Title of Invention


Abstract The invention describes a method where an IMS subscriber can publish his schedule on a portal and a user can view this schedule and request for an appointment. Once the subscriber authorizes the request, the meeting can be scheduled. A dial out feature has also been described wherein the application server initiates a call with the user at a specific time.
The present invention mentioned is a method to provide service for IMS and VOIP Subscribers. Any SIP and HTT supported client can avail this service. This Service can be offered independent of the access technology used by the client. The users can program their schedules and other users can fix the appointments based on the schedule. The Application Server in the IMS Network stores the scheduled information of a user and appointments scheduled by other users in Document management server (DMS). Apart from scheduling this methodology/service provides many other features. More particularly, the present invention relates to a method to provide scheduler service for IMS and VOIP subscriber during call and through portal service.
The patent publication US20050261011A1 describes a method wherein a user can view calendar application of another user through an instant messaging interface. The user can request for an appointment at a given time. However, the publication does not mention publishing the schedule on a portal and a user scheduling an appointment via the portal.
The patent publication US20040252197describes a method to share a calendar application among multiple mobile devices. A mobile device can access calendar on another mobile device and request for an appointment. The publication does

not talk about publishing the schedule on an internet website and a user fixing an appointment using the website.
The main object of the invention is to provide a method where an IMS subscriber can publish his schedule on a portal and a user can view this schedule and request for an appointment.
Accordingly, the invention encompasses a method to provide scheduler service for IMS and VOIP subscriber during call and through portal service wherein the subscriber publish his schedule and a user viewing the schedule request for an appointment and once the subscriber authorizes the request, the meeting is scheduled and optionally providing a dial out feature where an application server initiates a call with the user at a specific time.
The subscriber publishes his schedule via Portal or during call or Notification so that interested users schedule appointments. The user-scheduled appointments are sent for authorization, and once approved the appointment gets scheduled. The user gets consolidated report of the scheduled appointments. The users can optionally add text / multimedia messages to specify the agenda for the appointment. While scheduling for other user's appointment users will be given a choice for selecting a dial out option where an application Server initiates a multimedia session / call to the user at a particular time, based on presence and

availability of users. Optionally Application Server gives prior intimation to the user about the call and if the user is busy or not available based on presence information then scheduler link will be sent for re-scheduling. Scheduling is integrated as part of the user's personnel portal where an application server provides a web-based interface to schedule appointments of the users.
These and other objects, features and advantages of the present invention will become more apparent from the ensuing detailed description of the invention taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings.
Figure 1 depicts IMS Based Application Server Architecture.
Figure 2 depicts Scheduler service example scenario.
Figure 3 depicts User Publishing his Appointments and Schedules using PUBLISH.
Figure 4 depicts User Publishing his Appointments and Schedules using HTTP through Web.
Figure 5 depicts Schedules Appointments using others Portal Page.

Figure 6 depicts Application Server Dialing out for a Scheduled Appointment.
The preferred embodiments of the present invention will now be explained with reference to the accompanying drawings. It should be understood however that the disclosed embodiments are merely exemplary of the invention, which may be embodied in various forms. The following description and drawings are not to be construed as limiting the invention and numerous specific details are described to provide a thorough understanding of the present invention, as the basis for the claims and as a basis for teaching one skilled in the art how to make and/or use the invention. However in certain instances, well-known or conventional details are not described in order not to unnecessarily obscure the present invention in detail.
The present invention relates to a method for providing scheduling services to IMS and VOIP subscribers. In particular, the invention describes a method where an IMS subscriber can publish his schedule on a portal and a user can view this schedule and request for an appointment. Once the subscriber authorizes the request, the meeting can be scheduled. A dial out feature has also been described wherein the application server initiates a call with the user at a specific time.
This service will be provided to IMS Subscribers using access independent IMS

Network who doesn't require any special software or 3rd party server registrations. For example need not register with www.google.com or www.yahoo.com for availing this service. With this Application Server Non IMS Subscribers like VOIP subscribers can avail this service using VOIP Network and VOIP Server (SIP Server).
As part of the service the user can program his schedules using any application provided by the handset or through Portal, in the later case the user publishes his/her scheduled information to the Presence server. Users visiting the portal page can book appointments through portal page.
During call if the other user is busy then Application Server pushes scheduler, using which appointments can be scheduled.
Figure 1 depicts IMS Based Application Server Architecture. This is an end to end overall network diagram where IMS Based Application server is positioned. Explains the interfaces and protocols between various network elements.
Figure 2 depicts Scheduler service example scenario. This is an example scheduler service scenario
User Publishing his Appointments and Schedules using PUBLISH (figure 3)

IMS Subscriber using his client device software can plan his schedule
for a week/month/etc.,
IMS Subscriber after successful registration using IMS Client can
PUBLISH his schedule information with Presence server.
Application Server providing the Scheduler service for the User(s)
Subscribes for the Scheduled information published by the user with
Presence Server.
Presence Server sends NOTIFY message with Scheduler information to
Application Server.
Application Server updates the Scheduler information part of the users
Portal and also provides the same during RBT for future scheduling by
other users visiting/receiving the scheduler.
User based on access permissions can view the scheduler and can
book for future appointments through Portal / during RBT.
User Publishing his Appointments and Schedules using HTTP through Web (figure 4)
• IMS Subscriber after successful registration using IMS Client can
access the IMS Based Portal of his our or others.
• Portal page integrated with Schedule information will be available.
• User based on access permissions can view the scheduler and can
book for future appointments through Portal.
• Optionally can opt for Dial out feature by leaving the contact number.

Optionally can add text/multimedia content with the scheduled
Users can optionally request for authorization based scheduling, in such
case for any new appointments scheduled a message with additional
text/multimedia message will be sent to user for confirmation.
Authorized appointments will be successfully saved in XDMS.
Schedule Appointments using Others Portal Page (figure 5)
At the scheduled time Application Server retrieves the Appointment
details from the scheduled information.
Application Server checks the presence and availability of user(s) with
Presence Server.
Application Server sends MESSAGE to the user(s) about the scheduled
session/call based on options configured.
MESSAGE to inform about the scheduled appointment can be Text
Message or Multimedia Content configured by the user.
In case of Multimedia Content is delivered using MSRP Session.
Application Server dials out to the registered contact numbers at the
scheduled time based on presence and availability.
In case users are not available at the scheduled time, MESSAGE will
be sent to users for re-scheduling.
Application Server Dialing Out for a Scheduled Appointment (figure 6)

At the scheduled time Application Server retrieves the Appointment
details from the scheduled information.
Application Server checks the presence and availability of user(s) with
Presence Server.
Application Server sends MESSAGE to the user(s) about the scheduled
session/call based on options configured.
MESSAGE to inform about the scheduled appointment can be Text
Message or Multimedia Content configured by the user.
In case of Multimedia Content is delivered using MSRP Session.
Application Server dials out to the registered contact numbers at the
scheduled time based on presence and availability.
In case users are not available at the scheduled time, MESSAGE will
be sent to users for re-scheduling.
Main Inventive Concept
This service will be provided to IMS Subscribers using access independent IMS Network who doesn't require any special software or 3rd party server registrations. For example need not register with www.gooqle.com or www.vahoo.com for availing this service.
With this Application Server Non IMS Subscribers like VOIP subscribers can avail this service using VOIP Network and VOIP Server (SIP Server). An IMS based Application Server provides this service. This service is provided for all the IMS

