Title of Invention


Abstract The present invention relates to MgCl2•mROH•nH2O adducts, where R is a C1-C10 alkyl, 2≤m≤4.2, 0≤n≤0.7 , characterized by an X-ray diffraction spectrum in which, in the range of 2θ diffraction angles between 5° and 15°, the three main diffraction lines are present at diffraction angles 2θ of 8.8 ± 0.2°, 9.4 ± 0.2° and 9.8 ± 0.2°, the most intense diffraction lines being the one at 2θ=8.8 ± 0.2°, the intensity of the other two diffraction lines being at least 0.2 times the intensity of the most intense diffraction line. Catalyst components obtained from the adducts of the present invention are capable to give catalysts for the polymerization of olefins characterized by enhanced activity and stereospecificity with respect to the catalysts prepared from the adducts of the prior art.
Full Text The present invention relates to magnesium dichloride/alcohol adducts which
are characterized by particular chemical and physical properties. The adducts
of the present invention are particularly useful as precursors of catalyst
components for the polymerization of olefins.
In our co-pending application no. 523/CAL/98 from which this application has
been divided out, we described and claimed a process for the preparation of
Magnesium dichlolide-alchol adducts.
MgCI2•alcohol adducts and their use in the preparation of catalyst components
for the polymerization of olefins are well known in the art.
J.C.J. Bart and W. Roovers [Journal of Material Science, 30 (1995), 2809-
2820] describe the preparation of a number of MgCI2•nEtOH adducts, with n
ranging from 1.4 to 6, and their characterization by means of X-ray powder
diffraction. A range of allegedly new adducts, with n=6, 4.5, 4, 3.33, 2.5,
1.67, 1.50 and 1.25, is characterized in terms of X-ray diffraction pattern.
According to the authors, the MgCI2•alcohol adducts can be converted to
active polymerization catalyst supports through the elimination of the alcohol
molecules from the adducts by thermal desolvation. In table III of the article,
the characteristic diffraction lines of the above indicated new adducts are
reported with reference to the interplanar distances. For convenience,
the same diffraction lines are reported below with reference to the 20
diffraction angles, limitatedly to the range of 26 diffraction angles
between 5° and 15° (the relative intensity I/I0 with respect to the
most intense diffraction line is reported in brackets). For n = 1.25:

2θ=7.6° (100), 12.28° (25), 14.9° (8); for n=1.5: 2θ=8.44
(100), 11.95 (48), 14.2 (46); for n=1.67: 2θ=6.1° (9), 6.68°
(100), 8.95° (50), 9.88° (33), 11.8° (8), 12.28° (33), 14.5°
(13), 14.75° (4); for n=2.5: 2θ=6.3 (27), 9.4° (100), 9.93°
(70), 11.7° (11), 12.35° (6), 14.9° (6); for n=3.33: 2θ=9.14°
(15), 9.44° (100), 11.88° (15), 12.9° (27); for n=4: 2θ=8.7°
(49), 10.1° (73), 10.49° (100), 11.8° (58); f or n=4.5: 2θ=9.65°
(100), 11.4° (10), 12.5° (24), 12.94° (32), 14.25° (20), 14.95°
(6); for n=6: 2θ=8.94° (100), 13.13° (3). A MgCl2•2EtOH•0. 5H2O
adduct is also reported, the diffraction lines of which in the
relevant range are the following: 2θ=7.9° (35); 8.5° (>100);
9.7° (26); 11.32° (100); 12.59° (11); 13.46° (12).
Catalyst components for the polymerization of olefins, obtained
by reacting MgCl2•nEtOH adducts with halogenated transition
metal compounds, are described in USP 4,3 99,054. The adducts
are prepared by emulsifying the molten adduct in an immiscible
dispersing medium and quenching the emulsion in a cooling fluid
to collect the adduct in the form of spherical particles. No X-
ray characteristics of the adducts are reported.
USP 4,421,674 describes a method for preparing a catalyst
component for the polymerization of olefins which involves the
preparation of MgCl2•EtOH adducts by means of the following
steps: (a) preparation of a MgCl. solution in ethanol; (b)
spray-drying said solution to collect particles of the adduct
in spherical form, said adduct having from 1.5 to 20% by weight

of residual alcoholic hydroxyl content and being characterized
by an X-ray spectrum in which the maximum peak at 2.56 (i.e.
2θ=3 5°) characteristics of the crystalline anhydrous MgCl2 is
practically absent and a new maximum peak at about 10.8
(i.e. 2θ=8.15°) is present; lesser peaks at about 9.16 (i.e.
2θ=9.65°) and 6.73 (i.e. 2θ=13.15°) are also reported.
EP-A-700936 describes a process for producing a solid catalyst
component for the polymerization of olefins which comprises the
preparation of MgCl2•EtOH adducts by means of the following
steps: (A) preparation of a mixture having formula MgCl2•mROH,
wherein R is an alkyl group with 1 to 10 carbon atoms and m=3.0
to 6.0; (B) spray-cooling said mixture to obtain a solid adduct
having the same composition as of the starting mixture; (C)
partly removing the alcohol from the above-obtained solid
adduct to obtain an adduct containing from 0.4 to 2.8 mol of
alcohol per mol of MgCl2. The adduct obtained in (C) is
characterized by an X-ray diffraction spectrum in which a novel
peak does not occur at a diffraction angles 2θ= 7 to 8° as
compared with the diffraction spectrum of the adduct obtained
in (B) , or even if it occurs, the intensity of the novel peak
is 2.0 times or less the intensity of the highest peak present
at the diffraction angles 2θ=8.5 to 9° of the diffraction
spectrum of the adduct obtained in (C) . Fig. 2 of the said
European Patent Application shows a typical. X-ray diffraction
spectrum of the adducts prepared in (B). The highest peak

occurs at 2θ=8.8°; two less intense peaks occur at 2θ=9.5 to
10° and 20=13°, respectively. Fig. 3 shows a typical X-ray
diffraction spectrum of the adducts prepared in (C) . The
highest peak occurs at 2θ=8.8°; other peaks occur at 2θ=6.0 to
6.5°, 2θ=9.5 to 10° and 2θ=11 to 11.5°. Fig. 4 shows a typical
X-ray diffraction spectrum of comparative adducts prepared in
(C) . The highest peak occurs at 20=7.6°; other peaks occur at
2θ=8.8°, 2θ=9.5 to 10°, 2θ=11 to 11.5° and 2θ=12 to 12.5°.
A new MgCl2•alcohol adduct has now been found which is
characterized by a particular X-ray diffraction spectrum, not
shown by the adducts of the prior art, and/or by a particular
crystallinity as shown by the Differential Scanning Calorimetry
(DSC) profile of the adduct. In addition, particular
MgCl2•alcohol adducts of the present invention can be
characterized by their viscosity values in the molten state
which, for a given alcohol content, are higher than the
viscosity values of the corresponding adducts of the prior art.
In addition to the alcohol, minor amounts of water can also be
present in the adducts according to the invention.
The adducts of the present invention can be used to prepare
catalyst components for the polymerization of olefins by
reaction with transition metal compounds. Catalyst components
obtained from the adducts of the present invention are capable
to give catalysts for the polymerization of olefins
characterized by enhanced activity and stereospecificity with

respect to the catalysts prepared from the adducts of the prior
art. Also, the morphological properties of the obtained
polymers are improved, particularly when adducts in spherical
forms are used.
The present invention therefore relates to MgCl2•mROH•nH2O
adducts, where R is a C1-C10 alkyl, 2≤m≤4.2, 0≤n≤0.7,
characterized by an X-ray diffraction spectrum in which, in the
range of 29 diffraction angles between 5° and 15°, the three
main diffraction lines are present at diffraction angles 20 of
8.8 ± 0.2°, 9.4 ± 0.2° and 9.8 ± 0.2°, the most intense dif-
fraction lines being the one at 2θ=8.8 ± 0.2°, the intensity of
the other two diffraction lines being at least 0.2 times the
intensity of the most intense diffraction line.
The above described diffraction pattern is unique and it has
never been described in the prior art. In fact, none of the
spectra reported in Bart et al. corresponds to the spectrum
which characterizes the adducts of the present invention; the
same applies to the adducts disclosed in EP-A-700936. As for
the adducts described in USP 4,399,054, applicants repeated the
preparation of the adducts according to the procedure described
therein. The X-ray diffraction spectrum of the obtained adduct
shows, in the range of 29 diffraction angles between 5 and 15°,
the following main peaks (the relative intensity I/I, with
respect to the most intense diffraction line is in brackets):
2θ=8.84° (79); 2θ=9.2 (100); 2θ=9.43 (68); 2θ=9.82 (19).

Contrary to the adducts of the present invention, which are
characterized, inter alia, by a most intense diffraction line
occurring at 2θ=8.8 ± 0.2°, the adducts of USP 4,399,054 are
characterized by a most intense diffraction line at 2θ=9.2°.
Preferably R is a Cl-C4 alkyl, more preferably ethyl, m is
between 2.2 and 3.8, more preferably between 2.5 and 3.5, n is
between 0.01 and 0.6, more preferably between 0.001 and 0.4.
The X-ray diffraction spectra are determined with reference to
the main diffraction lines of silicon, used as an internal
standard, using the apparatus and the methodology described
The preferred adducts of the present invention are
characterized by an X-ray diffraction spectrum in which the
intensity of the diffraction lines at 2θ=9.4° ±0.2° and 9.8° ±
0.2° is at least 0.4 times, preferably at least 0.5 times the
intensity of the most intense diffraction line at 2θ=8.8° ±
As an alternative, or in addition to the X-ray spectrum, the
adducts of the present invention are characterized by a
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) profile in which no
peaks are present at temperatures below 90°C or, even if peaks
are present below said temperature, the fusion enthalpy
associated with said peaks is less than 30% of the total fusion

The DSC analysis is carried out using the apparatus and the
methodology described hereinafter.
When R is ethyl, m is between 2.5 and 3.5 and n is between 0
and 0.4, the fusion enthalpy associated with peaks possibly
present at temperatures below 90°C is less than 10% of the
total fusion enthalpy. In said case the adducts are furthermore
characterized by the fact that the maximum peak occurs at
temperatures between 95 and 115°C.
Particularly preferred are adducts of the formula (I)
MgCl2•mEtOH•nH2O (I)
where m is between 2.2 and 3.8 and n is between 0.01 and 0.6,
having both the above described X-ray spectrum and the above
described DSC features. Adducts of this type can be further
characterized by their viscosity in the molten state. In fact,
it has been unexpectedly found that adducts with the above
described features are also characterized by values of
viscosity which, for a given alcohol content, are higher than
the values of viscosity of the corresponding adducts of the
prior art. In particular, on a plot viscosity vs. EtOH molar
content, the values of viscosity at 115°C (expressed in poise)
of the adducts (I) are above the straight line passing through
the points having, respectively, a viscosity/EtOH molar content
of 2.43/2.38 and 1.26/3.31; at 120° the values of viscosity of
the adducts (I) are above the straight line defined by the
points having viscosity/EtOH molar content values of 1.71/2.38

and 0.9/3.31; at 125° the values of viscosity of the adducts
(I) are above the straight line passing through the points
defined by the viscosity/EtOH molar content values of 1.2/2.38
and 0.63/3.31.
The adducts of the present invention can be prepared with new
methods, not disclosed in the prior art, which are
characterized by particular modalities of reaction between
MgCl2, alcohol, and optionally water.
According to one of these methods MgCl2•pROH•qH2O adducts, where
R is a C1-C10 alkyl, 1≤p≤6, 0≤n≤l, are prepared by dispersing
the particles of magnesium dichloride in an inert liquid
immiscible with and chemically inert to the molten adduct,
heating the system at temperature equal to or higher than the
melting temperature of MgCl2•alcohol adduct and then adding the
desired amount of alcohol in vapour phase. The temperature is
kept at values such that the adduct is completely melted.
The molten adduct is then emulsified in a liquid medium which
is immiscible with and chemically inert to it and then quenched
by contacting the adduct with an inert cooling liquid, thereby
obtaining the solidification of the adduct.
The liquid in which the MgCl2 is dispersed can be any liquid
immiscible with and chemically inert to the molten adduct. For
example, aliphatic, aromatic or cycloaliphatic hydrocarbons can
be used as well as silicone oils. Aliphatic hydrocarbons such
as vaseline oil are particularly preferred. After the MgCl2

particles are dispersed in the inert liquid, the mixture is
heated at temperatures preferably higher than 125°C and more
preferably at temperatures higher than 150°C. Conveniently, the
vaporized alcohol is added at a temperature equal to or lower
than the temperature of the mixture. Particularly preferred
products obtainable with the above specified method are the
adducts of formula MgCl2•mROH•nH2O, where R is a C1-C10 alkyl,
2≤m≤4.2, 0≤n≤0.7, and characterized by the specified X-ray
diffraction spectrum.
According to another method, the adducts of the invention are
prepared by contacting MgCl2 and alcohol in the absence of the
inert liquid dispersant, heating the system at the melting
temperature of MgCl2-alcohol adduct or above, and maintaining
said conditions so as to obtain a completely melted adduct.
Said molten adduct is then emulsified in a liquid medium which
is immiscible with and chemically inert to it and finally
quenched by contacting the adduct with an inert cooling liquid
thereby obtaining the solidification of the adduct. In
particular, the adduct is preferably kept at a temperature
equal to or higher than its melting temperature, under stirring
conditions, for a time period equal to or greater than 10
hours, preferably from 10 to 150 hours, more preferably from 2 0
to 100 hours. Alternatively, in order to obtain the
solidification of the adduct, a spray-cooling process of the
molten adduct can be carried out.

The catalyst components obtained from the adducts obtained with
the above described processes show still more improved
properties over the catalyst components prepared by the adducts
which have been obtained with the same preparation method but
without having been maintained for the requested period of time
under the described conditions.
A further method for preparing MgCl2•pROH•qH2O adducts, where R
is a C1-C10 alkyl, 2≤p≤6, 0≤n≤1, comprises reacting the MgCl2
solid particles and vaporized alcohol in a loop reactor
comprising a densified zone in which the particles flow in a
densified form under the action of gravity and a fast
fluidization zone where the particles flow under fast
fluidization conditions. As it is known, the state of fast
fluidization is obtained when the velocity of the fluidizing
gas is higher than the transport velocity, and it is
characterized in that the pressure gradient along the direction
of transport is a monotonic function of the quantity of
injected solid, for equal flow rate and density of the
fluidizing gas. The terms transport velocity and fast
fluidization state are well known in the art; for a definition
thereof, see, for example, "D. Geldart, Gas Fluidization
Technology, page 155 et seqq. , J.Wiley & Sons Ltd., 1986". In
the second polymerization zone, where the particles flows in a
densified form under the action of gravity, high values of
density of the solid are reached (density of the solid = kg of

solid particles per m3 of reactor occupied), which approach the
bulk density of the adduct; a positive gain in pressure can
thus be obtained along the direction of flow, so that it
becomes possible to reintroduce the solid particles into the
fast fluidization zone without the help of special mechanical
means. In this way, a "loop" circulation is set up, which is
defined by the balance of pressures between the two zones of
the reactor.
In particular, the above method is suitable to prepare
MgCl2•mROH•nH2O adducts, where R is a C1-C10 alkyl, 2≤m≤4.2, and
0≤n≤0.7, characterized by the specified X-ray diffraction
spectrum, carrying out the reaction between MgCl2 particles and
vaporized alcohol in the loop reactor, under conditions such
that the vapour pressure of the formed adduct is kept at values
lower than 30 mmHg when operating atmospheric pressure.
Preferably, the vapour pressure of the adduct is kept at values
lower than 25 mmHg and more preferably in the range 10-20 mmHg.
Preferably, the reaction between magnesium dichloride and
alcohol is carried out in a loop reactor in which the fast
fluidization is obtained by a flow of an inert gas, such as
nitrogen. The particles of the formed adduct are preferably
discharged from the densified zone. As mentioned above, the
reaction between magnesium dichloride and alcohol must be
carried out under conditions which allow a substantial control
of the reaction in order to avoid problems such as melting of

the adduct or its substantial dealcoholation. Therefore, the
temperature within the reactor, and particularly in the zone
where the vaporized alcohol is fed, must be carefully
controlled so as to maintain the vapour pressure of the adduct
within the above limits. In particular, the control of the
temperature is very important in view of the fact that the
reaction is greatly exothermic. Therefore, it can be preferred
working under conditions such that heat exchange is maximized.
For the same reason, the feeding of the alcohol has to be
controlled in order to obtain an efficient dispersion of the
alcohol in the reactor, thus avoiding the formation of the so
called hot spots. The feeding of the alcohol can be carried out
for example with injection nozzles, preferably located in the
fast fluidization zone of the loop reactor. According to an
alternative method, the alcohol can be fed to the loop reactor
in a zone after the densified zone and before the fast
fluidization zone, where a centrifugal mixer (of the Loedige
type) is installed in order to direct the solid particles
towards the walls of the reactor and create a cavitated zone
where the alcohol is preferably fed. Preferably, the reactor
temperature in correspondence to the alcohol feeding zone
should be maintained at values in the range 40-50°C when
operating at atmospheric pressure.
The particles of the adduct discharged from the loop reacter
can be then subjected to a treatment capable of imparting them

a spherical morphology. In particular, the treatment comprises
subjecting the adducts to a temperature equal to or higher than
the melting temperature of the adduct until the adduct is
completely melted, said treatment being carried out in absence
or presence of an inert liquid dispersant, then emulsifying the
molten adduct in a liquid medium which is immiscible with and
chemically inert to it and finally quenching the molten adduct
with an inert cooling liquid thereby obtaining the
solidification of the adduct in spherical form. Alternatively,
in order to obtain the solidification of the adduct in
spherical form, the molten adduct can be subjected to a spray-
cooling process according to known techniques.
The treatment which comprises melting the adduct in the
presence of an inert dispersant agent, such as vaseline oil,
then emulsifying and finally quenching said molten adduct, is
particularly preferred.
The liquid in which the molten adduct is emulsified is
preferably a hydrocarbon liquid such as vaseline oil. The
liquid used to quench the emulsion can be equal to or different
from the liquid in which the molten adduct is emulsified.
Preferably, it is an aliphatic hydrocarbon and more preferably
a light aliphatic hydrocarbon such as pentane, hexane, heptane
and the like.
The solid adducts having a spherical morphology are very
suitable in the preparation of spherical catalyst components

