Abstract | ABSTRACT "NON-EVAPQRABLE GETTER ALLOYS" Non-evaporable getter alloys are described which can be activated at relatively low temperatures and are able of efficiently sorbing hydrogen. 15 ; |
Full Text | The present invention is directed to non-evaporable getter alloys for the sorption of hydrogen. In particular the invention deals with non-evaporable getter alloys having good properties of hydrogen sorption at relatively low temperatures. Many applications in the field of industry or research require for their correct working a hydrogen-free environment in a closed container; the space inside the container may be either kept under high vacuum conditions or filled with an atmosphere of a given gas (or gas mixtures). Examples of industrial applications in which hydrogen is detrimental are the evacuated jackets for thermal insulation (e.g. in thermal bottles, also known as "thermos", or solar collectors), owing to the high thermal conductivity of this gas; some types of lamps, in which the presence of hydrogen in the filling gas generally results in the variation of the operating physical parameters (such as the lighting voltage); or the X-rays generating tubes. The processes for manufacturing these devices comprise a step of container evacuation and possible filling thereof with the desired gas, but whenever a high vacuum or a hydrogen-free gas are produced, mechanisms exist which cause hydrogen to re-enter the system; these mechanisms are mainly the degassing of the container walls and the hydrogen permeation across these walls from the external atmosphere toward the container, thus leading to problems in the correct operation of said devices. Owing to the same mechanisms, hydrogen also represents the main contribution to the residual pressure in the ultra-high vacuum (UHV) systems, such as the particles accelerators employed in the research field. To remove these hydrogen traces it is known to employ non-evaporable getter materials (known in the field as NEGs), i.e. materials being capable of chemically fixing molecules of hydrogen as well as of other gases such as water, oxygen and carbon oxides. The getter materials are generally metals of the III, IV and V transition groups or alloys thereof with other elements, generally transition metals or aluminum. The most used getter materials are titanium- and, particularly, zirconium-based alloys. These materials and their use for sorbing gases from evacuated spaces or from inert gases are well known and described in 2 « a number of patents, such as US 3,203,901 (that discloses zirconium-aluminum alloys), US 4,071,335 (zirconium-nickel alloys), US 4,306,887 (zirconium-iron alloys), US 4,312,669 (zirconium-vanadium-iron alloys), US 4,668,424 (zirconium-nickel-Rare Earths alloys with the optional addition of one or more other metals), US 4,839,085 (zirconium-vanadium-E alloys, wherein E is an element selected among Fe, Ni, Mn and Al), and US 5,961,750 (zirconium-cobalt- Rare Earths alloys). In particular, as far as hydrogen sorption is concerned, the use of yttrium or solid mixtures containing the same is also known. US patent 3,953,755 discloses the use of this element (protected by thin layers of other metals) at the inside of discharge lamps. Patent GB 1,248,184 discloses the use of solid mixtures or intermetallic compoimds of yttrium with other metals for sorbing hydrogen in various applications. This patent requires that yttrium is anyhow present in form of a separate phase in a sufficient quantity to accomplish the gettering function, so that the getter properties of the compositions according to that patent are , essentially the same as those of pure yttrium. This characteristic can also be ascribed to the fact that with many of the metals listed in the patent (zirconium, titanium, niobium, hafnium, molybdenum, tantalum, tungsten and vanadium) yttrium does not form compounds nor alloys, whereas with other metals (aluminum, beryllium, cobalt, copper, iron, magnesium, nickel, manganese and zinc) yttrium only forms intermetallic compounds but not alloys (see the book "Constitution of Binary Alloys", First Supplement, edited by R.P. Elliot, McGraw-Hill, 1965) and the yttrium quantities there indicated are however such that in the composition this element is ensured to be in excess with respect to the quantity that could be bound in form of intermetallic compounds, whereby at least a portion thereof remains in form of pure metal. Finally, patent application WO 03/029502 discloses yttrium-vanadium and yttrium-tin compositions being rich in yttrium; also in this case the hydrogen sorption properties of the material are essentially those of pure yttrium. The fiinction of the metals added to yttrium in these two last documents is mainly that of enhancing the hydrogen sorption by the getter. 3 9 NEG materials show a sorption behavior with respect to hydrogen different from that towards other gases. While for most gases the chemical sorption by these alloys is irreversible, the sorption of hydrogen by NEGs is an equilibrium process reversible as a fiinction of the temperature: hydrogen is efficiently sorbed at relatively low temperatures (under 200-400 °C, according to the chemical composition of the material), but it is released at higher temperatures. The equilibrium features of these materials in sorbing hydrogen are generally represented graphically by means of curves giving, at different temperatures, the equilibrium pressure of hydrogen over the alloy as a function of the hydrogen concentration in the NEG material. Another feature of the NEGs is that, in order to accomplish their function, they generally require a treatment of initial thermal activation at temperatures that can vary between about 300 °C up to about 900 °C during a time comprised between few minutes up to several hours depending on the material composition. Advantageous features for a NEG material to be employed for hydrogen sorption are a low hydrogen equilibrium pressure and a low activation temperature. Among the previously cited NEG materials those with the best features of hydrogen sorption (low equilibrium pressures) are the zirconium-aluminum alloys, the zirconium-cobalt-Rare Earths alloys and yttrium. Among these materials the zirconium-aluminum alloys have a high activation temperature: in order to carry out a good activation of these alloys in a not excessively long time it is necessary to activate them at temperatures higher than 700 °C; this feature makes them not suitable for any application, such as when the chamber to be kept free from hydrogen has glass walls, e.g. thermos or some lamps. Yttrium and compositions of patent GB 1,248,184 (which, as seen before, are functionally the same as pure yttrium) only work well if kept at relatively high temperatures, of more than about 600 °C. The zirconium-cobalt-Rare Earths alloys require lower temperatures of activation and operation, but have worse properties of hydrogen sorption (particularly the equilibrium pressure) than those of yttrium. Object of the present invention is to provide non-evaporable getter alloys for 4 • 9 hydrogen sorption. In particular, object of the present invention is that of providing getter alloys showing a combination of features of hydrogen equilibrium pressure and of activation temperature which is improved with respect to known NEG materials. According to the present invention this object is achieved with nonevaporable getter alloys comprising, by weight, from 50% to 80% zirconium, from 1% to 20% yttrium and from 5% to 45% of one or more elements chosen among aluminum, iron, chromium, memgEinese and vanadium. The invention will be described in the following with reference to the drawings wherein: Figure 1 shows a ternary diagram in which the range of possible compositions of the NEG alloys according to the invention is represented; Figures 2a-2d show some possible embodiments of non-evaporable getter devices made by using the alloys of the invention; Figures 3 and 4 show X-rays spectra of two preferred alloys of the invention; Figures 5, 6 and 7 represent graphs showing the hydrogen sorption features of some alloys of the invention and of some comparison alloys. The alloys usefiil for carrying out the invention are those that, when plotted on the ternary diagram of weight percentage compositions of Figure 1, fall within the polygon defined by points: a) Zr 54% - Y 1 % - M 45% b) Zr 50% - Y 5% - M 45% c) Zr 50% - Y 20% - M 30% d) Zr 75% - Y 20% - M 5% e) Zr80%-Y15%-M5% f) Zr80%-Yl%-M19% wherein with M is meant an element selected among aluminum, iron, chromium, manganese, vanadium or mixtures of these elements. One first preferred alloy of the invention is that of weight percent 5 composition Zr 69% - Y 10% - Fe 21%, represented by point g in figure 1; a second preferred alloy of the invention is that having weight percent composition Zr 61% - Y 20% - Fe 19%, represented by point h in figure 1. The alloys of the invention can be prepared by melting in ftimace, from pieces or powders of the component metals, taken in the mutual ratios corresponding to the desired final composition. Preferred are the techniques of arc melting under inert gas, e.g. with a pressure of 3 x lO'* Pascal (Pa) of argon; or in an induction furnace, under vacuum or inert gas. It is however possible to adopt other techniques which are common in the metallurgical field for preparing alloys. Melting requires temperatures higher than about 1000 °C. Differently from compositions of patent GB 1,248,184 and application WO 03/029502 previously described, wherein yttrium is present as a separate phase, mixed only mechanically with the other components, the materials of the invention are actually true alloys as shown by the X-rays diffraction spectra of figures 3 and 4, discussed in the following with reference to the examples. For the production of getter devices using the alloys of the invention, be these in form of pellets of the getter material alone or made with the latter either on a support or in a container, it is preferred to use the alloys in powder form, with particle size generally lower than 250 micrometers (^m) and preferably comprised between 40 and 125 |^m. Greater particle sizes result in an excessive reduction of the specific surface (surface area per weight unit) of the material, with consequent reduction of the gas sorption properties in particular at temperatures of less than about 200 °C; although their use is possible and required in some applications, particle sizes of less than 40 |J,m give rise to problems in the manufacturing steps of the getter devices. The shapes in which the getter devices can be prepared by using the alloys of the invention are the most various, comprising pellets formed of the getter alloys powders either alone or on a metallic support. In both cases the powders can be compacted either by compression or sintering. The pellets of compressed powders only may be applied for example in the thermal insulation of thermos. When the powders are supported, steel, nickel or nickel-based alloys are generally 6 used as supporting material. The support can merely be in form of a strip on the surface of which the alloy powders are caused to adhere by either cold rolling or sintering after deposition by means of various techniques; getter devices obtained from such strips are used in lamps. The support can also be formed as an actual container, having the most various shapes, in which the powders are generally introduced by compression or even without compression in some devices having the container provided with a porous septum, permeable to the gas flow but capable of retaining powders. Some of these possibilities are illustrated in the figures 2a-2d: figure 2a shows a pellet 20 made of compressed powders only of NEG alloy; Figure 2b shows a NEG device 30 formed of a metallic strip 31 on which powders 32 of NEG alloy are present; figure 2c shows in cross-section a NEG device 40 formed of a metallic container 41 with an upper opening 42 having at the inside thereof powders of NEG alloy 43; and figure 2d shows in cross-section a NEG device 50 consisting in a metallic container 51 having inside powders of NEG alloy 52 with an upper opening closed by a porous septum 53. The NEG alloys of the invention can be activated by means of treatments of either few minutes at 500 °C or at about 300 °C during one or two hours, which are softer conditions than those typically required by the zirconium-aluminum alloys (temperatures of about 800-900 °C); fixrthermore they show good properties of hydrogen sorption at temperatures lower than those required by using yttrium or compositions of the prior art containing this element. The invention will be fiirther illustrated by the following examples. These non-limiting examples describe some embodiments intended to teach those skilled in the art how to put into practice the invention and to represent the best considered mode for carrying out the invention. EXAMPLE 1 This example describes the preparation of several alloys of the invention. A series of alloys is produced starting from the component elements in powder form, weighing the powders in the desired ratio as given in the following table, that reports the weights in grams for each element and the nature of element M for the different samples: 7 m Table 1 Sample no. Metal M Zr (grams) M (grams) Y (grams) i Fe ~69 21 10 2 Fe 61 19 20 3 F^ 65 20 15 4 Fe 64 26 10 5 Fe 74 [6 10 6 Mn 70 20 10 7 & TLS I2I 10 8 Al 75^5 iA5 10 9 V 63 27 To The powders are mixed and poured into a water cooled copper crucible of an arc furnace under an atmosphere of 3 x 10'* Pa of argon (so-called "cold-earth" technique). The temperature reached by the mixture during melting is of about 2000 °C, temperature that is maintained during about 5 minutes. Since the preparations take place under conditions of a high thermal gradient, in order to enhance the alloy homogeneity any ingot melting is repeated four times. The ingots obtained by cooling after the fourth melting are milled and the resulting powder is finally sieved, retrieving the fi-action with particle size comprised between 40 and 105 |j.m. The compositions of samples no. 1 and no. 2 correspond to points g and h, respectively, in the ternary diagram of figure 1. A portion of powders of these two samples are used to obtain the X-rays diffractometry spectra illustrated in figures 3 and 4 for samples 1 and 2, respectively. The remainder of powders of samples 1 and 2, and the powders of the other samples, are used to prepare several pellets for each sample, which are used in the subsequent tests: the pellets are obtained compressing 120 mg of powders of each sample under a pressure of 2000 kg/cm . EXAMPLE 2 (COMPARATIVE) This example is directed to the preparation of a sample of an alloy made of 8 41 zirconium, cobalt and misch-metal (misch-metal is a commercial mixture of lanthanum and Rare Earths); the features and preparation of this alloy are described in US patent 5,961,750. 80.8 g of zirconium, 14.2 g of cobalt and 5.0 g of mischmetal having an approximate weight percent composition 50% cerium, 30% lanthanxmi, 15% neodymium and the remainder 5% of other Rare Earths are weighed. The procedure of example 1 is repeated preparing also in this case a set of identical pellets. This sample will be referred to as sample 10 in the following. EXAMPLE 3 (COMPARATIVE) This example is directed to the preparation of a mixture having the same overall weight percent composition of sample 1 of example 1, but formed of powders of an alloy of zirconium and iron only with yttrium powders. The zirconium-iron alloy is obtained like in example 1, starting from 69 g of zirconium and 21 g of iron, both in powder, melting the powders, allowing them to solidify, milling the ingot thus obtained and retrieving the fraction of particle size comprised between 40 and 105 )am by sieving. Then, 10 g of powdered yttrium having the same particle size are added to the powders thus obtained; with this mixture of powders a set of identical pellets are prepared as described in example 1. This sample will be referred to as sample 11 in the following. EXAMPLE 4 A hydrogen sorption test is carried out on a pellet of each of samples 1,2, 10 and 11. All the pellets are activated at 500 °C for 10 minutes. The sorption tests are carried out according to the procedure described in the ASTM F 798-82 standard with a test temperature of 400 °C and a hydrogen pressure of 4 x 10"^ Pa: these tests are said to take place under "dynamic conditions" because the test chamber is fed with a variable flow of hydrogen, regulated by means of a feedback system, in order to have a constant pressure of hydrogen over the pellet imder test. The results of these tests are graphically represented in Figure 5 as sorption speed, S, measured in cubic centimeters of sorbed hydrogen per second and per gram of alloy (cc/s x g), as a function of the quantity of sorbed hydrogen, Q, measured in cubic centimeters of gas multiplied by the sorption pressure (in 9 4 Pascal) and normalized per gram of alloy (cc x Pa/g); the numbering of curves corresponds to the numbering of samples (thick lines are used for the samples of the invention, thin lines for comparative samples 10 and 11). EXAMPLE 5 The hydrogen equilibrium pressure of another pellet of sample 1 prepared as described in example 1, is measured. The measurement system is formed as a glass bulb, connected to a pumping apparatus through a liquid nitrogen trap which helps to keep a low background pressure during the test; the sample is heated from the outside of the bulb by radio-frequencies by means of an induction coil. The system is evacuated until a residual pressure of 1 x 10"^ Pa is reached. Under pumping the sample is activated by heating with radio-frequency at 700 °C for an hour. At the end of activation process the sample is brought to the temperature of 600 °C and the bulb is isolated from the pumping apparatus. A measured quantity of hydrogen is introduced into the bulb and the pressure variations are measured by means of a capacitance manometer; the pressure value at which the system stabilizes provides the equilibriimi pressure under those conditions. Such a procedure is repeated several times while each time a different quantity of hydrogen is introduced into the system. From the measurement of the equilibrium pressures, being knovm the system volume and the alloy weight, the concentration of hydrogen sorbed by the alloy under the different measurement conditions is obtained. The values of equilibrium pressure, P, measured in hectopascal (hPa), are graphically represented in figure 6 (curve 1) as a fimction of the sorbed hydrogen concentration, C, measured in cubic centimeters of gas multiplied by the sorption pressure and normalized per gram of alloy (cc x hPa/g). For comparison, in the graph of figure 6 are also shown two curves relating to the hydrogen equilibrium pressure of two materials considered in the field particularly suitable for the sorption of hydrogen, namely, a zirconium-cobaltmischmetal alloy of composition corresponding to that of sample 10 (curve 10) and a zirconium-aluminum alloy of US patent 3,203,901 (curve labeled Zr-Al); curves 10 and Zr-Al are portions of lines obtained by averaging the data resulting 10 4 from a number of experimental tests carried out in the past with said known alloys in the same conditions as described above for sample 1. EXAMPLE 6 A series of hydrogen sorption tests is carried out on all samples 1 and 3 through 11. This series of tests is carried out under so called "static conditions", because hydrogen is fed into the measuring chamber in subsequent dosings, insulating the chamber between two successive dosings, rather than continuously; the measuring system and procedure are described in detail in the paper "The properties of some zirconium-based gettering alloys for hydrogen isotope storage and purification", C. Boffito et al., published in Journal of Less-Common Metals (1984), vol. 104, page 149. The tests are performed in the following conditions: initial hydrogen pressure at each dosing =1x10"' hPa; getter temperature = 400 °C; no getter activation The output of these tests are the curves shown in figure 7, giving for each sample the speed of hydrogen pumping, S (expressed in cc/s), as a fimction of the quantity of hydrogen sorbed, Q (expressed in ccx hPa); the numbering of curves corresponds to the numbering of samples. The results of experimental tests described above are discussed below. The diffractrograms shown in figures 3 and 4 refer to Zr-Y-Fe alloys containing 10% and 20% by weight of yttrium, respectively; the diffractograms show the intensity of the peaks (I, in arbitrary units, a.u.) as a function of reflection angle (2 0); the vertical lines shown in the spectra, at 2 9 angles of about 28.3°, 31.2°, 32.3° and 42.6°, respectively, represent the positions and relative intensities of the peaks of pure yttrium. The main peaks in both diffractograms are not coincident with those of yttrium; furthermore, in case of the alloy containing 10% by weight of yttrium, essentially there are no peaks in the positions corresponding to those of pure yttrium, thus confirming that in this case yttrium is present completely alloyed with zirconium and iron, whereas in the case of composition with 20% of yttrium, "shoulders" that can be attributed to yttrium 11 # are observed in connection to main peaks. The graph of figure 5 confirms that the alloys of the invention have hydrogen sorption properties at least equal to those of a zirconium-cobaltmischmetal alloy of the prior art, which is considered particularly suitable for sorbing this gas; fiirthermore the alloys of the' invention are clearly superior in sorbing hydrogen with respect to the mixture between a Zr-Fe alloy and pure yttrium of the example 3 (curve 11), and this too confirms that yttrium forms an actual, true alloy in the compositions of the invention (particularly meaningful is the comparison of hydrogen sorption properties of samples 1 and 11, being the compositions of these two samples nominally identical). The graph of figure 7 give similar results: all the compositions of the invention (curves 1 and 3 through 9) show properties of hydrogen sorption that are better than those of an alloy of example 2 (curve 10), widely used in the field for hydrogen sorption, as well as of the mixture of example 3 (curve 11). Finally, curve 1 in figure 6 shows the^ variation trend of the hydrogen equilibrium pressure of a pellet of sample 1, compared to similar graphs for knovra alloys widely used in the field for hydrogen sorption. Again, this graph shows that an alloy of the invention, at the same activation temperature (700 °C) and test temperature (600 °C) shows a hydrogen equilibrium pressvire which is neatly lower, by about one order of magnitude, with respect to the comparison alloys. The alloys of the invention have hydrogen equilibrium pressure values, as well as activation and operation temperatures, lower than those of known alloys; at the same time, the alloys of the invention have lower activation and operation temperatures than yttriimi; this could be due to the fact that, differently from the prior art materials, in this case yttrium forms actually true alloys with the other elements being present. 12 WE CLAIM: 1. Non-evaporable getter alloys whose composition, expressed in weight percent is 50-80% Zr, 10-20% Y, the rest M 5-40%, and when represented in a ternary diagram of weight percent, falls within a polygon defined by points: a) Zr 50% - Y 10% - M 40% b) Zr 50% - Y 20% - M 30% c) Zr 75% - Y 20% - M 5% d) Zr80%-Y15%-M5% e) Zr 80% - Y 10% - M 10% wherein M is selected among aluminum, iron, chromium, manganese, vanadium or mixtures of these elements. 2. Alloys as claimed in claim 1 wherein M is iron. 3. Alloy as claimed in claim 2 of weight composition Zr 69% - Y 10% - Fe 21%. 4. Alloy as claimed in claim 2 of weight composition Zr 61% - Y 20% - Fe 19%. 5. Alloy as claimed in claim 2 of weight composition Zr 65% - Y 15% - Fe 20%. 6. Non-evaporable getter devices comprising one of the alloys as claimed in claim 1, with particle size of less than 250 i^m. 7. Devices as claimed in claim 6, wherein said powders have particle size comprised between 40 and 125 ^im. 8. A device (20) as claimed in claim 6, consisting of a pellet of compressed powders only of the getter alloy. 9. A device (30) as claimed in claim 6, consisting of powders (32) of getter alloy supported on a metallic strip (31) and caused to adhere to said strip by cold rolling or deposition followed by sintering. 10. A device (40) as claimed in claim 6, consisting in a container (41) with an upper opening (42) inside which there are powders of getter alloy (43). 11. A device (50) as claimed in claim 6, consisting in a container (51) 13 s inside which there are powders of getter alloy (52) and having an upper opening closed by a porous septum (53). Dated this 6* day of June, 2007 *yr \^--^ JjWfnKUMARI OF K AGENT FOR THE APPLICANT(S) 14 |
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Patent Number | 262572 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Indian Patent Application Number | 4318/DELNP/2007 | |||||||||||||||||||||
PG Journal Number | 35/2014 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Publication Date | 29-Aug-2014 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Grant Date | 28-Aug-2014 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Date of Filing | 06-Jun-2007 | |||||||||||||||||||||
Name of Patentee | SAES GETTERS S.P.A. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Applicant Address | VIALE ITALIA,77, I-20020 LAINATE MI, ITALY. | |||||||||||||||||||||
PCT International Classification Number | C22C 16/00 | |||||||||||||||||||||
PCT International Application Number | PCT/IT2005/000673 | |||||||||||||||||||||
PCT International Filing date | 2005-11-18 | |||||||||||||||||||||
PCT Conventions: