Title of Invention


Abstract An oral care composition comprising from 0.01 to 0.3% by weight of a pigment having a hue angle, h, in the CIELAB system of from 220 to 320 degrees, characterized in that the composition further comprises a soluble deposition aid for said pigment.
Full Text J7226/C
FORM - 2
(39 of 1970)
The Patents Rules, 2003
(See Section 10 and Rule 13)
HINDUSTAN UNILEVER LIMITED, a company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, 1913 and having its registered office at Hindustan Lever House, 165/166, Backbay Reclamation, Mumbai -400 020, Maharashtra, India
The following specification particularly describes the invention and the manner in which it is to be performed

Oral Care Compositions
The present invention relates to oral care compositions comprising a pigment and a deposition aid and the use of such compositions to enhance the white appearance of teeth.
US 6 030 222 (Tarver) discloses a whitening composition comprising a dye that, when absorbed by a tooth, causes the tooth to reflect a color of light which is whiter than the initial color of light reflected by the tooth.
US 2006/0104922 (Tarver) discloses a tooth whitening system for concealing tooth discoloration. The system comprises a single, spectrally pure, substantially violet dye and a carrier for applying it to the teeth.
The object of the invention is to deliver a whitening benefit to the teeth.
In a first aspect of the present invention, there is provided an oral care composition comprising from 0.01 to 0.3% by weight of a pigment having a hue angle, h, in the CIELAB system of from 220 to 320 degrees, characterized in that the composition further comprises a soluble deposition aid for said pigment.
In a second aspect of the present invention, there is provided a method of enhancing the white appearance of teeth, said method comprising the application of an oral care composition comprising from 0.01 to 0.3% by weight of a pigment having a hue angle, h, in the CIELAB system of from

220 to 320 degrees, characterized in that the composition further comprises a soluble deposition aid for said pigment.
In a third aspect of the present invention, there is provided an oral care composition according to the first aspect of the invention for use as a medicament.
In a fourth aspect of the present invention, there is provided the use of from 0.01 to 0.3% by weight of a pigment having a hue angle, h, in the CIELAB system of from 220 to 320 degrees together with a soluble deposition aid for said pigment, for the manufacture of an oral care composition for whitening the teeth.
The amount of pigment in the composition is from 0.01 to 0.3%, preferably from 0.02 to 0.1%, and more preferably from 0.03 to 0.08% by weight. The percentage weights refer to the total amount of active present and exclude any carriers that may be present. The pigment may be uniformly spread throughout the composition or, preferably, it may be dispersed in a second phase such as a stripe or other co-extruded second phase. Such preferred "dual phase" compositions have the advantage that the phases may be differently coloured, presenting a more visually attractive product to the consumer.
Preferably, the pigment is violet or blue, more preferably one of those listed in the Colour Index International. These pigments are listed as pigment violet 1 through to pigment violet 56 and pigment blue 1 through 83.

The preferred pigment violets are pigment violet 1, 1:1, 1:2, 2, 3, 5:1, 13, 19, 23, 25, 27, 31, 32, 37, 39, 42, 44 and 50.
The preferred pigment blues are pigment blue 1, 2, 9, 10, 14, 15, 15:1, 15:2, 15:3, 15:4, 15:6 16, 18, 19, 24:1, 25, 56, 60, 61, 62 and 66.
Other suitable pigments are pigment ultramarine blue and ultramarine violet.
The pigment should have a hue angle, h, in the CIELAB system of from 220 to 320 degrees most preferably between 250 and 290 degrees. A detailed description of hue angle may be found on p57 of Colour Chemistry 3rd edition by H. Zollinger published by Wiley-VCH. While the preferred single pigments are blue or violet, the same effect may be achieved through mixing pigments outside of this h range; for example, such a hue angle may also be obtained by mixing a red and green-blue pigment to yield a blue or violet shaded pigment.
Preferably, the pigment is Pigment Blue 15, more preferably Pigment Blue 15:1, 15:2, 15:3, 15:4, 15:5 or 15:6, most preferably 15:1.
Preferably, the pigment is capable of reflecting sufficient light such that the treated tooth is perceivably whiter than its initial colour. Preferably, the pigment is coloured such that its natural colour is within the violet-red to green-blue colour, preferably from violet to blue.

A pigment is generally understood to be a shade/material which is insoluble in the relevant medium, at the relevant temperature. This is in contrast to dyes which are soluble. In the context of this invention, the "relevant medium" is human saliva, the liguid medium in which the composition is used, at the temperature of the oral cavity during brushing of the teeth, i.e. up to 37°C. As a reasonable approximation, the relevant medium may be considered to be water and the relevant temperature to be 25°C.
In the context of this invention, a "soluble" deposition aid is a material that is soluble in water, typically having a solubility of 0.5% or greater, and more typically 5% or greater by weight, at 25°C. Further, such a material remains soluble following drying - i.e. it can be re-dissolved following drying. Such materials are typically polymers, but are not film-forming polymers. Water solubility is required in order to avoid build up of the deposition aid on the teeth, something that can also be a particular problem with film-forming polymers.
The soluble deposition aid enhances deposition of the pigment onto the teeth and thereby enhances the colour change caused by the pigment. More particularly, a deposition agent in accordance with the invention is able to enhance the deposition of a pigment such as Blue Covarine when incorporated in a composition at a level of 0.02% by weight, particularly when the deposition aid is itself incorporated at a level of 1% by weight.

Without wishing to be bound by theory, it is believed that the insoluble deposition aid works by having affinity for both the pigment and the surface of the teeth, the deposition aid serving as a link between the two.
In a preferred embodiment, the soluble deposition aid is able to enhance the deposition of the pigment onto the teeth by at least 20% and more preferably by at least 100% by effect. In the context of this invention, percentages "by effect" mean that the deposition aid enhances pigment deposition sufficiently for delta b* to be changed by the indicated magnitude - the change being an enhancement of the negative delta b* obtained from use of the pigment in the absence of the deposition aid.
Delta b* is a magnitude of colour change along a yellow-blue axis, negative delta b* corresponding to reduced yellowness.
A simple test for establishing the effect of the deposition aid is as follows.
Polished hydroxyapatite discs are first placed in sterile human saliva for 2 hours to allow a pellicle to form. The discs are then rinsed in water and baseline colour measurements made (using, for example, a Minolta chromameter CR300). The discs are then brushed with (i) a suspension of pigment in water (e.g. Blue Covarine [BC] at 0.02% by weight) or (ii) a suspension of the same pigment at the same concentration as in (i), together with the deposition aid at approximately 50 times said concentration (e.g. BC at 0.02% and deposition aid at 1% by weight). The brushing is best

performed using a brushing machine. Following rinsing, the colour of the discs is then re-measured and the change in delta b* is recorded for both treatment (i) and treatment (ii). From a comparison of these data, the effect of the deposition aid is readily seen.
The deposition aid is incorporated into the composition at preferably from 0.01 to 10%, more preferably at from 0.05 to 5%, and most preferably at from 0.1 to 1% by weight.
Deposition aids for use in accordance with the present invention are typically high molecular weight polymers, i.e. polymers having a molecular weight of 200,000 or greater. Preferred deposition aids are Gantrez® type polymers, high molecular weight PEGs, and high molecular weight cellulose ethers. Particularly preferred deposition aids are Gantrez® type polymers and high molecular weight PEGs. Especially preferred deposition aids are Gantrez® type polymers.
Gantrez® type polymers are co-polymers of maleic anhydride
with methyl vinylether, in which the anhydride moiety may be
in a partially or fully hydrolysed or alcoholysed form.
Gantrez® polymers themselves are available from ISP Inc.
Suitable Gantrez® polymers are:
Gantrez S-95: molecular weight 216,000; free acid;
Gantrez S-96: molecular weight 700,000; free acid;
Gantrez S-97: molecular weight 1,500,000; free acid; and
Gantrez MS-955: molecular weight 1,060,000; calcium/sodium

Gantrez® type polymers in which the anhydride moiety is fully hydrolysed are preferred. These may be thought of as co-polymers of maleic acid and methyl vinylether. Particularly preferred co-polymers of maleic acid and methyl vinylether have a molecular weight of 1,000,000 or greater and an especially preferred material is Gantrez S-97.
High molecular weight PEGs are poly(ethyleneglycol) polymers having a molecular weight of 1,000,000 or greater, preferably 2,000,000 or greater. A preferred high molecular weight PEG is Polyox 60K, a polymer having a molecular weight of approximately 2,000,000.
High molecular weight cellulose ethers have a molecular weight sufficient to give a 2% agueous solution of the polymer a viscosity of 1,000 mPa.s or greater, preferably 2,000 mPa.s or greater, and more preferably 3,000 mPa.s or greater. Viscosities are measured at 20°C and 10 s~ using an Ubbelohde viscometer. Preferred high molecular weight cellulose ethers are hydroxypropylcelluloses, methylcelluloses, and hydroxyethylcelluloses. Particularly preferred high molecular weight cellulose ethers are hydroxypropyl-methylcelluoses.
Preferably, the oral care composition comprises water, thickener, surfactant and abrasive. Suitable thickeners include silicas and calcium carbonate. The preferred thickener is silica. Suitable surfactants include the alkali-metal alkyl sulphate surfactants such as the sodium alkyl sulphates, the most preferred being sodium laurylsulphate.

