Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to a system for providing a core network node with location related information about one or more mobile user stations accessing the core network over an access network. It comprises a number of radio access network nodes (RNC;BSC) a number of first network nodes or core network nodes serving communication of data (SGSN1, SGSN2), a number of second core network nodes comprising gateway core network nodes (GGSN) acting as gateways to external or third party controlled data communication networks and/or service providers. Location related information of one or more mobile user stations obtained from the radio network access nodes is provided from a first network node or core network node to a second core network node. Said location related information is provided in one or more dedicated information elements added to existing communication of messages between said first core network node and said second core network node.
Full Text

The present invention relates to a system for providing a core
network node with location related information about one or more
mobile user stations accessing the core network over an access
network. The invention also relates to a network node for a
communications system supporting communication of packet data and
also to a core network node for a communication system supporting
communication of packet data which acts as a gateway node to external
or third party controlled communications systems or service
providers. Still further the invention relates to a method for
providing a second core network node acting as a gateway to external
or third party controlled data communications systems, with location
related information of one or more mobile user stations accessing the
core network over an access network.
In today known systems core network nodes, such as for example GGSNs
(Gateway GPRS Support Node), do not have sufficient knowledge of
where mobile stations actually are located. It is for example known
that GGSNs are provided with location information through so called
CGI/SAI (Cell Global Identifier/Service Area Identifier) from for
example SGSNs (Serving GPRS Support Nodes). Today CGI/SAI information
is sent to a GGSN when a mobile user station (MS), e.g. a User
Equipment (UE) is moving from an old SGSN to a new SGSN. Often,
however, said information in SGSN/GGSN is not worth so much, since
the accuracy is not good due to the fact that a mobile user station
may be involved in several handovers at cell level while still being
connected to one and the same SGSN, i.e. there may be several
handovers at cell level before the SGSN is notified (or there is a
change of SGSNs) . Thus, in for example PLMNs (Public Land Mobile
Network) supporting GPRS services (GSM Packet Radio Service) the
precise and actual location of an MS or an UE is not known, neither
by the SGSN nor by the GGSN providing the service. The SGSN does have
location information, but it only has information that is provided to
it, which however has a limited granularity and/or a limited
timeliness. The reason therefore is, as referred to above, that the
MS/UE may move within a routing area without informing the SGSN. The
occasions when the SGSN may report the location of the MS/UE to the

GGSN are few, basically at PDP context establishment in the SGSN.
Today PLMN operators for example tend to apply Packet Switched (PS)
mobile access charging in a GGSN where they apply differentiated
rates depending on the service provided. Thus it is a problem with
today known solutions among others as far as charging is concerned.
An operator who wants to apply different rating, for example
depending on the location of an MS/UE, will face the problem that the
location information is not available in the GGSN or that it is not
accurate or timely enough.
If the Gn interface between the SGSN and the GGSN would be elaborated
to report location changes, this would involve several drawbacks.
First, such an approach would lead to intensive signalling between
the SGSN and GGSN still without any possibility to adapt to the
requirements that can be derived from the rating. Moreover the
location granularity would be the same for all MSs/UEs and thus the
report triggering would be the same for each MS/UE.
For several implementations, for example, relating to charging but
also for several other implementations or services the information as
to the location or the location at a given time is not sufficient in
for example a core network node such as a GGSN and all today known
solutions to increase the accuracy etc. of application information
all suffer from the drawback that it requires a lot of signalling and
all mobile user stations (here meant MSs and/or UEs or, more
generally, mobile user stations) are treated completely equally as
far as location related information is concerned.
What is needed is therefore a system as initially referred to in
which the provisioning of location related information to core
network nodes is provided for in an easy and flexible manner.
Particularly a system is needed through which the accuracy of
location related information can be increased in core network nodes,
particularly in core network nodes acting as gateways to external
networks or third party controlled communication systems. Furthermore
a system is needed through which different degrees of accuracy of

location related information can be provided for different mobile
user stations, i.e. that allows controllability.
Moreover a system is needed through which location related
information can be provided to core network nodes in a more timely
manner than hitherto. Yet further a system is needed through which
location related information can be provided to core network nodes
without, or at least without considerably, increasing the signalling
in the system. Particularly a system is needed through which
different kinds of user location related information can be provided
to core network nodes and, advantageously also to operators and
service providers or users of third party controlled communication
systems. Particularly a system is needed through which the accuracy
of CGN/SAI in for example an GGSN can be increased. Particularly a
system is needed through which location dependent charging is enabled
in a better and more flexible party manner than hitherto. Most
particularly a system is needed through which packet switched traffic
rating which is location dependent on a per mobile station basis is
allowed. Particularly a system is needed through which it gets
possible to collect location information with the appropriate
location (and timing) related accuracy in order to perform for
example adaptive charging or rating or adaptively and flexibly
providing services.
A (core) network node as initially referred to is also needed through
the use of which one or more of the above mentioned objects can be
achieved. Still further a core network node acting as a gateway, as
also initially referred to, is needed through the use of which one or
more of the above mentioned objects can be achieved. Still' further a
method as initially referred to is needed, through which one or more
of the above mentioned objects can be achieved.
Therefore a system as initially referred to is provided which
comprises a number of radio access network nodes, such as for example
RNCs (Radio Network Controller), BSCs (Base State Controller), BTSs
(Base Transceiver Station, Node-B, UNCs (Unlicensed Network
Controller), access points or wireless access gateways of for example
wireless LANs, a number of first (core) network nodes serving

communication of data such as for example SGSNs, MSCs (Mobile
Switching Centers), PDGs (Packet Data Gateways) or intermediate
interworking gateways to for example a WLAN, a number of second core
network nodes comprising gateway core network nodes, for example
GGSNs, acting as gateways to external or third party controlled data
communication networks and/or service providers, whereby location
related information of one or more mobile user stations, for example
mobile stations or user equipment, or more generally any mobile user
station, obtained from the radio network access nodes, is provided
from a first (core) network node to a second core network node.
According to the inventive concept, location related information is
provided in one or more dedicated information elements added to
existing communication of messages between said first (core) network
node and said second core network node. The core network may comprise
3G system such as an UMTS or a GPRS/GSM, with an access network such
as UTRAN, GERAN with access network nodes, or an Unlicensed Mobile
Access Network (UMA).
In one implementation location related information about one or more
mobile user stations is provided from radio access network control
nodes to the first (core) network node automatically or according to
a known procedure. The location related information may also be
provided, for one or more user stations, upon request by the first
(core) network node, which then may indicate for which particular
mobile user station(s) location related information is to be provided
and even more particularly when or under which circumstances, e.g.
for mobile user stations fulfilling certain criteria.
Particularly, a request from a first (core) network node or some
other node can be defined so as to refer to one or more specific
mobile user stations. Even more particularly the request can be
defined so as to refer to one or more mobile user stations fulfilling
one or more given criteria.
Particularly the location related information comprises information
about the actual geographical location of a number of mobile user
stations on a given level, e.g. cell level, RA (Routing Area) level,
sub-cell level or service area level. The location related

information may also or additionally comprise information about the
time zone in which a mobile user station currently is located,
preferably for mobile user stations for which a change of time zone
is plausible, i.e. which are located there where change of time zone
can be expected to occur. In one particular embodiment the first
(core) network node uses the Location Report Control procedure to
request location related information of a given mobile user station.
However, the location related information may also be requested in
other manners.
The dedicated information element or elements is/are, in a most
advantageous implementation, added to or included in the user plane
traffic messages, i.e. to the payload sent from a first core network
to a second " core network node for the mobile station or stations
concerned, or even all. In another implementation the dedicated
information element(s) is/are added the user plane messages
concerning such mobile user stations for which the first core node
has requested location related information only.
In another embodiment the dedicated information element or elements
is/are added to existing messages comprising update PDP context
requests or similar from a first (core) network node to a second core
network node for all mobile user stations handled by said first core
network node or for those mobile user stations only for which the
first core network nodes has requested location related information.
Also other existing messaging could be used for adding the
information element(s) containing location related information.
In one particular implementation the location related information
comprises charging related information such as for example CGI/SAI
information. Particularly means are provided for adaptive location
information provisioning to a second core network node from' the first
(core) network node.
Said means particularly comprises a client in the second core network
node. Even more particularly said client comprises an LCS (Location

