flour and isolate include baby food, candy products, cereals, foocl
drinks, noodles, yeast, beer, ale, and the like.
25 • One of skill in the art v/ili recognize that variations in the above described
procedures may be made without departing from the spirit of the present invention.
The hightryptophan content soybean meal of the present invention can be fiirther
processed into any of the products described above.
Feed Formulations
30 The higii tryptophan content soybean meal of the present invention is used in
various feed formulations, in a preferred embodiment, the hightryptophan conbnt
soybean meal of tiie present invention is used in feed formulations for simple stomach
animals, such as swine and pdultry. Due to the higher tryptophan content of the
soybean meal of the present invention, inclusion rates arc commonly reduced as
compared to commodity soybean meal. Use of the soybean meal of the present
invention in feed fonnuktions will reduce or eliminate the need to add exogenous
sources of tryptophan. These characteristics of the soybean meal of the present
5 invention provide the benefit to the animal {jroducer and formulator of having more
options in feed formulation.
Tlie high tryptophan content soybean meal of the present invention allows a
formulatpr to use less expensive ingredients in animal feeds which lowers the feed
cost for animal producers. Shown in the table below is a comparison of broiler
10 grower diets using the high tryptophan content soybean meal of the present invention
(C), a formulation with no animal by-products (A), and a formulation with animal byproducts
(B), As can be seen, by being able to use meat and bope meal (MBM) and
corn gluten meal with the high tryptophan content soybean meal (HT) of the present
'. invention, the cost per ton of feed is reduced 4-6 dollars.
15 ; ^___ '
Ingredients j (A) ' 1 ~~(B) j (Q '
No animal by- With animal by- HT plus animal
prodiicts \ products by-products
Com 63 64 69
MBM ~ ' ^~~T'~ ""~ 4 ^ •
Corn gluten meal 4 - 4
! I •„
Cost,$/2.000LB I 146 144 140
Listed in the table below are selected feed ingredients and feed formulations,
and their crude protein (CP), lysine (Lys), and tryptophan (Trp) contents. It can be
seen that certain ingredients containing low tryptophan content yet high protein can be
20 used in formulations with the high tryptophan content soybean meal of the prese/it
25 •
Total Amino Adds (%) '
' Ingredient Name CP Lys I Trp | Trp/Lys (*100) I Trp/CP{*l00l
Com gluten feed- 21.5 0,63 ' 0.07 11 0.326
Com gluten meal 60,0 1.02 0.31 30 _ .„___9::ill„_
MBM 51.S 2,61 0.28 ' ' 11 "" "'o.544""
Feather meal 84i5 2,08 0,54 26 0.639
DDGS^ 27.2 0.75 0,19 25 0.700
i Com 8.3 • 0.26 0.06 23 0,723 .
Poultry byproduct 64.1 3.32 0.48 14 0.749
Distiller grain 24.8 0.74 . 0.2 27 0,606
Bakefy byproduct 10.8 0.27 0.1 37 0.926
Peanut meal . 49.1 1.66 i 0.48 29 0.978
Sunflower meal 42.2 1.2 0.44 37 1,043
Fish meal,
Menhaden 62.9 4.81 0.66 14 1.049
Rice Bran HF 13.3 0.57 0.14 | ' 25 1.053
Mllo 9.2^ 0.22 0.1 I 45 1.087
Cotton meal 41.4 1.72 0.48 26 1.159
Barley 10.5 0.36 0.13 36 1.238
MIdds 15.9 0.57 0,2 35 1.258
Canola meal 35.6 2.08 0.4S 22 1.264
Rice 7.9 0.3 0-1 33 1.266
Soytieanmeal 47.S 3.02 0.6 S ^ 1.368
Blood meal,
conventional 77,1 7.04 1.08 15 1.401
Wheat 11.5 0.38 0.26 68 2.261
Formulations ^
Broiler grower 20 1 0.18 18__ 0.900
Layer 15 0.69 0.16 23 1'.067
Turkey Starter B 26 1.S 0.24 16 0.823
Turkey Grower B 19 1 0J8 18 0.947
Turkey Finisher B 14 0.65 0.13 20 0.929
Swine grower 20-
SOkg _18 0;9S 0.17 18 0.844
Swine finisher 80-
120 kg ^ J 13.2 . 0.8 I i 0,11 • I 18 1 0.833
'DDGS denotes distiller's dried grains with solubles.
