Title of Invention


Abstract Method and apparatus for measuring the frequency of a received signal are disclosed. The method comprising the steps of generating a first phase signal by digitizing the phase of the received signal, delaying the first phase signal by a predetermined amount to generate a second phase signal, calculating a phase difference between the first and the second phase signals and calculating the frequency of the input signal from the phase difference. The apparatus comprising a limiting amplifier (2, 60, 62), digitization means comprising a signal splitter, a first single bit analogue to digital converter, a second single bit analogue to digital converter, a first deserialiser (8), a second deserialiser (10), delay means and processing means.
Full Text

Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to a method of measuring the frequency of a
received signal. The present invention also relates to an apparatus for measuring
the frequency of a received signal. It can be applied to a frequency counter.
Background of the Invention
There exists a need to analyse a received signal in a given frequency band and
determine the frequency of a signal present at a particular frequency within the
band. This is generally known as frequency measurement.
A device known as a Delay Line Correlator can be used for frequency
measurement. However, a Delay Line Correlator is implemented entirely by
analogue components and consequently can be expensive to manufacture. It also
has relatively high power consumption requirements and often has a large
physical volume.
The delay line correlator operates by comparing the phase of a received signal
with a delayed version of the signal. Mixers are used to determine the frequency
of the signal depending on the result of the comparison.
Digital frequency measurement devices have also been proposed. These apply
signal processing techniques such as fourier transforms to a sampled version of
the received signal to derive the frequency of the received signal.
In a wideband digital frequency measurement device short pulses are typically
analysed over a large dynamic range. However this requires complex analogue-
to-digital converters (ADCs) and a large amount of processing to cope with the
frequency range, which may have an upper limit of 2GHz or more.

In a narrowband digital device, a heterodyne is used to achieve increased
resolution and sensitivity with reduced complexity in the ADC and processor.
However such a device can only cover a narrow frequency band and therefore
cannot cover wideband of interest (such as 0.5 to 2 GHz) simultaneously.
EP 1450170 (Anritsu) discloses a method of measuring the frequency of a
received signal comprising the steps of generating a first phase signal by
digitising the phase of the received signal, delaying the first phase signal by a
predetermined amount to generate a second phase signal; calculating the phase
difference between the first and second phase signals; and, calculating the
frequency of the input signal from the phase difference.
EP 0373802 (Thorn EMI PLC) discloses a method of frequency measurement.
The method comprises making a high resolution n bit measurement and then
derives the frequency from the measurement by means of a best fit line
In view of the above, it is an object of the invention to provide an improved
method and apparatus for measuring frequency using digital components.
Summary of the Invention
According to a first aspect of the invention, there is provided a method of
measuring the frequency of a received signal comprising the steps of:
generating a first phase signal by digitising the phase of the received
delaying the first phase signal by a predetermined amount to generate a second
phase signal;
calculating a phase difference between the first and the second phase
signals; and,
calculating the frequency of the input signal from the phase difference.

The predetermined amount of delay preferably corresponds to an integer multiple
of the length of one sampling period used when generating the first phase signal.
This allows digital components to be used to execute the method without
requiring expensive digitisation and processing. Unlike prior digital methods, the
method does not use signal processing techniques such as Fourier transforms.
Unlike prior analogue methods, the method can be implemented without the need
for mixers (or their digital equivalent of multipliers) in the calculation of the
phase difference, reducing complexity.
Preferably, the stuff of generating a first phase signal comprises:
splitting the received signal into in-phase and quadrature components,
thereby generating a received in-phase signal and received quadrature signal;
digitising the received in-phase signal thereby generating a digitised
received in-phase signal;
digitising the received quadrature signal thereby generating a digitised
received quadrature signal; and
generating a first phase signal from the digitised received in-phase signal
and the digitised received quadrature signal.
This allows the phase of the received signal to be digitised using standard
components. The combination of the in-phase and quadrature signal together
represent the signal in complex format and allow the phase to be derived.
Preferably, the method further comprises limiting the amplitude of the signal
prior to the step of splitting the received signal into in phase and quadrature
By limiting the amplitude, the resolution required to digitised signal can be