Services) Client for requesting and collecting differentiated
location related information.
Therefore also a (core) network node as initially referred to is
provided which comprises means for establishing for which mobile user
stations location related information is to be collected from the
access network over which said mobile user stations are connected to
said core network, and means for collecting and means for storing
said location related information and means for providing location
related information to a second core network node acting as a gateway
to external or third party controlled communication systems or
service providers. Said means for establishing, collecting and
providing location related information may consist of common control
means, or may be constituted of different, separate, cooperating or
intercommunicating means.
Particularly the first (core) network node comprises an SGSN, a node
acting as a gateway to a wireless access network, particularly a
packet data gateway, PDG, or any other corresponding node.
Even more particularly the node comprises means for providing said
location related information in one or more dedicated information
elements which may be the same means as the means for providing the
location related information to a second core network node, or means
separate there from. Said means for providing the location related
information particularly comprises means for adding said information
element to all payload traffic, i.e. all messages sent on the user
plane of the established mobile user stations, e.g. using the GTP-U
tunnel. Particularly said information is added to all traffical
messages sent from mobile user stations for which the core network
node has requested Location Report Control or for which a core
network node (or any other node or means) has requested location
related information in any other way, or more generally, for which
location related information is to be provided.
The core network node even more particularly comprises (control)
means, in an alternative embodiment, for adding said information
element or elements to messages sent to the second core network node

when the location related information has changed for the mobile user
station, e.g. when the mobile user station has changed geographical
area, service area, cell and/or time zone.. Said messages particularly
comprise so called Update PDP Context Requests.
The invention also suggests a core network node for a communications
system supporting communication of packet data which acts as a
gateway node to external or third party controlled communications
system or service providers, which comprises means for receiving and
collecting location related information for mobile user stations from
a first core network node, as discussed above. Said means comprises
control means for, based on specified criteria, enabling adaptive
collection of location related information for mobile user stations
for which the specified criteria are met, and for enabling adaptive
reporting of such location related information to external or third
party controlled data communications systems or service providers.
Said node particularly comprises a GGSN. Said criteria are
particularly mobile user station location related, i.e. they may
relate to the geographical location of the mobile user station, which
then determines whether from that particular user station, where it
is located, location related information is needed when it e.g. moves
to another cell or to another service area or to another time zone.
The collected location related information particularly • comprises
geographical location information and said control means particularly
comprises a LCS client allowing adaptive collection of location
related information on a per mobile user station basis. Particularly
means are provided for transferring said location related information
to a GMLC (Gateway Mobile Location Center). It may however be any
kind of node or center having a functionality similar to that of a
gateway mobile location center. Particularly means are provided for
transferring said location related information to a GMLC allowing
for, for example, adaptive location based service provisioning or
adaptive location based charging.
Converting means for converting collected location related
information to another format, particularly to a format
understandable to the third party controlled data communication
system or service provider may be provided in the first (core)

network node, in the second core network node, e.g. a GGSN, according
to different implementations.
The invention therefore also discloses a method as initially referred
to, which comprises the steps of; establishing at least for which
user stations location related information is to be collected in a
first (core) network node; collecting said location information for
said mobile user stations; storing said location related information
in storing means in or associated with said first (core) network
node; arranging said location related information in dedicated
information elements; and adding said information elements to
messages sent independently of said information element(s) from said
first (core) network node to the second core network node. That the
messages are sent independently of said information element means
that already existing messaging between first core network node and
the second core network node is used for transfer of said information
element(s). The dedicated information element may be added to all
traffical packets sent in the user plane for the concerned mobile
user stations or it may alternatively be added to other messages,
e.g. in the control plane, such as Update PDP Context Requests. In an
advantageous implementation it additionally comprises the step of
converting, in said first or said second core network node, said
location related information to a format understandable to users of
said third party controlled data communications network or external
service providers or more general to any desired format unless it is
already in a desired format.
Most particularly the method comprises the step of; adaptively
reporting location related information such as location information,
time zone information etc. to allow for location dependent rating or
service provisioning on a per mobile user station basis. The location
information may be on different levels, e.g. on cell level, service
area level or any other appropriate level. It may particularly
comprise geographical coordinates or it may be converted to such. The
location information may also alternatively or additionally comprise
time zone information.

The invention will in the following be further described, in a non-
limiting manner, and with reference to the accompanying drawings, in
Fig. 1 is a schematical block diagram of a part of an UMTS or
GSM/GPRS architecture in which location related
information is provided to a GGSN according to a first
implementation of the inventive concept,
Fig. 2 is a figure similar to Fig. 1 illustrating provisioning of
location related information according to a second
implementation of the inventive concept,
Fig. 3 is a schematical block diagram of a system in which the
access network comprises an unlicensed mobile access
network and to which the inventive concept can be
Fig. 4 is a schematical block diagram of a system in which the
access network comprises a WLAN,
Fig. 5 is a schematical block diagram of a system of an
alternative implementation in which the access network
comprises a WLAN,
Fig. 6 illustrates a traffical packet with the dedicated
information element for provisioning of the location
related information to a GGSN according to one embodiment
of the invention,
Fig. 7 is a sequence diagram illustrating the inter SGSN routing
area update procedure as adapated for location related
information provisioning according to another embodiment
of the invention,
Fig. 8 illustrates an example of a user location information
element, indicating CGI/SAI, that can be used,