for the polymerization of olefins and in particular for the
gas-phase polymerization process.
The catalyst components to be used in the polymerization of
olefins comprise a transition metal compound of one of the
groups IV to VI of the Periodic Table of Elements, supported on
the adducts of the invention.
A method suitable for the preparation of said catalyst
components, comprises the reaction between the adducts of the
invention and the transition metal compound. Among transition
metal compounds particularly preferred are titanium compounds
of formula Ti(OR)nXy-n in which n is comprised between 0 and y; y
is the valency of titanium; X is halogen and R is an alkyl
radical having 1-8 carbon atoms or a COR group. Among them,
particularly preferred are titanium compounds having at least
one Ti-halogen bond such as titanium tetrahalides or
halogenalcoholates. Preferred specific titanium compounds are
TiCl3, TiCl4, Ti(OBu)4, Ti(OBu)Cl,, Ti(OBu)2Cl2, Ti(OBu)3Cl.
Preferably the reaction is carried out by suspending the adduct
in cold TiCl4 (generally OEC); then the so obtained mixture is
heated up to 80-130EC and kept at this temperature for 0.5-2
hours. After that the excess of TiCl4 is removed and the solid
component is recoverd. The treatment with TiCl4 can be carried
out one or more times.
The reaction between transition metal compound and the adduct
can also be carried out in the presence of an electron donor

compound (internal donor) in particular when the preparation of
a stereospecic catalyst for the polymerization of olefins is to
be prepared. Said electron donor compound can be selected from
esters, ethers, amines, silanes and ketones. In particular,
the alkyl and aryl esters of mono or polycarboxylic acids such
as for example esters of benzoic, phthalic and malonic acid,
are preferred. Specific examples of such esters are n-
butylphthalate, di-isobutylphthalate, di-n-octylphthalate,
ethyl-benzoate and p-ethoxy ethyl-benzoate. Moreover, can be
advantageously used also the 1,3 diethers of the formula:

wherein RI, RII, RIII, RIV, Rv and RVI equal or different to each
other, are hydrogen or hydrocarbon radicals having from 1 to 18
carbon atoms, and RVII and RVIII, equal or different from each
other, have the same meaning of RI-RVI except that they cannot
be hydrogen; one or more of the RI-RVIII groups can be linked to
form a cycle. The 1,3-diethers in which RVII and RVIII are
selected from C1-C4 alkyl radicals are particularly preferred.
The electron donor compound is generally present in molar ratio
with respect to the magnesium comprised between 1:4 and 1:20.

Preferably, the particles of the solid catalyst components have
substantially spherical morphology and an average diameter
comprised between 5 and 150µm. With the term substantial
spherical morphology are meant those particles having a ratio
between the greater and smaller axis equal to or lower than 1.5
and preferably lower than 1.3.
Before the reaction with the transition metal compound, the
adducts of the present invention can also be subjected to a
dealcoholation treatment aimed at lowering the alcohol content
and increasing the porosity of the adduct itself. The
dealcoholation can be carried out according to known
methodologies such as those described in EP-A-395083. Depending
on the extent of the dealcoholation treatment, partially
dealcoholated adducts can be obtained having an alcohol content
generally ranging from 0.1 to 2.6 moles of alcohol per mole of
MgCl2. After the dealcoholation treatment the adducts are
reacted with the transition metal compound, according to the
techniques described above, in order to obtain the solid
catalyst components.
The solid catalyst components according to the present
invention show a surface area (by B.E.T. method) generally
between 10 and 500 m2/g and preferably between 20 and 350 m2/g,
and a total porosity (by B.E.T. method) higher than 0.15 cmVg
preferably between 0.2. and 0.6 cm/g.

Surprisingly, the catalyst components comprising the reaction
product of a transition metal compound with a MgCl2-alcohol
adduct which is in turn obtained by partially dealcoholating
the adducts of the invention, -show improved properties,
particularly in terms of activity, with respect to the catalyst
components prepared from the dealcoholated adducts of the prior
The catalyst components of the invention form catalysts for the
polymerization of alpha-olefins CH2=CHR, wherein R is hydrogen
or a hydrocarbon radical having 1-12 carbon atoms, by reaction
with Al-alkyl compounds. The alkyl-Al compound is preferably
chosen among the trialkyl aluminum compounds such as for
example triethylaluminum, triisobutylaluminum, tri-n-
butylaluminum, tri-n-hexylaluminum, tri-n-octylaluminum. It is
also possible to use alkylaluminum halides, alkylaluminum
hydrides or alkylaluminum sesquichlorides such as AlEt2Cl and
Al,Et3Cl3 optionally in mixture with said trialkyl aluminum
The Al/Ti ratio is higher than 1 and is generally comprised
between 20 and 800.
In the case of the stereoregular polymerization of α-olefins
such as for example propylene and 1-butene, an electron donor
compound (external donor) which can be the same or different
from the compound used as internal donor can be used in the
preparation of the catalysts disclosed above. In case the

internal donor is an ester of a polycarboxylic acid, in
particular a phthalate, the external donor is preferably
selected from the silane compounds containing at least a Si-OR
link, having the formula Ra1Rb2Si(OR2), where a and b are integer
from 0 to 2, c is an integer from 1 to 3 and the sum (a+b+c) is
4; R1, R2, and R3, are alkyl, cycloalkyl or aryl radicals with
1-18 carbon atoms. Particularly preferred are the silicon
compounds in which a is 1, b is 1, c is 2, at least one of R1
and R2 is selected from branched alkyl, cycloalkyl or aryl
groups with 3-10 carbon atoms and R3 is a C1-C10 alkyl group, in
particular methyl. Examples of such preferred silicon compounds
are methylcyclohexyldimethoxysilane, diphenyldimethoxysilane,
methyl-t-butyldimethoxysilane, dicyclopentyldimethoxysilane.
Moreover, are also preferred the silicon compounds in which a
is 0, c is 3, R2 is a branched alkyl or cycloalkyl group and R3
is methyl. Examples of such preferred silicon compounds are
cyclohexyltrimethoxysilane, t-butyltrimethoxysilane and
Also the 1,3 diethers having the previously described formula
can be used as external donor. However, in the case 1,3-
diethers are used as internal donors, the use of an external
donor can be avoided, as the stereospecificity of the catalyst
is already sufficiently high.
As previously indicated the components of the invention and
catalysts obtained therefrom find applications in the processes

for the (co) polymerization of olefins of formula CH2=CHR in
which R is hydrogen or a hydrocarbon radical having 1-12 carbon
The catalysts of the invention can be used in any of the olefin
polymerization processes known in the art. They can be used for
example in slurry polymerization using as diluent an inert
hydrocarbon solvent, or bulk polymerization using the liquid
monomer (for example propylene) as a reaction medium. Moreover,
they can also be used in the polymerization process carried out
in gas-phase operating in one or more fluidized or mechanically
agitated bed reactors.
The polymerization is generally carried out at temperature of
from 20 to 120°C, preferably of from 40 to 80°C. When the
polymerization is carried out in gas-phase the operating
pressure is generally between 0.1 and 10 MPa, preferably
between 1 and 5 MPa. In the bulk polymerization the operating
pressure is generally between 1 and 6 MPa preferably between
1.5 and 4 MPa.
The catalysts of the invention are very useful for preparing a
broad range of polyolefin products. Specific examples of the
olefinic polymers which can be prepared are: high density
ethylene polymers (HDPE, having a density higher than 0.940
g/cc), comprising ethylene homopolymers and copolymers of
ethylene with alpha-olefins having 3-12 carbon atoms; linear
low density polyethylenes (LLDPE, having a density lower than

