Title of Invention


Abstract Disclosed are a channel estimation method and a channel estimation apparatus, and a receiver using the same. The channel estimation apparatus provided in the receiver detects pilot signals from radio signals and estimates channels of the detected pilot signals. The channel estimation apparatus estimates channels corresponding to data by conducting linear interpolation, which allows for simultaneous interpolation in time and frequency axes, by use of information on the estimated pilot channels. Thus, the memory capacity required for the receiver can be reduced using channel estimation in which the simultaneous interpolation is conducted. Also, the performance of the receiver can be further improved in a wireless environment where the receiver moves at high speed.
1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates to a channel estimation method and a
channel estimation apparatus in a wireless communication system using a
multicarrier, and more particularly to a channel estimation method and a channel
estimation apparatus in an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
system, and a receiver using the same.
2. Description of the Related Art
Nowadays, with the development of communication industry and an
increasing user demand for a packet data service, a need for a communication
system capable of efficiently providing a high-speed packet data service is
increasing. Since the existing communication networks have been developed
mainly for the purpose of a voice service, they have a drawback in that their data
transmission bandwidths are relatively small and their usage fees are expensive.
In order to solve this drawback, research has been rapidly undertaken for use of
an OFDM scheme which is a wireless access scheme to provide expanded
The OFDM scheme is a multicarrier transmission scheme in which a
serial input symbol stream is converted into parallel signals. Converted parallel
signals are modulated with multiple orthogonal subcarriers and the modulated
signals are transmitted. The OFDM scheme has widely been exploited for digital
transmission technologies requiring high-speed transmission, such as broadband
wireless Internet technology, Digital Audio Broadcasting (DAB) technology,
Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) technology and so forth.
Estimation of a channel over which a radio signal is transmitted in an
OFDM system includes a pilot signal-based estimation method, a method using
data decoded in a decision directed scheme, and a method using a blind detection
scheme for estimating a channel without known data. In general, supposing
arrangement scneme and the lattlce-type pilot arangment scmeme. ims

coherent demodulation is used in a wireless communication system, a
transmitting end transmits pilot signals for channel estimation, and a receiving
end for performing the coherent demodulation estimates a channel based on the
received pilot signals.
Reference will now be made to how to arrange pilot signals in a transmission
frame of a conventional OFDM system, with reference to FIGS. 1A to 1C. In a
conventional OFDM system, a pilot arrangement scheme may be classified into a
block-type pilot arrangement scheme, a comb-type pilot arrangement scheme and
a lattice-type pilot arrangement scheme, according to whether pilot signals are
arranged along the frequency axis, the time axis or both. FIG. 1A illustrates the
block-type pilot arrangement scheme, FIG. 1B illustrates the comb-type pilot
arrangement scheme, and FIG. 1C illustrates the lattice-type pilot arrangement
In FIGS. 1A to 1C, the abscissa represents time, the ordinate represents
frequency, and each shaded portion P1 represents a pilot signal.
In the block-type pilot arrangement scheme illustrated in FIG. 1A, pilot
signals are arranged at specific OFDM symbols along the time axis, respectively,
and are arranged at all subcarriers of the OFDM symbols when viewed along the
frequency axis. This scheme requires conducting interpolation in the time axis in
order to estimate channels affecting data signals. In the comb-type pilot
arrangement scheme illustrated in FIG. 1B, pilot signals are uniformly distributed
over respective OFDM symbols, and are arranged at the same subcarrier at each
time interval. This scheme requires conducting interpolation in the frequency
axis in order to estimate channels affecting data signals. In the lattice-type pilot
arrangement scheme illustrated in FIG. 1C, pilot signals are regularly arranged
along both the time and frequency axes. This scheme requires conducting
interpolation in both the time and frequency axes in order to estimate channels
that are suitable for a variable channel environment and affect data signals.
Hereinafter, a description is provided of how to perform channel
estimation for e.g. a DVB-H frame when pilot signals are arranged according to
fixed rules on both the time and frequency axes. In the DVB-H frame illustrated
in FIG. 2, pilot signals are arranged using a combination of the comb-type pilot
arrangement scheme and the lattice-type pilot arrangement scheme. This
combination scheme requires conducting interpolation in both the time and
frequency axes in order to estimate a channel that is suitable for a variable

channel environment and affects data signals.
With regard to this, when a pilot spacing in the time axis is compared
with that in the frequency axis, a conventional interpolation technique begins with
in the axis where a pilot spacing is narrower. That is, interpolation is conducted
first in the axis where a pilot spacing is narrower, and then is conducted in the
axis where a pilot spacing is wider. Since known channel information occurs
when interpolation is conducted in the axis where a pilot spacing is wider, an
interpolation interval is reduced as compared with the pilot spacing. In other
words, when interpolation is conducted first in the axis where a pilot spacing is
narrower, channel information for some data portions is acquired through the
interpolation. This channel information may correspond to the same data
positions when viewed in the axis where a pilot spacing is wider, and thus pilot
portions and some data portions become known at the moment when interpolation
is conducted in the axis where a pilot spacing is wider. Thus, an actual
interpolation interval is reduced as compared with a pilot spacing.
FIG. 3 illustrates the sequence of interpolation operations for channel
estimation in a conventional OFDM system. If it is assumed that the OFDM
system is a DVB-H system having the frame structure illustrated in FIG. 2, a pilot
spacing in the time axis is 4 symbols, as indicated by reference numeral "301",
and a pilot spacing in the frequency axis is 12 symbols, as indicated by reference
numeral "303". Accordingly, the interpolation designated by arrow number □ is
conducted first in the time axis, and then interpolation designated by arrow
number □ is conducted in the frequency axis. Thus, in order to conduct
interpolations □ and D, at least pilot information for interpolation in the time axis
must be provided. Further, since interpolation in the frequency axis is conducted
using result values from interpolation in the time axis, the result values must also
be stored in a memory. Thus, in order to conduct the interpolation described in
regard to FIG. 3, a memory capacity of, for example, (5 x the number of pilot
positions x data format) is required. Here, the pilot position includes not only
the pilot position of one OFDM symbol, but all the positions of scattered pilots
which are cyclically repeated.
More specially, in the above-mentioned memory capacity of five times
the number of pilot positions multiplied by the data formats, numeral "5" denotes
channel information for 2 pilot portions, which are consecutive when pilot signals
are repeated every 4 symbols in the time axis, and channels of 3 data portions,

which are acquired by interpolation using the channel information for 2 pilot
portions. The number of pilot positions denotes the number of pilot positions
including all the pilot positions of four OFDM symbols corresponding to a four
cycle repetition, and the data format denotes the number of bits required for
representing one channel information.
In the interpolation technique described above, since data of OFDM
symbols corresponding to a pilot spacing must be stored, a high memory capacity
is required for conducting interpolation in the axis where a pilot spacing is
narrower. That is, in FIG. 3, a pilot spacing of 4 symbols in the time axis is
relatively small, but a memory capacity capable of storing at least 5 symbols is
Further, the conventional interpolation technique is limited in regard to
ensuring performance in a wireless environment where a terminal moves at high
speed. That is, the performance of the terminal deteriorates because an
interpolation interval in the time axis is fixed, despite the increased change of
fading in the time axis as the speedat which the receiver moves increases.
Further, for example, the frame structure in FIG. 2 requires pilot information for a
spacing of at least 4 OFDM symbols in order to conduct interpolation in the time
axis, and must use pilot information for at least 8 OFDM symbols in order to
create known channel values at regular positions in the frequency axis. Thus, the
number of OFDM symbols affecting interpolation in the frequency axis is 8 or
more, which is not narrow in comparison with a coherent time as the transmission
speed goes higher and higher.
Accordingly, the channel estimation method in a conventional OFDM
system has a problem in that the performance of a receiver deteriorates because
an interpolation interval in the time axis is fixed, and a high memory capacity is
required for conducting interpolation in the frequency axis. Consequently, there
is a need for a solution to this problem.
Accordingly, the present invention has been made to solve the above-
mentioned problems occurring in conventional systems, and an aspect of the
present invention is to provide a channel estimation method and a channel
estimation apparatus using a linear interpolation scheme in an OFDM system, and

a receiver using the same.
A further aspect of the present invention is to provide a channel
estimation method and a channel estimation apparatus suitable for a wireless
environment, in which a receiver moves at high speed, in an OFDM system, and
the receiver using the same.
A further aspect of the present invention is to provide a channel
estimation method and a channel estimation apparatus capable of minimizing the
memory capacity required for a receiver in an OFDM system, and the receiver
using the same.
In accordance with the above aspects of the present invention, there is
provided a channel estimation method in a receiver of an OFDM system, the
channel estimation method including receiving and storing symbols, and
estimating channels of pilot allocation subcarriers carrying pilot symbols, that is,
pilot channels, when the pilot symbols are received; when two pilot channels are
estimated at a first pilot allocation subcarrier in a channel estimation metric,
searching for a pilot channel that is estimated within a time interval, at which two
pilots carried by the first pilot allocation subcarrier have been transmitted, from
among pilot channels estimated from a second pilot allocation subcarrier adjacent
to the first pilot allocation channel; and estimating channels carrying data
symbols included in an triangle which is formed by the three estimated pilot
channels in the channel estimation metric.
In accordance with another aspect of the present invention, there is
provided a channel estimation method in a receiver of an OFDM system, the
channel estimation method including receiving and storing symbols, and
estimating channels of pilot allocation subcarriers carrying pilot symbols, that is,
pilot channels, when the pilot symbols are received; at a point of time when one
pilot carried by a pilot allocation subcarrier is received and a pilot channel of the
pilot allocation subcarrier is estimated, searching for pilot channels of two other
pilots, which are connected with the one pilot to form a minimum triangle in a
channel estimation metric, from among pilots previously carried by other pilot
allocation subcarriers; and estimating channels carrying data symbols included in
the triangle which is formed by the three estimated pilot channels in the channel
estimation metric.
In accordance with yet another aspect of the present invention, there is
provided a channel estimation apparatus provided in a receiver of an OFDM

system, the channel estimation apparatus including a pilot channel estimator for
receiving and storing symbols, and estimating channels of pilot allocation
subcarriers carrying pilot symbols, that is, pilot channels, when the pilot symbols
are received; and a linear interpolator which, when two pilot channels are
estimated at a first pilot allocation subcarrier in a channel estimation metric,
searches for a pilot channel that is estimated within a time interval, at which two
pilots carried by the first pilot allocation subcarrier have been transmitted, from
among pilot channels estimated from a second pilot allocation subcarrier adjacent
to the first pilot allocation channel, and estimates channels carrying data symbols
included in an triangle which is formed by the three estimated pilot channels in
the channel estimation metric.
In accordance with still yet another aspect of the present invention, there
is provided a channel estimation apparatus provided in a receiver of an OFDM
system, the channel estimation apparatus including a pilot channel estimator for
receiving and storing symbols, and estimating channels of pilot allocation
subcarriers carrying pilot symbols, that is, pilot channels, when the pilot symbols
are received; and a linear interpolator which, at a point of time when one pilot
carried by a pilot allocation subcarrier is received and a pilot channel of the pilot
allocation subcarrier is estimated, searches for pilot channels of two other pilots,
which are connected with the one pilot to form a minimum triangle in a channel
estimation metric, from among pilots previously carried by other pilot allocation
subcarriers, and estimates channels carrying data symbols included in the triangle
which is formed by the three estimated pilot channels in the channel estimation
In accordance with still yet another aspect of the present invention, there
is provided a receiver apparatus of an OFDM system, the receiver apparatus
including an RF end for receiving and processing radio signals; a fast Fourier
transformer for converting the radio signals into frequency-domain signals; a pilot
channel estimator for estimating channels of pilot allocation subcarriers carrying
pilots, that is, pilot channels, when the pilots are detected from the radio signals; a
linear interpolator which, when two pilot channels are estimated at a first pilot
allocation subcarrier in a channel estimation metric, searches for a pilot channel
that is estimated within a time interval, at which two pilots carried by the first
pilot allocation subcarrier have been transmitted, from among pilot channels
estimated from a second pilot allocation subcarrier adjacent to the first pilot

allocation channel, and estimates channels carrying data symbols included in an
triangle which is formed by the three estimated pilot channels in the channel
estimation metric; a channel compensator for compensating for signals of the
estimated channels by using channel information output from the linear
interpolator; and a decoder for decoding received signals of the estimated
channels into original signals.
In accordance with still yet another aspect of the present invention, there
is provided a receiver apparatus of an OFDM system, the receiver apparatus
including an RF end for receiving and processing radio signals; a fast Fourier
transformer for converting the radio signals into frequency-domain signals; a pilot
channel estimator for estimating channels of pilot allocation subcarriers carrying
pilots, that is, pilot channels, when the pilots are detected from the radio signals; a
linear interpolator which, at a point of time when one pilot carried by a pilot
allocation subcarrier is received and a pilot channel of the pilot allocation
subcarrier is estimated, searches for pilot channels of two other pilots, which are
connected with the one pilot to form a minimum triangle in a channel estimation
metric, from among pilots previously carried by other pilot allocation subcarriers,
and estimates channels carrying data symbols included in the triangle which is
formed by the three estimated pilot channels in the channel estimation metric; a
channel compensator for compensating for signals of the estimated channels by
using channel information output form the linear interpolator; and a decoder for
decoding received signals of the estimated channels into original signals.
The above and other objects, features and advantages of the present
invention will be more apparent from the following detailed description taken in
conjunction with the accompanying drawings, in which:
FIGS. 1A to 1C illustrate how to arrange pilot signals in a transmission
frame of an OFDM system;
FIG. 2 illustrates a pilot arrangement scheme in a common DVB-H
FIG. 3 illustrates the sequence of interpolation operations for channel
estimation in a conventional OFDM system;
FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating the structure of a receiver which

conducts linear interpolation for channel estimation in an OFDM system in
accordance with the present invention;
FIG. 5 is a flowchart illustrating a channel estimation method in an
OFDM system in accordance with the present invention;
FIG. 6 is a view illustrating a linear interpolation method in accordance
with an embodiment of the present invention;
FIG. 7 is a view illustrating a linear interpolation method in accordance
with another embodiment of the present invention;
FIG. 8 is a view illustrating the structure of a memory provided in a linear
interpolator in accordance with the present invention;
FIG. 9 is a view illustrating how the state of a memory storing channel
information changes according to time when a linear interpolation method of the
present invention is applied;
FIG. 10 is a flowchart illustrating a linear interpolation method applied in
channel estimation in accordance with the present invention; and
FIG. 11 is a graph illustrating a performance test result of a receiver in
channel estimation in accordance with the present invention.
Hereinafter, preferred embodiments of the present invention will be
described with reference to the accompanying drawings. In the following
description, the same elements will be designated by the same reference numerals
although they are shown in different drawings. Further, in the following
description, only parts necessary for understanding operations of the present
invention will described, and a detailed description of known functions and
configurations incorporated herein will be omitted so as not to make the subject
matter of the present invention rather unclear.
FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating the structure of a receiver which conducts
linear interpolation for channel estimation in an OFDM system according to the
present invention. The OFDM receiver in FIG. 4 includes known elements such
as an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) 403 for converting analog signals
received through an antenna 401 into digital signals, a receive (Rx) filter 405 for
extracting and filtering only signals of a service band from the received signals,
and a Fast Fourier Transformer (FFT) 407 for converting the time-domain
received signals into frequency-domain signals.

The receiver in FIG. 4 further includes a pilot channel estimator 409a for
estimating channels (i.e., pilot channels) of pilot signals from among the
converted received signals, a linear interpolator 409b for conducting linear
interpolation, as described below (and referred to as diagonal interpolation),
which allows for simultaneous interpolation in the time and frequency axes,
using information on the estimated pilot channels to estimate channels of data
signals according to the present invention, a channel compensator 411 for
compensating for signals of the estimated channels using interpolation
information output from the linear interpolator 409b, and a decoder 413 for
decoding the received signals of the compensated channels into original signals.
Here, the pilot channel estimator 409a and the linear interpolator 409b constitute
a channel estimator 409 according to the present invention, and the linear
interpolator 409b is provided with a memory (not shown) for estimated channel
values and incremental values required for estimating next channel values.
FIG. 5 is a flowchart illustrating a channel estimation method in an
OFDM system according to the present invention. In FIG. 5, operations included
in the block designated by reference numeral " Rl" are performed in the channel
estimator 409 of FIG. 4.
First, in Step 501, the receiver receives radio signals through the
antenna 401, and transfers the radio signals to the ADC 403. In Step 503, the
ADC quantizes the received analog signals into digital signals, and outputs the
digital signals to the Rx filter 405. In Step 505, the Rx filter 405 filters signals of
a predetermined service band from the received signals, and outputs the filtered
signals. In Step 507, the FFT 407 performs a demodulation operation for
converting the time-domain signals, output from the Rx filter 405, into frequency-
domain signals. In Step 509, the pilot channel estimator 409a determines
whether pilot signals are detected from among signals output from the FFT 407.
When the pilot channel estimator 409a detects pilot signals, it estimates pilot
channels in Step 511. In Step 513, the linear interpolator 409b conducts diagonal
interpolation according to the present invention, which allows for simultaneous
interpolation in the time and frequency axes, using information on the estimated
pilot channels, thereby estimating channels of data signals.
In Step 515, the channel compensator 411 compensates for channels of
the received signals using the estimated channels. Finally, in Step 517, the
decoder 413 decodes the received signals, the channels of which have been

compensated, into original signals. If in Step 509, pilot signals are not detected
from among the signals output from the FFT 407, the operations in Steps 511 and
513 are omitted, and the channel estimation method goes to Step 515 to perform
only the channel compensation operation.
Reference will now be made in detail to a linear interpolation method
conducted by the channel estimator 409 according to the present invention, with
reference to FIGS. 6 to 10.
Here, a channel estimation metric as illustrated in FIGS. 6 and 7 is
utilized to describe the channel estimation method. The channel estimation
metric is in the form of an orthogonal coordinate system, with time slots of
symbol transmission shown on the ordinate, and with the abscissa showing
subcarrier frequency. Time indexes for identifying the respective slots are
indicated on the ordinate of the channel estimation metric, and frequency
indexes for identifying the respective subcarriers are indicated on the abscissa of
the channel estimation metric. On the channel estimation metric, pilots are
allocated every two or more subcarriers among consecutive subcarriers along the
abscissa. In FIGS. 6 and 7, pilots are allocated every three subcarriers, and each
of such subcarriers to which pilots are allocated will be called a pilot allocation
subcarrier. Further, as used herein, a scheme for arranging pilots over the pilot
allocation subcarriers takes a lattice-type pilot arrangement scheme in which
pilots shift by one or more slots along the time axis between two adjacent pilot
allocation subcarriers. FIG. 6 illustrates a linear interpolation method according
to an embodiment of the present invention in which black-colored circles P1
denote pilot signals. Operations in FIG. 6 are conducted by the linear
interpolator 409b. The interpolation scheme illustrated in FIG. 6 is characterized
in that interpolation in the time axis, interpolation in the frequency axis, and
diagonal interpolation allowing for simultaneous interpolation in the time and
frequency axes are conducted in channel estimation. In FIG. 6, reference
numerals "□", "□" and "□" designate the sequence of interpolation operations,
and it again doesn't matter if D and □ are transposed.
Referring to FIG. 6, two pilots are sequentially received at intervals of 4
symbols over a pilot allocation subcarrier having frequency index of 3. At a
point of time when the second pilot is received, the channel estimator 409
searches for a pilot carried by a pilot allocation subcarrier next to the pilot
allocation subcarrier corresponding to frequency index 3, from among pilots

received within a time interval at which the two received pilots have been
received, in order to rapidly estimate channels of already received data symbols.
That is, referring to FIG. 6, a pilot having index (6, 3) (which means index
(frequency axis, time axis)) is searched. Then, as illustrated in FIG. 6, a triangle
id formed by connecting the pilot symbols selected on the channel estimation
metric, that is, pilot symbols having indexes (3, 6), (3, 2) and (6, 3). In other
words, the present invention proposes a method of estimating channels by rapidly
interpolating data included in the triangle.
First of all, channels of data existing on connecting lines which connect
the three pilots on the channel estimation metric are estimated by linearly
interpolating channel estimation information of the three pilots. In FIG. 6, since
there is no data symbol on the connecting line which connects the pilots
corresponding indexes (3, 2) and (6, 3), interpolation D for estimating channels of
data symbols existing on the connecting line, which connects the pilots
corresponding to indexes (3, 2) and (3, 6), and interpolation D for estimating
channels of data symbols existing on the connecting line, which connects the
pilots corresponding to indexes (3, 6) and (6, 3), are conducted. If estimated
channel values of the data symbols, that is, estimated data channel values, are
obtained through interpolation □ and interpolation □, a channel value of each
data symbol inside of the triangle can be estimated through frequency-axis
interpolation using the estimated data channel values, which is designated by
reference numeral "D" in FIG. 6.
FIG. 7 illustrates a linear interpolation method according to another
embodiment of the present invention, in which black-colored circles P1 denote
pilot signals. Operations in FIG. 7 are conducted by the linear interpolator 409b.
The interpolation scheme illustrated in FIG. 7 is characterized in that interpolation
in the frequency axis and diagonal interpolation allowing for simultaneous
interpolation in the time and frequency axes are conducted in channel estimation.
In FIG. 7, reference numerals "□", "□" and "□" designate the sequence of
interpolation operations. Notably, it doesn't matter if □ and □ are transposed.
Referring to FIG. 7, at a point of time when a pilot corresponding to index
(5, 4) on the channel estimation metric is received, the channel estimator 409
operates as follows. The channel estimator 409 searches for channel estimation
information of two pilots which are connected with the pilot having index (5, 4)
to form a triangle of minimum area. from among other pilots previously carried

by pilot allocation subcarriers different than the pilot allocation subcarrier
corresponding to a frequency index of 5. That is, pilots corresponding to indexes
(8, 1) and (11, 2) in FIG. 7 are searched. Then, as illustrated in FIG. 7, a triangle
is formed by connecting the three pilots selected on the channel estimation metric.
First of all, channels of data existing on connecting lines which connect the three
pilots on the channel estimation metric are estimated by linear interpolating
channel estimation information of the three pilots. In FIG. 7, since there is no
data symbol on the connecting line which connects the pilots corresponding to
indexes (8, 1) and (11, 2), interpolation □ for estimating channels of data symbols
existing on the connecting line, which connects the pilots corresponding to
indexes (5, 4) and (8, 1), and interpolation □ for estimating channel of data
symbols existing on the connecting line, which connects the pilots corresponding
to indexes (5, 4) and (11, 2), are conducted. If estimated channel values of the
data symbols, that is, estimated data channel values, are obtained through
interpolation □ and interpolation □, a channel value of each data symbol inside
of the triangle can be estimated through frequency-axis interpolation using the
estimated data channel values, which is designated by reference numeral "□" in
FIG. 7. Channel estimation for the remaining triangles illustrated in FIG. 7 is
also conducted in a similar manner. Meanwhile, in order to implement a linear
interpolator conducting interpolation operations as in FIGS. 6 and 7, the linear
interpolator may be provided with a memory for storing calculated channel values
and a memory for incremental values required to calculating next channel values,
as illustrated in FIG. 8.
FIG. 8 illustrates the structure of a memory provided in a linear
interpolator according to an embodiment of the present invention, and the
memory structure in FIG. 8 corresponds to an example of applying the linear
interpolation method in FIG. 6.
In FIG. 8, a memory storing calculated (estimated) channel values will be
called a y memory 830, and the memory storing incremental values for
calculation (estimation) is called a Δ memory 810.
A channel estimation procedure using the memories 810, 830 illustrated
in FIG. 8 may be summarized as given by items (1) to (4) below. In item (2), y
prime (y') denotes present updated information.
(1) Channels of subcarriers carrying pilot signals are estimated.
(2) Calculated channel values are updated into the y memory 830

In Equations (1-a) through (1-c), Δo, Δ1 and Δ2 denote incremental values,
yo',y1' and y2'of present updated channel information, and yo,y1,y2 and y3 denote
previously stored channel information, all of which are represented in FIG. 6.
Here, the positions corresponding to multiples of 3 means the positions of
subcarriers, to which indexes corresponding to multiples of 3 are attached, from
among subcarriers 0 to N-l. That is, in FIG. 6, an estimated channel value of the
subcarrier corresponding to index 3 is stored in memory position yo, an estimated
channel value of the subcarrier corresponding to index 4 is stored in memory
position y1, and an estimated channel value of the subcarrier corresponding to
index 5 is stored in memory position y2. At the next point of time, information
stored in yo', y1' and y2' become previous information y0, y1 and y2 and are used
for calculating next channel values in Equations (1-a) through (1-c).
Equation (1-a) updates channel values of symbols carried by the
subcarrier corresponding to index 3, according to interpolation □ in FIG. 6. Δo
represents incremental values of data symbols between the pilot symbols
corresponding to indexes (3, 2) and (3, 6), and all incremental values between the
data symbols are identical. Channel values according to interpolation of data
symbols corresponding to indexes (3, 3), (3, 4) and (3,5) are sequentially updated
into memory position y0 where the pilot symbol corresponding to index (3, 2) is
presently stored. For example, when yo is updated with the channel value of the
data symbol corresponding to index (3, 4), the channel value of the data symbol
corresponding to index (3, 3), which has been previous yo', now becomes y0, and
the channel value of the data symbol corresponding to index (3, 4), which is
calculated by Equation (1-a), is updated into the memory.

Equations (1-b) and (1-c) update data channel values interpolated on the
connecting line between the pilot symbols corresponding to indexes (3, 6) and (6,
3), according to interpolation ‪ in FIG. 6. Thus, a data channel value of
memory position y2 for storing a channel value of the subcarrier corresponding to
frequency index 5 is updated first by Equation (1-c), and then a data channel
value of memory position y1 for storing a channel value of the subcarrier
corresponding to frequency index 4 is updated by Equation (1-b). As a result of
this, at a point of time illustrated in FIG. 8, memory position 836 is filled, and
memory position 835 is empty and will be filled later. Variable y3 included in
Equation (1-c) is a variable for inputting a channel value of the subcarrier
corresponding to index 6, and may be changed to y0 when data on another triangle,
which is formed using two pilots carried by the subcarrier of index 6, is
interpolated. A data symbol stored in y3 of Equation (1-c) corresponds to index
(6, 3), and a channel value of the data symbol corresponding to index (5, 4) is
updated into memory position y2. Then, a channel value of the data symbol
corresponding to index (4, 5) is updated into memory position y1 by (b). With
regard to this, y2' , to be presently updated by Equation (1-c), is used as
previously updated y2 in Equation (1-b). The above-mentioned exemplary
embodiment has been described based on the pilot structure of the DVB-H system
in FIG. 2, for the convenience of explanation only. That is, the channel
estimation procedure of the present invention is not limited to the DVB-H system.
(3) Calculated incremental values are updated into the A memory 810
according to the following Equations (1d) through (1-f):
(d) Δo = (chEst0 -yo)/4, (pilot position of a present OFDM symbol)
(e) Δ1 = (chEst0 - (y3 + Δ3)) / 3, (pilot position of a present OFDM
symbol + 1)
-- (le)
(f) Δ1 = (chEst0 - (y3 + Δ3)) / 3, (pilot position of a present OFDM symbol
+ 2)
In Equations (1-d) through (1-f), chEst0 denotes the pilot position of a
present OFDM symbol, Δo denotes an incremental value for interpolation in the

time axis, Δ1 and Δ3 denote incremental values for diagonal interpolation, and Δ3
denotes an incremental value along the time axis at the subcarrier corresponding
to the pilot position of a present OFDM symbol + 3. As stated above, an
example thereof is represented in FIG. 6.
Referring to FIG. 6, Equation (1-d) is utilized to calculate an incremental
value between respective symbols by evaluating a difference value between the
pilot symbol (3, 6) corresponding to chEst0 and the pilot symbol (3, 2)
corresponding to y0 and dividing the difference value by 4 based on the number of
symbols existing on the connecting line connecting the two pilot symbols.
Equations (-1-e and (1-f) have the same value, calculated by evaluating a
difference value between the pilot symbol (3, 6) corresponding to chEst0 and the
pilot symbol (6, 3) corresponding to y3 and dividing the difference value by 3
based on the number of symbols existing on the connecting line connecting the
two pilot symbols. In Equation (1-e) and (1-f), the term expressed by (y3 + A3) is
the pilot symbol corresponding to index (6, 3). In other words, Equation (1-d) is
a part for calculating an incremental value for interpolation in the time axis, and
Equation (1-e) and Equation (1-f) are parts for calculating incremental values for
diagonal interpolation allowing for simultaneous interpolation in the time and
frequency axes. Explaining the above-mentioned operations Equation (1-d) to
Equation (1-f), the linear interpolator calculates Ao at the position of a present
OFDM symbol (operation (1-d)), and calculates A] and A2 at a subcarrier position
spaced apart therefrom by one index or two indexes (operations (1-e) and (1-f)).
A channel value of the y memory 830 and an incremental value of the Δ memory
810, stored in a subcarrier position spaced apart by 3 indexes, are used in
calculating Δ1 and Δ2, as mentioned above.
(4) Interpolation in the frequency axis is conducted using the y memory
In the y memory 830, sections used for interpolation in the frequency axis
are sections corresponding to multiples of 3, a section corresponding to the pilot
position of a present OFDM symbol plus four of the subcarrier, and a section
corresponding to the pilot position of a present OFDM symbol plus eight of the
subcarrier. Thereafter, if the receiver in FIG. 4 completes the above-mentioned
operations (1) to (4), it performs channel compensation by using a result value
obtained from interpolation in the frequency axis.
Steps 901 to 915 in FIG. 9 illustrate how the state of a memory storing channel

information changes according to time when the linear interpolation method of
FIG. 6 is applied. In FIG. 9, Step 901 represents a channel estimation procedure
for the 0th OFDM symbol. After a pilot channel is estimated by using a pilot
symbol of the 0th OFDM symbol, the operations of Equations (1-a) to (l-f4) are
carried out. At this time, since the initial memory state is 0, all section of the y
memory are filed with 0, and the Δ memory stores values calculated by the
estimated pilot channel value. Step 903 represents a channel estimation
procedure for the 1st OFDM symbol. The operations of Equations (1-a) to (1-f)
are carried out using an estimated pilot channel of the 1st OFDM symbol. At this
time, since some sections of the Δ memory are filled with data, information of the
y memory and the Δ memory are updated using these data and channel
information estimated at a present symbol. Such a procedure is repeated until
channel information of the last OFDM symbol is obtained.
FIG. 10 is a flowchart illustrating a linear interpolation method applied in
channel estimation according to the present invention. In FIG. 10, operations
included in the block designated by reference numeral " R2" are performed in the
linear interpolator 409b illustrated in FIG. 4. The operations designated by "R2"
illustrates in detail Step 513 of conducting diagonal interpolation to estimate data
channels in FIG. 5.
First, in Step 1001, radio signals are received, and the FFT 407 performs
a demodulation operation for converting the time-domain signals into frequency-
domain signals. In Step 1003, the pilot channel estimator 409a determines
whether it detects pilot signals from among signals output from the FFT 407.
When the pilot channel estimator 409a detects pilot signals, it estimates pilot
channels in Step 1005.
In Steps 1007 and 1009, the linear interpolator 409b updates information
of the y memory and the Δ memory by using the estimated pilot channel
information, for example, as described in regard to FIG. 8. In Step 1011, the
linear interpolator 409b conducts diagonal interpolation according to the present
invention, which allows for simultaneous interpolation in the time and frequency
axes, by using the updated memory information, and conducts interpolation in the
frequency axis to estimate channels corresponding to data. In Step 1013, the
channel compensator 411 compensates for channels of the received signals by
using the estimated channels. Finally, in Step 1015, the decoder 413 decodes the
received signals, the channels of which have been compensated, into original

signals. If in Step 1003 pilot signals are not detected from among the signals
output from the FFT 407, the operations in Steps 1005 and 1011 are omitted, and
the linear interpolation method goes to Step 1013 to perform only the channel
compensation operation.
When interpolation in the time axis and interpolation in the frequency
axis are separately conducted as usual, a memory capacity of five times the
number of pilot positions times the data format is required. However, when the
inventive two-dimensional diagonal interpolation allowing for simultaneous
interpolation in the time and frequency axes is conducted, only a memory
capacity oftwo times the number of pilot positions and diagonal interpolation
positions times the data format is required. Thus, if the inventive linear
interpolation method is used, it is possible to use a small memory capacity in
channel estimation, as compared with the conventional interpolation method.
As seen from a simulation result illustrated in FIG. 11, the inventive
channel estimation method improves the performance of a receiver in a high-
speed wireless environment. In FIG. 11, reference numeral (A) indicates the
resultant curve when applying a channel estimation method using the inventive
two-dimensional diagonal interpolation, and reference numeral (B) indicates the
resultant curve when applying a conventional channel estimation method where
interpolation in the time axis and interpolation in the frequency axis are
separately conducted. In FIG. 11, it can be noted that, at a C/N of 13 □, a speed
at which the same BER (Bit Error Rate) can be obtained is 93 □ in the case of the
channel estimation scheme proposed in the present invention whereas 88 □ in the
case of the convention channel estimation scheme.
As described above, according to the present invention, the memory
capacity required for a receiver can be reduced using a channel estimation method
in which interpolation in the time axis and interpolation in the frequency axis are
simultaneously conducted.
Also, the present invention can provide a channel estimation scheme
which further improves the performance of a receiver in a wireless environment
where the receiver moves at high speed.
While the invention has been shown and described with reference to
certain exemplary embodiments thereof, it will be understood by those skilled in
the art that various changes in form and details may be made therein without
departing from the spirit and scope of the invention, as defined by the appended


1. A channel estimation method in a receiver of an OFDM system, the
channel estimation method comprising the steps of:
receiving symbols, storing symbols and estimating channels of pilot
allocation subcarriers carrying pilot symbols when the pilot symbols are received;
when two pilot channels are estimated at a first pilot allocation subcarrier
in a channel estimation metric, searching for a pilot channel that is estimated
within a time interval, at which two pilots carried by the first pilot allocation
subcarrier have been transmitted, from among pilot channels estimated from a
second pilot allocation subcarrier adjacent to the first pilot allocation channel; and
estimating channels carrying data symbols included in a triangle formed
by three estimated pilot channels in the channel estimation metric.
2. The channel estimation method as claimed in claim 1, wherein the
estimating channels carrying data symbols further comprises:
estimating channels of data, which exist on connecting lines between the
three pilot channels, on the channel estimation metric by linear-interpolating
information on the three pilot channels; and
estimating channels of data, which exist within the triangle formed by the
connecting lines between the three pilot channels, on the channel estimation
metric by linear-interpolating channel estimation information of the data on the
connecting lines.
3. The channel estimation method as claimed in claim 2, wherein the
estimating channels of data further comprises selectively estimating the channels
of the data according to whether data exists on the respective connecting lines.
4. The channel estimation method as claimed in claim 2, wherein the
estimating channels of data existing on the connecting lines between the three
pilot channels further comprises estimating the channels of the data existing on
the connecting line between the two pilots carried by the first pilot allocation
subcarrier, and then estimating the channels of the data existing on the connecting
line between pilots carried by the second pilot allocation subcarrier adjacent to
the first pilot allocation subcarrier.

5. The channel estimation method as claimed in claim 2, wherein the
estimating channels of data existing within the triangle further comprises
conducting linear interpolation with respect to a time axis or a frequency axis.
6. A channel estimation method in a receiver of an OFDM system, the
channel estimation method comprising the steps of:
receiving symbols, storing symbols and estimating channels of pilot
allocation subcarriers carrying pilot symbols, when the pilot symbols are
at a point of time when one pilot carried by a pilot allocation subcarrier is
received and a pilot channel of the pilot allocation subcarrier is estimated,
searching for pilot channels of two other pilots, which are connected with the one
pilot to form a minimum triangle in a channel estimation metric, from among
pilots previously carried by other pilot allocation subcarriers; and
estimating channels carrying data symbols included in the triangle formed
by the three estimated pilot channels in the channel estimation metric.
7. The channel estimation method as claimed in claim 6, wherein the
estimating channels carrying data symbols included in the triangle further
estimating channels of data, which exist on connecting lines between the
three pilot channels, on the channel estimation metric by linear-interpolating
information on the three pilot channels; and
estimating channels of data, which exist within the triangle formed by the
connecting lines between the three pilot channels, on the channel estimation
metric by linear-interpolating channel estimation information of the data on the
connecting lines.
8. The channel estimation method as claimed in claim 7, wherein the
estimating channels of data existing on the connecting lines between the three
pilot channels further comprises selectively estimating the channels of the data
according to whether data exists on the respective connecting lines.
9. The channel estimation method as claimed in claim 7, wherein the

estimating channels of data existing within the triangle further comprises
conducting linear interpolation with respect to a time axis or a frequency axis.
10. A channel estimation apparatus provided in a receiver of an OFDM
system, the channel estimation apparatus comprising:
a pilot channel estimator for receiving symbols, storing symbols and
estimating channels of pilot allocation subcarriers carrying pilot symbols, when
the pilot symbols are received; and
a linear interpolator which, when two pilot channels are estimated at a
first pilot allocation subcarrier in a channel estimation metric, searches for a pilot
channel that is estimated within a time interval, at which two pilots carried by the
first pilot allocation subcarrier have been transmitted, from among pilot channels
estimated from a second pilot allocation subcarrier adjacent to the first pilot
allocation channel, and estimates channels carrying data symbols included in a
triangle formed by the three estimated pilot channels in the channel estimation
11. The channel estimation apparatus as claimed in claim 10, wherein the
linear interpolator estimates channels of data, which exist on connecting lines
between the three pilot channels, on the channel estimation metric by linear-
interpolating information on the three pilot channels, and estimates channels of
data, which exist within the triangle formed by the connecting lines between the
three pilot channels, on the channel estimation metric by linear-interpolating
channel estimation information of the data on the connecting lines.
12. The channel estimation apparatus as claimed in claim 11, wherein the
linear interpolator estimates the channels of the data existing on the connecting
line between the two pilots carried by the first pilot allocation subcarrier, and then
estimates the channels of the data existing on the connecting line between pilots
carried by the second pilot allocation subcarrier adjacent to the first pilot
allocation subcarrier.
13. The channel estimation apparatus as claimed in claim 10, wherein the
linear interpolator comprises:
a first memory for storing estimated channel values of pilot and data

signals in defined positions; and
a second memory for storing incremental values for next channel
estimations in defined positions,
wherein the linear interpolator conducts interpolation in a frequency axis
by using the estimated channel values stored in the first memory.
14. A channel estimation apparatus provided in a receiver of an OFDM
system, the channel estimation apparatus comprising:
a pilot channel estimator for receiving symbols, storing symbols and
estimating channels of pilot allocation subcarriers carrying pilot symbols, when
the pilot symbols are received; and
a linear interpolator which, at a point of time when one pilot carried by a
pilot allocation subcarrier is received and a pilot channel of the pilot allocation
subcarrier is estimated, searches for pilot channels of two other pilots, which are
connected with the one pilot to form a minimum triangle in a channel estimation
metric, from among pilots previously carried by other pilot allocation subcarriers,
and estimates channels carrying data symbols included in the triangle formed by
the three estimated pilot channels in the channel estimation metric.
15. The channel estimation apparatus as claimed in claim 14, wherein the
linear interpolator estimates channels of data, which exist on connecting lines
between the three pilot channels, on the channel estimation metric by linear-
interpolating information on the three pilot channels, and estimates channels of
data, which exist within the triangle formed by the connecting lines between the
three pilot channels, on the channel estimation metric by linear-interpolating
channel estimation information of the data on the connecting lines.
16. The channel estimation apparatus as claimed in claim 14, wherein the
linear interpolator comprises:
a first memory for storing estimated channel values of pilot and data
signals in defined positions; and
a second memory for storing incremental values for next channel
estimations in defined positions,
wherein the linear interpolator conducts interpolation in a frequency axis
by using the estimated channel values stored in the first memory.

17. A receiver apparatus of an OFDM system, the receiver apparatus
a Radio Frequency end for receiving and processing radio signals;
a fast Fourier transformer for converting the radio signals into frequency-
domain signals;
a pilot channel estimator for estimating channels of pilot allocation
subcarriers carrying pilots, when the pilots are detected from the radio signals;
a linear interpolator which, when two pilot channels are estimated at a
first pilot allocation subcarrier in a channel estimation metric, searches for a pilot
channel that is estimated within a time interval, at which two pilots carried by the
first pilot allocation subcarrier have been transmitted, from among pilot channels
estimated from a second pilot allocation subcarrier adjacent to the first pilot
allocation channel, and estimates channels carrying data symbols included in a
triangle formed by the three estimated pilot channels in the channel estimation
a channel compensator for compensating for signals of the estimated
channels by using channel information output from the linear interpolator; and
a decoder for decoding received signals of the estimated channels into
original signals.
18. A receiver apparatus of an OFDM system, the receiver apparatus
a Radio Frequency end for receiving and processing radio signals;
a fast Fourier transformer for converting the radio signals into frequency-
domain signals;
a pilot channel estimator for estimating channels of pilot allocation
subcarriers carrying pilots, that is, pilot channels, when the pilots are detected
from the radio signals;
a linear interpolator which, at a point of time when one pilot carried by a
pilot allocation subcarrier is received and a pilot channel of the pilot allocation
subcarrier is estimated, searches for pilot channels of two other pilots, which are
connected with the one pilot to form a minimum triangle in a channel estimation
metric, from among pilots previously carried by other pilot allocation subcarriers,
and estimates channels carrying data symbols included in the triangle which is
formed by the three estimated pilot channels in the channel estimation metric;
a channel compensator for compensating for signals of the estimated
channels by using channel information output form the linear interpolator; and
a decoder for decoding received signals of the estimated channels into
original signals.

Disclosed are a channel estimation method and a channel estimation apparatus, and a receiver using the same. The channel estimation apparatus
provided in the receiver detects pilot signals from radio signals and estimates channels of the detected pilot signals. The channel estimation apparatus estimates channels corresponding to data by conducting linear interpolation,
which allows for simultaneous interpolation in time and frequency axes, by use of information on the estimated pilot channels. Thus, the memory capacity required for the receiver can be reduced using channel estimation in which the
simultaneous interpolation is conducted. Also, the performance of the receiver can be further improved in a wireless environment where the receiver moves at high speed.




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3304-kolnp-2008-description (complete).pdf


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3304-kolnp-2008-international preliminary examination report.pdf

3304-kolnp-2008-international publication.pdf

3304-kolnp-2008-international search report.pdf


3304-kolnp-2008-pct priority document notification.pdf

3304-kolnp-2008-pct request form.pdf



Patent Number 262946
Indian Patent Application Number 3304/KOLNP/2008
PG Journal Number 40/2014
Publication Date 03-Oct-2014
Grant Date 25-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 12-Aug-2008
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number H04B 7/26
PCT International Application Number PCT/KR2007/000783
PCT International Filing date 2007-02-14
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 10-2006-0014254 2006-02-14 Republic of Korea