Fig. 9 illustrates geographic location type values and the
meanings thereof for an embodiment using a location
information element as in Fig. 8,
Fig. 10 illustrates geographic location fields for CGI for the
Fig. 8 embodiment according to one implementation,
Fig. 11 illustrates an example of a geographic location field for
SAI for the embodiment of Fig 8 according to one
Fig. 12A illustrates one example on a location related information
element comprising an MS time zone element,
Fig. 12B illustrates possible values for the daylight saving time
field and the meaning thereof,
Fig. 13 illustrates an embodiment in which an LCS client is
introduced in GGSN,
Fig. 14 schematically illustrates a part of a communication system
with an LCS client in GGSN,
Fig. 15 shows an LCS architecture with an LCS client in a GGSN,
Fig. 16 is a schematical flow diagram showing location related
information provisioning to a GGSN according to one
exemplary embodiment, and
Fig. 17 is a sequence diagram illustrating flow based charging in
GGSN with differentiated rating depending on location.
The present invention generally relates to providing a core network
node, generally denoted a second network core (CN) node, particularly
a GGSN, with location related information for one or more mobile user
stations, e.g. mobile user stations for which location related
information has been requested, for all mobile user stations or for

mobile user stations fulfilling one or more given criteria e.g. as
far as location is concerned. The location related information can be
of different kinds as will be more thoroughly discussed below, for
example pure location information, e.g. indicating geographical area,
on different levels or in different forms, for example on cell level,
service area level or geographical coordinates or any other form to
specify an area, but it may also comprise information about in which
time zone a mobile user station currently is located. It may also be
different or on different levels etc. for different mobile user
stations. The inventive concept is applicable to 3G (Third Generation
Partnership Project) systems, e.g. UMTS based on WCDMA (Wideband Code
Division Multiple Access) technologies as well as to other systems
and to other access networks, for example WLAN (Wireless Local Area
Network) inter working with 3G and Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA)
Fig. 1 is a schematical block diagram of a first example of an
implementation to a 3G UMTS system built on the WCDMA technology
architecture. In a simplified manner is illustrated a routing area RA
comprising three cells, cell A, cell B, cell C in which a mobile user
station or a user equipment MS is moving around, in this particular
case it is supposed that it moves from cell A to cell B. Cell A is
here via a base station BS lAlf controlled by RNC (Radio Network
Controller) or BSC (Base Station Controller) 2AX whereas cell B via
base station BS lBi and cell C via base station BS ICx are controlled
by RNC/BSC 2BX. RNC/BSC 2&x here connects to the core network by means
of first CN node SGSN 1 3Alf whereas RNC/BSC 2BX is connected to first
CN node SGSN 2 3Bi. Both SGSN 1 3AX and SGSN 2 3hx communicate with
second CN node GGSN (Gateway GPRS Support Node) 4X. It should be clear
that this is merely a simplified illustration and the inventive
concept is also among other applicable to pooling concepts as for
example described in "Communication system supporting^ wireless
communication of packet data and method and arrangement relating
thereto" filed by the same applicant on October 13, 2000 and which
herewith is incorporated herein by reference.
It is in this embodiment supposed that MS moves from cell A to
cell B. It is in this particular case supposed that the SGSN has

requested that location related information be provided for MS. When
MS moves from cell A to cell B, information as to that is provided
from BS 1BX to RNC/BSC 2Bx, which hereupon provides such location
related information to SGSN 2 3BX. In Figure 1 control means are
illustrated in SGSN 1 and SGSN 2 respectively which here are supposed
to handle establishment of for which mobile stations location related
information should be provided and to handle collection of such
information from the RNC/BSC in question and further to provide for
storing of such location related information in a database DB, for
example an existing database in the SGSN holding location information
for all subscribers, e.g. the MM context data database (Mobility
Management database) or in a specific database or a database
associated with SGSN. The control means are also responsible for
making sure that the location related information is provided to
GGSN, i.e. the relevant location related information is thus fetched
from the database when sending of a message (e.g. a traffical packet
in the user plane) to SGSN is due. In the particular embodiment
illustrated in Fig. 1, it is supposed that the control means also are
responsible for providing the location related information in a new
(dedicated) information element (IE) which is sent in the User Plane,
i.e. over GTP-U (GPRS Tunneling Protocol-User plane). The relevant
information element(s) is/are thus added to traffic payload sent from
MS via SGSN 2 to GGSN and hence added to all messages for the
particular user, in this case MS. The SGSN control means are used to
add the dedicated information element(s) to all messages particularly
by extending the GPP-U header with the location related information.
In an alternative, advantageous, implementation only one (or a
limited number of) GTP-U packet is extended with location information
each time the UE changes e.g. cell or RA. This is advantageous in
that it eliminates redundant information sent to GGSN and in that it
minimizes processing time in GGSN to handle the embedded location
information in the GTP-U packet. Even if there is a slight risk that
a single GTP-U packet gets lost, the benefit should outweight this
.In Fig. 1 it is further illustrated that converting means are
provided in GGSN 4X. The converting means are used to convert the
location related information of the dedicated information element IE

to a format understandable to a third party communication system
connected to GGSN, for example Internet, or to external service
providers etc. These converting means are not necessary for the
functioning of the inventive concept but generally it is desirable to
be able to provide the location related information in an appropriate
form to allow for example for service providers to offer services
etc. The converting means could also have been provided in SGSN 2
(and SGSN 1). When the interface between RNC/BSC and SGSN in Iu (i.e.
not Gb), GTP-U may be used to convey the location information in the
same manner as on the Gn-interface. When using GTP-U the GGSN will
only receive updates of location of UEs when they are active. That
is, when the user is using some PS based service. Many times when a
user is moving, he is not using any PS service at all, and hence the
GGSN will fail to be updated. This problem can be solved in for
example the following way: Every time an SGSN or RNC/BSC becomes
aware that a UE has changed Cell (or RA) , it updates its DB with the
new location and searches for any GTP-U communication of the UE to
convey its location to the next CN node. If no GTP-U communication
(packets) are found within a certain time (a timer Tl may e.g. be
set) , the node generates a GTP-U packet itself "on behalf of" the UE
and forwards this to the next CN node. The location information is
inserted in this generated GTP-U packet. The IP packet which is
encapsulated in the GTP-U packet may be constructed in such a way
that it is discarded by the GGSN. It may for example be a PING
message which GGSN will not answer, or with a faulty destination
address e.g. that the GGSN will have to discard. This
generated "dummy" packet will convey the location information to the
GGSN at a very low cost, and still use the same concept as if GTP-U
communication is present.
The timer can be set to a reasonable high value, e.g. minutes, to
avoid frequent updates e.g. for UEs which are moving fast on a
highway and quickly moving between cells. Depending on how the
location information is used by receiving applications, UEs only
staying a very short time in a cell may not be of interest. The timer
Tl could hence be reset every time the UE moves to a new cell or RA.

It should be clear that in this embodiment the information element
could alternatively have been included in an Update PDP Context
Request as sent from SGSN 2 to GGSN 4X for example whenever MS changes
the geographical area, which is detected via SGSN which then sends
the updated location related information to GGSN in a new information
element added to an Update PDP Context Request instead. However, the
first solution relating to sending information elements in the user
plane minimizes the amount of signalling which is extremely
Fig. 2 shows another implementation of the inventive concept. It is
also here supposed that routing area RA comprises three cells, cell
A, cell B, cell C. Here mobile user station MS moves from t cell B to
cell C and BS 1A2 covers cell A, BS 1B2 covers cell B, whereas BS 1C2
covers cell C. BS 1A2 is controlled by RNC/BSC 2A2 whereas BSs 1B2, 1C2
are controlled by RNC/BSC 2B2. RNC/BSC 2A2 is here connected to first
CN node SGSN 1 3A2 whereas RNC/BSC 2B2 is connected to first CN node
SGSN 2 3B2. SGSN 1 and SGSN 2 communicate with GGSN 42, i.e. the
second CN node. Like in the preceding embodiment, described with
reference to Fig. 1, it is supposed that the first CN nodes SGSN 1
and SGSN 2 comprise control means and a database respectively.
However, in this embodiment it is illustrated that converting means
are provided in SGSN 1 and SGSN 2 respectively. In this particular
implementation it is also supposed that GGSN 42 comprises an LCS
client (Location Services). The LCS client particularly allows
collection of location information required for e.g. rat.ing to be
properly differentiated based on location. The LCS client is defined
in 3GPP TS 23.271,- section 6.3.2, which herewith is incorporated
herein by reference. The LCS client can also be responsible for
collecting location related information in the form of time zone
information etc. The inclusion of an LCS client is however not
necessary for the basic concept of the present invention but it
merely discloses an advantageous implementation, (and requires a GMLC
as will be explained below). Moreover, an LCS client as will be more
thoroughly described below with reference to figures 13, 14 and 15
might alternatively be included in a GGSN without the implementation
of the dedicated information element sent using already existing