users. User can publish his calendar via Portal or during call or Notification so that other interested users can schedule appointments. Scheduling can be done with or without authorization. Once scheduled, appointment will be sent for authorization, and once approved it will be scheduled. An IM (Sip MESSAGE) will be sent to user requesting for authorization.
Once appointments are scheduled for a particular day/week/month, the user will get consolidated report of the appointments. Users can optionally add text /multimedia messages to specify the agenda for the appointment. While scheduling for other user's appointment users will be given a choice for selecting a dial out option. In Dial out case, Application Server will initiate a multimedia session (Audio, Video and Data/Text) / call to the user at a particular time, based on presence (checks with Presence Server) and availability of users. Before dialing out to the users, Application Server checks for device capabilities of users devices and based on that initiates a audio or a multimedia session / call / Chat Session / any type of IM Session.
Optionally Application Server intimates the users about the call before few minutes through IM (MESSAGE). In case if the user(s) are busy or not available based on presence information then scheduler link will be sent for re-scheduling. For the scheduled appointments with dial out option, on the scheduled time Application Server can optionally verify the device capabilities of both the users and initiate a session with the device supported capabilities. Users while scheduling can optionally schedule for different contact information, so that this

features provides advantage for scheduling on behalf of other users.
Scheduling is integrated as part of the user's personnel portal. Application Server provides a web based interface to schedule appointments of the users. Soft Client running in IMS Phone can also provide an application program to schedule appointments and publish with Application Server.
• Till now one can view the other persons Calendar information. This
Scheduling feature provides opportunity to view the calendar and book
appointments for the available day/week/month etc.,. with prior
authorization and notifications.
• Using access independent IMS core network or VOIP network this
service can be offered to any fixed or mobile users.
• Subscribers can PUBLISH their availability ahead of time, and
Application Server uses this information to organize SCHEDULES for
that user.
• Using the scheduler service users can easily schedule appointments.
• Application Server saves the scheduled data along with contact
information and dials out at a scheduled time.
• Users while scheduling can optionally add text/multimedia description
which explains about the reason for appointment.
• Application server dials out to the specified contacts based on their
presence and availability.

• In case if a user(s) (eg: celebrity or visitors booked the appointment) are
not available during the scheduled time, application server provides
option for rescheduling by users.
• Scheduling will be done once the appointments are authorized and
confirmed by the user (Celebrity). Only authorized schedules will be
• Consolidated scheduled report (daily/weekly/monthly) will be sent to the
user whose schedules are booked.
• Value added feature for Celebrities/ Professionals/ Enterprises etc.,
It will also be obvious to those skilled in the art that other control methods and apparatuses can be derived from the combinations of the various methods and apparatuses of the present invention as taught by the description and the accompanying drawings and these shall also be considered within the scope of the present invention. Further, description of such combinations and variations is therefore omitted above. It should also be noted that the host for storing the applications include but not limited to a microchip, microprocessor, handheld communication device, computer, rendering device or a multi function device.
Although the present invention has been fully described in connection with the preferred embodiments thereof with reference to the accompanying drawings, it is to be noted that various changes and modifications are possible and are apparent to those skilled in the art. Such changes and modifications are to be understood as included within the scope of the present invention as defined by the appended claims unless they depart therefrom.

IMS - IP Multimedia Services
SIP - Session Initiation Protocol
PIP- Personal Information Portal
HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol
AS - Application Server
CSCF - Call Session Control Function
HSS Home Subscriber Server
IPLUS IMS Platform for Ubiquitous Services
IMS IP Multimedia Core Network Subsystem
IMS ALG IMS Application Level Gateway
IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identifier
IP Internet Protocol
IPv4 Internet Protocol version 4
IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6
IP-CAN IP-Connectivity Access Network
MGCFMedia Gateway Control Function
PDF Policy Decision Function
PDN Packet Data Network
PDP Packet Data Protocol e.g., IP
PEF Policy Enforcement Function
PLMN Public Land Mobile Network
PSI Public Service Identity

PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
QoS Quality of Service
RAB Radio Access Bearer
RFC Request for Comments
SBLP Service Based Local Policy
SCS Service Capability Server
SDP Session Description Protocol
SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node
SLF Subscription Locator Function
SSF Service Switching Function
SS7 Signalling System 7
SIM Subscriber Identity Module
SIP Session Initiation Protocol
SGW Signalling Gateway
THIG Topology Hiding Inter-network Gateway
TrGW Transition Gateway
UE User Equipment
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
URL Universal Resource Locator
XML - Extensible Markup Language
XDMS - XML Document Manipulation Server
1. A method to provide scheduler service for IMS and VOIP subscriber during call
and through portal service wherein the subscriber publish his schedule and a
user viewing the schedule request for an appointment and once the subscriber
authorizes the request, the meeting is scheduled and optionally providing a
dial out feature where an application server initiates a call with the user at a
specific time.
2. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein subscriber publishes his schedule via
Portal or during call or Notification for interested users to schedule
3. A method as claimed in claim 2 wherein user scheduled appointments are
sent for authorization, and once approved the appointment gets scheduled.
4. A method as claimed in claim 3 wherein user gets consolidated report of the
scheduled appointments.
5. A method as claimed in claim 4 wherein users optionally adds text /multimedia
messages to specify the agenda for the appointment.
6. A method as claimed in claim 5 wherein while scheduling for other user's
appointment users will be given a choice for selecting a dial out option where

an application Server initiates a multimedia session/call to the user at a particular time, based on presence and availability of users.
7. A method as claimed in claim 6 wherein Optionally Application Server gives
prior intimation to the user about the call and if the user is busy or not available
based on presence information then scheduler link will be sent for re
8. A method as claimed in claim 7 wherein scheduling is integrated in user's
personnel portal where an application server provides a web based interface
to schedule appointments of the users.
9. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein scheduling service using PUBLISH

(a) Subscriber planning his schedule using his client device;
(b) Subscriber after successful registration, publishing schedule information
with Presence server;
(c) Application server providing the Scheduler service for the User subscribing
for the Scheduled information published by the subscriber with Presence
(d) Presence Server sending NOTIFY message with Scheduler information to
Application Server;

(e) Application Server updating the Scheduler information as part of the users
Portal and providing the same during RBT for future scheduling by other
users visiting/receiving the scheduler; and
(f) User viewing the scheduler and booking for future appointments through
Portal / during RBT based on access permissions.
10. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein scheduling service using HTTP
through Web involves:
(a) accessing the Portal by the subscriber after successful registration using
(b) making available the Portal page integrated with Schedule information;
(c) viewing the scheduler and booking future appointments through Portal by
the user based on access permissions;
(d) configuring optionally the Dial out feature by giving the contact number;
(e) adding optionally text/multimedia content with the scheduled appointment;
(f) user optionally requesting for authorization based scheduling; and
(g) successfully saving authorized appointments in XDMS.
11. A method as claimed in claim 1 wherein Schedule Appointments using Others
Portal Page involves:
(a) Application Server retrieving the Appointment details from the scheduled
information at the scheduled time;
(b) Application Server checking the presence and availability of user with
Presence Server;

(c) Application Server sending MESSAGE to the user about the scheduled
session/call based on options configured where the MESSAGE to inform
about the scheduled appointment is Text Message or Multimedia Content
configured by the user;
(d) delivering the MESSAGE using MSRP Session if the MESSAGE is
Multimedia Content;
(e) Application Server dialing out to the registered contact numbers at the
scheduled time based on presence and availability; and
(f) sending MESSAGE to users for re-scheduling, if user is not available at the
scheduled time.
12. A method to provide scheduler service for IMS and VOIP subscriber during call and through portal service substantially described particularly with reference to the accompanying drawings.
Dated this the 29th day of December 2006



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Patent Number 262976
Indian Patent Application Number 2473/CHE/2006
PG Journal Number 40/2014
Publication Date 03-Oct-2014
Grant Date 26-Sep-2014
Date of Filing 29-Dec-2006
# Inventor's Name Inventor's Address
PCT International Classification Number HO4L12/28
PCT International Application Number N/A
PCT International Filing date
PCT Conventions:
# PCT Application Number Date of Convention Priority Country
1 NA