0.940 g/cc) and very low density and ultra low density (VLDPE
and ULDPE, having a density lower than 0.920 g/cc, to 0.880
g/cc) consisting of copolymers of ethylene with one or more
alpha-olefins having from 3 to 12 carbon atoms, having a mole
content of units derived from the ethylene higher than 80%;
isotactic polypropylenes and crystalline copolymers of
propylene and ethylene and/or other alpha-olefins having a
content of units derived from propylene higher than 85% by
weight; copolymers of propylene and 1-butene having a content
of units derived from 1-butene comprised between 1 and 40% by
weight; heterophasic copolymers comprising a crystalline
polypropylene matrix and an amorphous phase comprising
copolymers of propylene with ethylene and or other alpha-
The following examples are given to illustrate and not to limit
the invention itself.
The properties reported below have been determined according to
the following methods:
X-ray diffraction spectra were carried out with a Philips PW
1710 instrument using the CuKα(λ= l, 5418) with a 40Kv tension
generator, a 20mA current generator and a receiving slit of
0.2mm. The X-ray diffraction patterns were recorded in the
range between 2θ=5° and 2θ=15° with a scanning rate of
0.05°2θ/10 sec. The instrument was calibrated using the ASTM

27-1402 standard for Silicon. The samples to be analyzed were
closed in a polyethylene bag of 50µm thickness operating in a
The DSC measurement were carried put with a METTLER DSC 30
instrument at a scanning rate of 5°C/min in the range 5-125°C.
Aluminum capsules having a volume of 40µl filled with the
samples in a dry-box were used in order to avoid hydration of
the samples.
The viscosity measurement have been carried out according to
ASTM D445-65 using a Cannon-Fenske type viscosimeter. During
the measurement the samples are maintained in a dry nitrogen
environment in order to avoid hydration.
General procedure for the preparation of the catalyst component
Into a 11 steel reactor provided with stirrer, 800cm3 of TiCl4
at 0°C were introduced; at room temperature and whilst stirring
16 g of the adduct were introduced together with an amount of
diisobutylphthalate as internal donor so as to give a donor/Mg
molar ratio of 10. The whole was heated to 100°C over 90
minutes and these conditions were maintained over 120 minutes.
The stirring was stopped and after 30 minutes the liquid phase
was separated from the sedimented solid maintaining the
temperature at 100°C. A further treatment of the solid was
carried out adding 750 cm1 of TiCl4 and heating the mixture at
120°C over 10 min. and maintaining said conditions for 60 min

under stirring conditions (500 rpm). The stirring was then
discontinued and after 30 minutes the liquid phase was
separated from the sedimented solid maintaining the temperature
at 120°C. Thereafter, 3 washings with 500 cm3 of anhydrous
hexane at 60°C and 3 washings with 500 cm3 of anhydrous hexane
at room temperature were carried out. The solid catalyst
component obtained was then dried under vacuum in nitrogen
environment at a temperature ranging from 40-45°C.
General procedure for the polymerization test
A 4 litre steel autoclave equipped with a stirrer, pressure
gauge, thermometer, catalyst feeding system, monomer feeding
lines and thermostatting jacket, was used. The reactor was
charged with 0.01 gr of solid catalyst component 0,76 g of
TEAL, 0.076g of dicyclopentyl dimetoxy silane, 3.2 1 of
propylene, and 1.5 1 of hydrogen. The system was heated to 70°C
over 10 min. under stirring, and maintained under these
conditions for 120 min. At the end of the polymerization, the
polymer was recovered by removing any unreacted monomers and
was dried under vacuum.
Preparation of the adduct
100 gr of MgCl2 were dispersed in 1200 cm3 of OB55 vaselin oil
into a vessel reactor. The temperature was raised up to 160°C
and 135,2 g. of vaporized EtOH having the same temperature were
slowly added to the mixture. At the end of the addition, the

mixture was cooled up to 125°C and maintained at this
temperature obtaining a completely melted and clear adduct.
This mixture was kept at 125° under stirring conditions by
means of a Ultra Turrax T-45 type, stirrer operating at 2000
rpm. Thereupon the mixture was discharged into a vessel
containing hexane which was kept under stirring and cooled so
that the final temperature did not exceed 12oC. The solid
particles of the MgCl2•EtOH adduct recovered, containing 57% by
weight of EtOH, were then washed with hexane and dried at 40°C
under vacuum.
The X-ray spectrum of the adduct showed in the range of 26
diffraction angles between 5° and 15° three diffraction lines
present at diffraction angles 2 of 8.80° (100), 9.40° (63)
and 9.75°(54); the number in brackets represents the intensity
I/Io with respect to the most intense line.
The DSC profile showed a peak at 100.5°C and a peak at 81.4°C
for a total fusion enthalpy of 107.9 J/g. The fusion enthalpy
associated with the peak at 81.4°C was 6.9 J/g corresponding to
6.3% of the total fusion enthalpy. The catalyst component,
prepared according to the general procedure, was tested
according to the general polymerization procedure described
above and gave the results reported in Table 1.
100 gr of MgCl2 were introduced in a vessel reactor which
contained 135,2 g of EtOH at room temperature and under

stirring. Once the addition of MgCl2 was completed the
temperature was raised up to 125°C and kept at this value for
10 hours.
The so obtained adduct was transferred in a vessel containing
1200 cm3 of OB55 vaseline oil, and kept at 125°C under stirring
conditions by means of a Ultra Turrax T-45 type stirrer
operating at 2000 rpm for a total time of 20 hours. Thereupon
the mixture was discharged into a vessel containing hexane
which was kept under stirring and cooled so that the final
temperature did not exceed 12°C. The solid particles of the
MgCl2•EtOH adduct recovered, containing 57% by weight of EtOH,
were then washed with hexane and dried at 40°C under vacuum.
The X-ray spectrum of the adduct showed in the range of 20
diffraction angles between 5° and 15° three diffraction lines
present at diffraction angles 2θ of 8.83° (100), 9.42° (65) and
9.80°(74); the number in brackets represents the intensity I/I0
with respect to the most intense line. The DSC profile showed
a peak at 103.4°C,a peak at 97.2°C, a peak at 80.1°C and a peak
at 70.2°C for a total fusion enthalpy of 101 J/g. The fusion
enthalpy associated with the peaks at 80.1°C and at 70.2°C was
16.5 J/g corresponding to 16.3% of the total fusion enthalpy.
The catalyst component, prepared according to the general
procedure, was tested according to the general polymerization
procedure described above and gave the results reported in
Table 1.

100 gr of MgCl2 were introduced in a vessel reactor which
contained 135,2 g of EtOH at room temperature and under
stirring. Once the addition of MgCl2 was completed the
temperature was raised up to 125°C and the system maintained at
this temperature and under stirring conditions for 70 hours.
The so obtained adduct was transferred in a vessel containing
1200 cm3 of OB55 vaseline oil, and kept at 125°C under stirring
conditions by means of a Ultra Turrax T-45 type stirrer
operating at 2000 rpm. Thereupon the mixture was discharged
into a vessel containing hexane which was kept under stirring
and cooled so that the final temperature did not exceed 12 °C.
The solid particles of the MgCl2•EtOH adduct recovered,
containing 57.4% by weight of EtOH, were then washed with
hexane and dried at 40°C under vacuum.
The X-ray spectrum of the adduct showed in the range of 2θ
diffraction angles between 5° and 15° three diffraction lines
present at diffraction angles 2θ of 8.83° (100), 9.42° (64) and
9,82° (73); the number in brackets represents the intensity
I/Io with respect to the most intense line.
The DSC profile showed a peak at 105.7°C, and a peak at 64.6°C
for a total fusion enthalpy of 90.3 J/g. The fusion enthalpy
associated with the peak at 64.6 was of 0.7 J/g corresponding
to 0.77% of the total fusion enthalpy.

The catalyst component, prepared according to the general
procedure, was tested according to the general polymerization
procedure described above and gave the results reported in
Table 1.
In a loop reactor comprising a fast fluidization zone and a
densified zone when the particles flow under the action of
gravity were charged 100 g of MgCl2. Then, 135.2 g of EtOH
vaporized in a oven at 180°C, were conveyed, by a dry nitrogen
flow, to the cavitated zone of a Loedige type apparatus placed
into the loop reactor after the densified zone and before the
fast fluidization zone. The feeding of EtOH was controlled so
as to maintain the temperature in the feeding zone in the range
between 42 to 48°C. Once the feeding of the alcohol was
completed the particles of the adduct were transferred in a
vessel containing 1200 cm3 of OB55 vaseline oil, the
temperature was raised up to 125°C and the system maintained
under said conditions until the adduct became completely melted
and clear. This mixture was kept at 125°C under stirring
conditions by means of a Ultra Turrax T-45 type stirrer
operating at 2000 rpm. Thereupon the mixture was discharged
into a vessel containing hexane which was kept under stirring
and cooled so that the final temperature did not exceed 12°C.

The solid particles of the MgCl2•EtOH adduct recovered,
containing 56.5% by weight of EtOH were then washed with hexane
and dried at 40°C under vacuum.
The X-ray spectrum of the adduct showed in the range of 29
diffraction angles between 5° and 15° three diffraction lines
present at diffraction angles 26 of 8.90° (100), 9.48° (75) and
9.84°(63); the number in brackets represents the intensity I/Io
with respect to the most intense line.
The DSC profile showed a peak at 108.2°C, and a peak at 69.1°C
for a total fus ion enthalpy of 97.7 J/g. The fusion enthalpy
associated with the peak at 69.1°C was of 3.1 J/g corresponding
to 3.1% of the total fusion enthalpy.
The catalyst component, prepared according to the general
procedure, was tested according to the general polymerization
procedure described above and gave the results reported in
Table 1.
100 gr of MgCl2 were dispersed in 1200 cm3 of OB55 vaselin oil
into a vessel reactor and 135,2 g of liquid EtOH were added to
the mixture. At the end of the addition the temperature was
raised up to 125°C and kept at this temperature for 2 hours.
The mixture was kept at 125°C under stirring conditions by
means of a Ultra Turrax T-45 type stirrer operating at 2000
rpm. Thereupon the mixture was discharged into a vessel
containing hexane which was kept under stirring and cooled so

that the final temperature did not exceed 12°C. The solid
particles of the MgCl2-EtOH adduct containing 57% by weight of
EtOH were then washed with hexane and dried at 40°C under
The X-ray spectrum of the adduct showed in the range of 20
diffraction angles between 5° and 15° four diffraction lines
present at diffraction angles 29 of 8.84° (79.3), 9.2° (100),
9.43° (68.2) and 9.82° (19.5); the number in brackets
represents the intensity I/Io with respect to the most intense
line. The DSC profile showed a peak at 99.8°C , a peak at
82.8°C, and a peak at 71.3°C for a total fusion enthalpy of
107.2 J/g. The fusion enthalpy associated with the peak at
82.8°C and the peak at 71.3°C was of 57.1 J/g corresponding to
53.2% of the total fusion enthalpy. The catalyst component,
prepared according to the general procedure, was tested
according to the general polymerization procedure described
above and gave the results reported in Table 1.
An MgCl2-EtOH adduct prepared according to the procedure of
Example 2 was thermally dealcoholated until the content of EtOH
reached 44% b.w. Then, the partially dealcoholated adduct was
used to prepare, according to the general procedure, the
catalyst component which was then used in a polymerization test
carried out according to the procedure described above. The
results are reported in Table 1.

An MgCl2-EtOH adduct prepared according to the procedure of
Comparison Example 5 was thermally dealcoholated until the
content of EtOH reached 44% b.w. Then, the partially
dealcoholated adduct was used to prepare, according to the
general procedure, the catalyst component which was then used
in a polymerization test carried out according to the procedure
described above. The results are reported in Table 1.
83 gr of MgCl2 were introduced in a vessel reactor which
contained 170 g of EtOH at -19°C and under stirring conditions.
Once the addition of MgCl2 was completed the temperature was
raised up to 100°C and kept at this value for 5 hours.
The so obtained adduct was transferred in a vessel containing
1200 cm3 of OB55 vaseline oil, and kept at 125°C under stirring
conditions by means of a Ultra Turrax T-45 type stirrer
operating at 2000 rpm for a total time of 10 hours. Thereupon
the mixture was discharged into a vessel containing hexane
which was kept under stirring and cooled so that the final
temperature did not exceed 12°C. The solid particles of the
MgCl2•EtOH adduct recovered, containing 64% by weight of EtOH,
were then washed with hexane and dried at 40°C under vacuum.
The DSC profile showed a peak at 100.7°C, and a peak at 56.5°C
for a total fusion enthalpy of 103 J/g. The fusion enthalpy
associated with the peak at 56.5°C was 12.8 J/g corresponding

to 12.4% of the total fusion enthalpy. The catalyst component,
prepared according to the general procedure, was tested
according to the general polymerization procedure described
above and gave the results reported in Table 1.

1. A MgCl2•mROH•nH2O adduct, where R is a C1-C10 alkyl, 2≤m≤4.2,
and 0≤n≤0.7, characterized by a X-ray diffraction spectrum
in which in the range of 26 diffraction angles between 5°
and 15° three diffraction lines are present at diffraction
angles 2θ of 8.8 ± 0.2°, 9.4 ± 0.2° and 9.8 ± 0.2°, the
most intense diffraction line being the one at 26=8.8 ±
0.2°, the intensity of the other two diffraction lines
being at least 0.2 times the intensity of the most intense
diffraction lines.
2. An adduct according to claim 1, wherein 2.2≤m≤3.8, and
0.01≤n≤0.6 and R is a C1-C4 alkyl.
3. An adduct according to Claim 2, wherein R is ethyl.
4. An adduct according to Claim 3, wherein the intensity of
the diffraction lines at 2θ=9.4° ±0.2° and 9.8° ± 0.2° is
at least 0.4 times the intensity of the most intense
diffraction line.
5. An adduct according to Claim 4, wherein the intensity of
the diffraction lines at 2θ=9.4° ±0.2° and 9.8° ± 0.2° is
at least 0.5 times the intensity of the most intense
diffraction line.
6. An adduct according to claim 3, characterized by a DSC
profile in which no peaks are present at temperatures
below 90°C or, if peaks are present below said

temperature, the fusion enthalpy associated with said
peaks is less than 30% of the total fusion enthalpy.
7. An adduct according to claim 6 which is further
characterized by a viscosity value at 125°C which lies, on
a plot viscosity vs.EtOH molar content, above the straight
line passing through the points having, respectively, a
viscosity expressed in poise and a EtOH molar content of
1.2/2.38 and 0.63/3.31.
8. An adduct according to any of the preceding claims,
wherein the three diffraction lines at 2θ=8.8° ± 0.2°,
9.4° ± 0.2° and 9.8° ± 0.2° are the three main diffraction
lines in the range of 20 diffraction angles between 5° and
9. A MgCl2•mROH•nH2O adduct, where R is a C2-C10 alkyl, 2≤m≤4.2,
and 0≤n≤0.7, characterized by a DSC profile in which no
peaks are present at temperatures below 90°C or, if peaks
are present below said temperature, the fusion enthalpy
associated with said peaks is less than 30% of the total
fusion enthalpy.
10. An adduct according to Claim 9, wherein R is a C1-C4 alkyl,
2.5≤m≤3.5, and 0≤n≤0.4.
11. An adduct according to Claim 9, wherein R is ethyl.
12. An adduct according to Claim 9, wherein if peaks in the
DSC profile are present at temperatures below 90°C, the
fusion enthalpy associated with said peaks is less than

10% of the total fusion enthalpy, and wherein the maximum
peak occurs at temperatures between 95 and 115°C.
13. An adduct according to any of the preceding claims, in the
form of spherical particles.
14. A catalyst component for the polymerization of olefins
comprising the product of the reaction between a
transition metal compound and an adduct according to any
of the preceding claims.
15. A catalyst component for the polymerization of olefins
comprising the product of the reaction between a
transition metal compound and an MgCl2-alcohol adduct,
said adduct being obtainable by partially dealcoholating
an adduct according to any of the preceding claims.
16. A catalyst component for the polymerization of olefins
according to claim 15 in which the partially dealcoholated
adduct contains from 0.1 to 2.6 moles of alcohol per mole
of MgCl2.
17. A catalyst component for the polymerization of olefins
according to claims 14 to 16 in which the transition metal
compound is a titanium compounds of formula Ti(OR)nXy-n in
which n is comprised between 0 and y; y is the valency of
titanium; X is halogen and R is an alkyl radical having 1-
8 carbon atoms or a COR group.
18. A catalyst component for the polymerization of olefins
according to claim 17 in which the transition metal

compound is a titanium compounds having at least one Ti-
halogen bond such as titanium tetrahalides or
19. A catalyst component for the. polymerization of olefins
according to one of the claims 18 comprising an electron
donor compound.
20. A catalyst component for the polymerization of olefins
according to claim 19 in which the electron donor compound
is selected from ethers, amines, silanes and ketones.
21. A catalyst component for the polymerization of olefins
according to claim 20 in which the electron donor compound
is selected from alkyl and aryl esters of mono or
polycarboxylic acids.
22. Catalyst for the polymerization of olefins comprising the
product of the reaction between a catalyst component
according to one of the claims 14 to 21, and an aluminum
alkyl compound.
23. Catalyst for the polymerization of olefins according to
claim 22 in which the aluminum compound is a Al-trialkyl
24. Catalyst for the polymerization of olefins according to
claim 22 further comprising an external donor.
25. Catalyst for the polymerization of olefins according to
claim 24 in which the external donor is selected from the
silane compounds containing at least a Si-OR link, having

the formula Ra1Rb2Si (OR3)c, where a and b are integer from 0
to 2, c is an integer from 1 to 3 and the sum (a+b+c) is
4; R1, R2, and R3, are alkyl, cycloalkyl or aryl radicals
with 1-18 carbon atoms.
26. Process for the polymerization of olefins of formula
CH2=CHR, in which R is hydrogen or a hydrocarbon radical
having 1-12 carbon atoms, carried out in the presence of a
catalyst according to one of the claims 22-25.
27. Process for the preparation of MgCl2•pROH•qH2O adducts,
where R is a C1-C10 alkyl, 1≤p≤6, and 0≤n≤1, comprising:

- dispersing the particles of magnesium dichloride in an
inert liquid immiscible with and chemically inert to
the molten adduct;
- heating the system at a temperature equal to or higher
than the melting temperature of the adduct;
- adding the alcohol in vapour phase maintaining the
temperature at values allowing the adduct is completely
- emulsifying the molten adduct in a liquid medium which
is immiscible with and chemically inert to said adduct;
- quenching the emulsion by contacting the adduct with an
inert cooling liquid thereby obtaining the
solidification of the adduct.
28. Process according to claim to claim 27 in which 2≤p≤4.2
and 0≤n≤0.7.