Preferably, the steps of digitising use a one-bit resolution, such that the digitised
received in-phase signal and the digitised received quadrature signal each
comprise a succession of single bits representing signal value at a particular
instant in time.
By using a one-bit resolution, so that each sample has only two possible values
the processing requirements can be further reduced.
Preferably, the method further comprises de-serialising the succession of single
bits of the digitised received in-phase signal and the digitised received quadrature
signal into words having a predetermined number of bits.
If the succession of single bit samples is grouped together into words having a
predetermined number of bits, these words can then be processed at a lower
clock speed thereby allowing the use of a processor with a lower clock speed.
Advantageously, the predetermined number can correspond to the internal word
length used when processing. Likewise, the predetermined number can be of the
form 2° where n is an integer greater than or equal to 1.
Preferably, the method further comprises:
converting the phase difference into an in-phase and quadrature
components, thereby generating a phase difference in-phase signal and a phase
difference quadrature signal;
filtering the phase difference in-phase signal thereby generating a filtered
phase difference in-phase signal;
filtering the phase difference quadrature signal thereby generating a
filtered phase difference quadrature signal;

generating a filtered phase difference signal from the filtered phase
difference in-phase signal and the filtered phase difference quadrature signal;
using the filtered phase difference signal in the step of calculating the
frequency of the received signal.
By filtering the signal the effective resolution can be increased. This allows a
lower sampling resolution to be used while still achieving good resolution.
In one embodiment, filter is a moving average filter.
Preferably, the step of calculating the frequency of the receive signal uses the

Where f is the frequency of the receive signal, Fs is the sampling frequency used
when digitising the signal, and d is the predetermined amount of delay used in
the step of delaying expressed as a number of sample periods.
This formula can be implemented in a simple manner without requiring complex
Preferably, the method is executed at least twice using a different value for the
predetermined amount of delay in the step of delaying.
By implementing the method more than once with a different value for the delay,
cyclic (or ambiguous) frequencies can have their frequency correctly identified.

According to a second aspect of the present invention, there is provided an
apparatus for measuring the frequency of received signal, the apparatus
digitisation means for digitising the phase of the receive signal and
generating a first phase signal;
delay means for delaying the first phase signal by a predetermined
amount to generate a second phase signal; and,
processing means for calculating a phase difference between the first and
the second phase signals and for calculating the frequency of the received signal
from the phase difference.
Thus, the method of the first aspect can be implemented without requiring
expensive specialist hardware.
Preferably, the digitisation means comprises:
a signal splitter for splitting the received signal into in-phase and
quadrature components, thereby generating a received in-phase signal and a
received quadrature signal;
a first analogue-to-digital converter for digitising the received in-phase
signal thereby generating a digitised received in-phase signal;
a second analog-to-digital converter for digitising the received quadrature
signal thereby generating a digitised received quadrature signal; and
means for resolving the phase of the received signal from the digitised
received in-phase signal and the digitised received quadrature signal and for
outputting the first phase signal.
Preferably, the apparatus further comprises a limiting amplifier connected to the
input of the signal splitter.

Preferably, the first and second analog-to-digital converters are single bit
devices, preferably comparators.
Preferably, the apparatus further comprises a first deserialiser connected to the
output of the first analogue to digital converter for deserialising the output from
the first analogue-to-digital converter and for outputting words having a
predetermined number of bits; and,
a second deserialiser connected to the output of the first analogue to
digital converter for deserialising the output from the second analog-to-digital
converter and for outputting words having a predetermined number of bits.
Deserialiser is used to refer to any device which can convert a serial bitstream
into a parallel bitstream of a given word length.
Preferably, the processing means further comprises:
means for converting the phase difference into in-phase and quadrature
components, thereby generating a phase difference in-phase signal and a phase
difference quadrature signal;
a first digital filter for filtering the phase difference in-phase signal
thereby generating a filtered phase difference in-phase signal;
a second digital filter for filtering the phase difference quadrature signal
thereby generating a filtered phase difference quadrature signal; and
means for generating a filtered phase difference signal from the filtered
phase difference in-phase signal and the filtered phase difference quadrature
wherein the filtered phase difference signal is used in the calculation of
the frequency of the received signal.
Preferably, the first and second digital filters are moving average filters.

