Title of Invention


Abstract According to the present invention there is provided a refractory lined glass melter (10) for producing refined glass from raw glass-forming material (30) using at least one oxygen-fuel burner (34) recessed within a burner block (38) mounted in the roof (22) of the furnace (10) and a process of using the burner (34). The velocities of the gaseous fuel and of the oxygen from the oxygen-fuel burner (34) are controlled such that the velocities of the gaseous fuel and the oxygen are substantially equivalent to provide a generally laminar gaseous fuel and oxygen flow to combust proximate a top surface of the raw glass - forming material (30) and produce a flame which impinges the surface of the raw glass- forming material (30) and which has a middle portion of a columnar shape.
Full Text This invention also relates to a glass melting process using at least one oxygen-fuel
burner in the roof of the glass melting furnace to melt raw glass-forming material also
known as batch. More particularly, this
invention relates to a glass melting process using at least one oxygen-fuel burner in the
roof of the glass melting furnace for melting raw glass-forming material without the use
of regenerators or recuperators to improve the rate of melting and the quality of glass
Regenerative or recuperative furnaces having melting and fining zones have been
commonly employed to manufacture glass. The regenerative or recuperative furnaces.
unlike other types of furnaces, employ at least one regenerator or recuperator in operating
air-fuel burners. At least one regenerator or recuperator, which may come in many
different shapes and sizes, serves to preheat air used in the air-fuel burners. In the
regenerator the preheating is generally accomplished by transferring the heat in the
existing waste gas from a melting chamber to refractory bricks stacked in a checkerboard
fashion. The bricks, in turn, give up their heat to the incoming air which will be used in
combusting the fuel. Commonly, the recuperator may consist generally of a double wall
tubing in which the off gas from the melting chamber flows in the central tube either
countercurrent or concurrent to the air which is passing through the annulus. The
performance of the regenerator or recuperator, however, may deteriorate with time
because the regenerator or recuperator may be partially plugged or destroyed when it is
subject to the waste gas containing chemical contaminants for a long period. The partially
plugged or destroyed regenerator or recuperator adversely affects the performance of air-
fuel burners, thereby decreasing the glass production rate and fuel efficiency.
It has been known, therefore, to employ oxygen-fuel burners, in a number of
furnaces to supplement or totally replace the air-fuel burners. The oxygen-fuel burners
have been designed to produce a flame and heat transfer similar to that of convention air-

fuel burners. Specifically, the oxygen fuel burners are designed to fire parallel or
substantially parallel to the surface of the glass. These burners transfer heat upward into
the furnace crown and surrounding refractories as well as into the glass. Heat transfer is
achieved by direct radiation from the flame and by re-radiation from the refractory
superstructure of the glass furnace. Little heat is transferred to the glass by convection or
conduction. The capacity of the glass furnace is limited by the highest refractory
temperature within the melting chamber. Accordingly, one concern in the use of oxygen-
fuel burners has been the risk associated with the high temperature of the burners and
overheating of the refractory roof and walls of the furnace. Examples of furnaces utilizing
oxygen-fuel burners firing generally parallel to the glass surface are described in US
Patents 4,531,960 and 5,500,030.

The present invention utilizes the higher flame temperature and lower mass flow
rate achievable with oxygen-fuel combustion to significantly increase the heat transfer
into the glass while maintaining refractory temperatures within operating limits. This is
accomplished by utilizing at least one oxygen-fuel burner firing perpendicular or
substantially perpendicular to the glass surface rather than in the conventional parallel
configuration. By firing the burners perpendicular to the glass surface the convective and
radiant properties of the flame are utilized to transfer energy to the raw glass-forming
material rather than radiant heat transfer only. Accordingly, the luminosity and high
temperature portion of the flame is placed in close proximity if not in direct contact with
the raw glass-forming material to increase heat transfer via radiation. With radiation
being an exponential function of distance from the heat source, the heat transfer by
radiation is much greater in the glass melting furnace in accordance with the present
invention than conventional furnaces. In addition, the impingement of the high
temperature flame onto the raw glass forming material substantially increases the heat
transfer via convection at the area of impingement of the flame. Consequently, the
increased rate of heat transfer to the glass and batch results in a very substantial increase
in the rate of melting and fining the glass. Furthermore, because the majority of the heat
transfer is directly from the higher temperature impinging flame and not from the
refractory, the melting capacity of the glass furnace is increased, without thermal
deterioration of the refractory.
Accordingly, it is an object of the invention to increase the melting capacity of a
glass furnace without increasing the risk of overheating the roof and walls of the furnace.
It is another object of the invention to maintain a particular glass production rate without

The invention achieves its advantageous effects by utilizing an oxygen-fuel burner
designed to enable control of the velocities of the gaseous fuel and of the oxygen from the
vurner whereby the velocities are substantially equivalent to provide generally laminar
gaseous fuel and oxygen flow to combust proximate the surface of the raw glass-forming
material. This is to be contrasted with the arrangement described in US Patent 3,337,324.
Accordingly, the invention seeks to increase the melting capacity of a glass
furnace without increasing the risk of overheating the roof and walls of the furnace and to
maintain a particular glass production rate without the use of regenerators or recuperators.
It seeks further reduce the formation of NOx during the glass melting, to reduce the size
of glass furnace required per given capacity over a conventional air-fuel glass furnace or a
conventional oxygen-fuel glass furnace, to reduce the total energy required per ton of
glass melted over conventional air-fuel glass furnaces, and to permit better utilization of
capacity and more flexibility of operation thus reducing melter capital cost per ton of glass

In accordance with the invention, there is now provided a process for producing
refined glass from raw glass-forming material in a refractory lined glass melter without
the use of regenerators or recuperators, the glass melter having a roof connected to a
bottom by side walls and defining therebetween an elongated channel having a melting
zone and a downstream fining zone, the process comprising the steps of:
charging raw glass-forming material to the melting zone of the glass melter;
providing at least one oxygen-fuel burner recessed within a burner block in the
roof of the glass melter and arranged to fire perpendicular or substantially perpendicular to
the surface of the raw glass-forming material, the oxygen-fuel burner having an inner
central cylindrical gaseous fuel conduit for providing gaseous fuel and an outer cylindrical
oxygen conduit concentric with the central fuel conduit for providing oxygen; and
controlling the velocities of the gaseous fuel and of the oxygen from the oxygen-
fuel burner such that the velocities of the gaseous fuel of and the oxygen are substantially
equivalent to provide a generally laminar gaseous fuel flow and generally laminar oxygen
flow to combust proximate a top surface of the raw glass-forming material and thereby
produce a flame which impinges the surface of the raw glass-forming material and which
has a middle portion of an approximately columnar shape;
melting raw glass-forming material within the melting zone by means of the flame ,-
coverage from the oxygen-fuel burner without the use of regenerators or recuperators; and
withdrawing the refined glass from the fining zone.

The invention is described below in greater detail by way of example only, with
reference to the accompanying drawings, in which:

the use of regenerators or recuperators. It is a further object of the invention to reduce the
formation of NOx during the glass melting. Yet another object of the present invention is
to reduce the size of glass furnace required per given capacity over a conventional air-fuel
glass furnace or a conventional oxygen-fuel glass furnace. Still another object of the
present invention is to reduce the total energy required per ton of glass melted over
conventional air-fuel glass furnaces. Another object of the present invention is to provide
a glass furnace that permits better utilization of capacity and more flexibility of operation
thus reducing melter capital cost per ton of glass produced.
Briefly, according to the present invention there is provided a refractory lined
glass melter for producing refined glass from raw glass-forming material. The glass
melter includes a roof connected to a bottom by side walls and defining an elongated
channel having a melting zone and a downstream fining zone and at least one oxygen-fuel
burner located within the roof of the glass melter. The oxygen-fuel burner has an inner
central cylindrical fuel conduit for providing gaseous fuel and an outer cylindrical oxygen
conduit concentric with the central fuel outlet for providing oxygen. The burner is
designed so as to control the velocity of the gaseous fuel and the oxygen from the oxygen-
fuel burner such that the velocity of the gaseous fuel and the oxygen are substantially
equivalent to provide a generally laminar gaseous fuel and oxygen flow to combust
proximate a top surface of the raw glass-forming material and produce a flame which
impinges the surface of the raw glass-forming material and which has a middle portion of
a columnar shape.
The present invention also includes a process for producing refined glass from raw glass-
forming material in the refractory lined glass melter. The process includes the steps of
charging raw glass-forming material to the melting zone of the glass melter and providing
at least one oxygen-fuel burner within the roof of the glass melter having an inner central
cylindrical gaseous fuel conduit for providing gaseous fuel and an outer cylindrical
oxygen conduit concentric with the central fuel outlet for providing oxygen. The velocity
of the gaseous fuel and the oxygen from the oxygen-fuel burner is controlled such that the
velocity of the gaseous fuel and the oxygen are substantially equivalent to provide a
generally laminar gaseous fuel flow and generally laminar oxygen flow to combust

FIG. 1 is a cross-sectional longitudinal view of a glass melting furnace for use in the process in
accordance with the present invention;
FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional plan view of the glass melting furnace of FIG. 1 taken
along line 2-2;
FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of the glass melting furnace of FIG. 1 taken along
line 3-3 illustrating two oxygen-fuel burners adjacent the upstream end wall of the
FIG. 4 is an alternate cross-sectional plan view of the glass melting furnace of
FIG. 1 taken along line 3-3 illustrating one oxygen-fuel burner adjacent the upstream end
wall of the furnace;
FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of an oxygen-fuel burner and a schematic
representation of a burner flame from the oxygen-fuel burner; and
FIG. 6 is a chart illustrating an upper operating curve and a lower operating curve
for an oxygen-fuel burner/in accordance with the present invention.

Referring to the figures, there is shown a glass melting furnace 10 for providing
molten glass to a glass forehearth 12 wherein the molten glass is further refined and
subsequently fed to one or more glass-forming machines such as containers, fiberizers and
the like (not shown). In considering the figures, it will be appreciated that for purposes of
clarity certain details of construction are not provided in view of such details being

conventional and well within the skill of the art once the invention is disclosed and
The glass melting furnace 10 typically includes an elongated channel having an
upstream end wall 14 and a downstream end wall 16, side walls 18, a floor 20 and a roof
22 all made from appropriate refractory materials such as alumina, silica, alumina-silica.
zircon, zirconia-alumina-silica and the like. The roof 22 is shown generally as having an
arcuate shape transverse to the longitudinal axis of the channel, however, the roof may be
of most any suitable design. The roof 22 of the glass melting furnace 10 is positioned
between 9.9-300m about 3-10 feet above the surface of the raw glass-forming material. As well
known in the art, the glass melting furnace 10 may optionally include one or more
bubblers 24 and/or electrical boost electrodes. The bubblers and/or electrical boost
electrodes increase the temperature of the bulk glass and increase the molten glass
circulation under the batch cover.
The glass melting furnace 10 includes two successive zones, a melting zone 26
and a downstream fining zone 28. The melting zone 26 is considered the upstream zone
of the glass melting furnace 10 wherein raw glass-forming material 30 is charged into the
furnace using a charging device 32 of a type well known in the art. The raw glass-
forming material 30 may be a mixture of raw materials typically used in the manufacture
of glass. It will be appreciated that the raw glass-forming material 30 make-up is
dependent on the type of glass being produced. Normally, the material comprises, inter
alia, silica containing materials including finely ground scrap glass commonly referred to
as cullet. Other glass-forming materials including feldspar, limestone, dolomite, soda ash,
potash, borax and alumina may also be used. To alter the properties of the glass, a minor
amount of arsenic, antimony, sulfates, carbon and/or fluorides may also be added.
Moreover, color forming metal oxides may be added to obtain the desired color.
The raw glass-forming material 30 forms a batch layer of solid particles on the
surface of the molten glass in the melting zone 26 of the glass melting furnace 10. The
floating solid batch particles of raw glass-forming material 30 are melted principally by at
least one oxygen-fuel burner 34 having a controlled impinging flame shape and length
mounted within the roof 22 of the glass melting furnace 10. It will be appreciated that it
has been found that the installation of at least one oxygen-fuel burner 34 in the roof 22 of
the glass melting furnace 10 over the raw glass-forming material 30 in accordance with

the present invention increases the melting rate of the solid raw glass-forming material
and, at the same time, maintains the operating temperature of the surrounding refractory
material within acceptable operating limits.
As used herein, the phrase "at least one oxygen-fuel burner" means one or more
oxygen fuel burners. Furthermore, as used herein the phrase "principally by at least one
oxygen-fuel burner" refers to the condition wherein at least 70% of the energy for melting
of the raw glass-forming material is from at least one oxygen-fuel burner.
In one particular embodiment, as shown in FIGS. 1, 2 and 4, the glass melting
furnace 10 includes three oxygen-fuel burners 34. A single oxygen-fuel burner 34 is
positioned upstream of two adjacently positioned downstream oxygen-fuel burners.
However, it will be appreciated that any number of oxygen-fuel burners 34 may be
positioned at most any suitable location in the roof 22 of the furnace 10 over the batch to
melt the raw glass-forming material 30. For example, two oxygen-fuel burners 34 may be
positioned in a side-by-side relation (FIG. 3) or a single oxygen-fuel burner may be used
(FIG. 4). Nonetheless, in accordance with the present invention, the angular orientation of
each oxygen-fuel burner 34 in the roof 22 of the glass melting furnace must be such that
the flame 36 produced is directed substantially perpendicular to the glass batch surface to
produce a flame which impinges on the glass surface. In a preferred embodiment, the
oxygen-fuel burners 34 are positioned at an angle of about 90 +/- 10 degrees relative to
the raw glass-forming material 30. It has been found that the glass production rate and the
quality of glass produced may be improved by melting the raw glass-forming material 30
with at least one downwardly firing oxygen-fuel burner 34 having a controlled impinging
flame shape and length in accordance with the present invention.
Referring to FIG. 5, the at least one oxygen-fuel burner 34 within the roof 22 of
the glass melting furnace 10 has an inner central cylindrical gaseous fuel conduit 40 for
providing gaseous fuel and an outer cylindrical oxygen conduit 42 concentric with the
central fuel outlet for providing oxygen flow. The oxygen-fuel burner 34 may have a
capacity ranging from about 1-10 MM Btu/hr depending upon the glass melting furnace
10 size and desired pull rate. The oxygen-fuel burner 34 is designed to use a higher
percentage of oxygen than is present in air and thus the temperature above the area of
impingement of the flame 36 from the oxygen-fuel burner 34 is substantially higher than
in a conventional glass melting furnace utilizing air-fuel burners. Notwithstanding, as

well known to one skilled in the art the temperature of the flame 36 imparted by an
oxygen-fuel burner 34 is dependent on the quality of the fuel and the oxygen/fuel ratio. In
a preferred embodiment, the oxygen concentration of the oxygen-fuel burner 34 is
typically at a level of about 95 - 125 percent of the stoichiometric amount of oxygen
required to combust the fuel. However, the fuel to oxygen ratio can be varied to produce
a range of operating conditions in the glass melting furnace 10 to effect one or more
desired properties, including, for example, redox level, seed level and/or most any other
glass property.
The oxygen-fuel burner 34 extends downwardly from a burner block 38 located in the
roof 22 of the glass melting furnace 10. Each burner block 38 includes an opening having
an inside diameter (id) which is at least as great as the external diameter of the cylindrical
oxygen conduit 42. The inside diameter (id) of the opening of the burner block 38 may

range between 50-200mm about 2-8 inches. The end of the oxygen-fuel burner 34 is recessed from
the end of the burner block 38 a distance (LBb) between 75-450mm about 3-18 inches. It will be
appreciated that the opening of the burner block 38 between the end of the oxygen-fuel
burner 34 and the end of the burner block acts to focus the burner flame and prevent the
burner flame from spreading outwardly. The burner block 38 is made of a refractor.
material as well known in the art and may be of most any suitable shape such as
rectangular and the like.
The bottom surface of the burner block 38 may be flush with the inside surface of
the roof 22 or the bottom surface may project below the inside surface of the roof from 2 -
18 inches to protect the roof and promote the formation of the impinging flame pattern
having a controlled flame velocity at the point of impingement on the raw glass forming
material. Furthermore, as shown in FIG. 5, the fuel conduit 40 and oxygen conduit 42 of
the oxygen-fuel burner 34 extend downwardly within the burner block 38 and terminate at
substantially the same vertical height from the surface of the raw glass-forming material
In accordance with the present invention, the downwardly directed impinging
flame 36 produced by the at least one oxygen-fuel burner 34 is precisely controlled to
direct heat energy toward the raw glass-forming ingredients 30 and the surface of the
molten glass and away from the surrounding refractory thereby reducing the risk of
overheating the roof 22 and side walls 18 of the glass melting furnace 10. The impinging

flame 36 may be controlled by such control devices as are conventional and standard in
chemical processing. For example, valves, thermocouples, thermistors coupled with
suitable servo circuits, heater controllers and the like are readily available and
conventionally used for controlling the quantity and velocity of the fuel and oxygen from
the oxygen-fuel burner 34. The resulting temperature profile produced within the glass
melting furnace 10 is generally more uniform throughout the length of the glass melting
furnace as opposed to a glass melting furnace employing air-fuel burners or a
conventional oxygen-fuel furnace with oxygen-fuel burners placed in the side walls firing
parallel 4o the surface of the glass. Typically, the temperature within the glass melting
furnace 10 employing at least one oxygen-fuel burner 34 varies between 1260-1704oC aboul 2300 -
3100 degrees Fahrenheit. The impinging flame 36 is precisely controlled by controlling
both the relative velocity and the maximum and minimum velocities of the fuel and of the
oxygen from the at least one oxygen-fuel burner 34.
The relative velocity, i.e., the velocities of the gaseous fuel and the oxygen, must
be substantially equivalent to provide a generally laminar gaseous fuel flow and generally
laminar oxygen flow downward to the surface of the raw glass-forming material 30. In a
preferred embodiment, the relative velocity of the gaseous fuel and the oxygen from the
oxygen-fuel burner 34 may vary from one another by no more than about 20%.
Furthermore, the maximum difference between the oxygen and fuel flow velocity at the
exit of the oxygen-fuel burner 34 may not exceed 15.25m about 50 standard feet per second. It
will be appreciated that the laminar fuel flow and oxygen flow prevents premature mixing
of the fuel and oxygen to allow for delayed mixing and combustion proximate a top
surface of the raw glass-forming material 30 to produce a flame 36 which has a middle
portion of an approximately columnar shape and which impinges the surface of the raw
glass-forming material thereby providing optimum heat transfer to the raw glass-forming
material. The "middle portion" refers to the free jet region 54 as further described herein.
In addition to providing substantially equivalent oxygen and fuel flow velocity,
the maximum and minimum velocity of the fuel and oxygen flow impinging on the
surface of the raw glass-forming material 30 must be controlled to prevent the entrainment
of or the displacement of glass batch material against the side walls 18 and roof 22 while
maintaining optimum convective heat transfer to the surface of the raw glass-forming
material. It will be appreciated that the displacement of glass batch material against the

side walls 18 and roof 22 will adversely effect the refractory material and possibly shorten
the operating life of the glass melting furnace 10.
The maximum and minimum velocity of the fuel and of the oxygen of the oxygen-
fuel burner 34 are also controlled to harness the maximum energy from the impinging
flame 36 without damaging the surrounding refractory material. The maximum energy
from the impinging flame 36 is achieved by minimizing the amount of heat released to the
glass melting furnace 10 combustion space and maximizing the heat transfer to the raw-
glass forming material 30. The operational maximum and minimum velocity range for
the oxygen-fuel burner 34 to generate an acceptable heat transfer rate to the raw glass-
forming material 30 without damaging the refractory material furnace walls and
superstructure is a function of the concentric tube-in-tube design of the oxygen-fuel
burner, burner block opening geometry and the velocities of the fuel and oxygen from the
oxygen-fuel burner 34.
Referring to FIG. 6, a chart is shown including an upper operating curve 44 and a
lower operating curve 46. The x-axis of the chart is defined in terms of a dimensionless
parameter (H/id) and the y-axis of the chart is defined in terms of the maximum flame
velocity at the tip of the burner block (VBb). The upper operating curve 44 and the lower
operating curve 46 represent the maximum and minimum allowed velocities at the tip of
the burner block 38 (VBb) for a given (H/id) and define three operating zones; an upper
operating zone 48, a middle operating zone 50, and a lower operating zone 52. The upper
operating zone 48 represents excessive high velocity or an unsafe operating zone and the
lower operating zone 52 represents a thermally inefficient zone. The middle operating
zone 50 defines an acceptable area of operation of the oxygen-fuel burners 34 in
accordance with the present invention. As shown in FIG. 6, the (H/id) parameter ranges
between about 6-30 and the maximum permissible velocity at the tip of the burner block
(VBb) is 167 m\s 550 feet per second. It will be appreciated that the middle operating zone 50
provides the required impinging flame 36 columnar shape and desired heat transfer
properties to the raw glass-forming material 30.
The upper operating curve 44 and the lower operating curve 46 for the oxygen-fuel
burner 34 are described by a fourth order linear polynomial:

VBb = maximum velocity at the end of the burner block m/or feet/second).
H = distance from the end of the burner block to the top of the raw glass-
forming material surface m/or feet),
id = inside diameter of the opening of the burner block (feet).
For the upper operating curve 44 as shown in FIG. 6, the ratio of H/id is between
about 6 - 20 and the range of VBb is between58-168 m/s about 190 - 550 feet per second, and the
value of the coefficients is as follows: a=571.0801, b=-187.2957, c=30.1164, d=-1.8198
and e=0.04. For the lower operating curve 46 as shown in FIG. 6, the ratio of H/id is
between about 6-30 and the range of VBb is between 15-91 m/s about 50 - 300 feet per second, and
the value of the coefficients is as follows: a=-103.6111, b-38.9939, c=-2.8772, d=0.1033
and e=-0.00125. For a particular (H) and (id) as provided above, the (H/id) parameter is
set (x-axis of the chart) which in turn determines the maximum velocity of the oxygen-
fuel burner 36 at the tip of the burner block (VBb) (y-axis of the chart) which must be
between the upper operating curve 44 and the lower operating curve 46 to provide the
required impinging columnar flame 36 shape and desired heat transfer properties to melt
the raw glass-forming material 30.
Referring to FIG. 5, in accordance with the present invention, the columnar shape
of the impinging flame 36 when operating within the middle operating zone 50 of FIG. 6
is shown. The impinging flame 36 is an axisymmetric columnar flame having three
distinct flow regions; a free jet region 54, a stagnation region 56 and a wall jet region 58.
The free jet region 54 is an unobstructed impinging flame region. Within the free
jet region 54, the flame 36 develops a columnar shape before the flame impinges on the
surface of the raw glass-forming material 30. The columnar flame shape is produced as a
result of the controlled exit velocities of the oxygen and fuel streams. More particularly,
within the free jet region 54, the oxygen and fuel streams flow from the opening of the
burner block 38 to produce a controlled shear stress between the two streams that yields a
controlled laminar stream for an extended length to provide a precisely controlled mixing

of the two streams and a partial controlled combustion. The partial controlled combustion
that is achieved in the free-jet region 54 is critical to the heat transfer characteristics of the
developing impinging flame 36. The columnar free-jet flame shape has a flame diameter
D2 at half the distance H/2 between the end of the burner block 38 and the surface of the
raw glass-forming material 30 which is defined by the following relation.

id = inside diameter of the opening of the burner block,
H = distance from the end of the burner block to the top surface of the raw glass-
forming material,
D2 = flame diameter at one half the distance between the end of the burner block
and the surface of the raw glass-forming material.
The second region, the stagnation region 56, is the region where the flame 36
penetrates the thermal boundary layer and impinges upon the surface of the raw glass-
forming material 30. Within this region 56, the flame 36 penetrates the thermal boundary
layer and impinges on the surface of the raw glass-forming material building a sharp
pressure gradient at the surface that accelerates the horizontal flow of the deflected flame
causing the flame to spread outwardly radially along the impinged surface. The end of the
stagnation region 56 is defined as the location on the surface of the raw glass-forming
material where the pressure gradient generated by the impinging flame 36 drops to zero.
Within the stagnation region 56, by carefully controlling the flame 36 momentum, the
thermal boundary layer that naturally exists at the surface of the raw glass-forming
material 30 is penetrated and eliminated and thus its strong heat resistive features are
attenuated. Accordingly, the heat generated by the impinging flame 36 penetrates more
easily into the partially melted raw glass-forming material 30. Furthermore, within the
stagnation region 56 the flame 36 luminosity significantly increases which enhances the
radiation heat transfer into the relatively colder raw glass-forming material 30.
At the radial limits of the stagnation region 56 the wall jet region 58 begins. In
this region, the flame 36 flows essentially parallel to the impinging surface and the
thermal boundary layer grows along the impingement surface and outward from the

stagnation region 56, thus the thermal boundary layer starts to build up restoring the
surface resistance to the heat flow into the raw glass-forming material surface.
The controlled flame heat generation in the free-jet region 54 is the result of the
tube-in-tube concentric design of the oxygen-fuel burner 34, inside diameter of the
opening (id) of the burner block 38 and both the relative velocities and maximum and
minimum velocities of the oxygen and fuel streams. By selectively controlling the design
of the oxygen-fuel burner 34, the burner block 38 geometrical design and the velocities of
the oxygen and fuel streams a reduced shear stress between the oxygen and gas streams is
produced providing controlled partial combustion and reduced thermal radiation
emissions. It will be appreciated that by operating the oxygen-fuel burner 34 within the
middle operating zone 50 described herein, the flame heat generated in the free jet region
54 and the heat transfer resistance at the raw glass surface in the stagnation region 56 are
minimized thereby maximizing the heat generated in the stagnation region.
The heat generated in the free-jet region 54 is the result of the following processes.
First, the controlled partial combustion in the free-jet region 54 permits controlled
combustion at the surface of the raw glass-forming material 30 thereby bringing the
combustion process proximate to the surface of the raw glass-forming material. Bringing
the combustion process proximate the surface of the raw glass-forming material 30
generates an elevated temperature gradient at the surface of the raw glass-forming
material thereby improving the convection heat transfer. Second, the controlled partial
combustion in the free-jet region 54 generates an acceptable temperature for the chemical
dissociation of the combustion gases and the products of combustion. These dissociated
species, once impinged on the relatively colder surface of the raw glass-forming material
30, partially recombine, exothermically, generating significant heat at the surface of the
raw glass-forming material. The heat from the exothermic reactions further augments the
convective heat transfer process.
The minimization of the heat resistance at the stagnation region 56 of the surface
of the raw glass-forming material 30 is the result of the following factors. First, the
thermal boundary layer is eliminated through the controlled flame 36 momentum and the
turbulence generated by the carefully controlled combustion characteristics at the surface
xof the raw glass-forming material 30. Second, the localized surface heat generation
the conversion of the low thermal conductive raw glass-forming material 30

the heat generated at the surface to penetrate more efficiently into the raw glass-forming
material depth. This improved heat penetration lowers the molten glass surface-
temperature, which increases the temperature gradient between the flame 36 and the
molten-glass surface and augments the convective heat transfer process.
The molten glass flows from the melting zone 26 of the glass melting furnace 10
to the fining zone 28. In a preferred embodiment, the fining zone 28 includes at least one
downstream oxygen-fuel burner 34 mounted in the roof 22 of the glass melting furnace
10. The downstream oxygen-fuel burner 34 is of an identical design as described above
and must operate under the same conditions subject to controlled variation to achieve the
desired net effect of the impinging flames. For example, the impinging flame 30 may be
adjusted to be more luminous to affect the melting characteristics. The downstream
oxygen-fuel burner 34 is positioned to fire downwardly over the location at which the
normal convection currents tend to rise. e.g. 2/3 - 3/4 the length of the glass melting
furnace 10.
It will be appreciated that the at least one downstream oxygen-fuel burner 34 has
been found to improve the quality of the glass moving forward into the forming area by
removing surface defects such as incompletely reacted raw glass-forming material or
insufficiently mixed surface materials by substantially raising the surface glass
temperature, promoting melting and mixing. Furthermore, the at least one downstream
oxygen-fuel burner 34 provides a barrier to the forward flow of material, promotes natural
convection currents within the molten glass causing hotter glass to flow backwards under
the raw glass-forming material thereby preventing a forward surge of the molten glass,
increasing the melting effect and increasing the glass temperatures in the fining zone. The
glass moving forward is also hotter and this leads to more rapid fining and reduced fuel
consumption in the forward zones. In addition, for glass melting furnaces that normally
have a layer of foam on the downstream glass surface, the downstream oxygen-fuel burner
34 has been found to reduce the foam. It will be appreciated that by reducing the foam the
heat transfer is increased into the body of glass material so as to reduce the thermal energy
otherwise required in the glass melting furnace 10 and improving the operating efficiency
of the glass melting furnace.

The at least one roof mounted oxygen-fuel burner 34 may be either placed in a new glass
melter furnace 10 or retrofitted into an existing glass melter furnace to substantially
reduce plant space and increase the glass quality relative to an air-fuel fired furnace or a
"conventional" side fired oxygen-fuel furnace. It will be appreciated that the present
invention facilitates a substantial pull rate increase, reduction in glass melting furnace 10
wall temperature and improved glass quality as compared to the same air-fuel furnace or
conventional oxygen-fuel furnace that is not retrofitted with at least one roof mounted
oxygen-fuel burner as described herein. Furthermore, as will be readily appreciated by
one skilled in the art, the use of at least one oxygen-fuel burner as opposed to an all air-
fuel burner system appreciably reduces NOx emissions.

1. A process for producing refined glass from raw glass-forming material (30) in a
refractory lined glass melter (10) without the use of regenerators or recuperators, the glass
melter having a roof (22) connected to a bottom (20) by side walls (18) and defining
therebetween an elongated channel having a melting zone (26) and a downstream fining
zone (28), the process comprising the steps of:
charging raw glass-forming material (30) to the melting zone (26) of the glass
melter (10);
providing at least one oxygen-fuel burner (34) recessed within a burner block (38)
in the roof of the glass melter and arranged to fire perpendicular or substantially
perpendicular to the surface of the raw glass-forming material, the oxygen-fuel burner
having an inner central cylindrical gaseous fuel conduit (40) for providing gaseous fuel
and an outer cylindrical oxygen conduit (42) concentric with the central fuel conduit for
providing oxygen; and
controlling the velocities of the gaseous fuel and of the oxygen from the oxygen-
fuel burner such that the velocities of the gaseous fuel and of the oxygen are substantially
equivalent to provide a generally laminar gaseous fuel flow and generally laminar oxygen
flow to combust proximate a top surface of the raw glass-forming material (30) and
thereby produce a flame which impinges the surface of the raw glass-forming material and
which has a middle portion (54) of an approximately columnar shape;
melting raw glass-forming material within the melting zone by means of the flame
coverage from the oxygen-fuel burner without the use of regenerators or recuperators; and
withdrawing the refined glass from the fining zone.
2. A process according to Claim 1 wherein the velocity of the gaseous fuel and the
velocity of the oxygen from the oxygen-fuel burner differ by no more than about 20%.
3. A process according to Claim 3, wherein the burner block (38) includes an
opening having an inside diameter of 50 to 200 mm (2-8 inches).

4. A process according to of Claim 3, wherein the oxygen-fuel burner is recessed
within the opening of the burner block by a distance of 75 to 450 mm (3-18 inches).
5. A process according to any one of Claims 1 to 4, wherein the flame diameter at
one half the distance between the end of the burner block and the raw glass-forming
material is defined by the following relationship:

in which
id = inside diameter of the opening of the burner block,
H = distance from the end of the burner block to the top surface of the raw
glass-forming material, and
D2 = flame diameter at one half the distance between the end of the burner
block and the surface of the raw glass-forming material.
6. A process according to any one of claims 1 to 5, wherein the maximum velocities
of the gaseous fuel and of the oxygen from the oxygen-fuel burner at the exit of the burner
block are controlled within an operating zone defined by upper and lower operating curves
derived by plotting H/id against VBb (in which H and id have the meanings specified in
claim 5 and VBb is the maximum flame velocity at the tip of the burner block), the upper
operating curve being derived from the following fourth order linear polynomial:

in which
H/id = about 6 - 20,
VBb = 58 to 168 m/s (190 - 550 feet per second),
d=-1.8198 and
and the lower operating curve being derived from the following fourth order linear

in which
H/id = about 6 - 30,
VBb = 15 to 91 m/s (50 - 300 feet per second),
d=0.1033 and
7. A process according to any one of Claims 1 to 6, wherein at least one oxygen fuel
burner (34) is located over the downstream fining zone (28).
8. A process according to Claim 7, wherein the oxygen-fuel burner over the
downstream fining zone is positioned about 2/3 to 3/4 along the length of the glass
melting furnace from the upstream end (14) thereof.
9. A process according to Claim 7 or Claim 8, wherein the oxygen-fuel burner over
the downstream fining zone is recessed within a burner block (38).
10. A process according to any one of claims 7 to 9, wherein the oxygen fuel burner
over the downstream fining zone (28) operates under the same control parameters as the
oxygen fuel burner over the melting zone (26).

According to the present invention there is provided a refractory lined glass
melter (10) for producing refined glass from raw glass-forming material (30)
using at least one oxygen-fuel burner (34) recessed within a burner block (38)
mounted in the roof (22) of the furnace (10) and a process of using the burner
(34). The velocities of the gaseous fuel and of the oxygen from the oxygen-fuel
burner (34) are controlled such that the velocities of the gaseous fuel and the
oxygen are substantially equivalent to provide a generally laminar gaseous fuel
and oxygen flow to combust proximate a top surface of the raw glass - forming
material (30) and produce a flame which impinges the surface of the raw glass-
forming material (30) and which has a middle portion of a columnar shape.




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Patent Number 262731
Indian Patent Application Number IN/PCT/2000/58/KOL
PG Journal Number 37/2014
Publication Date 12-Sep-2014
Grant Date 09-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 02-Jun-2000
Name of Patentee OWENS CORNING
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C03B 5/00
PCT International Application Number PCT/US1998/26673
PCT International Filing date 1998-12-16
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 BO93 A000420 1993-10-22 Germany