29. Process according to claim 28 characterized in that the
liquid in which the MgCl2 particles are dispersed is
selected from the group consisting of aliphatic, aromatic
or cycloaliphatic hydrocarbons and silicone oils.
30. Process according to claim 29 characterized in that the
liquid in which the MgCl2 particles are dispersed is
selected from the group consisting of aliphatic
hydrocarbons such as vaseline oil.
31. Process according to claim 30 characterized by heating the
system at temperatures higher than 125°C and more
preferably to temperature higher than 150°C.
32. Process according to claim 31 in which the vaporized
alcohol is added at a temperature equal to or lower than
the temperature of the mixture.
33 . Process according to claim 32 characterized in that the
liquid medium in which the molten adduct is emulsified is
a hydrocarbon liquid such as vaseline oil.
34. Process according to claim 33 characterized in that the
liquid used to quench the emulsion is an aliphatic
hydrocarbon such as pentane, hexane, heptane.
35. Process for the preparation of an adduct according to
claim 1 comprising :
- contacting MgCl2 and alcohol in the substantial absence
of an inert liquid dispersant;

- heating the system at a temperature equal to or higher
than the melting temperature of the adduct and
maintaining the temperature at values allowing the
adduct is completely melted;
- emulsifying the molten adduct in a liquid medium which
is immiscible with and chemically inert to said adduct;
- quenching the emulsion by contacting the adduct with an
inert cooling liquid thereby obtaining the
solidification of the adduct.
36. Process for the preparation of an adduct according to
claim 1 comprising :
- contacting MgCl2 and alcohol in the substantial absence
of an inert liquid dispersant;
- heating the system at a temperature equal to or higher
than the melting temperature of the adduct and
maintaining the temperature at values allowing the
adduct is completely melted;
- spray-cooling the said molten adduct thereby obtaining
the solidification of the adduct.
37. Process according to claims 35 or 36 said process being
characterized by the fact that the adduct is kept at a
temperature equal to or higher than its melting
temperature, under stirring conditions, for a time period
greater than 10 hours.

38. Process according to claim 37 in which the adduct is kept
at a temperature equal to or higher than its melting,
temperature, under stirring conditions, for a time period
of from 10 to 150 hours.
39. Process for the preparation of MgCl2•pROH•qH2O adducts,
where R is a C1-C10 alkyl, 1≤p≤6, and 0≤n≤1, which comprises
reacting MgCl2 solid particles and vaporized alcohol in a
loop reactor comprising a densified zone in which the
particles flow in a densified form under the action of
gravity and a fast fluidization zone where the particles
flow under fast fluidization.
40. Process according to claim 39 in which the fluidization is
obtained by a flow of an inert gas, such as nitrogen, and
in which the particles of magnesium dichloride-alcohol
adduct are discharged from the densified zone.
41. Process according to claim 40 in which the feeding of the
alcohol is carried out with injection nozzles located in
the fluidization zone of the loop reactor.
42. Process according to claim 40 in which the alcohol is fed
to the loop reactor in a zone after the densified zone and
before the fluidization zone.
43. Process according to claim 42 in which the alcohol is fed
into the cavitated zone created by a Loedige type
apparatus located in the loop reactor in a zone after the
densified zone and before the fluidization zone.

44. Process according to claim any of the claims 39-43 in
which 2≤p≤4.2, and 0≤n≤0.7, said process being carried out
under conditions such that the vapour pressure of the
formed adduct is kept at values lower than 30 mmHg when
operating at atmospheric pressure.
45. Process according to claim 44 in which the vapour pressure
of the adduct is kept at values lower than 25 mmHg and
more preferably in the range 10-20 mmHg.
46. Process according to claim 45 in which the temperature
within the reactor in correspondence of the alcohol
feeding zone is kept in the range of from 40 to 50°C.
47. Process according one of the claims 39-46 further

- heating the particles of the adduct discharged from the
loop, reactor at a temperature equal to or higher than
the melting temperature of the adduct and maintaining
the temperature at values such that the adduct is
completely melted;
- emulsifying the molten adduct in a liquid medium which
is immiscible with and chemically inert to said adduct;
- quenching the emulsion by contacting the adduct with an
inert cooling liquid thereby obtaining the
solidification of the adduct.
48. Process according one of the claims 39-46 further

- heating the particles of the adduct discharged from the
loop reactor at a temperature equal to or higher than
the melting temperature of the adduct and maintaining
the temperature at values such that the adduct is
completely melted;
- spray-cooling the molten adduct thereby obtaining the
solidified adduct.

The present invention relates to MgCl2•mROH•nH2O adducts, where
R is a C1-C10 alkyl, 2≤m≤4.2, 0≤n≤0.7 , characterized by an X-ray
diffraction spectrum in which, in the range of 2θ
diffraction angles between 5° and 15°, the three main diffraction
lines are present at diffraction angles 2θ of 8.8 ± 0.2°,
9.4 ± 0.2° and 9.8 ± 0.2°, the most intense diffraction lines
being the one at 2θ=8.8 ± 0.2°, the intensity of the other two
diffraction lines being at least 0.2 times the intensity of the
most intense diffraction line.
Catalyst components obtained from the adducts of the present
invention are capable to give catalysts for the polymerization
of olefins characterized by enhanced activity and
stereospecificity with respect to the catalysts prepared from
the adducts of the prior art.





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302-KOL-2004-(19-03-2013)-PETITION UNDER RULE 137.pdf


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302-kol-2004-form 6.pdf



302-kol-2004-translated copy of priority document.pdf

Patent Number 262964
Indian Patent Application Number 302/KOL/2004
PG Journal Number 40/2014
Publication Date 03-Oct-2014
Grant Date 25-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 07-Jun-2004
Applicant Address VIA PERGOLESI 25, 20124, MILAN, ITALY
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number C08F 4/02
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA