Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention concerns a composition containing: an aqueous dispersion of at least one phenol-formaldehyde resin; at least one amine compound, wherein the molecular mass of the amine compound does not exceed approximately 20 000 g/mole, at least one activated silane, as well as at least one aromatic hydroxyl compound. The composition may be employed as a formaldehyde-free binder for the manufacture of mineral wool.
The present invention concerns a formaldehyde-free composition comprising
a phenolic resin to be used for the manufacture of insulation products made of
mineral wool, a binder for mineral wool, a method for the manufacture of mineral
wool bound in a formaldehyde-free manner, as well as the bound mineral wool
product thus obtained.
In the manufacture of bound mineral wool products from a molten glass or
mineral material it has for a long time been accepted practice to apply, following
fiberization of the molten material, a binder on the basis of phenol-formaldehyde
resin on the fibers while they are still hot. This preferably takes place in the chute
following fiberization, e.g. in accordance with the blast drawing process according
to DE 35 09 426A1.
Here a phenol-formaldehyde resin, being the best-known binder of the prior
art, is preferably sprayed onto the fibers in the form of an aqueous solution, or
dispersion, wherein the phenol-formaldehyde resin then begins to polymerize on
the fiber surface owing to the still relatively high temperatures of the fibers, and
connects the single fibers with each other as a result of the polymerization process,
particularly at crossing points of fibers, inasmuch as the fibers lying on top of each
other at a crossing point are more or less embedded there by solidified droplets of
resin, and thus the relative mobility of the single fibers is initially impeded and later
on prevented entirely upon curing by means of hot gases, for instance inside a
tunnel furnace.
A like binder is described, e.g., in US 3,231,349. For reasons of protection of
the environment as well as for reasons of workplace safety, more and more
attempts are meanwhile being undertaken to replace the conventional phenolic
resin binders with alternative, formaldehyde-free binders because of their
formaldehyde content and their formaldehyde emission.

Thus for example EP 0 583 086 B2 describes a curable, formaldehyde-free,
aqueous binder composition for glass fibers on the basis of polymer polyacids
containing at least two carboxylic acid groups or anhydride groups, which
comprises a polyol containing at least two hydroxyl groups and a phosphorus-
containing catalyst, wherein a ratio of the number of equivalents of COOH group to
OH group must be from 0:0.01 to 1:3.
A polymer polyacid described in EP 0 583 086 B2 is, for instance, polyacrylic
A preferably used polyol is -hydroxyalkylamide, e.g., [N,N-di(-
hydroxyethyl)]-adipamide, however it is also possible to use, e.g., ethylene glycol,
glycerol, pentaerythritol, trimethylol propane, sorbitol, sucrose, glucose, resorcinol,
catechol, pyrogallol, glycolated ureas, 1,4-cyclohexane diol, diethanolamine or
Similar binder compositions for mineral fibers are, e.g., also known from US
6,331,350 B1, EP 0 990 727 A1, EP 0 990 728 A1, and EP 0 990 729 A1. The
listed documents of the prior art also use a polyacrylic acid as a polymer polyacid.
By way of a polyol, alkanolamines as well as glycols are also used there.
In addition, EP 0 882 074 B1 describes binder compositions for mineral fibers
on the basis of polyacrylic acids and glycols as polyols.
All of the binder compositions of the prior art constituting an alternative for
phenol-formaldehyde resins are, however, currently only conditionally suited for
the manufacture of mineral wool products, mainly due to their lack of water
resistance, so that, for example, the binders based on polyacrylate resins have
hitherto generally been barred from practical use for the manufacture of mineral
wool products.
The chemical industry has meanwhile furnished pre-condensated phenol-
formaldehyde resins that do - in a sense - already present a reduced content of
free formaldehyde, however still have to be subsequently crosslinked with
additional formaldehyde in order to improve the properties of resin and binder,
particularly water resistance. As a result, emissions of formaldehyde due to its

high vapor pressure and the relatively slow crosslinking reaction between polymer
chains are nearly unavoidable.
Starting out from the prior art of the commercially available phenolic resin
binders reduced in formaldehyde, the applicant has set itself the task for the
purposes of mineral wool manufacture in the development of novel,
environmentally compatible binders to arrive at formaldehyde-free binders with the
classical phenol-formaldehyde resins despite their formaldehyde content.
According to the present invention, this object is achieved through a
formaldehyde-free composition comprising an aqueous dispersion of a phenol-
formaldehyde resin, a binder comprising said composition and a method for the
manufacture of mineral wool bound in a formaldehyde-free manner.

R1, R2 and R3 independently of each other, equal or not equal,
corresponds to H and R1 of the general formula (2):

In particular, the present invention concerns a composition containing:
an aqueous dispersion of at least one phenol-formaldehyde resin;
at least one amine compound of the general formula (1)
with a value for n of 2-10, and
R2 and R3, independently of each other, are equal or not equal to H
or correspond to the general formula (3):

wherein m may assume a value of 1-50,
and the molecular mass of the amine compound does not exceed
approximately 20 000 g/mole;
at least one activated silane,
which may be obtained by a conversion of a silane, selected from the
group: mono-, di- and trialkoxysilanes having one C1 to C8 alkoxy
group, wherein the alkoxysilane carries at least one C2 to C10
aminoalkyl group or a C2 to C10 N-aminoalkyl group; 3(2-
aminoethylamino)propyltrimethoxysilane; (MeO)3-Si-(CH2)3-NH-(CH2)3-
Si-(OMe)3; 3-aminopropylsilanetriol; aminosilane with ethoxylated
nonylphenolate; phenyl-CH2-NH-(CH2)3-NH-(CH2)3-Si-(OMe)3*HCI; as
well as mixtures thereof;
with an enolizable ketone having at least one carbonyl group or a
ketone having at least one OH group, wherein the ketone contains 3 to
12C atoms, as well as
at least one aromatic hydroxyl compound selected from the group
consisting of: dihydroxybenzenes and their hydroxymethylated
compounds; trihydroxybenzenes and their mono- and
dihydroxymethylated compounds; C-alkylated compounds of phenol or
of resorcin; autocondensation products of the hydroxymethylated
compounds; activated heterocycles and their mono- or dialkylated
compounds or their anellated derivatives; di- and trihydroxy derivatives
of naphthalene; as well as mixtures thereof or mixtures containing these
Particularly due to the fact that the composition of the invention contains at
least one aromatic hydroxyl compound, it is possible to trap free formaldehyde

from the used resin and chemically convert it non-reversibly under the given
conditions into such molecules which themselves are not capable of participating
in the crosslinking reaction of the resin. Thanks to this measure it is one the one
hand not necessary any more to add additional formaldehyde for subsequent
crosslinking, and on the other hand free formaldehyde contained in the phenolic
resin is bound chemically. Thus free formaldehyde is present neither in the resin
nor in a mineral wool product bound by it.
As aromatic hydroxyl compounds those are suited which are in particular
selected from the group consisting of: dihydroxybenzenes, particularly 1,3-
dihydroxybenzene, 1,2-dihydroxybenzene or 1,4-dihydroxybenzene, as well as
their hydroxymethylated compounds, in particular hydroxymethylated derivatives
of resorcin or benzocatechin, such as 2,4-dihydroxyphenylmethanol or 2,3-
dihydroxyphenylmethanol, but also multihydroxymethylated derivatives of these
activated aromatic substances, e.g., 2,3-dihydroxy-4-hydroxymethylphenyl-
methanol or 4,5-dihydroxy-2-hydroxymethylphenylmethanol; trihydroxybenzenes,
particularly 1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene or 1,2,3-trihydroxybenzene, their mono- and
dihydroxymethylated compounds, such as 2,3,4-trihydroxyphenylmethanol or 2,4,6-
trihydroxyphenylmethanol; C-alkylated compounds of phenol or of resorcin, e.g.,
1 -hydroxy-2-methylbenzene, 1 -hydroxy-3-methylbenzene, 1 -hydroxy-4-methyl-
benzene or 2-methylresorcin; autocondensation products of the
hydroxymethylated compounds, such as bis-2,4-dihydroxyphenylmethane;
activated heterocycles, e.g., pyrrole, thiophene, their mono- or dialkylated
compounds or their anellated derivatives, such as indole or thioindole; di- and
trihydroxyderivatives of naphthalene. It is, of course, also possible to use mixtures
of these substances and mixtures containing them.
The modification on a complex multi-substance mixture - such as a phenol-
formaldehyde resin or a binder produced therefrom for mineral wool with different
additives - constitutes a difficult set of problems, particularly inasmuch as the resin
constitutes a very unstable intermediate product. Depending on the usually
unknown origin of this preparation, the reactive components are present in various
concentrations and thus critically influence the material properties of the finished
product. The main constituents of a typical phenol-formaldehyde resin and their
effect as a polymer constitutional unit are shown in the following schematic

Depending on the ratio of the single constituents, a resin polymer having
various properties is formed.
It is possible to discern various cases of polymerization and thus of the
resulting polymers having different properties, which are represented schematically
in the following:
Case 1:
Where predominantly only simple constitutional units are present, a chain-
type polymer having few linking sites between the single chains is built up, i.e., the
simple constitutional units polymerize with themselves, which fact may be
represented schematically by the following schematic formulae by using the above
defined formula abbreviations:

In the prior art such essentially linear and hardly branched polymer chains
were subsequently crosslinked with formaldehyde in order to achieve an
enhanced water resistance. The inventors intend to avoid this addition of
formaldehyde. Particularly the reason for this is that formaldehyde is a volatile
substance, and that the latter has a tendency to desorption under the
production conditions of an elevated temperature rather than entering the

comparatively slow crosslinking reaction with the polymer chains.
Case 2:
Where a mixture of simple- and double-substituted constitutional units
exists which polymerize with themselves, one obtains a polymer having more
strongly reticulated chains, which may be represented schematically by the
following schematic formulae by using the above defined formula abbreviations:

The resistance of such binder resins and of mineral wool products thereby
manufactured against swelling processes due to moisture, such as on the
construction site during bad weather or in the outdoor range, is enhanced in
comparison with the non-crosslinked polymer chains.
Case 3:
The resistance of such a plastic material against swelling is very high.
In the third case, three simple-, double- and triple-substituted compounds
are present in parallel which polymerize with themselves, which may be
represented schematically by the following schematic formulae by using the
above defined formula abbreviations:

Nevertheless, the storing capability and the processing time may be reduced
depending on the concentration of the higher-substituted constitutional units
depending on the pH value and the concentration of formaldehyde or of
compounds releasing it, respectively,
When viewed globally, however, a resin in accordance with Case 3 is
desirable, yet in the prior art this could only be achieved with formaldehyde-
containing phenolic resins which still release small quantities of formaldehyde.
As a result of the addition of at least one aromatic hydroxyl compound it is
on the one hand possible to trap excess formaldehyde that is contained in the
used resin, so that its liberation is prevented, and on the other hand the
compounds resulting from the reaction of the formaldehyde with the aromatic
hydroxide form molecules that are very similar to the molecule species of Case 3,
which shall be shown in the following by the example of resorcin:

Due to this similarity, the molecule species (4) may in addition to the chemical
From the following schematic formulae it may be seen that the polymer
constitutional unit (3) has a high similarity with the molecule species (4) resulting
from the trapping reaction:

fixation of free formaldehyde furthermore participate in the desirable crosslinking
reactions and thus lastly result in formaldehyde-free phenolic resins as well as
binders therefrom for mineral wool.
It is accordingly also possible to employ commercially available aromatic
hydroxyl compounds that were in a certain part already reacted with formaldehyde,
in order to further push the crosslinking.
It is preferred to employ such commercially available phenolic resins having
at the most approx. 8% (mass), particularly less than approx. 3% (mass),
preferably less than approx. 2% (mass) and more preferably less than approx. 1%
(mass) of free formaldehyde.
As a phenolic resin, particularly resins with monomer constitutional units of
the benzyl alcohol type are suited, which may also contain chain-type and/or cyclic,
oligomer alkyl-bridged aromatic multinuclear compounds having a molecular mass
of up to 3000 g/mole.
The composition in accordance with the invention may additionally contain a
carboxylic acid, particularly hydroxycarboxylic acid, preferably hydroxyacetic acid
(glycolic acid).
It is one preferred embodiment of the present invention to select the amine
from the group consisting of C2 to C10 alkanolamine, particularly ethanolamine,
diethanolamine and triethanolamine.
One preferred silane of the composition in accordance with the invention is 3-
aminopropyltriethoxysilane. It is commercially available at a low cost.
As ketones for the manufacture of the activated silane, dihydroxyacetone or
acetylacetone are preferably employed due to their easy availability, however the
activated silane may also be produced with an enolizable ketone having at least
one carbonyl group or a ketone having at least one OH group, wherein the ketone
contains 3 to 12 C atoms.
Furthermore it is frequently desirable for the composition to additionally
contain at least one crosslinking agent, with those being preferred that are

selected from the group consisting of: glycerol, polyols, neopentylglycol,
trimethylallylamine, 1 ,3,5-triallyl-2-methoxybenzene, 1,1,1-tris(4-hydroxyphenyl)-
ethane, triallylneopentylether, pentaerythrite, sugars, sugar molasse, particularly
turnip molasse; as well as mixtures thereof.
It is particularly preferred if the composition in accordance with the invention
has a pH value in the range of approx, 7.0 to 10, particularly 8 to 9. Hereby it is on
the one hand ensured that conduits and nozzles, particularly spraying nozzles, are
less subjected to corrosion. On the other hand compositions in the preferred pH
range do by far not attack the mineral or glass fiber to the extent as the prior-art
compositions on polyacrylate basis that are distinctly more acidic.
Without being bound thereto, the activation of the silane with the carbonyl
compound possibly appears to unfold in accordance with the following reaction
scheme, as is shown by two different carbonyl compounds:

As a result of the activation of the silane - in the above reaction scheme by
way of the example of the -aminopropylsilanetriol having resulted from hydrolysis
von 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane - by reaction with an enolizable ketone having at

least one carbonyl group or a ketone having at least one OH group, wherein the
ketone contains 3 to 12 C atoms, there is formed on the activated molecule a
"resin side" which is formed by the N part, in addition to a glass side formed by the
Si part.
In the prior art, the amino group of the silane was reacted with formaldehyde
into a Schiff s base which in turn reacted with the phenol-formaldehyde resin.
Thus a formaldehyde content of the binder as required in the prior art is not
necessary any more because the activated silane carries an N-containing molecule
portion which is capable of coupling to the resin - in accordance with the invention
to the phenolic resin or to amine functions of nitrogen-containing polymers - which
is thus bound via the silane linker to the glass surface of the hot fiber.
Crosslinking thus takes place both through the described molecule species (4)
and through the silane linker.
The reactions of the activated silanes used in accordance with the invention
at the glass surface - presently represented by a silica tetrahedron - are in the
following shown schematically and exemplarily without being bound thereby:

These hydrolytic linkings take place even more rapidly on the fiber while still
Further advantages and features of the present invention become evident
from the description of practical examples as well as from the drawings, wherein:
Fig. 1: is a schematic view of silanes coupled to a glass fiber via the Si portion of an
activated silane; and

Fig. 2: is a schematic view of a resin bound to a glass surface on a fiber via an
activated silane.
The overall context of the composition in accordance with the invention and
binder in connection with the manufacture of mineral or glass fibers is once again
visualized in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2.
Here the represented molecular arrangement should merely be understood in
a schematic manner. Crosslinking reactions will, of course, moreover still take
place within the resin such as phenolic resin, in accordance with the above
description, for instance with the molecule species (4) as well as the alkanolamine
or further additional crosslinking agents.
It is, of course, also possible for unintended secondary reactions to occur, as
is true with any polymerization. The contents of Figs. 1 and 2 may therefore merely
be considered to be a model concept which is, however, helpful for an
understanding of the invention.
The composition in accordance with the invention is excellently suited as a
binder for mineral wool. On the one hand it is thus possible to manufacture
positively formaldehyde-free mineral wool products, and on the other hand the
cured binders of the invention and thus, of course, also the mineral wool products
are water-resistant.
In order to manufacture mineral wool bound in a formaldehyde-free manner
by means of the binder of the invention, the binder is applied, following
fiberization of a molten mineral material, on the fibers while they are still hot, and
the mineral wool product with the applied binder is subjected to a curing process.
Here the binder is applied on the fibers in the chute by spraying the fibers
attenuated from the molten mineral material, in particular sprayed on.
A bound mineral wool product manufactured in accordance with the method
of the invention satisfies any mechanical and chemical requirements just like a
mineral wool product bound by using classical phenol-formaldehyde resin.

Practical examples
The commercially available phenolic resins reduced in formaldehyde were tested
on the finished product in accordance with current testing methods. The results
were compared with those of a standard phenolic resin. The approaches chosen
here shall be set forth by way of the following examples and only represent a small
selection of the test results. As will readily be evident to the person having skill in
the art, the used substances may be varied in an extraordinary breadth; what is
important for the trapping of formaldehyde are solely the pH value and the
reactivity of the aromatic substances used. The used resorcin may very easily be
replaced with similarly reactive systems such as pyrocatechol, pyrrole or
thiophene. Reactivity may conveniently be controlled through the acid-base ratio.
Activation of the silane is possible both through the intermediary of carbonyl
compounds and heterocyclic Systems such as phthalimide. By the addition of
replenishable raw materials such as molasse it is possible to additionally improve
the processing friendliness of the resins.
In the named binders a target concentration of approx. 40% total solid matter was
generally aspired.
Comparative example
Binder 1 - Standard comparative example: A typical alkali-catalyzed phenolic resin
having a total solid matter content of 44% was used. Composition: 150 kg of
phenolic resin; 35.5 kg of urea; 1.0 kg of ammonium sulfate; 2.0 kg of ammonia
solution (25%); 25.8 kg of 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane (2%); 44.6 kg of water.
The free formaldehyde content 6 hours after addition of the urea was approx. 0.5%
Activation of the silane
In the following practical examples of the invention, the following general
prescription for the representation of an activated silane is valid:
In a vat including a mechanical stirrer of a suitable size, a part of the dilution water
is initially charged. Then the corresponding quantity of the carbonyl compound is
added and stirred until complete dissolution. In the case of compounds poorly

soluble in water, careful heating is performed, or a dispersant is added under
vigorous stirring. The silane is added to the solution, and then stirring is continued
until a distinct change of color of the solution. A more intense coloration indicates
the formation of the imine as activated silane. The silane thus activated is added to
the binder batch. Following homogeneization, the binder is ready for use.
Example 1
Binder 2: A commercially available, non-neutralized phenolic resin having a total
solid matter of 43.5% and a proportion of free formaldehyde of approx. 1% (mass)
was used.
Composition: 150 kg of phenolic resin; 4.7 kg of resorcin; 0.2 kg of glycolic acid; 0.3
kg of ethanolamine; 0.4 kg of 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane; 0.2 kg of
dihydroxyacetone; 21.3 kg of water.
The pH value of the finished binder is approx. 8.
Example 2
Binder 3: A commercially available, non-neutralized phenolic resin having a total
solid matter of 46.5% and a proportion of free formaldehyde of approx. 2% (mass)
was used.
Composition: 150 kg of phenolic resin; 11.7 kg of resorcin; 0.4 kg of phloroglucin;
0.2 kg of glycolic acid; 0.7 kg of ethanolamine; 0.4 kg of 3-
aminopropyltriethoxysilane; 0.2 kg of dihydroxyacetone; 43.2 kg of water.
The pH value of the finished binder is approx. 8.
Example 3
Binder 4: A commercially available, non-neutralized phenolic resin having a total
solid matter of 46.5% and a proportion of free formaldehyde of approx. 2% was
Composition: 150 kg of phenolic resin; 11.2 kg of resorcin; 0.4 kg of phloroglucin;
27.9 kg of turnip molasse; 0.2 kg of glycolic acid; 0.8 kg of ethanolamine; 0.5 kg of

3-aminopropyitriethoxysilane; 0.3 kg of dihydroxyacetone; 68.1 kg of water.
The pH value of the finished binder is approx. 8.
Performance of quality tests
1. Laboratory tests
1.1 Decrease of the free formaldehyde content
Initially, the decrease of free formaldehyde following the addition of phloroglucin
and resorcin, respectively, is shown in the binders 2 - 4 in comparison with the
standard binder 1 (Table 1).

2. Tests with mineral wool product manufactured with the binders In
accordance with the Invention
With the above binders in accordance with Examples 1 to 3, mineral wool products
were manufactured wherein the binder is sprayed in the usual manner, following
fiberization of the molten material, e.g. in accordance with the blast drawing
process, inside the chute on the fibers while they are still hot.
The obtained products were then subjected to a series of examinations that are
described in the following. What was generally tested was a fagade insulation
board having a target bulk density of 75 kg/m3 and a target loss due to burning of

2-1 Adhesion strength of insulation materials in accordance with German Industrial
Standard FDIN1 52274 / EN 1607 before and after autoclavina
From a finished product, parallelepipedic test samples are cut with an edge length
of 200 x 200 mm. Half of the test samples thus obtained are bonded between two
steel plates provided with eyelets and torn apart by means of a suitable apparatus.
The other part is aged in air saturated with water vapor during 15 min. at 105°C
and subsequently torn apart in the same way. The measured tearing forces
provide an indication of the strength of the overall system glass fibers-resin after
manufacture and of its resistance under normal conditions of use. In the case of
standard products of this class without hydrophobizing agents, residual strengths
around 60% after autoclaving are normal. The results are summarized in Table 2.

2.2 Adhesion strength in accordance with DIN 52274 / EN 1607 of insulation
materials according to Nordtest
For performing these tests, test samples having an edge length of 200 x 200 mm
are cut from a finished product. One part of the test samples is torn in analogy with
the autoclave test before ageing. The other part is stored in accordance with the
provision of the Nordtest during 7 days at 70°C and 95% relative humidity,
Following re-drying, the strength of the aged sample bodies is determined by
tearing apart. An accurately manufactured insulation material should have a
residual strength of at least 50% after this very drastic ageing method. The results
are represented in Table 3.
Table 3: Adhesion strength in accordance with PIN 52274 / EN 1607 of insulation
materials according to Nordtest

Thus the performed tests confirm that the composition in accordance with the
invention is not only fundamentally suited as a formaldehyde-free binder for the
manufacture of mineral wool, but also practically applicable in accordance with
determined product quality, processing capability, and economy. The existing
machine equipment need not be modified.

1. A composition containing:
an aqueous dispersion of at least one phenol-formaldehyde resin;
at least one amine compound of the general formula (1)

R1, R2 and R3 independently of each other, equal or not equal,
corresponds to H and R1 of the general formula (2):

with a value for n of 2-10, and
R2 and R3, independently of each other, are equal or not equal to H
or correspond to the general formula (3):

wherein m may assume a value of 1-50,
and the molecular mass of the amine compound does not exceed
approximately 20 000 g/mole;
at least one activated silane,
which may be obtained by a conversion of a silane, selected from the
group: mono-, di- and trialkoxysilanes having one C1 to C8 alkoxy
group, wherein the alkoxysilane carries at least one C2 to C10

aminoalkyl group or a C2 to C10 N-aminoalkyl group; 3(2-
aminoethylamino)propyltrimethoxysilane; (MeO)3-Si-(CH2)3-NH-(CH2)3-
Si-(OMe)3; 3-aminopropylsilanetriol; aminosilane with ethoxylated
nonylphenolate; phenyl-CH2-NH-(CH2)3-NH-(CH2)3-Si-(OMe)3*HCI; as
well as mixtures thereof;
with an enolizable ketone having at least one carbonyl group or a
ketone having at least one OH group, wherein the ketone contains 3 to
12 C atoms, as well as
at least one aromatic hydroxyl compound selected from the group
consisting of: dihydroxybenzenes and their hydroxymethylated
compounds; trihydroxybenzenes and their mono- and
dihydroxymethylated compounds; C-alkylated compounds of phenol or
of resorcin; autocondensation products of the hydroxymethylated
compounds; activated heterocycles and their mono- or dialkylated
compounds or their anellated derivatives; di- and trihydroxy derivatives
of naphthalene; as well as mixtures thereof or mixtures containing these
2. The composition in accordance with claim 1, characterized in that the at least
one aromatic hydroxyl compound is selected from the group consisting of :
dihydroxybenzenes, particularly 1,3-dihydroxybenzene, 1,2-dihydroxybenzene or
1,4-dihydroxybenzene, as well as their hydroxymethylated compounds, in
particular hydroxymethylated derivatives of resorcin or benzocatechin, such as
2,4-dihydroxyphenylmethanol or 2,3-dihydroxyphenylmethanol, but also
multihydroxymethylated derivatives of these activated aromatic substances, e.g.,
2,3-dihydroxy-4-hydroxymethylphenyl-methanol or4,5-dihydroxy-2-hydroxymethyl-
phenylmethanol; trihydroxybenzenes, particularly 1,3,5-trihydroxybenzene or
1,2,3-trihydroxybenzene, their mono- and dihydroxymethylated compounds, such
as 2,3,4-trihydroxyphenylmethanol or 2,4,6-trihydroxyphenylmethanol; C-alkylated
compounds of phenol or of resorcin, e.g., 1-hydroxy-2-methylbenzene, 1-hydroxy-
3-methylbenzene, 1-hydroxy-4-methyl-benzene or 2-methylresorcin; autocon-
densation products of the hydroxymethylated compounds, such as bis-2,4-
dihydroxyphenylmethane; activated heterocycles, e.g., pyrrole, thiophene, their

mono- or dialkylated compounds or their anellated derivatives, such as indole or
thioindole; di- and trihydroxyderivatives of naphthalene.
3. The composition in accordance with claim 1 or 2, characterized in that the
phenol-formaldehyde resin contains at the most approx. 8% (mass), particularly
less than approx. 3% (mass), preferably less than approx. 2% (mass) and more
preferably less than approx 1 % (mass) of free formaldehyde.
4. The composition in accordance with any one of claims 1 to 3, characterized in
that the phenol-formaldehyde resin contains monomer constitutional units of the
benzyl alcohol type and/or chain-type and/or cyclic, oligomer alkyl-bridged
aromatic multinuclear compounds having a molecular mass of up to 3 000 g/mole.
5. The composition in accordance with any one of claims 1 to 4, characterized in
that it additionally contains a carboxylic acid, particularly hydroxycarboxylic acid,
preferably hydroxyacetic acid (glycolic acid).
6. The composition in accordance with any one of claims 1 to 5, characterized
in that the amine compound is selected from the group consisting of: a C2 to C10
alkanolamine, particularly ethanolamine, diethanolamine and triethanolamine.
7. The composition in accordance with any one of claims 1 to 6, characterized
in that the silane is 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane.
8. The composition in accordance with any one of claims 1 to 7, characterized
in that the ketone is dihydroxyacetone or acetylacetone.
9. The composition in accordance with any one of claims 1 to 8, characterized
in that it contains at least one further crosslinking agent.
10. The composition in accordance with claim 9, characterized in that the
crosslinking agent is selected from the group consisting of: glycerol, polyols,
neopentylglycol, trimethylallylamine, 1,3,5-triallyl-2-methoxybenzene, 1,1,1-tris(4-
hydroxyphenyl)-ethane, triallylneopentylether, pentaerythrite, sugars, sugar
molasse, particularly turnip molasse; as well as mixtures thereof.
11. The composition in accordance with any one of claims 1 to 10, characterized
in that it has a pH value in the range of approx. 7.0 to 10, particularly 8 to 9.

12. A binder for mineral wool, containing a composition in accordance with at least
one of claims 1 to 11.
13. A method for the manufacture of mineral wool bound substantially in a
formaldehyde-free manner with a binder in accordance with claim 12, wherein the
binder is applied, following fiberization of a molten mineral material, on the fibers
while they are still hot, and the mineral wool product with the applied binder is
exposed to a curing process.
14. The method in accordance with claim 13, characterized in that the binder is
applied on the fibers in the chute by spraying the fibers attenuated from the molten
mineral material.
15. A bound mineral wool product which may be obtained by a method in
accordance with claim 13 or 14.
16. Use of a composition in accordance with any one of claims 1 to 11 for the
manufacture of a mineral wool product bound substantially in a formaldehyde-free

The present invention concerns a composition
containing: an aqueous dispersion of at least one
phenol-formaldehyde resin; at least one amine
compound, wherein the molecular mass of the amine compound
does not exceed approximately 20 000 g/mole, at least
one activated silane, as well as at least one aromatic hydroxyl
compound. The composition may be employed as a formaldehyde-free
binder for the manufacture of mineral wool.




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02154-kolnp-2008-form 1.pdf

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02154-kolnp-2008-international publication.pdf

02154-kolnp-2008-international search report.pdf

02154-kolnp-2008-pct request form.pdf


2154-KOLNP-2008-(08-01-2014)-ANNEXURE TO FORM 3.pdf





2154-KOLNP-2008-(08-01-2014)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf










2154-KOLNP-2008-FORM 18-1.1.pdf

2154-KOLNP-2008-FORM 18.pdf






2154-KOLNP-2008-GRANTED-FORM 1.pdf

2154-KOLNP-2008-GRANTED-FORM 2.pdf

2154-KOLNP-2008-GRANTED-FORM 3.pdf

2154-KOLNP-2008-GRANTED-FORM 5.pdf










Patent Number 262800
Indian Patent Application Number 2154/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 39/2014
Publication Date 26-Sep-2014
Grant Date 15-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 28-May-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C08L 61/06,D04H 1/64
PCT International Application Number PCT/EP2006/068934
PCT International Filing date 2006-11-27
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 102005056792.4 2005-11-28 Germany