Title of Invention


Abstract A hydrocarbon containing formation may be treated using an in situ thermal process. Heat may be applied to the formation to raise a temperature of a portion (805) of the formation to a pyrolysis temperature. Heat input into the formation may be controlled to raise the temperature of portion (805) at a selected rate during pyrolysis of hydrocarbons within the formation. A mixture (807) of hydrocarbons, H2, and/or other formation fluids may be produced from the formation. The mixture (807) may be separated into condensable hydrocarbons (815) and non-condensable hydrocarbons (813). The condensable hydrocarbons (815) removed from the formation may be a high quality oil that has a relatively low olefin content and a relatively high API gravity.
1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates generally to methods and systems for production of hydrocarbons,
. hydrogen, and/or other products from various hydrocarbon containing formations. Certain embodiments relate to
in situ conversion of hydrocarbons to produce hydrocarbons, hydrogen, and/or novel product streams from
underground hydrocarbon containing fbrmatipns.
2, Description of Related Art
Hydrocarbons-obtained from, subterranean (e.g;, sedimentary) formations are often used as energy
resources, as feeflstfjplss, and as consumer "products. Concerns over depletion of available hydrocarbon resources
have led to development of processes for more efficient recovery, processing and/or use of available hydrocarbon
resources. In situ processes may be Used to remove hydrocarbon materials from subterranean formations.
Chemical and/or physical properties of hydrocarbon material within a subterranean formation may need to be
changed to allow hydrocarbon material to be more easily removed from the subterranean formation. The
chemical and physical changes may include in situ reactions that produce removable fluids, composition changes,
solubility changes, phase changes, and/or viscosity changes of the hydrocarbon material within the formation. A
fluid may be, but is not limited to, a gas, a liquid, an emulsion, a slurry and/or a stream of solid particles mat has
flow characteristics similar to liquid flow.
Examples of in situ processes utilizing downhble heaters are illustrated in U.S. Patent Nos. 2,634,961 to
Ljungstrom, 2,732,195 to Ljungstrom, 2,780,450 to Ljungstrpm, 2,789,805 to Ljungstrom, 2,923,535 issued to
Ljungstrom, and 4,886,118 to Van Meurs et al., each of which is incorporatedby reference as if fully set forth •"herein. . .
Application of heat to oil shale formations is described in U.S. Patent Nos. 2,923,535 to Ljungstrom and
4,886,118 to Van Meurs et al., both of which are incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. Heat may
be applied to the oil shale formation to pyrolyze kerogen within the oil shale formation. The heat may also
fracture the formation to increase permeability of the formation. The increased permeability may allow formation
fluid to travel to a production well where the fluid is removed from the oil shale formation. In some processes
disclosed by Ljungstrom, for example, an oxygen containing gaseous medium is introduced to a permeable
stratum, preferably while still hot from a preheating step, to initiate combustion.
A heat source may be used to heat a subterranean formation. Electrical heaters may be used to heat the
subterranean formation by radiation and/or conduction. An electrical heater may resistively heat an element U.S.
Patent No. 2,548,360 to Germain, which is incorporated by inference as if fully se$ forth herein, describes an
electrical heating element placed within a viscous oil within a wellbore. The heater element heats and thins the oil
to allow the oil to be pumped from the wellbore. U.S. Patent No. 4,716,960 to Eastiund et al., which is
hicprporated by reference as if fully set forth herem, describes electricalry heating tubing of a petroleum well by
passing; a relatively low voltage current through the tubing fe prevent formation of solids, UJS. Patent No.
•: 5,065,818 to Van Egmond, which is incorporated by reference as if folly set forth herein, describes an electrical
heating element that iscemented into a wefl borehole wtthout a casibgsurroundmg the heating
U.S. Patent No. 6,023,554 to Vinegar et al., which is incorporated by reference as if rally set forth herein,
describes an electrical heatmg element that is positioned within a casing; The heating element generates radiant
energy that heats the casing. A granular solid fill material may be placed between the casing and the formation.
TTiecasmgmayxwdu which ui turn conductively heats fee formation.
U.S. Patent No. 4,570,715 to Van Meiirs et al., which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth
herein, describes an electrical heatmg element The heating element has an electrically conductive core, a
surrpundiug layer of insulating material, and a surrounding; metallic sheath. The conductive core may have a
relatively low resistance at high temperatures. The insulating material may have electrical resistance,
compressive strength and heat conductivity properties that are relatively high at high temperatures. The insulating
layer may inhibit arcing from the core to the metallic sheath. The metallic sheath may have tensile strength and
creep resistance;properties that are relatively high at high temperatures.
U.S. Patent No. 5,060,287 to Van Egmond, which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein,.
describes an electrical'heatmg element having a copper-nickel alloy core.
Combustion of a fuel may be used to heat a formation. Combusting a fuel to heat a formation may be
more economical than using electricity to heat a formation. Several different types of heaters may use fuel
combustion as a heat source mat heats a formation. The combustion may take place in the formation, in a well
and/or near the surface. Combustion in the formation may be a fireflood. An oxidizer may be pumped into the
formation. The oxidizer may be ignited to advance a fire front towards a production well. Oxidizer pumped into
the formation may flow through the formation along fracture lines in the formation. Ignition of the oxidizer may
hotresult in the fire front flowing uniformly through tte formation.
A flameless combustpr may be used to combust a fuel within a well. U.S. Patent Nos. 5,255,742 to
Mikus, 5,404,952 to Viuegar et al, 5,862,858 to Wellington et al., and 5,899,269 to Wellington et al., which are
incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein, describe flameless combustors. Flameless combustion may
be accomplished by preheating a fuel and combustion air to a temperature above an auto-ignition temperature of
the mixture. The fuel and combustion air may be mixed in a hearing zone to combust In the heating zone of the
flameless combustors a catalytic surface may be provided to lower
Heat may be supplied to a formation from a surface heater. The surface heater may produce combustioi
gases that are circulated through -vellbores to heat the formation. Alternately, a surface burner may be used t heat a heat transfer fluid that is passed through a wellbore to heat the formation. Examples of fired heaters, o
surface burners that may be used to heat a subterranean formation are illustrated hi U.S. Patent Nos. 6,056,0571
Vinegar et al. and 6,079499 to Mfcus et al., which are bom incorporated by reference as if folly set forth herein.
; Coal is often mined and usedas a fiiel within anelectricitygenerating power plant Most coal that:
used as a fuel to generate electricity is mined. A significant number of coal containing formations are, howeve
not suitable for economical mining. For example, mining coal from steeply dipping coal seams, from relative
thin coal seams (e.g-, less man about i meter thick), and/or from deep coal seams may not be economical
feasible; Deep coal seams include coal seams that are at, or extend to, depths of greater than about 3000 feet
(about 914 m) below surface level. The energy conversion efficiency of burning coal to generate electricity is
relatively low, as compared to fuels such as natural gas. Also, burning epal to generate electricity often generates
significant amounts of carbon dioxide, oxides of sulfur, and oxides of nitrogen that are released into the
atmosphere.Synthesis gas inay be produced in reactors or in situ within a subterranean formation. Syn&esis gas may
be produced within a reactor by partially oxidizing methane with oxygen. In situ production of synthesis gas may
bb economically desirable to avoid the expense of building, operating, and maintaining a surface synthesis gas
production facility. U.S. Patent No. 4,25030 to Terry, which is incorporated by reference as if folly set form
herein describes a system for in situ gasification of coal. A subterranean coal seam is burned from a first well
towards a production well. Methane, hydrocarbons, HZ, CO, and other fluids may be removed from the formation
through the production well The H2 and CQ may be separated from the remaining fluid. The H2 and CO may be
sent to feel cells to generate electricity
U.S. Patent No. 4,057,293 to Garrett, which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein,
discloses a process for producing synthesis gas. A portion of a rubble pile is burned to heat the rubble pile to a
; temperature that generates liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons by pyrolysis. Aftef pyrolysis, me rubble is further
heated, and steam or steam and air are introduced to the rubble pile to generate synthesis gas.
TJ.S. Patent No. 5,554,453 to Steinfeld et al., which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth
herein, describes an ex situ coal gasilier mat supplies fuel gas to a fuel cell. The fuel cell produces electricity. A
catalytic burner is used to burn exhaust gas from the fuel cell with an oxidant gas to generate heat in the gasifier.
Carbon dioxide may be produced from combustion of fuel and from many chemical processes. Carbon
dioxide may be used for various purposes, such as, but not limited to, a feed stream for a dry ice production
facility, supercritical fluid in a low temperature supercritical fluid process, a flooding agent for coal bed
demethanation, and a flooding agent for enhanced oil recovery, Although some carbon dioxide is productively
used, many tons of carbon dioxide are vented to the atmosphere.
Retorting processes for oil shale may be generally divided into two major types: aboveground (surface) and underground (in situ). Aboveground retorting of oil shale typically involves mining and construction of metal
vessels capable'.of withstanding high temperatures. The quality of oil produced from such retorting may typically
;be poor, thereby requiring costly upgrading. Aboveground retorting may also adversely affect environmental and
water resources due to mining, transporting, processing and/or disposing of the retorted material. Many U.S.
patents have been issued relating to aboveground jretorting of oil shale. Currently available aboveground retorting
processes include, for example, direct, indirect, and/or combination heating methods.
In situ retorting typically involves retorting oil shale without removing the oil shale from the ground by
mining. "Modified" in situ processes typically require some mining to develop underground retort chambers. An
example of a "modified" in situ process includes a method developed by Occidental Petroleum that involves
mining approximately 20 % of the oil shale m a formation, explosively rubblizmg the remainder of the oil shale to
fill un the mined out area, and combusting the oil shale by gravity stable combustion in which combustion is
initiated from the top of the retort. Other examples of "modified1' in situ processes include the "Rubble In Sim
• Extraction" ("RISE") method developed by the Lawrence Livennore Laboratory ("LLL") and radio-frequency
methods developed by HT Research Institute ("nTRF) and LLL, which involve tunnelhig and mining drifts to
install an array qfradioErequency antennas inan oil shale formation.
Obtainkgpermeabittty within an oil shale formation (e.g., between injection and production wells) tends
to be difficult because oil shale is often substantially impermeable. Many methods have attempted to Ihik
linjection and production! wells, including: hydraulic fracturing such as methods investigated by Dow Chemical
and Laramie Energy Research Center; electrical fracturing (e.g by methods investigated by Laramie Energy
Research Center); acid leaching of limestone cavities (e.g., by methods investigated by Dow Chemical); steam
injection into permeable nahcolite zones to dissolve the nahcolite (e.g., by methods investigated by Shell Oil and
'Equity Oil); fracturing with chemical explosives (e.g., by methods investigated by Talley Energy Systems); fracturing with nuclear explosives (e.g., by methods investigated by Project Bronco); and combinations of these methods. Many of such methods, however, have relatively high operating costs and lack sufficient injection capacity. ; An example of an in situ retorting process is illustrated m U.S. Patent No. 3,241,611 to Dougan, assigned
to Equity Oil Company, which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. For example, Dougan
discloses a method involving the use of natural gas for conveying kerogen-decomposing heat to the formation.
The heated natural gas may be used as a solvent for menially decomposed kerogen. The heated natural gas
exercises a solvent-stripping action with respect to the oil shale by penetrating pores mat exist in the shale. The
natural gas carrier fluid, accompanied by decomposition product vapors and gases, passes upwardly through
extraction wells into product recovery lines, and into and through condensers interposed in such lines, where the
decomposition vapors condense, leaving the natural gas carrier fluid to flow through a heater and into an injection
well drilled into the deposit of oil shale.
Large deposits of heavy hydrocarbons (e.g., heavy oil and/or tar) contained within relatively permeable
formations (e.g., in tar sands) are found in North America, South America, and Asia Tar can be surface-mined
and upgraded to lighter hydrocarbons such as crude oil, naphtha, kerosene, and/or gas oil. Tar sand deposits may,
for example, first be mined. Surface milling processes may further separate the bitumen from sand. The
separated bitumen may be converted to light hydrocarbons using conventional refinery methods. Mining and
upgrading tar sand is usually substantially more expensive than producing lighter hydrocarbons from conventional
oil reservoirs.
U.S. Patent Nos/5,340,467 to Chregoli etal. and 5,316,467 to Gregoli et al., which are incorporated by
reference as if fully set forth herein, describe adding water and a chemical additive to tar sand to form a slurry.
The slurry may be separated into hydrocarbons and water.
U.S. Patent Nov 4,409,090 to Hanson et al., which & incorporated by reference as if folly set form herein,
describes physically-separating tar sand into a bitumen-rich concentrate mat may have some remaining sand. The
bitumen-rich concentrateimay be further separated from sand in a fluidized bed.
U.S. Patent Nos. 5,985,138 to Humphreys and 5,968,349' to Duyvesteyn et al., which are incorporated by
reference as if fully set forth herein, describe mining tar sand and physically separating bitumen from the tar sand.
Further processing of bitumen in surface facilities may upgrade oil produced from bitumen.
In situ production of hydrocarbons from tar sand may be accomplished by heating and/or injecting a gas
into the formation. UJS. Patent Nos. 5,211,230 to Ostapovich et al. and 5,339,897 to Leaute, which are
•incorporated by reference as if fulry set forth herein, describe a horizontal production well located in an oilbearing
reservoir, A vertical conduit may be used to inject an oxidant"gas into the reservoir for in' situ
' U.S, PatentNo. 2,780,450 to Ljungstrom, which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein,
describes heating bttumffipus geological formations in situ to convert or crack a liquid tar-like substance into oils
,. and gases. U.S. PatentNo. 4,597,441 to Ware et al, which is incorporated'by reference as if fufly set forth herein,
describes contacting oil, heafe and hydrogen simultaneously in a reservoir. Hydrogenation may enhance recovery
of n me reservoir. ' 4- ' ..
U.S. Patent No. 5,046,559 to Glandt and 5,060,726 to Glandt et al, which are incorporated by reference
as if fully set forth herein, describe preheating a portion of a tar sand formation between an injector well and a
producer well. Steam may be injected from the injector well into the formation to produce hydrocarbons at the
producerwell. Substantial reserves of heavy hydrocarbons are known to exist in formations that have relatively low
permeability. For example, billions of barrels of oil reserves are known to exist in diatomaceous formations in
California. Several methods have been proposed and/or used for producing heavy hydrocarbons from relatively
lowpermeabiliiyformationsi V
U.S. Patent No. 5,415,231 to Northrop et al, which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth
herein, describes a method for recovering hydrocarbons (e.g. oil) from a low permeability subterranean reservoir
of the type comprised primarily of diatomite. A first slug or volume of a heated fluid (e.g. 60% quality steam) is
injected into the reservoir at a pressure greater than the fracturing pressure of the reservoir. The well is then shut
in and the reservoir is allowed to soak for a prescribed period (e.g. 10 days or more) to allow the .oil to be
displaced by the steam mto the fractures. The well is then produced until the production rate drops below an
economical level. A second slug of steam is then injected and the cycles are repeated.
U.S. Patent Np. 4,530,401 to Hartman et al., which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth
herein, describes a method for the recovery of viscous oil from a subterranean, viscous oil-containing formation
by injecting steam into the formation.
U.S. Patent No. 5,339,897 to Leaute et aL, which ismajrporated by reference as if fully set forth herein,
describes a method and apparatus for recovering and/or upgrading hydrocarbons utilizing hi situ combustion and
horizontal wells.
U.S. Patent No. 5,431,224 to Laali, which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein,
describes a method forimproving hydrocarbon flow from low permeability tight reservoir rock.
U.S. Patent Nos. 5,297,626 Vinegar et al. and 5,392S854 to Vinegar et al., which are incorporated by
reference as if fully set forth herein, describe a process wherein an oil containing subterranean formation is
-heated. . .7As outlined above, there has been a significant amount of effort to develop methods and systems to
economically produce hydrocarbons, hydrogen, and/or other products from hydrocarbon containing formations.
At present, however, there are still many hydrocarbon containing formations from which hydrocarbons, hydrogen,
and/or other products cannot be economically produced. Thus, there is still a need for unproved methods and
systems for production of hydrocarbons, hydrogen, and/or other products from various hydrocarbon containing
In an embodiment, hydrocarbons within a hydrocarbon containing formation (e.g., a formation
containing coal, oil shale, heavy hydrocarbons or a combination thereof) may be converted in situ within the
Information to yield a mature of relatively high quaBry hydrocarbon "products, hydrogen, and other products. One
or more heat sources may be used to heat a portion of the hydrocarbon containing formation to temperatures that
allow pyrolysis of the hydrocarbons. Hydrocarbons, hydrogen, and other formation fluids may beiremovedfrom
tiie formation through one or more production wells. The formation fluids may be removed in a vapor phase.
Temperature and pressure m at least a portion of the formation may be controlled during pyrolysis to yield
improved products from the formation.
A heated formation may also be used to produce synthesis gas. In certain embodiments synthesis gas is
produced after production of pyrolysis fluids.
A formation may be heated to a temperature greater than 400 °C prior to contacting a synthesis gas
generating fluid with the formation. Contacting a synthesis gas generating fluid, such, as water, steam, and/or
carbon dioxide, with carbon and/or hydrocarbons within the formation results in generation of synthesis gas if the
temperature of the carbon is sufficiently high. Synthesis gas generation is, in some embodiments, an endothermic
process. Additional heat may be added to the formation during synthesis gas generation to maintain a high
temperature within the formation. The heat may be added from heater wells and/or from oxidizbg carbon and/or
hydrocarbons within the formation. The generated synthesis gas may be removed from the formation through one
or more production wells.
After production of pyrolysis fluids and/or synthesis gas, fluid may be sequestered within the formation.
To store a significant amount of fluid within the formation, a temperature of the formation will often need to be
less than about 100 °C. Water may be introduced into at least a portion of the formation to generate steam and
reduce a temperature of the formation. The steam may be removed from the formation. The steam may be
utilized for various purposes, including, but not limited to, heating another portion of the formation, generating
synthesis gas in an adjacent portion of the formation, generating electricity, and/or as a steam flood in a oil
reservoir. After the formation is cooled, fluid (e.g., carbon; dioxide) may be pressurized and sequestered in the
formation. Sequestering fluid within the formation may result in a significant reduction or elimination of fluid
that is released to the environment due;to operation of the insitu conversion process.
In an embodiment, one or more heat sources may oe installed into a formation to heat the formation.
Heat sources may be installed by drilling openings (well bores) into the formation. In some embodiments
openings may be formed in the formation using a drill with a steerable motor and an accelerometer. Alternatively,
an opening may be formed into the formation by geosteered drilling. AJternatety, an opening may bz formed into
the formation by sonic drilling. ;
One or more heat sources may be disposed within the opening such that rae heat source may be
configured to transfer heat to the formation. For example, a heat source may be placed in an open wellbore in the
formation. In Ms manner, heat may conductively and radiatively transfer from the heat source to the formation.
Alternatively, a heat source may be placed within a heater well mat may be packed with gravel, sand, and/or
cement. The cement may be a refractory cement
In some embodiments one or more heat sources may DC placed m a pattern within the formation. For
example, in one embodiment, an in situ conversion process for hydrocarbons may include heating at least a
portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation with an array of heat sources disposed within the formation. In
; some embodiments, the array of heat sources can be positioned substantially equidistant from a production well.
Certain patterns (e.g., triangular arrays, hexagonal arrays, or other array patterns) may be more desirable for
specific applications. In addition the array of heat sources may be disposed such that a distance between each
fieat source may be less man about 70 f
may include heating at least a portion of the formation with heat sources disposed substantially parallel to a
boundary of the hydrocarbons. Regardless of the arrangement of or distance between the heat sources, in certain
embodiments, a ratio of heat sources to production wells disposed within a formation may be greater than about 5,
8,10,20, or more. . / ;
Certain embodiments may also include allowing heat to transfer from one or more of the heat sources to
a selected section of the heated portion. In an embodiment, me selected section may be disposed between one or
more heat sources. For example, the in situ conversion process may also include allowing heat to transfer from
one or more heat sources to a selected section of the formation such that heat from one or more of the heat sources
pyrolyzes at least some hydrocarbons within the selected section. In this manner, the in situ conversion process
may include heating at least a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation above a pyrolyzation temperature of
hydrocarbons in the formation. For example, a pyrolyzation temperature may include a temperature of at least
about 270 °C. Heat may be allowed to transfer from one or more of the heat sources to the selected section
substantially by conduction.
One or more heat sources may be located within the formation such that superposition of heat produced
from one or more heat sources may occur. Superposition of heat may increase a temperature of the selected
section to a temperature sufficient for pyrolysis of at least some of the hydrocarbons within the selected section.
Superposition of heat may vary depending on, for example, a spacing between heat sources. The spacing between
heat sources may be selected to optimize heating of the section selected for treatment Therefore, hydrocarbons
may be pyrolyzed within a larger area of the portion. In this manner, spacing between heat sources may be
selected to increase the effectiveness of the heat sources, thereby increasing the economic viability of a selected in
situ conversion process for hydrocarbons. Superposition of heat tends to increase the uniformity of heat
distribution in the section of the formation selectedfor treatment
Various systems and methods may be used to provide heat sources. In an embodiment, a natural
distributed combustor system and method may be configured to heat at least a portion of a hydrocarbon containing
formation. The system and method may first include heating a first portion of the formation to a temperature
sufficient to support oxidation of at least some of the hydrocarbons therein. One or more conduits may be
disposed within one or more openings. One or more of the conduits may be configured to provide an oxidizing
fluid from an oxidizing fluid source into an opening in the formation. The oxidizing fluid may oxidize at least a
portion of the hydrocarbons at a reaction zone within the formation. Oxidation may generate heat at the reaction
zone. The generated heat may transfer from the reaction zone to a pyrolysis zone hi the formation. The heat may
transfer by conduction, radiation and/or convection. In this manner, a heated portion of the formation may
include the reaction zone and the pyrolysis zone. The heated portion may also be located substantially adjacent to
the opening. One or more of the conduits may also be configured to removeone or more oxidation products from
the reaction zone and/or formation. Alternatively, additional conduits may be configured to remove one or more
oxidation products from the reaction zone and/or formation.
In an embodiment, a system and method configured to heat a hydrocarbon containing formation may
include one or more insulated conductors disposed in one or more openings in the formation. The openings may
be uncased. Alternatively,the openings may include a casing: As such, the insulated conductors may provide
conductive, radiant, or convective heat to at least a portion of the formation. In addition, the system and method
may be configured to allow heat to transfer from the insulated conductor to a section of the formation. In some
embodiments, the insulated conductor may include a copper-nickel alloy. In some embodiments, the insulated
conductor may be electrically coupled to two additional insulated conductors in a 3-phaseY configuration.
In an embodiment, a system and method may include one or more elongated members disposed in ah
opening in the formation, Each of the elongated members may be configured to provide heat to at least a portion
of the formation. One or more conduits may be disposed in the opening. One or more of the conduits may be
configured to provide an oxidizing fluid from an oxidizing fluid source into the opening. In certain embodiments,
the oxidizing fluid may be configured to substantially inhibit carbon deposition on or proximate to the elongated
.member. ; In an embodiment, a system and method for heating a hydrocarbon containing formation may include
oxidizing a fuel fluid in a heater. The method may further include providing at least a portion of the oxidized fuel
fluid into a conduit disposed in an opening in the formation. In addition, additional heat may be transferred from
an electric heater disposed in the opening to the section of the formation. Heat may be allowed to transfer
substantially uniformly along a length of the opening.
Energy input costsimay be reduced hi some embodiments of systems and methods described above: For
example, an energy input cost may be reduced by heating a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation by
oxidation in combination with heating the portion of the formation by an electric heater. The electric heater may
be turned down and/or off when the oxidation reaction begins to provide sufficient heat to the formation. In this
manner, electrical energy costs associated with heating at least a portion of a fonnation with an electric heater
maybe reduced. Thus, a more economical process may be provided for heating a hydrocarbon contauung
fonnation in comparison to heating by a conventional method. In addition, the oxidation reaction may be
propagated slowly through a greater portion of the fonnation such that fewer heat sources may be required to heat
such a greater portion in comparison to heating by a conventional method.
Certain embodiments as described herein may provide a lower cost system and method for heating a
hydrocarbon containing fonnation. For example, certain embodiments may provide substantially uniform heat
transfer along a length of a heater. Such a length of a heater may be greater than about 300 m or possibly greater
than about 600 m. hi addition, hi certain embodiments, heat may be provided to the fonnation more efficiently by
radiation. Furthermore, certain embodiments of systems as described herein may have a substantially longer
lifetime than presently available systems.
In an embodiment, an in situ conversion system and method for hydrocarbons may include maintaining a
portion of the formation in a substantially unheated condition, hi this manner, the portion may provide structural
strength to the formation and/or confinement/isolation to certain regions of the formation. A processed
hydrocarbon containing formation may have alternating heated and substantially unheated portions arranged in a
pattern that may, hi some embodiments, resemble a checkerboard pattern, or a pattern of alternating areas (e.g.,
strips) of heated and unheated portions. ,
In an embodiment, a heat source may advantageously heat only along a selected portion or selected
portions of a length of the heater. For example, a formation may include several hydrocarbon containing layers.
One or more of the hydrocarbon containing layers may be separated by layers containing little or no
hydrocarbons. A heat source may include several discrete high heating zones that may be separated by low
heating zones. The high heating zones may be disposed proximate hydrocarbon containing layers such mat the
"layers may be heated. ; The low heating zones may be disposed proximate to layers containing little or no
hydrocarbons such mat the layers may not be substantially heated. For example, aa electrical heater may include
.one or more low resistance heater sections and one or more high resistance heater sections. In this manner, low
resistance heater sections of the electrical heater may be disposed in and/or proximate to layers containing little or
'M-l-'no hydrocarbons. In addition, high resistance heater sections of the electrical heater may be disposed proximate
hydrocarbon containing layers. In an additional example, a fueled heater (e.g., surface burner) may include
insulated sections. In this manner, insulated sections of the fueled heater may be placed proximate to or adjacent
to layers containing little or no hydrocarbons. Alternately, a heater with distributed air and/or fuel may be
configured such that little or no fuel may be combusted proximate to or adjacent to layers containing little or no
hydrocarbons. Such a fueled heater may include flameless combustors and natural distributed combustors.
In an embodiment, a heating rate of the formation may be slowly raised through the pyrolysis
temperature range. For example, an in situ conversion process for hydrocarbons may include heating at least a
portion of a.hydrocarbon containing formation to raise an average temperature of the portion above about 270° C
. by a rate less than a selected amount (e.g., about 10 °C, 5 °C, 3 °C, 1 °C, 0.5 °C, or 0.1 °C) per day. In a further
embodiment, the portion may be heated such that an average temperature of the selected section may be less than
about 375 °C or, m some embodiments, less than about 400 °C.
In an embodiment, a temperature of the portion may be monitored through a test well disposed in a
formation. For example, the test well may be positioned in a formation between a first heat source and a second
heat: source. Certain systems and methods may include controlling the heat from the first heat source and/or the
second heat source to raise the monitored temperature at the test well at a rate of less man about a selected amountper day. In addition or alternatively, a temperature of the portion may be monitored at a production well. In this
manner, an in situ conversion process for hydrocarbons may include controlling the heat from the first heat source
and/or the second heat source to raise the monitored temperature at the production well at a rate of less than a
selected amount per day.
Certain embodiments may include heating a selected volume of a hydrocarbon containing formation.
Heat may be provided to the selected volume by providing power to one or more heat sources. Power may be
defined as heating energy per day provided to the selected volume. A power (Pvw) required to generate a heating
rate (A, hi units of, for example, °C/day) in a selected volume (V) of a hydrocarbon containing formation may be
determined by the following equation: Pw = InPVCfpt,, hi this equation, an average heat capacity of the
formation (Cv) and an average bulk density of the formation (/IB) may be estimated or determined using one or
inore samples taken from the hydrocarbon containing formation.
Certain embodiments may include raising and maintaining a pressure in a hydrocarbon containing
formation. Pressure may be, for example, controlled within a range of about 2 bars absolute to about 20 bars
;absolute. For example, the process may include controlling a pressure within a majority of a selected section of a
heated portion of the formation. The controlled pressure may be above about 2 bars absolute during pyrolysis. In
an alternate embodiment, an in situ conversion process for hydrocarbons may include raising and maintaining the
pressure in the formation within a range of about 20 bars absolute to about 36 bars absolute. V
In an embodiment, compositions and properties of formation fluids produced by an in situ conversion
process for hydrocarbons may vary depending on, for example, conditions within a hydrocarbon containing
formation. "Certain embodiments may include controlling the heat provided to at least a portion of the formation
such that production of less desirable products m tine portion may be substantially inhibited. Controlling me heat
provided to at least a portion of the formation may also increase the uniformity of permeability within the
formation. For example, controlling the heating of the formation to inhibit production of less desirable products
may,: in some embodiments, include controlling the heating rate to less than a selected amount (e-g 10 °C, 5 °C, 3
Controlling pressure, heat and/or heating rates of a selected section in a formation may increase production of selected formation fluids. For example, the amount and/or rate of hearing may be controlled to
produce formation fluids having an American Petroleum Institute ("API") gravity greater than about 25 Heat
and/or pressure may be controlled to inhibit production of olefins in the produced fluids.
' Controlling formation conditions to control the pressure of hydrogen in the produced fluid may result in
improved qualities of the produced fluids. In some embodiments it may be desirable to control formation
conditions so that the partial pressure of hydrogen in a produced fluid is greater than about 0.5 bar absolute, as
measured at a production well. •
la an embodiment, operating conditions may be determined by measuring at least one property of the
formation. At least themeasured properties may be input into a computer executable program. At least one
property of formation fluids selected to be produced from the formation may also be input into the computer
executable program. The program may be operable to determine a set of operating conditions from at least the
one or more measured properties. The program may also be configured to determine the set of operating
conditions from at least one property of the selected formation fluids. In mis manner, the determined set of
operating conditions may be configured to increase production of selected formation fluids from the formation.
Certain embodiments may include altering a composition of formation fluids produced from a
hydrocarbon containing formation by altering a location of a production well with respect to a heater well. For
example, a production well may be located with respect to a heater well such that a non-condensable gas fraction
of produced hydrocarbon fluids may be larger than a condensable gas fraction of the produced hydrocarbon fluids.
Condensable hydrocarbons produced from the formation will typically include paraffins, cycloalkanes,
mono-aromatics, and di-aromatics as major components. Such condensable hydrocarbons may also include other
components such as tri-aromatics, etc,
In certain embodiments a majority of the hydrocarbons in produced fluid may have a carbon number of
less than approximately 25. Alternatively, less than about 15 weight % of the hydrocarbons hi the fluid may have
a carbon number greater than approximately 25. In other embodiments fluid produced may have a weight ratio ofhydrocarbons having carbon numbers from 2 through 4, to methane, of greater than approximately 1 (e.g., for oil
shale and heavy hydrocarbons) or greater than approximately 0.3 (e.g., for coal). The non-condensable
hy&c In certain embodiments, the API gravity of the hydrocarbons in produced fluid may be approximately 25
or above (e.g., 30, 40, 50, etc.). In certain embodiments, the hydrogen to carbon atomic ratio in produced fluid
may be at least approximately 1.7 (e.g., 1.8, -1.9, etc.).
In certain embodiments, (e.g., when the formation includes coal) fluid produced from a formation may
include oxygenated hydrocarbons. In an example, the condensable hydrocarbons may include an amount of
oxygenated hydrocarbons greater than about 5% by weight of the condensable hydrocarbons. /
Condensable hydrocarbons of a produced fluid may also include olefins. For example, the olefin content
of the condensable hydrocarbons maybe from about 0.1% by weight to about 15 % by weight Alternatively, the
olefin content of me condensable hydrocarbons may be from about Oil % by weight to about 2.5 % by weigh! or,
in some embodiments less than about 5% by weight - '
: Non-condensable hydrocarbons of a produced fluid may also include olefins. For example, the olefin
content of the non-condensable hydrocarbons may be gauged using the ethene/ethane molar ratio. In certain
embodiments the ethene/ethane molar ratio may range from about 0.001 to about 0.15. ;
Fluid produced from the formation may include aromatic compounds. For example, the condensable
hydrocarbons may include an amount of aromatic compounds greater than about 20 % or about 25 % by weight of
the condensable hydrocarbons. The condensable hydrocarbons may also include relatively low amounts of
compounds with more man two rings in mem (e.g., tri-aromatics or/above). For example, the condensable
hydrocarbons may include less than about 1 %, 2%, or about 5 % by weight of tri-aromatics or above hi the
condensable hydrocarbons.
In particular, in certain embodiments asphaltenes (i.e., large multi-ring aromatics that are substantially
insoluble in hydrocarbons) make up less than about OJ % by weight of the condensable hydrocarbons. For
example, the condensable hydrocarbons may include an zsphaltene component of from about 0.0 % by weight to
.about 0.1 % by weight or, in some embodiments, less than about 0.3 % by weight
/ Condensable hydrocarbons of a produced fluid may also include relatively large amounts of
cycloalkanes. For example, the condensable hydrocarbons may include a cycloalkane component of up to 30 %
by weight (e.g., from about 5 % by weight to about 30 % by weight) of the condensable hydrocarbons.
In certain embodiments, the condensable hydrocarbons of the fluid produced from a formation may
include compounds containing nitrogen. For example, less than about 1 % by weight (when calculated on an
elemental basis) of the condensable hydrocarbons is nitrogen (e.g., typically the nitrogen is in nitrogen containing
compounds such as pyridines, amines, amides, etc.).
In certain embodiments, the condensable hydrocarbons of the fluid produced from a formation may
include compounds containing oxygen. For example, in certain embodiments (e.g., for oil shale and heavy
hydrocarbons) less than about 1 % by weight (when calculated oh an elemental basis) of the condensable
hydrocarbons is oxygen •(e.g., typically the oxygen is in oxygen containing compounds such as phenols,
substituted phenols, ketones, etc.). In certain other embodiments (e.g., for coal) between about 5 % and about 30
% by weight of the condensable hydrocarbons are typically oxygen containing compounds such as phenols,
substituted phenols, ketones, etc. In some instances certain compounds containing oxygen (e.g., phenols) may be
valuable and, as such, may be economically separated from me produced fluid.
In certain embodiments, the condensable hydrocarbons of the fluid produced from a formation may
include compounds containing sulfur. For example, less than about 1 % by weight (when calculated on an
elemental basis) of the condensabis hydrocarbons is sulfur (e.g., typically the sulfur is in sulfar containing
compoundsisuch as thiophenes, mercaptans,etc.).
Furthermore, the fluid produced from the formation may include ammonia (typically the ammonia
condenses with the water, if any, produced from the formation). For example, the fluid produced from the
formation may in certain embodiments include about 0.05 % or more by weight of ammonia. Certain formations
may produce larger amounts of ammonia (e.g., up to about 10% by weight of ihe totel fluid produced may be
-ammonia)..Furthermore, a produced fluid from the formation may also include molecular hydrogen (Efc), water,
carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, etc. For example, the fluid may include a HZ content between about 10 % to
about80% by volume of the non-condensable hydrocarbons. ,
Certain embodiments may include heating to yield at least about 15 % by weight of a total organic
carbon[content of at least some of the hydrocarbon containing formation into formation fluids.
In an embodiment an in situ conversion process for treating a hydrocarbon containing formation may
: include providing heat to a section of the formation to yield greater than about 60 % by weight of the potential
hydrocarbon products and hydrogen, as measured by the Fischer Assay.
In certain embodiments, hearing of the selected section of the formation may be controlled to pyrolyze atleast about 20 % by weight (or m some embodiments about 25 % by weight) of the hydrocarbons within the
selected section of the formation.
Certain embodiments may include providing a reducing agent to at least a portion of the formation. A
reducing agent provided to a portion of the formation during heating may increase production of selected
formation fluids. A reducing agent may include, but is not limited to, molecular hydrogen. For example, pyrolyzing at least some hydrocarbons in a hydrocarbon containing formation may include forming hydrocarbon
fragments. Such hydrocarbon fragments may react with each other and other compounds present in the formation.
Reaction of these hydrocarbon fragments may increase production of olefin and aromatic compounds from the
formation. Therefore, a reducing agent provided to the formation may react with hydrocarbon fragments to form
selected products and/or inhibit the production of non-selected products.
, In an embodiment, a hydrpgenation reaction between a reducing agent provided to a hydrocarbon
containing formation and at least some of the hydrocarbons within the formation may generate heat. The
generated heat may be allowed to transfer such that at least aportion of the formation may be heated. A reducing
agent such as molecular hydrogen may also be autogenously generated within a portion of a hydrocarbon
containing formation during an in situ conversion process for hydrocarbons. In this manner, the autogenously
generated molecular hydrogen may hydrogenate formation fluids within the formation. Allowing formation
waters to contact hot carbon in the spent formation may generate molecular hydrogen. Cracking an injected
hydrocarbon fluid may also generate molecular hydrogen.
Certain embodiments may also include providing a fluid produced in a first portion of a hydrocarbon
containing formation to a second portion of the formation. In this manner, a fluid produced in a first portion of a
hydrocarbon containing formation may be used to produce a reducing environment in a second portion of the
formation. For example, molecular hydrogen generated in a first portion of a formation may be provided to a
second portion of the formation. Alternatively, at least a portion of formation fluids produced from a first portion
of the formation may be provided to a second portion of the formation to provide a reducing environment within
the second portion. The second portion of the formation may be treated according to any of the embodiments
described herein. Certain embodiments may include controlling heat provided to at least a portion of the formation such
that a thermal conductivity of the portion may be increased to greater than about 0.5 W/(m °C) or, in some
embodiments, greater than about 0.6 W/(m °C).
In certain embodiments a mass of at least a portion of the formation may be reduced due, for example, to
the production of formation fluids from the formation. As such, a permeability and porosity of at least a portion
of the formation may increase. In addition, removing water during the heating may also increase the permeability
; anilporosity of at least a portionof the formation. "•;
Certain emDodiinentsmay include increasing a permeability of at least a portion of a hydrocarbon
Containing formation to greater than about 0.01,0.1,1,10,20 and/or 50 i)arcy. In addition, certam embodiments
may include substantially uniformly increasing a permeability of at least a portion of a hydrocarbon containing
formation. Some embodiments may include increasing a porosity of at least a portion of a hydrocarbon
containing formation substantially uniformly. •/
In certain embodiments, after pyrolysis of a portion of a formation, synthesis gas may be produced from
carbon and/or hydrocarbons remaining within the formation. Pyrolysis of the portion may produce a relatively
high, substantially uniform permeability throughout me portion. Such a relatively high, substantially uniform
permeability may allow generation of synthesis gas from a significant portion of the formation at relatively low
pressures. The portion may also have a large surface area and/or surface area/volume. Hie large surface area may
allow synthesis gas producing reactions to be substantially at equilibrium conditions during synthesis gas
generation. The relatively high, substantially uniform permeability may result in a relatively high recovery
efficiency of synthesis gas, as compared to synthesis gas generation in a hydrocarbon containing formation that
has not been so treated.
Synthesis gas may be produced from the formation priortoor subsequent to producing a formation fluid
from the formation. For example, synthesis gas generation may be commenced before and/or after formation
fluid production decreases to an uneconomical level. In this manner, heat provided to pyrolyze hydrocarbons
within the formation may also be used to generate synthesis gas. For example, if a portion of the formation is at a temperature from approximately 270 °C to approximately 375 °C (of 400 °C in some embodiments) after
pyrolyzation, then less additional heat is generally required to heat such portion to a temperature sufficient to
support synthesis gas generation.
Pyrolysis of at least some hydrocarbons may in some embodiments convert about 15 % by weight or
more of the carbon initially available. Synthesis gas generation may convert approximately up to an additional 80
% by weight or more of carbon initially available within the portion. In this manner, in situ production of
synthesis gas from a hydrocarbon containing formation may allow conversion of larger amounts of carbon
hiitially available witiiin the portion. The amount of conversionachieved may; in some embodiments, be limited
by subsidence concerns. :
Certain embodiments may include providing heat from one or more heat sources to heat the formation to
a temperature sufficient to allow synthesis gas generation (e,g., in a range of approximately 400 °C to
approximately 1200 C 0r higher). At a lower end of the temperature range, generated synthesis gas may have a
high hydrogen (Hz) to carbon monoxide (CO) ratio. At an upper end of the temperature range, generated
synthesis gas may include mostly fib and CO in lower ratios (e.g., approximately a 1:1 ratio).
Heat sources for synthesis gas production may include any of the Leat sources as described in any of the
embodiments set forth herein. Alternatively, heating may include transferring heat from a heat transfer fluid (e.g.,
steam or combustion products from aburner) flowing withinapluralityof wellbores within the formation.
A synthesis gas generating fluid (e.g., liquid water, steam, carbondioxide, air, oxygen; hydrocarbons,
and mixtures thereof) may be provided to the formation. For example, the synthesis gas generating fluid mixture
may include steam and bxygen. In sn embodiment, a synthesis gas generating fluid may include aqueous* fluid
produced by pyrolysis of at least some hydrocarbons wifliin one or more other portions of the formation.
Providing the synthesis gas generating fluid may alternatively include raising a water table of the formation to
-. allow water to flow into it Synmesis gas generating fluid mayalso be provided through at least one injection
weBbore. The synthesis gas generating fluid wfflgeneraUy nactwirnca water,
methane, CO2. and/or CO. A portion of the carbon dioxide may react ydlm carbon in me formation to generate carbon monoxide. Hydrocarbons such as ethane may be added to a synthesis gas generating" fluid. When
introduced into the formation, the hydrocarbons may crack to form hydrogen and/or methane. The presence of
methane in produced synthesis gas may increase the heating value of the produced synthesis gas.
• Synthesis gas generating reactions are typically endothennic reactions. In an embodiment, an oxidant
may be added to a synthesis gas generating fluidY The oxidant may include, but is not limited to, air, oxygen
enriched air, oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, other oxidizing fluids, or combinations thereof. The oxidant may react
with carbon within the formation to exothermically generate heat Reaction of an oxidant with carbon in the
formation may result in production of CO2 and/or CO. Introduction of an oxidant to react with carbon in the
formation may economically allow raising the formation temperature high enough to result in generation of
significant quantities of H2 and CO from hydrocarbons within the formation. Synthesis gas generation may be via
a batch process or a continuous process, as is further described herein.
Synthesis gas may be produced from one or more producer wells that include one or more heat sources.
Such heat sources may operate to promote production of the synthesis gas with a desired composition.
Certain embodiments may include monitoring a composition of the produced synthesis gas, and then
controlling heating and/or controlling input of the synthesis gas generating fluid to maintain the composition of
the produced synthesis gas within a desired range. For example, in some embodiments (e.g., such as when the
synthesis gas will be used as a feedstock for a Fischer-Tropsch process) a desired composition of the produced
synthesis gas may have a ratio of hydrogen to carbon monoxide of about 1.8:1 to 2.2:1 (e.g., about 2;1 or about
2.1:1). In some embodiments (such as when the synthesis gas will be used as a feedstock to make methanol) such
ratio may be about 3:1 (e.g., about 2.8:1 to 3.2:1).
Certain embodiments may include blending a first synthesis gas with a second synthesis gas to produce
synthesis gas of a desired composition. The first and the second synthesis gases may be produced from different
portions of the formation. ,
Synthesis gases described herein may be converted to heavier condensable hydrocarbons. For example, a
Fischer-Tropsch hydrocarbon synthesis process may be configured to convert synthesis gas to branched and
unbranched paraffins. Paraffins produced from the Fischsr-Tropsch process may be used to produce other
products such as diesel, jet fuel, and naphtha products. The produced synthesis gas may also be used in a catalytic methanation process to produce methane. Alternatively, the produced synthesis gas may be used for production
of methanol, gasoline and diesel fuel, ammonia, and middle distillates. Produced synthesis gas may be used to
heatthe formation as a combustion feel Hydrogen in produced synthesis gas may be used to upgrade oil.
Synthesis gas may also be used for other purposes. Synthesis gas may be combusted as fuel. Synthesis
gas may also be used for synthesizing a wide range of organic and/or inorganic compounds such as hydrocarbons
and ammonia. Synthesis gas may be used to generate electricity, by combusting it as a fuel, by reducing the
pressure of the synthesis gas in turbines, and/or using the temperature of the synthesis gas to make steam (and
then run turbines). Synthesis gas may also be used in an energy generation unit such as a molten carbonate fuel
ceD, a solid oxide fuel cell, or other type of fuel cell
. Certain embodiments may include separating a fuel cell feed stream from fluids produced from pyrolysis
of at least some of the hyefrocarbons within a formation. The fuel cell feed stream may include Ha, hydrocarbons,
and/or carbon monoxide. In addition, certain embodiments may include directing the fuel cell feed stream to a
fuel cell to produce electricity. The electricity generated ironi the synthesis gas or the pyrolyzatioia fluids m the
fuel cell may be configured to power electrical heaters, which njayte configured to heat at least a portion of the
formation. Certain embodiments may include separating carbon dioxide from a fluid exiting the fuel cell Carbon
dioxide produced from a ruelceU or a formation may be used for a variety of purposes. -
In an embodiment, a portion of a formation mat has been pyrolyzed and/or subjected to synthesis gas
generation may be allowed to cool or may be cooled to form a cooled, spent portion within the formation. For
example, a heated portion of a formation may be allowed to cool by transference of heat to adjacent portion of the
formation. The transference of heat may occur naturally or may be forced by the introduction of heat transfer
fluids through the heated portion and into a cooler portion of me formation. Alternatively, introducing water to
ike'.first portion of the formation may cool the first portion; Water introduced into the first portion may be
removed from the formation as steam. The removed steam or hot wafer may be injected into a hot portion of the
formation to create synthesis gas. :
Cooling the formation may provide certain benefits such as increasing the strength of the rock in the
formation (thereby mitigating subsidence), increasing absorptive capacity of the formation, etc.
In an embodiment, a cooled, spent portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation may be used to store
and/or sequester other materials such as carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide may be injected under pressure into the
cooled, spent portion of the formation. The injected carbon dioxide may adsorb onto hydrocarbons in the
formation and/or reside in void spaces such as pores in the formation. The carbon dioxide may be generated
during pyrolysis, synthesis gas generation, and/or extraction of useful energy.
In an embodiment, produced formation fluids may be stored in a cooled, spent portion of the formation.
In some embodiments carbon dioxide may be stored in relatively deep coal beds, and used to desprb coal bed
• /methane.- .Many of the in situ processes and/or systems described herein may be used to produce hydrocarbons,
hydrogen and other formation fluids from a relatively permeable formation that includes heavy hydrocarbons
(e.g., from tar sands). Heating may be used to mobilize the heavy hydrocarbons within the formation, and then to
pyrolyze heavy hydrocarbons within the formation to form pyrolyzatioh fluids. Formation fluids produced during
pyrolyzation may be removed from the formation through production wells.
. In certain embodiments fluid (e.g.- gas) may be'provided to a relatively permeable formation. The gas
may be used to pressurize the formation. A pressure in the formation may be selected to control mobilization of
fluid within the formation. For example, a higher pressure may increase the mobilization of fluid within the
formation such that fluids may be produced at a higher rate. -
In an embodiment, a portion of a relatively permeable formation may be heated to reduce a viscosity of
the heavy hydrocarbons within the formation. The reduced viscosity heavy hydrocarbons may be mobilized. The
mobilised heavy hydrocarbons may flow to a selected pyrolyzatioh section of the formation. A gas may be
provided into the relatively permeable formation to mcrease a flow of the mobilized heavy hydrocarbons into the
selected pyrolyzation section. Such a gas may be, for example, carbon dioxide (the carbon dioxidfe may be stored
in the formation after removal of the heavy hydrocarbons). The heavy hydrocarbons within the selected
pyrolyzatioh section may be substantially pyrolyzed. Pyrolyzation of the mobilized heavy hydrocarbons may upgrade the heavy hydrocarbons to a more desirable product The pyrolyzed heavy hydrocarbons may be
removed from the formation through a production well In some embodfinents, the mobilized heavy hydrocarbons
may be removed from me formation through a production Well without upgrading or pyrolyzang the heavy
hydrocarbons. . Hydrocarbon fluids produced from the formation may vary depending on conditions within the
formation. For example, a heating rate of a selected pyrolyzation section may be controlled to increase me
production of selected products. In addition, pressure within the formation may be controlled to vary the
composition of the produced fluids.
Certain systems and methods described herein may be used to treat heavy hydrocarbons in at least a
portion of a relatively Icty permeability formation (e.g., in tighf formations that contain heavy hydrocarbons).
Such heavy hydrocarbons may be heated to pyrolyze at least some of the heavy hydrocarbons in a selected section
of the formation. Heating may also increase the permeability of at least a portion of the selected section; Fluids
generated from pyrolysis may be produced from the formation.
Certain embodiments for treating heavy hydrocarbons in a relatively low permeability formation may
include providing heat from one or more heat sources to pyrolyze some of the heavy hydrocarbons and then to
vaporize a portion of the heavy hydrocarbons. The heat sources may pyrolyze at least some heavy hydrocarbons
in a selected section of the formation and may pressurize at least a portion, of the selected section. During the
heating, the pressure within the formation may increase substantially. The pressure in the formation may be
controlled such that the pressure in the formation may be maintained to produce a fluid of a desired composition.
Pyrolyzation fluid may be removed from the formation as vapor from one or more heater wells by using the back
pressure created by heating the formation.
Certain embodiments for treating heavy hydrocarbons in at least a portion of a relatively low
permeability formation may include heating to create a pyrolysis zone and heating a selected second section to
less than the average temperature within the pyrolysis zone. Heavy, hydrocarbons may be pyrolyzed in the
pyrolysis zone. Heating the selected second section may decrease the viscosity of some of the heavy
hydrocarbons in the selected second section to create a low viscosity zone. The decrease in viscosity of the fluid
in the selected second section may be sufficient such that at least some heated heavy hydrocarbons within the
selected second section may flow into the pyrolysis zone. Pyrolyzation fluid may be produced from the pyrpiysis
zone. In one embodiment, the density of the heat sources in the pyrolysis zone may be greater than in the low
viscosity zone.
In certain embodiments it may be desirable to create the pyrolysis zones and low viscosity zones sequentially over time. The heat sources in a region near a desired pyrolysis zone may be activated first, resulting
in a substantially uniform pyrolysis zone mat may be established after a period of time. Once the pyrolysis zone
is established, heat sources in the low viscosity zone may be activated sequentially from nearest to farthest from
the pyrolysis zone.
•'.' Further advantages of the present invention may become apparent to those skilled in the art with the
benefit of the following detailed description of me preferred embodiments and upon reference to the
accompanying drawings in which:
FIG. IdepicteanTUustrationpfstagesofheatmgahydVocarboncontamm ,
V FIG, 2 depicts adiagram ofproperties of a hydrocarbon containing formation;
FIG. 3 depicts isn embodiment of a heat source patte
. FIG. 4 depictsian embodiment of heater wiells located ina hydrocarbon cpntoming formation; :
FIG. 5 depicts an embodiment of apattern of heater wells in a hydrocarboncontaining formation;
FIG. 6 depicts an embodiment of a heated portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation; '
FIG. 7 depicts an embodiment of superposition of heat in a hydrocarbon containing formation; /
FIG. 8 and FIG. 9 depict embodiments of a pattern of heat sources and production wells in a hydrocarbon
containing formation;
FIG. 10 depicts an embodiment of a natural distributed combxistor heat source;
FIG. 11 depicts a portion of an overburden of a formation with a heat source; ;.;•'•
FIG. 12 and FIG. 13 depict embodiments of a natural distributed combustor heater;
;; FIG. 14 and FIG. 15 depict embodiments of a system for heating a formation; '.
FIGS. 16-21 depict several embodiments of an insulated conductor heat source;
FIG. 22 and FIGS. 23a-23b depict several embodiments of a centralizer;
FIG. 24 depicts an embodiment of a conductor-HMxmduit heat source in a formation; .
FIG. 25 depicts an embodiment of a heat source in a formation;
FIG. 26 depicts an embodiment of a surface combustor heat source;
FIG. 27 depicts an embodiment of a conduit for a heat source;
FIG. 28 depicts an embodiment of a flameless combustor heat source;
; FIG. 29 depicts an embodiment of using pyrolysis water to generate synthesis gas in a formation;
FIG. 30 depicts an embodiment of synthesis gas production in a formation;
FIG. 31 depicts an embodiment of continuous synthesis gas production in a formation;
FIG. 32 depicts an embodiment of batch synthesis gas production 'in a formation;
FIG. 33 depicts an embodiment of producing energy with synthesis gas produced from a hydrocarbon
containing formation;
/ F I G . 34 depicts an embodiment of producing energy with pyrolyzation fluid produced from a
hydrocarbon containing formation;
• FIG. 35 depictsian embodiment of synthesis gas production front a formation;
FIG. 36 depicts an Embodiment of sequestration of carbon dioxide produced during pyrolysis in a
hydrocarbon containingi formation;
FIG. 37 depicts an embodiment of producing energy with synthesis gas produced from a hydrocarbon
containing formation;
FIG. 38 depicts an embodiment of a Fischer-Tropsch process using synthesis gas produced from a
hydrocarbon containing formation;
FIG. 39 depicts an embodiment of a Shell Middle Distillates process using synthesis gas produced from a
hydrocarbon containing formation;
.'.;' FIG. 40 depicts an embodiment of a catalytic methanation process using synthesis gas produced from a
hydrocarbon containing; formation;
FIG. 41 depicts an embodiment of production of ammonia and urea using synthesis gas produced from a
hydrocarbon containing formation;
FIG. 42 depicts an embodiment of production of ammonia using synthesis gas produced from a
: hydrocarbon containiag formation;
; , FIG. 43 depicts anembodiment of preparation of a feed stream for an ammonia process;
FIGS. 44-48 depict several embodiments for treating a relatively permeable of formation'
FIG. 49 and FIG. 50 depict embodiments of heat sources inarelatively permeable formation;
FIGS. 51-57 depict several embodiments of heat sources in a relatively low permeability formation;
FIGS. 58-70 depict several embodiments of a heat source and production well pattern;
FIG. 71 depicts an embodiment of surface facilities for treating a formation fluid;
FIG. 72 depictsan embodiment of a catalytic flameless distributed combustor;
FIG. 73 depicts an embodiment of surface facilities for treating a formation fluid;
FIG. 74 depicts an embodiment of a square pattern of heat sources and production wells;
FIG. 75 depicts an embodiment of a heat source and production well pattern;
FIG. 76depicts an embodiment of a triangular pattern-of heat sources;
FIG. 76a depicts aa embodiment of a square pattern of heatsources;
FIG. 77 depicts: an embodiment of a hexagonal pattern of heat sources;
FIG. 77a depicts an embodiment of a 12 to 1 pattern.-of. heatsources;
FIG. 78 depicts a temperature profile for a triangular pattern of heat sources;
FIG. 79 depictsa temperatureprofile for a square pattern of heat sources;
FIG. 79a depicts a temperature profile for a hexagonal pattern of heat sources;
FIG. 80 depicts a comparison plot between the average pattern temperature and temperatures at the
coldest spots for various patterns of heat sources;
FIG. SI depicts a comparison plot between the average pattern temperature and temperatures at various
spots within triangular and hexagonal pattern of heat sources;
FIG. 81a depicts a comparison plot between the average pattern temperature and temperatures at various
spots within a square pattern of heat sources;
FIG. 81b depicts;a comparison plot between temperatures at the coldest spots of various pattern of heat
FIG. 82 depicts extension of a reaction zone in a heated formation over time;
; FIG. 83 andFIGi84 depict fee ratio of conductive heat transfer to radiative heat transfer in a formation;
FIGS, 85-88 depict temperatures of a conductor, a conduit, and an opening in a formation versus a
temperature at the race of a formation;
FIG. 89 depicts a retort and collection system;
FIG. 90 depicts pressure versus temperature in an oil shale Qontauiing formation during pyrclysis;
FIG. 91 depicts quality of ofl produced from an oil.shale containing formation;
FIG. 92 depicts ethene to ethane ratio produced from an oil shale containing formation as a function of
temperature and pressure;
FIG. 93 depicts yield of fluids produced from an oil shale containing formation as a function of
temperature and pressure;
:'• FIG. 94 depicts a plot of oil yield produced from treating an oil shale containing formation;
FIG. 95 depictsyield ofoil produced from treating anoil shale containing formation;
FIG, 96 depicts hydrogen to carbon ratio of hydrocarbon condensate produced from an ofl shale
containing formation asia function of temperature and pressure;
FIG. 97 depicts olefin to paraffin ratio of hydrocarbon condensate produced from an oil shale containing
formation as a functionofpressure and temperature; /
. PIG. 98 depicts relationships between properties of a hydrocarbon fluid produced from an oil shale
; containing formation; : :
FIG. 99 depicts quantity of oil produced from an oil shale containing formation as a function of partial
pressure of H2; •
FIG. 100 depicts ethene to ethane ratios of fluid produced from an oil shale containing formation as a
function of temperature and pressure;
FIG. 101 depicts hydrogen to carbon atomic ratios of fluid produced from an oil shale containing
formation as a function of temperature and pressure;
FIG. 102 depicts an embodiment of an apparatus for a drum experiment;
FIG. 103 deplete a plot of ethene to ethane ratio versus hydrogen concentration;
FIG. 104 depicts a heat source and production well pattern for a field experiment in an oil shale
cbntaining formation;
FIG. 105 depicts a cross-sectional view of the field experiment;
. FIG. 106 depicts a plot of temperature within the oil shale containing formation during the field
experiment;'FIG. 107 depicts pressure within the oil shale containing formation during the field experiment;
FIG. 108 depictsaplotof API gravity of a fluid produced from the oil shale containing formation during
the field experiment versus time;
FIG. 109 depicts average carbon numbers of fluid produced from the oil shale containing formation
during the field experiment versus time;
FIG. 110 depicts density of fluid produced from the oil shale containing formation during the field
experiment versus time;
FIG. Ill depicts a plot of weight percent of hydrocarbons within fluid produced from the oil shale
containing formation during the field experiment; -'..
'•.... FIG. 112 depicts a plot of an average yield of oil from the oil shale containmg formation during the field
FIG. 113 depicts experimental data from laboratory experiments on oil shale;
FIG. 114 depicts total hydrocarbon production and liquid phase fraction versus1 time of a fluid produced
from an oil shale containing formation; :
FIG. 115 depicts weight percentof paraffins versus vitrinite reflectance;
; FIG. 116 depicts weight percent of cycloalkanes in produced oilversus vitrinite reflectance;
FIG. 117 depicts weight percentages of paraffins and cycloalkanes in produced oil versus vitrinite
reflectance; .
FIG. 118 depicts phenol weight percent in produced oil versus vitrinite reflectance;
FIG. 119 depicts aromatic weight percent in producedoil versus vitrinite reflectance;
FIG. 120 depicts ratio of parafBns and aliphatics to aromatics versus vitrinite reflectance;
FIG. 121 depicts--.yields of'parafiins versus vitrinite feflectance;
FIG. 122 depicts yields of (ycloalkanesvereus vitrinite reflectence;
• • FIG. 123 depicts yields of cycloalkanes and p>iafi1ns versus vitrinite reflectance;
. FIG. 124 depicts yields of phenol versus vitrinite reflectance;
FIG. 125 depictsAPI gravity as a function of vitrinitereflectance;
"Vvv .' . . FIG. 126 depicts yield of oil from a coal containing formation as a ftmction of vitrinite reflectance;
FIG. 127 depicts COyield from coal having various vitrinite reflectances;
FIG. 128 depicts CO2 yield versus atomic O/C ratio for a coal containing formation;
FIG. 129 depicts a schematic of a coal cube experiment;
FIG. 130 depicts in situ temperature profiles for electrical resistance heaters, and natural distributed
.combustion heaters;
- FIG. 131 depicts equilibrium gas phase compositions produced from experiments on a coal cube;
FIG. 132 depicts cumulative production of gas as a function of temperature produced by heating a coal . .
FIG. 133 depicts cumulative condensable hydrocarbons and water as a function of temperature produced
by heating a coal cube;
FIG. 134 depicts the compositions of condensable hydrocarbons produced when various ranks of coal
were treated; :
FIG. 135 depicts thermal conductivity of coal versus temperature;
FIG. 136 depicts a cross-sectional view of an in situ experimental field test;
FIG. 137 depicts locations of heat sources and wells in an experimental field test;
FIG. 138 and FIG. 139 depict temperature versus time in an experimental field test;
FIG. 140 depicts volume of oil produced from an experimental field test as a function of time;
FIG. 141 depicts carbon number distribution of fluids produced from an experimental field test;
FIG. 142 depicts weight percent of a hydrocarbon produced from two laboratory experiments on coal
from the 1 field test site versus carbon number distribution;
FIG. 143 depicts fractions from separation of coal oils treated by Fischer assay and treated by slow
heating in a coal cube experiment;
FIG. 144 depicts percentage ethene to ethane produced from a coal containing formation as a function of
heating rate in an experimental field test;
FIG. 14S depicts product quality of fluids produced from a coal containing formation as a function of
heating rate in an experimental field test;
FIG. 146 deplete weight percentages of various fluids produced from a coal containing formation for
various heating rates in dn: experimental field test;
; FIG. 147 depicts CO2 produced at three different locations Versus time man experimental field test;FIG. 148 depicts volatiles produced from a coal containing formation in an experimental field test versus
cumulative energy content;
FIG. 149 depicts volume of gas produced from a coal containing formation in an experimental field test
as a function of time;
FIG. 150 depicts volume of oil produced from a coal containing formation in an experimental field test
as a function of energy input;
FIG. 151 depicts synthesis gas production from the coal containing formation in an experimental field
test versus the total water inflow;
FIG. 152 depicts additional synttiesis gas production from the coal containing formation in an
experimental field test due to injected steam; V: .
FIG. 153 depict me effert of memanekjexonmto a heated
FIG. 155 depicts the effect of propane injection into a heated formation;
: FIG. 156 depicts the effect of butane injection into a heated formation; '••
FIG. 157 depicts composition of gas produced from a formation versus time;
FIG. 158 depicts synthesis gas conversion versus time;
FIG. 159 depicts calculated equilibrium gas dry mole fractions for a reaction of coal with water;
FIG. 160 depicts calculated equilibrium gas wet mole fractions for a reaction of coal with water;
FIG. 161 depicts an example of pyrolysis and synthesis gas production stages in a coal containing
formation; •'.' ",
FIG. 162 depicts an example of low temperature in situ synthesis gas production;
FIG. 163 depicts an example of high temperature in situ synthesis gas production;
FIG. 164 depicts an example of hi situ synthesis gas production in a hydrocarbon containing formation;
FIG. 165 depicts a plot of cumulative adsorbed methane and carbon dioxide versus pressure in a coal
containing formation;
FIG. 166 depicts an embodiment of in situ synthesis gas production integrated with a Fischer-Tropsch
process; .: FIG. 167 depicts a comparison between numerical simulation data and experimental field test data of
synthesis gas composition produced as a fimction of time;
FIG. 168 depicts weight percentages of carbon compounds versus carbon number produced from a heavy
hydrocarbon containing formation;
FIG. 169 depicts weight percentages of carbon compounds produced from a heavy hydrocarbon
containing; formation versus heating rate and pressure;
FIG. 170 depicts a plot-of oil production versus tune in a heavyhydrocarbon containing formation;
FIG. 171 depicts ratio of heat content of fluids produced from a heavy hydrocarbon containing formation
to heat hiput versus time;
FIG, 172 depicts numerical simulation data of weight percentage versus carbon number distribution
produced from a heavy hydrocarbon containing formation;
FIG. 173 depicts H2 mole percent hi gases produced from heavy hydrocarbon drum experiments.
FIG. 174 depicts API gravity of liquids produced from heavy hydrocarbon drum experiments;
FIG. 175 depicts a plot of hydrocarbon liquids production over time for an in situ field experiment;
FIG. 176 depicts a plot of hydrocarbon liquids, gas, and water for an in situ field experiment;
FIG. 177 depicts pressure atwellheads as a function of time from a numerical simulation;
FIG. 178 depicts production rate of carbon dioxide and methane as a function of tune from a numerical
simulation; ; •/.•
FIG. 179 depicts cumulative methane produced and net carbon dioxide injected as a function of time
from a numerical simulation;
FIG. 180 depicts pressure atwellheads as a function of time from a numerical simulation;
FIG. 181 depicts production rats of carbon dioxide as a function of time from a numerical simulation;
:and • '
FIG. 182 depicts cumiilative net carbon dioxide injected;as a function of time from a numerical
;/ While the invention, is susceptible to various modifications and alternative forms, specific embodiments
;thereof are shown by way of example in the drawings and may herein be described in detail. The drawings may
not be to scale. It should be understood, however, that the drawings;and detailed description thereto are not
: intended to limit the invention to the particular form disclosed, but on the contrary, the intention is to cover all
niodifications, equivalents and alternatives falling within the spirit and scope of the present invention as defined
by the appended claims.
; The following description generally relates to systems and methods for treating a hydrocarbon containing
formation (e.g., a formation containing coal (including lignite, sapropelic coal, etc.), oil shale, carbonaceous shale,
shungites, kerogea, oil, kerogen and oil in a low permeability matrix, heavy hydrocarbons, asphaltites, natural
mineral waxes, formations wherein kerogen is blocking production of other hydrocarbons, etc.). Such formations
may be treated to yield relatively high quality hydrocarbon products, hydrogen, and other products.
As used herein, "a method of treating a hydrocarbon containing formation" may be used interchangeably
; with "an in situ conversion process for hydrocarbons." "Hydrocarbons" are generally defined as organic material
that contains carbon and hydrogen hi their molecular structures. Hydrocarbons may also include other elements,
such as, but not limited to, halogens, metallic elements, nitrogen, oxygen, and/or sulfur. Hydrocarbons may be,
but are not limited to, kerogen, bitumen, pyrobitumen, and oils. Hydrocarbons may be located within or adjacent
to mineral matrices within the earth. Matrices may include, but are not limited to, sedimentary rock, sands,
silicilytes, carbonates, diatomites, and other porous media.
"Kerogen" is generally defined as a solid, insoluble hydrocarbon that has been converted by natural
degradation (e.g., by diagenesis) and that principally contains carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur.
Coal and oil shale are typical examples of materials that contain kerogens. "Bitumen" is generally defined as a
non-crystallinesolid or viscous hydrocarbon material that is substantially soluble in carbon disulpbide. "Oil" is
generally defined as a fluid containing a complex mixture of condensable hydrocarbons.
The terms "formation fluids" and "produced fluids" generally refer to fluids reinoved from a
hydrocarbon containing formation and may include pyrolyzation fluid, synthesis gas, mobilized hydrocarbon, and
Water (steam). The terra "mobilized fluid" generally refers to fluids within the formation that are able to flow
because of thermal treatment of the formation. Formation fluids may include hydrocarbon fluids as well as nonhydrocarbon
fluids. As used herein, "hydrocarbon fluids" generally refer to compounds including primarily
: hydrogen and carbon. Hydrocarbon fluids may include other elements in addition to hydrogen and carbon such
as, but not limited to, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur. Non-hydrocarbon fluids may include, but are not limited to,
hydrogen ("Hz"), nitrogen ("Na"), carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, water, and ammonia.
A "carbon number' generally refers to a number of carbon atoms within a molecule. As described
herein, carbon number distributions are determined by true boiling point, distribution and gas liquid
A "heat source" is genery defined as any system configured to provide heat to at least a portion of a
formation. For example, a heat source may include electrical heaters such as an insulated conductor, an elongated
member, and a conductor disposed within a conduit, as described b embodiments herein. A heat source may also
include heat sources that generate heat by burning a fuel external to or within a formation such as surface burners,
: flameless distributed combustors, and natural distributed combustors, as described in embodiments herein; m
addition, it is envisioned thai in some embodiments heat provided to or generated in one or more heat sources may
: by supplied by other sources of energy, the other sources of energy may directly heat a formation, or the energy
niay be applied to a transfer media that directly or indirectly heats me formation. It is to be understood mat one or
more heat sources that are applying heat to a formation may me different sources of .energy. Thus, for example,
for a given formation some heat sources may supply heat from electric resistance heaters, some heat sources may
provide heat from combustion, and some heat sources may provide heat from one or more other energy sources
(e.&, chemical reactions, solar energy, wind energy, or other sources of renewable energy). A chemical reaction
may include an exothermic reaction such as, but not limited to, an oxidation reaction that may take place in at
. least a portion of a formation. A heat source may also include a heater that may be configured to provide heat to a
zone proximate to and/or surrounding a heating location such as a heater well. Heaters may be, but are not limited
to, electric heatsrs, burners, iand natural distributed combustors.
A "heater" is generally defined as any system configured to generate heat in a well or a near wellbore
region. A "unit of heat sources" refers to a minimal number of heat sources that form a template that is repeated
to create a pattern of heat sources within a formation. For example, a heater may generate heat by burning a fuel
external to or within a formation such as surface burners, flameless distributed combustors, and natural distributed
combustors, as described in embodiments herein.
Hie term "wellbore" generally refers to a hole in a formation made by drilling. A wellbore may have a
substantially circular: cross-section, or a cross-section uv other shapes as well (e.g., circles, ovals, squares,
rectangles, triangles, slits, or other regular or irregular shapes). As used herein, the terms "well" and "opening,"
v/hert referring to an opening in the formation, may also be used interchangeably with me term "wetSbore."
As used herein, the phrase "natural distributed combustor" generally refers to a heater that uses an
oxidant to oxidize at least a portion of the carbon in me formation to generate heat, and wherein me oxidation
takes place in a vicinity proximate to a wellbore. Most of the combustion products produced in the natural
distributed combustor are removed through the wellbore.
The term "orifices," as used herein, generally describes openings having a wide variety of sizes and .
cross-sectional shapes including, but not limited to, circles, ovals, squares, rectangles, triangles, slits, or other
regular or irregular shapes.
As used herein, a "reaction zone" generally refers to a volume of a hydrocarbon containing formation
. that is subjected to a chemical reaction such as an oxidation reaction.
As used hereui, the term "insulated conductor" generally refers to any elongated material that: may
conduct electricity and that is covered, in whole or in part, by an electrically insulating material. The term "selfcontrols"
generally refers to controlling an output of a heater without external control ofanytype.
"Pyrolysis" is generally defined as the breaking of chemical bonds due to the application of heat For
example, pyrolysis may include transforming a compound into one or more other substances by heat alone; M the
context of this patent, heat for pyrolysis may originate in an oxidation reaction and men such heat may be
transferred to a section of the formation to cause pyrolysis.
As used herein, a "pyrolyzation fluid" or "pyrolysis products" generally refers to a fluid produced
substantially during pyrolysis of hydrocarbons. As used herein, a "pyrolysis zone" generally refers to a volume of
hydrbcarbon containing formation mat is reacted or reacting to form a pyrolyzatipn fluid.
• , "Cracking" generally refers to a process mvbhring decomposition and molecular recombination of
organic compounds wherein a number of molecules becomes larger. In cracking, a series of reactions take place
accompanied by a transfer of hydrogen atoms between molecules. Cracking fundamentally changes the chemical
structure of the molecules. For example, naphtha may undergo a thermal cracking reaction to form ethene and H2.
The term "superposition of heaf is generally defined as providing heat from at least two heat sources to
a selected section of the portion of the formation such that the temperature of the formation at least at one location
between Ihe two wells is influenced by at least two heat sources.
The term "fingering" generally refers to injected fluids bypassing portions of a formation because of
variations intransport characteristics (e.g., permeability).
; "Thermal conductivity" is generally defined as the property of a material that describes the rate at which
heat flows, in steady state, between two surfaces of the material for a given temperature difference between the
; two surfaces. •
"Fluid pressure" is geaerally defined as a pressure generated by a fluid within a formation. "Lithostatic
pressure" is sometimes referred to as lithostatic stress and is generally defined as a pressure within a formation
equal to a weight per unit area of an overlying rock mass. "Hydrostatic pressure" is generally defined as a
pressure within a formation exerted by a column of water.
"Condensable hydrocarbons" means the hydrocarbons that condense at 25 °C at one atmosphere absolute
pressure. Condensable hydrocarbons may include a mixture of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers greater than
4. "Non-condensable hydrocarbons" means the hydrocarbons that do not condense at 25 °C and one atmosphere
, absolute pressure. Non-condensable hydrocarbons may include hydrocarbons having carbon numbers less than 5.
"Olefins" are generally defined as unsaturated hydrocarbons having one or more non-aromatic carbon-tocarbon
doable bonds.
"Urea" is generally described by a molecular formula of NH2-CO-NH2. Urea can be used as a fertilizer.
"Synthesis gas" is generally defined as a mixture including hydrogen and carbon monoxide used for
synthesizing a wide range of compounds. Additional components of synthesis gas may include water, carbon
dioxide, nitrogen, methane and other gases. Synthesis gas may be generated by a variety of processes and
/'feedstocks.-"Reforming" is generally defined as the reaction of hydrocarbons (such as methane or naphtha) with
steam to produce CO and H2 as major products. Generally it is conducted in the presence of a catalyst although it
can beperformed thermally without the presence of a catalyst.
'questration" generally refers to storing a gas that is a by-product of a process rather than Venting me
gas to the atmosphere.
Tile term "dipping1' is generally defined as sloping downward or inclining from a plane parallel to the
earth's surface, assuming the plane is flat (i.e., a "horizontal" plane). A "dip" is generally defined as an angle that
a stratum or similar feature may make with a horizontal plane. A "steeply dipping" hydrocarbon containing
formation generally refers to a hydrocarbon containing formation lying at an angle of at least 20° from a
horizontal plane. As used herein, "down dip" generally refers to downward along a direction parallel to a dip ma
formation. As used herein, "up dip" generally refers to upward along a direction parallel to a dip-of aformation.
"Strike" refers to me course or bearing of hydrocarbon material that is normal to the direction of the dip.
The term "subsidence" is generally defined as downward movement of a portion of a formation relative
to an initial elevation of ihe surfece. : ;
; "Thickness" of a layer refers to the thickness of a cross-section of a layer, wherehi the cross-section is
normaltoaeofthe-fayer. : : ;
"Coring" is generally defined as a process that generally includes drilling a hole into a formation and
removing a substantially solid mass offee formation fromthehole.
A"surfaceunit"is generally defined as anex. situ treatment unit ;
"Middle distillates" generally refers to hydrocarbon mixtures with a boiling point range that may
correspond substantially with that of kerosene and gas oil fractions obtained in a conventional atmospheric
distillation of crude oil- material. The middle distillate boiling point range may include temperatures between
about 150 9C and about 360°C, with a fraction boiling pointbetween about 200 °C and about 360 °C. Middle
•distillates may be refefreid to as gas oil.
A "boiling point cut" is generally defined as a hydrocarbon liquid fraction that may be separated from
hydrocarbon liquids when the hydrocarbon liquids are heated to a boiling point range of the fraction.
The term "selected mobilized section" refers to a section of a relatively permeable formation that is at an
average temperature within a mobilization temperature range. The term "selected pyroryzation section" refers to a
section of a relatively permeable formation that is at an average temperature within a pyrolyzation temperature
range. .
"Enriched air" generally refers to air having a larger mole fraction of oxygen man air in the atmosphere.
Enrichment of air Is typically done to increase its combustion-supporting ability.
• "Heavy hydrocarbons" are generally defined as viscous hydrocarbon fluids. Heavy hydrocarbons may
include highly viscous hydrocarbon fluids such as heavy oil, tar, and/or asphalt. Heavy hydrocarbons may include
carbon and hydrogen, as well as smaller concentrations of sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen. Additional elements may
also be present in heavy hydrocarbons in trace amounts. Heavy hydrocarbons may be classified by API gravity.
Heavy hydrocarbons generally have an API gravity below about 20°. Heavy oil, for example, generally has an
API gravity of about 10-20° whereas tar generally has ar. API gravity below about 10°. The viscosity of heavy
hydrocarbons is generally greater man about 300 centipoise at 15 °C. Tar generally has a viscosity greater than
about 10,000 centipoise at 15 °C. Heavy hydrocarbons may also include aromatics, or other complex ring
Heavy hydrocarbons may be found in a relatively permeable formation. The relatively permeable
formation may include heavy hydrocarbons entrained in, for example, sand or carbonate. "Relatively permeable"
is defined, with respect to formations or portions thereof, as an average permeability of 10 millidarcy or more
(e.gl, 10 or 100 millidarcy). "Relatively low permeability" is defned, with respect to formations or portions
thereof, as an average permeability of less than about 10 millidarcy. One Darcy is equal to about 0.99 square
micrometers. An impermeable layer generally has a permeability of less than about 0.1 millidarcy.
The term "upgrade" refers to mcreashig me API gravity of heavy hydrocarbons.
The phrase "off peak" times generally refers to times of operation where utility energy is less commonly
used and, therefore, less expensive. •;
The term"low Viscosity zone" generally refers to asection of aformation where at least aportion of the
fluids are mobilized ; /
Tar containedinsand in a formation is generally referred toas a "tar sand formation."
"Thermal fracture" refers to fractures created in a formation caused by expansion or contraction of a
formation and/or fluids within the formation, which is in rum caused by increasing/decreasing the temperature of
the formation and/or fluids within the formation, and/or by increasing/decreasing a pressure of fluids within the
formation due to heating. "Vertical hydraulic fracture" refers to a fracture at least partially propagated along a vertical plane in a
formation, wherein foe fracture is created through injection of fluids into a formation.
Hydrocarbons in formations may be treated in various ways to produce many different products. In
certain embodiments such formations may be treated in stages. FIG. 1 illustrates several stages of heating a '
hydrocarbon containing formation. FIG. 1 also depicts an example of yield (barrels of oil equivalent per ton) (y
axis) of formation fluids from a hydrocarbon containing formation versos temperature (°C) (x axis) of the
formation. ' -Desorptiori of methane and vaporization of water occurs during stage 1 heating hi FIG. L For example,
when a hydrocarbon containing formation is initiaUy heated, hydrocarbons in the formation may desorb adsorbed
methane. The desorbed methane may be produced from the formation. If the hydrocarbon containing formation
is heated further, water within the hydrocarbon containing fonnation may be vaporized. In addition, the vaporized
water may be produced from the formation. Heating of the formation through stage 1 is in many instances
preferably performed as quickly as possible.
After stage 1 heating, the fonnation may be heated further such mat a temperature within the formation
reaches (at least) an initial pyrolyzation temperature (e.g., me temperature at Hie lower end of the temperature
range shown as stage 2). A pyrolysis temperature range may vary depending on types of hydrocarbons within the formation. For example, a pyrolysis temperature range may include temperatures between about 250 °C and about
900 °C. In an alternative embodiment, a pyrolysis temperature range may include temperatures between about
270 °C to about 400 °G. Hydrocarbons within the formation may be pyrplyzed throughout stage 2.
Fonnation fluids including pyrolyzation fluids may be produced from the formation. The pyrolyzation
fluids may include, but are not limited to, hydrocarbons, hydrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen
sulfide, ammonia, nitrogen, water and mixtures thereof. As the temperature of the fonnation increases, the
condensable hydrocarbons of produced formation fluid tends to decrease, and the fonnation will in many
instances tend to produce mostly methane and hydrogen. If a hydrocarbon containing formation is heated
throughout an entire pyrolysis range, the formation may produce only small amounts of hydrogen towards an
upper limit of the pyrolysis range. After all of the available hydrogen is depleted, a minimal amount of fluid
production from the fonnation will typically occur.
After pyrolysis of hydrocarbons, a large amount of carbon and some hydrogen may still be present in the
formation. A significant portion of remaining carbon k the formation can be produced from the formation in the
form of synthesis gas. Synthesis gas generation may taks place during stage 3 heating as shown in FIG. 1. Stage
3 may include heating a hydrocarbon containing formation to a temperature sufficient to allow synmesis gas
generation. For example, synmesis gas may be produced within a temperature range from about 400 °C to about
1200 °C. The temperature of the fonnation when the synthesis gas generating fluid is introduced to the fonnation
will in many instances determine the composition of synthesis gas produced within the formation. If a synthesis
gas generating fluid is introduced into a formation at a temperature sufficient to allow synthesis gas generation,
men synthesis gas may be generated within me fonnation. The generated synthesis gas may be removed from the
formation. A large volume of synthesis gas may be produced during generation of synmesis gas generation.
Depending on the amounts of fluid produced, total energy cont of fluids produced from a hydrocarbon
obtaining formation may in some instances stay relatively constant throughout pyrolysis and synmesis gas
generation. For example, during pyrolysis, at relatively low formation temperatures, a significant portion of the
: produced fluid may be "condensable hydrocarbons that have; a high energy content At higher pyrolysis
temperatures, howeverjjess of the formation fluid may include condensable hydrocarbons, ana more noncondensable
formation fluids may be produced. In this manner, energy content per unit volume of the produced
fluid may decline slightly during generation of predominantly non-condensable formation fluids. During
synthesis gas generation, energy content per unit volume of produced synthesis gas declines significantly
compared to energy content of pyrolyzation fluid. The volume of the produced synthesis gas, however, will in
many instance increase substantially, mereby compensating for the decreased energy content
As explained below, the van Krevelen diagram shown in FIG. 2 depicts a plot of atomic hydrogen to
carbon ratio (y axis) versus atomic oxygen to carbon ratio (x axis) for various types of kerogen;, This diagram
shows the maturation sequence for various types of kerogen that typically occurs over geologic time due to
temperature, pressure, and biochemical degradation. The maturation may be accelerated by heating in situ at a
controlled rate and/or a controlled pressure.
A vau Krevelen diagram may be useful for selecting a resource for practicing various embodiments
described herein (see discussion below). Treating a formation containing kerogen in region 5 will in many
instances produce, e.g., carbon dioxide, non-condensable hydrocarbons, hydrogen, and water, along with a
relatively small amount of condensable hydrocarbons. Treating a formation containing kerogen in region 7 will in
many instances produce, e.g., carbon condensable and non-condensable hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, hydrogen,
and water. Treating a formation containing kerogen in region 9 will in many instances produce, e.g., methane and
hydrogen. A formation containing kerogen in region 7, for example, may in many instances be selected for
treatment because doing so will tend to produce larger quantities of valuable hydrocarbons, and lower quantities
of undesirable products such as carbon dioxide and water, since the region 7 kerogen has already undergone dehydration and/or decarboxylation over geological time. In addition, region 7 kerogen can also be further treated
to make other useful products (e.g., methane, hydrogen, and/of synthesis gas) as such kerogen transforms to
region 9 kerogen.
If a formation containing kerogen hi region 5 or 7 was selected for treatment, then treatment pursuant to
certain embodiments described herein would cause such kerogen to transform during treatment (see arrows in
FIG. 2) to a region having a higher number (e.g., region 5 kerogen could transform to region 7 kerogen and
possibly then to region 9 kerogen, or region 7 kerogen could transform to region 9 kerogen). Thus, certain
embodiments described herein cause expedited maturation of kerogen, thereby allowing production of valuable -products. . If region 5 kerogen, for example, is treated, men substantial carbon dioxide may be produced due to
decarboxylation of hydrocarbons in the formation. In addition, treating region 5 kerogen may also produce some
hydrocarbons (e.g., primarily methane). Treating region 5 kerogen may also produce substantial amounts of water
due to dehydration of kerogen in the formation. Production of such compounds from a formation may leave
residual hydrocarbons relatively enriched in carbon. Oxygen content of the hydrocarbons will in many instances
decrease faster man a hydrogen content of fee hydrocarbons/during production of such compounds. Therefore, as
.shown in FIG. 2, production of such compounds may result in a larger decrease in the atomic oxygen to carbon
ratio than a decrease in the atomic hydrogen to carbon ratio (see region 5 arrows hi FIG. 2 which depict more
horizontal thm vertical movement). V
If region 7 kerogen is treated, then typically at least some of the hydrocarbons in the formation are
pyrolyzed to produce condensable and non-condensable hydrocarbons. For example, treating region 7 kerogen
may result in production of oil from hydrocarbons, as well as soine carbon dioxide and water (albeit generally ' ' less
carbon dioxide and water than is produced when the region 5 kerogen is treated). Therefore, the atomic hydrogen
to carbon ratio of the kerogen will in many instances decrease rapidly as the kerogen in region 7 is treated. The atomic oxygen to carbon ratio of the region 7 kerogen, however, will in many instances decrease much slower
than the atomic hydrogefl/to carbon ratio of the region 7 kerogen.
Kerogen in region 9 may be treated to generate methane and hydrogen. For example, if such kerogen
was previously treated (e.g., it was previously region 7 kerogeh)i then after pyrorysis longer hydrocarbon chains
of the hydrocarbons may have already cracked and[produced from the formation. Carbon and hydrogen, however,
If kerogen in region 9 were heated to a synthesis gas generating temperature and a synthesis gas
generating fluid (e.g., steam) were added to tile region 9 kerogen, then at least a portion of remaining
hydrocarbons in the formation may be produced from the formation in the form of synthesis gas. For region 9
kerogen, the atomic hydrogen to carbon ratio and the atomic oxygen to carbon ratio in the hydrocarbons may
significantly decrease as the temperature rises. In this manner, hydrocarbons in tue formation may be transformed
iiitia relatively pure carbon in region 9. Heating region 9 kerogen to still higher temperatures will tend to
transform such kerogen into graphite 11.
A hydrocarbon containing formation may have a number of properties that will depend on, for example,
a composition of at least some of the hydrocarbons withini the formation. Such properties tend to affect the
composition and amount of products that are produced from a hydrocarbon containing formation. Therefore,
properties of a hydrocarbon containing formation cau be used to determine if and/or how a hydrocarbon
containing formation could optimally be treated.
Kerogen is composed of organic matter mat has ;been transformed due to a maturation process.
Hydrocarbon containing formations that include kerogen include, but are not limited to, coal containing
formations and oil shale containing formations. Examples of hydrocarbon containing formations that may not
include kerogen are formations containing heavy hydrocarbons (e.g., tar sands). The maturation process may
include two stages: a biochemical stage and a geochemical stage. The biochemical stage typically involves
degradation of organic material by both aerobic and anaerobic organisms; The geochemical-stage typically
involves conversion of organic matter due to temperature changes and significant pressures. During maturation,
oil and gas may be produced as the organic matter of the kerogen is transfonned.
The van Krevelen diagram shown in FiG. 2 classifies various natural deposits of kerogen. For example,
kerogen may be classified into four distinct groups: type I, type H, type ffl, and type IV, which are illustrated by the four branches of the van Krevelen diagram. This drawing shows the maturation sequence for kerogen, which
typically occurs over geological time due to temperature and pressure. The types depend upon precursor materials
of the kerogen. The precursor materials transform over time into macarals, which are microscopic structures that
have different structures and properties based on the precursor materials from which they are derived. Oil shale
may be described as a kerogen type I or type II and may primarily contain macerals from the liptinite group.
Liptinites are derived from plants, specifically the lipid rich and resinous parts. The concentration of hydrogen
within liptinite may be as high as 9 weight %. In addition, liptinite has a relatively high hydrogen to carbon ratio
snd a relatively low atomic oxygen to carbon ratio: A typel kerogen may also be former classified as an alginite,
since type I kerogen may include primarily algal bodies. Type I kerogen may result from deposits made in
lacustrine environments. Type n kerogen may develop from organic matter that was deposited in marine
eiivfronmehts. .
Type III kerogen may generally include vitrinite macerals. Vitrinite is derived from cell walls and/or
woody tissues (e.g. stems, branches, leaves and roots of plants). Type itt kerogen may be present in most humic
coals. Type HI kerogen may develop from organic matter tot was deposited in swamps. Type IV kerogen
includes the inertinite maceral group. This group is composed of plant material such as leaves, bark and stems
that have undergone oxidation during the early peat stages of burial diagenesis. It is chemically similar to vitrinite
but has a high carboa and low hydrogen content. Thus, it is considered inert
The dashed lines in FIG. 2 correspond to vitrinite reflectance. The vitrinite reflectance is a measure of
maturation. As kerogen undergoes maturation, the composition of the kerogen usually changes. For example, as
kerogen undergoes maturation, volatile matter of kerogen tends to decrease. Rank classifications of kerogen
indicate the level to which kerogen has matured. For example, as kerogen undergoes maturation, the rank of
kerogen increases. Therefore, as rank increases, the volatile matter of kerogen tends to decrease. In addition, the
moisture content of kerogen generally decreases as the rank increases. At higher ranks, however, the moisture
content may become relatively constant For example, higher rank kerogens that have undergone significant
'maturation, such as semi-anthracite or anthracite coal, tend to have a higher carbon content and a lower volatile matter content man lower rank kerogens such as lignite. For example, rank stages of coal containing formations
include the following classifications, which are listed in order of increasing rank and maturity for type III
kerogen: wood, peat, lignite, sub-bituminous coal, high volatile bituminous coal, medium volatile bituminous
coal, low volatile bituminous coal, semi-anthracite, and anthracite. In addition, as rank increases, kerogen tends
to exhibit an increase in aromatic nature. -
Hydrocarbon containing formations may be selected for in situ treatment based on properties of at least a .
portion of the formation. For example, a formation may be selected based on richness, thickness, and depth (i.e.,
thickness of overburden) of the formation. In addition, a formation may be selected that will have relatively high
quality fluids produced from the formation. In certain embodiments the quality of me fluids to be produced may
be assessed in advance of treatment, thereby generating significant cost savings since only more optimal
formations will be selected for treatment Properties that may be used to assess hydrocarbons in a formation
include, but are not limited to, an amount of hydrocarbon liquids that tend to be produced from the hydrocarbons,
a likely API gravity of the produced hydrocarbon liquids, an amount of hydrocarbon gas mat tend to be produced
from the hydrocarbons, and/or an amount of carbon dioxide and water that tend to be produced from the
hydrocarbons. ;
Another property that may be used to assess the quality of fluids produced from certain kerogen
containing formations is vitrinite reflectance. Such formations include, but are not limited to, coal containing
formations and oil shale containing formations. Hydrocarbon containing formations that include kerogen can
: typically be assessed/selected for treatment based on a vitrinite reflectance of the kerogen. Vitrinite reflectance! is
often related to a hydrogen to carbon atomic ratio of a kerogen and an oxygen to carbon atomic ratio of the
kerogen, as shown by the dashed lines in Fig. 2. For example, a van Krevelen diagram may be useful to selecting
a resource for an m situ conversion process.
Vitrinite reflectance of a kerogen in a hydrocarbon containing formation tends to indicate which fluids
: may be produced from a formation upon hearing. For example, a vitrinite reflectance of approximately 0.5 % to
approximately 1.5 % tends to indicate a kerogen that, upon heating, will produce fluids as described in region 7
above. Therefore, if a hydrocarbon containing formation having such kerogen is heated, a significant amount
(e.g., majority) of the fluid produced by such heating will often include oil and other such hydrocarbon fluids. In
addition, a vitrinite reflectance of approximately 1.5 % to 3.0 % may indicate a kerogen in region 9 as described
above. If a hydrocarbon containing formation having such kerogen is heated, a significant amount (e.g., majority)
of the fluid produced by such heating may include methane and hydrogen (and synthesis gas, if, for example, the
temperature is sufficiently high and steam is injected). In an embodiment, at least a portion of a hydrocarbon
containing formation selected for treatment in situ has a vitrinite reflectance in a range between about 0:2 % and
about 3.0 %. Alternatively, at least a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation selected for treatment has a
Vitrinite reflectance from about 0.5 % to about 2.0 %, and, in some circumstances, the vitrinite reflectance may
range from about 0.5 % to 1.0 %. Such ranges of vitrinite reflectance tend to indicate that relatively higher quality
formation fluids will be produced from me formation.
In an embodiment, a hydrocarbon containing formation may be selected for treatment based en a
hydrogen content within the hydrocarbons in the formation. For example, a method of treating a hydrocarbon
containing formation may include selecting a portion of the hydrocarbca containing formation for treatment
having hydrocarbons with a hydrogen content greater than about 3 weight %, 3.5 weight %, or 4 weight % when
measured on a dry, ash-free basis. In addition, a selected section of a hydrocarbon containing formation may
include hydrocarbons with an atomic hydrogen to carbon ratio that falls within a range from about 0.5 to about 2,
and in many instances from about 0.70 to about 1.65.
Hydrogen content of a hydrocarbon containing formation may significantly affect a composition of
hydrocarbon fluids produced from a formation. For example, pyrolysis of at least some of the hydrocarbons
•within the heated portion may generate hydrocarbon fluids that may include a double bond or a radical. Hydrogen
within the formation may reduce the double bond to a single b6n£ In this manner, reaction of generated
hydrocarbon fluids with each other and/or with additional components in the formation may be substantially
inhibited. For example, reduction of a double bond of the generated hydrocarbon fluids to a single bond may
reduce polymerization of the generated hydrocarbons. Such polymerization tends to reduce the amount of fluids
/produced. ' In addition, hydrogen within the formation may also neutralize radicals in the generated hydrocarbon
fluids. In this manner,hydrogen present in the formation may substantially inhibit reaction of hydrocarbon
fragments by transforming the hydrocarbon fragments into relatively short chain hydrocarbon fluids, lite
hydrocarbon fluids may enter a vapor phase and may be produced from the formation. The increase in the
hydrocarbon fluids in the vapor phase may significantly reduce a potential for producing less desirable products
within the selected section of the formation.
It is believed that if too Itttle hydrogen is present in the formation, then the amount and quality of the
produced fluids will be negatively affected. If too little hydrogen is naturally present, then in some embodiments
hydrogen or other reducing fluids may be added to the formation.
When heating a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation, oxygen within the portion may form
carbon dioxide. It may be desirable to reduce the production of carbon dioxide and other oxides. In an
embodiment, production of carbon dioxide may be reduced by selecting and treating a portion of a hydrocarbon
containing formation having a vitrinite reflectance of greater than about 0.5 %. In addition, an amount of carbon
dioxide produced from a formation may vary depending on, for example, an oxygen content of a treated portion of
the hydrocarbon containing formation. Certain embodiments may thus include selecting and treating a portion of
the formation having a kerogen with an atomic oxygen weight percentage of less man about 20 %, 15 %, and/or
10 %. In addition, certain embodbnents may include selecting and processing a formation containing kerogen
: with an atomic oxygen to carbon ratio of less than about 0.15. Alternatively, at least some of the hydrocarbons in
v a portion Of a formation selected for treatment may have an atomic oxygen to carbon ratio of about 0.03 to about
0.12, In this manner, production of carbon dioxide and other oxides from an in situ conversion .process for
;•; hydrocarbons may be reduced.
Heating a hydrocarbon containing formation may include providing a large amount of energy to heat
sources located within the formation. Hydrocarbon containing formations may contain water. Water present in
the hydrocarbon containing formation will tend to further increase the amount of energy required to heat a
hydrocarbon containing formation. In this manner, water tends to hinder efficient heating of the formation. Foi
example, a large amount of energy may be required to evaporate water from a hydrocarbon containing formation.
Thus, an initial rate.of temperature increase may be reduced by the presence of water in the formation. Therefore,
excessive amounts of heat and/or time may be required to heat a formation having a high moisture content to a
temperature sufficient to allow pyrolysis of at least some of the hydrocarbons in the formaticn. In an
embodiment, an in situ conversion process for hydrocarbons may include selecting a portion of the hydrocarbon
containing formation for treatment having an initial moisture content of less than about 15 % by weight {in some
embodiments dewatering wells may be used to reduce the water content of the formation). Alternatively, an in
situ conversion process for hydrocarbons may include selecting a portion of the hydrocarbon containing formation
for treatment having an initial moisture content of less than about 10 % by weight
In an embodiment, a hydrocarbon containing formation may be selected for treatment based on
additional factors such as a thickness of hydrocarbon containing layer within the formation and assessed liquid
production content For example, a hydrocarbon containing formation may include multiple layers. Such layers
may include hydrocarbon containing layers, and also layers mat may be hydrocarbon free or have substantially
low amounts of hydrocarbons. Bach of the hydrocarbon containing layers may have a thickness that may vary
depending on, for example, conditions under which the hydrocarbon containing layer was formed. Therefore, a
hydrocarbon containing formation will typically be selected for treatment if that formation includes at least one
hydrocarbon containing layer having a thickness sufficient for economical production of formation fluids. A
formation may also be chosen if the thickness of several layers that are closely spaced together is sufficient for
economical production of formation fluids. Other formations may also be chosen based on a richness of the
hydrocarbon resource within the soil, even if the thickness of file resource is relatively thin.
In addition, a layer of a hydrocarbon containing formation may be selected for treatment based on a
thickness of the hydrocarbon/containing layer, and/or a total thickness of hydrocarbon containing layers in a
formation. For example, an in situ conversion process for hydrocarbons may include selecting and treating a layer
of a hydrocarbon containing formation having a thickness of greater man about 2 m, 3 m, and/or 5 m. In this
.manner, heat losses (as a fraction of total injected heat) to layers formed above and below a layer of hydrocarbons
maybeless than such heat losses from a thin layer of hydrocarbons. A process as described herein, however, may
also include selecting and treating layers that may include layers substantially free of hydrocarbons and thin layers
of hydrocarbons. Each of the hydrocarbon containing layers may also have a potential formation fluid yield that may vary
depending on, for example, conditions under which 1he hydrocarbon containing layer was formed, an amount of
':';. hydrocarbons in the layer, and/or a composition of hydrocarbons in the layer. A potential formation fluid yield
;niay be measured, for example, by the Fischer Assay. The Fischer Assay is a standard method which involves
heating a sample of a hydrocarbon containing layer to approximately 500 °C in one hour, collecting ' products
produced from the heated sample, and quantifying the amount of products produced. A sample of a hydrocarbon
containing layer may be obtained from a hydrocarbon containing formation by a method such as coring or any
: other sample retrieval method.
FIG. 3 shows a schematic view of an embodiment of a portion of an in situ conversion system for
treating a hydrocarbon containing formation. Heat sources 100 may be placed within at least a portion of the
'hydrocarbon containing formation. Heat sources 100 may include, for example, electrical heaters such as
insulated conductors, conductor-in-conduit heaters, surface burners, flameless distributed combustors, and/or
natural distributed combustors. Heat sources 100 may also include other types of heaters. Heat sources 100 are
configured to provide heat to at least a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation. Energy may be supplied to
the heat sources 100 through supply lines 102. The supply lines may be structurally different depending on the
type of heat source or heat sources being used to heat the formation. Supply lines for heat sources may transmit
electricity for electrical heaters, may transport fuel for combustors, or may transport heat exchange fluid that is
circulated within the formation.
Production wells 104 may be used to remove formation fluid from the formation. Formation fluid
produced from the production wells 104 may be transported through collection piping 106 to treatment facilities
108. Formation fluids may also be produced from heat sources 100. For example, fluid may be produced from
heat sources 100 to control pressure within the formation adjacent to the heat sources. Fluid produced from heat
sources 100 may be transported through tubing or piping to the collection piping 106 or the produced fluid may be transported through tubing or piping directly to the treatment facilities 108. The treatment facilities 108 may
include separation unite, reaction units, upgrading units, fuel cells, turbines, storage vessels, and other systems and
units for processing produced formation fluids.
An in situ conversion system for treating hydrocarbons may include dewatering wells 110 (wells shown
with reference number 110 may, in some embodiments, be capture and/or isolation wells). Dewatering wells 110
or vacuum wells may be configured to remove and inhibit liquid water from entering a portion of a hydrocarbon
containing formation to be heated, or to a formation being heated, A plurality of water wells may surround all or
"a portion of a formation to be heated. In the embodiment depicted hi FIG. 3, the dewatering wells 110 are shown
extending only along one side of heat sources 100, but dewatering wells typically encircle all heat sources 100
used, or to be used, to heat the formation. -
Dewatering wells 110 may be placed in one or more rings surrounding selected portions of the formation.
; New dewatering wells may need to be installed as an area being treated by the in situ conversion process expands.
An outermost row of dewatering wells may inhibit a significant amount of water from flowing into the portion of
formation that is heated or to be heated. Water produced from the outermost row of dewatering wells should be
substantially clean, and may require little or ho treatment before being released. An innermost row of dewatering
wells may inhibit water tot bypasses the outermost row from flowing into the portion of formation that is heated
: or to be heated. The innermost row of dewatering wells may also inhibit outward migration of vapor froin a
heated portion of the formation into surrounding portions of the formation. Water produced by the innermost row
of dewatering wells may include some hydrocarbons. The water may need to be treated before being released.
Alternately, water with hydrocarbons may be stored and used to produce synthesis gas from a portion of
formation during a synthesis gas phase of the in situ conversion process. The dewatering wells may reduce heat
; loss to surrounding portions of the formation, may increase production of vapors from the heated portion, and may
C inhibit contamination of a water table proximate the heated portion of the formation.
: : In an alternative embodiment, a fluid (e.g., liquid or gas) may be injected in the innermost row of wells,
allowing a selected pressure to be maintained in or about the pyrolysis zone. Additionally, this fluid may act as an
isolation barrier between the outermost wells and the pyrolysis fluids, thereby improving the efficiency of the
dewatering wells.
, The hydrocarbons to be treated may be located under a large area. The in situ conversion system may be
used to treat small portions of the formation, and other sections of the formation may be treated as time
progresses. In an embodiment of a system for treating an oil shale containing formation, a field layout for 24
years of development may be divided into 24 individual plots that represent individual drilling years. Bach plot
may include 120 'tiles" (repeating matrix patterns) wherein each tile is made of 6 rows by 20 columns. Each tile
may include 1 production well and 12 or 18 heater wells.; The heater wells may be placed in an equilateral
triangle pattern with, for example, a well spacing of about 12 m Production wells may be located in centers of
equilateral triangles of heater wells, or the production wells may be located approximately at a midpoint between
two adjacent heater wells.
In certain embodiments, heat sources will be placed within a heater well formed within a hydrocarbon
containing formation. The heater well may include an opening through an overburden of the formation and into at
least one hydrocarbon containing section of the formation. Alternatively, as shown in.FIG.3a, Heater well 224
may include an opening in formation 222 that may have a shape substantially similar to a helix or spiral. A spiral
configuration for a heater well may in some embodiments increase the transfer of heat from the heat source and/or
allow the heat source to expand when heated, without buckling or other modes of failure.. In some embodiments,
such a heater well may also include a substantially straight section through overburden 220. Use of a straight
heater weU through the overburden may decrease heat loss to the overburden.
In an alternative embodiment, as shown in FIG. 3b, heat sources may be placed into heater well 224 that
may include an opening in formation 222 having a shape substantially similar to a "U" (the "legs" of the "U" may
be wider or more narrow depending on the embodiments used). Fust portion 226 and third portion 228 of heater
welt 224 may be arranged substantially perpendicular to an upper surface of formation 222. In addition, the first
and the third portion of the heater well may extend substantially vertically through overburden 220. Second
portion 230 of heater well 224 may be substantially parallel to me upper surface of me formation.
In addition, multiple heat sources (e.g., 2,3,4,5,10 heat sources or more) may extend from a heater well
rn some situations. For example, as shown in FIG. 3c, heat sources 232, 234, and 236 may extend through
overburden 220 into formation 222 from heater well 224, Such situations may occur when surface considerations
(e.g., aesthetics, surface land use concerns, and/or unfavorable soil conditions near the surface) make it desirable
to concentrate the surface facilities in fewer locations. For example, in areas where the soil is frozen and/or
marshy it may be more cost-effective to have surface facilities located in a more centralized location.
In certain embodiments a first portion of a heaterwell may extend from a surface of the ground, through
an overburden, and into a hydrocarbon containing formation. A second portion of the heater well may include
one or more heater wells hi the hydrocarbon containing formation. The one or more heater wells may be disposed
within me hydrocarbon containing formation at various angles. In some embodiments, at least one of heater wells
may be disposed substantially parallel to a boundary of the hydrocarbon containing formation. In alternate
embodiments, at least one of the heater wells may be substantially perpendicular to the hydrocarbon containing
formation. In addition, one of the one or more heater wells may be positioned at an angle between perpendicular
and rjarallel to a layer in the formation. .
FIG. 4 illustrates an embodiment of a hydrocarbon containing formation 200 mat may be at a
substantially near-horizontal angle with respect to an upper surface of the ground 204. An angle of hydrocarbon
/containing formation 200, however, may vary. For example, hydrocarbon containing formation 200 may be
steeply dipping. Economically viable production of a steeply dipping hydrocarbon containing formation may not
be! possible using presently available mining methods. A relatively steeply dipping hydrocarbon containing
-formation, however, may be subjected to an in situ conversion process as described herein. For example, a single
set of gas producing wells may be disposed near a top of a steeply dipping hydrocarbon containing formation.Such a formation may be heated by heating a portion of the formation proximate a top of the hydrocarbon
containing formation and sequentially heating lower sections of the hydrocarbon containing formation. Gases
may be produced from the hydrocarbon containing formation by transporting gases through the previously
pyrolyzed hydrocarbons with minimal pressureloss.
hi an embodiment, an in situ conversion process for hydrocarbons may include providing heat to at least
a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation that dips in sections. For example, a portion of the formation
may include a dip that may include a minimum depth of the portion. A production well may be located in the
portion of the hydrocarbon containing formation proximate the minimum depth. An additional production well
may not be required in the portion. For example, as heat transfers through the hydrocarbon containing formation
and at least some hydrocarbons in the portion pyrolyze, pyrolyzation fluids formed in the portion may travel
through pyrolyzed sections of the hydrocarbon containing formation to the production welL As described herein,
increased permeability due to in situ treatment of a hydrocarbon containing formation may increase transfer of
vapors through the treated portion of the formation. Therefore, a number of production wells required to produce
a mixture from the formation may be reduced. Reducing the number of production wells required for production
may increase economic viability of an in situ conversion process.
In steeply dipping formations, directional drilling may be used to fom an opening for a heater well in the
formation. Directional drilling may include drilling an opening in which the route/course of the opening may be
planned before drilling. Such an opening may usually be drilled with rotary equipment In directional drilling, a
route/course of an opening may be controlled by deflection wedges, etc.
Drilling heater well 202 may also include drilling an opening in the formation with a drill equipped with
a steerable motor and an accelerometer that may be configured to follow hydrocarbon containing formation 200.
For example, a steerable motor may be configured to maintain a substantially constant distance between heater
well 202 and a boundary of hydrocarbon containing formation 200 throughout drilling of the opening. Drilling of
heater well 202 with me steerable motor and me accelerometer may be relativery economical.
Alternatively, geosteered drilling may be used to drill heater well 202 into hydrocarbon containing
formation 200. Geosteered drilling may include determining or estimating a .distance from an edge of
hydrocarbon containing formation 200 to heater well 202 with a sensor. The sensor may include, but may hot be
limited to, sensors that may be configured to determine a distance from an edge of hydrocarbon containing
formation 200 to heater well 202. In addition, such a sensor may be configured to determine and monitor a
variation hi a characteristic of the hydrocarbon containing formation 200. Such sensors may include, but may not
be limited to, sensors that may be configured to measure a characteristic of a hydrocarbon seam using resistance,
'\ gamma rays, acoustic pulses, and/or other devices. Geosteered drilling may also include forming an opening for a
heater well with a drilling apparatus that may include a steerable motor. The motor may be controlled to maintain
a predetermined distance from an edge of a hydrocarbon containing formation. In an additional embodiment,
drilling of a heater well or aay other well in a formation may also include sonic drilling.
: FIG. 5 illustrates an embodiment of a plurality of heater wells 210 formed in hydrocarbon containing
formation 212. Hydrocarbon containing formation 212 may be a steeply dipping formation. One or more of the
heater wells 210 may be formed in the formation such that two or more of the heater wells are substantially
parallel to each other, and/or such that at least one heater well is substantially parallel to hydrocarbon containing
formation 212. For example, one or more of 1he heater wells 210 may be formed in hydrocarbon containing
formation 212 by a magnetic steering method. An example of a magnetic steering method is illustrated in U.S.
\3PatenfNo. 5,676,212 to Kuckes, which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. Magnetic steering
may include drilling heater well 210 parallel to an adjacent heater well. The adjacent well may have been
previously drilled. In addition, magnetic steering may include directing die drilling by sensing and/or determining
a magnetic field produced in an adjacent heater well. For example, the magnetic field may be produced in the
adjacent heater well by flowing a current through an insulated current-carrying wireline disposed in the adjacent
heater well. Alternatively, one or more of the heater wells 210 may be formed by a method as is otherwise
described herein. A spacing between heater wells 210 may be determined according to any of the embodiments
described herein.
In some embodiments, heated portion 310 may extend substantially radially from heat source 300, as
shown hi FIG. 6. For example, a width of heated portion 310, hi a direction extending radially from heat source
300, may be about 0 m to about 10 m. A width of heated portion 310 may vary, however, depending upon, for
example, heat provided by heat source 300 and the characteristics of the formation. Heat provided by heat source
300 will typically transfer through the heated portion to create a temperature gradient within the heated portion.
For example, a temperature proximate the heater well Will generally be higher than a temperature proximate an
outer lateral boundary of the heated portion. A temperature gradient within the heated portion, however, may
vary within the heated portion depending on for example, the thermal conductivity of the formation.
: As heat transfers through heated portion 310 of the hydrocarbon containing formation, a temperature
within at least a section of the heated portion may be within a pyrolysis temperature range, hi this manner, as the
heat transfers away from the heat source, a front at which pyrolysis occurs will in many instances travel outward
from the heat source. For example, heat from the heat source may be allowed to transfer mto a selected section of
the heated portion such that heat from the heat source pyroly7.es at least some of the hydrocarbons within the
selected section. As such, pyrolysis may occur wiuiin selected section 315 of the heated portion, and pyrolyzation
•Quids will be generated from hydrocarbons in the selected section. An inner lateral boundary of selected section
315 may be radially spaced from the heat source. For example, ah inner lateral boundary of selected section 315
may be radially spaced from the heat source by about 0 m to about 1 m. In addition, selected section 315 may
have a width radially extending from the inner lateral boundary of the selected section. For example, a width of
;the selected section may be at least approximately 1.5 m at least approximately 2.4 m, or even at least
approxnnately 3.0 m. A width of the selected section, however, may also be greater than approximately 1.5 m
and[lessthan approximately10 m. ,
: ;.• After pyrolyzatipn-of hydrocarbons hi a portionof the selected section is complete, a section of spent
hydrocarbons 31.7 may be generated proximate to the heat source. : ;
In some embodiments, a plurality of heated portions may exist wi&in a uiu't of heat sources A uwt of
heat sources refers to a minimal number of heat sources that form a template that may be repeated to create a
pattern of heat sources within the formation. The heat sources may be located within the formation such that
superposition (overlapping) of heat produced from the heat sources is effective. For example, as illustrated in
¥l& 7, transfer of heat from two or more heat sources 330 results in superposition of heat 332 to be effective
within an area defined by the unit of heat sources. Superposition may also be effective within an interior of a
region defined by two, three, four, five, six or more heat sources. For example, an area in which superposition of
heat 332 is effective includes an area to which significant heat is transferred by two or more heat sources of the
unit of heat sources. An area in which superposition of heat is effective may vary depending upon, for example,
the spacings between heat sources.
Superposition of heat may increase a temperature in at least a portion of the formation to a temperature
sufficient for pyrolysis of hydrocarbon within the portion. In this manner, superposition of heat 332 tends to
increase the amount of hydrocarbon in a formation that may be pyrolyzed. As such, a plurality of areas that are
within a pyrolysis temperature range may exist within the unit of heat sources. The selected sections 334 may
include areas at a pyrolysis temperature range due to heat transfer from only one heat source, as well as areas at a
pyrolysis temperature range due to superposition of heat
: In addition, a pattern of heat sources will often include a plurality of units of heat sources. There will
typically be a plurality of heated portions, as well as selected sections within the pattern of heat sources. The
plurality of heated portions and selected sections may be configured as described herein. Superposition of heat
within a pattern of heat sources may decrease the time necessary to reach pyrolysis temperatures within the
multitude of heated portions. Superposition of heat may allow for a relatively large spacing between adjacent heat
sources, which may in turn provide a relatively slow rate of heating of the hydrocarbon containing formation. In
certain embodiments, superposition of heat will also generate fluids substantially uniformly from a heated portion
6f a hydrocarbon containing formation.
In certain embodiments, a majority of pyrolysis fluids may be produced when the selected section is
withm a range from about 0 m to about 25 m from a heat source. :
; As shown in FK3. 3, in addition to heat sources 100, one or more production wells 102 will typically be
disposed within the portion of the hydrocarbon containing formation. Production well 102 may be configured
such that a mixture that may include formation fluids may be produced through the production well. Production
well 102 may also include a heat source. In this manner, the formation fluids may be maintained at a selected
, temperature throughout production thereby allowing more or all of the formation fluids to be produced as vapors.
Therefore high temperature pumping of liquids from the production well may be reduced or substantially
eliminated, which m turn decreases production costs. Providing heating at or through the production well tends
to: (1) prevent condensation and/or refluxing of production fluid when such production fluid is moving in the
production well proximate to the overburden, (2) increase heat input into the formation, and/or (3) increase
fonnation permeability at or proximate the production well.
Because permeability and/or porosity increase in the heated formation, produced vapors may flow
considerable distances through the formation with relatively little pressure differential Therefore, in some
embodiments, production wells may be provided near an upper Surface of the formation. Increases in
penneibility may result from a reduction of mass of the heated portion due to vaporization of water, removal of
hydrocarbons, and/or creation of fractures. In this manner, fluids may more easily flow through the heated
portion. ' For example, fluid generated within a hydrocarbon containing formation may move a considerable
..'. distance through the hydrocarbon containing formation as a vapor. Such a considerable distance may include, for
example, about 50 m to about 1000 m. The vapor may have a relatively small pressure drop across the
considerable distance due to the permeability of the heated portion of the formation. In addition, due to such
permeability, a production well may only need to be provided in every other unit of heat sources or every third,
fourth, fifth, sixth units of heat sources. Furthermore, as shown in FIG. 4, production wells 206 may extend
through a hydrocarbon containing formation near the top of heated portion 208.
Embodiments of production well 102 may include valves configured to alter, maintain, and/or control a
pressure of at least a portion of the formation. Production walls may be cased wells that may have production
screens or perforated casings adjacent to production zones. In addition, the production wells may be surrounded by sand, gravel or other packing material adjacent to production zones. Furthermore, production wells 102 may
be coupled to treatment section 108, as shown in FIG. 3. Treatment section 108 may include any of the surface
facilities as described herein.
In addition, water pumping wells or vacuum wells may be configured to remove liquid water from a
portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation to be heated. Water removed from the formation may be used on
the surface, and/or monitored for water quality. For example, a plurality of water wells may surround all or a
:.-.-. portion ofa formation to be heated. The plurality of water wells may be configured in one, or more rings
surrounding the portion of the formation. An outermost row of water wells may inhibit a significant amount of
water from flowing into the portion to be heated. An innermost row of water wells may inhibit water that
bypasses the outermost row from flowing into the portion to be heated. The innermost row of water wells may
also inhibit outward migration of vapor from a heated portion of the formation into surrounding portions of the
formation. In this manner, the water wells may reduce heat loss to surrounding portions of the formation, may
increase production of vapors from the heated portion, and may inhibit contamination of a water table proximate
to the heated portion of the formation. In some embodiments pressure differences between successive rows of
dewatering wells may be minimized (e.g., maintained or near zero) to create a"no or low flow" boundary between
In certain embodiments, wells initially used for one purpose may be later used for one or more other
purposes, thereby lowering project costs and/or decreasing the time required to perform certain tasks. For
instance, production wells (and in some circumstances heater wells) may initially be used as dewatering wells
(e.g., before heating is begun and/or when heating is initially, started). In addition, in some circumstancesdewatering wells can later be used as production wells (and m some circumstances heater wells). As such, the
dewatering wells may be placed and/or designed so that such wells can be later used as production wells and/or
heater wells. The heater wells may be placed and/or designed so mat such wells can be later used as production
Wells and/or dewatering wells. The production wells may be placed and/or designed so that such wells can be
later used as dewatering wells and/or heater wells. Similarly, injection wells may be wells that initially were used
for other purposes (e.g., heating, production, dewatering, monitoring, etc.), and injection wells may later be used
;for other purposes. Similarly, monitoring wells may be wefts that initially were used for other purposes (e.g.,
heating, production, dewatering, injection, etc.), and monitoring wells may later be used for other purposes.
FIG. 8 illustrates a pattern of heat sources 400and production wells 402 that may be configured to treat a
hydrocarbon containing formation. Heat sources 400 may be arranged in a unit of heat sources such as triangular
pattern 401. Heat sources 400, however, may be arranged in a variety of patterns including, but not limited to,
squares, hexagons, and other polygons. The pattern may include a regular polygon to promote uniform beating
through at least the portion of the formation in which the heat sources are placed. The pattern may also be a line
drive pattern. A line drive pattern generally includes a first linear array of heater wells, a second linear array of
heater wells, and a production well or a linear array of production wells between the first and second linear array
of heater wells.
A distance from a node of a polygon to a centroid of the polygon is smallest for a 3 sided polygon and
increases with increasing number of sides of the polygon. The distance from a node to the centroid for an
equilateral triangle is (length/2)/(square root(3)/2) or 03774 times the length. For a square, the distance from a
node to the cendoid is (length/2)/(square root(2)/2) or 0.7071 times the length. For a hexagon, the distance from a
node to the centroid is (Iengm/2)(l/2) or the length. The difference in distance between a heat source and a mid point to a second heat sources (length/2) and the distance from a heat source to the centroid for an equilateral
pattern (0.5774 times the length) is significantly less for the equilateral triangle pattern than for any higher order
polygon pattern. The small difference means that superposition of heat may develop more rapidly and that
formation between heat sources may rise to a substantially more uniform temperature using an equilateral triangle
pattern rather than a higherorder polygon pattern.
Triangular patterns tend to provide mere uniform heating to a portion of the formation in comparison to
other patterns such as squares and/or hexagons. Triangular patterns tend to provide faster heating to a
predetermined temperature in comparison to other patterns such as squares and/or hexagons. Triangle patterns
may also result in a small volume of the portion mat are overheated. A plurality of units of heat sources such as
triangular pattern 401 may be arranged substantially adjacent to each other to form a repetitive pattern of units
Over an area-of the formation. For example, triangular patterns 401 may be arranged substantially adjacent to
each other in a repetitive pattern of units by inverting an orientation of adjacent triangles 401. Other patterns of
heat sources 400 may alsq be arranged such that smaller patterns may be disposed adjacent to each other to form
larger patterns. :
Production wells may be disposed in the formation in a repetitive pattern of units. In certain
embodiments, production well 402 may be disposedproximate to a center of every third triangle 401 arranged k
the pattern. Production well 402, however, may be disposed in every triangle 401 or within just a few triangles.
A production well may be placed within every 13,20, or 30 heater well triangles. For example, a ratio of neat
; sources in the repetitive pattern of units to production wells in me repetitive pattern of units may be more than
approximately 5 (e.g., more than 6, 7, 8, or 9). In addition me placement of production well 402 may vary
depending on the heat generated by one or more heat sources 400 and the characteristics of the formation (such as
permeability). Furthermore, three or more production wells may be located within an area defined by a repetitive pattern of units. For example, as shown in FIG. 8, production wells 410 may be located within an area defined by
repetitive pattern of units 412. Production wells 410 may be located m me formation in a unit of production
wells. For example, the unit of production wells may be a triangular pattern. Production wells: 410, however,
may be disposed hi anotherpattern within repetitive pattern of units412. . ;
In addition, one or more injection wells may.bedisposed within arepetitive pattern of units. The
injection wells may be configured as described herein. For example, as shown in FIG. 8, injection wells 414 may
be located within anarea defined by repetitive pattern of units 416. Ejection wells 414 may also be located in the
formation in a unit of injection wells. For example, the unit of injection wells may be a triangular pattern.
Injection wells 414, however, may be disposed in any other pattern as described herein, la certain ' ' '" ' emb'odim'ents,'
one or more production wells and one or more injection wells may be disposed in a repetitive pattern of units. For
example, as shown in FIG. 8, production wells 418 and injection wells-420 may be located within an area defined
by repetitive pattern of units 422, Production wells 418 may be located in the formation in a unit of production
wells, which may be arranged in a first triangular pattern. In addition, injection wells 420 may be located within
the formation in a unit of production wells, which may be arranged in a second triangular pattern. ..The-'first
triangular pattern may be substantially different than the second triangular pattern. For example, areas defined by
the first and second triangular patterns may be subistantially different ..•;•
In addition, one or more monitoring weUs may be disposed within a repetitive pattern of units. The
monitoring wells may be configured as described herein. For example, the wells may be configured with one or
more devices mat measure a temperature, a pressure, and/or a property of a fluid, In some embodiments, logging
tools may be placed in monitoring well wellbores to measure properties within a formation. The logging tools
may be moved to other monitoring well wellbores as needed The monitoring well wellbores may be cased or
uncased wellbores. As shown in FIG. 8, monitoring wells 424 may be located within an area defined by repetitive pattern of units 426, Monitoring wells 424 may be located in the formation in a unit of monitoring wells, which
may be arranged in a triangular pattern. Monitoring wells 424, however, may be disposed in any of the other
patterns as described hereinwithin repetitive pattern of units 426.
It is to be understood that a geometrical pattern of heat sources 400 and production wells 402 is
described herein by example. A pattern of heat sources and; production wells will in many instances vary
depending on, for example, the type of hydrocarbon containing formation to be treated. For example, for
relatively thin layers heating wells may be aligned along one or more layers along strike or along dip. For
relatively thick layers, heat sources may be configured at ah angle to one or more layers (e.g., orthogonally or
A triangular pattern of heat sources may be configured to treat a hydrocarbon containing formation
having a thickness of about 10 meters or more. For a thinner hydrocarbon containing formation, e.g., about 10
meters thick or less, a line and/or staggered line pattern of heat sources may be configured to treat the
hydrocarbon containing formation.
For certain thinner formations, heating wells may'beplacedcloser to an edge of the formation (e.g., in a
staggered line instead of line placed in the center of the layer) of the formation to increase the amount of
hydrocarbons produced per unit of energy input A portion of input heating energy may heat non-hydrocarbon
containing formation, but the staggered pattern may allow superposition of heat to heat a majority of the
hydrocarbon formation to pyrolysis temperatures. If me thin formation is heated by placing hi the formation
along a center of the thickness, a significant portion of the hydrocarbon containing formation may not be heated to
pyrolysis temperatures. In some embodiments, placing heater wells closer to an edge of the formation may
increase the volume of formation undergoing pyrolysis per unitof energy input
m addition, the location of production well 402 within a pattern of heat sources 400 may be determined
by, for example, a desired heating rate of the hydrocarbon containing formation, a heating rate of the heat sources,
: the type of heat sources used, the type of hydrocarbon containing formation (audits thickness), the composition of
the hydrocarbon containing formation, the desired composition to be produced from the formation, and/or a
desired production rate. Exact placement of heater wells, production wells, etc. will depend oh variables specific to the formation (e.g., thickness of the layer, composition of me layer, etc.), project economics, etc. In certain
embodiments heater wells may be substantially horizontal while production wells may be vertical, or vice versa.
Any ofthe wells described herein may be aligned along dip or strike, or oriented at an angle between dip
And strike.. The spacing between heat sources may also vary depending on a number of factors that may include, but
are not limited to, me type of a hydrocarbon containing formation, the selected heating rate, and/or me selected
average temperature to be obtained within the heated portion. For example, the spacing between heat sources may
be within a range of about 5 m to about 25 m. Alternatively,the spacing between heat sources may be within a
range of about 8m to about 15m. ; : .:./
The spacing between heat sources may influence the composition of fluids produced from a hydrocarbon
containing formation. In an embodiment, a computer-implemented method may be used to determine optimum
heat source spacings within a hydrocarbon containing formation. For example, at least one property of a portion
of hydrocarbon containing formation can usually be measured. The measured property may include* but is not
limited to, vitrinite reflectance, hydrogen content, atomic hydrogen to carbon ratio, oxygen content, atomic
oxygen to carbon ratio, water content, thickness of the hydrocarbon containing formation, and/or the amount of
stratification of the hydrocarbon containing formation into separate layers of rock and hydrocarbons.
In certain embodiments a computer-implemented method may include providing at least one measured
property to a computer system. One or more sets of heat source spacings in the formation may also be provided to
the computer system. For example, a spacing between heat sources may be less man about 30 m. Alternatively, a
spacing between heat sources may be less than about 15m. The method may also include determining properties
of fluids produced from the portion as a function of tune for each set of heat source spacings. The produced fluids
include, but are not limited to, formation .fluids such as pyrolyzation fluids and synthesis gas. The determined
properties may include, but are not limited to, API gravity, carbon number distribution, olefin content, hydrogen
content, carbon monoxide content, and/or carbon dioxide content The determined set of properties of the produced fluid may be compared to a set of selected properties of a produced fluid, hi this manner, sets of
properties that match the set of selected properties may be determined Furthermore, heat source spacings may be
matched to heat source spacings associated with desired properties. '
Unit cell 404 will often include a number of heat sources 400 disposed within a formation around each
: production well 402. An area of unit cell 404 may be determined by midlines 406 that may be equidistant and
perpendicular to a line connecting two production wells 402. Vertices 408 of the unit cell may be at the
intersection of two midlines 406 between production wells 402. Heat sources 400 may be disposed in any
arrangement within the area of unit cell 404. For example, heat sources 400 may be located within the formation
such that a distance between each heat source varies by less than approximately 10 %, 20 %, or 30 %. In addition,
heat sources 400 may be disposed such that aa approximately equal space exists between each of the heat sources.
Other arrangements of heat sources 400 within unit cell 404, however, may be used depending on, for example, a
heating rate of each of the heat sources. A ratio of heat sources 400 to production wells 402 may be determined
by counting the number of heat sources 400 and production wells 402 within unit cell 404, or over the total field.
FIG. 9 illustrates an embodiment of unit cell 404. Unit cell 404 includes heat sources 400 and
production wells 402. Unit cell 404 may have six full heat sources 400a and six partial heat sources 400b. Full
heat sources 400a may be closer to production well 402 than partial heat sources 400b. In addition, an entirety of
each of the milheat sources400 may be located within unit cell 404. Partial heat sources 40Qb maybe partially
disposed within wot cell404; Only a portion of heat sottrce 400b disposed within unit cell 404 may be configured
to provide heat to a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation disposed within unit cell 404. A remaining
. portion of heat source 400b disposed outside of unit celt 404 may be configured to provide heat to a remaining
portion of the hydrocarbon containing formation outside of unit cell 404.. Therefore, to determine a number of
heat sources within unit cell 4Q4 partial heat source 400b may be counted as one-half of full heat sources 400. In
other unit cell embodiments, fractions, other than 1/2 (e.g. 1/3) may more accurately describe the amount of heat
applied to a portion from a partial heat source.
The total number of heat sources 400 in unit celt 404mayinclude six foil heat sources 400a that are each
counted as one heat source, and six partial heat sources 400b that are each counted as one half of a heat source.
Therefore, a ratio of heat sources 400 to production wells 402 In unit cell 404 may be determined as 9:1. A ratio
of heat sources to production wells may vary, however, depending on, for example, the desired heating rate of the
hydrocarbon containing formation, the heating rate of the heat sources, the type of heat source, the type of
hydrocarbon containing formation, the composition of hydrocarbon containing formation, the desired composition
of the produced fluid, and/or the desired production rate. Providing more heat sources wells per unit area will
allow raster heating of the selected portion and thus hastening the onset of production, however more heat sources
will generally cost more money to install. An appropriate ratio of heat sources to production wells may also
include ratios greater than about 5:1, and ratios greater than about 7:1, In some embodiments an appropriate ratio
of heat sources to production wells may be about 10:1,20:1,50:1 or greater. If larger ratios are used, then project
costs tend to decrease since less wells and equipment are needed
A "selected section" wouldgenerally be the volume of formation that is within a perimeter defined by
the location of the outermost heat sources (assuming that the formation is viewed from above). For example, if
four heat sources were located in a single square pattern with an area pf about 100 m2 (with each source located at
a comer of the square),,and if the formation had an average thickness of approximately 5 m across this area, then
the selected section would be a volume of about 500. m3 (i.e., the area multiplied by the average formation
thickness across the area). In many commercial applications, it is envisioned that many (e.g., hundreds or
thousands) heat sources would be adjacent to each other to heat a selected section, and therefore in such cases
pnfy the: outermost (i.e., the "edge") heat sources would define the perimeter of the selected section.
A heat source may include, but is not limited to, an electric heater or a combustion heater. The electric heate
may include an insulated conductor, an elongated member disposed in the opening, and/or a conductor disposed in
conduit. Such an electric heater may be configured accordmg to any of the embodiments described herein.
In an embodiment, a hydrocarbon containing formation may be heated with a natural distributed
combustor system located in the formation. The generated heat may be allowed to transfer to a selected section of
.. thei formation to heat it
A temperature sufficient to support oxidation may be, for example, at least about 200 °C or 250 CG. Th
temperature sufficient to support oxidation will tend to vary, however, depending on, for example, a composition o
the hydrocarbons in the hydrocarbon containing formation, water content of the formation, and/or type and amount o
oxidant Some Water may be removed from the formation prior to heating. For example, the water may be pump&
from the formation by dewatering wells. The heated portion of the formation may be near or substantially adjacent t
an opening in the hydrocarbon containing formation. The opening in the formation may be a heater well formed in th
formation. The heater well may be formed as in any of the embodiments described herein. The heated portion of th
hydrocarbon containing formation may extend radially from me opening to a width of about 0.3 m to about 1.2 re
lie, width, however may also be less than about 0.9 m. A width of the heated portion may vary, to certain embodiments the variance will depend on, for example, a width necessary to generate sufficient heat during oxidatic
of carbon to maintain the oxidation reaction without providing heat from an additional heat source.
After the portion of the formation reaches a temperature sufficient to support oxidation, an oxidizing fluid
may be provided into the opening to oxidize at least a portion of the hydrocarbons at a reaction zone, or a heat SOUK
zone, within the formation. Oxidation of the hydrocarbons will generate heat at the reaction zone. The generated he:
will in most embodiments transfer from the reaction zone to a pyrolysis zone in.the formation. In certain embodimen .
the generated heat will transfer at a rate between about 650 watts pet meter as measured along a depth of the reactic
zone, and/or 1650 watts per meter as measured along a depth of the reaction zone. Upon oxidation of at least some the hydrocarbons in the formation, energy supplied to the heater for initially heating may be reduced or may be turne
off. As such, energy input costs may be significantly reduced; thereby providing a significantly more efficient system
for heating the formation.
In an embodiment, a conduit may be disposed in the opening to provide the oxidizing fluid into the
opening. The conduit may have flow orifices, or other flow control mechanisms (i.e., slits, venture meters, valves,
etc.) to allow the oxidizing fluid to enter the opening. The term "orifices" includes openings having a wide
variety of cross-sectional shapes including, but not limited to, circles, ovals, squares, rectangles, triangles, slits, or
other regular or irregular shapes. The flow orifices may be critical flow orifices in some embodiments. The flow
: orifices may be configured to provide a substantially constant flow of oxidizing fluid into the opening, regardless
of the pressure in the opening.
In some embodiments, the number of flow orifices, which may be formed in or coupled to the conduit,
may be limited by the diameter of the orifices and a desired spacing between orifices for a length of the conduit.
For example, as the diameter of the orifices decreases, the number of flow orifices may increase, and vice versa.
In addition, as the desired spacing increases, the number of flow orifices may decrease, and vice versa. The
diameter of the orifices may be determined by, for example, a pressure in the conduit and/or a desired flow rate
through file orifices. For example, for a flow rate of about 1.7 standard cubic meters per minute and a pressure of
about 7 bar absolute, an orifice diameter may be about 1.3 mm with a spacing between orifices of about 2 m.
Smaller diameter orifices may plug more easily than larger diameter orifices due to, for example,
contamination of fluid in the opening or solid deposition within or proximate to me orifices. In some
embodiments, the number and diameter of the orifices can be chosen such that a more even or nearly uniform
heating profile will be obtained along a depth of the formation within the opening. For example, a depth of a
heated formation that is intended to have an approximately uniform heating profile may be greater than about 300
inj or even greater than about 660 m. Such a depth may vary, however, depending on, for example, a type of
formation to be heated and/or a desired production rate. :
In some embodiments, flow orifices may be disposed in a helical pattern around the conduit within the
v . opening. The flow orifices may be spaced by about 0.3 m to about 3 m between orifices in the helical pattern, hi
some embodiments, the spacing may be about 1 m to about 2 mor, for example, about 1.5m.
•;: V The flow of the oxidizing fluid into the opening may be controlled such mat a rate of oxidation at the
reaction zone is controlled. Transfer of heat between incoming oxidant and outgoing oxidation products may heat
file 6xidizing fluid. The transfer of heat may also maintain the conduit below a maximum operating temperature
of the conduit.
: / FIG. 10
Uttstrates an embodiment of a natural distributed combustor configured to heat'a hydrocarbpn
containmg formation. Conduit 512 may be placed into opening 514 in formation 516. Conduit 512 may have
; inner/conduit 513. Oxidizing fluid source 508 may provide oxidizing fluid 517 into inner conduit 513. Inner
conduit 513 may have critical flow orifices 515 along its length. Critical flow orifices 515 may be disposed in a
helical pattern (or any other pattern) along a length of inner conduit 513 in opening 514. For example, critical
flow orifices 515 may be arranged in a helical pattern with a distance of about 1 m to about 2.5 m between
adjacent orifices. Critical flow Orifices 515 may be further configured as described herein. Inner conduit 513
;may be sealed at the bottom. Oxidizing fluid 517 may be provided into Opening 514 through critical flow Orifices
515 of inner conduit 513;
Critical flow orifices 515 may be designed such that substantially the same flow rate of oxidiziag fluid
517 may be provided through each critical flow orifice. Critical flow orifices 515 may also provide substantially
uniform flow of oxidizing fluid 517 along a length of conduit 512. Such flow may provide substantially uniform
heating of formation.-516- along the length of conduit 512.
Packing material 542 may enclose conduit 512 in overburden 540 of the formation. Packing material
542 may substantially inhibit flow of fluids from opening 514 to surface 550. Packing material 542 may include
any material configurable to inhibit flow of fluids to surface 550 such as cement; sand, and/or gravel. Typically a
conduit or an opening in the packing remains to provide a path for oxidation products to reach the surface. .
Oxidation products 519 typically enter conduit 512 from opening 514. Oxidation products 519 may
include carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur, carbon monoxide, and/or other products resulting
from a reaction of oxygen with hydrocarbons and/or carbon. Oxidation products 519 may be removed through
conduit 512 to surface 550. Oxidation product 519 may flow along a face of reaction zone 524 in opening 514
until proximate an upper end of opening 514 where oxidation product 519 may flow into conduit 512. Oxidation
products 519 may also be removed through one or more conduits disposed in opening 514 and/or in formation
516. For example, oxidation products 519 may be removed through a second conduit disposed in opening 514.
Removing oxidation products 519 through a conduit may substantially inhibit oxidation products 519 from
flowing to a production well disposed in formation 516. Critical flow orifices 515 may also be configured to substantially inhibit oxidation products 519 from entering inner:conduit513.
A flow rate of oxidation product 519 may be balanced with a flow rate of oxidizing fluid 517 such that a
substantially constant pressure is maintained within opening 514. For a 100 m length of heated section, a flow
rate of oxidizing fluid may be between about 0.5 standard cubic meters per minute to about 5 standard cubic
meters per minute, or about 1.0 standard cubic meters per minute to about 4.0 standard cubic meters per minute,
or, for example, about 1.7 standard cubic meters per minute. A flow rate of oxidizing fluid into the formation
may be incrementally increased during use to accommodate expansion of the reaction zone. A pressure in the
opening may be, for example, about 8 bar absolute. Oxidizing fluid 517 may oxidize at least a portion of the
v hydrocarbons in heated -portion 518 of hydrocarbon containing formation 516 at reaction zone 524. Heated
portion 518 may have been initially heated to a temperature sufficient to support oxidation by an electric beater, as
; shown in FIG. 14, or by any other suitable system or method described herein, m some embodiments, an electric
heater may be placed inside or strapped to the outside of conduit 513.
: In certain embodiments it is beneficial to control the pressure within the openings 14 such that oxidation
"product and/or oxidation fluids are-inhibited from flowing into the pyrolysis zone of the formation, m some
usances pressure within opening 514 will be balanwd with pressur?wiflmtibe formation to do so,5
X ; Although the heat from the oxidation is transferredto lie formation, oxidation product 519 (and excess
oxidation fluid such as air) may be substantially rnhibited from flowing through the formation and/or to a
production well within formation 516. Instead oxidation product 519 (and excess oxidation Quid) is removed
(e.g., through a conduit such as conduit 512) as is described herein. In this manner, heat is transferred to the
formation from the oxidation but exposure of the pyrolysis zone with oxidation product 519 and/or oxidation fluid
may be substantially inhibited and/or prevented.
In certain embodiments, some pyrolysis product near the reaction zone 524 may also be oxidized in
reaction zone 524 in addition to the carbon. Oxidation of the pyrolysis product in reaction zone 524 may provide
additional heating of formation 516. When such oxidation of pyrolysis product occurs, it is desirable that
oxidation product from such oxidation be removed (e.g., through a conduit such as conduit 512) near the reaction
zone as is described herein, thereby inhibiting contamination of other pyrolysis product in the formation with
oxidation product
Conduit 512 may be configured to remove oxidation product 519 from opening 514 in formation 516.
As such, oxidizing fluid 517 in inner conduit 513 may be heated by heat exchange in overburden section 540 from
oxidation product 519 in conduit 512. Oxidation product 519 may be cooled by transferring heat to oxidizing
fluid 517. In this manner, oxidation of hydrocarbons within, formation 516 may be more thermally efficient
Oxidizing fluid 517 may transport through reaction zone 524, or heat source zone, by gas phase diffusion
and/or convection. Diffusion of oxidizing fluid 517 through reaction zone 524 may be more efficient at the
relatively high temperatures of oxidation. Diffusion of oxidizing fluid 517 may inhibit development of localized
overheating and fingering in the formation. Diffusion of oxidizing fluid 517 through formation 516 is generally a
mass transfer process. In the absence of an external force, a rate of diffusion for oxidizing fluid 517 may depend
upon concentration, pressure, and/or temperature of oxidizing fluid 517 within formation 516. The rate of
diffusion may also depend upon the diffusion coefficient of oxidizing fluid 517 through formation 516. The
diffusion coefficient may be determined by measurement or calculation based on the kinetic theory of gases. In
general, random motion of oxidizing fluid 517 may transfer oxidizing fluid 517 through formation 516 from a
region of high concentration to a region of low concentration*
With time, reaction zone 524 may slowly extend radially to greater diameters, from opening 514 as
hydrocarbons are oxidized. Reaction zone 524 may, in many embodiments, maintain a relatively constant width.
For example, reaction zone 524 may extend radially at a rate of less than about 0.91 m per year for a hydrocarbon
containing formation. For example, for a coal containing formation, reaction zone 524 may extend radially at a
rate between about 0.5 m per year to about 1 m per year. For an oil shale containing formation, reaction zone 524
may extend radially about 2m in the first year and at a lower rate hi subsequent years due to an increase in
volume of reaction zone 524 as reaction zone 524 extends radially. Such a lower rate may be about 1 m per year
to about 1.5 m per year. Reaction zone 524 may extend at slower rates for hydrocarbon rich formations (e.g.,coal) and at faster rates for formations with more inorganic material hi it (e.g., oil shale) since more hydrocarbons
j>ervolume are availablefor combustion in the hydrocarbon rich formations.
A flow rate of oxidizing fluid 517 into opening 514 may be increased as a diameter of reaction zone 524
increases to maintain the rate of oxidation per unit volume at a substantially steady state. Thus, a temperature
within reaction zone 524 may be maintained substantially constant in some embodiments. The temperature within
reaction zone 524 may be between about 650 °C to about 900 °C or, for example, about 760 °C. The temperature
: The temperature within reaction zone 524 may vary depending on* for example, a desired heating rate of
selected .section 526! The temperature within reaction zone 524 may be increased or decreased by increasing or
decreasing, respectively, a flow rate of oxidizing fluid 517 into opening 514 A temperature of conduit 512, inner
conduit 513, and/or any metallurgical materials with opening 514 typically will not exceed a maximum
operating temperature of the material Maintaining the temperature below the maximum operating temperature of
a material may inhibit excessive deformation and/or corrosion of me material.
An increase in the diameter of reaction zone 524 may allow for relatively rapid heating of the
hydrocarbon containing formation 516. As the diameter of reaction zone 524 increases, an amount of heat
generated per time in reaction zone 524 may also increase. Increasing an amount of heat generated per time in the
reaction zone will in many instances increase heating rate of the formation 516 over a period of time, even
without increasing the temperature hi the reaction zone or the temperature at conduit 513. Thus, increased heating
may be achieved over time without installing additional heat sources, and without increasing temperatures
adjacent to wellbores. In some embodiments the heating rates may be increased while allowing the temperatures
to decrease (allowing temperatures to decrease may often lengthen the life of the equipment used). I
By utilizing the carbon in the formation as a fuel, the natural distributed combustor may save
significantly on energy costs. Thus, an economical process may be provided for heating formations that may
otherwise be economically unsuitable for heating by other methods. Also, fewer heaters may be placed over an
extended area of formation 516, This may provide for a reduced equipment cost associated with heating the
formation 516.
The heat generated at reaction zone 524 may transfer by thermal conduction to selected section 526 of
formation 516. In addition, generated heat may transfer from a reaction zone to the selected section to a lesser
extent by convection heat transfer. Selected section 526, sometimes referred to herein as the "pyrolysis zone,"
may be substantially adjacent to reaction zone 524. Since oxidation product (and excess oxidation fluid such as
: air) is typically removed from the reaction zone, the pyrolysis zone can receive heat from the reaction zone
without being exposed to oxidation product, or oxidants, that are in the reaction zone. Oxidation product and/or
oxidation fluids may cause the formation of undesirable formation products if they are present in the pyrolysis
zone. For example, in certain embodiments it is desirable to conduct pyrolysis hi a reducing environment Thus,
it is often useful to allow heat to transfer from the reaction zone to the pyrolysis zone while inhibiting or
, preventing oxidation product and/or oxidation fluid from reaching the pyrolysis zone.
Pyrolysis of hydrocarbons, or other heat-controlled processes, may take place in heated selected section
526. Selected section 526 may be at a temperature between about 270 °C to about 400 °C for pyrolysis. The
temperature of selected section 526 may be increased by heat transfer from reaction zone 524. A rate of
temperature increase may be selected as hi any of the embodiments described herein. A temperature hi formation
516, selected section 526, and/or reaction zone 524 may be controlled such mat production of oxides of nitrogen
may be substantially inhibited. Oxides of nitrogen are often produced at temperatures above about 1200 °C.
A temperature within openhig 514 may be monitored with a thermocouple disposed in opening 514.
Alternatively, a thermocouple may be disposed on conduit 512 and/or disposed on a face of reaction zone 524,
and a temperature may be monitored accordingly. The temperature in the formation may be monitored by me
thenriocouple, and power input or oxidant introduced into the formation may be controlled based upon the
monitored temperature such that the monitored temperature is maintained within a selected range, The selected
•range may vary, depending on, for example, a desired heating rate of formation 516. In an embodiment,
•monitored temperature is maintained within a selected range by increasing or decreasing a flow rate of oxidizing
fluid 517. For example, if a temperature within opening 514 falls below a selected range of temperatures, me
flow rate of oxidizing fluid 517 is increased to increase the combustion and thereby increase the temperature
Withon opening 514. .
In certain embodiments one or more natural distributed combustors may be placed along strike and/or
: horizontally. Doing so tends to reduce pressure differentials along the heated length of the well The absence of
pressure differentials may make controlling the temperature generated along a length of the heater more uniform
and more easy to control.
In some embodiments, a presence of air or oxygen (Oj) hi oxidation product 519 may be monitored.
Alternatively, an amount of nitrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur, etc.
may be monitored in oxidation product 519. Monitoring the composition and/or quantity of oxidation product 519
may be useful for heat balances, for process diagnostics, process control, etc.
FIG. 1) illustrates an embodiment of a section of overburden with a natural distributed combustor as
described in FIG. 10, Overburden casing 541 may be disposed in overburden 540 of formation 516. Overburden
casing 541 may be substantially surrounded by materials (e.g., an insulating material such as cement) that may
substantially inhibit heating of overburden 540. Overburden casing 541 may be made of a metal material such as,
but hot limited to, carbon steel, or 304 stainless steel.
Overburden casing may be placed in reinforcing material 544 in overburden 540. Reinforcing material
544 may be, for example, cement, sand, concrete, etc. Packing material 542 may be disposed between overburden
casing 541 and opening 514 in the formation. Packing material 542 may be any substantially non-porous material
(e.g., cement, concrete, grqut, etc.). Packing material 542 may inhibit flow of fluid outside of conduit 512 and
between opening 514 arid surface 550. Inner conduit 513 may provide a fluid into opening 514 in formation 516.
Conduit 512 may remove; a combustion product (or excess oxidation fluid) from opening 514 in formation 516.
Diameter of conduit 512 may be determined by an amount of the combustion product produced by oxidation hi
the natural distributed combustor. For example, a larger diameter may be required for a greater amount of exhaust
product produced by me natural distributed combustor heater. :
Inan alternative embodiment at least a portion of the formation may be heated to a temperature such that
at least a portion of me hydrocarbon containing formation may be converted to coke and/or char. Coke and/or
char may be formed at temperatures above about 400 °C and at a high heating rate (e.g., above about 10 °C/day).
In the presence of an oxidizing fluid, the coke or char will oxidize. Heat may be generated from the oxidation of
coke or char as hi any of the embodiments described herein, FIG. 12 illustrates an embodiment of a natural distributed combustor heater. .Insulated conductor 562
may be coupled to conduit 532 and placed in opening 514 in formation 516. Insulated conductor 562 may be
disposed internal to conduit 532 (thereby allowing retrieval of the insulated conductor 562), or, alternately,
coupled to an external surface of conduit 532. Such insulating material may include, for example, minerals,
ceramics, etc. Conduit; 532 may have critical flow orifices 515 disposed along its length within opening 514.
Critical flow orifices 515 may be configured as described herein; Electrical current may be applied to insulated
conductor 562 to generate radiant heat in opening 514. Conduit 532 may be configured to serve as a return for
current Insulated conductor 562 may be configured to heat portion 518 of the formation to a temperature
sufficient to support oxidation of hydrocarbons. Portion 518, reaction zone 524, and selected section 526 may
have characteristics as described herein. Such a temperature may include temperatures as described herein.
Oxidizing fluid source 508 may provide oxidizing fluid into conduit 532. Oxidizing fluid may be
provided into opening 514 through critical flow orifices 515 in conduit 532. Oxidizing fluid may oxidize at least
3 portion of the hydrocarbon containing formation in reaction zone 524. Reaction zone 524 may have
characteristics as described herein. Heat generated at reaction zone 524 may transfer heat to selected section 526,
for example, by convection, radiation, and/or conduction. Oxidation product may be removed through a separate
conduit placed in opening 514 or through an opening 543 in overburden casing 541. The separate conduit may be
configured as described herein. Packing material 542 and reinforcing material 544 may be configured as
described herein.
: FIG. 13 illustrates an embodiment of a natural distributed combustor heater with an added fuel conduit
Fuel conduit 536 may be disposed into opening 514. It may be disposed substantially adjacent to conduit 533 in
certain embodiments. Fuel conduit 536 may have critical flow orifices 535 along its length within opening 514.
Conduit 533 may have critical flow orifices 515 along its length within opening 514. Critical flow orifices 515
may be configured as described herein. Critical flow orifices 535 and critical flow orifices 515 may be placed on
fuel conduit 536 and conduit 533, respectively, such that a fuel fluid provided through fuel conduit 536 and an oxidizing fluid provided through conduit 533 may not substantially heat fuel conduit 536 and/or conduit 533 upon
reaction. For example, the fuel fluid and the oxidizing fluid may react upon contact with each other, thereby
producing heat from the reaction. The heat from this reaction may heat fuel conduit 536 and/or conduit 533 to a
temperature sufficient to substantially begin melting metallurgical materials in fuel conduit 536 and/or conduit
533 if the reaction takes place proximate to fuel conduit 536 and/or conduit 533. Therefore, a design for
disposing critical flow orifices 535 on fuel conduit 536 and critical flow orifices 515 on conduit 533 may be
provided such that the met fluid and the oxidizing fluid may not substantially react proximate to the conduits. For
example, conduits 536 arid 533 may be spatially coupled together such that orifices that spiral around the conduits
are oriented in opposite directions.
Reaction of the fuel fluid and the oxidizing fluid may produce heat The fuel fluid may be, for example,
natural gas, ethane, hydrogen or synthesis gas that is generated in the in situ process in another part of the
formation. The produced heat may be configured to heat portion 518 to a temperature sufficient to support
oxidation of hydrocarbons: Upon heating of portion 518 to a temperature sufficient to support oxidation, a flow
• . " • • . ' . • ' - . - - • ' . - ' ' • •* ' - ' ' . - ' ' ' : " ' . - • •: " • ' . , • - -
of fuel fluid into opening 514 may be turned down or may be turned off. Alternatively, the supply of fuel may be
continued throughout the heating of the formation, thereby utilizing the stored heat in the carbon to maintain the
temperature in opening 514 above the autoignition temperature of the fuel.
The oxidizing fluid may oxidize at least a portion of the hydrocarbons at reaction zone 524. Generated
heat will transfer heat lip selected section 526, for example, by radiation, convection, and/or conduction. An
oxidation product may be removed through a separate conduit placed in opening 514 or through an opening 543 in
overburden casing 54L
/ FIG. 14 illustrates an embodiment of a system configured to heat a hydrocarbon containing formation.
Electric heater 510 may be disposed within opening 514 in hydrocarbon containing formation 516. Opening 514
may be formed through overburden 540 into formation 516. Opening 514 may be at least about 5 cm in diameter. Opening 514 may, as an example, have a diameter of about 13 cm. Electric heater 510 may heat at least portion
518 Of hydrocarbon containing formation 516 to a temperature sufficient to support oxidation (e.g., about 260 °C).
Portion 518 may have a. width of about 1 m. An oxidizing fluid (e.g., liquid or gas) may be provided into the
opening through conduit 512 or any other appropriate fluid transfer mechanism. Conduit 512 may have critical
flow orifices 515 disposed along a length of the conduit. Critical flow orifices 515 may be configured as
described herein. y
: . For example, conduit 512 may be a pipe or tube configured to provide the oxidizing fluid into opening
514 from oxidizing fluid source 508. For example, conduit 512 may be a stainless steel tube. The oxidizing fluid
may include air or any other oxygen containing fluid (e.g., hydrogen peroxide, oxides of nitrogen, ozone).
Mixtures of oxidizing fluids may be used. An oxidizing fluid mixture may include, for example, a fluid including
fifity percent oxygen fifty percent nitrogen. The oxidizing fluid may also, in some embodiments, include
compounds that release oxygen when heated such as hydrogen peroxide. The oxidizing fluid may oxidize at least
: a portion of me hydrocarbons in me formation.
In some embodiments, a heat exchanger disposed external to me formation may be configured to heat the
oxidizing fluid. The heated oxidizing fluid may be provided into the opening from (directly or indirectly) the heat
exchanger. For example, the heated oxidizing fluid may be provided from the heat exchanger into the opening
through a conduit disposed in the opening and coupled to the heat exchanger. In some embodiments the conduit
may be a stainless steel tube. The heated oxidizing fluid may be configured to heat, or at least contribute to the
heating of, at least a portion of the formation to a temperature sufficient to support oxidation of hydrocarbons.
After the heated portion reaches such a temperature, heating of the oxidizing fluid hi the heat exchanger may be
reduced or may be turned off.
FIG. 15 illustrates another embodiment of a system configured to heat a hydrocarbon containing
formation. Heat exchanger 520 may be disposed external to opening 514 in hydrocarbon containing formation
516. Opening 514 may be formed through overburden 540 into formation 516. Heat exchanger 520 may provide
heat from another surface process, or it may include a heater (e.g., an electric or combustion heater). Oxidizing
fluid source 508 may provide an oxidizing fluid to heat exchanger 520. Heat exchanger 520 may heat an
oxidizing fluid (e.g., above 200 °C or a temperature sufficient to support oxidation of hydrocarbons). The heated
oxidizing fluid may be provided into opening 514 through conduit 521. Conduit 521 may have critical flow
orifices 515 disposed along a length of the conduit Critical flow orifices 515 may be configured as described
herein. The heated oxidizing fluid may heat, or at least contribute to the heating of, at least portion 518 of the
formation to a temperature sufficient to support oxidation of hydrocarbons. The oxidizing fluid may oxidize at
least a portion of the hydrocarbons in the formation.
In another embodiment, a fuel fluid may be oxidized in a heater located external to a hydrocarbon
containing formation. The fuel fluid may be oxidized with an oxidizing fluid in the heater. As an example, the
heater may be a flame-ignited heater. A fuel fluid may include any fluid configured to react with oxygen. Fuel
fluids may be, but are not limited to, methane, ethane, propane, other hydrocarbons, hydrogen, synthesis gas, or
combinations thereof. The oxidized fuel fluid may be provided into the opening from the heater through a conduit
and oxidation products and unreacted fuel may return to toe surface through another conduit in the overburden.
The conduits may be coupled within the overburden. In some embodiments, the conduits may be concentrically
placed. The oxidized fuel fluid may be configured to heat, or at least contribute to the heating o£ at least a portion
of the formation to a temperature sufficient to support oxidation of hydrocarbons. Upon reaching such a
temperature, the oxidized fuel fluid may be replaced with an oxidizing fluid. The oxidizing fluid may oxidize at
least a portion of the hydrocarbons at a reaction zone withinmeformation.
An electric heater may be configured to heat a portion of the hydrocarbon containing formation to a
temperature sufficient to support oxidation of hydrocarbons. The portion may be proximate to or substantially
adjacent to the opening in the formation. The portion may also radially extend a width of less than approximately
1m from the opening. A widm of the portion may vary, however, depending on, for example, a power supplied
to thfcheater. An oxidizing fluid may be provided to the opening for oxidation of hydrocarbons. Oxidation of the
hydrocarbons may be configured to heat the hydrocarbon containing formation in a process of natural distributedcombustion. Electrical current applied to the electric heater may subsequently be reduced or may be turned off.
Thus, natural distributed combustion may be configured, in conjunction with an electric heater, to provide a
reduced input energy cost method to heat the hydrocarbon containing formation compared to using an electric heater. An insulated conductor heater may be a heater element of a heat source. In an embodiment of an
V insulated conductor heater, the insulated conductor heater is a mineral insulated cable or rod. An insulated
conductor heater may be placed in an opening in a hydrocarbon containing formation. The insulated conductor
heater may be placed in an uncased opening in the hydrocarbon containing formation. Placing the heater in an
uncased opening hi the hydrocarbon containing formation may allow heat transfer from the heater to the
formation by radiation, as well as, conduction. In addition, using an uncased opening may also allow retrieval of
the heater from the well if necessary, and may eliminate the cost of the casing. Alternately, the insulated
conductor heater may be placed within a casing in the formation; may be cemented within the formation; or may
be packed in an opening with sand, gravel, or other fill material. The insulated conductor heater may be
supported on a support member positioned within the opening. The support member may be a cable, rod, or a
conduit (e.g., a pipe). The support member may be made of a metal, ceramic, inorganic material, or combinations
thereof. Portions of a support member may be exposed to formation fluids and heat during use, so the support
member may be chemically resistant and thermally resistant
Ties, spot welds and/or other types of connectors may be used to couple the insulated conductor heater to
the support member at various locations along a length of the insulated conductor heater. The support member.
maybe attached to a wellhead at an upper surface of the formation. In an alternate embodiment of an insulated
conductor heater, the insulated conductor heater is designed to have sufficient structural strength so that a support
' member is not needed. The insulated conductor heater will in many instances have some flexibility to inhibit
thermal expansion damage when heated or cooled.
In certain embodiments, insulated conductor heaters may be placed hi wellbores without support
; members and/or centralizers. This can be accomplished for heaters if the insulated conductor has a suitable
combination of temperature resistance, length, thickness (diameter) and metallurgy that will inhibit failure of the insulated conductor during use. In ar of about 700 °C are less that about ISO meters in length, and have 3 mm diameter nichrome conductors are used
without support members for the insulated conductors.
FIG. 16 depictsi-aperspective view of an end portion of an embodiment of ah insulated conductor heater
562. An insulated conductor heater may have any desired cross sectional shape, such as, but not limited to round
(as shown in FIG. 16), triangular, ellipsoidal, rectangular, hexagonal or irregular shape. An insulated conductor
heater may include conductor 575, electrical insulation 576 and sheath 577. The conductor 575 may resistively
heat when an electrical current passes through the conductor. An alternating or direct current may be used to heat
the conductor 575. Inianembodiment, a 60 cycle AC current may be used.
In some embodhnents, me electrical insulation 576 may iiu
Ifae sheath 577. The electrical insulation 576 may also mermaUy conduct heat generated hi the conductor 575 to
the sheath 577. The sheath 577 may radiate or conduct heat to the formation. An insulated conductorlieater 562
may be 1000 m or more in length. In an embodiment of an insulated conductor heater, the insulated conductor heater 562 may have a length from about 15 m to about 950 ni Longer or shorter insulated conductors may also
be used to meet specific application needs. In embodiments of insulated'conductor heaters, purchased insulated
conductor heaters have lengths of about 100 m to 500 m (e.g., 230 m). m certain embodiments, dimensions of
sheaths and/or conductors of an insulated conductor may be formed so feat fee insulated conductors have enough
strength to be self supporting even at upper working temperatures. Such insulated cables may be suspended from
wellheads or supports positioned near an interface between an overburden and a hydrocarbon containing
formation without the need for support members extending into fee hydrocarbon formation along with fee
insulated conductors, v ;
In an embodiment, a higher frequency current may be used to take advantage of the skin effect in certain
metals. In some embodiments, a 60 cycle AC current may be used in combination wife conductors made of
metals feat exhibit pronounced skin effects. For example, ferromagnetic metals like iron alloys and nickel may
exhibit a skin effect. The skin effect confines the current to a region close to fee outer surface of the conductor,
thereby effectively increasing fee resistance of fee conductor. A higher resistance may be desired to decrease fee operating current, minimize ohmic losses in surface cables, and also minimize the cost of surface facilities.
As illustrated m FIG. 17, an insulated conductor heater "562 will in many instances be designed to operate
at a power level of up to about 1650 watts/meter. The insulated conductor heater 562 may typically operate at a
pqwer level between about 500 watts/meter arid about 1150 watts/meter when heating a formation. The insulated
conductor heater 562 may be designed so feat a maximum voltage level at a typical operating temperature does
not cause substantial thermal and/or electrical breakdown of electrical insulation 576. The insulated conductor
heater 562 may be designed so feat fee sheath 577 does not exceed a temperature feat will result in a significant
reduction in corrosion resistance properties of the sheath material.
In an embodiment pf an insulated conductor heater 562, fee conductor 575 may be designed to reach
temperatures within a range between about 650 °C to about 870 °C, and the sheath 577 may be designed to reach
temperatures within a range between about 535 °C to about 760 °C. Insulated conductors having other operating
ranges may be formed to meet specific operational requirements. In an embodiment of an insulated conductor
heater 562, fee conductor 575 is designed to operate at about 760 °C, fee sheath 5,77 is designed to operate at
about 650 °C, and the msulated conductor heater is designed to dissipate about 820 watts/meter. -
msulated conductor heater may have three conductors within electrical insulation feat are surrounded by a sheath.
FIG. 16 depicts an insulated conductor heater 562 having a single conductor 575. The conductor may be made of
metal The material used to form a conductor may be, but is not limited to, nichrome, nickel, and a number of
alloys made from copper and nickel in increasing nickel concentrations from pure copper to Alloy 30, Alloy 60,
Alloy 180 and Monet- Alloys of copper and nickel may advantageously have better electrical resistance
properties fean substantially pure nickel or copper. :
In an embodiment, fee conductor may be chosen to have a diameter and a resistivity at operating
temperatures such feat its resistance, as derived from Ohm's law, makes it electrically and structurally stable for
the chosen power dissipation per meter, fee length of fee heater, and/or the maximum voltage allowed to pass
through fee conductor. In an alternate embodiment, the conductor may be designed, using Maxwell's equations,tounake use of skineffect heating in and/or on the conductor.
• v The conductor may be made of rent material along a lengfe of fee msulated conductor heater. For
example,a first sectionfof fee conductor may be madeof a material feat has a significmfly lower raistence fean a second section of the conductor. The first section may be placed adjacent to a formation layer that does not need
to be heated to as high a temperature as a second formation layer that is adjacent to the second section. The
resistivity of various sections of conductor may be adjusted by having a variable diameter and/or by having
conductor sections made of different materials.
A diameter-of a:; conductor 575 may typically be between about 1.3 mm to about 10.2 mm. Smaller or
larger diameters may also be used to have conductors with desired resistivity characteristics. In an embodiment of
an insulated conductor heater, the conductor is made of Moy 601hat has a diameter of about 5.8 mm.
As illustrated in FIG.16,an electrical insulator 576 ofan insulated conductor heater 562 may be made of
a variety of materials. Pressure may be used to place electrical insulator powder between a conductor 575 and a
sheath 577 . Low flow characteristics and other properties of the powder and/or the sheaths and conductors may
inhibit me powder from flowing out of the sheaths. Commonly used powders may include, but are not limited to,
MgO, AlOs, Zirconia, BeO, different chemical variations of Spinels, and combinations thereof. MgO may
provide good thermal conductivity and electrical insulation properties. The desired electrical insulation properties
include low leakage current and high dielectric strength. A low leakage current decreases the possibility of
thermal breakdown and the high dielectric strength decreases the possibility of arcing across:the insulator.
Thermal breakdown can occur if the leakage current causes a progressive rise in the temperature of the insulator
leading also to arcing across the insulator. An amount of impurities 578 in the electrical insulator powder may be
tailored to provide required dielectric strength and a low level of leakage current: The impurities 578 added may
be, but are not limited to, CaO, Fe2O3, A12O3, and other metal oxides. Low porosity of the electrical insulation
tends to reduce leakage current and increase dielectric strength. Low porosity may be achieved by increased
packing of the MgO powder during fabrication or by filling of the pore space in the MgO powder with other
granular materials, for example, Al2O3. ;
The impurities 578 added to the electrical insulator powder may have particle sizes that are smaller than
the particle sizes of the powdered electrical insulator. The small particles may occupy pore space between the
larger particles of the electrical insulator so that the porosity of the electrical insulator is reduced. Examples of
powdered electrical insulators that may be used to form electrical insulation 576 are "H" mix manufactured by
IdahoLaboratories Corporation (Idaho Falls, Idaho), or Standard MgO used by Pyrotenax Gable Company
(Trenton, Ontario) for high temperature applications. In addition, other powdered electrical insulators may be
used;'. A sheath 577 of an insulated conductor heater 562 may be an outer metallic layer. The sheath 577 may
be in contact with hot formation fluids. The sheath 577 may need to be made of a material having a high
'resistance to corrosion at elevated temperatures. Alloys mat may be used in a desired operating temperature range
of the sheath include, but are hot limited to, 304 stainless steel 310 stainless steel, Incoloy 800, and Inconel 600.
The thickness of the sheath has to be sufficient to last for three to ten years in a hot and corrosive environment A
thickness of the sheath may generally vary between about 1 mm and about 2.5 mm. For example, a 1.3 mm thick
310 stainless steel outer layer provides a sheath 577 that is able to provide good chemical resistance to sulfidation
corrosion in a heated zone of a formation for a period of over 3 years. Larger or smaller sheath thicknesses may
beused to meet specific application requirements. ; - ,
\ An insulated conductor heater may be tested after fabrication. The insulated conductor heater may be
required to withstand 2-3 times an operating voltage at a selected operating temperature. Also, selected samples
of produced insulated conductor heaters may be required to withstand 1000VAC at 760 °C for one month. As illustrated in FIG. 17a, a: short flexible transition conductor 571 may be connected to a lead-in
conductor 572 using a connection 569 made during heater installation in the field. The transition conductor 571
may, for example, be a flexible, lo\y resistivity, stranded copper; cable that is surrounded by rubber or polymer
insulation. A transition conductor 571 may typically be betwefen about L5 m and about 3m, although longer or
shorter transition conductors may be used to accommodate particular needs. Temperature resistant cable may be
/used as transition conductor 571. The transition conductor 571 may also be connected to a short length of an
insulated conductor heater that is less resistive than a primary heating section of the insulated conductor heater.
The less resistive portion of the insulated conductor,heater may be referred to as a "cold pin" 568.
A cold pin 568 may be designed to dissipate about one tenth to about one fifth of the power per unit
length as is dissipated in a unit length of the primary heating section. Cold pins may typically be between about
1.5 m to about 15 m, although snorter or longer lengths may be used to accommodate specific application needs.
In an embodiment, the conductor of a cold pin section is copper with a diameter of about 6.9 mm and a length of
9.1 m. The electrical insulation is the same type of insulation used in the primary heating section. A sheath of the
cold pin may be made of Inconel 600. Chloride corrosion cracking in the cold pin region may occur, so a chloride
corrosion resistant metal such as Inconel 600 may be used as the sheath.
As illustrated in JFIG. 17a, a small, cpoxy filled canister 573 may be used to create a connection between
a transition conductor 571 and a cold pin 568. Cold pins 568 may be connected to the primary heating sections of
insulated conductor 562 heaters by "splices" 567. The length of the cold pin 568 may be sufficient to
significantly reduce a temperature of the insulated conductor heater 562. The heater section of the insulated
conductor heater 562 may operate from about 530 °C to about 760 °C, the splice 567 may be at a temperature
from about 260 °C to about 370 °C, and the temperature at the lead-in cable connection to the cold pin may be
from about 40 °C to about 90 °C. In addition, to a cold pin at a top end of the insulated conductor heatet, a cold
pin may also be placed at a bottom end of the insulated conductor heater. The cold pin at the bottom end may hi
many instances make a bottom termination easier to manufacture.
Splice material mayhave to withstand a temperatureequal to half of a target zone operating temperature.
Density of electrical insulation in the splice should in many instances be high enough to withstand the required
temperature and the operating voltage. :
A splice 567 may be required to withstand 1000 VAC at 480 °C. Splice material may be high
temperature splices made by Idaho Laboratories Corporation or by Pyrotenax Cable Company. A splice may be
an internal type of splice or an external splice. An internal splice is typically made without welds on the sheath of
the insulated conductor neater. The lack of weld on the sheath may avoid potential weak spots (mechanical and/or
; electrical) on the insulated cable heater. An external splice is a weld made to couple sheaths of two insulated
conductor heaters together. An external splice may need to be leak tested prior to insertion of the insulated cable heater into a formation. Laser welds or orbital TIG (tungsten inert gas) welds may be used to form external
splices. An additional strain relief assembly may be placed around an external splice to improve Hie splice's
resistance to bending and to protect me external spUceagamst partial or total parting.
An insulated conductor assembly may include heating sections, cold pins, splices, and termination
canisters and flexible transition conductors. The insulated conductor assembly may need to be examined and
electrically tested before installation of the assembly into an opening in a formation. The assembly may need to
heate? (including the heatedsection, the cold-pins, me splices and the termination cans). Periodic X-ray spot
checking of the commercial product may need to be made! The whole cable may be immersed in water prior to
electrical testing. Electrical testing of the assembly may need to show more than 2000 megaohms at 500 VAC at
.room temperature after water immersion. In addition, the assembly may need to be connected to 1000 VAC and
show less than about 10 microamps per meter of resistive leakage current at room temperature. Also, a check on
leakage current at about 760 °C may need to show less than about 0.4 milliamps per meter.
There are a number of companies that manufacture insulated conductor heaters. Such manufacturers
include, but are not limited to, MI Cable Technologies (Calgary, Alberta), Pyrotenax Cable Company (Trenton,
Ontario), Idaho Laboratories Corporation (Idaho Falls, Idaho), and Watiow (St. Louis, MO). As an example, an
'.insulated conductor heater may be ordered from Idaho Laboratories as cable model 355-A90-310-"H"
30Y750Y30' with Incbnel 600 sheath for the cold-pins, mree phase Y configuration and bottom jointed
conductors. The required specification for the heater should also include 1000 VAC, 1400 °F quality cable in
addition to the preferred mode specifications described above. The designator 355 specifies the cable OD
(0.355"), A90 specifies the conductor material, 310 specifies the heated zone sheath alloy (SS 310), "H" specifies
the MgO mix, 30Y750'/30' specifies about a 230 m heated zone with cold-pins top and bottom haying about 9 m
lengths. A similar part number with the same specification using high temperate e Standard purity MgO cable
may be ordered from Pyrotenax Cable Company.
One or more insulated conductor heaters may be placed within an opening in a formation to form a heat source or heat sources. Electrical current may be passed through each insulated conductor heater in the opening to
heat the formation. Alternately, electrical current may be passed through selected insulated conductor heaters in
an opening. The unused conductors may be backup heaters. Insulated conductor heaters may be electrically
coupled to a power source in any convenient manner. Each end of an insulated conductor heater may be coupled
to lead-in cables that pass through a wellhead. Such a configuration typically has a 180° bend (a "hairpin" bend)
or turn located near a bottom of the heat source. An insulated conductor heater that includes a 180° bend or turn
may not require a bottom termination, but the 180° bend or turn may be an electrical and/or structural weakness in
the heater. Insulated conductor heaters may be electrically coupled together in series, in parallel, or in series and
parallel combinations. In some embodiments of heat sources, electrical current may pass into the conductor of an
insulated conductor heater and may returned through the sheath of the insulated conductor heater by connecting
theconductor 575 to thesheath577 at the bottom of the heat source.
: In an embodiment of a heat source depicted m FIG. 17, three insulated conductor heaters 562 are
electrically coupled in a 3-phase Y configuration to a power supply. The power supply may provide a 60 cycle
AC current to the electrical conductors. No bottom connection may be required for the insulated conductor
beaters. Alternately, all three conductors of the three phase circuit may be connected together near the bottom of
a heat source opening.: The connection may be made directly at ends of heating sections of the insulated
conductor heaters or at ends of cold pins coupled to the heating sections at the bottom of the insulated conductor
heaters. The bottom connections may be made with insulator filled and sealed canisters or with epoxy filled
canisters. The insulatorniay be the same composition as lie insulator used as the electrical insulation.
The three insulated conductor heaters depicted in FIG. 17 may be coupled to support member 564 using
centralizers 566. Alternatively, the three insulated conductor heaters may be strapped directly to the support tube
using metal straps. Centralizers 566 may be configured to maintain a location of insulated conductor heaters 562
on support member 56. Centralzets 566 may be made of, for example, meted, ceramic or a combination thereof
The metal may be stainless steel or any other type of metal able to withstand a corrosive and hot environment In some embodiments, centralizers 566 may be simple bowed metal strips welded to the support member at distances
less man about 6 meters; A ceramic used in centralizer 566 may be, but is not limited to, Al2O3 MgO or other
insulator. Centralizers 566 may be configured to maintain a location of insulated conductor heaters 562 on
support member 564 such that movement of insulated conductor heaters may be substantially inhibited at
operating temperatures of the insulated conductor heaters. Insulated conductor heaters 562 may also be somewhat
.' . ". • : • ' ' .» . ... . " • ' •
flexible to withstand expansion of support member 564 during heating. Centralizers 566 may also be configured
as described in any of the embodiments herein. ;
Support member 564, insulated conductor heater 562, and centralizers 566 may be placed in opening 514
in hydrocarbon containing formation 516. Insulated conductor heaters 562 may be coupled to bottom conductor
junction 570 using cold pin transition conductor 568. Bottom conductor junction 570 may electrically couple
each insulated conductor heater 562 to each other. Bottom conductor junction 570 may include materials that are
electrically conducting and do not melt at temperatures found in opening 514. Cold pin transition conductor 568
may be an insulated conductor heater having lower electrical resistance man insulated conductor heater 562. As
illustrated in FIG. 17a, cold pin 568 may be coupled to transition conductor 571 and insulated conductor heater
562. Cold pin transition conductor 568 may provide a temperature transition between transition conductor 571
and msulated conductor neater 562.
Lead-in conductor 572 may be coupled to wellhead 590 to provide electrical power to insulated
conductor heater 562. Wellhead 590 may be configured as shown in FIG. 18 and as described in any of the
A embodiments herein. Lead-in conductor 572 may be made of arelatively low electrical resistance conductor such
that relatively little or substantially no heat may be generated from electrical current passing through lead-in
• conductor 572. For example, the lead-in conductor may include, but may not be limited to, a rubber insulated stranded copper wire, but the lead-in conductor may also be a mineral-insulated conductor with a copper core.
Lead-in conductor 572 may couple to a wellhead 590 at surface 550 through a sealing flange located between
overburden 540 and surface 550. The sealing flange 590c: may be configured as shown in FIG. 18 and as
described in any of the embodiments herein. The sealing flange may substantially inhibit fluid; from escaping
from opening 514 to surface550.
: Packing material 542 (see FIG. 17) may optionally be placed between overburden casing 541 and
Opening 514. Overburden casing 541 may include any materials configured to substantially contain cement 544.
In an embodiment of a heater source, overburden casing is an 7.6 cm (3 inch) diameter carbon steel, schedule 40
pipe. Packing material 542 may be configured to inhibit fluid from flowing from opening 514 to surface 550.
Overburden casing 541: may be placed in cement 544 in overburden 540 of formation 516. Cement 544 may
include, for example,: Glass G or Class H Portland cement mixed with silica flour for improved high temperature
performance, slag or silica four, and/or-a mixture thereof (e.g., about 1.58 grams per cubic centimeter slag/silica
flour). In selected heat source embodiments, cement 544 extends radially a width of from about 5 cm to about 25
cm. In some embodiments cement 544 may extend radially a width of about 10 cm to about 15 cm. In some other
embodiments, cement 544 may be designed to inhibit heat transfer from conductor 564 into formation 540 within
the overburden. : /
; In certain embodiments one or more conduits may be provided to supply additional components (e.g.,
nitrogen, carbon dioxide; reducing agents such as gas containing hydrogen, etc.) to formation openings, to bleed
fluids, and/or to cnul pressure. Formation pressures tend to be highest near heating sources and thus it is
often beneficial to have pressure control equipment proximate the heating source. In some embodiments adding a
reducing agent proximate the heating source assists in providing a more favorable pyrolysis environment (e.g., a
; higher hydrogen partial pressure). Since permeability and porosity tend to increase more quickly proximate the
heating source, it Is often optimal to add a reducing agent proximate the heating source so that the reducing agent
can more easily move into the formation.
In FIG. 17, for example, conduit 5000 may be provided to add gas from gas source 5003rmrough.valve
5001, and into opening 514 (an opening 5004 is provided in packing material 542 to allow gas to pass into
opening 514). Conduit 5000 and valve 5002 may also be used at different times to bleed off pressure and/or
control pressure proximate to opening 514. In FIG. 19, for example, conduit 5010 may be provided to add gas
from gas source 5013, through valve 5011, and into opening 514 (an opening is provided in cement 544 to allow
gas to pass into opening. 514)i Conduit 5010 and valve 5012 may also be used at different times to bleed off
pressure and/or control pressure proximate to opening 514. It is to be understood mat any of the heating sources
described herein may also be equipped with conduits to supply additional components, bleed off fluids, and/or to
control pressure.
. Support member 564 and lead-in conductor 572 may be coupled to wellhead 590 at surface 550 of
"formation 516. Surface conductor 545 may enclose cement 544 and may couple to wellhead 590. Embodiments
of heater source surface conductor 545 may have a diameter of about 10.16 cm to about 30.48 cm or, for example,
a diameter of about 22 cm. Embodiments of surface casings may extend to depths of approximately 3m to
approximately 515 m into an opening in the formation. Alternatively, the surface casing may extend to a depth of
approximately 9m into the opening. Electrical current may be supplied from a power source to insulated
conductor heater 562 to generate heat due to me electrical resistance of conductor 575 as illustrated in FIG. 16.
As an example, a voltage of about 330 volts and a current of about 266 amps are supplied to insulated conductors
562 to generate a heat of about 1150 watts/meter in insulated conductor heater 562. Heat generated from the three
insulated conductor heaters 562 may transfer (e.g., by radiation) within opening 514 to heat at least a portion of
the formation 516.
; An appropriate configuration of an insulated conductor heater may be determined by optimizing a
material cost of the heater based on a length of heater, a power required per meter of conductor, and a desired
operating Voltage. In addition, an operating current and voltage may be chosen to optimize the cost of input electrical energy in conjunction with a material cost of the insulated conductor heaters. For example, as input
electrical energy increases, the cost of materials needed to withstand the higher voltage may also increase. The
insulated conductor heaters may be configured to generate a radiant heat of approximately 650 watts/meter of
conductor to approximately 1650 watts/meter of conductor. The insulated conductor heater may operate at a
temperature between: approxinlately 530 °C and approximately 760 °C within a formation.
Heatgeneratedby an uisulated conductor heater may heat at least a portion of a hydrocarbon containinng
formation. In some embodiments heat, may be transferred to the formation substantially by radiation of the
(generated heat to the formation. Some heat may be transferred by conduction or convection of heat due to gases
present in the opening. The opening maybe ah uncased opening. An uncased opening eliminates cost associated
with thermally cementing the heater to the formation, costs associated with a casing, and/or costs of packing a
heater within an opening. In addition, the heat transfer by radiation is generally more efficient than by conduction
so the heaters will operate at lower temperatures in an open wellbore. The conductive heat transfer may be
• enhanced by the addition of a gas hi the opening at pressures up to about 27 bar absolute. The gas may include,
but may not be limited to, carbon dioxide and/or helium. Still another advantage is that the heating assembly will
be free to undergo thermal expansion. Yet another ad vantage is that the heaters may be replaceable.'
The insulated conductor heater, as described in any of me embodiments herein, may be installed in
opening 514 by any method known in the art. In an embodiment, more than one spooling assembly may be used
to install bom the electric heater and a support member simultaneously. U.S. Patent No. 4,572,299 issued to Van
Egmond et al., which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein, describes spooling an electric heater
into a well. Alternatively, the support member may be installed using a coiled tubing unit including any unit
known in the art. The heaters may be un-spooled and connected to the support as the support is inserted into the
/well. The electric heaterand"thesupport member may be un-spooled from the spooling assemblies. Spacers may
be coupled to the support member and the heater along a length of the support member. Additional spooling
assemblies may be used for additional electric heater elements. In an embodiment the support member may be installed using standard oil field operations and welding
different sections of support. Welding may be done by using orbital welding. For example, a first section of the
support member may be disposed into the well. A second section (e.g., of substantially similar length) may be
coupled to the first section in the well. The second section may be coupled by welding the second section to the
first section. An orbital welder disposed at the wellhead may be configured to weld the second section to the first
section. This process may be repeated with subsequent sections coupled to previous sections until a support of
desired length is within the well. •
FIG. 18 illustrates a cross-sectional view of one embodiment of a wellhead coupled, e.g., to overburden
casing 541. Flange 59Qc may be coupled to, or may be a part of, wellhead 590. Flange 590c may be, for
example, carbon steel, stainless steel or any other commercially available suitable sealing material. Flange 590c
may be sealed with baring 590f, or any other sealing mechanism- Thermocouples 590g may be provided into
wellhead 590 through flange 590c. Thermocouples 590g may measure a temperature on or proximate to support
member 564 within the heated portion of the well. Support member 564 may be coupled to flange 590e. Support
member 564 may be configured to support one or more insulated conductor heaters as described herein. Support
member 564 may be sealed in flange 590c by welds 590h. Alternately, support member 564 may be sealed by
any method known of the art.
Power conductor 590a may be coupled to a lead-in cable and/or an insulated conductor heater. Power
conductor 590a may; be configured to provide electrical energy to the insulated conductor beaten Power
conductor 590a may be sealed in sealing flange 5904 Sealing flange 590d may be sealed by compression seals or
o-rings 590e. Power conductor 590a may be coupled to support member 564 with band 590i. Band 5901 may
include a rigid and corrosion resistant material such as stainless steel. Wellhead 590 may be sealed with weld
590h such that fluid maybe substantially inhibited from escaping the formation through wellhead 590. Lift bolt
590j may be configured to lift wellhead 590 and support member 564. Wellhead 590 may also include a pressure
control valve. Compression fittings 590k may serve to seal power cable 590a and compression fittings 5901 may serve to seal thermocouple 590g. These seals inhibit fluids from escaping the formation. The pressure control
valve may be configured to control a pressure within an opening hi which support member 564 may be disposed.
In an embodiment, a control system may be configured to control electrical power supplied to an
insulated conductor heater. Power supplied to the insulated conductor heater may be controlled with any
appropriate type of controller. For alternating current, the controller may, for example, be a tapped transformer.
Alternatively, the controller may be a zero crossover electrical heater firing SCR (silicon controlled rectifier)
controller. Zero crossover electrical heater firing control may be achieved by allowing foil supply voltage to the
• insulated conductor heater to pass through the insulated conductor heater for a specific number of cycles, starting
, at me "crossover," where an instantaneous voltage may be zero, continuing for a specific number of complete
cycles, and discontinuing when the instantaneous voltage again may cross zero. A specific number of cycles may
Deblocked, allowingcohtrolof the heat output by the insulated conductor heater. For example, the control system
may be arranged to block fifteen and/or twenty cycles out of each sixty cycles that may be supplied by a standard
' 60'Hz alternating current power supply. Zero crossover firing control may be advantageously used with materials
having a low temperature coefficient materials. Zero crossover firing control may substantially inhibit current
spikes from occurringin an insulated conductor heater.
FIG. 19 illustrates an embodiment of a conductor-in-conduit heater configured to heat a section of a
hydrocarbon containing formation. Conductor 580 may be disposed in conduit 582. Conductor 580 may be a rod
pjr conduit of electrically conductive material. A conductor 580 may have a low resistance section 584 at both the
: top and the bottom of the conductor 580 hi order to generate less heating in these sections 584. The substantially
low resistance section 584 may be due to a greater cross-sectional area of conductor 580 in that section. For
example, conductor 580 may be a 304 or 310 stainless steel rod with a diameter of approximately 2.8 cm. The
diameter and wall thickness of conductor 580 may vary, however, depending on, for example, a desired heating
rate of the hydrocarbon containing formation. Conduit 582 may include an electrically conductive material. For example, conduit 582 maybe a 304 or 310 stainless steel pipe having a diameter of approximately 7.6 cm and a
thickness of approximately schedule 40.' Conduit 582 may be disposed in opening 514 in formation 516.
Opening 514 may have a diameter of at least approximately 5 cm. The diameter of the opening may vary,
however, depending on, for example, a desired heating rate in the fonnation and/or a diameter of conduit 582. For
example, a diameter of the opening may be from about 10 cm to about 13 cm. Larger diameter openings may also
be used. For example, a larger opening may be used if more than one conductor is to be placed within a conduit
Conductor 580 may be centered in conduit 582 through centralizer 581. Centralfecr 581 may electrically
isolate conductor 580 from conduit 582. In addition, centralizer 581 maybe configured to locate conductor 580
' within conduit 582. Centralizer 581 may be made of a ceramic material or a combination of ceramic and metallic
materials. More man one centralizer 581 may be configured to substantially inhibit deformation of conductor 580
in conduit 582 during use. More than one centralizer 581 may be spaced at intervals between approximately 0,5
in and approximately 3 m along conductor 580. Centralizer 581 may be made of ceramic, 304 stainless steel, 310
stainless steel, or other types of metal. Centralizer 581 may be configured as shown in FIG. 22 and/or FIGs. 23a
and23b. • As depicted in FIG. 20, slidhig connector 583 may couple an end of conductor 580 disposed proximate a
lowermost surface of conduit 582. Sliding connector 583 allows for differential thermal expansion between
- conductor 580 and conduit 582. Sliding connector 583 is attached to a conductor 580 located at the bottom of the
: well at a low resistance section 584 which may have a greater cross-sectional area. The lower resistance of
section 584 allows the sliding connector to operate at temperatures no greater than about 90 °C. In this manner,
corrosion of the sliding connector components is minimized and therefore contact resistance between slidhig
connector 583 and conduit 582 is also minimized. Sliding connector 583may be configured as shown in FIG. 20
, • and as described in any of the embodiments herein. The substantially low resistance section 584 of the conductor
580 ina:y couple conduit :580 to well heat 690 as depicted in FIG. 19. Wellhead 690 may be configured as
shown in FIG. 21 arid a> described in ariy of me embodiments herein. Electrical current may be applied to conductor 580 from power cable 585 through a low resistance section 584 of the conductor 580. Electrical current
: may pass from conductor 580 through sliding connector 583 to conduit 582. Conduit 582 may be electrically
insulated from overburden casing 541 and from wellhead 690 to return electrical current to power cable 585. Heat
may be generated hi conductor 580 and conduit 582. The generated heat may radiate within conduit 582 and
opening 514 to heat at least a portion of formation 516. As an example, a voltage of about 330 volts and a current
of about 795 amps may be supplied to conductor 580 and conduit 582 in a 229 m (750 ft) heated section to
generate about 1150 wattsAneter of conductor 580 and conduit 582.
Overburden conduit 541 may be disposed in overburden 540 of formation 516. Overburden conduit 541
may in some embodiments be surrounded by materials that may substantially inhibit heating of overburden 540.
A substantially low resistance section 584 of a conductor 580 may be placed in overburden conduit 541. The
substantially low resistance section 584 of conductor 580 may be made of, for example, carbon steel. The
substantially low resistance section 584 may have a diameter between about 2 cm to about 5 cm or, for example, a
diameter of about 4 cm. A substantially low resistance section 584 of conductor 580 maybe centralized within
overburden conduit 541 using centralizers 581. Centralizers 581 may be spaced at intervals of approximately 6 m
to approximately 12 m Or, for example, approximately 9 m along substantially low resistance section 584 of
conductor 580. A substantially low resistance section 584 of conductor 580 may be coupled to conductor 580
using any method known in die art such as arc welding; A substantially low resistance section 584 may be
configured to generate little and/or substantially no heat in overburden conduit 541. Packing material 542 may be
v placed between overburden casing 541 and opening 514. Packing material 542 may be configured to substantially
inhibit fluid from flowing from opening 514 to surface 550 or to inhibit most heat carrying fluids from flowing'
from opening 514 to surface 550.
Overburden conduit may include, for example, a conduit of carbon steel having a diameter of about 7.6
cm and a thickness of about schedule 40 pipe. Cement 544 may include, for example, slag or silica flour, or a
mixture thereof (e.g., about 1.58 grams per cubic centimeter slag/silica flour). Cement 544 may extend radially a width of about 5 cm to about 25cm.Cement 544mayalso be made of material designed to inhibit flow of heat into formation 516. ; Surface conductor 545 and overburden casing 541 may enclose cement 544 and may couple to wellhead
690. Surface conductor 545 may have a diameter of about 10 cm to about 30 cm and more preferably a diameter
• of about 22 cm. Electrically insulating sealing flanges may be configured to mechanically couple substantially
low resistance section 584 of conductor 580 to wellhead 690 and to electrically couple lower resistance section
584 to power cable 585: The electrically insulating sealing flanges may be configured to couple lead-in conductor
585 to wellhead 690. For example, lead-in conductor 585 may include a copper cable, wire, or other elongated
member. Lead-in conductor 585 may include, however, any material having a substantially low resistance. The
lead-in conductor may be clamped to the bottom of the low resistivity conductor to make electrical contact
In an embodiment, heat may be generated in or by conduit 582. In this manner, about 10 % to about 30
%, or, for example, about 20 %, of the total heat generated by the heater may be generated in or by conduit 582.
Both conductor 580 and conduit 582 may be made of stainless steel. Dimensions of conductor 580 and conduit
582 may be chosen such that the conductor will dissipate heat in arrange from approximately 650 watts per meter
to 1650 watte per meter; A temperature in conduit 582 may be approximately 480 °C to approximately 815 °C
and a temperature m conductor 580 may be approximately 500 °C to 840 °C. Substantially uniform heating of a
: hydrocarbon containing formation may be provided along .a length of conduit 582 greater than about 300 m or,
may be, greater than about 600 m. A length of conduit 582 may vary, however, depending on, for example, a type
of hydrocarbon containing formation, a depth of an opening in the formation, and/or a length of the formation
desired for treating.
The generated heat may be configured to heat at least a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation.
Heating of at least the portion may occur substantially by radiation of the generated heat within an opening in the
formation and to a lesser extent by gas conduction. In this manner, a cost associated with filling the opening with
a filling material to provide conductive heat transfer between the insulated conductor and the formation may be
eliminated. In addition, heat transfer by radiation is generally more efficient than by conduction so the heaters wilt generally operate at lower temperatures in an open wellbore. Still another advantage is that the heating
assembly will be free to undergo thermal expansion. Yet another advantage is mat the heater may be replaceable.
The conductor-in-conduit heater, as described in any of the embodiments herein, may be installed in
opening 514; In an embodiment, the conductor-in-conduit heater may be installed into a well by sections. For
example, a first section of the conductor-in-conduit heater may be disposed into the well. The section may be
about 12 m in length. A second section (e.g., of substantially similar length) maybe coupled to the first section in
the well. The second section may be coupled by welding the second section to the first section and/or with
threads disposed on the first and second section. An orbital welder disposed at the wellhead may be configured to
weld the second section to the first section. This process may be repeated wim subsequent sections coupled to
previous sections until a heater of desired length may be disposed in the well. In some embodiments, three
sections may be coupled prior to being disposed in the well. The three sections may be coupled by welding. The
three sections may have a length of about 12.2 m each. The resulting 37 m section may be lifted vertically by a
crane at the wellhead. The three sections may be coupled to three additional sections in the well as described
herein. Welding the three sections prior to being disposed in the well may reduce a number of leaks and/or faulty
welds and may decrease a time required for installation of the heater.
In an alternate embodiment, the conductor-in-conduit heater may be spooled onto a spooling assembly.
The spooling assembly may be mounted on a transportable structure. The transportable structure may be
transported to a well location. The conductor-in-conduit heater may be un-spooled from the spooling assembly
into the well. : ;
FIG- 20 illustrates an embodiment of a sliding connector. Sliding connector 583 may include scraper
593 that may abut an inner surface of conduit 582 at point 595. Scraper 593 may include any metal or electrically
conducting material (e.g., steel or stainless steel). Centralizer 591 may couple to conductor 580. In some
embodiments, conductor 580 may have a substantially low resistance section 584, due t6 an increased thickness,
substantially around a location of sliding connector 583. Centralizer 591 may include any electrically conducting
material (e.g., a metal or metal alloy). Centralizer 591 may be coupled to scraper 593 through spring bow 592.
Spring bow 592 may include any metal or electrically conducting material (e.g., copper-beryllium alloy).
Centralizer 591, spring bow 592, and/or scraper 593 may be coupled through any welding method: known in the
art. Sliding connector 583 may electrically couple the substantially low resistance section 584 of conductor 580
to conduit 582 through Centralizer 591, spring bow 592, and/or scraper 593. During heating of conductor 580,
conductor 580 may expand at a substantially different rate than conduit 582. For example, point 594 on conductor
58J) may move relative to point 595 on conduit 582 during heating of conductor 580. Scraper 593 may maintain
electrical contact with conduit 582 by sliding along surface of conduit 582. Several sliding connectors may be
used for redundancy and to reduce the current at each scraper. In addition, a thickness of conduit 582 may be
for a length substantially adjacent to sliding connector 583 to substantially reduce heat generated in that
portion of the conduit 582, The length of conduit 582 with increased thickness may be, for example,
approximately 6 m.
FIG. 21 illustrates another embodiment of a wellhead. Wellhead 690 may be coupled to electrical
junction box 690a by flahge 690n or any other suitable mechanical device. Electrical junction box 690a may be
configured to control power (current and voltage) supplied to an electric heater. The electric heater may be a
conductor-in-conduit heater as described herein. Flange 690n may include, for example, stainless steel or any
other suitable sealing material. Conductor 690b may be disposed in flange 690n and may electrically couple
overburden casing 541 to electrical junction box 690a. Conductor 690b may include any metal or electrically
'conductive material (e,g., copper). Compression seal 690c may seal conductor 690b at an inner surface of
electrical junction box 69Qa.
Flange 690n may be sealed with metal o-ring 690d. Conduit 690f, which may be, e.g.,'a pipe, may
couple flange 690n to flange 690m. Flange 690m may couple to overburden casing 541. Flange 690m may be
sealed with o-ring 690g(e.g., metal o-ring or steel o-ring). The substantially low resistance section 584 of the
conductor (e.g., conductor 580) may couple to electrical junction box 690a. The substantially low resistance section 584 may be passed through flange 690n and may be sealed in flange 690n with o-ring assembly 690p.
Assemblies 690p are designed to insulate the substantially low resistance section 584 of conductor 580 from
flange 690n and flange 690m. O-ring assembly 690c may be designed to electrically insulate conductor 690b
from flange 690m and junction box 690a. Centralizer 581 may couple to low resistance section 584. Electrically
insulating centralizer 581 may have characteristics as described in any of the embodiments herein.
Thermocouples 690i may be coupled to thermocouple flange 690q with connectors 690h and wire 690j.
Thermocouples 6901 may be enclosed in an electrically insulated sheath (e.g., a metal sheath). Thermocouples
690i may be sealed in thermocouple flange 690q with compression seals 690k. Thermocouples 690i may be used
to mom'tor temperatures m me heated portion downhole.
FIG. 22 illustrates a perspective view of an embodiment of a centralizer hi, e.g., conduit 582. Electrical
insulator 581a may be disposed on conductor 580. Insulator 581a may be made of, for example, aluminum oxide
or any other electrically insulating material that may be configured for use at high temperatures. A location of
insulator 581a on the conductor 580 may be maintained by disc 581d. Disc 581d may be welded to conductor
580. Spring bow 581c inay be coupled to insulator 581a by disc 581b. Spring bow 581c and disc 581b may be
made of metals such as 310 stainless steel and any other thermally conducting material, that may be configured for
use at high temperatures. Centralizer 581 may be arranged as a single cylindrical member disposed on conductor
580. Centralizer 581 may be arranged as two half-cylindrical members disposed on conductor 580. The two halfcylindrical
mem may be coupled to conductor 580 by band 581e. Band 581e may be made of any material
configured for use at high temperatures (e.g., steel). :
FIG. 23a illustrates a cross-sectional view of an embodiment of a centraUzer 581e disposed on conductor
580, FIG. 23b illustrates a perspective view of the embodiment shown \n FIG. 23a. Centralizer 581e may be
made of any suitable electrically insulating material that may substantially withstand high voltage at high
temperatures. Examples of such materials may be aluminum oxide and/or Macor. Discs 581d may maintain
positions of centralizer 581e relative to conductor 580. Discs 581d njay be metal discs welded to conductor 580.
i Disci 581d v&y be tstek-welded td conductor 580. Centralizer SSler inay substantially electrically insulate
: -conductor 580 firoin conduit 582.
In an embodiment, a conduit may be pressurized with a fluid to balance a pressure in the conduit with a
pressure in an opening;; In this manner, deformation of the conduit may be substantially inhibited. A thermally
. conductive fluid may be configured to pressurize the conduit The thermally conductive fluid may increase heat
/transfer within the conduit. The thermally conductive fluid may include a gas such as helium, nitrogen, air, or
.'•.. mixtures thereof. A pressurized fluid may also be configured to pressurize the conduit such that the pressurized
.,'. fliud may inhibit arcing between the conductor and the conduit If air and/or air mixtures are used to pressurize
the cpipduit; the air and/or air mixtures may react with materials of the conductor and the conduit to form an oxide
on a surface of the conductor and the conduit such that the conductor and the conduit are at least somewhat more
resistant to corrosion.
An emissivity of a conductor and/or a conduit may be increased. For example, a surface of the conductor
and/or the conduit may be roughened to increase the emissivity. Blackening the surface of the conductor and/or
the conduit may also increase the emissivity. Alternatively, oxidation of the conductor and/or the conduit prior to
Installation may be configured to increase the emissivity. The conductor and/or the conduit may also be oxidized
by heating the conductor and/or the conduit in the presence of an oxidizing fluid in the conduit and/or in an
opening in a hydrocarbon containing formation. Another alternative for increasing the emissivity may be to
anodize the conductor and/or the conduit such that the surface may be roughened and/or blackened.
-.••'..•:' In another embodiment, a perforated tube may be placed in the opening formed hi the hydrocarbon
containing formation proximate to and external the first conduit The perforated tube may be configured to
remove fluids formed in the opening. In this manner, a pressure may be maintained in the opening such that
deformation of this first conduit may be substantially inhibited and the pressure in the formation near the heaters
may be reduced. The perforated tube may also be used to increase or decrease pressure in the formation by
addition or removal of a fluid or fluids from the formation, This may allow control of the pressure in the
formation and control of quality of produced hydrocarbons. Perforated tubes may be used for pressure control in all described embodiments of heat sources using an open hole configuration. The perforated tube may also be
configured to inject gases to upgrade hydrocarbon properties in situ; for example, hydrogen gas may be injected
under elevated pressure.
FIG, 24 illustrates an alternative embodiment of a conductor-in-conduit heater configured to heat a
section of a hydrocarbon containing formation. Second conductor 586 may be disposed in conduit.582 in addition
•to conductor 580. Conductor 580 may be configured as described herein. Second conductor 586 may be coupled
to conductor 580 using connector 587 located near a lowermost surface of conduit 582. Second conductor 586
•may be configured as a return path for the electrical current supplied to conductor 580. For example, second
conductor 586 may return electrical current1 to wellhead 690 through second substantially low resistance
conductor 588 in overburden casing 541. Second conductor 586 and conductor 580 may be configured of an
elongated conductive material. Second conductor 586 and conductor 580 may be, for example, a stainless steel
rod having a diameter of approximately 2.4 cm. Connector 587 may be flexible. Conduit 582 may be electrically
isolated from conductor 589 and second conductor 586 using centralizers 581. Overburden casing 541, cement
544; surface conductor 545, and packing material 542 may be configured as described in the embodiment shown
in FIG. 19. Advantages of, this embodiment include the absence of a sliding contactor, which may extend the life
6f the heater, arid/the isolatioo of an applied power from formation 516, .
" ••- In another embodiment, a second conductor may be disposed in a second conduit, and a third conductor
may be disposed in a third conduit The second opening may be different from the opening for the first conduit .The third opening may be different from the opening for the first conduit and the second opening. For example,
each of the first, second, and third openings may be disposed in substantially different well locations of the
formation and may have substantially similar dimensions. The first, second, and third conductors may be
configured as described herein. The first, second, and third conductors may be electrically coupled in a 3-phase Y
electrical configuration, The outer conduits may be connected together or may be connected to the ground. The
. 3-phase Y electrical configuration may provide a safer, more efficient method to heat a hydrocarbon containing formation thanusing a single conductor. The first, second, and/or third conduits may be electrically isolated from
the; first, second, and third conductors, respectively. Dimensions of each conductor and each conduit may be
configured such that each conductor may generate heat of approximately 650 watts per meter of conductor to
approximately 1650 watts per meter of conductor. In an embodiment, a first conductor and a second conductor in
4 conduit may be coupled by a flexible connecting cable. The bottom of the first and second conductor may be
enlarged to create low resistance sections, and thus generate less heat In this manner, the flexible connector may
be made: of, for example, stranded copper covered with rubber insulationu '
: In an embodiment, a first conductor and a second conductor may be coupled to at least one sliding
, connector within a conduit. The sliding connector may be configured as described herein. For example,, such a
sliding connector may be configured to generate less heat than the first conductor or the second conductor. The
conduit may be electrically isolated from the first conductor, second conductor, and/or the sliding connector. The
sliding connector may be placed in a location within the first conduit where substantially less heating of the
hydrocarbon containing
In an embodiment, a thickness of a section of a conduit may be increased such that substantially less heat
may be transferred (e,g;, radiated) along the section of increased thickness. The section with increased thickness
may preferably be formed along a length of the conduit where less heating of the hydrocarbon containing
formation may be required.
In an embodiment, the conductor may be formed of sections of various metals that are welded together.
The cross sectional area of the various metals may be selected to allow the resulting conductor to be long, to be
creep resistant at high operating temperatures, and/or to dissipate substantially the same amount of heat per unit
length along the entire length of the conductor. For example, a first section may be made of a creep resistant
metal (such as, bat not limited to, Inconel 617 or HR120) and a second section of the conductor may be made of 364 stainless steel. The creep resistant first section may help to support the second section. The cross sectional
area of the first section may be larger man the cross sectional area of the second section. The larger cross
sectional area of the fait section may allow for greater strength of the first section. Higher resistivity properties
of the first section may allow the first section to dissipate the same amount of heat per unit length as the smaller
cross sectional area second section.
In some embodiments, the cross sectional area and/or the metal used for a particular section may be
chosen so mat a particular section provides greater (or lesser) heat dissipation per unit length than an adjacent
section. More heat may be provided near an interface between a hydrocarbon layer and a non-hydrocarbon layer
; (e.g;, the overburden and the hydrocarbon containing formation) to counteract end effects and allow for more
uniform heat dissipation into fee hydrocarbon containing formation. A higher heat dissipation may also be
located at a lower end of an elongated member to counteract end effects and allow for more uniform heat dissipation.In an embodiment, an elongated member may be disposed within an opening (e.g., an open wellbore) in a
hydrocarbon containing formation. The opening may preferably be an uncased opening in the hydrocarbon
containing formation. The opening may have a diameter of at least approximately 5 cm or, for example,
approximately 8 cm,,The diameter of the opening may vary, however, depending on, for example, a desired
heating rate in the formation. The elongated member may be a length (e.g., a strip) of metal or any other
elongated piece of metal (e.g., a rod). The elongated member may include stainless steel The elongated member,
however, may also include any conductive material configurable to generate heat to sufficiently heat a portion of
the formation and to substantially withstand a corresponding temperature within the opening, for example, it may
beconfigured to withstand corrosion at the temperature within the opening.
An elongated member may be a bare metal heater. "Bare metal" refers to a metal that does not include a
layer of electrical insulation, such as mineral insulation, that is designed to provide electrical insulation for the metal throughout an operating temperature range of the elongated member. Bare metal may encompass a metal
that includes a corrosion inhibitor such as a naturally occurring oxidation layer, an applied oxidation layer, and/or
a film. Bare metal includes metal with polymeric or other types of electrical insulation that cannot retain
electrical insulating properties at typical operating temperature of the elongated member. Such material may be
placed on the metal and may be thermally degraded during use of the heater.
An elongated member may have a length of about 650 meters. Longer lengths may be achieved using
sections of high strength alloys, but such elongated members may be expensive. In some embodiments, an
elongated member may be supported by a plate in a wellhead. The elongated member may include sections of
(different conductive materials that are welded together end-to-end. A large amount of electrically conductive
weld material may be used to couple the separate sections together to increase strength of the resulting member
and to provide a path for electricity to flow that will not result in arcing and/or corrosion at the welded
connections. The different conductive materials may include alloys with a high creep resistance. The sections of
different conductive materials may have varying diameters to ensure uniform heating along the elongated
member A first metal that has a higher creep resistance than a second metal typically has a higher resistivity than
the second metal. The difference in resistivities may allow a section of larger cross sectional area, more creep
resistant first metal to dissipate the same amount of heat as a section of smaller cross sectional area second metal.
The cross sectional areas of the two different metals may be tailored to result in substantially the same amount of
heat dissipation in two welded together sections of the metals. The conductive materials may include, but are not
limited to, 617 Inconel, HR-120, 316 stainless steel, and 304 stainless steel. For example, an elongated member
may have a 60 meter section of 617 Inconel, 60 meter section of HR-120, and 150 meter section of 304 stainless
steel. In addition, the elongated member may have a low resistance section that may run from the wellhead through the overburden. This low resistance section may decrease the heating within the formation from the
wellhead through the overburden. The low resistance section may be the result of, for example, choosing a
substantially electrically conductive material and/or increasing the cross-sectional area available for electrical conduction; Alternately, a support member may extend through the overburden, and the bare metal elongated member
or members may"becoupled to a plate, a centralizer or other type of support member near an interface between the
overburden and the hydrocarbon formation. A low resistivity cable, such as a stranded copper cable, may extend
along the support member and may be coupled to the elongated member or members. The copper cable may be
•coupled to a power source that supplies electricity to the elongated member or members. :
FIG. 25 illustrates an embodiment of a plurality of elongated members configured to heat a section of a
hydrocarbon containing formation. Two or more (e.g., four) elongated members 600 may be supported by
support member 604. Elongated members 600 may be coupled to support member 604 using insulated
centralizers 602. Support member 604 may be a tube or conduit Support member 604 may also be a perforated
tube. Support member 604 may be configured to provide a flow of an oxidizing fluid into opening 514. Support
member 604 may have a diameter between about 1.2 cm to about 4 cm and more preferably about 2.5 cm.
Support member 604, elongated members 600, and insulated centralizers 602 may be disposed in opening 514 in
formation 516. Insulated centralizers 602 may be configured to maintain a location of elongated members 600 on
support member 604 such that lateral movement of elongated members 600 may be substantially inhibited at
temperatures high enough to deform support member 604 or elongated members 600. Insulated centralizers 602
may be a cehtralizer as described herein. Elongated members 600, in some embodiments, may be metal strips of
about 2.5 cm wide and about 0.3 cm thick stainless steel Elongated members 600, however, may also include a
: pipe or a rod formed of a conductive material. Electrical current may be applied to elongated members 600 such
that elongated members 600 may generate heat due to electrical resistance.
Elongated members 60& may be configured to generate heat of approximately 650 watte per meter of
elongated members 600 to approximately 1650 watts per meter of elongated members 600. In this manner,
elongated members 600 may be at a temperature of approximately 480 °G to approximately 815 °C, Substantially uniform heating of a hydrocarbon containing formation may be provided along a length of elongated members
600 greater than about 305 m or, maybe, greater than about 610 m. A length of elongated members 600 may vary,
however, depending on, for example, a type of hydrocarbon containing formation, a depth of an opening in the
formation, and/or a length of the formation desired for treating ..',
Elongated members 600 may be electrically coupled in series. Electrical current may be supplied to
elongated members 600 using lead-in conductor 572. Lead-in conductor 572 may be further configured as
described herein. Lead-in conductor 572 may be coupled to wellhead 690. Electrical current may be returned to
wellhead 690 using lead-out conductor 606 coupled to elongated members 600. Lead-in conductor 572 and lead out
conductor 606 may be coupled to wellhead 690 at surface 550 through a sealing flange located between
wellhead 690 and overburden 540. The sealing flange may substantially inhibit fluid from escaping from opening
514 to surface 550: Lead-in conductor 572 and lead-out conductor 606 may be coupled to elongated members
using a cold pin transition conductor. The cold pin transition conductor may include an insulated conductor of
substantially low resistance such that substantially no heat maybe generated by the cold pin transition conductor.
The cold pin transition conductor may be coupled to lead-in conductor 572, lead-out conductor 606, and/or
elongated members 600 by any splicing or welding methods known in the art. The cold pin transition conductor
may provide a temperature transition between lead-in conductor 572, lead-out conductor 606, and/or elongated
members 600. The cold pm transition conductor may be further configured as described in ; any of the
embodiments herein. Lead-in conductor 572 and lead-out conductor 606 may be made of low resistance
conductors such that substantially no heat may be generated from electrical current passing through lead-in
conductor 572 and lead-but conductor 606. ; ' : ;
Weld beads maybe placed beneath the centralizers 602 on the support member 604 to fix the position of
the centralizers. Weld beads may be placed on die elongated members 600 above the uppermost centralizer to fix
tile position of the elongated members relative to the support member (other types of connecting mechanisms may
also be used). When heated, the elongated member may normally expand downwards. The elongated member
may be formed of different metals at different locations along a length of the elongated member to allow
relatively long lengths to be formed. For example, a "U" shaped elongated member may include a first length
formed of 310 stainless steel, a second length formed of 304 stainless steel welded to the first length, and a third
length formed of 310 stainless steel welded to the second length. 310 stainless steel is more resistive than 304
stainless steel and may dissipate approximately 25% more energy per unit length man 304 stainless steel of the
same dimensions. 310 stainless steel may be more creep resistant than 304 stainless steel. The first length and the
third length may be formed with cross sectional areas that allow the first length and third lengths to dissipate as
much heat as a smaller cross area section of 304 stainless steel. The first and third lengths may be positioned
close to the wellhead 690. The use of different types of metal may allow the formation of long elongated
members. The different metals may be, but are not limited to, 617 mconel, HR120, 316 stainless steel, 310
stainless steel, and 304 stainless steel.
; Packing material 542 may be placed between overburden casing 541-and opening 514. Packing material
542 may be configured to inhibit fluid flowing from opening 514 to surface 550 and to inhibit corresponding heat
losses towards the surface Packing material 542 may be further configured as described herein. Overburden
casing 541 may be placed in cement 544 in overburden 540 of formation 516. Overburden casing 541 may be
further configured as described herein. Surface conductor 545 may be disposed in cement 544. Surface
conductor 545 may be configured as described herein. Support member 604 may be coupled to wellhead 690 at
surface 550 of formation 516. Centralizer 581 may be configured to maintain a location of support member 604
within overburden casing 541. Centralizer 581 may be further configured as described herein. Electrical current
may be supplied to elongated members 600 to generate heat Heat generated from elongated members 600 may
radiate within opening 514 to heat at least a portion of formation 516.
The oxidizing fluid may be provided along a length of the elongated members 600 from oxidizbg fluid
source 508. The oxidizing fluid may inhibit carbon deposition on or proximate to the elongated members. For example, the oxidizing; fluid may react with hydrocarbons to form carbon dioxide, which may be removed from
the opening. Openings 605 in support member 604 may be configured to provide a flow of the oxidizing fluid
along the length of elongated members 600. Openings 605 may be critical flow orifices as configured and
described herein. Alternatively, a tube may be disposed proximate to elongated members 600 to control the
pressure in the formation as described in above embodiments. In another embodiment, a tube may be disposed
proximate to elongated members 600 to provide a flow of oxidizing fluid into opening 514. Also, at least one of
elongated members 600 may include a tube having openings configured to provide the flow of oxidizing fluid.
Without the 'flow of oxidizing fluid, carbon deposition may occur on or proximate to elongated members 600 or
on insulated centralizers 602, thereby causing shorting between elongated members 600 and insulated centralizers
602 or hot spots along elongated members 600. The oxidizing fluid may be used to react with the carbon in the
formation as described herein. The heat generated by reaction with the carbon may complement or supplement
the heat generated electrically.,
In an embodiments, a plurality of elongated members may be supported on a support member disposed hi
an opening. The plurality of elongated members may b«s electrically coupled in either a series or paraDel
configuration. A current and voltage applied to the plurality of elongated members may be selected such that the
cost of the electrical supply of power at the surface in conjunction with the cost of the plurality of elongated
,:. members may be minimized, m addition, an operating current and voltage may be chosen to optimize a cost of
input electrical energy hi conjunction with a material cost of the elongated members. The elongated members
may be configured to generate and radiate heat as described herein. The elongated members may be installed in
opening 514 as described herein.
In an embodiment, a bare metal elongated member may be formed in a "U" shape (or hairpin) and the
member may be suspended from a wellhead or from a positioner placed at or near an. interface between the
overburden and the formation to be heated. In certain embodiments, the bare metal heaters are formed of rod
stock. Cylindrical, high alumina ceramic electrical insulators may be placed over legs of the elongated members.
Tack welds along lengths of the legs may fix the position of the insulators. The insulators may inhibit the
elongated member from contacting the formation or a well casing (if the elongated member is placed within a well
casing). The insulators may also inhibit legs of the "U" shaped members from contacting each other/ High
alumina ceramic electrical insulators may be purchased from Cooper Industries (Houston, Texas). In an
embodiment, the "U" shaped member may be formed of different metals having different cross sectional areas so
that the elongated members may be relatively long and may dissipate substantially the same amount of heat per
unit length along the entire length of the elongated member. .The use of different welded together sections may
result in an elongated member that has large diameter sections near a top of the elongated member and a smaller
d|ameter section or sections lower down a length of the elongated member. For example, an embodiment of an
elongated member has two 7/8 inch (2.2 cm) diameter first sections, two 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) middle sections, and a
3/8 inch (0.95 cm) diameter bottom section that is bent into a "U" shape. The elongated member may be made of
materials with other cross section shapes such as ovals, squares, rectangles, triangles, etc. The sections may be
formed of alloys that will result in substantially the same heat dissipation per unit length for each section.
In some embodiments, the cross sectional area and/or the metal used for a particular section may be
chosen so that a particular section provides greater (or lesser) heat dissipation per unit length than an adjacent
section. More heat dissipation per unit length may be provided near an interface between a hydrocarbon layer and
a non-hydrocarbon layer (e.g., the overburden and the; hydrocarbon containing formation) to counteract end
effects and allow for more uniform heat dissipation into the hydrocarbon containing formation. A higher heat
dissipation may also be located at a. lower end of an elongated member to counteract end effects and allow for
more uniform heat dissipation.
FIG. 26 illustrates an embodiment of a surface combustor configured to heat a section of a hydrocarbon
containing formation. Fuel fluid 611 may be provided into burner 610 through conduit 617. An oxidizing fluid
may be provided into burner 610 from oxidizing fluid source SOS. Fuel fluid 611 may be oxidized with the
" oxidizing fluid in burner 610 to form oxidation products 613. Fuel fluid 611 may include, for example, hydrogen.Fuel fluid 611 may also include methane or any other hydrocarbon fluids. Burner 610 may be located external to
formation 516 or within an opening 614 in the hydrocarbon containing formation 516. Flame 61S may be
configured to heat fuel fluid 611 to a temperature sufficient to support oxidation in burner 610. Flame 618 may be
configured to heat fuel fluid 611 to a temperature of about 1425 °C. Flanie 618 may be coupled to an end of
conduit 617. Flame 618 may be a pilot flame. The pilot flame may be configured to bum with a small flow of
fuel fluid1611. Flame 618may, however, be an electrical ignition source.
Oxidation products 613 may be provided into opening 614 within inner conduit 612 coupled to burner
610. Heat may be. transferred from oxidation products 613 through outer conduit 615 into opening 614 and to
formation 516 along* length of inner conduit 612. Therefore, oxidation products 613 may substantially cool
along the length of inner conduit 612. For example, oxidation. products 613 may have a temperature of about 870
°G proximate top of inner conduit 612 and a temperature of about 650°C proximate bottom of inner conduit 612.
A section of inner conduit 612 proximate to burner 610 may have ceramic insulator 612b disposed on an inner
surface of inner conduit 612. Ceramic insulator 612b may be configured to substantially inhibit melting of inner
conduit 612 and/or insulation 612a proximate to burner 610. Opening 614 may extend into the formation a length
up to about 550 m below surface 550.
Inner conduit 612 may be configured to provide oxidation products 613 into outer conduit 615 proximate
a bottom of opening 614. toner conduit 612 may have insulation 612a, FIG. 27 illustrates an embodiment of
inner conduit 612 with insulation 612a and ceramic insulator 612b disposed on an inner surface of inner conduit
612. Insulation 612a may be configured to substantially inhibit heat transfer between fluids in inner conduit 612
and fluids in outer conduit 615. A thickness of insulation 612a may be varied along a length of inner conduit 612
such that heat transfer-to formation 516 may vary along the length of inner conduit 612. For example, a thickness
. of insulation 612a may be tapered to from a larger thickness to a lesser thickness from a top portion to a bottom
portion, respectively, of inner conduit 612 in opening 614, Such a tapered thickness may provide substantially
more uniform heating of formation 516 along the length of inner conduit 612 in opening 614. Insulation 612amay include ceramic and metal materials. Oxidation products 613 may return to surface 550 through outer
conduit 615. Outer conduit may have insulation 6l5a as depicted in FIG. 26. Insulation 615a may be configured
to substantially inhibit heat transfer from outer conduit 615 to overburden 540. ,';
Oxidation products 613 may be provided to an additional burner through conduit 619 at surface 550.
Oxidation products 613 may be configured as a portion of a fuel fluid in the additional burner. Doing so may
increase an efficiency of energy output versus energy input for heating formation 516. The additional burner may
be configured to provide heat through an additional opening in formation 516.
In some embodiments, an electric heater may be configured to provide heat in addition to heat provided
from a surface combustor. The electric heater may be, for example, an insulated conductor heater or a conductor in-conduit heater as described in any of the above embodiments. The electric heater may be configured to provide
the additional heat to a hydrocarbon containing formation such that the hydrocarbon containing formation may be
heated substantially uniformly along a depth of an opening in the formation. • . ,
Flameless combustors such as those described in U.S. Patent Nos. 5,255,742 to Mikus et al., 5,404,952 to
Vinegar et al., 5,862,858 to Wellington et aL, and 5,899,269 to Wellington et al., which are incorporated by
reference as if fully set forth, herein, may be configured to heat a hydrocarbon containing formation.
; \ FIG. 28 illustrates an embodiment of a flamekss combustor configured to heat a section of the
hydrocarbon containing formation. The flameless combustor may include center tube 637 disposed within inner
conduit 638. Center tube 637 and inner conduit 638 may be placed within outer conduit 636. Outer conduit 636
miry be disposed within opening 514 in formation 516. Fuel fluid 621 may be provided into the flameless
combustor through center tube 637. Fuel fluid 621 may include any of the fuel fluids described herein. If a
hydrocarbon fuel such af methane is utilized, it may be mixed with steam to prevent coking hi center tube 637. If
hydrogen is used as the.'feel, no steam maybe required.
Center tube 637 may include flow mechanisms 635 (e.g., flow orifices) disposed within an oxidation
region to allow a flow of fuel fluid 621 into inner conduit 638. (Flow mechanisms 635 may control a flow of fuel
fluid 621 into inner conduit 638 Such that the flow of fuel fluid 621 is not dependent on a pressure in inner conduit
638. Flow mechanisms 635 may have characteristics as described herein. Oxidizing fluid 623 may be provided
into the combustor through inner conduit 638. Oxidizing fluid 623 may be provided from oxidizing fluid source
508. Oxidizing fluid 623 may include any of the oxidizing fluids as described in above embodiments. Flow mechanisms 635 on center tube 637 may be configured to inhibit flow of oxidizing fluid 623 into center tube 637.
Oxidizing fluid 621 may mix with fuel fluid 621 in the oxidation region of inner conduit 638. Either
oxidizing fluid 623 or fuel fluid 621, or a combination of both, may be preheated external to the combustor to a
• temperature sufficient to support oxidation of fuel fluid 621; Oxidation of fuel fluid 621 may provide heat
generation within outer conduit 636. The generated heat may provide heat to at least a portion of a hydrocarbon
containing formation proximate to the oxidation region of inner conduit 63S. Products 625 from oxidation of fuel
fluid 621 may be removed through outer conduit 636 outside inner conduit 638. Efeat exchange between the
downgoing oxidizing fluid and the upgoing combustion products in the overburden results in enhanced thermal
efficiency. A flow of removed combustion products 625 may be balanced with a flow of fuel fluid 621 and
oxidizing fluid 623 to maintain a temperature above autoignition temperature but below a temperature sufficient
to produce substantial oxides of nitrogen. Also, a constant flow of fluids may provide a substantially uniform
temperature distribution within the oxidation region of inner conduit 638. Outer conduit 636 may be, for
example, a stainless steel tube. In this manner, heating of at least the portion of the hydrocarbon containing
formation maybe substantially uniform. As described above, the lower operating temperature may also provide a
less expensive metallurgical cost associated with the heating system.
Certain heat source embodiments may include an operating system that is coupled to any of heat sources
such by insulated conductors or other types of wiring. The operating system may be configured to interface with
the heat source; The operating system may receive a signal (e.g., an electromagnetic signal) from a heater that is
representative of a temperature distribution of the heat source. Additionally, the operating system may be further
configured to control the heat source, either locally or remotely. For example, the operating system may alter a
temperature of the heat source by altering a parameter of equipment coupled to the heat source. Therefore, the
; operating system may. monitor, alter, and/or controlthe heating of at least a portion of the formation.
: In some embodiments, a heat source as described above may be configured to substantially operate
without a control and/or operating system. The heat source may be configured to only require a power supply from a power source such as an electric transformer. For example, a conductor-in-conduit heater and/or an
elongated member heater may include conductive materials that may be have a thermal property that self-controls
a heat output of the heat source. In this manner, the conductor-in-conduit heater and/or the elongated member
neater may be configured to operate throughout a temperature range without external control. A conductive
material such as stainless steel may be used in the heat sources. Stainless steel may have a resistivity that
; increases with temperature, thus, providing a greater heat output at higher temperatures.
Leakage current of airy of the heat sources described herein may be monitored. .For example, an increase
: in leakage current may show deterioration in an insulated conductor heater. Voltage breakdown in the insulated
conductor heater may cause failure of the heat source; Furthermore, a current and voltage applied to any of the
heat sources may also be monitored. The current and voltage may be monitored to assess/indicate resistance in a
heat source. The resistance in the heat source may be configured to represent a temperature in the heat source
since the resistance of the heat source may be known as a function of temperature. Another alternative method
may include monitoring a temperature of a heat source with at least one thermocouple placed in or proximate to
the heat source. In some embodiments, a control system may monitor a parameter of the heat source. The control
/system may alter parameters 0f the heat source such that the heat source may provide a desired output such as
In some embodiments, a thermowell may be disposed into an opening in a hydrocarbon containing
formation that includes a heat source. The thermowell maybe disposed in an opening that may or may not have a
easing. In the opening without a easing, the thermowell may include appropriate metallurgy and thickness such
that corrosion of the thermowell is substantially mhibited, A thermowell and temperature logging process, such
as that described in U.S. Patent No. 4,616,705 issued to Stegemeier etal., which is incorporated by reference as if
fully set form herein, may be used to monitor temperature. Only selected wells may be equipped with
thermowells to avoid expenses associated with installing and operating temperature monitors at each heat source.
In some embodiments, a heat source may be turned down and/or off after art average temperature in a
formation may have reached a selected temperature. Turning down and/or off the heai source may reduce input energy costs, substantially inhibit overheating of the formation, and allow heat to substantially transfer into colder
regions of the formation.
Certain embodiments include providing heat to a first portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation
from one or more heat sources. In addition, certain embodiments may include producing formation fluids from
the first portion, and maintaining a second portion, of the formation in a substantially unheated condition. The second portion may be substantially adjacent to the first portion of me formation. In this manner, the second
portion may provide structural strength to the formation. Furthermore, heat may also be provided to a third
portion of the formation. The third portion may be substantially adjacent to the second portion and/or laterally
Spaced from the first portion. In addition, formation fluids may be produced from the third portion of the
formation. In this manner, a processed formation may have a pattern that may resemble, for example, a striped or
checkerboard pattern with alternating heated and unheated portions.
Additional portions of the formation may also include such alternating heated and unheated portions. In
this manner, such patterned heating of a hydrocarbon containing formation may maintain structural strength
'within the formation. Maintaining structural strength within a hydrocarbon containing formation may
substantially inhibit subsidence. Subsidence of a portion of the formation being processed may decrease a
permeability of the processed portion due to compaction. In addition, subsidence may decrease the flow of fluids
in the formation, which may result in a lower production of formation fluids.
A pyrolysis temperature range may depend on specific types of'hydrocarbons within the formation. A
pyrolysis temperature range may include temperatures, for example, between approximately 250 "C and about 900
°G. Alternatively, a pyrolysis temperature range may include temperatures between about 250 °C to about 400 °C.
For example, a majority of formation fluids may be produced within a pyrolysis temperature range from about
• 250 °C to about 400 °C. If a hydrocarbon containing formation is heated throughout the entire pyrolysis range, the
formation may produce only small amounts of hydrogen towards the upper limit of the pyrolysis range. After all
. of'the available hydrogen has been depleted, little fluid production from the formation would occur.
' Temperature (and average temperatures) within a heated hydrocarbon containing formation may vary,
depending on, for example, proximity to a heat source, thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of the formation, type of reaction occurring, type of hydrocarbon containing formation, and the presence of water within
the hydrocarbon containing formation. A temperature within the hydrocarbon containing formation may be
'assessed using a numerical simulation model. The numerical simulation model may assess and/or calculate a
subsurface temperature distribution. In addition, the numerical simulation model may include assessing various
i propertied
For example, the various properties of the subsurface formation may include, but are not limited to,
thermal conductivity of the subsurface portion of the formation and permeability of the subsurface portion of the
formation. The numerical simulation model may also include assessing various properties of a fluid formed
within a subsurface formation under the assessed temperature distribution. For example, the various properties of
a formed fluid may include, but are not limited to, a cumulative volume of a fluid formed at a subsurface of the
formation, fluid viscosity, fluid density, and a composition of the fluid formed at a subsurface of the formation.
Such a simulation may be used to assess the performance of commercial-scale operation of a small-scale field
experiment as described herein. For example, a performance of a commercial-scale development may be assessed
based on, but not limited to, a total volume of product that may be produced from a commercial-scale operation.
In some embodiments, an in situ conversion process may increase a temperature or average temperature
within a hydrocarbon containing formation. A temperature or average temperature increase (AT) in a specified
volume (V) of the hydrocarbon containing formation may be assessed for a given heat input rate (9) over time (f)
by the following equation:
(Equation Removed)
'In this equation, an average heat capacity of the formation (C) and an average bulk density of the formation (pb)
may be estimated or determined using one or more samples taken from the hydrocarbon containing formation.
In alternate embodiments, an in situ conversion process may include heating a specified volume to a
pyrolysis temperature or average pyrolysis temperature. Heat input rate (q) during a tune (t) required to heat the
specified volume (V) to a desired temperature increase (ΔT) may be determined or assessed using the following equation:
(Equation Removed)
In this equation, an average heat capacity of the formation (Cy) and an
average bulk density of the formation (PB) may be estimated or determined using one or more samples taken from
the hydrocarbon containing formation.
It is to be understood that the above equations can be used to assess or estimate temperatures, average
temperatures (e.g., over selected sections of the formation), heat input, etc. Such equations dp not take into
account other factors (such as heat losses) which would also have some effect on heating and temperatures
assessments. However such factors can ordinarily be addressed with correction factors, as is commonly done in
;the art. In some embodiments, a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation may be heated at a heating rate
in a range from about 0.1 °C/day to about 50 "C/day. Alternatively, a portion of a hydrocarbon containing
formation may be heated at a heating rate in a range of about 0.1 "C/day to about 10 °C/day. For example, a
majority of hydrocarbons may be produced from a formation at a heating rate within a range of about 0.1 °C/day
to about 10 °C/day. hi addition, a hydrocarbon containing formation may be heated at a rate of less than about 0.7
°C/day through a significant portion of a pyrolysis temperature range. The pyrolysis temperature range may
include a range of temperatures as described in above embodiments. For example, the heated portion may be
heated at such a rate for a time greater than 50 % of the time needed to span the temperature range, more than 75
% of the time needed to span the temperature range, or more than 90 % pf the time needed to span the temperature
: range A rate at which a hydrocarbpri containhig formation is heated may affect the quantity and quality of the
formation fluids produced from the hydrocarbon containing formation. For example, hea' ting at' high heating rates,'
as is the case when a Fischer Assay is conducted, may produce a larger quantity of condensable hydrocarbons
from a hydrocarbon containing formation. The products of such a process, however, may be of a significantly
lower quality than when heating using heating rates less man about 10 °C/day. Heating at a rate of temperature
increase less than approximately 10 °C/day may allow pyrolysis to occur within a pyrolysis temperature range in
which production of undesirable products and tars may be reduced. In addition, a rate of temperature increase of
less than about 3 °C/day may farther increase the quality of the produced condensable hydrocarbons by further
reducing the production of undesirable products and further reducing production of tars within a hydrocarbon
; containing formation.
In some embodiments, controlling temperature within a hydrocarbon containing formation may involve
controlling a heating rate within the formation. For example, controlling the heating rate such that the heating rate
may be less than approximately 3 °C/day may provide better control of a temperature within the hydrocarbon
containing formation.
An in situ process for hydrocarbons may include monitoring a rate of temperature increase at a
production well. A temperature within a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation, however, may be
measured at various locations within the portion of the hydrocarbon containing formation. For example, an in situ
process may include monitoring a temperature of the portion at a midpoint between two adjacent heat sources.
The temperature may be monitored over time, m this manner, a rate of temperature increase may also be
monitored. A rate of temperature increase may affect a composition of formation fluids produced from the
formation. As such, a rate of temperature increase may be monitored, altered and/or controlled, for example, to
alter a composition of formation fluids produced from the formation.
In some embodiments, a power (Pwr) required to generate a heating rate (A) in a selected volume (V) of a
hydrocarbon containing formation may be determined by the following equation: Pwr=h*V*Cy*Qa In this
equation, an average heat capacity of the hydrocarbon containing formation may be described as Cv. The average
heat capacity of the hydrocarbon containing formation may be a relatively constant value. Average heat capacity
may be estimated or determined using one or more samples taken from a hydrocarbon containing formation, or
measured in situ using a thermal pulse test. Methods of determining average heat capacity based on a thermal
puke festare described by I. Berchenko, E. Detoumay, N. Chandler, J. Martino, and E. Kozak, "m-sitii
measurement of some thermoporoelastic parameters of a granite" inPoromechanics, A Tribute to Maurice A. Biot,
pages 545-550, Rotterdam, 1998 (Balkema), which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein.
In addition, an average bulk density of the hydrocarbon containing formation may be described as DO
The average bulk density of the hydrocarbon containing formation may be a relatively constant value. Average
bulk density may be estimated or determined using one or more samples taken from a hydrocarbon containing
formation. In certain embodiments the product of average heat capacity and average bulk density of the
hydrocarbon containing formation may be a relatively constant value (such product can be assessed in situ using a
thermal pulse test). A determined power may be used to determine heat provided from a heat source into the
selected volume such that the selected volume may be heated at a heating rate, /i. For example, a heating rate may ;
be less than about 3 °C/day, and even less than about 2 °C/day, In this manner, a heating rate within a range of
heating rates may be maintained within the selected volume. It is-to be understood mat in this context "power" is
iised to describe energy input per time. The form of such energy input may however, vary as described herein
:(t.e., energy may 'be provided from electrical resistance heaters, combustion heaters, etc.).
The heating rate may be selected based on a number of factors including, but not limited to, the
maximum temperature possible at the well, a predetermined quality of formation fluids mat may be produced
from the formation, etc A quality of hydrocarbon fluids may be defined by an API gravity of condensable
hydrocarbons, by olefiri content by me nitrogen, sulfur and/or oxygen content, etc. In an embodiment, heat may
be provided to at least a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation to produce formation fluids having an API
gravity of greater than about 20°. The API gravity may varyy however, depending on, for example, the heating
rate and a pressure vntrun me portion of me formation.
In some embodiments, subsurface pressure in a hydrocarbon containing formation may correspond to the
fluid pressure generated within the formation. Heating hydrocarbons within a hydrocarbon containing formation
may generate fluids, for example, by pyrolysis. The generated fluids may be vaporized within the formation.
Fluids that contribute to the increase in pressure may include, but are not limited to, fluids produced during
pyrorysis and water vaporized during heating. The produced pyrolysis fluids may include, but are not limited to,
hydrocarbons, water, oxides of carbon, ammonia., molecular nitrogen, and molecular hydrogen. Therefore, as
temperatures within a selected section of a heated portion of the formation increase, a pressure within the selected
section may increase as a result of increased fluid generation and vaporization of water.
In some embodiments, pressure within a selected section of a heated portion of a hydrocarbon containing
formation may vary depending on, for example, depth, distance from a heat source, a richness of tine hydrocarbons
within the hydrocarbon containing formation, and/or a distance from a producer well. Pressure within a formation
may be determined at a number of different locations, which may include but may not be limited to, at a wellhead
and at varying depths within a wellbore. In some embodiments, pressure may be measured at a producer well. In
alternate embodiments,-pressure may be measured at a heaterwell.
Heating of a hydrocarbon containing formation to a pyrolysis temperature range may occur before
substantial permeability has been generated within the hydrocarbon containing formation. An initial lack of
permeability may prevent the transport of generated fluids from a pyrolysis zone within the formation. In mis
manner, as heat is initially transferred from a heat source to a hydrocarbon containing formation, a fluid pressure
within the hydrocarbon containing formation may increase proximate to a heat source. Such an increase in fluid
pressure may be caused by, for example, generation of fluids during pyrolysis of at least some hydrocarbons in the
formation. The increased fluid pressure may be released, monitored, altered, and/or controlled through such a
heat source. For example the heat source may include a valve as described in above embodiments. Such a valve
may be configured to control a flow rate of fluids out of and into the heat source. In addition, the heat source may
include an open hole configuration through which pressure may be released.
Alternatively, pressure generated by expansion-of pyrolysis fluids or other fluids generated in the
formation may be allowed to increase although an open path to the production well or any other pressure sink may
not yet exist in the formation. In addition, a fluid pressure may be allowed to increase to a lithostatic pressure.
Fractures in the hydrocarbon containing formation may form when the fluid pressure equals or exceeds the lithostatic pressure. For example, fractures may form from a heat source to a production well. The generation of
fractures within the heated portion may reduce pressure within the portion due to the production of formation
fluids through a production well. To maintain a selected pressure within the heated portion, a back pressure may
Fluid pressure within a hydrocarbon containing formation may Vary depending upon, for example,
, thenrtal expansion of hydrocarbons, generation of pyrolysis fluids, and vyithdrawal of generated fluids from the
formation. For exampje» as fluids are generated within the formation a fluid pressure within the pores may
increase. Removal of generated fluids from the formation may decrease a fluid pressure within the formation.
' In an embodiment, a pressure may be increased within a selected section of a portion of a hydrocarbou
containing formation to a selected pressure during pyrolysis, A selected pressure may be within a range from
about 2 bars absolute to about 72 bars absolute or, in some embodiments, 2 bars absolute to 36 bars absolute.
Alternatively, a selected pressure may be within a range from about 2 bars absolute to about 18 bars absolute. For
example, in certain embodiments, a majority of hydrocarbon fluids may be produced from a formation having a
pressure within a range from about 2 bars absolute to about 18 bars absolute. The pressure during pyrolysis may
vary or be varied. The pressure may be varied to alter and/or control a composition of a formation fluid produced,
to control a percentage of condensable fluid as compared to non-condensable fluid, and/or to control an API
gravity of fluid being produced For example, decreasing pressure may result hi production of a larger
condensable fluid component, and the fluid may contain a larger percentage of olefins, and vice versa.
In certain embodiments, pressure within a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation will increase
due to fluid generation within the heated portion. In addition, such increased pressure may be maintained within
the heated portion of the formation. For example, increased pressure within the formation may be maintained by
bleeding off a generated formation fluid through heat sources and/or by controlling the amount of formation fluid
produced from the formation through production wells. Maintaining increased pressure within a formation
inhibits formation subsidence. In addition, maintaining increased pressure within a formation tends to reduce the
required sizes of collection conduits that are used to transport condensable hydrocarbons. Furthermore,
maintaining increased pressure within the heated portion may reduce and/or substantially eliminate the need to
compress formation fluids at the surface because the formation products will usually be produced at higher
pressure. Maintaining increased pressure within a formation may also facilitate generation of electricity from
produced non-condensable fluid. For example, the produced non-condensable fluid may be passed through a
tobine to generate electricity.
Increased pressure in the formation may also be maintained to produce more and/or unproved formation
fluids. In certain embodiments, significant amounts (e.g., a majority) of the formation fluids produced from a
formation within the pyrolysis pressure range may include non-condensable hydrocarbons. Pressure may be
selectively increased and/or maintained within the formation, and formation fluids can be produced at or near such
increase and/or maintained pressures. As pressure within a formation is increased, formation fluids produced
from the formation will, in many instances, include a larger portion of non-condensable hydrocarbons. In this
manner, a significant amount (e.g., a majority) of the formation fluids produced at such a pressure may include a
lighter and higher quality condensable hydrocarbons than formation fluids produced at a lower pressure.
• In addition, a pressure may be maintained within a heated portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation
to substantially inhibit production of formation fluids having carbon numbers greater than, for example, about 25.
For example, increasing a pressure within the portion of the hydrocarbon containing formation may increase a
boiling point of a fluid within the portion. Such an increase in the boiling point of a fluid may substantially
inhibit production of formation fluids having relatively high carbon numbers, and/or production of multi-ring
hydrocarbon compounds, because such formation fluids tend to remain in the formation as liquids until they
; In addition, increasing a pressure within a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation may result in
ad increase in API gravity of formation fluids produced from me formation. Higher pressures may increase
production of shorter chain hydrocarbon fluids, which may liave higher API gravity values.
: In an embodiment, a pressure within a heated portion of the formation may surprisingly increase the
quality of relatively high quality pyrolyzation fluids, the quantity of relatively high quality pyrolyzation fluids,and/or vapor phase transport of the pyrolyzation fluids within the formation. Increasing the pressure often permits
production of lower molecular weight hydrocarbons since such lower molecular weight hydrocarbons will more
' readily transport hi the vapor phase in the formation. Generation of lower molecular weight hydrocarbons (and
corresponding increased vapor phase transport) is believed to be due, in part, to autogenous generation and
reaction of hydrogen within a portion of the hydrocarbon containing formation. For example, maintaining an
increased pressure may force hydrogen generated in the heated portion into a liquid phase (e.g. by dissolving). In
addition, heating the portion to a temperature within a pyrolysis temperature range may pyrolyze at least some of
the hydrocarbons within me formation to generate pyrolyzation fluids in the liquid phase. The generated
components may include a double bond and/or a radical. H2 in the liquid phase may reduce the double bond of
Ihe generated pyrolyzation fluids, thereby reducing a potential for polymerization of the generated pyrolyzation
fluids. In addition, hydrogen may also neutralize radicals in the generated pyrolyzation fluids. Therefore, H2 in
the liquid phase may substantially inhibit the generated pyrolyzation fluids from reacting with each other and/or
with other compounds in the formation. In this manner, shorter chain hydrocarbons may enter the vapor phase
and may be produced from the formation.
: Increasing the formation pressure to increase the amount of pyrolyzation fluids in the vapor phase may
significantly reduce the potential for coking within the selected section of the formation. A coking reaction may
occur in the liquid phase. Since many of the generated components may be transformed into short chain
hydrocarbons and may enter the vapor phase, coMng within the selected section may decrease.
Increasing the formation pressure to increase the amount of pyrolyzation fluids in the vapor phase is also
beneficial because doing so permits increased recovery of lighter (and relatively high quality) pyrolyzatipn fluids.
In general, pyrolyzation fluids are more quickly produced, with less residuals, when such fluids are in the vapor
phase rather than hi the liquid phase. Undesirable polymerization reactions also tend to occur more frequently
when the pyrolyzation fluids are in the liquid phase instead of the vapor phase. In addition, when pyrolyzation
fluids are produced in the vapor phase, fewer production wells/area are needed, thereby reducing project costs.
: In an embodiment, a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation may be heated to increase a partial
pressure of H2. In some embodiments,an increased Hi partial pressure may include H2 partial pressures in a range
from about 1 bar absolute to about 7 bars absolute. Arternatively an increased HI partial pressure range may
; include HI partial pressures in a range from about 5 bars absolute to about 7 bars absolute. Por example, a
majority of hydrocarbon fluids may be produced within a range of about 5 bars absolute to about 7 bars absolute.
A range of H2 partial pressures within the pyrolysis H2 partial pressure range may vary, however, depending on,
forexample, a temperature and a pressure of the heated portion of the formation. ,
Maintaining a H2 partial pressure within the formation of greater than atmospheric pressure may increase
an API value of produced condensable hydrocarbon fluids. For example, maintaining such a H2 partial pressure
may increase an API value of produced condensable hydrocarbon fluids to greater than about 25 or, m some
. instances, greater than about 30. Maintaining such a Hz partial pressure within a heated portion of a hydrocarbon
containing formation may increase a concentration of H2 within the heated portion such that HI may be available
"to react with pyrolyzed components of the hydrocarbons. Reaction of H2 with the pyrolyzed components of
Such products may have lower API gravity values. Therefore, production of hydrocarbon fluids having low API
gravity values may be substantially inhibited.
A valve may be configured to maintain, alter, and/or control a pressure within a heated portion of a
hydrocarbon containing formation. For example} a heat source disposed within a hydrocarbon containing
formation may be coupled to a valve. The valve may be configured to release fluid from the formation through
tile heater source. In addition, a pressure valve may be coupled to a production well, which may be disposed
within the hydrocarbon containing formation, In some embodiments, fluids released by the valves may be
collected and transported to a surface unit for further processing and/or treatment.
An in situ conversion process for hydrocarbons may include providing heat to a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation, and controlling a temperature, rate of temperature increase, sad/or a pressure within the
heated portion. For example, a pressure within the heated portion may be controlled using pressure valves
disposed within a heater well or a production well as described herein. A temperature and/or a rate of temperature
increase of the heated portion may be controlled, for example, by altering an amount of energy supplied to one or
more heat sources.
Controlling a pressure and a temperature within a hydrocarbon containing formation will, in most
instances, affect properties of the produced formation fluids. For example, a composition or a quality of
formation fluids produced from the formation may be altered by altering an average pressure and/or an average
temperature in the selected section of the heated portion. The quality of the produced fluids may be defined by a
property which may include, but may not be limited to, API gravity, percent olefins in the produced formation
fluids, ethene to ethane ratio, atomic hydrogen to carbon ratio, percent of hydrocarbons within produced formation fluids having carbon numbers greater than 25, total equivalent production (gas and liquid), total liquids
production, and/or liquid yield as a percent of Fischer Assay. For example, controlling the quality of the produced
formation fluids may include controlling average pressure and average temperature in the selected section such
that the average assessed pressure hi the selected section may be greater than the pressure (p) as set forth in the
form of the following relationship for an assessed average temperature (T) in the selected ' ' section:
where j? is measured in psia (pounds per square inch absolute), T is measured in degrees Kelvin, A and B are
parameters dependent on the value of the selected property. An assessed average temperature may be determined
as described herein.
The relationship given above may be rewritten such that the natural log of pressure may be a linear
function of an inverse of temperature. This form of the relationship may be rewritten: kt(p) - A/T+B. In a plot
of the absolute pressure as a function of the reciprocal of the absolute temperature, A is the slope and B is the
intercept The intercept B .is defined to be the natural logarithm of the pressure as the reciprocal of the
temperature approaches zero. Therefore, the slope and intercept values (A and B) of the pressure-temperature
relationship may be determined from two pressure-temperature data points for a given value of a selected
property. The pressure-temperature data points may include an average pressure within a formation and an
average temperature within the formation at which me particular value of the property was, or may be, produced
from the formation. For example, the pressure-temperature data points may be obtained from an experiment: sucn
as a laboratory experiment or a field experiment
. A relationship between the slope parameter, A, and a value of a property of formation fluids may be
determined. For example, values of A may be plotted as a function of values of a formation fluid property. A
cubic polynomial may be fitted to these data. For example, a cubic polynomial relationship such as A -
aftpropertyf + affaropeirtyj3 + a}*(property) + a4 may be fitted to the data, where a/, at, a3, and a4 are
empirical constants that may describe a relationship between the first parameter, A, and a property of a formation
fluid. Alternatively, relationships having other functional forms such as another order polynomial or a
logarithmic function may be fitted to Ihe data. In this manner, ah a2,..., may be estimated from the results of the
data fitting. Similarly a relationship between me second parameter, B, and a value of a property of formation
fluids may be determined. For example, values of B may be plotted as a function of values of a property of a
formation fluid. A cubic polynomial may also be fitted to the data. For example, a cubic polynomial relationship such as B = bi *(property)3 4 b\*(property + b3*(property) f b4 may be fitted to the data, where bj, b}, b3, and
bf are empirical constants that may describe a relationship between the parameter B, and Ihe value of a property of
a formation fluid. As such, &/, bs, b$, and bj may be estimated from results of fitting the data. For example,
TABLES la and Ib list estimated empirical constants determined for several properties of a formation fluid for
Green River oil shale as described above.
(Table Removed)
To determine an average pressure and an average temperature that may be used to produce a formation
fluid having a selected property, the value of the selected property and the empirical constants as described above . • '
may be used to determine values for the first parameter 4 and the second parameter B, according to the following
A ai*(roperty)3 + a2*(property) + a3*(prdperty) + 34
B = bf (property)3 + bj*(property)' •+• b3*(property)'+- b4
For example, TABLES 2a-2g list estimated values for the parameter A, and, approximate values for the
parameter B, as determined for a selected property of a formation fluid as described above.
(Table Removed)
The determined values for the parameter A, and the parameter B, may be used to determine an average
pressure in the selected section of the formation using an assessed average temperature, T, in the selected section.
The assessed average temperature may be determined as described herein. For example, an average pressure of
the selected section may be determined by the relationship: j> = exp[(Aff) + BJ, in which.p is measured in psia,
and T is measured in degrees Kelvin. Alternatively, an average absolute pressure of the selected section,
easured in bars, may be determined using the following relationship:
ftan exp[(A/T) + B - 2,6744]. In this manner, an average pressure within the selected section may be controlled
such that an average pressure within the selected section is adjusted t0 the average pressure as determined above,

Alternatively, the determined values for the parameter A, and me parameter B, may be used to determine
an average temperature in the selected section of the formation using an assessed average pressure, p, in the
selected section. The assessed average pressure may be determined as described herein. Therefore, using the
relationship described above, an average temperature within the selected section may be controlled to approximate
the calculated average temperature in order to produce hydrocarbon fluids having a selected property.
; As described herein, a composition of formation fluids produced from a formation may be varied by
altering at least one operating condition of an in situ conversion process for hydrocarbons. la addition, at least
one operating condition may be determined by using a computer-implemented method. For example, an operating
condition may include, but is not limited to, a pressure in the formation, a temperature in the formation, a heating
rate of the formation, a power supplied to a heat source, and/or a flow rate of a synthesis gas generating fluid. The
computer-implemented method may include measuring at least one property of the formation. For example,
measured properties may include a thickness pf a layer containing hydrocarbons, vitrinite reflectance, hydrogen
content, oxygen content, moisture content, depth/width of the hydrocarbon containing formation, and other
properties otherwise described herein.
At least one measured property may be inputted into a computer executable program. The program may be operable to determine at least one operating condition from a measured property. In addition, at least one
property of selected formation fluids may be input into the program. For example, properties of selected
formation fluids may include, but are not limited to, API gravity, of the content, carbon number distribution,
to ethane ratio, and atomic carbon to hydrogen ratio. The program may also be operable to determine at
least one operating condition from a property of the selected formation fluids. In this manner, an operating
condition of an in situ conversion process may be altered to be approximate at least one determined operating
condition such that production of selected formation fluids from the formation may increase.
In an embodiment, a computer-implemented method may be used to determine at least one property of a
formation fluid that may be produced from a hydrocarbon containing formation for a set of operating conditions
as a function of time. The method may include measuring at least one property of the formation and providing at
least the one measured property to a computer program as described herein. In addition, one or more sets of
operating conditions may also be provided to the computer program. At least one of the operating conditions may
include, for example, a heating rate or a pressure. One or more sets of operating conditions may include currently
used operating conditions (in an in situ conversion process) or operating conditions being considered for an in situ
conversion process. The computer program may be operable to determine at least one property of a formation
fluid that may be produced by an in situ conversion process for hydrocarbons as a function of time using at least
one set of operating conditions and at least one measured property of the formation. Furthermore, the method may include comparing a determined property of me fluid to a selected property. In this manner, if multiple
determined properties are generated by the computer program, then the determined property that differs least from
a selected property may be determined.
Formation fluid properties may vary depending on a location of a production well in the formation. For
example, a location of a production well with respect to a location of a neat source in the formation may affect the
composition of formation fluid produced from a formation. In addition, a distance between a production well and
a heat source in a formation may be varied to alter the composition of formation fluid produced from a formation.
Decreasing a distance between a production well and a heat source may increase a temperature at the production
well. In this manner a substantial portion of pyrolyzation fluids flowing through a production well may
instances crack to non-condensable compounds due to increased temperature at a production well. Therefore, a
location of a production well with respect to a heat source may be selected to increase a non-condensable gas
fraction of the produced formation fluids. In addition, a location of a production well with respect to a heat source
may be selected such that a non-condensable gas fraction of produced formation fluids may be larger than a
condensable gas fraction of the produced formation fluids. - ;
A carbon number distribution of a produced formation fluid may indicate a quality of the produced
formation fluid. In general, condensable hydrocarbons with low carbon numbers are considered to be more
valuable than condensable hydrocarbons having higher carbon numbers. Low carbon numbers may include, for
example, carbon numbers less than about 25. High carbon numbers may include carbon numbers greater man
about 25. In an embodiment, an in situ conversion process for hydrocarbons may include providing heat to at
least a portion of a formation and allowing heat to transfer such that heat may produce pyrolyzation fluids such
mata majority of the pyrolyzation fluids have carbon numbers of less than approximately 25.
In an embodiment, an in situ conversion process for hydrocarbons may include providing heat to at least
a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation at a rate sufficient to alter and/or control production of olefins.
For example, the process may include heating the portion at a rate to produce formation fluids having an olefin
content of less than about 10 % by weight of condensable hydrocarbons of the formation fluids. Reducing olefin
production may substantially reduce coating of a pipe surface by such olefins, thereby reducing difficulty
associated with transporting hydrocarbons through such piping. Reducing olefin production may also tend to
inhibit polymerization of hydrocarbons during pyrolysis, thereby increasing permeability in the formation and/or
enhancing the quality of produced fluids (e.g., by lowering the carbon number distribution, increasing API
gravity, etc.).
In some embodiments, however, the portion may be heated at a rate to selectively increase the olefin
content of condensable hydrocarbons in the produced fluids. For example, olefins may be separated from such
condensable hydrocarbons and may be used to produce additional products.
In some embodiments, the portion may be heated at a rate to selectively increase the content of phenol
and substituted phenols of condensable hydrocarbons in the produced fluids. For example, phenol and/or
substituted phenols may be separated from such condensable hydrocarbons and may be used to produce additional
products. The resource may, in some embodiments, be selected to enhance production of phenol and/or
substituted phenols.
Hydrocarbons in the produced fluids may include a mixture of a number of different components, some
of which are condensable and some of which are not. The fraction of non-condensable hydrocarbons within the
produced fluid may be altered and/or controlled by altering, controlling, and/or maintaining a temperature within a
pyrolysis temperature range in a heated portion of the hydrocarbon containing formation. Additionally, the
•traction of non-condensable hydrocarbons within the produced fluids may be altered and/or controlled by altering,
controlling, and/or maintaining a pressure within the heated portion. In some embodiments, surface facilities may
be configured to separate condensable and non-condensable hydrocarbons of a produced fluid.
: In some embodiments, the non-condensable hydrocarbons may include, but are not limited to,
hydrocarbons having less than about 5 carbon atoms, H2, CCv ammonia, H2S,N2 and/or CO. In certain
embodiments, non-condensable hydrocarbons of a fluid produced from a portion of a hydrocarbon containing
jformation may have a weight ratio of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers from 2 through 4 C'Q-*"
hydrocarbons) to methane of greater flian about 0.3, greater than about 0.75, or greater than about 1 in somecircumstances. For example, non-condensable hydrocarbons of a fluid produced from a portion of an oil shale or heavy hydrocarbon containing formation may have a weight ratio of hydrocarbons having carbon numbers from 2
through 4, to methane, of greater than approximately 1. In addition, non-condensable hydrocarbons of a fluid
produced from a portion of a coal containing formation may have a weight ratio of hydrocarbons having carbon
numbers from 2 through 4, to methane', of greater than approximately 0.3.
Such weight ratios of QM hydrocarbons to methane are believed to T>e beneficial as compared to similar
weight ratios produced from other formations. Such weight ratios indicate higher amounts of hydrocarbons with
2, 3, and/or 4 carbons (e.g., ethane, propane, and butane) than is normally present in gases produced from
formations. Such hydrocarbons are often more valuable. Production of hydrocarbons wim such weight ratios is
believed to be due to the conditions applied to the formation during pyrolysis (e.g., controlled heating and/or
pressure used in reducing environments, or at least non-oxidizing environments). It is believed thai in such
conditions longer chain hydrocarbons can be more easily broken down to form substantially smaller (and in many
cases more saturated) compounds such as C2J) hydrocarbons. The CM hydrocarbons to methane weight ratio may
vary depending on, for example, a temperature of the heated portion and a heating rate of the heated portion.
hi certain embodiments, me API gravity of the hydrocarbons hi a fluid produced from a hydrocarbon
containingformation may be approximately 25 or above (e.g., 30,40,50, etc.).
Methane and at least a portion of ethane may be separated from non-condensable hydrocarbons in the
produced fluid and may be utilized as natural gas. A portion of propane and butane may be separated from noncondensable
hydrocarbons of the produced fluid. In addition, the separated propane and butane may be utilized as
fuels or as feedstocks for producing other hydrocarbons. A portion of the produced fluid having carbon numbers
less than 4 may be reformed, as described herein, in the formation to produce additional H2 and/or methane. In
addition, ethane, propane, and butane may be separated from the non-condensable hydrocarbons and may be used
to generate olefins. :
The non-condensable hydrocarbons of fluid produced from a hydrocarbon containing formation may
have a HI content of greater than about 5 % by weight, greater than 10 % by weight, or even greater than 15 % by
weight The HZ may be used, for example, as a fuel for a fuel cell, to hydrogenate hydrocarbon fluids in situ,
and/or to hydrogenate hydrocarbon fluids ex situ. In addition, presence of H2 within a formation fluid in a heated
section of a hydrocarbon containing formation is believed to increase the quality of produced fluids. In certain
•embodiments, the hydrogen to carbon atomic ratio of a produced fluid may be at least approximately 1.7 or above.
For example, the hydrogen to carbon atomic ratio of a produced fluid may be approximately 1.8, approximately
1.9, or greater.
The non-condensable hydrocarbons may include some hydrogen sulfide. The non-condensable
hydrocarbons may be treated to separate the hydrogen sulfide from other compounds in the non-condensable
hydrocarbons. The separated hydrogen sulfide may be used to produce, for example, sulfuric acid, fertilizer,
and/or elemental sulfur; ' .
'.•:: In certain embodiments, fluid produced from a hydrocarbon containing formation by an in situ
conversion process may include carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide produced from the formation may be used for
example, for enhanced oil recovery, as at least a portion of a feedstock for production of urea, and/or maybe
reinjected mto a hydrocarbon containing formation for synthesis gas production and/or coal bed methane
Fluid produced from a hydrocarbon containing formation by an in situ conversion process may include
carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide produced from the formation may be used, for example, as a feedstock for a
feel cell, as a feedstock for a Fischer Tropsch process, as a feedstock for production of methanol, and/or as a
feedstock for production of methane. .
The condensable hydrocarbons of the produced fluids may be separated from the fluids. In an
embodiment, a condensable component may include condensable hydrocarbons and compounds found in an
aqueous phase. The aqueous phase may be separated from the condensable component The ammonia content of
the total produced fluids may be greater than about 0.1 % by weight of the fluid, greater than about 0.5 % by
Weight of the fluid, and, in some embodiments, up to about 10 % by weight of the produced fluids. The ammonia
may be used to produce, for example, urea.
Certain embodiments of a fluid may be produced in which a majority of hydrocarbons in the produced
fluid have a certain number of less man approximately 25. Alternatively, less than about 15 % by weight of the
hydrocarbons in the condensable hydrocarbons have a carbon number greater than approximately 25+ hi some
embodiments, less than about 5 % by weight of hydrocarbons in the condensable hydrocarbons lave a carbon
number greater than approximately 25, and/or less than about 2 % by weight of hydrocarbons in the condensable
hydrocarbons have a carbon number greater than approximately 25.
In certain embodiments, a fluid produced from a formation (e.g., a coal containing formation) may
include oxygenated hydrocarbons. For example, condensable hydrocarbons of the produced fluid may include an
amount of Oxygenated hydrocarbons greater than about 5 % by weight of the condensable hydrocarbons.
Alternatively, the condensable hydrocarbons may include an amount of oxygenated hydrocarbons greater than
about 1.0 % by weight of the condensable hydrocarbons. Furthermore, the condensable hydrocarbons may
include an amount of oxygenated hydrocarbons greater than about 1.5 % by weight of the condensable
hydrocarbons or greater than about 2.0 % by weight of the condensable hydrocarbons. In an embodiment, the
oxygenated hydrocarbons may include, but are not limited to, phenol and/or substituted phenols. In some
embodiments, phenol and substituted phenols may have more economic value than other products produced from
an in situ conversion process. Therefore, an in situ conversion process may be utilized to produce phenol and/or
substituted phenols. For example, generation of phenol and/or substituted phenols may increase when a fluid
.pressure within the fonnation is maintained at a lower pressure.
In some embodiments, condensable hydrocarbons of a fluid produced from a hydrocarbon containing
formation may also include olefins. For example, an olefin content of the condensable hydrocarbons may be in a
range from about 0.1 % by weight to about 15 %by weight Alternatively, an olefin content of the condensable
hydrocarbons may also be within a range from about 0:1 % by weight to about 5 % by weight Furthermore, ah
olefin content of the condensable hydrocarbons may also be within a range from about 0.1 % by weight to about
2,5 % fay weight. Aa olefin content of the condensable hydrocarbons may be altered and/or controlled by
controlling a pressure and/or a temperature within the formation. For example, olefin content of the condensable
hydrocarbons may be reduced by selectively increasing pressure within the formation, by selectively decreasing
temperature within the formation, by selectively reducing heating rates within the formation, and/or by selectively
increasing hydrogen partial pressures in the fonnation. In some embodiments, a reduced olefin content of the
condensable hydrocarbons may be preferred. For example, if a portion of the produced fluids is used to produce
totor fuels, a reduced olefincontent may be desired.
: In alternate embodiments, a higher olefin content may be preferred. For example, if a portion .of the
condensable hydrocarbons maybe sold, a higher olefin content may be preferred due to a high economic value of
olefin products. In some embodiments, olefins may be separated from the produced fluids and then sold and/or
used as a feedstock for the production of other compounds. Non-condensable hydrocarbons of a produced fluid may also include olefins. For example, an blefin
content of the non-condensable hydrocarbons may be gauged using an ethene/ethane molar ratio. In certain
embodiments, the ethene/ethane molar ratio may range from about 0.001to about 0.15.
: Fluid produced from a hydrocarbon containing formation may include aromatic compounds. For
example, the condensable hydrocarbons may include an amount of aromatic compounds greater than about 20 %
by weight or about 25 % by weight of the condensable hydrocarbons. Alternatively, the condensable
hydrocarbons may include an amount of aromatic compounds greater man about 30 % by weight of the
condensable hydrocarbons. The condensable hydrocarbons may also include relatively low amounts of
compounds with more than two rings in them (e.g., tri-aromatics or above). For example, the condensable
hydrocarbons may include less than about 1 % by weight of less man about 2 % by weight of tri-aromatics or
above in the condensable hydrocarbons. Alternatively, the condensable hydrocarbons may include less than about
5 %by weight of tri-aromatics or above in the condensable hydrocarbons; it particulation . certain embodiments, asphaltenes (i.e., large multi-ring aromatics that may be
substantially soluble in hydrocarbons) make up less than about 0.1 % by weight of the condensable hydrocarbons.
For example, the condensable hydrocarbons may include an asphaltene component of from about 0.0 % by weight
to about 0.1 % by weight or in some embodunents, less than about 0.3 % by weight
Condensable hydrocarbons of a produced fluid may also include relatively large amounts of
cycloalkanes. For example, the condensable hydrocarbons may include a cycloalkane component of from about 5
% by weight to about 30 % by weight of the condensable hydrocarbons.
In certain embodiments, the condensable hydrocarbons of a fluid produced from a formation may include
compounds containing nitrogen. For example, less than about 1% by weight (when calculated on an elemental
basis) of the condensable hydrocarbons may be nitrogen (e.g., typically the nitrogen may be in nitrogen containing
compounds such as pyridines, amines, amides, carbazoles, etc.).
In certain embodiments,-the condensable hydrocarbons of a fluid produced from a formation may include
compounds containing oxygen.- For example, in certain embodiments (e.g., for oil shale and heavy hydrocarbons)
less than about 1 % by weight (when calculated on an elemental basis) of the condensable hydrocarbons may be
oxygen containing compounds (e.g., typically the oxygen may be in oxygen containing compounds such as
phenol, substituted phenols, ketohes, etc.). In certain other embodiments, (e.g., for coal containing formations)
.between about 5 % by weight and about 30 % by weight of the condensable hydrocarbons may typically include
oxygen containing compounds such as phenols, substituted phenols, ketones, etc. In some instances, certain
compounds containing oxygen (e.g., phenols) may be valuable and, as such, may be economically separated from
fee produced fluid. In certain embodiments, condensable hydrocarbons of the fluid produced from a formation may include
compounds containing sulfur. For example, less than about 1 % by weight (when calculated on an elemental
basis) of the condensable hydrocarbons may be sulfur (e.g., typicallythe sulfur containing compounds may
include compounds such.asithiophenes,mercaptans, etc.).
Furthermore, the fluid produced from the formation may include ammonia (typically the ammonia may
condense with water, if any, produced from the formation). For example, the fluid produced from the formation
: may in certain embodiments include about 0.05 % or more by weight of ammonia. Certain formations (e.g coal
arid/or oil shale) may produce larger amounts of ammonia (e.g.t up to about 10% by weight of the total fluid
produced may be ammonia).
In addition, a produced fluid from the formation may also include molecular hydrogen (fife). For
example, the fluid may include a HZ content between about 10 % to about 80 % by volume of the noncondensable
m some embodiments, at least about 15 % by weight of a total organic carbon content of hydrocarbons in
the portion may be transformed into hydrocarbon fluids.
A total potential amount of products that may be produced from hydrocarbons may be determined by a
Fischer Assay. The Fischer Assay is a standard method that involves heating a sample of hydrocarbons to
approximately 500 °C in one hour, collecting products produced front the heated sample, and quantifying the
products. In an embodiment, a method for treating a hydrocarbon containing formation in situ may include
heating a section of the formation to yield greater than about 60 % by weight of the potential amount of products
from the hydrocarbons as measured bythe Fischer Assay.
In certain embodiments, heating of the selected section of the formation may be controlled to pyrolyzeat
least about 20 % by weight (or in some embodiments about 25 % by weight) of me hydrocarbons within the
selected section of the formation. Conversion of hydrocarbons within a formation may be limited to inhibit
subsidence of the formation.
Heating at least a portion of a formation may causeat least some of the hydrocarbons within the portion
to pyrolyze, thereby forming hydrocarbon fragments. The hydrocarbon fragments may be reactive and may react
with other compounds in the formation and/or with other hydrocarbon fragments produced by pyrolysis. Reaction
of me hydrocarbon fragments with other compounds and/or with each other, however, may reduce production of a
selected product A reducing agent in or provided to the portion of the formation during heating, however, may
increase production of the selected product. An example of a reducing agent may include, but may not be limited
to, H2. For example, the reducing agent may react with the hydrocarbon fragments to form a selected product.
In an embodiment, molecular hydrogen may be provided to the formation to create a reducing
environment A hydrogenation reaction between the molecular hydrogen and at least some of the hydrocarbons
within a portion of the formation may generate heat. The generated heat may be used to heat the portion of the
formation. Molecular hydrogen may also be generated within the portion of the formation. In this manner, the
generated H2 may be used to hydrogenate hydrocarbon fluids within & portion of a formation.
For example, H2 may be produced from a first portion of the hydrocarbon containing formation. The H2
maybeproducedas a component of a fluid produced from a first portion. For example, at least a portion of fluids
produced from a first portion of me formation may be provided to a second portion of the formation to create a
reducing environment within the second portion. The second portion of the formation may be heated as described
- nerein. In addition, produced HI may be provided to a second portion of the formation. For example, a partial
pressure of H2 within the produced fluid may be greater man a pyrolysis H2 partial pressure, as measured at a well
from which the produced fluid maybe produced. ,;
: For example, a portion of ahydrocarbon ccmtarning fonition ma
The" presence of a reducing agentduringpvrolysisof at least some of the hydrocarbons m the heated portion ' ' ' ' ' may"
reduce (e.g., at least partially saturate) at least some of the pyrolyzed product Reducing the pyrolyzed product
may decrease a concentration of olefins in hydrocarbon fluids. Reducing the pyrolysis products may improve the
product quality of the hydrocarbon fluids.
An embodiment of a method for treating a hydrocarbon containing formation in situ may include
generating Ek and hydrocarbon fluids within the formation. In addition, the method may include hydrogenating
the generated hydrocarbon fluids using the Hi within the formation. In some embodiments, the method may also
mclude providing the generated Ha to a portion of me formation.
In an embodiment, a method of treating a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation may include
heating the portion such that a thermal conductivity of a selected section of the heated portion increases. For
example, porosity and permeability within a selected section of the portion may increase substantially during
heating such mat heat may be transferred through the formation not only by conduction but also by convection
and/or by radiation from a heat source, hi this manner, such radiant and convective transfer of heat may increase
an apparent thermal conductivity of the selected section and, consequently, the thermal diffusivity. The large
apparent thermal diffusivity may make heating at least a portion of a hydrocarbon containuig formation from heat sources feasible. For example, a combination of conductive, radiant, and/or convective heating nay accelerate
heating. Such accelerated heating may significantly decrease a time required for producing hydrocarbons and
may significantly increase the economic feasibility of commercialization of an in situ conversion process. In a
further embodiment, the in situ conversion process for a hydrocarbon containing formation may also include
providing heat to the heated portion to increase a thermal conductivity of a selected section to greater man about
0,5 W/(m°C) or about 0.6 W/(m°C). .
In some embodiments, an in situ conversion process for a coal formation may increase the rank level of
coal within a heated portion of the coal. The increase in rank leveVas assessed by the vitrinite reflectance, of the
coal may coincide with a substantial change of the structure (e.g., molecular changes in the carbon structure) of
the coal. The changed structure of the coal may have a higherthermal conductivity.
Thermal diffusivity within a hydrocarbon containing formation may vary depending on, for example, a
density of the hydrocarbon containing formation, a heat capacity of the formation, and a thermal conductivity of
the formation. As pyrolysis occurs within a selected section, the hydrocarbon containing formation mass may be
removed from the selected section. The removal of mass may include, but is not limited to, removal of water and
a transformation of hydrocarbons to formation fluids. For example, a lower thermal conductivity may be
expected as water is removed from a coal containing formation. This effect may vary significantly at different
depths. At greater depths a lithostatic pressure may be higher and may close certain openings (e.g., cleats and/or
fractures) in the coal. The closure of the coal openings may increase a thermal conductivity of die coal. In some
embodiments, a higher thermal conductivity may be observed due to a higher lithostatic pressure. .'••'
In some embodiments, an in situ conversion process may generate molecular hydrogen during the
pyrolysis process. In addition, pyrolysis tends to increase the porosity/void spaces in the formation. Void spaces
in the formation may contain Hydrogen gas generated by the pyrolysis process. Hydrogen gas may have about six
times the thermal conductivity of nitrogen or air. This may raise the thermal conductivity of the formation.
Certain embodiments described herein will in many instances be able to economically treat formations
that were previously believed to be uneconomical. Such treatment will be possible because of the surprising
increases in thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity that can be achieved with such embodiments. These
siorprising results are illustrated by the feet that prior Kteraoire indicated that certain hydrocarbon containing formations, such as coal, exhibited relatively low values for thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity when
heated. For example, in government report No. 8364 by J, M. Singer and R. P. The entitled "Thermal,
Mechanical, and Physical Properties of Selected Bituminous Coals and Cokes," U.S. Department of the Interior,
Bureau of Mines (1979), the authors report the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity for four bituminous
coals. This government report includes graphs of thermal conductivity and diffusivity that show relatively low
Rvalues up to about 400 C (e.g., thermal conductivity is about 0.2 W/(m °C) or below, and thermal diffusivity is
below about 1.7 x 10cmVs). This government report states that "coals and cokes are excellent thermal
insulators." '
In contrast, in certain embodiments described herein hydrocarbon containing resources (e.g., coal) may
be treated such that the thermal conductivity and thermal difiusivity are significantly higher (e.g., thermal
conductivity at or above; about 0.5 W/(m °C) and thermal difiusivity at or above 4.1 x 10"3 cm2/s) than would be
expected based on previous literature such as government report No, 8364. If treated as described in certainembodiments herein, coal does not act as "an excellent thermal insulator." Instead, heat can and does transfer
and/or diffuse into the formation at significantly higher (and better) rates than would be expected according to the
literature, thereby significantly enhancing economic viability of treating the formation.
In an embodiment, heating a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation in situ to a temperature less
than an upper pyroiysis temperature may increase permeability of the heated portion. For example, permeability
may increase due to formation of fractures within the heated portion caused by application of heat As a
temperature of the heated portion increases, water may be removed due to vaporization. The vaporized water may
escape and/or be removed from the formation. Removal of water may also increase the permeability of the heated
portion. In addition, permeability of the heated portion may also increase as a result of production of
hydrocarbons from pyroiysis of at least some of the hydrocarbons within the heated portion on a macroscopicscale. In an embodiment, a permeability of a selected section within a heated portion of a hydrocarbon containing
formation may be substantially uniform. For example, heating by conduction may be substantially uniform, and
thus a permeability created by conductive heating may also be substantially uniform. .In the context of this patent
"substantially uniform permeability" means that the assessed (e.g., calculated or estimated) permeability of any
selected portion in the formation does not vary by more man a factor of 10 from the assessed average permeability
of such selected portion.
Permeability of a selected section within the heated portion of the hydrocarbon containing formation may
also rapidly increase while the selected section is heated by conduction. For example, permeability of an
impermeable hydrocarbon containing formation may be less than about 0.1millidarcy (9.9 x 10~17 m2) before
treatment. In some embodiments, pyrolyzing at least a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation may
increase a permeability within a selected section of the portion to greater than about 10 millidarcy, 100 millidarcy,
1 Darcy, 10 Darcy, 20 Darcy, or 50 Darcy. Therefore, a perfneabflity'Of a selected section of the portion may
increase by a fector of more than about 1,000,10,000, or 100,000.
In some embodiments, superposition (e.g., overlapping) of heat from one or more heat sources may result
in substantially uniform heating of a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation. Since formations during
heating will typically have temperature profiles throughout them, in the context of this patent "substantially
uniform" heating means heating such that the temperatures in a majority of the section do not vary by more than100 °C from me assessed average temperature in the majority of the selected section (volume) being treated.Substantially uniform Heating of the hydrocarbon containing formation may result in a substantially uniform increase in permeability. For example, uniformly heating may generate a series of substantially uniform
fractures within the heated portion due to thermal stresses generated in the formation. Heating substantially
uniformly may generate pyrolysis fluids from the portion in a substantially homogeneous manner. Water
removed due to vaporisation and production may result in increased permeability of the heated portion. In
addition to creating fractures due to thermal stresses, fractures may also be generated due to fluid pressure
increase. As fluids are generated within the heated portion a fluid pressure within the heated portion may also
increase. As the fluid pressure approaches a lithostatic pressure of the heated portion, fractures may be generated.
Substantially uniform heating and homogeneous generation of fluids may generate substantially uniform fractures
within the heated portion. In some embodiments, a permeability of a heated section of a hydrocarbon containing
formation may not vary by more than a factor of about 10.
Removal of hydrocarbons due to treating at least a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation, as
described hi any of the above embodiments, may also occur on a microscopic scale. Hydrocarbons may be
removed from micropores within the portion due to heating. Micropores may be generally defined as pores
havmg a cross-sectional dimension of less than about 1000 A. In this manner, removal of solid hydrocarbons may
result in a substantially uniform increase in porosity within at least a selected section of the heated portion.
Heating the portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation, as described in any of the above embodiments, may
substantially uniformly increase a porosity of a selected section within the heated portion. In the context of this
patent "substantially uniform porosity" means that the assessed (e.g., calculated or estimated) porosity of any
selected portion hi the formation does not vary by more than about 25 % from the assessed average porosity of
such selected portion.
Physical characteristics of a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation after pyrolysisnay be similar
to those of a porous bed. For example, a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation after pyrolysis may
include particles having sizes of about several millimeters. Such physical characteristics may differ from physical
characteristics of a hydrocarbon containing formation that may be subjected to injection of gases that burn
hydrocarbons in order to heat me hydrocarbons. Such gases injected into virgin or fractured formations may tend
to channel and may not be uniformly distributed throughout the formation. In contrast, a gas injected into a
pyrolyzed portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation may readily and substantially uniformly contact the
carbon and/or hydrocarbons remaining in the formation. In addition, gases produced by heating the hydrocarbons
may be transferred a significant distance within the heated portion of the formation with a minimal pressure loss.
Such transfer of gases may be particularly advantageous, for example, in treating a steeply dipping hydrocarboncontaining formation. Synthesis gas may be produced from a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation containing, e.g.,
coal, oil shale, other kerogen containing formations, heavy hydrocarbons (tar sands, etc.) and other bitumen
containing formations. The hydrocarbon containing formation may be heated prior to synthesis gas generation to
produce a substantially uniform, relatively high permeability formation. In an embodiment, synthesis gas
production may be commenced after production of pyrolysis fluids has been substantially exhausted or becomes
: uneconomical. Alternately, synthesis gas generation may be commenced before substantial exhaustion or
uneconomical pyrolysis fluid production has been achieved if production of synthesis gas will be more
economically favorable. Formation temperatures will usually be higher than pyrolysis temperatures during
synthesis gas generation. Raising the formation temperature from pyrolysis temperatures to synthesis gas
generation temperatures-allows further utilization of heat applied to the formation to pyrolyze the formation.
\While raising a temperature of a formation from pyrolysis temperatures to synthesis gas temperatures, methane
and/or H2 may be produced front the formation.
Producing synthesis gas from a formation from which pyrolyzation fluids have been previously removed
allows asynthesis gas to be produced that includes mostly E, CO, water and/or CO2. Produced synthesis gas, in
certain embodiments, may have substantially no hydrocarbon component unless a separate source hydrocarbon
stream is introduced into the formation with or in addition to me synthesis gas producing fluid. Produemg
':'.. synthesis gas from a substantially uniform, relatively high permeability formation that was formed by slowly
heating a formation through pyrolysis temperatures may allow for easy introduction of a synthesis gas generating
fluid into the formation, and may allow the synthesis gas generating fluid to contact a relatively large portion of
the formation. The synthesis gas generating fluid can do so because the permeability of the formation has beenincreased during pyrolysis and/or because the surface area per volume in the formation has increased during
pyrolysis. The relatively large surface area (e.g "contact area") in the post-pyrolysis formation tends to allow
synthesis gas generating reactions to be substantially at equilibrium conditions for C, H* CO, water and CO2.
Reactions in which methane is formed may, however, not be at equilibrium because they are kinetically limited.
Title relatively high, substantially uniform formation permeability may allow production wells to be spaced farther
apart man production wells usedduringpyrolysis of the formation.
A temperature of at least a portion of a formation that is used to generate synthesis gas may be raised to a
synthesis gas generating temperature (e.g., between about 400 °C and about 1200 °C). In some embodiments
composition of produced synthesis gas may be affected by formation temperature, by the temperature of the
formation adjacent to synthesis gas production wells, and/or by residence time of the synthesis gas components.
A relatively low synthesis gas generation temperature may produce a synthesis gas having a high H2 to CO ratio,
but the produced synthesis gas may also include a large portion of other gases such as water, CO, and methane.
A relatively high formation temperature may produce asynthesis gas having a H2 to CO ratio that approaches 1,
!and the stream may include mostly (and in some cases substantially only) H2 and CO. If the synthesis gas
generating fluid is substantially pure steam, then the H2 to CO ratio may approach 1 at relatively high
temperatures. At a formation temperature of about 700 °C, the formation may produce a synthesis gas with a H2
to CO ratio of about 2 at a certain pressure. The composition of the synthesis gas tends to depend on the nature of
the synthesis gas generating fluid. Synthesis gas generation is generally an endothermic process Heat may be added to a portion of a
formation during synthesis gas production to keep formation temperature at a desired synthesis; gas generating
temperature or above a minimum synthesis gas generating temperature. Heat may be added to the formation from
heat sources, from oxidation reactions within, the portion, and/or from introducing synthesis gas generating fluid
into the formation at a higher temperature than the temperature of the formation.
An oxidant may be introduced into a portion of the formation with synthesis gas generating fluid. The
oxidant may exothennically react with carbon within me portion of the formation to heat me formation.
Oxidation of carbon within a formation may allow a portion of a formation to be economically heated to relatively
high synthesis gas generating temperatures. The oxidant may also be introduced into the formation without
synthesis gas generating fluid to heat the portion. Using an oxidant, or an oxidant and heat sources, to heat the portion of the formation may be significantly more favorable than heating the portion of the formation with only
the heat sources. The oxidant may be, but is not limited to, air, oxygen, or oxygen enriched air. The oxidant may react with carbon in the formation to produce CC and/or CO. The use of air, or oxygen enriched air (ie., air with
an oxygen content greater than 21% by volume), to generate heat within the formation may cause a significant
portion of N2 to be present in produced synthesis gas. Temperatures in the formation may be maintained below
temperatures needed to generate oxides of nitrogen (NO,), so mat little or no NOX compounds may be present in
produced synthesis gas.A mixture of steam and oxygen, or steam and ah1, may be substantially continuously injected into a
formation. If injection of steam and oxygen is used for synthesis gas production, the oxygen may be produced on
site by electrolysis of water utilizing direct current output of a fuel cell. H2 produced by the electrolysis of water
maybe used as a fuel stream for the fuel cell. O2 produced by the electrolysis of water may be injected into the
hot formation to raise a temperature of me formation.
Heat sources and/or production wells within a formation for pyrolyzing and producing pyrolysis fluids
from the formation may be utilized for different purposes during synthesis gas production. A well that was used
as a heat source or a production well during pyrolysis may be used as an injection well to introduce synthesis gas
producing fluid into the formation. A well that was used as a heat source or a production well during pyrolysis
may be used as a production well during synthesis gas generation. A well that was used as a heat source or a
production well during pyrolysis may be used as a heat source to heat the formation during synthesis gas
generation. Synthesis gas production wells may be spaced further apart man pyrolysis production wells because.
of the relatively high, substantially uniform permeability of the formation. Synthesis gas production wells maybe
heated to relatively high temperatures so that a portion of the formation adjacent to the production well is at a
temperature that will produce a desired synthesis gas composition. Comparatively, pyrolysis fluid production
wells may not be heated at all, or may only be heated to a temperature that will inhibit condensation of pyrolysis
fluid withm the production well.
Synthesis gas may be produced from a dipping formation from wells used during pyrolysis of the
formation. As shown in FIG. 4, synthesis gas production wells 206 may be located above and down dip from an
injection well 208. Hot synthesis gas producing fluid may be introduced into injection well 208. Hot synthesis gas fluid that moves down dip may generate synthesis gas that is produced through synthesis gas production wells
206. Synthesis gas generating fluid that moves up dip may generate synthesis gas in a portion of the formation
that is at synmesis gas generating temperatures. A portion of the synthesis gas generating fluid and generated
/synthesis gas that moves up dip above the portion of the formation at synthesis gas generating temperatures may
heat adjacent formation. The synthesis gas generating; fluid that moves up dip may condense, heat adjacent
portions of formation, and flow downwards towards or into a portion of the formation at synthesis gas generating
temperature. The synthesis gas generating fluid may men generate additional synthesis gas.
Synthesis gas generating fluid may be any fluid capable of generating HZ and CO within a heated portion
of a formation. Synthesis gas generating fluid may include water, O air, CO* hydrocarbon fluids, or
combinations thereof Water may be introduced into a formation as a liquid or as steam. Water may react with
carbon in a formation to produce H2, CO, and CO* CO2 may react with hot carbon to form CO. Air and 62 may
be oxidants that react with carbon in a formation to generate heat and form CO2, CO, and other compounds.
Hydrocarbon fluids may react within a formation to form H CO, CO H2O, coke, methane and/or Other light
hydrocarbons, introducing low carbon number hydrocarbons (i.e compounds with carbon numbers less than 5)
may produce additional H2 within the formation. Adding higher carbon number hydrocarbons to me formation
may increase an energy content of generated synthesis gas by having a significant tnethane and other low carbon
number compounds fraction within the synthesis gas.
Water provided as a synthesis gas generating fluid may be derived from numerous different sources.
Water may be produced during a pyrolysis stage of treating a formation. The water may include some entrained
hydrocarbon fluids. Such fluid may be used as synthesis gas generating fluid. Water that includes hydrocarbons
may advantageously generate additional H2 when used as a synthesis gas generating fluid. Water produced from
water pumps that inhibit water flow into a portion of formation being subjected to an in situ conversion process
may provide water for synthesis gas generation, A low rank kerogen resource or hydrocarbons having a relatively
high water cotfsnt (Le. greater man about 20% H2O by weight) may generate a large amount of water and/or CC if subjected to an hi situ conversion process. The water and CG produced by subjecting a low rank kerogen.
resource to an in situ conversion process may be used as a synthesis gas generating fluid.
Reactions involved in the formation of synthesis gas may include, but are not limited to: .
(1) C +H2O=H2 + CO
(2) C + 2H2O- 2H2 + CO2
(3) c + co2 =2CO
Thermodynamics allows the following reactions to proceed:
(4) 2C + 2H2O
(5) c+2H2
However, kinetics of the reactions are slow in certain embodiments so mat relatively low amounts of
methane are formed at formation conditions from Reactions (4) and (5).
In the presence of oxygen, the following reaction may take place to generate carbon dioxide and heat:
(6) C + CO2
Equilibrium gas phase compositions of coal in contact with steam may provide an indication of the
compositions of components produced in a formation during synthesis gas generation. Equilibrium composition data for H2, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide may be used to determine appropriate operating conditions
such as temperature that may be used to produce a synthesis gas having a selected composition. Equilibrium
conditions may be approached within a formation due to a high, substantially uniform permeability of the
formation. Composition data obtained from synthesis gas production may in many instances deviate by less than
10% from equilibrium values, ; , ;
In one embodiment, a composition of the produced synthesis gas can be changed by injecting additional
components into the formation along with steam. Carbon dioxide may be provided in the synthesis gas generating
fluid to substantially inhibit production of carbon dioxide, produced from the formation during synthesis gas
generation. The carbon dioxide may shift the equilibrium of reaction (2) to the left, thus reducing the amount of
carbon dioxide generated from formation carbon. The carbon dioxide may also react with carbon in the formation
to generate carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide may be separated from the synthesis gas and may be re-injected into the formation with the synthesis gas generating fluid. Addition of carbon dioxide in the synthesis gas
generating fluid may, however, reduce the production of hydrogen, /
FIG. 29 depicts a schematic diagram of use of water recovered from pyrolysis fluid production being
used to generate synthesis gas. Heat source 801 with electric heater 803 produces pyrolysis fluid 807 from first
section 805 of the formation. Produced pyrolysis fluid 8Q7 may be seat to separator 809. Separator 809 may include a number of individual separation units and processing units that produce aqueous stream 811, vapor
stream 813, and hydrocarbon condensate stream 815. Aqueous stream 811 from the separator 809 may be
combined with synthesis gas generating fluid 818 to form synthesis gas generating fluid 821. Synthesis gas
generating fluid 821 may be provided to injection well 817 and introduced to second portion 819 of the formation.
Synthesis gas 823 may be produced from synthesis gas production well 825.
FIG30 depicts a schematic diagram of an embodimentof a system forsynthesis gas production in which
carbon dioxide from produced synthesis gas is injected into a formation. Synthesis gas 830 may be produced
from formation 832 through production well 834. Gas separation unit 836 may separate a portion of carbon
dioxide- from the synthesis gas 830 to produce CO2 stream 838 and remaining synthesis gas stream 840. The C02
stream 838 may be mixed with synthesis gas producing fluid stream 842 that is introduced into the formation 832
through injection well 837, and/or the CO2 may be separately introduced into the formation. This may limitconversion of carbon within the formation to CO2 and/or may increase an amount of CO generated within the
Synthesis gas generating fluid may be introduced into a formation in a variety of different ways. Steam
may be injected into a heated hydrocarbon containing formation at a lowermost portion of the heated formation.
Alternatively, in a steeply dipping formation, steam may be injected up dip with synthesis gas production down
dip. The injected steam may pass through the remaining hydrocarbon containing formation to a production welt.
In addition, endothermic heat of reaction may be provided to the formation with heat sources disposed along a
path of the injected steam. In alternate embodiments, steam may be injected at a plurality of locations along the
hydrocarbon containing formation to increase penetration of the steam throughout the formation. A line drive
pattern of locations may also be utilized. The line drive pattern may include alternating rows of steam injection
wells and synthesis gas production wells.
At relatively low pressures, and temperatures below about 400 °C, synthesis gas reactions are relatively
slow. At relatively low pressures, and temperatures between about 400 °C and about 700 °C, Reaction (2) tends
to be the predominate reaction and the synthesis gas composition is primarily hydrogen and carbon dioxide. At
relatively low pressures, and temperatures greater than about 700 °C, Reaction (1) tends to be the predominate
reaction and the synthesis gas composition is prunarily hydrogen and carbon monoxide.
Advantages of a lower temperature synthesis gas reaction may include lower heat requirements, cheaper
metallurgy and less endothermic reactions (especially when methane formation takes place). An advantage of a
higher temperature synthesis gas reaction is that hydrogen and carbon monoxide may be used as feedstock for
other processes (e.g., Fischer-Trppsch processes).
A pressure of the hydrocarbon containing formation may be maintained at relatively high pressures
during synthesis gas production. The pressure may range from atmospheric pressure to a lithostetic pressure of
the formation. Higher formation pressures may allow generation of electricity by passing produced synthesis gas
through a turbine. Higher formation pressures may allow for smaller collection conduits to transport produced
synthesis gas, and reduced downstream compression requirements on the surface.
In some embodiments, synthesis gas may be produced from a portion of a formation in a substantially
continuous manner. The portion may be heated to a desired synthesis gas generating temperature. A synthesis
gas generating fluid may be introduced into the portion. Heat may be added to, or generated with the portion of
the formation during introduction of the synthesis gas generating fluid to the portion. The added heat
compensates for the loss of heat due to the endothermic synthesis gas reactions as well as heat losses to the top
and bottom layers, etc.: In other embodiments, synthesis gas may be produced in a substantially batch manner.
:The portion of the formation may be heated, or heat may be generated within the portion, to raise a temperature of
the portion to a high synthesis gas generating temperature. Synthesis gas generating fluid may then be added to
the portion until generation of synthesis gas reduces the temperature of Tthe formation below a temperature mat
produces a desired synthesis gas composition. Introduction of the synthesis gas generating fluid may then be
stopped. The cycle may be repeated by reheating the portion of the formation to the high synthesis gas generating
temperature and adding synthesis gas generating fluid after obtaining the high synthesis gas generating
temperature. Composition of generated synthesis gas may be monitored to determine when addition of synthesis
gas generating fluid to me formation should be stopped.
FIG. 31 ttlustrates a schematic of an embodiment o FIG.
31 includes a formation with heat injection wellbore 850 and heat injection wellbore 852. The wellbores may be
members of a larger pattern of wellbores placed throughout a portion of the formation. A portion of a formation
may be heated to synthesis gas generating temperatures by heating the formation with heat sources, by injecting
an oxidizing fluid, or by a combination thereof. Oxidizing fluid 854, such as air or oxygen, and synthesis gas
generating fluid 856, such as steam, may be injected into wellbore 850. In one embodiment, the ratio of oxygen
to steam may be approximately 1:2 to approximately 1:10, or approximately 1:3 to approximately 1:7 (e.g., about-
In situ combustion of hydrocarbons may heat region 858 of the formation between wellbores 850 and
852. Injection of the oxidizing fluid may heat region 858 to a particular temperature range, for example, between
about 600 °C and about 700 °C. The temperature may vary, however, depending on a desired composition of the
synthesis gas. An advantage of the continuous production method may be that the temperature across region 858
may be substantially uniform and substantially constant with time once me formation has reached substantial
thermal equilibrium. Continuous production may also eliminate a need for use of valves to reverse injection
directions on a substantially frequent basis. Further, continuous production may reduce temperatures near the
injections wells due to endothermic cooling from the synthesis gas reaction that may occur in the same region as oxidative heating. The substantially constant temperature njay allow for control of synthesis gas composition.
Produced synthesis gal 860 may exit continuously from wellbore 852.
In an embodiment, it may be desirable to use oxygen rather than air as oxidizing fluid 854 in continuous
production. If air is used, nitrogen may need to be separated from the synthesis gas. The use of oxygen as
oxidizing fluid 854 may increase a cost of production due to the cost of obtaining substantially pure oxygen. The
cryogenic nitrogen by-product obtained from an air separation plant used to produce the required oxygen may,
however, be used in a heat exchanger to condense hydrocarbons from a hot vapor stream produced during
pyrolysis of hydrocarbons. The pure nitrogen may also be used for ammonia production.
FIG. 32 illustrates a schematic of an embodiment of a batch production of synthesis gas in a hydrocarbon
containing formation, Wellbore 870 and wellbore 872 may be located within a portion of the formation. The
wellbores may be members of a larger pattern of wellbores throughout-the portion of the formation. Oxidizing
fluid 874, such as air or oxygen, may be injected mto.wellbore 870. Oxidation of hydrocarbons may heat region
876 of a formation betsyeen wellbores 870 and 872; Injection of air or oxygen may continue until an average
temperature of region 876 is at a desired temperature (e.g., between about 900 °C and about 1000 "C). Higher or
lower temperatures may also be developed. A temperature gradient may be formed in region 876 between
wellbore 870 and wellbore 872. The highest temperature of the gradient may be located proximate to Hie injection
wellbore 870. :
When a desired temperature has been reached, or when oxidizing fluid :has been injected for a desired
period of time, oxidizing fluid injection may be lessened and/or ceased, A synthesis gas generating fluid 877,
such as steam or water, may be injected into the injection wellbore 872 to produce synthesis gas. A back pressure
of the injected steam or water in the injection wellbore may force the synthesis gas produced and un-reacted steam
aqross region 876. A decrease in average temperature of region 876 caused by die endothennic synthesis gas
reaction may be partially offset by the temperature gradient in region 876 hi a direction indicated by arrow 878.
Product stream 880 may be produced through heat source wellbore 870, If-the composition of the product
deviates substantially from a desired composition, then steam injection may cease, and air or oxygen injection
may be reinitiated. :
In one embodiment, synthesis gas of a selected composition maybe produced by blending synthesis gas
produced from different portions of the formation. A first portion of a formation may be heated by one or more heat sources to a first temperature sufficient to allow generation of synthesis gas having a H2 to carbon monoxide
ratio of less than the selected H2 to carbon monoxide ratio (e.g., about 1 or 2). A first synthesis gas generating
fluid may be provided to the first portion to generate a first synthesis gas. The first synthesis gas may be
produced from the formation. A second portion of the formation may be heated by one or more heat sources to a
second temperature sufficient to allow generation of synthesis gas having a H2 to carbon monoxide ratio of greater
than the selected to carbon monoxide ratio (e.g., a ratio of 3 or more). A second synthesis gas generating fluid
may be provided to the second portion to generate a second synthesis gas. The second synthesis gas may be
produced from the formation. The first synthesis gas may be blended with the second synthesis gas to produce a
blend synthesis gas having a desired H2 to carbon monoxide ratio. .
The first temperature may be substantially different than the second temperature. Alternatively; Hie first
andsecond temperatures may be approximately the same temperature. For example, a temperature sufficient to
allow generation of synthesis gas having different compositions may vary depending on compositions of the first
and second portions and/or prior pyrolysis of hydrocarbons within the first and second portions. The first
synthesis gas generating fluid may have substantially the same composition as the second synthesis gas generating
fltiicL Alternatively, the first synthesis gas generating fluid may have a different composition than the second
synthesis gas generating fluid. Appropriate first and second synthesis generating fluids may vary depending upon,
for example, temperatures of the first and second portions, compositions of the first and second portions, and prior
pyrolysis of hydrocarbons within the first and second portions.
In addition, synthesis gas having a selected ratio of H2 to carbon monoxide may be obtained by
controlling the temperature of the formation. In one embodiment, the temperature of an entire portion or section of me formation may be controlled to yield synthesis gas with a selected ratio. Alternatively, me temperature in or proximate to a synthesis gas production well may be controlled to yield synthesis gas with the selected ratio.
In one embodiment, synthesis gas having a selected ratio of Ha to carbon monoxide may be obtained by
treating produced synthesis gas at the surface. First, the temperature of me formation may be controlled to yield
synthesis gas with, a ratio different than a selected ratio. For example, the formation may be maintained at a
' relatively high temperature to generate a synthesis gas with a relatively low Ha to carbon monoxide ratio (e.g., the
: ". ratio may approach 1 under certain conditions). Some or all of me produced synthesis gas may then be provided
to a shift reactor (shift process) at the surface. Carbon monoxide reacts with water in the shift process to produce
H2 and carbon dioxide; Therefore, the shift process increases the Hj to carbon monoxide ratio. The carbon
dioxide may then be separated to obtain a synthesis gas having a selected H2 to carbon monoxide ratio.
In one embodiment, produced synthesis gas 918 may be used for production of energy. In FKk 33,
treated gases 920 may be routed from treatment section 900 to energy generation unit 902 for extraction of useful
energy. Energy may be extracted from the combustible gases generally by oxidizing the gases to produce heat
and converting a portion Of the heat into mechanical and/or electrical energy. Alternatively, energy generation
unit 902 may include a fuel cell that produces electrical energy. In addition, energy generation unit 902 may
include, for example, a molten carbonate fuel cell or another type of fuel cell, a turbine, a boiler firebox, or a
down hole gas. heater. Produced electrical energy 904 may be supplied to power grid 906. A portion of the
produced electricity 908 may be used to supply energy to electrical heating elements 910 that heat formation 912.
In one embodiment, energy generation unit 902 may be a boiler firebox. A firebox may include a small
. refractory-lined chamber, built wholly or partly in the wall of a kiln, for combustion of fuel Air or oxygen 914
/may be supplied to energy generation unit 902 to oxidize the produced synthesis gas. Water 916 produced by
oxidation of the synthesis gas may be recycled to the formation to produce additional synthesis gas.
\ : The produced synthesis gas may also be used as a fuel in down hole gas heaters. Down hole gas heaters,
such as a flameless combustor as disclosed herein, may be configured to heat a hydrocarbon containing formation.
In this manner, a thermal conduction process may be substantially self-reliant and/or may substantially reduce or
eliminate a need for electricity. Because flameless combustors may have a thermal efficiency approaching 90%,
an amount of carbon dioxide released to the environment may be less than an amount of carbon dioxide released
to the environment from a process using fossil-fuel generated electricity to heat the hydrocarbon containing
Carbon dioxide may be produced by both pyrolysis and synthesis gas generation. Carbon dioxide may
; also be produced by energy generation processes and/or combustion processes. Net release of carbon dioxide to
the atmosphere from an in situ conversion process for hydrocarbons may be reduced by utilizing the produced
carbon dioxide and/or by storing carbon dioxide within the formation. For example, a portion of carbon dioxide
produced from the formation may be utilized as a flooding agent or as a feedstock for producing chemicals.
In one embodiment, the energy generation process may produce a reduced amount of emissions by
sequestering carbon dioxide produced during extraction of useful energy. For example, emissions from ah energy generation process may be reduced by storing an amount of carbon dioxide within E hydrocarbon containing
formation. The amount of stored carbon dioxide may be approximately equivalent to that in an exit stream from
FIG. 33 illustrates a reduced emission energy process. Carbon dioxide 928 produced by energy
generation unit 902 may be separated from fluids exiting the energy generation unit Carbon dioxide may be
separated from H2 at high temperatures by using a hot palladium film supported on porous stainless steel or a
, ceramic substrate, or high temperature pressure swing adsorption. The carbon dioxide may be sequestered hi
sjient hydrocarbon containing formation 922, injected into ofl producing fields 924 for enhanced oil recovery by
improving mobility and production of oil in such fields, sequestered into a deep hydrocarbon containing formation
• 926 containing methane by adsorption and subsequent desorption of methane, or re-injected 928 into a section of
: ; the formation through a synthesis gas production well to produce carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide leaving the
-energy generation unit/may be sequestered hi a dewatered methane reservoir. The water for synthesis gas
v 'generation may come fromde watering a methane reservoir. Additional methane can also be produced ' " ' ' • " ' ' ' " ' ' : ' ' ' by
alternating carbon dioxide and nitrogen. An example of a method for sequestering carbon dioxide is illustrated in
JJ.S. Pat No. 5,566,756 to Chaback et aL, which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein.
Additional energy may be utilized by removing heat from the carbon dioxide stream leaving the energy generation
unit . m one embodiment, it may be desirable to cool a hot spent formation before sequestration of carbon
v dioxide. For example, a higher quantity of carbon dioxide may be adsorbed in a coal formation at lower
temperatures. In addition, cooling a formation may strengthen a formation. The spent formation may be cooled
by introducing water mto the formation. The steam produced may be removed from the formation. The
generated steam may be used for any desired process. For example, the steam may be provided to an adjacent
portion of a formation to heat the adjacent portion or to generate synthesis gas.
In one embodiment, a spent hydrocarbon containing formation may be mined. The mined material may
in some embodiments be used for metallurgical purposes such as a fuel for generating high temperatures during
production of steel. Pyrolysis of a coal containing formation may substantially increase a rank of the coal. After
pyrolysis, the coal may be substantially transformed to a coal having characteristics of anthracite. A spent
hydrocarbon containing formation may have a thickness of 30 m or more. Anthracite coal seams, which are
/typically mined for metallurgical uses, may be only about one meter in thickness.
FIG. 34 illustrates an embodiment in which fluid produced from pyrolysis may be separated into a fuel
cell feed stream and fed-"into a fuel cell to produce electricity. The embodiment may include carbon containing formation 940 with producing well 942 configured to produce synthesis gas and heater well 944 with electric
heater 946 configured to produced pyrolysis fluid 948. In one embodiment, pyrolysis fluid may include Hj and
hydrocarbons with carbon numbers less than 5. Pyrolysis fluid 948 produced from heater well 944 may be fed to
gas membrane separation system 950 to separate H2 and hydrocarbons with carbon numbers less than 5. Fuel cell
feed stream 952, which may be substantially composed of Ha, may be fed into fuel cell 954. Air feed stream 956
may be fed into fuel cell 954. Nitrogen stream 958 maybe vented from fuel cell 954. Electricity 960 produced
from the fuel cell may be routed to a power grid. Electricity 962 may also be used to power electric heaters 946 in
heater wells 944. Carbon dioxide 965 may be injected into formation 940.
Hydrocarbons having carbon numbers of 4,3, and 1 typically have fairly high market values. Separation
and selling of these hydrocarbons may be desirable. Typically ethane may not be sufficiently valuable to separate
and sell in some markets. Ethane may be sent as part of a fuel stream to a fuel cell or ethane may be used as a
hydrocarbon fluid component of a synthesis gas generating fluid. Ethane may also be used as a feedstock to
produce ethene. In some markets, there may be no market for any hydrocarbons having carbon numbers less than
: 5. In such a situation, all of the hydrocarbon gases produced during pyrolysis may be sent to fuel cells or be used
as hydrocarbon fluid components of a synthesis gas generating fluid.
' Pyrolysis fluid 964, which may be substantially composed of hydrocarbons with carbon numbers less
than 5, may be mjected into formation 940. When the hydrocarbons contact the formation, hydrocarbons may
: crack yntian the formation to produce methane, H2, coke, and olefins such as ethene and propylene. La one
, embodiment, the production of olefins may be increased by heating the temperature of the formation to the upper
end of the pyrolysis temperature range and by injecting hydrocarbon fluid at a relatively high rate. In this manner,
• residence time of the hydrocarbons in the formation may be reduced and dehydrogenated hydrocarbons may tend
, to form olefins rather than cracking to form H2 and coke. Olefin production may also be increased by reducing
formation pressure. one embodiment, electric heater 946 may be a flameless distributed combustor. At least a portion of
HZ produced from the formation may be used as fuel for the flameless distributed combustor.
In addition, hxsbme embodiments, heater well 944 may heat the formation to a synthesis gas generating
temperature range.. Pyrolysis fluid 964, which may be substantially composed of hydrocarbons with carbon
numbers less than 5, may be injected into the formation 940. When the hydrocarbons contact the formation, the
hydrocarbons may crack within the formation to produce methane, H2, and coke.
FIG. 35 depicts an embodiment of a synthesis gas generating process from hydrocarbon containing
formation 976 with flameless distributed combustor 996. Synthesis gas 980 produced from production well 978
may be fed into gas separation plant 984 where carbon dioxide 986 may be separated from synthesis gas 950.
First portion 990 of carbon dioxide may be routed to a formation for sequestration. Second portion 992 of carbon
dioxide may also be injected into the formation wife synthesis gas generating fluid. Portion 993 of synthesis gas
•988 may be fed to heater well 994 for combustion in distributed burner 996 to produce heat for the formation.
Portion 998 of synthesis gas 988 may be fed to &el cell 1000 for the production of electricity. Electricity 1002
may be routed to a power grid. Steam 1004 produced in the fuel cell and steam 1006 produced from combustion
in the distributed burner may be fed to the formation for generation of synthesis gas.
m one embodiment, carbon dioxide generated with pyrolysis fluids as described herein may be
sequestered in a hydrocarbon containing formation. FIG. 36 illustrates in situ pyrolysis in hydrocarbon containing
formation 1020. Heater well 1022 with electric heater 1024 may be disposed in formation 1020. Pyrolysis fluids
1026 may be produced from formation 1020 and fed into gas separation unit 1028 Where carbon dioxide 1030
may be separated from pyrolysis fluids 1032. Portion 1034 of carbon dioxide 1030 may be stored id formation
1036. The carbon dioxide may be sequestered in spent hydrocarbon containing formation 1038, injected into oil
producing fields 1040 for enhanced oil recovery, or sequestered into coal bed 1042. Alternatively, carbon dioxide
may also be re-injected 1044 into a section of formation 1020 through a synthesis gas production well to produce
carbon monoxide. Atleast aportion of electricity 1035 may be used to power one or more electric heaters.
In one embodiment, fluid produced from pyrolysis of at least some hydrocarbons in a formation may be
fed into a reformer to produce synthesis gas. The synthesis gas maybe fed into a fuel cell to produce electricity.
In addition, carbon dioxide generated by the mel cell may be sequestered to reduce an amount of emissions
generated by the process, :
As shown hi FIG. 37, heater well 1060 may be located within hydrocarbon containing formation 1062.
Additional heater wells may also be located within the formation. Heater well 1060 may include electric heater
1064. Pyrolysis fluid1066 produced from the formation may be fed to a reformer, such as steam reformer 1068,
to produce synthesis gas 1070.- A portion of the pyrolysis products may be used as fuel in the reformer. Steam
reformer 1068 may include a catalyst material that promotes the reforming reaction and a burner to supply heat
forme endothermic reforming reaction. A steam source may be connected to the reformer section to provide
steam for the reforming reaction. The burner may operate at temperatures well above that required by the
reforming reaction and well above the operating temperatures of fuel cells. As such, it may be desirable to
operate the burner as a separate and independent of the feel cell.
- Alternatively, a reformer may include multiple tubes that may be made of refractory metal alloys. Each
tube may include a packed granular or pellitized material haying a reforming catalyst as a surface coating. A
diameter of the tubes may vary from between about 9 cm and about 16 cm, and the heated length of the tube may
normally be between about 6 m and about 12 m. A combustion zone may be provided external to the tubes, and
may be formed in the burner. A surface temperature of the tubes may be maintained by the burner at a
temperature of about 900 °C to ensure that the hydrocarbon fluid flowing inside the tube is properly catalyzed
with steam at a temperature between about 500 °C and about 700 °C. A traditional tube reformer may rely upon
conduction and convection heat transfer within the tube to distribute heat for reforming.
In addition, hydrocarbon fluids, such as pyrolysis fluids, may be pre-processed prior to being fed to a
reformer. The reformer may be configured to transform the pyrorysis fluids into simpler reactants prior to
introduction to a fuel cell. For example, pyrolysis fluids may be pre-processed in a desulfurization unit
Subsequent to pre-processing, the pyrolysis fluids may be provided to a reformer and a shift reactor to produce a
suitable fuel stock for a H2 fueled fuel cell. .
The synthesisgas produced by the reformer may include any of the components describedabove, such as
methane. The produced synthesis gas 1070 may be fed to fuel cell 1072. A portion of electricity 1074 produced
by the fuel cell may be sent to a power grid. In addition, a portion of electricity 1076 may be used to power
electric heater 1064. Carbon dioxide 1078 exiting the fuel cell may be routed to sequestration area 1080.
Alternatively, in one embodiment, pyrolysis fluids 1066 produced from the formation may be fed to
reformer 1068 that produces carbon dioxide stream 1082 and Hi stream 1070. For example, the reformer may
include a flameless distributed combustor for a core, and a membrane. The membrane may allow only H2 to pass
through the membrane resulting in separation of the H2 and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide may be routed to
sequestration area 1080. . ;
Synthesis gas produced from a formation may be converted to heavier condensable hydrocarbons. For
example, a Fischer-Tropsch hydrocarbon synthesis'process may be used for conversion of synthesis gas. A
Fischer-Tropsch process may include converting synthesis gas to hydrocarbons. The process may use elevated
temperatures, normal or elevated pressures, and a catalyst, such as magnetic iron oxide or a cobalt catalyst
Products produced from a Fischer-Tropsch process may include hydrocarbons having a broad molecular weight
distribution and may include branched and unbranched paraffins. Products from a Fischer-Tropsch process may
also include considerable quantities of olefins and oxygen-containing organic compounds. An example of a
Fischer-Tropsch reaction may be illustrated by the following:
(7) (af2)CO + (2n+5)H2 A hydrogen to carbon monoxide ratio for synthesis gas used as a feed gas for a Fischer-Tropsch reaction
may be about 2:1. In certain embodiments the ratio may range from approximately 1.8:1 to 2.2:1. Higher or
lower ratios may be accommodated by certain Fischer-Trbpsch systems.
FIG. 38 illustrates a flowchart of a Fischer-Tropsch process that uses synthesis gas produced from a
hydrocarbon containing formation as a feed stream. Hot formation 1090 may be used to produce synthesis gas
having a H2 to CO ratio of approximately 2:1. The proper ratio may be produced by operating synthesis
production wells at approximately 700 °C, or by blending synthesis gas produced from different sections of
formation to obtain a synthesis gas having approximately a 2:1 H2 to CO ratio. Synthesis gas generating fluid
1092 may be fed into the hot formation 1090 to generate synthesis gas. H2 and CO may be separated from the
synthesis gas produced from the hot formation 1090 to form feed stream 1094. Feed stream 1094 may be sent to
Fischer-Trppsch plant 1096. Feed stream 1094 may supplement or replace synthesis gas 1098 produced from
catalytic methane reformer 1 lOO.
\ Fischer-Tropsch plant 1096 may produce wax feed stream 1102. The Fischer-Tropsch synthesis process
that produces wax feed stream 1102 is an exothermic process; Steam 1104 may be generated during the Fischer-
Tropsch process. Stearn 1104 may be used as a portion of synthesis gas generating fluid 1092.
Wax feed stream 1102 produced from Fischer-Tropsch plant 1096 may be sent to hydrocracker 1106.
The hydrocracker may produce product stream 1108. The product stream may include diesel, jet fuel, and/or
naphtha products. Examples of methods for conversion of synthesis gas to hydrocarbons in a Fischer-Tropsch
process are illustrated inU.S. Patent Nos. 4,096,163 to Chang et al., 6,085,512 to Agee et al., and 6,172,124 to
Wolflick et al., which are: incorporated by reference as if folly set forth herein,
FIG. 39 depicts an embodiment of in situ synthesis gas production integrated with a Shell Middle
Distillates Synthesis (SMDS) Fischer-Tropsch and wax cracking process. An example of a SMDS process isillustrated inU.S. Pat. No. 4,594,468 to Minderhoud, and is incorporated by reference as if folly set forth herein.
A middle distillates hydrocarbon mixture may also be produced from produced synthesis gas using the SMDS
process as illustrated in F13. 39. Middle distillates may designate hydrocarbon mixtures with a boiling point
range that may correspond substantially with that of kerosene and gas oil fractions obtained in a conventional
atmospheric distillation of crude.p.il material. The middle distillate boiling point range may include temperatures
between about 150 °C and about 360 °C, with a fractions boiling point between about 200 °C and about 360 °C,
iand may be referred to as gas oil. FIG. 39 depicts synthesis gas 1120, having a Ha to carbon monoxide ratio of
abbut2:l, that may exit production well 1128 and may be fed into SMDS plant 1122. In certain embodiments the
ratio may range from approximately 1.8:1 to 2.2:1. Products of the SMDS plant include organic liquid product
1124 and steam 1126. Steam 1126 maybe supplied to injection wells 1127. In this manner, steam maybe used
as a feed for synthesis gas production. Hydrocarbon vapors may hi some circumstances be added to the steam.
FIG. 40 depicts an embodiment of in situ synthesis gas production integrated with a catalytic
methanation process. For example, synthesis gas 1140 exiting production well 1142 may be supplied to catalytic
methanation plant 1144, In some-embodiments, it may be desirable for the composition of produced synthesis"
gas, which may be usedias a feed gas for a catalytic methanation process, to have a Ha to carbon monoxide ratio of
about three to one. Methane 1146 may be produced by catalytic methanation plant 1144. Steam 1148 produced
by plant 1144 may be supplied to injection welt 1141 for production of synthesis gas. Examples of a catalytic
[rriethahation process are illustrated in U.S. Patent Nos. 3,992,148 to Child, 4,130,575 to Jom et al, and 4,133,825
to Stroudet al., whichareincorporated by reference as if fullyset forth herein.
The synthesis gas produced may also be used as a feed for a process for production of methanol.
Examples of processes for production of methanol are illustrated in U.S. Patent Nos. 4,407,973 to van Dijk et al.,
492757 to McShea, IH et al., and 4,994,093 to Wetzel et al, which are incorporated by reference as if fully set
forth herein. The produced synthesis gas may also be used as a feed gas for a process that may convert synthesis
gas to gasoline and a process that may convert synthesis gas to diesel fuel Examples of process for producingengine fuels are illustrated in U.S. Patent Nos. 4,076,761 to Chang et al, 4,138,442 to Chang et al, and 4,605,680
toBeuther et al., which are incorporated by reference as if fully set forthhereinu
In one embodiment,produced synthesis gas may be used asia feed gas for production of ammonia and
urea as illustrated by FIGS/41 and 42. Ammonia may be synthesized by the Haber-Bosch "process, which
involves synthesis directly from N2 and H2 according to the reaction:
The N2 and H2 way be combined, compressed to highpressure, (e.g.j from about 80 bars to about 220
/bars), and then heated to a relatively high temperature. The reaction mixture may be passed over a catalyst
composed substantially of iron, where ammonia production may occur. During ammonia synthesis, the reactants
(i.e., N2 and H2) and the product (Le., ammonia) may be in equilibrium. In this manner, the total amount of
ammonia produced may be increased by shifting the equilibrium towards product formation. Equilibrium may be
: shifted to product formation by removing ammonia from me reaction mixture as it is produced.
Removal of the ammonia may be accomplished by cooling the gas mixture to a temperature between
about (-5) °C to about 25 °C. In this temperature range, a two-phase mixture may be formed with ammonia in the
liquid phase and N2 and H2 in the gas phase. The ammonia may be separated from other components of the
• mixture. The nitrogen and hydrogen may be subsequently reheated to the operating temperature for ammonia
conversion and passed through the reactor again.
Urea may be prepared by introducing ammonia and carbon dioxide into a reactor at a suitable pressure,
; (e.g.j from about 125 bars absolute to about 350 bars absolute), and at a suitable temperature, (e.g., from about
\ '160. °C to about 250 °C). Ammonium carbonate may be formed according to the following reaction:
(9) 2NH3H-co2NH2(co2)NH4
Urea may be subsequently formed by dehydrating the ammonium carbonate according to the following
equilibrium reaction:
(10) NH2(CQ2)NH4*-»NH2(CO)1S!H2+ H2O
The degree to which the ammonia conversion takes place may depend on, for example, the temperature
and the amount of excess ammonia. The solution obtained as the reaction product may substantially include urea,
water, ammonium carbonate and unbound ammonia. The ammonium carbonate and the ammonia may need to
be removed from the solution. Once removed, they may be returned to the reactor. The reactor may include
separate zones for the formation of ammonium carbonate and urea. However, these zones may also be combined
into one piece of equipment.
According to one embodiment, a high pressure urea plant may operate such mat the decomposition of the
ammonium carbonate that has not been converted into urea and the expulsion of the excess ammonia may be
conducted at a pressure between 15 bars absolute and 100 bars absolute. This may be considerably lower than the
pressure in the urea synthesis reactor. The synthesis reactor may be operated at a temperature of about 180 °C to
about 210 °C and at a pressure of about 180 bars absolute to about 300i bars absolute. Ammonia and carbon
dioxide may be directly fed to the urea reactor. The NH2/CO3 molar ratio (N/C molar ratio) in the urea synthesis
may generally be between about 3 and about 5. The unconverted reactants may be recycled to the urea synthesis
reactor following expansion, dissociation, and/or condensation.
In one embodiment; an ammonia feed stream having a selected ratio of H2 to N2 may be generated from a
formation using enriched air. A synthesis gas generating fluid and an enriched air stream may be provided to the
formation. The composition of the enriched air may be selected to generate synthesis gas having tile selected ratio
of H2 to N2. In one embodiment, the temperature of me formation may be 'controlled to generate synthesis gas
haying the selected ratio. v
In one embodiment,theH2 to N2 ratio of the feed stream provided to the ammonia synthesis process may
be approximately 3:1. In other embodiments, the ratio may range from approximately 2.8:1 to 3.2:1. An
; ammonia synthesis feed stream having a selected H2 to N2 ratio may be obtained by blending feed streams
produced from different portions of the formation. '
In one embodiment, ammonia from the ammonia synthesis process may be provided to a urea synthesis
process to generate urea. Ajrxaowa. produced during pyrolysis may be added to me ammonia generated from the
ammonia synthesis process. In another embodiment, ammonia produced during hydrotreating may be added to
the ammonia generated from the ammonia synthesis process. Some of the carbon monoxide in the synthesis gas
may be converted to carbon dioxide in a shift process. The carbon dioxide from the shift process may be fed to the
urea synthesis process. Carbon dioxide generated from treatment of the formation may also be fed, in some
instances, to the urea synthesis process.
: FIG. 41 illustrates an embodiment of a method for production of ammonia and urea from synthesis gas
using membrane-enriched air. Enriched air 1170 and steam, or water, 1172 may be ted into hot carbon containing
formation 1174 to produce synthesis gas 1176 in a wet oxidation mode as described herein.
la certain embodiments, enriched air 1170 is blended from air and oxygen streams such that the nitrogen
to hydrogen ratio hi the produced synthesis gas is about 1:3. The synthesis gas may be at a correct ratio of
nitrogen and hydrogen to form ammonia. For example, it has been calculated that for a formation temperature of
700 °C, a pressure of 3 bar absolute, and with 13,231 tons/day of char that will be converted into synthesis gas,
one could inject 14.7 kilotons/day of air, 6*2 kilotons/day of oxygen, and 21.2 kilotons/day of steam. This would
result in production of 2 billion cubic feet/day of synthesis gas including 5689 tons/day of steam, 16,778 tons/day
of carbon monoxide, 1406 tons/day of hydrogen, 18,689 tons/day of carbon dioxide, 1258 tons/day of methane,
and 11,398 tons/day of nitrogen. After a shift reaction (to shift the carbon monoxide to carbon dioxide, and to
produce additional hydrogen), the carbon dioxide may be removed, the product stream may be methanated (to
remove residual carbon inonoxide), and then one can theoretically produce 13,840 tons/day of ammonia and 1258
tons/day of methane. This calculation includes the products produced from Reactions (4) and (5) above.
Enriched air may be produced from a membrane separation' unit Membrane separation of air may be
primarily a physical process. Based upon specific characteristics of each molecule, such as size and permeation
rate; the molecules in air may be separated to form substantially pure forms of nitrogen, oxygen, or combinations
thereof.' In one embodiment, .a membrane system may include a hollow tube filled with a plurality of very thin
membrane fibers. Each membrane fiber may be another hollow tube in which air flows. The walls of the
membrane fiber may be porous and may be configured such that oxygen may permeate through the wall at a faster
rate than nitrogen. In this manner, a nitrogen rich stream may be allowed to flow out the other end of the fiber.
Air outside the fiber and in the hollow tube may be oxygen enriched. Such air may be separated for subsequent
uses such as production of synthesis gas from a formation. ;
In one embodiment, the purity'of the nitrogen generated may be controlled by variation of the flow rate
and/or pressure of air through the membrane. Increasing air pressure may increase permeation of oxygen
molecules through a fiber wall. Decreasing flow rate may increase the residence tune of oxygen in the membrane
and, thus, may increase permeation through the fiber wall. Air pressure and flow rate may be adjusted to allow a
system operator to vary the amount and purity of the nitrogen generated in a relatively short amount of time.
The amount of N2 in the enriched air may be adjusted to provide a Nil ratio of about 3:1 for ammonia
production. It may be desirable to generate synthesis gas at a temperature that may favor the production of carbon
dioxide over carbon monoxide. It may be advantageous for me temperature of the formation to be between about
400 °C and about 550 °G. In another embodiment, it may be desirable for me temperature of the formation to be
100 ,v:
between about 400 °G and about 450 °G. Synthesis gas produced at such low temperatures may be substantially
composed of Na, Hj, and Sarbon dioxide with little carbon monoxide.
As illustrated in FIG. 41, a feed stream for ammonia production may be prepared by first feeding
synthesis gas stream 1176 into ammonia feed stream gas processing unit 1178. In ammonia feed stream gas
processing unit 1178 the feed stream may undergo a shift reaction (to shift the carbon monoxide to carbon
dioxide, and to produce additional hydrogen). Carbon dioxide can also be removed from the feed stream, and the
feed stream can be methanated (to remove residual carbon monoxide).
In certain embodiments carbon dioxide may be separated from the feed stream (or any gas stream) by
absorption in an amine unit. Membranes or other carbon dioxide separation techniques/equipment may also be
used to separate carbon dioxide from a feed stream.
Ammonia feed stream 1180 may be fed to ammonia production facility 1182 to produce ammonia 1184.
Carbon dioxide 1186 exiting the gas separation unit 1178 (and/or carbon dioxide from other sources) may be fed,
with ammonia 1184, into urea production facility i 188 to produce urea 1190.
Ammonia and urea may be produced using a carbon containing formation, and using an Pz rich stream
and an N2 rich stream. The 02 rich stream and synthesis gas generating fluid may be provided to a formation.
The formation may be heated, or partially heated, by oxidation of carbon in the formation with the 62 rich stream.
H2 in the synthesis gas and N2 from the N2 rich stream, may be provided to an ammonia synthesis process to
generate ammonia.
FIG. 42 illustrates a flowchart of an embodiment for production of ammonia and urea from synthesis gas
using cryogentcally separated air. Air 2000 may be fed into cryogenic air separation unit 2002. Cryogenic
separation involves a distillation process that may occur at temperatures between about (-168) °C and (-172) °C.
In other embodiments, the distillation process may occur at temperatures between about (-165) °C and (-175) °C.
Air may liquefy in these temperature ranges. The distillation process may be operated at a pressure between about
8 bars absolute and about 10 bars absolute. High pressures may be achieved by compressing air and exchanging
heat with cold air exiting the column. Nitrogen is more volatile than oxygen and may come off as a distillate
product ;
N2 2004 exiting the separator may be utilized in heat exchanger 2006 to condense higher molecular
weight hydrocarbons from pyrotysis stream 2008 to remove lower molecular weight hydrocarbons from the gas
phase into a liquid oil phase. Upgraded gas stream 2Q10 containing a higher composition of lower molecular weight hydrocarbons fean stream 2008 and liquid stream 2012, which includes condensed hydrocarbons, may exit
heat exchanger 2006. ,
Oxygen 2014 from cryogenic separation unit 2002 and steam 2016,or water, may be fed into hot carbon
containing formation 2018 to produce synthesis gas 2020 in a continuous process as described herein. It is
desirable to generate synthesis gas at a temperature that favors the formation of carbon dioxide over carbon
monoxide. It may be advantageous for the temperature of the formation to be between about 400 °C and about
550 °C. In another embodiment, it may be desirable for the temperature of the formation to be between about 400
°C and about 450 °C, Synthesis gas 2020 may be substantially composed of H2 and carbon dioxide.: Carbon
dioxide may be removed from synthesis gas 2020 to prepare a feed stream for ammonia production usmg amine
gas separation unit 2022. H2 stream 2024 from the gas separation unit and N* stream 2026 from the heat
exchanger may be fed into ammonia production facility 2028 to produce ammonia 2030. Carbon dioxide 2032
exiting the gas separation unit and ammonia 2030 may be fed into urea production facility 2034 to produce urea'-2036. In one embodiment, an ammonia synthesis process feed stream may be generated by feeding a gas
containing N2 and carbon dioxide to a carbon containing formation. The gas may be flue gas or it may be gas
generated by an oxidation reaction of O2 with carbon in another portion of the formation. The gas containing N2
and carbon dioxide may be provided to a carbon containing formation. The carbon dioxide in the gas may adsorb
iii the formation and be sequestered therein. An exit stream may be produced from the formation. The exit
stream may have a substantially lower percentage of carbon dioxide than the gas entering the formation. The
nitrogen in the exit gas may be provided to an ammonia synthesis process. H2 in synthesis gas from another
portion of the formation-may be provided to the ammonia synthesis process.
FIG. 43 illustrates an embodiment of a method for preparing a nitrogen stream for an ammonia and urea.
process. Air 2060 may be injected Into hot carbon containing formation 2062 to produce carbon dioxide by
; oxidation of carbon in the formation. In an embodiment, a heater may be configured to heat at least a portion of
the carbon containing formation to a temperature sufficient to support oxidation of the carbon. The temperature
sufficient to support oxidation may be, for example, about 260 °C for coal. Stream 2064 exiting the hot formation
may be composed substantially of carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Nitrogen may be separated from carbon dioxide
by passing the stream through cold spent carbon containing formation 2066. Carbon-may be preferentially
adsorbed versus nitrogen in the cold spent formation 2066. For example, at 50 °C and 0.35 bars, the adsorption of
carbon dioxide on a spent portion of coal may be about 72m3/metric ton compared to about 15.4 m3/menic ton for
nitrogen. Nitrogen 2068 exiting the cold spent portion 2066 may be supplied to ammonia production facility 2070 with H2 stream 2072 to produce ammonia 2074. The H2 stream may be obtained by methods disclosed herein, for
example, the methods described hi FIGS. 41 and 42.
FIG. 44 illustrates art embodiment of a system configured to treat a relatively permeable formation.
Relatively permeable formation 2200 may include heavy hydrocarbons. Production wells 2210 may be disposed
in relatively permeable formation 2200. Relatively permeable formation 2200 may be enclosed between
substantially impermeable layers 2204. An upper substantially impermeable layer 2204 may be referred to as an
-overburden of formation 2200. A lower substantially impermeable layer 2204 may be referred to as a base rock
of formation 2200. The overburden and the base rock may include different types of impermeable materials. For
example, the overburden and/or the base rock may include shale or wet carbonate (i.e., a carbonate without
hydrocarbons in it). V
Low temperature heat sources 2216 and high temperature heat sources 2218 may be disposed in
production well 2210 Low temperature heat sources 2216 and high temperature heat sources 2218 may be
configured as describedherein. Production well 2210 may be configured as described herein. Low temperature
heat source 2216 may generally refer to a heat source, or heater, configured to provide heat to a selected
mobilization section of formation 2200 substantially adjacent to the low temperature heat source. The provided
heat may be configured to heat some or all of the selected mobilization section to an average temperature within a
mobilization temperature range of the heavy hydrocarbons contained within formation 2200. The mobilization
temperature range may be between about 75 °C to about 150 °C, A selected mobilization temperature may be
j about 100 °C. The mobilization temperature may vary, however, depending on a viscosity of the heavy
:. hydrocarbons contained within formation 2200. For example,: a higher mobilization temperature may be required
to mobilize a higher viscdsity fluid within formation'2200. High temperatutre heat source 2218 may generally refer to a heat source, or heater, configured to provide
•heat to selected pyrolyzation section 2202 of formation 2200 substantially adjacent to flxe heat source 2218. The
provided heat may be configured to heat selected pyrolyzation section 2202 to an average temperature within a
pyrolization temperature range of the heavy hydrocarbons contained within formation 2200. The pyrolization
temperature range may be between about 270 °C to about 400 °C. A selected pyrolization temperature may be
about 300 °C. The pyrolization temperature may vary, however, depending on formation characteristics,
composition, pressure, and/or a desired quality of a product produced from formation 2200. A quality of the product may be determined based upon properties of the product,(e.g-i *he API gravity of the product).
Pyrolyzation may include cracking of the heavy hydrocarbons into hydrocarbon fragments and/or lighter
hydrocarbons. Pyrolyzation of the heavy hydrocarbons tends to upgrade the quality of the heavy hydrocarbons.
As shown in FIG; 44, mobilized fluids in formation 2200 may flow into selected pyrolyzation section
2202 substantially by gravity. The mobilized fluids may be upgraded by pyrolysis in selected pyrolyzation
section 2202. Flow of the mobilized fluids may optionally be increased by providing pressurizing fluid 2214
through conduit 2212 into formation 2200. Pressurizing fluid 2214 may be a fluid configured to increase a
pressure in formation 2200 proximate to conduit 2212. The increased pressure proximate to conduit 2212 may
increase a flow of the mobilized fluids in formation 2200 into selected pyrolyzation section 2202. A pressure of
pressurizing fluid 2214 provided by conduit 2212 may be between about ? bars absolute to about 70 bars absolute.
The pressure of pressurizing fluid 2214 may vary, however, depending on, for example, a viscosity of fluid within
formation 2200 and/or a desired flow rate of fluid into selected pyrolyzation section 2202. Pressurizing fluid
2214 may be any gas that may not substantially oxidize the heavy hydrocarbons. For example, pressurizing fluid
2214 may include N2, CO2CH4, hydrogen, steam, etc. "
Production wells 2210 may be configured to remove pyrolyzation fluids and/or mobilized fluids from
selected pyrolyzation section 2202. Formation fluids may be removed as a vapor. The formation fluids may be
further upgraded by high temperature heat source 2218 and low temperature heat source 2216 in production well
2210. Production welt 2210 may be further configured to control pressure in selected pyrolyzation section 2202
to provide a pressure gradient so that mobilized fluids flow into selected pyrolyzation section: 2202 from the
selected mobilization section. In some embodiments, pressure in selected pyrolyzation section 2202 may be
controlled to in turn control the flow of the mobilized fluids into selected pyrolyzation section 2202. By not
heating the entire formation to pyrolyzation temperatures, the drainage process may produce a substantially higher
ratio of energy produced versus energy input for the in situ conversion process.
In addition, -pressure in relatively permeable formation 2200 may be controlled to produce a desired
quality of formation fluids. For example, the pressure in relatively permeable formation 2200 may be increased to
produce formation fluids with an increased API gravity as compared to formation fluids produced at a lower pressure. Increasing the pressure in relatively permeable formation 2200 may increase a hydrogen partial pressure
in mobilized and/or pyrolyzation fluids. The increased hydrogen partial pressure in mobilized and/or pyrolyzation
fluids may reduce heavy hydrocarbons utilized and/or pyrolyzation fluids. Reducing the heavy hydrocarbons
may produce lighter, more Valuable hydrocarbons. An API gravity of the hydrogenated heavy hydrocarbons may
be substantially higher than an API gravity of the un-hydrogen heavy hydrocarbons.
to an embodiment; pressurizing fluid 2214 may be provided to formation 2200 through a conduit
disposed in/or proximate to production well 2210. The conduit may be configured to provide pressurizing fluid
.':•": 2214 into formation 2200 proximate to upper impermeable layer 2204. ;
la another embodiment, low temperature heat source 2216 may be tamed down and/or off in production
wells 2210. The heavy hydrocarbons in formation 2200 may be mobilized by transfer of heat from selected
: pyrolyzation section 2202 into an adjacent portion of formation 2200. Heat transfer from selected pyrolyzation
section 2202 may be substantially by conduction.
FIG. 45 illustrates an embodiment configured to treat a relatively permeable formation without
substantially pyrolyzing mobilized fluids. Low temperature heat source 2216 may be disposed in production well
2210. Low temperature heat source 2216, conduit 2212, and impermeable layers 2204 may be configured as
described in the embodiment shown in FIG. 44. Low temperature heat source 2216 may be further configured to
provide heat to formation 2200 to heat some or all of formation 2200 to an average temperature within the
mobilization temperature range. Mobilized fluids within formation 2200 may flow towards a bottom of formation
2200 substantially by gravity. Pressurising fluid 2214 may be provided into formation 2200 through conduit 2212
and may be configured, as described ID the embodiment shown in FIG. 44, to increase a flow of the mobilized
: fluids towards the bottom of formation 2200. Pressurizing fluid 2214 may also be provided into formation 2200
through a conduit disposed in/or proximate to production well 2210. Formation fluids may be removed through
production well 2210 at and/or near the bottom of formation 2200. Low temperature heat source 2216 may
provide heat to the formation fluids removed through production well 2210. The provided heat may vaporize the
removed formation fluids within production well 2210 such that the formation fluids may be removed as a vapor.
The provided heat may also increase an API gravity of the removed formation fluids within production well 2210.
FIG. 46 illustrates an embodiment for treating a relatively permeable formation with layers 2201 of
heavy hydrocarbons separated by impermeable layers 2204. Heat injection well 2220 and production well 2210
may be disposed in relatively permeable formation 2200. Substantially impermeable layers 2204 may separate
layers 2201. Heavy hydrocarbons may be disposed in layers 2201. Low temperature heat source 2216 may be
disposed in injection well 2220. Low temperature heat source 2216 may be configured as described in any of the
above embodiments. Heavy hydrocarbons may be mobilized by heat provided from low temperature heat source
2216 such that a viscosity of the heavy hydrocarbons may be substantially reduced. Pressurizing fluid 2214 may
be provided through openings in ••injection well 2220 into layers 2201, The pressure of pressurizing fluid 2214
may cause the mobilized fluids to flow towards production well 2210. The pressure of pressurizing fluid 2214 at
or near injection well 2220 may be about 7 bars absolute to about 70 bars absolute. However, the pressure of
pressurizing fluid 2214 may be controlled to remain be pw a pressure that may lift the overburden of relatively
permeable formation 2200.
High temperature heat source 2218 may be disposed in production well 2210. High temperature heat
source 2218 may be configured as described in any of the above embodiments. Heat provided by high
temperature heat source 2218 may substantially pyrotyze a portion of the mobilized fluids within a selected
pyrolyzatioh section proximate to production well 2210. The pyrolyzation and/or mobilized fluids may be
removed from layers 2201 by production well 2210. High temperature heat source 2218 may further upgrade the
removed formation fluids within production well 2210. the removed formation fluids may be removed as a vapor
through production well 2210. A pressure at or near production well 2210 may be less than about 70 bars
absolute. By not neating the entire formation to pyrolyzation temperatures, the process may produce a
substantially higher ratio of energy produced versus energy input for me in situ conversion process. Upgrading of
fiieformation fluidsat ornear production well 2210 n«y produce a substantially higher vahie product '.
In another embodiment, high temperature heat source 2218 may be replaced with low temperature heat
source 2216 within production well 2210. Low temperature heat source 2216 may provide for substantially less
pyrolyzation of the heavy hydrocarbons within layers 2201 than high temperature heat source 2218. Therefore,
the formation fluids removed through production well 2210 may not be as substantially upgraded as formation
fluids removed through production well 2210 with high temperature heat source 2218, as described for the
embodiment shown in FIG. 46.
In another embodiment, pyrolyzation of the heavy hydrocarbons may be increased by replacing low
temperature heat source 2216 with high temperature heat source 2218 within injection well 2220. High
temperature heat source 2218 may provide for substantially more pyrolyzation. of the heavy hydrocarbons within
layers 2201 than low temperature heat source 2216. The formation fluids removed through production well 2210
may be substantially upgraded as compared to the formation fluids removed in a process using low temperature
heat source 2216 within injection well 2220 as described in the embodiment shown in FIG. 46.
y hi some embodiments, a relatively permeable formation containing heavy hydrocarbons may be
substantially below a substantially thick impermeable layer (overburden). The overburden may have a thickness
of at least about 300 m or more. The thickness of the overburden may be determined by a geographical location
; of the relatively permeable formation.
In some embodiments, it may be more economical to provide heat to the formation with heat sources
disposed horizontally within the relatively permeable formation. A production well may also be disposed
horizontally within the relatively permeable formation. The production well may be disposed, however, either
horizontally within the relatively permeable formation, vertically within the relatively permeable formation, or at
an angle to the relatively permeable formation.
Production well 2210 may also be further configured as described in any of the embodiments herein. For
example, production well 2210 may include a valve configured to alter, maintain, and/or control a pressure of at
least a portion of the formation.
FIG. 47 illustrates an, embodiment for treating a relatively permeable formation using horizontal heat
sources. Heat source 2300 may be disposed within relatively permeable formation 2200. Relatively permeable
formation 2200 may be substantially below impermeable layer 2204. Impermeable layer 2204 may include, but
may not be limited to, shale or carbonate. Impermeable layer 2204 may have a thickness of about 20 in or more.
Aim FIG. 46, a thickness of impermeable layer 2204 may depend on, for example, a geographic location of
impermeable layer 2204. Heat source 2300 may be disposed horizontally within relatively permeable formation
2200. Heat source 2300 may be configured to provide heat to a portion of relatively permeable formation 2200.
Heat source 2300 may include a low temperature heat source and/or a high temperature heat source as described
in any of the above embodiments. The provided heat may be configured to substantially mobilize a portion of
heavy hydrocarbons within relatively permeable formation 2200 as in any of the embodiments described herein.
The provided heat may also be configured to pyrolyze a portion of heavy hydrocarbons within relatively
permeable formation 2200 as in any of the embodiments described herein. A length of heat source 2300 disposed
within relatively permeable formation 2200 may be between about 50 m to about 1500 m. The length of heat source 2300 within relatively permeable formation 2200 may vary, however, depending on, for example, a width
of relatively permeable formation 2200, a desired production rate, and an energy output of heat source 2300.
; FIG. 48 illustrates an embodiment for treating a relatively permeable formation using substantially
horizontal heat sources. Heat sources 2300 may be disposed horizontally within relatively permeable formation '
2200. Heat sources 2300 may be configured as described in the above embodiment shown in JIG; 47, Heat
sources 2300 are depicted FIG. .48 from a different perspective than the heat sources shown inFKL47.
Relatively permeable formation 2200 may be substantially below impermeable layer 2204. Production well 2302
may be disposed vertically, horizontally, or at an angle to relatively permeable formation 2200. The location of
production "well 2302 within relatively permeable formation 2200 may vary depending on, for example, a desired
product and a desired production rate. For example, production well 2302 may be disposed proximate to a bottom
of relatively permeable formation 2200.
Heat sources 2300 may provide heat to substantially mobilize a portion of the heavy hydrocarbons within
relatively permeable formation 2200. The mobilized fluids may flow towards a bottom of relatively permeable
formation 2200 substantially by gravity. The mobilized fluids may be removed through production well 2302.
Each of heat sources 2300 disposed at or near the bottom of relatively permeable formation 2200 may be
configured to heat some or all of a section proximate the bottom of formation 2200 to a temperature sufficient to
; pyrolyze heavy hydrocarbons within me secripn. Such a section may be referred to as a selected pyrelyzation
section. A temperature within the selected pyrblyzation section may be between about 270 °C and about 400 °C
and may be configured as described in any of the embodiments herein. Pyrolysis of the heavy hydrocarbons
within the selected pyrolyzation section may convert at least a portion of the heavy hydrocarbons into
pyrolyzation fluids. The pyrolyzation fluids may be removed through production well 2302. Production well
2302 may be disposed within the selected pyrolyzation section. In some embodiments, one or more of heat
sources 2300 may be turned .down and/or off after substantially mobilizing the majority of the heavy .
hydrocarbons within relatively permeable formation 2200. Doing so may more efficiently heat the formation
and/or may save on input energy costs associated with the in situ process. Also, heating during "off peak" times
may be cheaper.
In an embodiment, production well 2302 may reman closed until a temperature sufficient to pyrolyze at
least a portion of me heavy hydrocarbons in the selected pyrolyzation section may be reached. Doing so may
inhibit production of substantial amounts of unfavorable heavy hydrocarbons from relatively permeable formation
2200. Production of substantial amounts of heavy hydrocarbons may require expensive equipment and/or reduce
the life of production equipment.
; In addition, heat may be provided within production well 2302 to varwrize me removed formation Suids.
Heat may also be provided within production well 2302 to pyrolyze and'or upgrade the removed formation fluids
as described in any of the embodiments herein.
A pressurizing fluid may be provided into, relatively permeable formation 2200 through heat sources
2300. The pressurizing fluid may increase the flow of the mobilized fluids towards production well 2302. For
: example, increasing the pressure of the pressurizing fluid proximate heat sources 2300 will tendfto increase the
/flow of the mobilized fluids towards production well 2302. The pressurizing fluid may include, but inay not be
limited to, NZ, CO2 CH4, H2, steam, and/or mixtures thereof Alternatively, the pressurizing fluid may be
provided through an injection well disposed in relatively permeable formation 2200,
'•(• .; In addition, pressure in relatively permeable formation 2200 may be controlled such that aproduction
rate of formation fluids may be controlled. The pressure ;in relatively permeable formation 2200 may be
controlled through, for example, production well 2302, heat sources 2300, and/or a pressure control well disposed-.
Production well 2302 may also be further configured as described in any of Hie embodiments herein. For
example, production well 2302 may include a valve configured to alter, maintain, and/or control ia pressure .of at
least a portion of the formation.
In an embodiment, an in situ process for treating a relatively permeable formation may include providing
heat to a portion of a formation from a plurality of heat sources, A plurality of heat sources may be arranged
within a relatively permeable formation in a pattern. FIG. 49 illustrates an embodiment of pattern 2404 of heat
sources 2400 and production well 2402 that may be configured to treat a relatively permeable formation. Heat
sources 2400 may be arranged in a "5 spot" pattern with production well 2402. In the "5 spot" pattern, four heat
sources 2400 may be arranged substantially equidistant from production welt 2402 and substantially equidistant
from each other as depicted in FIG. 49. Depending on, for example, the heat generated by each heat source 2400.
a spacing between heat sources 2400 and production well 2402 may be determined by a desired product or a
desired production fate; Heat sources 2400 may also be configured as a production well. A spacing between heat
sources 2400 and production well 2402 may be, for example, about 15 m. Also, production well 2402 may be
configured as a heat source.
FIG. 50 illustrates an alternate embodiment of pattern 2406 heat sources 2400 may be arranged in a "7
spot" pattern with production well 2402. In the "7 spot" pattern, six heat sources 2400 may be arranged
substantially equidistant from production well 2402 and substantially equidistant from each other as depicted in
FIG 50. Heat sources 2400 may also be configured as a production well. Also, production well 2402 may be
.-•'. configured as a heat source. A spacing between heat sources 2400 and production well 2402 may be. determined
as described in any Of the above embodiments.
It is to be understood a geometrical pattern of heat sources 2400 and production wells 2402 is described
herein by example. A pattern of heat sources 2400 and production wells 2402 may vary depending on, for
example, the type of relatively permeable formation configured to be treated. For example, a pattern of heat
Sources 2400 and production wells 2402 may include a pattern as described in any of the embodiments herein. In
addition, a location of a production well 2402 within a pattern of heat sources 2400 may be determined by, for
example, a desired heating rate of the relatively permeable formation, a heating rate of the heat sources, a type of
heat source, a type of relatively permeable formation, a composition of the relatively permeable formation, a
Viscosityof the relatively permeable formation, and/or a desired production rate.
In some embodiments, a portion of a relatively permeable formation may be heated at a heating rate in a
range from about 0.1 °C/day to about 50 °C/day. A majority of hydrocarbons may be produced from a formation
at a heatmg rate within a range of about 0.1 °C/day to about 15 °C/day. In an embodiment, the relatively
permeable formation may be heated at a rate of less than about 0.7 °C/day through a significant portion of a
temperature range in which pyrolyzation fluids are removed from the formation. The significant portion may be
greater than 50 % of the time needed to span the temperature range, more than 75 % of the time needed to span
thetemperature range, or more than 90 % of the time needed to span the temperature range.
. Aquality of produced hydrocarbonfluidsfrom a relatively permeable formation may also be described
by a carbon number distribution. In general, lower carbon number products such as products having carbon
> numbers less than about 25 may be considered to be more valuable than products having carbon numbers greater
than about 25. In an embodiment, treating a relatively permeable formation may include providing heat to at least
=a portion of a formation to produce hydrocarbon fluids from the formation of which a majority of the produced
fluid may have carbon numbers of less than approximately 25, or, for example, less man approximately 20. For
example, less than about 20 % by weight of the produced condensable fluid may have carbon numbers greater
In an embodiment, a pressure may be increased within a portion of a relativeiy permeable formation to a
deisired pressure during mobilization and/or pyrolysis of the heavy hydrocarbons. A desired pressure may be
within a range from about 2 bars absolute to about 70 bars absolute. A majority of hydrocarbon fluids, however,
maybe produced while maintaining the pressure within a range from about 7 bars absolute to about 30 bars
absolute. The pressure during mobilization and/or pyrolysis may vary of be varied. The pressure may be varied
to control a composition of the produced fluid, to control a percentage of condensable fluid as compared to noncondensable
fluid, or to control an API gravity of fluid being produced. Increasing pressure may increase the API
gravity of the produced fluid. Increasing pressure may also increase a percentage of paraffins within the produced
.-fluid.:.-Increasing the reservoir pressure may increase a hydrogen partial pressure within the produced fluid. For
example, a hydrogen partial pressure within the produced fluid may be increased autogenously or through
hydrogen iiijection. The increased hydrogen partial pressure may upgrade the heavy hydrocarbons. The heavy
hydrocarbons may be reduced to lighter, higher quality hydrocarbons. The lighter hydrocarbons may be produced
by reaction of hydrogen with heavy hydrocarbon fragments within the produced fluid. The hydrogen dissolved in
me fluid may also reduce olefins within-the produced fluid. Therefore, an increased hydrogen pressure in the
fluid may decrease a percentage of olefins within the produced fluid. Decreasing the percentage of olefins and/or
heavy hydrocarbons within the produced fluid may increase a quality (e.g., an API gravity) of the produced fluid.
In some embodiments, a pressure within a portion" of a relatively permeable formation may be raised by gas
generation within the heated portion.
In an embodiment, a fluid produced from a portion of a relatively permeable formation by an in situ
process, as described in any of the embodiments herein, may include nitrogen. For example, less than about 0.5
% by weight of the condensable fluid may include nitrogen or, for example, less than about 0.1 % by weight of
the condensable fluid. In addition, a fluid produced by an in situ process as described in above embodiments may
include oxygen. For example, less than about 7 % by weight of the condensable fluid may include oxygen or, for
example, less than about 5 % by weight of the condensable fluid. A fluid produced from a relatively permeable
formation may also include sulfur. For example, less than about 5 % by weight of the condensable fluid may include sulfur or, for example, less than about 3 % by weight of the condensable fluid. In some embodiments, a
weight percent of nitrogen, oxygen, and/or sulfur in a condensable fluid may be decreased by increasing a fluid
pressure in a relatively permeable formation during and situ process.
In an embodiment, condensable hydrocarbons of a fluid produced from a relatively permeable formation
may include aromatic compounds. For example, greater than about 20 % by weight of the condensable
hydrocarbons may include aromatic compounds. In another embodiment, an aromatic compound weight percent
may include greater than about 30 % of the condensable hydrocarbons. The condensable hydrocarbons may also
Include di-aromatic compounds. For example, less than about 20 % by weight of the condensable hydrocarbons
: may include di-aromatic compounds. ;In another embodiment, di-aromatic compounds may include less than
about 15 %by weight of the condensable ty
. aromatic compounds. For example, less than about 4 % by weight of the condensable hydrocarbons may include
trl-aromatic compounds,' In another embodiment, tri-aromatic compounds may include less than about 1 % by
/ weight of me condensable hydroearbons.
"':;•.'• In an embodiment, an in situ process for treating heavy hydrocarbons in at least a portion of a relatively
lowpenneability formation may include heating the formation from one or more heat sources. The one or more
heat sources may be configured as described in any of the embodiments herein. At least one of the heat sources
may be an electrical heater. In one embodiment, at least one of the heat sources may be located ma heater well.
The heater well may include a conduit through which a hot fluid flows that transfers heat to the formation. At
least some of the heavy hydrocarbons in a selected section of the formation may be pyrolyzed by the heat from the
one or more heat sources. A temperature sufficient to pyrolyze heavy hydrocarbons in a hydrocarbon containing
formation of relatively low permeability may be within a range from about 270 °C to about 300 °C. In other
embodiments, a temperature sufficient to pyrolyze heavy hydrocarbons may be within a range from about 300 °C
to about 375 °C, Pyrolyzation fluids may be produced from the formation. In one embodiment, fluids may be
produced through at least one production well.
In addition, heating may also increase the average permeability of at least a portion of the selected
section. The increase in temperature of the formation may create thermal fractures in the formation. The thermal
fractures may propagate between heat sources, further increasing the permeability in a portion of a selected section of the formation. Due to the increased penneability, mobilized fluids in the formation may tend to flow to a heat source and may be pyrolyzed.
In one embodiment, the pressure in at least a portion of the relatively low permeability formation may be
controlled to maintain a composition of produced formation fluids within a desired range. The composition of the
produced formation fluids may be monitored. The pressure may be controlled by a back pressure valve located
proximate to where me formation fluids are produced. A desired operating pressure of a production well, such
that a desired composition may be obtained, may be determined from experimental data for the relationship
between pressure and the composition of pyrolysis products of the heavy hydrocarbons in the formation.
FIG. 51 is a view of an embodiment of a heat source and production well pattern for heating heavy
hydrocarbons in a relatively low permeability formation. Heat sources 2502,2503, and 2504 may be arranged in
a triangular pattern with the heat sources at the apices of the triangular grid. A production well 2500 may be
located proximate to the center of the triangular grid. In other embodiments, production well 2500 may be placed
at any location on the grid pattern. Heat sources may be arranged in patterns other than the triangular pattern
shown in FIG. 51. For example, wells may be arranged in square patterns. Heat sources 2502,2503, and 2504
may heat the formation to a temperature at which at least some of the heavy hydrocarbons in the formation can
pyrolyze. Pyrolyzation fluids may tend to flow toward the production well, as indicated by the arrows, and
formation fluids may be produced through production well 2500,
In one embodiment, an average distance between heat sources effective to pyrolyze heavy hydrocarbons
in the formation may be between about 5 m and about 8 in. 'in one embodiment, a more effective range may be
between about 2 in and about 5 m. ..';
One embodiment for treating heavy hydrocarbons in a portion of a relatively low permeability formation
may include providing heat from one or more heat sources to pyrolyze some of the heavy hydrocarbons and
/vaporize a portion of the heavy hydrocarbons in a selected section of the formation. Heavy hydrocarbons m the
formation may be vaporized at a temperature between about 300 °C and about 350 °C. In another embodiment,
heavyhydrocarbons in fee formation may be vaporized at a temperature between about 350 °C and about 450 °C.
The vaporized and pyrolyzed fluids may flow to a location proximate to where the fluids are produced. In one
embodiment, fluids may be produced from the formation through a production well. Due to a buildup of pressure
from vaporization, it may be necessary to relieve the pressure through the production well.
FIG. 51 may also represent an embodiment in which at least some heavy hydrocarbons may be pyrolyzed
and a portion of the heavy hydrocarbons may be vaporized at or near at least two heat sources. Heat sources 2502,2503, and 2504 may heat the formation to a temperature sufficient to vaporize fluid in the formation. The
Vaporized fluid may tend to flow in a direction, from the heat sources toward production well 2500, as indicated by
fee arrows, where the fluid may be produced.
In. one embodiment for treating heavy hydrocarbons in a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation
of relatively low permeability, heat may be provided from one or more heat sources with at least one of the heat
sources located in a heater well. The heat sources may pyrolyze at least some heavy hydrocarbons in a selected
section of the formation and may pressurize at least a portion of the selected section. During heating, the pressure
within the formation may increase substantially. The pressure in the formation may be controlled such mat the
pressure in the formation may be maintained to produce a fluid of a desired composition. Pyrolysis products may
be removed from the formation as vapor from one or more heater wells disposed in the formation. Back pressure
created by heating the formation may be used to produce the pyrolysis products through the one or more heater.wells.-
FIG. 52 is a view of an embodiment of a heat source pattern for heating heavy hydrocarbons in a portion
of a hydrocarbon containing formation of relatively low permeability and producing fluids from one or more
heater wells. Heat sources 2502 may be arranged in a triangular pattern and may be disposed in heater wells. The
heat sources may provide heat to pyrolyze some or all of the fluid in the formation. Fluids may be produced
through one or more of the heater wells.
One embodiment for treating heavy hydrocarbons in a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation of
relatively low permeability may include heating the formation to create at least two zones within the formation
such that the at least two zones have different average temperatures. One or more heat sources may heat a
selected first section of the formation that creates a pyrolysis zone in which heavy hydrocarbons may be
pyrolyzed Within the selected first section. In addition, one or more heat sources may heat a selected second
section of the formation such mat at least some of the heavy hydrocarbons in the second selected section have an
average temperature less man the average temperature of the pyrolysis zone.
Heating the selected second section may decreasethe viscosity of some of the heavy hydrocarbon in the
selected second section to create a low viscosity zone. The decrease in viscosity of the heavy hydrocarbons hi the
selected second section may be sufficient to produce mobilized fluids within the selected second section. The
mobilized fluids may flow into the pyrolysis zone. For example, increasing the temperature of the heavy hydrocarbons in the formation to between about 200 °C and about 250 °C may decrease the viscosity of the heavy
hydrocarbons sufficiently for the heavy hydrocarbons to flow through the formation. In another embodiment,
increasing the temperature of the fluid to between about 180 °C and about 200 °C may also be sufficient to
mobilize the heavy hydrocarbons. For example, the viscosity of heavy hydrocarbons in a formation at 200 °C
may be about 50 centipoise to about 200 centipoise. •
: Heating may create thermal fractures that may propagate between heat sources in both lie selected first
section and me selected second section; The thermal fracturesmay substantially increase the permeability of the
formation and may facilitate the flow of mobilized fluids from the low viscosity zone to the pyrolysis zone. In
one embodiment, a vertical hydraulic fracture may be created in the formation to further increase permeability.
The presence of a hydraulic fracture may also be desirable since heavy hydrocarbons that may collect in the
hydraulic fracture may have an increased residence time in the pyrolysis zone. The increased residence time may
result in increased pyrolysis of the heavy hydrocarbons inthe pyrolysis zone.
Also, substantially simultaneously with the decrease in viscosity, the pressure in the low viscosity zone
may increase due to thermal expansion of the formation and evaporation of entrained water in the formation to
form steam. For example, pressures in the low viscosity zone may range from about 10 bars absolute to an
overburden pressure, which may be about 70 bars absolute. In other embodiments the pressure may range from
about 15 bars absolute to about 50 bars absolute. The value of die pressure may depend upon factors such as, but
not limited to, the degree of thermal fracturing, the amount of water in the formation, and material properties of
the formation. The pressure in the pyrolysis zone may be substantially lower than the pressure in the low
viscosity zone because of the higher permeability of the pyrolysis zone. The higher temperature in the pyrolysis
zone Compared to me low viscosity zone may cause a higher degree of thermal fracturing, and thus a greater
permeability. For example, pyrolysis zone pressures may range from about 3.5 bars absolute to about 10 bars
absolute. In other embodiments, pyrolysis zone pressures may range from about 10 bars absolute to about 15 bars
The pressure differential between the pyrolysis zone and the low viscosity zone may force some
mobilized fluids to flow from the low viscosity zone into the pyrolysis zone. Heavy hydrocarbons in the pyrolysis zone may be upgraded by pyrolysis into pyrolyzatiori fluids. Pyroryzation fluids may be produced from the
formation through a production well. In another embodiment, a pyrolyzation fluid produced from the formation
may include a liquid.
In one embodiment, the density of the heat sources in the pyrolysis zone may be greater than the density
of heat sources in the low viscosity zone. The increased density of heat sources in the pyrolysis zone may
establish and maintain a uniform pyrolysis temperature in the pyrolysis zone. Using a lower density of heat
sources in the low viscosity zone may be more efficient and economical due to the lower temperature required in
the low viscosity zone. In one embodiment, an average distance between heat sources for heating the first
selected section may be between about 5 m and about 10 m. Alternatively, an average distance may be between
about 2 m and about 5 m. In some embodiments, an average distance between heat sources for heating the second
selected section may be between about 5 m and about 20 m.
In an embodiment, the pyrolysis zone and one or more low viscosity zones may be heated sequentially
over time. Heat sources may heat the first selected section until an average temperature of the pyrolysis zone
reaches a desired pyrolysis temperature. Subsequently, heat sources may heat one or more low viscosity zones of
the selected second section mat may be nearest the pyrolysis zone until such low viscosity zones reach a desired
average temperature. Heating low viscosity zones of the selected second section farther away from the pyrolysis
zone may continue in a like manner.
lu one embodiment, heat may be provided to a formation to create a planar pyrolysis zone and a planar
low viscosity zone. One or more planar low viscosity zones may be created with symmetry about the pyrolysis
zone and may tend to force heavy hydrocarbons toward the pyrolysis zone. In one embodiment, fluids in the
pyrolysis zone may be produced from a production well located in the pyrolysis zone. .
: FIG. 53 is a view an embodiment, of a heat source and production well pattern illustrating a pyroiysis
zone and a low viscosity zone. Heat sources 2512 along plane 2504 and plane 2506 may heat planar region 2508
to create a pyrolysis zone. Heating may create thermal fractures 2510 in the pyrolysis zone. Heating with heat
sources 2514 in planes 2516, 2518, 2520, and 2522 may create a low viscosity zone with an increased
permeability due to thermal fractures. Pressure differential between the low viscosity zone and the pyrolysis zone
may force mobilized fluid from the low viscosity zone into the pyrolysis zone. The permeability created by
thermal fractures 2510 may be sufficiently high to create a substantially uniform pyrolysis zone. Pyrolyzation
fluids may be produced through production well 2500.
In one embodiment, it may be desirable to create the pyrolysis zone and low viscosity zone sequentially
over time, the heat sources nearest the pyrolysis zone may be activated first, for example, heat sources 2512 in
plane 2504 and plane 2506 of FIG. 53. A substantially uniform temperature may be established in the pyrolysis
zone after a period of time. Mobilized fluids that flow through the pyrolysis zone may undergo pyrolysis and ,
vaporize. Once the pyrolysis zone is established, heat sources in the low viscosity zone (e.g., heat sources 2514 in
plane 2516 and plane 2520) nearest the pyrolysis zone may be turned on and/or up to establish a low viscosity
zone. A larger low viscosity zone may be developed by repeatedly activating heat sources (e.g., heat sources
2514 in plane 2518 and plane 2522) farther away from the pyrolysis zone.
" FIG. 54 is an expanded view of the pattern shown in FIG, 53. The four planar vertical regions 2540 that
correspond to region 250$ in FIG. 53, may include heat sources mat may create pyrolysis zones. Regions 2548, 2550, and 2552 may include heat sources that apply heat to create a low viscosity zone. Production wells 2500
may be disposed in regions where pyrolysis occurs and may be configured to remove the pyrolyzation fluids. In
one embodiment, a length of the pyrolysis zones 2540 may be between about 75 m and about lOQm. In another
embodiment, a length of the pyrolysis zones may be between about 100 m and about 125 m. In another
embodiment, an average distance between production wells in the same plane may be between about 100 m and
; about 150 m. In one embodiment, a distance between plane 2542 and plane 2544 may be between about 40 m and
about 80 a. In some embodiments, more than one production well may be disposed in a region where pyrolysis
occurs. Plane 2542 and plane 2544 may be substantially parallel The formation may include additional planar
vertical pyrolysis zones that may be substantially parallel to each other. Hot fluids may be provided into vertical
planar regions such that in situ pyrolysis of heavy hydrocarbons may occur. Pyrolyzation fluids may be removed
by production wells disposed hi the vertical planar regions.
An embodiment of a planar pyrolysis zone may include a vertical hydraulic fracture created by a
production well in the formation. The formation may include heat sources located substantially parallel to the
vertical hydraulic fracture in the formation. Heat sources in a planar region adjacent to the fracture may provide
heat sufficient to pyrolyze at least some or all of the heavy hydrocarbons in a pyrolysis zone. Heat sources
outside the planar region may heat the formation to a temperature sufficient to decrease the viscosity of the fluids
in a low viscosity zone. .
FIG. 55 is a view of an embodiment for treating heavy hydrocarbons in at least a portion of a hydrocarbon containing formation of relatively low permeability that may include a well pattern and a vertical
hydraulic fracture. Production well 2600 may be configured to create fracture 2602 by methods described in any
of the embodiments herein. The width of fracture 2602 generated by hydraulic fracturing may be between about
0.3 cm and about 1 cm. In other embodiments, the width of fracture 2602 may be between about 1 cm and about
3 cm. The pyrolysis zone may be formed in a planar region on either side of the vertical hydraulic fracture by
heating the planar region to an average temperature within a pyrolysis temperature range with heat sources 2604
5 in plane 2605 and plane 2606, Creation of a low viscos zone on both sides of me pyrolysis Zone, above plane
2605 and belowplane2606, may be accomplished by heat sources outside the pyrolysis zone. For exarnple, " " ' " ' ' ' ' ' heat'
sources 2608 in planes 2*510,2612,2614, and 2616 nay heat the low viscosity zone to a temperature sufficient to
lower the viscosity of heavy hydrocarbons in the formation. Mobilized fluids in the low viscosity zone may flow
to the pyrolysis zone due to the pressure differential between the low viscosity zone and the pyrolysis zone and
the increased permeability from thermal fractures.
FIG. 56 is an expanded view of an embodiment shown in FIG. 55. FIG. 56 illustrates a formation with
tvvb fractures 2645a and 2645b along plane 2645 and two fractures 2646a and 2646b along plane 2646. Each
fracture may be produced using production wells 2640. Plane 2645 and plane 2646 may be substantially parallel.
The length of a fracture created by hydraulic fracturing in relatively low permeability formations may be between
about 75 m and about 100 in. hi some embodiments, the vertical hydraulic fracture may be between about 100 m
•and about 125 m. Vertical hydraulic fractures may propagate substantially equal distances along a plane from a
production well Therefore, since it may be undesirable for fractures along the same plane to join, the distance
between production wells along the same plane may be between about 100 m and about 150 m. As the distance
between fractures on different planes increases, for example the distance between plane 2645 and plane 2646, the
flow of mobilized fluids, farthest from either fracture may decrease. A distance between fractures on different
planes that may be economical and effective for the transport of mobilized fluids to the pyrolysis zone may be
about 40 m to about 80 m.
Plane 2648 and plane 2649 may include heat sources mat may provide heat sufficient to create a
pyrolysis zone between plane 2648 and plane 2649. Plane 2651 and plane 2652 may include heat sources that
create a pyrolysis zone between plane 2651 and plane 2652. Heat sources in regions 2650,2660,2655, and 2656
may provide heat that may reate low viscosity zones. Mobilized fluids in regions 2650,2660,2655, and 2656
may tend to flow in a direction toward the closest fracture m the formation. Mobilized fluids entering the
pyrolysis zone may be pyrolyzed. Pyrolyzation fluids may be produced from production wells 2640*
hi one embodiment, heat may be provided to a relatively low permeability formation to create a radial
pyrolysis zone and a low viscosity, zone. A radial heating region may be created that tends to force fluids toward
a pyrolysis zone. Fluids may be pyrolyzed in the pyrolysis zone. Pyrolyzation fluids may be produced from
production Wells disposed in the/ pyrolysis zone,. Heat sources may be located around a production well in concentric rings such as regular polygons. A variety of configurations of heat sources may be possible. Heat sources in a ring nearest the production well may heat the fluid to a pyrolysis temperature to create a radial
pyrolysis zone. Additional concentric rings of heat sources may radiate outward from the pyrolysis zone and may
heat the fluid to create a low viscosity zone. Mobilized fluid in the low viscosity zone may flow to the pyrolysis
zone due to the pressure differential between the low viscosity zone and the pyrolysis zone, and from the
mcreased permeability due to thermal- fracturing. Pyrolyzation fluids may be produced front the formation
through the production well Several patterns of heat sources arranged in rings around production wells may be utilizedto.-.create a
radial pyrolysis region in hydrocarbon containing formations. Various patterns shown in FIGS; 57-70 are
described herein. Although such patterns are discussed in the context of heavy hydrocarbons,-it is to be
•understood that any of the patterns shown m FIGS. 57-70 may be used for other hydrocarbon containing
fprmatiohs(e.g., for coal, oil shale, etc.).
FIG. 57 illustrates an embodiment of a pattern of heat sources 2705 that may create a radial pyrolysis zone surrounded by a low viscosity zone. Production well 2701 may be surrounded by concentric rings 2702,
2703, and 2704 of heat sources 2705. Heat sources 2705 m ring 12702 may teat the formation to create radial
'pyrolysis zone 2710.. Heat sources 2705 in rings 2703 and 2704 outside pyrotysis zone 2710 may heat the
formation to create a low viscosity zone. Mobilized fluids may flow radially inward from the low viscosity zone
to the pyrolysis zone 2710. Fluids may be produced through production well 2701. In one embodiment, an
average distance between heat sources may be between about 2 m and about 10 m. Alternatively, the average
distance may be between about 10 m and about 20 m.
As in other embodiments, it may be desirable to create pyrolysis zones and low viscosity zones
sequentially. H»;at sources 2705 nearest production well 2701 may be activated first, for example, heat sources
2705 in nng-2702. A substantially uniform temperature pyrolysis zone may be established after a period of time.
Fluids that flow through the pyrolysis zone may undergo pyrolysis and vaporization. Once the pyrolysis zone is established, heat sources, 2705 in the low viscosity zone substantially near the pyrolysis zone (e.g., heat sources
'. 2705 in ring 2703) may be activated to provide heat to a portion of a low viscosity zone. Fluid may flow inward
towards production well 2701 due to a pressure differential between the low viscosity zone and the pyrolysis
zone, as indicated by the arrows. A larger low viscosity zone may be developed by repeatedly activating heat
sources farther awayfromthe fracture, for example, heat sources 2705 in ring 2704.
Several patterns of heat sources and production wells may be utilized in embodiments of radial heating
zones for treating a relatively low permeability formation. The heat sources may be arranged in rings around the
production Wells. The pattern around each production well may be a hexagon that may contain a number of heat ..sources. . In FIG. 58, production well 2701 and heat source 2712 may be located at the apices of a triangular grid.
The triangular grid may be an equilateral triangular grid with sides of length, s. Production wells 2701 may be
spaced at a distance of about 1.732(s). Production well 2701 may be disposed at a center of a hexagonal pattern
with one ring 2713 of six heat sources 2712. Each heat source 2712 may provide substantially equal amounts of
heat to three production wells. Therefore, each ring 2713 of six heat sources 2712 may contribute approximately
two equivalent heat sources per production well 2701. "
FIG. 59 illustrates a pattern of production wells 2701 with an inner hexagonal ring 2713 and an outer
hexagonal ring 2715 of heat sources 2712. In this pattern, production wells 2701 may be spaced at a distance of
about 2(1.732)s. Heat sources 2712 may be located at all other grid positions. This pattern may result hi a ratio of
equivalent heat sources to production wells that may approach eleven.
FIG. 60 illustrates three rings of heat sources 2712 surrounding production well 2701. Production well
2701 may be surrounded by ring 2713 of six heat sources 2712. Second hexagonally shaped ring 2716 of twelve
heat sources 2712 may surround ring 2713. Third ring 2718 of heat sources 2712 may include twelve heat
sources that may provide substantially equal amounts of heat to two production wells and six heat sources that
may provide substantially equal amounts of heat to three production wells. Therefore, a total of eight equivalent
heat sources may be disposed on third ring 2718. Production well 2701 may T>e provided heat from an equivalent
! of about twenty-six heat sources. FIG. 61 illustrates an even larger pattern that may have a greater spacing
between production wells 2701.
Alternatively, square patterns may be provided with production wells placed, for example, in the center
of each third square, resulting in four heat sources for each production well. Production wells may be placed
within each fifths quareiiha square pattern, which may result hi sixteen heat sources for each production well
;- FIGs. 62, 63, 64, and 65 illustrate alternate embodiments in which both production-wells and heat
sources may be located: at the apices of a triangular grid. In FIG. 62, a triangular grid, with a spacing of s, may
have production wells 2701 spaced at a distance of 2s. A hexagonal pattern may include one nag 2730 of six heat
sources 2732. Each heat source 2732 may provide substantially equal amounts of heat to two production wells
; 2701. Therefore, each ring 2730 of six heat sources 2732 contributes approximately three equivalent heat sources
per"production well 2701> ; :
FIG. 63 illustrates a pattern of production wells 2701 with inner hexagonal ring 2734 and outer
hexagonal ring 2736. Production wells 2701 may be spaced at a distance of 3s. Heat sources 2732 may be
located at apices of hexagonal ring 2734 and hexagonal ring 2736. Hexagonal ring 2734 and hexagonal ring 2736 may include six heat sources each. The pattern in FIG. 63 may result in a ratio of heat sources 2732 to production
well 2701 of eight ,
FIG, 64 illustrates a pattern of production wells 2701 also with two hexagonal rings of heat sources
surrounding each production well. Production well 2701 may be surrounded by ring 2738 of six heat sources
2732 Production wells 2701 may be spaced at a distance of 4s. Second hexagonally shaped ring 2740 may
surround ring 2738. Second hexagonally shaped ring 2740 may include twelve heat sources 2732. This pattern
may result in a ratio of heat sources 2732 to production wells 2701 that may approach fifteen.
FIG. 65 illustrates a pattern of heat sources 2732 with three rings of heat sources 2732 surrounding each
production well 2701. Production wells 2701 may be surrounded by ring 2742 of six heat sources 2732. Second
ring 2744 of twelve heat sources 2732 may surround ring 2742. Third ring 2746 of heat sources 2732 may
surround second ring 2744. Third ring 2?46 may include 6 equivalent heat sources. This pattern may result in a
ratio of heat sources 2732 to production wells 2701 that is about 24:1.
FIGS. 66,67,68, and 69 illustrate patterns in which the production well may be disposed at a center of a
triangular grid such that the production well may be equidistant from the apices of the triangular grid. InFIG.66,
the triangular grid of heater wells with a spacing of s may include production wells 2760 spaced at a distance of s.
Each production well 2760 may be surrounded by ring 2764 of three heat sources 2762. Each heat source 2762
may provide substantially equal amounts of heat to three production wells 2760. Therefore, each ring 2764 of
three heat sources 2762 may contribute one equivalent heat source per production well 2760.
FIG. 67 illustrates a pattern of production wells 2760 with inner triangular ring 2766 and outer ring 2768. In this pattern, production wells 2760 may be spaced at a distance of 2s. Heat sources 2762 may be located at
apices of inner ring 2766 and outer ring 2768. Inner ring may contribute three equivalent heat sources per
production well 2760. Outer hexagonal ring 2768 containing three heater welts may contribute one equivalent
heat source per production well 2760. Thus, a total of four equivalent heat sources may provide heat to
production well 2760.
FIG. 68 illustrates a pattern of production wells with one inner triangular ring of heat sources
surrounding each production well, one inverted triangular ring, and one irregular hexagonal outer ring.
Production wells 2760 may be surrounded by ring 2770 of three heat sources 2762. Production wells 2760 may
be spaced at a distance of 3s. Irregular hexagonally shaped ring 2772 of nine heat sources 2762 may surround
ring 2770.This pattern may result in a ratio of heat sources 2762 to production wells 2760 of three.
FIG. 69 illustrates triangular patterns of heat sources with three rings of heat sources surrounding each
production well. Production wells 2760 may be surrounded by ring 2774 of three heat sources 2762. Irregular
heiagon pattern 2776 of nine heat sources 2762 may surround ring 2774. Third set 2778 of heat sources 2762
may surround hexagonal pattern 2776. Third set 2778 may contribute four equivalent heat sources to production
well 2760. A ratio of equivalent heat sources to production well 2760 may be sixteen. .
One embodiment for treating heavy hydrocarbons in at least a portion of a relatively low permeability
formation may include heating the formation from three or more heat-sources. At least three of the heat sources
may be arranged in a substantially triangular pattern. At least some of the heavy hydrocarbons in a selected
section of the formation may be pyrolyzed by the heat from the free or more heat sources. Pyrolyzatiori fluids
generated by pyrolysis of heavy hydrocarbons in me formation may be produced from the formation. In one
embodiment, fluids may be produced through at least one production well disposed in the formation.
FIG. 70 depicts an embodiment of a pattern of heat sources 2705 arranged in a triangular pattern.
Production well 2701 may be surrounded by triangles 2780,2782, and 2784 of heat sources 2705. Heat sources
2705 in triangles 2780, 2782, and 2784 may provide heat to the formation. The provided heat may raise an
average temperature of the formation to a pyrolysis temperature. Pyrolyzation fluids may flow to production well
2701. Formation fluids may be produced in production well 2701.
FIG. 71 illustrates a schematic diagram of an embodiment of surface facilities 2800 that may be
configured to treat a formation fluid. The formation fluid may be produced though a production well as described
herein. The formation fluid may include any of a formation fluid produced by any of the methods as described herein. As shown in Fig. 71, surface facilities 2800 may be coupled to weU head 2802. Well head 2802 may also
be coupled to a production well formed hi a formation. For example, the well head may be coupled to a
production well by various mechanical, devices proximate an upper surface of the formation. Therefore, a
formation fluid produced through a production well may also flow through well head 2802. Well head 2802 may
be configured to separate the formation fluid into gas stream 2804, liquid hydrocarbon condensate stream 2806,
and water stream 2808.
Surface facilities 2800 may be configured such that water stream 2808 may flow from well head 2802 to
a portion of a formation, to a containment system, or to a processing unit For example, water stream 2808 may
flow from well head 2802 to an ammonia production unit The; surface facilities may be configured such that
ammonia produced in the ammonia production unit may flow to an ammonium sulfate unit The ammonium
sulfate unit may be configured to combine the ammonia with H2SO4 or SCVSC to produce ammonium sulfate.
In addition, the surface facilities may be configured such that ammonia produced in the ammonia production unit
may flow to a urea production unit The urea production unit may be configured to combine carbon dioxide with
the ammonia to produce urea.
Surface facilities 2800 may be configured such that gas stream 2804 may flow through a conduit from
well head 2802 to gas treatment unit 2810. The conduit may include a pipe or any other fluid communication
mechanism known in the art The gas treatment unit may be configured to separate various components of gas
stream 2804. For example, the gas treatment unit may be configured to separate gas stream 2804 into carbon
dioxide stream 2812, hydrogen sulfide stream 2814, hydrogen stream 2816, and stream 2818 that may include, but
may not be limited to, methane, ethane, propane, butanes (including n-butane oriso-butane), pentane, ethene,
propene, butene, pentene, water or combinations thereof.
Surface facilities 2800 may be configured such that the carbon dioxide stream may flow through a
conduit to a formation, to a containment system, to a disposal unit, and/or to another processing unit In addition,
the facilities may be configured such that the hydrogen sulfide stream may also flow through a conduit to a
containment system and/or to another processing unit For example, the hydrogen sulfide stream may be
.converted into elemental sulfur in a Claus process unit The gas treatment unit may also be configured to separate
gas stream 2804 into stream 2819 mat may include heavier hydrocarbon components from gas stream 2804.
Heavier hydrocarbon components may include, for example, hydrocarbons having a Carbon number of greater than about 5. Surface facilities 2800 may be configured such that heavier hydrocarbon components in stream
2819 may be provided to liquid hydrocarboacondensate stream 2806.
Surface facilities 2800may also include processing unit 2821. Processing unit 2821 may be configured
to separate stream 2818 into a number of streams. Each of the number of streams may be rich in a predetermined
component or a predetermined number of compounds!. For example, processing unit 2821 may separate stream
2818 into first portion 2820 of stream 2818, second portion 2823 Of stream 2818, third portion 2825 of stream
2818, and fourth portion 2831 of stream 28J8. First portion 2820 of stream 2818 may include lighter hydrocarbon
components such as methane and ethane. The surface facilities may be configured such, that first portion 2820 of
stream 2818 may flow from gas treatment unit 2810 to power generation unit 2822.
Power generation unit 2822 may be configured for extracting useable energy from the first portion of
stream 2818. For example, stream 2818 may be produced under pressure. In mis manner, power generation unit
may include a turbine configured to generate electricity from the first portion of stream 2818. The power
generation unit may also include, for example, a molten carbonate fuel cell, a solid oxide fuel cell, or other type of
fuel cell. The facilities may be further configured such that the extracted useable energy may be provided to user
2824. User 2824 may include, for example, surface facilities 2800, a heat source disposed within a formation,
and/or a consumer of useable energy.
Second portion 2823 of stream 2818 may also include light hydrocarbon components. For example,
second portion 2823 of stream 2818 may include, but may not be limited to, methane and ethane. Surface
facilities 2800 may also be configured such that second portion 2823 of stream 2818 may be provided to natural
gas grid 2827. Alternatively, surface facilities may also be configured such that second portion 2823 of stream
2818 may be provided to a local market. The local market may include a consumer market or a commercial
market In this manner, the second portion 2823 of stream 2818 may be used as an end product or an intermediate
product depending on, for example, a composition of the light hydrocarbon components.
Third portion 2825 of stream 2818 may include liquefied petroleum gas ("LPG"). Major constituents of. ' . .
LPG may include hydrocarbon containing three or four carbon atoms such as propane and butane. Butane may
include n-butane or iso-butane. LPG may also include relatively small concentrations of other hydrocarbons such
as ethene, propene, butene, and pentene. Depending on the source of LPG and how it has been produced,
however, LPG may also include additional components. LPG may be a gas at atmospheric pressure and normal
ambient temperatures. LPG may be liquefied, however, when moderate pressure is applied or when the
temperature is sufficiently reduced. When such moderate pressure is released, LPG gas may have about 250 tunes
a volume of LPG liquid. Therefore, large amounts of energy may be stored and transported compactly as LPG.
Surface facilities 2800 may also be configured such mat third portion 2825 of stream 2818 may be
provided to local market 2829. The local market may include a consumer market or a commercial market In mis
manner, the third portion 2825 of stream 2818 may be used as an end product or an intermediate product
depending on, for example, a composition of the LPG. For example, LPG may be used in applications, such as
food processing, aerosol propellants, and automotive fuel LPG may usually be available in one or two. forms for
standard heating and cooking purposes: commercial propane and commercial butane. Propane may be more
versatile for general use man butene because, for example, propane has lower boiHng point than butane.
V Surface facilities 2800 may also be configured such that fourth portion 2 of stream 2818 may flow
from me gas treatment unit to hyorogen manufect: .
exiting hydrogen manufacturing unit 2828. Examples of hydrogen manufacturing unit 2828 may include a steam
reformer and a catalytic flameless distributed combustor with a hydrogen separation membrane. FIG. 72
illustrates an embodiment of a catalytic flameless distributed combustor. An example of a catalytic flameless
distributed combustor. with a hydrogen separation membrane is illustrated in U.S. Patent Application No.
60/273,354, filed on March 5, 2001, which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein. A catalytic
flameless distributed combustor may include fuel line 2850, oxidant line 2852, catalyst 2854, and membrane
2856. Fourth portion 2831 of stream 2818 may be provided to hydrogen manufacturing unit 2828 as fuel 2858.
Fuel 2858 within fuel line 2850 may mix within reaction zone in annular space 2859 between the fuel line and the
oxidant line. Reaction of the fuel with me oxidant in the presence of catalyst 2854 may produce reaction products
that include H2. Membrane 2856 may allow a portion of the generated H2 to pass into annular space 2860
between outer wall 2862 of oxidant line 2852 and membrane 2856. Excess fuel passing out of fuel line 2850 may
be circulated back to entrance of hydrogen manufacturing unit 2828. Combustion products leaving oxidant line
2852 may include carbon dioxide and other reactions products as well as some fuel and oxidant The fuel and
oxidant may he separated and recirculated back to the hydrogen manufacturing unit Carbon dioxide may be
separated from the exit stream. The carbon dioxide may be sequestered within a portion of a formation or used
for an alternate purpose;
Fuel line 2850 may-be concentrically positioned within oxidant line 2852. Critical flow orifices within
fuel line 2850 may be configured to allow fuel to enter into a reaction zone in annular space 2859 between the fuel
line and oxidant line 2852. The fuel line may carry a mixture of water and vaporized hydrocarbons such as, but
not limited to, methane, ethane, propane, butane, methanol, ethanol, or combinations thereof. The oxidant line
may carry an oxidant such as, but not limited to, air, oxygen enriched air, oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, or
combinations thereof.
Catalyst 2854 may be located in the reaction zone to allow reactions mat produce H2 to proceed at
relatively low temperatures. Without a catalyst and without membrane separation of H* a steam reformation
reaction may need to be conducted in a series of reactors with temperatures for a shift reaction occurring in excess
of 980 °C. With a catalyst and with separation of H2 from the reaction stream, the reaction may occur at
: temperatures within a range from about 300 °C to about 600 °C, or within a range from about 400 °C to about 500
°C. Catalyst 2854 may be any steam reforming catalyst In selected embodiments, catalyst 2854 is a group Vffl
transition metal, such as nickel. The catalyst may be supported on porous substrate 2864. The substrate may
, include group HI or group TV elements, such as, but not limited to, aluminum, silicon, titanium, or zirconium. In
an embodiment, the substrate is alumina (AfcOa)
Membrane 2856 may remove Ha from a reaction stream within a reaction zone of a hydrogen
manufacturing unit 2JJ28. When H2 is removed from the reaction stream, reactions within the reaction zone may
generate additional H2. A vacuum may draw H2 from an annular region between membrane 2856 and wall 2862
i of oxidant line 2852. Alternately, H2 may be removed from the annular region in a carrier gas. Membrane 2856
may separate H2 from other components within the reaction, stream The other components may include, but are
not limited to, reaction products, fuel, water, and hydrogen sulfide. The membrane may be a hydrogen-permeable
and hydrogen selective material such as, but not limited to, a ceramic, carbon, metal, or combination thereof The
membrane may include, but is not limited to, metals of group Vm, V, in, or I such as palladium, platinum, nickel,
. silyer, tantalum, vamoluiri, yttrium, and/or mobiuin The merhte may supported on a porous substrate such
as alumina. The support may separate the membrane 2856 from catalyst 2854. The separation distance '" ' ' " ' ' ' ' an'd
insulation properties of the support may help to maintain the membrane within a desired temperature range. In
this manner, hydrogen manufacturing unit 2828 may be configured to produce hydrogen-rich stream 2830 from
the second portion stream 2818. The surface facilities may also be configured such that hydrogen-rich stream
2830 may flow into hydrogen stream 2816 to form stream 2832. In this manner, stream 2832 may include a larger
volume of hydrogen than either hydrogen-rich stream 2830 or hydrogen stream 2816,
Surface facilities 2800 may be configured such that hydrocarbon condensate stream 2806 may flow
through a conduit from well head 2802 to hydrotreating unit 2834. Hydrotreating unit 2834 may be configured to
hydrogenate hydrocarbon, condensate stream 2806 to form hydrogenated hydrocsibon condensate stream 2836.
The hydrotreater may be configured to upgrade and swell the hydrocarbon condensate. For example, surface
faculties 2800 may also be configured to provide stream 2832 (which includes a relatively high concentration of
hydrogen) to hydrotreating unit 2834. In this manner, Ha in stream 2832 may hydrogenate a double bond of the
hydrocarbon condensate, thereby reducing a potential for polymerization of the hydrocarbon condensate. In
addition, hydrogen may also neutralize radicals in the hydrocarbon condensate. In mis manner, the hydrogenated
hydrocarbon condensate may include relatively short chain hydrocarbon fluids. Furthermore, hydrotreating unit
'2834 may be configured to reduce sulfur, nitrogen, and aromatic hydrocarbons hi hydrocarbon condensate stream
2806. Hydrotreatirig unit 2834 may be a deep hydrotreating unit or a mild hydrotreating unit An appropriate
hydrotreating unit may vary depending on, for example, a composition of stream 2832, a composition of the
hydrocarbon condensate stream, and/or a selected composition of the hydrogenated hydrocarbon condensatestream. ' Surface racilities 2800 may be configured such that hydrogenated hydrocarbon condensate stream 2836
may flow from hydrotreatuig unit 2834 to transportation unit 2838, Transportation unit 2838 may be configured
to collect a volume of the hydrogenated hydrocarbon condensate and/or to transport the hydrogenated
hydrocarbon condensate to market center 2840. For example, market center 2840 may include, but may not be
limited to, a consumer marketplace or a commercial marketplace. A commercial marketplace may include, but
.may not be limited to, a refinery. In this manner, the hydrogenated hydrocarbon condensate may be used as an
end product or an intermediate product depending on, for example, a composition of the hydrogenated
hydrocarbon condensate,;
Alternatively, surface facilities 2800 may be configured such that hydrogenated hydrocarbon condensate
stream 2836 may flow to a splitter or an ethene production unit The splitter may be configured to separate the hydrogenated hydrocarbon condensate stream into a hydrocarbon stream including components having carbon
numbers of 5 or 6, a naphtha stream, a kerosene stream, and a diesel stream. Streams exiting the splitter may be
fed to the ethene production unit In addition, the hydrocarbon condensate stream and the hydrogenated
hydrocarbon condensate stream may be fed to the ethene production unit Ethene produced by the ethene
production unit may be fed to a petrochemical complex to produce base and industrial chemicals and polymers.
Alternatively, the streams exiting the splitter may be fed to a hydrogen conversion unit. A recycle stream may be
configured to flow from the hydrogen conversion unit to the splitter. The hydrocarbon stream exiting the splitter
and the naphtha stream may be fed to a mogas production unit The kerosene stream and the diesel stream may be
/distributed as product / ; ;. r ;
FIG. 73 illustrates an embodiment of an additional processing unit that may be included in surface
facih'ties such as the facilities depicted in FIG. 71. Air separation unit 2900 may be configured to generate
stteam 2902 aid oxygen stream 2905. Oxygen stream 2905 and steam 2904 may be injected ' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' " ' ' into
exhausted coal resource 2906 to generate synthesis gas 2907. Produced synthesis gas 2907 may be provided to
Shell Middle Distillates process unit 2910 that may be configured to produce middle distillates 2912. In addition,
produced synthesis gas 2907 may be provided to catalytic methahation process unit 2914 that may be configured
to produce natural gas 2916. Produced synthesis gas 2907 may also be provided to methanol production unit 2918
to produce methanol 2920. Furthermore, produced synthesis gas 2907 may be provided to process unit 2922 for
production of ammonia and/or urea 2924, and fuel cell 2926 that may be configured to produce electricity 2928.
Synthesis gas 2907 may also be routed to power generation unit 2930, such as a turbine or combustor, to produce
electricity 2932. '."
FIG. 74 illustrates an example of a square pattern of heat sources 3000 and production wells 3002. Heat
sources 3000 are disposed at vertices of squares 3010. Production well 3002 is placed in a center of every mird
square to both x- and y-directions. Midlines 3006 are formed equidistant to two production wells 3002, and
perpendicular to a line connecting such production wells, mtersections of midlmes 3006 at vertices 3008 form
unit cell 3012. Heat source 3000b and heat source 300Qc are only partially within unit cell 3012. Only the onehalf
fraction of heat source 3000b and the one-quarter fraction of heat source 3000c within unit cell 3012 are
configured to provide heat within unit cell 3012. The fraction of heat source 3000 outside of unit cell 3012 is
configured to provide heat outside of unit cell 3012. The number of heat sources 3000 within one unit cell 3012 is
a ratio of heat sources 3000 per production well 3002 withm the formation.
The total number of heat sources inside unit cell 3012 is determined by the following method:
(a) 4 heat sourcies 3000a inside unit cell 3012 are counted as one heat source each;
(b) 8 heat sources 3000b on midlines 3006 are counted as one-half heat source each; and
(c) 4 heat sources 300Qc at vertices 3008 are counted as one-quarter heat source each.
The total number of heat sources is determined from adding the heat sources counted by, (a) 4, (b) 8/2 =4, and (c)
4/4 - 1, for a total number of 9 heat sources 3000 in unit cell 3012. Therefore, a ratio of heat sources 3000 to
production wells 3002isdetermined as 9:1 for the pattern, illustrated inFIG. 74.
FIG. 75 illustrates an example of another pattern of heat sources 3000 and production wells 3002.
Midhnes 3006 are formed equidistant from the two production wells 3002, and perpendicular to a line connecting
such production wells. Unit cell 3014 is determined by intersection of midlines 3006 at vertices 3008. twelve
heat sources 3000 are counted in unit cell 3014 by a method as described in the above embodiments, of which are
six are whole sources of heat, and six are one third sources of heat (with the other two thirds of heat from such six
wells going to other patterns). Thus, a ratio of heat sources 3000 to production wells 3002 is determined as 8:1
for; the pattern illustrated in FIG 75. An example of a pattern of heat sources is illustrated in U.S. Patent No.
2i923j535 issued to Ljungjstrom, which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth herein.
In certain embodiments, a triangular pattern of heat sources may provide advantages when compared to
alternative patterns of heat sources, such as squares, hexagons, and hexagons with additional heaters installed
-halfway between the hexagon corners (12 to I pattern). Squares, hexagons, and the 12:1 patterns are disclosed in
UiS, Patent No. 2,923535 and/or in U.S. Patent No. 4,886,118. For example, a triangular pattern of heat sources
niay provide more uniform heating of a hydrocarbon containing formation resulting from a more uniform
' FIG. 76 illustrates an embodiment of triangular pattern 3100 of heat sources 3102. FIG. 76a illustrates an
embodiment of square pattern 3101 of heat sources 3103. FIG. 77 illustrates an embodiment of hexagonal pattern
3104 of heat sources 3106, fJG. 77a illustrates an emtodimeht of 12 to 1 pattern 3105 of heat sources 3107. A
temperature distributionfor all patterns may be determined by an analytical method. The analytical method may
be simplified by analyzing only temperature fields within "confined" patterns (e.g., hexagons), Le., completely
surrounded by others. In addition, the temperature field may be estimated to be a superposition of analytical
solutions corresponding to a single heatsource. :
The comparisons of patterns of heat sources were evaluated for the same heater well density and the
same heating input regime. For example, a number of heat sources per unit area in a triangular pattern is the same
as the number of heat sources per unit area in the 10 m hexagonal pattern if the space between heat sources is
increased, to about 12.2m in the triangular pattern. The equivalent spacing for a square pattern would be 113m,
while the equivalent spacing for a 12 to 1 pattern would be 15.7 m.
FIG. 78 illustrates temperature profile 3110 after three years of heating for a triangular pattern with a
12.2 m spacing in a typical Green River oil shale. The triangular pattern may be configured as shown in FIG. 76.
Temperature profile 3110 is a three-dimensional plot of temperature versus a location within a triangular pattern.
FIG. 79 illustrates temperature profile 3108 after three years of heating for a square pattern with 11.3 m spacing in
a typical Green River oil shale. Temperature profile 3108 is a three-dimensional plot of temperature versus a
location within a square pattern. The square pattern may be configured as shown in FIG. 76a. FIG. 79a illustrates
temperature profile 3109 after three years of heating for a hexagonal pattern with 10.0 m spacing in a typical
Green River oil shale. Temperature profile 3109 is a three-dimensional plot of temperature versus a location
within a hexagon pattern. The hexagonal pattern may be configured as shown in FIG. 77.
As shown in a comparison of FIGS. 78, 79 and 79a, a temperature profile cf the triangular pattern is
more uniform than a temperature profile of the square or hexagonal pattern. For example, a minimum
temperature of the square pattern is approximately 280 °C, and a minimum temperature of the hexagonal pattern
is approximately 250 °C In contrast, a minimum temperature of the triangular pattern is approximately 300 °C.
•Therefore, a temperature variation within the triangular pattern after 3 years of heating is 20 °C less than a
temperature variation Within the square pattern and 50 °C less than a temperature variation within the hexagonal
pattern. For a chemical process, where reaction rate is proportional to an exponent of temperature, even a 20 °C
difference is substantial.
FIG. 80 illustrates a comparison plot between the average pattern temperature (in degrees Celsius) and
temperatures at the coldest spots for each pattern, as a function of time (in years). The coldest spot for each
pattern is located at a pattern center (centroid). As shown in FIG. 76, the coldest spot of a triangular pattern is
point 3118, while point 3117 is the coldest spot of a square pattern, as shown in FIG. 76a. As shown in FIG. 77,
the coldest spot of a hexagonal pattern is point 3114, while point 3115 is the coldest spot of a 12 to 1 pattern, as
shown in FIG. 77a. The difference between an average pattern temperature and temperature of the coldest spot
represents how uniform the temperature distribution for a given pattern is. The more uniform the heating, the
better the product quality that may be made. The larger the volume fraction of resource that is overheated, the
more undesirable product composition will be made.
As shown in FIG. 80, the difference between an average temperature 3120 of a pattern and temperature
of the coldest spot is less for me triangular pattern 3118 than for square pattern 3117, hexagonal pattern 3114, or
12 to 1 pattern 3115. Again, there is a substantial difference between triangular and hexagonal patterns.
. Another way to assess the uniformity of temperature distribution is to compare temperatures of the
• coldest spot of a pattern with a point located at the center of a side of a pattern midway between heaters. As
shown in FIG. 77. point 3112 is located at the center of a side of the hexagonal pattern midway between heaters.
As shown in FIG. 76, point 3116 is located at the center of a side'.of a triangular pattern midway between heaters.
Point 3119 is located at the center of a side of the square pattern midway between heaters, as shown hi FIG. 76a.
: FIG. 81 illustrates a: comparison plot between the average pattern temperature (in degrees Celsius),3120
temperatures at coldest 'spot 3118 for triangular patterns, coldest spot 3114 for hexagonal patterns, point 3116
located at the center of a side of triangular pattern midway between heaters, and point 3112 located at the center
of a side of hexagonal pattern midway between heaters, as a function of time (in years). FIG. 81a illustrates a
comparison plot between the average pattern temperature 3120 (in degrees Celsius), temperatures at coldest spot
3117 and point 3119 located at the center of a side of a pattern midway between heaters, as a function of tune (in
years), for a square pattern.
As shown in a comparison of FIGS. 81 and 81a, for each pattern, a temperature at a center of a side
midway between heaters is higher than a temperature at a center of the pattern. A difference between a
temperature at a center of a side midway between heaters and a center of the hexagonal pattern increases
: substantially during the first year of heating, and stays relatively constant afterward. A difference between a
temperature at an outer lateral boundary and a center of the triangular pattern, however, is negligible. Therefore, a
temperature distribution in a triangular pattern is substantially more uniform than a temperature distribution in a
hexagonal pattern. A square pattern also provides more uniform temperature distribution than a hexagonal
pattern, however it is still less uniform than a temperature distribution in a triangular pattern.
A triangular pattern of heat sources may have, for example, a shorter total process time than a square,
hexagonal or 12 to 1 pattern of heat sources for the same heater well density. A total process time may include a time required for an average temperature of a heated portion of a formation to reach a target temperature and a
tune required for a temperature at a coldest spot within the heated portion to reach the target temperature. For
example, heat may be provided to the portion of the formation until an average temperature of the heated portion
reaches the target temperature. After the average temperature of the heated portion reaches the target temperature,
an energy supply to the heat sources may be reduced such that less or minimal heat may be provided to the heated
portion. An example of a target temperature may be approximately 340 °C. The target temperature, however,
may vary depending on, for example, formation composition and/or formation conditions such as pressure.
FIG. 8 Ib illustrates a comparison plot between tile average pattern temperature and temperatures at the
coldest spots for each pattern, as a function of time when heaters are turned off after the average temperature
reaches a target value. As shown in FIG. 81b, an average temperature of the formation reaches a target
temperature in approximately 3 years (about 340 °C). As shown to FIG. 81b, a temperature at the coldest point
within the triangular pattern reaches the target temperature (about 340 °C) 0.8 years later. In this manner, a total
process tune for such a triangular pattern is about 3.8 years when the heat input is discontinued when the target
average temperature is reached. As shown in FIG. 81b, a temperature at the coldest point within the triangular
: pattern reaches the target temperature (about 340 °C) before a temperature at the coldest point within the square
pattern or a temperature at the coldest point within the hexagonal pattern reaches the target temperature. A
temperature at the coldest point within the hexagonal pattern, however, reaches the target temperature after an
additional tune of about 2 years when the heaters are turned off upon reaching the target average temperature.
.... 'Therefore, a total process tune for a hexagonal pattern is about 5.0 years. In this manner, a total process time for
heating a portion of a formation with a triangular pattern is 1.2 years less (approximately 25 %) than a total
process time for heating a portion of a formation with a hexagonal pattern. In a preferred mode, the power to the
heaters may be reduced or turned off when the average temperature of the pattern reaches a target level. This prevents overheating the resource, which wastes energy and produces lower product quality. The triangular
pattern has the most uniform temperatures and the least overheating. Although a capital cost of such a triangular pattern may be approximately the same as a capital cost of the hexagonal pattern, the triangular pattern may
accelerate oil production and requires a shorter total process time, In this manner, such a triangular pattern may
be more economical than a hexagonal pattern.
A spacing of heat sources in a triangular pattern, which may yield the same process time as a hexagonal
pattern having about a 10.0 m space between heat sources, may be equal to approximately 14.3 m. In this manner,
fixe total process time of a hexagonal pattern may be achieved by using about 26 % less heat sources than may be
included in such a hexagonal pattern. In this manner, such a triangular pattern may have substantially lower
capital and operating costs. As such, this triangular pattern may also be more economical man a hexagonal
FIG. 12 depicts an embodiment of a natural distributed combustor. In one experiment the embodiment
schematically shown in FIG. 12 was used to heat high volatile bituminous G coal hi situ. A heating well was
configured to be heated with electrical resistance heaters and/or a natural distributed combustor such as is
schematically shown in FIG. 12. Thermocouples were located every 2 feet along the length of the natural
distributed combustor (along conduit 532 as is schematically shown hi FIG. 12). The coal was first heated with
electrical resistance heaters until pyrolysis was complete proximate the well. FIG. 130 depicts square data points
measured during electrical resistance heating at various depths in the coal after the temperature profile had
stabilized (the coal seam was about 16 feet thick starting at about 28 feet of depth). At this point heat energy was
being supplied at about 300 Watts per foot Air was subsequently injected via conduit 532 at gradually increasing
rates, and electric power was substantially simultaneously decreased. Combustion products were removed from
the reaction zone in an annulus surrounding conduit 532 and the electrical resistance heater. The electric power
was decreased at rates that would approximately offset heating provided by the combustion of the coal caused by
the natural distributed combustor. Air rates were increased, and power rates were decreased, over a period of
about 2 hours until no electric power was being supplied. FIG. 130 depicts diamond data points measured during
natural distributed combustion heating (without any electrical resistance heating) at various depths in the coal
after the temperature profile had stabilized. As can be seen in FIG. 130, the natural distributed combustion
heating provided a temperature profile that is comparable to the electrical resistance temperature profile. This
experiment demonstrated that natural distributed combustors can provide formation heating that is comparable to
the formation heating provided by electrical resistance heaters. This experiment was repeated at different
temperatures, and in two other wells, all with similar results.
Numerical calculations have been made for a natural distributed combustor system configured to heat a
hydrocarbon containing formation. A commercially available program called PRO-II was used to make example
calculations based on a conduit of diameter 6.03 cm with a wall thickness of 039 cm. The conduit was disposed
in an opening in the formation with a diameter of 14.4 cm. The conduit had critical flow orifices of 1.27 mm
diameter spaced 183 cm apart. The conduit was configured to heat a formation of 91.4 meters thick. A flow rate
of air was 1.70 standard cubic meters per minute through the critical flow orifices. A pressure of air at the inlet of
; the conduit was 7 bars absolute. Exhaust gases had a pressure of 3.3 bars absolute. A heating output of 1066
watts per meter was used. A temperature in the- opening was set at 760 °C. The calculations determined a
mirumal pressure drop within the conduit of about 0.023 bar. The pressure drop within the opening was less than
FIG. 82 illustrates extension (in meters) of a reaction zone within a coal formation over time (in years)
according to the parameters set in the calculations. The width of the reaction zone increases with time as the
carbon was oxidized prodmate to the center.
Numerical calculations have been made for heat transfer using a conductor-in-conduit heater.
Calculations were made; for a conductor having a diameter of about 1 inch (2J4 cm) disposed in a conduit haying
a diameter of about 3 inches (7 62 cm). The conductor-in-conduit heater was disposed hi an opening of a carbon
containing formation having a diameter of about 6 inches (15.24 cm). An emissivity of the carbon containing
formation was maintained at a value of 0.9, which is expected for geological materials. The conductor and the
conduit were given alternate emissivity values of high emissivity (0.86), which is common for oxidized metal
surfaces, and low emissivity (0.1), which is for polished and/or un-oxidized metal surfaces. The conduit was
filled with either air or helium. Helium is known to be a more thermally conductive gas than air. The space
between the conduit and the opening was filled with a gas mixture of methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen
gases. Two different gas mixtures were used. The first gas mixture had mole fractions of 0.5 for methane, 0.3 for
carbon dioxide, and 0.2 for hydrogen. The second gas mixture had mole fractions of 0.2 for methane, 0.2 for
carbon dioxide, and 0.6 for hydrogen.
FIG. 83 illustrates a calculated ratio of conductive heat transfer to radiative heat transfer versus a
temperature of a face of the hydrocarbon containing formation in the opening for an air filled conduit The
temperature of the conduit was increased linearly from 93 °C to 871 °G. The ratio of conductive to radiative heat
transfer was calculated based on emissivity values, thermal conductivities, dimensions of the conductor, conduit,
and opening, and the temperature of the conduit Line 3204 is calculated for the low emissivity value (0.1). Line
3206 is calculated for me high emissivity value (0.86). A lower emissivity for the conductor and the conduit
provides for a higher ratio of conductive to radiative heat transfer to the formation. The decrease in the ratio with
an increase in temperature may be due to a reduction of conductive heat transfer with increasing temperature. As
the temperature on the face of the formation increases, a temperature difference between the face and the heater is
reduced, thus reducing a temperature gradient that drives conductive heat transfer.
FIG. 84 illustrates a calculated ratio of conductive heat transfer to radiative heat transfer versus a
temperature at a face of the hydrocarbon containing formation in the opening for a helium filled conduit The
temperature of the conduit was increased linearly from 93 °C to 871 °C. The ratio of conductive to radiative heat
transfer was calculated based on emissivity values; thermal conductivities; dimensions of the conductor, conduit,
and opening* and the temperature of the conduit. Line 3208 is calculated for the low emissivity value (0.1). Line
3210 is calculated for me high emissivity value (0.86). A lower emissivity for me conductor and the conduit
again provides for a higher ratio of conductive to radiative heat transfer to the formation. The use of helium
instead of air in the conduit significantly increases the ratio of conductive heat transfer to radiative heat transfer.
This may be due to a thermal conductivity of helium being about 5.2 to about 5.3 times greater than a thermal
conductivity of air.
FIG. 85 illustrates temperatures of the conductor, the conduit, and the opening versus a temperature at a
face of the hydrocarbon containing formation for a helium filled conduit and a high emissivity of 0.86. The
opening has a gas mixture equivalent to the second mixture described above having a hydrogen mole fraction of
6.6. Opening temperature 3216 was linearly increased from 93 9C to 871 "C. Opening temperature 3216 was
assumed to be the same as the temperature at the face of the hydrocarbon containing formation. Conductor
temperature 3212 and conduit temperature 3214 were calculated from opening temperature 3216 using the . dimensions of the conductor, conduit, and opening, values of emissivities for the conductor, conduit, and face, and
thermal conductivities for gases (helium, methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen). It may be seen from the plots
of tertperatures of the conductor, conduit, and opening for the conduit filled with helium, that at higher
temperatures approaching 871 °C1 the temperatures of the conductor, conduit, and opening begin to substantially
; FIG. 86 illustrates temperatures of the conductor, the conduit, and the opening versus a temperature at a
. face of the hydrocarbon containing formation for an air filled conduit and a high emissivity of 0.86. The openmg
has a gas mixture equivalent to the second mixture described above having a hydrogen mole fraction of 0.6.
Opening temperature 3216 was linearly increased from 93 °G to 871 °C. Opening temperature 3216 was assumed
to be the same as the temperature at the face of the hydrocarbon containing formation. Conductor temperature
3212 and conduit temperature 3214 were calculated from opening temperature 3216 using the dimensions of the
conductor, conduit, and opening, values of emissivities for the conductor, conduit, and face, and thermal
conductivities for gases (air, methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen). It may be seen from the plots of
temperatures of the conductor, conduit, and opening for the conduit filled with air, that at higher temperatures
approaching 871 °C, the temperatures of the conductor, conduit, and opening begin to substantially equilibrate, as
seen for the helium filled conduit with high emissivity.
FIG. 87 illustrates temperatures of the conductor, the conduit, and the opening versus a temperature at a
face of the hydrocarbon containing formation for a helium filled conduit and a low emissivity of 0 A. the opening
has a gas mixture equivalent to the second mixture described above having a hydrogen mole fraction of 0.6.
Opening temperature 3216 was linearly increased from 93 °C to 871 °C Opening temperature 3216 was assumed
to be the same as the temperature at the face of the hydrocarbon containing formation. Conductor temperature
3212 and conduit temperature 3214 were calculated from opening temperature 3216 using the dimensions of the
conductor, conduit, and opening, values of emissivities for the conductor, conduit, and face, and thermal
conductivities for gases (helium, methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen). It may be seen from the plots of
temperatures of the conductor, conduit, and opening for the conduit filled with helium, that at higher temperatures
approaching 871 °C, the temperatures of the conductor, conduit, and opening do not begin to substantially '
equilibrate as seen for die high emissivity example shown in FIG. 85. Also, higher temperatures in the conductor
and Ihe conduit are needed for an opening and face temperature of 87.1 °C than as for the example shown in FIG.
85. Thus, increasing an emissivity of the conductor and the conduit may be advantageous in reducing operating
temperatures needed to produce a desired temperature in a hydrocarbon containing formation. Such reduced
operating temperatures may allow for the use of less expensive alloys for metallic conduits.
FIG. 88 illustrates temperatures of the conductor, the conduit, and the opening versus a temperature at a
face of the hydrocarbon containing formation for an air filled conduit and a low emissivity of 0.1. The opening
has a gas mixture equivalent to the second mixture described above having a hydrogen mole fraction of 0.6.
Opening temperature 3216 was linearly increased from 93 °C to 871 °C. Opening temperature 3216 was assumed
to be the same as the temperature at the face of the hydrocarbon containing formation. Conductor temperature
3212 and conduit temperature 3214 were calculated from Opening temperature 3216 using the dimensions of the
conductor, conduit, and opening, values of emissivities for the conductor, conduit, and face, and thermal
conductivities for gases (air, methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen). It may be seen from the plots of
temperatures of the conductor, conduit, and opening for the conduit filled with helium, that at higher temperatures
approaching 871 °C, the temperatures of the conductor, conduit, and opening do not begin to substantially
•equilibrate as seen for the high emissivity example shown in FIG. 86. Also, higher temperatures in the conductor
and Jbe conduit are needed for an opening and face temperature of 871°C than as for the example shown in FIG.
86. Thus, increasing ah; emissivity of the conductor and the conduit may be advantageous in reducing operating
temperatures needed to produce a desired temperature in a hydrocarbon containing formation. Such reduced
operating temperatures may provide for a lesser metallurgical cost associated with materials mat require less
substantial temperature resistance (e.g., a lower melting point).
. Calculations were also made using the first mixture of gas having a hydrogen mole fraction of 0.2; The
calculations resulted m substantially similar results to those for a hydrogen mole fraction of 0.6.
FIG. 89 depicts a retort and collection system used to conduct certain experiments. Retort vessel 3314
, was a pressure vessel of 316 stahiless steel configured to hold a material to be tested. The vessel and appropriate
flow lines were wrapped with a 0.0254 meters by 1.83 meters electric heating tape. The wrapping was configured
to provide substantially uniform heating throughout the retort system. The temperature was controlled by
measuring a temperature of the retort vessel with a thermocouple and altering the temperature of the vessel with a
proportional controller. The heating tape was further wrapped with, insulation as shown. The vessel sat on a
0.0508 meters thick insulating block heated only from the sides. The heating tape extended past the bottom of the
stainlessisteel Vessel to, counteract heat loss from the bottom of the vessel.
A 0.00318 m stainless steel dip tube 3312 was inserted through mesh screen 3310 and into the small
dimple on the bottom of vessel 3314. Diptube 3312 was slotted at the bottom so that solids could not plug the
tube and prevent removal of the products. Screen 3310 was supported along the cylindrical wall of the vessel by
a small ring having a thickness of about 0.00159m. Therefore, me small ring provides a space between an end of
dip tube 3312 and a bottom of vessel 3314 which also inhibited solids from plugging the dip tube. A
thermocouple was attached to the outside of the vessel to measure a temperature of the steel cylinder. The
thermocouple was protected from direct heat of the heater by a layer of insulation. An air-operated
diaphragm-type backpressure valve 3304 was provided for tests at elevated pressures. The products at
atmospheric pressure pass into conventional glass laboratory condenser 3320. Coolant disposed in the condenser
: 3320 was chilled water having a temperature of about 1.7 °C. The oil vapor and steam products condensed in the
flow lines of the condenser and flowed into the graduated glass collection tube. A volume of produced oil and
water was measured visually. Non-condensable gas flowed front condenser 3320 through gas bulb 3316. Gas
bulb 3316 has a capacity of 500 cin3. In addition, gas bulb 3316 was originally filled with helium. Thevalveson
the bulb were two-way valves 3317 to provide easy purging of bulb 3316 and removal of non-condensable gases
for analysis. Considering a sweep efficiency of the bulb, the bulb would be expected to contain a composite
sample of the previously produced 1 to 2 liters of gas. Standard gas analysis methods were used to determine the
gas composition. The gas exiting the bulb passed into collection vessel 3318 that is in water 3322 in water bath
3324. The water bath 3324 was graduated to provide an estimate of the volume of the produced gas over a time
of the procedure (the water level changed, thereby indicating the amount of gas produced). The collection vessel
3318 also included an inlet valve at a bottom of the collection system under water and a septum at a top of the
Collection system for transfer of gas samples to an analyzer. ; .
. At location 3300 one or more gases may be injected into the system shown in FIG. 89 to pressurize,
maintain pressure, or sweep fluids in the system. Pressure gauge 3302 may be used to monitor pressure in me
system, Heatfag/5nsiuating material 3306 (e.g., insulation or a peratoe control bath) may be used to regulate
and/or mantai temperatures. Controller 3308 may be used to control heating of vessel 3314.
V A final volume of gas produced is not the volume of gas collected over water because carbon dioxide and
hydrogen sulfide are Soluble in water. Analysis of the water has shown that the gas collection system over water
removes about one-half of the carbon dioxide produced in a typical experiment The concentration of carbon
dioxide in water affects a concentration of the non-soluble gases collected over water. In addition, the volume of
gas collected over water was found to vary from about one-half to two-thirds of the volume of gas produced.
The system was purged with about 5 to 10 pore volumes of helium to remove all air and' pressurized to
, about 20 bars absolute for 24 hours to check for pressure leaks. Heating was then started slowly, taking about 4
days to reach 260°C. After about 8 to 12 hours at 260°C, the temperature was raised as specified by the schedule
desired for the particular test Readings of temperature on the inside and outside of the vessel were recorded
frequently to assure that the controller was working correctly.
In one experiment oil shale was tested in the system shown in FIG. 39. In this experiment, 270 °C was
at any tune in this range. For water, production started at about 100 °C and was monitored at all times during the
run. For gas, various amounts were generated during the course of production. Therefore, monitoring was needed
throughout the run.
The oil and water production was collected in 4 or 5 fractions throughout the run. These fractions were
: composite samples over a particular time interval involved. The cumulative volume of oil and water in each
fraction was measured as it accrued. After each fraction was collected, the oil was analyzed as desired. The
density of the oil was measured.
After the test, the reto it was cooled, opened, and inspected for evidence of any liquid residue. A
representative sample of the crushed shale loaded into the retort was taken and analyzed for oil generating
potential by the Fischer Assay method. After the test, three samples of spent shale in the retort were taken: one
near the top, one at the middle, and one near the bottom. These were tested for remaining organic matter and
elemental analysis.
Experimental data from the experiment described above was used to determine a pressure-temperature
relationship relating to the quality of the produced fluids. Varying the operating conditions included altering
temperatures and pressures. Various samples of oil shale were pyrolyzed at various operating conditions, The
quality of the produced fluids was described by a number of desired properties. Desired properties included API
gravity, an ethene to ethane ratio, an atomic carbon to atomic hydrogen ratio, equivalent liquids produced (gas and
liquid), liquids produced, percent of Fischer Assay, and percent of fluids with carbon numbers greater than about
25. Based on data collected these equilibrium experiments, families of curves for several values of each of the .properties were constructed as shown in FIGS. 90-96. From these figures, the following relationships were used
to describe the functional relationship of a given value of a property.
. .
-'A - of1 (property)3 + afpropertyf + as*(property) + 04
B = bi*(property)3 + bi*(properiy)? + b3*(property) + bt 'The generated curves may be used to determine a preferred temperature and a preferred pressure that may produce
fluids: with desired properties. Data illustrating the pressure-temperature relationship of a number of the desired
properties for Green River oil shale was plotted ina number of tiiefoBowing figures. v
; In FIG. 90, a plot of gauge pressure versus temperature is depicted (in FIGS. 90-96 the pressure is
indicated in bars). Lines representing the fraction of prcuctsw&carbijhnumbere greater than about 25 ' ' ' ' ' '" ' ' were
plotted. For example, when operating at a temperature of 3750C and a pressure of 2.7 bars absolute, 15 % of the
produced fluid hydrocarbons had a carbon number equal to or greater than 25. At low pyrolysis temperatures and
high pressures, the fraction of produced fluids with carbon numbers greater than about 25 decreases. Therefore,
operating at a high pressure and a pyrolysis temperature at the lower end of the pyrolysis temperature zone tends
to decrease the fraction of fluids with carbon numbers greater than:25 produced from oil shale.
FIG. 91 illustrates oil quality produced from an oil shale containing formation as a function of pressure
and temperature. Lines indicating different oil qualities, as defined by API gravity, are plotted. For example, the
quality of the produced oil was 45° API when pressure was maintained at about 6 bars absolute and a temperature
was about 375 °C. As described in above embodiments, low pyrolysis temperatures and relatively high pressures
may produce a high API gravity oil.
FIG. 92 illustrates an ethene to ethane ratio produced from an oil shale containing formation as a
function of pressure and temperature. For example, at a pressure of 11.2 bars absolute and a temperature of 375
°G, the ratio of ethene to ethane is approximately 0.01. The volume ratio of ethene to ethane inay predict an
olefin to alkace ratio of hydrocarbons produced during pyrolysis. To control olefin content, operating at lower
pyrolysis temperatures and a higher pressure may be beneficial. Olefin content in above described embodiments
may be reduced by operating at low pyrolysis temperature and a high pressure.
FIG. 93 depicts the dependence of yield of equivalent liquids produced from an oil shale containing
formation as a function of temperature and pressure. Line 3340 represents the pressure-temperature combination
at which 8.38 x 10~5m3 of fluid per kilogram of oil shale (20 gallonsAon). The pressure/temperature plot resultsline 3342 for the production of total fluids per ton of oil shals equal to 1.05 x 10"5 m3/kg (25 gallons/ton). Line
3344 Ulustrates that 1.21 x 10"4 m3 of fluid is produced from J kUogram of oil shale (30 gallons/ton). For
example, at a temperature of about 325 °C and a pressure of about 8 bars absolute the resulting equivalent liquids
was 8.38 x 10"5 m3/kg. As temperature of the retort increased and the pressure decreased the yield of the
equivalent liquids produced increased. Equivalent liquids produced was defined as the amount of liquid equivalent
to the energy value of the produced gas and liquids.
FIG. 94 illustrates a plot of oil yield produced from treating oil shale containing formation, measured
as volume of liquids per ton of the formation, as a function of temperature and pressure of the retort Temperature
is illustrated in units of Celsius on the x-axis, and pressure is illustrated in units of bars absolute on the y-axis. As
shown in FIG 94, the yield of liquid/condensable products increases as temperature of the retort increases and
pressure of the retort decreases. The lines on FIG. 94 correspond to different liquid production rates measured as
the volume of liquids produced per weight of of shale and are shown in Table 3.
(Table Removed)
FIG. 95 illustrates yield of oil produced from treating an oil shale containing formation expressed as a
percent of Fischer assay as a function of temperature and pressure. Temperature is illustrated in units of degrees
Celsius on the x-axis, and gauge pressure is illustrated in units of bars on the y-axis. Fischer assay was used as a
method for assessing a recovery of hydrocarbon condensate from the oil shale. In this case, a maximum recovery
would be 100% of the Fischer assay. As the temperature decreased and the pressure increased; the percent of
Fischer assay yield decreased. :
FIG. 96 illustrates hydrogen to carbon ratio of hydrocarbon condensate produced from an oil shale
containing formation as a function of a temperature arid pressure. Temperature is illustrated in units of degrees
Celsius on the xaxis, and pressure is illustrated in units 6f barsonthey-axis. As shown in FIG. 96, a hydrogen to
carbon ratio of hydrocarbon condensate produced from are oil shale containing formation decreases as a
temperature increases and as a pressure decreases. As described in more detail with respect to other embodiments
herein, treating an oil shale containing formation at high temperatures may decrease a hydrogen concentration of
, the produced hydrocarbon condensate.
FIG. 97 illustrates the effect of pressure and temperature within an oil shale containing formation on a
ratio of olefins to paraffins. The relationship of the value of one of the properties (R).with temperature has theo same functional form as the pressure-temperature relationships previously discussed; In this case the property (R)
can be explicitly expressed as a function of pressure and temperature. .
wherein R a value of the, property, T is the absolute temperature (in degrees Kelvin),. F and G(P) are functions
of pressvire representmg me slope and intercept of a plot of R versus 1/T.
FIG. 97 is an example of such a plot for olefin to paraffin ratio. Data from the above experiments were
compared to data from other sources. Isobars were plotted on a temperature versus olefin to paraffin ratio graph
using data from a variety of sources. Data from the above described experiments included an isobar at 1 bar
absolute 3360, 2.5 bars absolute 3362, 4.5 bars absolute 3364, 7,9 bars absolute 3366, and 14.8 bars absolute
3368. Additional data plotted included data from a surface retort, data from Ljungstrom 3361, and data from ex
situ oil shale studies conducted by Lawrence Livermore Laboratories 3363. As illustrated in FIG. 97, the olefin to
paraffin ratio appears to increase as the pyrolysis temperature increases. However, for a fixed temperature, the
ratio decreases rapidly with an increase in pressure. Higher pressures and lower temperatures appear to favor the
lowest olefin to paraffin ratios. At a temperature of about 325 °C and a pressure of about 4.5 bars absolute 3366, a
ratio of olefins to paraffins was approximately 0.01. Pyrolyzing at reduced temperature and increased pressure
may decrease an plefin to paraffin ratio. Pyrolyzing hydrocarbons for a longer period of time, which may be
accomplished by increasing pressure within the system, tends to result in a lower average molecular weight oil. In
addition, production of gas may increase and a non-volatile coke may be formed.
FIG. 98 illustrates a relationship between an API gravity of a hydrocarbon condensate fluid, the partial
pressure of molecular hydrogen within the fluid, and a temperature within an oil shale containing formation. As
illustrated in FIG. 98, as a partial pressure of hydrogen within the fluid increased, the API glBviry generally
increased. In addition, lower pyrolysis temperatures appear to have increased the API gravity of the produced
fluids. Maintaining a partial pressure of molecular hydrogen within a heated portion of a hydrocarbon containing
formation may increase the API gravity of the produced fluids*: /
In FIG. 99, a quantity of oil liquids produced in m3 of liquids per kg of oil shale containing formation is
plotted versus a partial pressure of H2. Also illustrated in FIG. 99 are various curves for pyrolysis occurring at
different temperatures. At higher pyrolysis temperatures production of oil liquids was higher than at the ' lowerpyrolysis temperatures. In addition, high pressures tended to decrease the quantity of oil liquids produced from an nl shale containing formation. Operating an in situ conversion process at low pressures and high temperatures
may produce a higher quantity of oil liquids than operating at low temperatures and high pressures.
As illustrated in FIG. 100, an ethane to ethane ratio in the produced gas increased with increasing
temperature. In addition, application of pressure decreased the ethene to ethane ratio significantly. As illustrated
in FIG. 100, lower temperatures and higher pressures decreased the ethene to ethane ratio. The ethene to ethane
ratio is indicative of the olefin to paraffin ratio in the condensed hydrocarbons.
FIG. 101 illustrates an atomic hydrogen to atomic carbon ratio in the hydrocarbon liquids. In general,

lower temperatures and higher pressures increased the atomic hydrogen to atomic carbon ratio of the produced
hydrocarbon liquids. .
A small-seals field experiment of the in-situ process in oil shale was conducted. An objective of this test
was to substantiate laboratory experiments that produced high quality crude utilizing the in-situ retort process.
As illustrated in FIG. 104, the field experiment consisted of a single unconfined hexagonal seven spot
pattern on eight foot spacing. Six heat injection wells 3600 drilled to a depth of 40 m contained 17 m long heating
elements that injected thermal energy into the formation from 21 n& to 39 m. A single producer well 3602 in the
center of the pattern captured the liquids and vapors from the in-situ retort. Three observation wells 3603 inside
the pattern and one outside the pattern recorded formation temperatures and pressures. Six dewatering wells 3604
surrounded the pattern on 6 m spacing and were completed in an active aquifer below the heated interval (from 44
m to 61 m). FIG. 105 is a cross-sectional view of the field experiment A producer well 3602 includes pump
3614. The lower portion of producer well 3602 was packed with gravel The upper portion of producer well 3602
was cemented. Heater well 3600 was located a distance of approximately 2.4 meters from producer well 3602. A
heating element was located within the heater well and the heater well was cemented in place. Dewatering wells
3604 were located approximately 4.0 meters from heater wells 3600.
Produced oil, gas and water were sampled and analyzed throughout the life of the experiment Surface
and subsurface pressures and temperatures and energy injection data were captured electronically and saved for
future evaluation. The composite oil produced from the test had a 36 ° C
gravity with a low olefin content of
1.1 % by weight and a paraffin content of 66 % by weight The composite oil also included a sulfur content of 0.4
% by weight This condensate-like crude confirmed the quality predicted from the laboratory experiments. The
composition of the gas changed throughout the test. The gas was high in hydrogen (average approximately 25
mol%) and CO2average apprbxunatsry 15 mol %) as expected.
Evaluation of the post heat core indicates that the mahogany zone was thoroughly retorted except for the to
and bottom I m to 1.2 m. Oil recovery efficiency was shown to be in the 75 % to 80 % range. Some retorting als
occurred at least two feist outside of the pattern. During the ICP experiment, the formation pressures were monitore
with pressure monitoring wells. The pressure increased to a highest pressure at 9>.4 bars absolute and then slowl
declined. The high oil quality was produced at the highest pressure and temperatures below 350 °C. Thepressure wa
allowed to decrease to atmospheric as temperatures increased above 370 °G. As predicted, the oil composition undc
these conditions was shown to beqf lower APIgravity, higher molecular weight, greater carbon numbers in carbo
numberdistribution, higher olefincontent, and higher sulfur and nitrogen contents.
FIG. 106 illustrates a plot of the maximum temperatureS:Within each of the three inner-most observation
liyells 3603 (see FIG. 104) versus time. The temperature profiles were: Very similar for the three observation wells. '
Heat was provided to the oil shale containing formation for 216'days, As illustrated in FIG. 106, the temperature
atthe observer wells increased steadily until the heat was turned off.
FIG. 175 illustrates a plot of hydrocarbon liquids production, in barrels per day, for the same in situ
experiment. In this figure the line marked as "Separator Oil" indicates the hydrocarbon liquids that were
produced after the produced fluids were cooled to ambient conditions and separated. In this figure the line
aiarked as "Oil & C5* Gas Liquids" includes the hydrocarbon liquids produced after the produced fluids were
cooled to ambient conditions and separated and, in addition, the assessed Q and heavier compounds that were
flared. The total liquid hydrocarbons produced to a stock tank during the experiment was 194 barrels. The total
equivalent liquid hydrocarbons produced (including the 0$ and heavier compounds) was 250 barrels. As
indicated in FIG, 175 the heat was turned off at day 216, however some hydrocarbons continued to be produced
thereafter. r
FIG. 176 illustrates a plot of production of hydrocarbon liquids (in barrels per day), gas (in MCF per
day), and water (in barrels per day), versus heat energy injected (in mega Watt-hours), during the same in situ
experiment. As shown in FIG. 176 the heat was turned off after about 440 megawatt-hours of energy had been
injected. ;;
As illustrated in FIG. 107, pressure within the oil shale containing material showed some variations
initially at different depths, however over time these variations equalized. FIG. 107 depicts the gauge fluid
pressure in the observation well 3603 versus time measured in days at a radial distance of 2.1 m from the
production well 3602.The fluid pressures were monitored at depths of 24 m and 33 m. These depths
corresponded to a richness within the oil shale containing material of 8.3 x 10"5 m3 of oil / kg of oil shale at 24 m
and 1.7 x 10"4 m3 of oil /kg of oil shale at 33 m. The higher pressures initially observed at 33 m may be the result
of a higher generation of fluids due to the richness of the oil shale containing material at that depth. In addition, at
Ipwer depths a lithostatic pressure may be higher, causing the oil shale containing material at 33 m to fracture at
higher pressure than at 24 m. During the course of the experiment, pressures within the oil shale containing
formation equalized. The equalization of the pressure may have resulted from fractures forming within the oil
shale containing formation.
FIG. 108 is a plot of API gravity versus time measured in days. As illustrated in FIG. 108, the API
gravity was relatively high (ie., hovering around 40° until about 140 days). The API gravity, although it still
varied, decreased steadily thereafter. Prior to 110 days the pressure measured at shallower depths was increasing,
and after 110 days it began to decrease significantly. At about 140 days the pressure at the.deeper depths began to
decrease. At about 140 days the temperature as measured at the observation wells increased above about 370 °C.
- In FIG. 109 average carbon numbers of the produced fluid are plotted versus time measured in days. At
approximately 140 days, the average carbon number of the produced fluids increased. This approximately
corresponded to the temperature rise and the drop in pressure illustrated in FIG. 106 and FIG. 107, respectively.
In addition, as demonstrated in FIG. 110 the density of the produced hydrocarbon liquids, in.grams per cc,
increased at approximately 140 days. The quality of the produced hydrocarbon liquids as demonstrated in FIG.
108, FIG. 109, and FIG. 110 decreased as the temperature increased and the pressure decreased.
FIG. Ill depicts a plot of the weight percent of specific carbon numbers of hydrocarbons within the
pttKluced hydrocarbon Squids.The various curves representdifferent times at which the h'quids were produced
The carbon number distribution of the produced hydrocarbon liquids for the first 136 days exhibited a relatively
narrow carbon number distribution, with a low weight percent of carbon numbers above 16. The carbon ' ' ' nu'mber
distribution of the produced hydrocarbon liquids becomes progressively broader as time progresses after 136 days
(e.g,, from 199 days to 206 days to 231 days). As the temperature continued to increase, and fee pressure had
deceased towards one atmosphere absolute, the product quality steadily deteriorated. .
FIG. 112 illustrates a plot of the weight percent of specific carbon numbers of hydrocarbons within the
produced hydrocarbon liquids. Curve 3620 represents the carbon distribution for the composite mixture of ydrocarbon liquids over the entire in situ conversion process ("ICP") field experiment For comparison, a plot of
the carbon number distribution for hydrocarbon liquids produced from a surface retort of fee same Green River oil
shale is also depicted as curve 3622. In the surface retort, oil shale was mined, placed in a vessel, rapidly heated
at atmospheric pressure to a high temperature in excess of 500 °C. As illustrated in FIG. 112, a carbon number
distribution; of fee majority of fee hydrocarbon liquids produced from fee ICP field experiment was within a range
of 8 to 15. The peak carbon number from production of oil during fee ICP field experiment was about 13. In
contrast, fee surface retort.3622 has a relatively flat carbon number distribution wife a substantial amount of
carbon numbers greater than 25.
During fee ICP experiment, the formation pressures were monitored wife pressure monitoring wells.
. The pressure increased to a highest pressure at 9.3 bars absolute and then slowly declined. The high oil quality
was produced at fee highest pressures and temperatures below 350 °C. The pressure was allowed to decrease to
atmospheric as temperatures increased above 370 °C. As predicted, fee oil composition under these conditions
was shown to be of lower API gravity, higher molecular weight; greater carbon numbers in carbon number
distribution, higher olefin content, and higher sulfur and nitrogen contents.
Experimental data from studies conducted by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories (LLNL) was
plotted along wife laboratory data from fee in situ conversion process (ICP) for an oil shale containing formation
at atmospheric pressure in FIG. 113. The oil recovery as a percent of Fischer assay was plotted against a log of
fee heating rate. Data from IXNL 3642 included data derived from pyrolyzing powdered oil shale at atmospheric
pressure and in a range from about 2 bars absolute to about 2.5 bars absolute. As illustrated hi FIG. 113, fee data
from LLNL 3642 has a linear trend. Data from fee ICP 3640 demonstrates feat oil recovery, as measured by
Fischer assay, was much higher for ICP than the data from LLNL would suggest 3642. FIG. 113 demonstrates
feat oil recovery from oil shale increases along an S-curve.
Results from fee oil shale field experiment (e.g., measured pressures, temperatures, produced fluid
quantities and compositions, etc.) were inputted into a numerical simulation model in order to attempt to assess
formation fluid transport mechanisms. FIG. 114 shows fee results from the computer simulation. In FIG, 114, oil
production 3670 in stock tank barrels/day was plotted versus time. Area 3674 represents fee liquid hydrocarbons ". in fee formation at reservoir conditions feat were measured in fee field experiment. FIG. 114 indicates feat more
than 90 % of fee hydrocarbons in fee formation were vapors. Based on these results, and fee fact that fee wells in
fee field test produced mostly vapors (until such vapors were cooled, at which point hydrocarbon liquids were
produced), it is believed feat hydrocarbons hi fee formation move through the formation as vapors when heated as
is described above forfeeofl shale field experiment
A series of experiments was conducted to determine fee effects of various properties of hydrocarbon
containing formations on properties of fluids produced from coal containing formations. The fluids may be
produced according to any of the embodiments as described herein. The series of experiments included organic
:pettOgrapliy, proximate/ultimateanalyses, Rock-Eval pyrolysis, JLecp Total Organic Carbon ("TOCT), Fischer
Assay, and pyrolysis-gas chromatography. Such a combination of petrographic and chemical techniques ' ' may
provide a quick and inexpensive method for determining physical and chemical properties of coal and for
providing a comprehensive understanding of the effect of geochemical parameters on potential oil and gas
production from coal pyrolysis. The series of experiments were conducted on forty-five cubes of coal to
determine source rock properties of each coal and to assess potential oil arid gas production from each eoal.
Organic petrology is the study, mostly under the microscope, of the organic constituents of coal and
other rocks. The petrography of coal is important since it affects the physical and chemical nature of the coal
The ultimate analysis refers to a series of defined methods that are used to determine the carbon, hydrogen, sulfur,
nitrogen, ash, oxygen, and the heating value of a coal. Proximate analysis is the measurement of the moisture,
ash, volatile matter, and fixed carbon content of a coal.
Rock-Evalpyrolysis is a petroleum exploration tool developed to assess the generative potential and
thermal maturity of prospective source rocks. A ground sample may be pyrolyzed hi a helium atmosphere. For
example, the sample may be initially heated and held at a temperature of 300 °C for 5 minutes. The sample may
be further heated at a rate of 25 °C/min to a final temperature of 600 °C. The final temperature may be
maintained for 1 minute. The products of pyrolysis may be oxidized in a separate chamber at 580 °C to
determined the total organic carbon content All components generated may be split into two streams passing
through a flame ionization detector, which measures hydrocarbons, and a thermal conductivity detector, which
measures CC>2.
Leco Total Organic Carbon ("TOC") involves combustion of coal. For example, a small sample (about 1
gram) is heated to 1500° C in a high-frequency electrical field under an oxygen atmosphere. Conversion of carbon
to carbon dioxide is measured volumetrically. Pyrolysis-gas chromatography may be used for quantitative and
qualitative analysis of pyrolysis gas.
Coal of different ranks and vitrinite reflectances were treated in a laboratory to simulate an in situ
conversion process. The different coal samples were heated at a rate of about 2 °C/day and at a pressure of 1 bar
or 4.4 bars absolute. FIG. 115 shows weight percents of paraffins plotted against vitrinite reflectance. As shown
inFIG, 115, weight percent of paraffins hi the produced oil increases at vitrinite reflectances of the coal below
about 0.9 %. In addition, a weight percent of paraffins in the produced oil approaches a maximum at a vitrinite
reflectance of about 0.9 %. FIG. 116 depicts weight percentages of cycloalkanes hi the produced oil plotted
versus vitrinite reflectance. As shown in FIG. 116, a weight percent of cycloalkanes in the oil produced increased
as vitrinite reflectance increased. Weight percentages of a sum of paraffins and cycloalkanes is plotted versus
vitrinite reflectance in FIG. 117, In some embodiments, an in situ conversion process may be utilized to produce
phenol. Phenol generation may increase when a fluid pressure within the formation is maintained at a lower
. pressure. Phenol weight percent in the produced oil is depicted hi FIG. 118. A weight percent of phenol in the
.,' ;prpduced oil decreases as the vitrinite reflectance increases. FIG. 119 illustrates a weight percentage of aromatics
m the hydrocarbon fluids plotted against vitrinite reflectance. As shown in FIG. 119, a weight percent of
aromatics in me produced oil decreases below a vitrinite reflectance of about 0.9%. A weight percent of
- aromatics in the produced oil increases above a vitrinite reflectance of about 0.9%. FIG. 120 depicts a ratio of
paraffins to aromatics 3680 and a ratio of aliphatics to aromatics 3682 plotted versus vitrinite reflectance. Both
ratios increase to a maximum- at a vitrinite reflectance between about 0.7% and about 0.9%. Above a vitrinite
reflectance of about 0.9%, botii ratios decrease as vitrinite reflectance increases.
FIG. 134 depicts the condensable hydrocarbon compositions, and condensable hydrocarbon API
".'. :grayities, that were produced when various ranks of coal were treated as is described above for FIGS. 115-120. In' .
FIG. 134, "SubC" means a rank of sub-bituminous C coal;"SubBM means a rank of sub-bituminous B coal,
"SubA" refers to a rank of sub-bituminous A coal, "HVC" refers to a rank of high volatile bituminous C coal,
"HVB/A" refers to a rank of high volatile bituminous coal at the border between B and A rank coal, "MV" refers
to a rank medium volatile bituminous coal, and "Ro" refers to vitrinite reflectance. As can be seen in FIG. 134,
certain ranks of coal will produce different compositions when treated in certain embodhnents described herein.
For instance, in many circumstances it may be desirable to treat coal haying a rank of HVB/A because such coal,
when treated, has the highest API gravity, the highest weight percent of paraffins, and the highest weight percent
of the sum of paraffins andcycloalkanes.
Results were also displayed as a yield of products. FIG. 121-124 illustrate the yields of components in
terms of m3 of product per kg of hydrocarbon containing formation, when measure on a dry, ash free basis. As
illustrated in FIG. 121 the yield of paraffins increased as thevitrinite reflectance of the coal increased. However,
for coals with a vitrinite reflectance greater than about 0.7 to 0.8% the yield of paraffins fell off dramatically. In
addition, a yield of cycloalkanes followed similar trends as the paraffins, increasing as the vitrinite reflectance of
coal increased and decreasing for coals with a vitrinite-reflectance greater than about 0.7% or 0.8% as illustrated
in FIG. 122. FIG. 123 illustrates the increase of both paraffins and cycloalkanes as the vitrinite reflectance of coal
increases to about 0.7% or 0.8%. As illustrated in FIG. 124, the yield of phenols maY be relatively low for coal
containing material with a vitrinite reflectance of less than about 0.3% and greater than about 125%. Production
of phenols may be desired due to the value of phenol as a feedstock for chemical synthesis.
As demonstrated in FIG. 125, the API gravity appears to increase significantly when the vitrinite
reflectance is greater than about 0.4%. FIG. 126 illustrates the relationship between coal rank, (i.e., vitrinite
reflectance), and a yield of condensable hydrocarbons (in gallons per ton on a dry ash free basis) from a coal
containing formation. /The yield in this experiment appears to be in an optimal range when the coal has a vitrinite
reflectance greater than about 0.4% to less than about 1.3%,
FIG. 127 illustrates a plot of CO2 yield of coal 'havingvarious vitrinite .reflectances. In FIGS. 127 and
128i CO2 yield is set forth in weight percent on a dry ash free basis. As shown in FIG, 127, at least some CO2
was released from all of the coal samples. Such CO2 production may correspond to various oxygenated functional
groups present in the initial coal samples. A yield of CQ2produced from low-rank coal samples was significantly
higher than a production from high-rank coal samples. Low-rank coals may include lignite and sub-bituminous
brown coals. High-rank coals may include semi-anthracite and anthracite coal. FIG. 128 illustrates a plot of CO2
yield from a portion of a coal cpntaining formation versus the atomic O/C ratio within a portion of a coal
containing formation. As O/C atomic ratio increases, a CQ2 yield increases.
A slow heating process may produce condensed hydrocarbon fluids having API gravities in a range of
22° to 50°, and average molecular weights of about 150 g/gmol to about 250 g/gmol. These properties may be
compared to properties of condensed hydrocarbon fluids produced by ex situ retorting of coal as reported in Great
/BritainPublished Patent Application No, GB 2,068,014 A, which is incorporated by reference as if fully set forth
herein. For example, properties of condensed hydrocarbon fluids produced by an ex situ retort process include
API gravities of 1.9° to ?;9° produced at temperatures of 521 6G and 427 °C, respectively.
Table 4 shows a comparison of gas compositions, in percent volume, obtained from in situ gasification of
coal using air injection to heat the coal, in situ gasification of coal using oxygen injection to heat the coal, and in
situ gasification of coal in a reducing atmosphere by thermal pyrolysis heating as described hi embodiments
(Table Removed)
As shown hi Table 4, gas produced according to an embodiment described herein may be treated and
sold through existing natural gas systems. In contrast, gas produced by typical hi situ gasification processes may
not be treated and sold through existing natural gas systems. For example, a heating value of the gas produced by
gasification with air was 6000 KJ/m3, and a heating value of gas produced by gasification with oxygen was
11,439 KJ/m. In contrast, a heating value of the gas produced by thermal conductive heating was 39,159 KJ/m3.
Experiments were conducted to determine the difference between treating relatively large solid blocks of
coal versus treating relatively small loosely packed particles of coal.
As illustrated in FIG. 129, coal 3700 in the shape of a cube was heated to pyrolyze the coal. Heat was
provided to cube 3700 from heat source 3704 inserted into the center of the cube and also from heat sources 3702
located on the sides of me cube. The cube was surrounded by insulation 3705. The temperature was raised
simultaneously using heat sources 3704,3702 at a rate of about 2 °C/day at atmospheric pressure. Measurements
from temperature gauges 3706 were used to determine an average temperature of cube 3700. Pressure in cube
3700 was monitored with pressure gauge 3708. The fluids produced from the cube of coal were collected and
routed through conduit 370-9. Temperature of the product fluids was monitored with temperature gauge 3706 on
conduit 3709. A pressure of the product fluids was monitored with pressure gauge 3708 on conduit 3709. A
hydrocarbon condensate was separated from a non-condensable fluid in separator 3710. Pressure in separator
3710 was monitored with pressure gauge 3708. A portion of the non-condensable fluid was routed through
conduit 3711 to gas analyzers 3712 for characterization. Grab samples were taken from a grab sample port 3714.
Temperature of the non-condensable fluids was monitored with temperature gauge 3706 on conduit 3711. A
pressure of the non-condensable fluids was monitored with pressure gauge 3708 on conduit 3711. The remaining
gas was routed through a flow meter 3716, a carbon bed 3718, and vented to the atmosphere. The produced
hydrocarbon condensate was collected and analyzed to determine the composition of the hydrocarbon condensate.
FIG. 102 illustrates a drum experimental apparatus. This apparatus was used to test coal. Electrical
heater 3404 and bead heater 3402 were used to uniformly heat contents ofdrum3400. Insulation 3405 surrounds
drum 3400. Contents of drum 3400 were heated at a rate of about 2 °C/day at various pressures. Measurements
from temperature gauges 3406 were used to determine an average temperature in drum 3400. Pressure in the
drum was monitored with pressure gauge 3408. Product fluids were removed from drum 3400 through conduit
3409. Temperature of the product fluids was monitored .with temperature gauge 3406 on conduit 3409. A
/pressure of the product fluids was monitored with pressure gauge 3408 on conduit 3409. Product fluids were
separated in separator 3410, Separator 3410 separated product fluids into condensable and non-condensable
products. Pressure in separator 3410 was monitored with pressure gauge 3408. Non-condensable product fluids
were removed through, conduit 3411. A composition of a portion of non-condensable product fluids removed
from separator 3410 was determined by gas analyzer 3412. A portion of condensable product fluids were
removed from separator 3410. Compositions of the portion of condensable product fluids collected were
determined by external analysis methods. Temperature of the non-condensable fluids was monitored with
temperature gauge 3406 on conduit 3411. A pressure of the non-condensable fluids was monitored with pressure
gauge 3408 on conduit 3411. Flow of non-condensable fluids from separator 3410 was determined by flow meter
3416. Fluids measured in flow meter 3416 were collected and neutralized in carbon bed 3418. Gas samples were
collected in gas container 3414.
A large block of MghvolatUebitoninousBFruitland coal was separated into two portions. One portion
(about 550 kg) was ground into small pieces and tested in a coal drum. The coal was ground to an approximate
diameter of about 6.34 xlO"4 m. The results of such testing are depicted with the circles in FIGS. 131 and 133.
One portion (a cube having sides measuring .3048 m) was tested ia a coal cube experiment The results of such
testing are depicted with the squares in FIGS. 131 and 133.
FIG. 131 is a plot of gas phase compositions from experiments on a coal cube and a coal drum for Ha
3724, methane 3726, ethane 3780, propane 3781, n-butane 3782, and other hydrocarbons 3783 as a function of
temperature. As can be seen for FIG. 131, the non condensable fluids produced from pyrolysis of the cube and
the drum had similar concentrations of the various hydrocarbons generated within the coal. In FIG. 131 these
results were so similar tot only one line was drawn for ethane 3780, propane 3781, n-butane 3782, and other
hydrocarbons 3783 for both the cube and the drum results, and the two lines that were drawn for H2 (3724a and
3724b) and the two lines drawn for methane (3726a and 3726b) were in both instances very close to each other.Crushing the coal did not have an apparent effect on the pyrolysis of the coal. The peak in methane production
3726 occurred at about 450 °C. At higher temperatures methane cracks to hydrogen, so the methane
concentration decreases while the hydrogen content 3724 increases.
FIG. 132 illustratesa plot of cumulative productionof gas as a
function of temperature from heating coal
in the cube and coal in the drum. Line 3790 represents gas production from coal in the drum and line 3791
represents gas production from coal in the cube. As demonstrated by FIG. 132, the production of gas in both
experiments yielded similar results, even though the particle sizes were dramatically different between the two
-experiments. FIG. 133 illustrates cumulative condensable hydrocarbons produced in the cube and drum experiments.
Line 3720 represents cumulative condensable hydrocarbons production from the cube experiment, and line 3722
represents cumulative condensable hydrocarbons production from the drum experiment As demonstrated by FIG.
133, the production of condensable hydrocarbons in both experiments yielded similar results, even though the
particle sizes were dramatically different between the two experiments. Production of condensable hydrocarbons
is substantially complete when the temperature reached about 390 °C. In both experiments the condensable
hydrocarbons had an API'gravity of about 37 degrees.
As shown in FIG. 131, methane started to be produced at temperature at or above about 270 °C. Since
the experiments were conduced at atmospheric pressure, it is believed that the methane is produced from the
pyrclysis, and not from inefe desorption. Between about 270 °C and about 400 °C, condensable hydrocarbons,
methane and H2 were produced as shown in FIGS. 131,132, and 133. FIG. 131 shows mat above a temperature
of about 400 °C methane and Hi continue to be produced. Above about 450 °G, however, methane concentration
decreased in the produced gases whereas the produced gases contained increased amounts of H2. If heating was
continued, eventually all H2 remaining in the coal would be depleted, and production of gas from the coal would
cease. FIGS. 131-133 indicate that the ratio of a yield of gas to a yield of condensable hydrocarbons will increase
as the temperature increases above about 390°C.
FIGS. 131-133 demonstrate mat particle size did not substantially affect the quality of condensable
hydrocarbons produced from the treated coal, the quantity of condensable hydrocarbons produced from the treated
coal, the amount of gas produced from the treated coal, the composition of the gas produced from the treated coal,
fiie time required to produce the condensable hydrocarbons and gas from the treated coal, or the temperatures
required to produce the condensable hydrocarbons and gas from the treated coal. In essence a block of coal
yielded substantially the same results from treatment as small particles of coal. As such, it is believed that scaleup
issues when treating coal will not substantially affect treatment results.
An experiment was conducted to determine an effect of heating on thermal conductivity and thermal
diffusivity of a portion of a coal containing formation. Thermal pulse tests performed in situ in a high volatile
bituminous C coal at the field pilot site showed a thermal conductivity between 2.0 x 10"3 to 2.39 xlO"3 cal/cm sec
CC (0.85 to 1.0 W/(m °K)) at 20 °C. Ranges in these values were due to different measurements between different
wells. The thermal diffasivity was 4,8 xlO"3 cm2/s at 20 °C (the range was from about 4.1 x 10~3 to about 5,7 x
ID"3 cm2/s at 20 °C). It is believed that these measured values for thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity are
substantially higher than Would be expected based on literature sources (e.g., about three times higher in many
An initial value for thermal conductivity from the in situ experiment is plotted versus temperature in FIG.
135 (this initial value is point 3743 hi FIG. 135). Additional points for thermal conductivity (i.e., all of the other
values for line 3742 shown in FIG. 135) were assessed by calculating thermal conductivities using temperature
measurements in all of the wells shown in FIG. 137, total heat input from all heaters shown in FIG. 137, measured
heat capacity and density for the coal being treated, gas and liquids production data (e.g., composition, quantity,
etc.), etc. For comparison, these assessed thermal conductivity values (see line 3742) were plotted with datareported in two papers from S. Badzioch, et al (1964) and R. E. Glass (1984) (see line 3740). As illustrated in
FIG. 135, the assessed thermal conductivities from the in situ experiment were higher than reported values for
thermal conductivities. The difference may be at least partially accounted for if it is assumed that the reported
values do not take into consideration the confined nature of the coal in an in situ application. Because the
reported values for thermal conductivity of coal are relatively low, they discourage the use of in situ heating for
FIG. 135 illustrates a decrease in the assessed thermal conductivity values 3742 at about 100 °C. It is
believed that this decrease in thermal conductivity was caused by water vaporizing hi the cracks and void spaces
(water vapor has a lower thermal conductivity than liquid water). At about 350 "C, the thermal conductivity
began to increase, and it increased substantially as the temperature increased to 700 °C. It is believed mat the
increases in thermal conductivity were the result of molecular changes in the carbon structure. As the carbon was
heated it became more graphitic, which is illustrated in Table 5 by an increased vitrinite reflectance after
pyrolysis. As void spaces increased due to fluid production, heat was increasingly transferred by radiation and/or
convection. In addition, concentrations of hydrogen in the void spaces were raised due to pyrolysis and
generation of synthesis gas.
1 Three data points 3744 of thermal conductivities under high stress were derived from laboratory tests on
the same high volatile bituminous C coal used for the in situ field pilot site (see FIG. 135). In the laboratory tests
a sample of such coal was stressed from all directions, and heated relatively quickly. These thermal conductivities
were determined at higher stress fte., 27.6 bars absolute), as compared to the stress in the in situ field pilot (which
were about 3 bars absolute). Thermal conductivity values 3744 demonstrate that the application of stress increased
the thermal conductivity of the coal at temperatures of 150 °C, 250 °C, and 350 °C. It is believed that higher
thermal conductivity values were obtained from stressed coal because the stress closed at least some cracks/void
spaces and/or prevented new cracks/void spaces from forming.
Using the reported values for thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of coal and a 12m heat source
spacing on an equilateral triangle pattern, calculations show that a heating period of about ten years would be
needed to raise an average temperature of coal to about 350 °C. Such a heating period may not be economically
viable. Using experimental values for thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity and lite same 12 m heat source
spacing, calculations show that the heating period to reach an average temperature of 350 °C would be about 3
years/The elimination of about 7 years of heating a formation will in many instances significantly improve the
economic viability of an in situ conversion process for coal.
Molecular hydrogen has a relatively high thermal conductivity (e.g., the thermal conductivity of
molecular hydrogen is about 6 tunes the thermal conductivity of nitrogen or air). Therefore it is believed that as
the amount of hydrogen in the formation void spaces increases, the thermal conductivity of the formation will also
increase. The increases in thermal conductivity due to the presence of hydrogen hi the void spaces somewhat
offsets decreases in thermal conductivity caused by the void spaces themselves. It is believed mat increases in
thermal conductivity due to the presence of hydrogen will be larger for coal formations as compared to other
hydrocarbon containing formations since the amount of void spaces created during pyrolysis will be larger (coal
has a higher hydrocarbon density, so pyrolysis creates more void spaces in coal).
Hydrocarbon fluids were produced from a portion of a coal containing formation by an in situ
experiment conducted in a portion of a coal containing formation. The coal was high volatile bituminous C coal.
It was heated with electrical heaters. FIG. 136 illustrates a cross-sectional view of the in situ experimental field
test system. As shown in FIG. 136, the experimental field test system included at least coal containing formation
3802 within the ground and grout wall 3800. Coal containing formation 3802 dipped at an angle of approximately
36° with a raickness of approximately 4.9 meters. FIG. 137 illustrates a location of heat sources 3804a,3804b,
3804c, production wells 3806a, 3806b, and temperature observation wells 3803a, 3808b, 3808c, 3808d used for
the experimental field test system.-The three heat sources were disposed in a triangular configuration. Production
well 3806a was located proximate a center of the heat source pattern and equidistant from each of the heat
sources. A second production well 3806b was located outside the heat source pattern and spaced equidistant from
the two closest heat sources. Grout wall 3800 was formed around the heat source pattern and the production
wells. The grout wall may include pillars 1-24. Grout wall 3800 was configured to inhibit an influx of water into
the portion during the hi situ experiment. In addition, grout wall 3800 was configured to substantially inhibit loss
of generated hydrocarbon fluids to an unheated portion of the formation.
; Temperatures were measured at various times during the experiment at each of four temperature
observation wells 3808a, 3808b, 3808c, 3808d located within and outside of the heat source pattern as illustrated
ui FIG, 137. The temperatures measured (in degrees Celsius) at each of the temperature observation wells are
displayed in FIG. 138 as a function of time. Temperatures at observation wells 3808a (3820), 3808b (3822), and
3808c (3824) were relatively close to each other. A temperature at temperature observation well 3808d (3826)
was significantly colder. This temperature observation well was located outside of the heater well triangle'
illustrated in FIG. 137. This data demonstrates that in zones where there was little superposition of heat
temperatures were significantly lower. FIG. 139 illustrated temperature profiles measured at the heat sources
3804a (3830), 3804b (3832), and 3804c (3834). The temperature profiles were relatively uniform at the heat sources;- FIG. 140 illustrates a plot of cumulative volume (m3) of liquid hydrocarbons produced 3840 as a function
of time (days). FIG. 149 illustrates a plot of cumulative volume of gas produced 3910 in standard cubic feet,
produced as a function of time (in days) for the same in situ experiment. Both FIG. 140 and FIG. 149 show the
results during the pyrolysis stage only of the in situ experiment
FIG. 141 illustrates the carbon number distribution of condensable hydrocarbons that were produced
using slow, low temperature retorting process as described above. As can be seen in FIG. 141, relatively high
quality products were produced during treatment The results in FIG; 141 are consistent with the results set forth
in FIG. 146, which show results from heating coal from the same formation in the laboratory for similar ranges of
heating rates as were used ia situ.
table 5 illustrates the results from analyzing coal before and after it was treated (including heating the
temperatures set forth in as is set forth in FIG. 139 (i.e., after pyrolysis and production of synthesis gas) as
described above. The coal was cored at about 11-113 meters from the surface, midway into the coal bed, inborn
the 'before treatment" and "after treatment" examples. Both cores were taken at about the same location. Both
cores were taken at about 0.66 meters from well 3804c (between the grout wall and well 3804c) in FIG. 137. In
the following Table 5 "FA" means Fisher Assay, "as rec'd" means the sample was tested as it was received and
without any further treatment, "Py-Water" means the water produced during pyrolysis, "H/C Atomic Ratio"
means the atomic ratio of hydrogen to carbon, "daf means "dry ash free," "dmmf' means "dry mineral matter
free,' and "mmf* means "mineral matter free." The specific gravity of the "after treatment" core sample, was
approximately 0.85 whereas the specific gravity of the "before treatment" core sample was approximately 1.35.
(Table Removed)
Even though the cores were taken outside the areas within the triangle formed by the three heaters in
FIG 137, nevertheless the cores demonstrate that the coal remaining hi the formation changed significantly during
treatment The vitrinite reflectance results shown in Table 5 demonstrate that the rank of the coal remaining in the
formation changed substantially during treatment The coal was a high volatile bituminous C coal before
treatment. After treatment, however, the coal was essentially anthracite. The Fischer Assay results shown in
Table 5 demonstrate that most of the hydrocarbons in the coal bad been removed during treatment The H/C
Atomic Ratio demonstrates that most of the hydrogen in the coal had been removed during treatment A
significant amount of nitrogen and ash was left in the formation.
In sum, the results shown in Table 5 demonstrate that a significant amount of hydrocarbons and
hydrogen were removed during treatment of the coal by pyrolysis and generation of synthesis gas. Significant
amounts of undesirable products (ash and nitrogen) remain in the formation, while the significant amounts of
desirable products (e.g., condensable hydrocarbons and gas) were removed.
FIG. 142 illustrates a plot of weight percent of a hydrocarbon produced versus carbon number
distribution for two laboratory experiments on coal from the field experiment site. The coal was a high volatile
bituminous C coal As shown hi FIG. 142, a carbon number distribution of fluids produced from a formation
varied depending on, for example, pressure. For example, first pressure 3842 was about 1 bar absolute and
second pressure 3844 was about 8 bars absolute. The laboratory carbon number distribution shown in FIG. 142
was similar to that produced in the field experiment hi FIG. 141 also at 1 bar absolute. As shown in FIG; 142, as
pressure increased, a range of carbon numbers of the hydrocarbon fluids decreased. An increase hi products
having carbon numbers less than 20 was observed when operating at 8 bars absolute. Increasing the pressure from
1 bar absolute to 8 bars absolute also increased an API gravity of the condensed hydrocarbon fluids. The API
gravities of condensed hydrocarbon fluids produced were approximately 23.1° and approximately 31.3°,
respectively. Such an increase hi API gravity represents increased production of more valuable products.
FIG. 143 illustrates a bar graph of fractions from a boiling point separation of hydrocarbon liquids
generated by a Fischer assay and a boiling point separation of hydrocarbon liquids from the coal cube experiment
described herein (see, e.g., the system shown in FIG. 129). The experiment was conducted at a much slower
heating rate (2 degrees Celsius per day) and the oil produced at a a lower final temperature than the Fischer Assay.
FIG. 143 shows the weight percent of various boiling point cute of hydrocarbon liquids produced from a Fruitland
high Volatile bituminous B coal. Different boiling point cuts may represent different hydrocarbon fluid
compositions. The boiling point cuts illustrated include naphtha 3860 (initial boiling point to 166°C), jetfoel
3862 (166°C to 249°C), diesel 3864 (249°C to 370°C), and bottoms 3866foiling point greater man 370°C). The
hydrocarbon liquids front the coal cube were substantially more valuable products. The API gravity of such
hydrocarbon liquids was significantly greater than the API gravity of the Fischer Assay liquid. The hydrocarbon
liquids from the coal cube also included significantly less residual bottoms man were produced from the Fischer
Assay hydrocarbon liquids.
FIG. 144 illustrates a plot of percentage ethene, which is an olefin, to ethane produced from a coal
formation as a function of heating rate. Data points were derived from laboratory experimental data (see system
shown in FIG. 89 and associated text) for slow heating of high volatile bituminous C coal at atmospheric pressure,
and from Fischer assay results. As illustrated in FIG. 144, the ratio of ethene to ethane increased as the heating
rate increased. As such, it is believed that decreasing the heating rate of coal will decrease production of olefins.
The heating rate of a formation may be determined in part by the spacings of heat sources within the formation,
and by me amount of heat that is transferred from the heat sources to me formation.
Formation pressure may also have a significant effect on olefin production. A high formation pressure
may tend to result in the production of small quantities of olefins. High pressure within a formation may result in
a high H2 partial pressure within the formation. The high H2 partial pressure may result in hydrogenation of the
fluid within the formation. Hydrogenation may result hi a reduction of olefins m a fluid produced from the
formation. A high pressure and high HI partial pressure may also result in inhibition of aromatization of
hydrocarbons within the formation. Aromatization may include formation of aromatic and cyclic compounds
alkanes and/or alkenes within a hydrocarbon mixture. If it is desirable to increase production of olefins from
aiformation, me olefin content of fluid produced from the formation may be increased by reducing pressure within
the formation. The pressure may be reduced by drawing off a larger quantify of formation fluid from a portion of
the formation that is being produced. The pressure may be reduced by drawing a vacuum on the portion of the
formation being produced.
The system depicted in FIG. 89, and the methods of using such system (see other discussion herein with espect to using such system to conduct oil shale experiments) was used to conduct experiments on high volatile
bituminous C coal when such coal was heated at 5 °C/day at atmospheric pressure. FIG. 103 depicts certain data
points from such experiment (the line depicted in FIG. 103 was produced ifrom a linear regression analysis of such
data pouits). FIG. 103 illustrates the ethene to ethane molar ratio as a function of hydrogen molar concentration in
non-condensable hydrocarbons produced from the coal during the experiment The ethene to ethane ratio in the
non-condensable hydrocarbons is reflective of olefin content in all hydrocarbons produced from the coal. As can
be seen in FIG. 103, as the concentration of hydrogen autogenously increased during pyrolysis, the ratio of ethene
to ethane decreased. It is believed that increases in the concentration (and partial pressure) of hydrogen during
pyrolysis causes the olefin concentration to decrease in the fluids produced from pyrolysis.
FIG. 145 illustrates product quality, as measured by API gravity, as a function of rate of temperature
iiicrease of fluids produced from high volatile bituminous "C" coal. Data points were derived from Fischer assay
data and from laboratory experiments. For the Fischer assay data, the rate of temperature increase was
approximately 17,100 °€/day and the resulting API gravity was less than 11°. For the relatively slow laboratory
experiments, the rate of temperature increase ranged from about 2 °C/day to about 10 "C/day, and the resulting
API gravities ranged from about 23° to about 26°. A substantially linear decrease in quality (decrease in API
gravity) was exhibited as the logarithmic heating rate increased.
FIG. 146 illustrates weight percentages of various carbon numbers products removed from high volatile
bituminous "C" coal when coal is heated at various heating rates. Data points were derived from laboratory
experiments and a Fischer assay. Curves for heating at arate of 2 °C/day 3870,3 °C/day 3872,5 °C/day 3874, and
10 °C/day 3876 provided for similar carbon number distributions in the produced fluids. A coal sample was also •
heated in a Fisher assay test at a rate of about 17,100 °C/day. The data from the Fischer assay test is indicated by
reference numeral 387S. Slow heating rates resulted in less production of components having carbon numbers
greater than 20 as compared to the Fischer assay results 3878. Lower heating rates also produced higher weight
percentages of components with carbon numbers less than 20. The lower heating rates produced large amounts of
components having carbon numbers near 12. A peak in carbon number distribution near 12 is typical of the in situconversion process for coal and oil shale.
An experiment was conducted on the coal containing formation treated according to the in situ
conversion process to measure the uniform permeability of the formation after pyrolysis. After heating a portion
of the coal containing formation, a ten minute pulse of COj was injected into the formation at first production well
3806a and produced at well 3804a, as shown in FIG. 137. The CO2 tracer test was repeated from production well
3806a to well 3804b and from production well 3806a to well 3804c. AS described above, each of me three
different heat sources were located equidistant from the production well. The.CQz was injected at a rate of 4.08
ra3/tor (144 standard cubic feet per hour). As illustrated in. FI heat sources at approximately the same time. Line 39QO illustrates production of CO? at heat source 3804a, line
3902 illustrates productionof CC at heat source 3804b,andline 3904 illustrates production of COj at heat source
3804c. As shown in FIG. 149, yieldof C02from each of the three different wells was also approximately equal
over time. Such approximately equivalent transfer of a tracer pulse of CQ2through the formation and yield of
CO2 from the formation indicated mat the formation was substantially uniformly permeable. The feet that the first
COz arrival only occurs approximately 18 minutes after start of the CO2pulse indicates that no preferential paths
had been created between well 3806a and 3804a, 3804b, and 3804c.
The in situ permealnlity was measured by injecting a gas between different wells after the pyrolysis and
synthesis gas formation stages were complete. The measured permeability varied from about 4.5 darcy to 39
darcy (with an average of about 20 darcy), thereby indicating that the permeability was high and relatively
uniform. The before-treatnient permeability was only about Somillidarcy;
Synthesis gas was also produced in an in situ experiment from the portion of fee coal containing
formation shown in FIG. 136 and FIG. 137. In this experiment, heater wells were also configured to inject fluids.
FIG. 148 is a plot of weight of volatiles (condensable and uncondensable) in kilograms as a function of
cumulative energy content of product in kilowatts per hour from the in situ experimental field test The figure
illustrates the quantity and energy content of pyrolysis fluids and synthesis gas produced from the formation.
FIG. 150 is a plot of the volume of oil equivalent produced (m3) as a function of energy input into the
coal formation (kW-hr) from the experimental field test, lite volume of oil equivalent in cubic meters was
determined by converting the energy content of the volume of produced oil plus gas to a voIume-ofoH with the
same energy content.
The start of synthesis gas production, indicated by arrow 3912, was at an energy input of approximately
77,000 kW-hr. the average coal temperature in the pyrolysis region had been raised to 620 °C. Because the
average slope of the curve in FIG. 150 in the pyrolysis region is greater than the average slope of the curve in the
synthesis gas region, FIG. 150 illustrates that the amount of useable energy contained in the produced synthesis
gas is less than that contained in the pyrolysis fluids. Therefore, synthesis gas production is less energy efficient
than pyrolysis. There are two reasons for this result First, the two H2 molecules produced in the synthesis gas
reaction have a lower energy content than low carbon number hydrocarbons produced in pyrolysis. Second, the
endothermic synthesis gas reaction consumes energy.
FIG. 151 is a plot of me total synthesis gas production (m3/min) from the coal formation versus the total
water inflow (kg/h) due to injectiou into the formation from the experimental field test results facility. Synthesis
gas may be generated in a formation at a synthesis gas generating temperature before the injection of water or
steam due to the presence of natural water inflow into hot coal formation. Natural water may come from below
the formation. "'.
From FIG. 151, the maximum natural water inflow is approximately 5 kg/h as indicated by arrow 3920.
Arrows 3922,3924, and 3926 represent injected water rates of about 2.7 kg/h, 5.4 kg/h, and 11 kg/h, respectively,
into central well 3 806a, Production of synthesis gas is at heater wells 3804a, 3804b, and 3804c. FIG. 151 shows
that the synthesis gas production per.-unit volume of water injected decreases at arrow 3922 at approximately 2.7
kg/h of injected water or 7.7 kg/h of total water inflow. The reason for the decrease is that steam is flowing too
fast through the coal seam to allow the reactions to approach equilibrium conditions.
FIG. 152 adjustrates production of synthesis
in a coal formation. Data 3930 for a first run corresponds to injection at producer well 3806a in FIG 137, and
production of synthesis gas at heater wells 3804a, 3804b, and 3804c. Data 3932 for a second run corresponds to
injection of steam at heater well 3804c, and production of additional gas at a production well 3806a. Data 3930
for the first run corresponds to the data shown m FIG. 151. As shown m FIG. 152, the injected water is in
reaction equilibrium with the formation to about 2.7 kg/hr of injected water. The second run results in
substantially the same amount of additional synthesis gas produced, shown by data 3932, as the first run to about
1.2 kg/hr of injected steam. At about 1.2 kg/hr, data 3930 starts to deviate from equilibrium conditions because
the residence time is insufficient for the additional water to react with the coal. As temperature is increased, a
greater amount of additional synthesis gas is produced for a given injected water rate.; The reason is that at highertemperatures the reactionrate and conversion of water into synthesis gas increases.
FIG. 153 is a plot that illustrates the effect of methane injection into a heated coal formation in the
experimental field test (all of me units in FIGS. 153-156 are in m3 per hour). FIG. 153 demonstrates
hydrocarbons added to the synthesis gas producing fluid are cracked within the formation. FIG. 137 illustrates the
layout of the heater and production wells at the field test facility. Methane was injected into production wells
3806a and 3806b and fluid was produced from heater wells 3804a, 3804b, and 3804c. The average temperatures
measured at various wells were as follows: 3804a (746 °CX 3804b (746 °G), 3804c (767 °C), 3808a (592 °C),
3808b (573 °C), 3808c (606 °C), and 3806a (769 °C). When the methane contacted the formation, it cracked
withm the formation to produce H2 and coke. FIG. 153 shows that as the methane injection rate increased, the
production of H2 3940 increased. This indicated that methane was cracldng to form Ha. Methane production
3942 also increased which indicates that not all of the injected methane is cracked. The measured compositions of
ethane, ethene, propane, and butane were negligible.
FIG. 154 is a ploi that illustrates the effect of ethane injection into a heated coal formation in the
experimental field test. Ethane was injected into production wells 3306a and 3806b and fluid was produced from
heater wells 3804a, 3804b, and 3804c. The average temperatures measured at various wells were as follows:
38Q4a (742 °C), 3804b (750 °C), 3804c (744 °C), 3808a (611 °C), 3808b (595 °C), 3808c (626 °C), and 3806a
(818 °C). When ethane contacted the formation, it cracked to produce H methane, ethene, and coke. FIG. 154
shows that as the ethane injection rate increased, the production of HI 3950 methane 3952, ethane 3954, and
ethene 3956 increased. This indicates that ethane is cracking to form H2 and low molecular weight hydrocarbons.
The production rate of higher carbon number products (i.e.,; propane and propylene) were unaffected by the
injection of ethane. :
FIG. 155 is a plot that illustrates the effect of propane injection into a heated coal formation m the
experimental field test Propane was injected into production wells 3806a and 3806b and fluid was produced
from heater wells 3804a, 3804b, and 3804c. The average temperatures measured at various wells were as follows:
3804a (737 °C), 3804b (753 °C), 3804c (726 °C), 3808a (589 °C), 38081* (573 °C), 3808c (606 «C), and 3806a
(70. °0). When propane contacted me formation, it cracked to produce H& methane, ethane, ethene, propylene
and coke. FIG. 155 shows that as the propane injection rate increased, the production of HI 3960, methane 3962, thane 3964, ethene 3966, propane 3968, and propylene 3969 increased. This indicates that propane is cracking
. to form Hband lower molecular weight components. -
FIG. 156 is a plot that illustrates the effect of butane injection into a heated coal formation in the
experimental field test Butane was injected into production wells 3806a and 3806b and fluid was. produced from
heater wells 3804a, 3804b, and 38p4c. The average temperature measured at various wells were as follows:
3$04a(772 °C), 3804b (764 °C), 3804c(753 °C% 3808a(656 ?C;3808b9i °Q, 3808c (624 °C), and 3806a
°C). When butane contacted me formation, h cracked to produce H methane, ethene, ' ' ' ' ' propane,
propylene, and coke. FIG. 156 shows foat as this butane injection rate increased, the production of H2 3970,
methane 3972, ethane 3974, ethene 3976, propane 3978, and propylene 39?9 increased. This indicates that butane
is cracking to form H2 arid lower molecular weight components.
; FIG. 157 is a plot of the composition of gas (involume percent)produced from fee heated-coal formation
versus time in days at the experimental field test The species compositions included 3980 - methane, 3982 - H&
3984 - carbon dioxide, 3986 - hydrogen sulfide, and 3988 - carbon monoxide. FIG. 157 shows a dramatic
increase in the H2 3982 concentradon after about 150 days, or when synthesis gas production began.
FIG. 158 is a plot of synthesis gas conversion versus time for synthesis gas generation runs in the
experimental field test performed on separate days. The temperature of the formation was about 600 °C. The data
demonstrates initial uncertainty in measurements in the oil/water separator. Synthesis gas conversion consistently
approached a conversion of between about 40 % and 50 % after about 2 hours of synthesis gas producing fluid
Table 6 includes a composition of synthesis gas producing during a run of the in situ coal field
'(Table Removed)

: The experiment was performed in batch oxidation mode at about 620 °C. The presence of nitrogen and
oxygen is due to contamination of the sample with air. The mole percent of H carbon monoxide, and carbon
dioxide, neglecting the composition of all other species, may be determined for the above data. For example,
mole percent of H2, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide may be increased proportionally such that the mole
percentages of the three components equals approximately 100 %. In this manner, the mole percent of H2, carbon
monoxide, and carbon dioxide, neglecting the composition of all other species, were 63.8 %, 14.4%, and 21.8 %,
respectively. Themethaiie is believed to come primarily frojn•••thepyrolysis region outside the triangle of heaters.
These values are in substantial agreement with the results of equilibrium calculations shown in FIG. 159.
FIG. 159 is a plot of calculated equilibrium gas dry mole fractions for a coal reaction with water.
Methane reactions are not included for FIGS. 159-160. The fractions are representative of a synthesis gas that has
been produced from a hydrocarbon containing formation and has been passed through a condenser to remove
water from the produced gas. Equilibrium gas dry mole fractions are shown in FIG. 159 for H2 4000, carbon
monoxide 4002, and carbon dioxide 4004 as a function of temperature at a pressure of 2 bar absolute. As shown
in FIG. 159, at 390 °G, liquid production tends to cease, and production of gases tends to commence. The gases
produced at this temperature include about 67 % H2, and about 33 % carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide is present
in negligible quantities below about 410 °C. At temperatures of about 500 °C, however, carbon monoxide is
present in the produced gas in measurable quantities. For example, at 500 °C, about 66.5 % H2, about 32 %
carbon dioxide, and about 2.5 % carbon monoxide are present At 700 °C, the produced gas includes about 57.5
% H2, about 15.5 % carbon dioxide, and about 27 % carbon monoxide.
FIG. 160 is a plot of calculated equilibrium wet mole fractions for a coal reaction with water.
Equilibrium wet mole fractions are shown for water 4006, H2 4008, carbon monoxide 4010, and carbon dioxide
4012 as a function of temperature at a pressure of 2 bar absolute. At 390 °C, the produced gas includes about 89
% water, about 7 % H2, and about 4 % carbon dioxide. At 500 °C, me produced gas includes about 66 % water,
about 22 % Hi about 11 % carbon dioxide, and about 1 % carbon monoxide. At 700 °C, the produced gas
. include about percent 18 % water, about 47.5 % H2, about 12 % carbon dioxide, and about 22.5 % carbon
monoxide. /
FIG. 159 and FIG.160 illustrate that at the lower end of the temperature range at which synthesis gas
may be produced (i.e., about 400 °C) equilibrium gas phase fractions may not favor production of H2 within a
formation. As temperature increases, the equilibrium gas phase fractions increasingly favor the production of H2.
For example, as shown m FIG, 160, the gas phase equilibrium wet mole fraction of H2 increases from about 9 %
at 400 °C to about 39 % at 610 °C and reaches 50 % at about 800 °C. FIG. 159 and FIG. 160 further illustrate mat
at temperatures greater than about 660 °C, equilibrium gas phase fractions tend to favor production of carbon
monoxide over carbon dioxide.
FIG. 159 and FJG, 160 illustrate that as the temperature increases from between about 400 °C to about
1000 °C, the H2 to carbon monoxide ratio of produced synthesis gas may continuously decrease throughout this
range. For example, as shown in FIG. 160, the equilibrium gas phase H2 to carbon monoxide ratio at 500 °C, 660
°C, arid 1000 °C is about 22:1, about 3:1, and about 1:1, respectively. FIG. 160 also indicates that produced
synthesis gas at lower temperatures may have a larger quantity of water and carbon dioxide than at higher
• temperatures. As the temperature increases, the overall percentage of carbon monoxide and hydrogen within the
synthesis gas may increase.
/ FIG. 161 is a flowchart of an example of a pyrolysis stage 4020 and synthesis gas production stage 4022
with heat and mass balances m high volatile type A or B bituminous coal. In the pyrolysis stage 4020, heat 4024
is supplied to the coal formation 4026. Liquid
gas products 4028 tiiid water 4030 exit the fonnatioii 4026. the portion of the formation subjected to
is composed substantially of char after undergomg pyrolysis heating. Char refers to a sold
carbonaceous residue that results from pyrolysis of organic material. In the synthesis gas production stage 4022,
steam 4032 and heat 4034 are supplied to formation 4036 that has undergone pyrolysis and synthesis gas 4038 is produced. In the embodiments in FIGS. 162-164 the methane reactions in Equations (4) and (5) are included The
calculations set forth herein assume that char is only made of carbon and that there is an excess of carbon to
steam. About 890 MWe of energy 4024 is required to pyrolyze about 105,800 metric tons per day of coat The
pyrolysis products 4028 include liquids and gases with a production of 23,000 cubic meters per day. The
pyrolysis process also produces about 7,160 metric tons per day of water 4030. In the synthesis gas stage about
57,800 metric tons per day of char with injection of 23,000 metric tons per day of steam 4032 and 2,000 MWe of
energy 4034 with a 20% conversion will produce 12,700 cubic meters equivalent oil per day of synthesis gas 4038;
; FIG. 162 Is an example of a low temperature in situ synthesis gas production that occurs at a temperature
of about 450 °C with heat and mass balances in a hydrocarbon containing formation that was previously
pyrolyzed, A total of about 42,900 metric tons per day of water is injected into formation 4100 which may be
char. FIG. 162 illustrates that a portion of water 4102 at 25 °C is injected directly into the formation 4100. A
portion of water 4102 is converted into steam 4104 at a temperature of about 130 °C and a pressure at about 3 bar
absolute using about 1227 MWe of energy 4106 and injected into formation 4100. A portion of the remaining
steam may be converted into steam 4108 at a temperature of about 450 °C and a pressure at about 3 bar absolute
using about 318 MWe of energy 4110. The synthesis gas production involves about 23% conversion of 13,137
metric tons per day of (char to produce 56.6 millions of cubic meters per day of synthesis gas with an energy
content of 5,230 MW.; About 238 MW of energy 4112 is supplied to formation 4100 to account for die
endothennic heat of reaction of the synthesis gas reaction. The product stream 4114 of the synthesis gas reaction
includes 29,470 metric tons per day of water at 46 volume percent, 501 metric tons per day carbon monoxide at
0.7 volume percent, 540 tons per day H2 at 10.7 volume percent, 26,455 metric tons per day carbon dioxide at
23.8 volume percent, and 7,610 metric tons per day methane at 18.8 volume percent.
FIG. 163 is an example of a high temperature in situ synthesis gas production that occurs at a
temperature of about 650 °C with heat and mass balances in a hydrocarbon containing formation that was
previously pyrolyzed. A total of about 34,352 metric tons per day of water is injected into formation 4200. FIG.
163 illustrates that apprtion of water 4202 at 25 °C is injected directly into formation 4200. A'portion; of water
'4202 is converted into steam 4204 at a temperature of about 130 °C and a pressure at about 3 bar absolute using
/.about 982 MWe of energy 4206, and injected into formation 4200. A portion of the remaining steam is converted
into steam 4208 at a temperature of about 650 °C and a pressure at about 3 bar absolute using about 413 MWe of
;energy 4210. The synthesis gas production involves about 22% conversion of 12,771 metric tons per day of char
to produce 56.6 millions of cubic meters per day of synthesis gas with an energy content of 5,699 MW. About
898MW of energy 4212 is supplied to formation 4200 tp account for the endothennic heat of reaction of the
synthesis gas reaction. The product stream 4214 of the synthesis gas reaction includes 10,413 metric tons per day
of water at 22.8 volume percent, 9,988 metric tons per day carbon monoxide at 14.1 volume percent, 1771 metric
-tons per day H2 at 35 volume percent, 21,410 metric tons per day carbon dioxide at 19.3 volume percent, and
; :3535metric tons per day'methane at 8.7: volume percent .
: ; , FIG. 164 is an example of an m situ synthesis gas production ma hydrocarbon contamuigformation with
heat and mass balances. Synthesis gas generating fluid that includes water 4302 is supplied to the formation
43004 A total of about 22,000 metric tons per day of water is required for a low temperature process and about
24,000 metric tons per day is required for a high temperature process. A portion of the water may be introduced
into the formation as steam. Steam 4304 is produced by supplying neat to the water from an external source.
About 7,119 metric tons per day of steam is provided for the low temperature process and about 6913 metric tons
per day of steam is provided for, the high temperature process:
At least a portion of the aqueous fluid 4306 exiting formation 4300 is recycled 4308 back into the
formation for generation of synthesis gas. For a low temperature process about 21,000 metric tons per day of
aqueous fluids is recycled and for a high temperature process about 10,000 metric tons per day of aqueous fluids
is recycled. The produced synthesis gas-4310 includes carbon monoxide,. H* and methane. The produced
synthesis gas has a heat content of about 430,000 MMBtu per day for a low temperature process and a heat
content of about 470,000 MMBtu per day for a low temperature process. Carbon dioxide 4312 produced in the
synthesis gas process includes about 26,500 metric tons per day in me low temperature process and about 21,500
vmetric tons per day in the high temperature process. At least a portion of the produced synthesis gas 4310 is used
for combustion to heat the formation. There is about 7,119 metric tons per day of carbon dioxide in the steam
4308 for the low temperature process and about 6,913 metric tons per day of carbon dioxide in the steam for the
high temperature process. There is about 2,551 metric tons per day of carbon dioxide in a heat reservoir for the
low temperature process and about 9,628 metric tons per day of carbon dioxide in a heat reservoir for the high
temperature process. There is about 14,571 metric tons per day of carbon dioxide in the combustion of synthesis
gas for the low temperature process and about 18,503 metric tons per day of carbon dioxide in produced
combustion synthesis gas for the high temperature process. The produced carbon dioxide has a heat content of
about 60 gigaJoules ("GJ") per metric ton for the low temperature process and about 6.3 GJ per metric ton for the
high temperature process.
Table 7 is an overview of the potential production volume of applications of synthesis gas produced by
wet oxidation. The estimates are based on 56.6 million standard cubic meters of synthesis gas produced per day at
(Table Removed)
Experimental adsorption data has demonstrated that carbon dioxide may be stored in coal that has been
pyrolyzed. FIG. 165 is a plot of the cumulative adsorbed methane and carbon dioxide in cubic meters per metric
ton versus pressure in bar absolute at 25 °C on coal. The coal sample is sub-bituminous coal from Gillette,
.Wyoming. Data sets 4401,4402,4403,4404, and 4405 are for carbon dioxide adsorption on a post treatment coal
sample that has been pyrolyzed and has undergone synthesis gas generation. Data set 4406 is for adsorption on an
unpyrolyzed coal sample from the same formation. Data set 4401 is adsorption of methane at 25 °C. Data sets
4402,4403,4404, and 4405 are adsorption of carbofl dioxide at 25 6C, 50 °C, 100 °C, and 150 °C, respectively.
Data set 4406 is adsorption of carbon dioxide at 25 °C on the unpyrofyzed coal sample. FIG. 165 shows that
carbon dioxide at temperatures between 25 °C and 100 °C is more strongly adsorbed than methane at 25 °C in the
pyrblyzed coal. FIG. 165 demonstrates that a carbon dioxide stream passed through post treatment coal tends to
displace methane from the post treatment coal.
Computer simulations have demonstrated that carbon dioxide may be sequestered in both a deep coal
formation and a post treatment coal formation. The CometZ Simulator determined the amount of carbon dioxide
that could be sequestered in a San Juan Basin type deep coal formation and a post treatment coal formation. The
simulator also determined the amount of methane produced from the San Juan Basin type deep coal formation due
to carbon dioxide injection. The model employed for both the deep coal formation and the post treatment coal
formation was a 1.3 km? area; with a repeating 5 spot well pattern. The 5 spot well pattern included four injection
wells arranged in a square and one production well at the center of the square. The properties of the San Juan
Basin and the post treatment coal formations are shown in Table 8. Additional details of simulations of carbon
dioxide sequestration in deep coal formations and comparisons with field test results may be found ia. Pilot Test
Demonstrates How Carbon Dioxide Enhances Goal Bed Methane Recovery, Lanny Schooling and Michael
(Table Removed)
The simulation model accounts for the matrix and dual porosity nature of coal and post treatment coal.
For example, coal and post treatment coal are composed of matrix blocks. The spaces between the blocks are
called "cleats". Cleat porosity is a measure of available space for flow of fluids in the formation. The relative
permeabilities of gases and water within the cleats required for the simulation were derived from field data from
the San Juan coal. The same values for relative permeabilities were used in the post treatment coal formation
simulations. Carbon dioxide and methane were assumed to have the same relative permeability.
The cleat system of the deep coal formation was modeled as initially saturated with water. Relative
permeability data for carbon dioxide and water demonstrate that high water saturation inhibits absorption of
carbon dioxide within cleats. Therefore, water is removed from the formation before injecting carbon dioxide into
the formation.
m addition, the gases within the cleats may adsorb in the coal matrix. The matrix porosity is a measure
of the space available for fluids to adsorb in the matrix. The matrix porosity and surface area were taken into
account with experimental mass transfer and isotherm adsorption data for coal and post treatment coal. Therefore,
ft is not necessary to specify arvalue of the matrix porosity and surface area rathe model
The preferential adsorption of carbon dioxide over methane on post treatment coal was incorporated into
the model based on experimental adsorption data. For example, FIG. 165 demonstrates mat carbon dioxide has a
significantly higher cumulative adsorption than methane over an entire range of pressures at a specified
temperature. Once the carbon dioxide enters in the cleat system, methane diffuses out of and desorbs off the
matrix. Similarly, carbon dioxide diffuses into and adsorbs onto the matrix. In addition, FIG. 165 also shows
carbon dioxide may have a higher cumulative adsorption on a pyrolyzed coal sample than an unpyrolyze4 coal.
The pressure-'VOlume-temperature (PVT) properties and viscosity required for the model were taken from
literature data for the pure component gases. .
The simulation modeled a sequestration process over a time period of about 3700 days fpr the deep coal
formation model. Removal of the water in the coal formation was simulated by production from all five wells.
The production rate of water was about 40 m3/day for about the first 370 days. The production rate of water
decreased significantly after the first 370 days. It continued to decrease through the remainder of the simulation
run to about zero at the end. Carbon dioxide injection was started at approximately 370 days at a flow rate of
about 113,000 standard (in this context "standard" means I atmosphere pressure and 15.5 degrees Celsius)
mVday. The injection rate of carbon dioxide was doubled to about 226,000 standard ma/day at approximately
1440 days. The injection rate remained at about 226,000 standard mVday until the end of the simulation run.
FIG. 177 illustrates the pressure at the wellhead of the injection wells as a function of time during the
• simulation. The pressure decreased from 114 bars absolute to about 20 bars absolute over the first 370 days. The
decrease in the pressure was due to removal of water from the coal formation. Pressure then started to increase
substantially as carbon dioxide injection started at 370 days. The pressure reached a maximum of 98 bars. The
pressure then began to gradually decrease after 480 days. At about 1440 days, the pressure increased again to
about 143 bars absolute due to the increase in the carbon dioxide injection rate. The pressure gradually increased
until about 3640 days. The pressure jumped at about 3640 days because the production well was closed off.
FIG. 178 illustrates the production rate of carbon dioxide 5060 and methane 5070 as a function of time in
the simulation. FIG. 178 shows that carbon dioxide was produced at a rate between about 0-10,000 nrVday during
approximately the first 2400 days. The production rate of carbon dioxide was significantly below the injection
/rate.; Therefore, the simulation predicts mat most of the injectedcarbon dioxide is being sequestered in the coal
formation. However, at about 2400 days, the production rate of carbon dioxide started to rise significantly due to
owet of saturation of the coal formation.
In addition, FIG. 178 shows that methane was desorbing as carbon dioxide was adsorbing in the coal
formation. Between about 370-2400 days, the methane production rate 5070 increased from about 60,000 to
about 115,000 standard m3/day. The increase in the methane production rate between about 1440-2400 days was
: caused by the increase in carbon dioxide injection rate at about 1440 days. The production rate of methane started
to decrease after about 2400 days. This was due to the saturation of the coal formation. The simulation predicted
a 50 % breakthrough at about 2700 days. "Breakthrough" is defined as the ratio of the flow rate of carbon dioxide
to the total flow rate of the total produced gas times 100 %. Also, the simulation predicted about a 90 %
brtakuffough at about 3600 days.
FIG. 179 illustrates cumulative methane produced 5090 and the cumulative net carbon dioxide injected
5080 as a function of time during the simulation. The cumulative net carbon dioxide injected is the total carbon
.dioxide produced subtracted from the total carbon dioxide injected. FIG. 179 shows mat by the end of the
simulated injection about twice as much carbon dioxide was stored than methane produced. In addition, the
methane production was about 024 billion standard m3 at 50 % carbon dioxide breakthrough. Also, the carbon
dioxide sequestration was about 0.39 billion standard m3 at 50 % carbon dioxide breakthrough. The methane
production was about 0.26 billion standard m3 at 90 % carbon dioxide breakthrough. Also, the carbon dioxide
/sequestration was about 0.46 billion standard m3 at 90 % carbon dioxide breakthrough.
Table 8 shows that the permeability and porosity of the simulation in the post treatment coal formation
were both significantly higher man in the deep coal formation prior to treatment Also, the initial pressure was
much lower. The depth of the post treatment coal formation was shallower than the deep coal bed methane
formation. The same relative permeability data and PVT data used for the deep coal formation were used for the
coal formation simulation. The initial water saturation for the post treatment coal formation was set at 70 %. ater was present because it is used to cool the hot spent coal formation to 25 °C. The amount of methane
initiallystored hi the post treatment coal is very low.
: The simulation modeled a sequestration process over a time period of about 3800 days for the post
treatment coal formation model. The simulation modeled removal of water from the post treatment coal
formation with production from all five wells. During about the first 200 days, the production rate of water was
about 680,000 standard m3/day. From about 200-3300 days the water production rate was between about 210*000
to about 480,000 standard m3/day. Production rate of water was negligible after about 3300 days. Carbon dioxide
injection was started at approximately 370 days at a flow rate of about 113,000 standard ntVday. The injection
rate of carbon dioxide was increased to about 226,000 standard m3/day at approximately 1440 days. The injection
rate remained at 226,000 standard m3/day until the end of the simulated injection.
FIG. 180 illustrates me pressure at the wellhead of the injection wells as a function of time during the
simulation of the post treatment coal formation model. The pressure was relatively constant up to about 370 days.
The pressure increased through most of the rest of the simulation run up to about 36 bars absolute. Thepressure
rose steeply starting at about 3300 days because the production well was closed off
FIG. 181 illustrates the production rate of carbon dioxide as a function of time hi the simulation of the
post treatment coal formation model. FIG. 181 shows that the production rate of carbon dioxide was almost
negligible during approximately the first 2200 days. Therefore, the simulation predicts that nearly all of the
injected carbon dioxide is being sequestered in the post treatment coal formation. However, at about 2240 days,
the produced carbon dioxide began to increase. The production rate of carbon dioxide started to rise significantly
due to onset of saturation of me post treatment coal formation.
FIG. 182 illustrates cumulative net carbon dioxide injected as a function of time during the simulation hi
the post treatment coal formation model. The cumulative net carbon dioxide injected is the total carbon dioxide
produced subtracted from the total carbon dioxide injected. FIG, 182 shows that the simulation predicts a
potential net sequestration of carbon dioxide of 0.56 Bm3. This value is greater than the value of 0.46 Bm3 at 90
% carbon dioxide breakthrough in the deep coal formation. However, comparison of FIG. 177 with FIG. 180
shows that sequestration occurs at much lower pressures in the post treatment coal formation model. Therefore,
less compression energy was required for sequestration hi the post treatment coal formation,
The simulations show that large amounts of carbon dioxide may be sequestered in both deep coal
formations and in post treatment coal formations mat have been copied. Carbon dioxide may be sequestered in
the post treatment coal formation, hi coal formations that have not been pyrolyzed, and/or in both types of
formations. .
FIG. 166 is a flowchart of an embodiment of an in situ synthesis gas production process integrated with a
SMDS Fischer-Trtipsch and wax cracking process with heat and mass balances. The synthesis gas generating
fluid injected into the formation includes about 24,000 metric tons per day of water 4530, which includes about
5,500 metric tons per day of water 4540 recycled from the SMDS Fischer-Tropsch and wax cracking process
4520. A total of about 1700 MW of energy is supplied to the in situ synthesis gas production process. About
1020 MW of energy 4535 of the approximately 1700 MW of energy is supplied by in situ reaction of an oxidizing
fluid wftii the formation, and approximately 680 MW of energy 4550 is supplied by the SMDS Fischer-Tropsch
and wax cracking process 4520 in the form of steam. About 12,700 cubic meters equivalent oil per day of
synthesis gas 4560 is used as feed gas to the SMDS Fischer-Tropsch and wax cracking process 4520. The SMDS
i'ischer-Tropsch and wax cracking process 4520 produces about 4,770 cubic meters per day of products 4570 that
may include naphtha, kerosene, diesel, and about 5,880 cnbicjneters equivalent oil per day of off gas 4580 for a
power generation facility. -' .
•;. FIG. 167 is a comparison between numerical simulation and the in situ experimental coal field test
composition of synthesis gas produced as a function of time. The plot excludes nitrogen and traces of oxygen that
were contaminants during gas sampling. Symbols represent experimental data and curves represent simulation
results. Hydrocarbons 4601 are methane since all other heavier hydrocarbons have decomposed at the prevailing
temperatures. The simulation results are moving averages of raw results, which exhibit peaks and troughs of
approximately ±10 percent of the averaged value. In the model, the peaks of H2 occurred when fluids were
injected into the coal seanX and coincided with lows in C02and CO.
The simulation of H2 4604 provides a good fit to observed fraction of Ha 4603. The simulation of
methane 4602 provides a good fit to observed fraction of methane 4601. The simulation of carbon dioxide 4606
provides a good fit to observed fraction of carbon dioxide 4605. The simulation of CO 4608 overestimated the
fraction of CO 4607 by 4-5 percentage points. Carbon monoxide is the most difficult of the synthesis gas
components to model. Also, the carbon monoxide discrepancy may be due to fact that the pattern temperatures
exceeded the 550 °G, the upper limit at which the numerical model was calibrated.
Other methods of producing synthesis gas were successfully demonstrated at the experimental field test
. These included continuous injection of steam and air, steam and oxygen, water and air, water and oxygen, steam,
air and carbon dioxide. All these injections successfully generated synthesis gas in the hot coke formation.
Low temperature pyrolysis experiments with tar sand were conducted to determine a pyrolysis
temperature zone and effects of temperature hi a heated portion on the quality of the produced pyrolization fluids.
The tar sand was collected from the Athabasca tar sand region. FIG. 89 depicts a retort and collection system
usedtoconduct the experiment The retort and collection mayReconfigured as described herein. ;
Laboratory experiments were conducted on three tar samples contained in their natural sand matrix. The
three tar samples were collected from the. Athabasca tar sand region in western Canada. In each case, core
material received from a well was mixed and then was split One aliquot of the split core material was used in the
retort, and the replicate aliquot was saved for comparative analyses. Materials sampled included a tar sample
within a. sandstone matrix.
; V The heating rate for the runs was varied at 1 °C/day, 5 °C/day, and 10 °C/day. The pressure condition
;was varied for the runs at pressures of 1 bar, 7.9 bars, and 28.6 bars. Run #78 was operated with no backpressure
1 bar absolute and a heating rate of 1 °C/day. Run #79 was operated with no backpressure 1 bar absolute and a
heating rate of 5 "C/day, Run #81 was operated with no backpressure 1 bar absolute and a heating rate of 10 . '
°C/day, Run #86 was operated with at a pressure of 7.9 bars absolute and a heating rate of 10 °C/day. Run #96
was operated with at a pressure of 28.6 bars absolute and a heating rate of 10 °C/day. In general, 0.5 to 1.5 kg
initial weight of the sample wasrequired to fill the available retort cells.
Theinternal temperature for the runs was raised from ambient to 110 dC, 200 °C, 225 °C and 270 °C
with:24 hours holding, time between each temperature increase. Most of the moisture was removed from the
samples during this heating. Beginning at 270°C, the temperature was increased by 1 °C/day, 5 °C/day, or 10
: °C/day until no further fluid was produced. The temperature was monitored and controlled during the heating of this stage.
. Produced liquid was collected in graduated glass collection tubes. Produced gas was collected hi
graduated glass collection bottles. Fluid volumes were read and recorded daily. Accuracy of the oil and gas
volume readings was within +/-0.6% and 2%, respectively. The experiments were stopped when fluid production
ceased. Power was turned off and more man 12 hours was allowed for the retort to fall to room temperature. The
pyrolyzed sample remains were unloaded, weighed, and stored in sealed plastic cups. Fluid production and
remaining rock material were sent out for analytical experimentation.
In addition, Dean Stark toluene solvent extraction was used to assay the amount of tar contained in the
sample. In such an extraction prccedure, a solvent such as toluene or a toluene/xylene mixture may be mixed with
, a sample and may be refluxed under a condenser using a receiver. As the refluxed sample condenses, two phases
of the sample may separate as they flow into the receiver. For example, tar may remain in the receiver while the
solvent returns to the flask. Detailed procedures for Dean Stark toluene solvent extraction are provided by the
Ainerican Society for-Testing and Materials ("ASTM"). The ASTM is incorporated by reference as if fully set
forth herein. A 30g sample from each depth was sent for Dean Sterk extraction analysis.
Table 9 illustrates the elemental analysis of initial tar and of the produced fluids for runs #81, #86, and
#96. These data are all for a heating rate of 10 °C/day. Only apressure was varied between the runs.
(Table Removed)

As illustrated in Table 9, pyrolysis of the tar sand decreases nitrogen and sulfur weight percentages in a
produced fluid and increases carbon weight percentage a produced fluid. Increasing the pressure in the pyroiysis
experiment appears to further decrease the nitrogen and sulfur weight percentage in the produced fluids.
Table 10 illustrates NOISE (Nitric Oxide lonmtion Spectrometry Evaluation) analysis data for runs #81,
#86, and #96 and the initial tar. NOISE has been developed by a commercial laboratory as a quantitative analysis
nf the weight percentages of the main constituents in oil. The remaining weight percentage (47.2 %) in theInitial
tar may be found in a residue. :
(Table Removed)
As illustrated in Table 10, pyrotyzation of tar sand produces a product fluid with a significantly higher
weight percentage of paraffins, cycloalkanes, and mono-aromatics than may be found in the initial tar sand.
Increasing the pressure up to 7.9 bars absolute appears to substantially eliminate the production of tetra-aromatics.
Further increasing the pressure up to 28.6 bars absolute appears to substantially eliminate the production of triaromatics.
An increase in the pressure also appears to decrease a production of di-aromatics. Increasing the
pressure up to 28.6 bars absolute also appears to significantly increase a production of mono-aromatics. This may
be due to an increased hydrogen partial pressure at the higher pressure* The increased hydrogen partial pressure
may reduce poly-aromatic compounds to the mono-aromatics.
• FIG. 168 illustrates plots of weight percentages of carbon compounds versus carbon number for initial
tar 4703 and runs at pressures of 1 bar absolute 4704,7.9 bars absolute 4705, and 28.6 bars absolute 4706 with a
heating rate of 10 "C/day. From the plots of initial tar 4703 and a pressure of 1 bar absolute 4704 it can be seen
that pyrolysis shifts an average carbon number distribution to relatively lower carbon numbers. For example, a
mean carbon number in the carbon distribution of plot 4703 is at about carbon number nineteen and a mean
carbon number in the carbon distribution of plot 4704 is at about carbon number seventeen. Increasing me
pressure to 7.9 bars absolute 4705 fiirther shifts the average carbon number distribution to even lower carbon
numbers. Increasing the pressure to 7.9 bars absolute 4705 also shifts the mean carbon number in the carbon
distribution to a carbon jaumbef of about thirteen. Further increasing the pressure to 28.6 bars absolute 4706
reduces the mean carbon number to about eleven. Increasing the pressure is believed to decrease the average
carbon number distribution by increasing a; hydrogen partial pressure in the product fluid. The increased
hydrogen partial pressure in the product fluid allows hydrogeiiation, dearomatization, and/or pyrblysis of large
molecules to from smaller molecules. Increasing the pressure also increases a quality of the produced fluid. For
example, the-. API gravity of the fluid increased from less than about 10° for the initial tar, to about 31° for a
pressure of 1 bar absolute, to about 39° for a pressure of 7.9 bars absolute, to about 45° for a pressure of 28.6 bars
FIG. 169 illustrates bar graphs of weight percentages of carbon compounds for various pyroljsis heating
rates and pressures. Bar graph 4710 illustrates weight percentages for pyrolysis with a heating rate of 1 C/day at
a pressure of 1 bar absolute. Bar graph 4712 illustrates weight percentages for pyrolysis with a heating rate of 5
pC/day at a pressure of 1 bar. Bar graph 4714 illustrates weight percentages for pyrolysis with a heating rate of 10
C/day at a pressure of 1 bar. Bar graph 4716 illustrates weight percentages for pyrolysis wife a heating rate of 10 •
°C/day at a pressure of 7.9 bars absolute, Wjejght percentages of paraffins 4720, cyclcalkanes 4722, monoaromatics
4724, diaromatics 4726, and tri-aromatics 4728 are illustrated in the bar graphs. The bar graphs
demonstrate that a variation in the heating rate between 1 °C/day to 10 °C/day does not significantly affect the
composition of the product fluid. Increasing the pressure from 1 bar absolute to 7.9 bars absolute, however,
affects a composition of the product fluid. Such an effect may be characteristic of the effects described in FIG.
168 and Tables 9 and 10 above.
A three-dimensional (3-D) simulation model was used to simulate an in situ conversion process for a tar
sand containing formation. A heat injection rate was calculated using a separate numerical code (CFX). The heat
injection rate was calculated at 500 watts per foot (1640 waits per meter). The 3-D simulation was based on a
dilation-recompaction model for tar sands. A target zone thickness of 50 meters was used. Input data for the
simulation were as follows:
Thickness -50 meters;
Fwosity = 0.27; ;
Oil saturation = 0.84;
Water saturation = 0.16;
Permeability =1000 millidarcy; "
Vertical permeability versus horizontal permeability == 0.1;
. - Overburden *= shale; and
Base rock = wet carbonate.
Six component fluids were used based on fluids found in Athabasca tar sands. The six component fluids were:
heavy fluid; light fluid; gas; water; pre-char; and char. The spacing between wells was set at 9.1 meters on a
triangular pattern. Eleven horizontal heaters with a 300 m heater length were used with heat outputs set at the
previously calculated value of 1640 watts per meter.
FIG. 170 illustrates a plot of oil production (in cubic meters) versus time (in days) for various
bottomhole pressures at a producer well. Plot 4742 illustrates oil production for a pressure of 1.03 bars absolute.
Plot 4740 illustrates oil production for a pressure of 6.9 bars absolute. FIG. 170 demonstrates mat increasing the
bottomhole pressure will decrease oil production in a tar sand formation
FIG. 171 illustrates a plot of a ratio of heat content of produced fluids from a reservoir against heat input
to heat the reservoir versus time (in days). Plot 4752 illustrates the ratio versus time for heating an entire reservoir
to a pyrolysis temperature. Plot 4752 illustrates the ratio versus time for allowing partial drainage in the reservoir
into Selected pyrolyzatioh section 4750. FIG. 171 demonstrates mat allowing partial drainage in the reservoir
tends to increase the heat content of produced fluids versus heating the entire reservoir, for a given heat input into
the reservoir.
FIG. 172 illustrates a plot of weight percentage versus carbon number distribution for the simulation.
Plot 4760 illustrates the carbon number distribution for the initial tar sand. The initial tar sand has an API gravity
of 6°. Plot 4762 illustrates the carbon number distribution for in situ conversion of the tar sand up to a
temperature of 350 "C. Plot 4762 has an API gravity of 30°. From FIG. 172, it can be seen that the in situ
conversion process substantially increases the quality of oil found in the tar sands, as evidenced by the increased
API gravity and the carbon number distribution shift to lower carbon numbers. The lower carbon number
distribution was also evidenced by the result showing that a majority of the produced fluid was produced as a
vapor. FIG. 102 fllustrates a tar sand drum experimental apparatus used to conduct an experiment. Dram 3400
was filled with Athabasca tar sand and heated. All experiments were conducted using the system shown in FIG.
102 (see other description herein). Vapors were produced from the drum, cooled, separated into liquids and gases,. and then analyzed. Two separate experiments were conducted, each using tar sand from the same batch, but the
drum pressure was maintained at 1 bar absolute in one experiment (the low pressure experiment), and the drum
pressure was maintained at 6.9 bars absolute k the other experiment (the nigh pressure experiment). The drum
pressures were allowed to autogenously increase to the maintained pressure as temperatures were increased.
FIG. 173 illustrates mole % of hydrogen in the gases during the experiment (Le., when the drum
temperature was increased at the rate of 2 degrees Celsius per day). Line 4770 illustrates results obtained when
the drum pressure was maintained at 1 bar absolute. Line 4772 illustrates results obtained when the drum pressure
was maintained at 6.9 bars absolute. FIG. 173 demonstrates mat a higher mole percent of hydrogen was produced
in the gas when the drum was maintained at lower pressures. It is believed that increasing the drum pressure
drove hydrogen into the liquids in the drum. The hydrogen well tend to hydrogenate heavy hydrocarbons.
FIG. 174 illustrates API gravity of liquids produced from the drum as temperature was iacreased in fte
drum. Line 4782 depicts results from the high pressure experiment and line 4780 depicts results from the low
pressure experiment. As illustrated in FIG. 174, higher quality liquids were produced at the higher drum pressure.
It is believed that higher quality liquids were produced because more hydrogenation occurred in the drum during
the high pressure experiment (although the hydrogen concentration in the gas was less in the high pressure
experiment, the drum pressures were significantly greater, and therefore the partial pressure of hydrogen in the
dnun was greater in the high pressure experiment).
Further modifications and alternative embodiments of various aspects of the invention may be apparent
to those skilled in the art in view of this description. Accordingly, this description is to be construed as illustrative
only and is for the purpose of teaching those skilled in the art the general manner of carrying out the invention. It
is to be understood that the forms of the invention shown and described herein are to be taken as the presently
preferred embodiments. Elements and materials may be substituted for those illustrated and described herein,parts and processes may be reversed, and certain features of the invention may be utilized independently, all as
would be apparent to one skilled in the art after having the’ benefit of this description of the invention. Changes
may be made in the elements described herein without departing from the spirit and scope of the invention as
described in the following claims.

We claim :
1. A method of treating a hydrocarbon containing formation in situ, comprising:
providing heat from one or more heat sources to at least a portion of the formation comprising heating a selected volume (V) of the hydrocarbon containing formation from the one or more heat sources, wherein the formation has an average heat capacity (Cv), and wherein the heating pyrolyzes at least some hydrocarbons within the selected volume of the formation; and
wherein heating energy/day provided to the volume is equal to or less than Pwr, wherein Pwr is calculated by the equation:
(Equation Removed)
wherein Pwr is the heating energy/day, h is an average heating rate of the formation, pB is formation bulk density, and wherein the heating rate is less than 10°C/day;
allowing the heat to transfer from the one or more heat sources to a selected section of the formation; and heating the selected section such that a thermal conductivity of at least a portion of the selected section is greater than 0.5 W/(m°C).
2. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the one or more heat sources comprise at least two heat sources, and wherein superposition of heat from at least the two heat sources pyrolyzes at least some hydrocarbons within the selected section of the formation.
3. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein controlling formation conditions comprises maintaining a temperature within the selected section within a pyrolysis temperature range.
4. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the one or more heat sources comprise electrical heaters.
5. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the one or more heat sources comprise surface burners.
6. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the one or more heat sources
comprise flameless distributed combustors.
7. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the one or more heat sources comprise natural distributed combustors.
8. The method as claimed in claim 1, further comprising controlling a pressure and a temperature within at least a majority of the selected section of the formation,

wherein the pressure is controlled as a function of temperature, or the temperature is controlled as a function of pressure.
9. The method as claimed in claim 1, further comprising controlling the heat such that an average heating rate of the selected section is less than 1°C per day during pyrolysis.
10. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein allowing the heat to transfer comprises transferring heat substantially by conduction.
11. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the produced mixture comprises condensable hydrocarbons having an API gravity of 25°.
12. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the produced mixture comprises condensable hydrocarbons, and wherein 0. 1 % by weight to 15 % by weight of the condensable hydrocarbons are olefins.
13. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the produced mixture comprises non-condensable hydrocarbons, and wherein a molar ratio of ethene to ethane in the non-condensable hydrocarbons ranges from 0. 001 to 0.15.
14. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the produced mixture comprises condensable hydrocarbons, and wherein less than 1% by weight, when calculated on an atomic basis, of the condensable hydrocarbons is nitrogen.
15. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the produced mixture comprises condensable hydrocarbons, and wherein less than 1% by weight, when calculated on an atomic basis, of the condensable hydrocarbons is oxygen.
16. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the produced mixture comprises condensable hydrocarbons, and wherein less than 1% by weight, when calculated on an atomic basis, of the condensable hydrocarbons is sulfur.
17. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the produced mixture comprises condensable hydrocarbons, wherein 5% by weight to 30% by weight of the condensable hydrocarbons comprise oxygen containing compounds, and wherein the oxygen containing compounds comprise phenols.
18. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the produced mixture comprises condensable hydrocarbons, and wherein greater than 20 % by weight of the condensable hydrocarbons are aromatic compounds.
19. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the produced mixture comprises condensable hydrocarbons, and wherein less than 5 % by weight of the condensable hydrocarbons comprises multi-ring aromatics with more than two rings.

20. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the produced mixture comprises condensable hydrocarbons, and wherein less than 0.3 % by weight of the condensable hydrocarbons are asphaltenes.
21. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the produced mixture comprises condensable hydrocarbons, and wherein 5 % by weight to 30 % by weight of the condensable hydrocarbons are cycloalkanes.
22. The method as claimed in claim 1, whereinthe produced mixture comprises a non- condensable component, whereinthe non-condensable component comprises hydrogen, wherein the hydrogen is greater than 10 % by volume of the non-condensable component, and wherein the hydrogen is less than 80 % by volume of the non condensable component.
23. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the produced mixture comprises ammonia, and wherein greater than 0.05 % by weight of the produced mixture is ammonia.
24. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the produced mixture comprises ammonia, and wherein the ammonia is used to produce fertilizer.
25. The method as claimed in claim 1, further comprising controlling a pressure within at least a majority of the selected section of the formation, wherein the controlled pressure is 2.0 bar absolute.
26. The method as claimed in claim 1, further comprising controlling formation conditions to produce a mixture of condensable hydrocarbons and H2, wherein a partial pressure of H2 within the mixture is greater than 0.5 bar.
27. The method as claimed in claim 26, wherein the partial pressure of H2 is measured when the mixture is at a production well.
28. The method as claimed in claim 1, further comprising altering a pressure within the formation to inhibit production of hydrocarbons from the formation having carbon numbers greater than 25.
29. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein controlling formation conditions comprise recirculating a portion of hydrogen from the mixture into the formation.
30. The method as claimed in claim 1, further comprising:
providing hydrogen (H2) to the heated section to hydrogenate hydrocarbons within the section; and
heating a portion of the section with heat from hydrogenation.

31. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the produced mixture comprises
hydrogen and condensable hydrocarbons, the method further comprising
hydrogenating a portion of the produced condensable hydrocarbons with at least
a portion of the produced hydrogen.
32. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein allowing the heat to transfer
comprises increasing a permeability of a majority of the selected section to
greater than 100 millidarcy.
33. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein allowing the heat to transfer
comprises substantially uniformly increasing a permeability of a majority of the
selected section.
34. The method as claimed in claim 1, further comprising controlling the heat to yield greater than 60 % by weight of condensable hydrocarbons, as measured by the Fischer Assay.
35. The method as claimed in claim 1, wherein producing the mixture comprises producing the mixture in a production well, and wherein less than 7 heat sources are disposed in the formation for each production well.
36. The method as claimed in claim 1, further comprising providing heat from three
or more heat sources to at least a portion of the formation, wherein three or
more of the heat sources are located in the formation in a unit of heat sources, and
wherein the unit of heat sources comprises a triangular pattern.
37. The method as claimed in claim 1, further comprising providing heat from three or more heat sources to at least a portion of the formation, wherein three or more of the heat sources are located in the formation in a unit of heat sources, wherein the unit of heat sources comprises a triangular pattern, and wherein a plurality of the units are repeated over an area of the formation to form a repetitive pattern of units.







3865-DELNP-2007-Correspondence Others-(03-02-2012).pdf

3865-delnp-2007-Correspondence Others-(30-07-2012).pdf

3865-DELNP-2007-Correspondence Others-(30-09-2011).pdf

3865-delnp-2007-correspondence-others 1.pdf








3865-delnp-2007-description (complete).pdf



















Patent Number 262796
Indian Patent Application Number 3865/DELNP/2007
PG Journal Number 39/2014
Publication Date 26-Sep-2014
Grant Date 13-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 23-May-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
13 N.A. N.A.
PCT International Classification Number C01B
PCT International Application Number PCT/US01/13452
PCT International Filing date 2001-04-24
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 60/199,215 2000-04-24 U.S.A.
2 60/199,213 2000-04-24 U.S.A.
3 60/199,214 2000-04-24 U.S.A.