Data extracted from NRC pou!tr>' (1994) and NRC swine (1998)
The present invention is further detailed in the foiJowing Examples, which are
5 offered by way of illustration and are not intended to limit the present invention in
any manner.
This example describes the generation of transgenic high tryptophan soybeans
used to prepare tlie high tryptophan content soybean meal of the present invention.
The high tryptophan soybeans designated GM_Ai5238:0015, were generated
as described by Weaver et al (jU.S. Patent PublicBtion No, 2003/0213010, already
incorporated by I'efercnce), Briefly, soybean plants were rransformed with the vector
pMON39325, containing the coding sequence for a feedback insensitive maize
5 antliranilate synthase (AS)
a-subunit driven by a 7S a' promoter. An event containing a high tryptophan level
was selected and numbered GM_A15238, Rl seeds from this event were grown
under greenhouse conditions to generate Rl plants. Using the Invader® Assay,
(Third Wave Technologies, Inc., Madison, WI) identifications of homozygous and
10 heterozygous plants were made. One gene positive homozygous plant
(Gly[_A15238:0015) and one gene negative homozygous piaat (GM_A15238:0017)
were selected and advanced to further generations. The generation of soybean grain
for high tryptophan content soybean meal preparation was executed under the
guidance of USDA regulation for regulated transgenic material {see, for example 7
15 CFR§340).
This example sets forth methods of analysis for free and total tryptophan, and
total protein in soybean seeds and meal.
Free Tryptophan
20 Amino acids in the soybean meal are detected using a prc-column primary
amine dcrivatization with o-phthalaldehyde (OPA). The resulting ammo acidadduct,
an isoindole, is hydrophobic and possesses excellent fluorescence characteristics,
which can then be detected on a tluorescence detector, chromatography, separation is achieved through the hydrophobicity of the R-groups
25 located on each amino acid. To help stabilize the fluorophor, a thiol is added such as
• 2-mercaptoethaiiol or 3-mercaptopropionic acid.
Seed and meal samples are ground to 1 mm screen fineness or finer. Ground
, samples are stored at 5°C prior to analysis. For analysis the samples are brought to
room temperature and then weighed directly into conical centrifuge tubes (2.0 ml
30 capacity). Tlie sample to extraction solvent ratio is equal to or less than 30 mg/ml, A
5% ti-ichloroacetic acid (TCA) solution, (part no.VW3372-l, VWR Scientific, West
Chester, PA) is added to each sample and then mixed by vortex for about 30 minutes.
The samples are allowed to sit overnight
(16 hours) to ensure extraction completion. The samples are then mixed by vortex for
about 30 minutes, centrifuged for 30 minutes at 3000 rpm, and the supernatant is
5 saved and stored at
-80°C prior to analysis.
The amino acids are analyzed by HPLC (model 1100, Agilent Technologies,
Inc., Palo Alto, CA) with flourescence detection (FLD) and a Zorbax Eclipse-AAA,
XDB C-18 coiiimn, Zorbax Eclipse-AAA guard column, and the following
10 parameters:
Analytical time to run method: 14.0 minutes
Total elapsed time per nm: Approximately 17 minutes
Typical and minimum sample size: Typical: 50 mg
Minimum:. 30 mg
15 Typical analytical range: 7.8-800 pmol/nL. '
The mobile phases are (A) 40mM Na^HPO/i Buffer at pH=7.8 with 0.001%
sodium azide and (B) acetonitriic: MeOH; H2O (45:45:10 v/v). All reagents are
HPLC grade and all solvents are High Purity grade from Honeywell, Burdick and
Jackson (Muskegon, Michigan), Below is a chart showing the gradient of tlie mobile
20 phase used and the HPLC settings.
