Title of Invention


Abstract The invention relates to provides a device for measuring electrical current, voltage, and temperature in a low voltage system, comprising : a contact piece (15); and a conductor (10) made of rigid material, wherein the conductor comprises: two conductor sections (13,14), wherein each conductor is formed on an opposite end of the conductor; an electrical resistor element (23) disposed between the two conductor sections (13,14), wherein the electrical resistor (23) is formed of a material having greater resistance than a material of which the two conductor sections (13,14) are formed; an area in a region of the resistor element (23) that is flatter than the two conductor sections (13,14) and forms a depression (26) between the two conductor sections (i3,14); a measuring arrangement (29) formed over the depression (26) as a bridge between the two conductor sections (13,14), the measuring arrangement (29) having at least one measuring device (28) and a microprocessor (56,57,58), wherein the output signal of the at least one measuring device (28) is fed to the microprocessor (56,57,58) via potential isolators for example optocouplers (59,60,61); and wherein the contact piece (15) is connected to a first (13) of the two conductor sections (13,14) and connects the conductor (15) to another conductor (19) such that the heat generated at a contact point (24,25) is measured.
Full Text

Device for measuring electrical current, voltage and
temperature on an electrical conductor made of rigid
The invention relates to a device according to the pre-
characterizing clause of claim 1.
Voltage and current measurements in low-voltage
switchgear systems are predominantly made using
inductive transducers or Hall sensors in order to
guarantee the required DC isolation between the
measuring and evaluation point. In addition, it is also
possible to provide such DC isolation by means of
optocouplers, which pass on the signals produced by
measuring elements to a processing unit.
Resistor elements can also be used for current
measurement or voltage measurement, but these are
rarely used on account of the high power loss in the
resistor element and the lack of DC isolation.
In a low-voltage switchgear system, busbars supplying
the current run horizontally, while perpendicular or
vertically running distribution bars are associated
with the busbars. The individual control, switching and
regulating devices are located in withdrawable trays,
contact elements, which surround the distribution bars
in the form of a mouth, being provided on the
withdrawable trays. In the event of improper
maintenance or for other reasons, there is a risk, due
to high current densities, of even small deviations in
the contact forces leading to a high increase in
temperature at these contact points. The consequences
can be burnt cables and damage to the system. Because
of the high cost of measuring equipment, the
temperature of busbar contacts of this kind in low-

voltage switchgear systems is not monitored as
The object of the invention is to create a device with
which the electrical current, the voltage and the
temperature of the contact pieces can be easily-
According to the invention, this object is achieved
with the characteristics of claim 1.
According to the invention, therefore, the conductor is
formed from two conductor sections, between which an
electrical resistor element is provided that is made of
a material having greater resistance than the material
of the conductor, wherein, in the region of the
resistor element, a flattened area with a depression is
arranged, over which a measuring switchgear
arrangement, through which a portion of the current
flowing through the conductor flows, is placed in the
manner of a bridge, and in that the measuring
arrangement is arranged in the vicinity of a contact
piece by means of which the conductor can be connected
in an electrically conducting manner to another
conductor such that the heat generated at the contact
point is measured.
In the automobile sector, in 12V/24V battery
management, the ASIC IHM-A-1500, which is distinguished
by high sensitivity, has been developed by
Isabellenhiitte for measuring current.
This circuit can be used for measuring current, voltage
and temperature in the conductor section, which is in
immediate contact with the above-mentioned mouth
contact piece or which carries this so that heat
generated here can be measured directly by the circuit.

Either a ribbon cable, which has two sections between
which the electrical resistor element is located, can
be used as a conductor; it is, of course, also possible
to use a round wire conductor with a flattened area in
the area of which the depression, and therefore also
the resistor element, are located.
In this case, the current flows via the resistor
element and, in parallel with this, via the measuring
Here, the resistor element can be made of manganin,
which has a resistance which is 20 times as high as
that of copper.
Further advantageous embodiments of the invention can
be seen from the further dependent claims.
The invention, as well as further advantageous
embodiments and improvements of the invention, and
further advantages, are explained and described in more
detail with reference to the drawing, in which an
exemplary embodiment of the invention is shown.

In the accompanying drawing
Fig. 1 shows a perspective view of a conductor section
Fig. 2 shows a side view of the conductor sub-section
according to Fig. 1 with measuring device
Fig. 3 shows a perspective view of an offset contact
piece, and
Fig. 4 shows a circuit arrangement for the measuring

Fig. 1 shows a perspective representation of a
conductor 10, which has at its one end a crimp
connector for a connecting conductor, which is
connected to the conductor 10 by a screw connection 12.
The conductor 10 is made up of a first conductor sub-
section 13 to which the crimp connector 11 is fixed,
and a second conductor section 14 to which a contact
piece 15 with two contact tongues 16 and 17 is
connected by means of a rivet connection 18. This
contact piece 15 makes contact with a vertically
running conductor 19 in that the conductor 10 with the
contact piece 15 is pushed over the vertically running
ribbon cable 19 so that the ribbon cable 19 is located
in the intermediate space 20 between the tongues 16 and
17. The direction of pushing is shown by the arrow P.
It should be stated solely for the sake of completeness
that inwardly facing projections 16a and 17a, the
spacing between which is somewhat less than the
thickness of the second conductor 19, are provided on
the free ends of the contact tongues 16 and 17. A leg
spring (see Fig. 3) with legs 21 and 22, which press
the contact tongues 16, 17 towards one another, is
provided to increase the contact force of the contact
tongues 16 and 17.
A resistor element 23, which is firmly soldered to the
two conductor sections 13 and 14 at the contact points
24 and 25, is provided between the first conductor
section 13 and the second conductor section 14. In the
embodiment shown in Fig. 1, the thickness of the
resistor element 23 is less than the thickness of the
conductor sections 13 and 14, so that a depression 26
is formed. The resistor element can be made of
manganin, for example, which has a resistance value
that is 20 times higher than the resistance value of
the two conductor sections 13 and 14, which are made of

A printed circuit board 27, on which a measuring
circuit 28 is fixed, is soldered on the surface of the
two conductor sections 13 and 14 facing the observer.
The printed circuit board 27, together with the
measuring circuit 28, forms a measuring arrangement for
measuring the current and in particular the
temperature, said measuring arrangement being known per
se as mentioned in the introduction. Because of the
reduced thickness d2 of the resistor element 23
compared with the thickness d1 of the two conductor
sections 13 and 14, the current flows both via the
resistor element and via the measuring arrangement,
this not being shown in more detail here. The board 27
is soldered on the sections 13 and 14.
The measuring device or measuring arrangement, which in
its totality is allocated reference number 29, is at
mains potential, i.e. at a potential up to 1000 V.
Digital signals, which, as explained below, are fed to
a microprocessor via optocouplers in order to achieve
potential isolation here, are produced at the output of
this measuring arrangement 29.
Reference is now made to Fig. 3.
Here, a conductor 30 is shown, which is made up of two
conductor sections 31 and 32, between which is located
a resistor element, which is the same as the resistor
element 23, in the same way as in the embodiment
according to Fig. 1. Likewise, a depression is provided
between, these two conductor sections 31 and 32, on
which a printed circuit board 33 is soldered in the
same way as on the sections 13 and 14. On the printed
circuit board itself are two circuits 34 and 35, of
which the circuit 34 corresponds to the circuit 28.
It is shown in Fig. 2 that the contact piece 15 is
fixed on the side of the sections 13 and 14 that lie
opposite the printed circuit board 27. In the same way,

a contact piece 36, which is not flat like the contact
piece 15 but bent into a Z-shape, is firmly riveted to
the conductor section 31 on the side opposite the board
33. One leg 37 is located on the conductor section 31,
and the other leg 38 running parallel to this carries
contact prongs 39 and 40, which are connected to one
another by means of a contact pressure spring 41, which
is designed as a U-shaped contact pressure spring,
wherein a first U-shape 42 and a U-shape 43 running
parallel to this, which are connected to one another by
means of connecting elements 44 and 45, are provided,
the two U-shapes 42 and 43 being placed over the
contact piece, and the spring force of the pair of legs
42, 43 towards one another being applied on the contact
tongues 39 and 40 via the connecting sections 44, 45.
Such a contact arrangement is also known per se.
Fig. 4 shows a circuit arrangement with a number of
printed circuit boards 50, 51 and 52 corresponding to
the number of phases, on each of which is mounted an
ASIC circuit 53, 54 and 55 corresponding to the
circuits 28 and 34, which are connected to a first
microprocessor 56, 57 and 58, in which the signals of
the circuits 53 to 55 are processed in a first step.
The output signals of the microprocessors 56, 57 and 58
are fed via optocouplers 59, 60, 61 to a microprocessor
62, in which the signals of the microprocessors 56 to
58 are processed further.
Control devices 63 for controlling a switching device
and for an indication unit 64 are connected to the
output of the microprocessor 62. Power is supplied by
means of a feed cable 65, to which a line 66 for a
control voltage is fed, which ensure and control the
energy supply by means of three isolated power supply
units 67, 68 and 69.
Fig. 1 shows a conductor sub-section 10, which has a
crimp receptacle 11 for a connecting conductor at its

one end. This crimp connector 11 is connected to a
first conductor sub-section 12. Connected to this
conductor sub-section 12, for example welded or
soldered to its face edge 13 opposite the crimp
receptacle 11, is a resistive resistor element 14, to
the free face edge 15 of which a contact piece 16,
which ends in the shape of a fork 17 with two fork
prongs 18 and 19, is connected. Not shown are spring
elements, which press the two fork prongs 18 and 19
against one another. The opening 20 between the two
fork prongs 19 and 18 is placed over a vertically
running distribution bar 21. The whole conductor
arrangement 10 serves to supply current to switching,
control and regulating devices within a switchgear
system. The distribution bars 21, which run vertically
in the switchgear system, are connected to horizontally
running busbars, which are not shown in more detail
The thickness D1 of the sections 12 and 16 respectively
is greater than the thickness D2 of the resistor
element, so that a depression 22 is formed in the area
of the resistor element. This depression 22 is covered
by an electrical circuit 23, wherein the circuit 23
includes a printed circuit board 24 on which measuring
elements 25 for electrical current, voltage and
temperature are mounted.
If current now flows through the arrangement 10, then
part of the current flows via the resistor element 14
and a further part via the measuring device 23, wherein
the current flowing there can be measured. Furthermore,
the voltage and the temperature, which can occur in
particular due to poor contact transitions and thus
high contact resistances between the contact forks 18,
19 and the distribution bar 21, can also be measured.
Connecting conductors are provided on the measuring
element 23, which are connected to a microprocessor in

which the signals coming from the measuring device 23
can be processed further. An important factor in the
use of the measuring device 23, which is known per se,
in the low-voltage field up to 1000 V, is the
distribution of the current flowing through the
resistor element 14 and the measuring device 23.
It must be added that the board is soldered to the
sections 12 and 16.
The measuring device is at mains potential, i.e. at a
potential of up to 1000 V. Digital signals are produced
at the output of the measuring device 23 and are fed to
the microprocessor via potential isolators, e.g.

1. A device for measuring electrical current, voltage, and temperature in a
low voltage system, comprising :
a contact piece (15); and
a conductor (10) made of rigid material, wherein the conductor
two conductor sections (13,14), wherein each conductor is formed on an
opposite end of the conductor;
an electrical resistor element (23) disposed between the two conductor
sections (13,14), wherein the electrical resistor (23) is formed of a
material having greater resistance than a material of which the two
conductor sections (13,14) are formed;
an area in a region of the resistor element (23) that is flatter than the two
conductor sections (13,14) and forms a depression (26) between the two
conductor sections (13,14);
a measuring arrangement (29) formed over the depression (26) as a
bridge between the two conductor sections (13,14), the measuring
arrangement (29) having at least one measuring device (28) and a
microprocessor (56,57,58), wherein the output signal of the at least one
measuring device (28) is fed to the microprocessor (56,57,58) via
potential isolators for example optocouplers (59,60,61); and
wherein the contact piece (15) is connected to a first (13) of the two
conductor sections (13,14) and connects the conductor (15) to another
conductor (19) such that the heat generated at a contact point (24,25) is

2. The device as claimed in claim 1 wherein the resistor element (23) is
made of manganin.
3. The device as claimed in claim 2, wherein the resistor element (23) is
soldered between the two conductor sections (13,14) and wherein the
flatter area forms a depression (26) between the two conductor sections
(13,14) over which the measuring arrangement (29) is placed.
4. The device as claimed in claim 3, wherein the measuring device (28) and
microprocessor (56,57,58) of the measuring arrangement (29) are
mounted to a printed circuit board (27) and comprise a measuring circuit
5. The device as claimed in claim 4, wherein the microprocessor of the
measuring arrangement (29) is a first microprocessor (56,57,58), which
pre-processes the signals coming from measuring circuit (28).
6. The device as claimed in claim 5, wherein the potential isolators are
optocouplers (59,60,61) provided for DC isolation of the first
microprocessor (56,57,58) and plural second microprocessors (62).


TITLE: "A device for measuring electric current voltage and
temperature in a low-voltage system"
The invention relates to provides a device for measuring electrical current,
voltage, and temperature in a low voltage system, comprising : a contact
piece (15); and a conductor (10) made of rigid material, wherein the
conductor comprises: two conductor sections (13,14), wherein each
conductor is formed on an opposite end of the conductor; an electrical
resistor element (23) disposed between the two conductor sections
(13,14), wherein the electrical resistor (23) is formed of a material having
greater resistance than a material of which the two conductor sections
(13,14) are formed; an area in a region of the resistor element (23) that is
flatter than the two conductor sections (13,14) and forms a depression
(26) between the two conductor sections (i3,14); a measuring
arrangement (29) formed over the depression (26) as a bridge between
the two conductor sections (13,14), the measuring arrangement (29)
having at least one measuring device (28) and a microprocessor
(56,57,58), wherein the output signal of the at least one measuring device
(28) is fed to the microprocessor (56,57,58) via potential isolators for
example optocouplers (59,60,61); and wherein the contact piece (15) is
connected to a first (13) of the two conductor sections (13,14) and
connects the conductor (15) to another conductor (19) such that the heat
generated at a contact point (24,25) is measured.


03443-kolnp-2006 abstract.pdf

03443-kolnp-2006 claims.pdf

03443-kolnp-2006 correspondence others.pdf

03443-kolnp-2006 description(complete).pdf

03443-kolnp-2006 drawings.pdf

03443-kolnp-2006 form-1.pdf

03443-kolnp-2006 form-2.pdf

03443-kolnp-2006 form-3.pdf

03443-kolnp-2006 form-5.pdf

03443-kolnp-2006 international publication.pdf

03443-kolnp-2006 international searich authority report.pdf

03443-kolnp-2006 pct others document.pdf

03443-kolnp-2006 priority document.pdf

03443-kolnp-2006-correspondence others-1.1.pdf





3443-KOLNP-2006-(09-09-2013)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf



3443-KOLNP-2006-(09-09-2013)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf





3443-KOLNP-2006-(09-09-2013)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf





3443-KOLNP-2006-FORM 18-1.1.pdf

3443-kolnp-2006-form 18.pdf

3443-KOLNP-2006-FORM 26.pdf





3443-KOLNP-2006-GRANTED-FORM 1.pdf

3443-KOLNP-2006-GRANTED-FORM 2.pdf

3443-KOLNP-2006-GRANTED-FORM 3.pdf

3443-KOLNP-2006-GRANTED-FORM 5.pdf




3443-KOLNP-2006-OTHERS 1.1.pdf





Patent Number 261047
Indian Patent Application Number 3443/KOLNP/2006
PG Journal Number 23/2014
Publication Date 06-Jun-2014
Grant Date 30-May-2014
Date of Filing 21-Nov-2006
Name of Patentee ABB Patent GmbH
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G01R15/14; G01R15/14
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP05/009013
PCT International Filing date 2005-08-19
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10/2004 040 575.1 2004-08-21 Germany