Title of Invention


Abstract The method realizes a motion compensated temporal filtering (MCTF), the temporal filtering being replaced by an intra mode coding to obtain at least one low (L) or high (H) frequency picture if the current picture has a level of correlation with a lower previous picture at a threshold, the low frequency pictures obtained (L) being thus scaled to be adapted, at the energy level, to the pictures obtained by motion compensated temporal filtering, and is characterized in that, at the end of analysis: it selects the pictures obtained by intra coding of a picture of a low decomposition level with the additional condition, for the high frequency pictures, that this picture is derived itself from an intra coding. it calibrates the picture selected by carrying out at least one reverse step of the scaling step. The applications relate to video compression with temporal prediction.
The invention relates to a method of video coding and decoding
of a picture sequence coded by hierarchical temporal analysis exploiting the
motion compensated temporal filtering.
The scope is that of video compression based on spatial and/or
temporal scalability diagrams also known as "scalables". This involves for
example a 2D+t wavelet coding comprising a motion compensated temporal
In the hybrid coding standards, such as MPEG-1, MPEG-2,
MPEG-4, h264, as in most of the 2D+t subband coding diagrams, such as
MC-EZBC, acronym for Motion Compensated Embedded Zero Block
Context, the first step of the coding system consists of taking advantage of
the temporal redundancy between successive images, before exploiting the
spatial redundancy within an image.
Figure 1 shows a diagram of a video coder according to the
prior art.
The video signal is transmitted to a temporal analysis circuit 1.
A motion estimation circuit 2 is connected to this first circuit to estimate the
motion between two images received by the coder. The motion information is
transmitted to the circuit 1 and to a coding circuit 6, for example in the form of
motion vector fields. The output of circuit 1 is sent to a spatial analysis circuit
3 that extracts, from the texture, the frequency coefficients of the picture.
These coefficients are then quantized and coded by entropic coding, circuit 4.
The coded information and motion information is sent to a packeting circuit or
packetizer 5 that sends the video data in the form of video packets to
constitute the video data flow.
The temporal analysis circuit 1 performs motion compensated
temporal prediction in the case of a hybrid diagram or a motion compensated
temporal filtering in the case of a subband coding diagram. The coding
algorithms with temporal prediction consist in operating motion compensation
to generate prediction pictures that will subsequently used in the coding
process. These algorithms are based on the same principle. The pictures to
code are predicted from one or more previously coded pictures, called
reference pictures. This is the case in the video MPEG standards with the
Predicted (P) and Bi-directional or Bi-predictive (B) pictures. Prediction
consists in carrying out a motion compensation operation from these
reference pictures and motion vectors associated with the current picture.
What is then coded is the residue of the prediction, that is, the difference
between the current picture and the temporal prediction picture. The motion
is for example described by pixe blocks and the motion compensation
carried out per block.
The spatial analysis circuit 3 realizes a wavelet decomposition
or a discrete cosine transform. The entropic coding of circuit 4 can be a VLC
type coding, acronym for Variable Length Coding, or an arithmetic coding.
The function of the packeting circuit is to cut up the texture and
motion information coming respectively from the entropic coding circuit and
the motion field coding circuit into consistent sub-sets according to their
spatial and temporal frequency and to their size, for example their weight in a
bit plane coding approach. Hence, the binary flow obtained is scalable
independently in resolution, field frequency and fidelity.
The estimated motion fields correspond to the resolution of the
source. The motion compensation step of the coder, whether it is by filtering
or prediction is therefore executed on full resolution pictures whereas in the
decoder, the motion compensation step can be executed on pictures of a
(ower resolution, with rescaled motion fields.
The main purpose of motion compensated temporal filtering,
also known by the acronym MCTF, is to generate high frequency pictures H
requiring the minimum of bits for the coding. Another constraint is to reduce
as far as possible the number of non-connected pixels, that is, not connected
by motion vectors. These two aspects are directly dependent on the quality of
the motion field. The filtered information is all the more correlated as the
motion used for the filtering is of good quality.
In some cases, this quality of motion is unsatisfactory, for
example if the motion is too complex, too great or if there is a scene cut. This
consequently results in an excess of energy in the high frequency pictures H
and in the significant number of pixels not connected in the low frequency
pictures L, finally in a high coding cost and a poor distribution of the visual
quality within the decoded group of pictures.
The use of adaptive GOP enables this problem to be taken into
account. The size of the GOP is adapted dynamically according to the
percentage of non-connected pixels. If the total number of pixels nonconnected
in a picture is greater to a predefined threshold, for example in the
order of 60 to 75%, during the motion estimation carried out at a
decomposition level I, the temporal decomposition into subbands is stopped.
The size of the initial GOP is modified to give two GOPs, the size of the first
GOP being forced automatically to 21. This solution however requires the use
of GOPs of variable sizes, and the management of such GOPs is complex.
Another solution consists in exploiting other coding modes such
as intra mode coding, during the temporal decomposition. If there are a large
number of non-connected pixels, an intra coding is carried out. But the
dynamics of the pictures must then be adapted to that of the pictures
obtained by MCTF filtering, leading to an additional coding cost. This to the
detriment of the pictures coded according to the MCTF mode and therefore
of the overall quality of the reconstituted picture sequence.
The invention aims to overcome the disadvantages described
One of the purposes of the invention is a method for coding a
picture sequence comprising a hierarchical temporal analysis of a group of
pictures performing a motion compensated temporal filtering of successive
pairs of pictures to supply low temporal frequency pictures and high temporal
frequency pictures at different temporal decomposition levels, this analysis
realizing, for a given temporal decomposition level and for a pair of low
temporal frequency pictures, a motion estimation step of a current picture B
to a previous reference picture A to supply motion vectors then a motion
compensated temporal filtering of these pictures to supply a low temporal
frequency picture (L) and a high temporal frequency picture (H) at a greater
decomposition level, the said temporal filtering being replaced by an intra
mode coding to obtain at least one low (L) or high (H) frequency picture if the
current picture has a level of correlation with a previous picture lower than a
threshold, the low frequency pictures (L) obtained being thus scaled to be
adapted, at the energy level, to the pictures obtained by the said motion
compensated temporal filtering, characterized in that, among the low
frequency picture and the final high frequency decomposed pictures obtained
at the end of the analysis:
- it selects the pictures obtained by intra coding of a picture at a
lower decomposition level with the additional condition, for the high frequency
pictures, that this picture is derived itself from an intra coding.
- it calibrates the picture selected by carrying out at least one
reverse step of the scaling step.
The number of reverse steps carried out corresponds to the
number of successive intra coding operations of a low frequency picture (L)
to arrive at the picture selected if this involves a high frequency selected
picture, this number being increased by one if it involves the low frequency
selected picture (L).
According to a particular implementation, the method comprises,
for the calculation of a low L or high H frequency image, a temporal filtering
between the current picture and a following picture of the following pair of
pictures, if the correlation between the current picture and the previous
picture is lower than a threshold and if the correlation between the current
picture and this following picture is greater than a threshold, the other H or L
picture being obtained by intra coding and in that this filtering operation is
assimilated with the intra coding and not with the temporal filtering for the
selection step.
According to a particular implementation, the method assigns a
picture number to each picture of the group of pictures, it monitors these
numbered pictures during the decomposition by attributing a counter for each
number, this counter being updated at each step,
- the counter is increased each time a low frequency picture (L) is
obtained in intra mode,
- the counter remains unchanged each time a high frequency
picture (H) is obtained in intra mode or during a temporal filtering with a
following picture,
- the counter is reset each time a picture is obtained by motion
compensated temporal filtering with a previous picture.
The invention also concerns a decoding procedure of a sequence
of pictures coded according to the method described above, characterized in
that it carries out a reverse calibration step of selected pictures to decode,
the selection of the pictures and the number of reverse steps being
dependent on the information associated with the picture to decode. This
information is for example the value of the counter assigned to the picture
during the coding.
The invention also relates to a coder for the implementation of the
method described, comprising a temporal analysis circuit using the motion
compensated temporal filtering and the intra coding, characterized in that the
circuit selects, among the low frequency picture and the final high frequency
decomposed pictures obtained at the end of analysis, the pictures obtained
by an intra coding of a picture at the lower decomposition level or by a
temporal filtering between the current picture and a following picture at the
lower decomposition level, with the additional condition, for the high
frequency pictures, that this picture is derived itself from an intra coding and
in that it carries out at least one scaling step for the pictures selected.
The invention also relates to a decoder for the decoding of picture
sequences coded according to the method of claim 1, comprising a temporal
synthesis circuit, characterized in that the circuit comprises means for
performing a reverse calibration of pictures to decode, the selection of the
pictures and the number of reverse calibrations being dependent on an item
of information associated with the picture to decode and received by the
Owing to this reverse scaling operation of intra type pictures,
the pictures coded according to the MCTF mode are not penalized. The
distribution of the quality of the pictures on the entire GOP comprising both
intra pictures coded in intra mode or according to the MCTF mode is
improved. The coding mode information sent to the decoder enable the intra
pictures to be recalibrated to carry out the synthesis of the pictures.
The temporal filtering being carried out in a conditional manner,
according to the quality of the motion, the temporal decomposition into
subbands can be carried out up to the last level. Irrespective of the quality of
the motion, the GOP structure is kept. The size of the GOPs can be kept
constant, facilitating the management of bit-rates and processing, even if a
scene cut occurs in the middle of a GOP. If variable size GOPs are used, the
picture quality is improved.
Other specific features and advantages will emerge more
clearly in the following description, the description provided as a nonrestrictive
example and referring to the annexed drawings wherein:
- figure 1 a coding diagram according to prior art,
- figure 2, a motion compensated temporal filtering on a GOP of
16 pictures,
- figure 3, a coding circuit,
- figure 4, a coding flow chart,
- figure 5, a decoding circuit.
Figure 2 shows in a summary manner the motion compensated
temporal filtering operations performed by the temporal analysis circuit 4,
with a 4-level decomposition for GOPs comprising in this example, 16
pictures shown in thick lines.
The filtering mode used is called "lifting". Instead of using a
complex filtering for the wavelet coding, using a linear filter of a great length,
in our example the filtering will be carried out on a group of 16 pictures, this
filtering method consists, in a known manner, of "factorising" the filter by
using limited length filters, for example two if it is decided to filter the samples
two by two, this filtering being renewed for each decomposition level. One
therefore considers the case in which the filtering in the direction of motion is
carried out on pairs of pictures. The low frequency and high frequency
filtering on each of the pairs of the GOP, produces respectively 8 low
temporal frequency images (t-L) and 8 high temporal frequency images (t-H)
at the first temporal decomposition level.
The low temporal frequency images are then decomposed
again according to the same method. The low pass filtering of these pictures
provides 4 new low temporal frequency pictures t-LL and the high pass
filtering of these same pictures provides 4 high temporal frequency pictures t-
LH. The third decomposition level provides 2 low temporal frequency pictures
t-LLL and 2 high temporal frequency pictures t-LLH. The fourth and last level
provides a low temporal frequency picture t-LLLL and a high temporal
frequency picture t-LLLH.
This temporal decomposition is a 5 band temporal
decomposition that therefore generates 1 t-LLLL picture, 1 t-LLLH picture, 2
t-LLH pictures, 4 t-LH pictures, and 8 t-H pictures per GOP of 16 pictures.
The t-L, t-LL, t-LLL pictures and naturally the original pictures are ignored for
the downstream coding as they are at the origin of the decomposition into
subbands to provide de-correlated pictures at each level. This decomposition
thus enables a new distribution of the energy by generating a useful picture
with a low temporal frequency t-LLLL, which represents an average of the set
of the GOP and in which is concentrated the energy and four levels of
pictures of low energy high temporal frequency pictures, namely 5 frequency
bands. It is these pictures that are sent to the spatial analysis circuit for
spatial decomposition into subbands.
To perform the filtering, a motion field is estimated between
each pair of pictures to be filtered and this for each level. This is the function
of the motion estimator 7.
In a practical manner, only a motion vector field is computed,
from A to B or from B to A. The other motion vector field is deducted from the
first, generating non-connected pixels, that is not assigned a motion vector
and corresponding to holes in the reverse motion vector field.
The filtering operation is carried out on each picture pair of the
original GOP, to obtain a first level of temporal resolution. The process is
repeated several times on the resulting pictures of the low temporal
frequency band, to obtain the following temporal resolution levels. For a GOP
of 16 pictures, the process generates 8 temporal frequency bands called L,
As indicated above, the problem of non-connected pixels
results in a poorer decorrelation during the temporal filtering and therefore a
poorer compression of the data. It can occur at each of the decomposition
levels of the GOP where a motion estimation operation is performed.
According to one embodiment of the invention, a mode
switching circuit is implemented to control the temporal analysis, circuit
controlled by the relevance of the motion estimation. It can manage the case
where a large number of non-connected pixels is obtained during the motion
estimation operation.
Figure 4 shows a device with such a circuit. The same
references are used to designate the circuits similar to those figure 1, which
are not described again.
The motion information coming form the motion estimation
circuit, with the reference 2, are sent to a mode switching circuit, with the
reference 7. This circuit is connected to the temporal analysis circuit 1 to
send it the motion information and the information on the coding mode to
Figure 4 shows a simplified flow chart of the algorithm
implemented for the operation of the switching circuit.
That is A and B two successive pictures of a given temporal
decomposition level, available in the step referenced 7. The motion is for
example estimated from the picture B to the picture A and the picture A is
therefore the reference picture. A step referenced 8 estimates the motion of
this picture B to the picture A. The following step 9 computes the percentage
P1 of non-connected pixels in the reference picture A with respect to the
number of pixels of the picture, that is, the number of pixels to which no
motion vector is assigned. The following step referenced 10 compares this
percentage P1 with a threshold S1 that is a predefined value. This value is
for example a percentage in the order of 20 to 25%.
If the number of pixels not-connected is less than or equal to
this value, the motion vector field is considered as correct and the next step
is step 1 1 , which performs a standard filtering operation.
The low and high frequency pictures are thus computed:
(Formula Removed)
This filtering, equivalent to the filtering described, consists in
first calculating the picture H. This picture is obtained from point to point
difference of the picture B and the motion compensated picture A. Hence, a
certain value is removed from a pixel B, interpolated if necessary, pointed by
the displacement vector in A, motion vector computed during the motion
estimation of the picture B to the picture A.
The picture L is then deducted from the picture H and no longer
the picture B, by addition of the picture A to the reverse motion compensated
(Formula Removed)
corresponds to a motion "decompensation" of the
picture (H). Hence, one adds, to a pixel of A, a certain value, interpolated if
necessary, located, in the picture H, at the base of a displacement vector
from B to A and pointing to the A pixel.
[f the percentage of pixels not connected is greater than the
threshold S1, the motion vector field is considered as not relevant and step
1 2 follows step 10.
At the temporal level processed, if there is a picture C after the
picture B, test carried out in step 12, this picture C becomes a possible new
reference picture and the motion is estimated from the picture B to the picture
C, step 13.
If there is no picture after the picture B at the current ievel
processed, step 17 follows step 12. This step codes the pictures B and A into
intra mode with the appropriate scale factor for the picture A.
(Formula Removed)
Step 14, which follows step 13, computes a percentage P2 of
pixels non-connected in the picture C for the motion vector field computed
between B and C.
The following step 15 compares this percentage P2 with a
threshold S2 that is a predefined value. This value is for example a
percentage in the order of 20 to 25%.
If the number of pixels not-connected is less than or equal to
this value, the motion vector field is considered as correct and the next step
is step 16, which performs a standard filtering operation but with this picture
C. This is the backward prediction mode. The low and high frequency
pictures are thus computed:
(Formula Removed)
The information of the picture A is thus found in the picture L
and the energy of the picture H is reduced by taking this reference in the
future for the filtering rather than by simply choosing the picture B or filtering
it from a previous non-correlated picture. A high frequency image of low
energy is thus obtained.
If the percentage of non-connected pixels is lower than the
threshold S2, step 17 follows step 12. This step 17 codes the pictures B and
A in intra mode with the appropriate scale factor for the picture A, as in the
MCTF mode or the previous backward prediction mode.
(Formula Removed)
The reverse is naturally possible, which consists in taking the
picture A as high frequency picture (H=A) and the picture B as the low
frequency picture. One can for example choose, for L, the picture with the
least energy.
Steps 11,16 and 17 are therefore coding modes determined by
the mode switching circuit, information sent to the temporal analysis circuit.
The choice of mode is here carried out for the complete picture.
It is naturally just as conceivable to carry out a selection of the mode for each
of the blocks or macroblocks of the picture.
The term 2 , called the scale factor, relating for example to the
"real" pictures L, that is, obtained by an MCTF filtering, is due to the MC lift
filtering. This scale factor, also attributed to the intra mode coding of the
pictures A, enables the same energy value to be obtained at the level of the
pictures and aims to facilitate the matching during the motion estimation for
the next temporal level, the pictures being then uniform in terms of energy.
The elementary filtering stage described above is realized for
each picture pair of a given temporal level and this for each temporal level up
to the summit of the temporal pyramid of the GOP, irrespective of the
relevance of the motion vector fields, irrespective of the mode. This means it
is possible not to be affected by false scene cuts, corresponding for example
to a rapid movement of the camera, revealing areas hidden up to that point.
At the end of the process, the pictures A and B that have been
coded in intra mode at a given decomposition level and that have not been
used as a reference picture or prediction picture for the MCTF mode or for
the backward prediction mode at the following temporal decomposition
levels, are rescaled to match the last level for which its pixels have been
used for these modes:
(Formula Removed)
Fi is the picture L or H resulting from the filtering of the picture A
and B and F'j this picture Fj rescaled.
The exponent n to apply to the scale factor is given according to
the mode, by the following formulas:
(Formula Removed)
- Prediction mode or intra coding mode:
ln(L) = n(A) + 1
The value of n is thus calculated, for an image L or H at a given
decomposition level, according to the value of n attributed to the picture A or
B of the previous decomposition level, used respectively for the computation
of L or H.
Thus, if the pictures A and B are processed according to the
MCTF mode to give the pictures L and H, then, irrespective of their level n(A)
and n(B), the level n attributed to these pictures L and H is forced to zero.
If the prediction or intra mode is used to provide the pictures L
and H from the pictures A and B, assigned of the level n(A) and n(B), the
level of the picture L is that of n(A) increased by one and the level of the
picture H is that of the picture B, n(B).
By referring to figure 2, if one considers a scene cut after the
fourth picture of the GOP leading to an intra coding carried out for the first
time at the third level of decomposition for the two pictures t-LLL then at the
fourth and last level, the value of n(L) is equal to 2 for the picture t-LLLL and
the value of n(H) is equal to 1 for the picture t-LLLH. Thus, by dividing the
picture t-LLLL twice by the scale factor, one finds the picture t-LL that
corresponds to the last level at which this picture is used for the MCTF mode.
It is possible to assign a number to each of the original pictures
of the GOP. Numbers are next attributed to the decomposed pictures, a
filtering of a picture A numbered s with a picture B numbered t giving a low
frequency picture numbered s, L corresponding to A, and a high frequency
picture numbered t, H corresponding to B. For example, the numbers
obtained for the pictures of the levels t-LLLL, t-LLLH, t-LLH are 1, 9, 5 and
13. For each decomposition level, the computation of n for a numbered
picture i then consists in an increase of the level n assigned to the picture i of
the previous level in the case where this picture undergoes intra or predictive
coding to give a low frequency picture L. The counter remains unchanged if
this picture undergoes an intra or predictive coding to give a high frequency
image H. The counter is reset if this picture undergoes an MCTF coding. The
value n attributed to each original picture of the GOP is reset. The
computation is carried out at each decomposition level up to the last level.
In fact, the value n attributed to a decomposed picture
- for a final picture obtained by MCTF filtering, to the value zero,
- for a final low frequency picture obtained by intra coding, to
the number of intra coding operations realized on the picture of the same
number resulting in this low frequency picture, increased by one,
- for a high frequency picture obtained by intra coding, to the
number of successive intra coding operations realized on the picture of the
same number resulting in this high frequency picture,
- for a high frequency picture obtained from temporal filtering
with a following picture, to the number of successive intra coding operations
realized on the picture of the same number, increased by one, resulting in the
picture that is the object of this temporal filtering.
This last rescaling step aims to calibrate the dynamic of the
transformed pictures, which are not "real" temporal subbands, that is,
subband pictures obtained by MCTF filtering, by reducing the weight of these
The calibrated subband picture is a picture that is not exploited
for the synthesis of the two pictures A and B, reason for which its cost is
The bit-rate allocation is realized by the packetizer 5. The
orthogonality of the temporal transform, and also its normalisation, are
essential points so that the bit-rate allocation is optimal among the different
pictures. What is realised in a natural manner during a standardised MCTF
filtering can become a problem when other modes such as the backward
prediction mode or the intra coding mode are implemented. If, in a coding
step, a low frequency image is obtained, in intra or predictive mode, by
multiplying the picture A by a scale factor to reach the dynamic of the
temporal level, that is, to obtain a picture of the same energy as the pictures
obtained by MCTF filtering, this weighting is no longer required at the level of
bit allocation. On the contrary, particular care must be taken to favour the
"real" low frequency pictures obtained by MCTF filtering, the pertinent
reference pictures, for example by giving less weight to pictures coded in
intra or predictive mode. Indeed, the real low frequency pictures, as has been
seen above, are used at the decoder for the reconstruction of the two
pictures A and B at the lower decomposition level, according to the
hierarchical pyramid, B being a function of A, which is not the case for the
pictures coded in intra or predictive mode.
The invention also relates to a decoder using the data coded
according to the method described above. Figure 5 represents such a
The binary flow corresponding to the pictures coded according
to the method described herein are sent to the decoder input. They are sent
in parallel to the input of an entropic decoding circuit 18 and to the input of a
motion decoding circuit 19. The entropic decoding circuit is connected
successively to a spatial synthesis circuit 20 and to a temporal synthesis
circuit 21. This latter receives motion information from the motion decoding
circuit. The output of the temporal synthesis circuit is connected to the input
of a post-filtering circuit 22, the output of which is the decoder output.
The bitstream is therefore processed by the entropic decoding
circuit 18, which performs the inverse operations of the entropic coding circuit
and decodes the spatio-temporal wavelet coefficients and the filtering modes.
The motion decoding circuit 19 recovers and decodes the
information relating to the motion from the flow, in order to send the motion
fields required for the temporal synthesis to the circuit 21.
The spatial synthesis circuit 20 reconstructs the pictures
corresponding to the different temporal subbands. The reconstructed
subband pictures are then scaled from the appropriate scale factor, to carry
out the temporal synthesis. This scaling is carried out according to the mode
information sent and relating to the pictures used during the decomposition of
the original GOP, to the coder, enabling the values of n to be assigned to the
different pictures.
Fi=Fi 2n ( F i }
Next, the temporal synthesis circuit 21 reconstructs the pictures
transformed up to the temporal level required, according to their mode:
- MCTF mode
backward prediction mode
(Formula Removed)
intra coding mode
(Formula Removed)
The motion information required for motion compensation
comes from the motion decoding circuit. The temporal synthesis performs a
decoding operation according to the coding mode information assigned to the
picture to decode.
The pictures at the output of the circuit 21 are therefore
reconstructed from temporal wavelet coefficients. A final post-processing
step is applied by the post-filtering circuit 22 by performing a filtering on the
picture enabling the block effect type artefacts to be reduced.
The percentage P1 and/or P2 used to determine the switching
mode is chosen in the order of 20 to 25%. This percentage was obtained
empirically and other values can naturally be used for the implementation of
the switching procedure.
The motion used for temporal filtering of a pair of pictures can
be obtained by simplification or pruning of the motion vector field computed
by motion estimation, enabling the motion coding cost to be limited.
A variant of the invention consists in combining a adaptive GOP
structure with the method previously described. The size of the GOP is then
variable, depending for example on parameters such as the motion in the
The invention also applies to a hybrid type temporal analysis
circuit as well as a subband coding type.
The applications of the invention relation to video compression
with temporal prediction.

1. Method for coding a picture sequence comprising a
hierarchical temporal analysis (1) of a group of pictures performing a motion
compensated temporal filtering of successive pairs of pictures (11) to supply
low temporal frequency pictures and high temporal frequency pictures at
different temporal decomposition levels, this analysis realizing, for a given
temporal decomposition level and for a pair of low temporal frequency
pictures, a motion estimation step (8) of a current picture B to a previous
reference picture A to supply motion vectors then a motion compensated
temporal filtering (11) of these pictures to supply a low temporal frequency
picture (L) and a high temporal frequency picture (H) at a greater
decomposition level, the said temporal filtering being replaced by an intra
mode (16, 17) coding to obtain at least one low (L) or high (H) frequency
picture if the current picture has a level of correlation with a previous picture
lower than a threshold (10, 15), the low frequency pictures (L) obtained being
thus scaled to be adapted, at the energy level, to the pictures obtained by the
said motion compensated temporal filtering, characterized in that, among the
low frequency picture and the final high frequency decomposed pictures
obtained at the end of the analysis:
- it selects the pictures obtained by intra coding of a picture at a
lower decomposition level with the additional condition, for the high frequency
pictures, that this picture is derived itself from an intra coding.
- it calibrates the selected picture by carrying out at least one
reverse step of the scaling step.
2. Method according to claim 1, characterized in that the number
of reverse steps carried out corresponds to the number of successive intra
coding operations of a low frequency picture (L) to arrive at the picture
selected if this involves a high frequency selected picture, this number being
increased by one if it involves the low frequency selected picture (L).
3. Method according to claim 2, characterized in that it comprises,
for the calculation of a low L or high H frequency image, a temporal filtering
between the current picture and a following picture (16) of the following pair
of pictures, if the correlation between the current picture and the previous
picture is lower than a threshold (10) and if the correlation between the
current picture and this following picture is greater than a threshold (15), the
other H or L picture being obtained by intra coding (16) and in that this
filtering operation is assimilated with the intra coding and not with the
temporal filtering for the selection step.
4. Method according to claim 3, characterized in that it assigns a
picture number to each picture of the group of pictures, and in that it monitors
these numbered pictures during the decomposition by attributing a counter
for each number, this counter being updated at each step:
- the counter is increased each time a low frequency picture (L) is
obtained in intra mode,
- the counter remains unchanged each time a high frequency
picture (H) is obtained in intra mode or during a temporal filtering with a
following picture,
- the counter is reset each time a picture is obtained by motion
compensated temporal filtering with a previous picture,
5. Method according to claim 1, characterized in that the high
frequency pictures H and low frequency pictures L are obtained, during the
motion compensated temporal filtering of two successive pictures A and B,
from the following operations:
MC corresponding to the motion compensation according to the B
to A motion vector field, of the picture H.
6. Method according to claim 5, characterized in that the pictures L
and H are obtained, from intra coding, according to the formulas
(Formula Removed)
and in that the pictures H and L are obtained by filtering with the
following picture and ifl-tbat-for H and by intra coding for L, according to the
following formulas:
(Formula Removed)
MC corresponding to the motion compensation according to the B
to C motion vector field, of the picture C.
7. Method according to claim 1, characterized in that the calibrated
pictures obtained by temporal analysis (1) are then processed by spatial
analysis (3).
8. Method according to claim 1, characterized in that the level of
correlation is calculated by taking into account the number of connected
pixels, that is, connected by a motion vector.
9. Decoding method of a sequence of coded images according to
the process of clairrM, characterized in that it implements a reverse
calibration step (21) of selected pictures to be decoded, the selection of the
pictures and the number of reverse steps being dependent on an element of
information associated with the G0€te4-picture to be decoded.
10. Method for the decoding of a sequence of coded images
according to the process of claim 4, characterized in that it implements a
reverse calibration step (21) of selected pictures to be decoded, the selection
and the number of reverse steps being a function of the value of a counter
assigned to the picture during the coding.
11. Coder for the implementation of the method according to
claims, comprising a temporal analysis circuit (1) using the motion
compensated temporal filtering and the intra coding, characterized in that the
circuit selectse d, among the low frequency picture and the final high
frequency decomposed pictures obtained at the end of analysis, the pictures
obtained by an intra coding of a picture at the lower decomposition level or by
a temporal filtering between the current picture and a following picture at the
lower decomposition level, or by a temporal filtering between the picture of a
pair of pictures and the following picture of the following paiour of pictures at
the lower decomposition level with the additional condition, for the high
frequency pictures, that this picture is derived itself from an intra coding andin
that it carries out at least one reverse step of the scaling step for the
pictures selected.
12. Decoder for the decoding of sequences of images according to
the process of claim_1, comprising a temporal synthesis circuit (21_,
characterized in that the circuit comprises means to perform a reverse
calibration of pictures to be decoded, te-be-synthetized-the selection of
images and the number of reverse calibrations being dependent on an
element of information associated with the picture to be decoded-and
received by the decoder.






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Patent Number 260786
Indian Patent Application Number 4547/DELNP/2006
PG Journal Number 21/2014
Publication Date 23-May-2014
Grant Date 22-May-2014
Date of Filing 07-Aug-2006
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04N 7/26
PCT International Application Number PCT/FR2005/050109
PCT International Filing date 2005-02-21
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 0450420 2004-03-02 France