Time (min.) %B
0,00 5.0
1.00' 5.0
. 9.80 35.0
12.00 100.0
12,50 5.0
14.00 5.0
Temperature: 40'*C
Column Flow: 2.00mL/min
FLD Settings: Excitation: 340 nm
25 Emission: 450 nm
Peakwidth; > 0.2 min.
Fluorescence Scan: Excitation Range: 220-380 nm, Step 5 nm
Emission Range: 300-500 nm, Step 5 nm
Crude protein analysis follovved AOAC® Official Method 990.03, (2000),
(AOAC® International, Gaithersburg, MD); and amino acid profiles followed AOAC®
5 Official Method 982.30 E(a,b,c),CHP. 45.3,05, (2000).
This example sets forth the production of soybean meal k the pilot plant scale.
Ijhe soybean meal of the present invention, used in the feeding trials described
herein, was prepared at a pilot plant scale, by a solvent extraction process.
10 The high tryptophan soybeans, GM_A15238:0015 (descHbed in Example 1),
as well as the parental line A4922 (Asgrow peed Company, Des Moines, lA), and the
negative transgcnlo "tsoline, GM_A15238:0017, were cleaned and then dried in a
Behlsn Wicks drier (Behlen Manufacturing Company, Columbus, NE) to between 10
and 10.5% moisture. The cleaned and dried soybeans were then stored in covered,
] 5 portable bins for 1 -3 days to allow the meats to loosen from the hulls. The beans were
then fed into a single strand Ferreli-Ross (A. T. Ferrell Company Inc., Bluffton, IN)
cracking mill. TTie cracking rolls operated at ambient temperature at a gap setting of
8, corresponding to 1.9 mm. TUe rolls operated at a differential speed ratio of 1.5:1
with the slower roll running at 700 ppm.
20 The cracks produced from the cracking mills were conveyed to a multistage
aeromechanica! dehulling system (Kice Zigzag Aspirator, Kice Industries, Wichita,
KS) to remove the hulls from the meats. The aspirator was operated at an absolute
pressure of 1-2.4 inches of water. The resulting hulls were collected and fed into a
hammer mill, The product from (lie hammer mill was sent to a gravity table where
25 the meat rich fraction was separated from the hulls and collected. The meats cbllccted
this "way were blended with the aspirated cracks fraction (blended meats fraction)
prior to flaking.
The blended meats fraction was then conveyed at 66-IB8 kg/hour to a Scott
Tenderblend conditioner (model number SJC2, Scott Equipment Company, New
30 Prague, MN) and heated to obtain an exit temperature of 55-67°C and moisture
content of 9,5%. The conditioned blended meats fiaction was fed into aRoskamp
flaking roll model 2862 (28" diameter X 62'.; wide, CPM Roslcamp Champion,^
Waterloo, lA) where they were flaked to a thickness of 0,23-0.36 mm, at 6(fC^ using
a gap setting of 0.010 inch. ,
• The flakes were then fed to a Crown Iron Works model 2 percolation extractor
(Crown Iron Works Co., Roseviile, MN) for oil extraction. The extractor was
5 operated using a residence time of approximately 37 minutes, a hexane to meal weight
ratio of 1:1, and a throughput of approximately 140 kg/hour. The solvent extracted
meal was then conveyed via a Crown Schnecken pre-desolventizer to a two-deck
Crown desolventlzer toaster (DT), Tlie pre-desolventizer was operated under a
pressure'of 0,2 inches of water to provide a discharge temperature of 50°C. Tk^e, DT
10 was operated under the following conditions: the top deck temperature of 91-104'C;
bottom deck temperature of lOMOS^C; and DT vapor temperature of 75 ± 5°C. The
resulting meal had an exit moisture level of 16-19% and a urease level corresponding
The desolventized meal was then dripd to a moisture level of 8.5-9.5% and
15 then hm-nmermilled to a particle size small enough to pass through a 12/64 inch
Tlie resulting soybean meals were used in stability tests and in broiler feed
trials, described herein below.
20 This example describes and compares protein and tryptophan contents of
commercial and high tryptophan content soybean meals, and the corresponding
soybean grain used to produce the meals. Shown below in Table 2 are the results
from analysis of high tryptophan content soybean meal (HT SBM) of the present
invention, commodity soybean meal, commodity soybeans, and a control meal. The
25 • control and the high tryptophan soybean meals were processed at the pilot scale as
described in Example 3. Also included in Table 2 arc values for a soy isolate and a
soy concentrate, included for comparison,
t "^
Table 2. Comparative analysis of soybeans and soybean meals.
I Moisture Protein % FreeTrp Total Trp/Protein
, % (ppm) Tr'p % ratio (xlOO)
Commodity " 40 0.54 1.35
' soybean
Commodity SBM 12 47?7 oM Oo
Control soybean 4^77 40l " 211 0^65 L62
Control SBM ' 1037 326 0.54
I f f soybean 4J7 40l "1307 "091 l27
HTSBM 8^1 4341 L20
Soybean isolate SSJ LOS 126
Soybean 64 OS MO '
concentrate i
Analysis methods used to generate Table 2 are described in Example 2,
5 This example describes the stability determination of free tryptophan in the
high tryptophan content soybean meal of the present invention, during processing and
• storage.
The high tryptophan content soybean meal, described in Examples 3 and 4
above, was used in the stability determinations described herein. Process samples
10 were taken at various stages and analyzed for free tiyptophan, as described in'
Exaraple'2. The analytical results from tliese samples are summarized below in Table
3. The results demonstrate that there is no significant loss of free tryptophan
concentration during the production of high tryptophan content soybean meal. The
finished soybean meal retained about 98% of the initial free tryptophan contained in
15 the soybean grain, when normalized to a defatted, dehuiled, and moisture free basis.
As a comparison, the soybean meal that wa^ subjected to an additional heating time in
the DT step of 90 minutes (overcooked soybean meal), had a significantly lower
concentration of tiyptophan, indicating tliat degradation was possible under more
severe heating conditions,
• 20
Tabie3. Stability and retention office tryptophan during processing.
gam pie Free trp* (ppm) % retention •
HT soybean (whole) 5032 100%
Soybean meal after hexane ext. 4755 94%
5 Finished soybean meal 4927 9S%
Overcooked soybean meal** 4284 85%
*ciata normalized to defatted, dehulled, and moisture free basis for comparison
** overcooked meal was generated by increasing the time in the DT by 90
10 minutes.
Stability testing was conducted to determine the stability of the free and total
tryptophan during storage of the meal. Samples of the high tryptophan content
soybean meal, described in Ejcamples 3 and 4 above, were stored at 4*C, 22'C, and
15 38°C, for 6 months in environmental chambers (Enconair Model GC8-2JH1, Enconair
Ecological Chambers Inc., Winnipeg, Mannitoba, Canada). The samples that were
stored at 38°C were also controlled at 60% humidity, A sample of approximately 600
grams high tryptophan content soybean meal was contained in Nalgene jars.
Subsamples were analyzed at the time points specified below in Tables 4 and 5, with
20 each time point analysis being run in duplicate.
The results are shown in Tables 4 and 5, The results indicate that both free
and protein bound tryptopbaii are stable in the high tryptophan content soybean, meal
of the present invention, over 6 months, even at elevated temperatures (SS^C).
Table 4. Stability of free tryptophan in high tryptophan soybean meal during storage.
! ;.
I 4'C I 22'C I ' 3 8°C/gO% humidity
Time 0 100.0
1 Month 2M
2 Month.-i 10^4 105.0 99,8
3MontKs 99^2
4 Months 96.8 | 97.0 9U
5 Months 94.2
6 Months I 98.0 | 96.7 | 95.9
Table 5. Stability of total tryptophan in high tryptophan soybean meal during storage.
I 4'C ' 22°C I 38°C/60% humidity
Time 0 J j 100.0 ~ '
1 Month j "" [ 87.9
2 Months I 92.5 91.7 90.9
3 Months ^ M;0
4 Months 89J 90:5 91.0
5 Months I 90;7
6 Months I 91.7 | 91.1 j 89.9
In Tables 4 and 5, each data point represents! the average of 2 replicates.
This example describes a broiler feeding study using a high tryptophan content
• soybean meal produced as described in Example 3.
A feeding study was performed using a randomized block design comprising 7
dietary treatments and 10 replicates per treatment. The treatments, analysis of the two
10 soybean meals, and the feed formulations used in the study are described in Tables 6
throBgh 8. Seventy PeterSime (Zulte, Belgium) cages in 3 batteries were divided into
10 blocks (replicates). The blocks were distributed in such a way that the position and
level of the cages withiii each battery was a blocking factor. A total of 3fiO male
broilers (birds) of the strain Ross 308 (Welp Hatchery, Bancroft, lA) were used in this
15 21 day trial.
When the birds were 7 days of age, they were weighed, randomly assigned to
pens, and-the test was initiated. The birds had ad libitum access to water and feed
throughout the growing period. Mash diets were used across all age periods.
Table 6. Description of treatments for feeding trials;
Treatment Description
Number ..
1 Basal diet, 57% of Trp, 100% of other amino acids
2 As Treatment 1, plus lov/er level of parental soybean meal
3 As Treatment 1, plus higher level of parentaj soybean meal
4 As Treatincnt 2, add free tryptophan to equal level of
Treatment 6
5 As Treatment 3, add &ee tryptophan to equal level in Treatment
6 As Treatment 1, lower level of positive isbline soybetui meal
(HT) ^^^^^^^^
7 As Treatment 1, higher level of positive isoiine soybean meal
QYT) '
Tablo 7, Measured nutrient concentration of test soybean meal {%)
II 11 ' II I, • II riiiiiff
Nutrients Parental Control (Parent of HT) Positive Trp Isollne (HT)
Ash, % 6.060 6.150
Moisture, % 11.850 • 9.450.
Fat,% 0,850 . 1.200
Protein, % 49.940 50.710
ADF, % 3.000 3,250
NDF,% 5.500 5.750
• Threonine 2.015 -2,030
Cysteine 0.640 0.656
Valine 2.410 2.425
Methionine 0.750 0.780
Isoieuclne 2.240 2.245
Leucine 3,665 3.880
Phenylaianlne ' 2505 2,505
Hislidine 1.325 1.340
Lysine 3.205 3.220
Arglnine 3.616 3.600
Tryptophan 0^5 1.226
Body weight and feed intake measurements were recorded at approximately
5 day 7,14,21, and 28 of the trial to allow for calculation of average daily gain, feed
intake, and feed to gain ratio during the 7-14,14-21,21-28, and overall periods.
Mortality was also recorded throughout the trial.
,, The room temperature was controlled at 90 ± 2"? at day 1 and then decreased
1°F each day until the end of the trial, with daily highs and lows recorded. There was
10 a 23 hour lighting used for the entii-e experiment with I hour dark ptriod-from
midniglit to 1:00 am. Each pen housed 6 birds with a growing density of 0,58 square
foot per bird at the start of the trial.
Table 9 shows the factorial analysis of broiler performance data using
treatments 2 to 7. For comparison purposes, the average performance of control is
15 also listed. Average trends are very similar among testing periods. Results of? to 28
. days of age indicate that there were significant differences for feed:gain ratio between
the main effects of soybean meal level (P value 20
formulated to have tryptophan as the first limiting nutrient, the positive response of
performance due to increasing SBM levels could be attributed to the increased
tryptophan content, Performance averages among the main effect of tryptophan
source confirms this conclusion. Treatments of parental SBM plus free tryptophan
5 (P+T, Treatments 4 and 5) and positive tryptophan isoline SBM (HT, Treatments 6
and 7) had the same amount of dietary tryptophan, and their performances were very
shnilar (0-28d feedrgain ratios of 1.611 and 1.624 for P+T and HT, respectively).
However, birds fed parental SBM diets (Treatments 2 and 3), which contained a lower
level of tryptophan, gave a significantly poorer performance (0-28d feed;gain ratio of
10 1.801). The results of the trial further indicate that the tryptophan in the transgenic
high tryptophan meal (HT) is identical lo the synthetic tryptophan supplied
exogenously (P+T), with respect to bird performance.
Table 8. Ingredient and nutrient compositions of
' btoavailafaiiity trials. Values given are on a weight % basis.
Btml.tm tower levd HIgftw level Lowor level Higher level Lower level Higher level of
SBM of petenlor of psremil ofpeiental ofpatentnl ofpoiidve pojitive (jotine
Ingredients «ndnu«ienu SBM SBM SBM + I>ee SBM + ftee IsoSltwsSBM SBM
vp Up
Cm-RneGtowiJ 46,689 41689 4W89 46.689 46.689 46.689 4^.689
CornOlulenMeolfiOKProiein 2S.568 28.568 28.568 28.568 28.568 28.568 2«.568
Oil-Com • J.768 3,768 3.768 3.768 3.768 3.76S 3.768
GoletiBlJed com starch 10.000 8J254 6.514 8.240 6.486 82OT 6.421
Solke Floe 200 Ff» 5.776 4.970 4.166 4,970 4.J66 5,016 4059
Parental SDM 2.590 5.171 2,590 5.17!
HiyptOfdw. 98H • 0.0143 0.0285
Positive iJoHne SBM (HT) , 2.590 5.17!
CALCIUM CARBONATE 1.591 1,583 1.575 1.583 1.575 1.583 1.576
Phojphale-MonoDicilcium 1.526 !,506 5,486 1.506 1.4B6 1,506 1,487
Broiler Vitamin Premix 0.125 0,125 0.125 • 0.125 0.!25 0.125 0.12$
Poultiy Trace Mineral I're'mix 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.650 0,050 0.050
SALT 0,428 0.431 0,434 0,431 0.434 0.431 0.434
CMOUNECHLORlDE-60 0.191 0,178 0.164 0,178 0.164 0,178 0.184
L-LYSINEHCL 0,807 0.807 0.807 0.807 0.807 0.807 0,807
THREONINE 0.013 0.013 0.013. 0.013 0,0)3 0,013 0.013
l,_AtgWne, r«e base 0,4!9 0,419 Q.4I9 0.419 0.4!9 0,419 0,419
Blue late color 0,050 0.050 0.05O 0,050 0,050 0.050 0,050
Total 100,000 100.000 iOO.OOO 100.000 100.000 100.000 lOO.OOO
Table 9. Main effects and interactions of tryptophan source and SBM level on broiler
Tfeatment 7'1id li-Zli 21-28d 0-28d
Basal 2.58 2A0 .Zi9 ZAi
Trpiottra PareiiM 1.758a 1.784a 1,773a 1.801a
P Po$.{$olim 1.623b 1,626b LWOb 1.624b
SBM level low l,7S0a 1.818» 1,7924 1,809«
High 1.461b 1.533b ]5S3b lJ20b
Parattat ' Low 1.932 1,957 1.914 1.979
Wgh 1.618 1.628 1.632 1.623
Paraiti\!*trp Low 1.675 1.739 1,682 1,728
Wgh 1,392 1.481 1.528 1,481
Poa.isolmt JLoiu 1.673 1.762 1,804 1,755
High 1,373 1,490 1,501 1,461
Trp source
p-vatue <.oooi> SEW 0,017 0,015 0,029 0.0J5
CriHcoJKsM^ei 0,053 0.046 0.092 0,04«
SBM level
P-vnlm «,0001 <.0m> SBM 0.014 0.0U 0,023 0.012
CrtfiMlRmi/e 0.043 0.036 0.072 0.037
Sovrtx X Level
P-vatue 0.3331 0.0310 0.1377' 0.0S43
SEM ' 0,024 0,02t 0.041 0,021
This example describes the generation of high tryptophan, high protein
soybean varieties useful in preparing the high tryptophan content soybean meal of the
present invention. ,,
Soybeans, at the R3 generation, that are homozygous for the maize
10 anthraniiate synthase a gene (described in U.S. Patent Publication No. 2003/0213010)
were cro.ssed to a high protein soybean variety EXP3103REN (described in PCT
Application PCT/US05/002503) to produce Fl seed. Th^ resulting Fl seed was
planted and grown to maturity to produce F2 seed. The resulting F2 seed was,planted
and resulting plants were genotyped with respect to glyphosate resistance and
tryptophan content, Plants identified as heterozygous for the glyphosate resistance
and high tryptophan genes were cuiled. 'The resulting F2:3 seed was collected in a
single plant harvest and analyzed tor free tryptophan (described in Example 2 above),
total protein and total oil content using raethodologies well known in the art. The
5 results of the F2:3 selections indicate that the high tryptophan phenotype is expressed
in a high protein germplasm, at approximately the expected frequency, while
maintaining the acceptable oil level (Table 10),
Table 10. Effects of high protein levels on tryptophan content in transgenic soybeans,
Number of Ave; Protein
Event ID "Plants/event (wt%) Ave011(vyt%) AveTrp(ppm)
28893 [ 5 46.5 19.8 2511
_ _ _ _ -__ j__ ___
_ _ _ . _ -_ 19,9 ' 2427
_ _ - _-_ --- __,_
30^5*-; 6 4636 [ I9J 2866
_____ 3 46l isfj lis?
A single line from each of the events described in Table 10 were advanced to
field trials to evaluate seed composition, tolerance to glyphosate herbicide and general
agronomics. The field trials utilized a randomized spilt plot design with duplicates of
the following 3 glyphosate treatments; no glyphosate, 1.5 lbs glyphosate acid
15 equivalent (ae) /A at V3 and R], and 1,5 lbs glyphosate ae/A at V3 and 3,0 lbs
glyphosate ae/A at HI stage. All plots are harvastedat maturity and subsamples are
analyzed for tryptophan, oil protein, chlorosis, necrosis, plant height, maturity, and
yield. The results of the F2;4 trials confirm the earlier result that the high tryptophan
trait is expressed in the high protein germplasm. Additionally, the results indicate that
20 that tiie presence of the high tryptophan trait does not affect the glyphosate tolerance.
This example provides an adtiitional soybean source for use in generating theJiigh
tryptophan content soybean meat of the present invention. These soybeans are
processed into high tryptophan content soybean meal as described above in Example
25 While the present invention has been disclosed in this patent application by
reference to the details of preferred embodiments of the present invention, it is to be
understood that the disclosure is intended in an illustrative rather than a limiting
. sense, as it is contemplated that modifications will readily occur to those skilled in the
art, within the spirit of the present invention and the scope of appended claims.

We claim:
1. A soybean meal, comprising greater than about 1.3 wt.% total tryptophan, wherein no
exogenous tryptophan has been added and wherein the soybean has a high tryptophan
content as a result of over expressing at least one gene encoding an enzyme in the
tryptophan biosynthetic pathway.
2. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 1, wherein the soybean is not transgenic.
3. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 1, wherein the soybean is transgenic.
4. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 1, wherein the total tryptophan content further
comprises a free tryptophan concentration of at least 0.10 wt.%.
5. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 1, wherein the total tryptophan content further
comprises a protein bound tryptophan content.
6. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 5, wherein the protein bound tryptophan content
comprises transgenic protein.
7. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 6, wherein the transgenic protein contains at least
about 20% tryptophan residues.
8. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 1, wherein the enzyme is selected from the group
consisting of anthranilate synthase, phosphoribosylanthrarulate transferase,
phosphoribosylanthranilate isomerase, indole-3 -phosphate synthase, and tryptophan
9. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 8, wherein the enzyme is anthranilate synthase.
10. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 1, wherein the gene is a transgene.
11. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 10, wherein the transgene encodes a feedback
insensitive anthranilate synthase.
12. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 10, wherein the transgene encodes a monomeric
anthranilate synthase.
13. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 1, wherein the gene is over expressed as result of a
transgenic transcription factor.
14. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 1, wherein the soybean expresses a transgene that
encodes an enzyme cataly2ing a reaction in the tryptophan biosynthetic pathway, and
wherein the enzyme is less sensitive or insensitive to feedback inhibition as compared to an
endogenous enzyme catalyzing the same reaction.
15. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 14, wherein the transgene encodes an anthranilate
16. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 15, wherein the anthranilate synthase is a maize C28
17. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 1, wherein the activities of one or more of the
enzymes in the degradation pathway for tryptophan are reduced.
18. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 17, wherein the enzymes in the degradation pathway
include chorismate mutase, tryptophanase, and tryptophan oxidase.
19. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 17, wherein the activities are reduced due to gene
suppression of a gene encoding at least one of the enzymes in the degradation pathway for
20. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 19, wherein the suppression is accomplished using
antisense or sense co-suppression technology.
21. The soybean meal as claimed in claim 1 as and when used in an animal feed, a fermentation
feed, a soybean protein or an aquaculture feed.
22. A method of making a soybean meal as claimed in claim 1, comprising:
a. introducing into regenerable cells of a soybean plant a transgene comprising an
isolated nucleic acid molecule encoding an enzyme in the tr3rptophan biosynthetic
pathway; wherein the isolated nucleic acid molecule is operably linked to a promoter
functional in a soybean cell, to yield transformed soybean plant cells;
b. regenerating a soybean plant from said transformed soybean plant cells wherein the
cells of the plant express the enzyme encoded by the isolated nucleic acid molecule
in an amount effective to increase the tryptophan content in a grain of the plant
relative to the tryptophan content in a grain of an untransformed soybean plant of
the same genetic background; and
c. producing a soybean meal from the grain of the transformed plant.
23. The method as claimed in claim 22, wherein the transgene encodes a monomelic anthranilate
synthase comprising an anthranilate synthase a-domain and an anthranilate synthase ^-
24. The method as claimed in claim 22, wherein the transgene encodes a feedback insensitive
maize anthranilate synthase a-subunit.
25. A method of producing soybean meal as claimed in claim 1, comprising:
a. selecting soybean grain having a total tryptophan content of between 0.65 wt.% and
i b. extracting an oil from said grain to produce a soybean meal.
26. The method as claimed in claim 25, wherein said grain has a free tryptophan of greater than


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210-delnp-2008-Description (Complete)-(02-08-2013).pdf

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Patent Number 260775
Indian Patent Application Number 210/DELNP/2008
PG Journal Number 21/2014
Publication Date 23-May-2014
Grant Date 21-May-2014
Date of Filing 08-Jan-2008
Name of Patentee RENESSEN LLC.
Applicant Address 520 LAKE COOK ROAD, SUITE 220 DEERFIELD, IL 60015, USA
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C12N 15/82
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2006/026269
PCT International Filing date 2006-07-06
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/697,452 2005-07-08 U.S.A.