messaging for provisioning of location related information to a GGSN,
i.e. relying on the GMLC (cf. e.g. Figs. 13-15).
As referred to with reference to Fig. 1 also the converting means are
not necessary for the functioning of the inventive concept, but if
such are provided, they may, as in Fig. 1, be included in the GGSN
Thus, in Fig. 2 it is supposed that BS 1C2 provides location related
information to RNC/BSC 2B2 which in turn forwards said location
related information concerning MS to the control means of SGSN 2 3B2,
which for example explicitly may have requested location related
information for MS. In other aspects the functioning is similar to
that described with reference to Fig. 1 and SGSN 2 provides the
location related information to, here, the LCS client of GGSN 42. Also
without inclusion of this LCS client in GGSN, the location related
information would of course be provided to GGSN 42. This transfer is
via GMLC, which provides the information to the LCS client in the
GGSN. The GMLC may process and/or convert the location information as
required to meet the demands from the LCS client's client (e.g. the
charging framework) . The GMLC may use the SGSN or MSC to collect
location information, and uses the options of the Lg interface to
optimize the data collection. The GMLC may even collect GPS data from
an MS that supports GPS positioning. In the illustrated embodiment a
PDP Context Update Request is used as existing messaging, and to
which a dedicated information element is added as discussed with
reference to Fig. 1. Of course, alternatively the information element
might have been added to the user (traffic) plane messages, i.e. the
user packets from MS.
Fig. 3 shows an embodiment in which the inventive concept is used in
a system with an Unlicensed Mobile Access network (UMA). The
functioning is similar to that described above with the reference to
the Figs. 1 and 2 with the difference that the access network
comprises an UMA with an access point 1C controlled by an Unlicensed
Network Controller UNC 2C which functions substantially in the same
manner as an RNC. The UNC 2C communicates with a first CN node SGSN 3
3C over the Gb/Iu interface and here with an MSC over the A/Iu

interface. The MSC in turn communicates with a RAN for circuit
switched communication. Also RAN communicates with the first CN node
SGSN 3 3C. As the MS moves, location related information is provided
to the control means of SGSN 3 3C as described with reference to for
example Figs. 1 and 2. SGSN 3 3C stores the location related
information in a database DB for forwarding to the second core node
GGSN 1 42 in a dedicated information element IE. It is of course also
here possible to either extend the traffic payload messages with the
location related information dedicated information element in all
traffical packets from the MS for which location related information
should be provided to e.g. GGSN 1 42 or alternatively to add one or
more dedicated information elements to Update PDP Context Requests.
Assuming that the Gb/Iu or A/Iu supports location based services
(LCS), i.e. having an LCS client in the GGSN, is possible here as
well. In order to indicate that both methods can be used, the
transfer to GGSN 1 42 merely is indicated as location related IE in
the figure. In other aspects the functioning is similar to that
described above. Converting means may optionally be provided in
SGSN 3 3C or GGSN 2 42.
Fig. 4 describes still another an embodiment in which the inventive
concept is implemented in a system or an architecture in which a WLAN
interworks with a 3G system. In this embodiment it is illustrated how
location related information about an MS is provided from a WLAN AP
ID to a wireless local area network access gateway WAG 2D which
forwards the information to a packet data gateway PDG 3D which, even
if it actually does not belong to the core network, here is referred
to as a first (CN) node, similar to an SGSN, which therefore contains
the control means and the database as discussed above according to
Figs. 1-3 with reference to SGSNs. The PDG then transfers the
location related dedicated IEs to the second CN node GGSN 43. Also in
this case the dedicated information element or elements IE could be
added to all traffical packets from the concerned MS, or the
dedicated IE could be added to PDP Context Update Requests from PDG
3D to GGSN 43. Converting means (not shown) may optionally be included
in PDG 3D and/or GGSN 43.

Fig. 5 shows still another example of an implementation in which a
WLAN interworks with a 3G system. In this case, however, it is
supposed that an interworking gateway node 2E communicates with an
SGSN, a first CN node 3E with control means and database as discussed
above which thus forwards location related information either in the
user plane included in all traffical packets from MS -or as an
additional information element added to an Update PDP Context Request
sent from SGSN 3E to GGSN 44. The location related information about
the MS is thus forwarded from WLAN AP IE to the interworking gateway
node 2E. In all the embodiments described with reference to Figs. 3-
5, any converting means could optionally be provided either in SGSN
or PDG or in GGSN.
Fig. 6 shows a dedicated location related information element IE
according to the invention to be sent in the user plane, i.e. over
GTP-U. This means that an SGSN (or a PDG or similar) includes this
information for all messages towards a GGSN from a particular user if
the SGSN has requested the provisioning of location related
information as far as that user is concerned, particularly if the
SGSN has requested location reporting control for that user. In an
alternative embodiment it could be done for all users. More generally
it can be controlled in any manner for which users reporting should
apply and SGSN does not necessarily have to explicitly request
information. Requests could also originate from other nodes or
external means etc., or it can be seen as a request if an MS fulfills
some predefined criteria, i.e. is located in an area, in which
provisioning of location related information is wanted for whatever
This means that SGSN to the GTP-U header adds an extension header
including e.g. user location, particularly a new CGI information
element in all (or one or a limited number only) user plane packets
towards the GGSN in one particular embodiment. This gives GGSN
accurate location information since particularly, according to one
embodiment every cell change will be visible to the GGSN, in case
location information is requested on cell level. It should be clear
that different kinds of location related information can be requested
and provided to GGSN, on different levels, in different forms or for

example as time zone information. This method enables very high
accuracy and minimizes the signalling load as compared to the
alternative in which dedicated information elements are added to
Update PDP Context Requests.
Packets from an MS in the direction towards the external network are
hence encapsulated and tunneled from the SGSN to the GGSN by the GPRS
Tunnelling protocol GTP. In this particular embodiment an- extension
header, including a new, also called dedicated, information element,
which in one implementation is a so called CGI information element,
is added to the GTP header. This is done in the user plane, GTP-U,
and hence the SGSN includes the location related information in all
packets towards the GGSN as mentioned above. As can see from the
figure a GTP-U packet comprises a GTP-U header as is conventional,
but in addition thereto it is provided with an extension header
including for example a user location information element. In a more
particular embodiment it may also comprise an MS time zone
information element. The packet also comprises the user payload, i.e.
the user packet coming from the MS. Examples on user location
information elements and time zone information elements will be given
with reference to Figs. 8,9,10,11,12A,12B. Of course also other types
of information elements are possible, there might be more information
elements and the structure may be different and therefore these
examples should not be seen in a limitative perspective.
Fig. 7 is a sequence diagram illustrating an embodiment in which the
dedicated information element is added to an Update PDP Context
Request. Whenever, for example, a mobile station or a user equipment
(UE) has changed geographical area, this will be detected by the SGSN
(or PDG) which sends the updated coordinates to the GGSN in a
dedicated (new) information element which is added to an Update PDP
Context Request, the Inter SGSN Routing Area Update procedure is
described in 3GPP TS 23.060, ch. In the sequence diagram
of Fig. 7, the dedicated information element, particularly a CGI
information element, is added to the Update PDP Context Request
message 6 sent from SGSN 2 to GGSN. In other aspects the signalling
sequence is similar to that described in the above mentioned

