Title of Invention


Abstract The present Invention deals with an alternative Interfacial polymerization process of microencapsulation, microcapsule's produced thereof, microencapsulated agrochemlcals, Pharmaceuticals, catalysts and phase transfer materials, and formulations thereof, by means of microcapsules and starting materials with the participation of acetylene carbamide derivatives in the final structure of the microcapsules' wall.
The present invention deals with an alternative interfacial polymerization process of microencapsulation,
microcapsule's produced thereof, microencapsulated agrochemicals, Pharmaceuticals, catalysts and phase
transfer materials, and formulations thereof, by means of microcapsules and starting materials with much lower
toxicological profile than customary microencapsulation materials, and with the participation of acetylene
carbamide derivatives in the final structure of the microcapsules' wall.
Field of the invention
This invention deals with polymer microencapsulation for controlled release of active ingredients and
formulations containing microcapsules.
State of the Art
The problem addressed in the present invention is to provide a alternative microencapsulation process,
and microcapsules thereof, for controlled delivery of agrochemicals (or other compounds with structures related
with all the different types of agrochemicals' structures for any suitable process, also phase change materials -
PCMs-, inks, thermosetting materials and catalysts) in such a way that the risks associated with the production
and the product itself are decreased (by means of using wall forming materials with lower toxicity compared
with present industrial processes) while the microcapsules produced thereof (and the formulated
microcapsules) control the release rate in a suitable way for a proper functionality.
Microencapsulation methods for the delivery of agrochemicals are known since late 40's. Physical
methods, phase separation and interfacial reaction are the three main procedures for microencapsulation. The
most successful interfacial polymerization for microencapsulation of agrochemicals was developed on earlier
70's by Scher et al. (Stauffer Chemical Company), and many patents from Stauffer' group (later Zeneca, then
ICI and nowadays Syngenta) have been granted based on modifications of the same initial concept, namely,
the formation of a polyurea microcapsule's wall to enclose chemicals.
The present invention comprises several aspects. In this case, the field requires the synergistic or
combined effects of many parameters, starting with the reactants, the materials to be encapsulated up to the
final modifications for definitive industrially applicable formulations, especially in agriculture, for final proper
i) we disclose an industrial process of microencapsulation that has never been taught before,
that includes the use of at least an aromatic isocyanate, and at least an aliphatic isocyanate
and at least an acetylene carbamide derivative (ACDs) of formula (I) as wall forming

ii) The enclosed materials in our microcapsule's have a particular release rate, in some
embodiments being more beneficial than current commercial products, and in some
embodiments being an alternative (less toxic) to current processes, ranging from fast release
(e.g., lambda-cyhalothrin), maintained release, (e.g., flurochloridone, clomazone) and
practically no release, e.g. (phase change waxes).
iii) The agrochemical formulations described herein are novel and functionally acceptable,
meaning that can be use in the field as current microencapsulated formulations are currently
being used, with the same machinery, precautions and procedures that the farmer is used
to, or the same use in fabrics and coatings for PCMs (phase change materials), or the same
use in reactions for microencapsulated catalysts as the current microencapsulated catalysts.
iv) Dry formulations of the microcapsules can be used for microencapsulation of PCMs, by
incorporating to the oil phase waxes or oils with melting points in the range of 0 to 50 °C
(that may constitute the only oil solvent) or dispersing the solid materials in an appropriate oil
phase, also for catalysts and thermosetting materials,
Note that we will refer to Acetylene Carbamide Derivatives with the acronym ACDs.
We will refer to formulations of microcapsules in agriculture to any kind of agrochemical formulations that
contain microcapsules, and not only to the common "Capsule Suspension" (CS) formulations. Non-limiting
examples are that under our term "microcapsule's formulation" are suspoemulsions, as well as water
dispersable granules containing microcapsules, oil suspensions where in the oil there are mixtures of
agrochemicals (at least one microencapsulated), etc. Also, it is evident that our invention allows the
combination of microcapsules enclosing one or more active ingredients with other non-microencapsulated
active ingredients in the same formulation.
Our invention differs with regard to the prior art in that:
There is an 'additional an essential cross-polymerization agent that gives unique characteristics to the
microcapsules, namely, acetylene carbamide derivatives (ACDs).
The ACDs provoke drastic changes in capsule's wall permeability at low concentrations (starting at 0.05 to 5 %
of total formulation).
The polymer wall is not a polyurea wall (already claimed in many different patents), rather a polyurea-acetylene
carbamide derivative wall (not disclosed ever before).
This wall presents an additional parameter -with respect to prior art- to control the permeability of the
microcapsule's wall, namely, the ratio ACD/isocyanates, determined experimentally.
There is the need (not the option) to add a first catalyst for the formation of the polyurea bonds, because the
microcapsules are restricted to the use of aliphatic isocyanates and aromatic isocyanates (that are less
reactive) preferably dialkyltin fatty acid ester. • .
The avoidance of highly toxic isocyanates as those described in previous patents (as TDI) is allowed thanks to
the novel combination of less toxic isocyanates able to form polyurea wall, ACDs' cross-linkers and catalysts
adapted for our process, and the ability to terminate isocyanate functional groups unreacted.

The different materials to be encapsulated, reaction products, catalysts and chemistry involved, times and
temperature reactions are in a whole unique features.
We are able to encapsulate with our process any chemical that is not intrinsically reactive with the functional
groups of the wall materials, being this belonging to any structural chemical type, as long they do not react with
the wall forming materials and the molecular size, ability to be dissolved, dispersed or used pure is suitable.
Customary and worldwide used microencapsulation materials for many agricultural formulations (sold
worldwide in high amounts, e.g., Karate® Zeon -Syngenta-) use as a part of the wall the highly human-toxicant
and carcinogenic compound 2,4-toluenediisocyanate (TDI), CAS# [584-84-9]. In our preferred embodiments we
make use of isocyanates with highly reduced toxicological profiles than the mentioned TDI, for example m-
TMXDI, CAS# [2778-42-9], sold as TMXDI® by Cytec. Worthy to note, TMXDI has not ever been reflected in a
significant -if any at all- industrial use of it in the field of microencapsulation of liquids either agrochemicals,
also not for other microencapsulations. As read in CYTEC webpage "TMXDI resins are commonly used in the
tooling industry, and to encapsulate and protect electronics, coat printed circuit boards, and adhere seal filters".
This render the combination of isocyanates with ACD absolutely novel and not obvious.
Below a comparison table of toxicological differences in between TMXDI and TDI (according MSDS of
Sigma-Aldrich and CYTEC).
carcinogenic (Ames test)
IARC carrcinogen 2B
cancer CMR Cat. Carcinogen 3 not carcinogenic (Ames test)
acute inhalation toxicity (LC50) 10 ppm for 4 h - mice 27 ppm for 4 h -mice
pulmonary sensitization in guinea pigs Yes no
affects respiratory system in humans at long term (3 y) Yes no
Flashpoint >132°C >153°C
storage need to store under nitrogen only required to be stored atT Thus, apart form solving the problem to create microcapsules with allow a tailored release rate of
chemicals, in this invention we improve the toxicological profile of the microcapsules (and formulations thereof).
Important to mention, the prior art microencapsulation processes normally do not complete in full, then the rest
of isocyanates unreacted are a health hazard for the end-users. Not only the use of ACD reduces the content of
unreacted isocyanates. At the same time, any unreacted isocyanate present at the time of use of the
microcapsules' formulation -either in the wall or dispersed/dissolved in the formulation itself- is of much lower
toxicity (e.g., TMXDI vs. TDI).
US 4,285,720 (originally filled in 1973 by Scher et al., Stauffer) -included here in full by reference-,
shows the basic process of an interfacial microencapsulation. Other newer patents do not teach more than this

document in regard our new invention. In US 4,285,720 is claimed a process of microencapsulation with
capsules of polyurea without addition of a second reactant, providing an organic phase -with a water
immiscible material to be microencapsulated- and an organic polyisocyanate in an aqueous phase containing a
solution of water a surfactant and a protective colloid and heating, whereupon said water-immiscible material is
encapsulated within discrete polyurea capsular enclosures. No mention of ACDs is done. Moreover, a catalyst
can be optionally added to speed up the reaction, said catalyst being alkyl tin acetate. In our invention a
catalyst of the type of alkyl tin ester (preferably a dibutyl esther) is needed.
US 4,874,832 describes microencapsulation process with aliphatic isocyanates, but combined with polyether
polyols to form polyurethanes. Patents US 4,417,916 and US 4,874,832 explain in detail microencapsulation
with aliphatic isocyanates, but not combined with acetylene carbamide derivatives. US 5,925,595 discloses the
use of TMD and PAPI, and the influence of TMXDI in the release rate when the latter is included in the mixture
of isocyanates. However US 5,952,595 in a substantial way because the wall forming materials need the use of
a polyamine (indicated in the description and also in the embodiments, where always an amine is used): in our
invention we do need at all the use of a polyamine to form the polyurea wall, a tremendous difference with the
present invention both regarding the chemical process and the final structure and characteristics of the
microcapsule. Moreover US 5,925,595 does not mention the use of ACDs.
One essential novel and inventive aspect of our invention is the use for the synthesis of the microcapsule's wall
of ACDs. The existence of the own brochures of ACDs (e.g., Powderlink® 1174, from CYTEC) teach away from
using them in a microencapsulation process, based on their low reactivity and the need of special initiators and
temperature requirements, and the need of additional hydroxyl groups for their reaction.
In WO 92/13448 (equivalent of EP 571396 and US 5,332,584) is stated that aminoplast polymers for its use in
microencapsulation can be done with different types of compounds, namely: urea formaldehyde, melamine
formaldehyde, benzoguanamine formaldehyde and acetylene carbamide (glycoluril-) formaldehyde. However in
that document is not mentioned either implicitly suggested the use of any isocyanate compound to for part of
the microcapsule's wall in combination with any urea, melamine, benzoguanamine glycoluril formaldehyde, as
we do in this invention (independent claim 1 and dependent claim 4 of EP 571396 B1 deals with the only use of
aminoresin compounds, without isocyanates). ' '
In the course of our research we found out that well away with respect to what was disclosed in prior art and in
a extremely surpressively way, that we could introduce ACDs in a polyurea wall and at the same time, using a
combination of isocyanates (in the preferred embodiment, PAPI and TMXDI) less toxic than the conventional
mixture PAPI and TDI.
There are documents that teach away from the solution we have invented. Further prior art can be
exemplarized by US 5,563,224. There it is disclosed the use of compounds (including ACDs) to anchor UV
protectants for the production of plastics, needing the ACD (to be reactive to anchor these UV protectors) the
use of sulphuric acid. In the same patent, it is clearly stated that the acetylene carbamide monomers, in order to
be reactive must be in strong acid conditions and under heat. Probably, in our process, the needed chemical
potential needed for the activation of the ACDs is provided by the self isocyanate excited state and/or the
localized increase of temperature of the exotermic isocyanate reaction. Must be quoted that US 5,563,224 does
not refer in any instance to polymers for its use in the particular and very specific field of microencapsulation. In

our invention we do not use strong acids either strong heating (that could destroy the active ingredients to
The following documents have been cited in the Extended European Search Report, and are discussed
regarding the novelty and inventive step in front of our invention. DD 108760 (Makower et al., 1974) discloses
ACDs that in a very restrictive way (ethoxylates) could represent some of our compounds (I) and moreover for
fields well distant from microencapsulation, like big pieces of plastic materials. No mention of combination to
form polyurea microcapsules is made. WO 92/13450 (ICI, 1992) discloses in claim 1 only-polyurea compounds
that are formed by the process of reacting isocyanates to form polyurea walls without addition of a second
reactant, thus teaching away from the inclusion of ACDs. US 4889719 (Ohtsubo et al., 1989) discloses a
microencapsulated insecticidal composition comprising an organophosphorous insecticide encapsulated in a
wall formed of a polyurea; however no hint as to form a combined polymer with ACDs is present. Further, US
4889719 teaches away from the combination of an aromatic isocyanate and an aliphatic isocyanate as we do
(col. 1, In. 38-40: blends of aromatic and aliphatic isocyanates are not preferred, because the reaction rate
difference between them does not readily produce a homogeneous wall). The inventors have found that this is
not at all the case according our invention, since we get a very homogeneous wall, and, moreover, a very
homogeneous particle size of the microcapsules. US 4458036 (Fesman et al. 1984) deals, with polyurethanes
with ACDs incorporated, in a distant field as flame retardants, in form of foams, and not in microscopic
structures as microcapsules. In between the thousands of reactions possible to be performed to form plastics or
foams (in US 4458036, mattresses, upholstery, cushion) that document does not provide any indication that the
ACDs could be combined with polyureas to form microcapsules. The macroscopic structure of the polymers
disclosed in US 4458036 do not lead to homogeneous spheres of polyurea-ACDs polymers, either is envisaged
any application of the cited polymers in the field of microencapsulation. US 3766204 (MathewC.US et al., 1973)
also deals with remote fields like polyesthers, alkyd resins and polyurethanes, lubricants and surface active
agents. Moreover, the ACDs disclosed therein are absolutely different from those claimed in our invention.
There is no hint why the ethoxylated chain should be disregarded from compounds disclosed in US 3766204 to
arrive to the claimed ACDs, and much lesser to choose them as participants in a polyurea-ACD wall for
microcapsules. It is noteworthy that in a field of increasing interest as microencapsulation, the ACDs have
never been disclosed to be used (not even as a mere possibility) in microcapsules.
Worthy to note is that the heating needed for microencapsulation processes (including ours) may be sometimes
higher than the maximum limit of the stability of the chemical to encapsulate. This happens for example, in the
particular of pyrethroids, where some undesired enantiomeric or diasteroisomeric or isomeric forms are
increased due to the temperature. For those cases we have realized that the addition of antioxidants may
prevent this isomerization. First of all, it is not obvious that an antioxidant may prevent isomerization (there are
many chemical pathways in which a molecule might be isomerized) and second, the idea of incorporating
antioxidants in an oil phase has never been disclosed for the case of isomerization of pyrethroids. By virtue of
our process, we are able to add oil soluble antioxidants (for example, BHT -butylhydroxytoluene-, BHA -
butylhydroxyanisol- or mixtures thereof) directly to our oil phase. In a particular example, a 0.05% of BHT and
0.01% of BHA (with respect the total weight percent of the whole oil phase) may be added to Solvesso 200 that

at the same time is the solvent in a preferred embodiment of microencapsulation of supercyhalothrin (quantities
of BHT, BHA or other antioxidants shall be used according the recommendations of the respective producers).
This prevents isomerization of supercyhalothrin that start"to occur already at 40 °C at dark.
The idea of adding an additional cross-linking material of low reactivity as ACDs (when compared that reactivity
with prior art microcapsule's wall constituents, e.g., only isocyanates or aminoplast resins) to the polyurea wall
is not obvious. Neither is expected that small percentages of ACDs can modify the release rate characteristics
of the microcapsules in between the ranges needed for agricultural uses, either being useful to
microencapsulate catalysts, thermosetting materials or PCMs (the latter cases needing a higher content of wall
forming materials until the release rate is suitable for each desired purpose). Morover, the fact that some ADCs
(e.g., Powderlink 1174) are solid, would be disregarded at first chance, because is more convenient (and the
prior art shows it) to use liquid materials as wall forming materials in the interfacial microencapsulation
(incorporated in the oil phase). It is possible to incorporate solid ACDs in a dispersed form in the oil phase (e.g,
by Atlox® LP-1 or LP-5 or LP-6) but we have seen that sometimes this lead to an excessive amount of
un reacted ACD.
Even wanting to add a cross-linking agent to a polyurea wall to modify prior art walls, an expert would have
chosen any cross-linking agent more reactive than ACDs. A few scientific papers have been written about
chemistry and properties of ACDs as cross-linkers, but never referred to a microencapsulation method, rather in
fields enough distant to be considered in a microencapsulation process (e.g., fabric processing, coatings for car
paints, etc). The reader must not confuse the scarcely described properties of ACDs with their specific novel
and inventive application in microencapsulation and must understand the complexity involved in a cross-linking
reaction in the interphase of an oil and water phase, in situ, of two types of isocyanates and ACDs -far to be
comparable with a plastic film forming or lacquers reaction-. Even in described polymerization processes in
those far technical fields with the intervention of ACDs, the remaining non-polymerized monomers must be
stripped off or removed from the final product, circumstance that does not occur in our invention. In particular,
polymers having pores of relative big size (but not microcapsules as closed volumes) can be formed with
acetylene carbamide-formaldehydes, but constantly these processes show that the acetylene carbamide
formaldehyde must be initially emulsified in a water phase. The chemistry behind those processes is well
different to that of our invention.
Detailed description of the invention
The microencapsulation of active ingredient(s) in solution (organic phase) is done using interfacial
polymerization processes based on the reaction of isocyanates with an acetylene carbamide derivatives of the
formula (I).
Since the polymer that constitutes our microcapsule's wall is novel, particularly in the field of
microencapsulation, we direct a set of claims to the polymer itself.

In particular, the polymer referred may be described as a polymer for microencapsulation of water-immiscible
material, as a "primary" material to microencapsulate (or a mixture of water-immiscible materials). A
"secondary" material to microencapsulate might be solid material dispersed in the oil phase to be
microencapsulated together with the water-immiscible material and/or coformulants for technological reasons
(surfactant) or protective reasons (e.g., antioxidants). It is obvious that the materials to be microencapsulated
must be compatible and do not react undesirably before final use of the microcapsules. The "primary" material
to microencapsulate is water-immiscible, meaning this in this case with a solubility in water lower than 7.50.mg/L
at 20°C. Said claimed polymer is formed by means of an interfacial polymerization reaction and enclosing the
water-immiscible material(s), characterized in that:
such polymer is formed by the reaction of:
a monomeric aliphatic isocyanate
a prepolymer aromatic isocyanate
a N', N", N"', N'" alkoxy-alkyl and/or hydroxy-alkyl acetylene carbamide derivative or mixtures of such
compounds where alkoxy means: methoxy, ethoxy, propoxy, isopropoxy, butoxy, isobutoxy, ter-butoxy, and
alkyl means methy, ethyl, n-propyl, isopropyl, n-butyl, isobutyl, tert-butyl, sec-butyl, independly from each other
substituted nitrogen
the microcapsules have a mean diameter of 0.3 to 25 urn, preferably in between 0.8 to 15 and 90% of the
microcapsules have a diameter lower than 100 urn, preferably lower than 30 urn, when measured with a
conventional laser diffraction particle sizer analyzer, previous customary dilution upon water under agitation
The more hydroxyl groups present in the ACD, the more the reactivity. We have realized that an excessive
number of hydroxyl groups per molecule of substituted ACD results in a faster reaction -appropriate in some
cases- but more difficult to be controlled. The only way to select the right ACD for a particular purpose is to
check experimentally the outcome of the reaction and adapt the reaction time (for example, by
increasing/diminishing the speed in which the emulsification of oil droplets is taking place and/or increasing
diminishing the quantity of the catalyst responsible for the formation polyurea bonds and the catalyst for the
incorporation of the cross-linking ACD). It is possible that the alkoxy or alkyl groups are higher than a chain of 4
carbon atoms. In such case the capsule's wall is more permeable, due to the higher size of the cross-linking
agent. The use of compounds up to 6 carbon atoms for the alkoxy and alkyl groups then needs to be reduced in
the mixture of wall forming materials in order to avoid an excessive fast release. Also, more hydroxyl groups in
the ACD causes an increase of reactivity, that may be appropriate for certain applications .where a more tight
wall structure is desired, for example in the case of phase change materials (PMCs). Our invention is directed
to all kinds of ACDs, in between the range of substituents proposed, with regard of the stereochemical
configuration. Normally, the use of these compounds is limited to what is commercially available, but a possible
purification of a certain stereochemical structure in a future ACD won't deprive the use of such compound to be
used as in our invention. A more defined structure of such polymer-participating a ACD (I) is as follows (Figure

a) R1: R3, R5, R7, are, independently one to each other, methylen, ethylen, n-propylen, isopropylen, n-butylen,
isobutylen, sec-butylen, tert-butylen
b) R2, R4, R6, Rs, are, independently one to each other, hydrogen methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, isopropyl, n-butyl,
isobutyl, sec-butyl, tert-butyl
c) R9, R10 being hydrogen or hydroxymethyl, more preferably both substituents being hydrogen,
comprising compounds (I) all isomeric and stereoisomeric configurations that may be present depending on the
radicals as cited, and been excluded from compounds (I) all the combinations of radicals that are not able to
form polyurea-acetylene carbamide derivative (ACD) polymers when such ACDs are reacted as described in
the present invention with a mixture of isocyanates.
The ACDs are a fundamental part of the wall of the final microcapsules in our invention. In a typical process we
have two phases, an oil phase and a water phase, the oil phase is emulsified into the water phase at 45-70 °C,
the polyurea reactions start to take place, temperature is raised to 60-90 °C, and the catalyst to make reactive
the ACDs is placed -after the polyurea reactions start to take place- in the continuous water phase. A curing
time of about 1 to 4 hours is set at 50-90 °C.Then a unique polymer constituting the microcapsules' wall is
formed in the water-oil interphase of the oil droplets.
A typical oil phase according to our invention is composed of:
Monomer aliphatic isocyanate (e.g., TMXDI)
Prepolymer aromatic isocyanate (e.g., PAPI)

Monomer acetylene carbamide (e.g. tetra-butoxymethyl acetylene carbamide) (referring to "monomer acetylene
carbamide" when the content in monomers is higher than 50% of the total commercial acetylene carbamide
product: in industrial conditions is difficult to have a pure monomer acetylene carbamide product)
Solvent (e.g., cyclohexanone to dissolve tetra-butoxymethyl acetylene carbamide)
Active ingredient(s) (e.g., supercyhalothrin)
Optionally, dispersed solid active ingredients (e.g., milled alpha cypermethrin at crystall sizes of Atlox®LP-1)
Optionally, dispersed and/or dissolved antioxidants and/or UV protectors
Optionally (for achieving smaller microcapsules' sizes) a surfactant with low HLB (e.g. Atlox® 4912)
The ratio of the composition is typically the following:
Monomer aliphatic isocyanate : Prepolymer aromatic isocyanate from 1:3 to 1:1
Prepolymer aromatic isocyanates : Monomer acetylene carbamide from 9 : 1 to 4 : 1
Monomer aliphatic isocyanates to : Monomer acetylene carbamide from 2 : 1 to 5 : 1
, being the most preferred ration Monomer aliphatic isocyanate : Prepolymer aromatic isocyanates : Monomer
acetylene carbamide of 3 : 6 : 1.
Always, the oil phase is kept until emulsification in dehydrated atmosphere (by chemical or physical means, like
desiccation or adsorption or isolation, and also possible to working under inert atmosphere, with gases
preferably CO2, N2, He, or just controlling the relative humidity of the reaction site).
The water phase typically contains:
Primary surfactant (e.g., an alkyl ethoxylated/propoxylated copolymer of type Symperonic®)
Water soluble or dispersable polymer(s) (e.g., polivinilpyrrolidone PVP-30)
Hydrocolloid(s) (e.g., Guargum)
Lignosulfonate(s) (e.g., type of Kraftsperse®)
At this stage, during the dispersion process, the organic phase is emulsified into the aqueous phase at a
temperature of about 45-70 °C. The main particle size of the dispersed phase should be in the range of 1-25
urn. Once the target particle size is reached the high shear agitator is stopped and the main agitator (anchor) is
adjusted to its lowest setting to reduce shear stress during heating up as curing period.
The catalyst present in the organic phase initiates the wall forming reaction that will be furthermore increased
by heating up to about 60-90 °C. Then is added the catalyst for the ACD incorporation to the polyurea wall, (e.g.
p-Toluenesulfonic acid dissolved in an alcohol with a chain with no longer than 8 carbon atoms; if a substituted
sulfonimide is used, then, the reaction temperature must be higher). The microcapsules are left from one to
about two hours at 50-90 °C to complete termination of isocyanate residues. Then the mixture is allowed to cool
down, normally, to room temperature.
The pH value of the cured microcapsule suspension is adjusted to the pH more appropriate for the stability and
desired properties of the agrochemical, with a 50% aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide.

Finally, viscosity modifiers of the type of clays (e.g., inert zeolites) and hydrocolloids (e.g., xanthan
gum), aluminum sulfate and sodium tripolyphosphate are added to prevent the microcapsules from separating
from the water on prolonged storage due to their density difference. As a buffer system (preferably for economy
reasons based on sodium carbonate or in citric acid) is applied to maintain the formulation at the desired pH. It
is also interesting, for solutions to be at alkaline conditions, to use sodium carbonate (or any other source of
carbonate ions) because adsorbs carbon dioxide generated from the reaction of residual isocyanates with water
on storage therefore preventing any pressure buildup in the final product containers, situation only expected on
exceptional cases when a batch has not been correctly terminated.
Any biocide is added to protect the formulation from biological attack during the shelf life of the product
(preferably of the type of imidazolidinyl urea or other conventional bacteriostatics, bactericides or microbicides).
The process, as explained, starts by dissolving aliphatic and aromatic isocyanates and the active ingredient -
eventually a surfactant, or UV protector or antioxidant- in a water-immiscible solvent. The solvent is present to
dissolve the active ingredient(s) -a.i.-, in the case that the a.i. is a solid, or just to provide an oil phase where
the a.i. is present. In certain cases, if the amount of a.i. is high enough, and is able to dissolve all the wall
forming materials, the "solvent" is materially replaced by the a.i. itself, that acts both as a.i. and a solvent (being
this situation exceptional). The ACD is incorporated into the oil phase with the aid of a second solvent, when
needed. Further the oil phase contains the catalyst that will initiate the wall forming reactions (when in the
presence of water). Also, solid active ingredients might be dispersed in the oil phase. The aqueous phase
serves as the carrier medium (continuous phase) for the microcapsules that containing active ingredient(s), but
the water phase may also contain dispersed or dissolved active ingredients (e.g., glyphosate or diquat for
agricultural applications). The water phase is prepared by addition of emulsifiers, protective colloids and other
coformulants that have the function of emulsify the oil droplets that will be the core of the final microcapsules
and optionally, also serve as final coformulants needed for the proper functionality of the finished formulation.
Preferred wall forming materials
Regarding ACDs we prefer the use of Pqwderlink® 1174 and Cymel® type commercial products, more
preferably Cymel® 1711 and Cymel® 1170. The use of prepolymers of Cymel type result in a more irregular
reaction course when compared with the use of Powderlink® 1174 in the specific trials we have done. Therefore
the most preferred ACD is Powderlink® 1174. Must be noted that the commercial products might have some
other compounds than the monomers referred in the label (e.g., Powderlink® 1174 may contain oligomers)
For the polyfunctional isocyanate system, we prefer one aliphatic isocyanate and one aromatic isocyanate
(aliphatic refers to the fact that the -NCO group is not attached directly to the aromatic ring). The polymer
density can be varied by changing the ratio of polyfunctional (e.g. prepolymer aliphatic PAPI) to polyfunctional
aliphatic isocyanate (e.g. Cythane® 3174, TMXDI, the latter the preferred aliphatic isocyanate according this
invention). The higher the ratio, the more cross-linking and hence the lower the diffusion coefficient and hence
the lower the permeability. When incorporating the ACD, the complexity of the cross-linking reactions makes
difficult to predict the final release rate, that can be measured by experimental trials with the formed
The preferred aromatic isocyanate according to our invention is PAPI® and its series from Dow®. Below
is depicted a type of preferred compounds:

Wherein n=0 to n=6
For n=1, PAPI, CAS# [009016-87-9], commercial name Specflex®NE 138.
The preferred aliphatic isocyanates are TMXDI and Cythane® 3174, represented by the formulas below:

It is obvious that the benefit of incorporating acetylene carbamide derivatives into a wall formed of TDI and
PAPI is possible, however, in that case, the production process and the capsules themselves have the problem
of the intrinsic toxicity of TDI, in other words, the use of acetylene carbamide derivatives and TDI and PAPI is
an obvious extension of the subject matter of this invention, as well as any customary combination of

isocyanates to form polyurea walls. We have the experience that ACD can be incorporated into many types of
polyurea walls, resulting polyurea-ACD polymers.
Also, the inventors have realized that inclusion of other aromatic isocyanates other than corresponding to the
formula above leads to fully functional microcapsules' walls.
The use of aliphatic isocyanates (NCO groups are not directly bounded into the aromatic ring) implies the use
of a catalyst to start the reaction due to their low reactivity. Due to this implicit lack of reactivity they are not
used in industrial applications of commercially successful microencapsulated formulations.
We use catalysts (for the oil phase) like Stannous octoate, Dibutyltin dilaurate, Potassium acetate, Potassium
octoate, Dibutyltin mercaptide, Dibutyltin thiocarboxylates, Phenylmercuric propionate, Lead octoate, Alkaline
metal salts, (K2CO3, NaHCO3 and Na2CO3), Ferric acetylacetonate.
We have been using the combination of tertiary amine catalysts for long time but we have surprisingly
found that with the use of ACDs, and in the absence of amines, the reaction not only takes place, but in a
manner highly convenient. According to our experience, a more particularly of the type mono-(di-, tri-, tetra-)
fatty acid ester of alkyl element of the group 4 or group 14 fatty acid ester, being preferred as alkyl groups:
methyl, ethyl, n-propyl, n-butyl, n-pentyl, n-hexyl, n-heptyl, n-octyl (and all their chain-isomeric forms), being the
preferred metals transition metals Sn, Ti, In, Sb, Pb, Ge, Pd, Pt, Au, Zn, Fe, Cu. The most preferred catalyst for
the type of microencapsulations asked currently in the agrochemical market is, by the cost, specific process
needs and ecotoxicological reasons, the dibutlytinlaurate. We have compared the use of triethylendiamine with
dibutyltinlaurate with only the dibutyltinlaurate catalyst and we have a higher improved control of the reaction
and modification of wall properties when using only the dibutyltinlaurate. However, the process can be adapted
(specially reaction time and temperature) for other suitable catalysts mentioned above for particular uses,
especially agrochemicals with certain tendency to react with the wall forming materials.
For the incorporation of the ACDs to the wall, is used a second catalyst placed in the water phase,
most preferably p-toluensulfonic acid or of the sulfonimide type (e.g. methyltolylsulfonimide) or of the type
Cycat™ 600 or Cycat™ 500.
Our preferred polymerization system is using aliphatic isocyanates (m-TMXDI as monomer) in
combination with the aromatic isocyanate PAPI that are less reactive than applying two aromatic isocyanates
as e.g. PAPI/TDI. Additionally, the aliphatic isocyanates are produced without phosgene and free of
nitrosamines. These types of isocyanates are advantageous in the toxicogical profile that, makes it easier to
work more safely than with other isocyanates have been established, for example the microcapsule's type of
products of Syngenta, being this selection of type of isocyanate pair in a real industrial application completely
new (in a higher degree of novelty, the combination with ACDs and the selection of only one organometallic
The most preferred functionality of the lignosulfonates (that may also be achieved by other equivalent
commercial products that can replace Kraftsperse without being lignosulfonates, but not as a primary option) is
achieved by our own treatment of a mixture of the compounds below cited, by thermal treatment at 70 °C for 10
min, called LignoGAT™.

Other lignosulphonates and modified sulfonates of choice are Reax®, Polyfon®, Kraftsperse®, Borresperse®,
Ultrazine®, Ufoxane®, Marasperse®, Diwatex®, Morwet® in any of their variations.
Other suitable hydrocolloids are agar, alginates, carrageens, gellan gum, pectins, cellulose, exudated gums
(arabic gum, tragacanth, Ceratonia siliqua gum and/or karaya gum), tragacants, saponines, xanthan gum, and
derivatives and or mixtures of the named compounds.
Water soluble pr dispersable polymers of choice are, apart from the most preferred polyvinylpyrrolidone (up to
100 mols of monomer) and polyvinylacetate, copolymers of PVP and methylmethacrylate, copolymers of PVP
and vinylacetate (VA), poylvinyl alcohol (PVA), copolymers of PVA and crotonic acid, copolymers of PVA and
maleic anhydride, hydroxypropyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl guar gum, sodium polystyrene sulfonate,
PVP/ethymethacrylate/methacrylic acid terpolymer, vinyl acetate/crotonic acid/vinyl neodecanoate copolymer,
octylacrylamide/acrylates copolymer, monoethy ester of poly(methyl vinyl ether-maleic acid), and
octylacrylamide / acrylate / butylaminoethyl methacrylate copolymers, acrylic acid/t-butyl acrylate copolymers,
dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate/isobutyl methacrylate/2-ethylhexyl-methacrylate terpolymers, t-
butylacrylate/acrylic acid copolymers, and silicone grafted terpolymers, e.g. t-butylacrylate/acrylic acid/PDMS
and mixtures thereof.
The surfactant to form the emulsion of oil in water can be chosen in between a wide range of customary
surfactants with the condition that the hydrophilic-lipophilic balance is in between 12 to 18 (e.g., ethoxylated
and/or propoxylated alcohols).
Typical polyisocyanates suitable for this process are chosen from the first group and from the second group (for
a two-isocyanate mixture as wall forming material -except the acetylene carbamide-, one isocyanate of each
group must be taken, always must be at least one isocyanate of each group, due to confusing terminology in
this area we point out other classification different that our simple division in between "aromatic and aliphatic"):
GROUP 1 [named as "aromatic" in our invention] -with NCO groups directly bound to the (substituted) bencene
1,3- and/or 1,4-phenylene diisocyanates, 2,4-, 2,6-tolylene diisocyanates (TDI), crude TDI,' 2,4'-, 4,4'-diphenyl
methane diisocyanate (MDI), crude MDI, 4,4'-diisocyanatebiphenyl, 3,3'-dimethyl-4-4'-diisocyanate biphenyl,
3,3'-dimethyl-4,4'diisocyanate diphenylmethane, naphthylene-1,5-diisocyanate, triphenylmethane-4,4', 4"-
triisocyanate, m- and p-isocyanate phenylsulfonyl isocyanate, polyaryl polyisocyanate (PAPI).diphenylmethane-
4,4'-diisocyanate (PMDI)
and derivatives and prepolymers of the GROUP 1 isocyanates.
GROUP 2 [named all of them as "aliphatic" in our invention] -with NCO groups not directly bound to the
(substituted) bencene-ring-.

Aliphatic isocyanates: ethylene diisocyanate, hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI), tetramethylene diisocyanate,
dodecamethylene diisocyanate, 1,6,11-undecan triisocyanate, 2,2,4-trimethylhexa -methylene diisocyanate,
lysine diisocyanate, 2,6-diisocyanate methyl caproate, bis(2-isocyanate ethyl)fumarate, bis(2-isocyanate
ethyl)carbonate, 2-isocyanate ethyl-2,6-diisocyanate hexanoate, trimethylhexamethylene diisocyanate (TMDI),
dimer acid diisocyanate (DDI),
Alicyclic Polyisocyanates: isophorone diisocyanate (IPDI), dicyclohexyl diisocyanate, dicyclohexylmethane
diisocyanate (H-MDI), cyclohexylene diisocyanate, hydrogenated tolylenediisocyanate (HTDI), bis(2-isocyanate
ethyl)-4-cyclohexene-1,2-dicarboxylate, 2,5-and/or 2,6 norbornane diisocyanate
Araliphatic Polyisocyanates Having 8 to 15 Carbon Atoms
m- and/or p-xylylene diisocyanate (XDI), alpha-, alpha-, alpha-, alpha-tetramethyl xylylene diisocyanate
Alicyclic Polyisocyanates: ethylene diisocyanate, hexamethylene diisocyanate (HDI), tetramethylene
diisocyanate, dodecamethylene diisocyanate, 1,6,11-undecan triisocyanate, 2,2,4-trimethylhexa methylene
diisocyanate, lysine diisocyanate, 2,6-diisocyanate methyl caproate, bis(2-isocyanate ethyl)fumarate, bis(2-
isocyanate ethyl)carbonate, 2-isocyanate ethyl-2,6-diisocyanate hexanoate, trimethylhexamethylene
diisocyanate (TMDI), dimer acid diisocyanate (DDI)
And derivatives and prepolymers of the GROUP 2 isocyanates
Further components of a formulation according of our invention can be found in pages 222 to 230 of the book
(the mentioned pages incorporated herein in full by reference) Peter A. Lovell and Mohamed S. El-Aasser,
Emulsion Polymerization and emulsion polymers, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 0-471-96746-7, 1997, West
An skilled in the art is able to identify which combination of isocyanate of the group 1 and isocyanate of group 2
will be suitable a priory, and which reaction conditions (dialkyltin fatty ester catalyst, temperature, time) are
needed to reproduce the invention. In a wide range of combinations, the ACDs will react without problems,
except when both types of isocyanates are of very low reactivity and/or the sites for attaching the N-substituted
acetylene carbamide moieties are not appropriate.
The release rate of the microcapsules is mainly controlled by:
Microcapsule size
Degree of cross-linking
Choice of polymer type
Wall thickness
Mobility of the oil phase
The average particle radius (hence surface area) is generally fixed within narrow limits to satisfy process and
physical stability considerations. The preferred average particle size of the droplets of the water-immiscible
liquid containing the active ingredient is 0.1-200 urn, preferably 0.3-50 urn and more preferably 0.5-20 urn

depending on the target. The size of the particles can also be below 0.1 |jm. These particles are called
nanoparticles, and this can be achieved by an appropriate emulsifier (specially incorporating it to the oil phase)
and with an increased speed rate of the shearing-stress while the emulsification takes place. It must be
understood that the use of the polymeric material of this invention in nanocapsules is an obvious application of
this invention.
Particle size can be adjusted according to the end use of the microcapsules by adjusting stirring speed and
time, and by the choice of surfactants and the amount of surfactants employed.
The concentration difference across the wall is generally considered to be a constant when the microcapsule is
exposed to a foliar, water or soil environment. The foliage or soil acts as a sink for the pesticide and hence
pesticide exists at a very low concentration at the outer surface of the microcapsule. Of particular interest is the
use of microcapsules in lakes or water deposits to release insecticides against mosquitoes (e.g., pyriproxyfen,
methoprene, hexaflumuron), where the water is the referred "sink".
If the release rate from the microcapsule needs to be varied over orders of magnitude, the most practical way of
accomplishing this task is to vary the microcapsule wall permeability. The permeability is defined as the product
of the factor diffusion coefficient and the factor solubility coefficient. For a given pesticide the diffusion
coefficient can be varied by varying the wall thickness and by varying the cross-link density of the wall; varying
the chemical composition of the wall can vary the solubility coefficient. Moreover the chemical structure of the
solvent used for the active ingredient has an influence on the permeability/mobility and in the release rate.
The amount of the organic polyisocyanate and ACD used in the process will determine the wall weight of the
microcapsules formed. In general, the amount of wall forming material comprise usually from about 2 to about
75 percent by weight of the microcapsule. Most preferably the wall will comprise from about 4 to about 15% by
weight, of the microcapsule. • -
In the case of our invention the amount of wall forming material is about 2-20 % of the oil phase. For a preferred
amount of 6% of wall material, the wall thickness for a microparticle with a mean diameter of 10 urn can be
calculated and is in the range of 100 nm.
For applications where the microcapsules need a specially smaller size (e.g., from 0.5 urn to 10 urn of
average particle size, most preferably from 1 urn to 5 urn, the inventors have found that a oil-soluble surfactant
of the type Atlox® 4912 added to the oil phase before emulsification step, decreases significantly the particle
size. Other block copolymers can be used, preferably composed of polyglycol (e.g., polypropylenglycol) and
poly fatty acids hydroxylated. A preferred concentration in the oil phase is about 5 to 25% of the weight percent
of the sum of wall forming materials.
It is impossible to describe in full in the limited space of a patent disclosure how any formulation could
be achieved using our process. A skilled in the art would need some experimental work to carry out the
invention. The disclosure of the description and the of the examples is in the line of the accepted granted patent
documents, even more detailed in how to manage to obtain microcapsules in between the range of compounds
claimed. With regard of formulations of microcapsules, note that this type of formulations (capsule suspension -
CS- and suspoemulsions -SE-) are tremendously complex per se. Documents providing basic and advanced
knowledge of formulation technology that will allow the skilled in the art to reproduce our invention with unduly
burden are: The e-Pesticide Handbook, British Crop Protection Council; Asaji Kondo. Microcapsules. (1970)

Nikkan Kogyo Shinbun Ltd.; and Kondo et al. Microcapsules (1977) Sankyo Publishing Co., Ltd; Asaji Kondo.
Micrcapsule processing and technology (1979) Marcel Dekker Inc.; N. Cardarelli. Controlled release pesticide
formulations. CRC Press (1976).
It cannot be denied the complexity of the microencapsulation technology, complexity added in the field
of formulation of microcapsules. Critical steps are the emulsification step, that may lead to a phase inversion if
the equipment used (ultraturrax, anchor agitators, pumps) is not very well known to the user, is critical also, the
managment of low relative humidity, reaction times and temperatures adapted to the vessels where the
examples are reproduced, etc. For instance, in Example 1 it has been used a reactor of 2000 L, the repetition of
the same example in a laboratory reactor needs the application of chemical engineering knowledge to
reproduce in the same way the reaction in a small reactor (e.g., 500 mL) the heat transfer conditions and the
turbulence and shear stress produced in such 2000 L reactor.
Our invention is mainly devoted to agrochemical formulations, but by the virtue of the type of wall
material (polyurea+acetylene carbamide), the microcapsules have a glass transition temperature within the
range of room temperature to 200 °C, so the material for a capsule wall of a microcapsule obtained shows a
heat response and they are suited to form thermosensitive recording materials, and all applications derived
thereof (inks, fabrics, etc.). For the use of our microcapsules in the field of phase change materials, the process
is similar to that already described. In this case, it is preferred a final product with dried microcapsules, that is
easily achieved by conventional spray-drying of our microcapsules. In this case, it is not important the presence
of the specific emulsifiers or hydrocolloids in order to get a wet formulation of microcapsules for its later use to
dilute in water (as is the case in most agrochemical formulations). In the case of application of our invention to
phase change materials, the main difference is in that the oil phase is mainly composed of a wax or oil -e.g.
hydrogenated vegetable oil- that is able to store and release heat (normally with a melting point in between 0 to
50°C), together with the wall forming materials, the catalyst (preferably dibutyltinlaurate) and eventually and
additional solvent of high boiling point and low vapour pressure, to facilitate the microencapsulation of the wax.
It is important to note, that in order to adapt our microcapsules to these applications (e.g., dry
microcapsules for boots, gloves, foams for seats, overall equipment, clothes) the release of the active
ingredient (e.g. a wax of melting point of 37 °C) must be avoided correspondently. The water phase, as
explained in the description above, is then only the carrier medium that contains the necessary dispersants,
protective colloids, etc. that are needed for obtaining a suitable dry formulation of microcapsules (and not a
water phase that contains coformulants for final agricultural applications, rather coformulants directed for spray-
drying or other means to remove water and obtain fluid compositions of microcapsules). Of course agricultural
formulations containing our microcapsules in a dry state are very suitable with our microcapsules, but then, the
water phase must be provided with the state in the art dispersants, wetting agents, etc., to be functional in the
field, thing not needed when microencapsulating catalysts or PCMs.
We won't extend in this aspect, because the technique of obtaining dry microcapsules is well-known for
the expert in the field, and our invention does not involve any novelty in this regard. However, our invention
provides the novelty of a new type of microcapsules containing such PCMs (or thermosensitive recording
materials, or catalysts). For this application, then the wall forming materials must be present about 5 to 10
times more (keeping the same ratios) in order to restrict the release of the compounds, and to extend the life of

the micorcapsules. This is indeed a controlled release rate, but with the target of the slowest release rate
possible. The "four-fingered" cross-linking provided by our invention of incorporation of the ACDs, (one "finger"
for each substituted nitrogen) allows more flexibility to the microcapsules to resist the pressure stress in such
applications with PCMs (that in turn is also beneficial in agricultural applications with respect stress during
production, packaging of formulations and final use by the farmer in the field -e.g. pressure in the spray
In the case of microencapsulation of catalysts, it is obvious that a dispersed catalyst in the oil phase
(for example by using Atlox® LP-5 or other oil dispersants) possible to be used as core liquid dispersion to
encapsulate. Already state in the art catalysts (e.g., platinum or palladium catalysts or osmium tetroxyde) are
obvious applications of our invention, namely, to use the advantages or differences of our wall made of ACD-
polyurea compared with common polyurea microencapsulation of catalysts. All the differences mentioned in this
document with regard ACD-polyurea vs. polyurea walls can be applied for such catalysts. . . .
The examples are thus directed to the more complex field of agrochemical formulations provided are a
clear proof that given a target agrochemical formulation, regarding chemical and physicochemical
characteristics, our invention leads (thanks to the uniqueness of the acetylene carbamide monomer
characteristics and process characteristics) to accomplish the task, because we can chose appropriate
quantities of isocyanates (here is disclosed for the first time the real use and good functionality of reactions
using less toxic and reactive isocyanates like TMXDI) and the further parameter new in this invention, the
acetylene carbamide monomer, for matching any demand in terms of particle size, release rate; being the rest
of the coformulants chosen to match the desired density and viscosity and rest of chemical and
physicochemical characteristics, chosen by routinary error and trial tests or by conventional microencapsulation
technology techniques and methods.
For the purpose of this invention, if the skilled in the art wants to reproduce it, it is almost irrelevant
which material is wanted to be microencapsulated. In the case of agrochemicals, the only restrictive condition is
that they do not react with the wall forming materials, thing that can be evaluated by a chemist by the sole view
of the corresponding functional groups of the wall forming materials and the agrochemicals. With respect of
which combinations are adequate, the skilled must be referred to a general book of incompatibility of
agrochemicals, or the own brochures of the agrochemicals' manufacturers. Techniques of milling and
dispersing materials in oil phases are well known, as well how to incorporate solid agrochemicals insoluble in
water to the water phase (e.g., by fine milling). Once the agrochemical to microencapsulated is selected, it
needs to be chosen the wall forming materials. As first choice we recommend the use the compounds and
proportions referred in the description and examples, as well the indicated ratios. When wanting to incorporate
wall forming materials not explicitly disclosed in the examples, then a first assumption on similar reactivity must
be made with due care of comments to this respect done before. If the reaction of the isocyanates is not taking
place, an increase of the temperature must be done and/or increase of the catalyst, as first choice dibutyltin
laurate. If this still does not suffice, then must be considered the reactivity of each isocyanate and exclude the
combinations of isocyanates that by virtue of their low reactivity (data available from the manufacturers) are not
expected to react. In principle, all ACDs claimed are able to react with combination of aromatic and aliphatic
isocyanates, but, again, if this does not happen, then must be increased the reaction temperature and/or the

quantity and type of ACD's catalyst (for example change p/ethylsulfonimide by the more strong p-tolueiisulfonic
acid), or modify by error and trial (there is no single theory in this regard in commonly available books) the
ratios of the wall forming materials in the provided ranges. The emulsification is a critical step, and in case of
phase inversions, must be adapted accordingly the shear stress to the volume and geometry of the vessels.
Also, for microcapsules with low content of wall material, care must be taken with too much high shear stress
during formation of oil droplets (may break already fast-formed prepolymeric polyurea walls before
incorporation of ACDs).
With regard release rates, normal knowledge for the chemist specialized in controlled release
formulations is enough in order to select the appropriate isocyanates and ACDs. Obviously, ACDs with longer
alkoxy- or hydroxyalkyl- groups will lead to faster release, because bigger pores. Accordingly, the smaller the
particle size (obtained also by higher shear stress and use of surfactants in the oil phase) the faster the release
rate. Also, the more quantity of wall material in weight % with respect weight of whole filled microcapsule, the
slower will be the release.
In the case of microencapsulation of PCMs, it is obvious that a tight wall is desired, following above
instructions and using more wall material than for agricultural uses. For this purpose is interesting the use of
middle-alkylated chains of ACDs (e.g., N, N'-diethoxymethyl, N", N"'-dimethylolacetylene carbamide), because
although it may increase the pore size on one side with respect to customary state in the art polyurea walls, it
increases, on the other side, the flexibility of the microcapsule and resistance against pressure, that is usual in
the normal applications of PCMs (specialty fabrics or plastic-foams).
In the case of encapsulation of catalysts, the ACDs provide unique release rates that must be adapted
for the purpose of the use of the catalyst: for example, in hydrogenations with microencapsulated polyurea-ACD
palladium, under pressure is convenient to reach higher percentages of ACDs in the wall. On the contrary, for
applications in biotechnology of osmium tetroxide catalyzed reactions, bigger pores are needed, going to ACDs
of relatively high alkyl chains (e.g., tetrabutoxyethyl acetylene carbamide).
With regard specific details about the wall forming materials we disclose, the ACD can be, in some
embodiments, characterized in that where the number of substituents R2, R4, Re, Rs is having the meaning of
hydrogen in the same particular compound (I) is limited to one or two.
The aromatic isocyanate can be a monomeric aromatic isocyanate or a prepolimer aromatic isocyanate, most
preferably a prepolymer aromatic isocyanate.
The aliphatic isocyanate can be a monomer aliphatic isocyanate or a prepolymer aliphatic isocyanate, more
preferably a monomer aliphatic isocyanate.
A preferred aromatic isocyanate has the formula (II), and structurally chemical related mono, di and tri
isocyanatate substituted toluene oligomerized compounds.

wherein n=0 to n=6, most preferably n=1.
A preferred aromatic isocyanate is diphenylmethane-4-4'-diisocyanate, optionally, and blends of isomers and
A preferred aliphatic isocyanate is m-tetramethylxylene diisocyanate and/or
The aliphatic isocyanate (even in singular) must be interpreted as optionally a mixture different aliphatic
isocyanates, accordingly the same for the aromatic isocyanates.
We direct a claim to a polymer according claim 1 characterized in that the polymer is formed by the reaction of
wall forming materials where the ACDs are mixture of different compounds with different substituents according
claim formula (I).
Regarding oligomerizated ADCs, we explicitly claim mixture of compounds (I) in the form of oligomers up to 10
mols per molecule, being the sum of the quantity of monomers, dimers, trimers and tetramers at least 75% in
weight-% of the total ACD mixture as defined in claim 3 in weight-%.
The ACD used may be a single compound represented by the formula (I).
The ACDs can be composed of substituted acetylene carbamide monomeric and/or low oligomerized (from 2
to 10 monomers per molecule) and/or non-polymerized compounds (I), being the content high polymerized
monomers -more than 100 monomers per molecule- lower than 10% in weight % with respect the content of
monomers in weight percent, preferably less than 0.5% in weight %.
It is also of interest where 100% of the solution of mixed ACDs is composed of monomeric substituted
acetylene carbamide derivatives (I) where at least one substituent of Ri, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, Rs is different to
the others.
The polymer according any suitable preceding claim or combination of preceding claims characterized
in that compound of claim 1 i) (c), is a acetylene carbamide derivative with low hydroxyalkyl content (up to 50%)
in such a way the degree of polymerization trough the hydroxyalkyl groups is not too high, allowing a
microcapsule's wall formed with the polymer of claim 1 to be conveniently porous for controlled release, being
the term suitability of the control release understood as a expert in agrochemistry would interpret at the view of
commercially suitable products.
The polymer of claim 1 or 2 characterized in that compound (I), is chosen as a single ACD compound in
monomeric and/or dimeric and/or trimeric form, and not as a mixture of different compounds comprised in the
formula (I).
A mixture of compound(s) (I) may have a hydroxymethyl content up to 40%, in particular, the sum of number
the groups R2, R4, R6, Rs of a compound i) (c) or mixture of compounds i) (c) wherein the groups that take the
value of hydrogen is not more than 40% of the total sum of all types of groups R2, R4, R6, Rs in the compound
or mixture of compounds.
It can be used any polymer abovementioned characterized in that the solution is mainly -as far as the industrial
production of compounds (I) allows it- composed of monomeric compounds (I) where all the substituents R-i, R2,
R3, R4 are equal among them, R5, R6, R7, Rs are equal among them and R9 and R10 are hydrogen atoms.

Preferred ACDs are N, N1, N", N'"-tetrabutoxymethyl acetylene carbamide, N, N', N", N'"-tetramethoxymethyl
acetylene carbamide (Powderlink 1174), N, N', N", NT'-tetramethoxyethyl acetylene carbamide, N, N', N", N'"-
tetraethoxyethyl acetylene carbamide, N, N', N", N'"-tetrapropoxymethyl acetylene carbamide.
Most preferred compounds (I) are N, N', N", N"'-tetramethoxymethyl acetylene carbamide and N, N', N", N1"-
tetrabutoxymethyl acetylene carbamide, to be used alone or in combination.
The compound (I) or mixture of compounds (I) may be used even being solid at 20 °C or more, by means of
dissolution or dispersion in the oil phase. In that case, the compound (I) or mixture of compounds (I) is/are
dissolved and/or dispersed in a suitable organic solvent to allow the incorporation of the solid into the liquid
mixture of polymer forming materials, for example in gamma-butyrolactone or naphtha solvent (Solvesso 100,
We direct a set of claims regarding the process as explained above, but for a more detailed clarification, we will
refer to the following:
In brief, we disclose a process of microencapsulation by interfacial polymerization where the
continuous phase is water, and the discontinuous phase is water-immiscible phase to be enclosed in
microcapsules, this process being performed in a customary interfacial polymerization reaction, characterized in
that microcapsule's wall is formed by the reaction of:
aromatic isocyanate
aliphatic isocyanate
substituted acetylene carbamide compound or mixture of compounds of formula (I)
In a more detailed way, we describe a process of production of a microencapsulated formulation comprising
one or more substances that remain inside the microcapsules after the production of such formulation,
characterized in that:
I) Two phases are prepared:
a) an oil phase is prepared by mixing, dissolving and/or dispersing one or more active materials, and mixing,
dissolving and/or dispersing the following components:
a.1.) the polymer-forming materials described in suitable combinations of preceding claims
a.2.) an oil soluble or dispersible catalyst suitable for the formation of a polyurea-substituted
acetylene carbamide polymer
a.3.) eventually a solvent or dispersant
a.4.) eventually an oil-soluble surfactant
a.5.) an active ingredient or a mixture of active ingredients, that in the case of agricultural use are active
pesticides and related chemicals, in other fields correspondingly the phase change materials, inks,
thermosetting materials or what the skilled in the art considers what is the active ingredient -main purpose of
the microcapsule- for each particular application
a.6.) eventually additional active ingredients, dissolved or dispersed in the oil phase, coformulants for the
stability of the water-immiscible or water-soluble materials, the stability of other coformulants, the stability of the
microcapsules, stability of any component against light -by means of organic compounds-, thermal and/or
pressure stress and/or microbiological contamination, or the stability of the formulation as a whole.
b) a water phase is prepared by mixing, dissolving and/or dispersing

b.1.) water
b.2.) a single emulsifier or a mixture of emulsifiers
b.3.) a polymer of the type of PVA or PVP or any derivatives thereof, or any mixtures of said polymers
b.4.) a lignosulfonate or a mixture of lignosulfonates
b.4.) optionally a wetting agent
b.6) eventually additional coformulants for adjusting the pH at 6-7 or for improving the stability of the
water-immiscible or water-soluble materials, the stability of other coformulants, the stability of the
microcapsules, stability of any component against light -specially the active ingredient(s), thermal and/or
pressure stress and/or microbiological contamination, or the stability of the formulation as a whole.
II) The oil phase is incorporated to the water phase at about 45-70 °C, with agitation, the temperature
depending on the reactivity and the catalyst choice in the oil phase, being a final period of high shear stress for
a period of some minutes
III) This provokes the emulsification of the oil phase into the water phase and at the same time the formation of
the microcapsules' wall is beginning to be formed, at a temperature ranging from 60-90 °C
IV) Then it is added a catalyst that provokes the formation a microcapsule's wall of mixed polymer polyurea-
substituted acetylene carbamide,
V) Stirring of the reaction solution formed, with a very low shearing stress -low enough in order to not to break
the microcapsules- for about 1-4 hours
VI) Optionally increasing the temperature up to 70-90 °C for step V)
VII) Optionally, addition of coformulants for the purposes of pH final adjustment (from 3 to 12), viscosity
modifiers, wetting agents, antifreezing agents, antimicrobials, protectors against light, and any other
coformulant suitable for the purposes of the microencapsulated formulation, being possible and
optional to add all these compounds or some of them, in the water or oil phases previously described.
We also describe a process unitary with the scope of the invention as a process of producing a
formulation of the type capsule suspension, containing an encapsulated water-immiscible material or plurality of
water-immiscible materials characterized in that such material is microencapsulated within discrete
microcapsules of polyurea-acetylene carbamide copolymer consisting in:
(a) providing, at a temperature from 45 °C to 70°C,preferably from 40 °C to 60°, and most preferably from 40 °C
to 55°C, a dispersion of
(i) a water-immiscible phase comprising the agricultural active water-immiscible material or materials to be
encapsulated, an aromatic isocyanate, an aliphatic isocyanate and an ACD , eventually a suitable solvent for
dissolving any preceding compound that may be a solid, eventually a dispersant if the active compound is a
solid, and eventually also a surfactant,
(ii) an aqueous phase comprising a solution of water, a surfactant or mixtures thereof, a protective colloid or
mixtures thereof, a polymer both having surfactant and protective colloid properties; and
(b) heating and maintaining said dispersion in a temperature range of 60 °C to 90 °C, whereupon said water-
immiscible material is encapsulated within discrete polyurea-substituted acetylene carbamide mixed polymer
microcapsular enclosures.

(c) once the microcapsules are formed and the encapsulation polymer-forming materials are
substantially consumed, optionally adding a water solution containing the coformulants needed for a
functionally usable agricultural formulation that include viscosity modifiers, clays or similar mesoporous
materials -preferably sepiolite or zeolite-, hydrocolloids, antimicrobiological agents, UV protectants,
wetting agents, additional surfactants.
The compound a.4) or b.2) may be a (metha)acrylic graft copolymer and/or is chosen from the group of
surfactants: ethoxylated alcohols, ethoxy and/or propoxy block copolymer, poliviniyl alcohol, polyvinyl
pyrrolidone and any derivatives or graft copolymers of said surfactants, also chosen from the groups
ethoxylated alcohols, ethoxy and/or propoxy block copolymer, polyvinyl alcohol, polyvinyl pyrrolidone and any
derivatives or graft copolymers of said surfactants, preferably a polyvinyl fatty acid ester or a
polyakyl(metha)crylate with a molecular weight of about 100000 to 200000 Daltons .
The surfactant added to the water phase is a polyethylglycol ester of a polyhydroxy factty acid with a molecular
weight of about 10000 to 25000 Daltons.
One preferred fatty acid in the surfactants is stearic acid.
Regarding our proprietary mixture of lignosulfonates, we claim a process of production of microcapsules
according claim 22 characterized in that in the solution I) b) contains a complex consisting in a mixture of, in
weight percent, a lignosulfonate at 15-25%, a polyvinyl alcohol at 5-15% and water up to 100%, the compounds
chosen in such a way that the lignosulfonates and the polyvinyl alcohol are dissolved in full in water, and this
solution is heated up to 60-90° for 5-20 minutes before use in the microencapsulation process.
As a important application of our microcapsules, we claim a process of producing an agricultural formulation of
the type suspension concentrate characterized in that:
i) a watery suspension of microcapsules is prepared according claim 31 or 32 steps (a) and (b)
ii) a suspension concentrate in watery media is prepared with the desired active ingredients or a plurality of
them (provided that they are chemically compatible in such media and they have a beneficial agricultural use) in
a customary way, by means of milling and providing necessary coformulants and optionally, further providing an
additional water-soluble active ingredient or a plurality of them (provided that all active ingredients are
chemically compatible and they have a benefial agricultural use), and necessary coformulants
iii) mixing the suspensions i) and ii), provided that the mixture of active ingredients have a beneficial agricultural
iv) eventually adding coformulants to the mixture for the formulation stability and functionality, in the case that
such coformulants are not already present, or not in the desired amount, in the mixture formed up to this step or
optionally they have already being added in the previous steps in the desired amount to be present in the final
v) eventually filtering the mixture of iii) or iv) to avoid presence of undesirable precipitates that may affect the
correct functionality of the suspension concentrate in terms of avoiding blocking of nozzle filters and filters
during final application of the suspension concentrate in the field.
Preferred agricultural formulations of microcapsules (in any type of formulation where microcapsules are
present) are of the following active ingredients or mixtures thereof (although practically any agrochemical may
be microencapsulated, as far as it is soluble, dispersible and stable in the oil phase): flurochloridone, a

pyrethroid and/or a naturally-occuring pyrethrin or mixtures thereof, lambda-cyhalothrin, gamma-cyhalothrin,
supercyalothrin, alpha-cypermethrin, clomazone., combinations of flurocloridone and/or lambda-cyhalothrin
and/or clomazone and/or metazachlor and/or alachlor, with other pesticides or agrochemicals, including
antidotes, safeners, annelicides and/or semiochemicals, trifluthrin and/or phenothrin, alachlor and/or
acetachlor, pendimethalin, trifluralin, organophosphates, chlorpyrifos, endosulfan. fenoxaprop.,triazole
fungicides, propiconazole, ketoconazole, triadimenol, epoxiconazole, tebuconazole (optionally where the oil
phase contains a customary agricultural solvent of the type substituted alkyllactam or N,N-dimethylalkylamide),
By virtue of the removal of toxic isocyanates or at least reduction in quantity and in toxicology profile of them,
our microcapsules may be used to microencapsulated Pharmaceuticals for its use in medicine.
The best way to understand the complexity invention is through the examples presented below, that complete
the needs of a person skilled in the art to reproduce the invention.
Here is disclosed the way of preparation of a microencapsulated formulation of
Flurochloridone at a concentration of 25 % (wt/wt).
In kg
Organic Phase:
Flurochloridone (50%) in Solvesso™ 150 500
Benzene, 1,3-Bis(1-isocyanate-1-methylethyl)-diisocyanate (TMXDI) 10
Diphenylmethane-4,4'-diisocyanate (PMD!) 18
Dibutyltin laurate 0.03
Tetraethoxymetyl acetylene carbamide 4
Gamma-butyrolactone 3
Water Phase:
Water (added independently from the other solutions) 232
10 % water solution of xanthan gum 20
20 % water solution of PVP-30 10
35 % water solution of Arabic gum 50
LignoGAT™ 40
Antimussol™ 4459 0.25
Citric Acid 0.14
Reax™ 85A 0.25

LignoGAT™ is a proprietary solution here disclosed composed of water: Celvol™ 205 : Kraftsperse™
25M in which the ratios vary according (respectively): 60-70% : 5-15% : 5-30%. In this particular case, the ratio
is 65 : 5 : 30.
When both phases are well-mixed in a separate reactors [important to note that some heating is needed to
incorporate the solid crystals of cis-Flurochloridone, with a melting point of about 71 °C], they oil phase is
incorporated at about 50 °C slowly to the water phase (at 35 °C and pH adjusted to 6.5 with citric acid),
emulsifying the organic phase into small droplets in a continuous aqueous phase with a high shear agitator at
about 2500 rpm (in a typical cylindrical 2,000 L reactor) for 15 minutes. Then, the high shear agitator isstopped
and only an anchor stirrer is set to 50 rpm. The wall forming material present in the organic phase (isocyanates
and acetylene carbamide monomer) reacts with water at the oil/water interface to form a pre-wall capsule
around the oil droplet containing the active ingredient Flurochloridone. Temperature is increased to 50 °C at the
beginning of reaction. Then 0.15% (w/w) of p-Toluenesulfonic acid (dissolved in isopropanol), is added to
terminate polymerization in the water phase side and wall forming reactions. Further, the mixture is at about 48
°C for five hours. This way, it is avoided any residue of isocyanates and/or free acetylene carbamide
monomers. Then, the mixture is allowed to cool down. The pH is checked and is adjusted to pH = 9.5 to 10 with
a 50% watery solution of NaOH. Finally, the following solution for stabilization purposes is added:
In kg
NaOH 3
Water 64
Keltrol 0.7
Pangel S9 5.5
Na2CO3 4.8
AI2(SO4)3 0.1
Na5P3O10 0.3
Germal™ II 0.5
BHA + BHT (ratio 1:1) 0.5
Cyasorb™UV-1164L 1
The finished formulation is let to homogenize with an anchor stirrer at 100 rpm, and then is filtered through a
100 urn nylon sieve.
Resulting microcapsules according process of Example 1 and comparison with commercial Flurochloridone CS
250 g/l (Racer™).
The microcapsules of Example 1 are shown in Fig. 1.

Note that flurochloridone has two isomers (cis and trans) with different melting point, and our invention
allows encapsulation of both solid and liquid materials (even adsorbed/absorbed/solubilized gas materials in a
solid or liquid support) easily.
IR analysis of Racer™ CS show that the capsules' wall is composed of TDI and PAPI, while in our
invention the TDI is replaced by the much less toxic and less reactive TMXDI. Our special conditions of
encapsulation allow us to match perfectly the physiochemical and chemical (regarding agricultural use)
characteristics of Racer™, with a complety different capules' wall composition, protective colloid (by LC-MS
identified as type of Daxad™ 23 in Racer™), primary emulsifier (by LC-MS and chemical sample preparation
identified in Racer™ as type of Pluronic™ L64), and other coformulants.
We have observed that the microcapsules according our process show an spherical three-dimensional
structure, however, the spheres have sometimes a depression (DEP) in the surface -indicated in Figures 1 and
2 by the arrow- (sometimes, the surface corresponding to the invaginated area is almost half of the total
capsule's surface), that we have not found in other commercial microencapsulated agrochemicals either in
microcapsules for other purposes. The specific reaction TMXDI + PAPI + acetylene carbamide monomer is
believed to the reason of this effect.
The determination of unencapsulated active ingredient is made as follows (for this and the rest of the
Filtration of the formulation sample suspended in water:
-100mg of CS sample suspended in 15ml water-dipropylene glycol mix
-Filter through glas fiber filter
-Wash with 2 x 5ml water-dipropylene glycol mix
-Determination of a.i. in the filtrate by HPLC-UV or GC-FID analysis

The HPLC conditions we used normally wereL iChrospher 100 CN - 5|jm, 250 x 4 mm; Column thermostat:
32°C; Injection volume: 10ul; Mobile phase: 97% (v/v) n-Hexane, 3% (v/v) Isopropanol; Flow: 1ml / min;
Detector: at 240nm; Analysis time: 35.0 minutes.
A formulation as described in Example 1 was made, in which the wall forming material was replaced by
the prepolymerized etherified urea formaldehyde resin, Beetle™ 80, being the prepolymerization based on the
process suggested in US 6,485,736. Then the whole quantity of Tetramethoxymetyl acetylene carbamide and
isocyanates were substituted accordingly from the wall forming materials, and the gamma-butyrolactone
removed from the formula. A detail of the microcapsules present in the formulation of flurochloridone just after
finishing the process exactly carried out as in example 1 (with the above modifications) (detail in Figure 3),
being the particle size irregular, and that the microcapsules are bigger and release immediately the content into
the water phase. The mean particle size is 29.3 urn, and the percentile 90 is 71.64 urn, making the
microcapsules inadequately big and too fragile.
In the laboratory, further formulations as in Example 3 were prepared, using the same wt% ratios as in
example 1, but for 1 L of finished formulation. 14 reactors with cooling and heating system (water shirt) of
volume 2L were set in series.
After final emulsification, corresponding pH adjustments and final stability solution addition, stirring and
allowing the final mixture to reach room temperature, the particle size was immediately measured, meaning
Perc. 90 the statistic "Percentil 90" (10% of the microcapsules have a mean diameter than the value given). The
active ingredient unencapsulated is measured by centrifugation the microcapsules and then analyzing the
supranatant in a GC-FID, with a validated analytical method. The emulsion stability was tested according the
FAO/WHO spefications for emulsion stability of lambda-cyhalothrin CS (a formulation of the same type
(capsules suspension), this document incorporated herein by reference. Only values with "very good emulsion
stability" score comply with the requirems of oil/cream separation and formation of crystals in the emulsified
formulation in water. The crystallization has been subjectively (but consistant in between appreciations of
different samples) ranked, according to observation of 5 samples of the undiluted formulation at the microscope
at objectives x10 and x40. In Figure 4 we show the crystals in Ex. 4-1 after 240 hours of storage at 35 °C.
Results are as follows:

We can observe that the only acceptable formulations are those formulated with ACDs, and of these,
those commercial compounds containing a significant amount of monomers (or dimers or timers) (Ex 4-11, 4-
12, 4-13 and 1) give the best results. However those acetylene carbamide cross-linkers containing a lower
amount of monomers result in higher particle sizes. Ex. 4-8, based on a benzoguanamin resin, is interesting in
the sense of that the particle size of the microcapsules is very appropriate, presents a very good emulsification
properties, but we realize that only with manipulation for observing the capsules in the microscope a significant
part of them are broken. All the melamine and urea compounds showed a bad performance, with high amounts

of unencapsulated Flurochloridone and subsequent formation of crystals. In examples 4-8, we could observe
reversible agglomeration as shown in Figure 5.
In the following example, we have used a different primary emulsifier and protective colloid system. As
in previous examples, we refer to Example 1 as a model, and here we perform some modifications The solution
LignoGAT™, based in a polymeric product of reaction containing lignosulfonates has been replaced (and in the
same quantity) by Agrimer™ AL10 and PVP 15 (ration in wt.% 1 : 1). In this process we have
microencapsulated Quizalofop-pethyl dissolved in Solvesso 100 at 50% (warm).
In order to reduce the particle size (that is expected to be bigger because the change of LignoGAT™ to
this new mixture) the speed of the high shear stress stirrer has been increased to 3500 rpm for 5 minutes. The
resulting microcapsules had a mean particle size of 5.1 urn and a percentile 90 of 8.3 urn. Emulsification
properties (5% of the formulation in water in a 100 mL measuring cylinder) show no separation of phases after
2 h, no crystal formation. The wet sieving residue -150 urn-, was 0.03% and dispersibility and suspensibility
were, respectively, 81% and 89%.
In this example we microencapsulate according Example 1 with same components and proportions (to
make 1 L of formulation) except the following:
Ex. 5-1: isocyanate mixture TMXDI and PAPI and Powderlink™ 1174 [exactly like in Ex. 1]
Ex. 5-1: isocyanate mixture TDI and PAPI.
In both trials we have encapsulated fenvalerate, also dissolved in an hydrocarbon-based solvent at 50%
(Marcol™) -with previous mild warming to 50 °C and mixing, then letting the mixture to cool down. The final
formulation is then an Esfenvalerate 250 g/l Capsules Suspension (assuming density=1 g/cm3).
Results are shown in the following table:

As we can see, the reaction with TDA and PAPI resulted in a acceptable particle size of the capsules formed,
however the amount of unencapsulated material was too high (32%) -analysis by centrifugation and HPLC-UV
of supranatant-. We observed that the reaction proceeded with vigorous develop of CO2, and a sudden
temperature increase was noticed (the 2 L reactor went up to 75 °C in Ex. 5-2, while the Ex. 5-1 the maximum
temperature registered was 58 °C). Observation under the microscope showed that a number of microscopic

pieces of wall material had reacted without forming a wall (thus no microencapsulated material). All these
pointed out that the process with the more reactive TDI was uncontrolled (not enough time to allow a.good
emulsification at the same time that the wall material is formed), namely, the process with TDI is less
predictable and less able to be manipulated than the process with TMXDI + PAPI + ACD.
A formulation of lambda-cyhalothrin was made according to the following formula (500 L). We have splitted the
components according their functionality. The first Table Ex. 6.1 is referring for the water phase and the oil
phase up to the emulsification / encapsulation needed materials. In Table Ex. 6.2 we have the compounds that
account for the stability of the formulation. To achieve 100% of the formulation,

invention, is a further objective to be able to accomplish the release rate, and the chemical equivalence of the
inert ingredients to already registered products already in the market (for marketing permits purposes).
Underlying our own invention, and surprisingly, we have found that with the correct choice of appropriate
acetylene carbamide compounds, surfactant and stabilization system and reaction conditions, the
physicochemical characteristics of the commercial formulations as a whole (namely, the parameters regarding
laws like EEC 91/414, FAO/WHO Specifications, etc) may be accomplished by our invention, surpresively and
in rather different way to the previous art. It is precisely the choice of low reactive glycolurils, the mild conditions
of reaction (temperatures much lower than teached in prior art documents), the avoidance of further amines or
sulfurated compounds as catalysts or wall forming materials, and the termination accomplished by organic
acids, what allow us to make tailor-made formulations with a targeted release rate (wheter fast Oder prolonged)
and biological efficacy.
In order to demonstrate this, we have made a comparison of our microencapsulated process for
obtaining a commercial formulation of lambda-cyhalothrin according EEC 91/414. The reference material is a
sample of Karate™ Zeon 10 CS.
Encapsulation of GAT Lambda-cyhalothrin 10 CS (GAT-ICy) was done according to the process
described in Ex 6 (with regard of an extensive explanation of the process, this has being disclosed in full in
previous examples and/or in the description). The above given values are always a mean of 10 different
samples, and statistical differences are evaluated by t-student's test, with appropriate transformation for
normalization of data by arcsin(sqrt(x)) for percentage values.
In Figure 7 we can see that the particle size of the formulation is very similarly distributed according to our
invention, but differences are not significant, either in mean or percentile 90, and both products comply with
FAO Specifications.
Regarding suspensibility, FAO specifies a minimum of 80% Lambda-Cyhalothrin found in suspension
after 30 minutes in CIPAC standard water D. Both products are well above of the minimum, GAT-ICy and KZ
showed equally 99.2% of suspensibility, with no significant differences in t-Student's test.
The spontaneity of dispersion in [%] was determined according to CIPAC MT 160. The FAO specifies a
minimum of 90% Lambda-Cyhalothrin found in suspension after 5 minutes in CIPAC standard water D at 30 ± 2
°C. GAT-ICy shows 92% of dispersion, while KZ shows 94%, but with no significant differences in the t-
Student's test.
The pourability in [%] was determined according to CIPAC MT 148. Regularly, the viscosity is
measured in the laboratory to predict how the pourability will be (it is faster, cheaper and easier to measure the
viscosity), but the FAO specifications only point out to this test of pourability, because is the "real" effect on how
the viscosity can influence the product: namely, make it difficult to handle or, in partiular, to take the content out
of the agrochemical package or bottle, and to rinse the bottles for environmental reasons. The FAO specifies a
maxiumum "residue" of 1.5%. The pourability of GAT-ICy is equivalent to the pourability of KZ and complies
with the FAO Specification 463/CS (2003) for the "residue after rinsing". Values (having no significant statistical
differences) were:
Residue and residue after rinsing, respectively, for GAT-ICy: 2.6 % and 0.3 %
Idem for KZ: 2.1 % and 0.3 %, with not statistical significant differences.

The persistent foam in [mL] after 1 minute was determined according to CIPAC MT 47.2. and none of the
samples presented any persistent foam after 1 minute.
All together, both samples comply with FAO specifications and they not differ statistically in any value.
Release rate of GAT-ICy and KZ.
For the release rate we have used the OECD guideline for the testing of chemicals No. 428. The
formulations tested have been (pairwise) GAT-ICy 10 g/L and GAT-ICy 5 g/L (produced according example 6)
compared with Syngenta products of same characteristics (KZ 10 g/L and KZ 5 g/L). One experimental trial was
performed for each sample.
The resuts are shown in Fig. 8 and 9. It can be appreciated that GAT-ICy has initially a faster release in
both types of samples (due to the partially broader pores in the microcapsules originated by the four-fingered
acetylene carbamide used). However, at the conditions of the analysis, the content of lambda cyhalothrin in the
receptor cells in the case of KZ (both 5 CS and 10 CS) is lower.
A suspoemulsion was made containing 250 g/L of Metazachlor and 33.3 g/L of Clomazone. In a
suspoemulsion, a solid finely milled or dispersed or emulsified active ingredient is in the continous water
phase, while the discontinuous phase is constituted by microcapsules. We refer in this example how to prepare
the microencapsulated part of the suspoemulsion, namely, microcapsules of clomazone. The suspension
concentrate that forms part of the formulation, being that concentrate a milled and dispersed Metazachlor
(technical was produced according the expired patent DE 2849442, more exactly according the example that
discloses monoclinic metazachlor suspension. Metazachlor can also be produced according to EP 12216
according examples 2 (a) or (b) or example 4 (a) or (b) or (c).
The formula of the capsule suspension of clomazone consists in the following ingredients, being the process as
the one used for microencapsulation of lambda-cyhalothrin:
Oil phase parts
Powder link 1174 (60% in gamma - „ Rf)
butvrolactone) ——
Specflex NE 138 Isocvanate (PAPI) 2.25
TMXDI 1.12
Clomazone technical 45.00
Catalyst I (dibutvltindilaurate) (1% in Q ..
solvesso 200) 3^
Soft complex 1
Water 89.80

This formulation has the characteristics shown in Figures 11 (particle size) and Figure 12 (viscosity). A
picture of the microcapsules is shown in Figure 6.
A flame retardant material (antimony oxide) was microencapsulated according this invention together the phase
change material (PCM) perfluorodecane, according the process disclosed in this invention. The water phase
was later sprayed dried in order to obtain a fluid formulation of microcapsules.
The following microencapsulations of fluroxypyr were done, according the formula of clomazone-capsule
suspension example 9, and the water phase of example 6. As a comparative test we performed the
microencapsulation according the state of the art using TDI and PAPI, that showed an average particle size of
2.73 urn and a percentile 90 of 15.79 urn.
The measurements of each example are represented in Figure 10, and were done accordingly to the
microcapsules themselves.
We tested the wall forming material when composed of:
SpecflexNE138 2.25 parts
TMXDI 1.12 parts
ACD as follows:
Example 11-1 Trimetoxymethoxymethyl monometylol acetylene carbamide . 0.80 parts
Example 11-2 Tetramethoxymethyl acetylene carbamide 0.80 parts
Example 11-3 Tetramethoxymethyl acetylene carbamide 0.90 parts
Example 11-4 Tetrabutoxymethyl acetylene carbamide 0.50 parts
Example 11 -5 Tetrapenthoxybutoxyl acetylene carbamide 1.00 parts

The results are shown in Fig 12, where differences are appreciated according the type and quantity of
acetylene carbamide derivative.
Two formulations were made: the one according example 6 (Ex. 12-1) and the same formulation but replacing
the wall forming material TMXDI by TXDI, and removing the presence of 3% of tetramethoxymethyl acetylene
carbamide (ex. 12-2).
The content of residual isocyanates was tested by derivatization of the sample with 1-(9-
anthracenenylmethyl)pyperazine and detection at 254 nm on the HPLC-UV. Since the purpose of the analysis
was comparative, it was not made a quantitation in weight percent. However, the AU units of the UV-absorption
is a definite check (for equally injected 10 uL from solutions 50 mg/mL in acetonitrile of sample) to compare the
amount of residual TDI, TMXDI and PAPI (as far as they coelute simultaneously). The results showed that Ex.
12-1 had AU value of 641 mV (above limit of detection), while Ex. 12-2 had AU value of 11 mV (below limit of
detection). Thus, the use of ACD prevented the presence of residual isocyanates in the agrochemical

We Claim:
1. Microcapsules enclosing material with a solubility in water lower than 750 mg/L at 20°C,
characterized in that the wall of the microcapsules is formed by means of an interfacial
polymerization reaction of the wall forming materials:
(a) aliphatic isocyanate(s), and
(b) aromatic isocyanate(s), and
(c) compound(s) of formula (I) -acetylene carbamide derivatives-

Ri, R3, R5, R7, are, independently one to each other, methylen, ethylen, n-propyleri,
isopropylen, n-butylen, isobutylen, sec-butylen, tert-butylen
R2, R4, R6, Rs, are, independently one to each other, hydrogen methyl, ethyl, n-propyl,
isopropyl, n-butyl, isobutyl, sec-butyl, tert-butyl
R9, RIO are hydrogen or hydroxymethyl;
comprising compounds (I) all isomeric and stereochemical configurations that may be present
and also oligomeric forms of compounds (I) wherein the number of mols of (I) is from 2 to 10;

the microcapsules have a mean diameter of 0.3 to 25 (am, when measured with a conventional
laser diffraction particle sizer analyzer, previous customary dilution upon water under agitation.
2. Microcapsules according to claim 1 wherein the aromatic isocyanate of claim 1 (a) has the
formula (II): .

wherein n=0 to n=6
3. Microcapsules according to claim 1 wherein the aromatic isocyanate is diphenylmethane-
4-4'-diisocyanate, or blends of their position or stereochemical isomers or PAPI.
4. Microcapsules according to claim 1 wherein the aliphatic isocyanate is m-
tetramethylxylene diisocyanate or or blends of their position or stereochemical isomers TMXDI.
5. Microcapsules according to claim 1 characterized in that the compound (I) is selected
from the group: N, N', N", N"'-tetrabutoxymethyl acetylene carbamide, N, N', N", N'"
tetramethoxymethyl acetylene carbamide, N, N', N", N'"-tetramethoxyethyl acetylene carbamide,
N, N1, N", N'"-tetraethoxyethyl acetylene carbamide or N, N', N", N"'-tetrapropoxymethyl
acetylene carbamide, or mixtures thereof. • .
6. Microcapsules according to claim 1 and present in an agrochemical formulation,
characterized in that the microencapsulated material is selected from the group: Flurochloridone,
pyrethroids, naturally-occurring pyrethrins or mixtures thereof, lambda-cyhalothrin. gamma-
cyhalothrin, supercyalothrin, deltamethrin, alpha-cypermethrin, clomazone, trifluthrin,
phenothrin, alachlor, acetachlor, pendimethalin, trifluralin, organophosphates, chlorpyrifos,

endosulfan, fenoxaprop, triazole fungicides, tebuconazole, propiconazole, ketoconazole,
triadimenol, epoxiconazole, fluroxypyr.
7. Microcapsules according to claim 1 and present in an agrochemical formulation,
characterized in that the microencapsulated material and/or suspended material in the water phase
according to claim 30 contains combinations of flurocloridone and/or lambda-cyhalothrin and/or
clomazone and/or metazachlor and/or alachlor, with other pesticides or agrochemicals, including
antidotes, safeners, annelicides and/or semiochemicals.
8. Process for the preparation of an agrochemical formulation of the type capsule suspension
comprising microcapsules according claim 1 including the following steps:
(a) providing, at a temperature from 45 °C to 70°C, a dispersion of
(i) a water-immiscible phase comprising the agricultural active water-immiscible
material or materials to be encapsulated, an aromatic isocyanate, an aliphatic
isocyanate and a compound (I), eventually a suitable solvent for dissolving any
preceding compound that may be a solid, eventually a dispersant if the active
compound is a solid, and eventually also a surfactant, . .
(ii) an aqueous phase comprising a solution of water, a surfactant or mixtures
thereof, a protective colloid or mixtures thereof, a polymer both having surfactant
and protective colloid properties; and
(b) heating and maintaining said dispersion in a temperature range of 20 °C to 90 °C;
whereupon said water-immiscible material is encapsulated within discrete polyurea-
substituted acetylene carbamide mixed polymer microcapsular enclosures.
(c) once the microcapsules are formed and the wall forming materials are substantially
consumed, optionally adding a water solution containing the coformulants needed for a
functionally usable agricultural formulation such viscosity modifiers, clays or similar
mesoporous materials, hydrocolloids, antimicrobiological agents, UV protectants, wetting
agents, additional surfactants.
9. The use of microcapsules according to claim 1 in an agrochemical formulation
characterized in that the microencapsulated material is used in an agrochemical capsule

suspension, namely CS formulation or a capsule suspension and suspension concentrate namely
ZC formulation or a water dispersable granules, namely WG formulation.
10. The use of the microcapsules according to claim 1 characterized in that the herbicide
clomazone is microencapsulated to form a capsule suspension and this capsule suspension is
formulated together with a suspension concentrate of metazachlor to give a ZC type formulation
of metazachlor and clomazone.
11. The use of microcapsules according to claim 1 characterized in that the microcapsules are
present in any formulation type suitable for agricultural use.
12. The use of microcapsules according to claim 1 characterized in that they are used for
microencapsulation of pharmaceutical or medicinal compounds, flame retardants, phase change
materials, thermosetting materials, inks, catalysts.

The present Invention deals with an alternative Interfacial polymerization process of
microencapsulation, microcapsule's produced thereof, microencapsulated agrochemlcals, Pharmaceuticals, catalysts and phase transfer materials, and formulations thereof, by means of microcapsules and starting materials with the
participation of acetylene carbamide derivatives in the final structure of the microcapsules' wall.


4232-KOLNP-2008-(06-09-2011)-AMANDED CLAIMS.pdf


4232-KOLNP-2008-(06-09-2011)-FORM 13.pdf

4232-KOLNP-2008-(17-10-2013)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf








4232-KOLNP-2008-CORRESPONDENCE 1.1.pdf





4232-kolnp-2008-description (complete).pdf


4232-kolnp-2008-EXAMINATION REPORT.pdf

4232-KOLNP-2008-FORM 1-1.1.pdf

4232-kolnp-2008-form 1.pdf

4232-kolnp-2008-FORM 13.pdf

4232-kolnp-2008-FORM 18-1.1.pdf

4232-KOLNP-2008-FORM 18.pdf

4232-kolnp-2008-form 2.pdf

4232-kolnp-2008-form 3.pdf

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4232-kolnp-2008-GRANTED-FORM 1.pdf

4232-kolnp-2008-GRANTED-FORM 2.pdf

4232-kolnp-2008-GRANTED-FORM 3.pdf

4232-kolnp-2008-GRANTED-FORM 5.pdf

4232-kolnp-2008-GRANTED-LETTER PATENT.pdf


4232-kolnp-2008-INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION-1.1.pdf

4232-kolnp-2008-international publication.pdf


4232-kolnp-2008-international search report.pdf




4232-kolnp-2008-pct priority document notification.pdf

4232-kolnp-2008-pct request form.pdf

4232-kolnp-2008-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf




Patent Number 262765
Indian Patent Application Number 4232/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 37/2014
Publication Date 12-Sep-2014
Grant Date 11-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 20-Oct-2008
Applicant Address GEWERBEZONE 1, A-2490 EBENFURTH
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C08G 18/28
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2007/002810
PCT International Filing date 2007-03-29
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 06006748.5 2006-03-30 EUROPEAN UNION