Preferred abrasive materials include silicas, aluminas, calcium carbonates, dicalcium phosphates, calcium pyrophosphates, hydroxyapatites, trimetaphosphates, insoluble hexametaphosphates and so on, including agglomerated particulate abrasive materials, usually in amounts between 3 and 60% by weight of the oral care composition. The most preferred abrasives are calcium carbonate and silica, especially silica.
Preferably, the oral care composition according to the invention comprises a plurality of visually distinct formulations. By this is meant that the composition comprises separate and different formulations which are adjacent one another when extruded from a tube or the like. Typical examples include a composition which comprises a stripe formulation and a base formulation. Another example includes a composition comprising a core formulation and a sheath formulation. The core formulation is preferably located coaxially within the sheath formulation. The term ^coaxially' means substantially central in cross section and is not meant to represent any mathematical accuracy.
Preferably, the oral care composition comprising more than one formulation as previously described comprises at least 90%, preferably at least 95% and most preferably at least 99% by weight of the total pigment in the composition is in one of the formulations.
Where the composition comprises more than one formulation and where one of the formulations comprises the bulk of the

pigment as described the remaining formulation (s) is/are preferably translucent or visually clear.
Where the composition comprises more than one formulation, it is preferred that at least 90%, more preferably at least 95% and most preferably at least 99% of any methyl vinyl ether and maleic anhydride copolymer is present in the same formulation as the pigment.
Preferably, the oral care composition comprises a first formulation located co-axially within a second formulation, the first formulation comprising blue pigment and the second formulation comprising a pearlescer, preferably mica.
The oral care compositions according to the invention may comprise further ingredients which are common in the art, such as:
antimicrobial agents, e.g. Triclosan, chlorhexidine, copper, zinc, and stannous salts such as zinc citrate, zinc sulphate, zinc glycinate, sodium zinc citrate and stannous pyrophosphate, sanguinarine extract, metronidazole, quaternary ammonium compounds, such as cetylpyridinium chloride; bis-guanides, such as chlorhexidine digluconate, hexetidine, octenidine, alexidine; and halogenated bisphenolic compounds, such as 2,2' methylenebis-(4-chloro-6-bromophenol);
anti-inflammatory agents such as ibuprofen, flurbiprofen, aspirin, indomethacin etc.;

anti-caries agents such as sodium- and stannous fluoride, aminefluorides, sodium monofluorophosphate, sodium trimeta phosphate and casein;
plaque buffers such as urea, calcium lactate, calcium glycerophosphate and strontium polyacrylates;
vitamins such as Vitamins A, C and E;
plant extracts;
desensitising agents, e.g. potassium citrate, potassium chloride, potassium tartrate, potassium bicarbonate, potassium oxalate, potassium nitrate and strontium salts;
anti-calculus agents, e.g. alkali-metal pyrophosphates, hypophosphite-containing polymers, organic phosphonates and phosphocitrates etc.;
biomolecules, e.g. bacteriocins, antibodies, enzymes, etc.;
flavours, e.g. peppermint and spearmint oils;
proteinaceous materials such as collagen;
opacifying agents;
colouring agents;

pH-adjusting agents;
sweetening agents;
pharmaceutically acceptable carriers, e.g. starch, sucrose, water or water/alcohol systems etc.;
humectants such as glycerol, sorbitol, propyleneglycol, xylitol, lactitol etc.;
binders and thickeners such as sodium carboxymethyl-cellulose, xanthan gum, gum arabic etc. as well as synthetic polymers such as polyacrylates and carboxyvinyl polymers such as Carbopol®;
buffers and salts to buffer the pH and ionic strength of the oral care composition; and
other optional ingredients that may be included are e.g. bleaching agents such as peroxy compounds e.g. potassium peroxydiphosphate, effervescing systems such as sodium bicarbonate/citric acid systems, colour change systems, and so on.
Liposomes may also be used to improve delivery or stability of active ingredients.
The oral care compositions may be in any form common in the art, e.g. toothpaste, gel, mousse, aerosol, chewing gum, lozenge, powder, cream, and may also be formulated into systems for use in dual-compartment type dispensers.

Preferred forms are toothpastes and chewing gums. Preferred chewing gum compositions are sugar free and particularly preferred comprise a Gantrez® type polymer.
In the following non-limiting examples, amounts are percentages by weight unless otherwise stated.
Example 1: Tooth whitening effect of BC compared with dyes
Teeth (n = 7) were kept in sterile saliva for 1 hour. They were then dipped in a treatment at 0.2% by weight in water for one minute and then immersed in clean water for the times indicated in Table 1. Following these times, delta b* colour measurements were made.
Table 1

Treatment Time immersed in water (mins.)
0 10 20 60 120
Patent Blue -18.2 -0.5 -0.3 -0.4 -0.2
FD&C -11.2 -0.4 -0.2 -0.4 -0.1
Blue Covarine -7.7 -2.4 -2.5 -2.5 -2.3
Brilliant Black BN -12.8 0.1 -0.6 -0.3 -0.1
Control -0.1 -0.3 -0.1 -0.1 -0.3
A negative delta b* indicates a reduction in yellowness. From these data, it is apparent that Blue Covarine pigment remains on the tooth surface for at least 2 hours, whilst the dyes wash off immediately. Values of delta b* less than 1 are not perceivable by eye, so all the dyes were ineffective at causing perceivable colour change.

Example 2: Toothpaste Composition
Table 2 gives details of a single phase formulation according to an embodiment of the invention.
Table 2

Component %
Water 8.15
Neosorb 70/70 Aqu. sorbitol (70% ad.) 66
PEG 32 2
Sodium fluoride 0.32
Sodium saccharin 0.27
Blue Covarine W6795 40% suspension in SLS and glycerol 0.5
Gantrez S97 0.1
Trisodium phosphate 0.11
Tixosil 43 Thickening silica 9
Sorbosil AC 77 Abrasive silica 8
Sorbosil AC 33 Abrasive silica 1.65
SLS Sodium laurylsulphate 1.8
DP7043 Flavour 1.2
CMC 9 Carboxymethylcellulose 0.9

Example 3: Dual Phase Toothpaste Composition
Table 3 gives details of a dual phase formulation according to the invention. The first formulation is the sheath and the second formulation is the core of a co-axially, co-extruded toothpaste. The core comprises 10% by volume of the total toothpaste.
Table 3

Component First Formulation Second Formulation
Aqu. Sorbitol (70% ad.) 66 66
Sodium fluoride 2 2
Sodium saccharin 0.32 0.32
Blue Covarine W6795 0.27 0.27
Sodium fluoride - 0.5
Gantrez S97 - 1
Mica silver MP149 0.05 -
Trisodium phosphate - 1.1
Thickener silica 9 5.75
Abrasive silica 8 8
Abrasive silica 1.5 3
Cellulose binder 0.5 0.3
Sodium laurylsulphate 1.8 1.8
Flavour 1.2 1.2
Cellulose binder 0.4 0.4
Water To 100 To 100

Example 4: Chalk-based toothpaste composition Table 4

Component % w/w
Aqu. Sorbitol (70% ad.) 30.00
Trisodium phosphate 1.10
Sodium monofluorophosphate 1.11
Sweetener 0.27
Preservative 0.50
Blue Covarine W6795 0.20
Gantrez S97 0.50
Thickening silica 3.00
Abrasive silica 1.00
Perlite 0.70
FGNC 5AV* 40.00
Cellulose binder 0.75
Sodium laurylsulphate 1.80
Flavour 1.20
Water To 100
* Fine ground natural chalk. Average particle size: 5 microns.
Example 5: Effect of Deposition Aids
Hydroxyapatite discs (10mm diameter) were polished using P1200 paper (Buehler) and placed in sterile human saliva for 2 hours to allow a pellicle to form. Each disc was rinsed in deionised water (Milli Q water, Millipore, USA) and

baseline colour measurements were taken using a chromameter CR300 (Minolta). Materials were tested for enhanced Blue Covarine (BC) delivery by preparing 1% w/w solution of the material plus 0.02% w/w BC in deionised water. The hydroxyapatite discs were randomly assigned to either a test group (material + BC) or a control group (0.02% w/w BC only), n = 8 for each group. The discs were placed in a brushing machine and either test or control mixture (10ml) was added. Each disc was brushed for 1 minute using a standard flat trim toothbrush under a brush load of 375g and a speed of 150 strokes/min. The discs were rinsed in deionised water and the colour of the discs was re-measured. Average changes in yellow-blue colour, delta b*, were then calculated.
Table 5 gives details of the materials tested and their effects upon delta b*. It can be seen that each Gantrez® polymer enhanced the deposition of the pigment onto the teeth by at least 100% by effect. It can also be seen that the Polyox 60K substantially enhanced the deposition of the pigment onto the teeth by effect.

Table 5: Effect of Deposition Aids

Material Ab* Enhancement
Units %
Control -1.4 — -
Gantrez S-97 -4.6 -3.2 129
Gantrez S-95 -4.8 -3.4 143
Gantrez S-96 -7.9 -6.5 364
Gantrez MS-955 -10.6 -9.2 557
Polyox 60K -3.5 -2.1 50
In a further study, a range of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose polymers were investigated using the method described above. Table 6 indicates that these materials were less successful, although Walocel HM 4000PA-2910, a high molecular weight hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, did give an enhancement of Blue Covarine deposition of 26% by effect.
Table 6: Effect of Deposition Aids

Material Viscosity (mPa.s; 20°C; 10 s"1; 2% aqu. soln. Ab* Enhanced
Units %
Control — -2.5 - -
Walocel VP-M-52101 13.5-19.41 -1.9
Walocel VP-M-52113 4.5-8.41 -2.2
Walocel HM 5PA-2910 4.0-6.02 -0.2
Walocel HM 4000PA-2910 3200-48002 -3.4 -0.9 26
1. Measured using a2. Measured using a rotary viscometer, n Ubbelohde viscome ter .

Example 6: Chewing Gum Composition
Table 7 gives details of a chewing gum composition (sugar free) in accordance with the invention.
Table 7

Component Amount (% w/w)
Gum Base 22.00
Polyol Syrup 55.00
Maltitol Powder 19.76
Lecithin 0.20
Glycerin 2.00
Flavor 0.80
Blue Covarine W67 95 0.04
Gantrez S97BF 0.20

1. An oral care composition comprising from 0.01 to 0.3% by weight of a pigment having a hue angle, h, in the CIELAB system of from 220 to 320 degrees, characterized in that the composition further comprises a soluble deposition aid for said pigment.
2. An oral care composition according to claim 1, characterized in that the deposition aid serves to enhance the deposition of the pigment by at least 20% by effect.
3. An oral care composition according to claim 2, characterized in that the deposition aid serves to enhance the deposition of the pigment by at least 100% by effect.
4. An oral care composition according to any of the preceding claims, characterized in that the deposition aid is a polymer having a molecular weight of 200,000 or greater, but is not a film-forming polymer.
5. An oral care composition according to claim 4, characterized in that the deposition aid is selected from the group consisting of Gantrez® type polymers, high molecular weight PEGs, and high molecular weight cellulose ethers.

6. An oral care composition according to claim 5, characterized in that the deposition aid is a Gantrez® type polymer.
7. An oral care composition according to claim 5, characterized in that the Gantrez® type polymer is a co-polymer of maleic acid and methyl vinylether.
8. An oral care composition according to any of the preceding claims, characterized in that the pigment has a hue angle, h, in the CIELAB system of from 250 to 290 degrees.
9. An oral care composition according to any of the preceding claims, comprising water, thickener, surfactant and abrasive.
10. An oral care composition according to claim 9, wherein the thickener is silica.
11. An oral care composition according to any preceding claim, comprising a plurality of visually distinct formulations.
12. An oral care composition according to claim 11, comprising a stripe formulation and a base formulation.
13. An oral care composition according to claim 11, comprising a core formulation and a sheath formulation.

14. An oral care composition according to any of claims 11-13, wherein at least 90% by weight of the total pigment present in the composition is present in one of the formulations.
15. An oral care composition according to claim 13, comprising a first formulation located coaxially within a second formulation, the first formulation comprising blue pigment and the second formulation comprising a pearlescer, preferably mica.
16. An oral care composition according to any preceding claim, wherein the pigment comprises pigment blue 15.

An oral care composition comprising from 0.01 to 0.3% by weight of a pigment having a hue angle, h, in the CIELAB system of from 220 to 320 degrees, characterized in that the composition further comprises a soluble deposition aid for said pigment.




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Patent Number 262948
Indian Patent Application Number 2412/MUM/2007
PG Journal Number 40/2014
Publication Date 03-Oct-2014
Grant Date 25-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 10-Dec-2007
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number A61K8/19; A61K8/21; A61K8/24
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 EP06126665 2006-12-20 EUROPEAN UNION