Title of Invention


Abstract An apparatus (10) for contactless measurement of sheet charge density and mobility comprises a microwave source (16), a circular waveguide (50), a first detector (18) for detecting the forward microwave power, a second detector (23) for detecting the microwave power reflected from the sample, and a third detector (95) for detecting the Hall effect power. An automatic positioning subsystem (700) is provided for allowing automatic positioning of a wafer (59) within the test apparatus (10), the positioning system (700) comprising a first end effector (706) and a rotator-lifter (704). A second end effector (716) can be mounted opposite the first end effector (706) and can be used to automatically position the sheet element (59) within a sheet resistance testing module (718) located at an opposite end of the apparatus (10).
Full Text

[001] This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Patent Application
No. 60/659,847, filed March 9, 2005, and is a continuation-in-part of co-pending U.S.
Patent Application Serial No. 10/915,877, filed August 11, 2004, both of which are
hereby incorporated by reference herein in their entireties.
[002] The invention relates to nondestructive measurement and mapping of
materials, particularly using microwaves in the measurement of sheet charge density, and
mobility and sheet resistance in semiconductor wafers and flat panel displays.
[003] Existing instruments that employ microwaves in the measurement of sheet
resistance in GaAs wafers employ an X-band waveguide configuration with a
characteristic impedance of 300 ohms which does not permit accurate measurement of
wafers with thin cap layers. Such instruments are discussed in U.S. Patent No. 4,605,893,
to Norman Braslau. One disadvantage of these instruments is an inability to separately
measure the properties of multiple conducting layers in wafers that contain such layers,
e.g. a high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) wafer, which contains a two-dimensional
(2D) channel layer and a cap layer. Therefore, one must measure the sheet resistance and
mobility at temperatures lower than 300 degrees Kelvin, such as at 77 degrees Kelvin, in
such existing systems in order to increase the channel-layer mobility relative to the
conductance of the cap layer. These instruments also require involved calibration
[004] Destructive techniques for measurement of sheet resistance and mobility
are also known. However, such techniques necessarily damage the wafers or other
material being measured.
[005] A device for nondestructive measurement of mobility and sheet charge
density in sheet materials includes a microwave source, a circular waveguide configured

to transmit microwaves received from the microwave source to a conductive sheet
material, such as a semiconductor wafer or flat panel display, a first detector for receiving
the forward microwave power, a second detector for detecting the microwave power
reflected from the material, and a third detector for detecting the Hall effect power. A
circular waveguide, carrying only the TE11 mode, is terminated by the wafer behind
which, at a distance of ¼ wavelength, a short is located. Perpendicular to the plane of the
wafer (and along the axis of the waveguide), a variable magnetic field is applied. In this
configuration, a given incident TEn wave will cause two reflected waves. One is the
ordinary reflected wave in the same polarization as the incident one. This is used to
measure sheet resistance. The other reflected wave is caused by the Hall effect. Its
polarization is perpendicular to the former wave and this can be separately detected with a
properly configured probe.
[006] A device for measurement of mobility and sheet charge density in
conductive sheet materials includes a microwave source; a circular waveguide positioned
to receive microwave power from the microwave source; a mount adapted to position a
sheet material item at a measurement location to receive microwave power transmitted
from the circular waveguide; a magnet positioned to induce a magnetic field at the
measurement location; a first detector positioned to detect the power of the microwave
power source; a second detector positioned to detect the power of the microwave power
reflected from a sheet material item in the measurement location; and a third detector
positioned to detect a Hall effect microwave power. A fourth detector may be provided to
detect magnetic field strength at the measurement location. The mount may have a
surface and a disc positioned in the mount, said disc having a planar surface recessed
from said mount surface, said disc being rotatable about an axis substantially
perpendicular to the plane of said disc planar surface, and said disc having a bore therein,
said bore not being coaxial with said axis of rotation.
[007] A method for measurement of mobility and sheet charge density in
conductive sheet materials includes generating microwave power; transmitting only the
TEn mode of the generated microwave power successively to a sheet material sample;
during the step of transmission, applying a magnetic field of selected intensities; detecting
microwave field strength at a forward position; detecting microwave field strength
reflected from each of a conductive short and a sample; detecting Hall effect microwave

field strength; and, based on the detected microwave field strengths, calculating values for
mobility and sheet charge density.
[008] An automatic handling system is disclosed for measurement of mobility
and sheet charge density in conductive sheet materials. The system can comprise a
microwave source, a waveguide positioned to receive microwave power from said
microwave source, and an an end effector adapted to position a sheet material item at a
measurement location to receive microwave power transmitted from said circular
waveguide. The end effector can be movable between an adjustment position and a test
position, wherein the adjustment position is a position at which the rotational position of
the sheet material item is selectably adjustable, and the test position is the position at
which at least one test can be performed on the sheet material item using the waveguide.
The system can further comprise a magnet positioned to induce a magnetic field at the
test location, a first detector to detect the power of the microwave power source, a second
detector to detect the power of the microwave power reflected from a sheet material item
in the measurement location, and a third detector to detect a Hall effect microwave power.
[009] The automatic handling system may further comprising a second end-
effector configured to engage the sheet material item, and a sheet resistance unit having
first and second oppositely disposed coils for measuring the sheet resistance of the sheet
material item, wherein the second end-effector is movably adjustable with respect to the
sheet resistance unit to enable the unit to take a plurality of measurements on the sheet
material item.
[0010] A mount for sheet material is disclosed, comprising an end effector for
engaging an item of sheet material and moving it along a first axis, the end effector
further configured to be rotated about the first axis using a first servo motor. A rotator-
lifter is also included for engaging the item of sheet material and moving it along a
second axis substantially perpendicular to said first axis, the rotator-lifter further
configured to rotate about the second axis using a second servo motor, wherein the end
effector and the rotator-lifter each comprises at least one vacuum element for engaging an
item of sheet material. The mount can further comprise an adjustable base being movable
using a third servo motor, the end effector being mounted on the adjustable base for
movement with respect to the rotator-lifter.

[0011] Fig. 1 is a schematic diagram of an apparatus according to the invention.
[0012] Fig. 2 is a schematic diagram of an apparatus according to the invention.
[0013] Fig. 3 is a view of a portion of an apparatus according to the invention.
[0014] Fig. 4 is a cross-section of the apparatus of Figure 3.
[0015] Fig. 5 is a view of an apparatus according to the invention.
[0016] Figs. 5A, 5B, and 5C are views of a component of an apparatus according
to the invention.
[0017] Fig. 6 is a flowchart of software used according to the invention;
[0018] Fig. 7 is a perspective view of an automatic wafer handling system for use
with the apparatus of Figs. 1-5C;
[0019] Fig. 8 is a perspective view of the system of Fig. 7, attached to the
apparatus of Figs. 1-5C;
[0020] Fig. 9 is a detail view of the system of Fig. 7, illustrating various system
[0021] Fig. 10 is a detail view of an end effector of the system of Fig. 7, engaged
with a sheet material item;
[0022] Fig. 11 is a detail view of the end effector of Fig. 10 in a rotated position;
[0023] Fig. 12 is a detail view of the end effector and sheet material item of Fig.
10 in a test position;
[0024] Fig. 13 is a detail view of the end effector and sheet material item of Fig.
10 in a post-testing position;

[0025] Fig. 14 is a perspective view of the automatic wafer handling system of
Fig. 7, including a sheet resistance subsystem;
[0026] Fig. 15 is a detail view of the sheet resistance subsystem of Fig. 14;
[0027] Fig. 16 is a detail view of a sheet resistance module of the subsystem of
Fig. 14;
[0028] Fig. 17 is a detail view of an end effector of the sheet resistance subsystem
of Fig. 14 engaged with a sheet material item to be tested;
[0029] Fig. 18 is a detail view of the end effector and sheet material item of Fig.
17 configured in a test position within the sheet resistance module;
[0030] Fig. 19 is a detail view of the end effector and sheet material item of Fig.
14 in a post-testing position.
[0031] The present invention includes an apparatus and method for measurement
of sheet resistance and sheet charge density in semiconductive materials. The device
includes a microwave source, that has an output coupled to a waveguide configuration in
which a small amount of the incident wave is diverted, and the greater portion of the
incident wave is transmitted along a main branch. The main branch is coupled to a
circular waveguide. The circular waveguide transmits only the TEn(transverse electric 1,
1) mode of the microwave power. The circular waveguide receives power at an interface,
and outputs power to a test region having a mount for supporting either a conductive test
item, such as a short, or a wafer or other conductive sheet item to be tested. A magnet is
provided to apply a magnetic field at the test region. At least four values are detected in
the calculation of sheet resistance and sheet charge density in a method and apparatus of
the invention. A detector is provided to detect the total microwave power output. A
second detector is provided to detect the strength of a conventional reflected wave in the
same polarization as the incident wave. A third detector is provided to detect a second
reflected wave having a polarization opposite to that of the incident wave. There is
preferably provided a Hall effect probe to detect this rotated reflected wave, which probe

is electrically coupled to a directional coupler. The diverted portion of the incident wave,
after passing through a variable attenuator and variable phase shifter, is also coupled to
this Hall directional coupler, in order to eliminate by destructive interferences any
spurious incident signal at said detector. The Hall directional coupler is then coupled to a
detector. A fourth detector detects the magnetic field strength.
[0032] Figures 1 and 2 depict schematically the components of an apparatus 10 in
accordance with the invention. Apparatus 10 includes microwave source module 15
which may provide microwaves having a frequency of about 10 GHz, although other
frequencies may be employed. For example, higher frequencies may be employed to
enable a smaller measurement area on the wafer or other item being tested. Source
module 15 may include a Gunn diode, for example, and other sources may be employed.
Source module 15 includes the microwave source 16, such as a Gunn diode, which is
coupled to means for diverting a small portion of the forward power to a side branch, or
attenuation and phase branch. The means for diverting a small portion of the forward
power to a side branch may be coupler 21. Coupler 21 may be, for example, a cross
guide coupler, and may be more specifically by way of example a 20dB cross guide
coupler or a directional coupler. Directional coupler 21 is coupled to side branch 22,
discussed below. The majority of the power output by source 16 is coupled through
coupler 21 to a second directional coupler 210. Second directional coupler 210 provides
a portion of the power to forward power detector 18. Second directional coupler 210 may
be a lOdB coupler. Second directional coupler 210 outputs the majority of the power
through a waveguide to isolator 17. Isolator 17 may be of conventional or other suitable
design to prevent power from elsewhere in apparatus 10 from entering source 15. A
second isolator may be used in series with isolator 17.
[0033] The diversion of a portion of the forward power to side branch 22 is used
in properly balancing the Hall effect probe to zero in the absence of an applied magnetic
field. The side branch 22 has a single computer controlled variable attenuator 35 and
computer controlled variable phase shifter 40 in order to produce a very small signal of
the proper phase that can be used to make an ultra-fine correlation in zeroing the Hall
effect probe in the absence of a magnetic field. As the variable attenuator 35 and variable
phase shifter 40 are preferably-computer controlled, adjustments are facilitated. It will be

understood that, in principle, the variable attenuator and phase shifter could be manually
[0034] The main output of coupler 21 will be referred to as main branch 24. Main
branch 24 preferably has a waveguide for transmission of microwave power to transition
25. Main branch 24 may include conventional rectangular waveguide 20. As shown in
Fig. 2, reflected power detector 23 is shown in main branch 24. Reflected power detector
23 detects microwave power being transmitted from transition 25 toward source 15.
Reflected power detector 23 detects power reflected from test items back into main
branch 24. Directional coupler 220, in main branch 24 and coupled to source 15 and
transition 25, directs reflected power from main branch 24 to reflected power detector 23.
[0035] As noted above, a circular waveguide is provided positioned to receive
microwave power from source 15. Specifically, circular waveguide 50 is coupled through
coupler 21 and main branch 24 to source 15. Conventional rectangular waveguide 20 is
coupled via a matched transition 25 into circular waveguide 50. Circular waveguide 50 is
a cylindrical waveguide with a circular cross-section. Circular waveguide 50 transmits
only the TE11 mode of the power. Circular waveguide interface 25 is coupled to circular
waveguide 50, shown, for example, in Figure 2. The coupling of the circular waveguide
50 to conventional waveguide 20 must be calibrated carefully to minimize reflection and
loss of signal strength. The calibration procedure is set forth below. Circular waveguide
50 is mounted on interface 25 perpendicular to the long axis of conventional waveguide
20. The calibration may be effected by adjustment of the position of circular waveguide
25 along its long axis relative to interface 25. In one embodiment, circular waveguide 50
is mounted on the interface 25. A circular waveguide adjustment 55 is provided in the
form of a handle that rotates circular waveguide 50, so that the rotational position of
circular waveguide 50 may be adjusted.
[0036] A mount 60 is provided to hold a sample of sheet material at a
measurement location where microwave power transmitted from the circular waveguide
50 is received. The sample may be a wafer or other semiconductive test material 59. A
moving short 65 is provided on the opposite side of the wafer or other material from the
opening of circular waveguide 50. The moving short 65 will be placed ¼ wavelength
from the wafer or other material. Moving short 65 may be in the form of a polished metal

plug. Moving short 65 is mounted in mount 60, which may be in the form of a vacuum
chuck.. Mount 60 is adapted to hold a wafer or other material in sheet form at an end of
circular waveguide 50 opposite to interface 25. Moving short 65 is provided inside of
mount 60 and is capable of being positioned precisely. Mount 60 can move relative to
circular waveguide 50 in order to adjust the gap between waveguide 50 and moving short
[0037] A detector, forward power detector 18, is positioned in source module 15
to detect the forward power. As noted above, a directional coupler 220 is positioned in
main branch 24 so as to direct reflected microwave power to detector 23. The reflected
power detected by detector 23 has the same polarization as the forward microwave power.
Hall probe 70 is inserted in circular waveguide 50 positioned to detect Hall effect
microwave power reflected from material positioned in the vacuum chuck. Hall probe 70
may be located at a variety of positions within circular waveguide 50. The Hall effect
power has polarization perpendicular to the polarization of the incident wave. As
discussed below, the calibration and tuning process provides that only the Hall effect
power is detected by Hall detector 95.
[0038] Hall probe 70 is coupled through coaxial line 75 to an input of directional
coupler 80. Directional coupler 80 may be a 20 dB directional coupler. The output of
branch 22, after passing through the attenuator module and variable phase shifter, is
connected to an input of directional coupler 80. The output of directional coupler 80 is
coupled to Hall detector 95. The calibration process, as described below, provides that
the Hall detector 95 detects only power having a polarization perpendicular to that of the
forward power. This power detected by Hall detector 95 is thus Hall effect power
reflected from a sample.
[0039] Details of an exemplary embodiment of the transition, circular waveguide,
and mount will now be described. Figure 3 is an isometric view, with partial cutaway, of
interface 25. Figure 4 is a sectional view along line 4-4 of Fig. 3. Interface 25 has a
primary rectangular chamber 100 coupled at one end thereof to conventional waveguide
20. On an upper side of rectangular chamber 100 an aperture is provided to which
circular waveguide 50 is attached. Interior to interface 25, opposite to conventional
waveguide 20, there is provided a beam stop 115 completely filling an opening, and

having a tapered face, preferably at an angle of 30 degrees to vertical, at 120. It will be
appreciated that interface 25 may be modified by those of skill in the art by alternative
designs to minimize reflection and loss at the interface between circular waveguide 50
and conventional waveguide 20. In Figs. 3-4, it may be seen that circular waveguide 50
includes a probe flange 107 at an upper end thereof which has therein an opening for a
probe at 110. A Hall probe may be inserted at 110.
[0040] Figure 5 is a side view depicting an exemplary arrangement including
circular waveguide 50, holder or mount 60, and related exemplary hardware. Holder or
mount 60 serves to position a sheet material item to receive microwave power from
circular waveguide 50. Conventional waveguide 20 is shown coupled to interface 25.
Interface 25 is shown coupled to circular waveguide 50. Probe flange 107, located at an
end of circular waveguide 50 opposite the coupling to interface 25, is opposite holder 60,
in the form of a vacuum chuck. Vacuum chuck 60 is supported by an arm, which is
chuck holder 62. Chuck holder 62 is supported by adjustable screws 121, 122, thereby
permitting adjustment of the position of vacuum chuck 60 in two axes. Screws 121, 122
are supported on bridge 124, which is itself adjustably mounted as shown at 125, 126.
Spring 123 may be provided on screw 122 to reduce the transfer of any vibrations in
bridge 124. It will be understood that other configurations may be employed for the
positioning of holder 60 relative to circular waveguide 50.
[0041] Referring to Fig. 5A, an example of a holder is shown. In this example, a
positioning fixture 500 is rotatably mounted on a base 502. Fixture 500 has therein a
rotatable disc 504 with a cylindrical through bore positioned off center. Disc 504 can be
described as an eccentric slug in fixture 500. More particularly, fixture 500 has a surface
501, which is generally planar, and disc 504 has a surface 505, which may be planar and
raised from mount surface 501. Mount surface 501 and disc surface 505 may be parallel.
Disc 504 is rotatable about an axis substantially perpendicular to the plane of mount
surface 501. Bore 506, which may define a right circular cylinder, is not coaxial with the
axis of rotation of disc 504. Rotation of disc 504 adjusts the position of the bore 506
relative to base 502, effectively permitting adjustment of bore 506 in the vertical
direction. Bore 506 defines the portion of a wafer or other material fixed on fixture 500
exposed to the output of circular waveguide 50. Rotation of disc 504 permits vertical
adjustment, which combined with horizontal adjustment using screw 520 as described

below, provides for alignment with waveguide 50. Fixture 500 may be a vacuum fixture
or vacuum chuck, having an interior chamber at low pressure and small bores therein to
fix material on the fixture. Connections can be made to a pump through a port at 507.
Handle 510 may be employed to move fixture 500 in and out of position.
[0042] Fixture 500 is rotatably mounted on base 502 by a set screw 520 which
presses on a shaft extends through bores in raised mounts 522, 524, which are rigidly
fixed to base 502. A thrust bearing and a compression spring at mount 524 hold fixture
500 in place. Screw 520 engages a threaded bore in mount 522, so that rotation of screw
520 moves the shaft, thereby permitting fine adjustment of the position of the positioning
fixture in a horizontal axis. In operation, the position of the fixture is adjusted by
adjustment of both screw 520 and turning disc 504 until the fixture is properly positioned.
The fixture 500 may then be locked in place. Arm 530, also rigidly fixed to base 502,
prevents rotation of fixture 500 beyond a predefined point. An approximately semi-
cylindrical concave surface defined on finger 532 of arm 530 receives a cylindrical knob
507 on an edge of fixture 500. Referring to Fig. 5B, fixture 500 is shown in a closed or
operational position from the opposite side.
[0043] Referring to Fig. 5C, base 502 is divided into stationary portion 540 and
movable portion 542, on which fixture 500 is mounted. Movable portion 542 is movable
relative to stationary portion 540 perpendicular to the axis of screw 520, thereby
permitting adjustment of the position of fixture 500 so as to adjust the gap between
fixture 500 (and hence any sample mounted thereon) and the opening of circular
waveguide 50. In this embodiment, mating grooves 543 and rails 544, and mating pins
548 and bores 549, permit adjustment of movable portion 542 in only one direction. A
threaded pin 550 has a head 551 which engages a surface of movable portion 542; body
552 of pin 550 traverses a smooth bore 554 in movable portion 542 and engages a
threaded bore 556 in stationary portion 540. A constant separation is further maintained
by providing a device to urge movable portion 542 to the maximum separation permitted
by the position of pin 550. An example is shown as coil spring 558, which engages
surfaces of movable portion 542 and stationary portion 540. Any suitable substitute for
coil spring 558 may be employed.

[0044] Referring again to Fig. 5, Figure 5 also shows generally the position of
magnet 130 which provides the necessary magnetic field. The magnetic field is applied
perpendicular to the plane of the wafer or other sample and along the long axis of circular
waveguide 50. The design of one or more suitable magnets to provide the desired
magnetic field strength is within the level of ordinary skill in the art. As noted below, in
one example, the magnetic field strength at the wafer or other item positioned in the
holder is desirably up to 10kG or higher, if necessary.
[0045] The calibration and operation of the apparatus will now be discussed. This
entire process may be carried out at room temperature. Room temperature is understood
to include a range of temperatures at which humans may comfortably work. Room .
temperature excludes low temperatures, such as the boiling temperature of liquid nitrogen
at atmospheric pressure. Power meters are preferably connected to the Hall detector cable,
an input or forward power location, and a reflected power location. A gauss meter is
provided to measure the intensity of the magnetic field. Commercial meters with RS232
or IEEE 488 bus communications are preferably used. A short 58, such as a gold plated
copper coated PC board, is placed on the vacuum chuck and positioned. The computer
controlled attenuation adjustment 35 is increased to a maximum. The position of the
circular waveguide 50 is adjusted to obtain minimum power at Hall detector 95. While
monitoring the Hall detector power meter, the computer controlled attenuation adjustment
35 is then adjusted, preferably automatically using the computer software, to bring
detected power to a minimum. The computer controlled phase adjustment 40 is then
adjusted, preferably automatically using the computer software, to obtain a minimum on
the Hall detected power. The attenuation adjustment and phase adjustment are
automatically adjusted using the computer software, to obtain a minimum here. The Hall
detector power, forward detector power, and reflected detector power are recorded. The
short is removed and replaced with the sample to be checked. The short tuning
adjustment 65 of the vacuum chuck position is adjusted to obtain a minimum reflected
power. The circular waveguide adjustment 55, attenuation adjustment 35 and phase
adjustment 40 are all adjusted for a minimum on the Hall detector. The three powers are
then recorded for 0 magnetic field, and then at successive incrementally greater magnetic
field strengths. The field strength ranges from 0-9 kG as a minimum. Preferably, the
magnetic field is automatically varied using computer software that controls the magnet
power supply to obtain the desired magnetic field. In principle, with further

developments, significantly lower magnetic field strengths could be used in accordance
with the method. The number of magnetic field values and the spacing between magnetic
field values can be optimized to maximize analysis accuracy.
[0046] The data are then interpreted to obtain mobility, sheet charge density and
sheet resistance readings. Referring to Figure 6, an overview of the software is provided.
The software may be written for a personal computer using an Intel Pentium or
compatible chip as a processor, and the DOS or Windows operating systems. The
hardware system described above is indicated generally by block 600. The first module,
605, is a signal acquisition and control module. This module receives signals from the
detectors in the apparatus described above and controls the variable phase shifter and
attenuator module as well as the magnet. The received signals are: Hall Power detection;
Forward Power detection of Cu Short and Wafer; Reflected Power detection of Cu Short
and Wafer; and Magnetic Field Strength detection. Those signals are passed through
power amplifiers and/or superhet receivers to analog to digital converters and module 605
obtains values from the digital output. Once these signals are acquired the corresponding
voltage input values are passed on to the Signal Correlation Module 610 for further
[0047] Signal correlation module 610 receives inputs from the signal acquisition
module 605 as raw input voltages. These voltages are input into algorithms to obtain
values in correct engineering units. This step is a straightforward correlation.
[0048] The output of the signal correlation module 610 is received by the
transformation module 615. The transformation module converts the output to Sigma
Output file structure 625 which is then read by the Mobility Spectral Analysis Module
630. The Sigma Output file is composed of 14 lines of general test information, typically
including the sample name, date, and similar information, followed by a line containing
the sample thickness, followed by a line for each magnetic field at which Hall data was
collected. Each of these data lines contain tab-separated entries for the magnetic field,
Sigma_XX, SD_XX, Sigma_XY, and SD_XY, where SD_XX and SD_XY are the
standard deviations for the Sigma_XX and Sigma_XY values, respectively. All entries
are in MKSA units, i.e. thickness in meters, magnetic field in Tesla, and conductivities in
Siemens/meter. This file is used as input for the Mobility Spectral Analysis Module in

order to obtain the final mobility values and sheet charge densities. This module is
composed of two separate program dynamic link libraries, which perform a variety of
mathematical calculations in order to analyze magnetic field-dependent Hall data. These
modules read input data from the Sigma Output file and generate a mobility spectrum
output file 635 which includes a mobility spectrum whose peaks indicate the presence of
discrete carrier types and a Multi-Carrier-Fit file 640 which includes the most likely
mobility and sheet charge density values for those carrier types.
[0049] The only way to find solutions that are more precise or quantitative than
the mobility spectrum peaks is to restrict the range of possible solutions by making
assumptions about the carriers in the specimen. For example, the Multi-Carrier fitting
technique makes the explicit assumption that there are a fixed number of carriers - each
with a discrete mobility.
[0050] The calculations carried out by the software involve the following
principles. When the microwave short at the back of the cavity behind the wafer is
adjusted to the proper distance, the relationship between an amplitude reflection
coefficient T, the sheet resistance of the wafer R, and the impedance Z of the circular
waveguide for the TE11 mode is:
[0051] r.= (R-Z)/(R + Z)
[0052] For a circular waveguide of radius 1.045 cm, the impedance has been
found to be 697.5 Ohm/square, which enables accurate measurement of a thin cap.
[0053] The microwave electric field at the wafer must be determined. The
electric field amplitude in various axes, Ex, for example, are represented as Ex - (l + T)
(Pinddent/A)1/2, and Ey = (PHVA)1/2. In the x direction, the amplitude is the sum of the
incident and reflected wave amplitudes or the amplitude of the transmitted (standing)
wave. For the y direction,, the only propagating microwave signal is the Hall wave, which
is generated at the wafer and detected in the reflected direction. The value A is a
constant, which may be determined by integration across the circular cross section of the
waveguide mode. The conductivity, ffn , or a^, depending on the axis, can be
represented, using these values, as a^ = (1/Z) (1 - T1 - F2)/((l +T)2 + F2), and as axy = (F/
(2Z(1 + f)) ((1 + T) (3 - T) - F2)/((l + T )2 + F2), where F = E"yi/E+Xi. There is also a

constant coefficient used to multiply the theoretical values of F since the currents that are
locally perpendicular to the excited TE11 mode do not couple exactly to the orthogonal TE11 mode. The constant can be obtained by integration and has a value between 0 and 1.
The previous analysis assumes that additional modes that are generated near the wafer are
negligible. In some cases that is not valid. For those cases, a multi-mode analysis has
been developed and can be used to determine Sigma_XX and Sigma_XY from the
reflected microwave powers.
[0054] In order to obtain the mobility, the results of the calculations above are
employed together with the detected magnetic field intensity B. For one carrier species in
a single conductive layer, the carrier mobility is given by p. = (oVByCxx.
[0055] The multi-carrier fitting procedure works as follows: First, the program
determines the best fit for a single carrier using the Simplex method to minimize the
least-squares deviation between the fitted and measured Hall data (Ci* and a^). The
uncertainty in each of the measured data is used to weight the terms in the least-squares
sum and thereby obtain the most-likely solution. The uncertainties in the derived mobility
and carrier density are estimated from the components of the Hessian matrix at the
minimum (at the solution).
[0056] Next, the program determines the best fit using two carriers. The starting
values for the Simplex procedure are obtained by displacing the previously-determined
single carrier to slightly higher and lower mobilities. The Simplex procedure is identical
to the procedure for a single carrier, except that there are now two mobilities to vary. The
uncertainties in the derived parameters are again determined as in the description for a
single carrier. The program also uses the statistical F-test to estimate the significance of
the second carrier, i.e., it estimates whether addition of the second carrier improved the fit
by enough to conclude that a second carrier probably exists. This is a very useful feature
since it permits the user to estimate the number of statistically significant carriers that are
present in the sample. The procedure continues, adding one carrier at a time and
estimating the significance of the added carriers, until the number of carriers exceeds half
the number of magnetic fields, at which point the procedure is terminated.

[0057] A summary of test results comparing the foregoing techniques to known
destructive techniques, namely the contacted single magnetic field DC Hall technique, are
set forth below:

[0058] Analysis software may be provided for use in non destructive, noncontact
measurements of full semiconductor wafers or flat panel display materials for use by
operators with minimal training. Experienced researchers are provided with the capability
to perform in depth studies by varying readily accessible test parameters. Such test
parameters include the magnet field strength, and attenuation of the microwave signal
along the branch. The software also may provide graphic display including plots of the
mobility spectra with conductivity and concentration as a function of mobility.
[0059] Plots of sheet charge density and mobility as a function of magnetic field
may be displayed using a single carrier solution to the data of each field. The single
carrier solution is used as a general check of the analysis; a sample with a single carrier
should exhibit the same sheet charge density and mobility irrespective of the magnetic
field. Conversely, a sample with more than one detectable carrier should exhibit
variations as a function of the magnetic field.
[0060] All results may be displayed as sheet concentration numbers in the text
window of the software. A calculation of the volumetric concentration of electrical
carriers could be launched by checking the window of the result-screen of the software. If
this operation is selected, the one-carrier solution is extracted by the multi-carrier
technique and displayed in a separate window together with the entry fields for layer
thickness and carrier type. This information is then used to calculate the depletion widths
from the top surface and epi-substrate interfaces, so that the true thickness of the
conductive layer can be obtained. Alternatively, the user could enter a thickness and have

the program present the volumetric results for the one- or many-carrier fit based on the
entered thickness.
[0061] It should be noted that single field analysis techniques may be used as an
alternative to multi-carrier analysis described above.
[0062] It will be appreciated that variations in mobility and sheet charge density
across a layer may be obtained by conducting a test on a sample, then moving the sample
in the mount in the plane perpendicular to the central axis of circular waveguide 50, and
then repeating the test. This process may be repeated in order to obtain a map of mobility
and sheet charge density.
Automatic Mapping Subsystem
[0063] Fig. 7 illustrates a subsystem for use with the apparatus described in
relation to Figs. 1-5C, and which can be used to automate the wafer or flat panel mobility
mapping process. This automatic mobility mapping subsystem (hereinafter referred to as
"the automapper") 700, can be mounted inside and/or on top of a system cabinet 702.
Fig. 8 shows the automapper cabinet 702 positioned and attached to the mobility mapping
system of Figs. 1-5C. As will be appreciated, the automapper 700 can be provided as an
upgrade to current mobility mapping systems, or as an integrated option for new units to
be built.
[0064] Fig. 9 shows the main components of the automapper 700, including a
rotator/lifter 704, an end effector 706, a servo motor 708 for rotating the end-effector
about its longitudinal axis, an x-axis table 710, and a servo motor 712 for adjusting the x-
axis table. Not shown are the servo motors that will operate the rotator/lifter 704. The
rotator/lifter 704 will lift and rotate the wafer 59 to be tested. The end effector 706 will
hold the wafer 59 under test, and the servo motor 708 associated with the end effector 706
will rotate the end effector (and wafer) to the desired vertical orientation so that the wafer
can be inserted into the test area.
[0065] Fig. 10 is a detail view of the wafer 59 mounted on the end effector 706
using a pair of alignment pins 714. An operator would load a wafer 59 to be tested onto
the end effector 706 using the alignment pins 714 positioned to receive the particular size
wafer to be tested. A plurality of different pin locations corresponding to different wafer

sizes would be provided to allow the user to easily establish the wafer on the end effector
at the proper position for testing. Once the wafer 59 is positioned on the end effector 706,
the operator will initiate a computer-controlled automated testing program, which will
automatically turn on vacuum elements 707 (Fig. 18)) located on the end effector 706 to
hold the wafer 56 in place during testing.
[0066] Fig. 11 shows how the servo motor 708 is used to rotate the end effector
706 and the wafer 59 90-degrees to assume a desired vertical position for testing. Once
this vertical position is achieved, the servo motor 712 associated with the x-table 710 will
operate to move the end effector 706 and wafer 59 along the x-axis into a test position
(Fig. 12), between the poles of the magnet 713 of the mobility mapping system of Figs.
1-5C. This is the test position. The computerized testing program will control
performance of the desired mobility testing and the collection of data points needed to
complete the mobility map, in the manner previously described in relation to Figs. 1-6.
[0067] After the series of data points is collected, the wafer is withdrawn from the
magnet 130 and is rotated back to its horizontal position, using the servo motor 708
associated with the end effector 706, as shown in Fig. 13. At this point, the rotator/lifter
704 assembly will raise up to engage the wafer 59. The rotator/lifter will engage the
wafer using one or more vacuum elements (not shown) and will rotate the wafer to
change the wafer's theta angle (the angle at which a particular set of data scans will
occur), preparing the wafer for collection of another series of test data points in the
manner already described. Thus, once the appropriate theta angle has been achieved, the
rotator/lifter 704 will lower the wafer back down onto the end effector 708, the vacuum
elements of the end effector will be actuated, and the end effector and wafer will again be
rotated 90-degrees. The end effector and wafer will again be moved between the poles of
the magnet 130 and the desired series of data points collected for the new theta angle
position. This test process of will be repeated until the desired number of data points are
collected for the wafer under test. In one embodiment, a complete mobility map of the
wafer will be obtained using this technique.
[0068] As previously noted, all of the above steps can be automated and
controlled using an appropriate computer program.

Sheet Resistance Subsystem
[0069] Fig. 14 shows the automapper subsystem of Figs. 7-13, attached to the
mobility measuring system of Figs. 1-5C, in combination with an additional subsystem
feature for automatically measuring the sheet resistance of a wafer. Fig. 15 illustrates the
main components of the combined automapper and sheet resistance module subsystems,
including a pair of end effectors 706, 716, a servo motor 708 for controlling rotation of
both end effectors about their longitudinal axis, and a sheet resistance module 718. A
sliding table 710 is provided for moving the end effectors along an x-axis plane in
relation to the mobility measuring system and the sheet resistance module 718. The end
effectors 706, 716 and servo motor 708 will be mounted on the sliding table 710, and the
sheet resistance module 718 will remain stationary. Not shown is the servo motor that
will operate the Rotator/Lifter 704.
[0070] The sheet resistance module 718 can have a pair of opposing coils 720,
722 (Fig. 16) used to measure the resistance of the wafer 59 or other appropriate sheet
material (e.g. flat panel) placed therebetween. The principles of operation of the sheet
resistance module 718, as well as details of the design, are disclosed in U.S. Patent Nos.
6,711,948 B2, issued 3/30/2004, and 6,443,002 B2, issued 9/3/2002, assigned to
Lehighton Electronics, the entire contents of which are incorporated by reference herein.
[0071] The automapper of this embodiment will be configured and will operate in
the same manner as described above in relation to Figs. 7-13.
[0072] Fig. 16 shows the sheet resistance module 718 in greater detail, illustrating
the position of the upper and lower measurement coils 720, 722, between which a wafer
or sheet 59 will be inserted for testing using the end effector 716 and associated
[0073] Fig. 17 shows an exemplary wafer 59 positioned on the end effector 716
associated with the sheet resistance module 718 prior to being inserted into the module
for testing. Fig. 18 shows the wafer 59 positioned within the sheet resistance module
718 for testing. To achieve this positioning, the system operator will position the wafer
59 on the end effector 716 using positioning pins (not shown) similar to those used for
end effector 708. The operator will then initiate a computer program configured to

control movement of the end effector 716 along the x-direction with respect to the sheet
resistance module 718. The program will automatically turn on the vacuum elements 724
(Fig. 15) of the end effector 716 to hold the wafer 59 in place. The program will then
cause the end effector 716 to slide along the x-axis (by operation of servo motor 712) to
place the wafer within the sheet resistance module 718. Thus, the wafer will be moved
between the coils 720, 722 to a plurality of testing locations along the x-axis to take the
desired series of sheet resistance measurements.
[0074] Fig. 19 shows the wafer 59 withdrawn from the sheet resistance module
718 after taking a first series of test measurements. The rotator/lifter 704 is positioned to
engage the wafer, to raise it up off the end effector and to rotate it to change the theta
angle. Once the desired new theta angle is achieved, the rotator/lifter 704 sets the wafer
back down onto the end effector 716, the vacuum elements 724 will be reactivated to lock
the wafer to the end effector, and the x-table servo motor 712 will be used to re-insert the
wafer 59 into the sheet resistance module 718 in the manner previously described to
collect another series of data points associated with the new theta angle. This process will
be re-performed until the sheet resistance mapping is complete. It will be appreciated that
all of these steps can be automated and controlled using an appropriate computer
[0075] While the invention has been described above with respect to particular
embodiments, modifications and substitutions within the spirit and scope of the invention
will be apparent to those of skill in the art.

1. A device for measurement of mobility and sheet charge density in conductive sheet
materials, comprising:
a microwave source;
a first waveguide positioned to receive microwave power from said microwave source;
an adjustable mount adapted to adjustably position a sheet material item at a plurality
of measurement locations to receive microwave power transmitted from said first waveguide;
a magnet positioned to induce a magnetic field at a test location;
a first detector to detect the power of the microwave power source;
a second detector to detect the power of the microwave power reflected from a sheet
material item in a measurement location from the plurality of measurement locations;
a third detector to detect a Hall effect microwave power,
wherein said adjustable mount comprises a first end effector adapted to position said
sheet material item at the plurality of measurement locations to receive microwave power
transmitted from said first waveguide, said first end effector being movable between an
adjustment position and a test position, wherein said adjustment position is a position at which
the rotational position of the sheet material item is selectably adjustable, and said test position
is a position at which at least one test can be performed on the sheet material item using the
first waveguide,
wherein the device comprises a rotator-lifter for engaging said sheet material item and
moving it along a second axis substantially perpendicular to a longitudinal axis of said first
end effector, the rotator-lifter configured to rotate about the second axis using a first motor
wherein said first end effector and said rotator-lifter each comprise at least one
vacuum element for engaging said sheet material item.
2. The device as claimed in claim 1, comprising a probe positioned in said first
waveguide, said probe being coupled to said third detector, said first waveguide being a
circular waveguide.

3. The device as claimed in claim 2, comprising a directional coupler positioned to
receive microwave power from said source, said directional coupler being coupled to a side
branch and a main branch, said main branch being coupled to said first waveguide, and said
side branch being coupled to said third detector.
4. The device as claimed in claim 3, wherein said side branch is coupled through a
variable attenuator and a variable phase shifter to said third detector.
5. The device as claimed in claim 1, comprising calculating means for receiving data
from said detectors and for calculating mobility and sheet charge density based on said data.
6. The device as claimed in claim 5, comprising a power amplifier for receiving a signal
from at least one of said detectors and for providing an output signal to said calculating
7. The device as claimed in claim 5, comprising a superheterodyne receiver for receiving
a signal from at least one of said detectors and for providing an output signal to said
calculating means.
8. The device as claimed in claim 1, comprising a second waveguide intermediate said
microwave source and said first waveguide, wherein said first waveguide is adjustably
positioned relative to said second waveguide.
9. The device as claimed in claim 8, wherein said second detector is positioned to detect
reflected microwave field strength in said second waveguide, said device comprising a fourth
detector to detect magnetic field strength at the measurement location.
10. The device as claimed in claim 1, comprising a short, made of conductive material,
said short being adjustably mounted with respect to said device so that said measurement
location is intermediate said short and an end of said first waveguide.

11. The device as claimed in claim 1, wherein said adjustable mount comprises: a body
having a first planar surface; and a disc positioned in said mount, said disc being rotatable
about an axis substantially perpendicular to a plane of said first planar surface, said disc
having a bore therein that is not coaxial with said axis of rotation; wherein said disc is
configured to contact said sheet material item to adjustably position said sheet material item
so that at least one of said plurality of measurement locations is located adjacent said first
waveguide to receive microwave power from said first waveguide.
12. The device as claimed in claim 11, wherein said adjustable mount comprises a vacuum
chuck for securing said sheet material item to said disc.
13. The device as claimed in claim 11, comprising a base, said adjustable mount being
rotatably positioned on a base.
14. The device as claimed in claim 11, wherein said adjustable mount is positioned on an
adjustable portion of said base, whereby a separation between said adjustable mount and a
waveguide of said testing apparatus may be adjusted.
15. The device as claimed in claim 1, wherein said first end effector has a longitudinal
axis, said first end effector being rotatable about said longitudinal axis, said first end effector
being translatable with respect to said device along said longitudinal axis.
16. The device as claimed in claim 15, comprising a second end-effector configured to
engage said sheet material item and second and third motor units, said second motor unit
being associated with said first end effector for rotating said first end effector about said
longitudinal axis, and said third motor unit being associated with said second end effector for
translating said second end effector with respect to said device along said longitudinal axis.
17. The device as claimed in claim 1, comprising: a second end-effector configured to
engage said sheet material item; and a sheet resistance unit having first and second oppositely

disposed coils for measuring a sheet resistance property of said sheet material item, wherein
said second end-effector is movably adjustable with respect to said sheet resistance unit to
enable the unit to measure said sheet resistance property at a plurality of locations on said
sheet material item.
18. The device as claimed in claim 1, comprising an adjustable base that is movable with
respect to said device using a second motor unit, the end effector being mounted on the
adjustable base for movement with respect to the rotator-lifter.


Device And Handling System For Measurement Of Mobility
And Sheet Charge Density In Conductive Sheet Materials
An apparatus (10) for contactless measurement of sheet charge density and mobility
comprises a microwave source (16), a circular waveguide (50), a first detector (18) for
detecting the forward microwave power, a second detector (23) for detecting the microwave
power reflected from the sample, and a third detector (95) for detecting the Hall effect power.
An automatic positioning subsystem (700) is provided for allowing automatic positioning of a
wafer (59) within the test apparatus (10), the positioning system (700) comprising a first end
effector (706) and a rotator-lifter (704). A second end effector (716) can be mounted opposite
the first end effector (706) and can be used to automatically position the sheet element (59)
within a sheet resistance testing module (718) located at an opposite end of the apparatus (10).


00495-kolnp-2007 correspondence-1.1.pdf

00495-kolnp-2007 g.p.a.pdf

0495-kolnp-2007 abstract.pdf

0495-kolnp-2007 claims.pdf

0495-kolnp-2007 correspondence others.pdf

0495-kolnp-2007 description(complete).pdf

0495-kolnp-2007 drawings.pdf

0495-kolnp-2007 form-1.pdf

0495-kolnp-2007 form-3.pdf

0495-kolnp-2007 form-5.pdf

0495-kolnp-2007 international publication.pdf

0495-kolnp-2007 international search authority report.pdf




495-KOLNP-2007-(14-03-2014)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf






495-KOLNP-2007-(23-08-2013)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf




495-KOLNP-2007-(23-08-2013)-DESCRIPTION (COMPLETE).pdf






495-KOLNP-2007-(23-08-2013)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137-1.pdf

495-KOLNP-2007-(23-08-2013)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf




495-kolnp-2007-CANCELLED PAGES.pdf



495-kolnp-2007-EXAMINATION REPORT.pdf

495-kolnp-2007-form 18.pdf






495-kolnp-2007-GRANTED-FORM 1.pdf

495-kolnp-2007-GRANTED-FORM 2.pdf

495-kolnp-2007-GRANTED-FORM 3.pdf

495-kolnp-2007-GRANTED-FORM 5.pdf






Patent Number 262660
Indian Patent Application Number 495/KOLNP/2007
PG Journal Number 36/2014
Publication Date 05-Sep-2014
Grant Date 03-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 09-Feb-2007
Applicant Address P.O.BOX 328, LEHIGHTON, PA 18235-0328
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number G01R 27/04,G01R27/32
PCT International Application Number PCT/US2005/028254
PCT International Filing date 2005-08-10
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/659,847 2005-03-09 U.S.A.
2 10/915,877 2004-08-11 U.S.A.