Title of Invention


Abstract This invention relates to a fibre fuel distributor, used for distributing fibre fuels evenly into the combustion chamber, comprising a fuel chute (06), which extends upto adjustable reinforced distributor trajectory plate with locking arrangement (05) and indexing plate (08), said distributor, having water jacket directional vanes (07) welded to distributor body is mounted on said combustion chamber by means of a furnace mounting flange (2) maintained at an appropriate angle for uniform fuel flow, the other end being connected to feeders by means of a feeder mounting flange (03).
The present invention relates to a fibre fuel distributing system used in a bed fired steam generator. This invention particularly relates to a fibre fuel distributor designed for distributing fibrous fuels viz. bagasse, biomass fuels and wood chips into the combustion chamber for suspension firing and also upon the bed of a bed fired steam generator.
Process steam generators employed in sugar mills use bagasse, the residue of the sugarcane as a fuel. As the sugar cane crushing is only seasonal, the availability of fuel throughout the year is a constraint. This constraint is removed by the introduction of other bio-fuels like wood chips, hulls and quality grounds.
In the past, bed fired boilers used mechanical spreaders to spread the fibre fuel into the bed of the furnace. However, they are less effective with the fibrous fuels. Pneumatic spreading is a better alternate for effective distribution of the fibrous fuels. The controlled feeding and uniform distribution of bagasse and bio-mass fuels like wood chips across the width and depth of the bed is very difficult. In the case of bagasse, care must be taken to match the physical properties of the fuel. Back feeding of stored bagasse will be different from direct feeding of milled bagasse, and suitable provision has to be incorporated to handle the bagasse and also to handle different kind of bio-mass fuels in the same distributors. The variation in physical properties of fuels results in uneven distribution of the fuel in the front and in the rear of the grate. If they are not handled properly, heaps are formed at the middle of the bed, which results in spontaneous combustion and release of heavy buffs
suddenly from the fiimace. The situation becomes more complex when combined firing with bagasse and coal or wood chips is done. Other harmful effects of such operation are overheating of the bed castings in the areas of reduced fuel bed depth.
In addition, radiation from furnace causes self-ignition of bio-mass fiels, leads to fire in the distributor plates and in the housing of the distributor.
All these technical, performance and safety requirements are being addressed in this invention with the following specialties:
1) Indexing and locking arrangement.
2) Reinforced distributor plates.
3) Water-cooled chest with water flow guide vanes.
4) Superior materials to combat corrosion due to moisture.

5) Profiled distributor blades.
6) Access doors in the damper area.
US Patent No.5,794,548 dated August 18, 1998 under the Pneumatic bark distributor for continuous ash discharge stokers by Barlow; Dennis N discloses an apparatus for delivering associated particulate fuel to an associated continuous ash discharge furnace. The apparatus includes a nozzle dimensioned and configured to direct pressurized air along a face of the surface to establish a boundary layer between the surface and the associated particulate fuel flowing over the surface.
In the prior art, the apparatus is not water-cooled. Injection of air to the distributor housing is parallel to the fuel path.
us Patent No.5,239,935 dated August 31, 1993 under the Oscillating damper and air swept distributor by Morrow; Robert S; Reschly; David C discloses an apparatus for introducing solid fuel into the furnace. The oscillating damper having an oscillating valve member, which oscillates between a first adjustable position and second adjustable position.
This art incorporates moving parts, which are exposed to furnace and thus resulting many maintenance problems. The apparatuses mentioned herein are not water-cooled.
An object of the present invention is to provide an innovative fibre fuel distributor which is having extended life, better distribution of fuel, easily maintainable and water-cooled. Accordingly, distributor is provided with superior materials, profiled distributor trajectory plates.
Another object of the invention is to provide directional guide vanes in the water jacket of distributor body so that water in the jacket flows uniformly rises and reached to the outlet cormection at the top, the best arrangement for extracting the heat of radiation.
A further object of the present invention is that the fuel is fed at an appropriate angle and the distribution of fuel into the combustion chamber is accomplished by means of high pressurized pulsating air and the distributor plate, evenly throw the fibre fuels into the combustion chamber.
Still another object of the invention is the provision of maintenance door arrangement to access the dampers in the air cormection duct for maintenance.STATEMENT OF INVENTION
According to this invention, A fibre fuel distributor, used for distributing fibre fuels evenly into the combustion chamber, comprising a fuel chute (06), which extends upto adjustable reinforced distributor trajectory plate with locking arrangement (05) and indexing plate (08), said distributor, having water jacket directional vanes (07) welded to distributor body is mounted on said combustion chamber by means of a furnace mounting flange (2) maintained at an appropriate angle for uniform fuel flow, the other end being connected to feeders by means of a feeder mounting flange (03).
In the drawings:
Fig 1. shows the arrangement of Fibre Fuel Distributor mounted on the furnace wall of the combustion chamber.
Fig.2and3. shows the main body and various features of fibre fuel distributor.
Fig 4. shows the maintenance access door arrangement in the air connection duct.
Fig.l shows the fibre fuel distributor (01) mounted on the front wall of the combustion chamber. The fibre fuel distributor comprises a fuel chute (06) which extends at an adjustable throw plate. The said distributor is mounted on the combustion chamber by means of furnace mounting flange (02) by maintaining an appropriate angle for the uniform fuel flow. The other end is connected to the feeders by means of feeder mounting flange (03). The air duct flange is mounted at the air duct connection end (04). Distributor plate adjustment and locking arrangement (05) is provided to retain the position of the plate at a predetermined location. The handle (09) is coupled with an indexing plate (08), which enables operator to know the exact position of the fuel distributor plate. Water jacket directional guide vanes are welded to the distributor body plate and to the cover plates (12), which cover the water jacket on all the four sides. Adequate gaps between the blades and between plates and cover plates are provided to maintain constant and uniform flow surrounding the body
plates. A water outlet connector (11) is provided at the top of the distributor. A distributor plate (13) is curved, reinforced with ribs and shaped at sides is provided to ensure uniform distribution across the width of the bed. The said plate is mounted on solid shaft (14) and is directly connected to the said handle. Indexing plate mounting frame (15) is welded to the distributor body. Pressurized air is admitted through the air connection duct, which houses a pulsating damper. Maintenance access doors (16) for the air connection duct is provided to access the dampers and for easy maintenance of the fibre fuel distributor.

We Claim
1. A fibre fuel distributor, used for distributing fibre fuels evenly into the combustion chamber, comprising a fuel chute (06), which extends upto adjustable reinforced distributor trajectory plate with locking arrangement (05) and indexing plate (08), said distributor, having water jacket directional vanes (07) welded to distributor body is mounted on said combustion chamber by means of a furnace mounting flange (2) maintained at an appropriate angle for uniform fuel flow, the other end being connected to feeders by means of a feeder mounting flange (03).
2. A fibre fuel distributor as claimed in claim 1 wherein said distributor plate adjustment and locking arrangement (05) are provided to retain the position of said plate at the desired location, a handle (09) is coupled with an indexing plate (08), which enables operator to know the exact position of the fuel distributor plate.
3. A fibre fuel distributor as claimed in Claim 1, 2 wherein a plurality of water jacket directional guide vanes (07) are welded to said distributor body plate and to cover plates (12), which cover the water jacket on all the four sides, said water cooled distributor body and housing protects said distributor form the radiation of the combustion chamber and prevents spontaneous ignition of fuel in the distributor chest and in the distributor plate.
4. A fibre fuel distributor as claimed in Claims 1 to 3 wherein said distributor and distributor plate are made of selected superior materials and with suitable reinforcement ribs for extended life.
5. A fibre fuel distributor as claimed in Claim 4 wherein an on-line adjustment of fuel flow pattern is provided into the combustion chamber depending on various characteristics fuels facilitates uniform distribution of fuel flow across the entire width and depth of the combustion chamber.
6. A fibre fuel distributor as claimed in any of the preceding claims wherein said handle (09) associated with said distributor plate is capable of being locked at any optimum position resulting better distribution of fuel.
7. A fibre fuel distributor as claimed in Claim 6 wherein cooling water is admitted at the bottom and arrangement is made to ensure the uniform raising flow of water surrounding said distributor body plate and heat absorbed water is discharged at the outlet (11) provided at the top.
8. A fibre fuel distributor as claimed in Claim 6 or 7 wherein distribution of fibre fuel into the combustion chamber is accomplished through the pulsated pressurized air by means of distributor air connecting duct.
9. A fibre fuel distributor as claimed in Claim 8 wherein maintenance access doors (16) are provided on the connection duct, which gives a vital and easy access to the maintenance of dampers.






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Patent Number 262827
Indian Patent Application Number 1316/DEL/2004
PG Journal Number 39/2014
Publication Date 26-Sep-2014
Grant Date 17-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 16-Jul-2004
Applicant Address BHEL HOUSE, SIRI FORT, NEW DELHI-110 049, INDIA
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number F02D 55/02
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
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