Preferably, the processing means is adapted to calculate the frequency using the

Where f is the frequency of the received signal, Fs is the sampling frequency used
by the analogue-to-digital converters the signal, and d is the predetermined
amount of delay used in the step of delaying expressed as a number of sample
Preferably, the apparatus further comprises at least two delay means each of
which delays the signal by a different amount.
Preferably, the delay means and the processing means are implemented in a Field
Programmable Gate Array.
A Field Programmable Gate Array is a standard component which can be
programmed at the point of manufacture to operate in a particular way. It
therefore allows a cost-effective implementation of the invention.
Other devices such as programmable DSP or microprocessor could also be used
for the processing means.
Brief Description of the Accompanying Drawings
Embodiments of the invention will now be described with reference to the
accompanying drawings, in which:
Figure 1 depicts a block diagram of a frequency measurement receiver according
to a first embodiment of the present invention;

Figure 2 depicts a block diagram of the processing to calculate a received
frequency according to the first embodiment;
Figures 3A, 3B and 3C illustrate the incidence of quantisation noise in the first
Figure 4 illustrates the simulated performance of the first embodiment; and
The figure 5 depicts a block diagram of a second exemplary embodiment.
According to a first embodiment, an apparatus (or receiver) for frequency
measurement performs a frequency discrimination by measuring the differential
phase between two time-separated versions of an input signal. Unlike an
analogue delay line correlator, the input signal is digitised, and phase
discrimination subsequently performed in the digital domain using high-speed
Field Programmable Gate Array. A block diagram of the receiver according to
this embodiment is shown in figure 1.
Referring to figure 1, in general terms a limiting amplifier 2 compresses the input
signal dynamic range such as a pair of high-speed comparators 4 and 6 can
perform I-Q phase digitisation. The high-speed comparators operate at a
sampling frequency Fs. This generates two serial data streams In and Q„ which
are then fed into 1:16 deserialisers 8 and 10 which produced 16-bit words (Im and
Qm) at 1/16th of the sampling frequency. All subsequent processing is performed
by an FPGA at this reduced rate.
Detailed Description of the Invention
A more detailed description of each component of figure 1 will now follow.

The use of a limiting amplifier 2 strips all amplitude information from the input
signal and therefore the digital correlation receiver is only able to process one
pulse at a time. The limiting amplifier 2 is connected to an I-Q generator 3.
The I-Q generator 3 is used because a complex representation of the input signal
is required. In this embodiment the I-Q generator 3 is either a distributed or a
lumped-element realisation of a quadrature hybrid. Only a single hybrid is
required and thus tracking errors introduced by multiple distributed element
components are eliminated.
The output of the I-Q generator 3 is connected to the high-speed comparators 4
and 6. A clock 5 controls the sampling frequency and operates at a rate greater
than the bandwidth of the input signal. The high-speed comparators 4 and 6 must
also be capable of tracking analogue signals in the band of interest. Providing the
latter requirement is met, sub-Nyquist sampling can be implemented and any
band (of width Fs Hz) can be analysed without ambiguity. Thus, for example, to
analyse a band of 0.5 to 2 GHz sampling frequency of 2GHz is required. In this
embodiment a sampling frequency of 2GHz is used. The high-speed comparators
4 and 6 produce an output of a bitstream of successive single-bit sample values at
the sampling frequency; signals In and Qn respectively.
The output of the high-speed comparators 4 and 6 is connected to the
deserialisers 8 and 10 respectively. These reduce the data rate of the data streams
I„ and Qn by combining several successive bits into longer length words output at
a slower rate. This allows the signal to be processed at a slower rate than the
sampling rate. Deserialisers operating at 2.5 gigabits per second are readily
available and may also provide appropriately divided clocks as an output. In this
embodiment the deserialisers 8 and 10 output data words having a length of 16
bits. The data streams of these 16-bit words are indicated in figure 1 by Im and

Careful phase alignment of the deserialisers 8 and 10 is required. This is
performed at power-up to ensure proper operation of the receiver.
The signals Im and Qm are provided to a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)
12. The FPGA 12 processes the signals Im and Qm using a clock frequency equal
to 1/16* that of the clock 5 because each 16-bit word contain 16 samples. Thus,
it also produces updated frequency data 18 at a rate of Fs/16. In order to supply
the correct clock frequency to the FPGA 12, a divider 14 divides the signal from
the clock 5 by 16 for supply to the FPGA 12. Therefore, in this embodiment, the
FPGA is clock at 125Mz.
Although in this embodiment the frequency discrimination is performed in a
continuously clocked fashion, asynchronous triggered operation is possible in
alternative embodiments due to the relatively high processing rate of me FPGA.
The processing carried out by the FPGA 12 will now be described. A block
diagram showing the processing required is depicted in figure 2.
The use of single bit comparators 4 and 6 results in the two digitised signals Im
and Qm effectively resolving the phase of the input signal into four states. As
depicted in figure 2A the phase φ can be resolved into any of the states 20, 22,
24, 26. The phase φ is resolved by the block 27. The quantised phase
representation φ is delayed by a number of sample clock cycles in the delay
block 28. The phase difference between the undelayed and the delayed signals is
then calculated in block 30, producing a two-bit, low resolution estimate of the
differential phase Acp. (Once again, this is resolved into four possible states). This
estimate is converted to IQ format by block 32 to produce signals ΔI and ΔQ.

The signals ΔI and ΔQ are then filtered by filters 34 and 36. This has the
beneficial result of increasing the resolution of the phase estimate, and an
improved differential phase estimate Δφ' is generated by resolving the phase
from the filtered signals ΔI' and ΔQ' in block 38. In this embodiment the filters
34 and 36 are both moving average filters, although other filter types could also
be used.
The frequency, f, of the input signal can be derived by block 40 from the
differential phase estimate Δφ' as follows:

Where d is the number of sample delays in the delay block 28, and Fs is input
sample rate. Improved resolution can be achieved by increasing the delay in
delay block 28. Cyclic (and therefore ambiguous) frequency estimates can be
resolved by using multiple correlators each using varying delays. All correlators
are implemented within a single FPGA , unlike prior proposed frequency
measurement apparatus, and therefore an extremely compact solution is realised.
In this embodiment the correlation process uses the principle of over-sampling an
input signal using low-bit resolution sampling devices (the high-speed
comparators 4 and 6). The digital data is subsequently filtered to reduce the
quantisation noise introduced during the sampling process.
The performance of the system will now be discussed, particularly in relation to
the noise introduced.
The quantisation noise introduced during the digitisation process in the high-
speed comparators 4 and 6 is of the same order as the noise present in the input
signal when the correlator operates in poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)

environments. Both the noise present in the input signal and the quantisation
noise contribute to the output noise and as a result define the frequency accuracy
performance of the apparatus. An analysis of both these noise components is
given below.
Figure 3A depicts the four states into which the phase of the signal can be
resolved. Figure 3B illustrates how the quantisation noise changes, as the
absolute phase φ of the input signal is resolved into one of the four phase states
depicted in figure 3A. Assuming the quantisation noise samples are statistically
independent (i.e. uncorrelated with the sample clock and with each other), the
noise is uniformly distributed as shown in figure 3C and can be shown to have a
standard deviation or RMS value of

Using standard phase noise theory, the phase noise at the output of a phase
detector for a given SNR, S is:

These two noise components, Gqnoise and oSnoisc are statistically independent; noise
present at the output of the phase discriminator (before filtering by filters 34 and
36) is therefore:

In this embodiment the filters 34 and 36 are moving average filters, which is
optimal for this embodiment. The filters 34 and 36 average N adjacent samples
are averaged, reducing the RMS noise by VN. In this embodiment the value of N
is 64 and therefore the RMS noise is reduced by a factor of 8. Different values of
N may also be used.

The assumption in the calculations above that successive quantisation noise
samples are uncorrected is vital for all but a few cases of input frequencies (and
phase relative to the sample clock). It can be shown mat within four bands of
input signal frequency defined by:

Where N is the order of the filter, Fs is the sample rate and k is an integer k=1..4;
quantisation noise samples are correlated resulting in a localised loss of
sensitivity. In practice, system noise will tend to de-correlate this noise therefore
reducing its effect.
A specific example of a hardware implementation of this embodiment will now
be described. This example hardware implementation has the following target
specification and performance attributes:
• The sample rate is 2 Gsps, with an unambiguous bandwidth of 2GHz
• 125 MHz correlator processing rate
• 50ns pulse-width capability
• 7-bit resolution for each discriminator
• 4-correlators are used in the designed to give a robust solution
• there is 125MHz unambiguous bandwidth for a 'fine discriminator',
resulting in an approximately 1MHz resolution
• measurement delay: 120ns
A VHDL design of this embodiment has been implemented and full timing
driven gate level simulations performed. The results of the simulation of a single
correlator are shown in figure 4.

Figure 4 shows the RMS phase error for different input SNR conditions for two
digital delay correlator sample delays; a 1 sample delay (curve 50) and a 16-
sample delay (curve 52). The theoretical performance is also shown as curve 54,
which is calculated from equation (4). It is clear that the simulation performs
better than the theory suggests. It is thought that the improved performance is a
result of in-phase correlation effects experienced in phase discriminator
correlator designs. The fact that the short delay design appears to perform better
man the long delay correlator supports this assumption.
It is possible to estimate the frequency accuracy performance of the design for a
given input SNR thus:
The 16 sample delay 'fine discriminator'(with performance depicted by curve
52) defines the frequency accuracy. This will have an unambiguous bandwidth of
2GHz/16 =125 MHz. From figure 4, the RMS phase error for 3dB SNR is
approximately 5°. The frequency error is therefore 5/360*125 = 1.7MHz RMS.
The design described above was targeted towards FPGAs which are
commercially available from Xilinix is sold under the mark Spartan-3. These are
low-cost, high performance parts. These devices also have a large amount of on-
board memory, which can be used as fast look-up-tables carrying calibration data
to overcome non-ideal behaviour of the analogue components.
A four-correlator design when targeted to an XC3S400 device (which is a
member of the Xilinix Spartan-3 family) uses less than 12 % of the available
logic resources. Gate-level timing simulations show that this design can be
clocked at over 150MHz (as opposed to thel25MHz required). This margin can
be exploited by reducing the amount of pipelining used in the design to decrease
the measurement delay, or indeed the system clock rate could be increased to
improve the resolution {i.e. increase the over-sampling rate).

Simulation results state that the power dissipation of the FPGA design is around
1.2W. Dissipation of other components such as the de-serialisers, digitizers and
limiting amplifier suggest that the dissipation of the complete receiver would be
around 3.3W. This is approximately one third of that typically dissipated by
existing analogue frequency measurement devices. Furthermore, a double-sided
PCB design can be realised with approximate the mentions of 100*100*15 mm
which is a quarter of the volume occupied by existing 2-18GHz analogue
frequency measurement devices.
Figure 5 depicts a block diagram of a second embodiment of the invention. It
shows how a static microwave frequency divider could be used to implement a
compact 2-18GHz receiver.
The embodiment uses two limiting amplifier 60 and 62. Limiting amplifier 62 is
operative for frequencies in the range 0.5 to 2GHz and limiting amplifier 60 is
operative for frequencies in the range 2 to 18GHz. The output of limiting
amplifier 60 is connected to a prescaler 64 which divides by 8 and produces an
output in the range 0.25 to 2.25 GHz.
A multi-octave I-Q generator 66 generates an in-phase and quadrature
component signals to supply to the digital correlator 68.
The multi-octave I-Q generator 66 could be implemented digitally using high-
speed flip-flops and absorbed into the frequency division operation, this would
provide for an extremely robust receiver design with 'zero' alignment.
In an alternative embodiment the in-phase and quadrature signals are digitised
with a resolution higher than one bit.

1. A method of measuring the frequency of a received signal comprising the
steps of:
generating a first phase signal by digitizing the phase of the received
signal, said step of generating a first phase signal comprising
limiting the amplitude of the received signal,
splitting the amplitude limited received signal into in-phase and
quadrature components, thereby generating a received in-phase signal and a
received quadrature signal,
digitizing the received in-phase signal using a one bit resolution,
thereby generating a digitized received in-phase signal having a succession of
single bits representing the signal value at a particular instant in time,
digitising the received quadrature signal using one bit resolution,
thereby generating a digitised received quadrature signal having a succession of
single bits representing the signal value at a particular instance in time, and
deserialising the succession of single bits of the digitized received
in-phase signal and the digitized received quadrature signal into words having a
predetermined number of bits;
delaying the first phase signal by a predetermined amount to generate a
second phase signal;
calculating a phase difference between the first and the second phase
signals; and,
calculating the frequency of the input signal from the phase difference.
2. A method as claimed in claim 1, comprising the steps of
converting the phase difference into in-phase and quadrature components,
thereby generating a phase difference in -phase signal and a phase difference
quadrature signal;

filtering the phase difference in-phase signal thereby generating a filtered
phase difference in-phase signal;
filtering the phase difference quadrature signal thereby generating a
filtered phase difference quadrature signal;
generating a filtered phase difference signal from the filtered phase
difference in-phase signal and the filtered phase difference quadrature signal;
using the filtered phase difference signal in the step of calculating the
frequency of the received signal.
3. A method as claimed in claim 2, wherein the filter used in the step of
filtering is a moving average filter.
4. A method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the step of calculating the
frequency of the received signal uses the formula

Where f is the frequency of the received signal, Fs is the sampling frequency
used when digitising the signal and d is the predetermined amount of delay used
in the step of delaying expressed as a number of sample periods.
5. A method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the method is executed at least
twice using a different value for predetermined amount of delay in the step of
6. An apparatus for measuring the frequency of a received signal, the
apparatus comprising
a limiting amplifier for limiting the amplitude of the received signal,
digitization means for digitizing the phase of the received signal and
generating a first phase signal, the digitization means comprising

a signal splitter having an input connected to the output of the
limiting amplifier for splitting the received signal into in-phase and quadrature
components, thereby generating a received in-phase signal and a received
quadrature signal,
a first single bit analogue to digital converter for digitising the
received in-phase signal thereby generating a digitized received in -phase signal;
a second single bit analogue to digital converter for digitizing the
received quadrature signal thereby generating a digitized received quadrature
a first deserialiser connected to the output of the first analogue to
digital converter for deserialising the output from the first analogue to digital
converter and for outputting words havng a predetermined number of bits; and
a second deserialiser connected to the output of the second
analogue to digital converter for deserialising the output from the second
analogue to digital converter and for outputting words having a predetermined
number of bits;
delay means for delaying the first phase signal by a predetermined
amount to generate a second phase signal; and,
processing means for calculating a phase difference between the first and
second phase signals and for calculating the frequency of the received signal
from the phase difference.
7. An apparatus as claimed in claim 6, wherein the processing means
means for converting the phase difference into in-phase and quadrature
components, thereby generating a phase difference in-phase signal and a phase
difference quadrature signal;
a first digital filter for filtering the phase difference in-phase signal
thereby generating a filtered phase difference in-phase signal;

a second digital filter for filtering the phase difference quadrature signal
thereby generating a filtered phase difference quadrature signal; and,
means for generating a filtered phase difference signal from the filtered
phase difference in-phase signal and filtered phase difference quadrature signal;
wherein the filtered phase difference signal is used in the calculation of the
frequency of the received signal.
8. An apparatus as claimed in claim 7, wherein the first and second digital
filters are moving average filters.
9. An apparatus as claimed in claim 8, wherein the processing means is
adapted to calculate the frequency using the formula

where f is the frequency of the received signal, Fs is the sampling frequency used
by the analogue to digital converter and d is the predetermined amount of delay
used in the step of delaying expressed as a number of sample periods.
10. An apparatus as claimed in claim 6, comprising at least two delay means
each of which delays the signal by a different amount.
11. An apparatus as claimed in claim 6, wherein the delay means and the
processing means are implemented in a Field Programmable Gate Array.


Method and Apparatus for Measuring the
Frequency of a Received Signal
Method and apparatus for measuring the frequency of a received signal
are disclosed. The method comprising the steps of generating a first phase signal
by digitizing the phase of the received signal, delaying the first phase signal by a
predetermined amount to generate a second phase signal, calculating a phase
difference between the first and the second phase signals and calculating the
frequency of the input signal from the phase difference. The apparatus
comprising a limiting amplifier (2, 60, 62), digitization means comprising a
signal splitter, a first single bit analogue to digital converter, a second single bit
analogue to digital converter, a first deserialiser (8), a second deserialiser (10),
delay means and processing means.


00943-kolnp-2007- correspondence-1.1.pdf

00943-kolnp-2007- g.p.a.pdf

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0943-kolnp-2007-international publication.pdf

0943-kolnp-2007-international search authority report.pdf




943-KOLNP-2007-(13-11-2013)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf



943-KOLNP-2007-(13-11-2013)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf





943-KOLNP-2007-(13-11-2013)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf





943-KOLNP-2007-FORM 18-1.1.pdf

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Patent Number 261034
Indian Patent Application Number 943/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 23/2014
Publication Date 06-Jun-2014
Grant Date 30-May-2014
Date of Filing 16-Mar-2007
Name of Patentee FILTRONIC PLC
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G01R23/12
PCT International Application Number PCT/GB2005/003511
PCT International Filing date 2005-09-13
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 0420241.2 2004-09-13 U.K.