Thus, it is supposed that an MS sends a Routing Area Update Request
to a new, here called a second SGSN 2, 1. SGSN 2 subsequently sends
an SGSN Context Request to the old SGSN 1 to get MM (Mobility
Management) and PDP Contexts for the MS, 2. SGSN 1 responds with an
SGSN Context Response to SGSN 2, 2. Optionally security functions may
be executed, 3. SGSN 2 then sends a SGSN Context Acknowledgement
message to SGSN 1. This message informs the first SGSN 1 that the
second SGSN 2 is ready to receive data packets belonging to the
activated PDP Context, 4. SGSN 1 duplicates buffered N-PDUs (Packet
Data Units) and starts tunnelling them to SGSN 2, 5. SGSN 2 then
sends an Update PDP Context Request with the new SGSN address,
(address of SGSN 2) TEID, QoS negotiated, and user location related
information of any kind, for example also including mobile station
time zone, to the concerned GGSN. The GGSNs then update PDP Context
Fields and return Update PDP Context Response to SGSN 2. The location
related information provides information for example about the
geographical location of a mobile station. It may also (or only)
include time zone information as to in which time zone the mobile
station currently resides, 6. Subsequently SGSN 2 informs the HLR
about the SGSN change by sending update location to HLR, 7, and HLR
sends a cancel location to SGSN 1, 8. The HLR then sends Insert
Subscriber Data (IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity etc.)
to SGSN 2 which validates the presence of the MS in the (new) RA
etc., 9. The HLR subsequently acknowledges the Update Location by
sending an Update Location Acknowledgement (IMSI) to SGSN 2, 10.
Subsequently SGSN 2 validates the presence of the MS in the new RA,
11, and the MS acknowledges a new P-TMSI by returning a Routeing Area
Update complete message to SGSN 2.
In the case of a rejected routing area update operation, due to
regional subscription or roaming restrictions, or because the SGSN
cannot determine the HLR address to establish the locating updating
dialogue, the new SGSN shall not construct an MM context. A reject
shall be returned to the MS with an appropriate cause. The MS does no
re-attempt a routeing area update to that RA. The RAI value shall be
deleted when the MS is powered up. If the new SGSN is unable to
update the PDP context in one or more GGSNs, the new SGSN shall

deactivate the corresponding PDP contexts. This shall not cause th SGSN to reject the routeing area update. The PDP Contexts shall be
sent from old (second) to new (first) SGSN in a prioritized order,
i.e. the most important PDP Context first in the SGSN Contexl
Response message. (The prioritization method is implementatioi
dependent, but should be based on the current activity). If the nev
SGSN is unable to support the same number of active PDP contexts as
received from old (first) SGSN, the new (second) SGSN should use the
prioritization sent by old SGSN as input when deciding which PDI
contexts to maintain active and which ones to delete. In any case,
the new SGSN shall first update all contexts in one or more GGSNs anc
then deactivate the context (s) that it cannot maintain. This shall
not cause the SGSN to reject the routing area update. If a timer usee
in step 2 expires and no Cancel Location (IMSI) was received from the
HLR, the old (first) SGSN stops forwarding N-PDUs to the new (second)
SGSN. If the routing area update procedure fails a maximum allowable
number of times, or if the SGSN returns a Routing Area Update Reject
(Cause) message, the MS shall enter IDLE state. The CAMEL procedure
calls shall be performed, see referenced procedures in 3GPP T£
CI) CAMEL_GPRS_PDP_Context_Disconnection, CAMEL_GPRS_Detach and
They are called in the following order:
- The CAMEL_GPRS_PDP_Context_Disconnection procedure is called
several times: once per PDP context. The procedure returns as
result "Continue".
- Then the CAMEL_GPRS_Detach procedure is called once. The
procedure returns as result "Continue".
- Then the CAMEL_PS_Notification procedure is called once. The
procedure return as result "Continue".
C2) CAMEL_GPRS_Routing_Area_Update_Session and CAMEL_PS_

They are called in the following order:
- The CAMEL_GPRS_Routing_Area_Update_Session procedure is called.
The procedure returns as result "Continue".
- Then the CAMEL_PS_Notification procedure is called. The
procedure returns as result "Continue".
C3) CAMEL_GPRS_Routing_Area_Update_Context.
This procedure is called several times: once per PDP context. It
returns as result "Continue".
Figs. 8,9,10,11 give examples on how a dedicated information element
or user location information can be defined. As referred to above the
SGSN or for example a PDG provides this information to GGSN. Fig. 8
particularly describes the user location information IE which in this
case is used to indicate CGI/SAI (Cell Global Identifier/Service Area
Identifier) of where the MS currently is located. The "Geographic
Location Type" field is used to convey whether or not location field
is included, and if so, what type of location. The types of locations
that can be conveyed in this particular implementation are defined in
Fig. 9 which shows a table with the geographic location type values
and their meanings.
The "Geographic Location" field is used to convey the actual
geographic information as indicated in the "Geographic Location Type"
field. This field shall not be present if the value of the
"Geographic Location Type" field is 0. In the table of Fig. 9 is
referred to 3GPP TS 23.003, sub-clause 4.3.1 and 3GPP TS 25.413, sub-
clause which herewith are incorporated herein by reference.
The location information is generally only of interest for the end
point nodes and intermediate nodes need not be able to comprehend the
location information. The GTP header is a header of variable length
used for GTP-C (Control Plane) and GTP-U (User Plane) protocols. It
among others comprises an always present field, Extension Header
Flag, indicating the presence of a meaningful value of the Next

Extension Header Field. According to this embodiment of the present
invention bits 8,7 of the Next Extension Header Type might be set to
1 0, indicating that comprehension of this extension header is
required by the End Point Receiver but not by Intermediate Nodes,
which are supposed to forward the whole field to the End Point.
Alternatively it might be 0 0, indicating that comprehension is not
required. Other alternatives are also possible. This is described in
3GPP TS 29.060 v. 6.5.0. However, it should be clear that also
entirely) different implementations are possible.
Fig. 10 illustrates the geographic location field for CGI. If only
two digits are included in the MNC, then bits 5 to 8 of octet 6 are
coded as "1111". The location area code consists of 2 octets and is
found in octet 8 and octet 9. Bit 8 of octet 8 is the most
significant bit and bit 1 of octet 9 the least significant bit. The
coding of the location area code is their responsibility of each
administration. Coding using full hexadecimal representation shall be
used. The cell identity consists of two octets and is found in octet
10 and octet 11. Bit 8 of octet 10 is the most significant bit and
bit 1 of octet 11 the least significant bit. The coding of the cell
identity is the responsibility of each administration. Preferably
full hexadecimal representation is used.
Fig. 11 finally describes as a table describing the geographic
location field for SAI.
If only two digits are included in the MNC, then bits 5-8 of octet 6
are coded as "1111". The location area code consists of two octets
and it is found in octet 8 and octet 9. Bit 8 of octet 8 is the most
significant bit, and bit 1 of octet 9 is the least significant bit.
The coding of the location area should be the responsibility of a
respective administration. Again coding using full hexadecimal
representation should be used, cf. 3GPP TS 24.008 which herewith is
incorporated herein by reference.
The service area code consists of 2 octets and it is found in octets
10 and 11. Bit 8 of octet 10 is the most significant whereas bit 1 of
octet 11 is the least significant bit. SAC is operator defined, cf.

3GPP TS 23.003 section 12.5 which herewith is incorporated herein by
As referred to above the time zone information element may
additionally or alternatively be included, or together with, any other
location related information; any combination is in principle
possible. The time zone information element can with advantage be
used together with the location information to offer better and more
accurate charging and location based services. The MS time zone
information element is used to indicate the offset between universal
time and local time in the steps of 15 minutes of where the MS
currently resides. The time zone field in one embodiment uses the
same form at as the time zone information element discussed above
with reference to Fig. 8, cf. 3GPP TS 24.008, and it is shown in Fig.
Fig. 12B gives an example on possible values for the daylight saving
time field and meanings thereof. It should be clear that the examples
an location related information elements and time zone elements
merely are given for exemplary reasons, and the invention is by know
means limited to the use of these specific elements.
With the location information and the time zone information in the
GGSN, more accurate charging based on location and time of day gets
possible. It also gives a network operator or an external service
provider provided with this information, the opportunity to develop
location based applications, particularly with a better accuracy
which adds value for the operators as well as for the customers of
the operator.
Fig. 13 shows a particular embodiment allowing for example- operators
to apply different rating depending on the location of a MS/UE while
the appropriate location information is available in the GGSN and, in
addition thereto, in a timely manner. According to the shown solution
location reporting granularity can be different for different MSs/UEs
as well as the triggering of recording can be different.

This is for example advantageous if there is a "free of charge"
rating in one cell, whereas a common rating applies in all other
locations. The location tracking then does not need to be so accurate
when the MS/UE is located outside that particular routing area which
contains the "free of charge cell". According to the embodiment
discussed with reference to Figs. 13-15, e.g. Flow Based Rating in
GGSN is extended with differentiated rating '(or other service
provisioning) dspending on location. The characteristics of the
different areas (routing areas, service areas, cells etc.) may result
in different needs for the collection of location information i.e. on
which level (service area level, RA level, cell level etc.) and/or on
frequency or timing for collecting the information.
3GPP TS 23.271 (with particular reference to section 6.3.2.)
specifies a Location Services (LCS). According to the present
invention such an LCS client 9 is introduced in GGSN 45. This provides
for the possibility to collect lgcation related information,
particularly over the Le interface, which is adapted to the actual
needs e.g. for rating purposes, most particularly on a per MS/UE
basis. Thus, the inclusion of the LCS client 9 in GGSN 45 allows for
collection of location related information in a manner appropriate
for rating to be properly differentiated based on location. Both the
accuracy and frequency for the data collection can be adapted to the
needs for rating. It is sufficient if either the CS or PS access
network supports LCS in order to make use of this alternative. The
architecture for Flow Based Charging is defined in 3GPP TS 23.125,
which herewith is incorporated herein by reference.
The architecture according to the invention comprises an LCS client 9
in the Traffic Plane Function TPF 8 in GGSN 45 for collection of
location information, particularly for rating purposes. The LCS
client 9 in the TPF 8 subscribes to location information from the
GMLC when the tariff for a user, according to Flow Based Charging,
depends on the location of the mobile user station, e.g. the UE. In
an advantageous embodiment the standardized Le interface Le/LIF-MLP
as specified by 3GPP Rel. 6, 29.198 is used towards the GMLC.

In a particular implementation the LCS client issues a Location
Deferred Request with event triggers for a mobile user station
entering/leaving/camping in interesting areas. Examples on such event
triggers are PLMN id, coutry code, time zone or other location
related events. The time zone trigger is particularly an extension to
Le. In other implementations, or additionally, other pre-defined
trigger schemes or trigger events may be developed and implemented in
the GMLC on a per need basis.
In advantageous implementations the LCS client 9 . includes
optimizations, such that location related information is collected
only for subscribers with e.g. a rating depending on the location of
the mobile user station location, and/or the accuracy and a timing of
the location related information is adapted to the need for
performing rating (or providing some kind of services). Examples
hereon are when a mobile user station roams to another operator there
is a single rate that differs from the HPLMN rate, which does not
require exact location information, it is e.g. sufficient with
MLC/MNC. Another example relates to the case when there e.g. is a low
rate when the mobile user station is located in the "home cell", but
otherwise a higher rate. Then accurate location information is
collected in that routing area (RA) where the "home cell" is located.
At other locations, or in other RAs in the HPLMN merely a tracking of
RA changes is necessitated or sufficient. The GMLC collects location
information from SGSN and/or MSC, cf. Fig. 15 below.
Fig. 14 schematically illustrates a block diagram in which an LCS
client 5 is provided in a second CN node, GGSN 4F, or more
specifically in the Traffic Plane Function thereof. The LCS client
then subscribes for location location information from a GMLC 6 over
the Le interface as discussed above. Location information about UE is
provided over RAN 2F to SGSN 3F (or to an 'MSC where the UE is
attached) which provides information to GMLC 6 over the Lg interface.
(Location related information may be transferred from SGSN 3F to GGSN
4F using existing messaging as discussed earlier in the application,
i.e. as dedicated IEs added to traffical packets over' GTP-U or
dedicated IEs added to e.g. Update PDP Context Requests. The initial
location information, provided in the create PDP Context Request may

help the LCS client to issue a tailored subscription for location
reports from the GMLC.) However, the concept with an LCS client in
the GGSN for collecting location information in communication with a
GMLC is also applicable when location information is provided in
other or conventional manners to GGSN.
It is an advantage of the implementation as described with reference
to Figs. 13,14,15, that location information for mobile user stations
with a session established can be collected in the GGSN e.g. for
rating purposes. Particularly the collection of location information
can be restricted to mobile user stations where the rating depends on
location. Further, the collection of location information may be
optimized per mobile user station with an appropriate accuracy to
perform rating or other location dependent services. Most
advantageously the collection of location information may utilize the
circuit switched (CS) part over an MSC of the network to collect
location information to the GMLC as can also be seen in Fig. 15. This
is relevant in case the SGSN does not support LCS. Basically this
means that the implementation of this embodiment does not depend on
an SGSN supporting LCS, if it does not, the MSC can be used instead
for the same purposes, which is extremely advantageous.
In one embodiment location information is expressed in terms that do
not depend on RAN e.g. GPS (Global Positioning System) information
collected by the GMLC. Still further the GMLC may include specialized
logic to provide information tailored for the TPF needs, e.g. to
provide time zone information for a mobile user station.
Thus, the embodiment described with reference to Figs. 13-15 combines
the concept of Flow Based Charging and a possibility to implement
rating that depends on user location without causing unnecessary
signalling for mobile user stations where the location information
actually is irrelevant or not needed for the rating or whatever
purpose that is to be provided or offered.
The collection of location information is advantageously made
adaptive such that unnecessarily frequent or accurate information

collection is avoided, which results in benefits as far as 'signalling
and performance is concerned.
This is particularly of importance when not already existing
messaging is used for providing location related information, but it
still provides a high variety and flexibility also for other purposes
than reducing unnecessary signalling.
In Fig. 15 can be seen how mobile user stations UE are connected to a
GERAN 2G and an UTRAN 2H respectively. The GERAN 2G is connected over
the A-interface to a 2G-MSC 3GX and over the Gb-interface to a 2G-SGSN
3G2. Further it is connected to a 3G-SGSN 3G3 and an MSC-server 3G4
over the Iu-interface. UTRAN 2H is connected to the 3G-SGSN 3G3 and
the MSC-server 3G4 over the Iu-interface. All core network nodes, i.e.
MSC, SGSN and MSC-server are connected over the Lg-interface with the
GMLC 61, which communicates with the LCS client in GGSN 4G over the
Le-interfaces as discussed above.
It should be clear that this merely illustrates one particular,
advantageous, implementation of a second aspect of the present
Fig. 16 is a flow diagram showing one embodiment of the present
invention in which dedicated information elements are added to all
the user packets, from a mobile user station for which location
related information is to be provided to e.g. a GGSN. Hence, it is
first established in a 1st (core) network node, e.g. an SGSN* (or a PDG
in case of a WLAN access network being used) for which MS/UE(s)
location related information is to be collected, 100. Location
related information may have been requested from a GGSN, external
networks; specific mobile user stations may pointed out, or mobile
user stations meeting given criteria may be indirectly indicated, or
it may concern all mobile user stations handled by e.g. the SGSN. The
1st (core) network node, in the following denoted SGSN for reasons of
simplicity, then establishes which type/level of location related
information that is to be collected, or that is of interest, in the
latter case the SGSN only storing or sorting the relevant

information, e.g. location information on cell-level or service area
etc., 101.
Once this is done, SGSN requests such information, or generally
location related information, from the radio access network,
particularly control nodes such as RAN, RNC, UNC etc. as discussed
earlier in the application, 102. The requested location related
information is then collected in SGSN, 103. The collected location
related information is, in SGSN, arranged in new, also called
dedicated, information element(s) IE, 104.
The collected information, the IEs, are stored in storing means in
SGSN, e.g. in a DB, particularly an existing subscriber database,
e.g. the MM DB, even if also other alternatives are possible. The
location related information is of course sorted and associated with
the appropriate mobile user stations, 105.
Subsequently, when a user packet arrives in SGSN from an established
mobile user station, this is detected, 106, the corresponding IE
fetched from the DB, and the user packet is encapsulated in SGSN in a
GTP-U packet and the fetched IE is added to the GTP-U header of the
user packet, 107. The encapsulated user packet with the dedicated IE
is then tunneled by GTP-U to the GGSN, 108. This is done for all user
packets from all established mobile user stations.
It should be clear that one or more dedicated IEs can be added
depending on how the information is arranged and in which location
related information that is requested. It may e.g. be one IE for user
location and one for time zone information etc.
The principle remains the same if the IE(s) are added to Update PDP
Context Requests from e.g. SGSN to GGSN, but then the information is
provided in the signalling plane.
As referred to earlier in the application an LCS client or
correspondingly may be arranged in GGSN, and GGSN may use/forward the
received location related information in many different manners, e.g.
to external service providers.

Fig. 17 is a sequence diagram describing the procedure when flow
based charging in GGSN is extended or provided with differentiated
rating depending on location, when an LCS client is provided in GGSN
(cf. Figs. 13-15) for collecting location information for rating
1,2 relates to activation and creation of a PDP Context Request, in a
conventional manner. A request for charging rules 3, is then sent
from GGSN to CRF (Charging Rules Function), which provides the
charging rules to GGSN, 4. Then, according to the invention, a
triggered Location Reporting Request is sent from GGSN to GMLC, 5,
which responds with a message Provide Subscriber Location, 6. This is
acknowledged by SGSN to GMLC, 7. Then a Triggered Location Reporting
Answer message is sent from GMLC to GGSN, 8. A Credit Request may
then be sent from GGSN to CCS (On-line Charging System) , 9, which
responds with a Credit Response, 10. A Create PDP Context Response,
11, is then provided from GGSN to SGSN, 11, which sends ah Activate
PDP Context Accept to the MS, 12. 13 indicates a Triggered Location
Report from GMLC to GGSN, which is novel like messages 5-8.
Later it is supposed that a Deactivate PDP Context Request is sent
from MS to SGSN, 14, which thereupon sends a Delete PDP Context
Request to GGSN, 15. GGSN then sends an Indication of Bearer
Termination to CRF, 16, which sends a message Provision of Charging
Rules to GGSN. After the sending of a message Final Remaining Credit
Report to CCS, 18, and the response to that, 19, to GGSN, 19, a
Triggered Location Reporting Stop Request, 20, is sent from GGSN to
GMLC. GMLC returns an answer to GGSN, 21. These messages 20, 21 are
also novel and terminate the subscription to location reporting.
Finally follows a Delete PDP Context Response, 22, and a Deactivate
PDP Context Accept, 23, in a conventional manner. It should be clear
that this merely illustrates one specific implementation.
The location related information may be used and taken advantage of
in many different manners, e.g. for rating or charging purposes, but
also for many other purposes, e.g. for providing services to relevant

mobile user stations in a relevant area or location, e.g. for warning
for traffic hazards in particular locations or to offer relevant
It should be clear that the invention by no means is limited to the
specifically illustrated embodiments, but that it can be varied in a
number of ways within the scope of the appended claims.

1. A system for providing a core network node with location related
information about one or more mobile user stations accessing the core
network over an access network, comprising a number of radio access
network nodes (RAN;RNC;BSC;UNC;AP;BTS; Node-B), a number* of first
network nodes or core network nodes serving communication of data
(SGSN;MSC;PDG), a number of second core network nodes comprising
gateway core network nodes (GGSN) acting as gateways to external or
third party controlled data communication networks and/or service
providers, that location related information of one or more mobile
user stations obtained from the radio network access nodes is
provided from a first network node or core network node to a second
core network node,
characterized in
that said location related information is provided in one or more
dedicated information elements added to existing communication of
user plane traffic messages between said first core network node and
said second core network node, i.e. the payload.
2. A system according to claim 1,
characterized in
that the second core network node comprises a GGSN (Gateway GPRS
Support Node) and in that the first core network node comprises a
SGSN (Serving GPRS Support Node).
3. A system according to any one of claims 1-2,
characterized in
that the access network is a WLAN, the radio network access nodes
comprising access points or intermediate access network gateway
4. A system according to any one of claims 1-2,
characterized in
that the radio access network comprises an UMTS or a GPRS or GSM
access network (UTRAN;GERAN) with radio access network control nodes
comprising RNCs and/or BSCs, BTSs, Node-Bs or that the access network

comprises an Unlicensed Mobile Access Network (UMA) with access
network nodes.
5. A system according to any one of the preceding claims,
characterized in
that location related information about one or more mobile user
stations is provided from the radio access network control nodes to
the first network node automatically or according to' a known
procedure or upon request by the first network node.
6. A system according to claim 5,
characterized in
that a request from a first network node is defined so as to refer to
one or more specific mobile user stations or to mobile user stations
fulfilling one or more criteria.
7. A system according to any one of claims 5-6,
characterized in
that the location related information comprises one or more of
information about the geographical location of a number of given
mobile user stations on a given level, cell level, service area
level, RA level or sub-cell level, information about the time zone in
which a mobile user station currently is located, for mobile user
stations for which a change of time zone is plausible and charging
related information.
8. A system according to claim 5,
characterized in
that the first network node uses the Location Reporting Control
procedure to request location related information of a given mobile
user station.
9. A system according to any one of the preceding claims,
characterized in
that the dedicated information elements is/are added to the user
plane messages, to one, to a limited number of, or to all GTP-U
packets, concerning such mobile user stations for which the first
core node has requested location related information.

10. A system according to any one of the preceding claims,
characterized in
that means are provided for adaptive location provisioning to a
second core network node, said means comprising a client in the
second core network node.
11. A core network node for a communications system supporting
communication of packet data,
characterized in
that it comprises means for establishing for which mobile user
station(s) location related information is to be collected from the
access network over which said mobile user stations are connected to
said core network,
means for collecting and storing said location related information,
and means for providing location related information to a second core
network node acting as a gateway to external or third party
controlled communication systems or service providers, in one or more
dedicated information elements added to existing communication of
user plane traffic messages between said first core network node and
said second core network node.
12. A core network node according to claim 11,
characterized in
that it comprises an SGSN or a gateway node to a wireless access
13. A core network node according to any one of claims 11-12,
characterized in
that said means for providing the location related information
comprises means for adding said information element or elements to
all, to one or to a limited number of, messages or GTP-U packets sent
in the user plane, for the established mobile user station(s).
14. A core network node according to claim 11,
characterized in
that said means for providing location related information are
adapted to add said information to all traffical messages sent from

mobile user stations for which the core network node has requested
Location Reporting Control.
15. A core network node according to any one of claims 11-14,
characterized in
that it comprises means for adding said location related information
to messages sent to the second core node when the location related
information has changed for the mobile user station.
16. A core network node for a communications system supporting
communication of packet data and acting as a gateway node to external
or third party controlled communications system or service providers,
characterized in
that it comprises means for collecting location related information
for mobile user stations from a first core network node supporting
communication of data, said location related information is provided
in one or more dedicated information elements added to existing
communication of user plane traffic messages between said first core
network node and said second core network node, said means comprising
control means for, based on specified criteria, enabling adaptive
collection of location related information for mobile user stations
for which the specified criteria are met and for enabling adaptive
reporting of such location related information to external or third
party controlled data communications networks or service providers.
17. A core network node according to claim 16,
characterized in
that it comprises a GGSN.
18. A core network node according to claim 16 or 17,
that said criteria are mobile user station location related.
19. A core network node according to claim 18,
characterized in
that the location related information comprises information about in
which cell or service area a mobile user station is located or to
which cell or service area a mobile user station is moving/has moved

and/or information about in which time zone a mobile user is located
or a change of time zone, such location related information only
being collected for mobile stations for which a change of time zones
is plausible.
20. A core network node according to any one of claims 16-19,
characterized in
that said control means comprises a Location Services Client allowing
adaptive collection of location related information.
21. A core network node according to any one of claims 16-20,
characterized in
that means are provided for transferring said location related
information to a GMLC allowing for location based service
provisioning or location based charging, or to a third party service
provider to allow said third party service provider to provide
location based services.
22. A method for providing a second core network node, acting as
gateway to an external or third party controlled data communications
system, with location related information of one or more mobile user
stations accessing the core network over an access network,
characterized in
that it comprises the steps of:
establishing at least for which mobile user stations location
related information is to be collected in a first network node;
collecting said location related information for said mobile user
storing said location related information in storing means in or
associated with said first network node;
arranging said location related information in dedicated
information element(s);
adding said dedicated information element(s) to user plane traffic
messages sent independently of said information element from said
first network node to the second core network node.
23. A method according to claim 22,
characterized in

that the step of adding information elements to messages comprises:
adding the information element(s) to all traffical packets sent in
the user plane for the concerned mobile user stations.
24. A method according to any one of claims 23,
characterized in
that it comprises the step of:
adaptively reporting location related information comprising
geographical location information and/or time zone information to
allow for location dependent rating or service provisioning on a
per mobile user station basis.


The present invention relates to a system for providing a core
network node with location related information about one or more
mobile user stations accessing the core network over an access
network. It comprises a number of radio access network nodes
(RNC;BSC) a number of first network nodes or core network nodes
serving communication of data (SGSN1, SGSN2), a number of second core
network nodes comprising gateway core network nodes (GGSN) acting as
gateways to external or third party controlled data communication
networks and/or service providers. Location related information of
one or more mobile user stations obtained from the radio network
access nodes is provided from a first network node or core network
node to a second core network node. Said location related information
is provided in one or more dedicated information elements added to
existing communication of messages between said first core network
node and said second core network node.



01048-kolnp-2007-claims 1.0.pdf

01048-kolnp-2007-claims 1.1.pdf

01048-kolnp-2007-correspondence others 1.1.pdf

01048-kolnp-2007-correspondence others.pdf

01048-kolnp-2007-description complete.pdf


01048-kolnp-2007-form 1.pdf

01048-kolnp-2007-form 2.pdf

01048-kolnp-2007-form 3.pdf

01048-kolnp-2007-form 5.pdf


01048-kolnp-2007-international exm report.pdf

01048-kolnp-2007-international publication.pdf

01048-kolnp-2007-international search report.pdf

01048-kolnp-2007-priority document.pdf

1048-KOLNP-2007-(04-03-2013)-ANNEXURE TO FORM-3.pdf








1048-KOLNP-2007-(28-01-2014)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf


1048-KOLNP-2007-(28-05-2013)-FORM 3.pdf

1048-KOLNP-2007-CORRESPONDENCE 1.1.pdf

1048-KOLNP-2007-CORRESPONDENCE 1.2.pdf

1048-kolnp-2007-CORRESPONDENCE 1.3.pdf

1048-KOLNP-2007-CORRESPONDENCE 1.4.pdf




1048-KOLNP-2007-FORM 13.pdf

1048-KOLNP-2007-FORM 18-1.1.pdf

1048-kolnp-2007-form 18.pdf

1048-KOLNP-2007-FORM 3 1.1.pdf






1048-KOLNP-2007-GRANTED-FORM 1.pdf

1048-KOLNP-2007-GRANTED-FORM 2.pdf

1048-KOLNP-2007-GRANTED-FORM 3.pdf

1048-KOLNP-2007-GRANTED-FORM 5.pdf








Patent Number 261024
Indian Patent Application Number 1048/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 23/2014
Publication Date 06-Jun-2014
Grant Date 30-May-2014
Date of Filing 26-Mar-2007
Applicant Address S-164 83 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04L 12/56
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2004/009629
PCT International Filing date 2004-08-28
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA